#She got a cool design for her birthmark
caycanteven · 1 year
Here's my skele sona ref, Xel ~ I'm so good with naming conventions aren't I?
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cripplecharacters · 6 months
Hi! Do you have some ideas in regards to facial differences and fun/cool make-up?
I'm planning to re-design a character, and was planning to give her a port wine stain during the redesign; she's also the type of character who'd really enjoy fun/cool make-up, like stuff that incorporates rhinestones or wild eyeliner shapes. I feel like she might enjoy incorporating her port wine stain into the make-up, but I'm drawing a blank as to how she might do that, and all google gives me is how to cover them, which is the exact opposite of what I and the character want. Are there any resources you could point me to? Or am I missing something that'd make it distasteful to put so much attention on her FD, even positive attention, since I don't have one? (I'll definitely try to have some more characters with FDs who are just, like, neutral about them/don't draw attention to them through make-up like that, but the character in question is one of the main characters so I want her design done before focusing on the more minor characters)
I will preface this by saying that I'm a guy with close to zero experience or knowledge about make-up, if I misuse any basic terms or am ignorant about it, I apologize!
The idea of a character incorporating their birthmark into make-up is really fun! I definitely don't think it would be distasteful. I can easily imagine an influencer with a facial difference deciding to do something like this!
Some of the cool things she could do;
She could make it stand out more, rather than less - maybe make the color pop; make it more brightly red (or purple, or any other color hers is)?
Coordinate colors! Matching the color of her birthmark with her lipstick, or eyeshadow, or anything else. Or fun palettes; maybe a sunset gradient that incorporates the port wine stain's color?
Make fun shapes with it! If she has PWS spots, she could maybe turn them into stars, or if the whole thing is visible enough, maybe she could make it into a heart?
Adding rhinestones actually sounds awesome! It probably depends on where on her face it is, but maybe she could frame the stones to go around it, or point towards it?
She can of course wear regular make-up that doesn't put any additional attention to her PWS, there's no issue with that. Just don't make her cover it (but you know that!).
Personally, the rhinestone idea sounds the most exciting to me! There's something high fashion, or maybe even royal-esque about it that characters with facial differences don't really normally get. I would love to see that.
I think that, assuming your character has internet access, the lack of resources is an issue you could bring up in the story. A "why do I have to do everything myself, there's only so many ideas I can think of!" or "no, Unspecified Search Engine, not how to hide it- oh my god, why is it so useless" kind of scenario when she can't find anything new to do when she's out of ideas or hitting the artblock. I've been there when trying to find tutorials on drawing people with facial differences. This is how being a disabled artist kinda is.
all google gives me is how to cover them, which is the exact opposite of what I [...] want
And well, sounds like you got a lick of that facial difference experience ;-) (winky face). Now, imagine if incorporating FDs into art was popular and this wasn't an issue- okay, I probably made this point in too many posts now, but if your body of work ever gets published/popular, it could have an effect on things like this! I love seeing facial differences shown as something to be proud of and not to hide. I also enjoy that you mentioned additional side characters with FD. Thank you!
mod Sasza
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trills-n-clicks · 6 months
Capt. Medic Ila "Bruise" Woods
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Mainly going by Bruise, but Ila by close friends, she's the Medic of TF Arach, and Captain Medic to other medics in the field.
TF Arach Masterlist
DOB: October 6th, 1990. [33 years old]
Relationships: ↓
Merils Woods- Husband <alive> {She took his last name}
Janiel "Jani" Woods- Daughter <alive>
Bucky Woods- Son <dead> {miscarriage :'(}
June Morial - Mother <alive>
Simon Morial- Father <dead>
Jack ////////-Uncle (Father's side) <alive>
//////// Bensick- Uncle (Mother's side) <alive>
Alice /////////- Aunt (Mother's side) <alive>
Lucy Morial- Sister <alive>
Quinn Potis- Sister <alive> {used to be married, partner died}
Evelyn "Vely" Morial- Sister <alive>
Ben Bensick- Cousin <alive>
Harold Morial- Cousin <alive>
Lilian ////////- Goddaughter <alive>
Physical details: ↓
Head: Blonde, ear length, relatively curly (2C-3A) hair. One green(left) and one with cataracts(right), round and medium-set eyes. Snub-like nose with a visible upturn. She has thick lips with a thicker upper lip and a circular, slightly chubby face shape.
Body: Ectomorph but slightly thicker, Kite(?) shape. Large bust small hips, she's got tig ol' bitties tho 😫(I'm a sucker for women like that)
Marks (scars, birthmarks, tattoos, missing limbs, etc.): Her abdomen has a tattoo all around it with flower designs. She has no birthmarks. She's got some scarring from a poison dart on her back from trying to escape a captor(it looks like a dark fluid spreading on her back), one from her hairline to her eye from stray shrapnel, resulted in cataracts and ~25% blindness in that eye. And frostbite scars across hands and calves from an incident..(ooh~~). Her missing limbs include her left pinky and ring fingers, and her right leg (mid-thigh and lower gone) from torture while held captive. She also has a tongue piercing.
Other (height & weight stuff, skintone, nationality, etc.): Her skintone is tan, lots of freckles cover her skin. She lives in Australia but has an origin in Las Almas, her parents and other family live there, she moved to Australia. She is 5'11" (1.79m) and weighs 188lbs (85.2 kg). She tends to wear 2000s type clothes, sports bras, torn or worn cargo pants, colourful jackets, etc, and she loves her crown-like jewelry, makes her feel pretty.
Personality details: ↓
She's an open Bisexual to friends but not family, she's on the romantic or sexual spectrum as polyamorous(her and her husband are ready to add a plus-1). She is a Demi-girl and struggles with gender dysphoria very occasionally. She finds nature-like colors like forest green or mushroom brown quite pretty but will not admit that if there's a cool psychedelic neon yellow shirt, she will try it on. Outside people describe her as loud, rude and annoying. People she knows well however, describe her as still loud, but just reserved and distant, quoting something I imagine one of them saying: "she's rude when you first meet her but she warms up quickly as soon as you know her name". She is an ambivert, she uses social interaction to avoid her mental health but sometimes shuts down and can't even leave her room (Arach has a hitch that something's wrong but hasn't caught on fully yet). She's got no sensory issues that are prominent. And She does have mental disorders, including PTSD (ofc), Speration anxiety and rhotacism (she has difficulties in pronouncing the letter r).
And Military info!: ↓
She joined in 2009 at 19 years old, and was transferred to be in the SNS 3 years after joining. She has skills in basic, and advanced medical aid including field operations, Undercover missions, close range combat and some long range, and hostage rescue. But she has difficulties in keeping her emotions in check when in the field, along with using drugs (like morphine or adrenaline bc of being poisoned in the past).
Basic picture using gacha (I use it to visualize what they will look like with color)
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Pls don't mind the leg next to her arm 😭 I had to get rid of it somehow
And I will insert a photo I drew below (it will not have color)
I will add the picture as soon as I draw her.
