#Shay's Random Stuff
shaibonbon · 11 months
For some reason I took these pics in 2016
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No ideia why. Nowadays it looks like a ref sheet of the penguin...?
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shaykesqueer · 8 months
Ohhhhh speaking of warm up sketches maybe I will have to draw Temperence “Bones” Brennan. Because I love her. You guys don’t understand how much I love her 😭
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
okay i decided to do a random number generator and some tarot cards so uhm. lets see. this is just spitballing ideas under the cut btw not an actual fic
for the characters i got yuzuru and mao, and i pulled the chariot, the three of swords, and the magician. so i think this is a deviation from the canon of the game in the ! era, at least in my mind, though i'd need to read more trickstar and fine stories to really do this idea justice and clean it up so just take this as me word vomiting a plot onto a post.
there are minor parallels between mao and yuzuru and their roles in their respective units, given that both of them take on more work than they should and are in the student council, combined with yuzuru's being tori's butler. they get along well enough and mao calls yuzuru by his given name now so its not like they get along poorly. this is all i have gathered just from quickly skimming mao's wiki page and their section on the relationships page.
i think...this fic would be a deviation from the canon in that trickstar doesnt come out on top and are defeated by fine and their counterparts from it (ie hokuto and eichi, wataru and subaru?, mao and yuzuru and i guess that leaves makoto and tori but i am not versed in trickstar lore very well so take this with a mountain of salt i never said this was going to be good) but which happens after they have developed this relationship where at least mao consideres yuzuru a friend and now that's just. shattered.
yuzuru doesn't necessarily realize in the moment what their relationship was to him until its broken before him on the stage as he pushes forward with fine until the very end, and it sinks in a little afterwards, maybe a few days, when mao is suddenly very very cold to him at the student council meetings. whatever amiability there had been before is gone, and there's no getting it back any time soon.
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the-lonelyshepherd · 2 months
ok the like. the oc relationship ask. pleeees
10, 27, 19, 22, 20 for shay and cat
18, 19, 25, 22 for shay and katarzyna
HELLO! yes.
10, 27, 19, 22, 20 for shay and cat
10. What is one major difference between them?
oh there’s so many,,,,,,,,, um. i’d say their upbringing/families? 
first off shay is a youngest child with a fairly large age difference (like 8 years minimum) between her and her older sisters. cat on the other hand is the oldest daughter with two younger brothers. cat also has a TON of family in the area while shay’s family immigrated from ireland and england and have no other family in the area. so cat also grey up with a ton of cousins/aunts/uncles and shay was very isolated. weirdgirl 
cat had a very straight path in life that she made for herself which was like. i will work on a ranch 👍 (that’s not reallyyyy what she wanted to do but she gave up her dreams a long time ago) while shay was like poor family kid running around fishing and climbing -> really sudden transition to we have money and power and you have to act like it. this kinda means that cat is very like. she’s practical she knows how stuff works she knows how to do things. and shay is kinda all over the place with a bunch of random little skills but also like shockingly useless in a lot of random stuff. like she can shoot (cat probably could but won’t. for reasons) but she can’t cook very well at all. 
they both had very like tumultuous childhoods but in a different way. shay’s was very like she should have been a son and her dad just kinda pretended he could treat her the same until it got to the point where he couldn’t and then he started resenting her a little and everything got awful very fast. cat had parents who could be a little strict but loved her a lot and then the Events happened and now she lives with her aunt and uncle who love her very much as well but she just doesn’t. believe that. guilty guilty guilty. the cowbird
27. How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other? 
they go very far to every extreme in a way that’s almost concerning. cat HAS killed shay. shay killed someone for cat before they even really knew each other at all. 
cat has also risked her life and permanently scarred herself to bring shay BACK. late story is more shaky in my head but the answer to the second part is yeah. horribly so
19. Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
i think they would eat each other if they could but they would never say that 
in all seriousness they have a really. weird relationship. it’s two people who never really knew each other get thrown into an awful weird situation place where they are now each others only company for most of the time and also there are Monsters. so they kind of do friendship all out of order it’s like…. names. kill for each other. deepest traumas. stabbing. what’s your favorite color? 
i’m sure there’s a part of them that wishes they were more distant bc they do end up hurting each other a lot. and also hurting themselves by doing that. but i also think they are a bonded pair that should not be separated like those cats at the shelter
22. When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
orurghhhhh there’s this one scene im working on..,,,,,
20. What is their best memory together?
oryrghhh…. i’ve been reworking the story a bit but im gonna use the og plan to answer this one. so probs like reaching the coast. it’s kind of like a . it’s over we made it we’re both here moment. 
i’m sure they’ll get better memories as they get older :) ill be nice
18, 19, 25, 22 for shay and katarzyna
18. Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
i think it’s temporary for katarzyna for sure. she kinda sees shay as like… a means to an end. at some point the line blurs between shay and helena (katarzynas little sister that she’s using shay to try to get back). 
