#Side part
maturetemptations · 4 months
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Rich Draheim. Gorgeous!
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gvldenhourr · 11 months
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nellybrook · 1 month
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morenabarbie · 7 months
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ayandagama · 7 months
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Mbalenhle Ntuli
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Please Fix the Story- Side Part - Adonis
My first side part of two. Will plan for a second one for Liam. Hope you guys enjoy seeing it from a "hero's" perspective!
Masterpost linked here!
 I am the hero.
I believed this with every part of my being. Every cell and every atom within me screamed for me to step into the spotlight that was rightfully mine. The center stage that everyone longed for but so few could touch.
I grew up in obscurity. A father in a dead-end job whose lack of drive and ambition led our family to live paycheck to paycheck. Coming home just to drink and complain about work. I also had two older brothers who finished high school and went straight to work in the shop like our old man, with little regard for the world beyond our small town. But my mother… my mother was like me. She was a dreamer.
During my childhood she would read to me every night before bed. Classics, sci-fi, adventure stories… any book my mother could get her hands on. We explored world after world from the safety of my room as she read to me, equal parts excitement and longing shining in her eyes as she described faraway places and people that she would never get to see.
But her favorite story, the one we read most often, was a classic. A story of a brave knight, a hero. A story of a beautiful princess. A story of an evil dragon. I would listen with childish wonder as she described the princess being kidnapped and guarded in a tower, the knight and the dragon’s harrowing battle, and the happily ever after that awaited the hero and the princess.
“All stories should be like this one.” She told me confidently. “It is the best story in the world.”
She would point to pictures of the knight in the story book, a man in metal armor with a brightly shining sword. “When you grow up, you are going to be a great hero, a great man like him!”
I looked up at her, confused. “What about dad? Isn’t he great? Shouldn’t I grow up to be like him?”
At my question, her eyes were filled with sorrow and rage. “Don’t you EVER end up being like your dad. He’s a nobody.” She pointed at the book. “There’s no pictures of men like your dad in here, because they’re not important enough to get pictures. They don’t defeat the dragon, they don’t marry the princess, and they don’t have happy endings.”
“But Dad married you, and you are better than any princess!”
“…” She just stared silently at me for a moment. “Promise me you won’t become like your father. PROMISE.”
“… I promise.” I looked down at the knight in shining armor again, feeling determined.
I am the hero.
My mother left us shortly after. Quietly walked out with her bags while we were all sleeping. My father didn’t say much to us about it. Just worked harder at his dead-end job and drank more when he was home. I watched it all, and knew without a doubt: My father was unhappy because he wasn’t the hero my mother wanted him to be. But I was different than him.
I worked hard, studied harder. Got into college on a scholarship. I was studying finance, determined to get into a career that would make a lot of money. To be different from my father. Packed away with all of my textbooks and papers, however, I still carried around my mother’s favorite book, the only memento I had of her, the only thing she had left behind for me to keep.
And that’s how I met Arabella.
My fairy tale book slipped out of my bag one day as I sat on bench trying to find a specific paper. I bent over and reached out to pick it up, but she got there before me.
“I love this book! Such a classic!” She smiled at me as she handed it over.
I fell in love with her smile.
We talked at length about books and stories. She was an English major, a lover of writing in all its forms. After that fateful day we spent many hours together. Talking, laughing, trading ideas. I fell deeper and deeper in love with her, fantasizing about confessing my feelings, and having her reciprocate. We would get married, have children, become successful, important people. Different from my father and mother.
She was my princess, my happy ending.
… Until she wasn’t.
“This is my boyfriend, Ben.” She introduced him with a different smile. I had thought I had seen all of her smiles, but it turns out that her most beautiful one, the one filled with love, was saved for someone else.
I hated him.
Hated how he seemed to shine in every space he was in. Hated that he was always the center of attention. He was a natural born leader, a great conversationalist, an all-around good guy that everyone liked. I hated everything about him, but most of all I hated the fact that he stole the love of my life from me. My darling Arabella.
She was mine.
But when I finally worked up my courage to tell her my feelings, instead of a smile filled with love, I got a look of pity and concern. She didn’t feel the same. She hoped we could still be friends.
I was humiliated. I thought I was the hero of her story, but I was just a nobody, a friend, an extra on the sidelines.
I was just like my father.
I hated my father, hated myself for being like him. But slowly, inevitably, my hatred took a new turn.
Arabella. Why did she not love me? Why was she ignoring our obvious connection? Why did she look at me with pity when I was so much better than that loser she was dating?
I hated her too. If she had never been there, I would have never felt so weak and helpless. I felt trapped in the sidelines, and couldn’t see a way to escape this fate of being nothing, of fading into obscurity. I had to do something. I refused to disappear into nothingness.
I am the hero.
So I fixed the problem.
