#steddie kinktober
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becomingfoxes · 1 year ago
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Kinktober 🎃 Spanking
But make it that one scene in Trouble looks good on you 😉
If anyone has any smutty kinky fics/scenes/Tumblr fic you want to see me draw, send them my way! I can't make any promises but maybe!! 😇
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infinite-orangepeel · 1 year ago
“get too close to your muse & you, the artist, will lose all ability to decipher one shade from the next on your palette. keep your distance…”
fall quarter begins at the curly roots of eddie munson’s ineffable head, runs its’ labyrinthian course through passageways of blue veins & black ink, & ends at a set of hairy crimson painted toes.
steve finds himself squandering every waking moment of his lifeblood & attention somewhere, egregiously, in the middle.
“say you’re drawing a bed of flowers,” his professor lectured a few weeks back, “what happens if you put your nose in the middle of those flowers & try to recreate the details on your canvas? you come up with color and shape, sure, but it’s blurry—isn’t it? it’s a big blobby blur of nothing. that’s not very good life drawing, i’m afraid.”
flash forward to the present—
the bed is firm but comfortable. reminding you of its’ presence.
it doesn’t encourage daydreaming &, yet, steve is ignoring the better advice of his mentor & pressing his curious nose directly into the bud of an all too striking flower.
he knows the intimate contact could kill the rose, is aware of the thorns lining the stem, but he can’t stay away.
he’s struck by fear and temptation and self-loathing and a beauty that stings like a slap across the face.
eddie’s his roommate, his friend, his muse for the most important project of steve’s career as an art student.
& getting too close is lethal, so he creates a sort of optical illusion.
designs an environment in which he can pretend they are star-crossed lovers in a broken world that won’t let them be together. in which touch is a small death each and every time.
steve flits to eddie like a dragonfly to water—
never touching.
never spending too much time in his orbit before making up an excuse to leave & jerk off to the smell of old cigarettes in the bathroom.
everything he really wants to say sits in the back of his throat like a painful, malignant lump & gets spat out onto his sketchbook in a tragically romantic exorcism.
doing the dishes next to him is enough to drive him insane.
drawing him, butt-naked, is another story.
“is it supposed to be so….erotic?”
eddie arches an eyebrow as steve traces the outline of his cock into his sketchbook.
“it’s not that erotic,” steve says, blushing into his charcoals, “besides no one will know it’s you. it’s art.”
art is supposed to be weird & naked. now, hold still, & let me draw you.”
it’s definitely erotic.
there are roses—de-thorned, for safety—shrouding eddie’s dick & leaving a trail of pink petals across his pale thighs.
eddie’s hand is draped over his head; exuding a certain brattiness, lust, boredom—
as if he’s lying there because he wants someone, like steve, to stumble upon him & use his body the way it so clearly needs to be.
his lips are parted on the precipice of whispering some filthy secret into steve’s ear while milking him like a simple farm girl with nothing better to do.
he can’t be this close to eddie without losing his mind.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
it’s just a body. just limbs and a huge cock and—
eddie’s quiet for a little while which is rare for him, before he pipes up again.
“what if we painted the flowers together?”
steve wipes the sweat from his brow, drops his pencil, and looks up at eddie across the mattress. working overtime to avoid staring at the erection sticking out amongst the bouquet of roses.
“the piece isn’t supposed to be very colorful. i’m going for muted tones. that’s why i picked the pale pinks and whites.”
eddie giggles a little and, it’s so cute, steve has to pinch his own thigh through his shorts just to maintain composure.
“i don’t think you’re understanding—the colors wouldn’t change much. except for some more white, if you catch my drift,” eddie pumps his hand over his cock several times and mimes cumming stop the petals, “might look cool. might get you extra points with that asshole professor of yours. you’ve said he likes ‘shock value.’”
“i—i guess you’re right. that’s a pretty….different and unique….um….idea. yeah.”
it’s like this that steve strips naked and clambers as close to eddie as he can possibly get without laying a finger on him. adhering to the rules—keeping a particular distance between artist & muse.
they lay side by side. sunlight streaming in through the blinds & bathing eddie’s spindly fingers in gold as he touches himself.
“harrington, don’t act like you haven’t been dreaming about this since day one,” eddie snarks, “i’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. your eyes are gonna burn holes in my ass if you’re not careful. touch that pretty cock of yours, lemme see you.”
before steve can do anything about it or change his mind, he’s got a fist wrapped around his own cock and the other hand pinching his nipples. left and right, back and forth, dragging his nails through the hair sprouting around them.
“didn’t think you thought about me like that,” steve whines, watching as eddie edges himself methodically—
moving faster, slower, squeezing at the base, thumbing over the slit, cupping his balls, slapping the insides of his own thighs until they match the pink petals.
“i like a little pain,” he comments when he catches steve’s wide eyes, “and i’ve always was hallucinating the first time i walked into this room and saw you on the bed—thought i was going into the light and seeing an angel.”
“you’re so full of it.”
“i’d like to be full of you,” eddie breathes against steve’s neck, not allowing his lips to pass the barrier, “but i don’t know if you can handle me, big boy. you’re blushing like a nervous little schoolgirl.”
“am not—”
“are too, &, you’re about to cum just listening to my voice. it’s so crystal clear. look at you—fucking yourself so stupid.”
eddie looks so beautiful.
laying there like a forsaken god locked out of heaven.
steve’s been so good about keeping his hands to himself, about keeping his nose out of the flowers, but desire and temptation are stronger than any amount of remaining willpower he has.
he grabs eddie’s shoulder with his freehand & kisses him until they’re both seeing stars.
celestial explosions of pleasure & truth & this thing that’s been growing violently between them since the moment they first met.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna—fuck steve, it’s gonna be on the flowers—i hope that’s okay—”
they cum in tandem over petals of pink and white and thornless stems.
steve gets an A+.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @neverlandwaitingforme @swiss-cheeze
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stevesjockstrap · 1 year ago
kinktober last day Steve/Eddie
& voice kink
read on ao3
MDNI - rated E - modern setting, drunk texting, dirty talk
He was an idiot. A complete and utter menace to himself. Why hadn’t he let Robin take his phone or change the password last night? He had honestly thought if he was that blackout drunk he would’ve just come home and passed out. But no. 
Steve stopped scrolling through all the notifications on his phone and went to make coffee. After a few sips he sighed and called Robin. Hopefully there wasn’t more to the story. 
“Hello?” A deep voice answered and he dropped his phone. 
“Oh fuck. Huh?“ He was looking at Robin's name, but who was this? Putting the phone back up to his ear, he could only stutter, “I-I’m sorry, I’m confused I guess. I was trying to call someone else.”
“Well at least I know your phone does make calls,” he mused. This stranger’s voice was already doing things to him. It was so deep and rumbly and he could almost picture the person curled up in bed. Maybe with his shirt off. 
“I’m really sorry, I’m trying to catch up on what my drunk self decided to do last night,” he winced. “I, um, apparently saved your number under my best friend’s name, for starters.”
The man chuckled and Steve’s dick stirred in his boxers. He was so fucked. “That does explain some things, at least on my end. How about you do some catching up and call me later? If you want. And stop apologizing, sweetheart.” The endearment with the rich silky voice had him holding back a moan. 
“O-okay. Um, could you tell me your name? Please?”
The man groaned and Steve heard rustling which had him imagining the man repositioning on his bed. Oh shit. “So polite now, huh? I’m Eddie. Start on Bumble, for your research.” He snorted and Steve winced. 
“Oh man, it’s going to be bad, isn’t it?” Steve’s face flushed and he was glad this stranger couldn’t see him.
“Not the worst drunken flirting I’ve been a part of, promise. Now,” Eddie yawned. “I’m going to go back to sleep I think. Some hot guy had me up late last night. Hopefully he’ll call me back, though.” Steve couldn’t hold back the whimper as Eddie apparently ramped up his flirting voice and his knees almost buckled. 
“Oh my god,” he breathed. “Uhhh yeah, I’m going to do that. Both of those things. Fuck.”
Eddie huffed a laugh and purred, “Talk to you later, Stevie,” before he hung up. 
“Holy. Fucking. Shit.” 
Steve immediately went to the Bumble app and gasped. He had a ton of new matches and messages. Matches that were men. He’d never made the change to his dating app when he’d allowed himself to face that part of him. Probably for this reason. 
But in the mess of rude and gross messages and messages that were just emojis or asking for his number, he found one that said Eddie. 
“Holy shit,” he gasped. Eddie was fucking gorgeous. He scrolled through his pictures and each one was better than the last. Long dark curly hair, sometimes twisted up on the top of his head with little bits pulled out to taunt him. Huge brown eyes with ridiculous eye lashes, the most delicious lips he’d ever seen. Steve never really went for the rock and roll look but apparently he was into it when it looked this good. The shredded jeans with a cropped band tee really converted him. 