for shay on the other hand,,, i know deep down she knows it’s temporary. not because she knows she’s being used but because she knows she’s going to die. but she clings to katarzyna anyways. she’ll bleed for anything if it holds her tight enough :(
19. Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
complicyaed ,,,,,,, very much so. unsatisfied because they’ll both never have enough of anything  i think.  
 shay wishes they were closer. bc it’s. shay and she’s like that and also other reasons that i wouldnprobably write way too much about if i started on them now.
katarzyna both keeps shay at arms length and is like the most traumadumping blurring-the-lines-on-who-you-actually-are bitch EVER. like are you my daughter are you my sister are you a god. i don’t know!!! it’s kind offffff like the whole shauna/callie thing but a bit different. i love you but do i love you or who i think you are sometimes. i don’t want you near me you’re everything ive lost you’re the only thing i have left. and then from the other side it’s like all i want is an adult who cares about me all i want is someone who can tell me im okay. they’re so horrible
25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
idk like. it’s kind of impossible to tell who they are to each other the dynamic is just.  idk how to even. describe it. i tried with the earlier question. maybe like….. a mentor situation? if you just kinda saw them? like a mother daughter kind of . more like an apprentice thing
22. when were they most vulnerable with each other?
oh god um. they kind of take turns 😭 i can think of a few occasions but they would take a shitton of context to explain. soooooo. if im going with older story framing maybe after shay killed her dad and then came back. that was something for sure
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lizaluvsthis · 10 months
im confused who is the one that created the au?
Mostly alot of artists or fans/peeps here keep saying I own the AU but originally, it came from Shay. It wasn't my Idea of creating this "AU" from the start, I was only being a random person just thinking stuff out. I created Smg4's cafe design since 9th of December a day after this was 10th where Shay made a comment from the comments about how lovely the details are!
Following from another day where Shay reblogged the post (11th dec) talking about the Cafe AU coming to life! And Thus the BR AU was born!!! :D
I mean I'm always up with ideas and arts and Shay does the whole bunch of writing.
No matter how many times people say I created the AU it'll always be @shygirl4991 's AU creation to me. I'm a person who created a design to their clothing and attire this only lightened up everyones mood once it was revealed that me and Shay are doing a collab with it! (Pretty much from what I'm happy about)
Its kinda complicated for me to say which or who created this au first or so- kinda goes back and forth to my head heheh.
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skrrt16 · 11 months
Soooo last year i found a fanfict about assassins creed and it was like those somehow they all end up in modern world with mc.
Now back to the present irl i daydream a lot about how would living with all of them be and the first thought that came to my mind was: how do they communicate?
(Bear with me, English isn't my first language.)
So first of all.... the assassins are from different eras and nationalities which means communication problems. So i have some stories with that but that goes for another day so ill direct this point of view with mine when it happened to me.(this doesnt mean that every situation can be the same) BACK TO THE CONVERSATION.
Like imagine you speak english and then like lets say 16 dudes.without counting the 2D games nor the books. (Altair,Ezio,Connor,Aveline,Edward,Haytham, Shay,Arno,Jacob, Evie, Bayek,Kassandra, Alexios, Eivor, Aguilar, Basim)
And then the fanfict also added Leonardo, Malik, Aguilar's partner which i dont remember her name and Amunet
Now 20 people. Some speak the same language others don't, and then lets think about the time period and how language has changed during time. So mooreeeee complicated.
If they were in the modern world i think they would be all confused first of all and try to talk but then notice they dont understand each other. Maybe they know a bit of different languages but yeah.
I think it would be funny like trying to explain or seeing them interacting with each other making gestures. Or they discover the existence of google translate aand ooooh gooood thats the invention of the year for them. And through the day you just hear all around the house that robotic voice saying stuff while the assassins try to have a normal conversation
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davycoquette · 3 months
Find the word tag!
Thank you so much for the tag, @paeliae-occasionally! ❤️
You are days in the flat, open country Shay Ferrick grew up in. They blend imperceptibly together; they are silent, but the nights are deafening. Thunder rattles the window panes in Shay’s childhood bedroom. Hail patters on the shingles. When it’s quiet and still, your head fills in the silence: how can you keep him? How can you keep him? · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · · #coyotebackstabby
While he’d swear the robber in him was dead, the opportunist was not. He may not have been able to find food, but he did discover a map laid atop a kitchen table in the first house he entered. The previous tenants had marked routes and crossed out others. Many times they marked trails as impassable in winter. · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · · this one's from a random RP post 🥴
“You don’t really gotta leave tomorra,” he said. “Yeah — I’m gonna. I need to.” · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · · Ruck's younger brother tries to help him get on his feet once he's out on parole, but them two jest cain't get along. #that90sincarceration
Honestly, all I could think about was how embarrassing the service was. The organ player must’ve been ninety, and she kept mashing two keys at the same time. I thought too about how you didn’t even warn me. Didn’t give me a chance to do anything about it. Your impulsivity is something I always loved about you, but this really sucks, Deanna. I would have driven to you. I would have stayed up on the phone with you all night. · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · · This is from a story I wanted to write about a young woman whose best friend ended her own life. The protagonist feels bitter and personally wronged by her friend's death.
