#She's... She'll be stressed for sure but also I'm curious about how she'll feel about the new characters
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lipglossboy · 1 year ago
My mom when Bob was sent down to turn the electricity back on in the lab - "I feel sick. I don't want anything to happen to Bob. This show is sick… I mean if they kill Bob."
She keeps picking the exact right characters to worry about 😭
#Season 2 is really good imo but I'm excited for her reaction to season 4#She's... She'll be stressed for sure but also I'm curious about how she'll feel about the new characters#Ugh I just hate the whole Soviet Union plotline it drags on way too much for me#Like it goes in circles and so many moments feel like a waste of time for something that isn't even fun?#Like if we're gonna drag something out let's drag out the Hawkins hijinks#Follow Jason's endeavors. Learn more about his backstory and what the people of Hawkins are thinking right now#Would rather that over the whole weirdness with Yuri and whatever else#I wonder if my mom will be confused about will being in love with Mike or if she'll get it#She's really not good at TV stuff lol but I think it would be funny if even she picked up on that after the whole debacle#(I'm of the opinion that it was extremely obvious that he's in love with Mike and it didn't need to be said#Bc it makes sense for his character and not everything needs to be spoonfed to you)#But my mom also suspected max for the whole rotting crops thing#And thought the purpose of showing kids ostracizing will was to show us that they know there's something wrong with him sjdjdjd#So I'd be more surprised if she got it than if she didn't#Pleasantly surprised#Certain things she does well with#I'm maybe being too harsh#But I do keep needing to tell her when something is a flashback#We'll seeeee#My prediction for how she will respond to Eddie's lunch table behavior: “what the fuck? Oh no”
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illarian-rambling · 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck!
OC Deep Dive 🦾🎀
Let's do a two for one with Astra and Mashal :)
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Hm, that's a tough one. Astra doesn't scare easily when it comes to physical things. I'd say failure is a big fear of hers, or letting down the people she loves.
It's bugs. Ignoring all the existential stuff, Mashal is terrified of bugs. Spiders especially, but anything that crawls makes him uncomfortable. The other big one is losing his humanity.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who talk down to her will set Astra off like a firecracker. She's had more than enough of that in her time. People who are willing ignorant also piss her off, especially if that ignorance hurts others.
As a former army brat, Mashal does get a little tetchy around messy spaces. He won't get on people about it, but he will clean up unprompted. He also can't stand bullies or anyone who hurts people for their own gain.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A full chemistry set, lots of scrap fabric, and way too many fancy pillows.
He doesn't sleep, so he doesn't have a bedroom, but if he did, it would have a sketchbook, some candles he can stare at while meditating, and a few practice swords hung on the wall.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their clothes, I'd say. Astra can tell a lot about a person by what they wear and how they care for their garments. Also, their sense of fashion can be telling.
I think as an artist, Mashal picks up on unique features first. A crooked jaw, especially beautiful eyes, an unusual expression - anything that makes someone stand out. Consequently, he's also just good at remembering faces in general.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A six, but she thinks it's a nine. She also carries the fantasy equivalent of those berserker mushrooms at all times, so if she's hurt, she'll do drugs about it and keep going.
He has no sense of pain as a robot, but if he's ever returned to his human form, it's gonna be a rude awakening the first time he stubs his toe on something.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
It kinda depends. If her friends are with her, she'll tend towards fight. If she's alone though, she often freezes up.
Fight, all the way. In moments of stress, Mashal's brain will all but shut off as he starts swinging.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Astra's family is just her and her two moms, but she loves them dearly. Every cent she makes goes towards paying off their debtor contracts, and she writes them frequently.
Mashal doesn't remember his family. He assumes his parents are alive and he's pretty sure he has an older brother, but anything more than that is a mystery. He hopes to find them someday once he's human again.
What animal represents them best?
I'm tempted to go with a black cat solely because she's a witch, but I feel like she's more high energy than that. In that case, maybe some sort of monkey? Clever, curious, loud, and a little vicious.
A horse, I think. Some sort of retired warhorse that likes to run and nuzzle your hair, but will kick if you get too close.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Formaldehyde. It gives her headaches.
He has no sense of smell :(
Have they broken any bones?
Yup. She broke her arm at the end of book one and has broken a few fingers in the past when she wasn't careful enough with her tinkering.
He has no bones :(
(Mashal doesn't remember, but as a boy, he did fracture his skull when he fell down a flight of stairs. He also broke the same ankle twice during sparring. His squad did tease him for this.)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Oh gods, what an outfit she had! I don't think I've ever seen that many colors on one garment, and she must've sewn half the ribbons from here to Yewbury into the lining. The embroidery was fantastic. It was loud enough you hardly noticed the woman wearing it. She was pretty short, I think. I wanna say she was mixed Skolander and Shuari, given the dark curls and blue eyes. Her skin was kind of an amber brown, but she had these pale splotches under her eyes and mouth. Vitiligo, I think? Her makeup was also quite loud, but somehow matched the outfit. There was just a lot going on there, in general."
"Damn, I don't think I've ever seen a robot in these parts. The fucker was huge, had to be close to seven feet tall. Kinda scary looking, to be honest, with those glowing white eyes. But, I don't know, he seemed nice. His face didn't seem like it moved much, but he looked like he was smiling. He was wearing very heavy clothing with a bandana over his head. The only bronze uncovered was his face and hands. I would've thought he was sick in the head wearing such heavy clothes in this heat, except, well, I guess a robot wouldn't care about that."
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Very much a night owl, verging on actual insomnia. Getting up before 11 is a herculean trial.
He doesn't sleep, but if he did, he'd be an early bird. Man is ready for bed at 9:30 sharp.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Astra hates the taste of rice. As a kid, that was basically all she had to eat in the summers and she would frequently come down with pellagra because she was so malnourished. A flavor she loves is barbecue. She's from the fantasy south, so I think this one is self-explanatory.
He has no sense of taste, but from vibes alone, he knows he definitely has a sweet tooth.
Do they have any hobbies?
Really, she's good with any type of fiber art, but Astra loves to embroider. All her clothes sport little bits of embroidery. I'm also going to say magic because she loves it even though it's her job.
Mashal enjoys art, usually with a pencil, but he branches out into paint sometimes. He also likes to read. Any genre is fine, so long as it's fiction and not too dark. I feel like he'd love anime if it existed on Illaros for some reason.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
She'd definitely jump, then complain about why it had to be a secret because she already knew what she wanted to do for her birthday. Even so, she would be very appreciative of the effort.
Mashal has no idea when his birthday is, so it'd be a double surprise for him if someone popped out and declared that today's the day. After making sure they're not just fucking with him, he'd get quite teary (not actually, but the vibe is there), thank them profusely, and spend the rest of the night being told to sit down and quit trying to take care of things, this is your party, damnit!
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. Astra always has some earrings on and frequently wears rings and bracelets. Most of this is costume jewelry.
Gold jewelry is very important in Sulu'Okan culture, so he definitely would, he just can't afford any right now.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Surprisingly neat. She writes in full, founding father cursive.
Surprisingly messy. He tends towards chicken scratch.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Indignation and the desire to help.
Protectiveness and fury.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Astra could rank every fabric ever on a numbered scale, but I think her all-time favorite is satin.
He honestly has no opinion on this, so he'd probably just say satin also. My man doesn't know burlap from chiffon, give him a break.
What kind of accent do they have?
Lol, read any of her dialog and it's obvious. Astra has a strong southern accent, more similar to a Georgia drawl than some Texas twang.
Honestly, Mashal is my one character that I feel has no accent (aka same accent as me), so I guess upper south. He does speak very softly, though, and has a bit of a stutter at times. His voice also tends to go static when he yells.
I'll tag @willtheweaver @theink-stainedfolk @kaylinalexanderbooks @nczaversnick @watermeezer and anyone else who wants to play :)
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tia-amorosa · 4 months ago
Sunset Died - The Loners
Part 2
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Autumn took a few steps towards him. “Hey, what's wrong, you look so depressed”. Hank looked into the distance for a moment. “Pauline came to see me briefly this morning."/ ‘Oh… And what did she want?’/ ‘Nothing more than to tell me that I'm not the father of her child’/ ”aah… I see. And that bothers you now?”.
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Hank shook his head quickly. “No… No, it doesn't bother me. I'm actually quite happy that it turned out like this. I just hope he turns out to be a good father"/ ‘I'm sure you would have been’ too/ ”yeah… Maybe I will be one day. Are you all right?” he asked her as he hugged her.
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“mhm, I'm always fine when I see you. It's a bit stressful at home. Leila is pregnant and Gage is always cleaning"/ ‘And the other one, what was her name again?’/ ”Twyla… She draws pictures to kill time. Everyone does their own thing here, but I like to be outside sometimes and wait for a miracle to happen"/ …
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“I stopped believing in miracles a long time ago… It's only a matter of time before we all starve to death here"/ ”Don't say that. I'm sure we'll still be helped. We just have to be patient…"/ ”hm, I'll have to practise that again. I'm already glad that I got a few cans from the Altos”.
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“They've tried as best they can to divide everything up… Hey, don't be so pessimistic, everything will be fine”. Hank smiled a little. Apparently Autumn always managed to take his mind off things. Then he took her hand. “Hm… What do you say we go to my place? You're already getting a red nose"/ ‘hnhn, o.k.’/ ‘I've also prepared a surprise for you…’/ ‘I'm curious about that,’ she said with a smile and gave him a kiss. then they set off on the long walk to his house.
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The walk to Hank's house was really long. And the longer you had to walk, the more the cold drew into your body, despite the movement. “mh, it smells good in here“/”you think? I haven't really done anything except a bit of cleaning"/ ‘hnhn, that does make a difference’.
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“But not much has happened down here"/ ”I wanted to take care of the bedroom first. You complained about the beds, so… I thought of something” / ‘well then…’. Naturally, she was curious as to what he had been doing up there and quickly made her way up the stairs.
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Once upstairs, it was a bit of a surprise for her. “How did you come up with the idea of building a Viking bed?”/ “I read a book the other day where were described a bed like this… Well… I thought I'd give it a try. It's sturdy, anyway…”. She looked mischievously at the bed. “I still have to see for myself”. Then she turned to him. “I think we both know what else we can use this for… don't we?”.
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Hank and Autumn have been a couple for a few weeks now. But no one has really noticed yet, except her flatmates. Hank didn't want to make a big deal of it for the time being either. But they get on very well and seem to have a few things in common. And he didn't worry about Pauline any more - what was, is over.
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While Autumn spends time with Hank, Twyla has retreated to her room with a book. “Knowing her, she'll be spending the night with him anyway. We've known each other for so long, she's become my best friend. But at the moment, I have the feeling we're growing apart. . and the other two… only have eyes for themselves”.
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In fact, Gage and Leila enjoy every free minute together. “nhnhn, why don't you put me down again, you. “/ “I'd carry you to the end of the world if it came down to it”/ “I already feel like I'm at the end of the world here, Gage”.
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He carefully stood her back on the floor. “I know it's anything but easy at the moment. But most people here still have hope…"/ ”I do, too… But how much longer is this going to last? If something doesn't happen soon, the next generation won't survive for long here.”
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After Leila and her fiancé had finished talking, they both went to their beds. There were only single beds, no bed for two where they could have cuddled or warmed each other up. But again, Beau had made sure that no one in the house had to freeze. …
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Sometimes unexpected things happen at night. For example, the chicks hatch from their fertilized eggs. And there are quite a few of them, so they can be distributed among the people. Or you can make a delicious roast from them when they are fully grown.
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Gage gets up particularly early. He is often the first to check on the animals. “What a nice surprise. I always thought there would be fewer chicks in winter. Our baby won't be born until next year. Until then, I can still practise a little with you, hnhn. Hmm… I'll call you Fluffy… Although, I don't even know if you're male or female, but I think the name fits. If you get too cold, lie under your mother's belly and she'll keep you warm”. After he had set the chick down again, he stood outside for a moment and watched the sun rise. Until it got too cold for him and he went back into the house.
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vee-crytraps · 10 months ago
what would you say each brothers favorite thing about y/n is?
