#She was so young and the guy who killed her was fucking 29
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sadfraudfrogs · 7 months ago
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akwolfgrl · 5 months ago
How sweet it is to be loved by them 29
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“Fine! If it's what you want, I'll happily slice you to pieces!” Zoro ran twords the clown and sliced therw him easily…maybe too easily. He was disappointed. He was itching for a decent fight.
“Wow! That guy was weak! Lame!”
“Oh my god!”
“He died really easily,” The crew began to chuckle around him.
“Zoro! Get us out here!” Luffy called out to him.
“I'm coming,” Zoro left the dead pirate on the ground and headed for the cage. He placed his hand atop the iron roof. “I need a key, I can't cut through iron.” Yet, he wanted to one day, Koushirou had said a true swordsman could cut through anything.
The pirates began to laugh, and Zoro stared at them with confusion and concern. Had they lost their minds after losing their captain?
“The fucks so funny? Just give me the key so I don't need to fight you. If your captain feel so easily none of you stand a chance.”
“Their pretty weird,” Luffy agreed. “It's not that funny.”
Zoros haki flared a moment too late as a searing pain gripped his side as knife staped him. Sanji was gonna be pissed at him. He fell to his knees for a second before reaching for his swords, getting up into a crouch.
“What! That hand!” The other alpha in the cage exclaimed in horror.
“Damn it! What the hell is that?” Zoro pulled the dagger out of his side, a gloved hand attached to it. He swung his swords at the hand, turning his body behind him, his wound thorbing.
“The Bara Bara no Mi!” A voice came from behind him. He watched as Buggy came back together. “The devil fuirt I consumed makes your swords useless! No matter how hard, how many times you try to slice me, it does nothing!”
“Shit!” Zoro growled in frustration. He wasn't sure if his haki would be enough.
“His body just came back together!”
“That guy's a monster!” Said the alpha who was made of rubber.
“I see I missed your vital organs. What a shame. It looks like I need to stab you again and again until I get right. What say you Roronoa Zoro? Ready to make your mate a widow already?” Buggy grinned at him.
Zoro was careless. He knew the damn Clown had a devil furit, and yet he still underestimated him. Zoro still had to rescue Luffy, but the damn Clown was winning. He was seriously wounded.
“Captain, so cool!”
“Kill them all, captain!”
“Use the cannon again!”
The other pirates geared and egged on their captain.
“Stabbing someone from behind is a dirty trick! You stupid big nose!”
“You idiot! Anything but that!” The other alpha screamed at Luffy.
“Who are you calling big nose you damn bart!” Zoro watched in horror as Buggy shot one hand towards Luffy.
“Luffy!” He wouldn't make it in time to save him.
When Luffy raised his head, he had the knife between his teeth. “I swear I'm gonna kick your ass!” A flood of relief filled Zoro's body when he saw that Luffy was fine.
“You think you can defeat me? What a funny joke!” Buggy began to laugh. “Your halioris, you three are going to die right here! In fact!” Zoro watched as one hand lit the enmorass canon that was pointed at the caged alphas.
“Oh no! I'm too young and pretty to die now! I still have things to do!” The other alpha bemoaned her fate. While Luffy just laughed.
“You want to die straw hat? I want to know exactly how you're gonna kick my ass! You're tied up and locked up!”
“Zoro! Run away!”
“What?” Why the hell was Luffy telling him to run?
“Hey! Don't tell him to leave! He came to reauce you…and I also need it!” She had a good point…he didn't say leave him just to run.
Zoro grined he had an idea. “Ok.” He'd run and take the cage with him. He'd figure out how to get Luffy, and he supposed the other alpha out later.
“Don't think I'll just let go, Roronoa Zoro! I take your head and then I'll be the famous one!” Zoro ran as Buggys flying hands and kives attacked him, Zoro parried with his own swords. “The feared pirate hunter running away ha! Don't think you can escape Buggy!”
Zoro reached the cannon and slid under the opening and began to lift it above his head and flipped it over, facing the pirates. The fuse was almost up. He ran the rest of the way to the cage, Zoro lifted the cage and the two alphas up, the metal digging into his shoulder as screams of panicked pirates filled his ears.
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lesbiankoby · 1 year ago
anyway i’m making a ship of pirate ocs so far i’m rattling around captain annie read of “the arc”, maybe, and her first mate / lover circe the fuckass huge killer whale mermaid. annie read has the… “fur fur fruit”, maybe? if she wants it too, she can turn people who made contact with her [coughs] bodily fluids into animals that match their personalities, for variable periods of time. kissing obviously works— but in practice, she’s more often been known to sneak aboard enemy ships and spit in their booze. blood is more concentrated and effective, technically. pretty unsanitary though. lol. effect will range from anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour depending on the circumstances. …if you die in the form of an animal, you don’t change back. ………her crew always has a lot of fresh meat.
circe flat out eats humans anyway, but the variety is appreciated. she also refuses to wear any sort of clothing or bow to social norms. when she was younger, she’d been forced to sing, and now as an adult her voice is a bit— strange? angry, but… supernaturally mesmerizing.
her and annie are ~29 and want circe’s legs to split SO BAD because annie can’t swim and her beautiful mermaid wife is RIGHT THERE…. 🥺….
second mate saavy o. malley, otherwise known as “mal”. also fuckoff huge and getting on in her years, she’s an experienced pirate and navigator who avoids garps territory like the plague because she may or may not have fucked luffy’s grandma once. don’t worry about it. has a tendency to skate unharmed out of big historical events she’s tertiary too because she does not matter at all. her previous crew broke up because of polycule drama at the start of the grand line; but that was already her second or third ship. she has no particular ambition, to be honest, she’s just good at doing what she does (charting courses and cracking heads).
the ship’s cook is a young, uncomfortably intense but polite gay man named abel. honestly, annie’s crew doesn’t have a discriminatory hiring policy, but they kill recruits who don’t behave themselves and a lot of guys wound up scared off by the “scary woman ambiguous people eating” thing anyway so… not abel! to be honest he seems to have been extremely excited about the soylent green thing to begin with. is his name short for something….? ah, well.
….i need more pirates to round out the crew
annie knows what shanks fursona is now and the whole situation was so unspeakably embarrassing he won’t willingly bring it up.
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waitingforwinterwinds · 2 years ago
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 29 ARYA V (pages 395-405)
Arya and co. continue to chase after Beric Dondarrion. The search lands them in a town where her father and Robert Baratheon fought their war years ago, and are faced with more crimes of the current war before spending the night in a brothel.
... It's horrific, but I like how we start with a romanticized retelling of Ned and Bobby B's fight, and then we get smacked in the face with what's going on now and you have to sit there and realise: the horrific shit that's happening now almost certainly happened then, but the nitty-gritty never makes it to the retelling, it's all sanitized propaganda.
... oh that's fucked up. Leaving people in cages to die of thirst. What they did to be put in there wasn't something forgivable, but damn, kill them clean.
Revenge is making monsters out of men and women, out of victims. But what else can they do? If they could fight they would have died fighting already.
Don't leave men like that to linger though, if they deserve death kill them, don't drag it out. Best case scenario is a lingering death, worst case someone gets them out and the call for revenge of their own.
... I am going to mention that it is a little interesting, in terms of Arya's personal arc, that she used/thought valar morghulis like a comment or prayer at their death, but in this instance at least, it's associated with a mercy killing (as well as judicial execution).
... sorry, hang on, should I know who this Mad Huntsman is? Is he one of Beric's crew or... I'll find out at some point, don't worry.
When she looked, she saw more serving wenches than any inn could want, and most of them young and comely.
This is a brothel, isn't it?
The girl did have hair like the old king's, Arya thought; a great thick mop of it, as black as coal. That doesn't mean anything, though. Gendry has the same kind of hair too. lots of people have black hair.
*looks at the camera like we're on The Office*
You know who doesn't have black hair though...
Ha! Gendry just avoided potential accidental incest. Good job buddy!
...I know it's not the most appropriate, but all these bastards of Bobby B's... I'm not sure how the crown got so in debt, cause it sure as shit wasn't from paying child support. ahem. sorry.
For half a heartbeat, she forgot who she was supposed to be. She wasn't any peach, but she couldn't be Arya Stark either, not here with some smelly drunk she didn't know.
oohhh, sense of identity's a it wibbly, and that's probably only partly the alcohol.
Gendry with the save! and the anger about his crush on her because of his inferiority complex that he's taking out on her, no, stahp, you were doing well at being a good man. don't nice guy this shit. deep breath, you'll be okay!
She liked to mix up the order of the names sometimes. It helped her remember who they were and what they'd done.
That's an interesting tidbit and a good memory trick. It might also be so GRRM doesn't have to remember which order he had them down in every time.
actually, that reminds me of a copaganda show I watched once, where the cop tricked a suspect into revealing they were lying by getting them to recite their alibi backwards. just reverse the order of events and start at the end of the night, because real memories are tied together with a flow, cause/effect or something, you can generally go forwards or backwards from one, so remembering real events backwards is not much harder than remembering them forwards, but remembering false events is harder, because they aren't real memories, it's just a list you learn and memories, like how saying the alphabet backwards is really tricky until you actually start learning it backwards.
Arya mixing up the list keeps it from being just a list.
...And the Mad Huntsman arrives. You know, the sheer number of dogs and the savage behaviour from those dogs, I kind of thought "oh shit, it's Ramsay!"
But no, timelines, he wouldn't have made it down from the sacking of Winterfell yet, even if he was heading south in the aftermath instead of dicking about the north or heading back to shitstain manor the Dreadfort.
Who does he have from team Lannister though? (I'll find out.)
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springsheep · 8 months ago
In The Name Of The Brother Notes Ep. 28 - 31
Ep 28 -> SZW chats with the jap painter. He does research into the ping fang district...
SZW does research into the "water department" of the Japs... Oh god....
Mr. Shi, tian xiaojiang, SZWu are in the camo together...
Mr. Long (the one whose son is captured) begs Guan Xue to find his son.
SZW is so sad.
SZW: thats my brother, my only brother. If I can't even protect him, who can I protect?
Xie Yue and guan Kai "kidnap" Junko...
SZW chats with the painter. What is Maruta?
The child maruta is sick...
GX on the phone.. looking for GK.
GX hears sounds in her basement and investigates.
Xie Yue has a breakdown and wants to shoot Junko, "She's Japanese!"
Guan Kai tells Xie Yue not to shoot Junko, Xie Yue is enraged and points the gun at GK.
Guan Xue immediately kneels and hugs Xie Yue's legs, begging her not to shoot Guan Kai, and that Guan Kai is her only brother.
GX: I only have him as my brother.
GX manages to overpower Xie Yue and wrench the gun out of her hands, GX: I told you since day one to stay away from my brother!
Xie Yue: 我放过他,谁放过我?
SZWu admits that he is not SZW. Tian Xiaojiang: you and your bro aren't afraid of death?
Tian Xiaojiang: was it worth it?
Txj: don't bow to me, we're in the same grave now.
SZW and lao qian sees airplanes and smoke(?)
Ep 29 -> Junko got hit by a car (I think under GX's orders...)
SZWu and guys are brought somewhere, dunno where.
Hu Bin that bastard is planning something.
SZWu and co are sprinkled with some poisonous powder... Fuck...
There's a kill order for escaped prisoners in the southern suburb.
GX: this is a kill order.
SZW looks for SZWu amongst the dead people... Wondering why the Japs are wearing face masks.
Txj and SZWu are alive, as well as the child and Mr. Shi.
Tzj and SZWu's camaraderie.... Txj died... Oh god...
SZW erects a cenotaph? For txj
SZW is infected and collapses, guan Xue is panicked afbsjsbdbdj
I really love GX rn hehehe
GX: why is there no doctor??
GX in GX fashion draws her gun hehe
SZW is sick in the hospital.
Xie Yue is interrogated by Pan Yue
Ep 30 -> SZW is awake and talks to Asano and GX
Pan Yue calls GX, saying SZW helped the prisoners escape. GX knows it's Pan Yue
Xie Yue is almost rped, GX arrives in time and stops it. GX is so shuai...
GX: you can hit him, just not the head.
Xie Yue beats up that guy.
Guan Xue has flashbacks of her uncle... GX is smoking. And threatens the prime ministers kid, and puts off her cigarette on the kid hahaha
Xy: thank you for saving me.
GX: thank you for letting go of my brother.
GX: you're so fierce, like me when I was young
GX: are u sleeping with him?
Xie Yue checks SZW pills.
Hu Bin gives her deer tendon soup
GX Fav brand; lumingchun
GX: what r u thinking?? Am I your wife? Do I have to eat it? If there's nothing important, don't come to my office, okay.
SZW knows Xie Yue tempered with his medicine bottle.
Ep 31 -> shit, Hu Bin entered GX's house... How can GX be so careless...
SZW is testing Xie Yue..
SZW: let's have lunch together. GX is smiling.
GX in a green dress... So pretty. GX eating...
GX: tell me what's this about. Hongmen Banquet?
She smiles and drinks wine
GX: I was also investigated before, By Mr. Jin.
I have to investigate you, for my sense of security.
SZW is sarcastic about it.
GX smiles so prettily.
GX: if you dare okay tricks, I won't let you go.
GX returns home, drinks scotch, and hears an intruder...
Hu Bin his Guan Kai's gun... Wants to blackmail GX... Fuck
Hu Bin... Confesses, GX dgaf. So hu Bin threatens her with Guan Kai.
GX: (to Hu Bin) stop! Or I'll kill you!
GX: Guan Kai, tell me honestly, did you kill the jap man that night?
GX: can you kill him? Can you even beat him?
GX brings a few people to ransack(?) Hu Bin's place(?)
GX sees pictures of her in Hu Bin's house... And she reads his diary.. it's pretty touching actually? Not really argh
Guan Xue suddenly says: Marry me. The day after tomorrow.
Hu Bin is ecstatic.
GX wants to pretend to marry him and asks SZW to investigate where the gun is...
Guan Kai: My sis can't marry him!! I'll turn myself in to the Japs!
Guan Xue is huddling in blankets and trembling. Aerhfhfhfjdjdh
Guan Xue wearing sunglasses riding a bike.
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feuqueerfire · 10 months ago
23.5 Degrees Ep 1 - 8 Live Blogging
I've been wanting a MilkLove series since I watched Bad Buddy in early 2022 and now I finally get to watch it! I'm excited, I've liked the gifs and clips I've seen on social media. It's a regular high school drama but I can enjoy those when done well, so I'm hoping it's charming.
I wanted to watch more of this show while it was on air but it was exam season, so I avoided watching anything that was airing, but now I'll watch up to the first 8 episodes and watch the last few eps (9-12) as they air.
Ep 1 (Apr 27)
It makes me so giddy already hehe
So what is the family dynamic? Is Alpha the older sister, Ongsa's the younger one, it's their parents, and Aylin is the cousin who's living with them?
Also, I wonder if Love rode that motorcycle? it was going through narrow spaces and such
so ridiculous lol Ongsa fainted looking at Sun's face
Aw, poor loser Ongsa
leave her alone or I'll start killing you creeps
Euro's character + Sun to the rescue
omg in the comments, people were talking about how they can't believe they're at the age when the main characters are their age... meanwhile, I was like oh? 10th grade? so young! T.T I'm at the age when I'm the same age as the older BL characters because they're mostly still in uni or uni age lol
I believe Sun's family are gonna be cute and nice
smiley moon :)
oh the shadow on Ongsa's IG makes it seems like she's a guy
pls Ongsa spiraling after sending "Goodnight" which reads as flirty is hilarious
not a fan of the yelling necessarily
Aylin giving advice
loll Alpha and her friends fucking up the bullies. I saw a tiktok of this
Earth that revolves around the sun
oh noo, not shy guy Earth
I knew a lot about this episode already, so nothing was really surprising but it's cute so far! Lots and lots of space motifs
Ep 2: Universe Club (Apr 28)
I'm so confused about when people came to Bangkok, like I thought they moved here just a month ago? How is Alpha already the school president and famous in the school and stuff?
Aw, Earth isn't answering Sun's messages?
loll Earth's cuteness aggression
oh, yknow I thought they might mention period cramps or smth to cover up Earth's screaming in the bathroom in ep 1 but they didn't, so I thought maybe the show isn't gonna mention periods but indeed Aylin came to get a pad from Ongsa
yaas lesbian teachers
it's kinda funny that I've never been spoiled about this Astronomy Club curse, does it play a part in the show after this ep?