Gently & nervously tagging:
@winvyre @illarian-rambling @sabewebb @daily-haley
...with the words:
I am trying to tag only those I -think- haven't already done this and who were not tagged in the same post I was - but this is also an open tag & if you have done it and want to do it again with these words, please please please do and lmk because I am following some incredible writers and I wanna read y'all's stuff. <3
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bookkeepersnake · 7 months
EP 7 - Give And Take
Celia thinks the system is straightforward
“Better than muchink about it with tape recorders and manilla folders…”
Wants to look up specific case files (being buried alive, meat…)
Jon statement
Tender of resignation
Hilltop center brand of oxford peoples trust
Appointed in 2015, resigned 2016
Unable to recall name or find any evidence of him, no prior experience or identification
“Knows Hilltop center better than anyone.”
Punctual, hardworking, cheerful, donated large fake plant in human face pot
Friend wishes to volunteer
Woman whose details also cannot be recalled, donated bearskin rug
Too much laughter
“Its all for a good cause”
More friends wish to help
Next two donate large dark glass chandelier and oversized gramophone with religious song records
Records of all volunteers lost
Four more added, donates crudely carved rocking horse, grandfather clock that leaks a dark oil, heavily vandalized set of encyclopedia britannica, and extensive collection of abstract canvas artwork.
Opened shop without keys
Additional items: soiled crinoline dresses, shays long with sand filled cushions, taxidermy vulture, rusted antique printing press, and collection of old medical equipment (recently used)
Additional items: leather kite, curved brass telescope, wheelbarrow full of fossils, armload of swords, lengths of rope, tin bathtub full of moldy food, stack of old dental retainers, brace of half butchered pheasants, jars of pickled hands, ancient diving suit filed with sawdust, broken picnic camper, bloodstained china, jar of imperial coins,
Limbs torn by unseen edges (spiral)
Gunshot from unseen location, taking out nameless laughing volunteers, accompanied by roar of flames
Constant shifting
Heavyset man in black clothing with a gun, saved subject?
Security firm, NOT working for employer
Fire was an ‘accident’
OPT investigation
Mr. C. Clayton
Throughout the statement there is the sound of a clock ticking? gears shifting? every 7 seconds
Celia ‘thrown’ by Jon’s voice
Asks about who voices them, recognized him
Sam goes to see Colin
Sam asks who Jon was “John who!” “Great question. I got a word email from Jon with a random name and an address, and it looks like it's from an internal email.”
“You’re gonna freak when you see the real stuff”
No external electronics
Colin fights Sam??
(it’s) already recorded too much
Gwen shows Lina video of her trying to kill Clause(?)
Informant singular
Masters plural
External liaison
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creative-anchorage · 1 year
As a digital migrant rather than a native, I remember how amazing it felt to stumble my way around the internet in the 90s and early 00s, uncovering its unexpected nooks and crannies with astonishment and delight; it was an exciting and genuinely joyful time. Now I watch other people shout at each other, assailed by news of catastrophes and bombarded with adverts for horrible trousers and cryptocurrency for the further enrichment of billionaires. I scroll, jaded, trying to recapture that sense of wonder I used to feel. Thankfully, there are still off-the-beaten-path pockets of astonishment out there and I thought it might be nice to gather some of them together. So, here is a selection of online things I love, and that other people I asked love – old and new stuff that is fascinating, beautiful, edifying and, above all, fun. Maybe one or two of them might give you a bit of internet joy back, too.
Dogs in Elk
Do me a favour: Google “dogs in elk”. Perhaps one day this post on a long-defunct forum will vanish into the ether, or perhaps it’s sufficiently beloved to survive, but either way you need this hilarious shaggy (bloody) dog story in your life. It was written by Anne, whose dogs discovered an elk carcass, got inside it and refused to leave. Anne and I once exchanged emails, so I can assure you that she exists and that this really happened.
The Fish Doorbell
There is a dam in the Netherlands where migrating fish get stuck, since it rarely opens in spring. The solution: an underwater camera linked to a website where viewers can press a button when they spot fish. That notifies the lock operator, who can open it up and let the fish go on their way. Ooh, I have just seen two! Press the button!
Shay Rose is an effervescent and endlessly inventive costume-maker who shares her projects on Instagram. Nothing is too bonkers for her: a “social distancing” dress that enveloped her in a 3.7 metre (12ft) circle of pink tulle, anime cosplay or a fancy-dress costume that turned her into a perfect lifesize version of one of those stocking-filler wiggly worms on a string.
