#Shusuke soma
neerons · 2 months
Her Love In The Force 🕵️‍♀️ bad quality memes #1
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I don’t know if the HLITF fandom is alive but I’ll keep making these memes for my own sanity either way 🤣
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sterkeyra · 6 months
Election Booster Wallpapers - HLITF
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The diamond cards theme of last years election boosters was very pretty! I like the holo effect on the guys!
I really wanted to compile all of them together.
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aqvarius · 1 year
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our public safety boys did each other's hair for the summer festival 🥺🥺🥺🥺
and it paid off because they all look SO GOOD
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kamyru · 1 year
Random Voltage Headcanon #43 (Suggestive)
"I finally understood why you always wear oversized clothes," he said in between kisses, with a grin on his face, while one of his hands finally got rid of the last piece of clothe on MC's body.
The woman stopped kissing him and tried to cover her body, while hoping that the light was dim enough not to see the redness of her face. But before she could do it, her boyfriend continued: "You're drop dead gorgeous," another kiss and another thought in MC's head.
Is he jealous that other men could see me?
Nope. Once again she was wrong.
"You're just too beautiful for this world. No human being has ever deserved to see this level of beauty."
Him: Hikari Fudo, Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Shusuke Soma, Yukihisa Maki, Toma Kiriya, Ukyo Senkawa, Kuranosuke Kiba, Mikoto Amamitsu, Ryoga Buto, Toshiki Kasumi, Munechika Takado, Sentaro Kyogoku, Taro Akuchi
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Her Love in the Force
Shusuke Soma
Season 4
Hero of Love (Part 1・Part 2)
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Hero of Love Epilogue
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redheadkittys · 2 years
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@hifftn @neerons @voltage-vixen am i the only one who drools over this😏OOORRR😏!?!?
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saijoaki · 2 years
Her Love in the Force『8th Anniversary』Wallpapers
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Here you go! I have a second thought only 3 more minutes just almost right before the limited end (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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bolt8826 · 2 years
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Examples of HLITF being allies to the Bisexual community that I have gathered thus far. Feel free to add
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lys-lilac · 2 years
[JP] KING7′s thoughts on Halloween Decorations
🍀 T/N: Munekyun Lab (Heart Squeezing out of love) Lab healers give their opinions on Halloween decorations of the venue done by you! 🍀 
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1. Takaomi Tsugaru
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“Waa~ Great, so many love lanterns. Aaand lotsss of me too! (laughs) 
Thank you, I am looking forward to the event~”
2. Ayumu Shinonome
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“Thank you for your help with the decorations. I'll look up the names* properly.
Doesn't this make the party even more exciting?”
3. Hyogo Kaga 
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“ This lantern…does it have a name on it? 
Just because it's a party doesn't mean you should get too excited**. Well, look forward to it."
4. Toshiki Kasumi
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“Hey, it's beautiful. Thank you. 
...Wait, your cute name is on it. When the party is over, let's sneak it home.”
5. Eisuke Ichinomiya
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"Huh... well done. Not a bad view. 
If you want a reward, come to my room after enjoying the party."
6. Kei Soejima
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“It's spectacular with all these decorations. 
Jack-O-Lantern, shall we make it together next time? In return, I'll carve a pumpkin for you.”
7. Shusuke Soma 
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“Thanks to all of you, the venue is filled with lanterns… 
The unique atmosphere of Halloween is exciting. Let’s enjoy the event together.”
(Source: Twitter offcial account of MuneKyun Lab)
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[ *Mushroom Shinonome meant he’s going to read and observe all the names you carved on the pumpkins, since you have worked so hard on them ;)
**Kaga is just worried about you as you might overexert yourself haha.]
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Her Love In The Force Review - Shusuke Soma
Includes Spoilers...
So this is one of them games I will come back and fourth to and since right now only one really caught my attention I will do his review based off his chapter 1 and 2 which is a 2 part story split as a main story, and his pov. I may add others later but as of right now this game really isn't too great to me.
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So first off he is a beautiful man I noticed that from the start. He seems like a sweet man and is gentle and kind but he can be a bit wishy washy. Because of his job he spends so much time lying and manipulating people so even when he is nice you question if its just a act. You watch him manipulate women as well as people on the inside helping his case that are willing to die for him. Seriously if he wanted to start a cult and have them all kill themselves I think he could do it. The story seems a but rushed just in the first half alone and then when you start the 2nd part its like instant husband and wife even though undercover its just the fact things were just getting sweet between you and him then. It almost comes off rushed as well as pushed too fast. I wasn't a fan of that at all.