I'm sorry if it's too long, read if you want but you really don't have to, she will be basically described in the fic.
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macpackl · 11 months
Hello! Your Skyrim characters are so cool, their designs are awesome! Do you have any character lore on them you’d be willing to share? 💃
THANK YOUU!!!! THATS SO SWEET OF YOU!! yes of course, ill share whats most concrete and isnt subject to change willy nilly 💗
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all these characters are saves, and lore-wise are in the same universe 👍 explanation is under the cut, this got a little long teehee... heres the relationship arc wheel in case you just wanna know that
minlin (he/him)
he's a dunmer, he's the dragonborn and insanely lucky for not knowing whats going on 90% of the time and acting on a whim. he's a little scatterbrained, but he means well. he's somewhere in his 40's in human terms, idk what thatd be in like mer years :#)
jegg (he/him) he started as a joke character n' became the most detailed...
jegg is a breton, n' the listener for the dark brotherhood. that's not the only voices he hears though, im still working out the details based on his lineage's consequences n' tes lore [his ancestor is my oblivion character, eggs ((can you see the theme here))!] but since the beginning of her ((eggs)) matriarch, most family members have been subjected to fulfilling urges of bloodshed, and he's just one of the few that listened. he's very good at restoration magic ironically (something eggs was also good at), and that's the sole reason he's not dead from a near fatal attack against minlin (the aftermath is that one drawing of his scars in the future). their whole beef is based off of the fact that you can get ambushed from the db as the dragonborn if you never start the quest, and jegg's a sore sore loser lmao-- he's in his mid 30's or so btw. his facial birthmark is purely coincidental, and he's a freak for collecting and gluing teeth to his face. makes for a good puppet 👍
voette (she/her)
voette's a mixture of bosmer n' breton, but she'll never use the magical abilities associated with either cause she's all about the brawns. minlin came to her to learn about combat when he was starting out in the open world past windhelm. she's very skilled, and very confident in her abilities, despite ridicule from others based on her height. while she's always been a fighter, she's currently a new recruit of the companions 👍she can be pretty headstrong and stubborn, and has a strong moral compass. she'd be in her mid to late 20's in mer years, idk id have to do math.....
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cladestruction · 4 months
when I was creating Enif and running ideas for her design I got carried away and wanted her to have scars and cool tattoos and birthmarks and stuff but now that time's passed I really want her to be extremely common. I want her to be as average and unremarkable as possible. She almost never stands out and she does she's easily outshined. She always looks familiar to people, even when they are meeting her for the first time. In fact, Dethklok lost her at a party once and it took them the whole night to find her in the crowd. and the only reason why they found her was because she was the only person wearing a sweater vest at the club
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
stuff i’d probably include in a chip jrwi design if i ever got around to it
(specifically, details that aren’t already explicitly canon.)
scorched-looking hands
nose ring (a silver one) (just trust me on this)
braids and beads in his hair that represent the people he cares about. and some that just look cool
some blue. somewhere. bro i get that you’ve got like a consistent color thing going on but you can’t JUST have red and brown. shake it up a little, come on.
roughly heart-shaped birthmark on the upper right of his forehead (obscured by his bangs but it’s important alright. i have my reasons) (probably shows when he has his hair tied back) (heart shape is just an idea idk what the shape should actually be)
lots of freckles. not as many as jay though. my only regret in her design is that i didn’t add enough freckles. she’s the queen of having freckles and i didn’t accurately represent that and for that i’m very truly sorry.
something that indicates he’s using his magic bandana all the time. sometimes for his appearance, but mostly for his hat. (in his canonical redesign, he got a cool pirate hat. which is all well and good, except for the fact that there’s no way in hell that hat stayed on his head past it’s first combat encounter. that thing has been lost to the ocean for weeks now.)
generally just a lot of piercings. in his ears and maybe he’s got some eyebrow ones?
ooh maybe he has some of jay and gill’s hair braided into his. would that be dramatic as hell or what
his fire tattoos move. they’re constantly shifting around like real flames. this is my excuse for not knowing how to draw them consistently.
a slight lionfish motif? maybe?
ugh so many of my design ideas are story arc-specific. unfortunately there’s absolutely no way im drawing him seven whole times. i can barely draw one person in a given illustration. it is simply beyond my ability. and patience.
(said arc-specific designs would include the lionfish thing and subtle turquoise scales on his skin for the feywild, slightly redder hair for certain stuff with jay, my whole pre-riptide kid and teen designs i have in mind for him, the list goes on)
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yestrday · 6 months
hello there, tumblr user yestrday. (nefarious)
I realized I haven't properly shared Corin's backstory yet.
hits you with my corin beams.
(cw: cults, murder/death, mentions of being a sacrifice)
Okay, so Corin was born into a cult called "Harmony of the Setting Sun." Corin's family was actually pretty important in this cult, specifically because of a certain dogboy. You see, under the middle part of Corin's hair hides a birthmark that looks like a sun. (So weirdly perfect, too...) This birthmark is basically convinced everyone that Corin is the perfect sacrifice to reawaken their god!!!!!
So, Corin knew that their god would be reawakened he just didn't... know how. Corin never was able to do what he truly wanted under the guise of that not being what the God would have wanted from him.
Not all hope is lost for our favorite boy! A friend is here to help him! They (whether an older kid or an adult) knew the fate that was intended for Corin. They're able to befriend him, and they either share a sibling relationship or a parental one. After a while, they tell Corin the REAL way the God will reawaken. Corin is just so... surprised. His world is shattered. He didn't want to die. (At this time, he's like... 10 btw) One night, the friend decide to run away and take Corin with them.
It goes great at first! Until the other members notice that Corin has disappeared. They're able to track the two down in the dark forest. There's an argument, some fighting. What really matters in the end is that the friend is fatally wounded and dies in the forest.
In Genshin, this would be where he got his vision to fend off the attackers.
In academy au, I'm not entirely sure HOW Corin gets away. He is quite quick, though, so he very likely had been able to evade them by quickly weaving throughout the trees.
This part is where I haven't really thought it out completely. But in one way or another, he meets Ms. Aika. She basically adopts him as her son, offering her protection since she's a very influential woman. (My idea is that she's a really famous fashion designer)
Corin now has a family, a mom, and two younger siblings (both were also adopted by Ms. Aika, their names are Sasha and Mika —NOT the actual genshin Mika, I named him after my friend. If I do talk about him in the future, he'll be addressed as Sharkboy because he was originally meant to be a shark hybrid, and also my friend likes sharks :3)
I think this could also be how he is able to enroll in the academy.
He now holds a memento from the friend, maybe the small bow he uses to tie up his hair.
some art of sasha and sharkboy mika (sharkboy doesn't have art where i really tried bc i struggled, but there he is!)