Also congrats on getting your masters!
Oooh this is a good one! TY FOR THE CONGRATS IM SO EXCITED <3 More under the cut! It's so long whoops
Dick loves that he can be his whole self around her. Dick grew up with the high-flying acrobat part of him being a part of him, but now he has to split himself in two to be Nightwing, if that makes sense? Usually the non-masked friends that know his secret can never really understand the depth of his troubles and responsibilities. And while he loves his hero friends, it's nice to be able to talk to people who don't carry around the same sort of baggage. Y/n gives him the best of both worlds. He can talk to her openly about every aspect of his life and have her understand. She knows how Bruce is, has been there for a lot of their fights and also doesn't work for him. Tim loves y/n for being straightforward and curious. Outside of the whole CEO thing and being Robin/Red Robin, Tim burns himself out by checking up on everyone in one way or another. Although he often neglects his own basic needs, he spends a lot of his energy making sure Bruce doesn't have to stress about Wayne Enterprises, door dashing healthy food to Babs and checking up on Jason when he hasn't laid eyes on him in a while. But when he hangs out with y/n, he can turn his brain off. She does all the planning, picks where they eat and most importantly communicates in an open in clear way. He doesn't have to read her micro expressions or whatever to deduce that she's having a blast. She'll let him know. "This food is delicious!" "Ugh, let's go somewhere else." "I'm tired. Wanna head out?" "I'm kinda over this place. How do you feel?" "That was awesome! We should go again next week!"
They're both the type of people who will pull out their phones during a conversation to look something up. "Yeah, that blonde guy was in it! Ugh, what was his name?" googles 'captain America' "Chris Evans! Wait, his dad was a dentist? Omg we have to look into this." Jason likes that she's soft in every way. Usually his type is more 'this person can kick my ass' but it's not be all end all (he is dating Isabel on Prime Earth). Much like Dick, he can be honest about every part of himself with y/n, even the parts of them that are soft. Personality wise, Kiss Me More/GLB! Jason is closer to Gotham Knights Jay, where he's healing from a lot of the anger and trauma, going to therapy and reading the Classics as well as a few girlypop TikTok novellas. It's been good for his soul, but he's low-key embarrassed about it and he knows Y/N loves that shit (she's 18- literally the demographic for this stuff). Not growing up so close to the hero thing, she's all about self care and rest. He can slow down with her. Damian has grown to admire her greatly for her patience. This man is the son of Talia and Bruce. He's spend his entire life being groomed for one thing or another, preparing to be responsible for the fate of the world. He's been hardened into an untrustworthy creature, and hides a lot of his insecurities by saying shit he doesn't mean. Y/n, Dick and Jon are the only ones who have really always seen past the entitled asshole exterior. Even Bruce loses patience for it. Y/n makes him feel seen. She's one of the only people he's never had to explain himself to or preform for. When it comes to Damian, she just knows. That's why he's been convinced that they belong together.
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the-depths-of-hyrule · 1 year ago
Maybe my first post on this blog should be something that's a little more simple, but this wasn't a blog I even expected myself to make so I guess things on here will be spontaneous.
Anyways, here's the chapter one of the Ganondorf origin story fic I'm trying to write.
(I guess I should also post some context to why I even decided to write this, so I'll make a separate post and update with the link here)
Creating a King
"Lady Sashi! You must see this!"
The almost shrill voice followed the desperate sprint of a few Gerudo as they entered the throne room.
"What is wrong? Are we under attack?"
"No, it's..." With a long pause, she announced, "a new king has been born."
Hearing those words, the Chieftain rose from her half relaxed position. She watched as a woman came in, her arms cupped a small bundle of fabric. She reached the throne and dropped to her knees presenting the bundle.
"He's healthy... A healthy baby boy."
Sashi got up, falling to the ground as well as she moved the sheets to better see the child. There was no mistaking it, the sole male--their future king--was peacefully sleeping before her.
Sashi saw the onlookers who cluttered the room. She stood up and with a wave of her hand said, "leave here! Me and this new mother need to have a word in private."
The room slowly emptied. No matter their orders, the guards grew curious at the phenomenon they hadn't expected to happen in their lifetime. However, the knew to obey their chieftain's words and scattered after a few moments.
Sashi looked to the mother. The only one of their kind to birth a male and saw how she stared at her son.
"What is your name?"
The woman looked up after a second. "Kotake."
"Kotake, this is something none of us are ever fully prepared for. However, as our rule commands, your son will become our king."
Kotake's mouth turned up into a smile and she let out an almost shocked laugh.
"Might I ask how old he is?"
Kotake dropped her gaze. "Only a few days."
Sashi grunted. "Don't lie to me. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't already know."
Kotake swallowed hard. With a trembling hand to her chest she said, "about four months."
"I figured. He looked a bit too old to be a newborn... Why did you keep him a secret for so long?"
"I-I just didn't know what to do."
"You should have brought him here."
"I know I should have, but I didn't know if it would... Be accepted."
"Hm? Did you think we would banish you and your son?"
Kotake didn't have to say anything to answer her. "With the past males bringing our people down a dark path, I wasn't sure how to feel about it." Her words trailed.
"It must have frightened you when you had a son." Sashi looked to the child.
It was hard for her to imagine that this fresh faced youth would grow up to be a vicious monster capable of destroying the entire world as she knew it. However, Sashi knew exactly what she was going to do.
"You have nothing to worry about." Kotake looked to Sashi. "You and anyone else in your family will be moved to the palace walls. Once your are settled, we'll discuss what will happen."
"W-what do you mean?"
Sashi gave her a soft smile. "I don't mean anything bad. If anything I mean the complete opposite."
Kotake still looked worried, but she got up--taking her baby with her.
"So I assume you're going to name him Ganondorf?" Sashi asked returning to her throne.
"Of course."
"Good. Please wait outside while I call Ransi. She'll escort you back to your home, help you collect your things, and help bring you back here."
"Alright, thank you... Lady Sashi."
Kotake started to leave. She was holding on tightly to the baby and Sashi couldn't tell if it was a grasp of adoration or one of suppressed stress.
Regardless, Sashi couldn't treat him like a normal baby. If Kotake was stressed, then maybe he wasn't reacting because that eased him. She didn't want to think like this, but it was hard not to. Hard not to think of the legends that existed before theirs of the horrors one man brought.
Even if they were nothing but slanderous tales meant to vilify their people, she knew better than to think there wasn't any truth to it. She knew some parts of it were true and had a plan in case she lived during the time of their king's birth.
Being lost in thought, she got up and went to the training barracks. Only a few stood continuing their training, but she knew her second-in-command would always be there. The first to arrive and last to leave.
Said woman looked from her monitoring and turned to the stairs.
"Yes, Lady Sashi?"
"Come. I need a word with you."
Sashi didn't wait and returned to the throne room where she sat down waiting for Ransi to arrive. She did so promptly and stood in front of her chieftain.
"I believe this news is still unknown to the townspeople, but a young woman named Kotake had given birth to a son."
Ransi's eyes went wide. "S-she has?"
"Yes. We are prepared for this though. I intend to bring her here to live; she'll raise her son and once he is old enough, we'll begin his training so he's able to fulfill his role as king."
Ransi tried to calm herself. "Yes... I... I never expected this to happen."
"We never do. You are aware I did think of a plan in case it did during my reign."
"Are you not upset at your role being revoked?"
"Of course not. We follow every other rule of the Gerudo, what makes this different?" Ransi dropped her gaze and said nothing. "Anyways, he's another hundred years too early to replace me anyways. Until I feel he is fit to govern over our people, he will remain as nothing but a next in line."
Ransi bit her tongue before sighing. "I see..."
"Hm? You seem as if you want to say something."
Ransi kept her eyes cast downward, but she said what was on her mind. "I can't help but worry he'll bring Gerudo Town to ruin. No matter how you attempt to train him, he may feel your rule is problematic and-"
"And nothing. You will refrain from talk like that."
"Urk, I-I didn't mean to disrespect you."
"It's not me you're disrespecting." Sashi looked to the bustling town just outside the walls she resided in. "It's that young man you're affecting. How would you like to be told you're a monster while everyone else fears your very existence?"
Ransi pursed her lips and said nothing.
"So, while he's growing up, you and everyone will treat him no different than the other young girls. In doing so, this should help to keep his mind right."
Ransi gave a curt nod, saying nothing else to the command.
"Good. So, for now, go and assist the young mother. I told her to wait outside for you."
"Right, will do."
Ransi wasted no time and about faced, leaving Sashi to herself once more. She couldn't even hear the noise of the town anymore, all her thoughts here occupied by how the coming years were going to play out.
She knew she would try her best, but nothing could guarantee her success.
"It's all a gamble in the end."
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imogenkol · 2 years ago
I’m curious about your thoughts on Bix in that leaked teaser because I’m VERY worried about her storyline 😞
!!!!! thank you for asking!!! I am hella stressed about it too and I've got some long winded scrambled thots under the cut here:
As we know, she obviously isn't in/never mentioned in Rogue One and sometimes that implies a prequel character is doomed by the narrative so my main fear is that her story is going to end in her death. There's also a few lines from Cass in RO that could reinforce that theory (ie: him telling Jyn she isn't the only one who lost everything). Apart from me being totally biased, I do think it'd be a waste of her character, especially since she was criminally underutilized in s1 imo
anywho, from the poor quality clips/screencaps I've seen (I will admit that it can be kinda tough to tell who is who and some scenes flash by so quickly) it looks like Bix might be struggling a lot with feeling like her life is out of her control, even after at least a year time jump from s1. I do think it looks like she is the one who goes after Gorst either as revenge or to regain the control she lost or both. Then that shot of her in bed with the blaster could be the aftermath of that encounter, whether she succeeded or failed. If that's true then it doesn't look like it made her feel any better. But I imagine she'll be a very broken version of herself from when she first appeared in ep 1 because she basically did lose everything and was tortured to near insanity
All of this must have radicalized her, but it's hard to say what kind of rebel she'll be. I hope her storyline is centered mostly on herself, her healing, and the kind of person she wants to be in the war against the Empire. Based on the trailer and some set pictures I've seen, it looks like she’ll thankfully be taking on a more active role and I'd really enjoy seeing her kick some ass. At least for herself considering she had to get rescued a couple of times in s1.
It also very much looks like they're putting her back with Cass and, my own personal ship biases aside, I don't really like that at all. I really love the history and dynamic they share and I thought they made it pretty explicit that any romantic ties between them were cut. I've seen people theorize that she isn't in the right state of mind and might be grasping for any physical connection that makes her feel safe - which can make sense given the trauma she went through - but idk I wish we could explore more of a nuanced friend/familial relationship between her and Cass. I know it’s his show, but I really don’t want to see her be reduced to a romantic prop for him or god forbid she’s that and he loses her to further fuel his storyline. Either way, Bix is in a very vulnerable emotional state and I'm not sure any love interest would be necessary for her (yes I know how ironic that is coming from me and my many oc x canon google docs lmao) at least not until she's had the proper time to heal.
All this to say that it looks like they're setting her up for another pretty tragic arc next season and I hope the payoff doesn't end in complete emotional devastation, but this is one of, if not THE darkest star wars stories out there 🙃
These thoughts of course are just based off a grainy one minute teaser trailer that could very well be purposefully deceptive considering the show hasn't even finished filming yet. But I'd love to hear other people's thoughts too!