There were a few prompts where Eddie had used the voice feature and Steve played the first one. 
Eddie’s caramel voice resounded in his tiny kitchen and he gasped again. “I get way too excited about finding the perfect album in a dusty pile in the corner of an antique shop. Or when someone wants to watch Lord of the Rings with me.” There was another little aggravating chuckle and Steve didn’t hold back the moan.
“This cannot be real.” Steve made himself go back to the beginning of the messages, knowing it was going to be embarrassing. 
It was worse than he could imagine. 
(2:18am) u r so ducking hot n ur voice is driving me
(2:18am) so so crazy
Steve swiped out and went into his contacts to try to actually call Robin. The number listed under her name was clearly now Eddie. He went to his messages and found the thread with just her number and hit call. 
“How are you functioning already this early? You were fucked-“
“Robin, I have a code red! A double code red. I don’t-“
“Wh-huh? What?”
“Apparently I drunkenly hit on this fucking gorgeous dude on Bumble last night and it’s, oh shit,” he rubbed at his face with his free hand. “Well, maybe I didn’t fuck it up completely because I just accidentally called him and he seemed…”
“Seemed?” Robin prompted. He could hear her smirk through the phone. 
“He didn’t seem put off. Like at all. He told me to catch up on our messages and call him back.”
“That’s very cute.”
After putting her on speaker, he swiped back into Bumble, encouraged now by having Robin metaphorically by his side and knowing Eddie still seemed interested after all. 
(2:34am) Thanks, you’re pretty ducking hot yourself. Having a good night?
Eddie let him ramble for a while about his night out with Robin, even Steve having trouble deciphering his terrible drunk texting. It was then full speed ahead for horny drunk Steve.
(2:56am) cd cum jus from ur voice omfg
(3:12am) need ur dick in my
(3:12am) mouth
(3:14am) r wherevr u want rly
Steve winced but saved Eddie’s pictures and screenshotted his embarrassing nonsense and sent it to Robin. 
“Oh my god, Steve.”
“Bobbi I swear to you I don’t remember any of this but I mean I do think his voice is like the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. His morning voice was like-“ he groaned and Robin made fake gagging noises at him. 
“You said you accidentally called him today? So he gave you his number even after all of this disgustingness?”
“Oh, yeah! And I somehow saved his number as you. So when I tried to call you this morning it was him.” He navigated back to his messages and opened the text thread for 👯 Robin Bobin🍦”Oh no.”
The messages weren’t much more coherent but Steve understood what Eddie had meant when he said it cleared up some things on his end. 
“I was texting him thinking I was texting you… about him… oh my god, Rob. What did I drink last night?”
(3:39am) hes soooo so so soooo forgoes
(3:39am) gorgus
(3:40am) gorgeus
(3:48am) Lol oh yeah?
(3:49am) I hope you’re home and safe, babe.
(3:50am) yah I’m in m bed
(3:50am) wanna hear ur voice
(3:52am) Okay lol give me one sec
(3:54am) stop calling me im wating for te love of my life to call dingus
“Jesus Christ.” He chugged the rest of his coffee and sunk into the couch. “Dude I kept demanding he call me but then yelled at him… thinking he was you calling. Telling you to stop calling me because ‘the love of my life’ was going to call. I’m never drinking again.”
“Why did he put up with this? And still wants to talk to you! You must have some amazing pictures on your profile,” she laughed.
“Well you picked them.”
“Oh,” she scoffed. “Then of course he’s in love with you.”
The texts kept coming. 
(4:02am) want to lik ur face
(4:06am) You’re cute.
(4:19am) boo I threw up ☹️
(4:22am) Aww sweetheart are you okay?
(4:34am) malljng asleep
(4:35am) Me too. Get some rest, honey.
“He’s so fucking sweet and amazing, Robs. All this shit I was doing and he was just worried about me. I can’t call this guy back. I can’t believe he answered when I called and woke him up.”
“He clearly likes you, dipshit. Call him back!”
He tortured himself for the rest of the morning going through the messages on Bumble. He saved his number properly (Eddie 🥵🥵🥵) and saw in his call log he’d missed a few calls and a FaceTime call from him the night before. 
He scrolled through his own profile, trying to look at it as if he was someone else. Robin had done most of the profile for him. He groaned and covered his face when he saw a ‘throwback’ picture of him in his Scoops Ahoy uniform from years ago. But Eddie had commented on it, “You wouldn’t happen to still have this outfit, would you? 😏”
Unsurprisingly, on a picture of Eddie in big black boots Steve had said, “I want u tk stomp on me w this boots.” 
He took tylonel and chugged some water and took a shower. Then he found himself back on his couch with his phone in his hand. He replayed all of Eddie’s voice prompts to continue to torture himself. How could he be so attracted to someone’s voice? Their recorded voice, even. In person it had to be mind melting. 
He texted Robin, triple checking that it was the correct thread. 
(1:08pm) what if I move to Guam?
(1:09pm) that means you haven’t called him yet?
(1:09pm) ofc not, Robin! I’ve already made a huge ass of myself
(1:10pm) if he’s interested in you he apparently likes huge asses 🍑🍑🍑
Steve groaned.
(1:10pm) why am I best friends with you again?
(1:11pm) cuz we’re the same person and we were trauma bonded by a terrible ice cream job
(1:11pm) CALL
(1:11pm) HIM
The choice was apparently made for him because his phone was ringing and he stupidly answered it. 
“Um. Hi?”
“Hi. I know I told you to call me but I figured I’d jump the gun since I work later. Didn’t want to miss you.”
“That’s okay. I’m, uh, I’m very embarrassed, honestly.” He covered his eyes with his hand and scrunched into the couch. “I promise I don’t do things like this.”
Eddie made a soft comforting noise. “It’s okay, Stevie. I promise it wasn’t offensive. Intriguing, actually. Endearing.”
God, his fucking voice. He could listen to him read the dictionary. A small groan punched out of him before he could hold it back. 
“You’re okay, though? I was mostly worried about you.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for being so nice while I was being a menace.”
Eddie laughed. Steve pressed the phone against his face trying to get it closer to him. “You weren’t being a menace, sweetheart.” His honeyed voice cascaded over him and he made another simpering noise. “What’s got you all whimpery then?”
“Fuck. Your voice,“ he whined. He shouldn’t have been listening to his prompts all morning because he had already been buzzing from it and now getting it directed at him was too much.
“Oh that was for real? I assumed that was just a line.” Eddie definitely made his voice even more dark and sexy and Steve whimpered for real. “Maybe it’s a good thing you never answered last night. Would’ve kept your promise but been too out of it to remember.”
“Kept my promise?”
Eddie chuckled. “You told me you could come just from my voice.”
“Fuuucckk. I mean maybe, I’m hard from just listening to your prompts- uhhh,” he groaned. 
“Oh really?” His voice changed again to a more dark and sultry tone and Steve’s hips jolted up with a low moan. “God you really are, aren’t you?”
Steve did a little breathy “mhm” and Eddie groaned, low and dirty. 
“Oh my god.” Steve was losing his mind. He had never been so turned on from someone talking to him. Every word he said felt like it was going straight to his dick. “Eddie-“
“Holy shit, if you keep saying my name like that I’ll be coming in my pants right after you.”
Steve grabbed the back of the couch to stop himself from reaching for his throbbing dick. He whined again, feeling so desperate already. 
“You’re okay, angel. So you went out last night? With your friend?”
“Oh shit. Y-yeah. Finals are over.”
“Are you in school?” Eddie’s voice seemed to shift again but Steve just shook his head. Then realized he couldn’t see him. 
“Ah- n-no, Robin, my friend. She’s in her last year of college. I’m, uh, not.” A less fun version of humiliation clenched his guts.
“Robin is the one you saved my number under? You seem close.”
“Yeah. We met in high school. She’s, can we not really talk much about her, like right now?”
Eddie laughed. “Sure, baby. I get it. You wanna hear more about me, huh?” He could picture the exact smirk he bet was spread across his face.
“Fuck, sure. Anything. Please just keep talking.”
“You’re so sweet,” he said. “You by yourself? No roommates we have to worry about?”
“Ah- no. Just me. Apartment neighbors, but they’ve probably heard worse-“
“Oh yeah? You get loud, baby? Gunna be loud for me?” He sounded downright pornographic now. Dark and filthy and Steve wanted to roll in it. 
“God, how are you doing this? I’ve never- ah, shit- This is weird, right?”
Eddie hummed. “Not weird, Stevie. It’s so sexy, hearing you get all flustered over me. If it makes you feel better you’re the first person who’s been this interested in my voice,” he chuckled again and Steve moaned. “You gettin’ close, angel?” Steve made a noise he hoped was affirmative. “Not touching yourself, right? Wanna see if you can do it with just me talking,” he dropped his voice low and sultry again.
