#Elisa Lin 林依霖
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fyeahcindie · 6 months ago
Lovely tune that eventually erupts with a latin feel, and an adorable MV (especially if you like cats!). =D
This on the brand new True Colors 素顏的樣子 album from Yile Lin 林以樂 (formerly Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 aka BenBen 斑斑)
Words & Melody: 林以樂 YILE LIN Producers: Elisa Lin 林依霖/五月天瑪莎 Mayday Masa Music Arrangement: 林以樂 YILE LIN/林依霖 Elisa Lin/黃煜傑 Jack Huang/李達文 George Lee/凌元耕 Ernest Ling Vocal & Acoustic Guitars: 林以樂 YILE LIN Piano: 黃煜傑 Jack Huang Bass: 林依霖 Elisa Lin Drums: 李達文 George Lee Percussion: Cody Byassee (白克迪) Cello: 凌元耕 Ernest Ling (fr. 我是機車少女i'mdifficult) Horn Arrangement: 林依霖 Elisa Lin Tenor /Baritone Sax: 段承洋 Clooney Tuan Trumpet/ Flugelhorn: Daniel Deysher 丹尼 Trombone: 王翊丞 Wang Yih Cheng
Full a/v credits and lyrics back at YT.
Links: 林以樂 Yile Lin YouTube,  林以樂 Spotify,  Instagram,  林以樂 SoundCloud,  雀斑樂團 Freckles
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preciousghouls · 7 years ago
五月天-什麼歌 / Mayday - What a Song Translation
【五月天-什麼歌(《捉妖記2》 電影主題曲)】 詞曲:阿信 編曲:五月天/林依霖 製作人:五月天/林依霖
Mayday - What a Song (Monster Hunt 2 Main Theme) Composer: Ashin Arranged by: Mayday/Elisa Lin Produced by: Mayday/Elisa Lin
You can find the song here. Please considering buying it to support my babies!!
A very Ashin style of writing songs that make it very hard to translate into English. I tried to keep the structure as close to the original as possible, so some lines may sound odd. Note: The literal translation of the song would be “The ‘What’ Song” (or as I like to laugh over, What Song), hence all the ‘what’s (什麼) that appear in the lyrics.
你是否問過自己 擁有什麼 為了要擁有那些 付出什麼 追逐的人生換來 那些什麼 最後能帶走 什麼?
Have you ever wondered what do you have; In order to have them, what you have paid A life of chasing in exchange for those ‘whats’ In the end, what can be taken away?
從何時我們都已 擁有很多 已不像當時你我 一無所有 無聊的話題配著 藍藍天空 我們都能飛 只要風
Since when did we already have so much, Unlike then when we had nothing at all Silly conversations matched with a blue sky We can fly – as long as there’s wind
我們曾夏啦啦啦的唱過 那一首噗通通通的心動 多年後我們是否依然是 那一個你 那一個我?
We used to sing “Shalalala” That song of the heart going Bathumpthumpthump Years later, are we still The same you, the same me?
當歲月輕飄飄飄的溜走 我們都哎呀呀呀白了頭 有什麼留在你我的心頭 那是什麼?
When the years lightly-ly-ly slip away We aiyayaya grew old* What is it that remains in our hearts What is it?
每一首歌曲都在 尋找耳朵 每一顆寂寞的心 還是寂寞 每一次你都不懂 因為什麼 讓每次呼吸 都痛
Every song is searching for a pair of ears Every lonely heart is still lonely Every time you don’t understand what is it That makes every breath hurts
痛過的自己好像 失去什麼 癒合後卻又好像 學到什麼 多年後或許一切 不算什麼 才知最重要 是什麼
After hurting it feels like I’ve lost something But after I’m healed it feels like I’ve learnt something Years later perhaps all of these will mean nothing And then, finally realizing what’s most important
我們曾夏啦啦啦的唱過 那一首噗通通通的心動 多年後我們是否依然是 那一個你 那一個我?
We used to sing “Shalalala” That song of the heart going Bathumpthumpthump Years later, are we still The same you, the same me?
當歲月輕飄飄飄的溜走 我們都哎呀呀呀白了頭 有什麼留在你我的心頭 那是什麼?
