#Sigrid the Haughty
Monarch #8
These were getting wordy, so I'm going to try keep them short and pithy. I encourage you to look them up if you want to know more, and why wouldn't you? ;)
Who: Sweyn Forkbeard Also Known As: Sveinn Haraldsson tjúguskegg (Old Norse), Svend Tveskæg (Danish), Who He's Not: Forkbeard (phycis phycis) Where: England, Denmark (986-1014), Norway (999/1000 - 1013/14) Succeeded: Æthelred the Unready (and was also succeeded by Æthelred the Unready) Reigned: 1013-1014 Born: 17th April, 963, Denmark, the son of Knut Danaást or Harald Bluetooth and Tove or Gunhild. Died: 3rd February, 1014 Buried: Roskilde Cathedral (Denmark) or Lund Cathedral (Sweden) Consorts/Children: First married Świętosława and also possibly Sigrid the Haughty (complicated and possibly mythical), and between them (or not) was (were?) the mother(s) of Harald, who became king of Denmark, Cnut, who became king of England, Estrid, Gytha, Gunnhild, Santslaue, and Thyra.
Sweyn Facts! He revolted against his father and seized the throne of Denmark!
Joined forces with the king of Sweden against Norway, and they divided the kingdom between them!
Allegedly in response to the St. Brice's Day Massacre, where supposedly his sister Gunhilde was killed, Sweyn invaded England. He ruled a year or so before dying. His eldest son succeeded him as king of Denmark, and the Danelaw proclaimed Cnut as king of England. The English sent for Aethelred, and drove Cnut out. He came back in 1016.
It's hard to have any more King Sweyn of England facts because he lasted such a short time.
Wife Facts! A Polish princess, the daughter of Mieszko I, Świętosława is a presumed name, based on the fact that a sister of Cnut had the name. She may have been a combination of two wives of Sweyn - Gunhild (the Polish princess, Cnut's mother) and Sigrid the Haughty, the mother of Sweyn's daughter, Estrid. Whatever her name, or whether she is one or two women, this wife (wives) is (are) the mother(s) of Harald II of Denmark, Cnut of England, and Estrid.
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little-history-freak · 8 months
Sygryda Storråda known also as Świętosława
born between 960-972
daughter of Mieszko I of Poland and Doubravka Přemyslovna
Polish Princess, sister of King Bolesław I the Brave
Queen of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and England
Mother of Cnut the Great and Harald the II
Wife of Eric the Victorious and Sweyn Forkbeard
Between 980 and 984, her father married her to Eric the Victorious, king of Sweden. Most likely, it was a political marriage, aimed against Denmark, which was supposed to enable Mieszko to strengthen his power in Western Pomerania. The only known children from this marriage were Olof Skötkonung, later king of Sweden, and Holmfryd Eriksdotter. Sygrid was widowed around 995. Olaf was already in full power at that time. After exchanging messages, Olaf proposed marriage, to which Sigrid agreed. In remembrance of this, Olaf sent her a large gold ring, which he took as a reward, but Sigrid's goldsmiths discovered that it was only gold-plated brass, making Sigrid question his truthfulness. Then, when Olaf and Sigrid met in person, he insisted that in order to marry, she must convert to Christianity. Olav Tryggvason became so angry that he hit her in the face and said that he had no use for a pagan b’tch. After this injustice, Sigrid Storråda became the fierce enemy of Olaf Tryggvason. She married King Sven Tveskägg of Denmark and invited him and his son Olof Skötkonung, now King of Sweden, to wage war against Olav Tryggvason. This marriage took place around 996. At least five children were born from this union, including two subsequent Danish kings: Harald II Svensson and Cnut II the Great, and daughters: Estryda and Świętosława. When Sweyn exiled his wife around 1002, she took refuge with her brother, Bolesław the Brave, in Poland. After the death of the Danish King Sweyn, their sons Harald and Cnut came to Poland, asking their mother to return to Denmark. The last certain fact in her life is her return to Denmark. Cnut conquered England in 1016. Probably his mother accompanied him during his reign in England, because sources indicate that she was still alive in 1016. The place and date of her death are unknown. 
Queen Sigrid the Haughty sat proud and aloft
In her chamber, that looked over meadow and croft.
    Heart's dearest,
    Why dost thou sorrow so? 
The floor with tassels of fir was besprent,
Filling the room with their fragrant scent. 
She heard the birds sing, she saw the sun shine,
The air of summer was sweeter than wine. 
Like a sword without scabbard the bright river lay
Between her own kingdom and Norroway. 
But Olaf the King had sued for her hand,
The sword would be sheathed, the river be spanned. 
Her maidens were seated around her knee,
Working bright figures in tapestry. 
And one was singing the ancient rune
Of Brynhilda's love and the wrath of Gudrun. 
And through it, and round it, and over it all
Sounded incessant the waterfall. 
The Queen in her hand held a ring of gold,
From the door of Ladé's Temple old. 
King Olaf had sent her this wedding gift,
But her thoughts as arrows were keen and swift. 
She had given the ring to her goldsmiths twain,
Who smiled, as they handed it back again. 
And Sigrid the Queen, in her haughty way,
Said, "Why do you smile, my goldsmiths, say?" 
And they answered: "O Queen! if the truth must be told,
The ring is of copper, and not of gold!" 
The lightning flashed o'er her forehead and cheek,
She only murmured, she did not speak: 
"If in his gifts he can faithless be,
There will be no gold in his love to me." 
A footstep was heard on the outer stair,
And in strode King Olaf with royal air. 
He kissed the Queen's hand, and he whispered of love,
And swore to be true as the stars are above. 
But she smiled with contempt as she answered: "O King,
Will you swear it, as Odin once swore, on the ring?" 
And the King: "O speak not of Odin to me,
The wife of King Olaf a Christian must be." 
Looking straight at the King, with her level brows,
She said, "I keep true to my faith and my vows." 
Then the face of King Olaf was darkened with gloom,
He rose in his anger and strode through the room. 
"Why, then, should I care to have thee?" he said,--
"A faded old woman, a heathenish jade! 
His zeal was stronger than fear or love,
And he struck the Queen in the face with his glove. 
Then forth from the chamber in anger he fled,
And the wooden stairway shook with his tread. 
Queen Sigrid the Haughty said under her breath,
"This insult, King Olaf, shall be thy death!"
    Heart's dearest,
    Why dost thou sorrow so? 
