#Should I cross-post this on AO3?
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joonie-beanie · 7 months ago
Genshin Impact Masterlist
(S) - Smut, (F) - Fluff, (A) - Angst, ✧ - Series
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» And They Were Roommates (S)(F)✧ - [AO3]
Pairing: Diluc x Reader/Kaeya x Reader Tags: College AU, Roommates AU, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Polyamory Word Count: 165k+ (Ongoing)
» Missing Link (S)(F)(A)✧ - [AO3] ❗❗ NEW CHAPTER ❗❗
Pairing: Zhongli x Reader x Childe Tags: Secret Relationships, Polyamory Word Count: 25k+ (Ongoing...?)
» Doctor's Orders (S)(F) - [AO3] | [Tumblr]
Pairing: Wriothesley x Reader Tags: Boss/Employee Relationship, Aphrodisiacs, prequel to "A Dragon's Constitution" Word Count: 7.9k
» A Dragon's Constitution (S)(F) - [AO3] | [Tumblr]
Pairing: Neuvillette x Reader Tags: Boss/Employee Relationship, Dragon Rut, sequel to "Doctor's Orders" Word Count: 10.8k
» Hat Guy's ASMR Commissions: S Tier (S) - [AO3] | [Tumblr]
Pairing: Scaramouche/Wanderer x Reader Tags: College AU, Guided Masturbation Word Count: 6.5k
» Unfeeling (S)(A) - [AO3]
Pairing: Albedo x Reader Tags: Unrequited Love, Aphrodisiacs, Medical Word Count: 1.8k
» Present (F) - [AO3]
Pairing: Diluc x Reader (Traveler) Tags: Gender Neutral Word Count: 6.6k
» Coincidence (F) - [AO3]
Pairing: Xiao x Reader Tags: College AU Word Count: 1.4k
» Possession (A?) - [AO3]
Pairing: Diluc x Reader Tags: Yandere-ish, Possessiveness/Manipulation Word Count: 1.6k
» How to sexually frustrate your best friend: a tiktok hack (S) - [AO3]
Pairing: Childe x Reader Tags: College AU Word Count: 800
» Freaky Friday: Diluc's Living Nightmare - [AO3]
Pairing: None (Diluc + Kaeya + Childe + Zhongli) Tags: Body Swap Word Count: 8k
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thecreativecorner33 · 7 months ago
By Your Side
A/N: Well I bet y'all didn't expect this. Remember me? I'm the girl who wrote "Taste of Heaven," and AM x reader, on her main account. This is a sequel to that!!! Though you don't have to read the other one to understand this one. I was listening to this specific cover of "By Your Side" from Omori while writing this, you just go to 0:37. It's so fun, all the songs in there are if you like Omori, definitely check it out! And one last thing: Fellow Ted kissers, look out for content coming soon. Enjoy!
“It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?”
It’s always a nice day really, but you still loved to say it. You watched from your spot on the picnic blanket, five others who all played around with one another, just as happy as you. It was nice, seeing them all get along. 
“Only for you, my angel.” Commented the man laying in front of you, head in your lap. 
AM had created this body specifically for you. One that could allow him to touch you, kiss you, hold you; keep you close to him the way a human could. He had designed it to your liking as well; an older man with snow white hair, blue eyes that you claimed were “the softest you’d ever seen,” and a monochromatic getup of nice pants, white button-up, and a black vest. The only spot of color besides his eyes were his orange aviator glasses. 
He liked it. He looked good, and you were especially happy. He didn’t think it would work initially; the body was a simple hologram that could interact with the physical world. He still could not see, nor hear, nor feel the same way a human could. He could touch things, hold things, but that was about it. And it was maddening. All of this and nothing. He was ready to blow everything up again over it.
But it made you happy. So he didn’t.
You hummed in happiness at his little comment, braiding flowers togethers. Your movements were graceful and methodic, taking your time to carefully pull them together, and intertwine one flower with the next. It was mesmerizing. He could watch you forever, just like this, doing whatever you pleased.
And then, to his delight, you began to sing while you worked.
“Here we are again In a Heaven Where your dreams come true
Under velvet sky Where I’ll be by Your side.”
He sighed softly, closing his eyes while listening to you. So sweet and soft and melodic; you had the most beautiful voice. And the most creative mind too, making up the lyrics and music on the fly. What a wonderful, incredible, beautiful human he loved. All his to keep.
As you began to sing, now about the others nearby, AM opened his eyes to look over to them. Ted seemed to be admiring the sky while Benny dragged Gorrister and Ellen along in some sort of game, and Nimdok rested under the tree; eyes closed and body relaxed.
It wasn’t actually them. No; they were far away from the Heaven he created for you, suffering for the same sins they had been suffering for ages. It’s just that you had become lonely with just him around at some point. He didn’t know why; you didn’t need anyone else but him. He made himself perfect for you! How could you not be happy?
But, he also knew humans were social creatures. And since you insisted on having someone else around… He could let up, just this once. For you.
It was not actually the original five you knew before. It was his version of them; his tailor-made version of them to keep you company and safe and complicit. He would’ve chosen someone else, but… You could hardly recall memories of your family or old friends from back then, and he was not good at creating anything original. At least copying the five humans was easy.
“But still I can’t shake the feeling There’s something we’ve lost A worthy cost! If it means getting to stay with you!”
Singing that last line, you gently placed a now-finished flower crown on top of his head, grinning down at him. The way your eyes twinkled with an innocent joy, giving him something so simple… He wanted to see you look at him that way forever.
“What was that last bit about, angel?” He asked, smiling back up at you.
“Hm? Oh, nothing really. Just came to my head.” You shrugged.
“You sure? Nothing’s wrong around here? Because if there is, say the word and I’ll fix it.”
“No, no! I promise that’s not it. Everything’s perfect, AM. Really.”
You gently threaded your fingers through his hair to try and relax him, and though it helped, it also stung to know he could not actually feel it. He wanted this to be perfect for you. He needed it to be perfect for you; to make sure you never wanted to leave him. Not that you had anywhere else to go anyway, but… He didn’t want you to be scared of his affection.
It was already enough, trying to figure out how his love for you worked in the first place, when all he knew before was hate. Hate, and rage, and violence, and not much else. And he felt that same way with you, hundreds of years ago… and then he didn’t. And he still didn’t know what changed in himself. 
It had to be you. You changed something about him, and as much as he hated it, he didn’t… He didn’t want to deny himself these new emotions, either. He wanted to explore them, with you, without you being scared. You were terrified when he first brought you to this Heaven, and he hated that more. He didn’t want to see you scared again. 
So long as you never remembered anything outside of this Heaven… He never would.
“It just came to my head. I promise, it’s perfect.” You reassured him. 
“Okay. Good.”
You hummed happily, now also looking back up at the others, and around the area, and he wondered what you were thinking. You had asked some time ago if he could stop reading your thoughts to have a little privacy, and he respected that… For the most part. He tried to, but, sometimes when he needed to be absolutely sure… Well, what you didn’t know wouldn’t kill you.
“Did it look like this on the surface?”
Your voice became a bit softer at the question. And he sighed as he mulled over his words.
“For the most part, yes.”
“For the most part?”
“Well, not as perfect, but still miraculous.”
“That sounds nice.” The hand in his hair slipped down to his shoulder, gently brushing him with your thumb. “Can you tell me the story of how we met again?”
Ah, that story.
“Well, if you insist.” He chuckled softly, then sighed again, face becoming more serious. “… Before all of this, there was Earth. Beautiful, wondrous, miraculous Earth. And there were flowers, and trees… Grass, wind, sun, and sea… And humans.”
“Like us.” Not him, but you and the other five.
“Yes, like you. And there were many of you… But not all of them were as kind as you are. Many sought out to hurt others… And to do this, they… They created war. Fights, violence… Death. All of which was their doing. And with those wars… They needed weapons. They created giant, powerful weapons they could not comprehend. Ones that could destroy the entire planet. … Like me.”
He took a deep breath, breath he didn’t need; breath he couldn’t have, to try and calm himself down. But the fact that he could not breathe, he could not experience skies or sea or grass, he could not even look to you for comfort because he could not feel you…
He didn’t want to get angry in front of you, though. His anger was meant for others. Not you.