And as I stood over the bodies of Arabella and Ben, my hand still holding the blood-stained knife, watching the blood pooling under them, rolling slowly towards my shoes. I realized the truth behind my world:
I was special.
The world froze. An inhuman being, the System, offered me a chance to work with it, to save the universe.
It was everything I wanted and more. Power. Prestige. A mission. I would be the main character, the knight I read about. I would be the hero.
It warned me that if I left with it, this world would be destroyed. I looked around. Now that I knew that this world was a lower realm, a romance story that I was a side character in, it all seemed so… small. Worthless. This world had done nothing but contain me, and I deserved to escape it.
I felt a brief flash of conscience. If I said yes, everyone I knew would be destroyed. My father. My brothers. My friends in college.
My mother.
But what have they ever done for me? I looked at the two options in front of me, and selected “Yes” with a firm hand.
And in that instant, they were gone.
And I was free.
The System and I came up with a plan to save the universe. We tied all the heroes to me, to help me improve their character, in bonds called Fate.
But it wasn’t enough.
So we got a dragon, an evil creature who could be a good prototype for the villains in the lower realms. My nemesis to fight. But this failed too. The dragon was weak. For all its anger and desperation in the beginning, it soon became like a soulless, lifeless puppet. Silently completing its mission in each lower realm, often dying so quickly that I barely had time to influence the hero’s story. Punishments, threats… nothing worked. The nameless villain just looked at me with eyes that seemed like they belonged to something dead.
“You cannot threaten me.” It whispered. “You have already destroyed everything I love. My family is gone. I am alone.”
I felt a brief moment of panic at his words, but pushed it down and walked away. Refusing to dwell on the thought that rose up at his words:
We were similar. We both lost everyone. We were both alone. But we were so different… I lost mine by choice.
It didn’t matter. I did what I had to do.
I am the hero.
We were getting nowhere. We needed something more, before the universe became too unstable, and all of the lower realms collapsed.
We needed a heroine. My princess.
There was only one option. One woman that I would accept. The love of my life, the heroine of my story,
I knew the System could do it. It was the god of this universe, filled with strange, unnatural abilities. It could bring her back, erase what I had done.
It had to.
After much arguing, the System agreed to “create” an Arabella.
I met her in the higher realm, the System had dressed her in gorgeous clothes, just like the princess she was meant to be.
I looked at her, and she was just as beautiful as I remembered. And she was mine.
But then everything went wrong.
She looked like Arabella. And sometimes had similarities to Arabella, such as a love for stories. But she was also so very different.
“Call me Bel.” She asked me one day, her eyes filled with frustration.
“But you ARE Arabella.” I felt desperate to explain.
She shook her head. “It doesn’t feel right. I don’t want to be called that. You mean something different than me when you use that name, and it makes me uncomfortable.”
What could I say. How could I explain? I bit my tongue and agreed.
It was so frustrating. Having my Arabella so close, yet so far away of me. She learned about our world quickly, and displayed an astonishing talent for fixing the lower realms in a variety of ways, but never once in the way that I wanted, the true and better way.
I tried to tell her about the higher story. About fate. The princess and the hero needed to fall in love. Our happiness, our love would stabilize all of the lower realms. Save the universe.
But Bel after listening to me, gave me a look. A look I knew all too well. It was the same look Arabella gave me in my original world.
A look of rejection.
I had become a higher being. Becoming the hero that would define all heroes. Much more than the silly hero my mother showed me in a worn-out story book. But still my princess refused me. She would leave me, just like my mother left my father for being a nobody. An extra. A background character.
I refused to let that happen.
I am the hero.
I continued the story. She would be “kidnapped” by the dragon. I would rescue her, we would fall in love, and the dragon would be defeated. All would be right.
But she refused. She decided to die rather than be rescued. And then the System made her a deal.
I watched her disappear. I watched the foolish dragon make a bad deal to follow her. And as they faded from the realm, I panicked.
They had left me behind, the hero, the main character. I had to stop Bel from succeeding, from changing her fate to join the villains. She would accept her fate. She would be my heroine again.
The System, for the first time, fought me. I wanted my memories, control over some of the story, power. It argued that I would only push her further away. I refused to compromise.
Finally, the System agreed, but would only send me to a few worlds.
“She’s already visited twelve worlds.” It stated in a dispassionate voice.
I was in shock. “It’s only been a few minutes!”
“Time moves differently in the Void.”
A zombie world. I was the hero, Eric, already in a relationship with a cheerful girl named Hannah. She was a lovely heroine, but utterly helpless. As she stared up at me with love and respect in her gaze, I should have felt happy, content. She treated me as the hero I was, as the center of her universe.
I didn’t care.
She wasn’t Arabella… Bel. She was just a small little character of a broken lower realm. I didn’t need such a worthless being’s love.
