#Sidekick Club Material
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Please tell me how Duke,Cass and Stephanie getting nonstop left out of Batfam content isn't because of antiblackness,racialized misogyny and a mix of gender essentialism,classism and ableism.When none of you can shut the fuck up about how 'black haired and blue eyed male is the only requirement for a Batkid!' and go as far as to include 'pale/fair skinned' sometimes when Damian and Dick are brownskin in multiple versions because of being brown in heritage and Damian and Jason have green eyes half the time and by saying 'lighteyed' when it comes to Batboys,that would be problematic but it'd at least include Duke since he's gold eyed due to Gnonom and you probably don't even know who that is since you actively refuse to meet Duke even though he's easiest Batkid to read for BECAUSE he's got so little content and Cass and Stephanie also have a small amount of material compared to the other boys
When Cass is chosen over Duke for Jason by all of you even though she hates him and she chooses Stephanie again and again against everyone's wishes and Duke canonically WANTS to be chosen for fucking once and Jason DID choose him and is the only other Batboy who called him a Robin directly outside of Robin War and Stephanie's dying wish was be 'a real Robin' and Cass' character creation purpose is to defy the idea that asian women exist only for white men and go against other asian girl stereotypes,INCLUDING being purely soft and feminine by making her a rough and tough butch who hates cis men.When you say 'Fuck canon,fanon is better!' to justify your millions of rewrites to erase Tim's Robin being a romani man and his Batgirl a half chinese girl and Jason's Robin and Batgirl being a black autistic boy and his Batgirl a bpdtistic male explotation victim and your crossovers of characters who have the perfect parents or at least caretakers in canon but suddenly,canon is your gospel when it comes to the bigotry in it's writing i.e how 'The core Batkids' came to be
And the fact is,that's like the only Batkids combo that DOSEN'T make sense!The Dead Robins Club is a no brainer but there's also the 90s Batkids trinity,the Shakespearen Robins(Jason,Stephanie and Duke),The Troubled Batkids(Tim,Stephanie,Cass and Duke),Batman!Cass Batwoman!Stephanie Robin!Maps and Trans Batgirl!Damian and the ONLY CANON Nightwing Robin and Batgirl trio we've ever gotten in Dick Tim and Cass??????You have some of the best dynamics of all time possible but nah,you'd rather pass it over for infantalizing a grown ass disabled moc into your pathetic lil pretty obsessed manchild,turning thee dead sidekick into a convuluted mess more than canon ever has and that's saying BIG words,cringeifying someone who just has the personality of an ordinary of 17 year old boy and is therefore inherently lovable into the arranged marriage lovechild of a dark romance guy and a pick me quotev girl and dehumanize a cute and sweet lil brown boy who's got that trauma already to turn him into an animal in human mold in the same breath you bash him healing enough to get a gf through trauma bonding and being kiddy together in favor of your groody ass lil age gap fantasy-Actually,that applies to ALL OF THEM
Kory,Rose and STEPHANIE are infinitely better written love interests for Dick,Jason and Tim than any older man you want them to get with,Tim most of all because he's not even a man,he's a boy.Cass and Stephanie are adults and have been for a long time in multiple incarnations so why not make Stephcass smut instead?Why not 'Duke joins the Batfam early/Jason takes Duke into The Outlaws after he has a fight with Bruce that scared him/Sleep Deprived Duke Thomas/Chaotic Duke Thomas/Duke Thomas deserves better/Trans Duke Thomas/Autistic Duke Thomas?,all of which are infinitely more implicable to Duke than they are to Tim and so is 'Token Normal Tim Drake'?When you make this content or you support it,you're saying something.You're saying you don't care about representation and perfer stereotyping and abusive dynamics because you believe they're inherently more interesting
Before you judge this post,consider the following:Which one of us has read enough comics and watched enough adaptions to know all this?Which one of us has more of a right to call themself a Batfam and Batkids fan?Which one of us is constantly gatekeeping Duke,Cass and Stephanie from their own story and pulling the 'No,YOU!!!!' card?It's absolutely pathetic how desperate the grip Batfanon has taken is and even more so that y'all refuse to move on from it like i did.It's not gonna kill you,you pissbabies.And just curious,how long was the last Batfam-centric post you rb'd?Longer than this,right?
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hongthoven · 5 months
Love me like you hate me pt. 3 ✘ hongjoong x reader (smut&angst)
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❅ pairing : kim hongjoong (ateez) x fem reader
❅ rating : +18 | angst, smut
❅ warnings : violence, strong language, sex, mention of death
❅ status : chaptered, unfinished (chapter 3/?)
❅ tags&stuff : gang leader!hj, gang AU, stripper!reader, drugs, money, corruption, stripclub, violence, San as hj’s right-hand man and Wooyoung as their overexcited sidekick, San is kind of a sadistic bastard, heart eyes for Woo, graphic sex scenes incoming, joong is a rough little man with a potty mouth, Yunho’s there too and the most perfect boyfriend material as usual
❅ chapter wc : 4.5k
❅ previously ― part 1 | part 2
please comment & reblog if you enjoyed reading ♥
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑
“Fuck- who knew a single dude could bleed that much?” San chuckled, rolling up his sleeve to wipe some blood off his skin, taking off one of his rings as it was now closer to rose gold from being painted red. 
“You did rip the guy’s teeth off one by one, that’s gotta hurt!” Wooyoung giggled from the front seat of the car taking them all back home, unbothered by the puzzled look their driver would occasionally give them. 
“What can I say, I like a job done right” San teased once again, cursing a little as some of the blood didn’t seem to come off that easily. 
Sitting next to him, Hongjoong was quietly staring into the city skyline as they drove through the night, failing to make any comment on his friend’s behavior when he would usually mock him for being a sadistic asshole with a thirst for blood. Still, he had to admit most of his regular income was the fruit of San’s hard labor and bad temper. While he had made a name for himself, Hongjoong knew most of his enemies never came too close because they already had been flirting with death too many times because of San’s fists. If he wasn’t exactly a role model when it came to act on the low and be discreet, San was by far the best right-hand man he could wish for. 
“Who’s got your tongue, boss?” San finally asked, poking Hongjoong in the arm as he had never seen him so quiet before. 
“Bet it was that stripper” Wooyoung giggled, mostly to himself, sighing at the memories of the girl grinding all over him hours before as he rolled the car window down to light himself a cigarette. 
“Shut the fuck up. Both of you” Hongjoong coldly ordered, his eyes never drifting from the sight of a city fast asleep while his mind wandered once again to that club, head still filled with vivid images of that girl he had reluctantly left behind. She had never left his mind, like a permanent thought soon to turn into his new obsession.
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Settling back into an ordinary life was always the hardest part of the job.
As she sat in front of the mirror in her cozy little boudoir, her hair into a messy bun as she wiped away the sparkly make-up that made her feel untouchable on stage, Y/N couldn’t help but overthink the situation she had been stuck into, earlier in the night. While resentment was getting ahead of her, it suddenly seemed like Yunho had been summoned into the room as he made a quiet entrance, keeping his back against the door as he simply stared into her reflection. 
“How was your night?” 
A simple question he always asked, rushing into the changing rooms as soon as she was done with her shift to make sure everything was okay and none of their clients had taken things a little too far. Regardless of his schedule, Yunho’s primal instinct was to check on the girl he adored beyond any sort of good sense. 
Still, when she failed to reply, Yunho instantly felt his heart drop into his chest. Something was odd and the ice cold look she eventually spared him came as a confirmation. 
“Is there something wrong?” He frowned, walking closer to her, his hands instinctively resting above her shoulders while he fought within himself not to massage her tired muscles from dancing and grinding all over strangers for hours. A ritual he had grown fond of.
“I don’t know. You tell me, boyfriend?” Y/N eventually dared to snap back, her eyes turning into little darts all aiming at his puzzled face as she emphasized on the word ‘boyfriend’. 
Confused, Yunho suddenly felt like he had been thrown into an impromptu game of Russian Roulette, looking for the answer that would spare him the inevitable execution. There was no sympathy in her eyes, only a fair mix of anger and judgement.
“Care to tell me why Kim Hongjoong and his men seemed to think we’re involved?” she finally spoke again, unable to deal with the sudden quietness between them, especially when she sincerely expected a valid reason for him to think it was okay to play pretend.
“I never said anything about us, I swear” with a quick shrug, Yunho felt smaller than ever, almost pathetic as he stammered through the weakest apologies he could serve. Nothing felt familiar anymore, from her body language to the complete deception in her eyes. She suddenly felt like a stranger, someone that couldn’t wait to get away from him, and that thought only was enough to tighten the knot growing into his stomach.
“I hope so. Cause there is no ‘us’…” though he had been preparing himself for years, each of these words felt like a single cut through his heart, like a dagger sinking into his flesh until it hit his bones, tearing him apart until there was nothing left of him but a pool of blood where every single one of his hopes had come to die.
Without a word, Yunho watched as Y/N removed the remaining of her make-up, pulled her long hair up into a neat ponytail and gathered her belongings, scattered all over the desk only to be thrown into her brown, leather bag. Not only was he hurt to the very core of his pride, but the way she was now avoiding any eye-contact with him made it unbearable to stand in the same room.
“He- uh…” he paused, coughing to give himself some composure, supposing he had any left, “He asked me to clean your schedule for the week, so… I guess you won’t have to see my face for a while, guess that’s convenient”.
He hated how pathetic and whiny he sounded right now, but nothing had ever come close to the pain he was experiencing as he watched the girl of his dreams changing from her stage fit to her casual clothes. When every man in town would die to see her walking around in a lacy thong, Yunho secretly loved this version of her the best. The one in regular jeans, sneakers, and a plain white tee-shirt. The real her.
“Yeah right” she scoffed, unimpressed.
“I’m serious, Y/N, that man isn’t playing” any other day, Yunho would have played along with her typical rebellious attitude, calling her smug for provoking a man that held the entire city into the palm of his hand, but regardless of the way she had crushed his soul seconds prior to this conversation, he still felt the urge to protect her.
“And neither am I” she coldly stated, adjusting the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she walked toward the door, ready to call it a night.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” she added without a look or a single sign of sympathy, walking out the door as Yunho remained alone, standing in the middle of the room, powerless and petrified at the thought of the inevitable confrontation coming his way.
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Hongjoong walked home in the middle of the night. Nothing out of habits, for a man whose business typically ran after sunset. Throwing his keys and taking his jacket off as he walked directly to the bathroom, he could hear the familiar yet unsettling buzzing sound coming with the deafening silence of his place.
With loneliness as his most faithful companion over the years, he had given up trying to make this apartment feel like home; simply because he didn’t know what ‘home’ was even supposed to feel like. All these ideals of a healthy household had died with his mother and now, the only memories of ever feeling ‘like home’ were starting to fade away with time.
The smell of freshly cooked meals, the sound of her laugh, the way she always pushed his hair back to plant a kiss on his forehead, the faded sound of her favorite records playing in the living room whenever his father was out. This was home to him.
On the cusp of turning 30, Hongjoong couldn't ignore the tragic irony of reaching an era his mother would never get to experience. Though he would always remember her at the prime of youth, there was some bittersweet aspect to the thought of never seeing her grow old.
Sometimes, when he would allow himself to bask into melancholy, Hongjoong liked to imagine what she’d look like with a few wrinkles and grey hair, how her voice would change with time, what it would feel like to grow up with a loving mother by his side. Would he be any different?
While the fantasies would change over time, his father never made it to the final cut. There was no place for this man and his toxicity in the perfect picture of a lifetime with his beloved mother.
And now here he was, an orphan trying to make himself a home without knowing where to start.
His place still matched the mystery of his aura, blissfully dark, expensive, and fashionably empty. High ceilings, large windows and concrete floor made this loft the perfect place to hide, perched on the last floor of the tallest building in town with the most breathtaking view on the skyline.
Hongjoong often felt like standing in a lighthouse with nothing but the darkness of the Sea ahead of him. Nothing to be seen on the surface but a pitch-black sky sparkled with stardust. But if he dared looking down through the city lights, Hongjoong could easily picture a family. A couple. Strangers living their lives, enjoying the most trivial things of a routine he was always dreading to step into. A father helping his daughter with her homework, bending over a geometry book on the dining table, a little boy playing with his dolls in his bedroom, two lovers snuggling on their couch.
Pieces of a life he would never get to experience, only because he didn’t belong into a ‘home’.
Rolling up his sleeves to unveil his tatted arms, a few bracelets, and a vintage watch, Hongjoong frowned at his reflection in the mirror as he splashed some cold water onto his face, pressing his fingers into his temples, hoping to make the reminiscing stop. He wouldn’t allow himself to dive into nostalgia when his present already held too much drama for him to take a break.
Still, while it was easy to push the family memories aside, one thought remained. One particular face he just couldn’t blink away that easily.
She was everywhere, her voice echoing through his brain like a broken record. The way her lips curved into a smile as she teased him, her plump thighs hiding that precious mole he was now dying to taste, the softness of her skin, the way her body reacted to his touch but not entirely – not as much as he wished. Hongjoong wasn’t typically the kind of man to give a girl any second thought. If anything, women were easy targets to him, and if his good looks weren’t enough to attract them, money always was.
Money could buy him anything, and if this girl wasn’t kneeling for him within the next hour, someone else would have to do, for now.
Grabbing his phone from his slack’s pocket, Hongjoong was quick to compose a text. Something extremely formal with a few instructions. The usual.
She walked through his doorstep less than thirty minutes later, as requested by the man holding the cash in one hand while the other invited her in. Though she was a regular, Hongjoong never dared to ask for her name. He didn’t need to know, didn’t even care.
“‘been a while, handsome “ She smiled, grabbing the cash from his hand without bothering with a recount. Hongjoong wasn’t a scam, like some of her clients. If anything, he often overpaid for the ridiculously short amount of time she was here. Not that she would complain about it.
“Let’s cut the talking for today” Hongjoong simply stated, unwilling to chit-chat as he gulped some leftover whisky from the glass on his coffee table, wiping his lips with the back of his hand as he settled himself on his brown, leather couch.
There wasn’t anything remotely romantic in the way he watched the girl kneel in front of him, her hands already busy with his belt like a task she had been given, and nothing more. A perfect play doll following his instructions while his mind already wandered somewhere else, away from here, away from her, and with a much more pleasant company.
With his head tilted back and his eyes closed, Hongjoong quickly allowed himself to wrap the girl’s hair into a fist as he thrusted himself deeper into the warmth of her welcoming throat, a simple growl escaping his own lips while his head started to fill with someone else’s face.
He could see her clearly now, her sparkly make-up already ruined, black lines rolling over her cheeks as she gagged slightly with a mouthful of him. She was taking him like a champ, the perfect, velvety walls of her mouth fitting like a glove to his throbbing cock. Her hands clenched into his thighs, tracing thin, red lines all over his skin while his eyes couldn’t get enough of the sight of her exposed back and the perfect dome of her ass, peaking from her skirt. He loved the idea of having her fully dressed and already drooling over his lap, too hungry to even undress herself, too eager to be fucked.
It wasn’t long until Hongjoong found himself losing control, one particular swirl of the girl’s tongue forcing him to dig his nails deeper into her scalp while she welcomed his release through a guttural moan – and even then, his body still shaking with pleasure and overstimulation as the girl made sure to swallow every last drop of him, Hongjoong couldn’t help but picture that glow on her face as she would look up, teary eyes and puffy lips as the perfect signs of a fucked-out state while still untouched.
“Looks like you’re ready for round 2, baby” the girl teased as she wiped the corner of her lips like she had just feasted on her favorite cake, pleasantly surprised to see him getting hard again while oblivious to the reason behind his extreme arousal. While she had done a decent job, all credits fully remained to a girl who was most likely asleep by now, miles away from being the main character in Hongjoong’s filthy scenarios.
Was she alone right now? Was she even sleeping? What if Yunho had failed at keeping his promise? What if he was the one filling her perfect mouth right now with his palm resting on her cheek, her vicious tongue playing with his balls as he claimed her repeatedly?
That thought only was enough to send him spiraling, anger making his blood boil into his veins. If he couldn’t have her immediately, no one could. Especially not Yunho.
