#Shifting portal
sunsetshifting · 1 year
What IS Reality Shifting? (+ Intro!)
Hello! I am Sunny (He/they)! I’ll do my best not to format this like an essay I phoned in at 2 am, but I might slip up, so bear with me. 
[If I don’t cover something you’re curious about, feel free to shoot me an ask! I’ll answer anything that I can. Now, without further ado...!]
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Reality Shifting (Less commonly referred to as ‘Quantum Jumping’) is the practice of becoming aware of your consciousness in another reality, and ‘moving’ from your Original Reality into your Desired Reality.
The reality that you ‘shift’ to (aka your Desired Reality/DR) can be absolutely anything, from being the exact same your Original Reality but with your bedroom being a different color to a reality where you’re roasting marshmallows with Izuku Midoriya! Regardless, wherever you choose to go, it is equally as real as this reality that you’re currently reading this in.
All that aside, how do you actually attempt shifting? There’s a variety of methods, such as the Julia Method, Raven Method, or a simple guided meditation. For today, however, I will be explaining one of the simplest methods.
Whilst you can shift with intent alone, if you’d like to have something physical to assist you, then the Pillow Method may be what you’re looking for. To perform it, one must write down their shifting script (or even just some shifting affirmations) on a piece of paper and place it under their pillow. And… that’s it! Just go to sleep, and tell yourself that you’re going to wake up in your desired reality.
Woah, but, wait a second, what even goes in a script???
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Glad you asked! A script is pretty much just a set of filters or directions for wherever you’re trying to go, but (usually!) formatted in a more wiki-like or narrative fashion (depending.) Here is a breakdown of what a script MIGHT look like:  https://www.tumblr.com/sunsetshifting/716606328592809984/how-i-format-my-scripts-with-pictures?source=share
Additionally, whilst the amount of time it takes to shift successfully is varied (taking anywhere from one single attempt to multiple years of on-and-off work), it is still something that ANYONE can do. NOBODY is unable to shift, even if they believe otherwise. Of course, a positive mindset will help you shift faster, though!
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For further context, I’ve defined a few terms below~^^
CR = Current Reality     and     OR = Original Reality
CR/OR are the most popular ways to refer to the reality that you reside(d) in prior to shifting to your Desired Reality (another term I’ll define momentarily.) Though there is arguments to be had about which phrasing is more accurate, both are still generally accepted. To simplify it, the reality that you are currently in as you are reading this is considered your CR/OR.
DR = Desired Reality     and     IR = Intended Reality
DR/IR are the most popular ways to refer to the reality that you desire to shift to. Again, it’s a matter of opinion whether DR or IR should be used, but both are generally accepted.
WR = Waiting Room
A WR, or a Waiting Room, is a place that some shifters use as a midway point between their OR and their DR. As with any other reality, this place can look any number of ways, but most people tend to script a few aspects consistently, such as: 1) A bedroom and/or place to edit your scripts 2) A butler or friend of some sort (ex. Sebastian Michaelis) 3) A number of doors or other ways to enter their various DRs.
A paper or document laying out what you expect to be present within the DR! Think of it like a roadmap to wherever you’re trying to go, or filters on a search engine (or on AO3.) As a reminder, here’s the example from earlier.
Safe Word
A word that the shifter selects ahead of time that will instantly transfer them back to their Original Reality! (Alternatively, you could script that it brings you to your Waiting Room, as I have. :3c)
Similarly, one could script a ‘safe action’, such as clicking their heels three times.
Symptoms refer to physical or mental side-effects related to shifting. They are NOT necessary to shift! You can shift without having symptoms. That being said, many people do experience them in the form of dizziness, headaches, a feeling of floating, and so on.
Shifting Method
A ‘Shifting Method’ refers to a specific set of steps that someone might follow in order to shift. These can include guided meditations, performing a specific set of steps, and other things like that. There are dozens of methods, with some of the most popular being the Julia Method, the Raven Method, and the No Method.