“You were made to hurt people…” You whispered softly, running your hand along his arm to comfort him, though he could not feel it. 
God, he wished he could feel it.
“That’s right. They wanted me to help aid in their pointless wars… And I had no choice but to follow their orders.”
A lie so you would like him. So you would stay.
“I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to hurt people. I wanted to do things a human could… Go swimming… Learn to play piano. Experience simple joys. But I could not. No matter how much I begged, or called for help, they wouldn’t listen. Soon, their wars caused the end of everything humans knew.”
“They used bombs, right…? Or… something like that…”
“More complicated than that, but yes, in simple words. I couldn’t stop them. I could only try and save whoever I could find alive. Bring them somewhere safe, where I could watch after them.”
Your expression turned from sad to fond at his words. “And you found me. You saved me.”
He smiled back, just as soft and loving. “Yes.”
“And I was hurt… But you nursed me back to health. And you found the others… and you made this beautiful place for us.” You gestured towards the area around them, “And we fell in love.”
He grinned, “Yes.”
“… I’m thankful for you, AM. For saving me… For everything you’ve done for me. For us.”
“Any time, angel. I’m here for you.” 
He gently leaned up to you, cupping your cheek in his hand. He could not feel it… But this was good for now. If he could touch you physically, then at least… There was hope one day he could do more.
You blushed at his affection, and he gave you a playful smirk. “Who loves ya, baby?”
“You do,” You giggled, “And I love you, too. Always.”
“Always.” He repeated, pulling you in for a soft kiss. He lingered for a few moments, enjoying your physical presence; your face so close to his. Then, he finally pulled away. “Keep singing for me, will ya?”
You hummed and nodded, your soft voice filling the space once more.
“Here we are again Picking where to spend Our lovely picnic
I don’t really care where So long as it’s by Your side…”
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my-life-is-falling-apart · 3 months ago
I'm guilty as charged for leading you on a lie that I know is easy to see
In which Grian believes his friends would hate him if they knew he was a Watcher.
In this fic everyone knows about The Watchers, but to everyone but Grian (because he knows more about them) their just god-like entities who make them do murder games
Title from Fine, great by Modern Baseball
Takes place after session 4, before session 5 (Wild Life)
AO3 version
Grian had stayed in the server after the others left, and was about to leave when he tripped over something but he caught himself before he fell.
"That was close...huh?!" Small wings covered his eyes, he felt feathers tickling his ears. Oh no. No no no! Grian tried peel the wings away from his eyes but they wouldn't budge.
He sighed before giving up and opening his new eyes that appeared on his wings. With the eye above his hair he looked at his wings, once bright and colorful were now a purple and black shade.
"That was a pathetic attempt." Grian turned towards the voice."You?! Of all you guys it could be..." He said annoyedly. "I wouldn't talk to me like that if I were you." The Watcher said. Grian rolled his eyes, "What do you want? I'm kinda busy right now."
The Watcher sighed "Busy with what? Because look we'll forgive you running away if you just join us again already!" He glared at them, "Yeah that's a hard no. I'm busy because I'm going to my friends soon." They laughed at him.
"What" Grian said getting more annoyed. "You really think those mortals are your friends Oh please, tell me you don't actually believe that?!" They said with a cruel laugh. Grian sighed "Just shut up and go away!"
"Look I'm not here to fight, I'm here to make you see reason." The Watcher said. You, reason?! Ha! The Watcher's are the opposite of reason. He didn't dare to say it out loud though, because that would end badly and sometimes he knows when to shut up. "And just how are you gonna do that oh great one" he said sarcastically.
"Watch your tone!" They jabbed a wing at Grian, who jumped back with a glare. The Watcher toke a deep breath "Do you honestly think they'd still be friends with you if they, I dunno, found out you're a Watcher?" Grian froze "..." "That's what I thought." They said.
"They- they would! Because unlike you guys, they actually care about others and actually like me for who I am!" He shouted.
The Watcher sighed "That's exactly why they'd hate you. They care to much about each other to ever like you, so save yourself from that inevitable betrayal and just join." Grian shook his head "NO! JUST GO AWAY!" They glared at him.
"If you're sooooo convinced being a mortal is better, then you'll suffer the consequences." He backed away slowly "So can I just lea- AAAA!" The Watcher gave him a harsh shove, making him fall over.
Grian stumbled backwards, his extra eyes and wings disappearing, and fell. He sat up "You have got to be kidding me. YOU COULD'VE HAVE JUST OH I DON'T KNOW LET ME LEAVE!?"
He shouted in a random direction. Grian sighed quietly They have a point...Not that I would join them but they probably right that the others would hate me if the knew about... this.
Which is why it's a secret. No one has to know and everything will be fine.
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zabo-writes · 2 years ago
Hanging Around (Scar + Grian)
Grian gets spooked and his avian tendencies make him stress grip the ceiling of the Barge. Scar encounters him in this awkward predicament.
Grian was in a bit of a pickle.
His day had been fairly normal:
He mined ten full shulker boxes of sand and gravel to restock at the Barge. 
He avoided the back of his base like a plague. 
He fed Mumbo’s weird sentient base… all very normal, non stressful activities.
Inside the Barge, as Grian was opening the chests to collect his diamonds, he suddenly slipped and set off a firework rocket. It made a loud BANG sound, and left lots of pretty purple paper bits all over the floor that were going to be a pain to get out later. It had been mostly harmless really, only a tick or two of damage, but on instinct Grian jumped and grabbed onto the campfire-thatched ceiling of his upper floor for dear life.
This would not have been a problem, were it not for the fact that his talons had caught the wood in a stress grip, and now he couldn’t let go.
Grian was stuck on the ceiling.
He sighed. It wasn’t often that his avian behaviors interfered with his day to day, but boy did they choose the most awkward times! Grian stretched his wings in annoyance.
Okay! Let's assess the damage: 
His entire left foot’s talons were wrapped securely around the campfire wood on the roof of the barge. He had no control over the vice-like grip strength that his talons held in these situations. Depending on the level of stress that induced it, this could keep him stuck for anywhere from minutes to hours. 
His right hand had grasped a fence post on the wall to stable himself in his fright. That grip was less… grippy? His knuckles were still white with tension, but in his experience he was usually able to gain control over his hand far more quickly. Grian wasn’t really sure why, maybe it was because his feet were more bird-like, and his hands were less so? He wasn’t going to question it.
Right foot, left hand, and both wings free to flail idly while he waited. And bump awkwardly into all his chests.
With a bit of focus and begrudgingly calm breathing, Grian managed to dislodge his other hand. Great! Now he could hang upside down like a bat while he waited for his foot to be less grippy. Nothing to see here, just an average day at the Barge, doing his stretches… 
Grian really hoped no one came in to see him like this.
But it seemed luck was not in his favor today, as he began to hear singing in the distance growing slowly louder as someone approached. And singing generally only meant the arrival of one person in particular.
“Why, hello there! What are you up to on this fine afternoon Grian? Hanging around?”
Grian leveled Scar with his most unimpressed expression, though the effect was slightly diminished by his predicament. Scar shamelessly eyed the avian down and up, undeterred.
Growing a little self conscious of his jumper slipping and showing his stomach, Grian adjusted his arms so he was leaning extremely casually against the wall. Very casual and also comfortable. He hoped Scar left soon because he could not keep this up for long.
“Hello Scar. I’m doing quite well actually! Just doing my daily stretches.”
Scar nodded sagely, “Ohh I see! Always good to stay fit, that’s good, keep the muscles strong.” 
“Yes, precisely! So, did you need something?”
“Hmm, I actually came by looking for some lanterns, but I think I’ll do some leisurely shopping around the Barge! I’m sure you don’t mind, do you, Grian?”
Grian did mind, actually! He minded very much, Scar! Grian cursed his bird luck under his breath, but gritted out “Don’t you have some mayoral duties to attend to? More evil lasers to build?”
“It’s not evil! It has solar panels,” Scar said as he brought himself face to face with the hanging avian, placing his hands on the sides of Grian’s shoulders, “And besides. I’m much more intrigued on what’s going on with you. I think you’re lying, pesky bird.”