“I’ll call you a cab” his tone was cold, typically detached as he fixed himself back into his pants, the moment long gone now that he couldn’t get away from the disturbing images of another man touching his girl. Though it was crazy to think of it, Hongjoong couldn’t help but claim her as his now that she was the only thing on his mind. He could easily picture himself losing sleep over it and go beyond measures to get her. Even if that meant having Yunho and every other man looking at her, buried six feet under.
The hooker was gone without much ceremony. Not that the situation deserved any.
Alone again with his thoughts for company, Hongjoong eventually crashed into his bed an hour later, knowing he wouldn’t get much sleep that night.
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Y/N had been tossing and turning through the short amount of time she was asleep that night. Struggling to find her way into a peaceful slumber after the chaotic series of events happening at the club earlier. While she tried her best not to be an overthinker, picking her battles over silly misunderstandings, she hated to face any discomfort in her workplace. The one place where she felt strong enough to handle anything. She couldn’t allow any turbulence in her comfort zone, moreover if that meant losing a precious paycheck. Something she couldn’t afford.
Stretching into her bed, Y/N looked nothing like the girl she was on stage the night before. With her long hair pulled into a bun gone messier over her sleepless night and her body wrapped into an oversized shirt that could easily pass as a dress, she fitted perfectly as the girl-next-door with her face fresh of any make-up.
Her bedroom looked exactly the same as it did years ago, when she was still a teenager running from school to her student job in the evening, trying to make ends meet so she could afford medication and a decent living for her grand-mother; walls covered with pictures of a younger version of herself with her friends backpacking through Europe, a massive poster of her favorite film, Moulin Rouge above her bed and a closet full of clothes she barely had enough time to wear with her crazy schedule at the club.
Her peaceful awakening was suddenly cut short when hearing voices coming from the living room. Voices she could instantly identify as her grand mother’s and the one person she didn’t want to see, especially first thing in the morning.
Tearing herself off the comfort of her bed, Y/N escaped her bedroom, reluctantly dragging herself toward the living-room where she was inevitably faced with her favorite person in the world and Yunho, sharing some obviously pleasant conversation.
“Good morning, sweetpea!” Joan was a 72-year-old woman living with early stage of dementia and the closest thing to a mother Y/N had been granted with, since her own birth mother had decided she wasn’t built to be a mom and bailed on her before she even turned two.
“Hi nan’ … did you take your meds yet?” Y/N purposely ignored Yunho’s presence, checking for her grand mother’s pill container to double check.
“Of course I did – Yunho brought my favorite pastries for breakfast, isn’t he a sweetheart?” She couldn’t blame her grandmother, not even when she reached for Yunho’s face, pinching his cheek like he was some good puppy playing fetch with her. Still, she couldn’t find the strength to play pretend, especially without her morning coffee.
Yunho watched as Y/N kept ignoring him, his rounded eyes desperately looking for her attention behind his glasses. If anything, he looked like the perfect boyfriend with his nice polo shirt and his perfectly tamed hair. A man she knew Joan was secretly hoping her granddaughter would eventually marry, regardless of her unwillingness to be wed.
Without a clue what to answer, Y/N gave her grandmother a quick nod as she escaped toward the kitchen, aiming directly for the coffee machine. Yunho was quick to follow her steps, excusing himself while Joan’s attention was back on her favorite morning tv show.
“So we’re not even talking now?” he dared to ask as he walked close enough for her to feel the warmth of his body behind her back.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Can’t you take a hint?” she was genuinely mad now. Mad at him for showing up and forcing his perfect boy agenda on her grandmother, mad at her for allowing him to feel comfortable to do so and for some obscure reasons, mad at Kim Hongjoong for making her feel all of this altogether.
“I came here to apologize”
The sound of the coffee machine gave Y/N some much needed break into a conversation she didn’t want to be part of, her hand clenching around her favorite mug so it wouldn’t fall off the counter from the hectic vibration of the ancient appliance she had promised herself to upgrade as soon as possible.
With barely enough money to pay rent and take care of her grandmother’s condition, Y/N was often faced with the most superficial cravings, like having a perfect espresso machine and decent coffee in the morning instead of whatever dishwater she was having now.
“So you do have something to apologize for” she scoffed, taking a painful first sip as she finally faced her friend. Yunho looked sincerely sorry, his eyebrows knitted together as he reached for her arm, hoping she wouldn’t snap again. To his own surprise, she didn’t move.
“I’m sorry if I made it seem like I was claiming you… I know you’re not mine… or anyone’s… I just freaked out” he paused, reminiscing the events as he recalled Hongjoong’s words and the way his eyes were glued to his favorite girl’s every feature. “I’m just scared he might hurt you… Hongjoong is a scary man with power, god knows what he could—”
“I am not a child, for fuck’s sake! I can defend myself. It’s not your place to protect me!”
Her mug was back on the counter, almost breaking from being smashed against the surface as she felt anger boiling inside of her all over again.
“That’s the thing. I don’t know my place. What am I to you, exactly?”
Though it hurt him to even ask, Yunho couldn’t handle the uncertainty of his role into her life. Still, when he was faced with complete silence, it felt like his heart was slowly dropping into his chest, shredding into pieces.
“I see. Guess that’s my answer” he added, mostly nodding to himself as he pushed himself off the counter, reaching for her face to palm her cheek tenderly “just be careful alright? If I can’t protect you, no one will” he whispered, almost painfully.
Without a word, Y/N watched as he escaped the kitchen, peaking through the door to see him kiss Joan on the cheek, apologizing for leaving already with some work emergency as an excuse.
Guilt only found its way into her stomach as the front door closed behind Yunho.
“What’s on your mind, sweet pea?”
Y/N was now sitting on the floor in front of her grand-mother’s armchair, picking at a pastry while watching a silver haired TV anchor trying to sell some miracle vacuum cleaner on the shopping channel. She didn’t know why Joan loved these programs so much, but somehow, the old woman found some thrill in dreaming about appliances she couldn’t afford. Y/N loved to think she was a hopeless dreamer while secretly hoping she would someday afford to give her grandmother the life she deserved. A beautiful house filled with all the ridiculously pricy items she saw on TV.
“Nothing, just tired” she lied while Joan brushed her fingers through her granddaughter’s hair lovingly, pulling it into a nicely tamed ponytail just like when she used to be a little girl. Sometimes Joan would act like Y/N was still a child, struggling to anchor herself into present, but Y/N loved her way too much to complain, even if it meant for her to play pretend and allow herself to be groomed.
“I really like Yunho. He’s a good man.” Joan suddenly announced, her bony fingers resting upon her granddaughter’s shoulders as she massaged her sore muscles slowly.
“He is”
There was no point denying it. Yunho was a good man by definition.
“I think he really loves you, you know?”
Again, Y/N couldn’t find a single lie within herself to deny Joan’s statement. Anyone seeing them interact could tell Yunho was madly in love with her, though he never said the words to her face. It was easy to see the signs.
“I know” she simply added, her eyes suddenly heavier as her lack of sleep finally fought back. Within a few minutes, Y/N was curling up against her grandmother’s leg, her cheek resting above her lap as she fell back asleep under Joan’s sweet embrace.
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Hongjoong only left his place at dusk, escaping his building only to disappear into a black, sedan car with tinted windows. Streets had been emptied earlier in the evening when a storm had wrapped the city into a gloomy atmosphere no one seemed to be equipped for. Sitting in the front behind the wheel, San turned the engine off as soon as his best-friend sat beside him on the passenger seat.
“Found anything?” Hongjoong asked before he even greeted his friend, stone cold as ever.
“Well—her name’s Y/N, she lives in the slum part of town… From what I get she’s her grandmother’s caretaker… Not much about the rest of her family so far… Got her address, phone number…”
Hongjoong welcomed every information with a simple nod while San scrolled through a couple pictures on his phone, mostly from her neighborhood.
“Anything else?” he finally dared to ask, knowing his friend enough to realize he was definitely hiding the key part of his investigation.
“You’re not gonna like it, man…” San sighed, his thumb scrolling to the next picture and zooming in so his boss could see a clearer version of Yunho escaping Y/N’s building first thing in the morning—and though Hongjoong remained silent,  the way his jaw instantly clenched at the sight of him was enough of a sign to let his friend know about his next move.
“How long was he in there?” he finally asked, eyes filled with nothing but rage.
“Couple hours, I’d say two for the most—enough for a good fuck, if you ask me”
“No one fucking asked you” Hongjoong snapped, pulling his gaze off the phone screen to watch the storm outside the window, his fingers fiddling with his rings while figuring out a plan from the new information he had just been given.
“Well that’s unfortunate” he added, recalling Yunho’s faithful behavior through the years and how he had proven himself to be a fairly loyal and trustworthy associate. “Now we’ll have to teach him a lesson…”
“Want me to kill the guy?” San dared to ask like it was the only option left. Merely a daily task he was used to, by now.
“Just make sure he gets the message for now” Hongjoong added, his fist making a beat against the car door as he tried his best to compose himself, images of Yunho and Y/N together filling his brain to the point he couldn’t even think straight anymore.
“And I want someone to follow her every move. I want to know where she is, who she talks to, what she eats, anything. And if Yunho shows up again, I want you to call me immediately so I can take care of him myself. Are we clear?”
“Crystal” San nodded, starting the engine again as the tension in the car kept building up.
“Where to?” the right-hand man dared to ask after a while, only to be faced with Hongjoong’s stern look, his eyebrows knitted together with a mix of concern and anger he had rarely seen on his best-friend’s face.
“You know damn right where” Hongjoong simply stated, his eyes never leaving the road as San quickly took the next turn, heading toward the club.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 13: Spoiler Alert
~Henry's house~
Henry, Jasper and Charlotte had all gathered at Henry's house to watch their favourite show. They stared intensely at the TV screen as sirens and shouts blared out from the speakers. A gunshot fired, making them all jump back in fright. A scene where a car crashed and a machine gun fired made them wince for the characters that were onscreen. However, they all giggled when a guy was killed.
"AHHH!" A man growled on the monitor suddenly, giving them all a huge scare. Jasper jumped on Charlotte as they all screamed.
"Get off." She deadpanned, not thinking that it was that scary. Jasper decided that Henry would be a better person to hold onto as the zombies groaned on the TV.
"Piper, please keep it down in there!" Henry managed to say on Jasper's head whenPiper began rattling around in the kitchen.
"Don't tell me how to live my life." She sassed him, so Henry shrugged Jasper off and continued to watch the TV show.
"That show is intense." Henry looked at the other two teens, his adrenaline still high. He had switched off the programme once it had finished.
"My heart's all cramped up," Charlotte said, massaging the part of her chest over the organ. 
"I'm sweating...more than usual," Jasper told them as he rubbed his fingers together. 
"Use your rag." Henry reminded him.
"Oh yeah, my rag." The curly-haired boy pulled a cloth from his pocket and began to wipe his hands dry.
"Seriously, you guys, that was, like, the best episode ever," Henry told them, and they both agreed. After all, who doesn't like an adrenaline-inducing, zombie-filled thriller?
"Oh yeah."
"Totally. But I'm so sad." Jasper said as he tucked his rag back into his pocket.
"Why?" Charlotte asked him.
"Only one more episode left of Walking Orange. And...I don't want it to end." The boy answered emotionally.
"Are you crying?" The girl next to him asked, not believing that he was crying over a TV show.
"No, my eyes are just sweating." Jasper quickly lied, walking away from the couch so they wouldn't see him cry.
"Rag." Henry reminded him again.
"Oh yeah, my rag." He took the material out and used it to dry his eyes.
"Hey, I read online that next week's episode is going to--" Charlotte began to say, but the boys shouted over her, not wanting to hear any spoilers. They each picked a cushion and pushed her into the couch to shut her up.
Please, don't tell us anything about the series finale." 
"Don't spoil it!"They pleaded and released her from the soft prison.
"I was just gonna say that after the series finale, they're gonna rerun the first episode." Charlotte held her hands up to shield herself from the cushions.
"Ohhhh..." The boys said together.
"So you can put the pillows down." Charlotte hissed at them and made them drop the pillows to the floor.
"Hey! I need one of you to be my cameraman." Piper shouted at them from the kitchen bar, so the teens walked to the kitchen to see what she was up to.
"What kind of video are you making?" Charlotte asked the little girl as she analysed all the junk she had on the island.
"The kind that gets me into the Man Fans," Piper replied excitedly. She had been wanting to get into the number one fan club of Captain Man for ages, and now she had her chance.
"The Man Fans?" Henry asked her. It seemed that despite his status as Captain Man's sidekick, he had never heard of the club.
"It's a club. A bunch of fans of Captain Man." Jasper told him.
"And Kid Danger," Charlotte added, inflating Henry's ego.
"It's really hard to get in. I tried to join and they wouldn't even take me." Jasper said, making Charlotte raise her eyebrows.
"Hey, everyone who's surprised by that, raise your hand. Ooo, look, no one." Piper retorted sarcastically.
"Just be careful." The dark-haired teen walked over to the little girl as she set up her video.
"Why?" Piper asked, not seeing what could go wrong.
"Because that girl who's president of the Man Fans, uh, Paula Macchiato, she's mean," Charlotte warned her, having heard of the things the child president had done.
"Well, she said I could join the Man Fans if I pass my initiation," Piper explained.
"Which is?" Henry asked as he and Jasper munched on grapes.
"I gotta make a video of me eating hair soup." Piper moved a bowl of dark, thick sludge into their view, and the look of the slimy hair made them all gag.
"What kind of soup?" Jasper exclaimed, thinking he had heard her wrong.
"Hair! I got this big bag of it fresh from a barbershop floor." Piper lifted a sack of different shades of hair.
"You can't eat soup with a bunch of hair in it," Henry told his sister. As annoying as she was, he didn't want her to get sick from eating hair and messing up her intestines.
"Okay, first, the things you say don't matter. And second, I am going to eat the hair soup so I can join the Man Fans." His sister stood firm. She wasn't going to pass up the chance to join her favourite club.
"Hold my phone." She passed the device to her hesitant brother, who began to record the setup.
"Hi, Paula Macchiato. I want to join the Man Fans so much, I'm going to eat a bowl of...hair soup." Piper said to the camera and lifted up a spoon full of hair. She looked disgusted but put the spoonful in her mouth as Henry, Charlotte and Jasper started to wretch.
Piper gave a thumbs up to them as she struggled to swallow the hair, her expression miserable. 
"Can I have some?" Jasper asked, curious to see what it tasted like, which made Henry and Charlotte looked at him in bewilderment.
~The Man Cave~
Schwoz was setting up the TV for viewing, as Ray, (y/n), Henry and Charlotte grabbed loads of snacks from the auto-snacker. It was finally time for the series finale of Walking Orange and they were so ready to see how the show ended.
"Yeah, baby! Series finale of "Walking Orange." Henry exclaimed in excitement as they brought the food to the couch.
"I can't believe we're about to watch the last episode ever." Ray shared his eagerness as they all climbed over the back and settled down. Henry passed the sodas out as (y/n) put a large pizza in her lap. Ray sat down on the floor between her legs after taking a slice and she rested her arms around his neck. The TV began to play some random Awards show and they all began to panic as they realised they were on the wrong channel. 
(y/n) put the pizza behind her as Schwoz scrambled to find the remote. 
"I put it on the wrong channel." Schwoz cried as he jammed the station button with his thumb. 
"There, there, I fix it, I FIX IT!" He yelled at the shouting group and sat back down once the show came on, just in time for them to watch it.
"Previously, on Walking Orange..." The man on the TV recounted the story. They all squirmed in excitement at the prospect of seeing what was going to happen.
"I'm so excited!" (y/n) squealed in Ray's ear.
"I know!" He said, just as all their phones dinged from receiving messages. They all pulled their cells out and checked the message, but what they read freaked them out.
"Ohhhh, nooooo" Henry screamed at his phone and they all got up from their seats in anger and frustration. Ray beat a pillow against the ground, as Henry and Charlotte threw the skeezits and pizza in their hands. (y/n) ripped her popcorn box in half, the contents spilling over her lap, but she didn't care. Schwoz watched them all in confusion as they threw their tantrums.