“Oh my god,” Steve was reeling. How was this possible? “You need to run a 900 line or something.” Eddie laughed again, a real laugh and Steve could picture him throwing his head back, hair flying. His neglected dick throbbed at him. 
“I think it’s just you, babe. Which is fine for me. I don’t usually like this sort of attention. But you’re so genuine about it. You just want someone to take care of you, huh?” The words and the rich silky tone had him moaning again, dick jumping in his sweats. 
“Yes,” he breathed. “So close, please,” he gasped out, letting his hips move uncontrollably. 
“Doing so good, Stevie. Gunna make a mess for me? You’re so amazing. You know you were driving me crazy all night right? Telling me to call and then not answering and telling me off about it. Would go stare at your pictures in your profile and all was forgiven. You could convince me to do anything, baby. Just turn those eyes up at me and I’d fold instantly.”
Steve whimpered loudly, then shoved knuckles in his mouth, suddenly self conscious about his noises. 
“Hey, let me hear you. Want you to be loud for me, c’mon. Know you’ve gotta be so close, little one. Gunna come so hard. I know,” he crooned. “You’ve got me close, too. Picturing you all sprawled out for me, all needy and desperate. Wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you if I was there.”
A loud moan burst out of him and his hips jolted forward again. The thought of Eddie being here, touching him and talking to him was forcing him to clench his fist into the couch to keep himself from touching his dick. 
“Please,” he cried out. 
“Oh, honey, I know. You’re so perfect, so sweet. Making me crazy. Bet you looked so good when you went out last night, yeah? Couldn’t stop thinking about it. Did you dance? Let everyone see you? Did you let them put their hands on you? Slide in behind you?”
Steve groaned and said, “Uh huh.” Eddie groaned back. 
“Yeah, but then you came home and found me. Chose me instead. Because you knew I’d give you what you really needed. Isn’t that right, baby?” 
He was squirming around so much now and constantly making little punched out moans and whimpers. Eddie’s voice in his ear was just right, saying just what he needed to hear and going straight to his cock. 
“Yeah, yes Eddie. Fuck- oh oh,” he rocked his hips, getting a tiny bit of friction against his boxers. 
“C’mon, you can do it. So fucking hot, baby. Maybe we’ll try this again when I see you. Lay you out across my lap and just talk to you. Huh? Think we’d make it? Before I lost my mind and fucked you?”
Steve cried out, almost dropping his phone. “Oh fuck, oh my god-“ he panted and shoved his phone back to his face. “Please-“
“Yeah, you’d be begging for my cock huh? And I’d give it to you. Would give you everything you wanted. So fucking good for me. Now come.” The growl under his voice sent Steve spiraling. 
He yelled out as he came, seeing stars. He dropped the phone out of his hand to clench around the cushion behind his head as his hips continued pumping. 
When he scrambled for his phone his thumb hit the video call button and suddenly he was face to face with the man who just made him come untouched. 
“Oh. Hi.” His face was red and sweaty, hair stuck to his forehead in the little box. Eddie smirked at him, looking mostly nonplussed. His hair was piled in a bun on the top of his head and it made Steve want to yank the tie out. 
“Hi baby. Well? Let me see.”
“Oh my god,” he panted. But he turned the camera around to pan down to the growing wet spot in his sweats, his legs still jumping. 
“Fuck, you’re so ridiculously hot.”
Steve turned it back to his face again but covered it with his hand. 
“Don’t do that, honey. You’re perfect. That was the hottest thing ever.”
Steve peeked out from over his hand. “Really?”
“Really. When can I see you? What are you doing tomorrow?”
Steve giggled. “Tomorrow’s free.”
@lawrencebshoggoth @lighthousebeams
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novacorpsrecruit · 11 months ago
Bound by the Situation
Day 21 Steddie Kinktober prompts from @infinite-orangepeel on twitter
Mature • wc 771 • tw improper packing tape usage • prompt: accidental kink discovery
“Harrington!” Eddie called from the stock room of the Family Video. “Need your help!”
It was new inventory day, which meant Keith scheduled an extra person to help with the new inventory. Three Family Video employees always seemed like too much on a Tuesday afternoon — even with the new inventory, but Eddie, Steve and Robin weren’t going to argue about sharing a shift together. Robin waved Steve off as she flipped her magazine. She knew the risk of sending Eddie and Steve off together. She may not see them until the end of their shift. But with as slow as it was, she almost didn’t care. She had more quiet time for reading. She could put on her own music and nobody would complain if they’re sucking face.
Steve pushed the door to the back room, catching Eddie with the roll of shipping tape in his hands and at least once around his wrists. He grinned sheepishly at Steve. “A little help?”
“I don’t know how you want me to help,” Steve said, feeling his throat go dry. He crossed his arms. “What are you even doing anyway?”
“I was wondering if I could break through this,” Eddie said. “Like if my wrists were bound? If I could break it.”
“If your wrists were bound,” Steve repeated.
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Like if I was kidnapped or held hostage.”
“You were taping your wrists together,” Steve said slowly, his eyes traveling down Eddie’s body to his wrists.
“To see if I could break free,” Eddie completed his sentence. “Now bind me.”
“Okay,” Steve breathed, stepping into Eddie’s space. He took the roll of tape from Eddie’s hands, slowly wrapping it around his wrists. Steve could feel a rush of excitement, a pool of heat in his gut, as he assumes he couldn’t wait to see Eddie test his strength. He’d wonder if he could convince Eddie to try it on him, as well.
“Tighter,” Eddie commanded. Steve obeyed. He wrapped it around tighter three more times, letting Eddie test the restraints before giving a nod. “Perfect. Now cut it.”
Steve leaned down, taking the tape between his teeth and tearing it, leaning back to pull it apart.
“Fuck —“
Steve looked up at Eddie as he laid down the end of the tape. He had a grin plastered on his face — the same troublesome grin that Steve knew meant trouble. That Eddie was up to something. The same lopsided grin that pulled the scar tissue tight. The same grin that Steve loved.
“That was hot.”
Steve rolled his eyes, taking a step back. “Okay, Eds,” he said, gesturing to his bound wrists. “Do your thing.”
Eddie yanked at his wrists, the tape didn’t budge. He struggled for a minute before searching for another attempt. He tried bringing it against his hip to no avail. He tried twisting his wrists to see if it helped loosen the tape, but it may have made it worse. He grunted as he lifted his hands above his head, attempting pulling his wrists apart.
And Steve?
Steve watched from the distance, feeling himself go almost lightheaded with desire as he watched his boyfriend struggle against the the tape, binding his wrists together. Steve audibly closed his mouth, letting the saliva pool in his mouth before swallowing. He couldn’t help but admire Eddie as he tried to fight the restraints, his body thrashing from side to side, the chain on his jeans jingling, as he could not break free. He lifted his eyes to Steve, and Steve couldn’t hold back any further.
Steve nearly pounced on Eddie, his hand quickly covering the bound wrists above Eddie’s head. Eddie audibly swallowed. “Steve?”
“I think —“ Steve breathed, collecting the thoughts buzzing around his head. “I think we need to take the tape home with us tonight.”
“Home?” Eddie asked, his eyes big like a baby deer.
“Yeah,” Steve said, nodding slowly. “Think you look real pretty tied up like this.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked. The realization suddenly dawned on Eddie of what Steve was asking. “You like me tied up, big boy? Like me on display for you?”
“Keeps you in one place, doesn’t it?” Steve asked with a smirk. He pressed a hot kiss on the corner of his jaw, nipping at the skin lightly as he squeezed his wrists in his hand. “Oh the things I’d do to you like this, Pretty boy.”
“Fuck,” Eddie moaned. “Bathroom. Now.”
Eddie slipped out of Steve’s grip with ease as he pulled Steve towards the employee bathroom. “Robin! 15 minute break!”
“Disinfect the room, you perverts!” She yelled back.
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midsummer-semantics · 5 months ago
Fortune Favors the Bold
Back with part 2 of Steddie Kinktober Bingo! Cross-posted on ao3 as well!
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Professor Steve Harrington, Grad Student Eddie Munson, Teacher-Student Relationship, Pre-Relationship, still but we're getting there, Phone Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Eddie Munson Has a Praise Kink, dom/sub dynamics, Dom Steve Harrington, Sub Eddie Munson, WELCOME BACK SUB EDDIE, Mutual Masturbation, Jerk off Instruction, Kinktober, Marijuana, Eddie smokes because duh but he's completely in control of his actions
Eddie’s probably an idiot for doing this, but once he found out Steve’s dirty little secret, he replied to the last one with a secret message of his own:
That can still be arranged.
Or: The semester may have ended, but Eddie's obsession with his professor definitely hasn't.
