#Sinner North Star
celestelunisea16 · 2 months
Well, after the results of the Sinner Starlo came up, I gave him this look! Meet Sinner North Star!
I kinda wanted to give him more of a fiesty hellish look, hence why instead of Cyan, his rays turn Neptune along with his scarf. My version of Starlo normally does not have a tail, but since this is his Sinner version, I decided to give him one. I also broke his wheat stalk and gave him a sorta rusted and damaged badge to give him more of a damaged look. He has fangs, of course, since Sinners have fangs. He's also got a forked tongue for added design.
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This is without the hat and a sorta full body no clothes except for shorts try.
His body looks almost the same, with only two stars in his chest instead of one. That new star is to show where he was shot and killed. His head is now an eleven pointed star instead of five pointed. (Can also be known as horns if you want to think that way)
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This is just a goofy doodle I did of Sinner Starlo in a shirt.
Sketches under this sentence!
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 2: Locations - Holland Valley
Gardenview Packing Facility
The last facility added to the Hadlers' apple empire. They shipped their apples throughout Hope County and beyond. When the cult went red state, the Hadlers stopped their legal threats and resorted to violence.
Silver Lake Trailer Park
A community of people just trying to do their best.
Gardenview Orchards
A part of Doug and Debbie Hadler’s apple empire. After their ciderworks facility, they expanded to a second, larger orchard: Gardenview Orchards. Then they opened the Gardenview Packing Facility.
Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm
Fiery matriarch Rae-Rae Bouthillier cares about two things: Prize-winning pumpkins and her dog Boomer.
Gardenview Ciderworks
The first major facility owned by Doug and Debbie Hadler. Ten years ago, they had a dream: an empire made of apples. They nearly achieved it too, until the cult forcibly took over everything they had worked for.
Bridge of Tears
It was called the Mišihrew Bridge when the railroad was still active. It’s now a rickety old train bridge and John Seed's ideal location to send a warning message to all sinners.
Frobisher's Cave
In 1970, a cougar, named "Frobisher" by the locals, killed the star pitcher of a rival baseball team. The Hope County Silver Foxes won that year and changed their name to the Cougars in Frobisher's honor.
Howard Cabin
Home of Niesha Howard, an extreme rock climber from Canada who moved to Montana to be a prepper.
Copperhead Rail Yard
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s and a lot got left behind. It became a place for kids to get drunk or bums to find shelter, then the cult bought it.
Lincoln Lookout Tower
It’s the last working fire tower in the county. A man who worked here promised to help the Strickland family fight off the cult if ever their farm was under attack.
Sergey’s Place
A hobo historian calls this place home. Nobody's seen him in a while though.
Boyd Residence
Will Boyd lives here, or at least he did. No one in the valley talks about him. And for good reason.
Strickland Farm
Property owned by the Strickland family of farmers. No friends to Eden’s Gate.
U.S. Auto
A scrap yard containing trashed cars, broken farm equipment, and even a few busted planes. Eden's Gate uses the garage to build and maintain their convoys.
Doverspike Compound
Les Doverspike was a militia nut and he built himself a bunker. Nobody in the prepper community liked him. Despite that, he was anti-cult and pro-Resistance.
Harris Residence
Mike and Deb Harris were preppers with a cunning plan to keep themselves fed after the end of the world.
Reservoir Construction Yard
Deep North Water wanted to build a new reservoir for the Holland Valley. The company ran out of funding and was chased away by Eden’s Gate.
Dodd’s Dumps
Colin Dodd used to run garbage disposal for the whole Holland Valley, and his business lot shows it. The cult intimidated him into leaving but has yet to sort through all he left behind.
Davenport Farm
The remains of a run-down farm. Local farmers let their cows graze here. Can't let good land go to waste.
Hilgard Electric Power Station
The Holland Valley's power supply is reliant on this transformer station which is controlled by Eden's Gate.
Golden Valley Gas
Once the kind of gas station that gave out free bubble gum to kids, Golden Valley is now a strategic point of gasoline and auto maintenance for the Project at Eden's Gate.
Green-Busch Fertilizer Co.
Facing a decline in business, the Green-Busch family said “yes” and sold the place to John Seed on the condition that locals could keep their jobs and work alongside Eden's Gate.
St. Isidore School
Once a religious boarding school, it was forced to close its doors by Eden's Gate.
Dodd Residence
Home of Colin Dodd, hoarder and DIY enthusiast. He never throws anything out. His granddaughter Nadine's been known to lurk here.
Roberts Cabin
Home of Joe Roberts, a hunter. He's gone missing. He loved hunting deer above all else.
Hope County Clinic
Dr. Kim Patterson provides medical services to Hope County's farmers and low-income residents, many of whom would never receive care in such a remote area.
Holland Valley Station
In the days that it was up and running, Copperhead Rail used to stop here. Eden’s Gate uses this station to catch people who try to escape the region.
Grain Elevator
As the farmlands started to collapse, the grain elevator was the first casualty. Too expensive to maintain.
Henbane River Rail Bridge
Copperhead Rail was created in the 1880s during a mining boom, and shut down in the early 70s after the industry collapsed.
Flatiron Stockyards
Bobby Budell established the stock yards in 1946, and has proudly provided farm and ranch auction services since. The economic and community base employed over 25 people at its height.
Fillmore Residence
Home of Doug Fillmore. Not much is known about him.
Dupree Residence
Home of Tommy Dupree, an idiot who used to work at Green-Busch Fertilizer Co. He got fired by Eden's Gate because he was as dumb as the crap he bagged.
Catamount Mines
Fall’s End owes its existence to the gold Orville Fall discovered here in 1865. The mine brought a generation of prosperity to the region until a suspicious accident entombed 100 men within it, forcing its closure in 1912.
Sunrise Farm
Sunrise Farm was going under, so owners Mike and Chandra Dunagan reluctantly sold it to Eden's Gate. Big mistake.
Deep North Irrigation Reservoir
Originally designed to irrigate farms, the reservoir became a liability when the cult began putting Bliss in the water supply. The Resistance sealed it up to buy themselves time.
Red’s Farm Supply
The Redler family has run this place for 4 generations, and earned a reputation for honest business. Wendell did his best to keep it out of cult hands.
Purpletop Telecom Tower
In the 1950s, Purpletop Telecom built this tower, blessing people with the wonders of AM radio. As time and technology marched forward, they were also given the American splendor of a local TV station.
Woodson Pig Farm
This place has been in the Woodson family since 1943. Current owners Andrew and Frances Woodson used their wealth to try to stand up to John Seed and fight him in court. They lost, and joined the Resistance.
Sawyer Residence
Don Sawyer came from out of town to join the Project at Eden's Gate. He restores canoes, but isn't very good at it. Visitors have sworn they've heard him swearing in Russian over those boats.
Hyde Barn
Kenny Hyde's a poor man in Holland Valley, but that doesn't stop him from loving deep fried balls. He's the proud keeper of Fall’s End Testy Festy decorations, stashing them at his barn until they're needed.
Kupka Ranch
Zip Kupka's the only one who really knows what's going on in the Holland Valley.
John’s Gate
A missile silo long decommissioned and abandoned. The locals used to call it "Area 68." Eden's Gate bought it in secret and turned it into a bunker that is in John Seed's safekeeping until the Collapse.
Security Gate
Formerly the entrance to the missile silo, it's now the gateway to John Seed's bunker. Everything taken in the Reaping passes through this checkpoint.
Steele Farm
The Steele family managed to get their kids out of Hope County, but stayed behind to try and defend their home from Eden's Gate.
Lamb of God Church
A Lutheran church. Its elderly priest was overshadowed by Pastor Jerome’s charismatic sermons. John once asked the priest to say “yes.” Not a chance. Then, the priest was gone. He had taken a “long vacation.”
Lamb of God Sacristy
The Project at Eden's Gate has turned the Lamb of God Church's sacristy into a holding place for everything they need to baptize people at the water's edge.
Armstrong Residence
The Project at Eden's Gate targeted the Armstrong family early, burning their home to the ground when Grace Armstrong refused to devote her sharpshooting skills to the Father's cause.
Bradbury Tractor Shed
A shed for tractors.
Hope County Jail Bus
Prisoners hijacked this bus but were run off the road. The wreck was left to rot in the woods. When Eden's Gate brought prohibition to Hope County, some enterprising moonshiners set up shop behind the cult’s back.
Parker Laboratories
Home and workshop of Dr. Laurence Parker, and the origin of many mysterious noise complaints.
Seed Ranch
The power of yes gave John Seed this dream ranch overlooking the Holland Valley. it has commanding views, a private air strip, and secluded soundproofed rooms for his most invigorating religious pursuits.
Bradbury Farm
The home of the Bradbury family, hay farmers for generations. The strange pattern of dead hay in the field does not impact the quality of the final product. That's the Bradbury guarantee.
Bradbury Hay Field
Bradbury Farm's hay is baled and stored here before being sold to clients looking to feed their livestock with quality hay.
Laurel Residence
Laurel family honey was a local market favorite until their bee colony collapsed and jeopardized the business. It also spooked the Laurels who sunk money into a bunker and became preppers overnight.
Eden’s Gate Greenhouse
Bliss plants are found throughout the Henbane River, but they're also found here. John Seed takes the flowers he receives by boat from the east and plants them in his greenhouse.
Seed Boat Launch
Once a favorite spot for summer frolickers, this boat launch is used by John Seed for receiving shipments of Bliss and other supplies from elsewhere in Hope County.