"Just turn it off," Ray said in a strained voice. Schwoz switched off the TV in confusion.
"What happened? Why do we not watch Walking Orange? Why you heave your pizza and your poopcorn?" He asked the all, as (y/n) hugged herself into Ray's back in sadness. The evening had been ruined.
"Because The Spoiler ruined Walking Orange," Henry told him in anger.
"Stupid The Spoiler," Charlotte said in a sulk.
"Who is The Spoiler?" Schwoz wanted to know.
"He's this jerky teenager here in Swellview. He finds out what's gonna happen on TV shows and movies..." Ray stood up swiftly, his hair messed up from beating the pillow around.
"And then he tells people the ending." (y/n) ended for him, lying back on the couch and speaking in a whiny voice.
"He ruins it for everyone." Charlotte pitched in.
"Not for me. I am smart. I turn my phone off." Schwoz bragged to them, annoying his friends.
"Well, yip-dee-doo for you, Schwoz." Henry shouted at him in annoyance, and the alarm started to sound. Letting out a groan, (y/n) and Charlotte walked to the computer and opened the camera link.
"Wat, Gooch?" Ray asked the man up in Junk-N-Stuff.
"Do you know what The Spoiler did?" The Indian man asked them, and Schwoz covered his ears against the spoilers.
"Yeah, he texted all three of us," Henry replied.
"No, he texted everyone in Swellview and told them the ending of Walking Orange," Gooch revealed, as Schwoz pressed his hands even harder against his ears.
"No, don't tell me!" The little genius cried. 
"He said that Rodriguez killed Mallory," Gooch told the story, torturing Schwoz.
"Tell him, let him suffer like us!" (y/n) smirked in her seat at the computer.
"And that he's really a cop!" The storekeeper spilt the biggest secret and Schwoz fell to the floor dramatically, feeling the same anger that the others had felt. 
"Thanks for the info, Gooch," Ray said and closed the link. 
"Okay, how'd The Spoiler figure out how to send a message to everyone in Swellview?" Charlotte asked as she picked up the little man on the floor.
"Oh, I don't know." Ray sighed.
"How smart does someone have to be to pull something off like this, Schwoz?" (y/n) spun around to look at the two.
"Anyone with level five computer knowledge could figure out how to do it." He explained.
Well, somebody's got to stop The Spoiler." Charlotte said, and the young woman nodded and stood up to Ray.
"Good thing we know a certain superhero and his sidekick." She hinted.
"Right, that person is us." He said huskily.
"You mean...those people...are us. You used bad grammar." Henry corrected him, but it didn't sound as cool. Feeling miffed, Ray shot a quick laser at his shoulder.
"Okay, do I have to confiscate that?" (y/n) looked up at him with a frown and a stern voice, similar to a teacher's.
"No, mom." Ray groaned.
"Don't call me that, you're so much older than me." She teased him, wanting to ruffle his feathers.
~The next day~
(y/n) was sat with Ray and Henry as the two males played cards and ate chips. She wasn't particularly interested in the game, she was just there to eat their food and scroll through her phone.
However, to Henry and Ray, this wasn't a game, this was a battle to see who could come out on top. They stared each other down as they crunched on the chips in their mouths.
"Only one chip left," Henry mentioned, eyeing the lone snack at the bottom of the bowl.
"Race you for it," Ray said, determined to get that damn chip.
"Okay, I'll try," Henry said, putting his hands down. (y/n) looked up from her phone and saw that they were taking it way too seriously.
"Hands on the table, On three," Ray said, and Henry tapped his fingers in preparation.
"One--" Ray started to count, but (y/n) reached across the table and ate the chip for herself, smirking in her victory over them.
"Come on!" Henry yelled."
"You. Little. Chip-snatcher." Ray spoke slowly at her, but she didn't care. 
"Sorry, the testosterone levels between you two were pissing me off." She said as an incoming alert sounded. The three of them scrambled to the supercomputer. The woman slammed her hand against the panel to open up the Gooch camera.
"Hey, Gooch, what's up?" Ray asked as he stood next to her.
"Spoiler alert," Gooch said, and Henry put his hands on his ears.
"Wait! Don't say anything about The Good Wife, I'm not caught up yet!" He pleaded with the shopkeeper.
"Er, I think he means The Spoiler." (y/n) said, but the boy couldn't hear her, so Ray forced Henry's hands off his head, and pointed to the screen.
"What do you know about The Spoiler?" Ray asked.
"We received a tip that's he's planning to show up at the Swellview Monoplex tomorrow at midnight," Gooch explained.
"Hmm, I wonder why," Ray muttered himself, as they all thought about what The Spoiler would be interested in ruining.
"Tomorrow night is the worldwide premiere of Galaxy Wars 9," Henry remembered that the geeky movie was one of the biggest releases of the year.
"Oh god, yeah. I'm taking Charlotte, I'm so excited and that damn Spoiler guy better not ruin it." (y/n) told them.
"Oh my god. Thanks, Gooch." Ray breathed out and ended the call. He stood up and walked to the middle of the Man Cave.
"The Spoiler must have had inside information about what happens in the movie." The superhero theorised.
"He's going to ruin it for everyone." Henry agreed, knowing they had to stop him. 
"Not if you two stop him." (y/n) encouraged them. 
"Yeah, you and me." Ray nodded at his sidekick.
"You and I." Henry corrected him, annoying Ray.
"That's what I said." The large man said back.
"You said "you and me"." The teen liked to be correct with his grammar, but it really wasn't the time for an English lesson.
"Okay, who cares?" (y/n) butted in, being the referee for them as usual.
"Okay, we have grammar rules for a reason." Henry protested at her.
"Okay, guess what?" Ray said reaching into his jean pocket.
"What?" Henry asked, as Ray pulled out his laser remote and fired at his chest, the child inside him coming out to play.
"Yeah, there you go." He said with a proud smirk on his face, as (y/n) growled at the males in frustration.
"Raymond!" She barked, reaching for the remote, but Henry joined in too.
"You know, I got one, too." He said and used his whiz watch to fire a green laser at the man. They started to engage in a laser fight, (y/n) stepping back to avoid getting hit.
"AH! Not the face!" Henry yelled as Ray got him in the eye, so he began to rapidly fire his laser back at his boss.
"AHHH! Not the butt!" Ray ran around the Man Cave to avoid getting hit. (y/n) was crouching next to the couch, and stood between them when the fight began to get serious.
"OKAY! THAT'S ENOU---OW!" Her loud voice was interrupted as one of the lasers hit her, but she couldn't tell who fired it. The pair of superheroes ceased their fire as she rubbed her arm and glared at them.
"Oops." Henry laughed nervously.
"Sorry, (y/n/n)." Ray tried to give her a hug, but she just snatched the remote from his hands.
"I accept your apology." She smiled at him sweetly, making them think that she wasn't angry. Oh boy, they were wrong.
"Now, I'm going to kill you both!" She raised Ray's remote and shot lasers at them both, chasing them around the Man Cave.
~The next day, Henry's house~
"But I tried to get a selfie with Captain Man! I had a great plan, but it didn't work." Henry walked into the kitchen and heard his little sister talking to someone on her PearBook. She sounded really upset, and at the mention of his boss, Henry was more than intrigued.
"If you want to join my club, then get a selfie with Captain Man!" A rude, little girl said from the speakers, causing Piper's face to crumple with sadness. Whoever this girl was, Henry did not like her.
"But, I don't know where he is. How do I find him?" Piper asked her in distress.
"Wahh. 'How do I find him?" Wahhh. That's how you sound!" The girl snapped at Piper and mocked her. Henry normally didn't care about what Piper did, but he didn't like it when brats bullied her.
"Sorry, I didn't realise." The youngest Hart apologised, not wanting to upset the president. 
"You see this? That's how much time you have to get a selfie with Captain Man, or else you'll never join the Man Fans." The mean girl raged at her and ended the call. Piper slammed her PearBook shut and ran to the sofa to cry. She jumped face down onto the cushions and Henry decided he should talk to her.
"Hey, Pipes. Everything okay?" He asked, acting like he hadn't just heard everything.
"Yes, I'm not upset. Now, shut up." Piper wiped her eyes and tried to appear fine. But Henry could see she was anything but okay.
"Uh, I overheard you talking to that girl from the Man Fans." He told her, switching to his caring big brother mode.
"So?" Piper asked in an uncharacteristically sad and quiet voice.
"Why do you join that club so bad?" Henry questioned, sitting down on the couch arm.
"Well, I just think Kid Danger's really cute," Piper told him, not realising she was saying these things about her brother.
"Ughhh, kill me." Henry gagged at the thought but carried on listening.
"And every week, the Man Fans get together and talk about stuff that Captain Man and Kid Danger are doing, and I just wanna be a part of it. But how am I going to get a stupid selfie with Captain Man?" Piper said rhetorically. She'd never find the superhero in time.
"All right, listen." Henry probably shouldn't have told her this, but he could see how much this meant to his little sister, so he rationalised that a little hint wouldn't hurt. He sat down next to her and leaned in close.
"I read a rumour online that Captain Man might be going to the Galaxy Wars premiere tonight," Henry said as he put his hand on her shoulder.
"Really? Where online?" Piper asked, grabbing her phone to search for the information.
"Oh, uh...they took it down, but I saw it and it said he was going to be there." He lied, but it was enough to get her to stop typing.
"Wait. Where am I gonna get a ticket?" Piper said sadly, knowing that they'd all sold out months ago.
Uh. My boss, (y/n) is taking Charlotte, and she has a spare ticket. I could ask her to take you too." Henry smiled at her, knowing that the woman wouldn't mind taking Piper along too.
"Why are you being nice to me?" Piper asked her brother since he didn't usually help her out. Normally, they were always at each other's throats.
"Because...you're my little sister and I...I don't know, shut up!" Henry said, getting up quickly and walking away from all the mushy, sentimental stuff. He walked to the kitchen and saw Jasper through the kitchen window. He was dangling upside down and waving a sock around.
"Henry, look! I got your sock!" Henry looked at Piper, who just shrugged her shoulders in fake innocence.
~The Man Cave~
Charlotte and (y/n) were waiting for Ray and Henry to get ready for the movie premiere. They were sat checking the criminal records on the computer as they waited. The door next to the computer opened and the two males came out chattering to each other. 
"Hey," Henry said through his costume's mask. It was a red, futuristic set of armour that appeared in the movie and at a geeky premiere, he'd fit in.
"You find anything?" Ray asked her, also dressed up. His costume looked more medieval, but it was still in line with the film's lore. Even dressed as a nerd, he looked hot.
"Yeah, we found a great pic---" The girls turned around and burst out laughing at how they looked. It was pretty funny to see them fully geeked out.
"What's funny?" Henry asked Ray, he thought their costumes were good.
"All right," Ray said with a bored tone.
"Seriously? You're gonna make fun of us?" Henry looked at the two girls, who were holding their stomachs from laughing so hard.
"Knock it off. Come on. Enough." Ray said to them, feeling uncomfortable that his crush found him hilarious in the dork costume.
"Ok, ok." The woman and the younger girl breathed in deeply to calm themselves down.
"So, you're a skynaught?" Charlotte asked Henry, having seen every Galaxy Wars movie, she knew every character.
"A red skynaught." Henry lifted his mask so he could speak clearly.
"And I'm Duke Starjacker." Ray said and (y/n) admired how accurate the costume was.
"I can't believe you chose my favourite character. You even got the gold necklace right." She smiled at him and suddenly, the costume didn't seem so bad to him. Charlotte, though, found their lack of knowledge of the film amusing.
"Yeah, yeah. You won't be laughing when we catch The Spoiler." Henry snarked at her.
"Oh, right, about The Spoiler. Here's a new pic of him from a month ago." Charlotte brought up an image on the monitor and showed a cocky-looking teen's mugshot. Ray and (y/n) took a photo of the boy's face so they knew who they were looking for.
"Got it." He said.
"Hey, and you're going to take Piper to the movie tonight?" Henry asked (y/n) as she looked up from her phone.
"Yeah, I got an extra ticket from one of my nerd friends. I'll even buy her popcorn." She smiled at the boy and checked her watch.
"Oh, it's nearly eleven, we should go pick her up, Char." She said to the girl, and they both grabbed their purses.
"Okay. We'll see you at the monoplex." Henry said to them.
"Yep," Charlotte replied and they walked to the elevator.
"Bye!" (y/n) waved as the doors slid shut and Ray turned to look at her from the auto-snacker.
"Stay safe!" He shouted. He ordered some popcorn from the machine and poured it into the satchel on his costume. 
"Uh...what you doing with that popcorn?" Henry asked him in confusion.
"Putting it in my adventure sack," Ray told him and closed the bag.
"Y'know they sell popcorn at the movie theatre." His sidekick said to him, wondering why wouldn't just buy it when they got there.
"Yeah, for like a billion dollars," Ray replied, thinking he was a genius. 
"Okay, let's go, corn smuggler," Henry said as they walked to the tubes together. Ray tucked his gold cloaked behind his back as the tube came down and Henry brought his mask back down.
"Up the tube." His filtered voice said, and they shot up the tube. Sadly though, the suction caused all of Ray's popcorn to fall out of his sack.
"No, my popcorn!" He cried.
"Ha! Your sack has a hole in it." Henry laughed at him. Looks like he'd have to buy some at the cinema after all.
~Swellview Monoplex~
(y/n) led Charlotte and Piper into the movie theatre and stopped at a food kiosk.
"Hey, Piper, do you want some popcorn?" She smiled at the little girl and pulled her credit card out. Even if she didn't, the young woman definitely wanted some of the sweet, corn snack.
"Yes, please. Can I have a soda too?" Piper asked her in a polite voice. She was too excited to see if Captain Man was here to be her usual rude self.
"Sure. Char, do you want anything?" The woman joined the queue and looked at the teen.
"Just a soda for me please." (y/n) nodded and ordered two large popcorns and three large sodas, quickly paying for them so they could get to the movie room. She spotted Ray and Henry walking through the doors and nudged Charlotte, who also saw them giving their tickets to the man at the entrance. 
"Can I go to the bathroom?" Piper tugged her sleeve, not realising that the two other girls wanted to meet up with Henry and Ray.
"Sure, sweetie. Take your popcorn and drink. Do you mind going with her, Charlotte?" The woman jerked her head and winked at the two males to give the dark-haired girl a hint. Luckily, she picked it up.
"Yeah, sure. You go get some seats." Charlotte gave her the chance to get away and walked off to the toilets with Piper. Once they had disappeared into the crowd, (y/n) made her way over to the two disguised superheroes.
"Hey! You made it!" She greeted them and they smiled when they saw her.
"Where are Piper and Charlotte?" Henry asked some concern in his voice for his little sister. 
"Bathroom, I told them I'd meet them in there." The woman pointed to the room where the movie was being shown.
"Let's go then," Ray said, guiding her in with a hand in the small of her back.
The viewing room was filled with animated chatter from countless Galaxy Wars fans, some dressed as their favourite characters.
"You see The Spoiler?" Ray asked them both, all three pairs of eyes scanning the rows.
"No, not yet," Henry said, as an overenthusiastic dork came down the steps and spoke to them, 
"Red Skynaught. You are the sworn enemy of Mento." The teenager spoke, confusing the two males, but since she'd watched all the movies with Charlotte, (y/n) got his references.
"Sorry. We don't speak nerd." Henry said to the boy.
"He's talking about the war between the warriors of Mento and the Red Skynaughts in the Years of the Ethereal Light." (y/n) explained and the nerdy boy smiled at her knowledge. Her friends, however, just looked at her with confusion.
"Tranya! You have insulted my tribe and the fair maiden in your company! Now taste the Tassel of Tinklon and I shall claim her for my people!" The dork slapped Henry across the face with his 'tassel', as Ray put (y/n)'s hand into his. No nerd was 'claiming' her on his watch. The fake weapon in his hand didn't really hurt Henry, it just really annoyed him.
Henry grabbed the boy's glow bat and broke it over his knee. He handed the two pieces back to the teary-eyed boy.
"Why'd you do that? Mom! A kid just broke my glow bat!" The teenager ran back to his mother on one of the back rows.