[divider by @steddiecameraroll-graphics]
Keep reading below for the fic! ⤵️
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Eddie’s probably an idiot for doing this, but once he found out Steve’s dirty little secret, he replied to the last one with a secret message of his own:
That can still be arranged.
He then sent Steve a quick email saying “Thank you so much for the private lessons. The last research project is done. I look forward to working with you closely in the future,” and then closed his laptop and screamed into his pillow for two straight minutes.
It was bold. More bold than the claim that landed him in those private sessions, but maybe not as bold as Steve had been.
His professor, of course, one-ups him again a few days later with a reply:
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His personal number. Steve sent Eddie his personal fucking phone number.
Eddie screams into his pillow again for good measure.
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It takes a week and a half of spiraling, several started and deleted texts, an aborted call to his best friend Chrissy (because honestly, he can’t tell her about this, it’s a complete breach of trust with Steve), and maybe a few too many hits off a joint before Eddie finally plucks up the courage to put that number to use.
It’s three days until Christmas and Eddie’s stoned in his childhood bedroom, his uncle at work because even this close to the holiday, the old man can’t catch a break.
He’d taken screenshots of all the secret messages and put them in a locked folder on his phone, reading back through them periodically to use as jerk-off material. Steve really did have a vivid imagination that he managed to convey in so few words. Shakespeare would give his left arm for half of the homoeroticism that Steve can produce in two lines of prose.
Eddie stubs the roach out, leans back against the wall — because 16-year-old Eddie didn’t have a bed frame with a headboard so 29-year-old Eddie gets to go without while he’s visiting Wayne — and pulls up Steve’s contact.
It’s only 8:15pm, a perfectly reasonable time to contact a professor about a homework question. That is, if it wasn’t winter break, and Eddie was still his student, and he actually had a homework question to ask him.
Whatever, he thinks. Steve told him to call him if he needs anything. And Eddie is in bed, half-chubbed from the messages he was re-reading for the millionth time, hazy from the weed, and needing to hear his professor’s voice even for a second.
He presses the number to dial before he can think twice about it, holding the phone up to his ear as the line rings, readjusts himself in his boxers, and waits. 
“Hello, Steve Harrington speaking,” a voice answers after the third ring.
Eddie’s heart skips a beat, momentarily rendered speechless. For some reason, he had it in his mind that Steve gave him a phony number, that maybe he imagined the entire thing and was living out some kind of insane vivid dream for the last few weeks.
“Hello?” Steve says again, knocking Eddie out of his momentary stupor.
“Hello, professor,” Eddie chirps, cringing when he realizes how eager he sounds. He tries to backtrack. “Sorry, I know it’s late, and you’re probably with family, and — shit, why did I think this was a good idea—”
“Whoa, Eddie?” Steve interrupts, not sounding the least bit angry, but almost… happy? Definitely surprised, but not in a bad way, Eddie thinks.
“Yeah,” Eddie breathes. “It’s me. Sorry. I know you told me to call you if I needed anything, but I wasn’t sure if you were serious.”
“I was serious,” Steve says. “I’m just surprised. I didn’t think you’d actually take up the offer.”
“Oh? Why not?”
If Eddie’s phone had a chord, he’d be twirling it around his finger as he settles more comfortably against the wall and his bed, legs splayed out in front of him over the flannel sheets.
“Why don’t you tell me why you’re calling instead,” Steve prompts gently. “What do you need?”
So many things, Eddie’s mind supplies.
“I- uh…” he stammers instead, trying to come up with a good reason to have bothered his (former) professor this late during holiday break. “I wanted to know if you’ll be available next semester to do more private lessons. Seeing as I’m not on your roaster for the spring.”
There’s some shuffling in the background that Eddie can’t decipher before Steve speaks up. “Oh? Well, I don’t see why not. I’m only teaching two classes so I can focus on my next manuscript, so I’ll have a bit of free time that I’d be happy to dedicate to my favorite.” There’s a short pause before Steve tacks on, “Student.”
Eddie tries to hide the gasp he lets out by pulling the phone away from his face, reaching down with his free hand to cup his straining erection through his boxers. Even just hearing Steve’s voice is enough to have him leaking into the fabric. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
“Great,” Eddie chokes, a little high pitched even in his own ears. “Great. I’ll still be free Thursday evenings if that works for you.”
Steve hums, more shuffling happening for a moment. “Sure, that works for me. But, Eddie, I can’t exactly offer you reprieve on a project or anything if you’re not my student next semester. And while I would love to assume you’re asking for the sheer opportunity to learn, I have to ask…”
There’s a pause, during which Eddie’s heart migrates to his throat.
“What do you really hope to gain from these private lessons?”
Eddie can feel himself starting to sweat, even though he’s only wearing his boxers and the heater in the old trailer is shit.
“I—” he mutters, “I guess… um… whatever you’re willing to give me?” He says it like a question, but the alternative is begging for something, anything, that Steve is willing to provide.
Steve tsks on the other end of the line, how voice slightly deeper, huskier when he speaks again. “Come on, Eddie. You can do better than that. Where’s all those words you poured into your research projects? All that confidence when you’re claiming Jonson was a self-important asshole for publishing his complete works in seven volumes?”
Eddie bites his lip hard to prevent a whine from escaping, squeezing the base of his dick harder to keep from coming.
“Dunno what my options are,” Eddie tries. He’s fishing, he knows he is, deflecting in the hopes that Steve just tells him what to do so Eddie can let him take the reins and he doesn’t have to think. Between the weed coursing through his bloodstream and Steve’s voice coursing through his synapses, he’s entirely out of his own control, and he needs more of this weightless oblivion.
“Well,” Steve grunts. There’s more shuffling and a quiet goran. “I can talk to the department about a GA placement. Make you my assistant for the semester.”
Eddie’s almost taken out of the fantasy by that offer. Grad assistants get tuition reprieve and a regular paycheck. Normally those positions only go to PhD students, but a GA at the MA level would severely reduce the debt he’s going into for this program.
“Or,” Steve continues, “I could offer an independent study course. One unit to help knock one of those extra required ones down for graduation.”
That’s also a fantastic offer. Some of those units are meant to go toward writing his thesis, but he doesn’t want to take them all at once and end up paying more in the long run.
But that’s not why Eddie called him. It’s not even why he took Steve up on his initial offer for private lessons. He wanted to learn, sure, but mostly he wanted to spend time with the older man. He wanted his attention solely on him, and he has it right now, unmitigated by academic or bureaucratic red tape, and he wants to keep that going.
“With respect, sir,” Eddie hedges, knowing this is already a dangerous game that they’re playing, but too down bad to consider quitting now. “Getting to spend more time with you is all the incentive I really need.”
It’s quiet on the other line for a moment, long enough for Eddie to start panicking again.
“Tell me, Eddie,” Steve says, his tone still deep and inviting. “Are you willing to be a good boy for me?”
This time, Eddie doesn’t prevent a low groan from escaping him, slouching on the bed as he squeezes his cock again, his legs falling open automatically.
“Yes, sir,” he mutters, almost a whine, but not quiet. Not yet.
“I meant what I said, you know. In those little messages. You really don’t know what you do to me, baby boy,” Steve rasps. Eddie thinks he hears the click of a bottle opening, a soft groan breathed into the phone’s speaker right into Eddie’s fuzzy brain, before unmistakable slow, slick sounds begin. “The amount of times I’ve had to fuck my fist right after you leave my office…” Steve continues, his voice a little more ragged than before. “God, the janitors would be pissed at the messes I’ve made.”
Eddie awkwardly shoves his boxers down one-handed and kicks them off haphazardly, grasping his own copiously leaking cock and giving it a few quick, over-dry strokes. The friction makes him hiss even as he moans.
“Oh, sweet thing,” Steve coos. “Too eager to use lube?”
It’s like Steve really is watching him; how does he know Eddie’s just raw-dogging his dick like this? He’s almost 30, he knows better than to jerk one out without something to ease the glide. But his lube is in his bathroom bag, and he’d have to put the phone down to get it open, and he doesn’t want to miss a second of hearing Steve jerking off for him.
“Why don’t you put a couple of fingers between those pretty lips for me? Get your hand nice and wet before you hurt yourself,” Steve instructs.
Eddie has three fingers in his mouth before he can mutter a yes, sir, but he tries to get the words around the intrusion anyway, burning with mortification at his eagerness when he hears Steve chuckle in his ear.
“That’s it, baby boy. Suck on those pretty fingers for me. I bet you look so good with your mouth full.”
Eddie can feel the drool starting to collect between his fingers and slide down his palm, his eyes rolling back at the combination between having his mouth stuffed and Steve’s voice whispering filthy praise in his ear.
“Alright, baby. Now get your hand on your cock and let me hear you sing for me.”