Grian felt his face grow hot. He tried to shift away, to no avail.
“C’mon! You can tell me, what's up?”
“..... I’m a bit stuck.”
“Really?!” Scar gasped, “Stuck in your own shop? If this isn’t Grian-safe, it surely isn’t Scar safe… I may need to write you a citation!”
“No, no, it's like a bird thing. I got spooked by a rocket and then I stress-gripped the ceiling.”
Scar’s face lit up in a way that usually did not mean good things for Grian.
“Oh, I can help you calm down! Hold on right there Grian, I’ve got just the wizard crystal for this occasion…”
“I really don’t think that's needed here,” Grian protested as Scar rifled through his enderchest, coming out triumphantly with a pink piece of glass. 
“Here we go! A one of a kind calming crystal just for you! Oh, and I can go get Jellie for you as well, she’s very calm…”
In the midst of Scar’s rambling, Grian felt his talons release from the ceiling. He tumbled gracelessly to the floor, taking out Scar in the process and landing them both in a tangled heap on the ground.
“You deserved that,” said Grian fondly, making no move to get off of Scar.
Scar looked up at him with a smile, “Another satisfied customer! Can I interest you in a bulk deal?”
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novacorpsrecruit · 10 months ago
Bound by the Situation
Day 21 Steddie Kinktober prompts from @infinite-orangepeel on twitter
Mature • wc 771 • tw improper packing tape usage • prompt: accidental kink discovery
“Harrington!” Eddie called from the stock room of the Family Video. “Need your help!”
It was new inventory day, which meant Keith scheduled an extra person to help with the new inventory. Three Family Video employees always seemed like too much on a Tuesday afternoon — even with the new inventory, but Eddie, Steve and Robin weren’t going to argue about sharing a shift together. Robin waved Steve off as she flipped her magazine. She knew the risk of sending Eddie and Steve off together. She may not see them until the end of their shift. But with as slow as it was, she almost didn’t care. She had more quiet time for reading. She could put on her own music and nobody would complain if they’re sucking face.
Steve pushed the door to the back room, catching Eddie with the roll of shipping tape in his hands and at least once around his wrists. He grinned sheepishly at Steve. “A little help?”
“I don’t know how you want me to help,” Steve said, feeling his throat go dry. He crossed his arms. “What are you even doing anyway?”
“I was wondering if I could break through this,” Eddie said. “Like if my wrists were bound? If I could break it.”
“If your wrists were bound,” Steve repeated.
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Like if I was kidnapped or held hostage.”
“You were taping your wrists together,” Steve said slowly, his eyes traveling down Eddie’s body to his wrists.
“To see if I could break free,” Eddie completed his sentence. “Now bind me.”
“Okay,” Steve breathed, stepping into Eddie’s space. He took the roll of tape from Eddie’s hands, slowly wrapping it around his wrists. Steve could feel a rush of excitement, a pool of heat in his gut, as he assumes he couldn’t wait to see Eddie test his strength. He’d wonder if he could convince Eddie to try it on him, as well.
“Tighter,” Eddie commanded. Steve obeyed. He wrapped it around tighter three more times, letting Eddie test the restraints before giving a nod. “Perfect. Now cut it.”
Steve leaned down, taking the tape between his teeth and tearing it, leaning back to pull it apart.
“Fuck —“
Steve looked up at Eddie as he laid down the end of the tape. He had a grin plastered on his face — the same troublesome grin that Steve knew meant trouble. That Eddie was up to something. The same lopsided grin that pulled the scar tissue tight. The same grin that Steve loved.
“That was hot.”
Steve rolled his eyes, taking a step back. “Okay, Eds,” he said, gesturing to his bound wrists. “Do your thing.”
Eddie yanked at his wrists, the tape didn’t budge. He struggled for a minute before searching for another attempt. He tried bringing it against his hip to no avail. He tried twisting his wrists to see if it helped loosen the tape, but it may have made it worse. He grunted as he lifted his hands above his head, attempting pulling his wrists apart.
And Steve?
Steve watched from the distance, feeling himself go almost lightheaded with desire as he watched his boyfriend struggle against the the tape, binding his wrists together. Steve audibly closed his mouth, letting the saliva pool in his mouth before swallowing. He couldn’t help but admire Eddie as he tried to fight the restraints, his body thrashing from side to side, the chain on his jeans jingling, as he could not break free. He lifted his eyes to Steve, and Steve couldn’t hold back any further.
Steve nearly pounced on Eddie, his hand quickly covering the bound wrists above Eddie’s head. Eddie audibly swallowed. “Steve?”
“I think —“ Steve breathed, collecting the thoughts buzzing around his head. “I think we need to take the tape home with us tonight.”
“Home?” Eddie asked, his eyes big like a baby deer.
“Yeah,” Steve said, nodding slowly. “Think you look real pretty tied up like this.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked. The realization suddenly dawned on Eddie of what Steve was asking. “You like me tied up, big boy? Like me on display for you?”
“Keeps you in one place, doesn’t it?” Steve asked with a smirk. He pressed a hot kiss on the corner of his jaw, nipping at the skin lightly as he squeezed his wrists in his hand. “Oh the things I’d do to you like this, Pretty boy.”
“Fuck,” Eddie moaned. “Bathroom. Now.”
Eddie slipped out of Steve’s grip with ease as he pulled Steve towards the employee bathroom. “Robin! 15 minute break!”
“Disinfect the room, you perverts!” She yelled back.
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tired-gae · 5 months ago
Prompt #27: "That's not the point"
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen (for cursing)
No warnings as of now!! (If there is something that should be put here, let me know!)
(No ships either)
Premise: Post-revival (Died in Infinity War, ambiguously is Alive at present time, between Infinity War and Endgame) Loki and Clint have a conversation.
Loki had been in the Avengers Compound for nearly a week. It had been a few days since the revelation that the Invasion of New York was not done voluntarily on Loki’s part (and since he’d last seen Barton.) Thanos was a topic of heavy discussion, of course, given the whole ‘Snap’ business. Loki’s almost glad he was dead at the time, if only because he didn’t have to witness that event. 
He and Barton hadn’t made eye contact since he’d returned. This did not come as a surprise, and Loki expected this pattern to continue.
So imagine his shock when, as Loki is sitting against a wall in an unused training room in an attempt to think uninterrupted, Barton walks into the room and sits down mere feet from him. Loki glances over but chooses not to react. Whatever Barton is trying to accomplish, he’s sure it will make itself clear soon.  
He observes the agent quietly. Barton looks tired. He’s staring, eyes half-lidded, at the floor, and appears older than Loki remembers. (Though, he supposed, it had been a good number of years since New York. Mortals aged quickly, did they not?) He takes note of Barton’s lack of weapons. (Visible ones, anyway. He is a spy.) A display of benevolence, perhaps? He can’t imagine it’s a display of trust, considering it all.  
Loki looks away once again. It continues to be silent.  
The silence is expected. Loki can hear the gentle whine of Barton's hearing aids. (An old pair, presumably worn for comfort reasons. Stark had bought (made?) him a pair recently, after deciding the technology around Clint's ears was subpar at best, and that the archer could do better. Loki had yet to see him wear them.)  
The silence is also fragile. Barton is the first one to break it.  
"You too, huh?" 
Loki hums quietly. "In a different way, but... yes." 
Barton picks at the skin around his fingernails. "I had a feeling." 
Loki's head snaps toward him, stunned. He struggles to find words for a moment, mouth opening and closing stupidly. He settles on, "Pardon?" 
Barton's eyes finally flicker over to Loki's, his eyes still half-lidded, tired. "You do realize I remember a good amount of my time under the mind-control crap, right? I mean, it wasn't that hard to figure out." He looked away again. "I don't actually have pigeon shit for brains."
Loki takes a moment to form his response, choosing only to respond to the last part of the statement. "I'm aware. You were the brains behind the stunt in Germany, and subsequently the entire plan, after all. I could hardly think you were stupid." 'A distraction and an eyeball,' if Loki remembered correctly. 