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darkconsumed · 16 days ago
hi hello here to scream my thoughts about the 2 episode premiere so don't click the read-more cause there are SPOILERS below!!
alrighty so much to unpack for so many characters but lets go!!!
shauna "girl kisser" shipman right off the bat, is VALIDATING and you know what? good for her. also melissa real as all hell to be, if this is the case, making sure she gets to survive lol make-out with the craziest one there who could and would slice her to bits? smart, smart work!
sticking with shauna lol the worlds biggest hater xD the way she was just going off in her journal was *chef kiss* and amusing like yesss, baby go off, crashout like you're allowed to do so! so i'm tickled pink and can't wait to see just how unhinged she's going to be this season!!
switching gears to lottie, what a queen. like damn showing up lookin like that? that diva might get locked up and locked down, but she's always gonna be dressed to impress and will not stand for anything less
also her conversation with callie after shauna shut the door on her like lmao "yea, she did that" to callie saying "what, just gonna tell her no and to get off the lawn" so so funny
am really intrigued with what's to come with lottie and callie and if lottie is going to be the one to tell her everything that happened out there, if only to help explain what she [callie] saw at the compound and to make it make sense to her. so def going to be a curious and fun dynamic to see explored and dived into
gonna need more lottie/misty interactions cause i'm sorry, it was great to see them together if only because misty was there to babysit lol but lottie forgiving her and trying to help her forgive herself for natalie? beautiful, give me 14 episodes of them together, my babies
van was such as a sassy shit head but she earned it cause, again, i called it with tai being the one to call things out tho i feel like that was overall a shared thought we all had so either way! to hear it confirmed from van was nice even tho it does suck especially "the fucked up irony of it all is that you still wound up gay married to fucking a woman" like ouch. but it was the 90's so that makes sense, to a degree
it was so cute to see them together and dine and ditching even tho the waiter died and thaaaat, that i think the wilderness had something to do with. i might just be delulu and thinking too much into it, but the fact that lottie told van at the end of s02 "you'll see" makes me think that maybe, the wilderness has kind of final destination-y vibe to death? like give a life to earn a life? idk idk idk! but taivan being cute and hot, my loves, i've missed them
i know i'm the only one to care about jeff, but that poor man is stressed lmao so i wonder how bad he's going to crashout this season and if maybe, he'll survive the season, we'll see!
my heart broke for travis, watching him with the duck and just how...done and checked out he seems like. this is very much the start of him going down the wrong path to help cope with the grief and loss of javi and their dad. and overall just not knowing what to do with himself out there
i don't think nat is going to be antler queen for long which i'm sure she'll be relieved for cause it just seems to be a stressful fucking thing playing camp counselor ( as she called it ) and dealing with the team dealing with "dumb girl shit" def not a role she asked to be thrown into but i am hopeful that she does her best to keep everyone together to survive whatever is going to be thrown at them all next
okay circling back to shauna/melissa. more and more i'm starting to believe that melissa is survivor #8 and it showed in the ending of ep02 with shauna calling to ask about who picked up the phone and asking for a description of the woman that claimed it. like the way she just kinda "oh shit" and also the glimpse of the blonde woman who has been following her throughout both episodes so!!!
then again mystery woman could be, and this is another theory i've been thinking about, is a possible family member of one of the girls that didn't survive, coming to look for answers cause they didn't buy whatever story the team gave upon their rescue
overall, super excited to see what's to come with this season!!!
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dalchiid · 2 years ago
She's back to crying all the time. It was nice when she was becoming strong and not letting everything bother her. I love the patience Hoseok has with her, but I wonder when it will run out. I also wonder when he'll really open his eyes and see. Yeah, I knew jimin was on to them or at least suspected something. I hope he keeps playing detective. Idk why I'm just so annoyed and frustrated with her and namjoon. Him waiting until their intimate moment was over was very... weird. Why does he like her? What does he see in her to make him appear to be the trustworthy gentleman? He knows she wants to run away. What is he gonna do with that info? I feel like because he likes her, he won't say anything to Hoseok, and because he loves his brother, he won't help her. I'm very curious to see how things progress. Please excuse my rant, I'm just getting thoughts out.
Yeah being with Hoseok is really wearing her down. I'm sure she'll feel better soon but for now she's emotional. Hoseok crossed the line by controlling her mind again and this is after they found the kidnapped woman. She was triggered and when Hoseok did that it just made her feel stressed out. It's why she snapped at him and started crying
So far Hoseok comes off like he'll never change and it doesn't help that he's been treated like he never does anything wrong. It's why Namjoon said that maybe if they would have nurtured his problems a little less then maybe he wouldn't have turned out like this.
It's understandable to be upset with Y/N and Namjoon. Despite her feeling upset with Hoseok they are crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed and now that she's made an enemy of Jimin she has to be careful.
Yeah he was so calm about catching Y/N and Hoseok. It makes you want to question why. Did he know something was up and wanted to interrupt or was it totally an innocent mistake when he just wanted to check up on Y/N?
We'll find out one day why Namjoon likes her. For now the man is shrouded in mystery.
Now that he knows she wants to run away what will he do with that information? He likes Y/N but he also as loyalties that ties him to his brothers. The man just might have a plan but what's it about? We sha'll see.
I don't mind the rant 😊 I'm here to read it all!
0 notes
A witchy hookup
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The Red Widow AU
Summary: You didn't expect to find Wanda Maximoff doing body shots in the bar across from your apartment but you weren't about to complain when she looked so damn good!
Natasha isn't happy when she hears and makes sure to tell Wanda that.
Warnings: 18+ Minors will be blocked adult themes, swearing, general violence Dark!Y/n
Words: 2,968
Once again your day was fucking ruined, all you wanted was to be left alone for a day but shield agents wanted a piece of you instead, fighting 40 soldiers really takes it out of you, now time to drink your pain away then go and see if Scarlet wanted any action. Who were you kidding? She always wanted some. 
When you entered the bar you didn’t expect to find an avenger drowning her sorrows in body shots off a random guy but it was a nice surprise non the less “room for one more?” You slid up next to the woman taking the lime from her fingertips forcing her to look your way, Wanda Maximoff wasn't as popular as the other avengers but by god she was hotter than any of them combined, she was also someone you could corrupt and use, or maybe just have some fun with before getting to Natasha.
The witch turned her head to you and smiled wide letting the words fall from her “fuck you’re hot” she quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment but you laughed it off, she was gonna be fun “oh don’t worry sweet one, I think you’re hot too, now come on take the lime from the stranger” you placed the lime in your mouth giving her a wink.
She leaned into you slowly taking the lime from your mouth and never breaking eye contact. When she pulled away she totally forgot the rules of taking body shots and instead kissed you softly, when she pulled away you were wide eyed surprised “well this is going quicker than I expected but I'm not complaining"  
You pulled her through the bar away from the curious onlookers and into a spare room where the avenger quickly pushed you against the door attaching her lips to your neck “you’re a feisty little witch aren’t you? The robot man not fucking you properly?” 
Wanda maximoff stopped her assault on your neck looking down solemnly for a moment “we’re not together anymore…that’s why I’m in a dingy bar”
You nodded and lifted her chin up with your fingers bringing her attention back to you “his loss princess, I have a place right across the street, let me make you feel special” Wanda nodded shyly running her hands up and down your back confirming further she wanted you “don’t keep me waiting then”
You wound your hand around her neck "don't be a brat Wanda, I don't care how powerful you are I will dumb you down to nothing with just my hand" the sudden glossy look in her eyes made you smile, knowing she understood "good girl"
The two of you left the bar and you made it to your apartment in record time, you hoped to god scarlet wasn't waiting for you, luckily for you she was nowhere to be seen as you closed the door to your bedroom and watched her take her shirt off admiring her chest "that bra leaves nothing to the imagination" you laughed 
"Just shut up and make me forget my own name"
"aye aye captain"  
You were woken up slowly by the door opening and Scarlet giving a long whistle while leaning against the door
You shushed the woman hoping the noise didn’t wake Wanda up but Scarlet didn't listen "Wanda's looking a little haggard" 
"Wow bitchy much? I was coming back to sleep with you last night but I saw her at the bar doing body shots off of a man, I couldn't let that happen to this poor witch" you kissed the top of the brunette’s head slipping out of the bed and pulling on a baggy shirt from the floor and leaving the room with Scarlet following close behind.
“So what’s your plan here? Kill her while she's sleeping? It's a little cliché but direct and she'll never see it coming" Scarlet always gets excited about killing, it was almost stressful and unnerving "no Scar I think I will"
You slapped her on the back of the head to stop her talking “will you shut up, she doesn’t know who I am properly, to her I’m just someone she hooked up with and made her forget about the robot, I’ll send her back to the compound with her hickeys and handprints on her ass, she’ll be so shocked when she finds out who I really am, then we'll attack them where it hurts” 
Before Scarlet could say something you heard some movement coming from the bedroom making you smile "ah the witch is awake, better get back in there" you quickly moved back into the room smiling at Wanda as she stretched her limbs high above her head "well good morning beautiful, rough night?" you smirked and straddled the redhead's waist placing a kiss on her nose making her giggle "you were definitely better than Vision"
You scoffed "I sure hope I was better than a toaster" you two kissed lazily until a phone call pulled the witch away from you and she groaned when she saw who was calling "it's Tony, he probably needs me back in the compound" she pouted and but you waved her off "not a problem princess, I've got things to do today too, hopefully I'll see you again though? You are a lot of fun"
You got off of her lap reluctantly and watched as she padded around the room looking for her clothes "oh yeah, I don't think I can stay away from you" giving you a final kiss on the lips she answered the phone and left the apartment being watched by her variant walking around the place "hmm I do like us better as a redhead" 
"You are really jealous aren't you?" You had snuck up behind Scarlet but instead of flinching she lent back into your hold with your arms wrapping around her waist "not jealous, I just want to get to the point, you want her out of the way so you can get near Nat and yet here you are slapping skin together" 
You instantly cringed at her words "slapping skin? Why are you like this?"
She just laughed you off "I'm going to get breakfast, rest up buttercup and think hard about your plan"
"Wanda where the hell have you been?! We have some intel on this new threat" Tony rambled as she sat down next to Nat who leaned over to her ear "that hickey can be seen from space Wands, Vision finally get you on your back? I didn't think he had lips to suck anything"
Wanda kicked Nat under the table and set her a glare "do you have to be so crude?"
"Yes because you finally got laid after weeks of moping around the place, the sexual frustration was coming off of you in waves, so how was he? Electrifying?" she tried hiding her laugh but was clearly failing.
Wanda shook her head laughing along with the Russian "it wasn't with Vision...we broke up and I went to a bar, after doing body shots of a bartender a hot woman came over to me and you know we just ended up in bed, after she told me not to be a brat..." wanda whispered she really didn't want the guys to hear their conversation, cue weeks of teasing and guys being annoying
Nat let out a little squeal "omg! You're finally coming out, that's great!”
"I was dating a robot Nat I don't think I've ever been straight" the women shared another laugh but Tony coughed making them stop and they gave their full attention to the playboy billionaire.
He continued on with his speech "now! We have imaging of this new threat, take a look at the picture, memorise it and kill her on sight, if you can catch her, she'll try and seduce you probably, if you're a woman she hates men which is why they always get murdered first-"
The picture on the screen appeared before the group and Wanda gasped "OMG"
Tony stopped and glared at the witch "something wrong red?"
“I know her!” Wanda blushed hard when she realised who the woman on the screen was, even Nat seemed speechless unable to close her mouth that she dropped
“Tony. Tony tell me why she’s a target” Nat lowered her voice and kept her gaze on the screen.
Steve was confused “what’s wrong ladies?”
Nat stood up suddenly dragging Wanda with her ignoring the others shouts for them to come back “Wanda is that the woman you slept with?” Nat was hurting Wanda’s wrist as she dragged her through the compound and to the roof “answer the question Wanda!” She threw the witch in front of her and she fell to the ground “ow! Nat what’s wrong with you?!”
The widow was pacing back and forth “I can’t believe she’s here, she’s gonna kill me!”
Wanda got to her feet, she’s never seen her friend act like this “Nat…Nat who is she?”
Nat stopped pacing and run her fingers through her hair sighing “someone I left in the red room years ago, I promised to come back for her but…but I didn’t and now she must’ve found me, I can’t believe you slept with her!” Nat shouted at Wanda making her jump “hey woah! Why are you mad at me?! I didn’t know she was a danger or whatever, we definitely didn’t talk much about it I can tell you that”
Unbeknownst to the pair you were silently watching them argue from the corner of the roof, grateful they didn’t spot you right away, you could take Nat out right now and take Wanda hostage, but no you needed to bide your time, make them sweat a little, but of course you’d give them a little taste of what they were missing out on right now.