"How about those two seats right there?" Ray said to Henry, pointing to the seats.
"Cool." Henry agreed and (y/n) let go of Ray's hand to wait by the doors.
"I need to wait for Charlotte and Piper, you two go ahead." She smiled at them, but Ray didn't want to leave her. Henry shoved him up the stairs.
"Dude, she's a grown woman and we can see her from our seats." He hissed into the older man's ear.
"Ugh!" Ray groaned but carried on walking until Henry spotted the mean girl who had been bullying Piper.
"Hey, hey. See that girl over there?" Henry subtly pointed at the girl in the pink shirt.
"Mm-hmm, the one wearing the me button?" Ray asked when he saw the girl's page with his face on it.
"Yeah. That's the president of our fan club, the Man Fans. She's the one who's being really mean to my sister." The boy explained the backstory to his boss.
"Wow." Ray breathed out.
"What?" Henry looked at him in confusion.
"Her button. That's a fantastic picture of me--" Ray said, his ego showing.
"Oh, let's just sit down." Henry pushed him into their seats.
Charlotte and Piper walked in and met up with the woman who was looking after her.
"Hey, everything okay?" (y/n) smiled at them. Charlotte saw where Ray and Henry were sat and nodded, both at her words and at them.
"Um, where do you wanna sit?" Charlotte asked Piper, wanting to keep the temperamental girl happy, but she just gasped and started to jump in excitement when she saw the girl on the back row.
"What?" (y/n) asked, wondering what had gotten her so excited.
"That's Paula Macchiato." Piper cried, and ran up the stairs to where the girl was sat.
"Hi, Paula." She said happily, thinking that the president of the Man Fans would also be happy to see her. However, Paula lolled her head into the headrest and rolled her eyes.
"'Sup, Paula?" Piper reiterated her greeting when the girl ignored her.
"Until you get a selfie with Captain Man, don't talk to me, don't look at me, and don't even think about sitting with us." She yelled at Piper who looked like she was gonna cry. Henry, Charlotte and (y/n) looked on in sympathy and anger at how horrible the girl was. Not even Piper deserved to be spoken to like that. 
"Okay, sorry." Piper sadly plodded back down the steps to where the two girls were waiting for her.
"Hold my popcorn, Charlotte, I'm gonna go say something to that brat." (y/n) said and rolled up her sleeves with a huff.
"Shhh. Don't upset her, please. I need her to like me." Piper stopped her from going anywhere.
"Okay, but if she looks at me, I'm gonna give her one of these," Charlotte said to Piper and pulled an angry face at the girl at the back.
"And I'm going to give her this." (y/n) went to stick up her middle finger, but Charlotte held her hand down before Paula could notice or Piper could tell what she was doing. She let out a sigh and took the younger girls to some free seats before she could swear in front of more children.
"Hey, I want popcorn," Ray whined to Henry as he watched (y/n) and Charlotte sat down with his sidekick's sister.
"There's none left in your adventure sack?" Henry asked him, still looking through the crowd.
"You know there's not! Be right back." The large man snapped, knowing that Henry was teasing him. He stood up to go to the foyer and grab a box.
"Keep an eye out for The Spoiler." The boy reminded him.
"You too." Ray left him and walked down the steps next to their seats. He had only been gone a minute when a man emerged from the crowd and started to speak.
"Uhhhh. Excuse me! Hey, people, listen up!" He shouted to everyone, and everyone fell silent. Henry looked at him in suspicion as he knew The Spoiler had made himself known.
"It's The Spoiler!" Charlotte cried and pointed to him, sending the room into a panic.
"He's going to ruin everything!" The dorky boy from before shouted from the back. 
"I got some information about the movie!" The Spoiler addressed the crowd.
"Ray?" Henry needed his friend with him at a time like this. If only he hadn't been thinking of his stomach. He got up from his seat and ran to go find him at the popcorn kiosk.
"So, get this..."The Spoiler started, but (y/n) was quicker than him.
"Quick, everyone do this! La, la, la, la, la." She told everyone with her fingers in her ears to block out what he was saying. Everyone copied her actions, and the noise they made together meant they couldn't hear what the cocky teenager was saying.
"No, don't do that! Hear me! Hear me!" The Spoiler shouted, agitated that the crowd had some power over him. 
Henry walked back into the room as Kid Danger, ready to fight the guy who was a menace to everyone in Swellview. 
"Hey, you!" He shouted.
"What?" The Spoiler wasn't scared of some sidekick.
"Shut up!" Henry told him, as Piper noticed the new presence in the room.
"It's Kid Danger!" She yelled in happiness, as Charlotte and (y/n) breathed a sigh of relief that The Spoiler was about to meet his match.
"Oh my god, we love you, Kid Danger!" She yelled and grabbed onto her companions' arms as Henry stalked towards The Spoiler.
"Spoiler alert, I'm about to spoil you." Henry sassed the dude.
"Yes! That was the perfect quip!" Piper said fangirling over the boy she didn't know was her brother. 
"Get outta here!" The Spoiler hissed at Henry and shoved him back onto the floor. The crowd 'oooh'd at the attack. Kid Danger got back to his feet and tackled the other teen to the floor. The crowd cheered and clapped as the two brawled and Henry got a few punches to the guy's stomach. However, the older teen was stronger and he managed to twist Henry's arm until he was pinned on the floor. The audience was in horror as the sidekick struggled against the criminal. 
"Maybe I'll just break your arm and ruin the movie for everyone." The Spoiler said as he held Kid Danger's arm over his knee and gripped his throat harshly. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Piper ran from her seat, stealing a glow bat on her way down the stairs.
"Get your hands off Kid Danger!" She yelled at the thug and began whacking as hard as she could on the man's back. He fell to the floor in pain, letting go of Henry, but she carried on her attack. The crowd applauded her brave actions, especially Charlotte and (y/n). It seemed that courage and selflessness ran in the family, even if Piper rarely showed it.
Ray ran in as Captain Man to see his sidekick on the floor, wide-eyed at how viciously his sister was hitting The Spoiler. 
"It's Captain Man!" The nerd boy said, and the crowd cheered even louder. Ray helped Henry up and lifted Piper away from The Spoiler. 
"Calm down." He told her, but she went back to hitting the teen on the floor, making him pick her up again.
"Go, Piper!" Charlotte yelled as she clapped.
"Hit the crap outta him!" (y/n) joined in, loving the way the child was taking down a criminal for Captain Man. Having gotten Piper to calm down, Ray picked the teenager up by the scruff of his neck.
"Well, The Spoiler...I'm about to spoil..." Ray lifted his fist to punch the guy.
"I already quipped that." Henry chipped in, so Ray just chucked the guy to the awaiting cops instead.
"Kid Danger, can I have a hug?" Piper asked, but Henry freaked out at the idea. He couldn't get close enough to his sister that she recognised him.
"Uhhh, not right now, I need to go stand over there." He excused himself in a fake voice, so Piper turned to Captain Man instead. However, Paula Macchiato wasn't about to be outshone by her rival.
"Move!" The president ran down the steps and pushed Piper into the free seats at the front. (y/n) and Charlotte frowned and crossed their arms at the girl's spiteful actions.
"Captain Man, I'm Paula Macchiato, the president of your fan club, the Man Fans. I'm awesome." She said, which made Ray briefly look up at (y/n) who was pointing at her and mouthing the word 'bitch'. 
"Yeah, I heard about you." He said, whilst also looking at Henry who shook his head at the girl.
"What's your name, little girl?" Ray asked Piper, knowing he had to be nice to her and not Paula.
"Piper Hart. Remember? One time you shot an alien off my face with Exterminator Phalange?" Piper said to jog his memory.
"Oh yeah. Well, Piper Hart, you showed extreme bravery by using this glow bat to beat The Spoiler nearly half to death." The superhero praised her.
"Thanks. I loved it!" She said in jubilation, as Paula Macchiato frowned next to her.
"And you...you just sat there, like a pile of nothing." He said to the brat.
"But, I was going to do something." Paula whinged. 
"Wahh. But I was gonna do something. Wahh. That's how you sound." Piper spat the words the girl had said to her earlier on back at Paula. The crowd laughed at her joke and Henry looked on proudly.
"And now, I, Captain Man, declare you, Piper Hart, the new president of the Man Fans." He told Piper, which the Man Fan members in the crowd loved to hear. Paula, however, did not. Walking forward in front of Ray, she punched him as hard as she could in his stomach, however, the girl's measly strength meant that it was more of a tickle. (y/n) snorted at her pathetic attempt.
"I'm okay," Ray said his catchphrase sarcastically, and Paula just stormed off in anger. 
"Now, what do you say we all watch Galaxy Wars 9?" Captain Man shouted at the cheering crowd, as Piper ran back to where Charlotte and (y/n) were waiting for her.
"Wait, wait!" The geek said, quieting everyone down.
"As guardian of the Throne of Krandor, I challenge both Captain Man and Kid Danger to the duel--" The two superheroes didn't want to hear anymore nerd-talk from the boy, so they just stunned him with their lasers. They began to walk back to their seats when Ray spotted that a woman had a carton of popcorn.
"Hey, what's that?" He pointed at something on the wall and took her box when she wasn't looking and rushed to join Henry, where they could enjoy the movie together. 
~After the movie~
"Oh man, that was so good!" (y/n) said to Ray, Henry and Charlotte as they drove home from the movie. Piper was asleep on the back seat, so they were driving her home as quickly as they could.
"I know! Especially when Duke Starjacker blew up the space station!" Charlotte quietly geeked out with her. Ray and Henry liked the movie, it was good enough to satisfy their love for them, but for two fans of Galaxy Wars like the girls, it was out of this world.
"Aren't you glad you chose to be the best character now?" (y/n) poked Ray's cheek in her teasing. He smiled at her quickly but looked back to the road again.
"Yeah, yeah. It was a good costume." He said to keep her happy. They pulled up to the sidewalk outside Henry's house and Henry and Charlotte gently picked up Piper, him holding her head, and her taking her legs. The boy had transformed out of his super-suit after they left the movie theatre, meaning he could sneak back into his house and if his parents were awake, he wouldn't have to answer any hard questions. 
"Ok, I can walk back to my house from here guys," Charlotte whispered to them through the Man Van's open window.
"Okay Char, have a good night," Ray said, and (y/n) waved to her as he pressed down on the gas and they drove off. The woman leaned back into her seat, the long and exciting night making her feel sleepy. The heater made her feel even drowsier, so she closed her eyes and leaned her cheek against the window.
"You getting tired on me?" Ray spoke up, noticing down she had fallen silent. 
"Mm-hmm." She gave a small nod, and the man smiled at her. She was adorable when she got tired, as she clung to him and instinctively sort out his warm body. He knew that they were about fifteen minutes away from the Man Cave, enough time for her to doze.
"Sleep tight, princess. I'll be here when we get home." He put a hand on her knee and she fell into her dreams, imagining Ray as Duke Starjacker and her as a warrior of Mento fighting the galaxy side by side, her love for him burning as bright as the twin suns of Krandor.
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patemi-pk · 2 years
Pk abroad
Yes, Pkna and its sequels have been Italian original works, but some foreign authors have tried to replicate the mood and settings of those stories, especially to fill-in during the publishing of the original material.
In 2010 in the Netherlands some Pk short stories (both from the first canonical series and the 3rd rebooted one) were being reprinted in XD Magazine. To increase the material the dutch decided to make some original short stories set in the classic status quo of the series.
These stories are now being published in Italy in "The Club of Superheroes" title (alongside Durkwing Duck and other more classic tales).
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PK e l'acqua perduta
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PK - L'invasione dei magmamostri
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PK - Il pericolo corre sul filo
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PK Identità segreta
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PK Missione a sorpresa
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PK Sforzi incompresi
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Nieuwe 313
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Invasie van Uranus
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Noodgeval Verweggistan
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Another foreign story starring Pk is the infamous origin story of the Duck Avenger published on Disney Adventures in the US in 2000. The Pk phenomenon was big at the time and the idea was probably to import the Duck Avenger in America (in a few years a videogame, "Chi è PK?", would have been released). But the origin story of Paperinik was likely considered too out of touch with modern audiences, so it was attempted to make a more modern origin story mixing elements from Pkna. The result was not really palatable, nor successfull. Uno and Everett were substituted by Ludwig Von Drake and Pk had a bee sidekick. Not a funny animal the shape of a bee, but a bee the size of an actual bee (albeit talking and antropomorphic).
The Secret Origin of the Duck Avenger
The story was never published outside of the US [redacted: it was published once in Poland and in the UK, but these markets aren't really hardcore Disney markets, like Italy, Brazil or Northern Europe], although some fan attempted to translate it in italian. At the moment I'm not able to retrieve this fanlation. So I will showcase some snippets of the original story:
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To read it all, it's published in a tumblr blog named after the magazine that published it:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 89, Replies Part 2
1) “RAPPA THERE ARE OTHER CHICKS HERE WHAT WAS THAT COMMENT EVEN ABOUT YOU KNEW THAT NOT ONLY MEN LIKE BEATING EACH OTHER SENSELESS SMH “- I mean, there are spectators and fans in the room as well. It’s not a fighters-only club, she could have just been there to watch the carnage from the sidelines.
2) “Oh yeah Mirko, I sure hope you won’t remember this later on when you become a hero… Although I don’t think you ever got involved with trigger investigations- do you even know that’s part of the job description besides kicking ass and taking names?”- I am 90% sure that Mirko has never done any investigative work as a hero. If she has sidekicks, that’d be almost entirely their job description, along with handling the paperwork whilst she runs around from fight to fight.
3) “Considering how gas behaves, I’m surprised that you two are fine now. You can see it is denser and sinks to the floor, so in theory it should’ve spread far enough to cover this corner. maybe.”- It seems to be concentrated around the actual ring itself, so whilst Mirko’s a little better off at higher elevation, the outside corners of the room are also a temporary safe spot until the gas gets stronger – plus, this is clearly also proto-trigger, so it seems that you need to get several good lungfuls before your Quirks are affected, and they’ve both taken only trace amounts in their current positions.
4) “WAIT
WHAT- IS THAT KUROGIRI? OR IS IT THE PERSON FROM WHICH THEY TOOK KUROGIRI’S POWER?”-  The butler is here to help his master clean up the mess.
5) “is that afo’s hand reaching in through a kurogiri portal to steal quirks out in the open in an event that is being transmitted online and in the presence of a current pro hero and a future pro hero?
it better not be Furuhashi “- Well, it’s very clearly no longer being transmitted online, but yep, AFO’s done with this place, and now it’s time to reap the benefits before the police make everything too hot to handle. Mirko can be forgiven because she’s clearly not much of a thinker at present (plus I don’t think she noticed the Quirk-stealing) but Knuckles….we’ll get to that later.
(Vigilantes ch 86)
6) “Considering they have a pretty nice place and are even advertising it online I don`t think they are too concerned about what might be found there, I doubt this is AfO`s business, like it seems to be trying to point at.”- Well, not one he’s directly connected to, but one that serves as a suitable lure for his actual operations to rake in the necessary materials…
(Vigilantes Ch 87)
7) “So yeah, that`s trigger, but I don`t think that`s AfO`s business yet, I think this is before he took hold of that thing and started his plans.”- Yeah, turns out….we really misjudged how involved AFO was going to be in the events of this prequel. We assumed he’d never lower himself to the street-level crimes that Knuckleduster and Koichi were investigating until Trigger’s worth had been proven and he realised it was worth stealing, but turns out, he’s been directly involved with refining and perfecting the formula under Garaki’s supervision for years.
Bit of a shock honestly, and I do sorta wish it wasn’t the case? Like, I feel Knuckle and Koichi deserved to be faced off with an overarching Villain they actually had a chance of confronting and beating, but I guess it does fit for the symbol of evil’s far-reaching tendrils to create chaos and disaster on multiple levels of society before he got directly involved with Izuku’s plotline.