Aylin and Luna are so cute, my ViewJune !
pls not Sun talking to Ongsa about Earth
Ongsa digging herself into a deeper hole
purposefully throwing away phone into the trash is wild lmfao
bird poo T.T
ahhh "exploring space by yourself can be lonely. Want to explore it with me?" romance
pls "I'm talk to Earth" all her friends: "huh? a guy?!" lesbian Sun hehe
pls Earth having no access to a good electronic device, Sun thinking Earth went MIA and dumped her, Teacher Bambam falling down the stairs and ending up at the hospital, supposed curse strong af
more trans lesbian teachers but one of them is crazy about Astronomy Club and would withstand bodily harm to get it running lmfao i love them
yaas phone acquired
lol so cute Sun holding a grudge
loll wiggling enough to fall off the bed, reminds me of Pat in Ep 7 Bad Buddy squeezing nong nao doll to death + Tinn wiggling on his bed a few times in My School President
Aw, Chaeron and Tinh going out of their way to buy a protective amulet for Ongsa
ah, P'Ton Ongsa's ex-bf. I knew this already but if I didn't, I too would've been shocked
Also I've learned hapless means unfortunate/having no luck. I knew the word before but didn't quite know that that's what it meant
Ep 3: UFO (Apr 29)
they dated only for 3 days, i'm crying
oh lmfao that's too long apparently + he got broken up with
okay, so last year Alpha was still at this house and school? While Ongsa came for Songkran and then went back to Phuket
everybody in this fucking school is obsessed with recording everything
girl became the treasurer for gay reasons and now has to get money from ppl
these ppl gotta leave Onsga aloneeee, she doesn't even like Ton pls
I hope Mawin/Tinh happens
Alpha is younger than Ton?
oh this is the event where lots of them are at school at night and there's an Onsga-Sun hug
oww Aylin wants to meet her alien friends so bad T.T "Someone like you with many friends wouldn't understand"
pls this basketball
not Tinh broadcasting him breaking into the school like girl
please 2 instances of falling over each other onto the ground lmao
not Ton's fandom lightstick, plssss
everybody running in different directions in the school reminds me of Alice In Borderland kinda when they played Tag in that apartment but the situations are so different lol
my poor Aylin who didn't meet her friend
Alien-Moon friendship
gonna take a brief break from 23.5 to watch the Alice In Borderland S2 game in ep 3/4 Jack of Hearts, guess the symbol on your collar.
mini-break to blog about AoB oops but I forgot who the jack is, I keep thinking it's the blue shirt guy but that's too obvious and the emo guy is also obvious, but it feels like it's one of them?
Ah, indeed it is one of those two and I guess it's the emo guy since they're pushing the blue shirt guy to be a more obvious Jack?
so funny when his partner kills himself and he's like whelp, I've lost my partner. Seems like I'm screwed.
oh yeah, I remember what happened now. kinda corny but sure, fun enough
back to 23.5 oops
lol Alpha giving out punishments but also doing Mawin a little favour by making Tinh his assistant
oof, losing the basketball game as expected
ah, Charoen now knows Onsga likes Sun
Ep 4: (Apr 29/30)
Charoen Immediately calls Tinh to tell him Ongsa likes Sun lmfao
ahh Sun's heart beating fast when hugging and thinking of hugging Ongsa heh
Luna (June) and her bambi pretty eyes are sooo cute
Aylin excitedly following after Ongsa when friends knock on the door aww
Sun also makes an appearance and Onsga’s brain breaks
yaas fortune tellers
I loveee how cute the "I'm going to buy water" "i'm coming with you" "annoying human Phi" "i'm coming na~" Aylin-Luna part is, I had a tiktok I liked with it
Ongsa having a sudden strike of bravery as she tells Sun's fortune omg?
"To my Sun, from your Earth" omg ?!
I hope Ongsa actually confesses and doesn't just say that she knows Earth who told her to do this or something
I think I wish that love was juuuust a teeny bit better of an actor? Make her lines seem slightly more natural cuz most people are doing well and she's doing well too but it sometimes feels like she's acting rather than being the character Sun. But it might also have to do with her character and the script giving her lines that make it feel like her sentences aren't genuine.
The show reminds me of My School President, which makes sense since they're high school shows, and this one reminds me of that one ep when they had to do the club fair and set up that "cafe" thing.
Started doing 1.25x from part 4-4, oops.
Ep 5: The Gift (Apr 30)
oof, yeah, I started watching this ep Immediately after ep 4 but indeed she says the delivery guy just left it with her rip. okay I'll do my episode stuff like reblogging gifs before I watch ep 5
aww poor Onsga ot being able to talk to Sun as her real self
Luna defending Aylin from some bullies
why are Luna and Aylin so cuteeeee
man, Sun was clearly giving you an out, why say "see you" instead of "sorry" smhh
This is so frustrating because Sun literally gave Ongsa an out but Ongsa said she'd be there (as Earth) without any plans of how to make that happen and now Sun's sad on her birthday :(
aw man Sun :(
It's just frustrating that Ongsa as Earth keeps giving Sun hope because Sun will be heartbroken one way or another because Earth straight up doesn’t exist aghhh
“It’s tough human but you must keep going.”
idk if it’s because the show is picking up or because i’m watching on 1.25x speed but it has definitely become more watchable and it doesn’t take me a whole day to get through one ep lol
Ep 6: The Apocolypse (Apr 30)
i haven't watched the previews but according to someone's post and BE podcast vibes, it seems like Ongsa's gonna get found out by Sun?
idk I'm on Dear's side like Earth is hiding something for sure (in that... he doesn't exist)
ah, I hope Mawin and Tinh comes to fruition fr
Luna's face so funny as Aylin's telling her the whole story
Luna (and Aylin) instigating lmfao I know they're tired
we know Earth is just Ongsa and she doesn't have malicious intentions but Sun, girl, you're getting catfished and your trust in Earth is misplaced, it's probably good that you have friends and seniors looking out for you lol
Luna and Aylin, I fawking love you
hold onnnn what is this mood, like I've been annoyed at the Earth secret just dragging on but ahh now Sun kabadoning Ongsa and being like "you want me to get mad?" is so fun
almost telling Sun so many times but alas
ahhh it's been like Ongsa turn off your notifs/your phone or you're gonna get caught by Sun texting you for a few episodes now and finally indeed it's the reason.
I hope Sun gets to be mad and sad and frustrated and is allowed to lash out because this sucks, and I want her to be able to show emotions other than niceness and kindness (+ some sadness at Earth not showing up to her party). let's give her some Depth but also idk... feels like I haven't seen many Angsty eps or moments around social media for this show
aw man
Sun really gave Ongsa so much opportunity to explain but like.. what even is there to explain, I guess
I think I need to gain more empathy fr because how are you as a 16 year old just... leaving without informing anybody and not picking up anybody's calls just to wallow? Tell your friends/family that you're just gonna hang out outside or pick up their calls to let them know that you're not dead even when you're going through something. This irritated me recently in I Fly Towards You the drama with the ML's younger brother as well.
I don't want Sun to get cool and be chill too fast !! Feel more angry and upset and betrayed!
"It's good that Ongsa is Earth" nooooo, not yet !
Aylin worries so much for Ongsa in this state ahh
ooof, I don't want Sun to be the one who acts normal and rational and kind and reaches out first and is understanding with little to no effort from Ongsa's end beyond wallowing in her self-pity
Sun literally having to beg and run after Ongsa to get her to talk to her, don't piss me offffff
I don't remember when this happened in the show but the people on BE Podcast were saying that Ongsa sent a photo of something from her room (her ceiling with lights?) to Sun and that's how she was gonna get caught. Anyway, the phone notifications were another massive way to get caught and seems that was the way they went.
I can't believe it took 20 minutes of show (no joke, like 10 mins of part 3 and 10 mins of part 4) before they made up and are now getting to know each other again agh. And we see so much of Ongsa's devastation but barely anything from Sun and she's the one who has to chase after Ongsa smhh It's as if Sun isn't a real character for real, she has no emotions or agency or function beyond being somebody pretty and nice who Ongsa likes.
I do get her fear and anxiety that she's a girl and Sun's a girl and she doesn't know how they could ever work it out but I think I'd be more receptive to her feelings in this scenario if Ongsa didn't hurt Sun repeatedly and then Sun have to take the initiative to patch it up.
Ep 7: The Overhead Sun (Apr 30)
lol awkward Ongsa and Sun
heh the phone screen scene
Ongsa and Sun flirting across the classroom while Chaeron and Tinh are arguing about who's a demon
plss talking about taking it slow but now Sun wants to stay over for the night and wear Ongsa's clothes while hers are in the wash
not Sun running away when asked about whether they're girlfriends lmfao
Luna and Alpha together really are just so older girls and friends lol
Ton is just so over-the-top, I'm dead. Also, I knowwww that guys will use -kha when speaking with girls sometimes to like either flirt or to idk seem social or whatever but in my head, it's usually just like oh he's a girl <3 except this time i'm like yes... Ton is indeed using -kha to batter up the girls... esp the way the translation is using honey/sweetheart/etc to indicate what his use of -kha means
heh they've successfully made Sun jealous
also, I didn't realize this stuff was in ep 7, idk why I thought it was ep 8
getting a makeup ad but it's a cute scene
pls awkward ending to the almost kiss lol
and it ending with Ongsa escaping to go home
Ton gtfooo and cant even publicly admit whether he's hitting on Ongsa smhh he's fr laying it on thick this ep
lolll the iconic scene I've seen on twitter/tiktok where Ongsa's like yeah Sun's acting weird today ig she doesn't like my makeup
"I like this team" "Me too" Aylin-Luna are gonna be the fucking death of me
loll lesbian Phi announcing she's single as PR
the friend group is sooo good at poking Ongsa and Sun lol all working together to make Sun as jealous as possible
loll possessiveness
so public
heh so Ton was indeed in on it
this was a pretty cute and happy episode, wonder what the next 5 eps will be? since the Earth this is over with and they're now also girlfriends.
It's also an endearing episode and we get to see angry/jealous Sun and I wish... these emotions were present last week so that she could properly be angry at Ongsa. whelp
Ep 8: The Starry Night (May 1)
ah, so this ep is gonna be about how to behave in a relationship and maybe working on Ongsa's self-esteem
Merit Tiffin Box just reminded me that we also used to call lunch at school "tiffin" I wonder what it means?
"Tiffin is a South Asian English word for a type of meal. It refers to a light breakfast or a light tea-time meal at about 3 p.m., consisting of typical tea-time foods. In certain parts of India, it can also refer to the midday luncheon or, in some regions of the Indian subcontinent, a between-meal snack." ohhh interesting, it was usually lunch for school but it wasn't as heavy as like actual lunch that I used to eat after going home lol
I too wonder about the appeals of kissing tbh
hehe Nida and Bambam
make a move? idk what that entails but it makes sense that Sun would want it since she was the one who chased Ongsa after finding out she was Earth + asked her to be her gf last ep as well
pls let Sun watch her action movie in peace, Enough Pausing
lol Sun's gotta be doing this on purpose aw is she nervous about kissing
hehe Sun in the bathroom
hehe now Aylin has taken to throwing paper balls at Luna
meteor shower Aylin-Luna date let's gooo
I already know Mawin's gonna be rejected cuz of a post on Twitter aughh i don't wanna watch :(
pls them looking through the little windows on the door is so funny
Ton smh making up pitiful scenarios about Chaeron in this head
watching the meteor shower in pairs you say?
Nida trying her best while Bambam's casual and oblivious plss
omg Aylin already with the I Love U in morse code ahh very fast
cheek kiss hehe
pls not Chaeron swearing at Ton
Ton, let go of her arm!!
we're not gonna get Mawin and Ton right, i'm not into them
joy and happiness that MilkLove have a pretty good kiss cuz people (including me) were afraid that it'd be awkward/dead fish
Thoughts so far:
I caught up!
The show is cute but I don't know if I did a good thing by deciding to start it when there are still 4 eps left. It's a cute high school show, which might be a better binge than watching 45-55 mins a week because it may not keep my interest. I don't know, we'll see.
I find Ongsa-Sun to be cute but I don't feel like I have an emotional connection to them.
On the other hand, I'm quite invested in Aylin-Luna and love Aylin! It's especially fun because I became Obsessed with ViewJune after seeing a few edits from 10YT of them being enemies and then friends? I was shipping them and retweeting their edits and stuff and then !! the ship actually materialized in this show, that's wild (first spotted in Dangerous Romance but idk if they even really happened there lol), especially because they weren't supposed to be in this at all (instead GeminiFourth were gonna be the side ship). I guess many people other than me were also into their chemistry in 10YT. Like I didn't even watch the show, didn't know anything about them but still was hooked on twitter and tiktok edits.
We still have a third of the show left, I wonder what it'll be about. I think I saw something about a scholarship mentioned? Going abroad?
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filmpenance · 1 year ago
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I posted 29 times in 2022
That's 29 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 29 of my posts in 2022
#lent - 29 posts
#film penance - 28 posts
#filmpenance2022 - 28 posts
#movie review - 27 posts
#filmpenance - 27 posts
#recovering catholic - 27 posts
#film review - 25 posts
#trashy tuesday - 5 posts
#idlmondays - 5 posts
#film buff - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#scary stories to tell in the dark
My Top Posts in 2022:
Day 19, 2022 - Ordinary People
Ordinary People (1980) Robert Redford 2h 4m [Oh Mom!]
“You know, I think this can be saved. It's a nice clean break.” - Beth
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Ordinary People is a drama about the Jarrett family in the aftermath of the accidental death of a child.
Buck was handsome, an athlete and ready to take on college. No one anticipated someone so young and strong would die in a boating accident. His younger brother Conrad was with him that fateful day.  Though Conrad (Timothy Hutton) made it to shore, he came back with a void.
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1 note - Posted March 23, 2022
Day 4, 2022 - C.R.A.Z.Y.
CRAZY - 2005 - Jean-Marc Vallée
(QC Thursday - Bébé’s Choice)
“As far as I can remember, I’ve hated Christmas” - Zac Beaulieu
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C.R.A.Z.Y. is a great film about the ways that family shapes us.
For Zac Beaulieu it was going to be crazy from the start. Born on Christmas day in 1960, the fourth of five boys in a Quebecois household, Zac’s just trying to figure out who he is amid the chaos. 
His religious mom always makes sure the family always goes to mass – and yet she’s loving toward her obviously sensitive son in a way that his father is not. She takes Zac on secret walks just so he can push the baby’s carriage without being teased.
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1 note - Posted March 5, 2022
Day 29, 2022 - Looper
Looper (2012) Rian Johnson 1h 59m [IDLMondays]
“This time travel crap, just fries your brain like a egg...” - Abe
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Looper is an engaging and entertaining sci-fi action film that brings a time-travel element to job of assassin.
It’s 2044 and Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a well-paid assassin – a looper – in Kansas who conducts hits on people the Mob sends back in time. The trade-off for those bricks of sliver is rather high; to keep things neat and tidy in the future, if a looper is still alive in 2074, their older self will be sent back to 2044 to be killed by their younger self.
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2 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Day 28, 2022 - The Cable Guy
The Cable Guy (1996) Ben Stiller 1h 36m [Trashy Tuesday]
“Free cable is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” - Chip
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Steven’s apartment is a gray box. Alone in a new apartment after his girlfriend Robin dumped him, Steven waits for the cable guy to hook him up. When Chip finally arrives install Steven’s cable, he’s a know it all in coveralls with the energy of a barely contained volcano.
When Steven offers him $50 for extra service, Chip makes him a preferred customer.
Steven gets more than he bargained for.
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3 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Day 1, 2022 - Out of the Blue
Out of the Blue - 1980 - Dennis Hopper
(Ash Wednesday)
“Disco sucks, kill all hippies.” - CeBe
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This movie made me think about the trouble with hindsight. The way we go about making sense of something after it’s happened – we can easily see the path once we’re at the destination, but while we’re on the journey we ask ourselves, “What the fuck is going on?” 
That’s how Out of the Blue made me feel.
We follow the story of CeBe (Linda Manz) – a self-proclaimed punk, obsessed with Elvis, whose mantra is “Subvert normality. Disco sucks. Kill all hippies!” But CeBe is also a lonely girl in high school who sucks her thumb when she sleeps. She has a few friends, but her life is mostly drifting around and getting into trouble. She carelessly wanders off with strangers – not because she’s naïve, but because there’s something about her that wants to be alive and part of that is tempting fate.
And it’s not like she’s has stable adults around her. Every person who should be taking care of her is taking care of themselves via an addiction of some kind. It’s clear her mom Kathy (Sharon Farrell) loves her, but heroin makes her a fraction of the parent she should be. Her dad Don (Dennis Hopper) is a living torrent of drugs who’s just returned from a five-year stint in prison for a bad “accident” that injured CeBe and killed others.