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He has points he can be harsh but then flip a switch and he is kind and gentle again. He makes weird comments at times and doesn't really trust anyone since his sister was murdered. He names all his bonsai trees Stephanie after his dead sister. He takes forever to confess his love to you after you have already done so. I didn't like that he left it open for weeks after before following through with wanting you. He is always protective and goes out of his way always to keep you safe and he really is a good guy. Even when you have to be undercover as his wife you see he would make a good husband but any time something lingers to be something there he changes the subject. He was upfront in the end of wanting you to stay with him forever yet never said I love you and he just assumed you would be his girlfriend he didn't even make it exciting by asking.
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Guess he assumed since you already confessed your love that was enough. Then he brings you to his apartment and starts kissing you and telling you he wants to give you "ALL HIS LOVE" that was so clear what he meant. In bed he even tells you that he knew it would come to this from the beginning its like ok was he a perv this whole time planning on sleeping with you after he got you to fall in love with him yet he says he trusts no one well now he trusts you. I don't know I was bored most of his story and it was more about being undercover than a love story. This is probably why it will be a bit before I come back and do any of the other guys. Out of love interests I have read he is probably close to the bottom and very forgettable. I'm just glad I didn't purchase any extra in Love365 for him. Also doesn't feel like there is alot of CG pics for this game either. Only plus side is how good he looked coming out of the shower...yummy!!!
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neerons · 15 days
Her Love in the Force🕵️‍♀️ Bad quality memes #3
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sterkeyra · 1 year
HLITF VIP Event: Summer Sunshine
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Uwaaah I'm so happy this got localized!
The new Event of Her Love in the Force truly released at the best time and awakened the summer feelings just right. The stories were a mix of funny, cute but also spicy tales of the trip to the beach. Apparently public safety had another training session on sea, but their ship sank and they were stranded on a lone island. Lot's of opportunities for misunderstandings but also great for sweet nothings when watching the sunset together. Building a sandcastle with Tsugaru was so cute and wholesome! And it cracked me up that his Nr. 1 of people to bring to an island is still Momo. But it's very understandable, as Momo is like a Swiss Knife in human form.
The Completion image is hilarious and like a still of Seconds before drama occurrs. Poor Ishigami being the victim to Tsugarus pranks. He should just sit down next to his Lieutenant Soma next time and enjoy his drink. Goto got a bit too fierce into beating Kurosawa and Shinonome has to pay for it. I wonder if Shinonome builds sandcastles or searches for seashells... or fossils. Papa Namba at least made sure that everyone get to eat that night, though maybe Kaga could devour it all by himself. Those muscles need nutrition after all.
Also someone call Takane, there's a crab on the lose!
Anyways enjoy, I really recommend this VIP Event!
Though it should be noted, that Tsugaru's story takes place before he becomes a couple with MC.
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aqvarius · 1 year
there are plenty of amazing qualities that the public safety boys possess, like their bravery and heroism or their technical skills or their shrewdness or their ability to remain calm under pressure or their loyalty and dedication or the unique ways they show affection, but the thing that i find most appealing about them is that they're all really good liars
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kamyru · 1 year
Who is "Professor Overshare" and who is "Professor Brick wall" in their relationship? (Public Safety Instructors x MC) (Headcanons)
Jin Namba
Overshare + Brick wall: Jin is an overshare about his colleagues. All the cadets know how anxious Goto was when his wife was pregnant, how Kaga never curses near his kids, how Soma is the one to braid his daughter's hair, how Kurosawa goes into dad mode when he gets a call from school, how Ayumu wanted to name his daughter something peach-related, how Ishigami is all laugh and smiles near his family. But cadets have no idea what Jin kids are doing, even if they heard that he is married. He is too protective of them for this.
Brick wall: MC doesn't have enough guts to spill the other Instructors' tea in front of the students. And she has a pact with Jin not to talk about their kids. So, she comes more of a brick wall than expected. Yet, sometimes she tells them that she has a family, even if no one knows who is her family. Except the fact that they know who her husband is.