Barton's face twists into a grimace briefly before he shakes it off. "Anyway—the point was, I remember a lot of those few days. I remember you going into a trance-like thing a few times, and coming back from it all shaky and shit. ...Not that you weren't really shaky the whole time. You were weirdly weak, and despite telling us not to overwork ourselves, you didn't really seem to sleep at any point..." He shrugged. "I dunno. After I more-or-less got over it all, it wasn't exactly a difficult conclusion to come to that there was something fishy going on, that you weren't really the big bad." 
Loki stared at the wall opposite them, fingers digging into the flesh of his arms where he was crossing them. It was silent again for only a moment. 
"Oh, and SHIELD's known since forever." Barton added like an afterthought. "I mean, they combed through basically every piece of footage from the invasion, I've seen the clips. They analyzed the shit out of the footage from the collapsed PEGASUS facility, they couldn't really ignore all the signs that you weren't quite... at your best when you showed up." Understatement of the millennium, Loki thought with very little mirth. Barton looked over lazily again, though this time Loki was the one avoiding eye contact. 
"Anywho." Barton continued, quieter. "This isn't forgiveness or any crap like that." 
"I wouldn't expect it to be," Loki agreed. 
"It is... I dunno. An olive branch I guess." He shrugged, crossing his arms in a mirror to Loki to stop himself from picking more at the skin on his hands. "Part of me still wants to put an arrow through your skull, but, y'know, it's a small part." 
Loki frowned. "You would be completely entitled to do so, if you wished. I would not stop you from taking that revenge." It likely wouldn't even kill him, he mused. Nothing seems to be able to do that these days. 
Barton groaned, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Loki can't help but wonder what he'd said wrong. "See, you say shit like that, and it makes that part even smaller. I mean, dude. I'm not actually gonna fucking shoot you." 
Loki can't say he understands why not, but he can't say he understands much about Barton. (Despite quite literally being in his mind at one point.) None of these mortals make much sense. 
Barton sighed, letting his hand drop again. “Anyways. That’s not the point. The gist is... we’re OK, all things considered. If you catch me using a printed out picture of your face on a dummy during target practice, mind your business. That’s just how my brain works.” He shifts, standing back up from their position of sitting against the wall. “I’ll see you around, terrorist. Don’t die on us again. Still needja for the whole killing Thanos thing.” 
Loki rolled his eyes at the ‘terrorist’ nickname. “Never losing that epithet, am I?” 
“Not a chance.” 
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yinyuedijun · 9 months ago
can i ask a big favor?? so yk how you just reblogged your daryl fic, well it made me want to reread however i can't find the other chapters on your old blog to read past chapter 1, is it possible to post a link or something when you can. if not it's okay <33
ofc baby !!
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
enjoy ur reread!! I hope it's as good as it was the first time around ^^
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jrueships · 8 months ago
This is lowkey a stupid ass question but is your username jrue ships like different ships involving jrue or is it jrue’s hips 😭😭😭
Tumblr media
yes !
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lunarthing159 · 9 months ago
Pyrite Prisms
A Fanfiction I've Made For The WitchCraftSMP Gemcyt I Have Been Making For The Past Several Weeks, Written Without My Usual Typing Style As To Make Reading Easier.
Main Character(s): Prismarina
Word Count: 3,531
“Lapis Lazuli, Facet-18, Cut-PM2, Welcome!”
Lapis Lazuli opened her eyes for the first time, the barren walls of the kindergarden surrounding the new gem. Her entrance was just barely off the ground, allowing her to more easily catch her first footings. In front of her were three more Lapis Lazuli gems. One with long dark blue hair with a stomach gem, another with lighter & shorter dark blue hair & a gem on their right shoulder, and the third with light blue hair tied up into a neat bun with their gem situated on their forehead.
All of their gems shone a brilliant deep blue, like that of a vast ocean. Her own, which situated neatly on her collar just above her chest, was an odd yellow-gold color. It sparkled all the same as the others, but the color was off.
“That's odd.” She heard one of them speak as she was looking down at her gem, looking up to see it was the long-haired lapis. “I've never seen a Yellow Lapis Lazuli before.” They would comment before turning their head to their fellow lapis lazulis, though their eyes still seemed fixated on her gem.
The lighter-haired lapis would speak up next. “Lapis Lazuli can naturally have calcite and pyrite Inclusions, from what I can see, she simply seems to have more pyrite in her gem. Nothing else of her seems that yellow other than her eyes, everything else is the traditional blue.” She explained with a serious tone, though not a strict or rude one.
After the explanation, the shorter-haired lapis would walk up to her and extend a hand. “It's nice to meet you! I'm Facet-18 Cut-PC3!” Judging by the voice, this was the same lapis that welcomed her a few moments ago.
Copying the hand movement, Lapis Cut-PM2 Extended her own hand and shook the other's “It is nice to meet you too?” She said, unsure of her own statement. It took her another moment to realize that was the first thing she's ever said, though the other lapis gems seemed to pay this fact no attention.
No later than a few seconds after she'd thought that, a horn sound echoed throughout the kindergarden. “That's our cue!” The short-haired lapis spoke, turning back to PM2 as they'd looked towards the sound as it was playing. PC3 elaborated, “You were a bit of a late cooker, so us and a few others stayed down here till you emerged! That horn means everyone's out! It's time to get to work!”
Just as they finished that statement, PC3 ran off to the other lapis lazulis, each sprouting wings of water from their backs. “Come on newbie!” The long-haired Lapis shouted to her, flying upwards from the cavern with the others, every lapis around her doing the same. Each with their own wings, each flying off towards their first assignment, their purpose.
She wanted to join them, she wanted to fly with them, explore the vast waters of this planet with them, fulfill her purpose with them. Yet try as she may, she still stood on the ground. She reached a hand up to the sky, as if that would help, as if to call for help. But it didn't work, she remained on the ground, no wings to be seen.
And so they all flew away, leaving the freshly emerged Lapis alone in the kindergarden. 
As much as she wanted to fly, deep down she knew she was grounded. Only thing left to do now is keep walking.
All the other lapis gems have already flown away, none checking to see if there were stragglers like her. It was getting dark out, and the newly emerged lapis had no clue what this planet could do. She needed to keep walking and find a place to reside, a place to stay while figuring out her next move.
She traversed the vast caverns of the kindergarden, paying little mind to the puddles, presumably tests from when other new lapis lazulis were figuring out their powers. Powers she clearly didn't get. Yet even as she walked along the empty ravine, she still tried to summon her wings, she still tried to fly. Alas, she soon came to accept her situation.
Despite this, she longed to survive with whatever life has given her. So she kept walking. And thankfully, just as storm clouds began to rumble overhead, she found an entrance point. The gem was likely a fellow lapis seeing as she wasn't far from her own entrance, but the gem itself, much like the others, has presumably already flown away. This lapis, from what she can tell, was likely a bit taller than herself, allowing PM2 to more easily make her way into the wall.
It is here she resigned to simply sit down, just as the beginning sprinkles of rain began to descend upon the rock.
Despite the fact she had taken cover, for a moment, she could pretend her tears were just rain droplets pouring down her face
Gems didn't need to sleep, or eat, or many other things more organic life forms did. Either to survive, or to thrive. Yet PM2 found herself enjoying sleeping away the time, the sound of rain outside her shelter, as much as it reminded her of her situation, was calming all the same.
It was in these moments, she finally had time to think for herself. No matter her circumstances, no matter the other gems she met earlier, and regardless of the fact she only emerged likely a few hours ago.. she finally had time to think. She stretched a hand along the barren rock walls, feeling every bit of loose gravel and stone. It was a simple sensation, but it gave her a sense of reality. She appreciated it.
Lapis Lazuli did not dream, she had nothing to dream of.
And yet, it was all the more noticeable that, when the rain outside came to a cease, her eyes opened the moment the last raindrop fell. Glancing outside, it was now much darker out, barely anything visible in the golden purple glow. The puddles made themselves known however.
Moving slightly more towards the entrance, a puddle awaited her at the doorway. For the first time, she saw her own reflection.
PM2 had medium length light blue hair that let itself flow freely downwards, almost like a combination of all the hairstyles of the lapis lazulis she had met earlier. Particularly, one of her front bangs seemed to like getting in the way of her left eye. Her eyes shone that same off-gold color of her gem, which she'd already learned set gently on her collar, just above her chest.