Eddie pulls his fingers from his mouth and wraps his wet hand around himself, the glide much easier. The moan he lets out is entirely too loud, too telling of how turned on he is, but he can’t stop it. 
“That’s it, pretty one. Let me hear you. God,  you sound so good.”
Eddie can hear the slick sounds of Steve beating off on the other line, the less than quiet groans the older man lets out in response to Eddie’s too-loud ones. 
“I bet you look so pretty all laid out, touching your cock. Are you naked, Eddie?”
Eddie gasps, twisting his fist around the head of his dick and nodding dumbly. “Y-yes, sir.”
“Are you wet for me?”
Eddie looks down at this cock, the head deep red and spurting pre-come like a leaky faucet.
“So fucking wet,” Eddie pants, eyes squeezing shut so he can focus on the sounds Steve breathes into the phone.
“I want to eat you out, baby boy. Would you like that? Bend you over my desk and spank your ass ‘til it’s red before tongue fucking you ‘til you come all over yourself?”
“Steve —” Eddie keens, feeling his balls draw tight, right on the edge.
“Gonna come for me, baby? That’s okay. Come whatever you want to. I’m not stopping until I’ve finished,” Steve says. It sounds vaguely threatening, but holy fuck, is it exactly the permission Eddie needs to trigger his orgasm. Come shoots out of him, landing over his fist, stomach, chest, even a bit on his neck as he moans and mewls through it.
“Fuck yeah,” Steve mutters, before loosing a deep groan of his own that lets Eddie know his professor is coming as well.
There’s a lot of heavy breathing between them stuttering down the phone line as both men attempt to catch their breath. Eddie needs a shower, maybe a baptism after the religious experience that is hearing Steve Harrington come.
“You okay, pretty one?’ Steve mutters after several agonizing minutes.
“Mhmm,” Eddie hums, mouth dry and body completely wrung out. “Yeah, ‘m perfect.”
“Yeah you are,” Steve agrees, that delicate condescension back in his tone. Eddie can feel himself being tugged toward sleep, and of course it’s like Steve already knows. “Clean yourself up a bit, baby, and then you can sleep all you want.”
“Will you—” he starts and then stops, not wanting to voice his thoughts out loud and come off too needy after everything.
“I’ll stay on the phone with you until you’re tucked back in bed,” Steve answers, all-knowing as always. “And after Christmas we can talk about your private lessons for the spring.”
Eddie doesn’t meant to whine, he doesn’t, but Steve just fucked his brains out without being anywhere near him and he doesn’t want to wait four days before he talks to him again.
“Oh, baby, it’s okay. You can still call me whenever you need something. That offer still stands,” Steve promises.
“Okay,” Eddie replies. “Thank you, sir.”
“Anytime, Eddie. Really.”
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wynnyfryd · 1 year ago
@cranberrymoons this is hot ur hot. also i’m fucking obsessed with this dialogue:
Eddie lets out a little huff, shoulders slumping. “You know I hate the word boyfriend. It makes us sound like teenagers.”
“Too bad. You want to pour candle wax all over my ass or whatever it is you’re planning, you’re not going to call me your whatever while you’re doing it.”
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odderstuff · 1 year ago
Take Me To The Stars
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Word count: 3,135
Steve is surprised, then, when he produces a sheet of paper. No, not a sheet of paper - a sheet of stickers; gold, sparkly star stickers. He peels one off and then leans over to press it onto Steve’s cheek, following it with a kiss.
“Ed - wha-” Steve stammers out, feeling very hot in the face.
“Reward sticker,” Eddie explains. “For being the best little barista in Hawkins.”
Steve is…into that, and it must show on his face, because Eddie absolutely cackles.
“Keep being a good boy for me,” he says. “And there’s plenty more where that came from.”
Or: Eddie finds a way to make his compliments stick
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steddie-island · 1 year ago
Only Have Eyes (For You)
Kinktober prompt: Lingerie
Eddie loses a bet. Or Eddie wins a bet?
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becomingfoxes · 1 year ago
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More kinktober fun with Ghostface steddie!
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You can find the uncropped versions on Twitter or pillowfort
I will be posting more pieces throughout November as I finish up several wips I couldn't get done and updating the ao3 collection with all pieces when I get the free time 🥰
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starthecozy · 5 months ago
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Kinktober prompt 16: aftercare / tattoos
After getting way too enthusiastic about Steve's new tattoo, Eddie is taking care of him with slow devotion (inprnt)
bonus: front view
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stevesjockstrap · 1 year ago
kinktober day 20something: Steve/Eddie
& lingerie
MDNI - rated E - read on ao3 - cw: feminization, babygirlification of Steve Harrington, mm sex
Steve had been studying all day and he was exhausted. He’d thrown comfortable clothes on because he wasn’t planning on seeing anyone. So yeah. Maybe he’d forgotten about Robin’s biweekly game night and maybe he’d forgotten that his pants were too big and his shirt a bit too short. The gasp behind him made him remember. 
“Are those?”
He straightened up from where he’d been bent over to scrounge for food in the fridge. Oh no. 
“Oh no. Fucking hell, Eddie. C’mere. C’mere.” He hissed as he shoved him into his bedroom and shut the door. Eddie gaped at him. 
“Please don’t tell anyone. I just wear them… because they make me feel… pretty.”
Eddie’s eyes were as big as saucers and Steve couldn’t look at him. He twisted the hem of his shirt in his hands and looked down. He really didn’t even know Eddie very well. He was a new addition to their game night, tagging along with Nancy and Jonathan. Jonathan had raved about Eddie’s music and art, Steve couldn’t remember if they were in the same class or had met somewhere else.
“You are.”
Eddie’s face was flushed and he was pulling his hair in front of his mouth now. Why was he nervous?
“You are pretty. Even more with the panties,” he was sliding his hand between his to stop his fidgeting. Hearing Eddie say the word made him groan. “Can I?”
Steve nodded, not entirely sure what he was agreeing to but being pulled in by this energy crackling between them. 
Eddie slid his other hand to the lace waistband of the underwear that was just visible over his pants. Eddie traced along his hip, his warm fingertips creating goosebumps. 
Eddie looked up from under his eyelashes at him and a shiver went up his spine. He was looking at him like he wanted to eat him alive. Steve pulled his hands out of Eddie’s and his face closed off and he stepped back, dropping both hands away from Steve.
“You really think that?” Steve closed the distance between them again. 
Eddie nodded, still unsure. Steve took another step towards him and he backed up. With another step he fell back onto his bed with a little yelp. 
Steve stayed standing and pulled his shirt off. 
“So pretty,” Eddie breathed. “Should get you a bra to match, would look great on your tits.”
Steve gasped and Eddie’s gaze shot to his face. “Oh, he likes that, huh? Like being a pretty girl, huh? Show off your pretty things and get all the compliments?”
Steve swallowed. He’d never thought of it like that. Stepping closer, he slid his fingers across his belly and down to the waistband of his pants, sliding his hand down the front of them. 
“Fuck, you’re loving this. Your pussy all wet for me?”
Steve whined, palming his dick through the soft fabric. “Yeah,” he huffed. He’d never felt this way before. Eddie’s rough voice saying these nasty things to him in such a sweet way was scrambling his insides. He pushed closer to him, but Eddie was just watching. With a small smirk, he slowly slid his pants down off his hips and stepped out of them. 
Eddie sucked in a breath and Steve watched his fingers twitch with the need to touch. He didn’t know why he was holding himself back. Just as he was going to sink into his lap, Eddie raised a hand and twirled a finger around. 
“Turn around, baby, let me see,” he directed. Steve giggled as he let out a punched out moan when he showed him the cheeky backside. “God damn, can I- please,” before he could get the rest of it out Steve had turned and straddled his lap. Eddie’s hands grabbed handfuls of his ass and stared at his barely contained dick. 
Steve writhed on his lap, sliding his hands into his thick curls. 
“Look at you, Stevie. So fucking gorgeous.” Eddie pressed his thumb into the wet spot forming on the front of his panties, rubbing the head of his cock to make him groan. Steve whined when he popped the thumb into his own mouth. “So sorry, sweetheart. Here you go.” Steve sucked the thumb into his own mouth when it was offered. “He’s such a needy thing, look at him all spread out on my lap in just his little panties. Practically begging for it.”
Steve nodded around the thumb, loving the way Eddie was staring at him and speaking about him like he wasn’t there. 
The world spun around him and he found himself laying back on his bed and Eddie between his legs. Eddie licked up the inside of his thigh. He could feel himself trembling but couldn’t stop it. 
“Settle down baby. I’m gunna take care of you.” He licked up the length of his dick through the fabric. “Gunna ruin these little panties, how’s that sound? I’ll buy you so many more,” he mumbled against his balls. 