When the years lightly-ly-ly slip away We aiyayaya grew old What is it that remains in our hearts What is it?
才知道最重要的會是什麼 直到最後
And then, finally realizing just what’s most important Till the end
我擁有你 你擁有我 我擁有你 你擁有我 我carry你 你carry我 我carry你 你carry我
I have you, you have me I have you, you have me I carry you, you carry me I carry you, you carry me
*我們都哎呀呀呀白了頭 We aiyayaya grew old Aiya (哎呀) is a Chinese expression similar to the English sigh. This sentence, in speech, would be something like “Aiyayaya, we’ve become old”
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
Such heartbreak and perseverance, to finish the album after Mei’s passing (5-15-21), but Go Go Rise 美好前程 released Before Sunrise at the end of November. This is the first MV, for a powerful song.
Music & Lyrics: 陳姿樺 Mei Chen Producer: Elisa Lin 林依霖 @ 當道音樂 Downtown Music Vocal Production: 林依霖 Elisa Lin Background Vocal Arrangement: 林依霖 Elisa Lin / 陳姿樺 Mei Chen Arrangement by: Go Go Rise 美好前程樂團 Additional Arrangement and Keyboards by:  林依霖 Elisa Lin Recorded by: 陳俊賓 Benn @ 這邊音樂那邊設計Studio / 林依霖 Elisa Lin @ 當道音樂 Downtown Music Mixed by: 陳俊賓 Benn (fr. 胖虎 punkhoo)@ 這邊音樂那邊設計Studio
Links:  Instagram,  Spotify, YouTube,  Douban
Let’s go back to 2019 for this single, the song is also included on Before Sunrise:
More credits and lyrics for both songs at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
New single from 林以樂 Lin Yiloh, and she sounds great in this electro-soul style.   =D    She’s doing most of this herself, and Elisa Lin 林依霖 is doing the mixes at 當道音樂 Downtown Music.  Elisa has also worked on both Freckles albums.  Full credits at YT and bandcamp.
Let’s try to keep all of this straight, LOL:
Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 is her lo-fi rock identity.
BenBen Lin 斑斑 is how we know her as singer/keyboardist from the indie pop band Freckles 雀斑
‘Anyones There’ is her branding on some social media sites
More BenBen links:
林以樂 (リン·イーラー) (Twitter): Very active, frequent show announcements
林以樂リン·イーラー YouTube: She opened up this site last year.
林以樂 (リン·イーラー) Bandcamp: Has all of her 2019 releases, plus the new one up above!
林以樂 SoundCloud
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
我是機車少女i'mdifficult Live session from last October (at 玉成戲院錄音室 Yucheng Studio)   =D
Music/Lyrics/Voc/Piano/Acoustic Gtr: 凌元耕 Ling YuanKeng (Ernest Ling) Arranger: 我是機車少女I’mdifficult Keys, Backing Voc: 張芷瑄 Hsuan Chang (solo project Dotzio) Electric Gtr/Backing Voc: 王沂紳 Eason Wang (also in 非賣品 notforsale) Drums/Percussion: 呂仲林 Violin: 張譽耀 Edric Chang Violin: 許吟安 Yin-An, Xu Viola: Elisa Lin 林依霖 Strings arrangement: 凌元耕
Links: SoundCloud,  Bandcamp,  StreetVoice,  YouTube,  Instagram,  我是機車少女 Spotify
Previous i’mdifficult feature HERE.
Dotzio links: Dotzio Spotify,  Dotzio Instagram,  Dot Zio Bandcamp,  SoundCloud,  YouTube
I noticed on instagram today that i’mdifficult is opening for the Montreal band Men I Trust for 2 shows at Legacy Taipei in early March. (both shows are sold out)  They bought tix for a show before being asked to open for the band, and now they have 2 tix for sale, LOL.  