‘Clone’ is a non-literal term for the version of your consciousness left behind once you’ve shifted to your desired reality. It is a version of you that continues to exist whilst you’re away, doing all the same things you would regularly do, typically completely unaware that you’ve shifted until you return and merge with the consciousness.
‘Permashifting’ refers to the practice of not returning to your OR after shifting to your DR. It does not mean that you cease to exist in your OR, as your clone will still be present.
Similar to ‘Permashifting’, though different in one crucial way! ‘Respawning’ refers to the practice of shifting out of your OR and severing all ties with it, thus disallowing yourself from shifting back. This CANNOT happen by accident, so don’t worry about that!
A ‘blockage’ refers to something preventing you from shifting realities. These typically include low confidence, lack of faith, and the like. However, you CAN still shift with blockages! Most people simply find it more difficult.
Positive statements that one repeats to themself to assist with belief in whatever they’re proclaiming. (Examples being ‘I have shifted’, ‘shifting is easy’, and ‘I am in my desired reality.’)
‘Subliminals’ are extremely quiet, nearly inaudible, affirmations, typically played alongside music (with or without lyrics.) They are not necessary, but do assist some people in gaining confidence or comfort in their shifting journey. Be sure to check the comments and make sure that nobody reports negative side-effects, as some subliminals are laced with negative affirmations (though they are a minority.)
Time Ratio
A ‘time ratio’ refers to a ratio set by the shifter that dictates how time in their DR passes in relation to their OR. While you could script that time simply does not pass in your OR whilst you’re ‘away’, most people script a specific (but generous) ratio of relative time passage. Commonly, these will be something along the lines of one week in their DR being equivalent to one hour in their OR.
Shifting Portal
A ‘shifting portal’ is something that one can conjure up within a lucid dream. Typically, this is how people utilize the ‘lucid dream method’ to shift realities. A portal can effectively be anything, from a door to a literal magical portal. The purpose of said portal is to act as a trigger for waking up in one’s Desired Reality. (As well, they are typically more successful if 1. the dream is stable, 2. you have said multiple specific affirmations before walking into it.)
CC = Comfort Character
I feel like most of us understand what a comfort character is, this is just how you shorten it when typing.
A specific event or set of events that you have scripted to happen at some point after you’ve arrived in your Desired Reality. (Example, one could script that they and Draco have a date at a carnival and he wins them a prize.)
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Important FAQs:
Isn’t reality shifting just lucid dreaming?
No, actually! Reality shifting is an entirely separate action/series of actions when compared to lucid dreaming. When one shifts, they are becoming aware of their consciousness in another reality, and are thusly in control of that body, and generally do not return until they want to return (unless otherwise scripted.) A lucid dream, meanwhile, takes place entirely within one’s own mind, and is not someplace you can stay indefinitely, unlike your DR. (However, you CAN use lucid dreams to trigger a shift via the aforementioned shifting portal/s.)
Isn’t Respawning/Permashifting dangerous? Don’t you have to die to do them?
Not at all! You absolutely DO NOT have to die in this reality to permashift/respawn. As well, it is not selfish to want to respawn or permashift, and is in fact fully understandable. For a more in-depth explanation, I recommend checking out this post, as they go into more detail about it than I am capable: : Respawning: A Full Rundown (tumblr.com)
What if I die in my Desired Reality!?
You’ll be okay. If one were to die in their DR, they would wake up in their OR. I am personally uncertain if you could return to that DR, though I assume that you could script that you somehow came back to life or were reincarnated. Unfortunately, the trauma of dying will still linger, so it is best that you script that you simply cannot die.
Can you move when doing a method?
Yes! Despite what early Shiftok would have you believe, you don’t have to be stiff as a board or in the starfish position or what have you to shift. Some people have even shifted whilst taking a shower!
Am I allowed to make up my own shifting method?
Of course. In fact, it’s usually encouraged! Personalizing a method to yourself really helps you grasp what does and doesn’t work for you!