“Please,” Steve whined. His fingers tangled into Eddie’s hair as he continued to tease against him with his tongue and nose. Eddie pulled away but Steve held back the complaint when he reached into his bedside drawer. 
“Wow, Stevie, quite the impressive collection,” he chuckled. Steve palmed at his dick through the damp fabric and preened. He was proud of his toys and especially all these nasty compliments. 
Eddie propped one of his legs up and after shoving the panties aside slid wet fingers across his hole. 
“Gunna make a mess in your pretty little panties for me, darling?” Steve squirmed as Eddie pressed a finger in to rub against his prostate. He leaned forward to rumble in his ear, “Come for me and then you can ride my cock, pretty. So I can watch these tits bounce.” He pinched into his pec muscle and Steve came with a shout. “There we go, so good for me.”
Eddie continued opening him up while teasing him infuriatingly. Nosing against his spent cock, licking into his belly button, reaching up to flick a nipple. Finally when Steve thought he was going to die from overstimulation, Eddie pulled away and switched their positions again. He undid Eddie’s jeans and yanked them off his legs, impatient. Eddie held his panties to the side for him as he sunk down onto him. 
“So pretty. This is what he needed, huh? Fucking himself on a cock in his dirty panties?”
“Oh my god,” Steve whined. He settled himself forward on his hands to change the angle and could only stare down at Eddie wide eyed as he got himself off. 
Eddie’s hands were everywhere, grabbing and pushing at his ass, plucking the waistband of his panties against him, and when he got close to coming again, wrapped around his throat. 
“Go ahead, babydoll, come again for me. Fill up these panties. You got another one in you, right?”
Steve came untouched thinking about all the filthy things Eddie’s voice and eyes promised. 
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lostalioth · 5 months ago
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☆ hi my loves here we go with a what 3rd or 4th i don’t even know attempt at doing kinktober lmaoo. now as always i can never seem to finish kinktobers which is why i lower how many days i do as well as i pick a variety of characters to write for so i don’t get bored writing all month for the same 3-4. the same as last year i will plan on posting a fic sort of every other day so (sun, tue, thur, sat) which is why it’ll be 18 days and not 31. if you recognize any as repeats in last years kinktober prompt lists, yes i carried some over from past lists that i didn’t get to.
☆ i do not do taglists on any of my fics and kinktober is no expection however you can follow my library acc → @aliothslibrary i reblog all my fics on that account seconds after i post it, and only my fics so if you wanna be notified of my posts for kinktober follow that acc and put notifications on :) you can also search up the tag #lostalioth kinktober for all my past kinktober fics etc.
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day one → body worship + love marks w/ roommate!stucky
day two → dry humping + handcuffs w/ steve harrington 
day three → high sex + bribery w/ eddie munson
day four → bondage + fingering w/ tasm!peter parker
day five → creampie + master kink w/ loki laufeyson
day six → face sitting + thigh biting w/ marc spector
day seven → piercing + cock worship w/ bucky barnes
day eight → pain kink + praise w/ dean winchester
day nine → obsession + belly bulge w/ logan howlett
day ten → overstimulation + hand job w/ sub!miguel o hara
day eleven → semi-public sex + against a wall w/ steven grant
day twelve → dacryphilia + corruption w/ perv!bsf!eddie munson
day thirteen → cock warming + begging w/ steve harrington
day fourteen → free use + primal play w/ logan howlett
day fifteen → lap dance + choking w/ mob!bucky barnes
day sixteen → edging + sir kink w/ steve rogers
day seventeen → caught masturbating + anal w/ sam winchester
day eighteen → double peneration + drunk sex w/ steddie
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☆ hope you enjoy my babes!! please send me feedback, don’t be shy to comment or reblog your reactions to the days as i love seeing how you guys feel about my fics :) thankk you so much for reading and supporting my writing if you do and if you don’t for whatever reason that is perfectly fine as well!!
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midsummer-semantics · 5 months ago
Private Lessons
Written for Steddie Kinktober Bingo and cross-posted on ao3!
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Professor Steve Harrington, Grad Student Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Teacher-Student Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Sort Of, way too much information about Renaissance literature tbh, Flirting, flirting via Google Docs, Age Difference, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Eddie Munson Has a Praise Kink, Steve is kind of a perv, but Eddie is DEFINITELY into it, Masturbation, Kinktober
Grad school wasn’t exactly in Eddie’s grand life design, but he’s not really complaining. Especially not when his Renaissance literature professor is the hottest person he’s ever seen.
Or: English Grad student Eddie has an insane crush on his professor, and when Professor Harrington offers his star pupil private lessons in order to give him more than the usual lecture accounts for, Eddie jumps at the chance.
[Divider by @steddiecameraroll-graphics]
Keep Reading for the fic! ⤵️
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Grad school wasn’t exactly in Eddie’s grand life design, but he’s not really complaining. Especially not when his Renaissance literature professor is the hottest person he’s ever seen.
Professor Harrington was the talk of the school from the moment Eddie set foot on campus. The youngest grad professor in the department — though that’s not saying much when most of them look like they’re five minutes from incurring rigor mortis — Dr. Steven Harrington is a world-renowned scholar in Renaissance and Early Modern texts, has publications ranging from “How Shakespeare could be gayer: An analysis of Antonio characters” to “When life gives you Lemons: Early Modern plot themes in Slash Fiction.” And Eddie’s read them all.
If he applied to this grad program in the hopes that he’d get to take one of Harrington’s classes, that’s nobody’s business but his own.
And now he is, sitting front row every Monday evening for three and a half hours, studiously writing notes and asking questions on any and everything Professor Harrington lectures on.
Harrington is even more gorgeous in person. Faint salt and pepper mixed in with soft chestnut hair that practically defies gravity, wire-rimmed glasses that frame his expressive caramel eyes, a body to die for under sharp trousers and button-up shirts that he often rolls the sleeves on. There’s a tiny tattoo of a robin on his left forearm just below his elbow that Eddie wants to see up close, wondering if that’s his only tattoo or if he’s hiding more delicious ink beneath the professional layers he wears to his lectures.
Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to pay attention to what Harrington is saying when he’s looking like a walking wet dream every time Eddie sees him.
It doesn’t help at all that he’s also incredibly charismatic and a huge dork. Harrington is a font of knowledge, and sometimes he goes off on tangents about early modern printing processes or how much he hates one particular academic for stealing his research years ago. Eddie genuinely thinks he’d be fine listening to his professor wax poetic about just about anything and he’d be hanging off of every word the entire time.
Other students in his class are less subtle about the fuck-me eyes they give their professor, but Harrington, ever the consummate professional, ignores it all. Which is fine, really, because Eddie knows it’s kind of a moral gray area to be lusting after a professor, even if they’re both well past the age where they could be considered “young adults.” Hell, Eddie’s pretty sure he’s the oldest person in his lectures at 29, but Dr. Harrington is easily in his 40s so the age gap is as unceremonious as it is taboo. And even if his crush wasn’t entirely in his own head, he’s prepared to beat up every one of his classmates for half a chance that Harrington would turn his regular “Good job, Eddie,” into a “Good boy, Eddie.”
Eddie knows he’s probably doing too much to get Harrington’s attention, always raising his hand more than any other student and doing every bit of extra credit he can like it’s going to win him some kind of Nobel Prize, but he genuinely likes the material so it’s easy to get involved in the discussions. 
His overenthusiastic involvement does earn him an exciting benefit two months into the semester, though. Harrington asks Eddie to hang back after class to discuss one of the latest reading responses, and Eddie’s mind immediately goes to all of the ways he fucked up by saying that Robert Greene may not have been entirely wrong for the way he dragged Shakespeare considering the way the bard had similarly dragged him by writing a fool character based on Greene. He’s got a million apologies already waiting on his tongue while the rest of the class files out, leaving them alone in the classroom.
“Listen, professor, I’m so sorry—” Eddie starts, but Harrington holds up a hand, silencing him all at once.
“It’s a bold claim you made in there, Eddie,” the professor says, leaning back against the whiteboard and crossing his arms. 
Eddie’s face flushes, whether from mortification or the way Harrington’s muscles shift under his shirt is unclear. He tries to think of an excuse as to why he’d make a dig at one of his professor’s favorite authors before settling on, “Would you believe I had an aneurysm before writing that?”
Harrington’s eyes narrow, assessing Eddie as he tries not to squirm, before shrugging, his face breaking into a grin. “I might, except all I said was it was bold, not that you were wrong.”
Eddie’s brain stops short for a moment. “W-what?”
Harrington snickers and reaches over to a stack of papers to pull Eddie’s, right from the top. “I have a proposition for you, which you’re welcome to turn down without explanation.”
Eddie’s heart beats double-time in his chest. He knows it’s delusional, but he’s had many fantasies of Harrington saying words just like those ones and then bending him over the nearest desk.