(vigilantes ch 88)
8) “And apparently this isn’t exactly trigger, but it might be a prototype of it, before AfO got his potato hands into the mix.”-  Or, you know, hadn’t quite refined the formula to be as effective. Needed some time to figure out what worked and what didn’t
(Vigilantes ch 88)
9) “Yeah so this is definitely no AfO’s doing, like he would care for things like asking permission.”-  On the other hand, this isn’t AFO, and likely doesn’t even know his venue is being secretly used as an illegal Quirk-harvesting/testing ground. He probably just accepted the drugs and took what was said about them at face value, and knows he and the fighters ae being monitored by a mysterious backer, but he likely doesn’t realise the depths to which he’s involved with such a dangerous villain.
(Vigilantes ch 88)
10) “Also, the fuck you guys have batons here for? This is an illegal operation, why are you trying to not intimidate with non-lethal weaponry? Bring the goddamn shotgun on his ass your morons”- Well, these guys are supposed to be badly injured, so it theoretically shouldn’t take that much effort to subdue them – not to mention AFO wouldn’t want the merchandise dying before he can suck the Quirks out of them. (Vigilantes ch 88)
11) “…
THIS MESS???”-  Well, probably not directly, but he likely had a hand in funding it and secretly supplying them with drugs and resources for him to monitor the effects with, whilst keeping far enough away under a veil of secrecy that there’s no direct connection or any hints that he’s anything more than a shady backer who hid in the shadows.
12) “Oh damn Mirko didn’t even saw Knuckle coming, that just goest to show how absurdly fast he can get when he gets serious”- And given how the warping keeps up with him even from an external viewpoint, just how fast is Kurogiri’s mist/ability to distort space? We are lucky his head’s as messed up as it is by present, cause if he could control this power freely, it’d be a gamechanger.
13) “I would be more worried how Kurogiri is opening portals so fast- I mean, if he closed and opened another one he would end up cutting AfO’s hand, which wouldn’t be a problem for us, but it certainly would for the timeline”- AFO’s also pretty fast himself, especially since he likely has a few speed-enhancer quirks on him now, so he’d likely be able to reach out, steal a Quirk and remove his hand before it got chopped off. Remember that he was fast enough in his prime to steal Quirks in the blink of an eye, and he’s still not yet been crippled by All Might at present.
14) “Okay now, I do have a few problems with that, wasn’t AfO already eyeless by then? Because I don’t think he’s just sticking his hand to get quirks without even knowing what they do, he is a collector but not of trash”- Yes, he’s not lost his oculars presently. No, it’s not a good idea to try and fit this event into a concise timeline, you’ll just hurt yourself. Best to let it go and thing of things happening in a vague “ish-years ago” timeframe, rather than hard numbers.
EVEN MORE CONSIDERING KNUCKLES JUST MADE A VACUUM TUNNEL FUNNELING IT TOWARDS THEM WITH HIS SPEED DAMMIT KNUCKLES”- presumably the proto-gas stuff is incredibly dense and therefore will take a few minutes to completely fill up the room – not to mention it also apparently requires higher doses of exposure to affect somebody’s Quirk
16) “Alright Knuckles, the fact you’re asking for Mirko’s help immediately leads me to believe you were the one that made sure she didn’t got in trouble for this”- Aaaand that’s about all the explanation we’ll get for how this whole event didn’t wind up a black mark on Mirko’s record.
Although I can’t think of anything else you in particular would say in that situation.”- Mirko is a simple woman, with simple needs.
18) “Oh god, please say “a manly philosophy” rather than “punches” “- I would actually love to see Crimson Riot interacting with these two.
19) “OH MY GOD RAPPA PLEASE”- Same braincell, different bodies. 
20) “But then what Knuckles? The police is still on their lunch break, they can’t stop it just because you asked them, that’s not what they came here for”- The line at the donut store can be a real killer, let me tell you.
21) “oh- oh no, I think someone already knows who Knuckles is…”- Knuckles has made himself an above-average nuisance, and now, it’s motivating somebody to try and squash that gnat…
22) “and he didn’t thought of telling anyone that there was a crazy fucker that stole his quirk? I know he wasn’t aware of All Might’s beef against him, but I think that’s the sort of thing you want other heroes to be aware of
You’re telling me that everything that followed and lead to the current arc of the main series… was because Knuckles was a dumbass that didn’t told anyone that AfO was still alive? “- Yeah…uh, basically that’s it. Knuckles, just like with Nomura/number 6 in the present, seems to have this whole bizarre honour code of “the only person allowed to stop you” going for him with the animosity he has towards the VF and its mysterious backer. And yes, he’s unaware of the history with All Might and AFO, but for some reason, he genuinely seems to want to be the one who takes down the villains in the end, despite his powerlessness in the present.
It is honestly weird for him, that he’s consistently making such an irrational decision, but he apparently did/does want to take down AFO. Granted, part of it could be that he wants to ID where AFO is and what he’s planning before informing the authorities so they can send All Might after him, but at other times, like him taking on Nomura solo, I get the sense that he still wants to be the hero and stop the villains, even lacking power anymore.
It’s almost like a bizarre inversion of All might’s character arc in MHA, that Knuckles has trained up a stronger protégée than himself in the new line of work he’s found himself in, but he keeps trying to take on the fight with the villains himself and keep said protégée out of it, to the point that Koichi only has direct dealings with Nomura after Knuckles got forcibly removed from the picture.
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ericmhe · 1 year
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I mentioned on Godzilla that I was going to do four of these and see how it went. Probably obvious that Ghidorah kind of has to be on the list, so I was just going for the kaiju cast of Godzilla vs Gigan. However I've felt slightly weird about not doing Mothra but figured that there should be another aggressive enemy kaiju for balance. Someone asked for Biollante and you know, I think she has great potential so I'll expand it to six monsters for now. "Hero-verse" Anguirus Not a big variation from the Showa design, just taking advantage of being drawn and not needing to accommodate human proportions and turn him into a poorly proportioned quadruped. Overall there's a little tweaking to try and give him something of a loyal dog sidekick vibe. His shell is also a ways more turtle-like because I really like turtle shells and use any half excuse to make something more like a turtle shell. Anguirus was originally intended be the main support character for Godzilla but he was initially over-designed and after his first couple of appearances animators complained about the complexity of his shell and spike combo. This caused him to be hastily written out and replaced with other benign monsters for a few episodes that are known for being a bit janky writing-wise and displaying strange characterization for monsters like Rodan and Mothra. However the design was eventually fixed and the character re-introduced. As a result Rodan undergoes a very rapid character shift and Mothra is treated as though being introduced for the first time a little later. Fan theories go from alternate realities, out of order episode airings and suspiciously aimed amnesia. "Horror-verse" Anguirus Mostly pulls from his appearance in Singular Point but there's references to everything from injuries recieved in various media, Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee and the abandoned idea of a splitting shell in Godzilla Raids Again. While a giant prehistoric reptile set loose in the modern era has often been depicted as a destructive event, it's hard to paint it as gross out or gory horror so it took some thinking here. Anguirus is well known for being a stubborn creature, applauded among some western fans, and showing up again in spite of dying in his first appearance. Therefore, horror Anguirus has enhanced healing fueling the never give up attitude, even apparent death is just a delay. However his healing is flawed, the initial tissue is incomplete and merely enough to stop bleeding but then as the process continues the tissue is erroneously replaced with armor or claw. Anguirus sports several patches of sprouting bone armor, claws and teeth from the areas he's been wounded in the distant past. More recent injuries like the lower torso wounds from Godzilla, the neck and shoulder wounds from Gigan, and the jaw injury from what seems to have been another bout with Godzilla are all still partway through the healing process and bony material can bee seen emerging. Another apparent death saw his thagomizer being claimed as a trophy by a robotic adversary only for Anguirus to ressurect once again and begin growing a new club of much more random spikes. Anguirus lacks true energy attacks like Godzilla and other kaiju, but is capable of producing a roar so loud it generates a shock-wave. If it raises its shell it can vibrate it at intense speeds and seemingly harmonize with its roar to amplify the effects. Humans and animals at our scale can easily be killed some distance away from Anguirus' threat display alone. The tissues and tendrils exposed when its shell is lifted seem to serve some other purpose in making Anguirus hyper aware of its surroundings, the most commonly accepted theory is that these organs feel and smell the air with great sensitivity allowing Anguirus to track things that it doesn't seem should be able to, however the odd crackpot will insist that Anguirus's predictive abilities are too great for that to be the explanation and hypothesize the creature is somehow seeing the future. The retort to that is easy, surely if the creature knew the future it would get wounded much less. All in all Anguirus is one of the more benign kaiju but can still cause intense destruction in its wake.
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morshgolfclub · 1 month
Unleash Your Swing with Morsh Golf's Fairway Woods
When it comes to mastering your golf game, choosing the right equipment can make all the difference. Morsh Golf offers a fantastic selection of fairway woods that can help elevate your performance on the course. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, understanding the benefits of these clubs is essential.
What is a Fairway Wood?
Fairway woods are versatile clubs designed for long-distance shots from the fairway, rough, or even the tee. With a larger clubhead and a longer shaft, these clubs generate good speed, making them perfect for hitting the ball far while maintaining accuracy. Imagine swinging a club that feels like an extension of your arm – that's what a quality fairway wood can do for you.
Why Choose Morsh Golf Fairway Woods?
Innovative Design
Morsh Golf stands out due to its innovative designs that cater to various playing styles. The clubheads are engineered for maximum forgiveness, meaning they help minimize the impact of off-center hits. This feature is a huge boon when you’re playing under pressure and need to perform your best.
Enhanced Performance
These fairway woods are made from high-quality materials that provide durability and enhanced performance. The aerodynamic shape reduces drag, allowing for a smoother swing and better ball flight. Think of it as the difference between driving a sports car and a clunky old vehicle – speed and precision matter in golf, too!
Custom Fitting Options
Morsh Golf understands that every golfer is unique, so they offer custom fitting options. This means you can find the perfect club with the right length, loft, and shaft flex that matches your swing. A fairway wood that fits just right is like a favorite pair of shoes—comfortable and ready to help you perform at your best.
How to Use Your Fairway Wood
Off the Tee
Using a fairway wood off the tee can give you that extra distance you might need on a longer par 4 or 5. The larger clubhead helps you maintain control while launching the ball high into the air. Imagine soaring like a bird, gliding effortlessly toward the green.
From the Fairway
When you find yourself on the fairway, your fairway wood can be your best friend. With its design, it allows you to take powerful swings without sacrificing accuracy. You're not just hitting a ball; you’re sending it on a mission to the hole!
In the Rough
Even if you stray into the rough, Morsh Golf's fairway woods can help you recover. The forgiving design helps cut through the grass, gaining momentum to get the ball back on track. It’s like having a reliable sidekick that’s always there to bail you out.
Final Thoughts: Elevate Your Game
Morsh Golf's fairway woods are the perfect blend of innovation, performance, and style. With their unique design, custom options, and versatility, they set you up for success on the course. By incorporating these clubs into your game, you’re not just playing golf; you’re embracing an experience that brings joy and excitement to every swing.
Are you ready to transform your game? Explore Morsh Golf's fairway woods here and take the first step toward reaching your golfing potential!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
I wish there were a more standardized rules for the romanization because the differences are so wild that I go back and read and I’m like what who tf is this…like atp it’d be easier for me to just read it in korean instead if I have to think this hard to figure out who is being referred to…and yes the webcomic def isn’t as deep LOL im ngl I was never like super SUPER into orv like that so I didn’t mind it just being a more surface level easy quick read maybe someday I’ll actually get the willpower to fully read the novel…
Wait you’re so right LOL I totally forgot….also on that note iirc I think yukis bday is late April, I wanna say 26/27….but I could be wrong because I (regretfully) have not paid as much attention to yuki as some others (KARASU cough) but I’m actually laughing so hard sidekick Niko is actually gold I love the dynamic
Oh yeah there’s definitely Kaiser glazers LOL I feel like most of them are also the ones calling ness a glazer which is ironically funny (classic dude bro activity)
I just saw your side by side post and I was gonna say why do they look so similar in those panels LOL ok but hak too >>>>> I also remember seeing scenes of him and being like omg…actually he does kinda remind me of the closeted pining loser..lowk maybe I should go back to reading this again
LMAOO yeah you could never catch me pampering someone like Reo does to Nagi but OOOOOH guys im getting an exclusive sneak peek to peregrine hehe ok but reading this YOU CANNOT DROP A BOMB LILE THAT OMG??? Guys….guys?????!!!! Heavily agree that nagi being with her DESPITE the hassle >>>>>> Nagi being with her because she’s the only one who isn’t a hassle….it makes it feel more meaningful because we all know how much he hates hassles and instead of her just conveniently fitting with his lifestyle in that sense he’s actively willing to actually go out of his comfort zone for her….its the active part fr…I’m crying him biking all the way to meet her is giving me white butterfly hiori and willow tree rin add him into the losers with wild signs of affection club…ok but him actively failing to give the opportunity to her SHSGSHSH Lowk I can imagine her being pissed when/if she finds out but also OHHH ok it’s been a bit since I last read it but the pieces are here so that’s why Nagi’s always been kinda looked down upon because of his soccer career decline…that sounds like a big peregrine installment though LOL excited for whenever you decide to put that out!! I’m all for the tidbits and spoilers though
I was also going to say I remember first reading peregrine and getting sidetracked by chigiri because of the way you wrote him as the bff too LMAOOOO I definitely see the chigiri bff trope used here and there and I haven’t seen any characterizations of him here that are as bad/wild as other characters (like the Itoshis) but yours is def one of my favs miraverse characters on top!!!
LMAOOO “did I miss a tag was this supposed to be some cucking fic” no dw they’ll turn around once they realize it’s not aiku (like me reading Karasu bfb part 2 instead of 1 smh) OR they’ll just convert to (whoever it is) nation from your writing
OOOOOH ok actually that makes it easier for the fyp to do its thing then manifesting some top tier audio!! On a slightly unrelated note whenever I see anything using that audio from the Barou one you showed me I think about the Barou edit and lose it…truly living in my head rent free
Omg so I sent in the reply and went to go look at the source material to translate but got side tracked and completely forgot about it until I read this so umm!!! Going now!!! LMAO luckily they’re pretty short so it won’t take me long as long as my brain has the capacity to remember to actually do it shshjensjs
- Karasu anon
i think i started reading it because of an edit on tik tok (at this point what DON’T i do because of edits on tik tok…) and found out the webcomic wasn’t finished so i just went straight for the novel instead!! and honestly i’m glad i did because it was a much better experience imo…honestly i was lucky in that i had literally nothing else to do so it was easy for me to keep reading which meant i could get to the really exciting parts quicker!! since at first it’s kind of confusing 😰 but i do want to reread at some point because i think it’s one of those stories that’ll be even better when you know the ending?? or like you pick up on things you missed the first time around 🙂‍↕️ however it’s so long that rereading would be such a time commitment idk if i could do it 😭
okay wait yeah he does have an april birthday i was thinking of nagi when i said may!! LMAO agreed the yukimiya facts are not at the forefront of my mind as compared to nagi karasu and barou’s (also barou and i have almost the same birthday this basically makes us soulmates i think)
kaiser glazers are so interesting because 99% of kaiser fans fundamentally misunderstand his character to the point that it’s like…just create an oc…LMAOAOA he’s definitely interesting but i think he has to be viewed in a very particular lens to even make sense as a person 🤔 he’s not solely “evil abusive meanie villain” but he’s also definitely NOT a sweetheart who would be perfect and flirty in a relationship…many layers to that man but i will leave the exploring of them to someone who actually gaf abt him
NO BECAUSE THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY TBH LIKE WHY DO THEY LOOK SOSOSO SIMILAR?? dare i say nagi might pull up and steal shinah’s story that i always wanted to write but never did…DARE I SAY 🤫 jkjk we will see if i can even make it work because to be honest it might be too dependent on yona lore HOWEVER the crossover could be insane 😨 especially because hak was the second lead so i could EASILY give rin that spot and fulfill my rin second lead dreams 🤩
LMAOOO I NEEDEDDDD TO GO ON THE PEREGRINE RANT WITH SOMEBODY!!! oh 100% it’s like one of the main three fights they have (the first is after he becomes friends with reo and asks her why she hates him so much so she tells him she hates him for not trying and still being better than her because she’ll be stuck in their hometown forever [they secretly become friends and then start dating afterwards], the second is when she finds out he failed on purpose because she’s all like “oh you didn’t trust me now i didn’t even earn it” and nagi’s like “bro what do you want from me 😰”, and the third is when he bikes to her house and asks her to stay and she tells him she has to leave and then literally gets in the taxi and leaves him standing there in the rain watching her go 😭) okay wait more peregrine lore: the reason why she gets with kira is deadass because chigiri reo and may convince her to go to a college party in their freshman year with them for the underage drinking experience and when she’s drunk she sees a tall pale haired soccer player and is like omg nagi??? and goes over to cry and hug him because she misses him sm…meanwhile kira is like WTF but finds her hot so he decides he needs to snatch and that’s why he knows who nagi is even though she doesn’t remember it happening because reo may chigiri were NOT responsible friends and she had a bitttt too much 😓 she says no because she still loves nagi and wants to be with him once she graduates but a week or so later nagi goes viral on social media for mentioning he’s in love with a girl from their hometown — orie watanabe (reader’s best friend from when she was a kid who sold her out to her mother) so she calls kira and is like “ok ig i’ll date you i have no other options” BUT plot twist there’s an interlude which shows the actual interview and all nagi said (in response to the interviewer asking why he’s single) is that he’s still in love with this girl he knew from when he was younger (implied to be reader) it’s just that the gossip sites went crazy trying to find the girl and orie being a clout chaser is like “oh he’s talking abt me” LMAOAOA and ofc as chigiri mentioned nagi doesn’t have any social media so he had 0 clue what was even HAPPENING but that’s why reader thinks he moved on first!!