Rye & Sons Aviation
This plot of land was first settled in 1920 by Willard Rye. He started a crop dusting business. His sons inherited both and it now belongs to the current generation of Ryes: Nick & Kim.
Kellett Cattle Co.
The Kellett family supplied beef for 3 generations. These proud Republicans thought they recognized the American spirit in Eden’s Gate, but when John Seed asked them to serve the Project, they said “no.”
Fall’s End
After prospector Orville Fall struck gold, his small mining camp quickly grew. Decades later, his rival, rail baron Emmett Reaves, shot him dead in the streets, giving the town its official name.
Old Silo
Welcome to the middle of it.
Kay-Nine Kennels
The owner, Kay Wheeler, loved her dogs more than life itself. She bred and trained hunting and guard dogs. When Eden’s Gate showed up, the local demand for guard dogs tripled. John Seed noticed and took action.
Sunrise Threshing
A silo and shed complex attached to Sunrise Farm. Rumor has it that Mike Dunagan's stashed a lot of cool shit around here somewhere.
Redler Residence
Home of Wendell Redler, local businessman and Vietnam veteran.
Adams Ranch
Jules Adams lost her husband in an "accident" after saying no to John Seed. Her family's struggled to keep the cattle ranch out of cult hands ever since.
Miller Residence
Despite financial hardship, the Miller family refused the cult’s invitations, prepping for doomsday all on their own. When the reaping came, Jerry Miller was out working.
Wellington Residence
The Wellington family mine is an urban legend, supposedly stuffed with gold, explosives, or both depending who you ask. Generations of Wellingtons (possibly inbred) have tried and failed to strike it rich here.
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ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Donald Duck, Della Duck, Daisy Duck, Gus Goose and Gyro Gearloose's Easter and Birthday Celebration - Donald's Family and Friends - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse
Even though I know it’s past, I wish everyone a happy Easter once again, according to the Julian calendar, as well as the one that has passed, as well as a happy belated birthday to Gyro Gearloose and Gus Goose and happy birthday to my best and favorite character, Donald Duck, who will celebrate his 90th birthday this year! And happy birthday to Daisy and Della Duck, since they are also celebrating their birthday at the same time as Donald Duck. And together with their friends and relatives. And they are present at Donald’s jubilee 90th birthday. I drew as the end of the celebration of the Easter holidays as well as the birthday of my favorite characters.
On June 7, 1940, Donald's classic short “Mr Duck Steps Out” was shown, featuring Daisy Duck for the first time. 9/6/1934 The Classic Short "The Wise Little Hen" was shown and Donald Duck appeared there for the first time. Donald Duck will become one of the main stars of not only Disney, but also cartoon films, comics and video games at all. Certainly there is no need to tell his history. Della Duck is first mentioned in the comic book Donald's Nephews, and then made her first appearance in the 1994 comic strip "The Empire Builder from Calisota" by Don Rosa, from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Gyro Gearloose first appeared in the comic "Gladstone's Terrible Secret" published in May 1952 by Carl Barks. On May 18, 1938, in the classic short "Donald's Cousin Gus", Donald's cousin Gus Goose, who always likes to eat, appears for the first time. So I wish everyone a happy birthday. Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don’t worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
This time Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca) and Donald found themselves together and applied one traditional Serbian custom for Easter, and that is beating eggs, hitting egg on egg. The one who hits well and leaves that egg undamaged, is the winner. So I put them on this time too. And don’t worry, they don’t eat eggs, they are mostly artificial eggs. ;)
I drew a drawing, this time with adults keeping the Easter tradition and celebrating a birthday and mostly I combined from Quack Pack, The Legend of The Three Caballeros, Donald Duck comics (Italian comics), Ze Carioca comics (Brazilian comics), Darkwing Duck, Ducktales both versions, Double Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik) comics. It's mostly part of that Quack Pack AU of mine. I drew mostly in my own way. In addition to beating eggs, there are also Easter eggs, cherries and birthday cake. Mostly present in this drawing are Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca), Rosinha Maria Vaz, Nestor, Aracuan Bird, Panchito Pistoles, Della Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dickie Duck, Little Helper, Gus Goose, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Abner Whitewater Duck, Uno Ducklair (One-Uno), Drake Mallard, Fenton Crackshell, Gandra Dee, Morgana Macawber, Launchpad McQuack, Lyla Lay and Kay K. I wanted to add more characters, but unfortunately not all of them would fit on my drawing. Sorry!
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this, just don’t use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me. Thank you! Also Happy Easter to everyone once again and Happy Birthday to Gyro Gearloose, Gus Goose, Daisy Duck and Della Duck! But especially happy birthday to my best duck, Donald Duck! And this is just the beginning of that celebration!
This is also a gift for my friends @isabellanajera, @you-big-palooka, @elmer-dat-gander , @fantasticenthusiasttale and @barbiedisneyavenger as well as for a friend who recently celebrated her birthday, happy birthday dear @nuvemzinhacorderosa ! I hope you like this!
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saintmachina · 15 days
Hello! I hope this isn’t a stupid question but as someone who just finished evocation (and loved it) and is writing fiction that also features polyamory, what,if any, advice could you give to writing a well rounded polycule in fantasy fiction? Thank you for your time!
Hi there! This isn't a stupid question at all, it's a great question with some very kind words!
I'm still figuring this out as I go along, but when I see polyamory done well in sff by other writers, and when I feel like I'm really locked in with the relationships in my own work, it when I see it treated with the same complexity and care as monogamous relationships.
Even though polyamorous romances can create truly unparalleled juicy drama in fiction, it's important to remember that polyamorous romances are no more inherently volatile or sensational than monogamous romances, and even though polyamorous stories can create truly unparalleled moments of tender care and intimate connection, it's important to remember that polyamorous romances are no more inherently wholesome and pure of heart than monogamous romances.
Anyone in love is all sinner all saint, all wounded animal and compassionate healer, all messy human being trying to figure out how to treat other messy human beings well in a complex, sometimes merciful, often hostile environment. That's the starting line for everyone. That's the north star I align myself with when I feel the story going off the rails towards melodramatown or tweecore country. And your rails are different than my rails of course, so ymmv.
On a technical level, from one writer to another, give yourself more time and more talking than you think you need to tell the story! You don't need to belabor every milestone or draw out every conversation, but more people in a romance means that you will probably need more scenes (or more scenes pulling double-duty at least) to establish everyone's growing connection to each other and then nurture those connections both individually and as a unit.
As far as conversations go, some Big Relationship Conversations (are we boyfriend/girlfriend now? do we feel ready to have sex without a barrier? do you want to summer with me in Italy?) should probably be had with multiple people, or multiple times. It can be challenging laying that groundwork without repeating yourself too much, but it's worthy work. To that end, the more people you add to a polycule, the longer the wordcount can get in drafting. Not necessarily a problem or a prescription, just something to notice!
And this is just small tip, but it can be really helpful to give characters who are linked in a polycule but not themselves dating something in common that is not just the person they are both dating. It will help you so much, I promise!
I hope this was helpful to you in some way big or small! I'm excited to hear you're writing polyamorous fantasy. I think committing to writing polyamory to the best of your ability in a story where it fits and feels natural is really commendable.
Best of luck!
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black-arcana · 4 months
POWERWOLF Releases Cinematic Music Video For '1589' Single From 'Wake Up The Wicked' Album
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POWERWOLF has released the long-awaited first single from its upcoming studio album, "Wake Up The Wicked", due out July 26, 2024 via Napalm Records. "1589" tells the story of Peter Stump, who lived near Cologne, Germany in the 16th century and is known today as the Werewolf Of Bedburg. After being defamed as a werewolf, the farmer confessed to several murders under torture and was cruelly executed on October 31, 1589. This morbid story has fascinated people all over the world ever since and has been picked up by National Geographic, among others.
For the video for "1589", POWERWOLF traveled to England to stage Stump's fate in the dark woods in a cinematic way. With carefully selected locations, countless actors and crew members, and impressive special effects, it marks the most elaborate music video production in the band's history to date — and thus offers a worthy first taste of what fans can expect with "Wake Up The Wicked".
"Wake Up The Wicked" — the highly anticipated follow-up to the extremely successful "Call Of The Wild" (2021) — will arrive just in time for the award-winning band's first-ever full North American tour, starting in August 2024, followed by their biggest European headline tour to date, the "Wolfsnächte 2024".
"Wake Up The Wicked" was once again produced by Joost Van Den Broek at Sandlane Recording Facilities and marks a new benchmark and undisputed career highlight for the band. The new album is hard, surprising and full of variety. While staying true to their established, loved sound, POWERWOLF go one step further and showcase a different facet of their deft musical and technical skills. This is evident, for example, on the outstanding single "1589", which is based on a true story from the 16th century.
20 years after their formation in 2004, POWERWOLF are expanding their repertoire with the highest quality and adding many future live hits to their extraordinary discography. "Wake Up The Wicked" is yet another statement cementing the status of the band as a leading force in the world of heavy metal
"Wake Up The Wicked" track listing:
01. Bless 'Em With The Blade 02. Sinners Of The Seven Seas 03. Kyrie Klitorem 04. Heretic Hunters 05. 1589 06. Viva Vulgata 07. Wake Up The Wicked 08. Joan Of Arc 09. Thunderpriest 10. We Don't Wanna Be No Saints 11. Vargamor
POWERWOLF are undoubtedly one of the most celebrated and successful heavy metal bands of the last decade. Multiple No. 1 album chart entries, gold and platinum records, huge sold-out arena shows, as well as headline slots at the biggest festivals have paved their way. In less than 20 years of band history, POWERWOLF has made it to the very highest league of heavy metal.