“All this fighting over little old me?” You walked out of the shadows to the surprised women forcing Nat to quickly grab her gun from her pocket aiming it straight at you “ooohhh I’m so scared Natalia” you stepped right in front of Nat leaning your forehead on the gun “do it” you smiled “come on Nat, kill me again”
Nat flexed her fingers around the gun clearing her throat “I've clearly never killed you” she tried to joke, probably not the best time though.
“Oh but you did, 12 years ago when left me in the red room, tortured, beaten and experimented on but you know, even after all of those horrible horrible things I still held onto hope you’d come back for me, we all did! Yet here you were sipping champagne with the billionaire playboy douchebag-“
Nat had had enough “Stop! Just-just stop! I didn’t mean to leave you behind I couldn’t think of the right time-an-and I-“
With Nat’s guard down slightly you ripped the gun from her hands and pointed it back at her “stop blabbering Romanoff you look pathetic”
Wanda couldn't take it anymore and finally stepped in after watching shocked from the sidelines “Y/n? Please-“
“Hi sweet beautiful Wanda, I'm sorry you had to find out this way, we'll talk about it after dinner though" you blew her a kiss making her blush ”so easy Maximoff"
“The others will get suspicious with how long we've been up here” Nat tried but you shook her empty threat off “it’s okay I’ve got someone to help with that” as you finished the door to the roof opened and the Scarlet Witch appeared “Tony is as insufferable in this universe as he was in mine” she rambled finally looking at Wanda 
Wanda took a step back eyes wide and mouth agape staring at Scarlet “what the fuck?”
Scarlet cocked her head to the side looking at her variant "nice to see you again Wanda" she studied her hair tutting "why did you keep the brunette hair? We look so much better as a redhead”
“What the fuck? What is going on?! What do you mean again?!” Wanda’s hands started glowing getting ready for a fight but Scarlet sent a wave of red tendrils wrapping around her body pulling her to the ground and towards her “aw such a baby witch with weak powers” she knelt down to her face “your lack of power will work well to my advantage in the future” she let Wanda go and she slumped to the floor still being held lightly by the red tendrils allowing her to watch you and Nat.
Nat was still being held at gunpoint by you when Scarlet came up behind you placing a kiss on your neck “so what’s the plan sweet one?” You lent your head back a little onto the witche's shoulder moulding into her when she wrapped her arms around your waist “hmm I can’t kill her, there’s no build up, no dramatic music or bodies scatted about the floor” you lowered the gun slightly watching Natasha’s eyes follow it “no I think we’ll wait”
Nat breathed a sigh of relief and you thought it over “then again, we didn't come up here for nothing” you fired the gun into Nat’s leg instantly knocking her to the floor in agony clutching her leg.
“The best assassin in the world can’t handle a bullet wound? Such a shame” you remarked sarcastically laughing with Scarlet Witch “well she’s got no superpowers, we can’t expect much”
“Nat!” Wanda’s voice pierced your ears, she pulled free from Scarlet's powers and ran to Nat ripping some of her shirt and pressing it onto Nat’s leg stopping the blood rushing out “Nat please you’ll be okay!”
Wanda didn’t notice when you knelt down besides her looking at the pale face of your former friend “she’s got about 30 minutes before she completely bleeds out, that gives me just enough time to do this” you pulled Wanda's hair and kissed her hard, even when she tried pulling away you just tightened your grip in her hair.
You pulled away when the lack of air became an issue and smiled as Wanda got out of your grip spitting your kiss to the ground and looking back to Nat
“We’ll be seeing each other again soon my love, like you said you can't stay away from me” your words echoed in her mind, Wanda knowing full well that you were serious.
You and Scarlet disappeared into a flash of red, the only sound was your laughter as Wanda cradled Nat
“Wanda! Nat!” The rooftop door burst open to Bruce, Tony and Steve jumping to Nat’s aid “you’re telling us everything about her when you’re better!” Steve ordered as he surveyed the area for any sign of the two of you “whatever” Nat managed before closing her eyes letting herself be taken care off while Wanda looked to the spot where you left “this is the last time I sleep with someone I don’t know” you tried making jokes but a stern look from Bruce shut her up.
Nat laughed from underneath her “yeah right” she croaked out “shushhhhh Nat you need to rest and not judge me for my life decisions”
"I can very easily do both" Nat retorted wincing in pain when she was turned onto her side.
“That was exhilarating!” Scarlet was jumping around the room as soon as you both appeared back in your apartment, you noted that it was nice to see her happy, her life had pretty much sucked but apparently nearly killing two people really brightened her mood, kinda scary but you'd go with it “we barley did anything, just threatened them a little”
You turned around to Scarlet’s lips on yours in a frenzied kiss that made you stumble backwards “woah if things like this get you this riled up I’m taking you to rob a bank” you were pressed against the wall "take me to rob a bank and I'll show you my full power"
"I'll take you up on that offer my little witchy"
"Did that nickname really have to stick?" she groaned and you just laughed "but my little witch likes it"
"Just put your mouth to better use" she pulled you away from the wall and pushed you down onto the bed removing her blazer "yes ma'm" you obeyed
"So are you going to tell us who that was?" Steve was stood over Nat who was being seen by the doctors in the med bay "just someone who I never though would come and find me, and apparently Wanda's new booty call"
She heard Wanda let out a groan "listen I didn't know she was evil! She seduced me with her siren song words and artistic looking body, the way she'd use her hands to touch-"
"Alright! I've heard enough Maximoff" Steve stopped her from going into explicit detail that nobody asked for. "Sorry Steve..." Wanda replied and watched the man leave the room so it was just the two of you. 
"Nat what are we gonna do?" 
The doctors had finished their examination on Nat and left them both too, she sat up "first off you're gonna stop sleeping with her"
Wanda was quite for a while making Nat nervous "Wanda" she said sternly and the witch messed with her fingers "okay but like she was a lot of fun"
"Fine! Okay no more sleeping with the enemy" Wanda admitted defeat giving her friend a glass of water to wash the taste of blood out of her mouth "we'll take everyday as it comes Wands, we've definitely not heard the last of Y/n"
Wanda smiled "what a shameee"
"You're so down bad its embarrassing" Nat threw a pillow at the witch knocking her out of her thoughts of you "ouch! You suck"
"Leave me alone I was shot in the leg"
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bengiyo · 2 years ago
The Warp Effect Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
The Week of Jojo Part 2 begins. Last week, Army agreed to be the sperm donor for Nim, Mollie and Nim had a good moment during the training for the film that totally left Bew jealous, See-ew stepped out on Liu and ended up arrested for making porn, Liu broke up with See-ew in a scene that was fantastic between Sing and Clize, and Captain beat the shit out of Kat for not wanting to be his partner.
I'm glad we're staring with Kat. What happened to her was upsetting, and I wanted to check on her first.
It's interesting how Kat displays a wide array of feelings here, but annoyance, irritation, and offense come through most strongly.
All of Kat's girls came to check on her, but she doesn't want to be a victim. She is totally right to be frustrated that she was attacked after making her boundaries clear.
So now she'll flirt with Jean (who is apparently bi!) as a tease? I need this to become more than teasing!
I like Jean. Just because something bad happened to Kat doesn't mean she's gonna let Alex back in.
Army is lovesick, and also frustrated that Joe won't switch. So glad we're having frank conversation about the relationship dynamics in gay relationships about sex. Army is right that bottoming is tiring, and doing it all the time is exhausting. I'm curious how they'll explore Joe's reticence about the act. Just don't turn this into Cucumber, because I'll never forgive Russel T. Davies for that.
Alex is the straight guy determined to get his gay friend laid. We've come such a long way.
Cutting between Kim and Nim about the pregnancy tests was a neat touch. Kim's is unexpected, and I don't think Nim is pregnant yet.
I kinda like this plot with Bew. Lesbians can have poorly planned pregnancies, too. Bew may be jealous about Mollie, but the callous attitude about the baby is concerning.
Joe needs to do things away from this school more often, and everyone else needs to stop trying to make Joe talk about gay shit in the locker room of the school he works at.
Ah, Joe is a side. I appreciate that he doesn't like anal sex; I don't think it's required. I also don't like the bar and club scene. I just worry about the self-fulfilling nature of Joe's sense that he doesn't belong anywhere. You have to find your people.
I want to see Silvy whip ass in this film they're working on.
So Bew really left. TRASH. How do you look like Dichen Lachman and let me down like this??
"I remember all of it." Mollie, please never say that to your ex if you're trying to maintain a platonic relationship.
Jean stressing repeatedly that Kim's health and safety is more important than the set is exactly how more places should be. I will accept less shows less often if it means the people making it aren't suffering.
I just don't think the doctor should have told Jean that Kim is pregnant though? Seems like that's private information.
Oh, this is an interesting way for this plot to develop. Jean, who I suspect has had an abortion, doesn't foist that choice upon him. Kim admits she's not ready to start a family, and doesn't believe Ice is either. Kim doesn't hide the pregnancy from Ice, and he immediately rallies to become a dad and parent with Kim, much to her chagrin.
Kat is tough in front of others, but I am not surprised she's nervous in parking garages now.
Gosh, almost every scene has a blue hue to it this week. It's like watching Eyewitness again.
Mmm, unsure how I feel about Kat opening herself up to more with Alex immediately after beginning recovery.
Tony stay shooting his shots with Jean.
Alright, I do think it's important for us to talk about men's health and making sure they actually get it from professionals. However! Army knows Alex is not actually trained as a doctor right now, so what are the ethics here??
This and Between Us acknowledging bathroom stalls as their position in gay sexual history. I wonder if I'll have to write about this at the end of this year.
I get why Army stayed friends with Alex. He's very affectionate for a straight man.
Jojo really loves to fuck with the audience. Kat snuggles in with Alex, considering what it might be like to be serious with him, only for Alex to call out for Jean in his sleep.
I really like the exploration of the sensual potential of outercourse with Army and Joe. With how much BL misrepresents the physical considerations of penetrative sex, this feels necessary.
Also, in terms of the narrative, I like that Army's problem is solved by reconciliation with the first boy he really hurt and reaching equilibrium with him.
This fictional scene of Rose and Liu enabling Kat to curb stomp Captain is making me think of I May Destroy You (2022). I'm feeling a deep surge of complex feelings. Of course, her girls are here to support her.
Love that Kat's problem wasn't solved by choosing a guy.
Oh good, we're returning to Rose and Jedi next week. Not showing him in the bar felt intentional.
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sleepytyrtle · 2 years ago
So, after watching the recent Sams video, here are my thoughts on Earth!
I think she's sweet and has a lot to learn. I think she can definitely be a big help to Sun and Lunar in the daycare and take a lot of stress of Sun's shoulders, once he comes to accept her of course.
I'm not sure how to feel about Monty liking Earth. It was hilarious and took me so off guard when he called her mommy, not gonna lie but it was still a bit weird. It's an interesting way to take their dynamic I guess, but I kind of hope it doesn't go anywhere. I can see Monty kind of trailing after Earth for a bit in that love sick sort of daze but I just think she's too new to really get into a relationship. I just want to get to know Earth a bit more after everything is sorted and chills out. Plus, I don't particularly want to see any romantoc relationships blossom between her or anyone.
I'm far more intrigued to see how her relationship with her new brothers will work out! I'm particularly interested in the drama that's sure to ensue between her and Sun.
The whole situation with Sun might actually get worse because of her now that I think about it! Sun might start to feel threatened by her presence, feel replaced even! After all, she was made to be better than them according to their creator. Having her take his room, help in the daycare, get closer to his brothers and friends... it could possibly lead to a further spiral.
However, I think it would also be nice for the current drama to be dealt with separately from Earth and lead into a more domestic sort of drama. Like, Sun still has to work through his emotions with Earth's presence, feeling like she's taking his job from him and feeling insecure. I can see Sun taking that insecurity and acting passive aggressive towards Earth and her not understanding his attitude and trying her best to figure out why her brother dislikes her.
Whatever ends up happening, I am curious to see where it goes!
As for Moon and Lunar, I don't think we'll see as much drama flaring up between them and Earth.