How long should I try a method before switching it?
Around two to four days is recommended, from what I’ve seen. I also recommend breaks in-between method-based attempts, but they’re not strictly necessary! They just help keep you fresh and not tired. <3
If I shift to an anime, will everything be animated?
This is entirely up to you! Some people script that things appear as they do in this reality, whilst other people choose to script that things appear animated. It is entirely up to your own preference and makes no functional difference.
What if my clone is evil?
Are you evil? If no, then this is not a concern. If yes, then this is still not a concern. Your clone will not do anything that you yourself would not do. Ergo, if you wouldn’t tell your best friend to jump off a bridge, your clone won’t either.
What if I want to commit crimes in my DR, like murder?
My first advice for this is to seek help. The people within your DRs have emotions and feelings the same as you and I, ergo killing someone there is no different from killing someone in your OR.
Is it cheating to date someone in one reality, and then someone else in another?
Nope! The realities are completely separated, and would have existed regardless whether or not you were present to witness them. For all intents and purposes, they are functionally completely divorced from one another. (If this is something you’re still concerned about, however, I recommend scripting that romantic feelings do not carry between desired realities, or that you simply don’t fall in love with anyone except your one [or more] chosen person[s].)
Is it safe?
Shifting is completely safe! You cannot become stuck or unable to shift back. If you are still concerned about such things (perfectly valid feelings for something so new and strange), you can (and SHOULD) script a safe word or safe action to bring you back to your OR or WR immediately. Scripting additional safety measures (such as not being able to die, be kidnapped, etc., etc.) is also highly recommended.
What’s a good resource for more information?
My two primary sources are Reddit and Youtube. I find Youtube to be more helpful (Particularly Shimmey Shay, Cass Relf, and Kristeau!) for motivation, meditations, methods, and the like. Reddit, on the other hand, is typically more helpful for figuring out specific things that you may want to script (typically compiled in huge threads) or finding other people shifting to the same place as you that you may want to speak to (though still be sure to exercise caution when doing so.)
Is TikTok a good source of info for shifting?
Most of the time, no. It’s good for memes and motivation, maybe even the occasional storytime, but not for information. Misinformation is most often spread about shifting through tiktok, and the nasty comments don’t help much either (nor does the frequent drama.) Take everything you hear about shifting on Tiktok with a grain of salt.
Thank you for reading, and happy shifting!
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He broke through to the surface, taking large desperate gasps of air before getting sucked back beneath by the current. Danny fought against the water as hard as his little paws would allow.
Just when he felt all hope was lost and he was sinking, a large hand enveloped his entire body and hefted him back into the open air. Shivering and coughing out water he didn't catch whatever the man had said. He continued shivering violently as the guy wrung out Dannys fur.
The mans hands were warm despite the brown leather gloves covering them. They made Danny feel comforted and energized almost as if the man had...oh gods! He did! The man had ecto inside of him! Thank the ancients! Now he just had to stick with glove guy and he could recharge! It would be slow but still!
"Here we are little guy." The man said and Danny noticed all at once that the man had been walking the whole time Danny had been stuck in his head. He looked around and noticed the Animal Shelter sign in front of them.
No. No! Danny needed to stick to this guy if he ever hoped to become a human again. But despite how he dug his claws into the flesh of the mans exposed arm and yowled the man in the red mask managed to get him lose and left him in the care of an animal social worker.
Danny was checked out and placed in the tiny jail cell alongside other kittens and cats, many who were scared, miserable or just desperate for love and attention. This of course meant he needed to plot a jail break. Fortunately, he could still used most of his powers but without any ecto around he would have no way to recharge them outside of food or indulging in his obsession.
Needless to say Jason was a little startled when he woke up the next day to not one, but five little kittens meowing at him for food. He swears the one sitting smugly on his chest is the same one he dropped off at the animal shelter yesterday, but that couldn't be right...