POWERWOLF has conquered countless stages at the world's biggest summer festivals, and their last "Wolfsnächte" headline tours (2019, 2022),as well as their aforementioned North American debut in early 2023, were almost completely sold out — resulting in a massive triumph. They have performed headlining sets at Wacken Open Air and Summer Breeze, as well as held premium slots at genre festival giants such as Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting, Masters Of Rock and many more, captivating enormous audiences. No other German metal band has been able to write a success story even remotely comparable in recent years.
Following their onslaught of North America, POWERWOLF will embark on their most impressive European tour yet in celebration of their highly anticipated 2024 studio album. Amid 16 shows in total, the tour will visit colossal venues in Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Hamburg and Antwerp. POWERWOLF will be accompanied by Swedish heavy metal legends HAMMERFALL as special guests, with support from viral rising stars, dwarven metallers WIND ROSE.
The story of the frontrunners of today's German metal scene, POWERWOLF, began in 2004 and only knows one direction: ever upwards. Their trajectory may seem like something out of a fairytale, but it is the result of the band embodying the highest quality of heavy metal in the universe. Outstanding album production, bombastic live shows and a tireless drive for perfection on and behind the stage are what this exceptional band is known for around the world.
Over the course of their career, the band has not only fascinated metal fans, but has also won over international press and critics. Countless cover stories in the most important magazines, critics' awards such as the Metal Hammer Award, and effusive album and concert reviews underpin POWERWOLF's outstanding international status.
Attila Dorn - vocals Falk Maria Schlegel - organ Charles Greywolf - guitar Matthew Greywolf - guitar Roel van Helden - drums
Photo credit: VDPictures
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
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ft. sakuma rei
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: biblical references, religious imagery + themes, mentions of blood + death 
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Sometimes, Rei can’t believe he’s lucky enough to call you his.
It seems like a dream, at times. This could not possibly be real, that he lives in a world where you would deign to bestow your affections upon him.
When you smile, you’re smiling at him. When you reach out, you’re reaching for him.
Skin brushes skin, and Rei aches.
You two are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Where he is dark, the demon king of Hell, dragging all those poor souls down to his kingdom for torment, you are light. You don’t shine as bright as some people he knows–comparable to suns they might be–but you glow all the same.
A steady, pulsing warmth. Like that of a guiding star–Polaris, the North, and Rei knows he can always find his way home with you.
He fears, sometimes, that your light is not enough to withstand his darkness. That one day, he will inevitably end up tainting you, dragging you down to the depths with him.
(But is it really forced if you willingly descend down with him, hand in hand? Hades and Persephone, Death and Life, Yin and Yang. Balance. Two sides of the same coin, heads and tails–ouroboros; the snake devours itself–settled in the tall grass amidst the Garden of Eden, where Adam offers the apple to Eve.
You take the first bite.
It starts with you up on a pedestal, ends with a fall from grace, and the cycle continues as it always has.
Rei will love you all the same.)
He’s not certain what he’s done to deserve your love, but he’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If God, or whatever higher being that exists, accidentally bestowed the blessing that is you upon him, he’s not going to be the one to correct this error. He’s not selfless enough to give up the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
And maybe he’ll be punished for it.
Maybe he’ll wake up to eternal torment. The real Purgatory. The seventh circle, as Dante said, the circle filled with sinners of the very worst kind. Hell in all its actuality, crusted over with a layer of frost. Where the sky is tainted black with ash and the chalk white of bone makes for the ground and the rivers run red with blood. Tempting, tempting.
Rei thinks. I don’t think I would mind.
Rei thinks. Not as much as I should.
Rei thinks. Not as long as I have you.
Love makes you stupid, certainly. He wouldn’t have had the guts to defy God–the Angels–Tenshouin?–but the sin of love has taken root in his heart. It’s an infection. He might have tempted you with the apple but your wings were the ones that shielded him as he fell, streaking through the sky like a comet, and, oh, did he fall.
Now your wings are torn to bits, smeared with black blood that drips from his lips as you stand on the altar. Justice, with your scales and your sword. At this tipping point, between the deadly sky and the infinite stars and the eyes, the eyes, their eyes–he prays before you. On his knees–will you be his salvation? His absolution? Your sword contains the fury of Heaven. It would be painful, but it would be certain.
Or will you destroy him? Take him apart? Clockwork heart and all. Tick tock tick tock tick tock.
You do neither.
You kneel down until you’re level with him. The dark ichor, it stains you. Rei wants to ask you to stop, stop, stop, but he cannot. He is helpless in the face of you. As he always is. You smile at him, oh so soft, fingers reaching out to cradle his face. Red colours your fingers–he is sticky with it, it clings to him, in scent, in taste–but you don’t pull away.
Rei, you say. Rei. 零. Zero. From nothingness he was born, and to that he shall return. The abyss gazes back, endless, and there you are with stars in your eyes. Rei.
I love you, Rei thinks. I love you, please, so let this be the end. I would not mind death, were it by your hands.
Rei, you say. “Rei.”
He hears you.
I love you. You say, “It’s time to wake up.”
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Rei wakes up.
There is a predator living in his head and he is helpless to its whims. He thinks of fire and blood and marble floors and gold ateliers. He thinks of angels and he feels, simply put, exhausted. Is that normal?
His heart is jackrabbiting in his chest. He doesn’t think it’s supposed to do that. He’s certain he remembers Koga saying something along the lines of, Vampires don’t have hearts, do they?
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Your voice, lilting teasingly, is the first thing he hears, and it calms him. You’re perched on the bed opposite him, legs drawn up to your chest, looking entirely too comfortable on a bed that isn’t even yours. He wonders if it was Shiratori-kun who let you in, or Tenshouin. He thinks he doesn’t really care.
“Good morning, love.” He says, smiling softly, dream forgotten. It’s an expression he’s found himself wearing more often as of late, and it doesn’t even have to be forced. Just being around you is enough to lift his spirits.
“Rei…” Your smile drops and you squint at him. Rei swears he feels his heart stop for a second. (Koga’s annoying voice in his head again–Vampires, hearts, blah blah blah. He ignores it, as he usually does when Wanko starts his yapping. This tactic seems to work on both the real Koga and the one inside Rei’s head. Go figure.) “Are you okay?”
“Of course. Kukuku, this old man is thrilled you care enough to inquire into his wellbeing~”
“Well, Rei-jii-chan is really lucky that I like my men old~” You stick your tongue out with a wink and Rei feels himself flush at the implications.
But then again, he reflects as he watches you giggle to yourself, perhaps he does have a heart after all.
WC: 1k words
reze txt hey uh if ur reading this… sry for my word vomit i just have A Lot of thoughts about sakuma rei. this is my offering to mysterious myths rei. come home jiichan. pls im broke but if u come home in my next (single) pull i’d rlly appreciate it pleading face grandpa c’mon do me a solid :( i just wrote 1k words for u :(( i prommy i’ll work on reqs now. thank u. enjoy babeyyy <3
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Death Precedes the Demon- CH 1- Dark Rider Runs- qsmp cowboy AU
It will start as dust. Both on the surface of the earth, and below it. Grains of sand, grit of coal. It always starts small. Little twists of night, shimmering coal dust. It will grow, it will multiply. It has been fed and fed and fed the damned. Saint or sinner, both would fall to its wave of grainy death. This Dust will claim, and reap, and grind. This Dust—this Dust, later. For now, we start with men— two men, in their race.
Hot sand. Windless air. No breath, no relief. Even as the sun barely starts to rise, the desert is warm. A lone figure rides on his horse, waves distorting his dark silhouette. Unbeknownst to him, another man, on another horse, rides a mile behind.  Sand is kicked up under his horse’s feet, as the second man moves quickly, he is chasing.
         The first figure is hunched over his saddle. His horse trots slowly, lamely. He is hooded and has hidden himself entirely from the sun. A long overcoat hides his light layers underneath, as well as his shiny silver pistols. His face is covered with a thin cloth bandana, just barely stopping below his eyes. The eyes themselves are pupil-less, simply lightly glowing sclera. His skin is dark as coal, shimmering like black velvet. Thick, black hair falls beyond his shoulders. The sun, a warm orange globe on the horizon, paints one side. He rides north.
         The man behind rides hard and fast. A wide brimmed hat is perched precariously on his head. Wild brown curls are tugged by the wind. He snaps his reins every couple hundred meters. The man wears a light short sleeve button up, slacks, and a large belt. A shotgun is slung over his back, carefully strapped to a harness he wears. His brown cat ears are tucked against his scalp, his slitted eyes covered with goggles, and his tail whips behind him in the wind. A shiny star has been pinned to his shirt, and it glints in the early sunlight. He rides north.
         Coyotes yelp in the bushes, eerie screams, like dying cats. The second man shivers, the first rides on. They play this game, of lead and catch up, closeness and distance, for another hour or so. But the man behind, the cat, is finally able to see his mouse. 
The cat-hybrid bends low over his horse, breathing as lightly as he can. The dark figure ahead is distorted by heat waves, bendy and swirly and barely there. He gets within a few hundred meters, then slows his horse down. He grabs at his gun and draws it against his chest, arms crooked, aiming.
The sound of the shot startled all that was near. It practically knocked the dust from the air— and whizzed past the head of the dark man. His horse startled and reared, the man behind cracked his reins, rising back up in his saddle to aim again. Another shot rang out, shaky from the horse’s gait— the man gained on the other, who was still struggling against his horse.