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5 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ahungeringknife · 1 year ago
365: April 29
I've always had a problem with the Iron Lords somehow being the ONLY bastion of humanity before the Last City who decided to band together to help humanity during the Dark Ages. Like???? You expect me to believe that Bungie? And then they're canonically called the Iron Wolves? Because they go out and hunt down Risen they deem 'problematic' and make them bend a knee. Yeah idk I think the IL are pretty overhyped and underserving as protectors of Russia and Europe.
There was some grumbling in the club house when Kass walked in. The clan club house was a fairly new thing and everyone was getting used to it. Kaley had already completely redecorated it with Nef's help. It had originally come with some tasteless plaques on the walls about their accomplishments. Kass had found them in the trash shortly after, not even giving them enough pause to dismantle into glimmer.
"What's with the mood?" she asked. She did note Grey was missing. But everyone seemed a little... not down but more moody.
Rigel was never one to not say exactly what he was thinking; a trait that had nearly gotten his head smashed in a few times by the Titans but at least he put his grievances to words. "What Saladin did was bullshit," he said.
"Uhh... which part?" Kass asked, going to sit in one of the comfortable arm chairs.
"We all helped and all fucking suffered the Plague Lands. How come he only said you were a new Iron Lord?" Rigel said.
"I didn't ask him to do that?" Kass said, trying not to be defensive.
"I know! We know," Rigel said quickly.
"We're not annoyed at you," Kaley said quickly, putting a hand on Rigel's arm where they were seated on the couch. "We're annoyed at Saladin. Like that's an honor," she said.
"Mmm," Kass wasn't so sure. Not from the way Grey had reacted when she'd told them about meeting Saladin in private.
"And it's plastered on every magazine and newspaper in the City," Rigel continued, his bright ultramarine lights for eyes flaring in annoyance. "Saladin's new 'Young Wolf'." Kass giggled when they all made annoyed noises.
"By far the least stupid name I've been given at any rate," Kass said mildly.
"I dunno. Kingslayer was a banger," Nef said from where she and Archie were hanging out at the table.
Kass rolled her eyes. "I absolutely could not have killed Oryx without you guys."
"Yeah but he gave a shit about you because you landed the killing blow on Crota," Rigel said.
"At least they're not calling you the BOC anymore. That was a stupid nickname," Nef huffed and they all laughed.
"That was Eris," Kass said with a grimace. "She's not the most... creative."
"Still bullshit what Saladin did," Rigel grumbled despite the lightened mood. As he said that the door opened and Grey walked in. Their face was drawn and their eyes were like steel.
"What are you guys talking about? Something about Saladin?" they asked, closing the door.
"Just that it's bullshit he made just Kass a new Iron Lord or whatever," Rigel complained. "When we all were the ones who stopped SIVA."
Grey laughed mirthlessly. "Trust me. You don't want to be one of Saladin's shitty dogs."
"Yeah but its the status of the thing," Rigel grumbled.
"You sound like you'd be more pissed if he had," Kaley said.
"I'd sooner chop myself in half than let that lunatic make me an Iron Lord," Grey said, straining to keep their voice casual. It didn't work. Everyone was keyed into their distress, their unrest, the tightness of their limbs like they were about to explode at any moment.
Nef was the only brave one of them. Of course she was. Kass was fearless because she was powerful. Nef just was brave despite the fear. "How come? Didn't know you had beef with Iron Lords. Didn't think you were that old."
Watching Grey's eyes was like watching a leopard decide how to approach an antelope. It was a delicate thing. Then they smirked. "Yeah I just said that so Archie could be the old man," they said and slinked over to the couch. "I'm old as balls," they said and Archie and Rigel chuckled. "Older than the Iron Lords even," they said thoughtfully.
"Damn," Archie said, tapping the table.
"Maybe even older than Warlords," their voice was far away for a moment, their purple-gray eyes gazing off into the distance at a time and place none of them could see. "But fuck the Iron Lords."
"Never heard that sentiment," Ghost said, echoing Kass' thoughts. Weren't the Iron Lords good guys? "The Iron Lords helped found and build the City."
"And left Europe a burning cinder in their wake," Grey said carelessly.
"That doesn't sound right," Kaley said. Not disputing simply noting.
"Everyone old enough to argue about the history they wrote is too tired and old to keep arguing about it," Grey said, leaning back on the couch, folding their arms. "I know you all know stories about Warlords, Risen who controlled the Lightless populous in iron grips. They're always written and spoken of as horror stories. To paint them as monsters. Makes it sound better when the Iron Lords show up and either ghosted them or forced them to bend the knee."
"Were... you a Warlord?" Amelia, Kaley's Ghost asked, circular shell twitching.
"Technically? Yeah."
"Damn," Archie said.
"There were other groups of Risen doing the same thing as the Iron Lords during the Dark Ages you know? They didn't have the singular idea to band together and create a unified front. There was a group that controlled a lot of what was once Spain and France. I heard from other old Risen about some Iron Lord like entities in northern Africa and in Asia. The Americas were rife with Warlords but they all just coexisted with each other without going for each others' throats. I was in one of those groups. They called themselves the Hydra. Many heads. Hard to kill."
"But a hyrda doesn't-
"It's an old pre Golden Age legend," Grey rolled their eyes at Kaley. "Hydra controlled all of what was Italy, some of Greece, some of the land around the Alps. It was a good deal honestly. There was no fighting. No 'Warlords' you hear about in Iron Lord stories. Just Risen protecting Lightless and if they got too big for their own heads... well a hydra has a lot of heads, and they can always be replaced.
"It was peaceful for a few centuries honestly. Then those damn Iron Wolves came from Russia and decided they didn't like how Hydra ran their territory. There's a spot in the EDZ around the top of the Italian peninsula, big area, that's just been leveled. Used to have a forest, hills, an old, old, castle. Got turned into a plain."
"How?" Amelia asked.
"How do you think? Iron Lords have a code, their 'Iron Decree' or fucking whatever," Grey waved their hand dismissively.
"I mean I think that's pretty important. Don't kill Ghosts," Kaley said.
"And yet they did," Grey said, hands up briefly. "Hydra either ghosted or otherwise separated Ghosts from the Risen. Try agains you know? Depending on how remorseful the Ghost was. Iron Lords didn't like that. 'War' is a big term for what happened. More of a battle. Leveled about fifteen thousand acres or so. You can see the old battle sight as a healing scar on the land still from your ship. But in the end it destroyed the Hydra, shattered its leadership.
"And after that Italy fell into another, different, Dark Age. Without Hydra around to keep the Risen in charge of towns and such in check it became just as bad as the rest of Europe. From what I understand the group in Spain met a similar fate but they disbanded peacefully, bending the knee after they saw what the Iron Lords had done to their peaceful neighbors," Grey finished.
"Well that's some reason to hate the Iron Lords," Kaley said. "I've never seen that in my reading of history."
"Course not," Grey scoffed. "Iron Lords won. They got to dictate what went into those history books."
Kaley scowled. "I don't like that," she said, voice tight.
"Welcome to my life," Grey said with a mean smile.
"Well you're still alive," Nef said suddenly. "There other Hydra members alive too?"
"Yeap," Grey said. "I wasn't in the City yet but I heard after holding a service over the loss of Guardian lives they celebrated the destruction of the Iron Lords."
"That's kinda fucked up," Rigel said.
Grey rolled their eyes. "The Iron Lords celebrated the fall of Hydra, and the group in Spain. I forget their name now," they waved a hand like dispelling smoke. "It was like fifteen hundred years ago or something."
"Some grudge," Ghost said.
"There's more but I don't feel like telling that story," was all Grey said. "Lets just leave it at fuck the Iron Lords and specifically Saladin. Also he targeted just Kass on purpose," they added to Rigel. "He and I got beef. He knew it'd piss me off."
"Shit for real?" Archie asked.
"Sorry," Kass said softly.
"Don't be sorry, baby girl, you did nothing wrong," Grey said gently.
"Well I think it's stupid still," Rigel continued. "And if the press is going to latch onto this name, which they probably will since it's not the BOC or Kingslayer or Kellkiller, which are clunky as hell; we should also have animals names. Mostly out of spite."
Grey and Nef both laughed. "Like what?" Nef laughed. "Kassy gets wolf and we all just pick our own?"
"That's amazing. Saladin would hate it we should absolutely do it. Also yes fuck him not giving us any recognition for cleaning up his bullshit and killing a SIVA Eliksni spider Kell," Grey agreed.
"Well what would yours be then?" Nef asked.
"Hmmm. Cat. I like cats."
"And make sounds like ones when we wake your old ass up from a nap," Archie grumbled making everyone laugh. He looked at his Ghost, "I'm just going to play to my stereotype-
"Oh here we go," Rigel groaned and Kass giggled.
Everyone groaned at that. "You would," Nef slapped him on the arm.
"Hey at least I know what I'm about," Archie said proudly.
"Well since Archibald is going full idiot Titan mode so am I," Nef said. "Rat."
"But your rats are cute," Kass protested.
"Exactly! And I'm also cute. And small. And scare people," she said with a smirk.
"What about you Kaley?" Grey asked.
"Hmmm," she looked at Rigel. "What do you think?" she asked.
Rigel looked her over briefly. Then without a hint of irony said, "Fox."
"What? For real? Not a bird?"
"Foxes also love birds-
"Eating birds, Rig," Kaley huffed.
"And foxes are clever and cunning and I think that suites you just fine," he said.
"I'm going to fucking barf," Nef groaned as Kaley and Rigel gave each other lovey dovey eyes.
"Then what's Rigel?" Grey asked.
The name popped out of Kass' mouth before she could stop herself, "Lizard."
"What?" Rigel asked, distracted from his girlfriend.
"Because lizards are creepy."
"I'm not-
"Yeah but you were."
"Hey!" Rigel cried and Kass grinned when everyone laughed at his expense. "No I refuse to bear Lizard as a nickname."
"Sounds like you're being voted out on this, Lizard," Bear smirked at him.
"I am officially protesting this bullshit," he grumbled.
"There there babe. It's okay. It's just for fun," Kaley said, patting his head.
"I dunno what you mean I'm only calling him Lizard from now on," Archie said with a shit eating look on his face.
"I can and will create a Nova Bomb in your fucking chest," Rigel growled making everyone laugh again.
"Well at least now Glitterbomb won't be the only dumb name about us in the news," Kass said mildly and grinned widely when her friends all thought that was funny and just left laughing.
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taeescript · 4 years ago
29+1 (Part One)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰: In which Seokjin is the Devil from The Devil Wears Prada, Taehyung is your work Jesus and Jimin is your handsome successful brother. 
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: seokjin x reader (taehyung x reader if you squint real hard) 
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: slice of life; ceo!seokjin (diva!seokjin)
𝔴𝔠: 3.6k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: heavy use of alcohol as a coping mechanism, a plethora of sarcasm (please don’t be offended) and a sprinkle of softness (is that a warning?). 
𝔞/𝔫: this sat in my unwritten folder since 2017 no lie. I wrote the premise and a singular paragraph at that time, then just gave up. I opened it a few days ago, got inspired again and this word vomit came out (heavily influenced by a midnight Zoom call with my friends). Ngl this was so much fun to write, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. This will probably be in three parts.  𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔯: I did not know that DailyHive is an actual online news source when writing. This work is purely fictional and has absolutely nothing to do with the real DailyHive. 
part two
Your friends have a saying: After 29, nobody shares their age until they’ve accomplished something. 
In the past, you didn’t understand it. What’s so bad about saying you’re 30 or you’re 32? That’s still a young age! Sure, you’re not exactly in your prime anymore but you’re not old, right?
So, you continue in your own wondrous world of naïveté until that fateful day at your class reunion. You had simply been walking around, minding your own business when you had been stopped by an old colleague.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” she waves you down. 
You smile kindly, not even bothering to try and remember her name (you sucked at names, what could you say). 
“Hey…you!” you chuckle lightly, “How have you been doing?” 
An everyday question leading to catastrophic effects. 
“Oh you know,” she says and rolls her eyes as if you truly did know, “I’ve just been out and about. Did I tell you though? I got married last year!” She holds out her hand in which a giant diamond adorns her finger. “Wow!” you gasp, feigning interest. It’s not that you aren’t happy for her, but you are reminded of just how single you are currently. When was the last time you felt another human’s touch? Does kissing come back as easily as riding a bicycle? “Hey!” she says suddenly, “I’m actually meeting with a couple of friends from our class. You should come join! I’m sure they’d be happy to see you again!” You want to wave her off, but against your better judgment, you find yourself following in her footsteps and listening to her speak about wedding venues and honeymoon destinations.
“Oh my god!” another female voice filters in.
The “couple of friends” this old classmate had mentioned is in fact a fairly impressive size of twenty. This is also the third time the wedding announcement has been made. 
“Last year?” the female continues, “Weren’t you young?”
Yes, you want to respond. Yes she was young. A full 365 days younger than she is now.
Your classmate, Sooyoung (or Kiko as she insists going by now) titters in front of you. “I mean, you can sort of say I’m a late bloomer. I got married when I was 31.”
Her words unintentionally cut into you. Here you are at 29 without a beau in sight. You take a fast swig of your beer and end up hitting the empty glass with a clink to your teeth. Nobody notices.
“Enough about me, however, how about you?”
“I started my own business actually. It’s been doing really well and it’s been a crazy mind. Imagine me, my own boss at only 33!”
You nervously join them when they suddenly laugh together.  
“Hi, can I get another pint please? Actually add a tequila shot to that,” you whisper the last part to the waitress you had just stopped.
And that was how the rest of the night went. People asking one another what they had accomplished. Any moment in time after 30 would not be mentioned until somebody travelled to Uganda to build houses at 31 or another gave birth at the same age. Below 30, anything would be attributed to luck or in your case…
“What are you doing currently?” somebody asks you, “The little baby of our class.”
Swallowing your third tequila shot of the night, you wonder for the umpteenth time how you had become a part of this giant sharing circle. You wonder if it’s a blessing or a curse that you had graduated a little early and thus was younger than most of your peers.
“Well,” you start, “I’m currently working at DailyHive.”
“Ohh!” a man gushes. You recognize him as the once-upon-a-time science partner you used to cheat notes off of. “I use DailyHive nearly as much as Instagram these days. You guys cover everything from news to sports to fashion.”
You shrug. “Yeah. It’s, uh… it’s a pretty big company!”
“What are you doing there?”
Kiko-ex-Sooyoung hits the man teasingly on the shoulder. “Y/N is probably the Director of Marketing or something. Remember how she used to spend all class doodling in her notebook?”
“Or sleeping!” someone quips.
You don’t join in when they all laugh.
“I’m…an intern,” you say with as much pride as you can in a group of established professionals ranging from dermatologists to that one guy who had flown around the world as a TedTalk guest speaker.
A hushed silence befalls everyone.
“That’s…cool!” the same man encourages you, “Interns are totally rad! Everyone wants an intern spot these days.”
His girlfriend pats your arm, almost empathetically. “Yeah. I know a bunch of people who first start off as interns and then they shoot up the ladder quick enough. As long as you’re no longer an intern at 30, you’re golden!”
Once again, the entire group laughs as if she has said the most hilarious of jokes.
She composes herself and says to you, “Because after that, you should have accomplished something.”
Her words still ring in your ears as you sit at your desk this morning.
Yeah…something. All you need to do is accomplish something in the next three months before you are officially, 29 + 1.
Your fingers tap against your thighs silently while you observe the current debate that is occurring in the conference room. You barely have time to sweep the falling hair back behind your ear as your fingers ferociously fly across the keyboard to keep in track with the meeting.
Fei is arguing that the implement of a new search word system would boost users while Daniel says that it is a waste of resources. Instead, everything should be put into updating the entire system as a whole. You have long since lost track of their words as neither pertain to what you do as an intern.
“Enough,” the CEO of DailyHive holds up a hand. His one word causes the entire room to hush over – truly, the words of a god.
And that might as well be what he is. With his hair swept back and a lone tendril curling perfectly above his brow, Kim Seokjin is legitimately a walking god. Off his broad shoulders hang an expensive white linen suit bought with his pocket change and your yearly salary. A pair of sunglasses hangs in the V of the collared shirt dipping low enough to blur the lines between being fashionably professional and just downright sexy.
The snap of his fingers brings you back to the present.
He dramatically rolls his eyes and accepts that you are an incompetent minute-taker.  
“I have to remember that the world just doesn’t move as fast as I do.”  