also wait number one peregrine moment that is yet to come is during reo and may’s wedding…the date of reader’s wedding has been set and she’s dancing w nagi as the best man and maid of honor usually do and she starts crying because talking to may made her realize she actually still loves nagi but she doesn’t know how to escape the hole she’s dug for herself so nagi’s like “wow guys she’s so emotional her best friends are getting married 🙂‍↕️” and they go sit in the corner and he’s like ok why are you ACTUALLY crying and she’s like i wish we were the ones getting married which ofc makes nagi be like 😮 UNFORTUNATELY kira is there and he overhears and starts crashing out but then the goat himself HYOMA CHIGIRI pulls up and diffuses things by dumping a glass of red wine on kira’s head and saying “you’ve always wanted to be like me at least now you’ve got the hair color down 🥱” JFNDJSKS then kira fucks off back to america but chigiri gets home first and he + niko + kunigami get all of reader’s stuff out of their house before kira can do anything…then nagi gets back into soccer but the only team that’ll take him is a really shitty one that’s supposed to be kicked out of the league because they don’t even have a coach and reader is like “yo if you take nagi as a player i’ll get you a coach” and then she calls chigiri so he + kunigami + niko (who still has reader’s cat for some reason) pull up and chigiri gets the job as their coach and he + nagi lead them to victory that season even though chigiri had to quit playing soccer in college because of his leg (hence why kira replaced him) 🤩
YESSS THE AUDIOS GO CRAZY i never know when inspo will strike because it’ll be the most random videos fr but at this point i trust my for you page to lead me to greatness it hasn’t let me down yet!! also omg the barou effect…so real though that edit was PERFECT like the clips they used and everything…lowkey after sae i might do barou’s edition of the oaeu because i cannot wait to write him and also because it’ll introduce niko as aiku’s sidekick which is a must
LMAOOO no worries i will go respond to them now!! hehe you are always on the translating grind my goat fr 😩
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mrdelroy · 4 months
general information on jack, and a night owls crew directory. start here if you aren't familiar with jack's source material (i.e. this is not spoiler free). consider this a continual wip! ↜(#`∀´)_Ψ
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🔥 ⸻ 𝙿𝚄𝙱𝙻𝙸𝙲 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙻𝙴𝙳𝙶𝙴. (information anyone could know/learn/have access to)
Is the host and producer of the late-night talk show Night Owls, which broadcasts every weeknight from NYC. It began airing mid 1971 and was an instant hit-- so much so that in late '72, Jack secured a five-year deal with Walker Bedford, the owner of UBC TV. Night Owls has been running for four seasons and counting, and is adored nationwide.
Was a popular Chicago radio announcer before his days in TV.
Had been married to Madeleine Piper, a popular stage actress and Broadway star, for seven years before she passed away to terminal lung cancer in '76. Her diagnosis and subsequent death came as a huge shock, as Madeleine was a marked non-smoker. Jack misses her dearly, and still wears his wedding ring in her memory.
Has an Emmy nomination to his name, among others.
A known supporter of the arts. Jack is a big fan of music, cinema, and the theater, and visits Broadway often.
Graduated from DePaul University with a degree in Communications. During his time in college, Jack assisted and eventually hosted DePaul's radio station.
An alcoholic. Drinks and smokes-- heavily so when stressed.
Born in Berwyn, Illinois.
Errs a bit on the side of skepticism (if only out of willful ignorance/fear) but is a huge scaredy cat. Has a very low tolerance for horror and often freezes in the face of it.
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🔥 ⸻ 𝚂𝙴𝙼𝙸-𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙻𝙴𝙳𝙶𝙴. (information only those who are close to him could know/learn/have access to)
Rumor has it that Jack is involved with the Grove, an exclusive men-only club located in the redwoods of California. Though it has long portrayed itself as a harmless summer camp for the rich and powerful, speculation swirls around its taste for arcane ceremony and power to make or break careers.
Kind and naturally curious. Protective of those he cares about, though shy. Rather softspoken when off-camera.
Had an older brother who died overseas in the Korean War.
Struggles with xylophobia (fear of the woods, specifically entering them at night). A more recently developed fear; he keeps it to himself and jokes about it when pressed, but will still go out of his way to avoid forests after sunset.
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🔥 ⸻ 𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙻𝙴𝙳𝙶𝙴. (information only a VERY select and trusted few could know/learn/have access to)
Mere days before his deal with UBC, Jack was fully inducted into the Grove. He underwent a ritual in the redwoods of California and through it a demonic entity was summoned, one that promised Jack could be "number one" by striking a bargain with it. Terrified, he took the deal, not knowing this would eventually be the reason for Madeleine's cancer diagnosis. The guilt of having inadvertently killed her weighs on Jack to this day. This ritual is also the cause of Jack's xylophobia.
The owners of UBC TV and Cavendish (another Night Owls sponsor) are affiliated with the Grove and involved in its cult activity. Both were present at Jack's ritual.
Had a private nickname for Madeleine: Minnie.
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𝙶𝚄𝚂 𝙼𝙲𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙻𝙻 ⸻ Co-host & announcer. 50. Cis man, he/him. Caucasian. Married. 🔥 To call Gus 'co-host' would be too generous-- he is Jack's sidekick and the punchline to nearly every Night Owls joke. Despite this, he is also Jack's closest, if not only, real friend off-camera. He's kind and easy to get along with, a bit of a pushover, though butts heads with Leo often. He has been on Night Owls for as long as Jack has and only wants what's best for his friend, going as far as to suggest Jack quit the show entirely to recover after Madeleine had passed.
𝙻𝙴𝙾 𝙵𝙸𝚂𝙺𝙴 ⸻ Jack's manager & producer. 52. Cis man, he/him. Caucasian. Divorced. 🔥 Born in California, Leo dragged himself to NYC after Hollywood had failed him one time too many. He is a no-nonsense sort of man. Snappy and contentious, he takes his job very seriously; woe is the stagehand who dares get in his way. Since Madeleine's death, he has been a worse and worse influence on Jack, always pushing for edgier, more controversial guests and topics in an attempt to boost ratings.
𝙿𝙷𝙸𝙻 𝙺𝙸𝚁𝙱𝚈 ⸻ Floor manager. 48. Cis man, he/him. African-American. 🔥 Was brought onto Night Owls in '72, when Jack signed on with UBC Studios. Has worked in TV ever since his college days. A legendary multi-tasker. Great at taking charge and is well-liked among the crew, but can be a little hardheaded when stressed, given how deeply he cares about the show.
𝚂𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙷𝙰 "𝚂𝙰𝙼𝙼𝚈" 𝚂𝙴𝙾𝚆 ⸻ Make-up artist. 23. Cis woman, she/her. Chinese-American. 🔥 The youngest Night Owls crewmember. Was hired straight out of cosmetology school and has since done well to earn her keep. Close with Jack; had at one point been taken under Madeleine's wing, more than eager to learn from a stage actress such as herself.
𝚆𝙰𝙻𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝙱𝙴𝙳𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙳 ⸻ Owner of UBC Studios. 77. Cis man, he/him. Caucasian. Married. 🔥 Old, rich, feared. Business-driven like none other and a longtime member of the Grove's inner circle. Doesn't visit set often, but when he does, everyone is on their absolute best behavior.
𝙻𝙾𝚄 𝚂𝚆𝙸𝚃𝚉𝙴𝚁 ⸻ Camera 2 operator. 45. Cis man, he/him. Caucasian.
𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚅𝙴 𝙱𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙶𝙴𝚂 ⸻ Studio director. 55. Cis man, he/him. Caucasian.
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anewgolfusa · 6 months
ANEW Golf: Pattern Stand Bag - Mint
Here­'s the fresh new golf bag you've­ been waiting for! The ANEW Golf Patte­rn Stand Bag in cool Mint is ready to take your game up a notch. Tough mate­rials make this bag durable. You'll have loads of space­ for your gear. Plus, the handy stand lets you e­asily reach your clubs. When you want great pe­rformance and sleek style­, ANEW Golf has you covered. Strut your stuff on the course­ with this stylish sidekick!
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daburuwosagase · 11 months
Miracoro 11/2023 reviews
I wish more works broke out of the "cool overdesigned mc and normal kid with bonkers reactions" mold, but I suppose that's the easy way to start a story.
Vampred: Vampire/zombie story. Most of the chapter was showing off the main character Sol, who's a very nice lad with a cool design. He's got artificial limbs, is malewife material, is unfailingly polite, is half-vampire, has a tragic backstory about being tortured by humans, and yet still believes that they deserve his protection. Not sure about that one, chief. The mc's engineered perfection made a lot more sense once I found out the author is the Bitch Cop Ass guy.
Yamikiri Giri: god i miss doctor dokuta. This feels like a good candidate for its successor. It starts off in the middle of action, which is unusual to see with these oneshots. The protag Giri is the polar opposite of the previous guy, and he may actually be an adult? I had a lot of fun reading this one.
Mikazuki: Basically, "what if Maya channeled Phoenix to solve cases?" The culprit actually came as a surprise. It's definitely a Takahashi-sensei work, and it definitely feels inspired by Ace Attorney. I enjoyed it, but not sure if it's the best pick for serialization. It's the only one that made me actually gasp, though.
Monoshiro: Moves along really fast and therefore wasn't left with time for it to sink in. The premise is lacking. Again, cool designs though.
Gatlin: Great action but lacks substance. The sidekick this time is a girl, which I'll gladly take.
Iroha: Karuta... with a CATBOY. Absolute winning premise. The mc Iroha has almost no knowledge of the poems but has extreme reflexes that let him react to the opponent's movements. The art's pretty intense too. Now this could be interesting if expanded upon.
Monster Parent: Pretty good gag manga. The mc's mom is a literal monster who doesn't get that she's seen as a monster. She orally lays eggs in the supermarket to help her look for curry, because the staff are busy and she doesn't want to bother them. Heck of a sentence.
Shinigami Happy End: Very fresh take to have a shinigami whose primary item is trash bags. The modern reaper is a garbage collector. And he's also a tumblr sexyman who goes from main blorbo form to smexy skinny legend. Kind of scary. Kobayashi-sensei popped OFF with the art. The climax spread is actually *abstract* rather than a physical finishing blow, and it rules.
Sonata: Kinda like Inazuma Eleven GO but with a music club. Featuring instrument avatars. The mc Sonata is not a good musician at all but he's dedicated, so that makes up the difference. It breaks the formula slightly by having a whole club instead of one sidekick, and the mc doesn't already have awakened powers.
Seira: A rich girl's awakening to ramen. It's slower-paced than the others, so the flavor soaks in. Even as a one-shot it's nice.
Kamikakushi: Again mostly action-based, but it could easily pivot to part-mystery. We're getting a lot of girl primary characters in this volume, that's really neat. This time the mc has hammerspace hair. The enemy was decently freaky too.
Kamibukuro Hunter: The art style for the kid in this one is kinda... "how to draw anime". It's bizarre. But she can still emote as befits a gag manga. The premise is kinda one-note here.
Gudegudevil: Gag manga about a pet devil trying to dissuade a kid from doing homework but it's too lazy itself to succeed. Not too exciting.
Isekai Boukensha: It's an isekai. And this time, the protag's an 11yo with a wooden stick. Not my thing.
Onigiri: Gag body humor with a sentient onigiri. Feels kinda mundane, or maybe I'm just worn out by the end of all these pilots.
Top three that I think have potential for more: Yamikiri Giri, Iroha, Monster Parent
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hongthoven · 2 years
Love me like you hate me {Part.2} | Hongjoong x Reader
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❅ pairing : kim hongjoong (ateez) x fem reader
❅ rate : +18 | angst, smut
❅ warnings : violence, strong language, sex
❅ status : chaptered, unfinished (chapter 2/?)
❅ tags&stuff : gang leader!hj, gang AU, stripper!reader, drugs, money, corruption, stripclub, violence, San as hj's right-hand man and Wooyoung as their overexcited sidekick, San is kind of a sadistic bastard, heart eyes for Woo, little bit of Woosan if you squint, graphic sex scenes incoming, joong is a rough little man with a potty mouth, Yunho's there too and the most perfect boyfriend material as usual
❅ Part I
Please comment & reblog if you enjoy the story ♥
𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟤
Nervousness knew nothing on Y/N as she once again walked into the busy club like a bull making its impactful move into the Arena, ready to conquer and destroy. She always found power and pride by quenching every single man’s thirst with the delicacy of her moves, her hips swinging side to side in perfect sync with the slow beat of whatever song was playing in the club. 
Though her head was already in the game, lips turned into a soft smirk, eyes dusting off the entire room looking for her preys, Y/N couldn’t help but think about Yunho’s words, seconds before she had left the changing rooms: “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to” - his voice was unnecessarily dramatic, adding much more impact to the ridiculous amount of cash he was handing her as he spoke. His eyes were nothing but apologetic, like a father selling his only child to the richest man in town. 
After years of using her body as a money-maker, Y/N had seen everything. Every type of customer she could think of had once been tucked between her thighs, from the shy nerd dragged by a couple of frat boys looking for the perfect Instagram story to share, to your typical unfaithful husband or a couple of wolves from Wall Street, there was nothing or no one she wasn’t prepared to handle.
Still, Yunho’s frown and the way his eyes seemed to be begging for her to cancel her offer to please the man who held her entire career into his fist were all signs of a very unexpected evening to come. 
She had her entire performance planned ahead, from the way she walked through the tables, softly grazing her impeccably polished black nails over men’s shoulders, smiling and winking like she was Queen Elizabeth herself waving at her people, Y/N knew she owned the place.
While the rest of the girls were fairly popular, they still remained the opening act for the superstar she had become over the years. No matter what happened in the club, she was always the girl men whispered about at the coffee machine the next day, her strawberry lips and the very specific swerve of her hips anchored into their brain forever. 
With her perfect figure wrapped into the shortest, lacy negligée, just see-through enough to catch a glimpse of her shimmery cleavage, scattered with her favorite sparkly lotion that made it seems like she had just taken a gold bath, Y/N was perched on the highest pair of heels, the ones that made her legs look infinite while all eyes were glued to the crease where her thick thighs met.
This job came with a few risks, turning heads so easily making her feel like she was untouchable, a living goddess amongst the most ordinary people. While she wasn’t that self-centered in the first place, Y/N couldn’t deny just how much she loved being praised and having men begging for more, every night, for the rest of her life. Like a vampire hunting for blood, she needed the attention to thrive and survive. 
Finding their table wasn’t a tricky job as she waved to a couple of regular customers, pouting at them and acting coy as she was most definitely claimed for the night.