Strange Flowers
In his Wordpress cabinet of human curiosities, the Australian academic James Conway writes potted biographies of daring, transgressive, dangerous-to-know eccentrics of the past 200 years. Choose at random and you are unlikely to be disappointed, but how about Violette Murat, the fin de siècle lesbian who kept a decommissioned submarine in which to smoke opium, or Marchesa Casati, who, naked beneath her fur coat, wore a necklace of live snakes and paraded a cheetah on a lead?
Pick a country from the world map, pick a decade and Radiooooo plays you music from that time and place (refined to slow, fast or “weird”, if you want to be more specific). I am writing this to a soundtrack of 1960s Morocco and feeling more cosmopolitan than I have any right to: “Oh, you’re not familiar with Abdelwahab Agoumi? You should check him out.” More seriously, Radiooooo gives you that expansive feeling that the world is vast, various and infinitely creative. That’s nice.
Crime Pays, But Botany Doesn’t
This YouTube channel describes itself as “a low-brow, crass approach to plant ecology & evolution as muttered by a misanthropic Chicago Italian”. A gruff botanist called Tony tells you about esoteric plants, and it is exceptionally soothing.
Sifting through the internet to provide a miscellany of interesting stuff is a real talent; Jason Kottke’s magpie eye has been reliably curating interesting stuff – short, long, funny, serious, totally out-there – since 1998. Recent highlights include the best visual illusions of the year competition, Japan’s decorated manhole covers and stunning photos of the Milky Way.
Weird Medieval Guys
Check out the titles of some of these Substack posts by the historian Olivia Swarthout and tell me you don’t want to read more: “What does a biblically accurate angel look like?”; “No, the king doesn’t own all the swans in Britain”; “Do you have less free time than a medieval peasant?” Clickbait, but medieval (and highly informative).
Mimi Smartypants
The consistently hilarious Chicago-based medical publisher Mimi Smartypants has been blogging since the internet was just fields of billowing unspoilt html and her riffs on whatever amuses or outrages her – public transport encounters and the general absurdity of life – are endlessly delightful. Her newest entry describing the deficiencies of linen sheets made me laugh out loud (“Would you like to take a nap on Nan Pierce?”).
Sandwiches of History
An American man called Barry delves into old recipe books and then taste-tests the sandwiches he finds in them on YouTube. They are usually an affront to God and man (ironed bread and mushroom soup, condensed milk, flour, egg and vinegar) but Barry gives each one a fair go and a generous assessment. We should all be more Barry.
Closer to Van Eyck
This incredible site is dedicated to Jan van Eyck’s much-stolen Ghent Altarpiece, featuring the 15th-century Flemish master’s deeply weird Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Zoom in on every brushstroke and piece of craquelure, check out the X-ray and infrared imaging, delve deep into the strange history and iconography and pretend you are one of the posh experts on Fake or Fortune … hours of fun.
Whatever year you are nostalgic for, scratch the itch here with a compendium of TV clips that you can channel-hop through as if you were watching telly in, say, 1989. It is very US-centric, but it gives me the time-travel feeling I crave. Other decade versions are also available.
David Rumsey’s Map Collection
Cartography enthusiast David Rumsey has put his entire collection of more than 150,000 maps online, from 16th to 21st century, terrestrial, maritime and celestial. It is the perfect place to get lost (sorry).
Found in a Library Book
The Oakland public library uploads the things people leave behind in library books (usually as bookmarks) to its website: it is a gripping, often touching collection of photos, drawings, sugar packets, letters, shopping lists and more.
Marine Traffic
There are a mind-boggling number of ships in the world and on this site you can watch them going about their business. They are colour-coded by type (cargo vessels, tankers, fishing boats) and you can find out where they have come from and where they are going.
Laura Ramoso
There is a lot of so-so observational comedy on the internet but Laura Ramoso’s Instagram and TikTok imitations of her German mother and Italian father have the ring of extremely funny truth.
The National Grid Live
Hear me out: this site lets you see how much power is being generated from different sources – watch as solar rises on a sunny day – and how much Great Britain is importing and exporting. It is weirdly compelling.
Guess a place based on its exports: you get six chances, narrowing it down, thanks to information on how far off each wrong guess was. Warning: they are not all countries despite the game description: 77.3% “processed crustaceans” and 0.4% compasses is Saint Pierre et Miquelon, one of France’s semi-autonomous “overseas collectivities”. Nerdy but entertaining.
A guide to pronouncing anything, including proper nouns and names in any language, Forvo has the power to save you significant embarrassment.
Lightning Maps
Follow storms erupting in real time. Yellow dots represent lightning strikes, and a white expanding circle shows the thunder sound movement. This is good for impressing kids, says a friend, because, like an omniscient weather god, you can “predict” when thunder is about to erupt.
Useless Farm
Karen the murderous emu, Brad, a furious fluffball cockerel, and several dopey alpacas live on this Canadian smallholding absolutely failing to earn their keep, other than on TikTok and Instagram. This kind of stuff can swiftly become annoying or samey, but useless animal wrangler Amanda has funny bones, and pretty much everything she posts is entertaining.