                                                            - Quote: Rolling Stones 2019 Kim Seokjin.
Now if only he’d remember he had once said that.
He points at each of them with one finger, then swipes to the left. “Both of you, solve this outside. I don’t want to hear your voices any longer. You two from the marketing team, Ungroomed Stache and Acne Chin, create me a report if we are to implement Ms. Song’s idea. The two of you from…” he takes a pause here clearly having forgotten who his employees are, “The two of you do the same thing but for Mr. Hwang.”
The pair from accounting open their mouth to protest that they are in charge of only numbers, but they are ignored.
“All of you out now. Except you,” he points his finger directly at you, “Stay.”
Nobody utters a single word until they have all left and you are left alone with him. Standing before him with your hands folded nicely in front of you, you blink and wait.
He stares right back at you, picks up his coffee mug and drops it. The clatter of ceramic smashing against the ground causes a pause in the loud buzz outside the room. You know everybody’s focus has been shifted into the room.
“Do you want to kill me?” he drawls.
You take a long inhale. “No,” you say.
“No?” he repeats the word, “Well I think you do. Did you check this coffee before you brought it to me? I tasted cinnamon in it. You know how I’m allergic to cinnamon. Get me a new cup. And this mess, get somebody to clean it. I don’t want the smell of coffee in this room when I have my next meeting here in twenty. I’m taking a smoke a break.”
He stands up and brushes past you without saying anything else.
Nobody can be allergic to cinnamon. Besides if he had actually tasted cinnamon and was that sensitive, he would be dead. And good riddance to that.
Of course, you say none of this and wordlessly begin to pick up the broken ceramic pieces of the dead mug. The bustling outside the meeting room has returned back to its normal state of chaos. Seeing the ugly stain of coffee on the once pristine carpet causes you to swear beneath your breath.
“Who the fuck is allergic to cinnamon?” a new voice says, sliding up beside you.  
The second god in DailyHive; the much nicer and evidently preferred Kim; Taehyung takes the mug pieces from you and drops it into the garbage bin.
Blessed with not only intelligence but devilishly model-like features, he is your desk buddy in the small space allotted for interns and your sole friend in the company.
“Tae,” you sigh with exasperation upon seeing your lifesaver, “What am I going to do about this stain? He’s going to return in fifteen and there’s no way I can get a coffee stain out of this expensive-ass carpet.”
Taehyung taps a long finger to his lips, leaves the room briefly, and returns with a roll of Bounty sheets and a can of Febreze. He promptly blots as much of the coffee off from the carpet then proceeds to pull the meeting table.
“C’mon, Y/N, don’t just stand there. Help me! Time is of the essence!”
You laugh and join him in moving the table so that one of the legs cover the stain 80% of the way. Once he is satisfied, he takes the Febreze and sprays until the whole room smells like “Hawaiian Aloha”.
“You’re welcome.” He gives an extravagant bow, the motion popping open the top button of his shirt to expose a surprisingly chiseled chest.
Fei returns back into the room holding a phone to her ear and a clipboard in her left hand. “What the hell? It smells like a Bath & Body Works in here. Intern, aren’t you supposed to be filing or something? Stop standing around and be useful.” She grips Taehyung’s arm and drags him out of the room. “Button up. This is a professional workplace.”
You give him a tiny wave as Taehyung is steered away by his girlfriend and back to the cubicles.
Taehyung may be your saviour at work, but outside, it cannot be denied that your brother is the true Fountain of Life.
A week has passed since the coffee incident (you suspect a cleaning personnel had found the stain and cleaned up after your improv as aforementioned stain can no longer be found), but Jimin still brings it up.
“I still can’t believe that he said he was allergic to cinnamon. I’ve never heard of such bullshit before,” your brother says over the phone. You can practically hear his eyeroll from across the world.
As a renowned ophthalmologist, you have not seen Jimin for close to a year as he has been initiating his new clinic, a flying eye hospital.
“You should hear his Starbucks order. I always feel like I’m ready to launch my next EP whenever I’m at the counter,” you say.
Jimin laughs. There is the muffled sounds of voices as his never-ending flow of patients have arrived for the day.
“I shouldn’t keep you,” you say upon hearing that, “You’re probably really busy.”
“No,” he says, “I’ve got a few minutes if you’ve got a few. I miss talking to my baby sister.”
“I’m not a baby anymore, Jiminie,” you say using the nickname he hated.
“Oh that’s right. Your birthday’s in a little under three months, right? My baby sister is turning the big three-oh.”
“God, don’t remind me.”
“Want me to come visit you?”
You contemplate the idea once, having not seen Jimin in quite a while.
“Only if you have time. But I feel like Mom and Dad would probably want to see you more. Speaking of which, um… How are Mom and Dad?”
“They’re good. I hear Dad is finally going to retire this year. He’s giving his practice to Kibum, you remember him? Mom will probably start pestering us about what to do for his retirement party.”
There is a pause.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to say hi to them once in a while.”
You sigh. “And say what? Hey, it’s me. The child that ran away from home at 18? Yeah, I’m not a doctor like everybody else in the family but a 29 year old intern at a popular app company. Whassuuup?”
“Y/N, that’s not what I – ”
“It’s okay, Jimin. I’ve come to accept that not everybody is cut out to be a doctor. I just wish Mom and Dad could realize that.”
Jimin sighs on your behalf. There is the sound of a crying child coming through the earphone. “Well, your contract expires a few weeks after your birthday, right? Who knows, you might be the next Mark Zuckerberg.”
He has never explicitly inquired about your life plan and you know this is as much as he is willing to push without asking, “What’s next after this intern hiccup?” At least he had the decency to compare you to a controversial Internet entrepreneur.
The child is crying much louder now.
“Again with my birthday. But I’ll let you know,” is the only reply you can come up with at the moment. “Okay, brother, go forth and heal the blind. I bless thee in the name of the Holy Spirit, Son and Ghost.”
There is true laughter that rings from Jimin as he ends the call. “It’s Father, Son and Holy Ghost you dweeb. I love you sis.”
“You too.” You hang up first before he can add anything else.
With that, you enter into the 7am Starbucks queue and prepare yourself in running the first single of your long overdue EP.
Seokjin leans back in his chair, watching you from inside his office. Today he has chosen a black turtleneck and a brazen maroon-nearly purple suit jacket to complete the outfit. For once, there is an empty mug of coffee beside him and his morning headache has been appeased.
He knew he had given you an impossible task.
“Compile all the troubleshooting errors we have received since the launch of DailyHive. Organize it in a manner that allows me to identify the most prominent problem. Run it through whomever you please before giving it to me. I don’t need to waste my time correcting your mistakes.”
There is an amused smile that bubbles beneath his otherwise stoic features. He cannot deny that there is, might he dare say, a cute quality about you as you manually scan through the received concerns on your laptop dating back to the initial beta tests – the ones that were lost in a data crash and only backed up with unintelligible scribblings of previous interns.
The moment you had been introduced as the new intern, you had caught his eye. You are exquisitely mundane, and perhaps the reason you had even caught him the first time was due to solely to the fact that you were older than most interns – himself even. Nevertheless, you continue to present him small surprises in your tenacity and capability to tackle challenges.
“Mr. Kim.”
His intercom comes alive with the voice of his secretary.
Seokjin’s eyes do not leave you as he answers.
“Mr. Hwang is on line two. Would you like me to defer him to a later time if you are currently busy?”
Seokjin cannot help but sigh. Hwang Junho, his co-founder, while a genius in international business is also a notorious chatterbox and gossip. There is seldom a reason for Junho to call him except to relay the cover titles of E!Magazine.
“Did he mention a reason for calling?” Seokjin inquires.
His secretary seems to be reading from a note. “He says it’s to do with the company. Something he read from Cosmopolitan this morning.”
So not E! but another sister celebrity gossip blog. He checks his watch and duly notes that he certainly has no meetings scheduled until later in the afternoon where your report would be needed to run a preliminary analysis.
“Yes, put him through. But tell him I’ve got only five minutes, so he’s better give me the Cliffnotes version,” Seokjin sighs again.
Before he can be connected, Seokjin quickly says, “What’s the name of that intern again?”
“Who?” his secretary asks, “We’ve hired four since the beginning of the year.”
“The one who keeps wanting to poison me.”
“I’m sorry, Sir?” she sounds concerned.
“The one who keeps forgetting that I despise cinnamon.”
There is no response.
“The older one. Spilled coffee a while ago but still has enough coordination to pull together a decent report.”
“Ah,” she says.
He waits patiently as she searches through the database, eventually giving him your name. He gives a slight pause and then says, “Good. Now patch me with Junho.”
There is a momentary buzz as the call becomes connected in which Seokjin turns over the syllables of your name wordlessly.
“Mr. Kim. The man of the hour. How are you, my brother?” Junho’s baritone fills the office in a manner of seconds.
Despite the little annoying quirks, Seokjin cannot help but smile when hearing the voice of his best friend.
“You’ve got three minutes, Junho.”
Junho grumbles. “That’s not my fault. You were the one still on the line with your secretary. Is it still Yerin? ‘Cuz I won’t blame you if that’s the case. Did I catch you doing some naughty phone sex during office hours?”
“Holy hell. Fine. It’s always business with you. That’s why the tabloids are always writing you as an uptight asshole.”
This shifts Seokjin’s attention to the phone. His name is seldomly mentioned except for the features in business columns. He prefers to stay out of the limelight.
“Put your name on Google.”
Seokjin does as he is told.
There are millions of results, but the first few pages share the same headline. He clicks on the first one with a grimace.
“Kim Seokjin. Mr. Worldwide Handsome as noted by his fans, has recently sparked Internet outrage.”
A quick skim of the otherwise trashy article brought to the surface a summary: his last dating scandal had ended badly and the repercussions of blowing off a famous celebrity’s daughter had finally caught up with him. The Internet was calling him arrogant, narrow-minded, and even greedy. “The young Chief Executive Officer of booming social media app DailyHive has been accused of using his relationship with actress XYZ to further his own business. Once he gained recognition from aforementioned relationship, he has cold-heartedly cast her away to pursue his next.” “You’re calling me for this bullshit?” Seokjin scoffs. Junho tuts his tongue loudly. “This is not bullshit. It’s affecting the image of your company. Do you think people want to download and support an app that is run by somebody who is being called cruel and dishonest? You’ve got to address this soon before it gets out of control. You’re lucky I have alerts set for these type of things. I caught it for you just in the nick of time.” Seokjin inhales deeply. “You’re also lucky that I’ve got the perfect solution in mind.” “That is?” “The Silver Gala,” Junho references the prestigious event. The Silver Gala is hosted annually and attended by the largest celebrities as well as other wealthy investors and guests. Those in the social circle shared between Seokjin and Junho often yearned for tickets to attend events such as this, as they serve as excellent networking opportunities. Besides the above, such events are circled by reporters and writers of gossip columns to get the exclusive scoop on any eyebrow-raising rumours. “The solution lies in such an event,” Junho continues, “You know how many people will be there. All you’ve got to do is show up with your average girl-next-door type and it’ll show how you’re actually really humble and down to earth. Kim Seokjin is perfectly capable of dating like any regular human being. He doesn’t use “love” or whatever to further his business. Love is the connection between two souls; two individuals who – ” “Beep. Your time has run out Junho. I’ve got another meeting scheduled right this moment,” Seokjin interrupts. “Dude, seriously. Think about it. You could bring Yerin. Everbody loves a good CEO and his secretary affair. And if that’s too juicy for you, I can introduce you to some girls. Or maybe we could go back to our university days and hit a bar, y’know?” Junho tries his best to persuade. “Fuck!” you swear beneath your breath right as you walk into Kim Seokjin’s office. His door had been open and, in your excitement to show your completed report, you had dropped all the loose papers on the ground. Four hours of organization gone, just like that. You hope that at least Seokjin hasn’t heard or noticed you as he had been engrossed in his phone call. Seokjin had in fact noticed you. He can’t help himself but follow the curvature of your bare shoulder as your bangs escape the hold of your scrunchie and sweep across your skin. “Don’t worry, Junho, I’ve just thought about it,” he says with a smile.
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morgansmoreid · 4 years ago
Do You Still Love Me • Derek Morgan • Chapter Nine
Chapter Name: " Reasonable"
Fic Masterlist
Italic writing stands for flashbacks.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Parental Abuse, Drugs Mention, Homophobia
Bold Writing stands for what happened at the station while Y/n was not present
One step.
Two steps.
Three steps.
Y/n's feet clacked against the concrete floor.
Rubbing the palm of her hand against the outline of the pills, Y/n moved along the cars as she slowly walked to the station, this time her mind as empty as an open field.
The station was in her view quicker than anticipated. She pulled open the front door, the bell above it causing everyone who was in ear's views to turn their heads. Scanning each face carefully, relief swayed through Y/n as no face was anyone she dreaded to talk to.
Her relief was cut short as Aaron walked down the hall to her left with the team, her father, and James.
"That was all we needed to know," She heard him say as Aaron shook her father's hand.
James was the first to see her, alerting the rest of the people surrounding him by clearing his throat. Y/n made eye contact with James, her breaking first as her eyes fell to her feet. Thoughts of turning around and sprinting on her heels again popped in Y/n's head, but she ignored them and just looked to the floor.
"Y/n Y/L/N-Fields, please come with us." Emily moved from the center of the group and to Y/n, reaching out her hand to lead Y/n the way of the interrogation room. Y/n took it, keeping her head down as they walked past the group, eyes burning through her back as the pills in her pocket scream her name.
Emily opens the door and lets Y/n take a seat before heading outside again. Everyone is looking at the young female through the one-sided window, their eyes still leaving the same burning gaping hole.
Aaron and David come in, both faces stoic and tense. In hand, Aaron has a yellow pad and a pee cup while David has a blood test. Y/n's eyes grow wide at the objects placed in front of her before she sits up straight and lays her hands on the table.
"You aren't drug testing me." She says, her tone assertive but calm.
"But we are," David replies, looking over to Aaron.
"You understand that this is a federal investigation now? If you comply, these samples will not go on record but will be used for further inference. If you don't, they will go on your job record and you will be on leave effective immediately." Aaron threatened, leaving Y/n no choice.
"I'm clean." She mumbled as she rolled her sleeve for the blood test. Even if she wasn't, it wouldn't show for another 2 days, so it would be negative anyway.
Aaron said nothing as he opened the blood kit and wiped Y/n's inner arm with a sanitary wipe. Y/n winced at the needle entering her arm, the pain lasting as blood filled four tubes. Placing a bandaid on her arm, Aaron disposed of the needle in a different bag before opening the door and handing it to a hand outside.
Y/n may have not seen the person who took the bag, but she saw Derek. He was leaning against the wall across from the door, arms crossed. They made eye contact, this time neither one breaking it, just before the door closed.
"Do you need water?" David's voice pulled Y/n out of her thoughts.
Yes. Her throat was dry and scratchy.
Yes. Water would go well with the pills in her pocket.
"No thank you," Y/n looks up to David. He gives her the look of pity and sorrow and she feels herself hanging on by a thread.
"Come with me then," David holds the look as he turns around, cup in hand, and opens the door for Y/n.
Walking out, Y/n and David turn to the right from the small room while the team and others are on the left. David stands outside of the unisex bathroom as Y/n pees in the given cup. Washing her hands, Y/n stares at herself in the mirror.
Her eyes are red and her arm is now in pain. She feels like she's in one of those bad teenage romcoms, where the main character fucks up her life and in the end, it gets better. She's just waiting for her cue.
The silence lasts in the bathroom as Y/n bags her cup and places it on the small window ledge. She could run right now if she wanted to, but it wouldn't be worth it. Y/n turns on the bathroom faucet again and pulls out the baggie of pills from her pocket. 7 white tablets look at her as she takes one into her hand and shoves the rest back into hiding.
Just before she could bring her hand to her mouth and consume the evil, little miraculous wonder, David knocked on the door causing her to drop the pill in fright. Right into a puddle of "water," the pill went as Y/n hissed at the closed brown door.
"Fuck!" Her words echoed in the small room.
"Y/n? Is everything ok in there?" David's voice is muffled on the other side.
Instead of answering him, Y/n grabs the cup and pushes open the door, slamming the cup into the elder's hand and walking back into the integration room. She passes everyone, this time not bothering to even acknowledge Derek's presence, or his attempt to talk to her.
She slacks down in her seat and waits for the next person to walk through the door. It's Aaron again, with Penelope's laptop and a tape recorder in hand as he carries a file in his armpit.
"Before we start, shall I address you as Fields or Y/L/N?" Aaron precautions.