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all the kids together (bob's burger scene reference)
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I spent like 50 minutes typing this all hope you appreciate my pookie
my guy went from traumatized and brainwashed cult member to smoking pot in school hallways what 💀💀 i love oc backstories so much bro so this is so cool to see. but i'm still laughing at the fact that the one commoner in the academy, the one person who's supposed to be boring and bland, has a whole novel behind those crack-ridden eyes
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nibwhipdragon · 10 months
OK OK JJBA DRAGON AU LORE DUMP. FINALLY DOING THIS. Leaving my copy pasted discord messages under the cut there is a Decent Amount. This is all pt2 for now bc I'm Normal
Anything in purple are Kirsten's messages bc I was talking abt it with her to calm myself for my exam results. And I do not have it in me to reformat the messages into something that makes sense without them. And also bc some of her ideas I decided would be a thing in the AU and she deserves credit
Ok so. First I'm gonna talk abt the Pillar Men and how I designed them (only in my head I have not drawn them yet)
Like I've said before they've [The Pillar Men....dragons?] got front facing horns
Did that bc I'm planning for them lore-wise to be very subterranean
They use their big horns to like. Dig things and break stone and that
They also don't have wings for this reason 👍
Kars DOES end up getting wings when the Ultimate Lifeform stuff happens, and they are feathery like in canon
Cus like. Also if they had wings what else could I do to make Kars more threatening as UL
The whole vampirism stuff is the same, they cannot go out in the sun or. Poof
I also. Don't know where to put the Joestar birthmark on the designs. I feel like having them on the shoulder is like. Too off in my head?
Maybe between the wings?
I could go with a muzzle design but idk if that'd give Joseph enough leeway to speak and that without causing the mask to like. Not work yk
Probably not like. Full on?? [Referring to clothes] They get some like. Accessories like the scarf for example but. Not fully clothed
Caesar's bandanna goes around his neck bc idk where else to put it 👍
Hamon. It's applied physically like it is in canon (just through like. Biting and clawing instead of punching and kicking) but it can also be used with like. Fire breathing and that. This is bc I think it'd look cool 👍 Like. You can see the hamon crackling in the smoke and that
For now yes I think? Maybe some different elements but like. Fire is the dominant one [talking about breathing elements]
Yeah also. About the Pillar Men. I think it'd be funny if they could just. Be able to walk on two legs like a human being tbh. It would set them apart and also be very creepy in the setting bc. They would be the only ones to be able to do that
Whammu is easy bc. Boom make him stand on 2 legs and he can do the Divine Sandstorm like he does in canon
Bc at first I was thinking about him [Esidisi] having like. Venom spitting
Bc like. The whole fight between Joseph and Esidisi would be different bc I'm NOT putting that goofy hat on Joseph. How would it even fit the horns would get in the way
Would Esidisi still hide his horn via hat?
Or hide his horn at all?
Nah I don't think so (great response past me)
Maybe he'd grow spikes from his back or like from his limbs so he can like. Tackle people XD [Referring to Kars' bone blades]
Kars is like wrapped in bandages the whole as time
Then when he fights
He takes them off and boom! Glorious hair. Boom! His horn(s) are suddenly blades
That'd actually be very threatening could you imagine him charging full speed at you with those
Kars also gets sent to space here like in canon 👍
Idk how that fully works though bc. Planes do not exist here
Joseph IS the plane and idk how he's living that
Just. Boom Joseph tries to crash them both directly into the volcano. Boom it goes wrong Kars stops it. Boom they crash onto the crater instead. Boom Kars mauls his limb off. Boom profit
Caesar gets buried under rubble 👍
Ok that looked like more in DMs. Anyways that's pretty much all I got rn. Finished Caesar's design but. Big design essay I will definitely add. So I post him later
Also. Something that went unsaid between us in the messages but Von Stroheim doesn't exist here none of that stuff happens ❤️ heart emoji
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Whos got the best canon character design out of the order members? And whos got the best headcanon character design?
well i know who it ISN'T. i have to be honest i hate nari's canon design. it just feels kinda lazy tbh, like oooh the plant goddess is wearing ✨leaves✨how inspired lmao sorry i'm salty but it also just. doesn't work as an outfit. like how does it stay on. (also there's no real coverage if she has anything more than a completely flat chest and my headcannon of nari doesn't)
i think bellroc had to be my favorite. skrael's pjs are cute but bells just looks so fucking COOL augh. it's so unique too, and weird in the right way- like that feather cloak and their shock of bright red hair is just so fun! i lurve them
it's really hard to improve upon that lol, and i've mostly kept them the same so i wouldn't call them the best hc design. or nari, i'm still figuring her out lol and i don't draw her antlers half the time (they're HARD okay)
so it'd have to be skrael! i've kept a lot of his design the same and mostly just added stuff. ...now that i'm thinking abt it i kinda have several skrael designs (honestly none of my designs are the same from drawing to drawing rip 😭) i've changed his eyes certainly, his irises have an unnatural luminescence to them, almost too brightly colored, and his sclera are a kinda murky grey. he's got fully inverse eyes, making his pupils white as snow. (i know this wouldn't be functional idgaf rule of cool bitch)
but i've noticed i actually tend to not draw his fucked up skull thing, and just have him in his hood. cuz wtf is that thing (and how does it stay in his head???) so when i do give him a headdress it's more like a caribou skull+jaw visibly attached w a scarf or something. i also like to add a lining of rabbit fur to his lil cloak- and thinking about it, he'd look good with a second shoulder piece of a caribou hide ooh. his design is really simple so i like to add little things like his blond hair falling from his hood or his horns poking out. i also like to make him more of a dead sort of grey rather than blue raspberry lol. thinking about it now, i think it might be cool to have him w some sort of birthmark on his face? idk the image just came to my mind and it was sick. like a port wine stain but maybe pale? would that just look like a vitiligo spot idk. but yeah! skrael! love that guy he's so weird and cool
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iamcalmdammit · 3 years
Maybe, maybe, maybe [Eddie Diaz x reader]
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You saw the firetruck from far away, but you only realized it was in front of your house when you got there. You parked your bike in front of your neighbor’s house, took off your helmet, and tried to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
“I'm sorry, Miss, but you can't come any closer,” a firefighter told you.
“This is my house and there's a car in it.” You looked over at the car from which the other firefighters were trying cut the driver out. You anxiously ran a hand through your hair and let out a sigh. “There’s a damn car in my house,” you muttered under your breath.
The man followed your gaze then nodded. “It seems like it. I’m sorry, but I need to go and help them.”
“Sure, thanks.”
You watched as he joined the others, already planning the next steps that had to be done now. Thanks to that car there was a hole in the wall so you quickly had to do something about it to make sure you could sleep safely that night. There was no way you would leave the house empty in this state because… Well, it would sure as hell be literally empty the next morning.
Luckily you knew a few people and someone had a solution for this little problem of yours. Good—at least one thing was off your list for now.
Soon you heard a familiar voice so you looked up and noticed that firefighter you had talked to before standing right in front of you. This time he didn’t wear a helmet so you noticed he had what seemed to be a birthmark near his left eye. As strange as it was, it kind of suited him.
“You okay?” he asked with a friendly smile.
You nodded. “Yeah. How’s the driver?”