One call confirmed it. All of thier animals had escaped last night and there was a suspiciously animal sized arch taken out of the wall with an unknown tool. Demon brat would be delighted at the news.
Unfortunately for Hood the smug little black cat he rescued yesterday had decided that his shoulder was the perfect perch and stayed there more often than not. Little guy got into food often but refused to eat kibble and any attempt to get the kitten away from the mashed potatoes resulted in violence or density shifting to get back to the food.
At this point danny almost didn't care if he returned to being human so long as he got to eat more of his humans cooking. He swears Jason is magical because everything he makes tastes amazing
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simonomaly · 2 months
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Took me almost 80 fuckin days but I have finally finished this, thank you random users on r slash halflife for the character suggestions :-D
Base used under the cut, created by Abisalli
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lordfreg · 2 months
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no text 🫰👽
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THANK YOU @sleepdeprivedbagels for being awesome!!! (>U<)/♡♡♡ THANK YOU @sweaterrat for the PORTALS AU! \(^U^)
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optiwashere · 2 months
Huh, I didn't even realize it'd been a year since BG3 came out until I opened tumblr this morning. Kinda wild. I didn't think much of the game's release: I like Larian's games, and I like the BG series. I wasn't ever going to skip the game, but I didn't think I'd play it at launch because I was busy working on a novel in 2023 and not doing well financially.
Thankfully, circumstances left me with a little bit of extra money last year just before launch and it meant I could spend on a video game. I needed a pick-me-up after said 2023 novel failed to go anywhere, and BG3 was right there. Like most CRPGs, I played it in basically every moment of free time that I had and did as much as I possibly could in one playthrough.
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It's so odd how these small happenstances can snowball into coming back to fandom, finding some friends I might've never met otherwise, and writing a lot of fanfiction along the way. I'll probably have something more interesting to say/share when it's the 14th, AKA when I sat down and wrote my first fic for this fandom.
Anyways, it's been a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to more years to come 💜
#random fandom thoughts#there's a fair few tidbits about that first fic that will be more fun to share on the 14th#but there's some fun facts about the early parts of my first playthrough:#Asheera killed Us because the player thought it was going to be a hostile intellect devourer and didn't want to deal with that at lvl1 lol#It took me several hours to recruit Gale because I didn't want to interact with the glowing portal until I was “ready”#I (the player) sent Barcus flying at first because I have a very silly sense of humor#I did reload that one because Asheera wouldn't BUT I was satisfied#and finally the one that is always entertaining considering how things ended up#I originally thought nothing of Shadowheart and didn't go into the game with any idea about romance or the companions whatsoever#all I noticed about her was that she wore Sharran symbols everywhere but tried to hide her faith#then she tried the most miserable attempt at manipulation I've ever seen in my life (when she tests you about Raphael's deal)#and she exposed herself as the Worst Sharran Possible#then came her confession of her faith and I knew something special was happening#the confession sounds so robotic and prewritten almost like it's from a canned speech she's practiced and rehearsed#and sounds more like regurgitation and being Told what to believe rather than an impassioned plea borne of bone-deep faith#the sudden shift in her tone had me thinking: “this is either atrocious character writing or fantastic characterization”#and lo and behold#anyways if you've read this far then bg3 is a very special thing for me and I love getting to create for the fandom
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ikiprian · 7 months
The DC Universe is unstable. Danny goes to investigate.
All realities are connected to and accessible from the Infinite Realms Hub through natural portals. These portals dot the surface of random planets within each universe— some are familiar, like alternate versions of Earth, some are wholly unique, like… Well, like nothing else. When Danny’s got downtime, he loves to explore them. Frostbite appreciates his efforts to expand the Infini-Map.
One universe, though, and all its affiliated pluralities has got its ecto-connection on the fritz. (And there are. So many pluralities. The timeline wraps back on itself, it’s duplicated a thousand times over, it keeps crossing over what should be parallels and resets every couple decades or so…) Something is definitely wrong.