"Y/L/N, and only Y/L/N," Y/n says, voice cold as ice.
"Ok then, for the record, can you please state your full name, your age, and the year?" The first question leaves Aaron's lips.
"My name is Y/n Y/L/N, I am 29, and it's the year 2008."
Hotch scribbles Y/n's words down and opens the laptop. When he turns it to her, it's already open to a cheer photo from Y/n's sophomore year of high school.
"Please state who you recognize in this photo." Aaron opens the file that was once under his arm.
Eyes read the screen multiple times as the memories resurface in Y/n's head and the names leave her mouth.
"Sabrina Chains, Joanna McCarter, Daisy Miller, Rose Henry, Arianna Anderson, Megan Smith, Daniela Choi, Christina Middleton, and Catarina Paredes."
It's not in order, Sabrina is actually next to Daisy and Joanna is standing next to Daniela, but when Y/n recognized the face, she said the name.
"And who is this?" Aaron hits the right arrow key to move to the next slide. Y/n is horrified by what she sees. It's not another group picture or even a single picture of one of the women, it's a crime scene photo.
It's Arianna's crime scene photo, the only crime Y/n wasn't surrounded by the group for. The hotel room is way messier than others, the behavior completely changed from the last 3. Blood is everywhere, money and jewelry are splattered across the floor and there are no numbers on top of the body or anywhere for that matter. If the other kills weren't personal, this was. Arianna was killed by someone in rage and mixed emotion.
Just how Y/n left the team.
She can only look at the gruesome crime scene for so long until she reaches for the hood of the laptop to shut it off. Aaron is quicker and pulls it out of her sight as he switches to another picture of the crime scene, this time the bathroom.
Two looks and Y/n is ready to throw up. She trained for this, she worked her ass off for the last 5 years on how to keep her composure, yet, she's failing to keep herself together. The bathroom is a mess, clothes are ripped and makeup is smeared on walls, this unsub lost control or this is a new killer. Either way, it's not Y/n and there is no way that the team can possibly deem her that low.
"Please turn it off." Her voice is tense and demanding.
Aaron does shut the laptop and turns it to him. He takes a minute to write down his observations and proceeds with the integration further.
"When you left the Police Station, you were gone for 2 hours and 13 minutes, where did you go?" He asks, writing down the question as he says it.
"James, where is she?" David asks, handing Spencer a miniature Newton's cradle to calm him down.
Everyone looks at James for an answer. After Y/F/N was questioned, he and James were separated for the sake of the case. James was working on a different case file, wrapping it up on the end of the conference table while the team focused on Y/n.
"I'm not positively sure," James lied, rubbing the back of his neck as his handwriting started to get sloppy against the manila folder and its contents inside.
"Well, where do you think?" Derek spoke, his tone snappy and agitated.
After Y/F/N gave up his truth about Y/n's past and her drug problems, Derek was also questioned, not officially, just about how much he knew and what he wasn't letting on. Derek was honest with Hotch and the team, telling them he had no idea about Y/n's problem. Yes, it was true sometimes it intrigued him when they had date night and she never drank anything besides sparkling water, but when she blamed it on "past issues," he assumed it ran in the family.
He assumed because he trusted her.
And she broke that.
"Michael? The guy that Chief Fields couldn't stand? He lived right over here." James gets up and points to the computer screen. Y/n's last coordinates were still up so he dragged his pen across the screen, measuring out the distance for the team as he landed on the only colorful house in satellite view.
"I thought Michael was who introduced her into the drugs in the first place?" Aaron walks over to James.
"It's not really his fault, I've always told Y/n that she could've said no," James responds, becoming silent from everyone's glare at him.
"Saying no isn't easy," Derek mumbles, so low, no one heard him.
No one could say anything as another policeman came into the room frantically about a new body.
Y/n had only been gone 34 minutes at most. There was no way it could be her so quickly, but that didn't stop everyone's thoughts from going to the deep end.
As the team flies into the SUVs, Aaron orders Penelope to keep watch on Y/n's coordinates and dig very thoroughly of the lives of the 9 women, 5 now potential victims.
"Someone has it out for these women, and I wouldn't put it past that Y/n is the glue." He said, tightening his holster.
"I just walked around, took time to clear my head." Y/n lied.
Everyone knew where she was, but Aaron didn't call her out on her false truth and asked the next question.
"When was the last time you purchased any narcotics of the sort, Opioids, Cannabinoids, Hallucinogens, and or Stimulants?" Aaron asked, unsure he wanted to hear the answer himself.
"Last time I was in town, 5 years ago." Y/n lies again.
This time, half of the team is unsure if it's true. James knows deep down it's a lie, but the rest of them don't want to believe it.
So Aaron doesn't push.
"And the last time you consumed any of the narcotics listed before?"
This question, everyone wants the truth, everyone is determined to figure out if they let another team member sink into their addiction before their eyes or if Y/n truly did put her life here behind her.
"As I said, last time I was in town, 5 years ago," Y/n says, her tone changing. It speaks of truth, which tells everyone, even her father that she lied about the last time she bought drugs and where she was, but they don't care about that at this moment.
All they care about is her sobriety, they were still her family after all.
Aaron smiles internally as he writes Y/n's answer on the yellow pad, then ripping the sheet off and sliding it underneath the cardboard. When he does this, the next yellow sheet visible is not blank, it's all of Y/F/N's previous questions. The horrible lights make it hard to see all of them but it still shines bright on the first one.
"What was discipline like as Y/n grew up?" Aaron asks his first question.
The question throws Y/F/N off guard. That had nothing to do with the investigation, what did the FBI want to know about his parenting?
"I believe you were asked a question," David says beside Aaron, arms crossed.
"This has to do what with the investigation?" Y/F/N asked, finally understanding the concept of what he was being asked.
"Agent Hotchner, are you implying that I abused my daughter?" He accused, now not feeling so compliant.
"I didn't say anything to imply, did I, Agent Rossi?" Aaron says loud and clear, bringing the tape recorder to him.
"Not at all, but I think you should repeat it, someone seems confused," Rossi taunted.
"Y/F/N Fields, what was discipline like as Y/n, your daughter grew up?" Aaron demanded an answer.
"Reasonable," Y/F/N said.
"Reasonable how?" Rossi pressed.
"If needed, I taught my daughter wrong from right," Y/F/N replied confidently.
"Did you at any given point in time, use your power as a parent to hit Y/n as a punishment?" Aaron asked bluntly. He hated abusers, it was something about finding pain and taking it out on others that he just could never understand.
"I did. But like I said when it was reasonable." His mouth forms into an undeniable smirk.
Y/F/N's hand went across Y/n's face.
"I said I was sorry!" The girl cried, she was only trying to show her dad an A+ she got.
"You're always sorry, there was no reason for you to knock that down." The angry male pointed to the empty cup on the floor.
Out of excitement, Y/n's elbow hit the plastic cup and knocked it down, but she was backed into the wall before she could pick it up, dropping her graded test midway.
"Reasonable," Y/F/N mumbled to himself.
Anger filled Y/n as her eyes went over the word reasonable.
Never once was Y/F/N reasonable.
Clenching her fists, Y/n sits up straight and zones back into her conversation with Aaron.
"Can you ask it again?" She says, making straight eye contact.
"Your relations to Daniela Choi?" Aaron asks.
Y/n doesn't know how to reply, she knows Derek is watching so she has to careful with her answer.
"I was-," She gathers her thoughts. "We were pretty close."
It's not a lie. They were close, extremely.
"Who would you say Y/n was closest to?" Aaron asks James.
The team started the investigation from the very beginning, so now everyone was a suspect.
"I've got a funny feeling about that dude, Hotch," Derek says, but his judgment is clouded, he's angry and hurt so to make him feel better, Aaron took James in for questioning.
"Daniela." James's answer is short.
"They dated, for a long time, blew up our whole group," James explains.
"What group?" Aaron flies through the files that he brought in.
Instead of answering, James takes out a picture.
"He's prepared." JJ points out.
The picture is a cheer team, James is nowhere to be found but the first person to catch Aaron's eye is the babyface of Y/n, she in middle, engulfed in a hug by a female with curly mixed hair- Arianna he later finds out. He wants to question why James has this but James continues to talk.
"Not everyone was supportive."
"What?" Rose asked.
"I'm dating Y/n," Daniela said slowly, it was time the two told their friends, the thought of banishment slipping their minds.
"You and Y/n? But your both girls!" Rose exclaimed, as the pastor's daughter, she was raised to what she thought was right.
"So? My mom said it doesn't matter and we both know Y/F/N won't bat an eye." Daniela spoke for both her and Y/n.
"Guys! Help me out here, tell them it's wrong." Rose looked around the booth, empty cups filled the large table as her high pitch voice filled the empty diner.
"How is it wrong?" Caterina scoffed, she could never have the courage to do what Danny and Y/n are doing but she'll stand by them no matter what.
"The bible-" Rose protests.
"For the last time, not all of us live by the damn bible!" James slammed his hand on the teal table before them.
Everyone loved each other, no one cared for anyone's flaws, like Rose's, who always ignored everyone when they try to tell her they don't want to hear bible quotes, or Y/n who always inserts herself into drama.
They were each other's little family and until now nothing has torn them apart.
"I refuse to be around them and their sins," Rose shoved her finger into Y/n's, finally the young girl to stand up.
"And we refuse to be around you." Y/n's tone is cold and tense.
"We all do." Arianna stood up.
"Christina?" Rose looked at the oldest for help.
"You heard them, you can't hate one without hating all of us." She said.
Christina's word was final. If she said someone was out, they were out, no discussion. She just had to say the words.
"Rose, are you staying or leaving?" She asked.
"I'm leaving, my dignity lasts." Rose proudly held her head high.
"Bye then. You longer are allowed to hang out with us." Christina said with much more pride.
The 10 at the table watched the first walk away.
"Not everyone agreed." James rephrased his sentence, fists clenching in anger.
As James told Aaron how the day that Rose left the group went, his fingers dug deeper into his hand, and when he finally let go, crescent marks left their place.
"When you say close, what do you mean?" Aaron wants to hear from Y/n, James is not trustworthy enough right now.
"I had a relationship with Daniela," Y/n admits.
Hearing the words makes Derek turn on his heels and leave the group in the hall. He needs air, he needs to be away from Y/n right now. He told her he was sorry about her friend and she just went with it, in his eyes, she lied to him.
She did the one thing that he always asked not to.
"Derek?" Spencer's voice called from behind him.
"Not now," Derek says, but it's more of a plead. He doesn't want to take his anger out on someone who doesn't deserve it, he wants to take his anger out on Y/n.
Spencer leaves him alone and Derek takes a few minutes to himself. When he heads back to the station, he refuses to join back with the group, he heads back to the table in the conference room and starts working, the way his handwriting fills each paper and picture easing his mind.
As the minutes feel like hours, Y/n's interview is finally done and she feels bare. She hates how much she revealed, she hates how much has been stripped, how her walls came down and she had no say.
She hates most of her answers were lies that found their way into her truth.
But she won't tell them that, they don't need to know.
They don't get to know.
Aaron lets Y/n head to the hotel first, but when she steps outside, it's dark. Her phone is dead and her body is tired, yet her feet take her to the hotel doors, they let her step into the elevator and into her room. Her hands ache but they plug her phone in and they pull her shirt off. Her hands ache but they turn the knobs of the shower and unbutton her pants. Her legs hurt but they step out of the jeans and help her feet kick them to the side. Her body is a temple of pain but as she removes her bra and underwear, as she steps in the shower, as her fingers run over her body and squeeze the soap out of her cloth out, letting it slide down her figure, she finds her self sitting in the middle of her bed, the air silent where she finally lets her self cry.
So many years of bottling up feeling, so many years of trauma, and it took 34 questions to strip her of who she was. Every single question she counted, every single time she felt betrayed, she counted, her life was out there to know, memories she hid taunt her.
A knock on her door pulls her out of her thoughts.
When she gets up, she takes notice of the black shirt she was wearing 24 hours ago. The feeling of Derek's hand run up and down her body in chills as she walks closer to the door.
24 hours ago everything was peaceful.
Now it's a shithole.
Cracking open the door, Y/n is surprised, to say the least. Both people are silent as she opens the door more and lets the person step in.
"Derek-" She tries.
"No. You don't get to talk. It's your turn to listen." He says, meaning every fucking word.
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kestrel-of-herran · 3 years ago
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#i am only 10% mad bc i wanted established chayenzo for five minutes but it's okay i'll just go through the five stages of grief about it
My Top Posts in 2021
sometimes a date is going to the movies sometimes it's booking you & your mafia-wannabe girlfriend VIP seats to your enemy's public humiliation and getting him drenched in pig blood just because she told you she'd like to see it. then you both throw popcorn and pop bubblegum right at his furious face
580 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 15:29:45 GMT
let’s talk about the scene when vincenzo kills the first guy who was helping him and cha young.
let’s talk about vincenzo making the decision to withhold the information about the bomb from cha young and to be the one to detonate it so she wouldn’t have to carry the blame for murder if she changes her mind about getting her hands bloody alongside him after she sees what a traumatic experience this is. let’s talk about how he doesn’t once pressure her to join his brutal world.
let’s talk about cha young’s initial reaction to the murder: guttural, human, because despite everything she’s done, she’s still not as used to this as vincenzo, she’s still new enough to it that she hasn’t managed to build the emotional wall which would block her from the guilt and nausea a person naturally feels at the knowledge that they’ve taken someone’s life.
let’s talk about vincenzo giving her the space to have this reaction, expecting and even subtly encouraging her to change her mind, to walk off this dark path that he’s walking so she doesn’t become as inhumane as him. let’s talk about him doing his best to become invisible so he wouldn’t have the slightest influence on her decision, hiding any expression of judgement or understanding from his face.
let’s talk about cha young’s critical thinking process after she overcomes the reaction of her body: informed by experience, logic, the pain she felt after the worst loss of her life. let’s talk about how she takes a deep breath, takes stock of each detail, and decides what kind of person she is.
let’s talk about vincenzo loosening his tie as he struggles to not express his relief, still trying his hardest not to show any reaction to her choice so as not to sway her.
let’s talk about vincenzo giving cha young her last opportunity to walk away from his kind of existence while trying his best to not let her figure out what he’s doing, and cha young making the choice to go all the way for herself.
770 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 16:01:37 GMT
cha young telling vincenzo that “friends are one soul in two bodies” in italian??? the fucking intimacy of hearing your lover speak in your language??? the mindblowing character development of vincenzo, who once insulted cha young in italian, realizing that she learned this phrase to specifically tell it to him at some point??? the fucking implications of that quote which is not only romantic as hell but also describes their relationship perfectly??? the way he was looking at her as she spoke??? the handshake to put cloy to shame??? i’m on the FLOOR
881 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 15:36:37 GMT
no the whole kidnapping plot was chef’s kiss. cha young telling han seok to kill her rather than try to use her to hurt vincenzo? chef’s kiss. cha young destroying han seok every second she gets? chef’s kiss. vincenzo trying to rush to cha young’s side multiple times? chef’s kiss. vincenzo getting down on his knees to beg for cha young’s life? chef’s kiss. han seo attacking han seok??? FUCKING CHEF’S KISS!!! vincenzo using the brothers’ fight as a distraction to get cha young out? chef’s kiss. cha young taking the bullet meant for vincenzo like i knew she would??? ABSOLUTE CHERRY ON TOP AND VINCENZO’S FACE GOD WHAT A TIME TO BE A CHAYENZO CLOWN
945 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 15:45:11 GMT
i’m actually glad that vincenzo and cha young were shown to excel in their separate spheres at the end of the series instead of be toned down for the sake of a sweet domestic ending. vincenzo is still a ruthless villain heading a mafia branch and cleaning out scumbags like cha young inspired him to. cha young is still a tenacious lawyer defending the weak and winning cases with dirty methods like vincenzo inspired her to. they’re not your typical sappy kdrama couple and they won’t have a conventional relationship, but what they have is real and strong and durable as steel.
1253 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 16:06:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years ago
EUPHORIA - Chapter 29
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Angst
WC: 2008
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​ <3
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Dean knows that he should have run after her, but he couldn’t get his body to move. Knows that the moment the door shut that he had made a fucking big mistake. It’s all on fucking him , but no matter how many signals his brain is sending his limbs to move, no matter how much he wants to just shout out for her to wait, it’s not happening. He is a prisoner of his own fucking body. Prisoner of his own fucking mind.
His senses are flooded with dread, guilt nags at his conscience, and there’s the nauseous feeling again. 