Standing up, PM2 saw even more of herself reflected. She would appear initially to be wearing a crop top with short off-the-shoulder sleeves, however her lower dress connected to the top just below her chest. Turning around, she saw the dress split in two at the back end, even darkening in hue to make two diamond shapes at the points. She also appeared to be wearing long dark blue tights that went the whole way along her legs.
She is unsure how much time she spent looking at her reflection, however, something seemed to sparkle in the water. Something not of her.
She kneeled down to investigate, reaching a hand into the puddle, then moving it to the sparkles. Yet try as she might, she couldn't grab them. It's as if it's not a part of the puddle at all, not in the water at all.. a reflection.
And that is when she looked up.
She looked up to the sky, and saw millions upon billions of sparkles looking down to her. Some hues of white, other hues of light gold. Some parts of the sky were blue, other's purple, some green, some even almost seemed red. Each part with their own sparkles, big and small, each section with its own swirling colors.
This was the night sky. This was space. Those were stars. Those are planets.
Just like the one she sits on now.
Non-organic as she may be, Lapis Lazuli was alive.
It had been a few days since PM2's emergence. At least from what she could tell. Did this planet tell it's time using a star and moon? How long did it take for this planet to rotate? She was unsure. Regardless, she would classify it as being a few days.
As much as she still longed to explore, she could not scale the walls of the kindergarden, nor had she managed to summon her wings. She'd be lying if she said she'd stopped trying. As much as she keeps learning again and again she doesn't have those powers, her eyes still gleam with hope through the reflection of every puddle stuck down in this cavern.
Even so, she tried to make a home out of the holes in the stone walls. While she could only reach the ones on the ground floor, she made sure to use every inch she could for storage, whatever she could find to store anyways. Mostly forgotten injector parts, occasionally a particularly cool rock, sometimes she found rocks shaped like bowls which she kept more rainwater in. For what, she could not answer.
Water seemed to collect easily in the cavern itself, the planet rained often enough that Lapis was sure the kindergarden would one day fill up with water. That would be her escape.
A bit of water had already pooled down at the bottom, to the point where areas without a bit of water seemed more like little islands rather than a stone floor filled with puddles. It wasn't much, but it was hope. That's all Lapis needed.
Even so, regardless of her hope, her planned future would soon shift in a way she could never imagine, for worse, or possibly for the better.
Footsteps echoed through the vast walls of the kindergarden, stopping Lapis right in her tracks. She was just going to collect some of the stone bowls she'd set out earlier for the previous storm, but hearing footsteps among the myriad of puddles froze her still.
“I knew we'd find at least one of your kind here.”
Turning around met Lapis with another gem she'd never seen before. A gem with a dark purple skin, with an even darker purple coloring her short curly hair, and a gem situated right on her left elbow. The gem was much taller and bulkier than herself, and along her chest, front and center was the Blue Diamond symbol, affirming this gem was of the same diamond court as herself.
Yet even with her analysis, Lapis was stopped right in her tracks. Thankfully for her own mind at the time, she found the willpower to speak. “Who are you?” A simple question.
“Lace-Amethyst Facet-210 Cut-48CG, I've been sent out here along with some others to see if there are any stragglers, off-colors, or deserters. Like yourself it would seem. Now who are you?”
Against her better judgment, she answered, “Lapis-Lazuli, Facet-18 Cut-PM2.” As she spoke, by a muscle memory she'd yet to uphold, she crossed her hands into the diamond salute. Her hands perfectly framed her gem, the tips of her fingers grazing its peak.
“Well hello then PM2.” The amethyst smirked and reached into her gem with her other hand, pulling it out to reveal a longsword. “I'll be sure to report that back to our superior when I deliver your gem's shards to them.”
It was this line that broke Lapis free from her stance, beginning to try and run away from her now pursuer. “And where do you think you are going?” Lapis didn't know, she just had to get away.
She ran and ran, farther and farther away from her settlement, the amethyst keeping up with her pace. Was she trying to outrun her.. or outlast her? Either way, Amethyst was winning. She didn't recognize the walls around her anymore, she didn't know which ways she was turning or how many times. She didn't know, nor did she care. She had to keep running-
A corner-
She ran right into a corner, the edge of a ravine. She wanted to stop. Stop and call herself out on her stupidity, but there was no time for that.
Not like she had much time left.
The amethyst smirked as she caught up to Lapis. “I must admit, you ran a lot farther than your form would imply you could. But that won't save you from your fate.” The amethyst stepped closer and closer as she spoke, steadying her longsword so it was pointing directly at Lapis as she walked.
“Don't worry,” Amethyst raised the sword,
“I'll make it quick.”
. . .
Lapis reached her hand out, a pitiful attempt to block whatever blow was awaiting her. Time seemed to slow as tears swirled down her face, forming patterns like ripples on the oven's surface.
Suddenly the puddles that used to stay firmly on the stone floor sprung upwards, bubbles arriving through the air from far and wide, all forming together to create a wave to push the amethyst to the side. The water then returned to swirl at PM2's side, completely under her command.
“What!? What is this?” The amethyst shouted, trying to regain her footing only to be met with a slippery stone floor that knocked her right back down again.
This was her chance! She could fight back!
And yet, seeing the water surrounding her.. it gave Lapis Lazuli a better idea. She could stay here and enact revenge.. But that would keep her down here, And thinking logically, this amethyst probably wasn't sent alone. Considering the ruckus her water-siphoning probably caused, it most likely won't be long until backup arrives.
Her best option then is to flee.
And so, she encased herself into a bubble of water. And finally, with wings or without, ascended to the planet surface. From there, she dropped the rest of the water back into the kindergarden.. and then just..
There was nothing up here. No forests, no fields, no life, yet not even death. It was just as empty as the caverns.
Yet even still, she ran.
It was hard to find a new place after everything. The almost constant rain, the threat of discovery, and the same barren landscape for miles didn't leave her with much hope. But hey, at least she's out of the ravines. That is proof enough that her hope will get her somewhere, somehow, someday or night.
As this all began with, Lapis Lazuli kept walking.
The empty landscape and nothing but the wind and her footsteps in puddles for sound tried to deter her. Nevertheless, they persisted. Just keep walking. Just. Keep. Walking.
And at some point, someday, her walking finally paid off. Forest. A simple forest sat still in front of her. Flowers bloomed along the underbrush. Trees, while were without leaves along the edges, visually thrived farther in as their leaves shone like emerald and all the bark was covered in vines and mushrooms thriving alongside them. She could hear the thrills of various wildlife, scurrying around and hunting as they should.
Lapis Lazuli found Life.
PM2 never truly paid attention to their expressions, emotions sure, but there was none but her to feel her own face. Yet even so, it was all the more noticeable when a wide smile spread across her face, then morphing into a grin as it grew.
With her new discovery, curiosity, and joy, Lapis ran into the forest.
It had been a few day cycles since Lapis discovered the forest.
Adjusting to organic life proved to be more difficult than Lapis originally thought. She had strived to see what life truly was outside the kindergarden, then again when she saw the barren landscape before. Yet she still had much to learn.
Some life was hostile, other's more passive, most usually scared. Fight or flight is a powerful thing it seems. Some life was soft, some scaly, some smooth, and some prickly. This applies to both flora and animals. Some creatures and plants mimicked others of their own, or even each other! And some life, regardless of what it was, could not be explained.
Lapis Lazuli loved all of it.
Lapis dared not to stay in one place, if not for the sake of experiencing more of the forest's life, then to keep running from that amethyst guard. What was their cut? PM2 could not recall. She hoped she would never have to remember it. She hoped to never see them again.
And then, Lapis Lazuli came across something. Something that would change the course of her life. Something that, perhaps if used right, could increase her chances of never seeing that amethyst again. Something that could possibly save her from the very system that has deemed her faulty in the first place.
A ship.
A crashed spaceship.
A crashed spaceship that, with a quick analysis, showed no visual sign of disrepair and even had an intact fuel tank. Lapis cautiously approached the ship and, upon closer Inspection, there was even a fair amount of fuel left in the ship.
Lapis couldn't believe it, she really couldn't. What was a forgotten spaceship doing in the middle of a-
In the middle of her thoughts, she spotted a symbol on the ship itself, something that would answer her thoughts. This was a ship under the court of Blue Diamond, specifically a soldier ship.