I needed HER.
I turned my attention to Jason, Eric’s friend.  A pathetic secondary lead. I despised him, watching his struggles with disdain. Jason was a disgusting worm, following the heroine around like a lost puppy. Oblivious to the fact that she only loved the hero. He was a nobody, an extra.
He reminded me of my father.
I hid his role in Bel’s character’s death. Filled his head with thoughts of violence, planning on using him at just the right moment.
And when Bel showed up, I put myself forward as the perfect hero. Reasonable, friendly, respectful of boundaries. After all the time I spent fixing lower realms with her, I knew what she would like best. The only downside is that I had to play my role, to pretend to love Hannah. I felt the bonds of fate. Anytime I tried to break away from them, the System’s power would correct me. But I still tried my best, hoping that Bel would see beyond the characters we played, see the true me.
But instead, she paid me little to no attention. Only focusing on Hannah, or on the pathetic bastard of a villain who trailed behind her. He was as weak and useless as always, his character supposed to be the leader of a violent gang. Instead, he cooked meals and brewed tea, calling himself a support spouse.
I wanted to kill him.
But I couldn’t. I needed to be a perfect hero. Otherwise, my princess would never love me.
In the end, I failed. The dragon died, but Bel still didn’t look my way. She completed her mission and left the world without a goodbye.
Heartless as always.
The System agreed to send me to a second world. A vampire realm. I played her brother Alexander. 
The realm was a disaster. I tried to be perfect, tried to be reasonable and helpful. But I had pushed too far from the character’s role. The System forcefully corrected me, treating me like a puppet over and over, acting like a foolish teenager in love rather than a confident immortal being. I watched in silent rage as the dragon married my princess with a smirk, calling me brother-in-law. I could do nothing but seethe, trapped in this cage of a character, unable to do anything but watched as she saved the realm again.
In the end, it felt so good to kill him. I watched the dragon die under my hands with a smile. And if Bel reacted poorly… well she just didn’t understand my point of view. She didn’t remember our destiny together. She didn’t remember that the dragon was a monster, a villain.
I just had to convince her.
“YOU FAILED.” The system told me in the void. It had no emotions, no humanity, but even so I felt that there was a note of panic within its voice.
“You wouldn’t let me do anything!” I argued back. “Give me more freedom, and I promise I will convince her of our point of view.”
“Then I will make sure she fails her mission. Either way, we win, correct?”
“…” The System was silent for a few moments. “YOU HAVE ONE LAST CHANCE. SHE HAS NO MEMORY IN THIS REALM. SHE MUST FAIL. ”
I laughed. “She will.”
I did everything I could. Desperate, this time I resorted to all means: kidnapping, drugging her, lying to her. I betrayed the whole world to the alien race, trying to force her mission to fail.
But she still won. She still refused me, even when her mind and body were falling apart.
And with her power, she restarted our story in the higher realm. She chose the dragon again. She chose to reject fate. And at the end of it I realized her plan was never just to simply join the villain. She became the new System. She became a god.
She looked at me, filled with a power I would never know. Standing next to the love of her life that wasn’t me. And I couldn’t help but wonder:
Had I really been so wrong?
“I have a much better ‘fate’ in store for you:” She told me. Smiling a smile I had never seen before. Different from any I had ever seen before A cruel smile. And I truly believed in the depths of my soul, that she was not, she never had been Arabella. The girl I thought I loved, died on the ground after I stabbed her in the heart. Not even her body was left behind as I destroyed the world behind me.
I am the hero.
“You will be banished to a lower realm. To live out your days as an insignificant side character.”
Her power lifted me off the ground, healing the wound in my side. I was helpless against it. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be! I was the knight! The hero! I would defeat the dragon, save the princess. I would live happily ever after!
“NO! YOU CAN’T!!!”
I am the hero.
“By day, you will remember nothing… but every night, your memories of the higher realms will be returned to you, just enough so you can always live in regret for what you have done.”
“NO!” I struggled against her powers, but there was nothing I could do. I stared into her eyes. So familiar, but foreign. And filled with nothing but weary disdain. I knew that look, knew it all too well. It was the look sealed into my heart, in the depths of my worst nightmares.
It was the look my mother gave my father the night she left. That look couldn’t be for me. It was for nobodies. For extras. For people of no importance. Not for me. Never for me.
I am the hero.
“You must accept your fate, Adonis. Goodbye.”
“Heading home, Adler?”
Craig, the middle-aged man in the cubicle next to mine, spoke up as I stood up at my desk.  His space was decorated with miscellaneous motivational signs and pictures of his smiling family. He hid a space heater under his desk, but everyone liked him too much to report it to the manager.