“She’s gonna be fine. Someone will come and tow the car away in the next few hours, until then it stays on your lawn,” he explained. “ Is that your bike?”
“The one over there? It is.”
“Nice taste. I prefer the old design though, there’s just something really charming about that one.”
As your lips curled into a smile for the first time in hours, you couldn’t help but whistle. “You must be an artist in your free time. I mean, you’re right, it looked a little better, maybe more sophisticated. But this edgy style suits me better I guess.”
With a laugh he took off his gloves and extended his hand, “I’m Buck, by the way.”
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“Okay, just one quick question,” Eddie began as he opened a bottle of water and sat beside Buck in the kitchen. “Have you ever went on a date with her?”
“Why are you asking me these questions about her all of a sudden?” But all Buck got in response was a pointed look from his friend. Letting out a sigh, he began to tap his fingertips on the side of the coffee mug. “Imagine the worst date you've ever been on then double it.”
Eddie smiled. “That bad?” When Buck nodded, he let out a short chuckle. “I wonder whose fault that was.”
“Are you blaming me? If you really want to know, it just felt forced. There was no spark or anything. We ended up drinking and playing video games at her place.”
Before he could say anything, Eddie’s phone beeped. Then it did it again. And again. In any other situation, he would've been annoyed, but this time he knew perfectly well it was you who bombed him with messages. At first he wanted to ignore it until Buck left, then he remembered it was Buck and he probably wouldn't leave until way later in the evening. So he picked up the device and took a look at the screen, unable to hide his smile.
‘Could you please let Christopher watch this week's race live? I know it’s late and all but he'd really like to see it.’
‘Did he write you about this?’
‘Maybe. He doesn't have school the next day, he can sleep.’
‘Fine, I'll reschedule our plans.’
‘Cool, thanks.’
‘You okay?’
‘Yeah, just tired. It’s a long day with the free practices and a big crash.’
‘That sounds bad.’
‘It was a scary highside but he's okay. What about you? Did you have the day off?’
‘Yeah, I did. Buck’s here.’
‘Tell him I said hi.’
When he looked up, Eddie noticed his friend watching him with a suspicious look on his face. “You're texting with her all day, aren't you?”
Yes, but also no. What was he supposed to say to that? You were working on the other side of the world and barely had time to chat. It was mostly him sending you messages to see how you were. He was desperate now that he thought about it. All he wanted was knowing how your day went, if you were okay, and when you were coming back to L.A. “Maybe,” was all he said.
“You like her,” Buck stated with an amused laugh. “So you got over Ana?”
“I think I’ve been over her before we even broke up.”
Buck drank a little from his coffee and waited for his friend to say something, although Eddie had no idea what to say to him. He knew you were good friends and he didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship with him with another failed romantic relationship of his. But at the same time he knew deep down that he wanted to give it a shot, he wanted to know if it would work.
“It's complicated. She's travelling around the world all year, she's barely here. How could that even work?” he asked with a sigh.
“This is her last season there,” Buck blurted out after a significant amount of silence. When Eddie gave him a questioning look, he went on. “She told me the other day. She has enough of hotel rooms and having no real home to go to at the end of the day.”
So she would stick around finally? That was good. Really good. Clearing his throat, he leaned back in the chair. “Christopher will be sad she won’t send him behind the scenes photos and videos anymore.”
“That’s it? Come on, I know you’re happy to hear that. Look, just ask her out the next time she comes home. Which is… two weeks from now? I think, I can’t remember.”
“You think I should?”
“If you really are texting all day like stupid kids then yeah, you should,” Buck told him with a shrug. “You owe yourself that much. It didn’t work out with Ana, but it might work out with her. You won’t know unless you give it a shot.”
Buck was right, although Eddie decided not to tell him that this time.
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avidrawsthings · 3 years
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Mini showcase: Reina and Talbott's children
As I wasn't able to get around to drawing a new pic to celebrate the quads' birthday (May 9), I figured I'd at least compile some past drawings of them I made into one post. They've gone through a few tweaks over time, and their latest designs to date are on the fourth pic. Their adult look above is also outdated now, and their updated appearances are in the works. A brief profile of each one will be under the break below!
They were born in May 9, 1998, seven days after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Rowan is their favorite aunt, and they lovingly call her Auntie Rowan.
All of them inherited the same Empath abilities as Reina, allowing them to read the emotions of those around them. Like their mother, all of them can see through deception.
Like Reina, none of them eat poultry as it makes them nauseous.
All of them are LGBT+, discovering their respective orientations during their teens. The family's love is unconditional, and they're happily supportive.
All of them are Animagus, however they didn't go through the steps to become one. As Reina became an Animagus thanks to her grandmother's experimental potion (which skipped all the steps and granted the form immediately), it was believed the trait was passed along to the quads. Their respective forms manifested when they were 8, all being a type of bird.
Like their parents, the quads were among those that received Sacrificial Protection from Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts.
They also inherited the birthmark of their ancestral clan, the Mark of the Celestial.
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They attended Muggle school during early childhood, and soon began displaying higher levels of magic than most magic children their age. Because of this, they were approved to attend Hogwarts one year early, starting their first year on September 1st, 2008.
Corvo Winger
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Oldest of the four.
Animagus form is a crow with the same heterochromia.
Often slept a lot when he was younger, more than usual for a kid. Later on it was discovered that he has Narcolepsy, and has been on treatment since then.
While in Hogwarts, he works with several other classmates in creating a spell to allow muggle objects to function inside Hogwarts.
Often described as a cool and chill person, and is the easiest to get along with. Just don't mess with his siblings or his friends, and don't try stealing his things.
Discovered he was Bi during his 4th year. He's quite proud of it.
Loving music from a young age, he aspired to have a future career as a musician. Throughout his time at Hogwarts, he often hosted rave-like parties that became a hit with other students.
After Hogwarts, he became a well known DJ and music producer, being a hit the magic and muggle communities. He takes on the stage name of Talon.
His shows are very spectacular, as he secretly combines his magic with his music to create some highly amazing visuals.
His music is a mix of New Age and Hardstyle.
His favorite instrument is the piano.
Has a beautiful singing voice but is very shy about it.
Ava Winger
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Second oldest.
Her Animagus form is a Golden Eagle like Talbott.
From a young age she proved to be very athletic. She was always the most energetic of the quads, and getting into sports proved to be a very good outlet for her.
Was the one that physically fought bullies during their childhood years at a muggle school. Classmates hailed her as a hero.
This carried over to Hogwarts, where she often fought anyone that dared to mess with her siblings and friends.
Don't touch her hair without her permission or you'll be on the receiving end of a beatdown.
She's something of a daredevil, and enjoys taking high risks in sports, such as pulling off very tricky moves. No risk, no reward, right? After Hogwarts she took up skydiving as a hobby during her downtime.
Attempted to try out for Quidditch as a first year but was declined. She wasted no time and tried again the following year, and makes it onto the Gryffindor team as one of their Chasers. She remained part of the team for the entirety of her time at school.