She loved him? She said she loved him. It’s the first time they said that they loved each other and the circumstances couldn’t be any fucking worse. That’s certainly not how he imagined her telling him that she felt that way. The way he’s been feeling for fucking weeks.
He runs to the kitchen, throws up into the sink. 
Dean retches and coughs. There’s not much coming out, he hasn’t eaten in days. He retches and retches more, and his throat starts to hurt. He runs the tap and throws ice cold water into his face before he turns around and slides his body down to the floor. He’s sitting there in his fucking kitchen, crying like a fucking whimp.
Christ, Y/N’s right and he hates that she is. He didn’t even look at the clip for too long. Couldn’t make it past twenty fucking seconds without the feeling of wanting to punch his fucking screen. 
Is that why she was always so cautious about cameras in the rooms? Is that why she delivered him the speech about blackmailing? Jesus , he’s such a fucking dumb piece of shit. Dean closes his eyes and bangs the back of his head against the kitchen cabinet while he hugs his knees to his chest, hands balled into fists, his knuckles showing white. 
Maybe he would start to fucking feel something! 
After a while of numbness, he sniffs, rubs his hands over his face and brushes the tears stains from his cheeks. He stands up and walks over to his laptop on the couch, stepping over empty bottles. He starts his laptop. His hands are shaking but he wills himself to go over his emails, clicking on the dreadful message again. 
The clip starts right away, fills his fucking screen, and Dean wills himself to watch, squinting as he does because the sense of nausea kicks in again. 
He watches past the twenty seconds he first managed, and then he notices it. Notices her hair, notices that she tries to cover her face when the camera zooms in. He hears someone talking — fucking Cole . He’d notice the sneer of the guy's voice anywhere. You like this too, don’t you, Y/N? Tell me you like this, tell me you like being filmed. And then there’s her voice, small, a soft mumble, it almost gets lost in the wet sound of bodies slapping together. No, no no no.
Dean’s blood freezes and there’s the fucking sick feeling in his gut again. 
He closes the laptop forcefully, throws it off his fucking couch and it lands with a loud thudding sound. Dean lays his head in his hands. 
Guess the award for the most fucking idiotic dumb boyfriend has been handed out to him, huh? 
There’s nothing he can do anymore is there? The things he said to her, the accusations he threw in her face. The final word of him telling her it’s fucking over. It really is, isn’t it? There’s nothing to be fixed, right?
His phone rings and he looks up from his palms, sniffs before he walks to his bedside table where it’s plugged in. His heart’s racing, because he thought that it was her. Thought that maybe she’d changed her mind, thought she wanted to talk it out and he would, even though he’s never been a talker, but he fucking would sit down and talk it the fuck out with her — but it’s only Sam.
“‘Lo,” He says, and sits down on his still made bed. Hasn’t slept in it since the day he saw the video.
“Dean, you okay?”
Dean sighs, “Let me guess, Cas?”
Sam chuckles, “Yeah,” 
“I’d be lying when I said that I would be okay, Sammy.” He’s being truthful. It’s rare that it happens. Dean’s not the one to spill his heart out. Not to Sam either. Not to anybody for that matter. He would to her now, but she’s fucking gone.
His brother sighs, “What happened?”
Dean snorts and chuckles darkly, “I’ve been a fucking idiot, Sammy. But what else is new, right?”
“Y/N?” Sam asks.
“I’m too dumb for my own good, Sam. And now she’s gone and I was the one who said I wanted her gone.” The words spill out of him, and then he adds, “She walked out.”
Sam sighs, “And you let her?”
“What should I do?” Dean scoffs.
“You changed, Dean. I don’t think the old Dean would let her go without a fight. At least not when he realizes what a fucking idiot he’s been.”
“Don’t Sammy me, Dean! How many times have you told me stories about your English classes, huh? How many times did you tell me that it’s your fave fucking class? So, tell me something Dean, if I would ask for you to tell me about your favorite moments in your life, what will you tell me, huh? You and I both know it. You will say her. You will always say her, isn’t that so?”
Dean hates that Sam’s right. 
“I don’t know, so maybe you should go get her?” Sam says, and adds, “But, uh, maybe get the bottles out of the way, open up some windows to get the stink out of your loft and for god’s sake, take a fucking shower!”
Dean rolls his eyes, “Bye, Sam.”
After an ice cold shower, Dean sobered up enough to think straight. Not enough to drive, though, so he takes a cab to her apartment. 
Once there, he takes two steps at once and stops to breath in front of her door. He feels nauseous again, it’s a constant now and slowly he gets used to it. His heart is pumping fast, he’s fucking nervous. Lifting his hand, he knocks.
He knocks again, this time with his whole hand, palm hitting the wooden door, “Y/N open up, please. I need to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. I’ve been an idiot.”
There’s shuffling behind the door and it comes to a halt just short before it, Dean can hear it clear as day.
“Baby, please?” Dean leans his forehead on the door, his hands balled into fist as he knocks again. 
“Dean, it’s over. I have nothing else to say to you. Please leave.”
He closes his eyes and his heart takes a leap when he hears her voice. God, he hates that she uses his words against him. 
“‘M not going anywhere.” Dean says and it’s like he once promised her, he’s not going anywhere. He’s fucking here to stay. A promise he fucking broke because he’s a goddamn idiot. He’s here no matter what, he said, and he fucking broke that promise too.
There’s no answer and Dean turns around, rests his back against the door and lets himself slide down it. He’s going to wait.
He spends four hours in front of her door but when she wouldn’t come out and Cas called if he’s going to be in for work, he gets up from his position, knocks at her door again, “I have to go in to work. I’ll be back alright? I’ll come every day until you talk to me again, I swear.”
The first day he came to her apartment straight after work, camped outside, hoping she’d go in to work and would open up to meet him but she never left her apartment. He went back to change into new clothes and came back around to wait it out until he had to go into work again. 
The same repeated for the next two days. 
Cas didn’t really ask where he’s going and Dean thinks he knows. He hasn’t really talked to anyone since, to be honest. He didn’t even try to send her a text or call, knowing that she wouldn’t want to answer his calls or text anyway. There’s really nothing else he can do than waiting out in front of her door.
And now, Dean’s been doing that for three fucking long days. He came and went, brought her food and water but it stayed untouched in front of her apartment. 
On his fourth day, Dean’s late because he fell asleep in his office before the club even closed and now it’s already 10am when he arrives at her door. 
He knocks, and as usual, there’s no answer, so Dean sits down again, braces his arms on his knees and buries his face in it. He tries not to fall asleep, because if he does, he’d miss her and judging from the lack of sleep he’s getting, he’s sure that if he does, he’ll be dead to the world and won’t hear a fucking thing. 
Dean’s fighting with himself right now, fighting to keep his heavy lids open when he hears a creaking of a door. It isn’t her door, though. No, the sound comes from a little further away.
“Young man?” Dean hears a voice and an old woman peaks her head around the corner of her door frame. It’s Y/N’s neighbor. 
“Yeah,” Dean looks up and clears his throat, pinches at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. 
“She left this morning. I saw her in the stairwell, she had a heavy bag with her so I don’t think she’ll be back.”
Dean’s heart sinks to his balls and he gets up, tries to not to just grab the woman and shake more information out of her, “Okay,” He says instead, “Thanks.”
His car stops with a screech at the curb in front of her office building and Dean hurries out, runs up to the entrance. Fortunately, the security guy knew Dean, so he waved him through. 
Up on her office floor, he can see that her desk is empty but Rufus stares at him, killing him with a glare. Dean lifts his eyebrow, but he stays rigid because Rufus stands up to walk over to him.
The man pushes him out into the hall, his hand firm but gentle on Dean’s shoulder.
“I just need to talk to her,” Dean says and he might sound desperate, but he just can’t bring himself to care.
“She’s not here, Dean.” 
“What do you mean?” Dean turns his head and cranes his neck to catch a glimpse of the open office. Maybe she’s just in one of the meeting rooms?
“Just what I said,” Rufus says and continues to walk Dean back to the elevator, “She took time off. She’s not going to come in anytime soon.”
Dean turns around to stare at the man, “Do you know where she is, please?” His hands fists in Rufus' shirt. Yeah, Dean knows that he gives the impression of being desperate, but that’s only because he fucking is.
“No, I’m sorry. She didn’t tell me.” 
“What did she tell you?” Dean can’t help but ask. 
“That you’ve hurt her, Dean. You’ve hurt her bad.”
Rufus goes on, “I’ve known her for a while, Dean. I was there when she ended things with Cole. And from the way she talks, she’s even more upset about this break up.”
Break up . The word hits Dean like a fucking freight train. 
Rufus ignores Dean’s dumb stare, “What I know about her is that when she gets hurt, she’ll shut herself out from everything and everyone. It’s her coping mechanism. Now, please leave. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
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Chapter 30
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years ago
Chapter twelve:  You’re fucking late
Summary: Y/n and Tendou are deeply in love. Living on the other side of Tokyo now, the Monsters are still up to their old shit. They even opened a few businesses for Tax reasons. Even though it’s been almost three years later, Y/n still has never been able to understand how they have avoided the law several times. When Tendou’s Mother reappears in his life, Y/n is confused as Tendou claimed she is dead. Finding out Tendou is being forced to take over the family business by his Mother, she soon learns the truth behind Tendou’s reason he never gets in legal trouble is his family business. His mother is quick to decline Y/n as his future wife and tries to set up Tendou with someone she sees more fit. What will happen to Y/n and Tendou? What will happen to Tendou’s “family business”? What does this mean for the future of the Monsters?
TW: Swearing, traitor, stealing 
AN: Hey everyone!! I reached 500 followers! I am hosting an event that can be found here!!  This chapter is also a little shorter then usual! 
Third person Pov 
Tendou grabbed his jacket as he kissed Y/n before leaving. 
“If there is any trouble text me okay paradise.” He said. 
“Of course Satori. Let me know how it goes.” He laughed as he said his goodbye’s and left the house. 
Y/n walked inside down to the guest room where Kenma was resting. Suna and shirabu were already inside the room. 
“We only have one chance to do this right. So let’s get it done.” Suna said. 
The three left Kenma’s room with a plan intact as Y/n walked off to find Matsukawa. Suna walked into the kitchen as Hanamaki pulled out his phone. Hanamaki looked over the top of his phone as Shirabu walked into the room with a plate of food. Hanamaki was standing off not really noticing the other two in the room. 
“MAKI WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME FIRST?” Matsukawa came flying into the room as Shirabu stuck his foot out knocking Matsukawa down. Hanamaki launched his phone up as Suna caught it. He quickly tossed it to Y/n. She ran from the room down the hall to Kenma’s room. 
“We went way off plan. I just told Mattsun that Maki had a girlfriend.” Kenma looked up from his computer screen as he plugged in his phone. After typing in some stuff he looked up to Y/n. 
“I only need two minutes.” Y/n pulled out her phone and texted Shirabu. She then heard a loud noise and Hanamaki screamed. 
The two minutes seem to be the longest two minutes of all time. 
“Here.” Kenma said as he passed back the phone. 
Y/n quickly left the room as she placed the phone on the counter sliding it to Suna. Suna put the phone in the sink to pretend they never touched it. 
“Sorry I spilt my food on you.” Shirabu said as he left the room. 
“What the fuck is happening in here?” Y/n asked. 
“I tripped and fell into Maki. Then Shirabu tripped on me and spilt food on Hanamaki.” 
“Oh alright. Suna can I have your help with some school shit?” Suna shook his head as the two headed down to Kenma’s room. 
Shirabu was already standing behind Kenma. 
“You guys are not going to believe this.” Shirabu said. 
“What is it?” Y/n said as she moved behind Kenma. “Holy fuck who is this person?” She asked looking through the messages that were now up on the screen.
“What the fuck are we going to do about it?” Shirabu asked. 
“Maybe we should ask Terushima or Kyotani?” Suna suggests. 
“I’ll go talk to Yuuji. Can you find out who this person is and message me their name?” She asked kenma. He didn’t look up instead just past up a piece of paper with a name written on it. “Wish me luck.” She said as she walked out of the room. 
She walked up the stairs to Terushima’s room. Before she could knock the door was pulled open. 
“Oh sorry I thought you were Mad for a second.” Terushima said. “Can I help you with something Y/n?” 
“Can we talk... in private?” She said. Terushima stepped back as she stepped into his room. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked her. 
“Hanamaki is a mole, and I know you will want proof and we have it but I have no idea what to do and before you say That doesn’t sound like the Y/n we all know, it’s cause I have no idea how to tell Satori one of his family members is a snake ass bitch.” She said. 
“Wow okay, um can I see the proof, I just want to know how deep this shit is.” He said. 
“We have to go to Kenma’s room to see it.” 
“Alright let’s head down.”
Over at the new house Tendou was sitting at the table waiting for Kohaku still. A young woman about his age walked into the kitchen and sat down in a seat next to him. 
“Who the fuck are you?” He asked, angry. 
“Kohaku invited me to dinner.” 
“Of fucking course she did. Can you not fucking sit right next to me. This table is fucking huge.”
“She asked me to sit next to the man with red hair.” She said back with a smile.
“Fuck that.” He said as he stood up to move. 
“Tori! I see you already met tonight’s special guest!” Kohaku shouted from behind him. 
“You’re fucking late.” He spat at her. 
“It’s my diner party. There is no being late. Did you get a chance to look around or  introduce yourselves yet?” 
“Yeah I fucking looked around and then even had time to fucking come here and play a fucking couple games of risk.” 
“The sarcasm isn’t needed Tori. I am a busy woman.” 
“Well I haven’t introduced myself yet.” The women at the table said. “I’m Haruhi Takahashi.” 
“Great. So why the fuck is she here?” Tendou asked, looking at Kohaku. 
“Well I wanted you to meet your new fiancé.”
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years ago
The Real People of Black Sails!
Here’s a quick(I promise....I promise this is as short as I could make it without leaving out some really choice shit) rundown of all the real historical figures peppered throughout Black Sails! I think I caught them all but if you know of others please mention them and I’ll add them on! Under a readmore because this is....so long y’all.
Pirates & Maroons
Anne Bonny (possibly 1697 – unknown; possibly April 1782) Started life crossdressing at her dad’s behest to avoid his wife(who wasn’t Bonny’s mom), married a guy her dad didn’t like, moved to Nassau. There her husband became a spy for Rogers and Anne was like ‘Not cool bro’. She met Jack, they started fucking, and Anne discovered she was really good at stabbing things. Resumed dressing as a man and started trying to seduce Mary Read who was also dressed as a man. They did indeed fall victim to one of the classic queer blunders. Anyway, Anne’s like ‘it’s not gay I’m a chick!’ And Mary is like ‘really?? Then it’s a little gayer than you realize because I’m a chick too!’ They (probably) start banging. Rackham’s like ‘hang on! I’m the only dick in Anne’s life’ and Mary and Anne are like ‘you sure are’ and Mary shows him her boobs and then they have some sort of complicated and probably not totally consensual threeway. Then they get captured because, Jack is That Guy Who Was Too Drunk To Realize His Ship Was Under Attack and Mary and Anne had to defend the ship against like, a whole other crew. Jack is hung(not a dick joke), but both Anne and Mary plead stays of execution due to pregnancy. Anne disappears but possibly is maybe referred to later. No one knows. Neat!
Edit: According to sources from this post there is a genealogical record that refers to Anne and it records her death as 1782. Very neat!
Israel Hands (c.1701-death unknown) Israel Hands was a real pirate and Blackbeard’s first mate. Not much else is known about where he came from or his life, other than that Blackbeard shot him in the knee at one point while supposedly aiming for another man. ‘Oops my bad this pistol is from like, the 18th century or something.’ While recuperating in Bath he was arrested after Teach’s death but took a pardon in exchange for ratting out the colonial officials who had been bribed by Teach. It’s unknown what happened to him after that although That Book About Pyrites says he died a beggar in London.
Benjamin Hornigold (1680–1719) Horny4gold was one of the most well known and influential pirates of the Golden Age. Most other pirates sailed under him or with him at one point, and he was one of the founders of the Pirate Republic of Nassau. He never attacked british ships during his time as captain so that he could be like ‘but brooooo I was acting in Britain’s Interests!!! Bro!!!!!’ But his co-pirates didn’t like that and eventually voted to replace him with Sam Bellamy. He accepted the king's pardon in 1718 and became a pirate hunter instead. Bummer. He was reportedly killed in a shipwreck.
Okay listen Horingold in any universe is a fucking JOKE I have to share this passage with y’all:
“Hornigold is recorded as having attacked a sloop off the coast of Honduras, but as one of the passengers of the captured vessel recounted, "they did us no further injury than the taking most of our hats from us, having got drunk the night before, as they told us, and toss'd theirs overboard"” WHAT A JOKE.