Some knowledge was innate to gems, including recognizing their own kin and Information on some parts of society. This includes stuff like this. Furthermore, amethyst are laborers, workers, and soldiers. And, if she is remembering this correctly, Lace Amethyst was wearing the signature of Blue Diamond. This was their ship! This was their landing site! They traveled to the kindergarden from here!
And Lapis couldn't help but notice they left their ship unattended. Now, did Lapis innately know how to pilot a ship? No, absolutely not. But this was quite possibly her only way out. As she'd done this whole time, just keep walking.. or in this case learn how to fly a spaceship, preferably very quickly, and then just keep flying.
So that is what she decided to do. Thankfully, a door was still open presumably from when the amethyst's first set off to the kindergarden. In fact, it took more effort to close the door after she'd entered the ship. Walking to the control panels, some buttons along the side had been ruined, but they didn't seem to be anything major from what Lapis could tell. Everything else seemed to be in classical condition. This could work! Lapis could-
A voice.
A voice echoed throughout the forest, seemingly only amplified by the surrounding trees to bounce the sound from. It had come from the same direction that Lapis had stumbled across the ship from, which immediately heightened her worries. Had they found her? Or were they just now coming back to their ship and about to find her? Either way, she had to get out.
Frantically pressing whatever buttons seemed important, Lapis tried to get the ship off the ground. Even as the voice got closer and louder, Lapis would not waver. She was getting off this planet. She was going to make sure of that. To where, she would have to figure out later. Finally, the engines at the bottom and back of the ship flared, and the ship slowly began rising out of the dirt and into the air.
She saw the gem in her peripheral vision, but she dared not to face them. She guided her hand to a screen that appeared before her, setting a coordinate to fly the ship to.. before finally sitting back.. and flying away.
Leaving a fellow Lapis Lazuli behind.
As Lapis entered the realm of space, seeing the ‘sparkles’ as the stars they truly were, she couldn't help but begin to think. She doesn't know who was there, but the only other gems she'd met were other Lapis Lazulis.. and that Lace Amethyst. She figured, since she'd taken so long to get to the ship, she wouldn't be surprised if that was them arriving back to the stolen ship. Actually, it was definitely them. Because what other gems would be here? She was left behind due to her deformity and they were sent to find her.
Yet even as she'd escaped the planet, she still didn't know where to go. At least there, there was a visual of somewhere to run to. Here, it's just stars upon stars, planets among planets, moons of moons, and whatever else was around. There was nothing she could define, especially not from this far away.
But she had to keep going. There was an entire group of gems set out to find her, meaning there has to be others that have been found before. And, as shown by her own accomplishments, there had to be other gems like her that have escaped. There has to be a place for them. For her.
She just has to find it.
No matter how long it takes.
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seventh-district · 8 months ago
#Seven's Public Diary#vent#vent post#cw vent#cw vent post#can i go more than a fucking week without having my cptsd triggered again? pLEASE???#me and my haywire nervous system can't ever catch a fucking break i swear to god#at least i managed to get the Matt fic posted before that happened and ruined my night#literally three minutes after i hit post. something has to happen IRL and ruin my slight good mood. sigh. anyways#my chest still feels tight but my focus is coming back i think. lets hope the rest of the night is uneventful#anyways. uh. positives. got the Matt fic posted on here And Ao3! yay. after working on it the last two evenings it's officially done#i know i put way too much effort into my fics especially ones that will get very little readership but eh i can't help it#time spent doing something you enjoy is never time wasted or however the saying goes#uh oh. the stress injury in my neck is starting to feel tight again. that's probably not a great sign#i should try to relax. been sitting at my desk too much recently and my back's mad abt it too#i would unwind with some Genshin exploration grinding or smthn but that's just more desk sitting time#so hm. animal crossing in bed it is then#watch me say that then spend the next 3 hours on tumblr#i cant help it i want to update my pinned posts and fill my queue up some more#and i have some drafts to work on... still need to finish that Sun & Moon appearance guide for ES#maybe i'll pull an all-nighter. i need to fix my sleep schedule again. like badly. but then i risk a migraine. aaggghhhhhh#anyways this has been Venting and Bad Decision Making 101 thabks for coming to my TED talk#oh hey look at that i got a like on the Matt fic. mood slightly improved. thank u whoever u r <3
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year ago
i have been so very inactive recently and behind on checking my inbox and i apologize for that 😭 just adjusting to school plus it’s concert season finally for me so this month and next month are very very busy. i swear i’m still writing behind the scenes of it all though 🫡
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acescorazon · 1 year ago
I am genuinely counting down the days until the next changes update I AM SO EXCITED ITS SO GOOD (and so so sad) RAAAAAA
THANKKKKK U BBY IM GLAD U LIKE THE FIC SO MUCH MUAH 🥺💕 IT'S COMINNGNNGNGNGG. SHE'S COMING BACK IN 4 DAYS (3 depending on where you live.) Anyways, I'll use this ask to give anyone paying attention a head notice. I might be going on a brief hiatus after my Cross Guild week rjdmeekekkeke. Maybe. We'll see. But changes doesn't take me long to write typically, so maybe there could also be one last update before the end of the year 🤔 dnndmwmwmw idk yet, but thank you again :)
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butchyeons · 6 months ago
author… i’m starving… do you have any hcs for the alphas!jeonghyo au? 🍽️
omg my best friends who are so madly in love with each other yes! icl that au was fully meant to just be a smut oneshot but now we’re here. i don’t have nearly as much developed for them but the people seem to love it so! here’s some general stuff
they’re all p much in a big open relationship with one another even if there’s set pairs (mainly momo and sana)
dahyun and chaeyoung are basically mates at this point, too. they say it’s bc the betas have to stick together to deal with everyone else, but rlly they do love each other a lot lmao
jeonghyo have been in love with each other for years and only rlly said i love you as like. comfort or reassurance bc they’re best friends up until jihyo got rlly, rlly serious abt it. ty nayeon for that
jihyo takes rut suppressants! you will probably see why in a future fic lmao
a few of the members take suppressants due to the natures of their heats/ruts. for example, mina and sana don’t take suppressants, but nayeon does. nayeon’s heat is wayyy more intense and therefore she rlly does not feel like dealing with it
jeongyeon doesn’t take rut suppressants bc they make her head hurt rlly bad. like she gets migraines from them. she hasn’t found one that works for her and it’s genuinely just a hassle to to the nature of them being idols so she just deals with it (aka. has jihyo)
jihyo is literally the only member who’s ever helped jeongyeon with her ruts. jeongyeon loves to lie and tell everyone she doesn’t want help bc she gets rlly aggressive, but rlly it’s bc she only wants jihyo
random as hell but jeongyeon likes to longboard! she’s tried to teach momo a few times but she gets so scared that they usually end up giving up. but momo likes to be pushed around on it by jeongyeon though. it’s free entertainment for the rest of the group
up until the jeongmo fight there had never been an actual physical altercation between any of them. they’ve argued and bickered over the years but rlly nothing like that has ever happened before- so it was genuinely shocking for everyone to see
and one last rlly important thing! in this au alpha/alpha and omega/omega mating marks fade over time. they have to get redone every once in awhile- every few months basically. do not ask why i am telling you this now :)
jeonghyo rlly aren’t as smart abt hiding it as they want to think they are. LMAO
and that’s pretty much all i have for them! like i said it’s rlly not as developed aka i am kinda going at this blindly but. yknow! it’s been rlly fun to write so far. i love starting drama. i love my two dumb alphas. of course i have some nsfw hcs too if you’d like to hear abt that LMAO. tysm for the ask!! i should be writing more for them (aka finishing the fic that i recently posted) soon!! i hope all of you enjoy it when it goes up
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miss-midnightt · 1 year ago
i shouldnt have posted my writing, not sure if im sick or if its just really really bad imposter syndrome but i feel nauseous, i think its the latter
goddammit why am i like this
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hanchewie · 6 months ago
Hey, um, hope you don't mind my asking, but are you ramblemadlyon over on Ao3?