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Now the Queen of Sweden, whom men called the Haughty, was at that time living at one or other of her manors, and betwixt King Olaf and her fared there that winter emissaries who sought her hand in the name of the King. ¤ Queen Sigrid received the offer in a friendly spirit, and in due time was their troth plighted. ¤ King Olaf sent Queen Sigrid the great ring of gold which he had taken from off the door of the temple at Ladir, and it was deemed a most noble gift. ¤ Now touching the matter of this marriage a meeting was to take place the following spring by the Gota river, on the marches of the country. ¤ While this ring which King Olaf had sent to Queen Sigrid was being praised so exceedingly were the Queen’s smiths, brothers, with her; & it befell that they took the ring, and weighed it in their hands, & then spake a word together privily. At this the Queen summoned them to her, and asked of them why made they such mock of the ring, but they denied that they were doing such a thing. ¤ Then said she that she insisted upon knowing what it was they had discovered; & thereupon they told her that there was falsehood in the ring. Then did the Queen let the ring be broken asunder, and copper was found to be inside it. ¤ Thereon was the Queen wroth, and said that Olaf might play her false in more things than this one.
That same winter went King Olaf up into Ringariki and introduced Christianity there. Now it had befallen that Asta, the daughter of Gudbrand, was speedily wedded after the death of Harald the Grenlander to a man named Sigurd Sow,§ who was King of Ringariki. Sigurd was the son of Sigurd o’ the Copse who again was son to Harald Fair-hair. Dwelling with Asta at that time was Olaf her son by Harald the Grenlander, for he was being reared at the house of his step-father Sigurd Sow. When King Olaf Tryggvason went to Ringariki to introduce Christianity, Sigurd let himself be christened together with Asta his wife, & Olaf her son,§ & for the latter stood Olaf Tryggvason sponsor; the babe was at that time three winters old. ¤ King Olaf then fared southward again to Vik, and abode there the winter, & this was the third winter that he was King of Norway.
Early in the spring fared King Olaf eastward to Konungahella (the King’s rock) to the tryst with Queen Sigrid, and when they were met, talked they one with the other over the matter which had been set afoot in the winter, to wit, that they should wed one another. ¤ Right hopeful did the matter seem to them, until King Olaf spake & said that Sigrid must accept christening and the true Faith. ¤ Then did the Queen make answer: ‘Depart from the faith that I have held aforetime, and which my kindred held before me will I never: yet will I not account it against thee shouldst thou believe on whatsoever god may seem best to thy mind.’ Then Olaf waxed exceedingly wroth and made answer hastily: ‘Heathen as a dog art thou—why should I wed thee?’ and smote her in the face with the glove he was holding in his hand. ¤ Then stood he up on his feet & she arose likewise, and Sigrid said, ‘This might be thy undoing.’ Thereafter were they parted, the King going northward to Vik, and the Queen east to Sweden.
 As hath been related ere this, King Svein Two-beard had wedded Sigrid the Haughty, & Sigrid was King Olaf’s greatest foe, the reason therefor being how King Olaf had broken his troth with her, as has been afore set in fair script, and how he had smote her on the face. ¤ Sigrid incited King Svein to do battle with King Olaf Tryggvason, saying pretext enough was it that he had wedded the own sister to Svein, she Tyri, without his leave: ‘And never would thy forefathers have suffered such a thing.’ Such words as these had Queen Sigrid ever on her lips, and so far went she with her persuasions that King Svein was full willing to do battle with Olaf. So early in spring-tide sent King Svein men east to Sweden, to Olaf the Swedish King, he that was his step-son, & to Earl Eirik, to tell them that Olaf King of Norway had his fleet abroad, and thought of faring to Wendland come summer; another message took they likewise, namely that the Swedish King and the Earl should call out their hosts and go to meet King Svein, and that then altogether they should get their battle over against King Olaf. Now the King of Sweden and Eirik the Earl were ready and eager for this venture, so mustered they a large fleet in Sweden, and with the ships thereof went south to Denmark and came thither at the time when King Olaf had already sailed east. Of this speaketh Halldor in the song he made about Earl Eirik:
an extract from “The saga of Olaf Tryggvasson
The only illustration of her had been the one of her rejecting Olaf Tryggvasson’s proposal of marriage:
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I’m going to post pics of her mother father and brother as well because that may help imagine how she may have looked better.
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From left to right Mieszko I of Poland, Doubravka Přemyslovna, Bolesław I the Brave
See you next time.
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drachonia · 16 days
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𝐡 𝐨 𝐰 𝐥 .
Nika Schwartz x OC (Sigrid) 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: popped on florence + the machine while editing this one before posting. hope y'all like this one, it was a joint idea when i was talking with friends about some ideas and the thought of "needy ikevil boys" came up along with...I think a twitter post that said something like "asking for the 'magic words' and they say 'i love you.'" Needless to say, Nika instantly came to mind.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: established relationship, oc insert, pwp because these two are cute and i love them, descriptive smut.
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It had been a long few months since Nika had seen Sigrid, and having her back in his arms as she all but ran up to the dock to meet him was something that melted that ice in his veins as he twirled her in his arms, light as a feather, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. It felt like an eternity before he pulled back slightly.
“I missed you so much.” She murmured sweetly against his ear, the two only separating when the ship’s horn sounded, signaling the boarding for the vessel once more bound to Germany
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Mid-voyage on the vessel wasn't very eventful in the coming weeks at sea, but the events within the room the two shared was...quite lively in contrast.
“Mmf…Sig…!” Nika moaned, his head tilted back as he pressed the edges of the pillow to his temples to try and calm himself while his partner straddled his hips, curves gently bouncing on him. The softness of her skin reminded him of a creamy gelatin as he reached up toward her, groaning when she smirked down at him and leaned away from his touch.
“What do we say when we want something really badly, darling?” The woman coaxed out of him, making him whine as she lifted her folds all the way up to his tip only to sink all the way back down, his breath quickening.
“Sigrid, please I’m begging…!”
“What’s the magic words when you want something, Nika?” She purred sweetly.
“I-I love you so much, Sigrid…!” He moaned out, chest heaving in quick succession before clapping a hand over his mouth as it sunk in what he did, his blue eyes wide in a mix of shock and embarrassment that almost made him feel like he was in Ring’s shoes for once.
The smirk that lifted on her lips made an involuntary shiver go through him as she plopped herself down on his hips, humming.
“Seems like you missed me more than I thought, hm? Let me make that up to you, my darling.” She hummed as her hips lifted and lowered in a steady rhythm over his, Vogel’s shield all but reduced to putty under her as he gasped and cursed, clinging desperately to her hips to try and ground himself a bit.
Giving her a proper professing of love was something he wouldn’t have imagined doing not so long ago, but now, with the way his heart flooded in warmth watching Sigrid indulge him with a soft smile on her lips as her eyes fluttered closed, he couldn’t help but feel his heart continue to melt.
“I love you.” The words escaped him again as he scratched lightly at the skin of her back while she moved her hips, smiling and capturing his lips with hers, “Mn, I love you.” Nika whimpered against her mouth, hungrily kissing her and tugging her hips close as possible to his each time she lowered onto him.