Messy Nessy Chic
I have no idea how Vanessa Grall comes up with the cabinet of art, design, fashion and historical wonders that have filled her website for the past 12 years; I just know she has better taste than I ever will. Dip in for the likes of a guide to Swedish islands, intimate Victorian portraiture by a viscountess or 1920s matchboxes.
For Wordle addicts hungry for more once-daily stimulation, this site offers a riddle – the kind of thing a troll would make you solve to cross a bridge – one line at a time.
This Instagram music account is a celebration of the human desire to make sound in all its lovely diversity, from virtuoso to amateur and everything in between. I especially love the posts that showcase videos people send in of music they have encountered across the world, in the streets, in classrooms, rehearsal halls, fields …
Global Wind and Wave Patterns
You don’t have to have a clue what is going on to enjoy this site that lets you watch mesmerising animations of wind, wave and current patterns wherever you like on the globe.
The Worst Cat
This is a single-joke site – the joke being criticising baby hippos for being moist, ugly, frequently straw-covered cats – and has not been updated for years, but returning to it, I still laughed, again and again. It might work for you, too.
My Noise
My Noise feels like a gift to a fractious world: your choice of hundreds of customisable soundscapes, based on your needs (focus, sleep, stress, “pet comfort” and many more). There is an incredible variety – everything from “calm office”, to “European primeval forest” – and you can play around and mix your own blend based on whatever elements work best for you. My husband has found “rice field” with extra cicadas provides real relief from his tinnitus.
The Marginalian
The site formerly known as Brainpickings is a compendium of philosophy, poetry, visual arts, literature and other mediations on the business of being alive, collated by the author Maria Popova. Recently, I enjoyed 19th-century naturalist Jean-Baptiste Vérany’s chromographs of octopuses and Magritte’s exhortation to celebrate “joy for the eyes and the mind”.
One Zoom
Pick an animal, plant, or other living organism and, via this site, explore visually how it fits into the tree of life. Mesmerising.
Listen to the Clouds
On this dreamily weird site you can listen to live air traffic control chatter from a variety of airports across the world, against a background of ambient sound.
Library of Congress
The US Library of Congress has digitised big chunks of its collection – incredible photographs and early daguerrotypes, baseball cards, cartoons, maps and historical documents. It is overwhelming, but brilliant for a lunchtime browse.
How Many People Are in Space Right Now?
This site does exactly what it says on the tin (with details of who they are and a link to their Wikipedia page).
This quiz gives you a picture of somewhere and you have to put it on a map accurately. For an additional layer of complexity, try TimeGuessr, which asks you to identify the correct year as well as place for a photograph. I have just narrowed down a pic of an Edinburgh festival street performer to within 163 metres, but my guess of 2013 was four years out. Curses! Play again.
Martin Critchlow
The TikTok adventures of a scaffolder from King’s Lynn and his tiny mouse, Mr Jingles (the successor to Mrs Jingles, sadly deceased of natural causes). Mr Jingles really likes prawn crackers; Mr Critchlow really likes tiny harvest mice, I guess. Wholesome.
Explore webcams
There are an overwhelming number of wonderful wildlife cams out there but, for a sure bet, head to the “featured” camera on the Explore homepage. I just got bald eagles feeding their chicks, which proved very unhelpful for finishing this article.
The Lucyverse
I am torn about including writer Lucy Sweet’s brilliant newsletter because I’m sure she will end up getting my job, but I can’t in all conscience leave it out. Sweet reviews stuff: herbal teas, B&Q, Soreen mini loaves, Christmas decorations she finds in Home Bargains. The magic is in her forensically accurate skewerings. A taster: “Ugh, the Toast catalogue … Like a Guardian article on the dangers of foraging.” If you sign up, the newsletter arrives every Monday morning precisely when you most need a laugh.
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel
Space is terrifying – my tiny medieval peasant mind can’t begin to comprehend its vastness. This site, which describes itself as “a tediously accurate scale model of the solar system” is such a good way to understand the vastness, through scrolling – something I am very good at – with manageable little nuggets of info along the way.
Mondo Mascots
Japan’s mascot culture is a repository of intense oddness, and the British writer and illustrator Chris Carlier gives an enthusiastic account of them on his site (in more detail than on his laconic and equally unmissable Twitter account @mondomascots). Discover, among others, an extinct river otter with a bowl of noodles as a hat that represents Susaki City, an “armless, dancing character based an ancient roof tile” or “Colon-chan, an intestine-haired lady who encourages colon cancer screenings”.
Post Secret
Post Secret predated Fesshole, the popular Twitter feed where people confess their sins anonymously and receive internet absolution or condemnation (more likely both). It is a combination of confessional and art project, since contributors send in their contributions on a postcard, sometimes elaborately decorated. “The day I leave this city I’m asking Tim for a kiss”; “Somebody else’s 23andMe DNA test destroyed my life”: each one is a baby-shoes-length short story.
