I'm Writing Serial Romance
124 posts
I'm a romance writer from Appalachia focusing on serial fiction. I read all kinds of genres and look forward to connecting with other storytellers! | she/her | 18+
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jessicagailwrites · 8 months ago
Your writing will always feel awkward to you, because you wrote it.
Your plot twists will always feel predictable, because you created them.
Your stories will always feel a bit boring to you, because you read them a million times.
They won't feel like that for your reader.
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jessicagailwrites · 9 months ago
which oc would get permabanned on twitter for threatening to drown a billionaire in a toilet
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
My Patreon is up!
Check it out if you want to follow me along and read my stuff. Six Strings & Stardust is archived on there now since it's over, but you can still access it from the paid tier (or read the novelized version when it comes out later this year).
I'll start posting my next story Show Me Your Name soon and that will be free to read for everyone while it's in progress!
You can check it out here.
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
which oc graduated late?
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
The only character questionnaire you'll ever need (works for all characters and genres)
Physical description: 
Personality Type:
Distinctive skills and abilities:
Greatest fear:
Misbelief about the world:
What happened to make them believe this lie:
What do they criticize others for: 
Love Language: 
How do they respond to emotional pain:
Top 3 things they value (physical or abstract):
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why:
Typical outfit:
Method of manipulation:
How are they dissatisfied with life:
What do they think will bring them happiness:
What could they do to make that happen: 
How has their fear stopped them from taking this action:
How do they think they can get their goal without doing the thing that makes them afraid:
Answer for each character this character has a direct relationship with
Describe relationship briefly:
Points of conflict in relationship:
What do they agree on:
What do they disagree on:
Any secrets kept from each other and why:
How did they meet and how long did they know each other:
How will their relationship change over the course of the story:
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
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Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
picrew chain!!!
Do your irl self and your favorite color in the background! Using this picrew
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And don't forget to tag some folks!
@the-worm-machine @tarnacop-machine @pagenysaxiphoner @sweet-mango-child @n3komachine @bobanchikn
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
reblog if you're completely okay with me asking stuff about your wip in your inbox! <3
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jessicagailwrites · 10 months ago
I can’t wait to hear more about your project! I’m here for both horror and all the religious imagery!
Writeblr Intro
This feels super awkward to do but I'm putting myself out there for better or worse, so! I go by Kaelie on here, I am 22, Queer, and go by she/her pronouns. I've been on writeblr on and off since I was maybe fifteen but haven't touched it in four years. I am now 22 and for most of those four years I have been plagued by my current WIP, currently called Project Genesis. I've only just recently forced myself to really sit and try to get it out of my head.
I'm kind of ashamed to admit that the only book I ever finished was a warrior cats fan fiction I wrote when I was twelve (It was like forty chapters, I wrote it by hand in a notebook and I let someone take it home and read it one time and it haunts me) Everything since then has either been abandoned and never even made it out of the planning stage.
For the last four years I've been super stressed and in a super bad mental state and had no time to truly sit and try to write anything and if I did I thought it was absolute trash and it kinda made me hate writing. I even stopped reading despite being obsessed with books from the moment I could read, but in the last year and a half I have rediscovered my love for reading and now I want to try writing again.
Project Genesis is meant to be a multi-book high fantasy series with horror elements (maybe, I've not read many horror books and have little experience writing it. Any tips on writing horror, or good horror books to read would be much appreciated) It's got alternating POVs, basically everybody is queer, lots of religious imagery (maybe only if you squint, but I swear sometimes I feel like I'm just ripping off the Bible)
Despite existing for almost for almost four years its hard to describe what it's actually about? The first book at least is a dual POV about one character denying and running from their destiny to avoid becoming a sacrificial lamb, and another character trying to carve out a destiny for himself when he's not meant to have one (not in a 'he's supposed to be dead' way but in a 'you're life isn't supposed to have any affect on the world' kinda way)
It is currently in early planning stages, I'm working on a zero draft and outline before really hunkering down to try a first draft. I don't know how this is gonna go as far as like updates? I'm really just kinda using this as motivation, like if I talk about and say I'm doing it I can keep myself accountable and not just drift away from this like so many others. I expect it to all be horrible but so long as it's something I can go back and make it better. Thanks for reading! 👋🏻
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
This is gorgeous!!!!! I cannot wait to read.
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✨ A Spark of Magic Pre-Orders Are Now Live ✨
A Spark of Magic is one step closer to being yours. You can pre-order the ebook from most retailers here! (Note: Amazon's link will only be available on release day. I apologise for the inconvenience) Paperback pre-orders coming soon.
Since I can't do any pre-order campaign with physical goodies due to my geographical location, I decided to lower the ebook's price to half of what it will be after release, so if you pre-order now, you can get it for $1.99 (US)/1,99€/£1.99. I'll keep this price for a week after the release so that people who tend to get ebooks from Amazon can still enjoy this little bonus. I hope you can understand and take advantage of this deal 💛
Check the section below for FAQs such as whether it'll be on KU, ARC readers and other things. If you have any questions not featured below, feel free to send them my way!