I think Lunar and her will hit it off immediately and he'll just be happy to have a little sister to spend time with. Also, isn't that weird to think about? Earth was created after Lunar. Earth is the youngest now, ya'll! Lunar is an older brother!
Moon seems pretty accepting of this development if not a bit stressed. Granted, he is currently worried more about his brother which I can understand, but I think he and Earth will be friendly with each other if not a bit awkward at first.
All in all, I think Earth is pretty cool. Her design is so lovely and I'm glad we've finally met her. Probably not the best time for her arrival given everything that's going on, but, I think she'll fit in with the family just fine!
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 4 years ago
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
Summary: after your nasty break up with Chris you find out your pregnant with your son. You didn't tell Chris about him until one day he figures out
Genre: angst
Warning: secret kid, argument
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission
Comment and reblogs welcome
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It's been almost a year since you seen Chris. Your relationship with him was not good. Lots of arguing, lots of accusations, lots of Crying. After a while you both had enough and Decided to end it.
After moving out of his place you had noticed you were waking up sick and throwing up. You instantly knew it was symptoms of being pregnant. You took a test and sure enough you were pregnant.
You weren't sure how you were going to do this. Taking care of a kid by yourself was hard and you knew that from people close to you.
After hours of stressing out and crying you decided that you were going to make the best of this. You brought yourself a nice two bedroom home, got a great paying job. Your friends and family helped you through your pregnancy.
Your son was born 8 months later. He was a tiny lit cutie with curls and Hazel eyes. He had long lashes like his dad and a freckle on his cheek just like his dad.
You didn't mind him looking like his father at all, but it was also hard knowing your little guy was going to look like the man you used to love who had called your relationship quite.
Months flew by with your son. Before you knew it he was turning 8 months old. He was already smiling, laughing and getting into everything for his age. He was the light of your life and there was nothing that was changing that.
After a few months of being broken up Chris grew curious. He's used to hearing about his ex, but this time he heard nothing about you.
One night Chris got super drunk and Decided to look up your social media.
He pulled out his phone opening Instagram. He searched your account and clicked your profile. He began looking at the pictures on there; most were you and your beautiful smile and body which you weren't insecure about. It took Chris awhile to see the photo of you and your son which you rarely posted on your feed.
The moment he saw it he clicked it. His beer was placed on the table as he read the caption and looked over the picture.
My whole world #singlemom
Chris bite the inside of his cheek as he looked at the boy. He may have been drunk as hell, but he knew he was his.
Chris started wondering why you didn't tell him. Sure your relationship was rocky, but that didn't feel like a reason to not tell him.
Chris decided to get some rest and get sobered up before he gets more information on his surprising discovery.
The next day Chris woke up on edge. He called a few of his friends who he thought may have knew you or someone who knew you.
After hours and hours of searching he found someone. Your friend Sarah. Sarah knew you weren't a fan of Chris so she was skeptical when he called her. It took a lot of pleading before Sarah told him she'll talk to him.
Your phone ringed as you settled on the couch after putting y/s/n Down You picked up. "Hi Sarah." "Hi. Um.. I have something to tell you. I know you don't want to hear from him but Chris knows about you and y/s/n."
Your heart skipped in your chest. "How did he find out?" Sarah was silent for a second. "Uh I don't know."
You sighed running your hand over your face. "So what do we do?" Sarah asked. "Do you want to set up a date to talk to him?"
"no, I have his number. I'll talk to him."
You told Sarah thank you than hung up. You hesitated at first, but still dialed Chris' number. The phone rung a few times before Chris picked up.
At the sound of your voice Chris stood up from his chair. "Y/n, hey. How are you?"
"I was doing fine until you decided to bother Sarah."
"look y/n, I'm sorry." Chris sighed out. "I just.. I found out you have a son and I really want to know if he's mine."
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Chris.. I don't need to tell you this."
"y/n if he's mine don't you think I deserve to know? Why is it so hard for you to tell me?"
"Maybe I don't want my child to grow up in a broken home." You yelled at a whispered.
"he won't grow up in a broken home if we work it out. Come on y/n, it's not difficult." Chris blood was boiling as he said that. He get where you were coming from, but he was to pissed that he Missed out on months of his son's life.
As you opened your mouth to speak the sound of crying came from the baby monitor. You shut your eyes. "Chris, I can't talk right now."
"I know go take care of him. If you change your mind please tell me. Y/n, I really want to be in his life." With that Chris hung up the phone.
As you sat I the Rocking chair rocking your son you thought about Chris. You felt guilty for keeping Chris away, but you were stubborn. You thought about it and you definitely didn't want this to end nasty between you and Chris, so after you placed your son back down you texted Chris.
We can meet at the park in Concord Tomorrow
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ryosmne · 4 years ago
Tattoo Artist! Sukuna x reader (part 3)
Hey there again, I had a few ideas of where i wanted to take the third part, I'm very happy with what I came up with, it's very very fluffy, I hope you have a good time reading 💜.
Series masterlist here
Here's a playlist for fluffy Sukuna
Warnings: Language, suggestive tones, alcohol consumption (everyone is of age here, around 21/22), nudity? Not really described, that's about it.
Saturday was slow for Sukuna, he doesn't really like working away his weekends, but here he is, finishing up a chest piece that looked good if he had to say so himself. Everything was luckluster to him compared to the project he was still drafting for y/n.
Speaking of her she hadn't texted him all day, neither did Sukuna. He told himself he wasn't clingy like that, she texted him before she would do it again surely. Y/n didn't pay much mind to him not making contact, perhaps he was busy. She wasn't wrong, she also had initiated most of their text conversations, she didn't want to seem desperate. Sukuna was going to contact her when he was free.
On the other hand Sukuna was stressed, passing in the hallway between the reception and his work booth, checking his phone every once in a while, he was a bit snappier than usual, not letting Gojo's or Megumi's remarks go, he would answer back, his voice almost dripping with venom, he was very much pissed and it showed.
When closing time finally came he was ready to blow up, Gojo teasing him, only made him more agitated. Gojo knew something was bothering him and he wasn't planning on dropping the subject.
"Hey 'kuna, tell the truth, you took her out and she left because she couldn't stand you, that's why you're so mad."
The white haired man joked, you could see the smoke coming out Sukuna's ears.
"Don't call me that. For your information, me and y/n had a great time, quit being an bumbass I'm not mad." Y/n did enjoy herself right? It sure looked like it. Was Sukuna getting insecure? Yes. Could everyone tell he was lying about not being mad? Also Yes.
"Oh so it's 'you and y/n' now? You were right Geto, he's got it real bad, he's not even calling her 'some girl' or something."
Gojo continued to laugh, he was enjoying every single second of torment he was putting Sukuna through.
He had enough though, he grabbed his jacket and his keys, but just before he left the rest of his crew and Yuuji, who came to eat with Megumi to close, he called to the most rational person inside. "Geto, come on I'll drive you home." Sukuna needed someone to talk to, he needed to know he was in the right and not going totally insane. Nanami was really close to him but relationships wasn't a topic he would really touch on. Gojo was out of the question, the man was a womaniser, not that it was a bad thing but he wouldn't even take Sukuna seriously, he only wanted to annoy him for the time being. Megumi was also a no. He would spill the beans to Yuuji, he already had Gojo on his ass he didn't need two more idiots making fun of him, one was barely tolerable. That only left Geto, who has at least had a few solid relationships and he was trustworthy enough not to give him too much shit.
Geto grabbed the chance not to have to clean for one night, but he was very curious about Sukuna's sudden move to give him a ride home, he has never offered that before. Yuuji had tipped him off, he knew his brother wanted to get all of the attention, if y/n didn't make a move, his brother would go insane. He was surprisingly right, so Yuuji told Geto to try and get his brother riled up. Now Geto didn't exactly agree, but he wanted to give Sukuna a friendly nudge to the right direction.
Sukuna had already been driving for a little while, he couldn't find the courage to open his mouth and talk. Has he gone mad? Its not like he's clueless about girls, he's had many. Why was it different this time?
"So how come you wanna drive me around at night?" The raven haired man asked, eyebrow raised, ready to hear what his friend was so on edge for all day, even though he had an idea. Sukuna wasn't one to share feelings, he never did, he couldn't really tell anyone the reason why not a single word from y/n all day irked him so damn much. "Look, so let's say there's this girl right? You take her out, you have fun, everything is cruising perfectly, but then she doesn't really talk to you the next day." He said with a small pause "hypothetically speaking" He added, just to avoid further questions.
Geto looked at him with a blank face, although he couldn't really believe in his ears, Yuuji was right, he knew his friend was falling face first, it still surprised him. He saw the day that Sukuna was stressed for a girl, if someone told him even two weeks ago that this was going to happen happen, Geto most definitely would've laughed straight in their face.
"Well it depends really, for example did you text her and she didn't answer? Then yeah, she's not interested, but maybe she's busy, or she started texting first and she wants you to initiate." Sukuna blinked "You're right she's busy, she has a test too, maybe she has been studying, she'll come around." He said, the words came fast out of his mouth. Geto looked at him again more serious this time. "Look man, I know for a fact, you haven't texted first, you seem to really like her, don't be a pussy and send her one text." His tone was equally serious. "I'm just fond of her, that's all she's good company." Sukuna tried to brush him off, Geto wouldn't budge. "Call it what you want, I know you like the feisty ones, so do many people and you know how college kids are, one party is all it takes to lead to who knows what. Man up, when you do you can bring her around the shop too, you know we all would love to meet her." By the time Geto finished his sentence, Sukuna had already parked outside of his apartment to drop him off, they shared their good nights.
For the rest of his lonely drive home Sukuna couldn't help but think of that party his brother mentioned a couple nights ago, was y/n going to be there? And Geto's words kept replaying in his head.
Geto was smiling to himself walking inside his apartment knowing he did the right thing giving his friend a slight push.
With her hair just the way she liked it, her make-up done and an outfit that extenuated her best features, y/n was making her way down the street to meet up with Mai outside of Todo's place. The walk wasn't too long and y/n caught a glimpse of her short haired friend, who was also dressed to impress, standing right out of Todo's door.
"You didn't wait long did you?" Y/n asked, Mai smilled and shook her head, she was the late one most of the time, she did make it just a second before y/n arrived.
"Let's go, my sister and Nobara are waiting" she informed y/n, who nodded. "Really, I haven't seen Maki in a while, Nobara rarely shows up in class too." She said full of excitement, the girls were friends for a long while, even before college. Mai and y/n ended up forming closer friendship.
"Yeah they're about to remind us of how single we are." Mai loved her sister with all her heart, she was very competitive though and when Maki got with Nobara before Mai could strike up a boyfriend in college, she took it a bit personally. Then she focused her attention on finding someone for y/n, but that never went well. Hopping right up the stairs both girls were talking about what they would see tonight, more accurately who. "So Yuuji is probably going to be here, I asked Todo" Mai said her eyes hopefull, y/n rolled her's and her companion didn't let it go unnoticed. "I really don't get you, he's cute, you even said so." There she goes again, but y/n wouldn't let it slide this time. "You seem way more giddy to see him, than I do." She said, knocking on Todo's door who was waiting right behind it, answering in seconds. Mai was still dumbfounded, she hardly acknowledged Todo at the door and made her way inside with y/n.
Thankfully the sofa on Todo's living room they usually sat on was only occupied by Maki and Nobara. "Wow sis you made it on time for once without someone dragging you out the house." Maki hugged her sister tightly, "I didn't really have a choice, y/n said she would go home if I was late again." Mai, said with a bit of a whine. Nobara went for y/n. "She's giving you hell huh?" Her comment made the girl laugh. "Nah she's fine, she can be a bit of a baby." That line made Mai slap her arm playfully, even when they made digs at each other, it was all in good fun.
Y/n could see Mai out the corner of her eye scanning the room, it wasn't unusual for her to do that, but it was the fourth time the past 30 minutes they've been here. Something was definitely up with her, and when she raised her hand having finally spotted the one she was looking for, y/n was a hundred percent sure of what was going on.