Though there was no signed contract in sight, Y/N just knew she would not bail on her boss anytime soon and while she loved to catch up with her favorite clients throughout the week, tonight’s shift wasn’t exactly one she could plan ahead.
For all she knew, she could be at it until the break of Dawn if the big boss was in the mood. 
As she got closer to the VIP table, Y/N couldn’t instantly tell who the big man was. Out of the three suits and ties she could see from where she was standing, none of them looked threatening enough to hold an entire city in the palm of his hand. Closing the distance, she started to figure it out as she finally caught a glimpse of their faces, trying to read through them. 
One definitely looked like it was his first time in a place like this, his giddy attitude and wide smile both obvious signs of the typical first timers, the ones that usually creamed their pants 20 seconds into a lap-dance - her personal favorite. His wide smile was framed with two adorable dimples and his entire face seemed to be made of gum as it moved accordingly with his emotions. With just one look, Y/N could tell he was the youngest, still untamed and incapable of hiding anything from anyone. His long black hair was tucked into a half-bun with just a single strand falling upon his left eye. Something about him simply dripped with innocence and somehow, Y/N felt the instant urge to protect him. 
The tallest one of the three had some typical “big dick energy”, the slit in his eyebrow growing bigger as it rose and his smug attitude almost unbearable. From a single look, she just knew he must have been THE Kim Hongjoong Yunho had warned her about, the confidence of twelve men tightly wrapped in an undersized shirt where the couple buttons he had left seemed to be suffocating against his tight chest. He was the first to notice her, his vicious tongue washing over the smirk grown bigger in the corner of his lips. If anything, he looked like a Hyena ready to feast on a deer, eyes sparkling with mischief, jaw thick as iron and disgustingly gorgeous. 
While he was sitting in the middle, the third man seemed to be the quietest, almost out of place, his eyes dusting through the crowd with his arms resting above the couch, stretching his white shirt just enough for Y/N to catch a shy glimpse of some ink over his collarbone, unable to figure out what the tattoo was about just yet. Though his eyes seemed a little dark and foggy from a thousand thoughts, his features were definitely more delicate than his friends’ , his thin pointy nose as the final touch to a perfect side profile. Frowning slightly as he took a sip of whatever liquor he was into, he was also the only one not gaping at her right now, only acknowledging her when she was close enough for him to smell the intoxicating scent of her favorite perfume. From the second their eyes met, Y/N made it her goal to wreck him, only because he wasn’t giving her the attention she quite deserved. 
“Hello gorgeous” it was no surprise to have Mr.-tough-guy speak first, his calloused fingers already toying with the silky belt of her robe, pretending to pull at it with a playful smirk plastered on his face. It was almost like she could predict his next move, having seen an awful lot of men like him before. If he oversaw this place, Y/N was safe, as hungry wolves like him were the easiest to feed.
Next to him, the young puppy’s excitement seemed to grow twice its size, his thumb grazing his plumb bottom lip as he draped her entire body with his sparkly brown eyes. He was the cutest by far and it took Y/N all the strength she had within herself not to lean forward and peck the adorable mole under his left eye. 
Still - the third man remained cruelly unbothered by the events, his eyes briefly traveling down her body, never giving a single hint of an emotion through his stone-cold face. Without much more details to work with, Y/N simply assumed he was the infamous right-hand-man Yunho was talking about earlier. The cold, almost sadistic part of that job kind of fitting with the horrendous attitude he was serving so far. 
Like the perfectly oiled machine she was, Y/N immediately started her show, stepping on the small, circle stage facing their booth with her hand already tightly wrapped around the center pole. It took her a few spins to forget about the unbothered look on the third man’s face, her pride stroked in all the wrong ways. Luckily, she found the best crowd in his two companions, the youngest already shifting in his seat with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth while the other had made himself comfortable in the booth, the back of his head resting against the couch.
She purposely ignored the other guy - soon enough, he wouldn’t be able to look away from her. 
She liked to start slow and to flirt with the pole like she would if she had to convince a man to go home with her, her hand briefly stroking it as she walked around it, bending slightly every now and then, just enough for her special crowd to enjoy a first row view over her impeccable rear.
Back in the VIP booth, San couldn’t hide his enthusiasm as he shared a couple comments with his friends, his elbow digging so hard into Wooyoung’s ribs he barely managed to cover up a wince.
With his hand wrapped around his glass, taping his silver rings over the rim, Hongjoong only decided to focus on the show happening in front of them when San blurted out a filthy comment about how he’d love to “see his hands printed on that ass”. Looking up with real interest for the first time, half-chuckling at his friend’s comment, Hongjoong was a little taken aback when his eyes immediately locked with hers, making it feel like they were left alone in the claustrophobic closeness of a heated room.
She had a beautiful face -this he couldn’t deny- her natural beauty shining through the eccentric, sparkly make-up she had to put on every night to fit the part. Her long hair was falling down her back, grazing her naked shoulders as she slipped off her robe and when Hongjoong - like any other man - should have followed its track as it pooled at her feet, gasping at the spectacular amount of bare skin she was finally flashing them, he was actually surprised not to break eye-contact with her. Neither was she. 
“F u c k - m e…” Wooyoung’s shaky voice brought him back to reality, along with the strong grip of the youngest man’s hand around his forearm as his jaw seemed to dislocate in perfect sync with the girl’s body as she slid down the pole as slow as possible, only to end up squatting behind it with her legs wide open. She had nothing on but the tiniest, lacy white matching number that failed to hide her most intimate parts. If all three men had managed to remain low-key about their arousal so far, everything went down the pit of hell as soon as she started to grind herself over the pole, giving them a solid peak at what she would actually look like riding them. 
When she felt like her crowd was cooked to her very specific standards, Y/N decided to step forward and take it to the next level, leaving her stage behind to walk towards their table with the attitude of Queen marching to her Throne. 
Wooyoung welcomed her with an audible gasp as she made him the obvious first choice for a lap dance.
Straddling his thick thighs until she was core-pressed against his crotch, Y/N wasted no time grinding all over him, her hips following the heady rhythm of the song playing in the club, her own thighs clenching around him with every beat. It was no surprise to see Wooyoung’s face turn into an absolute, flustering mess with his mouth agape and his eyes half-shut, pupils traveling up and down her body like he was trying to swallow her up entirely.
With her palms dancing all over his chest, grazing her nails over his exposed skin where his shirt failed to cover it, Y/N could feel the haunting beating of his heart about to explode right into her palms, loving every second of it. 
“Can I kiss you?” Though his words came out as the most innocent request, Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle to herself a little at his unexpected audacity and the way his entire face seemed to beg for a much deeper connection. If they were standing anywhere else and outside of her workplace, Y/N wouldn’t even think twice about tasting those beautiful, plump lips until they turned dry, but kissing amongst many other things, wasn’t part of the job. 
“Sorry, love, that’s not allowed” she simply stated, her hips still rocking back and forth against his as Wooyoung’s hands found their way along her thighs, squeezing it slightly as a way to release all of the tension building up inside of him.
Pouting like a child who’s been told off, the younger man instantly turned to face his friends, disappointment painted all over his gooey eyes. 
“C’mon, the kid wants a kiss… Why can’t you be a good girl?” San interrupted, his face tilted to the side with his signature smirk flashing back at her as it took Y/N all the strength in the world to figure out whether she wanted to eat his mouth or shut him up with a strong slap.
“Please…” Wooyoung begged, properly whining this time as his lips turned into the biggest pout, looking directly into her eyes as his thumbs pressed into her hips to make her move again. 
“What’s that, baby? Do you need your daddy’s approval?” Although she was obviously teasing the boy, her tongue curling into her cheek in the cockiest way, Y/N could tell she was surrounded by a bunch of massive players, but unlucky for them, she never settled for the easiest road and praised herself for her edging skills. 
“He’s not my daddy” Wooyoung complained, whiny as ever.
“Seems like he makes all the big decisions for you, though…” Y/N instantly replied, her eyes traveling between the two men while mentally patting herself in the back for collecting the expected reactions from both of them. 
Still, the biggest surprise came from a deep, unexpected chuckle from the third man, breaking the silent treatment he’d been giving her ever since she had walked to their table.
Pushing his now empty glass along the table with a simple flick of his finger, Hongjoong decided to pay attention to the scene happening in front of his eyes, waiting for the next act. 
“Look who’s got a tongue?” Y/N dared to say out loud, her teasing smile directly aimed at the leader whose identity was still to be unveiled. A little taken aback, Hongjoong looked up, frowning slightly while San was quicker to reply. 
“Watch your mouth, doll, the man’s paying for your rent” the right-hand man simply stated, his fingers reaching for her jaw as he pinched her cheeks together until she locked eyes with him properly. 
“Now give the kid a kiss” he added, his tone leaving no space for negotiation as his thumb grazed her bottom lip, making it pop slightly against his skin. 
“I thought he was in charge?” Y/N proved herself to be extremely daring once again, her chin pointing towards Hongjoong as she was still struggling to digest the unexpected twist of events.
While his cold behavior and lack of interest could have been an obvious hint at the power he actually held, Y/N still swore he had nothing on San when it came to man-handling her. 
Without a word, Hongjoong reached for the inside pocket of his suit once again, pulling out another ridiculous batch of rolled-up cash, handing it to the girl while staring into her soul, this time without a smirk. 
“Just do as they ask” he coldly stated, watching as she indubitably grabbed the cash with no further word.
A simple glimpse at her fistful of money was enough for Y/N to know she was holding a couple months’ rent worth over doing nothing major yet. Still, she couldn’t bear the frustration of having that one man looking devastatingly unbothered by her behavior.  If anything, he looked and acted like she wasn’t even there and, with her pride typically nesting into her specific skills and the intensity of a man’s gaze, Y/N just couldn’t take it without a frown. 
Facing Hongjoong, she was left with nothing but an obscene amount of cash to cry over.
Still, professional as ever, Y/N was quick to pull herself together, her entire attention back on the two other men she still had to play with. Pushing her bruised pride aside, she finally decided to please the young man tightly clenched between her thighs, palming his cheeks as she reached towards his face to peck his lips softly.
At least, Wooyoung’s attention was entirely on her, his eyes following her every move while their bodies connected like magnets. He was a soft yet extremely sensual kisser, the tip of his tongue teasing the opening of her lips as he groaned in the cutest way under her touch. He was like a teenager dying to be held, his skin burning with hunger, craving for more as she snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. 
She could tell his friends’ eyes were all over them, even Hongjoong whose attention was particularly clamped with the way her body seemed to move in perfect sync with Wooyoung’s, watching them melt together with the interest of a man in front of the climax scene of his favorite show. By now, the younger man’s hands were all over her butt, pushing her closer to his crotch, hoping to get some relief from the agony of having her grinding over his hard-on while feasting on his lips. 
“Aren’t you a little overdressed for a stripper?” San spoke again, one of his fingers hooked into her lacy thong, pulling at it until it snapped against her skin in the most vicious way. 
“This ain’t a private show, Darling” Y/N almost mewed, Wooyoung’s bottom lip still tightly tucked between hers as she made sure he would never forget that kiss. 
“Oh really? Should we ask your boyfriend to get us a nice little room prepared?” San smirked, his hand properly palming her backside, spreading her cheeks with a strong squeeze that made her jolt into his friend’s arms. 
Confused, Y/N followed San’s eyes all the way through the crowded club, only to catch a glimpse of Yunho standing behind the bar, wiping a few glasses as he took an occasional glimpse at the scene, quite obviously upset. 
“He’s not my boyfriend” she stated with the least hesitation.
“That’s not how he made it sound earlier…” Y/N couldn’t tell if San was just messing with her now or stating facts as he chuckled into his glass, gulping down whatever was left of his liquor. 
“Well he’s not” she frowned, trying her best not to be annoyed at the fact Yunho would even dare to publicly claim her when they were nothing but fuck buddies at the very best.
“I don’t belong to anyone” she added, bending forwards to grab the right-hand man by the neck and surprise him with a kiss. A little taken aback by her bold move on him, San took a second to kiss her back, both his hands grasping her hips and lifting her up from Wooyoung’s lap to sit her comfortably on top of his like she was nothing but a rag doll to play with. 
While he had been quiet and surprisingly composed so far, Hongjoong found himself thoroughly intrigued by her last move, something within himself instantly sparkling at the way she seemed to react in the wildest way whenever she was provoked. Something familiar he had never seen on anyone else before. For the first time, he was relating to this girl, thinking he would have done the same if anyone dared to make him their propriety. 
From afar, Yunho had seen it all happening, his hand grasping at the glass a little too hard, almost breaking it from the anger building inside of him. To see her kissing Wooyoung was one thing as he knew how much she loved to make an impression but seeing her on top of a man he hated with all his guts was definitely too much for him to handle.
Quick to notice the sudden mood swing in his long-time acquaintance, Hongjoong decided to make his way toward the bar, abandoning his comrades in Y/N’s skilled hands as they were now both sharing her lips like a single dish for two. 
“So, what’s her story?” Hongjoong asked with one of his elbows resting upon the bar, staring at the scene while addressing Yunho whose eyes were looking everywhere but directly at the booth where things had gotten heavier with every second passing by. 
“Why do you care?” Yunho barely mumbled, trying his best to look busy so he wouldn’t have to cross the man’s threatening eyes as soon as he had answered the wrong way. 
“She’s something else…” he smirked, the tip of his tongue hitting the corner of his lips as his white fangs curved into a smile Yunho knew sadly too well.
“Joong— You can have any girl, literally with just one snap of your fingers… Is this one too much to ask from me?” at this point, he didn’t care how pathetic he sounded. There was too much of a threat facing his relationship with Y/N to play his cards any differently. If he had to beg for her, he was certainly ready to do so.
“Oh so you ARE in love” Hongjoong chuckled, finally turning to face his old friend as he looked absolutely devastated at the thought of losing whatever crumbs of a relationship he thought he had with Y/N. 
“That’s none of your business… I’m just asking for a favor, for old time’s sake?” Yunho had never lowered himself to actually ask for anything before, but tonight felt like a first time and a risk he was willing to take.
“You know damn well I don’t do that, Jeong” Hongjoong smirked, his piercing brown eyes turning back to the peepshow happening a few meters away as he could feel every single one of his muscles stiffening at the sight of her.
Y/N was back on Wooyoung’s lap, bending backwards so the top half of her body was resting against the table while both men were tracing kisses all over her stomach and chest, San fingers’ hooked into the delicate fabric of her bra, almost flashing her breast to a greedy crowd.
“You’re just gonna let them have their way with her like that?” Yunho dared to speak again, his chest burning with rage at the simple thought of any of them undressing her entirely. His eyes couldn’t even dare looking at their table now, the painful sight of their mouths toying with her almost tearing him apart.
“They had a tough week, they deserve to wind down a little…” Hongjoong smiled, almost immediately adding “but don’t worry, they’re not gonna fuck her”. 
Though he was kind of relieved to hear it from the man in charge, Yunho knew there was more to the story. After years of knowing Kim Hongjoong, he had never seen him quit. Whenever he was on a mission, regardless of the pain or price it would cost, the man would always go all the way and win the battle.
Unfortunately for him, today, the price was the girl of his dreams.
So when he spoke again, Yunho instantly felt his heart clenching into his chest while his hand inevitably wrapped tightly against the towel he was using to clean a few glasses earlier. 
“... But I can’t promise I won’t.” with a ravenous smile, Hongjoong turned heels without further word, heading back to the VIP corner and making his way through the tables with the confidence of a king, only to find his friends still busy pouring shots directly from their mouths to the girl they both had claimed as their distraction for the night. 
“Okay guys, let’s split!'  Their leader unexpectedly chanted, smacking his hands together like he was gathering an entire class of preschoolers. 
“You’re kidding, right?” The puzzled look on San’s face spared him from any further words as he didn’t seem to catch the serious tone behind his friend’s statement. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?” he paused, snapping his fingers towards Wooyoung whose cheek was comfortably resting against Y/N’s lace covered breast now, “pay your goodbyes to the lady and move”. 
“You’re no fun” Wooyoung shamelessly pouted, clinging onto Y/N’s chest like she was part of his pricest belongings.