“Je t’aime aussi, mon trésor.” She kissed down his neck, feeling his needy moans vibrate against her lips through his throat, “You do so well when I tease you. Go ahead, take your time.” She hummed, smiling as he rolled them over, hovering over her and taking her in, watching the faint glimmer of sweat from how hard she worked to bounce on him. His eyes almost glowed as each movement of her folds sinking around him threatened to make his haughty front break into a million pieces. Well, not that it mattered today. Sig had made sure by now to thoroughly tease the fight right out of Nika, the only thing left of him was his desire to please and be pleased.
“I want more…Please.”
“Go on, then.” She hummed, kissing his ear as he whined against her neck, starting to rut his hips into her more.
Nika felt the way she lightly throbbed around him, gasping and moaning as he looked up with his chin resting between her breasts to meet her eyes, tucking back her fringe to see both gold and aqua hues with ease as he set a lazy but eager pace with his hips, “Ah..!” His breathing came out in low gasps, her body squeezing him tighter the more he worked his hips into her, velvety walls dragging over him with each thrust.
“F-Fuck…!” Nika cursed, brows and nose scrunching up as he started to angle his hips deeper, earning a much-desired yelp or two from Sigrid. The surprise in her voice soothing the aching in his chest, if only slightly. His thumbs dug into her hips until he was sure he would leave a mark, “Sigrid!” He whined, angling deeper into her as he drove his hips home, making her gasp in pleasure each time, soothing him the slightest bit with gentle endearments. His strained calls and chants of her name shook his body each time he moved in her, hands grasping her pelvis firmly.
“Ni..ka…s-slow down, I can’t keep up! Ugh..!” She gasped, cheeks flushed deeply as she clawed at his shoulders and back, “C-Can’t ..! Cl..ose…!” A mix of her words and the building sensation in the pit of his stomach pitched him over the edge as he gave a few more deep thrusts, feeling the tip of his length hit that sweet spot inside her that squished against him delightfully and made his eyes roll back as he came inside. Nika ducked his head to kiss her as he moved a few more times, much more gentle as his lover’s orgasm shook her body, crying his name as her plump thighs squeezed against his sides.
“I’m going…to fucking…put you on a leash…if you…keep this up.” Sig struggled to catch her breath, his arms gently drew her up to sit with him once he pulled out, his own chest heaving in excitement. Even to her, he looked like the happiest man in the world right now as he nuzzled into her chest.
Once she caught her breath, she glanced down at where the elder Schwartz’s cheek rested on her chest. His eyes had slipped closed, but flickered open when they felt her gaze. He reached up and brushed her hair from her cheek so he could see both eyes, shimmering gently in all their gold and aquamarine glory.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She hummed, gently combing through his wavy tresses.
“I like when you let me take over after you’ve teased me. It’s exciting.”
“That only tells me so much. You of all people shouldn’t be mincing words, darling.”
“I like when I can squeeze you, hold you down and make you mine until you’re gasping for breath and begging me to relax.” His cheeks were stained the faintest color of flush, wanting to hide in her chest.
“That sounds wonderful. Especially when I know you’ve been missing me.” She teased lightly, watching him pout his bottom lip as he straightened up in her arms, looking down at her with furrowed brows. He nearly protested before she put a thumb on his bottom lip, a gentle laugh leaving her, “Of course, I only know you missed me, because I know I missed you. And I’m happy to be coming with you.” She admitted, her cheeks the faintest shade of red as well. Blue eyes shimmered happily as Nika nuzzled his cheek against hers, “I’m not letting you out of my sight again, mein rotkehlchen. Never again.” He practically growled into her skin, the black swan and the prince clinging tightly to one another as the glow of the moon bounced off their bodies through the small window of their ship’s cabin, joined as one body.
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lace headers by saradika.
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offwilds · 1 year
❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜ - leila
The two of them have been soaking in the pool of the bathhouse for the better part of the morn, perspiring in the steam and gossiping about the latest news brought to the Lodge by means of spies they both of them employ and keep in their trust, the entire time. It is a rather exceptionally dull, uneventful day, for a change, and the sorceress allows herself a moment of something akin (but not yet quiet) to relief and peace away from the darkness that has been plaguing her like a fever that never abates; she lets herself enjoy the lavender-perfumed waters, the heat of it staining her cheeks a deep, scarlet shade, shutting her eyes and lapsing into quiet for such a long time, she almost dozes off (she has not slept for more than an hour or two since Sigrid's death now, to be fair) when Leila speaks again, the soft, whispered tones of her voice commanding her attention. Nereinne pries violet, shimmering eyes open and gazes quietly at her through the dark thicket of her lashes, feeling her heart stumble at the question. She remains quiet for long, tense moments, and then, she is sighing softly as she delicately hauls herself out of the pool and sits on the edge, wringing her raven-black hair out and splashing her feet in the water idly. She does not dare to neither speak of a past long gone and buried somewhere so far inside of the depths of her mind she can never truly reach it out, nor summon forth memories that have haunted her every step since the day she thought she had killed him on that mountain. And yet: "yes, Leila...I have..." she affirms with a sharp exhale, staring at her hands as she rustles the silks of the shawl she draws around her small shoulders. Visibly battling with whatever storm of emotions her question has summoned forth, the sorceress gives a small, sharp smile over at the other mage and reaches for the collection of oils and perfumes strewn atop a marble table set near the pool. She drips lilac and rosemary perfumed oils into the waters, pretending that the host of memories that have assailed her have little effect on her; instead, she returns the question in her usual cold, haughty voice. "You have, too, I surmise... Someone you loved..." she concludes, her expression void of its usual aloof detachment; softer now, somber. If anything, she understands what it means to have something you furiously love ripped away from you; and that... that is something she would never deign mock; not even her, ravishing, cruel daughter of Chaos full of menace, forever hungered for power. There are just some things one can never touch; and loss and death of someone you once loved, is the epitome of sanctitude to her; of fierce, undying devotion. She would never deign jest about this; not after everything she's had to endure for it.
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thetudorslovers · 3 years
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♚Medieval queens of England♚
-pt. II-
"As the wives, mothers, and daughters of kings, medieval queens acquired their status in one of two ways, either through marriage or, less commonly, through inheritance. The experience of being a queen, in particular as partner to the king, the development of the office of the queen, and the role of queen regent evolved over time with medieval monarchy, and queenship varied across regions as different legal codes and customs informed female inheritance. Women who became queens through marriage often shared the experience of straddling two cultures and two families (natal and marital), and, thus, they were alien outsiders who simultaneously had the greatest access to the center of power, the king. Often women who became queens were not native to the territory with which they became associated and, thus, the names by which they are known, for example, Blanche of Castile, may be misleading: Blanche, who was from Castile, was queen of France through marriage. Queens thus served as intercessors, patrons, and cultural innovators as well as operated as great lords, as rulers, and often, but not always, as mothers. The historiography of medieval queenship is equally varied, beginning with positivist-inspired biographies of the 19th century and subsequently influenced by developments in social history during the 1960s and 1970s and by interdisciplinary and feminist approaches in recent decades. Currently, scholarship simultaneously seeks to recover the histories of individual queens, to understand the specifics of the queen’s office within the institution of the monarchy, and to understand how gender operated at the highest levels of political, cultural, and economic power in the Middle Ages."