“A proposition?” he tries not to choke out.
Harrington hums as he scans over the paper again before handing it back to Eddie. A red A+ is circled at the top, which is a common sight, but still makes Eddie swell with a little bit of pride.
“I get the feeling sometimes that I’m not doing my part in giving you enough material during lectures. So I wanted to offer a compromise. Once a week we can meet in my office, and I’ll give you a private lecture on any topic of your choice as long as you write a 1000-word research project on it before the next meeting. In exchange, I’ll wave your final project.”
Eddie blinks at his professor owlishly for a moment. The math doesn’t make sense considering the final project is 20-pages minimum and what Harrington is suggesting would mean writing almost double that over the course of the next 8 weeks, but like hell is Eddie going to turn down the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with his gorgeous professor discussing their mutual love of Renaissance literature.
“Deal,” he agrees easily.
Harrington smiles, a big one that lights up his face for a moment before schooling it into kind neutrality once more. “Wonderful. Email me your availability and we’ll go from there.”
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That’s how Eddie finds himself once a week doing the absolute most work he’s ever done in his life, and Harrington’s class isn’t even his only one.
It’s worth it, though, for the two uninterrupted hours of Steve’s attention every Thursday evening. They cover a wide range of topics, and Steve never gives him shit for interrupting to ask more questions because that just means Steve gets to talk more about his passion. It’s one thing, Eddie thinks, to watch the man lecture to a class of semi-enthused grad students once a week, and something else entirely to watch him go on about something Eddie asks him to talk about. If brain boners are a thing, Eddie’s had a continuous one for this man for weeks.
He’s also had an innumerable amount of real boners, but he gave up caring about cranking one out to mental images of his hot professor two weeks into the semester. What Harrington doesn’t know won’t hurt Eddie, and it helps his brain not turn to actual mush every time he has to be in the same room as him again.
Eddie quickly gets into the habit of sharing his working docs with Harrington — Steve, his professor insists after their sessions go on for a few weeks — so he doesn’t have to worry about it slipping his mind later. Sometimes Steve will open the doc while Eddie’s still working on it, a tiny random animal popping up in the corner signaling Steve’s presence. It happens at odd hours, which Eddie supposes is fair since he knows now that the professor has a weird sleep schedule thanks to his own academic work. In the moments where Eddie finds himself and an Anonymous Axolotl both up at 2am, he likes to pretend like Steve’s watching him do something other than writing about the latest discussion topic. Like Steve’s actually in his own bed, his laptop resting on his lap, wearing nothing but a pair of tight briefs (or maybe nothing at all) and touching himself while he watches Eddie do the same. 
Eddie didn’t know academics could make him so goddamn horny, but by the time the end of the semester approaches, he’s basically Pavloved himself to pop a boner every time the tiny Anonymous Giraffe or whatever appears. 
The last two weeks of the semester, Eddie’s mostly in attendance out of obligation (and to ogle Steve more) since he doesn’t actually have to do the final project. His last meeting with Steve is the week before finals, the professor telling him he should take the week off to relax and get some actual sleep because he’s more than earned it.
As such, Eddie’s determined to make the final research project for their private lessons the best one yet.
It’s almost 3am when the tiny Anonymous Moose in the corner disappears for the night, and Eddie blinks blearily at the words on his screen that are starting to blend into a big blob. He’s well past the 1000-word mark at this point — 2041 the last time he checked — and he knows he should end it here and go to bed, especially since he hasn’t actually put more words on the page in over an hour. 
He checks his word count again just to remind himself that he did more than enough and —
Wait a minute.
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That can’t be right, he thinks. Eddie highlights paper from bottom to top, hitting the keys to display the word count again.
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“What the hell?” he mutters to himself, undoing the highlight and trying again. The same number pops up: 2069. There’s 28 words unaccounted for that he’s pretty sure even in his sleep-addled state he didn’t write.
He tries highlighting it all again and that’s when he sees it: down at the bottom of the doc under all of his writing are several words he, in fact, didn’t write, but he didn’t see them before because the font was the same color as the page itself.
He doesn’t have time to squeal over there being a secret message because the message itself nearly gives him a heart attack.
It’s too bad the semester is over. I was hoping to see you bent over my desk with those tight black jeans around your ankles at least once.
Eddie’s pretty sure his heart stops and starts several times as he reads the words over and over again.
He double-checks the doc access, and sure enough it’s only Steve that has it, which means…
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie groans, his erection from before coming back with a vengeance when he realizes his insanely sexy, insanely intelligent professor whom he’s been pining after for four months is flirting with him in secret in his Google docs.
He palms himself over his boxers, trying to manifest the stupid Anonymous Whatever to pop back up so he can keep up the illusion that Steve really has been spying on him, and then a thought occurs to him.
What if this isn’t the first time Steve’s done this?
With one hand still grasping his cock, squeezing rhythmically to relieve some of the pressure, Eddie swipes over to his Private Lessons folder and starts opening all of his past papers. He scrolls to the bottom, highlighting page after page, uncovering message after message that Steve’s left for weeks with Eddie being none the wiser.
It’s hard not to watch your lips as you talk. I bet they’d feel amazing wrapped around my dick.
Eddie moans outright at that and slips his hand under the waistband of his boxers to tug at his cock while he reads the rest. Some are complimentary, but most are downright filthy and Eddie feels like he’s going to pass out from all the blood rushing from his brain to his groin.
You’re so expressive when you get going on a topic you love. I wonder how expressive you are when you cum.
Those fucking pants are going to be the death of me. 
God you’re pretty when you smile. Those fucking dimples. I want to lick them every time.
Do you have any idea how hard you make me? How difficult it is to get through a lecture or a private session without pinning you to the desk and eating your ass right there?
Eddie comes with Steve’s name on his lips, shaking and shivering through an orgasm so intense just from words on a page.
When his brain reboots and his soul returns to his body, Eddie is left staring at the screen of his computer, the cursor blinking in time with his heartbeat and his hand tacky with cooling come. 
“Holy fuck,” he breathes, using his clean hand to close the laptop and shove it away.
The semester is over. He doesn’t have any reason to see Steve again before winter break commences, and he doesn’t have him on his class roster for Spring. 
But like hell is he going to leave this alone now that he knows his professor wants him back.
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hexiewrites · 5 months ago
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Kinktober, Kinktober 2024, Stranger Things Kinktober, Steddie Kinktober (Stranger Things), POV Eddie Munson, bored and ignored, Bottom Steve Harrington, Bratty Bottom Steve Harrington, Butt Plugs, Dildos, Praise Kink, Face Slapping, Anal Sex, Riding, Doggy Style, Hair-pulling, Orgasm Edging, Orgasm Denial, Spit Kink, body painting, Degradation, but its all very soft and loving, or like mean and loving maybe, Miniature painting Series: Part 8 of hey baby, I could use just a little help: kinktober 2024, Part 3 of deeds that move the wheels of the world Summary:
“Good boy,” Eddie says with a smile, and then picks up the Gothmog miniature he’d been working on. “Now,” he says, considering it with a little smile, “do you think his cloak needs to be a darker gray?”
kinktober prompts: dom/sub & colours
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blckbrrybasket · 4 months ago
31. “Body Electric”
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington
꒰Cucking + Breeding Kink꒱ - 1.9k
• unprotected sex, cuck!eddie, teasing, consent checking/color system, cream pie, somewhat feral Steve?
kinktober m.list
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If someone had told Eddie a year ago that Steve Harrington was fucking his girlfriend in front of him with his consent, he would have laughed in their fucking face. Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington with his girl? No way. And now, well they weren’t exactly friends.
The two were never super close, but they trusted each other. There was no way around trusting each other after being forced together in a group to save the world, or whatever. A year later and they still had somewhat limited contact. Having so many mutual friends now left them seeing each other more and more.
Apparently the trust went deeper than Eddie was consciously aware, because when thinking of a guy to sleep with you for Eddie to watch, you both ultimately landed on Steve. The two of you were always up for trying new things, so when Eddie proposed him being cucked you didn’t shoot down the idea.
You were intrigued to say the least and you were both aware of how Steve looked at you. He was no homewrecker, always keeping a safe distance, but when Eddie called him to ask if he wanted to sleep with you? At first he laughed awkwardly, thinking it was a cruel joke, but when that notion was cleared he had immediately said yes.
You were smart, hot, and he got to fuck you in front of Eddie, a perfect deal. Steve had no qualms with Eddie, but he did love the idea of cucking him. Of course Eddie set ground rules, the biggest one being not doing anything you wouldn’t like. The second? That Eddie is in charge even when he wasn’t the one fucking you.