Dr. Howell - (birth/death unknown) John Howell was a pirate surgeon forced into service by Hornigold sometime in early 1717. He sailed with various pirate crews until October before returning into the service of Governor Rogers.
Ned Low (1690–1724) N’EDWARD. Okay I’m serious again. Born in London, Lowe grew up a thief in a thief family before moving to Boston. His wife died in childbirth in 1719, so he decided ‘fuck it I’ll become a Pirate Captain’ and did just that. He was known for torturing the people on board the ships he captured before murdering them and burning the ship. Interestingly though, Lowe was known to have a huge amount of regret over abandoning his daughter when he turned pirate, and wouldn’t force married men into his service. He also reportedly would allow women to return to port safely. Because of his numerous captures and cruelties, he was one of the most well known pirates in his day. There are differing reports about Low’s death - some say his crew mutinied and marooned him and he was subsequently hung, others say his ship sunk in a storm, and some say he just straight up disappeared. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jack Rackham - (December 26, 1682 – November 18, 1720) Really a pirate, really named himself after a housecat pattern. (No, okay, he didn’t, it was because of his threads. But wouldn’t the cat thing fit too?) Sailed with Vane, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read. Was mostly known for being That Guy Who Was Too Drunk To Realize His Ship Was Under Attack and being Anne and Mary’s captain. He was captured and sentenced to hang after the aforementioned Drunk Blunder in 1720.
Mary/Mark Read - (1685 – 28 April 1721) Much like Anne Bonny, Mary dressed as a boy for much of her youth so a parent could swindle someone out of money. From her teenage years on she continued dressing as a man to find work in the military and as a sailor. She did marry but her husband died young and so she decided to become a pirate. Like ya do. She accepted the king’s pardon in 1718, then mutinied on the privateer she was aboard, once again becoming a pirate. Because pirates are sexy. In 1720 she joined Jack Rackham’s crew and sailed with him and Bonny. Cue the whole ‘Hey you’re hot, also I’m a woman.’ ‘Oh, hey, same hat!’ with Anne. In November of 1720, Rackham’s ship was captured. Mary died of a fever in prison(likely due to her pregnancy) in 1721.
Edward Teach - (c. 1680 – 22 November 1718) He started piracy sailing under Hornigold, and built the fleet alongside him and Stede Bonnet until Hornigold retired. COOL fact about Blackbeard is he was a MASTER showman who liked to light slow burning fuses under his hat to scare his enemies, and he relied more heavily on creating an image his prizes feared than violence. He did a lot of cool shit including ransoming the entire town of Charles Town and annoying the shit out of Woodes Rogers before settling in Bath and later dying of like, a shit ton of wounds while battling Lieutenant Maynard. The battle on Roger’s ship is pretty much what happened minues the keelhauling. Afterwards he was beheaded, his head hung from the bow of Maynard’s ship, and his body was thrown in the bay in Bath, where it’s said his ghost still haunts! Funky!
Charles Vane - (1680 – 29 March 1721)  Really a pirate captain! Known for being Not A Nice Dude. Sailed with Henry Jennings, Edward England and Jackie Rackhammie. He led the pirates in resisting Rogers in Nassau, and yeah he really did light a ship on fire and 18th centuryeet it into Rogers’ line in order to escape. There’s a note that he returned to Nassau to get married but I couldn’t find any info on who he married so he’s gay now. That’s a rule I just made up. Anyway so at one point his ship got into a fight with another ship and Vane ordered a retreat and the crew was like ‘this is BOOshit’ and voted him out in favor of Jack Rackham. Ouch. Vane and some of the crew that supported him left aboard the Katherine(I believe) but then they got caught in a storm that said ‘fuck you specifically to Charles Vane,’ and he was marooned on an island. He survived! Just long enough for a British ship to stop at the island for him to attempt to board, get caught, and then hung. Deus ex piratica.
(Honorary mentions)
John Silver + Captain Flint (sort of but I’m not kidding!) Okay so of course there are a bunch of suspected origins of the characters of Captain Flint and Long John Silver, but the one I like the most is of two brothers - one of whom had a peg leg! - who captured an enormous Spanish treasure and buried it near Ocracoke island. Their names were John and Owen Lloyd. (And yes, John was the one-legged brother.) In 1750 a Spanish treasure fleet named the Flotas de Indias attempted to sail from Havana to Spain in late August, and three ships were wrecked during a hurricane. By a stroke of luck, the Lloyd brothers had been blown to the same inlet as the wrecked ships Guadalupe and Soledad , and managed to convince the Captain to hire them to transport the treasure to Norfolk. 
But of course because they thought the Spanish SUCKED they said ‘psyche’ and just fucked off with it while the Captain was fighting Bureaucratic red tape in North Carolina. Iconique. Owen Lloyd reportedly buried the treasure on Norman Island and  the pair became folk heroes in the area, particularly in St. Kitts.  (P.s., the Stevenson family ran a sugar production business on St. Kitts, and R.L. Stevenson’s great grandfather worked there as early as 1773 - just 25 years after the epic heist. COOL STORY BRO.)
Captain Throckmorton (Okay not really but I just love this guy’s name) Okay so this guy wasn’t really a pirate captain but he was a Steamboat captain in the 1830s and his name is just too ridiculous for someone to make up. Toot toot, motherfucker.
Queen Nanny(Maroon Queen/Madi) (c. 1686 – c. 1755) The spiritual, cultural, and military leader of the Windward Maroons (who the Black Sails Maroons are based on.) She led them alongside her ‘brother’ Quao although the relationship between them isn’t known. Exact information about her origins are not known but best guess is that she was of royal lineage from present-day Ghana, born sometime in the 1680’s. She did have a husband named Adou(who may have been the same person as Quao? I’ve read conflicting stuff), but they had no children. Many of the guerilla warfare tactics we now think of as common practice were developed by Queen Nanny and the other Maroons in their fight against British incursions. (The trap that Flint lays, covering themselves with paint and leaves, and the pits the Maroons lay in the forest are tactics known to have been used by the Windward Maroons.)
Nanny was a fucking legend okay a LEGENDS ONLY legend. She was one of the most instrumental people in preserving African culture among freed slaves and Maroons, and in encouraging the resistance to slavery in the Bahamas and surrounding areas. She was one of three leaders of the First Maroon War (which the war in Black Sails is based on). She initially refused to sign the treaty offered to Cudjoe because she knew the British were losing and was like ‘Why????? Would I surrender???? In a war??? I’m winning?????’
Anyway Queen Nanny was a fucking badass please read every piece of literature you can find on her. (You should absolutely read her full bio because she was fucking badass.)
Cudjoe (not exactly, but Julius is very close) (c. 1690s – 1764) Likely a freeborn son of one of the original escaped slaves turned Maroons, Cudjoe is hailed as one of the greatest Maroon leaders(after Queen Nanny). Much like in Black Sails, these original Maroons were slaves who escaped or overran their masters, forming free communities in the Mountains of Jamaica. The treaty in Black Sails is based on the one Cudjoe negotiated with the British, wanting an ‘honorable peace’ with the enemy, rather than the continued war and better terms that Queen Nanny and Quao wanted. (sound familiarrrrrr?) I do want to note that by the end of his life he became completely disillusioned with the idea that the British should be reasoned with and basically started fights with every British superior he could.
The English, Spanish, and Scottish!
The Guthries So while there wasn’t ever a female head of the Guthrie clan in Nassau, the Guthries were a Scottish merchant clan who emigrated to Boston around 1652 due to religious and racial persecution. While most of the family stayed around Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, John Guthrie moved to Virginia and his brother James Guthrie moved to Bermuda sometime after 1683.
(James Guthrie of Suffolk County, Massachusetts was listed in the will of John Richardson, dated 7 May 1683, in which Richardson says, “I give and bequeath unto James Guthrie all I have in the world except twenty shillings to buy John Harris a ring and ten shillings to buy John Kyte a ring.” This was witnessed by John Raynsford and John Ramsey.) Fellas is it gay.
Anyway, between Virginia and Boston and James’ ties in the Bermuda islands, the family made a shit ton fencing pirated goods during the Golden Age of Piracy, particularly from the Pirate Republic of Nassau.
A John Guthrie(likely a son of James’) was also a Colonel who was part of the peace talks with Cudjoe and the Maroons. Neat!
James Oglethorpe (22 December 1696 – 30 June 1785) Okay listen Oglethorpe was COOL AS FUCK. He is the founder of the colony of Georgia and is imo who Thomas Hamilton is probably based on. Oglethorpe was a HUGE humanitarian and even before he decided to form an entire colony around people not owning slaves. He advocated for better conditions for sailors, and prison reform. In 1732 he read a letter by a slave in Maryland named Ayuba Suleiman Diallo and on the spot decided slavery was terrible, divested himself of his stock in the African Trading Company, and resolved to include a law banning slavery in Georgia to the colony’s charter. Radical, man.
Speaking of Georgia, and specifically his plantation near Savannah, Oglethorpe actively spoke with the native Yamacraw who populated the land to ask permission and trade for the land he sought to build Georgia on. His plantation was meant to help debtors in London, released without any support, from falling back into debt and offering them a way forward to landownership through indentured servitude. I highly recommend anyone interested in early attempts at an equality based colonial system read up on the original charter of Georgia. (Of course there were still problems, but Oglethorpe was one of the most prominent proponents of a non hierarchical society - including limits to the acreage any person could own based on how helpful that land was to the people who worked it, and communal resources.) Oglethorpe was also a lifelong friend with Tomochichi, the chief of the Yamacraw, and worked very closely with him on colonial-indigenous relations.
Vincente de Raja (birth/death unknown) He was the real Governor and military Captain of Cuba from 1716-1717. He was a devoted pirate hunter and encouraged Spanish privateering against the pirates. Due to an attempt by Spain to increase tobacco profits at the expense of the farmers, there was a large revolt which resulted in many of the Cuban officials, including Raja, being replaced. 
William Rhett (4 September 1666 – 12 January 1723) He was a merchant captain and plantation owner in Carolina who served in the colonial militia and hunted pirates. He captured Stede Bonnet and was probably just as much of an asshole as he is in the show.
Woodes Rogers - (c. 1679 – 15 July 1732) The Governor of Nassau who was largely responsible for ending piracy in the Bahamas. He really did offer a universal pardon, which a large number of the pirates took. Fun fact: before he was Governor, he rescued Alexander Selkirk, who is believed to be the guy Robinson Crusoe is based off of! Neat! He really did have a brother who really did die during his privateering exploits which also really did leave him ‘disfigured’. He got sued by his crew, went bankrupt, wrote a book, got famous for writing the book, and he really did have a wife named Sarah whom he divorced shortly after all this happened. He then became Governor of Nassau for the first time. This first term did end in him being imprisoned for debts incurred defending the island from Vane and Teach and the Spanish, but he was released, helped write that most famous A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, and became governor again in 1728. He died in 1732 of just plain exhaustion from dealing with the bureaucracy. Alexa play tiny violin.
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blouisparadise · 5 years ago
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Here are some great bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of June. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Until You’re Home | Explicit | 1039 words
Louis lives in London, Harry lives in Tokyo. They make it work.
2) He Holds My Paradise | Mature | 1332 words 
“What is it that you want, baby?”
“Your dick” Louis breaths out, choking on his own words, neck still covered by his boyfriend’s hand.
“And where do you want it, baby?” the Devil asks him, a satisfied smirk painting his lips. “in my pussy, please.”
3) Morning | Explicit | 1428 words 
Harry and Louis wake up and have a 'productive' morning in the shower ;)
4) Let's Go To The Beach | General Audiences | 1489 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. This is a sequel. Part one of this fic is #6 on this list. 
"Louis," Harry repeated.
"Right," Louis sighed. "He tried to scent me."
or the one where Louis has a meeting with an aggressive alpha and Harry calms Louis down.
5) Sweet Relief, Pretty Please | Not Rated | 1840 words 
Louis is drunk, sad and alone, and Harry is a wanker.
6) Hey Moon, Don't You Fall Down | Mature | 2574 words 
Note: The sequel to this fic is #4 on this list. 
"Make me yours," Louis opened his eyes and put his hands on Harry's shoulders. "I'm ready, alpha, always been ready for you. Since the first day we met, I was yours. Please," Louis gasped as Harry slid his fingers out of him.
or the one where Harry and Louis finally bond.
7) Nothing Like Anything | Explicit | 2614 words 
Harry is bored of his frat parties. No one interesting comes anyway.It's always drunk people, grinding in the living room, strangers trying to catch his eye. He's about to leave, just to ease his pounding head when he sees him, sinful on the dance floor and suddenly the party isn't so bad.
8) Over Exposed - Part Two| Explicit | 2840 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Harry and Louis take a quick break from Harry's tour to attend the VMAs, then have a night out at a club.
9) Sweet Vanilla Cream | Explicit | 2896 words 
Harry fights to resist his roommate's new omega boyfriend, Louis. Louis maybe doesn't want him to resist.
10) Take Off Your Glasses | Mature | 3742 words
Louis was enjoying his time, as he decided to spend his weekend clubbing, Louis knows no one in there, yet someone wanted to mess with him to know who's Louis the attractive boy in the black skirt.
"It’s Louie.. Sir."
11) Rose’s Fortune | Mature | 5055 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut but since it’s a/b/o we’ve decided to include it in this monthly roundup.
Omega Louis takes one of his siblings to the doctors (check up, possible broken bone or possibly injections?) and the new Dr is Alpha Harry. Harry is great with kids and Louis is smitten. Harry is smitten too but attempts to act professionally and keep his distance whenever Louis visits the Drs with his siblings or to pick up his prescriptions. But Harry realises there is no reason for him not to make a move as Louis isn't under his care.
12) Dare You To Move | Not Rated | 6060 words 
The one where Harry falls in love with the omega who is the brain behind the omega march he joined.
13) Savage Garden’s Song Rules Sometimes (While Yours Always Reign Supreme) | Explicit | 6261 words 
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
The morning after one too many nights of isolation for Louis Tomlinson and his hot & dangerous boy.
Aka how insanely adorkable Harry Styles could be after a sulking episode. [wordplay edition]
14) I Can Feel Your Blood Pressure Rise | Explicit | 9292 words 
"Hello, your Highness," Harry heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chills ran down his body as he felt the coldness of something sharp poke the back of his neck, "Turn around slowly or I'll hurt you,” the voice said in a teasing tone.
Where Louis is some sort of Robin Hood and sneaks into the King's castle, only to be fucked hard.
15) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10323 words 
Nice guys always finish last.
16) Teenage Dream | Explicit | 10333 words
Harry and Louis get reintroduced to each other by their friends. It’s an instant connection. Now they’ve just gotta get to know each other.
17) Move So Petty (You're All I See) | Explicit | 10548 words 
Harry’s pretty content with his life. He loves his job- a veterinarian at a local clinic who’s already built up a name for himself despite his young age. He loves his gorgeous flat with its wide, open space and minimalistic, yet still homey feel. He loves his family who he talks to and visits as much as possible, not bothered by the long hours of driving to Holmes Chapel from London he endures multiple times a month. He loves his friends and his coworkers and his neighbors- especially Allison, the little old lady next door who brings him and Louis cookies on holidays and who always comments on how “strong and handsome you are, Mr. Styles,” everytime he sees her.
And most importantly, he loves Louis, just- maybe in a slightly different way.
18) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11111 words 
The one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
19) Smells Like Omega Spirit | Not Rated | 11769 words 
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it.
Louis is an omega doing a test run on neutralizers for a class project. Every time he talks to Harry he smells completely different.
Harry is an alpha who can't figure out if he's going crazy or his sense of smell is broken, but all he wants to figure out what Louis' real scent is.
Somehow they figure it out.
20) You Kill My Mind | Explicit | 13181 words 
Harry has always been ashamed to reveal his kinks to friends and partners alike. One day he meets a man who seems perfectly designed for him and they embark on a wonderful, sex-filled exploration journey.
21) In The Heat Of The Moment | Mature | 15743 words 
When Louis unexpectedly goes into heat in maths class it takes him way too long to figure out why (it might have something to do with a certain curly haired boy sitting next to him).
22) Was In No Hurry, Had No Worries | Explicit | 21485 words 
The year is 1999 and Harry can’t stop dedicating songs to Louis on the radio. Or the one where Harry hits Louis with his car.