"Yuuji, over here" Mai called hand in the air, a very friendly smile on her face. Yuuji eagerly walked over offering his greetings, his attention was on y/n "Hey, has my brother texted you at all?" That was an out of the blue question. Mai gave her a look "His brother?" She questioned, then looked back at Yuuji "You've got a brother?" Why did he have to say that infront of Mai, she wouldn't leave her alone until she told her everything about the guy, she was at least thankful he didn't mention a date, Sukuna probably hadn't mentioned anything to him. "Oh yeah, he's the one I went to last week and no Yuuji he hasn't, did something happen?" Mai stayed silent, so did the other girls, they planned on interrogating her later, judging by the looks they exchanged. "Oh it's nothing" Yuuji let out a breathy laugh, knowing he plotted with Geto to get under his brother's skin. Payback for the bagels he baked at 4 am was going to be sweet.
Yuuji took a seat next to Mai, who introduced him to her sister, Nobara already knew him short of and the two of them begun chatting casually. Y/n could see the chemistry between them as he complimented the dark haired girl on the way she looked tonight. She could see their eyes meeting, something more than friendliness resided in the looks they shared.
Y/n let her friend have her fun, at this point Maki and Nobara had adopted her taking shots, talking about the annoying situations that have occurred in the time they hadn't seen each other. Nobara in particular, was sharing her frustrations about men not taking her seriously as Maki's significant other and continuing to make moves on her partner. "I shut them down" Maki said proudly snaking an arm around her girlfriend's waist. "I know you do, I just want them to feel a bit threatened" Nobara's eyes drifted to the floor . "What are you talking about? Remember the time you just looked at that guy eyeing her and he mouthed 'sorry'? You're very threatening." Y/n took another shot laughing with the two girls. Her comment was quite comforting to Nobara and Maki knew that things always went Nobara's way, she just liked complaining sometimes, she was the jealous type.
Todo with Takada in hand, who arrived right after y/n and Mai, answers his door again for the multipluth time this evening, seeing the last person he expected. "I thought you were too old for house parties" he taunted at the grumpy man infront of him. "Screw you I'm 26, and I didn't come empty handed" Sukuna spoke, his tone getting a bit friendlier at the last words in his sentence. He passwd the two bottles of vodka he held to Todo. "Well come on in, Yuuji's brother is also mine" he said giving the pink haired man a friendly hug.
Sukuna's eye scanned his living room untill his eyes landed on the back of y/n's head, he headed straight her way.
Y/n heard a few girls around her making a fuss over some apparently really hot guy who just entered, but she didn't bother turning around. That was until she heard it "Huh, who would've known, you actually have friends" That voice was unmistakably his. Sukuna was here. Y/n's heart was fluttering in her chest but the alcohol in her system made it easy to come up with a comeback. "At least I don't pay mine to hang around me." She said, her voice laced with sarcasm, she still didn't turn to face him, she was frozen in place. Mai's, Maki's, Yuuji's and Nobara's eyes were wide and dancing between the two. There was for sure something going on here. Sukuna took a seat beside her casually draping an arm around the back of the sofa. "You're hurting my feelings doll, I'm not that bad" he spoke so softly, she almost got lost looking into his eyes. He looked way too good for her liking, same jewelry and eyeliner as the last time she saw him, his pink her strategically messed up, a silk black button down with the top two buttons undone, exposing his defined collarbones and the tattoos that extended to his chest and neck, black pants framing his thighs perfectly as he sat. Y/n was staring at this point, her friends were silent, taking in the image that was displayed before them. They had never seen y/n flustered or having difficulty forming words. Even Yuuji was surprised, seems like he was wrong about y/n's taste.
Sukuna was enjoying the look on her face a little more than he cared to admit, he would've taken his teasing further, but he didn't want to embarrass the girl anymore and her friends were already shocked. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" He asked her poking her cheek, and y/n could see Nobara was about to blow up.
"Right, Mai, Maki and Nobara this is Sukuna, he's um my tattoo artist?" What was she even supposed to say at this point? The guy she went on a date with and had the best make out session of her life?
Sukuna gave his hand out to the girls greeting them, he noticed his brother a few seats over who was concealing a laugh "you're here too brat" he briefly egnowledged him, Yuuji hummed back a hello in return, turning to Mai who was very eager to hear the details of y/n's and Sukuna's relationship, he sure as hell didn't look like just her tattoo artist.
"Tattoo artist? Really? you don't even have tattoos y/n" Nobara spoke, she just wanted her friend to be honest with her, if she had someone special, she could have said so, they've known each other for years. Sukuna wasn't surprised to hear that y/n hadn't shared that she got tattooed, he could tell she was a bit of a private person.
Y/n took off her jacket that she still had on from when she arrived, to show off the design to Maki and Nobara, Mai had already seen it and she was busy gossiping with Yuuji anyways. "Right, I forgot to tell you" she said, as Maki and Nobara scanned her upper arm with their eyes, so did Sukuna. He couldn't help himself, y/n looked so beautiful in his work. He wanted to cover every inch of her skin she was willing to give him, she could be his personal work of art, she already was one, but he wanted to decorate her in the best way he could and with the most beautiful art he could make. "That looks so beautiful" Maki spoke in awe, Nobara gave a little laugh "it's creepy, but it's really you. "
She took a look at Sukuna then back at y/n "It's very fitting, I don't know how to explain it." She continued.
Sukuna never took compliments that seriously, but hearing y/n's seemingly bitchy friend praise his work and the perception he had of her made him grin widely.
The four of them continued to speak, Maki and Nobara were very interested in Sukuna's line of work, Mai and Yuuji also took their turns in talking when they weren't too busy with one another. Y/n's friends were doing great with Sukuna, she thought he would be really difficult, he has a very explosive personality. Sukuna was putting in all the effort to make a good impression, both to y/n and the ones around her.
"So, did you miss me that much you came to find me?" Y/n asked once the attention was taken off of them. Mai looked to be having a deep conversation with Yuuji whereas Maki and Nobara got up to dance. "And if I did?" Sukuna spoke, his face dangerously close to hers, when did he manage to get hip to hip with her? Then again y/n had grown so comfortable around him, she didn't notice.
"Well, if that's the case, I'm glad you did come." She replied, Sukuna could tell she was a bit tipsy, else he would be making out with her on that sofa not caring who was watching.
Y/n poured herself another drink, thank god she didn't have to get up to get a refill, but Sukuna's voice stopped her movements. "Maybe you should ease up there" he said watching her fill two cups.
Y/n raised a brow at him "since where are you a party pooper? come on it ain't a party without a drink" her voice was playful as she tried passing one cup to him. Sukuna liked this y/n too, she was a bit more giggly, she smiled a bit more, "I'm driving sweetheart". Y/n was satisfied with his answer and proceeded to gulp down on both the cups she filled before Sukuna could stop her. She laughed pointing at him with her tongue out "too slow". Sukuna could only smile and pat her head. She was something else.
Somewhere along the night, Maki and Nobara disappeared and so did Yuuji and Mai. "You better tell your brother to take good care of my friend" y/n's state was getting worse, or more hilarious, it depended on how you looked at it. Sukuna would straight up laugh with some of the things she said, and he was trying his best to keep all forms of alcohol away from her, for her own good. "I don't think you should worry, Yuuji is much better than me in these kinds of things." He replied honestly, but y/n didn't necessarily see it like that. "There's no way he's that smooth" she trailed, the corners of her lips tugging upward. "Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked me, didn't you think I was a dick?" Sukuna asked "Still do" her smile only grew wider.
One thing was for sure, y/n was very demanding when drunk, Sukuna left her side for the first time all night to get her some water, cause she felt 'like SpongeBob under that lamp drying out'. Not even slightly bothered by her request, Sukuna was on his way back to her, that's when he saw some guy standing infront of her trying to talk to her. Y/n even in her not very conscious state didn't tolerate people who didn't respect her "Just one song, come on it won't hurt, you're alone after all" the guy, y/n didn't care to catch the name of said "look, I don't dance, not unless the company is worth it, and I'm here with someone, leave me alone, this is getting annoying" Sukuna observed laughing to himself. He didn't feel the need to intervene yet. Y/n didn't like getting bossed around that's for sure, nor did she need a knight in shining armour to protect her, not that he would mind doing that. Sukuna casually sat down beside her again, ignoring the guy who was still standing there for some reason. That irritated him, it was enough that he tried to make a move on her, but not leaving while he was right there rubbed him the wrong way, "Here you go sweetheart" He said handing her the glass, praying that she won't drop and break it, he threw a glare at the guy who finally took the hint and left. "Thank you 'kuna." Y/n spoke, in a tone totally different from the one she had moments ago.
The nickname alone made his heart jump. Gojo was quite annoying when he called him that, but hearing the same word rolling out of y/n's tongue was completely different. Sukuna couldn't tell why he was feeling that way, he didn't care though, all he knew was that even the air smelled sweeter, when he was around her.
"You don't dance unless the company is good?" He asked, genuinely curious "well yes, if I feel comfortable I'll dance, but I don't really do it that much" she said, eyes heavy looking all over Sukuna's frame. " I see, how about we dance?" Sukuna suggested, he rarely danced himself, y/n made him want to get out of his comfort zone, hell he's already at a house party thanks to her.
"Only if you take some shots with me." She smilled at him malevolently. "You're playing dirty, who's going to take you home if I'm drunk?" Sukuna just wanted to hear her drunken logic "It probably takes a bottle for you to get drunk, you're clumsy, drunk or not, you're probably going to kill me if I get in your car".
Sukuna was full blown laughing, but she was right, her head was still not gone, she could walk and talk fine, she was just more talkative and cheerful, couple of shots wouldn't hurt, he could walk her home after since she lived close by, he remembered the way and then walk back home himself. She also gave him the cutest look he'd ever seen, how could he deny her?
"Ok you win" he raised his hands in defeat and y/n couldn't be happier. She poured 4 shots for them, which they quickly consumed and they were off to dance.
She never pictured him as a dancer, y/n saw Sukuna as the very cool looking dude standing on the bar, probably drinking whiskey with a bit of ice.
Looks can be deceiving, Sukuna was spinning her around, their bodies were pressed together, guiding each other to the beat. Eyes were meeting, body heat was exchanged, they fit like puzzle pieces even like this. Y/n kept looking at the exposed skin of his neck, why did he have to look like that and be this close, her face only grew warmer once her eyes met his and then dropped to his lips. Its not that Sukuna didn't want to kiss her, he would most certainly prefer her to be sober and remember it clearly the next day.
Those last two shots y/n had, in addition to Sukuna's body against hers, made her vision a bit blurry and her knees weak. "Hey doll, everything ok? You with me?" He shook her lightly by the shoulders, he could tell she was growing tired and he noticed how her demeanor changed. "Mhm, I'm sleepy 'kuna" there she goes again, making his heart skip beats. Y/n would be giving him so much shit had she realised she made him feel like that. "Ok then, how about we take you home ?" Sukuna's voice was so mellow, almost like he was talking to a toddler.
He guided her out of the crowded house, Todo was nowhere to be found, so Sukuna couldn't really let him know he was leaving.
Y/n was leaning on him, walking slowly down the street towards her place, but she abruptly stopped and sat down.
"What's wrong?" Sukuna asked, his sound as mellow as before. She was down right adorable, sitting there with a pout of her face .
"My feet hurt" y/n complained, dramatically throwing her arms around, if it was any other person Sukuna would've droped them to fend for themselves. "Really? That's sad" he replied, dropping down to her level, she only nodded, women's shoes are the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Sukuna scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style the rest of the way, he couldn't have her complaining and it wasn't like she would remember much either. With her arms wrapped securely around his neck, y/n could feel the warmth creeping up her neck all the way up to her ears, she didn't see the satisfied smile Sukuna wore.
Today went a lot better than he expected. So well that the tiredness got to y/n before they reached her apartment. Sukuna watched as she fell asleep in his arms. What a strange girl, she had both shyness and attitude, she was dancing her heart out no more than 15 minutes ago yet she still managed to fall asleep as he carried her.