As the man behind got within shouting distance he yelled out. “Outlaw Halo! You are under arrest by order of the Sheriff of Quesadilla Town!” His cat ears were pinned against his head as the dark man’s horse kicked up dust. He circled the panicking creature, shotgun still aimed at the man atop it. 
A flash of silver in the sun is all the warning he got before the outlaw aimed a quick shot at him, he yanked on his horse’s reins and pulled it to a harsh stop before spinning and changing his gun’s position to shoot back. This was the final straw for the dark man’s horse, who bucked and reared, forcing its rider off and onto the hard dusty ground. 
The sheriff dismounted swiftly and cocked the shotgun again, approaching the outlaw on the ground warily. “Nowhere to go now, come along and justice will be yours.” He said in English, his voice thick with an accent. The cloaked man shifted and placed his hands to haul himself up. The sheriff growled, lashing his tail. “Slowly.”
A peak of white in the dark hooded face was a toothy smile— as the outlaw dipped his head in agreement. He slowly pulled himself up and to his feet, hands up, feet placed in a cautious defensive stance. “Sheriff, you wouldn’t happen to have a reason for shooting at me wouldja?” He asked slyly. Halo’s figure was intimidating— with coal-dark skin and short crooked horns, a forked tail and pointed ears. His hands were clawed and sharp, and had inhumanly long fingers. He stood over a foot taller than the sheriff, despite the lawman being a good height of six foot something. The legends say he’s some kind of demon, and now that he was standing in front of the sheriff, the man believed them. 
“There’s a bounty on yer head for crimes against the town, Halo.” The sheriff sneered. “You have killed people, good honest people.” He stomped in the dust, strengthening his grip on his shotgun— still raised and pointed at the dark man’s face.
“I do not know what you speak of sheriff.” 
The sheriff growled. “Sure Halo, go ahead and play dumb.” He sucked his sharp teeth and gestured with his shotgun. “Now drop yer weapons and kick em over.”
Halo carefully opened his long overcoat, and with a delicate hand, grabbed one of his silver pistols, held it out, and dropped it on the hot sand. He did the same for the gun on his other hip, and a knife tucked against the small of his back, and a small sword strapped to his calf, and a belt buckle knife. The sheriff’s glare deepened with every weapon he pulled out. When Halo finally held up his hands as if to say ‘no more’, the sheriff rested his shotgun against his side and pulled out a length of rope.
Halo scrunched up his nose. “Is that really necessary?”
The cat hybrid just growled again, and Halo rolled his eyes— holding out his wrists crossed over the other. The sheriff looped the rope around several times before tying a few thick knots. Then he bent and hobbled the outlaws' ankles, leaving only a foot or so of slack between his legs to walk and stumble along. He held a few feet of rope that were leftover from the wrist ties, and yanked Halo forward with it.
“So I’m guessing I don’t get to ride on the horse.” Halo quipped. The sheriff turned around to glare at him. Halo shrugged and fidgeted with the rope.
The sheriff dipped and picked up the outlaw’s weapons, shoving them in his horse's saddlebags. He mounted his ride, gripping the rope in one hand. “Keep up.” He called back to the man, and started his horse walking south— towards home. 
Halo stumbled forwards, but managed to keep up with the steady pace. “May I at least know the name of the man who’s dragging me along behind him?” He drawled. 
“Sheriff Cellbit, acting on behalf of Cucurucho Smile of the Federation Bank.” The sheriff said darkly after a moment’s hesitation. “The bear wants you to stand trial for what you’ve done, and has gladly paid my fees.”
Halo’s ears pinned against his head. “Federation Bank?” His pupil-less eyes widened. “You said Federation Bank? Those bastards paid you?” 
Cellbit turned on his horse when he felt the rope in his hand go taut. “Yes, that's what I said. Now, let's go--” The cat hybrid’s hair raised on his back when he turned to see the terrified demon. 
Halo’s hair was standing on end, tail lashing back and forth, eyes slitted and teeth bared. Dark energy flowed off of him in waves. “You can not take me back to town.” His voice vibrated low and deep, sounding well— demonic.
Cellbit stared at Halo, eyes scanning him. He tugged a bit on the rope and realized that he wasn’t going to be able to drag the demon along as well as he thought. He steeled himself, this was the man responsible for the deaths of Dan and Mariana, for little Trumpet and Bobby and Juanaflippa. He shuddered as he remembered watching the small bodies carried along the procession, black dust coating their limbs. “Yes, I think I will.” He growled, and kicked his horse forward. His arms strained against the rope, fighting against the inhuman strength that Halo possessed. Cellbit was nervous— yesterday, he hadn’t believed a creature like Halo existed, thinking instead that the descriptions he’d collected were lies, myths. But now the sheriff was hauling a nearly 8 foot tall coal colored fanged demon, who spoke in a way that made him shiver and stared at his back with blank white eyes. The man kept turning around in his saddle, to check that the demon was at a safe distance. 
Halo had taken to glaring harshly at the rider, tail whipping the air behind him. But he was without a form of easy escape, without a horse, and without his guns. Even if he could get the rope off of himself quickly, he would not be able to outrun a horse. Sweat rolled down his face, the land was heating up.
It took them roughly three hours to get back to Cellbit’s town. During which they barely spoke, except for a few exchanged words during their two water breaks. Halo was thoroughly exhausted by the time they passed the entry sign for Quesadilla Town. The heat had become unbearable, with the sun at high noon now. Cellbit was growing weary too, his constant vigilance had made him shaky and slightly paranoid. 
They passed the first few buildings on the outskirts of town— made of gray weathered wooden planks, and looking almost as abandoned and empty as the desert they walked out of. Absolutely dead bushes crawled out from under their broken decks, and flies and lizards swarmed the sun-warmed wood.
Halo scanned them— having only passed them less than a day ago. As Cellbit no-doubt knew, the demon had rode into town in the dead of night, picked up supplies, and then left before dawn. The bartender must’ve tipped off the sheriff. Halo wouldn't hold it against him, not really. 
Cellbit had in fact been tipped off by the bartender, as the man was his boyfriend and close confidant. The sheriff had bolted straight out of bed when Roier had described the strange man that had rode in around one in the morning. After that it was simply a job of finding the demon’s horse’s tracks and following him into the desert.
Now, Cellbit rode triumphantly into the more populated part of town— he was making a beeline for the jail. Halo started to lag behind as he took in Quesadilla Town in the daytime. Not many people were around, but they started to gather when they realized what was happening. Windows were opened and people sat on porches, watching him go by. Halo pinned his ears against his head at the stares, but looked blankly back at them. Antagonizing them would only fuel a mob, and he was in no mood to be shouted at or stoned. 
A couple of the people sitting around were workers on their lunch break, they ate like starved animals, looking up to watch Halo for only a second as he walked by. The demon squinted curiously at them— they seemed to have little regard for the black grime coating their hands and forearms. It was everywhere, dusting their hair, under their eyes and smudged on their sweaty thin cheekbones. Their stares were also animalistic, eyes bulging in their heads and outlined by deep lines. As Halo watched, they finished up their meal with ruthless efficiency and one by one, stood up— picked up their pickaxes and miner’s gear— and walked away, west in a straight line. 
Halo turned back to look at Cellbit, to see if he had noticed the odd behavior. The sheriff looked unphased. A normal occurrence then. Curious. The demon tucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and breathed in deeply. Something to look into later.
When they reached the jail, people started to disperse— seeing that the entertainment was leaving. Cellbit dismounted his horse and tied the reins to the jail’s porch pillar. He turned to Halo, watching the demon for a second, before turning to walk into the building— rope in hand. Halo didn’t have to be dragged, he went willingly into the shade. The first room was relatively small, one desk against the far wall, and the other against the closer wall. 
A shorter man sat with his legs propped up on the furniture, he was leaning back in his chair and munching on a sandwich. When they walked in, his eyes went to Cellbit first, cheerful and friendly, and then flicked to Halo— surprise and curiosity. The demon focused on the lack of fear or anger there, fascinated already. The man sat up straight— and ran a hand through his sweaty black hair. He also spoke with an accent, slightly thicker than Cellbit’s, but a different type. “Well, well, what do you have, there?” He leaned over his desk, with the smile of a smug cat.
Cellbit rolled his eyes and handed the end of the rope to him. “Who do you think Maxo— hold him for me.” The cat-hybrid then opened his own desk, taking out a file and slapping it down on the surface. 
Maxo held the rope gingerly, eyes roaming over Halo. “Aye, you talk?” The man asked. Halo was starting to realize that the dark haired man had an undertone of playfulness in what he said.
“Yes.” Halo growled, trying to add a hint of light-heartedness in his response. But his frustration slipped into his words and his teeth and tail and horns of course never helped.
Maxo’s eyes darkened and then turned to Cellbit. Halo had failed. “What did you get yourself in-into Cellbo?” His voice was all of a sudden serious.
“Don’t call me that, only Roier calls me that.” Cellbit snapped, slamming a pencil down on top of his files. “I know what I’m doing Maxo. Mr. Smile gave me his wanted poster, you know what that means.” Cellbit walked over to the door and swung it open. “The bear thinks he killed Dan and Trumpet, Maxo.”
Maxo’s eyes darkened even more, and his face soured. Halo slouched. Muffins, Maxo was clearly close to whoever Dan and Trumpet were. There was almost no chance of explaining to the man that he hadn’t killed anyone, at least not here, not lately. 
“I’ll be back, gotta put Zeno away and get Halo’s weapons. Start booking him.” Cellbit left with those words, the door shutting solidly behind him. 