Source: oxfordbibliographies.com
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 years
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Fabled Feminists part four cause I accidentally forgot a few. O__O Last batch is Sarraounia, Isabella of France, Sigrid the Haughty, Boudica, Takeko Nakano, Grace O’Malley, and Charlotte Badger.
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bad-research · 4 years
Sigrid the Haughty
Please allow me to introduce you to Sigrid the Haughty. Sigrid may or may not have lived from around 927 CE to 1014 CE. I say she may have lived during this time because she is so daggum awesome some historians think she may be a legend. I, however, choose to believe this woman really did grace the Earth with her presence. 
Sigrid first married Eric the Victorious, King of Sweden, and with him popped out a few kiddos. One of those kiddos was Olaf, the next King of Sweden.Things were going pretty well for our girl Sigrid until Eric went and died. This was very rude of him, but Sigrid got a lot of money and still got to hang out with the King of Sweden so it was pretty OK until everybody kept trying to marry her. 
Her first suitor was Harald. Sigrid was raised with Herald, so he thought he had a pretty good chance with her. Unfortunately for him, Sigrid disagreed. When Harald made it clear to Sigrid that he only wanted to marry her for her money, she invited him to a feast, got him drunk, and burned down the hall. Literally. With actual fire. 
Next came King Olaf. Not her son, but another King Olaf. This one was King of Norway... lets call him Nolaf to keep it clear. Well Nolaf was the literal worst. First, he sent our girl a fake gold ring that was actually copper. This was suuuuuuper not OK with Sig. Then, Nolaf told Sig he would only marry her if she converted to Christianity. When she told him that she preferred to follow the religion of her ancestors, but he could practice whatever religion he wanted, this fucker slapped our girl with his glove. 
Now, since they not in a place that Sigrid could burn down around him, instead they just parted ways. However, unlike other queens in the area, Sigrid did not Let it Go. Sigrid went on to marry Danish King Svein Forkbeard. She then convinced him that Nolaf slept with his sister and he should go to war with Nolaf. Svein knew that his wife was always right, so he wrote to Olaf (the one thats Sigrid’s son) and together Danish and Swedish forces went against Nolaf and killed him dead. 
Then Sigrid and Svein moved to England, did some conquering, and left their son to become King Cnut the Great. Arguably, he got his greatness from his mother.
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paganimagevault · 3 years
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Sigrid the Haughty - Unknown Date/Artist
"Her hand was next sought by Olaf Tryggvasson, the king of Norway, but he would have required that she convert to Christianity. She told him to his face, "I will not part from the faith which my forefathers have kept before me". In a rage, Olaf struck her with a glove, and Sigrid calmly told him, "This may some day be thy death". Sigrid then proceeded to create a coalition of his enemies to bring about his downfall. She allied Sweden with Denmark, marrying the widower Sweyn Forkbeard who had already been feuding with Olaf. Sweyn had sent his sister Tyri to marry the Wendish king Burislav, who had been the father of Sweyn's first wife, Gunhild. Tyri fled and married Olaf, goading him into conflict with her brother, while Sigrid inflamed Sweyn against her former suitor. This shared animosity would lead to the Battle of Swold, in which Olaf fell."
-taken from Wikipedia, Source: Heimskringla Ch. 68, 108, 122
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Sweyn Forkbeard Old Norse: Sveinn Haraldsson tjúguskegg; Danish: Svend Tveskæg . king of Denmark from 986 to 1014. . King of Norway: 986–995 & 1000–1014. . King of the English: 1013–1014 . Born: c. 960, Denmark Parents: Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson (Old Norse: Haraldr Gormsson; Danish: Harald Blåtand Gormsen, died c. 985/86),king of Denmark & Norway.by either Gunhild or Tove. . House of: Denmark . Marriages & children; . The sources about the wife or wives of Sweyn are contradictory, but the two names we have are; . (1.) Sigrid the Haughty (2.) Gunhild of Wenden . Children from these marriages are; . Harald II of Denmark (c. 996–998 − c. 1018) Cnut the Great Estrid Svendsdatter (990/997 – 1057/1073) Gytha Gunnhild Santslaue Thyra . Died: 3 February 1014 (aged 53-54), Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England Burial: Roskilde Cathedral or St. Trinity in Lund. . Successor: As king of Denmark: Harald II of Denmark (eldest son) King of Norway: Olaf II of Norway King of England: Æthelred the Unready. . . . #kingsandqueensofgreatbritain #kingsandqueens #Monarchy #RoyalHistory #Royalty #Royals #Portraitpainting #historyinpictures #Britishhistory #BritishMonarchy #Monarch #EnglishHistory #EnglishMonarchy #Medievalhistory #Danes #Medievaltimes #HistoryFacts #medieval #MedievalEngland #Anglosaxons #Anglosaxon #kingoftheEnglish #Sweyn #SweynForkbeard #Vikings #KingofDenmark #Kingofnorway (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRowEolM0mm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hereticalheraldry · 4 years
A list of royal consorts of England/Great Britain
Ealhswith Ecgwynn Ælfflæd Eadgifu Ælfgifu Æthelflæd Ælfgifu Æthelflæd Ælfthryth Ælfgifu Emma Gunhild Sigrid the Haughty Edith Ælfgifu Emma (her second marriage to a King of England) Ælfgifu Edith Edith Ealdgyth Matilda Matilda Adeliza Matilda Geoffrey  Eleanor Berengaria Isabella Blanche Eleanor Margaret Isabella Philippa Anne Isabella Joanna Catherine Margaret Elizabeth Anne Elizabeth Catherine Anne Jane Anne Catherine Catherine Guildford  Philip  Anne Henrietta Maria Elizabeth (consort of Oliver Cromwell) Dorothy (consort of Richard Cromwell) Catherine Mary Mary/William (co-rulers) George  Sophia Caroline Charlotte Maria (unofficial) Caroline Adelaide Albert Alexandra Mary Elizabeth Philip
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canuterex · 5 years
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“There is much uncertainty about the birth and early life of Sweyn's son, Cnut. For one thing, it is not clear when exactly he was born. Dates of around 985 or 995 have been suggested- a wide range indeed, though support now tends to gravitate towards the later date.
The court poet Ottar the Black says of Cnut that he was strikingly young when he became a conqueror, which would support a birth year of 995. Neither it is agreed by all chroniclers who his mother was, though most accounts sugest that she was Gundhild, daughter of Boleslaw, King of Wendland (the land of the Wends, a Savic people who lived on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea); this is certainly the case according to Snorri Sturluson, the later great saga-writer from Iceland.