Realized she was a lesbian when the time came for the Celestial Ball.
Realizing how much she truly loved Quidditch, when the time came to consider future careers as the O.W.L.s were approaching, Ava was dead set on becoming a professional Quidditch player.
Near the end of her final year, her talents got the attention of the Montrose Magpies, who were looking for a new Chaser. Not only were they Ava's favorite team, but she was ecstatic when learning she made the team. She was officially a member by the summer of 2015, and continues to play in the present.
Jena Winger
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Second youngest.
Her Animagus form is a Raven.
Never responded to her name when she was younger. It was later discovered that Jena was born on the Autism Spectrum.
Finds loud noises to be overwhelming. Has since gotten around it by wearing noise cancelling headphones when necessary. She eventually adapts as she gets older.
Loves her owl plushie Princess Feathers, which doubles as a ventriloquist puppet. She received it as a gift from Talbott for her 6th birthday.
Developed an interest in ventriloquism around this time, and after enough practice and dedication, she became very skilled at it before the age of 10. She preferred to keep it as a hobby rather than entering contests and such.
While incredibly sweet and polite, Jena is also very honest and straightforward. She also has a snarky sense of humor, and likes bringing fun laughs to her classmates.
Loves to explore new things, and briefly took up Quidditch in her 3rd year, playing as Ravenclaw's temporary Seeker for that year's final 2 matches. While she enjoyed it, she was fine stepping down from the team afterward.
Realized she enjoyed baking during 4th year, and began to help her brother Altair in running the school's mini baking business, much like Reina did back then.
Discovered she was Pan during 5th year, and dated a few folks during her remaining time at school.
Jena took an interest in working alongside her mother in the family's bakery, and did just that after graduating from Hogwarts. She still works there in the present with Reina.
Altair Winger
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The youngest.
His Animagus form is a Magpie that retains his eye color. His earring contains one of his feathers.
As a child he was always the most sensitive and the most prone to crying, and much of it still lingers in the present. He's a guy not afraid to show his emotions, and tries to encourage his male students to do the same.
Although he's the youngest, he's always looked out for his siblings, especially Jena as kids liked picking on her during their childhood. This protection remains during their time at Hogwarts.
He's a fierce duelist and displays great skill in Dark Magic. He was taught to use it ethically and only as a last resort.
He's equally skilled when it comes to Jinxes, Hexes and certain Curses, and was not above using them against bullies if the situation called for it.
Like Reina, he baked a lot for classmates and started up the same mini baking business she once had during her school years. He was joined by Jena later on, and they ran it together until graduation.
Discovered he was gay some time before the Celestial Ball took place in his 4th year. When the time for O.W.L.s rolled around, Altair realized he wanted to become an Auror like his father. After Hogwarts he reached his goal. He was often paired up with Talbott on quite a handful of missions, helping take down the remaining Death Eaters that were still in hiding.
In 2019, Altair developed an interest in becoming a teacher, specifically in Defense Against the Dark Arts, as he felt he could use his experiences an an Auror to teach the students more efficiently.
He soon met all of the requirements and became a professor, taking over for Ricardo (the Jacob of this AU) after the latter stepped down.
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
The earliest known incarnation of Venley was actually a fanchild from an earlier fic project I had, "Elements of Harmony." Which means...she was a pony. And it gets better/worse! Because those were the days I used to ship Twilight Sparkle with MOZENRATH, so she was THEIR fanchild.
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But I also did give her a human form, and she would switch back and forth:
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Back then, Sandy's personality was a lot more reserved and mischievous as compared to Venley. She also fell into the trap of being the "generic protagonist" of the EoH fankid stories (that I never wrote down, so don't look for them).
EoH dies. I start up TBTC. I start making fankids for THAT. Sandy's general design was fine, but she needs a name and a look that don't so obviously come from EQUESTRIA. So she became Artemisia Liu:
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Again, no TBTC fankid stories ever made it to publication, and I have actually scrapped the concept because all those fankids ended up so distinct that I retooled them into OCs. Artemisia was now a little friendlier, and host of a guilty conscience because of her evil parentage (which would turn out to be a lie - the Huntsman abducted her because she had the dragon birthmark, and she was ACTUALLY a lost child of Vinny Santorini and Audrey Ramirez from Atlantis: The Lost Empire). But still pretty bland.
I then attempted an original fiction project with the retooled fankid designs and some other older OC concepts I had. This premise was going to be about a bunch of quirky best friends rooming together at a magical college in a steampunk city. It flopped HARD but was also a place where I hammered out a ton of my OC designs and started deciding who was the cream of the crop.
While I was coming up with the main cast, I wanted the main character to build on some of the old concepts I had for Sandy and Artemisia. One night, I was playing an online game with some friends that required a temporary username for one night, and I was at the time fascinated with hammering out my kin list. At the time, it was Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Wendy Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch), and Rapunzel (Tangled). So I mashed those all together to get the handle "Venleypunzel," and the more I looked at that, the more I was like "...Huh. I do like that 'Venley' there." (Do not EVER tell on me that that's how I came up with her name.) But then I would later make it short for "Venlitza" by my usual syllable-mashing process of coming up with names.
I realized by then that I liked heroic characters who were perky and very friendly and a little hyper, like Sora or Ruby Rose, so I started tooling Venley toward that. She also took some notes from Wander (you know, the one that's Over Yonder). But the REAL breakthrough was, of all things, a show I don't care that much about anymore - the new reboot of DC Superhero Girls. The one with the Barbara Gordon who's constantly on a sugar high. I was watching that show and just went "THAT. THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO MODEL MY CHARACTER AFTER." Of course, I do consider Venley different from Babs. She shares the wide-eyed enthusiasm for new experiences, but she can also have a more serious and emotional side. The big thing I took away - I like to have "voiceclaims" for my characters. Venley is now Tara Strong. When she's happy, she sounds more like that version of Batgirl, and when she's serious, well, don't fix what ain't broken - she sounds like Twilight Sparkle.
Using her in roleplays, I kinda decided on an interesting angle to play for her. First of all, it was a Disney-themed roleplay, so I went back to my roots and she's again the daughter of Mozenrath and the Huntsman in that AU. But she's ALWAYS been about friendship and leaning on it so hard. Well, after a few events, I realized a cool arc to explore would be if she valued the idea of friendship and everyone's inherent worth so much...that she would make a blanket statement that NO ONE deserves any harm to come to them. That her idea of friendship can be shallow - even people who were nothing but horrible to her are "friends" because that's how she likes to see the world. That she would have a hard time standing against real threats - one of the events where I got into the biggest angst GROOVE with her was when a more legitimately evil character was killed off in front of her, and that character had done NOTHING but be awful, but Venley, who doesn't think any life should ever deserve to be cut off, threw a tantrum about it.