Q: Why pre-order?
A: Pre-orders are a great way to help authors. Whenever you pre-order a book, you're letting that retailer know there's interest in it which helps it chart higher in retailer charts (generally speaking). This means there's a potential for it to reach more people who otherwise might miss it.
Q: Will this book be available on KU?
A: Since I'm opting for a wide release, and due to KU's exclusivity nature, I can't offer my ebooks through there while having them available elsewhere.
Q: Will this book be available on Kobo Plus?
A: Yes, it will! In case you don't know what Kobo Plus is, it's a similar subscription program to KU, except it doesn't require authors to be exclusive to the platform. This program isn't available in every country, but you can check here if your country has it. They're also adding new territories often, so keep that in mind.
Q: When will paperbacks be available for pre-order?
A: I wish I could have a concrete date, but I don't. There's a chance the paperback release will have to be postponed a week or two, but I'll keep you informed. If you're unsure which you should order, wait until I show you what the paperback looks like so you can make your choice!
Q: Will you have ARC reviewers for this release?
A: I will only have eARC reviewers available, and you can sign up for it here if you're interested! All the information is there, but if you have extra questions/concerns feel free to reach out and I'll reply as soon as I can.
Thank you so much for reading this far! I'll try to keep this post updated, so I'll probably reblog it whenever I add new information!
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
Fans' attitudes toward AI-generated works
Irina Cisternino, a PhD candidate of Stony Brooke University, is writing their research on topics related to technology, art and fandom. You can participate by filling out a survey and additionally, signing up for an interview. The survey is expected to last until at least the end of April, those, who signed up for the interview, will be contacted later. You need to be at least 18 years old to participate in either, be able to understand and speak English and identify as a fan.
After the completion of the research, it will be accessible as the dissertation of the researcher. If you have further questions, you can contact Irina Cisternino at [email protected] or Lu-Ann Kozlowsky at [email protected].
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
I'm moving!
I've talked a little on here about wanting to move away from Substack in light of the company they keep. Since then, the environment has only gotten worse. My feed is constantly flooded with the most vile transphobic, homophobic, and hateful posts imaginable. All of which make this move so easy for me.
The last scheduled post of my story is going out on May 2nd, and after that I'm pulling the plug.
My new home for my stories will be on Patreon! My next story, Show Me Your Name will begin uploading on there for free in June, and Six Strings & Stardust will be available to read as part of my paid archive tier. (But you don't have to do that. You can still read it for free on Substack until the end of May or wait for the revised novel to come out this summer!)
Please consider following my Patreon here. You can follow for free by clicking the three dot menu to the far right of the page. All new stories will be free to read while updating.
Thank you! Looking forward to all the new things to come this year!
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
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artist: @monoidea
I'm sorry, but this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. OMG. I mentioned in a reblog the other day that I had commissioned someone to do the cover for my story and ever since then, I've had the hardest time keeping it to myself.
I'm so incredibly happy with how this turned out. It's like the characters were plucked right out of my head. I feel so much more confident about the first impression my story is going to make now.
The whole experience working with the artist was such a treat. I cannot believe people trade that for keystrokes in an AI design engine.
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
I recently commissioned @monoidea to do art for my book cover and was absolutely blown away. They’re a delight to work with and the outcome was amazing! They understood my vision so well and the characters feel like they were plucked right out of my head. So happy with the whole experience.
*looking for artists I can commission to draw the main characters of my book*
the aesthetics: witches - ghosts - demons - sapphic - curse - Ghibli’s kiki’s delivery service x Stephen King’s The Mist .. DM for more info
reblog or comment your recommendations (self promotion is not only accepted but wanted!!)
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
Not to be dramatic, but I just got the final art back for the Six Strings & Stardust cover and it's the best day of my life lol. I cannot wait to share it with you!
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
If you don't love what you write, then no one else will love your writing
You NEED to write what you love!!
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jessicagailwrites · 1 year ago
Writeblr Intro
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So, I wasn't aware people still made or paid attention to these so HELLO!
I'm Steph, 33 from the UK. She/her, bisexual.
I've been writing since I was a kid but have been doing it more seriously for the past six years.
I mainly write angst and dark humour, though I am trying to branch out and write happier narrative. Fantasy is my favourite to write.
My current WIPs include a cosy cottagecore, an epic DND inspired fantasy, and a paranormal psychological thriller (my third contemporary piece). I also love to write poetry when the inspiration hits.
I've written two books, The Bonds That Bind Us & The Binds That Break Us, that were self-published for a while but have now been archived. It was supposed to be a trilogy but I just couldn't find the ending for it, so now everyone is just miserable and sad.
Very happy to follow and support fellow writers. I should prewarn, though, that I do suffer with anxiety and mild autism so I'm not always the most reliable communicator.
Happy writing, everyone, and I look forward to falling in love with your blorbos <3
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