A probable point of origin for his mother in the region of modern Poland is suggested by a rather garbled later entry in the records of the New Minster in Winchester. It mentions an otherwise unknown sister of Cnut with the unusual name 'Santslaue'. It has been plausibly suggested that the nearest possible equivalent to this is 'Swietoslawa',  which is a Polish name. This is a reminder that Cnut had a good deal of Slavic blood in his family tree.
Gundhild had been married before to Erik the Victorious, King of Sweden, the man whom Adam credits for depriving Sweyn of Denmark. She would later be rejected by Sweyn, after giving him three children, a not uncommon process in the period, particularly amongst Germanic peoples and one that Cnut himself emulated.
For a time, she went into exile into the kingdom of the Slavs in the region of modern Poland before being recalled after Sweyn's death (this is one account, but Snorri Sturluson suggests that Gundhild died and Sweyn remarried Sigrid the Haughty soon after).
[Batlett, 2017: 51]
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kiseopingu · 5 years
HOLY HELL @madamesehun I forgot I had RP characters as well lmao my poor babies. SO like the dumbass I am I’m gonna re-reply to some answers using the four of them.
But first, quick descriptions:
- Yul La’nfan is a mercenary, ex soldier in a war, from a fantasy inspired RP. She specializes in protecting animals transports, is a fierce warrior master of a lot of weapons, with a thirst for knowledge. She appears kinda cold at first and is pretty awkward at human interactions but she’s very good at her job. Basically a badass covered in tattoos.
- Neith is a slave, from a different country but same universe. She is very shy and anxious, but deeply grateful and loyal to her mistress and friend. She is the link that pulls together her close friend group, and tries to always appear upbeat and happy even though she’s STRESSED all the time lmao. She’s cute and A Baby.
- Percival Callaghan is a librarian specializing in history/mythology and with a passion for astronomy, on a spaceship in (technically) the same universe as the other two. He’s a bit haughty, or at least comes off as kind of arrogant bc he is shitty at people and would just rather avoid them. Also has some anger issues regarding his dad who used to beat him and his mother up. Loves to play with his hidden blade. Is a dumbass, probably.
- Sigrid is from a RP set in “The Mirror Visitor” (La Passe-Miroir) universe. She’s from the Pole, and from the Dragon family, which means the mentality of showing no weakness ever was beaten into her as a child, and now she’s convinced herself she’s a cold ass b*tch that doesn’t care about anything (she definitely does). She’s very guarded, but most of it melts away when she gets to do her work, aka being a gifted florist in a world where illusions of grandeur tend to run rampant. She fierce, she passionate, she a wreak as well.
4. Cuddle
I’d love to cuddle with Yul! She’d be very awkward about it but also like I’m sure she’d be an absolutely wonderful pillow and would end up melting in your arms so...
6. Dance with
I want Sigrid to take me on a waltz!!! We’d look so good together yeees
10. Pull an all nighter with
Percival! That man knows so many things, I could listen to him for hours!
11. Work with
Neith has a really good work ethic, so it would be pretty relaxing (for me, not for her, poor thing)
25. Spar with
Obviously, Yul would be an amazing person to spar with!!! She knows a lot about SO MANY WEAPONS, and actually loves to teach fighting so that’d be amazing
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January 3, 4. Quadrantids Meteor Shower ☄ 6. New Moon - 01:29 (1:29 am) ○ 6. Partial Solar Eclipse 01:42 (1:42 am) - Seen in North East Asia and North Pacific ☀ 6. Venus at Greatest Western Elongation - the planet Venus reaches its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky ♀ 9. Remembrance for Raud the Strong (Heathen martyr) - the Ásatrú’s Days of Remembrance 14. Þorrablót - Icelandic festival honoring Thor and the ancient Icelandic Winter Spirit of Thorri 20. Celtic Tree Month of Birch Moon ends 20. Aquarius ♒ 21. Full Moon - Cold Moon 05:17 (5:17 am) ● 21. Total Lunar Eclipse 05:13 (5:13 am) - Seen in the Pacific, Americas, Europe and Africa ◐ 21. Supermoon 22. Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter - the two bright planets will be visible in the early morning sky  ♀ ♃ 24. Festival of Sementivae 30. Begins Roman celebration of Februalia 31. Dísablót/Disting - Swedish tradition held in honour of the female deities from Norse Mythology February 2. Imbolc/ Candlemas 2. Lammas/Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere) 2. Groundhog’s Day 2. Ends Roman celebration of Februalia 4. New Moon - 21:04 (9:04 pm) ○ 9. Remembrance for Eyvindr Kinnrifione (Heathen martyr) - the Ásatrú’s Days of Remembrance 14. Feast of Váli, son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindr 14. Roman ancient festival of Lupercalia 17. Celtic Tree Month of Rowan Moon ends 18. Celtic Tree Month of Ash Moon begins 19. Full Moon - Quickening Moon 15:53 (3:53 pm) ● 19. Supermoon 19. Pisces ♓ 27. Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation - the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky ☿
March 1. Matronalia, the Festival of Women 6. New Moon - 16:05 (4:05 pm) ○ 9. Remembrance for Oliver the Martyr (Heathen martyr) - the Ásatrú’s Days of Remembrance 16. Mercury Retrograde ☿ 17. St. Patrick's Day 17. Celtic Tree Month of Ash Moon ends 18. Celtic Tree Month of Alder Moon begins 20. Spring Equinox/Ostara - 21:58 (9:58 pm) ❀ 20. Total Solar Eclipse (caused by Supermoon) 09:45 (9:45 am) - Seen totally in Greenland and Iceland. Seen partially in Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East and Northwestern Asia (more information about this eclipse here) ☀ 20. Mabon (Southern Hemisphere) 21. Full Moon - Storm Moon 01:43 (1:43 am) ● 21. Supermoon 21. Aries ♈ 26. Post-Mercury Retrograde ☿ 28. Remembrance for Ragnar Lothbrok (Viking hero and ruler) - the Ásatrú’s Days of Remembrance April 4. Total Lunar Eclipse 12:01 (12:01 pm) - Seen in Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, Americas ◐ 5. New Moon - 09:52 (9:52 am) ○ 9. Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Heathen martyr) - the Ásatrú’s Days of Remembrance 11. Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation - the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky ☿ 14. Celtic Tree Month of Alder Moon ends 15. Celtic Tree Month of Willow Moon begins 15. Sigrblót - first day of Summer in the Old Icelandic calendar - celebration in honor to the god Odin  19. Full Moon - Wind Moon 12:12 (12:12 pm) ● 20. Taurus ♉ 22. Earth Day 🜨 22. Yggdrasil Day 22, 23. Lyrids Meteor Shower ☄ 28. Begins Roman Celebration of Floralia for the Goddess Flora 30. Hexennacht - Germanic Witches celebrations honoring the arrival of Spring 30. Valborg - Swedish celebrations honoring the arrival of Spring May 1. Beltane 1. Samhain - The Witches' New Year (Southern Hemisphere) 1. May Day 3. Ends Roman Celebration of Floralia for the Goddess Flora 4. New Moon - 23:47 (11:47 pm) ○ 6, 7. Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower ☄ 9. Day of  Remembrance for Guðröðr of Guðbrandsdál (Heathen martyr) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 12. Celtic Tree Month of Willow Moon ends 13. Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn Moon begins 18. Full Moon - Flower Moon 22:11 (10:11 pm) ● 18. Blue Moon 20. Friggablót - celebration in honor to the goddess Frigga 21. Gemini ♊ June 3. New Moon - 11:02 (11:02 am) ○ 7. Begins Roman Celebration of Vestalia for the Goddess Vesta 9. Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn Moon ends 9. Day of Remembrance for Sigurd (Viking hero) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 10. Celtic Tree Month of Oak Moon begins 10. Jupiter at Opposition - the giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun ♃ 15. Ends Roman Celebration of Vestalia for the Goddess Vesta 17. Full Moon - Strong Sun Moon 09:31 (9:31 am) ● 21. Midsummer 21. Summer Solstice/Litha - 15:54 (3:54 pm) ☼ 21. Yule/Winter Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) 21. Day of the Green Man in Northern Europe 21. Cancer ♋ 23. Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation -the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky ☿ July 2. New Moon - 20:17 (8:17 pm) ○ 2. Total Solar Eclipse 19:24 (7:24 pm) - Seen in South Pacific and South America ☀ 7. Celtic Tree Month of Oak Moon ends 8. Celtic Tree Month of Holly Moon begins 9. Saturn at Opposition - the ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun ♄ 9. Mercury Retrograde ☿ 9. Day of  Remembrance for Unnr the Deep-Minded (Viking chieftain) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 16. Full Moon - Blessing Moon 22:39 (10:39 pm) ● 16. Partial Lunar Eclipse 21:31 (9:31 pm) - Seen in South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia ◐ 23. Leo ♌ 28, 29. Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower ☄ 30. Post-Mercury Retrograde ☿ August 1. Lammas/Lughnasadh 1. Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere) 1. New Moon 04:12 (4:12 am) ○ 4. Celtic Tree Month of Holly Moon ends 5. Celtic Tree Month of Hazel Moon begins 9. Day of Remembrance for Radbod, King of the Frisians (Viking hero) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 9. Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation - the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky ☿ 12, 13. Perseids Meteor Shower ☄ 13. Roman Festival of the Goddess Pomona 15. Full Moon - Corn Moon 13:31 (1:31 pm) ● 23. Roman Festival of Vulcanalia for the God Vulcan 23. Virgo ♍ 30. New Moon 11:38 (11:38 am) ○ September 1. Celtic Tree Month of Hazel Moon ends 2. Celtic Tree Month of Vine Moon begins 9. Neptune at Opposition - the blue giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun ♆ 9. Day of Remembrance for Herman the Cheruscan (Viking hero) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 13. Solar Eclipse 06:55 (6:55 am) - Seen partially in South Africa, Southern India and Antarctica ☀ 13. Friday the 13th ⛤ 14. Full Moon - Harvest Moon 05:35 (5:35 am) ● 21. International Day of Peace ☮ 23. Fall Equinox/Mabon - 07:50 (7:50 am) ☂ 23. Haustablót - Germanic Fall Equinox 23. Ostara (Southern Hemisphere) 23. Libra ♎ 28. New Moon - 19:27 (7:27 pm) ○ 28. Total Lunar Eclipse 02:48 (2:48 am) - Seen in Eastern Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa, Western Asia ◐ 29. Celtic Tree Month of Vine Moon ends 30. Celtic Tree Month of Ivy Moon begins October 3. Roman Festival of the God Bacchus 8. Draconids Meteor Shower ☄ 9. Day of Remembrance for Leif Ericson (Viking hero who allegedly discovered North America 500 years before Columbus) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 13. Full Moon - Blood Moon 22:10 (10:10 pm) ● 14. Vetrablót - first day of Winter in the Old Icelandic calendar - celebration in honor to the goddess Freya 20. Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation - the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky ☿ 21, 22. Orionids Meteor Shower 23. Scorpio ♏ 27. Celtic Tree Month of Ivy Moon ends 27. Uranus at Opposition - the blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun ♅ 28. Celtic Tree Month of Reed Moon begins 28. New Moon - 03:40 (3:40 am) ○ 28. Day of Remembrance for Erik the Red (Viking explorer and the founder of the first settlement in Greenland) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 31. Samhain - The Witches' New Year ☽O☾ 31. Beltane (Southern Hemisphere) 31. Halloween † 31. Celtic Feast of the Dead † 31. Begins Day of the Dead Celebrations † 31. Vetrnætr - Norse Winter festival November 1. All Hallow's day † 1. Day of Banshees in Ireland 1. The Rite of Hel in Scandinavian countries 1. Mercury Retrograde ☿ 2. Ends Day of the Dead Celebrations 5, 6. Taurids Meteor Shower ☄ 9. Day of Remembrance for Sigrid the Haughty (Viking hero, Queen of Sweden) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 11. Feast of the Einherjar - Norse celebration in honor of those who died and now occupy the halls of Valhalla 11. Rare Transit of Mercury Across the Sun - the planet Mercury will move directly between the Earth and the Sun - Seen in South America and Central America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (Transit Visibility Map and Information) ☿ ☀ 12. Full Moon - Blood Moon 13:37 (1:37 pm) ● 17, 18. Leonids Meteor Shower 18. Post-Mercury Retrograde ☿ 22. Sagittarius ♐ 24. Celtic Tree Month of Reed Moon ends 24. Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter - the two bright planets will be visible in the evening sky ♀ ♃ 25. Celtic Tree Month of Elder Moon begins 26. New Moon - 15:07 (3:07 pm) ○ 26. Thanksgiving Day (USA) 27. Day of Parvati-Devi, the Triple Goddess who divided herself into Sarasvati, Lakshmi, and Kali, or the Three Mothers 27. Weyland the Smith's Day - celebration in honor of a great Viking blacksmith - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 28. Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation - the planet Mercury reaches its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky ☿ 30. Festival of Hecate Trivia for Hecate, the Dark Goddess of Magic and Sorcery December 5. Krampusnacht - the Krampus’ Night 9. Day of Remembrance for Egill Skallagrímsson (Viking hero) - celebrated by the Ásatrú community 12. Full Moon - Long Nights Moon 05:14 (5:14 am) ● 13, 14. Geminids Meteor Shower ☄ 17. Begins Saturnalia 21. Celtic Festival of the Stars 21, 22. Ursids Meteor Shower ☄ 21. Beginning of Yuletide celebrations 22. Winter Solstice/Yule - 04:19 (4:19 am) ❆ 22. Litha/Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere) 22. Capricorn ♑ 22. Celtic Tree Month of Elder Moon ends 24. Celtic Tree Month of Birch Moon begins 24. Night of Mothors in Germany 25. Feast of Frau Hole, the Germanic Goddess of the woods and plants 26. Annular Solar Eclipse 05:18 (5:18 am) - Seen in Asia and Australia (NASA Map and Eclipse Information; NASA Interactive Google Map) ☀ 26. New Moon - 05:05 (5:15 am) ○ 27. Birth of Freya 31. Day of the Norns in Scandinavia 31. Day of the Faery of the Van in Wales 31. Hogmanay in Scotland; ward off evil spirits by wearing costumes, such as hides and horns 31. The Twelfth Night - Last Night of Yuletide celebrations  This is only a summarized list of the most important events of the Pagan calendar. To know more about other Pagan events throughout the year do a search of your own or visit the following websites:
Pagan/Wiccan calendar - about.com Time Meddler - Icelandic calendar NASA Eclipse The Sky The Old Farmer’s Almanac Sacred Chaotic Geometry | Please, don’t remove credits. Thank you!