Halo turned to Maxo, who’s glare pierced his very heart. “I-I-I didn’t-” the demon began.
“No.” Maxo said simply, standing up. The stagnant hot air in the room suddenly felt heavier than rocks, and Halo tried to appear smaller. “You do not, do not talk.” Maxo was almost two feet shorter, but that did not affect the strength of his anger. He walked over to the paperwork and gestured for the demon to sit down in the chair between the two desks. The scratch of pencil on paper was all encompassing sound. Louder in the tension filled silence between the two.
“Name?” Maxo asked abruptly.
Halo hesitated. “Bad Halo.”
Maxo looked at him over the file, as if in disbelief— but he cocked his head and sighed, before scribbling that down. “Where ya from.”
Bad, as he could now be called, hesitated— he wasn’t completely sure he could answer that. “No where.” He replied softly.
Maxo sighed again, before writing something again. “Any, any kin?” 
Halo simply shook his head, avoiding eye contact.
More pencil scratch in silence.
“You are here because Mr. Smile placed a bounty on yer head.” Maxo started to explain, focusing on the paper in front of him. “You are accused of causing the deaths of Dan Tee, Trumpet Tee, Mariana Click, Juanaflippa Click, and Bobby Matton, of kidnapping them from their homes in the dead of night and dragging them out to the desert to kill them. We don’t know why, but now—” he looked up at Halo, “we suspect witchcraft or satanism.”
He didn’t let the demon speak. “If you give us their—” his voice broke, “their bodies, that will be taken into account during the trial.” Maxo finally paused, breathing heavily.
“Please.” Halo began. “I don’t know what you are talking about, besides last night I’ve only ever been near this town a few times, I haven’t killed anyone here.” He kept his voice polite and gentle— but spoke as quickly as he could. Dread was building in his stomach, he knew his capture by Cellbit meant some trouble, but this was greater than he could imagine. Five murder charges would not end well for him. “I know I am a demon, and you don’t know what that means and it's scary, but I promise you I didn’t—!”
Maxo raised a finger, steadying his breathing. “ We have witnesses that saw you sneak into town. Justice will be served no matter how much you deny it, Halo.” The name was spat out through gritted teeth. “You will be sentenced tomorrow.” He met the demon’s eyes, and his face twisted with several emotions. For a second Halo saw a return of the earlier kindness, but it was quickly replaced by grief and confusion. 
The two of them stood up, Maxo leading the way to the door caddy cornered to the front door, it opened into a short hallway with two cells lining the left side. Maxo swung open the first cell and then turned to Halo. “Arms up, legs apart.”
Halo obliged, nervously, he knew he had to be searched but the intimacy was unsettling. Maxo was at least professional about it, removing the demon’s jacket, hood, handkerchief, belt and holsters, and boots. Then the man ran his hands along the demon’s arms and legs and torso— feeling for hidden weapons. Cellbit had done a good job before, and Halo was clean.
Max set the gear on a small table by the door and then shoved Bad into the cell, closing and locking the door behind him. Halo stumbled, the restraints limiting his ability to catch himself. 
“Hands between the bars.” Maxo ordered— Bad did so. “If you kick me I’m leaving you like this.” The man growled, before bending down and reaching between the bars to cut the ropes tying Bad’s ankles together. He threw the scraps behind him, and then cut the ones on his wrists.
“Thank you.” Halo whispered, rubbing his sore skin. Maxo just dipped his head and picked up the demon’s things and the pieces of cut rope. He headed towards the door back to the front room.
Maxo gave one last look back at the demon in the jail cell. Halo’s eyes widened, and he called out. “I promise you Maxo, I didn’t do this, and if you believe me, I will help you find the monster that did.”
Maxo laughed, the sound echoing harshly on the stone walls and floors. “No need. The monster is right here.” The door slammed shut with an unsettling finality. 
Bad felt bare, without his hood or mask or jacket, he felt horribly inhuman, and Maxo’s last remark swirled around his head. This would not end well, he feared.
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pcisin · 6 months
Some demon had been harassing Angel for at least a solid few minutes, not letting up for a single moment as North is mostly following along. At first, he tries...he tries to listen to Angel, just ignore it. Just ignore it... But then it almost reminds him of the questions. The moments...the seconds before he was pulled away into...unending pain. His hand thrusts forward, lifting the talkative Demon into the air, his own irises red now instead of gold. "He said scram." His voice is cold, to the point, almost robotic as he brings the demon to the ground with a slam.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡
angel dust wanted to just spend his birthday without any problems. it was sweet of north to spoil him with a cake and to take him out too. but he knows he can't always get what he wanted. being a famous porn star, it's hard to pull away from the attention. he even dressed in his comfortable outfit to let others know he isn't out for some quick buck.
yet there's sinners who never understand that.
he noticed north wasn't having any of it but angel dust tried to calm him down. he tried to keep him distracted. bless his heart, but angel doesn't want any trouble coming to them and he doesn't want north to step in.
but it wouldn't last.
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"north no!" he flinched when he witnessed the blond just slam the demon down. he grabs at his wrist "north let go of 'em!"
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orionlancasterr · 8 months
Oc interview
I was tagged by @adelaidedrubman !
Judas King and Mary Hart agreed to sit down with Lauren Westfield for a couple preemptive interviews with her podcast and YouTube series, Case Files.
“Judas- oh you probably want the full thing, um, Judas King.”
“The Chosen One, Wrath, Sinner- I think Jacob called me the executioner once…”
Upon seeing Laurens growing discomfort Judas trails off, his face growing red
“Sorry that’s not what you meant. No I don’t really have any, Judas doesn’t really lend itself to nicknames. Skunk tried Jude once but it didn’t feel right.”
“Male, mostly.”
star sign
“Aquarius I think? Mary talks about it a lot.
personality type
“I dont want to be a dick but I don’t really know what this has to do with Edens gate..”
Laura frowns a little, scratching at the back of her head. “We just want to get to know you a little better before we y’know get into the juicy stuff.”
“Oh right, you’re just gonna have to bear with me on some of these, my um, my whole world has been about this stuff uncensored for like five years.”
“Right, of course!” Lauren gives a sort of forced laugh.
“5’5 I think, they measured at the last doctors appointment.”
“I’ve mostly been using gay but I’ve been reading a lot online and I think I like queer more- I don’t like specific labels.”
“American, obviously but I think French? I have a second cousin twice removed something or other that lives over there but I’m not really sure.”
fave fruit 
“I love oranges- more than anyone should and I had one for the first time in years the other day and I gotta say even the best batch of bliss couldn’t beat that shit.”
Lauren, while still uncomfortable makes no move to change the subject this time.
fave season
“Early fall-late summer. The rain brings a chill and I think the mountains are best when it’s wet out.”
fave flower 
“I think bindweed flowers are really cute, unfortunely bindweed sucks.”
fave scent 
“There is this polish I use the interior of cars, mothers, it’s like a plastic restorer anyways that shit smells so good.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“I didn’t like coffee or tea for a while but I’ve recently gotten into iced coffee, I like caramel iced lattes apparently.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Good nights, 5-6 but I can easily go a night or two without sleeping. Night terrors. But the guys say I still flail around and shit on the good ones.”
Judas chuckled at this one.
dog or cat person
“Bears. I volunteered at a wildlife rehab center before the reapings and we had this bear, cheeseburger, a big old boy who was found by one of the senior members found him shoving trash in his face behind Chad’s old place. Burgers, fries, onion rings you name it Cheeseburger ate it. So he took him in anyways after everything went down Wade radioed in saying he had to release him because the Jacob wanted to experiment so I tracked him down. Found out he was diabetic and needed insulin so we became buddies. He’s in Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary now and I visit him every few days.”
It’s at this point Judas pulls out a phone and starts showing the staff pictures of a severely obese grizzly bear wearing a collar, at which they coo and awe. In newer photos he has lost a considerable amount weight.
dream trip 
“Climb every mountain range in North America. I met a guy when I was a kid on a hike that did that, his name was trinket and he was like 70 years old climbing the continental divide in colorado. Said he sold everything a few years ago to fund his mission. I’d like to start in the south, Saturn says the Appalachians are pretty.”
“I don’t want to assume anything but wouldn’t you be sick of mountains at this point I mean…after everything that happened in the whitetails?”
Judas laughs. “It’s not the mountains fault some lunatic decided to murder and maim a bunch of people.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Optimus Prime, they made like three more transformers movies and I made everyone promise to watch them with me when we get home.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“I have a weighted blanket and, okay don’t make fun of me, my baby blanket under that. It’s basically like a two foot square of worn out fabric at this point but we found it in the house after. Um. After.”
It’s at this point Judas begins to look upset for the first time during the interview. Lauren quickly asks the next question.
random fact:
“I thought it would be fun to teach boomer how to launch himself off my back but now he does it at random. It hurts, I’m sorry it’s been nice do you mind if I um. If I go sit outside for a little bit?”
“Of course not, take your time.”
“Marilyn Ellen Hart, please don’t call me Marilyn.”
“Mary, it’s the preferred name.”
She smiles charmingly, directly at the camera.
star sign
“Aries sun, Capricorn moon and Sagittarius rising. This should be a shock to no one.”
This draws a laugh out Lauren.
personality type
“ENFP, crowds really get me going, I love talking to people. It’s why I love playing shows. Yeah sure the music is the thing that keeps me going after everything but the people make me feel alive.”
“Five feet two inches exactly. I got my drivers licence a few days ago. It’s crazy how many rules there are to driving in the real world. Skunk and Nick had two rules. Don’t hit anyone and stay on the pavement.”