Steve groaned at it, but agreed when Eddie threatened to find somebody else. Truthfully, there was no one else he could think of, but it didn’t hurt to make Steve sweat a bit. Day of, you restlessly sat on the bed while Eddie welcomed Steve into his trailer. Your legs dangled off the side of the mattress, feet dragging over the worn carpet to settle your nerves.
A creak came from the ground and you perked up, head lifting to see Eddie with Steve standing behind him. Your eyes bounced between them, Eddie being the first to walk over to you. “You’re sure you want this, right?” You murmured an “uh huh”, chin in between Eddie’s ringed fingers when he leaned down to kiss your lips. 
Instantly any doubt melted away, soothed by his chapped lips. “Okay. Anytime you want to back out,” he whispered against your lips. “I say red,” you finished, giggling against his lips as you repeated what he had said multiple times. Eddie pulled back, cupping your cheek to shake your head from side to side.
“Don’t be a brat when I’m about to let Stevie fuck you.” The reaction to the name was instantaneous, both you and Steve groaning at it. Eddie chuckled, pecking your lips quickly before backing up to sit on a chair he had set near the corner of his room. Steve took his cue, entering the small room. “Eager?” He smirked at Eddie already being prepared, getting flipped off in response.
However, Steve was not easily deterred, making his way to stand between your legs. “This okay?” He made sure on top of Eddie's earlier worries. You rolled your eyes at him, “Kiss me already.” Steve chuckled. “Bossy? We’ll fix that.” And god, you didn’t know how true that statement would be. You always assumed Steve only had one mode which was gentle loverboy. 
The first half was very tender. It was a clear change of pace from how you and Eddie usually ripped each other's clothes off of each other. Steve liked to build up suspense, treating you like you were made of glass. He had slipped each piece of clothing off until you were watching with rapt attention as he finally took his own clothes off.
You sighed, hands hovering before you touched his chest. “I didn’t expect you to be so hairy,” you laughed, fingers brushing over the hair on his chest. Steve couldn’t help but be proud, unable to see Eddie’s pouty expression but he could guess it was present. Steve’s hands found your arms, guiding you to lean back as he climbed between your legs. 
He purposefully laid you upside down on the bed so he could give Eddie a closer view at your face when he fucked you. “Are you ready?” Steve asked. Your head naturally tilted back to look at Eddie, making Steve tut. “Ah, ah, not him. I asked you.” Steve’s thumb and index finger pinched your chin and turned your head to look at him. “Yes.”
He grinned, hands sliding down to grab your thighs, lifting them to press to your chest. Steve slid his arm to the backs of your knees, keeping them up. His other hand traced over your mound to slide down between your folds. “So wet already,” he mused. “Is she always this wet, Eddie?” Eddie scoffed, listening to the slick sounds as Steve played with you. 
“Yeah, she is.” Eddie tongued at the inside of his bottom lip, blood flowing to his hardening dick. This wasn’t about him though. While you were too preoccupied with Steve thrusting two fingers into your pretty pussy, he would know if he jerked off. This was about you. Eddie wouldn’t receive any pleasure and yes that’s what he wanted, but it didn’t make his hands loosen from their fists. He must have been whisked away in his thoughts, interrupted by Steve’s voice.
“I think she’s loose enough,” Steve commented, looking down at you. “You think you’re ready to take me, honey?” You nodded, cunt drooling over Steve’s sticky fingers as he pulled them from you. “Words, sweetheart.” “Yeah, yes, please, Steve.” He smirked, grabbing his painfully hard cock, letting your legs settle back to a more natural position. Your eyes followed the movement of his hand, swallowing when you saw the girth of his length. “Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
You looked up at Steve, relaxing back at his words; Eddie relaxing the moment he saw you sink into his bed. His dark eyes were trained on the two of you, watching Steve press into you. Eddie’s heart thumped precariously as he waited to see your reaction. Your face was scrunched up, but you were still breathing steadily, taking it perfectly.
Steve pressed his hand to the side of your head, breathing in deeply. “Knew you could do it.” Your eyes fluttered open, staring up at his pleased expression. He was everywhere, at least you felt like he was. The burn of the stretch began to taper off, faster now that his thumb was playing with your clit. He felt your ridged walls contract and he chuckled. “Good?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed in a breathy voice, eyes sliding shut again as you tilted your head back. Slow and soft is once again how it started off. Deep thrusts brushed against all the spots your fingers couldn’t reach. You were so deep into the pleasure you could barely register when his thrusts began picking up.
It wasn’t until you heard Eddie’s groan, opening your eyes to look at him, did you notice how your view was unsteady, shaken by each pound. Steve drove back into you repeatedly, unashamed moans spilling from his lips. You hiccuped, chest rising before falling when you cried out. “Shit, Steve,” you groaned, head turning back to him.
His perfect hair was a mess, loose strands curling on his forehead and bouncing with his movements. Steve flicked his eyes up to watch your face, irises eclipsed by lustful pupils. “Yeah?” He grunted. “So beautiful. You’re so…beautiful.” He blew out the air from his lungs, leaning against your body now.
Ducking his head, he wrapped his lips around one of your soft nipples, sucking on it. It was enough for him to whine, tongue laving over it as he raised and lowered his head as if he was trying to manually make it harden. Steve’s teeth grazed the sensitive spot, eyes glancing up at you as you gave a strangled moan.
He smirked around your tit, popping off to bend over you. Steve’s chest pressed to yours, bodies tangled together while your guts tightened together, his spit on your chest smearing onto his chest hair. “Steve, Steve, oh…Eddie!” Even without Eddie being the one to fuck you, you couldn’t help but moan your boyfriends name. Steve’s eyes narrowed imperceptibly, glancing at Eddie who looked ready to leap out of his chair. 
He shot Eddie a look as if to say ‘stay seated.’ and some other unmentioned choice words. Steve bit the inside of his cheek, looking back down at you as he grew close to finishing. Eddie caught on to what he was planning, glaring immediately. 
“Steve,” Eddie grumbled the warning, hand retightening into a fist on the top of his thigh. Steve grinned salaciously, “I know, I know.” he responded to your mewls, choosing to ignore Eddie. “He’s being mean right?” Steve knew what he was doing, eyes glinting as he stared eddie down, mouth lowered by your ear. You didn’t know why Eddie was being mean, or about what, but it sounded right in your blissed out state.
“You want it, want my cum…but what Eddie says goes, honey.” The seed was planted, making you realize what Eddie didn’t want. “Eddie please,” you begged him to let Steve cum inside you, needing it. Eddie clenched his jaw, teeth straining under the force. “Babe..” he started, but you were too far gone to realize that you were being bratty. “Please, please, please,” you cried, tears collecting on your waterline. You were so close, unable to cum without confirmation.
“You should give her what she wants.” Steve hummed, bouncing your ass off his hips as he continued thrusting within you, teetering on the edge. It was a dangerous game, though, it was one that paid off. “Go ahead,” Eddie conceded. Steve’s lips curled up into a more sinister smile when he received permission.
Steve pressed his sweaty cheek to yours, skin sticking together. “Want me to fill you up? Pump you full of my cum, of my babies? Fuck you so full…let you swell with ‘em.” Eddie’s eyes widened as you deliriously nodded, sob ripping through you as you clenched around Steve’s cock.
Even Steve seemed surprised by the outburst reaction. “Oh, you want that? Want to be full of my babies, fucking nasty.” he laughed, hips stuttering as he tapered off into a groan. His balls tightened, slapping once more against you before he stilled for a second. “Yes, yeah, take my cum, honey. Make it take.” Steve’s hot spurts of cum filled you up as you shook at the feeling.
Eddie licked his teeth with a laser focus on you as you seemed to fight to cum. Steve’s fingers found your clit, pinching it to send you spiraling. White hot stars bloomed beneath your eyelids as you came, back arching against Steve. Steve chuckled breathlessly, looking back at Eddie.
His hips resumed, grinding forward to push his cum deeper into your cunt. Eddie’s unamused expression came back as he spoke up, “That’s enough.” Steve pants, nodding compliantly as he slowly came back down to earth. His palms rubbed at your hips, hissing as he pulled out, his cum leaking out of your swollen pussy.
You tensed at the feeling, his cum seeping out onto Eddie's comforter. You didn’t want to let go of the feeling, cunt feeling so warm and gooey. “Jesus Christ,” Eddie mused, looking at your spent body, getting up.
Steve was already checking on you, hand smoothing over your head. “Are you okay, honey?” In a daze, you give a dopey smile and laugh. “So good.”
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tags: @babybatlover, @starrgurl46, @wowzers-07, @nenukkjhj, @morgan0lw21, @kinokomoonshine, @slut4ddn, @adventures-of-impala, @dreamerjj
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morgodrawings · 4 months ago
DAY 26
Eddie has a howling wolf poster, I know it to be true.
Full drawing on patreon (link in bio)
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