Wherever you are in the world, find a user-tested walk or cycle route. You can filter for distance, difficulty and for circular walks only. It has taken me to some spectacular spots (and trudging along a few A-roads, too, but that is mainly my incompetence).
Kingdom of Loathing
I don’t really understand what is going on in this long-running gentle, funny game full of stick people yet, but on my first try, I apparently gained “the patience of a tortoise” and a “liver popsicle”. Tell me more.
The Deep Sea
Scroll down, down, down this metre-by metre graphic of the sea and discover all the weird stuff that lives at various levels, with cool facts along the way. It is a good site for a “tag yourself” game with the creatures you encounter: I think I’m a headless chicken fish.
The Met’s Artist Project
Take a couple of minutes to watch a contemporary artist react to pieces in the Metropolitan Museum’s incredibly eclectic collection. Edmund de Waal reflects on why a 500-year-old Chinese jug was left white and Kehinde Wiley discusses class in John Singer Sargent’s portraiture. There are 120 entries in total.
There’s something really poignant about this Instagram account, which seeks to reunite photos found in junk shops and flea markets with their subjects (or subjects’ descendants): so many forgotten smiles and poses. The hit rate is low, but if you click “Returned!” you can enjoy some really satisfying success stories.
Antipodes Map
A simple site to answer that perennial question: where would you end up if you tunnelled right through the Earth and came out the other side?
Kids Favourite Jams By Their Dads’ Favourite Bands
On TikTok, songwriter Kevin Scott Rhoads spins a wheel to choose a band (Mumford & Sons, Bon Iver, The National) and a nursery rhyme and then produces pitch-perfect parodies. I particularly enjoyed Baby Shark in the style of Radiohead.
I don’t understand all of Randall Munroe’s often science and tech-themed stick-figure web comic (Munroe is a physicist who worked for Nasa), but the bits I do get tend to be clever and very funny.
Things Magazine
This densely packed, very plainly formatted compendium of links to interesting things was created by a group of writers and historians with an interest in objects and what they tell us about the world. That doesn’t exactly narrow their remit and it can feel overwhelming, but there is so much delight and interest packed into every post. The newest one has links to a playlist of classic tracks from 1994, royal doppelgangers and a Museum of Failure. Just let your eye wander and alight on whatever link catches your attention, you won’t be disappointed.
Surprised Eel Historian
You may never have thought “I’d like to know more about the history of eels”, but that was a mistake, as this Twitter account full of fascinating eel facts demonstrates.
Owl in a Box
I had to include this, the OG of internet angry birds. There is not much to it: six photographs of a great horned owl found by the side of the road, absolutely furious to be rescued. The photos, in which only one giant yellow eye is visible, glaring balefully through the flap of a cardboard box, make all the years I have wasted on the internet worthwhile. Sort of.
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watchmenanon · 1 year
Creddie fans rejoice! Miranda Cosgrove dishes on the iCarly couple finally getting together
Cosgrove tells EW about Carly and Freddie's improvised kiss scene, why she always wanted them to be the endgame, and teases "a big question" that'll be answered in the season finale.
By Calie ScheppJune 08, 2023 at 02:17 PM EDT
Warning: This article contains spoilers for iCarly (2021), season 3, episode 3, "iMake New Memories."
Wake up the members of Creddie nation, it's your time to be!
On Thursday's episode of iCarly, on-again, off-again besties Carly Shay (Miranda Cosgrove) and Freddie Benson (Nathan Kress) finally confessed their feelings for each other. Granted, Freddie's made his intentions clear since the first episode of the original 2007 Nickelodeon series, but for Carly it's been a long and storied trek to realize she felt the same.
"It's taken 15 years for them to finally get together," Cosgrove tells EW. "I think that it makes a lot of sense for both of the characters. And if it were real life, I could see it actually taking this long because it feels like every time one of them likes the other, it's not the right moment or it's not for the right reason, and now it finally is."
In "iMake New Memories," out now on Paramount+, the two take a sweet walk down memory lane, looking through pictures from their decade-and-a-half-long friendship. Fittingly it's in the place where it all began, the studio in Spencer's apartment where the duo film Carly's popular web series. Before going in for not one, but two kisses, Freddie asks, "Is this really happening?" Carly replies, "I hope so." He recites his signature countdown before planting another smooch, which Cosgrove says was completely improvised.
"It wasn't in the script at all," she explains. "We did it in one take the very last time and we were both really unsure about it. Some of the writers came over and they were like, 'We have this idea, it might be too much, but just give it a shot for one take.' And so many times we do things and it doesn't end up on the show or we'll improvise. So you never know what's gonna end up in there. That's what makes it fun and exciting. When we were filming the scene, we were both like, we don't know if this is gonna work, but we'll try it. And it ended up being the last line of the episode."