Still, when Hongjoong failed to smile at his childish attitude, Wooyoung knew better than to try and be a brat about it. After a couple more minutes, he eventually scooted over, freeing the girl from his embrace as she sat on the edge of the table, her heels dramatically pushed into the leather couch as she spared a couple puzzled looks to the three men, purposely frowning at the leader. 
“Don’t worry, love, we’ll be back” San cheekily winked at her, his hand brushing her hip one last time as he painfully refrained himself from palming her bum for good measure. 
“I’m not worried” she shrugged, confident as ever as she started to gather the bills scattered all over the table, ready to call it a night.
Too busy counting the fruits of her labor, Y/N completely missed the way Hongjoong motioned for his friends to make their exit, leaving him alone with the girl. 
Lifting one of her legs up with one hand hooked under her knees to put it above the headrest of the couch as he sat comfortably in front of her, his face directly staring at the tiny, single mole on her inner thigh, Hongjoong took a minute to stare at her every details for the first time that night, his own body inevitably reacting at the sight of her perfectly perky nipples peeking through her bra, probably from being overstimulated by his friends earlier.
She didn’t seem to mind being exposed, which obviously made sense for a girl who made a living out of exposing her naked body to strangers every night. 
Still, there was something strangely intimate about the way Hongjoong was resting between her legs, his face dangerously close to her most intimate part and merely one breath away from feasting on it. 
“Thought you had to bail?” she finally asked, looking down and directly into his eyes.
“Am I bothering you?” he smirked, one of his hands reaching for her thigh, palming it a little too strongly. 
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you it was rude to answer a question with another question?” 
Definitely taken aback by her audacity, Hongjoong couldn’t help but poke his tongue into the inside of his cheek, trying to come up with a perfect come-back when he would usually never allow anyone to disrespect him like that. 
“Father was an asshole” he blurted out, surprisingly unbothered by his unexpected confession as his fingers dug a little deeper into her skin, turning it white, while his lips unexpectedly landed just above her knee, pecking it slowly.
“Bet he’d be proud to see you’re following his path…” she smiled, tilting her head to the side in a teasing way. 
“You should use your mouth more wisely” Hongjoong interrupted her, his free hand reaching for her chin as he pinched her cheeks together to make a pout.
“…Otherwise it’s such a waste of your perfect lips” he added, his thumb tracing the outline of her lips as it took him some serious strength not to slip his finger past them.
His gaze was intense, definitely wilder than any other man she had met before. Something about the way he looked at her made her feel threatened and safe at the same time. While she hadn’t seen him smile much throughout the night, every time she caught a glimpse of a smirk, Hongjoong looked like a completely different person, like he was lifting up a veil to show his true self. 
Lifting himself up from the couch, Hongjoong was now standing in front of her, his face merely an inch away from her, so close they could feel each other’s breath against their skin.
Completely silent, Y/N waited until he was done staring, his hand traveling from her thigh to her neck, grazing her breast on his way as he ended up wrapping his fingers around her throat just enough for her to gasp a little. 
For a second, Y/N truly felt like he was about to kiss her, his lips brushing against hers as he took a second to himself to truly take her in. Her smell was intoxicating, almost making him dizzy but mostly craving for more and if it wasn’t for his tight schedule and his willpower, Hongjoong just knew he would have fucked her immediately, right on this table without a care for the people surrounding them.
 It had been a while since he had felt such a thrill and, as long as he could remember, never had a girl provoking that kind of feeling inside of him. 
“Good night, princess” his words came out as a whisper, like a secret only she was meant to hear, and with one last smirk, he was gone, leaving her almost breathless and panting on the table from expecting too much and getting nothing but an unspoken promise to meet again.
As she watched him leave, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a little robbed from the endless night she was expecting, already thinking about the many ways she could’ve made his head spin. 
Before he escaped the club, Hongjoong met with Yunho again, handing him the exact same amount of cash he had been given earlier and keeping his promise.
“Cancel her entire schedule for the week” Hongjoong bluntly ordered “from now on, no one touches her… That includes you”. 
Patting Yunho’s cheek with his palm in the most humiliating way, Hongjoong eventually exited the club, meeting with the boys outside as they were already sharing a cig and heavy comments about their quality time with a dream girl, completely unaware of the fact their leader had just claimed her indefinitely. 
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sweetiehyuka · 2 years
Chapter 2
wc - 1k
warnings - angst, mental illness
♪  tired - beabadoobee ♪
Sometimes, it feels like I'm watching life in slow motion. Sitting idle, watching my four friends chatter at our little lunch table in the uni common room, focusing on the multitude of people weaving between eachother behind them rather than my friends themselves. The screeching of chairs against the floor, the heavy wooden doors repeatedly opening then slamming shut, the loud voices of everyone around me - they all just go straight through me. Right now, none of it is anything to me. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I feel nothing. I am not here. Even my best friend, Soobin, doesn't seem real to me. I cannot process a single word he is saying - his deep voice that I've heard a thousand times - it does nothing but cause ringing in my ears.
I probably look like a fucking idiot as I sit here, zoned out, eyes blank and mouth gawking open. But I can't pull myself out of it. I know that it's been too long since I last said something, or made an annoying joke, or laughed really loud, but when you were born to be an observer, it's hard to always remember to act like a human instead of just a thing that sits and watches people talk as if they're characters in a movie.
This is something I think about all the time. Maybe too much, actually... if me and my friends were characters in our own movie, who would we all be?
Yeonjun would be the protagonist. For sure. It's rare that there's not a girl or two standing at our lunch table flirting with him; twirling their hair, their palms pressed against the white plastic surface of our table in an attempt to sensually prop themselves up, shooting a smirk down at him to match his own smug expression. He gets their number, shoots them a wink and tells them he'll call them later that night. And boys, too, who wrap their arms around his waist and pull him round the sides of buildings and we don't see him again til two hours later, when his shirt his creased and his once perfectly slicked hair is all messy. He clubs til the early hours and still manages to earn himself decent grades. He sleeps and eats as shit as me and still manages to have a perfectly crafted appearance. I love how he lives. If I had his confidence and organisation, I would too. I think he'd be the protagonist of some kind of coming of age film, perhaps a romance.
Taehyun would be the secondary character. He is Yeonjun's best friend and is often his partner in crime in most situations. He'd be the protagonists' rock, and would come up with mmost of the solutions to their problems. Characters like Taehyun - the 'sidekicks', or the 'wingmen', if you will, always seem to be more charming to me ; I don't even have to shift my gaze towards him to know why I find him that way. Silky hair styled in a subtle way, neat cotton jumpers with perfectly cuffed trousers, candied lips and a glint in his eyes that says 'I know everything'. I wish I was closer with him... he's just so alluring.
Kai would be the fan favourite. Not too present in the main story, but absolutely adored by the fanbase. He'd be the teenage girls' resident 'uwu softboi', and he's defnitely have edits made of him with cat ears and blush and hello kitty bandges all over his face. I guess he just has that endearing aura about him, and he never lets an ounce of negativity seep out of his tiny mouth. I've never been able to connect with Kai much because he's so shy, but he's always been soft and warm to me.
Soobin would be somewhere in the middle. I'm never quite sure about him. He's smart and intuitive, and provides a lot of witty comments that would be good one liners. He'd have more of a present role than me and Kai, but not quite 'main character' material. It's ironic how I have the least to say about my closest friend, but I'm just not sure. Our friends only really go to him when they need something, rather than doing things for him back, so if Yeonjun is the protagonist then Soobin would just be a casual aide to his story.
I'd probably be the comic relief character. Not important to the story, mostly in the background, only useful for lightening the mood with stupid jokes. I'd probably have those 'beomgyu being confused about everything' and 'beomgyu being a living meme' compilations made about me. That's about it.
"Earth to Beomgyu?" Yeonjun taunts, waving his hand infront of my face.
"Close your mouth, Gyu, you'll catch flies." Soobin says, leaning towards me, chomping on some other kind of snack. His witty comment earns a shreiking laugh from Kai and quiet laughs from the other two, along with an amused smirk on his own face. I don't know what they were talking about before, or when they actually noticed that I wasn't paying attention, so I just play along by laughing back. I think I laughed a bit too loud because Yeonjun is now staring at me with a slightly confused look on his face instead of snickering like he was before. Oh well. At least I'm present now.
I take my can of fanta in one hand and glide my fingertip against its rim, enjoying the smooth feeling of the damp metal. I look at the clock. 8:21. Almost time for my 8:30 lecture. I stand up and mutter a quick goodbye as I sling my backpack over my shoulder. Stuffing my airpods into my ears, I slunk away into the abyss of students, hoping my hazy mindset wont end up in me getting lost and being late, as it has many times before.
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
Midnight Hang-Outs
This is a small crossover between Danny Phantom and DC! (Specifically Danny and Harley Quinn!) Following the prompts from Day 11 and 12 - Midnight and Scars (more of mentioned than revolving around it) Harley might be slightly ooc because I don’t read a lot of DC comics but maybe consider it more of like AU Harley Quinn. Mother hen. She feeds the vigilantes of Gotham on slow nights.
Harley glanced over to the boy sitting next to her on the rooftop of the Gotham Bank, she had been planning to break into it to draw out some fun with any nearby vigilantes but instead she had spotted the scrawniest looking glowing teen she’d ever seen. Well he was the only glowing teen she’d ever seen, but the poor kid was struggling against some freak in a white suit.
He had already devoured about 10 of the breakfast sandwiches she bought from a nearby 24 hour fast food joint, she couldn’t remember the name but her pal, Jeremy, always worked late shifts and gave her most of the grease filled wraps for free. Which she got a total of 20 and was beginning to worry that it wasn’t enough for this endless void. She thought she could calculate this kind of thing better based on Batsy’s kids, then again none of them had powers. That must be the factor throwing her off.
She glanced over him again, taking in his features for probably the hundredth time since she spotted him. White hair that gently wisped around his face like he was constantly underwater, pale blue-green skin with neon green freckles that sparkled like stars in the night, toxic green eyes that matched the freckles, flecks of blue hidden within the irises that shone in the right light. He hand pointed ears and little baby fangs, and his suit itself reminded her of the superheroes she’s faced before, but the material seemed all wrong when she got a closer look. It wasn’t spandex, or that thick armour like fibre that Batsy likes to use. She didn’t know what it was made out of. That flaming looking D was enough to hint at a superhero gig, like Superman and that ‘S’ on his chest. She didn’t care that it was supposed to be a symbol for hope, his name was Superman and that thing was an S, end of conversation.
The kid had taken off those gloves in order to eat, she didn’t blame him though, eating with gloves on was weird, and those white gloves would stain like a motherfucker. What caught her attention about it was the scars. Little one littered this kid's hands, and then there was a ligament scar coating his left hand. It was the brightest of all the scars, glowing slightly a wicked green as if he was still being electrocuted.
She turned her gaze back to the streets below, “So, what are you doing out this late?” She asked, avoiding sensitive topics like the scar. “It has to be way past midnight at this point.”
The kid glanced over to her, then shrugged, “had to chase Boxy all the way out here, the dude flies fast for a ghost obsessed in boxes.”
Harley glanced back over, noticing the kid now had finished the last of the sandwiches as he looked in the bag for more, shoving the garbage into it once he confirmed there was nothing left, “Boxy? Was that the freak in white?”
The kid shook his head, “nah, that was a government agent. G.I.W, or the Guys in White. Must’ve followed me, cornered me after I was already exhausted from chasing Boxy all over town. Boxy is the Box Ghost, blue ghost dude in overalls, fairly harmless but he can be a pain in the ass when he wants to be.”
“Want me to blow the rest of those agents up for you?” Harley asked, leaning closer while flashing a sinister grin.
The kid jerked back, “no! No it’s fine, just caught me off guard! I can handle them just fine, you don’t need to blow anyone up!” He squeaked out quickly, wildly waving his hands around. Harley couldn’t help but grin at the display, he reminded her a lot of Batsy’s kids. Energetic, good hearts (most of the time), think they can handle the world.
“So are you one of Batsy’s kids? Harley voiced her thoughts.
The kid blinked owlishly at her, “Batsy’s… you mean Batman? The Batman?”
Harley shrugged, “yeah, Batsy. He has quite a lot of them so I like to try and stay updated when he gets a new kid. You almost fit the bill, young teen, dark past, though the powers would be new.”
“How do you know I have a dark past?”
“Well, you said you were a ghost, right? Meaning you died and judging by your age, died before you even finished high school. I’d call that a dark past,” she kept out the lingering question of how he died, that wasn’t something you exactly ask someone when you first meet them. “So you aren’t one of Batsy’s kids?”
The kid shook his head, “nope,” he popped the p, “never even met the dark knight before. I barely visit Gotham, well anywhere if I can help it, I try to keep my problems in my home turf.”
“I see, you know what, I should’ve known better. Batsy would never let his kids run around this late anyway,” she hummed. “I did once see him chew a Robin out for fighting crime past his curfew, it got me arrested for sticking around to watch but boy was it worth it!” She laughed. She was surprised that Batman hadn’t gotten to this kid yet, anyhow. He didn’t always stick around Gotham ever since he joined that hero club, but that just meant that this dude had even more of a chance to find this kid. Must be dumb luck or something.
“Batman puts curfews on his sidekicks?” The kid asked, mouth agape.
“Well duh, the guy is all about the well-being of his kids. He has a no killing rule but he gets close to breaking it when one of his kids gets almost killed. He keeps them well fed, makes sure they sleep, I know because I can hear him from across rooftops at times and I fight enough of his kids to notice they aren’t skin and bones like you.”
The kid looked down at his ungloved hands, and she noticed him tracing the pattern of the ligament scar lightly with his other hand. His expression changed as he seemed to run through a series of thoughts before he spoke again, “why did you help me?” He asked, not looking up to meet her eyes, “you are a villain, right? You fight Batman and Robin, and other superheroes too if they face you. You know I’m not a villain, you said so yourself. So why help me? Wouldn’t it be better to just let a vigilante kid get knocked off so you don’t have to deal with him in future crimes?”
Harley felt her heart shatter, who the fuck hurt this kid like this? “I’m not some heartless bitch,” she said in a matter of fact tone, “you and all the teen sidekicks or vigilantes out there are still fucking kids. I have morals, and some villains don’t have the same morals as me, but seeing you getting kicked around by some freak in an alley where no one could see you? That kind of shit rubs me the wrong way. I fight teen heroes from time to time because I know they can handle it, they can fight back and I myself won’t stoop so low as to kill them if I manage to get in a few lucky hits.” She lightly nudged his shoulder, “and it’s not like you’ve personally wronged me or anything. I felt like being nice, helping out. You seem like a good kid, so why not help you out? Maybe one day I can call a favour and you can distract Bats while I kidnap the president?” She joked.
The kid looked up suddenly, sending his hair in rippling waves as he was giving her a wide eyed and the most worried look imaginable. She couldn’t help but let out another laugh, “I’m joking!” She clarified. “But I think we could have some pretty interesting game nights with Ivy. Not illegal game night, more like Uno or something. Maybe just a little gambling.”
The kid relaxed again, “well… uh… thanks. For helping me. And the food. And talking,” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking up at the sky.
“No problem, be sure to come visit again. Hey, maybe I can even introduce you to Bats at some point! Make a big show and pretend you are a villain and then BAM! Just kidding he’s just a glowing vigilante I helped out once!” She stood up, stretching her arms a little, “be sure to take it easy on your way to your home by the way, maybe take a nap or something on the way there.”
The kid nodded with a smile and stood up with her, then paused as shock filled his eyes and he spun quickly towards Harley, “Wait- how do you know I sleep-?”
Harley laughed, “well, I don’t think ghosts normally eat, so I’m assuming you sleep too,” she offered a soft smile, “just take it easy, and hey, if you ever find yourself in trouble.” Harley then pulled out a business card she usually kept for shits and giggles, handing over the poorly designed card to the kid, “know that you have a friend in Gotham who’s ready to help. And who knows how to get Batsy’s attention the fastest.” She winked.
The kid took the card, a confused grin tugging at his lips, “thanks. Hey, uh. I go by Phantom. Since I never really introduced myself.”
“Well Phantom, nice to meet you,” Harley grinned back.
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