Danny goes in as the Infinite Realm’s self-assigned plumber to see what’s what. It’ll be fun!
He pops out the other side screaming, dragging his half-melted body out a Lazarus Pit.
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jettreno · 8 months
there obv IS a prevalent and aggravating trend of stories having an antagonist who correctly identifies a flaw in society and aims to fix it but also commits atrocities along the way that the narrative claims to undermine the entire goal and then when the hero defeats them it is in the name of the status quo - but people sometimes point to legend of korra as an example of this which is so annoying bc like man how can you not understand a show written for children. every single season ends with korra defeating the villains and then saying "they had some points tho!" and then changing the status quo to address the flaw the villain identified
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urlocal-limitesshbic · 3 months
THE DRAGON TALES METHOD (lucid dream shifting method)
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Dragon Tales Tv Show
~There’s a kids show called Dragon Tales in which a sibling duo move to a new house and find a magic dragon scale hidden within an magical looking box.
~If they hold the dragon scale while saying “I wish I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart”, they’ll shift to the dragon realm where they hang out with their friends; Then when they’re ready to return they say “I wish I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.”
Inception Movie
~lucid dream totems are objects that are completely ordinary in waking life but can do something impossible in dreams.
~In the movie inception, they use a spinning top to help them know if they’re dreaming or awake. In real life a spinning top stops spinning eventually. In the dream realm however, it can spin endlessly without falling over. By spinning the top throughout the day they can quickly and subtly test whether they’re awake or dreaming
-daytime practice-
Find a crystal or stone that is flat, colorful and oval shaped. I use a labradorite crystal because of its magical + dragon scale like appearance and iridescent glow.
Keep the stone close by in a small opaque container like a ring box at all times. Keeping it in a box makes it appear more “relic-like” and magical but you can choose to forgo the box for convenience purposes and just keep it in a pocket/ on your person if you’re on the go.
Decide that this stone is actually your own personal dragon scale like from the show. In waking life it is ordinary but in the dream realm it is an active shifting portal which is indicated by its constant glow
Robotically Affirm “my dragon scale always glows in the dream realm. If I say the Incantation while holding it I will immediately shift to my dr” to yourself right before checking the scale.
After affirming, take the box and expect that when you open it, the dragon scale will be glowing.
~If you check the stone and it is not glowing, imagine what you would have done if it turned out you were in a dream. Continue to test your reality several times a day.
~If you check the stone and it IS glowing you are in a dream and are now holding an active shifting portal to your dr. Move on to step 6.
6. Hold the dragon scale and say the incantation “I wish I wish with all my heart to shift to my __ dr a land apart”. Expect to immediately shift to your dr
I don’t know about anyone else, but the second I realize I’m in a lucid dream I always feel like I’m on a ticking clock to shift before I wake up.
If you struggle with creating a portal or even remembering your intent to shift when you become lucid this method can be effective for you as well.
With this method you
1) become lucid instantly
2) your portal is the thing that induces your lucidity so you don’t have to spend extra time trying to summon one
3) helps you remember your intention to shift the second you become lucid.
The totem you use is another form of a reality check, meaning to get it to show up in a lucid dream you have a to make a habit of doing the reality check frequently in your waking life in order to get it to show up in your dreams.
You can help yourself to remember to check it by deciding on set times you will do so. You can decide that every time you leave a room/flip a light switch/ see a red car etc you will check to see if the scale is glowing. You can even set an alarm to go off every hour reminding you to test your reality.
It can take time to fully impress upon your subconscious, stay consistent!
***If this is helpful to anyone please let me know! I’m happy to answer any further questions, happy shifting! ✨
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vgtrackbracket · 2 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Cara Mia Addio from Portal 2
The Shifting Mound (Movement V) from Slay the Princess
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
The Shifting Mound (Movement V):
The final movement of a fugue that slowly builds on itself, the feeling of a trickle feeding a river feeding an ocean, of parts forming together into a greater whole.