Hideki Ishigami
Brick wall: Most of his students don't even know his first name, what family status are you talking about? The most they can get is his wedding band. But if a cadet is courageous enough to ask him about it, they'll get a death stare. It's actually someone else, probably Goto or Namba who accidentally mentioned that he is married. And then, it clicked to whom, considering that they have another Ishigami professor.
Brick wall: MC is not a brick wall because she wants to be, but because she is afraid to disappoint her husband. Yet, she do actually tells students that she has a husband and kids. And when they find out who the person behind her stories is, they are bewildered.
Hyogo Kaga
Overshare: Kaga is not your typical overshare professor. He doesn't talk about his personal life to brag. He does it accidentally because it's so natural for him. Like: "I don't trust anyone but Ayumu and my wife." "Even my wife was better than you at this, and she was the worst student you can imagine." "My kids can understand this and you don't? They aren't even in elementary school."
Brick wall: MC. It's not that she doesn't talk about her personal life, she just knows that no one will ever believe her that she is married to Kaga. So, the most she says that is not related to the lesson are encouragements and stories from her youth.
Shusuke Soma
Overshare: MC. Who won't brag about being married to Soma? MC definitely sometimes feels jealous over girl students that crush on her husband, even if Soma reminds her every day that they are married. So, she once is a while talks about her husband and sometimes even kids to make a point. Yet, there are also moments when she accidentally without any jealousy involved does it and she is adorable.
Brick wall: Soma. Cadets know that he is married, because he rejected some of the girls saying this. Though, every time a student asks him about his personal life, he is as evasive as always. He gives answer, but no one knows what do they mean. So, no one really knows what is happening in his life before getting to MC's lessons.
Seiji Goto
Overshare: Goto. This man is a simp. No. He is a HUGE SIMP. There's no way MC and his kids aren't his background, lockscreen, profile picture, and everything around him. At first, students thought he is aloof, then they saw him interacting with MC and talking about his kids, and they understood that he is just shy with them. So, cadets even tease him from time to time. Once, a group of them met him outside the Academy while he was with his son, and nearly melted into a puddle due to how cute they were.
Overshare: Who won't overshare that they are married to Goto? Have you seen this man? Damn, MC may not be as cute as Goto with all his lockscreens and backgrounds, but she has the most wholesome stories about her family. She isn't openly a simp for Goto, but she is the cutest wife someone can ask for.
Ayumu Shinonome
Overshare: Everyone expected him to be a playboy, and he then said he was married. Then, the students expected him to divorce, then he took a day off to celebrate his anniversary. Then, the students expected him to be child free, and a few days later he came in with his daughter. Ayumu doesn't talk, he just likes to mess with his students and low-key demonstrating them how bad they are at reading people.
Brick wall: The same as Kaga's case - no one will ever believe that she is married to Ayumu. Yet, she knows him for so long that she understands what he is doing with his little overshare game. So, she tries to be as tight-lipped as possible, not to destroy her husband's joy. However, at least once a semester she drops a bomb before Ayumu, to mess with him for every time he was a tease with her.
Toru Kurosawa
Overshare: Toru. Has anyone has doubts? He probably came into his first class with his family album of his family with MC. Cadets know the names he wanted to name his children but got rejected, the way his heart flutters when MC kiss him goodbye, how hard it is for him to leave for missions. Everything.
Brick wall: Every one is a Brick wall in comparison with Toru. Even if MC makes a 24h video about a day in their life, she won't get to the level of Toru's oversharing.
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Her Love in the Force
Story: ゲレンデの愛をくれてやる (I'll give you the love of the slopes)
Ishigami & Kaga
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🖤Ishigami: "Then wait no longer." 💗Kaga: "...Don't let other men touch you casually."
Namba & Shinonome
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💚Namba: "...I'm much more excited than you." 💛Shinonome: "Let's hug or spend time together is free"
Soma & Kurosawa
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💜Soma: What would you do if I told you that you could use magic? 💜Kurosawa: It's a shame for a man not to respond to such a cute invitation...
Goto & Tsugaru
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💙Goto: "What I want is you." 🧡Tsugaru: "Eh, you don't need me and the rabbit, do you?"
The other snow winter suits in so gorgeous and look at colors in so cool!❄️✨
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vanillanseoul · 2 years
The devil Ayumu at Soma's route 🤭
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