Another laugh bubbles out of the staff and is met with a brilliant smile from Mary.
“Lesbian but Judas and Daisy keep reading articles too me and maybe I’m also asexual. I haven’t decided yet.”
“Raised in America but I was adopted from Ukraine.”
fave fruit 
“Strawberries. Like good fresh sweet ones. The ones from the store aren’t nearly as good.”
fave season
“Summer. Hot, sunny days, as dry and bright as possible.”
fave flower 
She winks at the camera
fave scent 
“BBQ, I love a good vinegar based sauce.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“Saturn got me hooked on sweet iced tea.”
average hours of sleep: 
“Recently I’ve been getting full nights sleep without smoking now that’s wild to me.”
dog or cat person
“Does peaches count as a cat?”
She looks past the camera and grins at someone. Laura asks who peaches is.
“Peaches, my dear, is this badass cougar we found eating so- I’m not allowed to say that am I? We found her in the Henbane.  Her owner just. Handed her to us, a trio of eighteen year old kids. She’s the sweetest thing…most of the time. She’s at Yellowstone with Cheeseburger. Apparently they tried to separate them but I imagine it didn’t go well because they were together again within like two days.”
Dream trip
“The ocean, we’re driving down California in a few weeks and I made them promise to take me to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.”
favorite fictional/real character
“Misa Amane, from death note. I was obsessed with her in middle school.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“Whatever is in the back of the van. Usually a throw and Judas’s weighted blanket.”
random fact:
“I had to learn how to whittle my own sticks because the ones we’d scavenge kept snapping on me. I still use my own at shows.”
I’ll tag @vault81 @bleumanouche @chaosintheavenue and anyone who wants to!
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( i know this is a multi but i'm picking rue and alice since they're the ones i write the most for this meme, just becauuuuse jfc who wants to see me post that for 8 fucking muses, nobody, that's who )
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born sinner ft james fauntleroy - j cole i'm a born sinner / but i'll die better than that, i swear / you were always where i needed you to be / whether you were there or not there ( i was there ) / i was born sinning / but i live better than that ( better than that ) / if you ain't fucking with that, i don't care / ( ooh, ooh, ooh ) yeah, yeah, yeah
shampoo - ilya i left my necklace on your counter / trapped my soul inside your heart / painted lipstick on your mirrors / took what you left me with and turned it into art / and i know that you’re not stupid / your hungry heart was overfed / say you made your bed you gotta lie in it / but then you lied to me instead
i will carry you - safari riot x old man saxon give me your pain / give me your sorrow / tell me what hurts / if not today then tomorrow / whats the protection from life and death / things already seen, fear or regret / all we ever do is choose, pain is inevitable / pick your poison, feel your cup / but i will carry you / is that enough?
naturally - tinashe i been wondering why we do, i'm at the highest of highs / can i have you back, maybe just for tonight? / baby, i can see the ecstasy when you with me, i know / ain't no time for jealousy, but i see she don't get you like i do
fade away - lucky daye i just want this feeling to last / i bet i'll beg for you to face it / feels, they change like the weather / close my eyes, find forever / gotta be nice on the / other side, 'nother side / is it cruel of me / to pretend i can't see / when i pass you by? oh / is it wrong of me / to feel the same pain / but not know why? / not know why
3:16 am - jhené aiko i do not feel the fear of fallin, i wanna fly / if it all goes well then i will / but what if i don’t? / i'll be right where i was before / but i’m not alone, you say take my hand / and we go ( and we go ), and we go ( and we go ) / and i hope that we don’t overdose / cause we don’t ( cause we don’t ) / no we don’t ( no we don't ) / ever know when we have had enough / wait…
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pink + white - frank ocean that's the way everyday goes / every time we've no control / if the sky is pink and white / if the ground is black and yellow / it's the same way you showed me / nod my head, don't close my eyes / halfway on a slow move / it's the same way you showed me / if you could fly then you'd feel south / up north's getting cold soon
dangerous ft kid cudi - schoolboy q i'm feeling dangerous, i'm feeling nauseous / road left me crazy, soaring, i wanna / smoking and faded, i got enormous / drinkin' and swangin', i'm feelin' dangerous / greet me by my hand 'til you teach me to float / head is in the clouds with my stomach below / somethin' 'bout this feeling, i felt it before / took this pill and it swallowed me whole / pinch me on my arm, is it heaven or fun? / if i don't come back, had a hell of a run
cherries ft aminé - hope tala the cherries in your mouth spill stars / scarlet venom to keep in jam jars / we all build worlds with joined up scars / but your constellation has stained my guitar / and the french in your mouth breaks ribs / makes heads go light and hands lose their grip / pulling teeth behind a bottom lip / to look for cherry stones and rotting apple pips
true crime ft miso - epik high the world has given you names that deny you / "obsession," "addiction" and "taboo" / you're a controversial work, the spark that incites my heart / don't care what they say / you make my dead heart beat again / when i'm surrounded by enemies / you make me clench a pen instead of a fist / love is where you find it, whatever that placе is
top again ft saba - audrey nuna 'cause it's raining / your favorite / grass is green / i might just kurt cobain it / just face it / shameless / complacent / new precipitation but you waste it / just waiting / i was dancing all this time / dancing on this mic / don't call the night / loud like mordechai / dancing all this time / dance 'til the pretty die / don't come inside / 'til I'm on top again
jotto - bibi seeing you digging into my skirt / my hatred towards humans is on the rise / the anxiety and longing you gave me as well as pills and wine / i laugh and swallow them down / what sad thing happened / what wonderful love did you have such that / with your body and mind that have become a rag / how could you come knock on my door
tagged by: @imsobrooklyn tagging: @444fm / @sunxsin / @chmerical / @sylkshe / @prettydead / @ripjulie / @dangaer / @awalkoflife / @rach8 / @perniicious / @killjoysanonymous / @temporalobjects / @freak1ish / @godstrayed / whoever omg pls it's a fun meme
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thefiresontheheight · 2 years
Asked for by no one the complete list of “gives you fires’ highly specific and incredibly corrosive brain worms” New Weird books I have read and highly recommend you read if only so I can tell about them and also about how they influence my own writing:
Unsong: Available on line. In 1969 the Apollo program accidentally broke the crystal sphere around the world, and demons started invading Siberia. Things have gotten worse since then.
There Is No Antimemetics Division: Also available online. Set in the SCP universe, but stands alone. How do you fight an enemy that makes you forget it exists, a war you can’t remember isn’t real? Welcome, this isn’t your first day.
Perdido Street Station: China Mieville. New Crobuzon is a Capitalist nightmare, and everything sucks. Not for the faint of heart with a LOT of super heavy material, but good god character drips from the page and also various orifices.
Area X Trilogy: Where lies the strangling fruit that came forth from the hand of the sinner. Read the whole thing, not just Annihilation.
The City and the City: Also Mieville but he’s writing crime fiction this time, and it’s theoretically set in our world.
Embassytown: Last Mieville but like. This book rewired my synapses. It’s a book about language. And Language. And LanGuage.
The Stars are Legion: Extremely gross. A fleet of city ships, and the women who give birth to the parts that keep them going. Haven’t seen this one as New Weird but like. It qualifies imo.
Mortal Engines: also honorary new weird IMO. In the ruins of all ages, London crawls across the dry bed of the North Sea, looking for prey to devour.
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scotianostra · 2 years
Happy Birthday  Scottish musician Charlie Burchill born in Glasgow in 1959.
Charlie joined punk band Johnny & The Self-Abusers with Jim Kerr in 1977, the band played support to rising punk stars Generation X in June that year, they released their only single “Saints and Sinners” in November, but the cracks were already showing and they split on the very same day it was released. Half the band continued and changed their name to a lyric in Bowie’s Gene Genie, Simple Minds
Simple Minds went on to be one of the top groups of the 80’s and have had a dozen top 40 albums, including three number ones. They have also charted all over the world having number ones, here at home, in the USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands.
As well as providing guitar, Burchill played the violin and saxophone on the band’s first three studio albums and took over most studio keyboard duties following the 1989 departure of Mick MacNeil.
The line up has changed over the years but Burchill and Kerr are the mainstays, they released their 7th live album, Live in the City of Angels in 2019, to document their largest ever North American tour.
Their  "40 Years Of Hits" World Tour 2020 kicked off in February 2020 but was cut short due to covid, with over 40 concerts cancelled throughout Europe, New Zealand and Australia.  The tour was rescheduled to 2022 with over 80 dates across more than 20 countries in spring/summer this year. 
21st October this year saw the release of their studio album Direction of the Hear.  Most of the new album's tracks were written, created and demoed in Sicily Charlie and Jim Kerr live. Unable to come home because of COVID-19 quarantine rules, Simple Minds recorded the album at Hamburg's Chameleon Studios.
There must be nothing better than playing to a home crowd, here are the band at Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh during the summer. 
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ducktoonsfanart · 5 months
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Orthodox icon - Portrait of the resurrected Jesus Christ Pantocrator - My version - Happy Orthodox Easter! - Bible (Religion)
"I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live" (John 11:25)
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." (Relevation 22:12, 22:13)
This is how Jesus Christ the Savior and Redeemer spoke, according to Christians the Son of God, and this is how Jesus will speak at the end of time and He has existed forever. Yes, because for Christians Jesus is God, it is written with a capital letter.
Yes, I admit that I'm not a believer and I'm a sinner, but I always try as hard as I can to correct my mistakes and follow God's way, and that's my right to believe because I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ.
Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don't worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
And on this occasion, I drew a portrait of Jesus Christ as my redraw of Christ Pantocrator, which was first recorded and left in the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai in the 6th century AD, 500 years after Christ's resurrection. I also combined colors like the icon (Christ Pantocrator) from this site: https://milanmosaicart.com/christ-pantocrator-mosaic/
Drawing Orthodox icons is not at all easy and requires a lot of effort, of course there is rarely traditional drawing of icons and painting with wood colors, so I wanted to experience how it goes and this is how it turned out. Of course, I apologize for certain details, especially the lips, it's my first time doing it. Yes, Jesus is the Pantocrator, which means the ruler of all visible and invisible because Jesus comes from God the Father and holds the Book of Life in which all the data of all of us who live on Earth are collected, and around Jesus, unlike other icons, I drew the Sun and the Moon and the stars because Jesus rules over all and they obey Him and Jesus Himself brings the light of life. Yes, around Him is a solar halo that is marked for Jesus and for all the angels and saints who follow God's way and here you can see the initials with the Greek letters Ο Ω Ν, i.e. ὁ ὤν, which means "He Who Is". And above are the initials in Greek which means Jesus Christ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ). Of course if I'm wrong somewhere, please correct me on some things. I certainly wanted to thank God for everything He has helped me so far and for what He will help me in the future. However, a bit of religious content is not out of place.
And yes, we don't know exactly what Jesus really looked like and yes, it can be presented as idolatry, however this is not idolatry, but icons that show what Jesus Christ would look like in His miraculous glory and what is shown from Sinai is one of the closest we can to imagine and certainly the beginning of iconography. Glory to Jesus Christ!
Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icjexnL6rI4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxN_wrMo0Y0
Happy to all who celebrate Easter today and Christ is risen! If you like it feel free to like and reblog this! And if there are things that need to be said, feel free to tell me here.
"Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
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blixtbaby · 2 years
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We have just received word about the death of Ted “Kingsize” Taylor. A contemporary and rival of the Beatles in their Liverpool days, Taylor and his band played the Cavern Club and found themselves an appreciative audience in Germany, where they also released records. Prior to their Hamburg debut, Cilla Black often guested on vocals with Taylor and his band.
Nicknamed because of his size, the 6.5 ft (2.0 m) Kingsize was born Edward William Taylor, on the 12th of November 1939, in Crosby, Liverpool. The Dominoes were originally formed in North Liverpool, in 1957, from a skiffle group called the Sinners. The original members were Arthur Baker (vocals), George Watson (guitar), Charlie Flynn (guitar), Sam Hardie (piano) and Cliff Roberts (drums). The following year, Ted Taylor joined, as lead vocalist and guitarist. Over the next few years Baker, Watson and Flynn all left the group, to be replaced by Bobby Thompson (bass and vocals) – with whom Taylor had played in another skiffle group, the James Boys – and John Kennedy (rhythm guitar), with Geoff Bethell standing in for Hardie on piano.
The band played local clubs and Taylor developed a reputation as one of the best rock and roll singers in the Liverpool area, as well as becoming known for his vivid chequered jackets. By summer 1960, the group were being billed as Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes. They first performed at The Cavern Club in January 1961, when they featured 17-year-old singer Cilla White, who was mistakenly renamed Cilla Black later that year by Bill Harry in an article in his magazine Mersey Beat.
Soon after that appearance, Kennedy and Roberts left the band to join another group, Ian and the Zodiacs, and were replaced by John Frankland (rhythm guitar) and Dave Lovelady (drums). At the beginning of 1962, the band were placed sixth in a Mersey Beat readers’ poll, topped by The Beatles. Cilla Black sang regularly with the group until 1962.
In early 1962, Ken Shalliker replaced Thompson on bass for several months when Thompson temporarily joined Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. That summer, the band (without Cilla Black) went to Hamburg, where they began making regular appearances at the Star-Club. Lovelady left later in the year, and was replaced briefly by Brian Redman and then by Gibson Kemp, after Ringo Starr turned down the opportunity to join having been offered more money to join The Beatles.
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black-arcana · 6 months
POWERWOLF To Release New Studio Album, 'Wake Up The Wicked', In July
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POWERWOLF will release a new studio album, "Wake Up The Wicked", on July 26, 2024 via Napalm Records.
"Wake Up The Wicked" — the highly anticipated follow-up to the extremely successful "Call Of The Wild" (2021) — will arrive just in time for the award-winning band's first-ever full North American tour, starting in August 2024, followed by their biggest European headline tour to date, the "Wolfsnächte 2024".
"Wake Up The Wicked" was once again produced by Joost Van Den Broek at Sandlane Recording Facilities and marks a new benchmark and undisputed career highlight for the band. The new album is hard, surprising and full of variety. While staying true to their established, loved sound, POWERWOLF go one step further and showcase a different facet of their deft musical and technical skills. This is evident, for example, on the outstanding single "1589", which is based on a true story from the 16th century.
20 years after their formation in 2004, POWERWOLF are expanding their repertoire with the highest quality and adding many future live hits to their extraordinary discography. "Wake Up The Wicked" is yet another statement cementing the status of the band as a leading force in the world of heavy metal
"Wake Up The Wicked" track listing:
01. Bless 'Em With The Blade 02. Sinners Of The Seven Seas 03. Kyrie Klitorem 04. Heretic Hunters 05. 1589 06. Viva Vulgata 07. Wake Up The Wicked 08. Joan Of Arc 09. Thunderpriest 10. We Don't Wanna Be No Saints 11. Vargamor
POWERWOLF are undoubtedly one of the most celebrated and successful heavy metal bands of the last decade. Multiple No. 1 album chart entries, gold and platinum records, huge sold-out arena shows, as well as headline slots at the biggest festivals have paved their way. In less than 20 years of band history, POWERWOLF has made it to the very highest league of heavy metal.
POWERWOLF has conquered countless stages at the world's biggest summer festivals, and their last "Wolfsnächte" headline tours (2019, 2022),as well as their aforementioned North American debut in early 2023, were almost completely sold out — resulting in a massive triumph. They have performed headlining sets at Wacken Open Air and Summer Breeze, as well as held premium slots at genre festival giants such as Hellfest, Graspop Metal Meeting, Masters Of Rock and many more, captivating enormous audiences. No other German metal band has been able to write a success story even remotely comparable in recent years.
Following their onslaught of North America, POWERWOLF will embark on their most impressive European tour yet in celebration of their highly anticipated 2024 studio album. Amid 16 shows in total, the tour will visit colossal venues in Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Hamburg and Antwerp. POWERWOLF will be accompanied by Swedish heavy metal legends HAMMERFALL as special guests, with support from viral rising stars, dwarven metallers WIND ROSE.
The story of the frontrunners of today's German metal scene, POWERWOLF, began in 2004 and only knows one direction: ever upwards. Their trajectory may seem like something out of a fairytale, but it is the result of the band embodying the highest quality of heavy metal in the universe. Outstanding album production, bombastic live shows and a tireless drive for perfection on and behind the stage are what this exceptional band is known for around the world.
Over the course of their career, the band has not only fascinated metal fans, but has also won over international press and critics. Countless cover stories in the most important magazines, critics' awards such as the Metal Hammer Award, and effusive album and concert reviews underpin POWERWOLF's outstanding international status.
Attila Dorn - vocals Falk Maria Schlegel - organ Charles Greywolf - guitar Matthew Greywolf - guitar Roel van Helden - drums
Photo credit: VDPictures
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ceo-of-masturbation · 28 days
"This soviet weapon managed to outlive Stalin, communism, and entire USSR. It's fairly accurate, sturdy and powerful. Recoil and firing speed are a little bit weaker in comparison to FL-15 carbines, but it beats them with damage and it's simplicity. Gun so simple that even a kid could use it (and sometimes, sadly, they do) really well. It's manufactued everywhere, it became a procedessor of one of the biggest and most used firearm lineups in history, even it managed to inspire or help with creating weapons or it's derivatives from various countries of origin like China, Poland, Ukraine or even U.S. or Middle East. It appears in nearly every aspect of some cultures. A brutal weapon for uncivilized age." - Weapon description
KS-47 is a assault rifle appearing throughout the series. It's one of more commonly seen guns, due to it's fairly simple drawing design and iconic look. It's also fairly common prop seen in some places.
KS-47 is a weapon manufactured by "Ishransk Plant Factory". This was a main assault rifle used by USSR, which also has other guns created, which led to KS platform - a platform of KS rifles, which can be seen on some pictures of the "KS Family of carbines" in NATO guide to firearms. KS Family is composed of KS-47, KS-74, KS-12, KS-19, KPB machine guns, KS-100, SWD Dratvyen and SA-19 "Yak". After the collapse of Soviet Union, KS carbines (especially KS-47) started to appear on black or "grey" markets all over the globe. While iconic soviet firearm, it was usually seen more like a trophy or symbol rather than a gun. Mainly in western countries, like United States, Canada or England. It also became seen as a weapon popular in various crime groups. Russian mafia, black street gangs, chinese triads, or even school shooters or random people just going insane. The weapon of America's greatest enemy became a sign of a pyrrhus victory, as some would say. When USSR ceased to exist, it's guns flooded the streets, markets, evidence lockers and even random sheds, crackhouses, mad militias or terrorists started to use it really often. It even found it's way into various modern conflicts, like wars in Balkans, armories of various post-soviet law enforcement units, not even mentioning armories of some more poor countries when it comes to the military, like Africa or South America's Columbia or Mexico (even after various modernization efforts). It's parts can be seen in Jeremiah's gun workbench and one with (ironically) stars and stripes motives and some golden parts as a art project called "Lost and Found", which later can be seen in a art gallery. It can be found as far as afterlife, with some sinner and saints seen with KS-47 rifles in some pictures or concept art. One notable afterlife owner is Cho, a son of North Korean "crossers", who operate a business related to military supplies. Cho's Gun Shop itself has few KS rifles on a wall. Jeremiah's Palestinian cousin, Allie owns a KS-47 as well with few other guns.