Like the revival series as a whole, the moment embraces a more mature approach to the material than you'd find on the original iCarly. Cosgrove says this is necessary when telling the story of childhood friends who are navigating a new chapter of their lives as adults. In the series, Freddie has been married twice and has a step-daughter named Millicent, played by Jaidyn Triplett.
"This season, we dove into more serious stuff than we usually do on the show, while also trying to keep just the weird randomness of the original show," says Cosgrove. "Sometimes it's a little bit of a challenge just finding the perfect balance. I think because it's iCarly, heavy for us is still not very heavy."
Cosgrove understands the importance of doing Creddie justice, since fans have been waiting years for the relationship to bloom. She compares their friends-to-lovers journey to Lizzie and Gordo from the Disney Channel series Lizzie McGuire.
"When I was little, I always wanted Gordo with Lizzie," she says. "I think a part of me always hoped that Freddie and Carly would end up together just because it's so romantic, the idea of knowing somebody ever since you were young, being best friends, kind of going back and forth liking each other, but the timing always being off. I'm excited for the people that do ship them and want them together. They waited 15 years, I'm excited for them to finally get what they've been waiting for and I hope that it lives up to their expectations."
Creddie fever aside, Seddie shippers (iCarly fans who shipped Jennette McCurdy's Sam and Freddie) are still very active online. While Sam and Freddie's love/hate relationship ended with the original series, Cosgrove says she understands where the Seddie shippers are coming from.
"There were times, as the character Carly, when we were filming the original show, I thought that they should be together on the show. I love the idea of people that always butt heads, that don't really get along and are always calling each other out, falling in love. They do love each other on the show as people and they were a good couple when they were on the original series. I think if Freddy had ended up with Sam it would've been a really good ending as well."But alas, Freddie ends up with Carly, a match made in webcast heaven.
As for the rest of season three, Cosgrove promises more big moments for Creddie and teases an episode centered around a cat rescue that features around 50 cats. Plus, a shocking finale. "The finale episode we touch on something that has kind of been a big question that people have asked throughout the whole series and has never really had an answer to," she says.
Fans of the original series will remember when Freddie jumped in front of a speeding taco truck to save Carly. She kissed him shortly after, suggesting that they date, but he worried she only liked him for his heroism. In "iMake New Memories" Carly professes her 'like' to her longtime friend. "Freddie, you're still my hero, you're the person who I can always count on.
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shaibonbon · 9 months
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Huge Shai rant, or ventting, idk tdlr twitter bad and I wanan complain about it, you can go now... I have managed to crumb away my twitter usage by a lot the past few weeks, very proud of it. Still, I wanna complain. That site continues to be a shitshow, it's so bad. The comment section of majority of popular tweets is a parody of that site. I feel like i have to wear dive gear when I go into the comments section. I have to pass through thousands, of random bluecheck bot accounts posting random videos under it. It's so annoying... If you managed to pas through them, your reward is more bluecheck mark users, who you can tell they are people, but act like chat GPT designed them. After passing through all that trash, you may eventually see non-bluecheck comments, but even then they may be trash. Like somehow there's a big number of people who just comment there to tag a random bot. Idk why u need a bot to take a screenshot, but ok. Then there's those who just tag random bots to download the video or audio... I can understand those, but still really annoying. It's like the website is trying to encoraje me to stop using it. There's no way Im going to waste my time blocking thousands of accounts to keep using it. If it wasn't for all the artists that I follow there and continue to only post on that hell. I would have stopped but alas... I used to have another reason to be there, it was the friendships, but they seem to have been kinda lost now? Faded away. Since despite my best efforts to convince them "twitter rlly bad, please move with me to tumblr, plz". They either refuse to move out of it or instead just... dont use either lmao. It's like im talking to a wall, heck, one of them is for some reason using a private account to arquive stuff, I explained to them why that is terrible thing to do on twitter. I got ignored. Shai will remember that. It feels a bit sad, seeing those friendships get distant... Ty for wasting your time reading this
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More villain doodles/hcs + a Virgo fun fact
Hello! I decided to make some random doodles of some of the ocs participating in @villain-oc-tournament! I’m a little busy so I wasn’t able to do as much as I wanted to, but I still wanted to make some stuff before the second round of the tournament began!
Before I get to the doodles, I noticed in the post for round two that the villains who are out of the tournament are getting coffee together. Maybe. So, I made a whole list of what I think those guys would order from Starbucks with my very limited knowledge of Starbucks drinks.
Nyx- quad espresso (Also eats espresso pucks)
Blue- that blue Frappuccino thingy that technically doesn’t exist yet but he got it anyway
Sascha- caramel cinnamon cold brew
Zack- black coffee like the emo he is
Halya- iced flat white
Bevelyne- Chai latte
Shay- Java chip Frappuccino
Entropy- something with pistachio
Mordiggan- PINK DRINK (he also broke through a wall)
Ratch- Pumpkin spice (it’s not even in season)
Sebastian- Matcha latte
Avarice- that one really expensive Starbucks drink from Japan
Pyramid- iced shaken espresso
Marigold and Zack’s snake were not allowed in due to no pets being allowed.
