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asneshiekhvoy · 1 year ago
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Gift art! Sapphire and Siberite.
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magicalgirloftheday · 2 years ago
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the afternoon is: Siberite from Magical Girls (GREE)!✧・゚:*
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crybaby-purplediamond-16 · 13 days ago
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Bixibite e aragonite fusion 💖💜💙
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paranoidrobonoid · 2 years ago
Other than the gemlings, do you have any gem OCs?
This is my sona! I haven’t drawn her in forever though, should get on that
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 11 months ago
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Siberite Akagane
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
― Mark Anthony, The Beautiful Truth
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sparklebeamx · 28 days ago
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Some random 4th time loop Siberite doodles :p
The sketch in the cut is spoilers so uh...yeah
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Pretty much Siberite just stabs Aledar without letting him say a word and then after the dungeon ,they just felt bad or something like that :p
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shadesofblades · 1 year ago
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Thank you so much for hosting @humblemooncat!! Your house was beautiful and I had a lot of fun!!
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blissfulalchemist · 7 months ago
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Hayat (twc) // Chance cir. high school (fc5) // Azatae (bg3/dnd) Alma (ffxvi) // Clídna cir. post time skip (ffxvi) // Siberite (ffxiv)
Tagged by @shellibisshe and @statichvm to do this nice little picrew and well I just had to! Especially had to make high school Chance because god I love his emo phase so much.....
Tagging: @florbelles @adelaidedrubman @unholymilf @belorage @strafethesesinners
@confidentandgood @shallow-gravy @chyrstis @jackiesarch @inafieldofdaisies and anyone else that wants to!
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moonlenoircrow · 10 months ago
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just moved countries recently and don't have a new computer yet so it's traditional sketches from me for a while
here's an older one of Beryl's bio dad and uncle from 2022
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Sib’s name came after a lot of thinking on her past and her family and who her parents were. Her full name is Siberite Akagane, Siberite for the gemstone that is the same purple as her hair and it is believed to have meaning of giving of hope which means the stone can help with feelings of anxiety and depression. But I did find out later there is the word Sybarite which is someone that has a fondness for luxury and that was a happy accident. The last name Akagane is from game lore and means rose gold which fit as Sib’s family found their fortune in a rose gold mine and since expanded to other rare gems and metals. Her mother wanted to have her kids named after things in the business for uniqueness and to remind them of who they were. Sib’s brother is named Palladium and it is due to the properties of the metal in being something that’s very supportive of many components in life. 
more below the cut
Demos’ name was picked due to the idea of just sound. Like I knew what kind of shape the name made in my mouth and I went from there. Demos means of the people which being a WoL fits. His last name Reyes came from me knowing I wanted him to be associated with rays of light. Translations put it as meaning king or royalty I picked it more based on the sound that was similar to how rays is prounounced in Spanish. I don’t think his name is lore compliant but I picked meaning and symbolism over canon lore.
Anthea was a name they picked out for themselves once they were able to make it known and they loved flowers and this was a name that would help represent that. Anthea was the goddess of vegetation, gardens, blossoms, especially worshipped in spring and near lowlands and marshlands, favorable to the growth of vegetation.  Their name is canon lore compliant given the society’s Geek roots and connection to the gods though their name is the Roman spelling. 
Deimos was another funny accident in that my friend had finished playing AC and said there was the temptation to spell Demos’ name with the i because of the game. When I looked it up later I found it to be the god of fear, dread, and terror which since he was Azem was funny. But it grew on me and it helps a lot with some stuff in ShB due to the twin soul situation that his name be so close to Demos’. But to add onto that Deimos also has another god associated with him named Phobos and they embody the same kind of message, which also funny to work in with the splitting himself in two. His name also feels canon lore compliant in its Greek roots and connection to the gods.
WoL QotD: What made you choose your WoL's name? Does it have any important meaning or did it just sound nice?
Follow up: Is it lore accurate? If it isn't, why not?
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 5 months ago
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Glamtober Day 5: Tank
Head: Dravanian Hairpin of Fending
Top: Neo Kingdom Tabard of Fending
Dye 1: Snow White Dye 2: Othard Blue
Hands: Wayfinder's Gloves
Dye 1: Othard Blue Dye 2: N/A
Bottoms: Metian Chausses
Feet: Metian Sollerets
Main Hand Weapon: Sword of the Heavens
Off Hand Weapon: Emperor's new Shield
Earring: Menphina's Earring
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sparklebeamx · 2 months ago
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A Small Blue Flame
Redraw since its been a year since I made the first one
Also timelapse video cause why not
Old ver. vvvvvv
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og- October 14, 2023
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blissfulalchemist · 6 months ago
👠, 🍡, 🎶 for Alma and Sib, please?
Hi Cam! You ask and you shall receive! It was especially fun thinking on the kind of music Alma likes since it would be a bit of a different time period! Hope you enjoy!
👠 - What kind of shoes does your muse usually wear? What is most comfortable for them in regards to footwear? Can your muse walk in high heels?
Sib likes to wear something that's a bit in the middle of a heel and a flat boot. Kind of Wonder Woman style in that there's a heel but its nice and thick and more the kitty pump height. Girl has some height issues okay (especially when you're still shorter than the shortest Ancient you've met). She does take to better walking flat boots when there's a ton of walking involved or if its terrain that wouldn't play nice with her shoes. Overall Sib is comfortable in almost any shoe, like the only kind she wouldn't find comfort in are slide flip flops and those shoes that are supposed to make you feel like you're walking barefoot.