Reaching her building, luckily the main entrance was unlocked. Sukuna took a peek at her, he couldn't bring himself to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, but unfortunately he had to. "Hey, which floor are you on?" He whispered softly, that was enough to shake y/n awake. "Third" she whispered back. Sukuna took the elevator up, and he finally reached her hallway, he only wished she didn't get her floor wrong or it would look like he was trying to break into someone else's house. "Doll, can you point your door for me? I'll put you down for a bit, where are your keys?" Y/n pointed at her door, handed Sukuna her keys and groaned as he set her down to unlock it for her. "You're such a brat" he pointed out swinging the door open, her annoyed face looked even cutter under the barely lit hallway.
Lord knows how Sukuna managed to find the light switches in the dark but he made it, y/n looked completely out of it now. He picked her back up and tried a few doors to find her bedroom. He gently layed her on the mattress. Y/n groaned again and said something about being uncomfortable. Of course she was uncomfortable, with her clothes still on from going out, there's no way she wasn't.
He shouldn't care right? He should just let her be and go home, but Sukuna could already tell she would have an awful nights sleep and he wanted her to rest properly. "Were do you keep sleep clothes" he asked, y/n pointed lazily at some drawer. After briefly digging in the drawer, he took out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie for her.
He reached her frame again, undoing her shoes, sliding them off, next he prompted y/n with her side resting on the headboard so he could have her sit up with her legs dangling of the side of her bed. His hands found the rim of her shirt, her voice stopped him "don't look ok?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "I won't look"
"Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky
"promise" he stated locking it.
Sukuna averted his eyes from her body and helped her into her comfy clothes. Only one thing remained "Now come on time to get your makeup off"
"Nooo, I want to sleep" she complained loudly, dropping her body backwards on the bed. "Come on, it's not good for your skin, it will just be a minute, just be good for me" he said grabbing her hand, but y/n turned her head away. That's when Sukuna threw her over his shoulder, the most she could do was weakly hit his back and tell at him to put her down.
Sukuna sat her somewhere in her bathroom, while she still mumbled about being sleepy. He got a washcloth wet, and took a look at the products in her cabinet, she surely had an oil cleanser he just had to find it... bingo.
He pushed her hair out of the way and gently applied and massaged the product on to her skin, giving her instructions to keep her eyes and mouth close, he was extra careful not to cut her with his nails, then he used the washcloth to remove all the make-up that melted off. Sukuna also wore liner, not all the time but often enough to know that some things didn't come off with soap and water. He takes care of himself, his skin, his hair, his nails, everything. He knows a bit more than he's willing to share. Next he followed the same steps with her cleaner, y/n was enjoying herself, half asleep under his touch. He finished everything by applying a serum and a moisturizer on her face. "You've got the cheap stuff." He joked. "Hey it works" y/n defended as he picked her up once more.
This time he layed her under the covers, he pulled them up over her body, looking at her with plain adoration, he leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep tight, I'll text you." He whispered in her ear, turning around to leave. A hand tugged oh his wrist, the same way he had done to her a couple days ago. Y/n was looking at him with pleading eyes "please stay" she almost begged, "are you sure? Its really late" he said, y/n nodded patting the spot beside her, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He quickly got rid of his shoes and dress shirt, he disappeared to the bathroom to take off his eyeliner and got under the covers with her.
Y/n curled up next to him, laying her head on his chest, taking in all his warmth and scent while listening to his heartbeat, his arm was wrapped securely around her.
" Can I ask you something?" Y/n's voice broke the silence. "Didn't you want to sleep?" Sukuna teased, and y/n took the opportunity to ask anyway. "Why do you like me?" What kind of question is this? Sukuna blamed the fact that she was a bit out it. She had no reason to be insecure, she was stunning and she also had a personality to back up her looks. "Let's see... you're kind of a badass, no one really talks back to me like you do, you're quite easy on the eyes too" what he said was very true, but he was falling for the little details too. The way she picked mindlessly at her food as she talked when he took her out, or the way her eyes sparkled when something peaked her interest. Even her drunken self had him feeling things he never did.
"How come you were single? Judging by your friends it's been a while" The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them, but y/n didn't give any signs of being bothered by his assumption. "Honestly, I don't want someone to fall out of love and leave me behind" Drunken words are sober thoughts. Sukuna didn't want to ask if that had happened to her before, he didn't care, he would do better than whoever hurt her.
More moments passed with him rubbing comforting circles on her back, he was sure she was asleep, her breath was slow and steady against his chest. "I wonder, what would you say if I asked you to be mine?" Sukuna whispered, staring up at her ceiling. "I'd say yes, airhead" y/n mumbled. Sukuna's eyes widened, she wasn't supposed to hear that. "I'll make sure to ask you soon then" he said, y/n looked up at him, this time he couldn't help himself and captured her lips in his, in a very slow passionate kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to keep y/n's head spinning around with him running through it. "Sleep already, brat"
"okay 'kuna".
The light coming in, beaming through her curtains, woke y/n from a very peaceful sleep, now all she felt was the vodka she consumed the night before. Her head was pounding hard, she reached for her phone on her nightstand. Instead of her phone, her hand made contact with a piece of paper.
Good morning doll.
You're most definitely feeling like shit, but don't worry you didn't do anything too embarrassing. Unfortunately I had to go to work early and you looked cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. There are pain killers next to you, you must have a hell of a headache. Don't forget to eat, I made breakfast for you in the kitchen (with all I could manage to find, you should go grocery shopping more often). Text me or I might think you died in your sleep. Have a wonderful day y/n.
- Sukuna
PS I took a peek in one of your notebooks. I was right, your handwriting is really fucking bad.
Of course he had to be his usual smug self, y/n found herself laughing at the words scribbled on the paper that was obviously ripped out of one of her notebooks. His handwriting was as pretty as his drawings, so aesthetically pleasing. He had even taken time to doodle coffee cups, and some trees at the bottom of the page.
The events from the previous night were starting to flood back to her head head. She took the pain killers Sukuna left out for her, he was kind enough to place a glass of water on her nightstand too. Y/n couldn't believe Sukuna not only stayed over, but he also put in so much effort for her, he certainly didn't look like the type to do so.
Walking in her kitchen, what she witnessed, exceeded all her expectations. When she read breakfast she thought he made her a sandwich, which she would've been extremely grateful for. Sukuna had gone all out, from pancakes, to French toast, an omelet and even her coffee served. She just stood there looking at her table, mouth almost hanging.
Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her sweat pants.
You should've told me you were going out with Yuuji's hot brother. I would've never guessed that's your type.
Mai seemed to be in a mood to tease her.
You're right I should've told you, your turn, where did you and Yuuji run off to last night?
Y/n laughed knowing it was going to take a while to get a response. She sat down looking at all the choices she had, wondering what to pick. It's safe to say everything was as delicious as Sukuna.
I'm impressed. You draw, you cook AND you didn't burn down my house, I'm very thankful for that (breakfast was delicious too).
Sukuna, stared down at his phone, all the stress he had two nights ago long forgotten. Only thing that remained was to get y/n right back in his chair.
Happy to hear you're alive and kicking and you enjoy my cooking. I've got to go through, some dickbag wants me to do a cover-up. I'll talk to you later.
He dealt with this client in an unusually polite manner. Y/n had brighten his morning from the moment he woke up next to her.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Yuuji was right, I had to push him" Geto said to an agitated Gojo, who wanted to get under Sukuna's skin for a little longer. "Then hopefully he will bring her over, that would for sure be fun, he's going to get so worked up if we give her any attention." Gojo was rubbing his hands together at the thought. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not that worried about what Sukuna will do to you, we've both seen y/n, she doesn't even take his shit, I think she'd hit you." Nanami pointed out ."Well I haven't yet seen her, Yuuji said she was nice to him." Megumi joined the conversation remembering his friend talking about the girl, he had zoned out for half of it though. "I haven't seen her either, I did hear her though, she doesn't sound like she would let you pull something like that to him" Geto spoke again. "Nah she looked friendly, we can for sure make him foam at the mouth" Gojo plotted. "I can guarantee, she will rip of your head of if you try your shit." Sukuna was sure of it too.
Tag list: (message me or comment and I'll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@in-inception @not-another-ackerman
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years ago
How do you personally see Tenko, Toga and Touya's behavior around others after they're saved?
These kinds of things are hard because I can imagine things in my head all I want, but idk if that's how they would actually be lolol
Buttt I'll try to base what I say off of what we know about the characters. Also, I'm only talking about the trio since that's what the ask pertains to:
Overall, I think the LOV trio will be able to act pretty normally around each other. Like I think the whole point for the way the story is going is to show that the reason the LOV banded together is because they gave each other what society refused to--community. So I think they're all going to act like themselves to an extent once they rejoin society and spend more time around the kids and heroes and, well normal life in general. I think there will be some obvious differences, which I'll get into.
Toga: I think Toga is going to be the least different. Despite all the shit she's been through, she still acts like herself if she were happy or sad. She's comfortable around the LOV, but she's not putting on a mask (like Dabi), nor is she completely overshadowed with constant misery and trauma triggers strapped to her body preventing her from feeling anything remotely normal (like Shig). So I think the way she is around the LOV, she'll behave the same around the UA kids and heroes too. Her whole thing saying "this is my normal" to Curious, I think that is gonna hold up in the end. She is the way she is, and I think the entire point of her arc is to be shown acceptance at the end (by people whose acceptance she's been seeking, i.e. the kids) and be able to freely be her own version of her normal.
Touya: For the LOV I would think that Touya would be the same, standoff-ish asshole type, but be more talkative around them since he'll have his family this time around, and therefore just be in a better place mentally and emotionally. I feel like once he gets his family back (which is the first kind of relationship everyone is supposed to experience and build before making friends) he'll be able to actually engage in relationships outside of the Todofam and not mask it as something else, like revenge. Since he'll be past that. Idk how much we will see Touya interact with the characters outside of his family and Shigaraki and Toga tbh. He hasn't been with his family the entire story, so I wouldn't be surprised if we only get a glimpse of him interacting with the kids or heroes in general--because I'm expecting his end to focus on his family finally. Around his family...idk. I think we'll maybe see a hint at a different side of him around them. Like he'll be more comfortable, and slowly but cautiously leaning back into the comfort of his siblings and mom. I think we'll see the implication that he'll eventually just, unwind completely and be comfortable, but idk how much of that we'll see.
Shigaraki: Okay, this one is honestly hard. Because Shigaraki as he is currently, is very transparent and doesn't hide anything. But Shigaraki (as an adult) hasn't displayed any emotions on screen other than anger, stress, and regret. For a moment during chapter 270, we saw what his face looks like when he softens up and gets sentimental, but even then there was still a lot of regret in those panels. Sooooo---I think he's gonna show the biggest change. Not a personality change. He'll probably still be blunt and straightforward, and say whatever the hell he wants. But I can see him being a little awkward or not knowing how to act or behave in his new circumstances, especially if he's around Deku. I feel like they both (Shig especially) are gonna be a little awkward until they can figure each other out and how they wanna be, but once they do--I would really hope, and think that we'd see Shigaraki be more excited about things, show enthusiasm in general, and genuinely smile (I do think Deku is gonna make sure we see that smile at the end). I think Shigaraki is gonna surprise us all in a lot of ways. I feel like even though Dabi's arc consisted of keeping his identity hidden, Shigaraki's real personality has been buried deep. And I think what we see at the end won't be a 180 change or anything, definitely still recognizable as Shigaraki. But I think being around Deku and being in society in general is gonna produce a shift in him.
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bellestarot · 3 years ago
Disclaimer: My readings are not set in stone. This is supposed to be fun as it is for me and I hope for you too.
Alexa Demie's Reading
may 31, 2022
Tumblr media
Right Now
Lexa is a sensitive and an intuitive person, but right now she's not using these psychic abilities towards people who claim to be her friends.
She might like tarot too! collecting crystals and stuff. She's interested in some esoteric things... maybe curious about astrology.
There's an older man close to her who's having legal problems or with court documents.
Love Life
She had a fight with her partner recently. This guy could be an air sign or just have them in his chart. He may have said some things that hurt her and caused this friction that exists now.
The reason can be different opinions about having family here... One wants to have children and the other doesn't. And I feel like he might be the one who wants to build a family, but Alexa doesn't agree with that.