2. Design
KS-47 is a fairly simple (some even could say "crude") in mechanical view assault rifle and it's fairly cheap in it's cost and mainteance. It is one of the weapons mainly used by various low-level hostiles. Even some more specialized or much higher-level enemies can be seen using it. It also fairly common weapon seen in NPC's hands, both hostile and friendly. It's main furnishings by default are wooden in lighter brown color. It's default stock options have neither stock removal, foldable, or modernized. Barrels have few versions, smaller compact, standard lenght and longer hunting. Magazines are 20, 30, ''banana'', 45 extended, and 75 drum magazines. Each makes gun heavier to wield, but it extends the ammo avialable at the cost of reserve ammo pool being smaller. There is also a fair share of underbarrel grenade launchers to attach for all KS platform rifles. Alternative furnishings give option for mounting rails, which allow to attach things like laser sights, vertical grips, tactical lights or rangefinders. There is also few attachment options for KS-47 without any mounting rails and few scopes to mount onto a default brace on the side of a receiver. There are marking around the safety switch's angle: FA, SA and NF written amateurishly on each angle. There are also markings on a gun "31122003", "автоматическая винтовка образец № 47", "сделано в россии", "стандартный армейский карабин кал. 7,62 х 39 мм" on magazines and "стандартный советский карабин". There are scratches and noticeable lack of shine for gun's more metallic parts on default weapon's finish. Wooden furnishings seems to be old, due to their more pale and aged look in comparison to more modern finishes of the gun. KS-47 has version with a collapsible stock, which in comics is seen as ''KSF-47''. The ''original'' collapsible stock itself has a custom extension matching for some of the other soviet rifles. It's design resembles a usual stock port for airsoft AR carbines, but with holes on sides, which are used to fit stocks like KSF-47's one. There is few other stocks, handguard and grips avialable from other KS family rifles. There are also attachments allowing to make KS-47 more compact, making gun custom-made PDW good enough for self-defense. KS platform also has a dedicated grenade launcher (which deserves it's own page ;) and will probably come here later), although it has few version using rails as main mounting point.
3. Overview
KS-47's main powers is raw damage and cheap cost, main minuses would be smaller ammo count in extended magazines and really big accuracy. Slow firerate and recoil are lower than most automatic rifles, but they are fairly easy to get a hang of. Most attachments are fairly cheap in comparison to nearly all rifles in a arsenal. 20 rounded magazines, altough smaller in capacity, has a bit quicker reload time and it is a more or less default capacity for diffrent types of ammo. Unlike most carbines, KS-47's grenade launcher can be attached without any mounting rails and it can help more with any bigger threats or during a escape. There is also a scope, that has a special mounting point on the gun's left side. It's zoom allows for better monitoring of enemies and allows for more precise shots. KS series has some of the cheapest ammo avialable to purchase, so feel free to open fire at targets when approaching or pinning them down with it.
4. Behind the scenes
KS-47 is based off AK-47, a famous and most recognized assault rifle in the world. Some thing it is a one of the first assault rifles (after STG-44), but carbines like Fedorov Avtomat or Cei-Rigotti existed before. The description mentions gun outliving Stalin, communism and Soviet Union. This refers to AK carbines and it's copies still being used or produced in some parts of the world. There is few versions, which can be made via customization or can be seen:
-KS-M parts are based on AKM, it's parts description mentions parts being sometimes labeled as ''KS-48'', which comes from how in some games there is 'AK-48', which tends to look like AKM.
-several parts are based off foreign AK derivatives outside of Russia. Some stock options look like those of Chinese Type 56-2, Egyptian Maadi AK copies and both German MPi-k\Romanian PA md. 86 stocks, few options of special pistol grips are inspired by Hungarian AMD rifles (synthetic furniture) and Romanian PA md. 63 (wooden furniture), several furnishing options resemble VPO rifles (Russian copies of AK for more civilian use) and Tac-X magazines look like some more modern custom AK magazines.
-Goat's Sword is a custom shortened KS-47 used by cartel member Cesar ''Bandito'' Pascal. It seems to be based off Liberace's AK image found on IMFDB, where most gun images used for sketch and concept art seem to be from. Name also comes from a term used in some latin countries for AK-47, Goat's Horn and Bandito being a descendant from pirates around Central America.
-The Bolshevik is a custom KS-47 extremely shortened and customized for one handed use. Name comes from soviet stars being engraved into grips and more red metal and wood being used as red colored finish. It's name references ''The Patriot'' from Metal Gear Solid 3, where it was a custom AR based off multipe M16 rifles. The Bolshevik mimics The Patriot, but it is instead based on multiple AK rifles. Both guns also have a copy to be dual-wielded with and tend to be seen with a drum mag.
-Djinn's Demise is a gun used by one of Svoboda retirement house residents known as "Afgan". Although it looks like extremely customized AK, it's actually based off a mysterious custom rifle known as AKMSU, which is speculated to have been created in infamous Khyber Pass from various pieces of AK-like rifles put together. Main diffrence being various decorations, trinket around a front sight, diffrent stock design and threaded barrel. There is a familiar weapon called ''The Curiousity'', which is much closer in resemblance to AKMSU. "Djinn's Demise" comes from Djinn, a type of a monster from arabic beliefs and name makes reference to AK being powerful enough to kill even mythical beings.
-Artyom of Aurora is a carbine based off salvaged KS-47 used by russian mob member Marko ''Marx'' Karlov. Artyom of Aurora has upper parts of gas cylinder explosed, upper cover is missing and stock is fixed with duct tape, wire and bits of rags. Overall design makes the special kit look like post-apocalyptic or improvised weapon. Name alludes to Metro: Exodus, with Artyom being russian name for main character of Metro books and Aurora being a train used as a hub and main base throughout Metro: Exodus. There is even a small set of stickers around trigger area, which depicts a train and few wagons to make further reference to the game.
-The Heaven's Piercer is a modified KS-47 made from parts collected from various battlefields. They look sci-fi like and have a white-grey-blue paint scheme and on some versions golden details can be seen. They tend to be fit with grenade launchers and muzzle brakes. Some have no grenade launchers, but have optics and laser sights instead. Some rare versions have both vertical and angular grips. Overall look of the weapon seems to be inspired by airsoft rifle White Storm NGRS by Tokyo Marui (which notably appears in Kamen Rider TV show), but with diffrent paint scheme. The name and coloring seems to make reference to Ultrakill. Name comes from band Heaven Pierce Her, that helped with soundtrack for Ultrakill, while coloring is reminiscent of V1. Description calls it "A weapon made for the final war and to keep new peace... At least in the clouds." This refers to Ultrakill further with references to events of Ultrakill, The Final War and New Peace. Markings suggest, that Heaven's Piercer was rechambered for .223 rather than 7.62 x 39 like original KS rifle.
-One of serraphim's rifle, ''The Firing Stick'' is another completely custom KS variant. Colors are of blue and yellow, with scythe and rake emblem on the stock. Whole rifle was modified to a extent, that it looks morel ike a ray-gun or futuristic carbine rather than normal rifle. Interestingly, when Gregory is seen using it, there is no iron sights. It can be explained by more CQC nature of the rifle. Gun has some smaller ukrainian motives all over the main body. The gun's name comes from term "Fire Stick", which sometimes gun community uses as a joke term for firearms seen from perspective for primitive or unknowing persons (usually to poke fun at fans of older warfare equipment, funnily enough in lore there were attempts at mixing both medieval or ancient weapons with firearms). Design of the weapon seems to be based off Arcturus CT02 Centaur. It's later revealed, that this serraphim was a ukrainian farmer, that died in Afghaistan protecting his squad and he got to take his rifle with him and it got various enhancements and upgrades with years.
There are markings on custom synthetic furnishings which read "《老友記》是一部堅持不懈的紀錄片。故事發生在香港這個城市。主演:錢德勒、羅斯、菲比、瑞秋、莫妮卡和其他他媽的演員". This is a running joke in a community of a youtuber known as Podel, whose overall world writer is a great fan of.
"A gun so simple, that even a kid can use it" is both reference to YouTuber 'Ahoy' and his video on AK-47, and it refers it's use by child soldiers and in school shootings.
"A brutal weapon for uncivilized age" is a quote mocking "A elegant weapon for civilized age" quote used in Star Wars used when lightsabre was described.
Some custom versions used by hostiles look like AK-47's from original Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare series, down to names being "Kamarov Modern Furnishing" which refers to one of characters from original Modern Warfare trilogy.
KS-47 shows how diffrently both James and Jeremiah reload their guns. James throws empty magazine, loads magazine noticeably more casually and racks the charging handle with his right hand (this method is how most eastern european and overall AK users reload). Jeremiah uses new mag to dump out the old one and racks underhandly charging handle agressively with his left hand, this method became more popular in more tactically-heavier games for quicker and more cooler reloading animation.
KS-like weapons are one of more common weapons seen in comics. This comes from their easier drawing and how nearly everywhere AK or AK-based weapons can be found.
Author used his spring-powered airsoft AK-like toy for a reference to KS rifle reloads.
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