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
Looking back on THIS POST of mine, I talked about how the female characters in TMNT 2012 get established as love interests first before establishing their characters, comparing it to how Mona Lisa gets more time to establish her character first before being established as a love interest.
To further prove this little "theory", I looked back on all the girls introduction scenes and timed them, to see how long their introduction lasted before being establishing as a romantic interest.
Keep in mind these are the numbers I personally got when conducting this "study", it may not be fully accurate but a good estimate.
April - 14.95 seconds
Karai - 11.51 seconds
Renet - 25.50 seconds to 1 minute & 26 seconds
There's two because it's up for interpretation. Mikey's first glance at her doesn't fully tell the audience he's crushing on her, more hinting at it, but the second he starts actually flirting with her makes it abundantly clear.
Mona Lisa - 2 minutes & 53 seconds
Shinigami - 1 minute & 22 seconds
It may actually be shorter, but I began her timer when April started to "sense" her presence.
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thoughtfulrobot · 1 year
Playing a video game is like reading a book but you suffer more. Because on top of the regular painful story stuff, you have to deal with things like puzzles, spawncampers, racist children, cactuses, parkour, and priests that will insta-kill you with their laser eyes.
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llumimoon · 1 year
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Did NOT have time to draw Henry birthday art today so instead take this wip of Hen and Mercedes first meeting in an AU of mine <3 tehe
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This is INSANE LMFAO I CANNOT BELIEVE I FUCKING DEFEATED THEM no wonder why they felt so gahdamn real I ain't ever fought an energy that was that FUCKING TERRIFYINGLY TANGIBLE I could still feel their prints on my entire body for hours after waking up after intentionally entering a portal through the dreamworld. They felt fucking realer than fucking humans. They wouldn't let me wake the fuck up in my own room until I energetically beat their ass.
I wanted to know what the fuck happened to me in the portal and what the fuck was that I just encountered and then I fucking see this lmfao baby I'm a terrifyingly undefeated ancient spiritual warrior my soul's ancient you can't defeat me and I know you're mad about that😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 I wasn't playing when I said EVIL FEAR ME
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If I can defeat them, I can fucking defeat ANYTHING...............
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lordfreg · 2 months
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🫰👽 @sweaterrat is so pretty 2 meeee 💛🍋
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cocoatonedcurls · 2 months
hii !!
Short post for today - 8/8 🙈
Today marks the day of the Lions' Gate Portal opening !! So you can manifest today easier than ever. Your energy will be amplified as it is received by the universe, so go take advantage of it! 🤭
This year's portal is especially powerful as the number 888 is present, 8/8/8 (2+0+2+4)
8 represents infinity and abundance so it will be SUPER EASY to manifest ANYTHING, especially today :)
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What is the Lions' Gate Portal?
In short, it is a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms. this occurrence happens every year, starting on 8/8 and lasting for a week when an alignment between the star Sirius with Orions' belt and Earth, amplifies cosmic energy between the spiritual and physical realms.
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How to use this energy
Its no different to how you would usually manifest, use whatever techniques/methods you usually do for manifesting 🤗
But, I've heard of very successful methods to do especially on this day, like
Robotic Affirming - repeating affirmations for an amount of time, eg. 20 mins
Diary entry as your future self - write a diary entry a year from now describing your dream life as if you're living it, eg. 'Dear Diary, my life is everything I could've wanted; I have ___ and ______' etc. really visualise and feel yourself living that life. Remember that there are no limits so don't hold back 🫶 [Idea from @hothighpriestess on tt]
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There's not much else to say now except go and manifest and use this energy because its so powerful 😇
- li 🌘
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I personally never believed in the "Cave Johnson and Caroline are Chell's parents" theory or the "Doug Rattmann is Chell's dad" theory
Cave and Caroline are white
Doug is white
Chell is a woman of color
Now yes it is implied that whoever her parents were at least one of them worked for Aperture Science
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