Sib can 100000% do just about anything in high heels, she really wasn't allowed to wear anything else growing up once she became a teenager, and even then there were small heels for formal events. Mostly the reason why she wouldn't be able to do things in heels is because its not the right type of heel. Like she can fight in high heel boots and strappy heels with closed toes because they have more stability to them. She can move silently in stilettoes because of how little the heel is and she has the most practice with these types of heels sneaking out of the house (again it was rare for her mother to buy her anything other than a heel). the tl;dr Sib is very adepts at wearing heels and feels as natural as walking barefoot.
Now see Alma is the same height as Sib but she does not have the same qualms about being the shortest in the group that Sib does. Alma doesn't like heels, like at all, hell the poor girl can't even walk in them if they're higher than like 2-3in and aren't skinny. Granted this could be because she didn't grow up in places that expected her to wear them or even had the chance to explore with them, so it might be a bias in that regard but she's just not about them even once it is required of her after the game events of xvi (its what you get girlie for marrying the heir to the ducal throne). She's much more practical in that she will wear boots that will last a long long time until she can't patch them up anymore (not that anyone will let her get to that state anymore), always brown, pretty plain, and you'll find they're scuffed and covered in mud and dirt because she likes to go hunting for herbs and other ingredients for her medicines as she can be very particular about them. If she has to be formal she will wear flats that are plain and have a strap (so mary janes but no heel), but don't count on her having them when they're traveling.
🍡 - Can your muse cook? Can they bake? How well can they do either? Do they have any kitchen disaster stories?
Sib.....cannot cook to save her fuckin life. She could boil water sure but like she would still burn the chicken with the water. Bless her heart she tries in order to show those she loves that she cares about them in a way that's not just buying them a gift, but it just isn't in her skill set. Just let her buy you some fancy food and deserts and save yourself the potential sickness. As for a disaster story? There was a time that both she and Raha attempted to make a cake for a kind of take back birthday celebration (that was really only Sib wanting an excuse to throw a party and celebrate). It.....didn't go all that well. There was flour everywhere, frosting was burned, they think the cake was undercooked, and the decorations were nothing but sparkles and sprinkles. Think along the lines of the show Nailed It! and you get the idea of what happened there. Thankfully Tataru could see this coming from a mile away (aka Demos saw them looking over a recipe book and told her) and arranged to have something edible made. It was the thought that counted though and it was still used as the display cake!
Alma isn't much of a baker, as those items can turn out a little dense and flat and their presentation (even as simplistic as it would be in that universe) isn't really appealing. But! She's a really great savory cook even if the presentation is something to be desired. She's really great at identifying herbs and other edible plants and knows their properties so she can make something taste good and be healing in someway or feel that way at least. This was kind of one of the first skills learned in her journey of hyper specific knowledge as a catatonic/disassociated dominant wasn't to keen on taking medicine, so she learned to hide it in food. He knows now that its there and can taste it but for those two years it was the best way to get him to take anything. As for a disaster story the closest you'll get is in the time after Joshua woke up fully, she was cooking some stuff down and getting extracts, but she wasn't used to him being awake. So pair that with her tunnel vision being focused and his silent nature, she about near had a heart attack when he came by to ask something in the kitchen which caused her to knock the pot off the stove, attempt to catch it, burn her hand, and having it fall on the floor anyway. And she was just starting to develop a small crush on the man (like still the distant he's attractive and he has such a nice personality that's being observed school girl kind of crush) so it was embarrassing to say the least. He felt bad though and took care of the burn and even offered to go to the market and get more of what she needed. But yeah that was the closest to a kitchen disaster she had.
🎶 - What kind of music does your muse listen to? Do they have a favorite genre? Do you think the aux cord would be taken away from them?
Sib likes a bit of everything really, but mostly music one can dance to! So pop, edm, club, some country pop, and like anything in that vein are go tos for her. You may want to try and take the aux cord away from her on a trip because you've had to endure 3+ hrs of bad singing and passenger seat dancing and thinking she's in her own music video, but you think better of it because the alternative is her talking for the rest of the 3+hrs, just ask Demos he'll tell you! But if you're up for a music journey you won't be disappointed! Some songs you could find are as follows
"Jai-Ho (You Are My Destiny)
"What Angel Wakes Me" (which also serves as a nice like character song for her too!)
Alma is more in the slower love song, folk, Americana, some bluegrass, and other genres in that kind of realm. Now this is a more modern answer so in terms of like music more in that world its the epics of love and loss from the bards, and the celebration music you hear with drums, guitars, flutes, and violin, and don't forget the romantic waltzes! those are a staple and it is a sure fire way to make her swoon. Tracks from the game that fit the sound best are
"Hide, Hideaway"
"Forevermore" which has a bit more modern aspects to it but fits the vibe
And "Ending" that was unused
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 8 months ago
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Have the second half of the expac Sib with her magical girl viper weapons. And then first half as she looks at a tiny liddol guy.
I am
If you're withholding to prevent spoilers, DM them to me, it's fine. I just want to enjoy how GREAT everyone looks. (But if they're posts, I'll reblog!!)
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 5 months ago
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"I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that is made."
— Barbie
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sparklebeamx · 14 days ago
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Rushed Valentine’s Day doodles
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