And that leads us to where we are today:
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nopalopal · 3 years
Yes, I created a MLQC Version of Jess. Fite me
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She runs a theatre for orchestras, musicals, and other performing arts. Her charm bracelet is both a motivator and reminder of what she’s doing. She hardly if ever takes it off. The job gets stressful, so of course she breaks down. She got the bracelet her first charm her first year of high school, and continued to get charms for every new achievement: Treble Clef: First charm, first contact with music. (First year) Eighth Notes: Receiving first chair for concert, solos included (First year) Harp: Joined pit for musicals (Second year) Rhombus: Became a tutor and leader for musicians to underclassmen as well as her class (Third year) Face Mask: First time learning acting (Third year) Mic: First time learning singing (Fourth year) Quarter Rest: Went to her first professional live concert as her graduation present from her family Heart: Realized her dream. Started pursuing the theatre of her dreams. She went to business school for her college degree, hired interior designers, designed her own logo and graphic design look, and built the theatre with funding from LFG. Her evol is Telepathy. It has a similar affect to Kiro’s, as in her eyes changes color when it’s in use. That’s why her eyes are blue in some of the previews of her. She can hear people’s thoughts when in use, and even send messages to people she chooses within a certain radius. However she hardly if ever uses it. She’s used it before when she was younger, and it only brought pain. Hearing your friends think about how stupid or useless you are isn’t exactly something she wants to hear... The stronger her evol gets, the more thoughts she can hear at a time, and the bigger the distance to both be able to hear them and send messages of her own. Besides, she has her own morales. Hearing people’s thoughts against their will always felt wrong to her, like she was invaiding their privacy. That being said, she doesn’t use it to cheat or gain anything. Her LI is Victor, as she is stubborn, casually roasts people, and knows her self worth, she can take Victor’s... charisma. I also thought she could be related to Hades, cause she has a birthmark like him. Like she’s a younger sister or something. I haven’t fully thought it out yet, but I thought that’d be a cool detail. >:3
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I would do the original game’s art style for self inserts but ah... the art style intimidates me xD So the anime will have to do for now.
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tripleaxeldiaz · 4 years
all was golden when the day met the night
chapter 2/5
read on ao3
start from the beginning
The bell above the door to Armageddon dings as Eddie steps inside, met with the blast of air conditioning and loud music (he recognizes the band, it’s one Buck has played for him before. 10 Years Sturdy? Something like that.). He’s exhausted after a day of back-to-back-to-back deliveries, including two weddings, some kind of charity gala, and a funeral. He does arrangements for funerals often enough, but he still can’t get over the way his stomach turns every time he walks into a funeral home. The memories of being in one, after his last tour especially, mourning his brothers and sisters in arms never leave him alone. They coil around his brain, reminding him that they would be here if he had saved them, if he had been a better leader, a better soldier.
So he’s physically and emotionally exhausted, and all he wants to do is pick up Chris, go home, shower, and sleep for 48 hours. It’s only Wednesday, and he does have work in the morning, but the thought is still nice.
He heads towards the back room, waving at Chimney who gives him a salute back, not looking up from whatever he’s doing on his client’s calf. The guy hisses in pain, and Eddie snorts as Chim rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
As he enters the back office/lounge, he sees Chris and Buck hunched over the table against the side wall, heads leaning together, the surface covered in discarded sketches and crumpled drawings deemed too terrible to save. He sees them like this more often than not, whether in this room or The Greenhouse’s back room or his kitchen table, but it never fails to settle something in him. It’s been Chris and him against the world for so long, it’s nice to have another person in their corner, someone they can rely on. Not to mention, Chris has been Buck’s shadow pretty much from the word go, and Buck always seems genuinely happy to hang out with him. The day they met, Chris spent almost a full hour asking Buck about every tattoo he could see, Buck patiently explaining each one in as much detail as he could give an eight year old. When he offered to show him some of his paper drawings and give him some pointers on his own, Chris had looked at him like he couldn’t quite believe he was real, like he had just offered to draw him a new constellation in the night sky.
Like father, like son.
“He really loves that kid.” Eddie turns towards the soft voice behind him, sees Maddie with a small smile on her face. “I think he likes having someone to teach that doesn’t talk back as much as Chim and me.”
Eddie smiles as he looks back, sees Buck offer a hand for a high five before ruffling Chris’s hair affectionately. “He’s an easy kid to love, that’s for sure.”
“Dad! Come look, Buck taught me how to draw snakes!”
Eddie walks over to the table, peers down at pages of cartoon snakes in various positions. He can see the progression of Chris’s practicing on the pages, going from shaky and unsure to something more realistic as Buck guided him.
“You were halfway there dude, you just needed some help with the movement,” Buck says as Chris preens.
“These look great, buddy. Can you stick them in your backpack so we can get going?”
Chris gathers up his good drawings, pushing the rest of them into the trash can under the table. He picks up his crutches and makes his way to the other side of the room to his backpack and coat.
“Thanks again for watching him, I really thought we’d be done with deliveries by the time school was over,” Eddie says. Buck just shakes his head, a smile similar to Maddie’s on his face as he watches Chris.
“It’s never a problem, Chris is awesome. He offered to hold a girl’s hand that Maddie was working on because it was her first tattoo and she was scared. And then I got to draw with him! That’s definitely a win for me.” Buck looks back at him, and Eddie feels the warm glow of his smile try to sink into his chest. It would’ve, too, if he wasn’t still on edge from his visit to the funeral home. He can feel that his returning smile doesn’t meet his eyes, and Buck looks at him for a moment before setting a hand on his shoulder. Eddie tries his best not to melt at the touch, but feeling the heat through his shirt doesn’t make it easy. “Hey, you good?” Buck asks quietly. “He can keep hanging here for a while if you need some alone time.”
Buck doesn’t know everything. He knows Eddie did two tours, and Eddie had let him draw his own conclusions on how that may have affected him. Whatever Buck thought, he didn’t know the truth, didn’t know the poison sloshing around in his soul, the constant reminder of the light he left behind in Afghanistan and the blackness he brought back instead. And Eddie will do everything he can to keep Buck in the dark, to make sure he never sees those ugly parts of him that even Eddie can’t fully face.
But god does he make it hard. When he looks at him like this, earnest and open, like he can see right through Eddie, all he wants to do is break. Let the poison come spilling out because he knows Buck will help him clean it all up and get rid of it, maybe for good. But he’ll get burned in the process too, and Eddie refuses to let that happen.
So he just shakes his head, forces his smile to a normal size, pats Buck’s arm that’s still holding onto him. “I’m alright man, but thanks. We’ll see you tomorrow, say goodnight Chris.”
“Bye Buck! Thank you!” Chris wraps his arms around Buck’s middle, while Buck bends in half to squeeze back. 
They leave with a wave, say their goodbyes to Chim and Maddie too as they walk out the door. Chris doesn’t stop talking about his afternoon with Buck until he’s tucked into bed. As Eddie goes to bed himself, he tries not to think about a warm body with blonde curls and legs for days taking up the spot next to him, wrapping him in his arms, keeping him safe from the monsters that wait for him in the dark.
His brain doesn’t really care what he does or doesn’t want to think about, it seems. 