Are any of you going to see Men I Trust?  I saw them last year in Burlington, Vermont, great show!   =D
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Child kidnapping aside, this is very, very sweet!  =D  
New 2-song single from 雀斑樂團 Freckles is available at iNDIEVOX. The song above was written by the band, and recorded/mixed/produced by Elisa Lin 林依霖. (Elisa also produced their recent full album)
Christmas show at Revolver, Dec. 25th.:
演出地點 REVOLVER左輪手槍酒吧 驗出地址 台北市中正區羅斯福路一段1-1號2F 演出時間 2017.12.25 週一 演出票價 400 (含一杯飲料) 20:30 開始入場 票口辣妹會叫大家往前面走一點,要乖乖聽話不要反抗唷 21:00 雀斑樂團 freckles 22:05 厭世少年 Angry Youth 23:00 黑膠簽售
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fyeahcindie · 8 years ago
Song from the upcoming 瑪莉咬凱利 Mary Bites Kerry album!  =D  
They formed in 2009, and this is their debut full-length.  The album release show is at The Wall on March 4th, with special guest, Skaraoke 司卡拉OK大樂隊.
Album produced by Elisa Lin 林依霖 at 當道音樂 Downtown Music. Elisa also produced the new Freckles 雀斑 album which is coming out March 13th, with a tour to follow. (see the promos at fb)  Here’s a taste, with 王之佑 Leo Wang making a guest appearance (I guess there's a rap section in the song?):
Speaking of Elisa, @jig-sawpuzzle let me know that Elisa co-arranged and played piano on a song from the most recent album from Mayday 五月天:
Wow, dramatic and gorgeous!   Thank you for the info!  =D
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
Perfect way to begin a Sunday!  Something jazzy & mellow from the new 3-song ep 太安靜 (Too Quiet) by 阿丹 Dan Hsueh (薛詒丹)  =D
Song & Lyrics: 薛詒丹 Dan Hsueh
Arrangement: 小畢 Wico Weng (翁光煒)-Gtr, 曹瑋 Marcus Tsao (曹家瑋)-Bass, 郭俊麟 Chun-lin Kuo, 小陳 陳彥丞 Devlin Chen-Drums, Dan Hsueh-Vocal
These guys do a lot of freelance playing/recording, and are in various ensembles around TW. Wico & Dan are a duo; Marcus & Devlin are both in the bands YELLOW and Rhythm Market.  Marcus & Wico have both backed up Elisa Lin 林依霖. Chun-lin & Wico were both members of SilkWood 絲木. Chun-lin is a support musician for 二本貓 UrbanCat (he’s playing on their new ep, check out the preview at YT!) Dan is in the a cappella group Moment Singers.
Coming up for Dan Hsueh on January 12th in Kaohsiung: 阿丹薛詒丹 太安靜 首張ep分享音樂會
I think I posted this last year, but it’s very short & sweet:
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Gorgeous rock ballad from ��沙小樂團 The Sasa Little Band formed in 2015, with singer-songwriter-producer Elisa Lin 林依霖 (沙沙)-Voc/gtr, 林逸民 Joe Lin-gtr, 小畢 Wico Weng (翁光煒)-gtr, 阿司 Michael-bass, and Sion Hsu 徐子曜-drums.  By the way, they have posted a photo and bio for each member of the band in the last week or so.
Officially released yesterday:
KKBOX ▶️ https://kkbox.fm/3a2E6q iTunes ▶️ https://itunes.com/沙沙小樂團/我屬於你 Spotify ▶️ http://sptfy.com/1sdD
Bonus live clip from a June 30th show at Riverside Music Cafe:
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fyeahcindie · 8 years ago
Video from the 體熊專科。Major in Body Bear ep launch at APA mini was just posted on Sunday– sadly, tho, not the full set. But they did include 1 clip from special guest band 杉山兩兩(杉特 x 阿山)  Spark Chen 火花   阿山-陳如山 & Elisa Lin 林依霖, and I’m not sure who that is on gtr:
Coming up for Major in Body Bear:
ThERE 【現。場】:體熊專科 �� The WAiiT
06/04(Sun.) [dB超載]
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fyeahcindie · 8 years ago
Soothing, polished sound from 自由引力 Nine Point Eight  (aka N.P.E. new age, pop, electronic). =D
Produced by TeN 梯依恩 from How We Roll Music, and the (backing?) vocals were produced by Elisa Lin 林依霖 from 當道音樂 Downtown Music
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