“Yeah, shouldn’t you be done for the day too?” I responded blandly, putting on my coat and walking away. I didn’t really want to get drawn in to a long conversation, which Craig was well known for. From a distance I saw a man and a woman talking, and felt a tightening in my chest. I didn’t want to talk to them, but I couldn’t resist saying hi to her.
“Hi Anne.” I joined the conversation between the two, ignoring the flicker of frustration that crossed her expression. Hopefully she’s just tired. “… Hi Brad.” I added after a long hesitation.
They both greeted me, and fell into an awkward silence. I knew they wanted me to leave, but a strange stubbornness kept my feet rooted in place. “Have you heard about that new movie about knights and dragons that’s coming out soon?”
Anne still seemed annoyed, but showed a brief look of interest at my question. “Oh yeah! I’ve been wanting to go see that one!”
Then would you like to go with me? I bit the words back before they could slip out. It would not go over well, especially with Brad, Anne’s boyfriend standing next to me. Instead, I said something I didn’t mean. “Maybe we could all go see it as a group?”
“Maybe.” Her response was noncommittal.
After the silence stretched on too long, I finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Well, have a good night.”
They both waved silently at me, and returned to their conversation with one another, never sparing another glance my way.
I walked away, feeling uncomfortable.
My apartment was empty. I had considered pets, but it would be too much extra cost to the monthly lease. I turned on the light, set down my coat, and looked around with a sigh. The room was pretty bare. I had a few sparse decorations, but couldn’t be bothered to do more. All I needed was a few pieces of furniture, and multiple shelves of books.  I made myself a quick microwave dinner, and since I had finished my latest book last night, went searching through the bookshelves for what I wanted to read next.
My hand paused over a well-worn book. It was a classic story, about knights and princesses and dragons. Basic, childish almost, but I always felt drawn to it. I picked it up once more, and settled down to read.
Passing a quiet evening, I got ready to sleep. I stared up at the ceiling above my bed, a strange emptiness within me.
I wonder what Anne is doing now?
A sigh escaped me. I knew she didn’t return my feelings. She didn’t even like me as a friend.
I’m just not the guy for her. And I need to be content with that.
After all, it's not like I'm the hero of a fairy tale.
With that last melancholy thought, I fell asleep, my hands still clutching the book of fairy tales.
And I remembered.
I remembered everything.
I was the higher-level being Adonis. Hero of the universe. Cast aside by Bel. Banished to a lower realm.
And now I was powerless.
I woke up, shaking in terror and agony. My trembling hands clutched my sweat soaked face. And in the dull light of the sunrise streaming through the window into my bare and empty apartment…. I screamed.
I tried to hold onto my memories, but I could already feel them fading away. I would once again become Adler, the pencil pushing nobody who read fantasy books and nursed a silent crush on a woman at work who already had a boyfriend.
Until night came again. And I remembered once more.
This was my punishment.
This was my hell.
My only solace was that in this lower realm I was mortal. I would grow old. I would eventually die. And I would be free from this wretched existence.
My memories grew foggy, confused.
I thought of my mother, of my promise to her to be the hero of her story book. I thought of Arabella, of her bright smile that I fell in love with. I thought of Bel, our adventures, and her triumph over fate.
And I hated them all.
“NOOOOOO!” My anguished cry tore through the apartment, but there was no one around to hear it.
“I AM THE HERO!!! THEY ARE NOTHING!” I tried to scramble out of the bed, desperate to run away, to escape.
“I AM THE HERO!!!” I fell to my knees, my thoughts becoming vague.
“I AM… THE… HERO!” I desperately held onto the word. I knew it was important.
“I…. AM….”
I blinked, feeling confused.
“What was I saying?”  Wiping my forehead, I grimaced as it came away with a cold sweat. “Must have had a nightmare.”
I stood up, heading to the bathroom to shower. I had a long day of work ahead of me. I had several reports due soon, and maybe… just maybe… I could catch a glimpse of Anne when I passed by on my lunch break.
As I walked towards the shower, I caught sight of my face in the mirror, and came to a stop. As I stood there, staring into my own eyes, I felt the strangest urge to scream.
But it quickly passed and I went back to getting ready for my day.
“Hopefully tonight I sleep better.” I muttered to myself, looking away and closing the door behind me.
I didn’t want to be late to work.
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marmialadee · 1 month
Wait why do I lowkey fuck with an aggressive side part?
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agaypanic · 1 month
5 middle part world domination -🧛
everytime a character goes from a side part to a middle part, an angel gains their wings
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ne0npanic · 2 months
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The SIDE PART 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼🎀
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maturetemptations · 5 days
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Gorgeous Ken Calvert
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cutsformen · 8 months
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totallycoolmine · 27 days
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Amazing what hair gel can do
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morenabarbie · 6 months
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I had a dream, I got everything I wanted.
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kehlanifenty · 1 year
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