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Old Enemies
Pairing: Ivar x OFC
Series: Brynhilda’s Saga
Warnings: None
Tagging: @tiyetiye @sammi-faye @anunhealthydoseofangst @novumlibellum @salimahbicharara-comun
Ivar is aware everyone is watching him, the cripple going on a raid. He’s arms are killing him, his legs are ready to break, but he has to do this, for himself. Even so, he scans the crowd, looking for the familiar pair of green eyes. He spots her, standing in front of the boat, looking every bit the shieldmaiden she was. Proud, haughty, smiling ever so sweetly at him.  
He comes to a stop in front of her, he has to, he has to speak with her one last time. “You’re short,” He says, grinning through the effort of trying to remain upright. “And you’re handsome.” She replies. His cheeks heat at the compliment. Brynhilda gives a quick inspection to his armor, running her hands over the leather, tugging at the straps, she nods in approval. “My family has a saying,” She tells him, her voice is cracking, she looks at him with watery eyes. Don’t cry, he demands. Don’t cry, if you do, I’ll have to stay. “Victory, Ivar, or Valhalla.” They both know he’s going to certain death. He leans down to kiss her. The position is awkward, but they manage it. There’s a thrill knowing that the most powerful shieldmaiden in all of Kattegat is willing to kiss him in front of everyone.
“I will miss you all my days,” She whispers, pulling back from him. She slips something in his hands. “I am lucky to have known you.” She steps away, allowing him to pass. He can’t bring himself to say anything more than a quiet ‘I love you’. He doesn’t have the inspired words Brynhilda does.
Just as they set sail, Brynhilda steps forward, “Hey, dumbass,” Ivar looks at her, smiling, ornery to the very end. “Remember who trained you, at least kill a Saxon for me before you die.” Ivar gives her a rude gesture, laughing at her. “Who do you think you’re talking to?” He yells. They set off all too soon. Ivar and Brynhilda watch each other until they can see no more.
A crow lands beside her, letting out a shrill cry. Brynhilda looks at it. “Yes, Odin,” She whispers. “I know you’re eager for me to begin.” She had wasted enough time in Kattegat, it's been a week after Ivar's departure, but she couldn’t find the strength to leave. Every day she looks to the sea, hoping against hope Ivar finds the strength to survive, despite Aslaug’s vision. The crow gives her another caw, picking at her sleeve. “Allow me my grief, you’ve taken my world from me.” She feels stupid for mourning a boy she only knew a few months, but he was the first real connection she's had since her parents died. Not even Boggvir had gotten so close to her, despite letting her live with him for years.
The crow flies to her shoulder, runs it’s beak across her cheek, seeming to comfort her. She breathes in, then out, slowly. She finds the strength to stand, the crow, flying off. “Brynhilda,” someone calls. It’s Aslaug. “Your majesty?” She says, turning to face the queen, unsure of what Aslaug could possibly want with her now. “You are leaving today, aren’t you?” Brynhilda nods, she can no longer put her journey off. Aslaug stares at her. “I do not know you well,” She admits. “But I know how happy you made Ivar’s last days,” a tear escapes Aslaug's eye, Brynhilda bows her head, saying nothing.
“I’ve had a vision,” Aslaug informs her. Brynhilda growls, irritated, “I’ve had enough of your visions!” She walks passed Aslaug, yet freezes at the next declaration. “When you are queen, come back to Kattegat, I would enjoy opening trade negotiations.”
“I will be queen?” Brynhilda whispers, turning back to her. “Yes, though, I could've told you that without the vision.” Brynhilda gulps, processing the information. “I will make a poor queen,” she says, “I will only terrify my subjects,”
“You will make an excellent queen,” Aslaug assures her, “Have confidence in your ability to lead and inspire loyalty.”
Aslaug raises her hand, showing Brynhilda a pendant resting in her pale palm. “It was Ivar’s,” Aslaug explains. “He told me he wanted you to have it, but..I couldn’t let go.” Brynhilda, says nothing, how could she? Aslaug had every right to keep this last memory of her son, despite his wishes. “You’re right, Brynhilda,” Aslaug continues, “I need to let go of my son.” Brynhilda reaches out, Aslaug drops it in her palm. Thor’s Hammer. A surge of irritation rises within her. Ivar should’ve taken it, it could have saved him.
Aslaug takes Brynhilda’s face in her soft hands, a motherly gesture that makes Brynhilda’s heart ache for her own mother. “You are wise beyond your years,” Aslaug tells her, “You are as strong as the gods, you will achieve all you set out for, and much more.”
“I’m tired of people telling me that,” Brynhilda admits. “But thank you.” Aslaug gives her a genuine smile, then kisses her forehead. “Odin’s blessings.” She whispers. “I am Brynhilda, daughter of Brynjar and Camila, I need no blessings.” Aslaug’s laughter follows her as she finally departs.
Brynhilda looks at the hammer in her hand. Ivar’s pendant. The last reminder she had of him. It a week, and all she remembers is his eyes. Those tired, angry blue eyes. Gods, how she misses him. She’s so busy memorizing every detail, she doesn’t hear the screaming until people are rushing past her. Kattegat is under attack.
Brynhilda pulls her sword out, ready for a fight. The old feeling of exhilaration rushes through her, she bares her teeth in a smile, let them come, she’s itching to spill blood. It’s the perfect cure for a broken heart. She runs towards the commotion, but slides to a stop, suddenly remembering the girls. “Shit,” She mutters. They’ll be in the longhouse, probably scared out of their wits. “I have to save them,” Brynhilda takes off at top speed, she needs to make sure the girls are safe. Hearing a particularly weak cry, Brynhilda slides to stop yet again, trying to find the source.