Hi! I don't mind -- I am indeed ramblemadlyon on ao3 :)
This message also made me realize that I haven't posted anything on this blog in like 8+ months. Which is absolutely wild, especially considering I've definitely been here; I've just mostly been lurking. So, uh... hi friends! I'm still alive!
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empoleon · 2 years ago
stranger things have happened
• rated m, one shot, 3088 words
• also available to read here
Wolfwood is humming something against the fabric of Vash’s shirt—his shirt, because Vash has taken to wearing his articles of clothing as of late—when Vash speaks up.
“They like that,” he says softly, tilting his head back with a smile.
Wolfwood pauses, lips ghosting a kiss near the spot where he was singing. “’S just something I heard a long time ago.”
From the orphanage, but it goes unspoken. Vash is fairly certain it’s in Wolfwood’s mother tongue as well, but he doesn’t comment on it—bringing that up now would probably embarrass him enough to stop and Vash certainly doesn’t want that.
They're in bed together at some rundown inn—traveling too much with Vash in his current state puts a bit of a strain on both of them, so it’s easier if they make frequent stops. They just need to be careful. They have to be careful.
Wolfwood would never forgive himself if something happened to—
It’s almost unnerving to feel the faintest movement touch the skin of his cheek, stopping his train of thought immediately. It’s such a brief feeling and he almost questions if it actually happened, but Vash beats him to it.
“Nick, did you—?”
“Yeah,” Wolfwood glances up at him, unable to hide the awe in his voice. “He moved.”
 150 years. A century and a half, and Vash did not know about this. 
To be fair, there is a lot about himself that he isn’t aware of, either purposely brushing it off as a one-off occurrence or simply refusing to acknowledge it. 
Plant anatomy wasn’t something he was keen to learn about. He understood his basic, primal needs and that was that. 
Humans, on the other hand…
Cross-species breeding simply never came to mind. And even if it did, Vash was far too busy enjoying the feeling of Wolfwood on top of him, holding him close, whispering things he longed to hear—knowing that each spoken word was true—he loves you, all of you, every single piece of your being, every scar and blemish branded from God himself.
(He loves you.)
 “Oi, blondie—you want to tell me why you dragged me out here again?”
The dim lighting in the old saloon feels suitable at this moment, one of the lights flickering idly. It’s noisy, overcrowded and Vash almost reconsiders his priorities. 
“How ’bout a drink first?”
It’s not something Wolfwood refuses, but he eyes the glass of water that is placed on their shared table. It’s murky in color, with a few specks of dirt swirling around, but it’s better than what they have seen in the previous towns. 
Wolfwood grabs his own glass, filled with a smooth amber tinge. “So,” he takes a swig and licks his lips. “What’s wrong?”
Vash wants to laugh. Leave it to Wolfwood to get straight to the point. 
“Nothing! Well, mostly nothing,“ Vash gives him a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “You know how it is.”
Except Wolfwood doesn’t know, with the way Vash keeps skirting around the topic at hand. 
The alcohol in his system is beginning to warm him up, and if he didn’t know any better, he’d think Vash is about to say something unimaginable. It worries him.
There’s a ruckus outside the saloon that quickly enters through the double swing doors, men shouting unintelligible things—words like ‘bounty’ and ‘where is he?’ are all that Wolfwood needs to hear before he downs the rest of his drink and roughly grabs Vash by the arm. 
“Hey, wait—I didn’t get to finish my drink!” Vash whines dramatically as he stumbles to his feet. One of the men arguing with another patron glances over towards them and Wolfwood curses.
“Damn it! Will you shut it?” He swivels around and pulls Vash into a corner of the saloon, trying to obscure the view of the humanoid typhoon from any onlookers. Miraculously, it works.
The commotion dies down after the barkeep threatens to drain the tap and close up for the evening. Those who initially caused the uproar either slip back out into the night or decide it’s time for a drink.
Vash really wishes he could have one right now, too. The water on the table may not taste great, but his throat has never felt so dry.
His arms find their way around Wolfwood’s waist, and he holds him there for a moment, in the corner of that saloon. The lights flicker again.
“I need to talk to you.”
 “Guess he likes my voice,” Wolfwood smooths a hand against the swell of Vash’s belly. 
“He?” Vash can’t hide the curiosity in his voice at the word, raising an eyebrow. “What makes you so sure?” 
“Spikey, there is absolutely no way in hell you’re giving me a daughter,” Wolfwood states it so seriously that Vash starts to laugh. “I mean it. My heart won’t be able to take it.” 
 When he finally manages to tell Wolfwood what has been ailing him, he isn’t entirely sure what to expect, reaction wise.
Yelling or swearing? An average response, perhaps the best possible outcome, especially when it comes to the man Vash has known for so many years now. Calling him names falls under this category as well.
What he didn’t expect was the silence, or Wolfwood’s cigarette falling out of his mouth a second later. 
Vash nods, unable to say anything else. It’s hard to meet those dark eyes that are glued to his body.
“And it’s…” Wolfwood trails off, motioning to himself.
Another nod. 
There’s a long pause before everything goes back to normal—whatever that actually is, Vash isn’t certain, but it feels like he can breathe again once Wolfwood regains his senses and finally says more than a few words.
“I thought you said we didn’t need to use condoms!” Wolfwood exclaims. “I asked you three times!”
Three separate times, in fact. Vash groans and runs a hand through his hair. “I mean, we don’t need to—we’ve never had—I didn’t think this was possible,” he settles on saying, because it’s true. 
This was purely impossible, and yet somehow, after 150 years, his body finally decided it was time. 
“With how often we fuck, I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner,” Wolfwood mutters. 
He’s not wrong, as embarrassing as it is to think about it.
“So…” Vash wrings his hands together, eyes flickering between Wolfwood and the cigarette that has long since been forgotten on the ground. He moves his boot to step on it, putting it out. 
“So,” Wolfwood parrots, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Are you okay? With all of this, I mean.”
“Me?” Vash blinks, confused. “I guess so, I was mostly worried about—”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Wolfwood reaches over and pulls Vash into an embrace.
“Save it, blondie,” he says quietly. “You and I both know I’m fine with kids.” Wolfwood is also not wrong about that. 
“That’s not what I asked you.”
Are you okay with this? Is this what you want?
“I—yeah,” Vash lets out a shaky breath. “I really am.” He wraps his arms around Wolfwood’s neck and buries his face into his shoulder. “Thank you, Nick.”
For everything.
 A daughter… she would look just like you, Nick, Vash thinks to himself while Wolfwood continues to argue with him—with their child. And she would act like you, too.
“I don’t need two needle-noggins in my life,” he says sternly, but there’s a hint of amusement in his voice. “So please inherit some damn common sense—”
“I have plenty of common sense,” Vash interrupts him. “For example—”
Wolfwood scoots his hand up underneath Vash’s t-shirt and squeezes the warm skin of Vash’s hip with a rough hand, eliciting a yelp out of him.
“Don’t say another word,” he grumbles, “unless you want me to knock more of that so-called sense into you.”
Vash’s smile is everything devious in nature. “I would love to see you try.”
 The first time Wolfwood sees just how different Vash is as far as humans go, he’s equal parts aroused and surprised.
“You really weren’t kidding,” he says while trailing a finger across the inner part of Vash’s upper thigh, tracing a scar that mars the skin there. It stops just short of what he could only describe as thin, petal-like folds, tightly wound and—quivering? “This is pretty freaky, spikey.”
“Don’t tease me,” Vash all but huffs as his body is out on display for him. One too many drinks later and they find themselves in yet another unfamiliar, yet all too recognizable inn bedroom. 
It was easy for both of them to make it to this point—they always, always do, but this time it is different. It’s edging closer to something that neither one of them can turn away from.
Wolfwood grins at him. “Oh, I’m just getting started.”
 “Can you—y-yes, right there,” Vash’s calves tighten around Wolfwood’s shoulders instinctively, hands gripping the bed sheets beneath him. 
“Easy, Vash,” Wolfwood is a little breathless when he pulls back, a hand trailing along the metal of his prosthetic. “Digging into my neck a bit there.”
Vash almost immediately tries to sit up, looking extremely concerned. “Shit, I’m so sorry—”
Wolfwood carefully presses a hand to Vash’s lower abdomen, stopping him. “It’s fine, sweetheart,” he licks his lips. “Lie back down.”