The dream starts as it often does: he’s in the desert, hiding from enemy fire behind the wreckage of his helicopter, surrounded by the corpses of comrades that he couldn’t save. The others, still alive, are looking at him, outraged and not fighting back, like they already know he’s led them to their deaths. Bullets ricochet off the metal, and one by one the bodies fall, blood spilling out of them, flowing towards him. He’s surrounded by noise and heat and death, and the blood keeps coming, soaking into his boots, staining his skin. He drops his weapon, knowing there’s no use in fighting back. He waits for the inevitable bursts of pain when the bullets finally get him, but after that, he knows it’ll be nothing but blissful, all encompassing silence.
Except this time, when he falls into the darkness that usually wakes him up, he’s not alone. He catches glimpses of sky blue eyes, a lopsided grin, a birthmark that looks like a kiss from the heavens. He sees skin covered in intricate patterns and designs, the ink coming to life as he reaches out to touch. He can’t quite reach it, but it doesn’t matter because he feels safe. Protected. This presence, this warmth that’s surrounding him, makes him feel centered in a way that he hasn’t since...he can’t remember when. And he can’t do anything but sink into it, wrap himself up and burrow into it like he knows he won’t allow himself the same luxury when the sun comes up. It feels like home, like salvation. Like the thing Eddie’s been needing to make him feel right again.
So he takes. He knows it’s just a dream, so he takes and he takes, and he doesn’t feel bad. 
When he wakes with a start, hands twisted in his sheets, he desperately tries to hold onto as much detail as he can, but it’s all slipping away as he becomes more and more conscious. Some things stay — the eyes, the smile. The overwhelming warmth. And there’s an ache, too. A longing, physical ache that still lingers in his chest even now that he’s awake.
He tries to breathe through it, but then he remembers whose eyes those are, and it pulls him under all over again.
“Shit,” he whispers into the night.
The ache is still there as he opens the shop the next day, dull but ever present. He’s pretty self aware, so the depth of his feelings for Buck isn’t news, but he really thought he’d have gotten over it by now. He thought Buck would have stopped in one day to get flowers for someone that wasn’t Eddie, and Eddie would have been crushed, but he’d have been able to start the process of moving on. 
But Buck hasn’t done that. He’s gone on dates, but no more than one or two, always claiming they “just weren’t right for each other.” And Eddie’s dumb heart fluttered every time he said that, and his feelings kept growing and growing, and now they’re physically hurting him and haunting his dreams.
He’s so, so screwed.
The bell above the door dings, and of course it’s Buck, the one time Eddie doesn’t actually want to talk to him. Eddie feels the ache grow, feels it pushing at his ribs, but there’s also that warmth and sense of safety from his dream. That feeling he always gets around Buck, no matter what. It’s hot and cold at the same time, and he can’t even begin to figure out how to process that.
“You know, if you keep glaring like that, you’re gonna scare off your customers. Your smile is a much nicer greeting in the morning.”
Eddie snorts and rolls his eyes, not fighting said smile that spreads on his face. It’s almost scary how easily Buck can get him to relax. “Says the man with the leather jacket and a nose ring.”
“Hey, I have a very sunny disposition, even if the clothes don’t match. Plus nose rings are cool, not scary.”
“Whatever you say. Here for your flowers?”
Buck smiles brightly, and there goes Eddie’s heart again. “Yep. Whatever you’re feeling.”
Eddie reaches towards the cases of flowers and pauses, because the only thing he’s feeling is how much he wants to grab Buck by the collar and kiss him until they can’t breathe. How much he wants to wake up next to him, cook breakfast with him, make a life with him. How he’s the first person he’s even thought about showing his darkest parts to because he’s getting tired of carrying them all by himself, and he trusts Buck intrinsically to shine his light on them and start to make them better. Start to make Eddie better in the process.
He cannot, however, say any of that out loud. So he settles for the next best thing.
Aster, gardenia, and pink camellia. Trust, love and longing. It’s unbelievably on the nose, but as he hands the bouquet to Buck, he feels a little lighter. Not like he’s getting over it, but like the pressure of holding it all in has been released just enough that Eddie doesn’t feel like he’s drowning. When Buck waves goodbye, he smiles a little easier, because he did tell Buck, in his own way, and he didn’t have to subject him to any of his mess to do so. 
So maybe this is fine. Maybe he can handle these one-sided love declarations that only he understands. Maybe, maybe, he can make this work, until his heart decides it’s had its fill and starts to move on. 
It’s definitely not working. 
Because rather than working it out and moving on like he thought he would, rather than feeling the relief he felt the first time, he just wants more. With every mallow, moonflower, and red tulip he hands over to Buck, he wants to let him know exactly what they mean, exactly how Eddie feels about him.
But anytime he even entertains the idea of coming clean, that little voice in his head reminds him that it doesn’t matter because he’s not enough. If he tells Buck how he feels, he’ll just laugh in his face because even he knows that Eddie wouldn’t be able to give him everything he wants. No matter how supportive he may seem, Buck will take one look at the shredded bits of Eddie that he keeps locked away and leave, because no amount of goodness and light will ever be able to put them back together in a way that resembles someone worthy of that goodness.
Eddie’s never been able to ignore that voice, so he listens and keeps his mouth shut and keeps hoping that one day, he’ll give Buck a bouquet and all of his pent up feelings will just disappear along with it.
A month on, and that day still hasn’t come. It’s cool this morning, so Buck’s leaning over the counter in a hoodie and black beanie, shivering slightly, and Eddie wants to wrap his arms around him and warm him up himself. Or better yet, take him up to his apartment, wrap him in his comforter, and never let him leave.
They talk like normal, and Eddie’s glad he can keep this part up, that their friendship hasn’t suffered any outward damages just because he can’t get his shit together. Hen joins them while Eddie is wrapping Buck’s flowers, and pauses briefly when she sees what Eddie picked out — orange lily and marigold, desire and pain. A strange mix, but it’s exactly what Eddie’s feeling.  He wants Buck so bad it’s starting to hurt.
Buck, thankfully, just smiles as Eddie hands the bouquet off. “These are perfect. Not quite as perfect as our friendly neighborhood florist, but they’re coming in at a close second.”
Eddie just shakes his head, blushing as always. Buck winks, waves to Hen, and steps out the door, letting in a hint of chill as he leaves.
As soon as the door clicks shut, Hen turns to Eddie, fixing him with a pointed look that almost makes him flinch.
“What?” he asks, straightening up the front counter just so he doesn’t have to look at her too long.
“I know what flowers mean too, you know, and I see the ones you keep giving to our favorite tattoo artist.”
Eddie breathes out hard through his nose, rests his head on the counter. It takes more willpower than he’d like to stop him from banging in on the hard surface a few times.
“You really should talk to him.”
He looks up at her, vaguely panicking at the thought. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
Because his friendship means too much to me, and to Chris.
Because I refuse to open myself up and drag him down to this hole with me.
Because I’m not what he deserves, and I never will be.
“It’s complicated.”