The old medicine woman. She’s been knocked to the ground, hovering over her is a man, readying his axe for the killing blow. Brynhilda is lucky, she’s faster than the axe. Reaches the old woman in time, her blade finally tastes blood. Brynhilda ignores the tingling sensation in her arms, other warriors are closing in on her. They are little more than irritants, she dispatches them quickly, annoyed they didn’t put up more of a fight.
She looks for the old woman, still on the ground in shock. Seathing her sword she grabs the old thing, “Come, healer, to safety.”
“You are a monster,” she whispers. Brynhilda looks about her, “Yes,” She says distractedly, “A monster that has just saved your life, come,” She runs as best she can with the healer, before she can get two steps towards the longhouse, the Seer slams into her. She doesn’t really stop for him, just grabs his robes. “Let’s go.”
“Are you saving lives now young Brynhilda?” She seer says. “By Odin’s left testicle, none of your shit today.”
Somehow, she makes it to the longhouse without much more effort. She slams open the door, seeing Ubbe and Sigurd ready for a fight. She snorts, good luck, those idiots have never even killed someone, let alone win a battle. “Where are my girls?” She snarls, before Ubbe could answer, Rhona comes running from somewhere in her back of the house. She slams into Brynhilda’s legs, Sigrid and Vigdis follow suit, all are crying, scared. Their babbling stressed Brynhilda so much, she can do nothing but yell, “Enough!” The girls stop immediately, terrified. They back away from her, holding each other close. Shit, it does no good to add to their terror. Brynhilda controls herself. “This is what’s going to happen,” She says, crouching down for them. “The Seer and the Healer are going to take you three into the mountains, where you’ll be safe, when things have calmed down, I will come for you.”
“Brynhilda, what are two old people going to do against an army?” Sigrid asks. Brynhilda has to concede the girl’s point. She brings the girls in front of her. When she speaks, she hears her mother’s voice, “There comes a time in everyone’s life when they either stand against the storm, or they wither and die. You girls are stronger than you know. You will weather this storm, you will survive, do you understand me?” The girls nod. In an uncharacteristic show of affection, she gives them each a kiss on the head, then rushes them off. “Who the hell am I turning into?” Brynhilda asks no one in particular. First, she actually stops to save two people she barely knows, then, she shows genuine affection to slaves. I’m going soft, she thinks. She turns to Ubbe and Sigurd, “Are you alright here?” Before they can say something, the door bursts open again.
Brynhilda turns, heart leaping into her throat. “Eylaug,” She whispers. Eylaug, Boggvir’s favored lap dog next top her. Her belly turns in disgust. “The rumors are true then,” he says, giving her a cruel smile. “Boggvir’s Bitch lives still.” Men surround her. The very same men that she lead into countless battles, to countless victories. The same men that look terrified of her now. They know what was done to her was an affront to the gods. “Well, Eylaug, you’ve certainly gotten uglier since last I saw you.”
“And you’ve become crooked.” He points out. Really, that was the best he had? She chances a turn, looking into some of the men’s eyes.. They lower their weapons, unsure of what exactly to do. She was supposed to be dead, no one survived that much torture. No one but Brynhilda the Deathless, it would seem. “Think,” She urges them, they would come to her side, she knew it. They had to, she had treated them fairly when she lead them, laughed with them, mourned with them. These were her men, not Eylaug’s, they must listen to her.. “Think before you raise your swords to me, they call me deathless for a reason.”
“The dead will be put back into the ground today!” Eylaug yells. He manages to catch her off guard with his swift movement. She curses her luck, how could she forget the first rule of battle? Never show your back to the enemy.
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franczykart · 5 years
Mieszko I (Polish (help·info); c. 930 – 25 May 992)[1] was the ruler of the Polans[2] from about 960 until his death. A member of the Piast dynasty, he was a son of the legendary Siemomysł, and a grandson of Lestek. He was the father of Bolesław I the Brave (the first crowned king of Poland) and of Gunhild of Wenden.[3] Most sources make Mieszko I the father of Sigrid the Haughty, a Nordic queen, though one source identifies her father as Skoglar Toste, and the grandfather of Canute the Great (Gundhild's son), and the great-grandfather of Gunhilda of Denmark, Canute the Great's daughter and wife of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor.
The first Christian ruler of territories later called Poland, Mieszko I is considered the creator of the Polish state. He continued the policy of both his father and grandfather, who were rulers of the pagan tribes located in the area of present-day Greater Poland. Through both alliances and the use of military force, Mieszko extended ongoing Polish conquests and early in his reign subjugated Kuyavia and probably Gdańsk Pomerania and Masovia. For most of his reign, Mieszko I was involved in warfare for the control of Western Pomerania, eventually conquering it up to the vicinity of the lower Oder river. During the last years of his life, he fought the Bohemian state, winning Silesia and probably Lesser Poland.
Mieszko I's alliance with the Czech prince, Boleslaus I the Cruel, strengthened by his marriage in 965 to the Czech Přemyslid princess Dobrawa, and his baptism in 966 put him and his country in the cultural sphere of Western Christianity. Apart from the great conquests accomplished during his reign (which proved to be fundamental for the future of Poland) Mieszko I was renowned for his internal reforms, aimed at expanding and improving the so-called war monarchy system.
According to existing sources, Mieszko I was a wise politician, a talented military leader, and a charismatic ruler. He successfully used diplomacy, concluding alliances, first with Bohemia, then Sweden, and the Holy Roman Empire. In foreign policy, he placed the interests of his country foremost, even entering into agreements with his former enemies. On his death, he left to his sons a country with greatly expanded territories, and a well-established position in Europe.
Mieszko I also enigmatically appeared as "Dagome" in a papal document dating to about 1085, called Dagome iudex, which mentions a gift or dedication of Mieszko's land to the Pope (the act took place almost a hundred years earlier).
It is roughly his borders that Poland was returned to in 1945.
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ovaettrgrimoire · 3 years
Personal Sacred Days
Transgender Day of Visibility – MARCH 31ST
Coming Out Trans-iversary: APRIL 8TH  (est. 2015)
 Einherjar Day – final Monday of May  
 Stonewall Riots Remembrance – JUNE 28TH – JULY 3RD (est. 1969)
 HRT Trans-iversary: JULY 14TH (est. 2017)
 Pepper’s Birthday – AUGUST 1st
  Old Queen’s Day / Remembrance of Sigrid the Haughty – NOVEMBER 9TH
 Transgender Day of Remembrance - NOVEMBER 20TH
 Remembrance of Egill Skallagrimsson (910 ad – 990 ad ) – DECEMBER 9TH
(Poet, berserker, farmer and sorcerer (master of runes))
 Remembrance of Pepper the Torti Familiar, “Baby Kitty” – DECEMBER 29TH --- Long ago i shared a list of the holy days other than the seasonal pagan holidays , and it was all fucked up lol so I remade it to replace the old one in my grimoire. This is very personal to me so i do not expect people to relate to it. But thanks for reading! 
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