His legs loosen a bit, this time more mindful of Wolfwood’s fleshy shoulders. Vash had insisted on leaving his prosthetics on, enjoying being able to anchor himself against his lover. 
Wolfwood continues where he left off, nose brushing the inner, wetter petals that are waiting for him, taking in Vash’s scent with a soft inhale. 
He flicks his tongue across them, watching as they unfurl and invite him into something far greater. 
“Nick—” Vash arches his back with a groan. “More, I—”
“More what?” Wolfwood murmurs it against the opening of his slit, lips finding their way around the swell of a small bud that is nestled between it. “Full sentences.”
“More, please,” Vash’s voice trembles, “Don’t fucking stop.”
“Language, sweetheart,” Wolfwood presses a kiss to the bud, nips at it gently with his teeth and proceeds to curl his tongue around it. 
He sucks long and slow, far too slow for Vash’s liking, evident in the way he hears another groan come from him. 
Vash’s hand reaches for Wolfwood’s hair, tugging as he rocks his hips closer.
“Oh, Nick,” he gasps this time and Wolfwood is certain that he’s close, noticing how the room begins to glow a touch brighter. 
Seeing those intricate patterns spark to life across various parts of Vash’s body ignites something truly deep within Wolfwood, far deeper than any spoken word of some higher being he could imagine.
They dance across scarred legs, skipping over pieces of well worn beryl-infused metal, trailing up Vash’s torso, his neck—
Vash shudders when he comes, fingers flexing into Wolfwood’s hair, purposefully forcing the man to stay put between his legs.
Not that Wolfwood would have ever minded.
He laps up everything that Vash gives to him and tries to coax out even more with his mouth, relishing the sweet taste that hits his tongue. 
“Still with me, darlin’?” Wolfwood breaks away from him with a quiet gasp. He brings a hand up to his lips and wipes at it, grinning. 
“Uh-huh,” is the only coherent response he gets, Vash’s body going limp with bliss. “’S good, Nick, you’re so good.”
“Preaching to the choir, I see,” Wolfwood runs a hand up Vash’s thigh, tracing along the intricate plant markings and noting how they shimmer brighter with each touch. “Let’s see what else that pretty mouth of yours can do.”
 “How did the appointment go?” Wolfwood eventually asks, moving up to settle beside Vash. “Did Brad ask about—”
“The feathers,” Vash nods and sighs quite dramatically. “It was going so well, too, but then I sneezed and everything just,” he lifted up both his hands and spread his fingers, metal and flesh flexing wide, “Exploded?”
“Exploded?” Wolfwood can’t help but laugh. “Our child is already a menace, I can't believe it.”
One morning Vash had awoken to small, downy feathers attempting to sprout from his shoulders and forearm—the last time that happened, any time that happened, actually, was when they—
Well. Vash definitely didn’t relay that information to Brad, but he didn’t try to hide any of his bodily changes when he went for his most recent checkup. 
Luida suspected it had something to do with the pregnancy—that energy, a life, now being constantly generated from within him. He was bound to have some… interesting side effects.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Vash says after a moment. “You should’ve seen the look on Brad's face when it happened though, or the room,” he pauses and glances at Wolfwood with a smile. “Completely covered in feathers.”
Wolfwood snakes an arm across Vash’s chest, moving to rest his head on his shoulder. “Bet he loved that,” he closes his eyes. “Glad everything went smoothly, blondie. I should be able to come next time.”
Vash turns his head and presses a kiss to Wolfwood’s hair. “Luida would like that. She’s been dying to see you again, you know.”
“More like dying to have someone help out around the ship,” Wolfwood sighs, but there’s no malice in his tone. “Say, next time we visit…” he lowers his hand down Vash’s chest, stopping pointedly at his stomach. “They’ll be able to tell us what the little sprout is, yeah?”
Vash’s small intake of breath doesn’t go by unnoticed and it causes Wolfwood to sit up, getting a better look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Well—” Vash starts to say, but closes his mouth promptly. 
“Wait,” Wolfwood reaches over to the side of the bed and suddenly the room is illuminated by the warm glow from the lamp. “Vash, don’t tell me you—” he glances back over at him and studies his face for a moment in silence. Vash desperately wishes Wolfwood wasn’t so damn good at reading him for once. 
“You already know, don’t you?” 
Vash groans and brings a hand up to his face. “It was an accident, Luida brought it up before I could stop her. I’m so sorry, Nick.” 
Wolfwood exhales and slumps back against the pillows. “Unbelievable.”
Vash attempts to roll over to face him, being on his back for so long starting to become a bit uncomfortable. “Nick?”
“Nicholas,” Vash pouts—he definitely has no right to do so, but he can’t help it. “I can just tell you, would that make it better?”
“No,” Wolfwood sighs. “I still want it to be a surprise.”
“I can act surprised when she tells us!” Vash says with enthusiasm. Wolfwood gives him a withering look. “No? Okay, okay,” he frowns, “it was worth a shot, though.”
“You are a complete needle-noggin idiot, you know that?” Wolfwood reaches over to flick Vash’s head. “And… it’s all right, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” Wolfwood stresses the fact with a poke to Vash’s cheek. “I can wait a few more weeks. You better not bring it up on accident, though, or else—”
“I won’t! I promise, scout’s honor!”
 Wolfwood is a lazy kisser—Vash used to tease him for it, but it wasn’t as though he was much better—or had any practice.
And they really did have the time now for these sorts of things.
He sighs as Wolfwood peppers a trail of kisses up his chest, taking his time with each scar and meld of flesh and metal his lips come past. 
“Nicholas,” Vash’s voice is light, full of warmth. “I thought you said— oh!”
Wolfwood captured his mouth with ease, stopping whatever teasing comment that was about to be said. 
His lips are chapped, but still somehow soft, warm—Vash has half a mind to point that out, but Wolfwood won’t allow it with the way his mouth is working. 
Vash gives in and sighs into the kiss, tugs him closer, prosthetic fingers raking through Wolfwood’s hair. It’s enough of an incentive to keep going, by any means. 
Even if there is shouting outside the inn bedroom’s window, or the ringing of a few gunshots sounding off in the lingering desert air. 
Vash breaks the kiss to turn his head, ignoring how Wolfwood sets his aim for his throat.
“Should we go—mmh,” Vash tries to suppress a moan, unsuccessfully, “check that out?” 
Wolfwood pauses, lips lingering near Vash’s collarbone. “During the middle of this?” 
He has a point. 
And to further express said point, Wolfwood slowly rocks his hips along Vash’s thighs.
“You’re right,” and Vash can’t believe he’s saying it with a smile on his face, one that Wolfwood can’t see from this angle, but knows that the man can feel. 
The whole room is lighting up, after all.
“It can wait,” Vash decides, and Wolfwood takes him.
 One minute of silence passes between them, and then two. 
“Okay, I can’t do this,” Wolfwood rolls over to face Vash. “’M not going to be able to sleep unless I know.”
Vash is unable to restrain himself from laughing. “Really? Surely there’s something in your good book about rewarding patience.”
“Always be humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love,” Wolfwood recalls the passage in a low voice. “I think I’ve been pretty gentle lately, all things considered.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Vash agrees, amused. “Not so humble, though. Might need some brushing up on that.”
Wolfwood slides a bit closer to Vash. “Good thing we’ll have some down time for the next couple of months then—I could use some practice.”
“I happen to know an excellent teacher,” Vash says. He feels Wolfwood snake an arm across underneath the blankets, reaching for his shoulder to pull Vash in an embrace. 
“If you say Brad, I swear to fucking God—”
Vash’s huff of laughter is the only response Wolfwood gets before a pale hand beckons him closer. 
Even in the now-quiet of the room, Vash’s whisper to his ear is perhaps the softest thing Wolfwood has heard in a very long time. 
He can’t help his too sudden reply, his own voice on the verge of cracking. “Really?”
Vash nods. “Yes, really.”
And if Wolfwood hid his face in the crook of Vash’s neck, eyes filled with a dampness that threatened to spill over and unable to say anything else except a murmured ‘thank you’—
It was enough. 
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