Hen shakes her head, shrugs as she turns towards the back room. “All I’m saying is, he’s in here all the time, and flirts with you like it’s his job. I don’t think that’s all for nothing.”
She heads to the back, leaving Eddie to wallow. Maybe she’s right, maybe Buck does feel even a fraction of what Eddie feels, but that doesn’t change anything. Buck is still one of the best people he’s ever met, and Eddie is still full of unfixable darkness.
And he’s still so, so screwed.
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Character Palette/Personality Palette
If I have seen the movie/show/or whatever this character is in I will let you know! But if I haven't I'm just gonna give my best guess to their personality or what I think they like and everything. I will make them two palettes, one based on their appearance and one based on what I think their personality is. If you'd rather not see this just block the tag "character palette and personality guess" I figure no one's tagging anything like that so it should be easy to filter out. If you genuinely like this character and I lowkey diss them I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize though, you're going to have to live with it. If you wanna send me a character for a palette and my guess at their personality/interests just drop it on anon and I'll see what I can do.
Alright so this is Tuuri Hotakainen from the webcomic Stand Still, Stay Silent. Never read this but it looks interesting. Let's get into it.
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I like her design. I don't know if the dot on the left is a birth mark or just a line that's supposed to be part of her face. But if it's a birth mark I like that. You don't see a lot of birth marks or beauty marks on characters these day unless they're like a magical thing that they're born with or something like a tattoo or whatever. Which, tattoos are cool but I feel like birthmarks are dope and should definitely be seen more on characters in shows, movies, and art. Her hair is cute, It's short and sweet, she looks very approachable. She's the person you'd want to ask your questions to in a store if you had to ask where something was. She's not intimidating. I think it's the slight chub to her face. It's nice, it make her seem friendly. She looks very awkward though, she's got that smile like she says dumb things all the time and instantly regrets it. She looks like she's either an art student or a space nerd. Is it the haircut? Mayhaps. Her eyes don't say art student though, they say space nerd or animal person. My guess is she's into space and is like really good with animal or very friendly to new creatures she finds in her journeys. I don't know if she's the mom friend, but she's definitely got the mom aura. She looks like she has friends who do stupid shit and she's cleaning up their messes. She's the voice of reason for sure. She's always saying like "Hey, maybe we shouldn't do this." and she's always getting called paranoid or a nerd but she's usually right. The kind of person who has friends who look at labels of liquid that say "Do not drink" and they're like "Hey, Tuuri, think I should drink this?" And she's always like "Jared, please don't drink that." And then they do and get super sick and she doesn't even say "I told you so" anymore. She just gets them a trash can and buys them gingerale. The kind of person who carries wet wipes in their bag because the people around her may be grown but they act like toddlers. She's got like one friend whose hand is like, always sticky because they just touch everything they're not supposed to. You know? She might not be a physically strong character, but she's the heart of the team, you know? She's the one keeping them all together.
Anyway here's her palette based on her character design.
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And here is her palette based on what I think her personality is.
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seoultraveller · 3 years
AGH it’s fine it’s fine🥺🥺🥺 I understand though, it is hard to keep in check and update yourself sometimes!!
I’ll let Kiwi know😌 it’s her little heart is truly amazing🥰 Love that too!! Kinda jealous I also want to have a heart on my nose lol😂
Omg😂 maybe you should double check on the birth time hehe~ I’m not too familiar with Leo risings, but I feel like that would suit you!! I see Leo placements as the sun and you just radiate that for me✨🌞
Exactly!! Grass isn’t always greener in other places :// Ahh, school has been going a bit up and down for me. I was in school last week and it was soooo stressful ugh... I had a quite a lot of exams (and I had barely studied oops-)😅 Expect for that it was fun! We had great weather so it was still pleasant going out know :))
This week has been very slow tbh and I’ve woken up so tired even with the sun shining in the morning and even if I slept well during the night ;(( though!! I have no exams or tests or essays for this week, so I’ve had a chance to just relax after online school is over every day😭💕 Been trying to write some and it’s going somewhere at least🥳
YUNHO WAS TRULY AMAZING!!! As you said, he is such a skilled dancer and performer and it’s so cool to see how with his heigh adapts to the choreo and to the others!! I can then understand Yunho had you on a hold today🤣 GAHAHAH “#makeithurtless” made me laugh (sorry I’m laughing at your pain gshshs- and I totally feel you after the shit Seonghwa and Hongjoong pulled WHEW)
I’m feeling so hyped after the performance!!!😭 Such a cool stage, absolutely love the concept, the outfits were great and the song and dancing too AHHHH! I question every time how ateez manage to become better and better??
Makes me happy to know you’re good!! Not so fun hearing about your job though :// But you just gotta keep pushing through🥺💕
It’s been a relatively good week though!! I’m proud of myself of the amounts of writing I have done🥰 I didn’t have time nor the motivation to write last week :((
You sent this just as I was walking out the door 😂
That would be so cute!! Since Kiwi is so cute, by default her owner is cute too. With or without a heart-shaped birthmark on the nose ❤️ 💖😉
Ohhhh~ 🥺 I have and I even checked with my mom to see if it was PM or AM and she said I took forever to come, so AM 🤣. I radiate sun energy to you 🥺☺️?? I feel that on the internet I could say and do a lot more especially if my face is not connected to closely to the blog. So maybe that’s where that comes from. Definitely feel as if my ego is growing a little too large 😂. However, in real life, I’m so timid and not... commanding? You definitely give off water moon vibes to me, even if Aries might be fighting for dominance at times. 😂
Oh! 😳 Well I am glad that you were able to find the silver lining in all of that. Good weather, sometimes, is all it take to make an okay day into a great day!! Sometimes, it’s just the little things that you have to notice.
That sounds like such a nice time, aside from the fact that you’ve been waking up tired and that the week was slow. It sounds as if your body is taking the necessary time to recharge. Oh!! I noticed your WIP list! So, is your writing geared towards ff or is it academic writing? I am happy that you are able to find some time and make progress with your writing!! ☺️☺️☺️
Like- YUNHO~ 😩😭🥺😩😭🥺 that man is spinning circles around me and I cannot be mad about it. It’s okay! Laugh at my pain!! 😭😂😭😂😭 I am in Yunho Loving Hours 💖❤️💕 until further notice. THEM TWO!! THEY AIN’T INNOCENT EITHER. I’m coming for them!! Like who allowed them!?!?
It is definitely a good hype song, for sure. I absolutely loved everything about it! Good that you mentioned it because it is like they improved since their last stage. It just got better! Like how?! The artistic design/prop. crew and stylists really are putting in the work behind the scenes for this show, and ATEEZ are executing these concepts perfectly. Which works for them, because they debuted with a concept and are amazing stage performers.
Get this: This students that kept putting his hands down his pants (as in hands on his skin below the waist, his genitals) touched my hair and I wanted to cry so badly right then and there but I was feeding someone so I had to keep it professional 😭.
I am proud of you too!! 💕💕 Keep up the good work! 🥺🙏🏾💖
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