They may not last together, can be several obstacles that can cause the breakup: as one of the two being more immature in this relationship and trust issues.
Well, if they don't last, it's sure is gonna hurt. She'll be very sad because she thought in taking a leap of faith in this relationship.
Can be meeting a water sign man in the future (cancer, pisces or scorpio), likely cancer.
Excited and happy! Can be reviewing an opportunity that hasn't been revealed yet that she's in it, and it's making her heart flutter with happiness. Money is being good tho.
A woman she greatly appreciates that she is working with, may have recently had children or just support bringing their kids closer to Alexa. However, they are not seeing each other often because this person is busy with their family.
Someone younger than her is building their own business, but has to be mindful of how much money they're investing because can might regret it later.
There's a women with an air sign energy that Lexa is very close to. I don't know if she has sisters, can be a cousin too.
Friend from the past is coming back.
This girl can be a water sign. They may have stopped talking a long time ago, and she's very sad about the outcome on their story... this person was having problems with alcohol and their parents in the past.
Also another person from the past is coming back! A guy she had been in contact with in, is living in the land of illusions now. He's very insistent and wants to marry her lmao.
Obviously the result is just Lexa having stress over it and turning down any requests from that boy.
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writingwhimsey · 3 years ago
My Pirate Lord and Our Life Ch. 27
A/N: NSFW 18+ content below the cut
Chapter 27
Misa and Sasuke had left shortly after I had told Ichiro and Tadashi tp get out, leaving Motonari and me alone. As soon as Hina had come into the apartment I had an idea of what had happened, and I was worried about Motonari.
"You sure you're okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm just glad you knew that I didn't..."
I smiled up at him. "There are some assurances I have in being the only person you touch." I replied. "But also, I trust you."
Motonari placed a kiss on my forehead. "You still look worried about somethin'."
"Just...how exactly did those two end up here? And...they you know didn't say anything...I mean any embarrassing stories about me...or anything like that?" Ava asked.
Motonari chuckled lightly. He took my hand and led me over to the couch, sitting down and pulling me down into his lap. I snuggled up to him, having missed him last night. "They showed up sayin' they wanted to be friends. I knew from the start they were up to somethin'. That Tadashi clearly has it bad for you and then Ichiro told me he was an older lover of yers. So, I was curious as to what they were up to...course I didn't think it was gonna involve that Hina girl."
"It doesn't surprise me coming from Ichiro." I replied.
"So, how do you know that Hina?" Motonari asked.
"Oh, she was also in Miss Mayuko's home." I answered. "And yeah, I know exactly the nature of her work. I know she does massages wearing skimpy lingerie...usually that's all she does, but for the right price she gives...uh what's known as happy endings."
"Happy endings?" Motonari asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh you know, she'll massage more than just your back." I replied.
"I see." Motonari replied. "And Ichiro? He said he was an older lover and that you two had remained friends."
I could see the slight jealousy in Motonari's eyes and read it in the disgruntled tone of his voice. "We did used to date...but there was no remaining friends after what he did." I answered. "He wanted to sleep with the rest of the women of Japan and I wanted some loyalty."
"What an idiot." Motonari said, looking at me. He lifted his hand and placed those gloved fingers beneath my chin. "I don't like that he hurt ya, but I'm glad he screwed up otherwise you wouldn't be mine."
I smiled at him. "Always yours." Our lips then met in a sweet kiss. When we pulled apart, I could see the passion and hunger in Motonari's eyes. He was ready to claim me again...and he wasn't the only one. I had my own ideas. Though I knew nothing had happened with Hina, I couldn't help but to feel my own little pang of jealousy.
"What idea you and them flowers come up with?" Motonari asked, seeing that I had an idea by the look on my face.
I smiled at him. "You stay right here for a minute." I told him, giving him a kiss and then climbing off of his lap.
Motonari quirked as brow at me. "Yer really gonna make me wait?"
"Trust me. You'll love it." I replied, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. I then headed into the bedroom and searched through my lingerie. I pulled out the pink baby-doll style nightie I had. It was made of silk and lace. I quickly lit a few candles and placed them on my night stand and dresser and desk. Then I pulled my curtain closed and grabbed a bottle of lotion and set it down beside the bed.
I went back out to the living room and went over to Motonari. He looked at me and I swear the look on his face almost made me abandon my plan completely, but I held myself together. I reached my hand out to him. "Come with me, Lord Motonari and I will help you relax with a nice massage after your stressful evening."
Motonari took my hand as he stood up. "Is a massage really your only plan?" He asked.
I smiled at him coquettishly. "You'll just have to come with me and see." I replied as I led him to the bedroom. "Now just take your shirt off and lie down." I instructed.
Motonari looked at me as he undid the buttons of his shirt and took it off. He was watching my face knowing I loved his body as much as he loved mine. He walked over to the bed and laid down, folding his arms and resting his head on them, his head at the foot of the bed.
I couldn't help but to smile as I walked over to him. His eyes were on me the entire time. I picked up the lotion and squirted some into my hands. I stood to the side of the bed and started to massage his back, gently rubbing the lotion in and letting my hands glide over his back.
I couldn't help but to grin as he shivered under my touch...a good shiver at that. "How does this feel my lord?" I asked, getting into the role.
"Feels pretty good. I like yer hands on me." He answered.
I continued to massage for a few more minutes before moving around to stand in front of him. I leaned over and started to massage more. This position put my boobs right in his face and Motonari was not about to let the opportunity pass him up.
"This is a rather nice view." He said and then he kissed my breasts. "I could get used ta this."
"Me, too." I replied, letting out a slight moan at the caress of his lips.
He let out a chuckle, his breath whispering across my cleavage. He was about to kiss me again when I pulled back. I wasn't about to let him turn me into a puddle just yet, not when I still had plans. "What..."
I was then moving around and climbing on the bed. I climbed onto Motonari's back, straddling him and I started to massage his shoulders. Slowly I slid my hands down his back. Honestly, I enjoyed running my hands down the muscular lines of his strong back.
"This is nice and all." Motonari said. "But if yer gonna be on top of me like this, I'd prefer ta be facing the other way."
"So, you're ready for me to massage your front?" I asked, breathily. I was then lifting myself up slightly and Motonari was flipping over to lay on his back.
He was giving me a smug smile as he rested his arms behind his head. "I just wanna see ya."
I smiled at him as I leaned forward and began to run my hands over his chest. I traced my thumbs over his nipples, causing him to suck in a breath. Of course now that he was on his back, I could feel the hardening lump in his pants pressing against me.
Motonari grinned at me as my hands paused for a moment. He bucked his hips sightly, causing some delightful friction. "Gettin' distracted there, flower girl?" He asked, that cocky grin on his face.
I took control of myself and smiled back at him. "Just for a second." I replied, moving my hands once again. Then I swayed my hips, grinding myself against him.
Motonari groaned. "Ava." His hands shot out from behind his head and were grabbing at my hips, holding me down against him. He slid his hands, still encased in gloves, up my body until he was pulling me down to him so that he could give me a deep kiss.
As the kiss continued, I moved my hips, continuing to grind myself against him, the delightful friction giving both of us pleasure. I felt it when Motonari removed his hands from me and then moments later, they were returning to my thighs, his gloves removed.
I moaned into his mouth at the touch of his bare hands. Slowly those hands went up my thighs and under my lingerie. He broke the kiss with a grin. "Yer not wearin' yer panties, m'lady."
I returned the smile. "Hmm, silly me. I must have forgotten them."
"Sure ya did." He replied.
"I swear it just slipped my mind." I replied, feigning innocence.
"Don't you play sweet innocent thing with me." He replied. "My girl's got a dirty mind and that's the way I like her."
"Hmm, so you mean when I do this?" I replied, grinding myself against him again.
Motonari groaned. "You keep that up and I ain't gonna let you be on top much longer."
I moved my hips again. "Hmm, is that so? What if I want to be on top?"
Motonari put his lips to my ear and his next words came out in a sexy growl. "Then you'd better hurry up and help me outta these pants...because I need to be inside you now."
A shiver went down my spine and I turned to meet his gaze. The raw passion, desire, and hunger in that ocean of red was enough to heat me up from the inside out. "Happily." I replied. I then lifted myself up slightly and reached down to pull his pants down.
His erection sprang free and I grabbed it in my hand. I pumped him a few times before positioning myself over him and sliding myself down his length until we were fully connected. We both let out a moan at him being inside of me. I sat there a moment before I began to move.
Motonari grinned at me as he watched me riding him. "Damn, I've never seen anything more beautiful than you, Ava." He said. He slid a hand up my thigh and between us. His fingers went to work stroking my sensitive bud, causing electricity to shoot straight to me core.
"Ah! Moto...nari!" I moaned at the pleasure he continued to bring me.
"That's my girl." He groaned out.
I decided to reach my hand back behind me and started to fondle his balls as I continued to ride him and he stroked me. The room was soon filled with our gasps and moans as we continued to pleasure each other. I felt the heat building up inside of me and soon my walls were fluttering, clenching and release around his cock as I came.
Motonari half moaned, half growled my name. Then he was grabbed my hips and flipping us over so that he was now on top. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he began to thrust, ramming into me over and over again. I met each thrust with the bucking of my own hips, every sensitive part of me colliding with him and soon I was clenching around him again.
Motonari seemed to be holding himself back from his own release, working me and making me come several more times before he let himself finish. Afterwards, he pulled me into his arms, his hands rubbing up and down my back as I was still trembling from the extreme highs he had brought me to.
"My lord, you're amazing." I told him, as I snuggled closer.
He kissed the top of my head. "Nah, that's you." He told me. "So, was that what a massage with a happy ending is?"
I giggled. "No, that's usually hand only...or mouth." I answered.
"I see." Motonari replied. "I like this version better."
I laughed. "Are you requesting another massage Lord Motonari?"
"Yeah, but it don't seem fair." Motonari replied.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Because you should get a massage, too. Yer the one carryin' the baby and all." He replied.
"Hmm, your hands on me...that always sounds like a good thing." I replied.
"Then come on, roll over." He instructed.
"Mmm, but I'm comfy right here like this, too." I countered. "I missed you last night and cuddling with the girls just isn't the same."
Motonari gave me a look. "You what?"
I laughed at the look on his face. "We used to sleep that way a lot, growing up. It was a comforting thing." I explained. "There's really not too many boundaries."
Motonari shook his head, but his arms tightened around me. "I have some conflicting feelings about this."
I looked up into his eyes. "Are...are you jealous over me cuddling with the girls last night?"
"Maybe." He answered. "I know...it ain't the same...but I don't like it."
I stretched up and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Well, I am all yours and I will happily only cuddle you the rest of our lives...well and the baby."
Motonari chuckled and kissed me on the forehead, my cheeks, the tip of my nose, and then my lips. "Guess I do have ta share ya some here soon."
"But there will still only be things you know." I replied.
"That Ichiro might know some of them things." Motonari muttered.
I shook my head. "No."
"What? You sayin' you and he never..."
I shook my head. "No. We did...but it was always over in a minute and I never...well I mean I pretended I did."
Motonari looked at me, lifting a brow. "Yer tellin' me he was bad in bed?"
"Terrible." I answered.
That seemed to bring a satisfied smile to Motonari's face. Then he thought of something. "You ain't ever pretended with me have ya?"
"Oh, there's no need to fake it with you." I answered, honestly. Of course I was a terrible liar, so Motonari would know. Ichiro was just an idiot so it never crossed his mind to question me.
Motonari regarded me for a moment. He was then rolling us so that I was on my back once again and he was over me.
"Motonari?" I asked.
He grinned at me. "Just wanna make extra sure...and see that face only I get to see." He answered.
"And what face is that?" I asked.
"The one of pure bliss when I make ya feel so good you don't know how to do anything other than scream my name." He answered.
"Mmm...I like that feeling that brings me to that look." I replied, already feeling myself becoming breathless.
I hoped that Misa and Sasuke stayed away for quite a while...because I didn't see any sign of Motonari and I leaving the bed for several hours...quite possibly the rest of the day. And I was not about to complain.
Chapter 28 https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/669106310748536832/my-pirate-lord-and-our-life-ch-28
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