Now here are the doodles!
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The first one is just non-serious drawings I did for fun. The second one includes one of my ocs, Rezi, interacting with some of your ocs! Bc why not. She’s cool.
And now for the Virgo fun fact I,,,probably should have brought up sooner lmao-
Virgroxaan isn’t human at all. Nobody knows exactly what she is…with one exception. Her form is made of concentrated dark matter. She looks somewhat human, but something is just…off about her. Something that prevents her from being fully perceived as human. This form makes it easy for her to corrupt and curse others. However, that being said, dark matter isn’t very stable and isn’t easy to regenerate. So, Virgo occasionally possesses an immortal being! She has broken the spirits of several immortals and basically turned them into “corpses.” This is one of those immortals, and the body she possesses the most often.
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His name was Tamayan. He was a somewhat selfish, yet charismatic and fair person. Now he has lost any and all sentience and his sense of self. It’s unclear whether he can even be considered alive. He’s still girlypop tho.
It’s much easier to regenerate and appear human to others in this form, which is also why it is the form you will most likely see her in. However, it can be a little harder to curse/corrupt others. It also has another…interesting side effect. Although they aren’t overpowering, Virgroxaan is actually capable of feeling emotions in this form. Anger, sadness, fear, pride, disgust…they’re all possibilities now. She does not know how to feel about them. Is…confusion a possibility?
I had so much fun drawing/writing about these guys tho! I have a lot planned for the future as well. If you have any requests/suggestions, feel free to dm me and I’ll definitely respond!
Thanks for reading all of this! Here’s a cookie! 🍪
Have a great day and happy voting!
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
Attention Michiganders! DTE is trying to increase its energy rates by over $620 million, the highest in Michigan's history, despite the recent winter storm knocking out power for thousands of people, leaving them in the cold. You can call your local representative or you can call Representative Helena Scott at 517-373-2276 and ask that they hold DTE accountable for their actions!
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pidges-lost-robot · 2 years
I think Lance flirting with an alien should've have just worked randomly one day. Like he just manages to get an alien partner for a while in the show that yk isn't keith or allura just for some new stuff, a little bit of spice.
Like he manages to hit it off with an alien ruler and the others are fucking stunned for a second because... did they just respond positively to that?! Even more importantly, did Lance just have game for like five minutes?!
He just like has the occasional thing in an episode where he mentions organising video dates and when they meet up at coalition meetings.
I also want something similar but with Hunk and Shay, like Hunk and Shay start off as like friends with just some insane chemistry that the others low-key tease Hunk about cause its clear they do kind of like each other and then they have a few like reunions where Shay is helping with the coalition and they bump into each other and hit it off again before eventually beginning to date.
Pidge absolutely gets a fucking awkward girlfriend and spirals into chaos at the mere idea that she is in a relationship cause what the fuck even are those things?! What do you do?! Do I tell her about the robots I want a build, Hunk? DO I?!?!
Keith doesn't get any random boyfriends because he spends most of the seasons before he and Lance date not noticing any character that flirts with him at all. Like, he thinks people are cute, but his overall plan with that seems to be bury it deep down as far as he can and then proceed to be so focused on doing that that he entirely ignores any of them flirting back
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gluffering · 2 years
˗ˏˋ { Introduction Blog } ˎˊ˗
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┊₊˚. Information:
-> Hello, I'm Glades! I'm a Bigender person who uses he/him and she/her pronouns. I doubt this account will have much of a theme to it? I'll just repost whatever I like (prepare for a lot of Kirby, Professor Layton and Overwatch stuff here), maybe post random rambles of mine or art. That or I interact with the self-shipping community + make some imagines/scenarios of my own.
┊₊˚. Mutuals:
-> @daydreamsndoves || Pixie
-> @shayscales / @shayships || Shay
-> @sunnidear / @scribs-dibs / @cinnamim || Sunni
-> @fomar / @relacyel || Mordacia
-> @mahouships / @cisphobie || Dylan
┊₊˚. Tags:
-> Here!
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I'll update this from time to time when I properly figure out how to use this damn site.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Aren’t you worried that your partner is busy writing random stuff then brewing romance
Nah- why would I be? Shay's been doing their stuff- Brewing Romance can take a while because we're both also making other stuff aside BR.
I shouldn't worry about that- (besides I have class and I'm getting pretty busy, I might just interract 6 hours only-)
I don't really care about "Hey you should do BR" I can draw em if I want to- (I can't at the moment cause I'm BUSY)
Yall take your patience- I honestly adore Shay's other fics. They make my heart explode with how canon it'd be!!
Shay is just shay- I do what I do-
Usual the usual
Stuff and stuff
Yadda yadda
(Be patient please.)
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