23) You're The Smell Before Rain, You're The Blood In My Veins | Explicit | 21945 words 
“It was him you talked about, when you used to call me late at night, saying you were missing your ex? Was it him, your important five-year long story? Was it him the person you had thought about proposing, one day?” Nick asks with a low voice, almost inaudible, almost like he’s talking to himself “He’s my boyfriend…” he whispers again, without looking up.
“I know! And you shouldn’t worry, because you don’t have a single reason to do so. He’s yours now, he’s with you. I really don’t understand why you came here, honestly” Harry says defending himself out of instinct, even if he has no reason to react like that. He just- just wishes for Nick to leave his room and go back home to Louis. Because at this point Nick has Louis and fuck, why can’t he just go fuck off for once? Doesn’t he have enough shit do deal with already? Does he really need to get into this as well? Right now?
24) Like The Earth Around The Sun | Explicit | 23600 words 
The one where Harry bursts in on Louis in heat and things only get more complicated from there.
25) The Blood of Love | Explicit | 25273 words 
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
26) Habit | Teen & Up | 27095 words 
In which Louis is a Donna who has a soft spot for alpha Harry.
27) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words 
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
28) Robbers And Cowards | Explicit | 33237 words 
A modern day Robin Hood AU where Louis and Harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more.
29) Caves End | Explicit | 39711 words 
The one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
30) Soaked In The Blood Of Angels | Explicit | 40867 words 
The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.
Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.
This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.
31) With Stars Of Brightest Gold | Explicit | 41109 words 
Louis Tomlinson is the premier courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. In his dreams, he has always wanted to be a famous stage actor. Locked into his contract, he has little means of escape until a handsome duke promises him freedom with a romantic alliance. Due to a case of mistaken identity playwright Harry Styles is thrown into the mix, compelling Louis to choose between his head or his heart.
32) We Both Got Nothing To Hide | Explicit | 43811 words 
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
33) In A World Alone | Explicit | 50787 words 
Harry’s breath catches as the glow grows bigger and bigger until he’s squinting his eyes and blinking at the sudden intense brightness. He closes his eyes, rubbing at them helplessly. When his eyes open again- he gasps, grip loosening on his bow as he gawks at the sight before him.
Because the swan is gone.
And in its place is the prettiest omega Harry has ever seen.
A Swan Lake AU.
34) Hunting Ground | Not Rated | 583658 words 
Note: This fic is the third part of a series. Part two is #38 in this list.
Louis Tomlinson didn’t know how complicated life could be until he became a werewolf. And until he was mated to Harry Styles, the son — and enforcer — of Liam, the leader of the North American werewolves, he didn’t know how dangerous it could be either...
Louis and Harry have just been enlisted to attend a summit to present Liam's controversial proposition: that the wolves should finally reveal themselves to humans. But the most feared Alpha in Europe is dead set against the plan — and it seems like someone else might be too. When Louis is attacked by vampires using pack magic, the kind of power only werewolves should be able to draw on, Harry and Louis must combine their talents to hunt down whoever is behind it all — or risk losing everything.
35) The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes | Mature | 85205 words 
His chin is grabbed harshly, facing the two deep green eyes that have been getting on his nerves for the past ten minutes. The smirk on the man's face does not vanish. The grip of his hand on Louis' chin does not soften, his thumb at the side of his lower lip.
His smile widens as he answers Louis' question, ''My name is Styles, but you will call me Captain."
Pirate AU.
36) Cry Wolf | Not Rated | 85205 words 
Note: This fic is the second part of a series. Part three is #36 in this list.
Louis never knew werewolves existed, until the night he survived a violent attack... and became one himself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, he'd learned to keep his head down and never, ever trust dominant wolves. Then Harry Styles, the enforcer—and son—of the leader of the North American werewolves, came into his life.
Harry insists that not only is Louis his mate, but he is also a rare and valued Omega wolf. And it is Louis' inner strength and calming presence that will prove invaluable as he and Harry go on the hunt in search of a rogue werewolf—a creature bound in magic so dark that it could threaten all of the pack.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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ad1thi · 4 years ago
@starklysteve  rhae asked for some winteriron recs (read: i volunteered to spam rhae w buckytony fics because i adore them), so in no particular order, and based on my memory alone, here are some of my favourite buckytony fics!!
(please remember to leave kudos and comments!!)
American Memorial: @/spqr
“Pick up the shield,” Tony said. Understandably, Bucky told him to go fuck himself
Losing You (Is My Supervillain Origin Story):  @amethystinawrites
There are a lot of things that Bucky regrets. The list is, quite frankly, longer than he can handle on most days and, right at the very top, is lying to Tony about who killed his parents. Bucky has known even from before they started dating, but he simply can't bring himself to say anything — to ruin one of the few good things he has in his life. It's selfish and wrong, but Bucky just doesn't know how to tell Tony that he is the one responsible for Howard and Maria Stark's deaths.
So when he starts receiving anonymous emails, threatening to expose the truth to Tony and the rest of the world, Bucky is desperate enough to agree to the blackmailer's terms, even if it means breaking up with Tony. Bucky cannot, under any circumstances, let Tony find out about his parents from anyone but Bucky himself.
Too late Bucky realizes that there is much more to the blackmailer's scheme than just having Bucky break Tony's heart. Too late Bucky realizes that despite his best intentions, he will still end up losing everything — in a much more permanent way than he could ever have imagined.
Hindsight: @amethystinawrites
Ever since he was a little boy, Bucky has dreamed of becoming an astronaut together with Steve, and he can hardly believe their luck when both of them are picked for the Ares 3 crew — the third expedition sent to explore Mars. It is, quite literally, a dream come true.
Things get complicated when Bucky finds himself inconveniently attracted to their mechanical engineer, however. Tony Stark is funny, competent, and absolutely captivating, but considering NASA's strict non-fraternization policy, Bucky knows it's better to keep his interest to himself — at least until they return to Earth. He can wait.
Not once does Bucky consider the possibility that all of them might not make it back alive, or just how much he'll come to regret not acting when he had the chance.
Arsenal: @tangodancer91 (part of a series) (also my all time favourite buckytony series ever)
Two years after the Civil War that tore apart everything she’d bled to build, Toni Stark sacrificed herself for her newly-reinstated teammates and ended up stranded in the past. Freed of her name, her fortune, and her hostile ex-teammates, she built herself a life as an agent for the OSS, the American secret service, and, having nothing to lose, accepted a mission to infiltrate the newest player in the war: an organization that call themselves HYDRA.
Then, she met a young draftee with a dreadfully familiar face, and they clicked like she had never clicked with anyone before. By the time she realized she’d fallen for the man who’d cost her everything, it was too late, but she’d always been an all or nothing type of girl, and if she was damning herself, well then…might as well go all the way.
Yield: @aurumacadicus (this is an a/b/o verse fic)
All Bucky has ever wanted was to win the contest for Tony's hand in marriage. It's a bit harder now that he's down to one arm, but luckily his friends are willing to help make up the difference.
Barnes Family Motors Inc: @phlintandsteel-ao3 (this is an a/b/o verse fic)
In a world where alphas legally own omegas, Bucky is just a small time mechanic from Brooklyn who gets lucky in a poker game. Tony is an omega whose life is fraught with abuse, until his luck suddenly takes a turn for the better.
In the grand scheme of things they may only be able to make little differences in the lives of those around them, but that doesn't mean it's not worth making them. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
The Long Con (don’t kid yourself): @phlintandsteel-ao3
When Tony finds out that Howard is thinking about changing the terms of Tony’s trust fund, he embarks on a not-so-elaborate scheme to prove that he’s totally settling down and not in continued need of Howard’s “guidance” until 25 instead of 21. Step 1: Get a fiance Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit (Finally be free of Howard)
Unfortunately, Tony Stark is the worst con-artist ever, and may only be kidding himself..
Hot Mess:  @/niki
“Would serve him right if we had the world's most ill-advised one night stand.”
Imperceptions and Assumptions: @/NarutoRox
Afterward, Bucky would look back on their first meeting with fondness and a healthy dose of amusement. At the time, though, he’d mostly been confused - and more than a little embarrassed.
Bucky hadn’t paid much attention to the media in his early days, and hadn’t bothered really reading up on the team or anything, either, so when Steve had said ‘Tony Stark’, Bucky had just assumed.
The same way he’d looked at the three people who’d walked through the door - an imposing redhead in heels, a bored-looking brunette who dimpled when she saw him and Steve, and a sturdy-looking man wearing a slight glower - locked eyes on the man, and assumed him to be the infamous Tony Stark Steve wouldn’t shut up about.
It was Bucky’s first lesson when it came to Natasha Antonia ‘Toni’ Stark - never assume.
In which Tony Stark is actually Natasha Antonia 'Toni' Stark (which everyone knows) as well as Iron Man (which everyone does not know), assumptions are made, and there are misunderstandings.
From this prompt: How about a cross between my two favorite tropes? Nobody knows who iron man is other than Natasha/Antonia Stark's bodyguard but Bucky is in love with one or both of them
i know, you know (that i’m not telling the truth) : @imposter-human
psychic tony stark is called to work a routine case with detective bucky barnes; only, he seems to be more connected to the case than anyone thought
or, a psych au!!
the new romeo and juliet: @imposter-human
Bucky and Tony weren’t dating, because a firefighter and a detective couldn’t date (never mind that Tony hadn’t slept with anyone else since their thing had started, and he and Bucky hung out with an alarming frequency, and the whole precinct thought that they were an item). It didn't matter how many nights they spent together, how Bucky had a drawer of Tony's things and vice versa, they just couldn't.
It was a classic Romeo and Juliet situation, if Romeo and Juliet actively disliked each other on top of everything.
if found, please return to: @capnshellhead
Tony Stark shows up at Bucky's bar after a really tough break up and Bucky decides to look after him
gods of carnage:  @deathsweetqueen (part of a series)
On May 29, 1970, the Winter Soldier feels a burning sensation and looks down at his wrist to find a single name written in enduring ink: Antonia Margaret Stark.
HYDRA, fearing the defiance of their greatest asset due to a bond that cannot and will not be denied its due, immediately dispatches the Soldier, to locate, collect and deliver this newborn girl to HYDRA, which will become her new home, her new family and her entire world - to be raised as another one of HYDRA’s great warriors: their Engineer.
But the Engineer is a faulty asset. She thinks things that may get her killed one day. She wants things that she shouldn’t, that are not hers to want. She has a mind and body that belong more to herself than any handler, than any commander she may have.
And if she cuts her strings, when she cuts her strings, well, when you put sheep next to wolves, you ask for a bloodbath.
where i walk, you follow (where i burn, you burn):  @deathsweetqueen
At his father's command, Anthony Stark trades in his northern keep for a southern crown, wedded and bedded by Alexander of House Pierce, First of His Name.
Tony does his duty, becomes a wolf in name only, toothless and clawless, and a dark, gleaming ornament for the King, even if he would make himself a widower a hundred times over.
Honour demanded it of him, and so he did.
But it is Ser James Barnes, named the Kingslayer for his sins during the Rebellion, that draws his eye, gives him comfort in this pit of liars and monsters
So, what is honour compared to a good man's love? They are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love.
[Fic by deathsweetqueen, Art by MassiveSpaceWren]
Cat Parenting (And Other Meet Cutes):  @singingwithoutwords (this is an a/b/o verse fic)
Of all the ways Bucky could have finally gotten a chance to speak to his crush, why did it have to be his cat getting Tony's cat pregnant?
Codename Heartbreaker:  @rinnwrites (part of a series)
Today was a day that, contrary to popular belief, Tony Stark had most certainly not been looking forward to. It was election day, or election night, rather, and the polls were closed, the results were in; Howard Stark was the next President of the United States of America.
Tony Stark Bingo - R3: Election Day
Fate Strings Not Required: @akira-of-the-twilight
“Hey doll,” a new voice said from Tony’s side.
Tony glanced at the person approaching.
Someone was working the rugged, bad boy look. The new guy rocked a leather jacket and blue jeans.
His blue eyes lit up with joy as he approached Tony. “Something wrong here?” The new guy gave the first guy--the one insisting he was Tony's soul mate--a once over then turned his full attention on Tony. “You’re looking a little stressed, anything I can do?”
Tony took the hint.
Tony wrapped his hand around the new guy’s elbow. He kept his touch light and breakable in case he’d misread the cue.
“Just some guy claiming to be my soul mate, babe.”
The new guy’s eyebrows rose to his hairline in surprise. He chuckled and gave the first guy a smirk. “Strange. Last time I checked we were soul mates.”
Siren’s Treasure: @akira-of-the-twilight
Prompt: I really love the idea of playboy!Bucky flirt of the seven seas first-mate to Captain Rogers, falling completely overboard in love with our Blacksmith-Inventor Inexperienced!Tony who goes from confident captive to shy woe-begone man in the presence of Bucky's fierce affections. Virgin!Tony wonders what a siren like Bucky could possibly want with him. Bucky wants to know what the fuck Logan thinks he's doing flirting with the man who stole his heart like sunken treasures. Happy ending please?
“Sirens killed your crew?” Steve repeated.
The dark haired man nodded. Just an hour ago the Avenger crew had found the man clinging to driftwood in the middle of the ocean. Now he clutched the flask of rum Bucky had given him like it was all that kept him buoyant during these tumultuous times.
The man—Tony—had already downed more than half the flask and was still sober. “Not exactly my crew, but close enough. Yeah.” Tony uncapped the flask and threw back a mouthful.
Steve frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
Tony shrugged. “I wasn’t captain of the ship.”
“So what were you?” Steve pressed.
Road hazards: @riotwritesthings
Steve and Bucky's BFF road trip is not going well. For starters, Steve couldn't even make it, and for some bizarre reason asked Tony to take his place. The fact that it’s only a couple days before someone is trying to kill them isn’t nearly as stressful as the fact that Bucky and Tony have never really had an actual conversation.
It’s hard to avoid someone when stuck in a car with them though, and if they manage to stay alive they just might learn a thing or two.
Once Upon a Wintertime: @iam93percentstardust (this is an a/b/o verse fic)
Look, Bucky knows that he’s fulfilling every cliché in the book right now. He knows that, as a bodyguard, he’s not supposed to fall in love with his client. But Tony’s good and sweet and so, so lonely and how could Bucky not? He thinks he’s got a shot after Tony breaks up with his boyfriend but on a trip across the country, he finds out that Tony needs a bondmate or the board will steal SI—and Ty’s already said yes.
little bird: @thxngam
Bucky laughs, and it’s loud and unbidden, a way he hadn’t laughed for years before, tugging his giggling omega into his lap. Tony quiets and nestles into Bucky’s chest like he was made to belong there, and Bucky has noticed several times that Tony is much smaller than he is, but he never quite noticed how Tony always seemed to curl into him as a reason for his size.
Tony nestles like a little bird.
Teenage Dream:  @anthonyed
Tony Stark develops a crush on the school's bad boy who is too cool to hang out with anyone. At least, it's what Tony thinks. He never considered that James Barnes is probably as lonely as he is.
(in the process of editing)
The Best Laid Plans (of Mice and Men):  @arboreal-elm-ash-oak
His Dark Materials AU
It was Annalise who noticed their small visitor first.
“Tony,” the spider daemon said softly, skittering up the collar of his dress shirt, two of her eight legs resting delicately against his cheek, “Don’t startle them, but I believe we have a guest. Look, by the coffee table.”
A Kitten and a Soldier: @/ThatDamnKennedyKid
Bucky hadn't heard from Rumlow in years - since the whole Winter Soldier fiasco in Siberia. They've been discharged for nearly six years, but when he gets a message that only says "I need your help" , he grabs his jacket and keys.
The Prince’s Bride: @hddnone
After Tony loses the love of his life to pirates on the high sea, not much matters to him. He agrees to wed Prince Justin Hammer to gain access to vibranium and shut himself away in his workshop until the end of time, but a group of ruffians kidnap Tony to take him to Hydra.
Tony's rescue takes on an unlikely form - the Dread Pirate Rogers, who killed the love of his life five years ago.
A Princess Bride AU
A Kind of Destiny: @weethreequarter
A chance meeting at a wedding brings together an American war veteran and the Prince of Wales. Little do they know, the wheels have been set in motion for a relationship which will change not only their lives, but the monarchy itself. Bucky and Tony strike up a friendship at Steve and Peggy’s wedding, a friendship that soon develops into more. But it’s not so simple: Tony is the Prince of Wales, and heir to the throne of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Any relationship is played out in the press and public eye, and then there's that pesky issue of succession to consider too. But Bucky is no coward, and when he finds something he wants, he’s prepared to fight for it. And fight he will, at Tony's side, for their very own fairy tale ending.
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