#Shannon ALonzo
sexypinkon · 1 year
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Sexypink - We’re excited to welcome PAMM’s Caribbean Cultural Institute's (CCI) newest Fellows Shannon Alonzo, Farihah Aliyah Shah, and Petrina Dacres.
This next group of fellows represents the diversity of the region with their unique backgrounds and artistic practices.” – PAMM Director Franklin Sirmans.
Our 2023 CCI Fellowships is a curatorial and research program supported by the Mellon Foundation and in collaboration with the Women Photographers International Archive (WOPHA), fostering art projects and research advancing Caribbean art and scholarship.
Learn more about PAMM CCIs' Fellows and program ☝️ https://bit.ly/3PGPSMC
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gotham-native · 2 months
Alonzo/Rumpus Cat-Tracy Inman (Antwerp) Asparagus/Gus the theater cat-Yngve Gasoy Romdal (Tecklenburg 2015) Bombalurina-Marlene Danielle (Broadway 1999) Bustopher Johns-Paul Donkers (Dutch tour 2006) Cassandra-Amber Simpson (Australia tour 1993) Coricopat-Yevgeny Chekin (Moscow 2005) Demeter-Wendy Edmead (Original Broadway Cast) Electra-Maria Briggs (Broadway revival) Etcetera-Lucie Fentum (London 1995) George-Taylor Scanlan (South Korea 2020) Grizabella-Betty Buckley (Original Broadway Cast) Gus Jr.-Stephen Hanan (Original Broadway Cast) Jellylorum-Leah Delos Santos (Tecklenburg 2015) Jemima-Valentina Rubtsova (Moscow 2005) Jennyanydots-Ann Christin Elverum (German tent tour) Macavity-Kenneth Ard (Original Broadway Cast) Mistoffelees-Fergus Logan (London 1997) Mungojerrie-Gregory Haney (US National Tour 2006) Munkustrap-Ivan Ozhogin (Moscow 2005) Old Deuteronomy-Oleg Fed'kushov (Moscow 2005) Plato-Thomas Inge (South Korea 2020) Pouncival-Dane Quixall (German Tent Tour) Rumpleteazer-Bonnie Langford (Original London Cast) Rum Tum Tugger-David Shannon (London 1999) Skimbleshanks-Tommi Sliiden (London 1996) Tantomile-Femi Taylor (Original London Cast) Tumblebrutus-Pete Simpson (RCCL Cast 4) Victoria-Cynthia Onrubia (Original Broadway cast)
and because im extra a PowerPoint
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clove-pinks · 1 year
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Battle between the Constitution and the Guerriere, 1858 engraving after Alonzo Chappel (NYPL).
After considerable maneuvering, [US Navy Captain Isaac] Hull’s ship delivered a powerful and destructive raking fire. An American on board the British ship said the Constitution’s double-shotted first fire (700 pounds of metal delivered at close range) sounded like “a tremendous explosion” and forced the Guerrière to “reel, and tremble as though she had received the shock of an earthquake.”
[...] Although the Guerrière returned the fire, her masts were soon destroyed, her hull damaged, and much of her crew knocked out of action. This left Dacres with no choice but to surrender. “She was left without a Spar Standing,” the American captain reported, “and the Hull cut to pieces, in such a manner as to make it difficult to keep her above water.”
— Donald R. Hickey, The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict
And there's a song! In lyrics and melody it's an obvious retort to "The Shannon and the Chesapeake":
When the frigate hove in view,
Says proud Dacres to his crew,
Come clear the ship for action
And be handy, Oh!
To the weather-gage, boys, get her.
And to make his men fight better
Gave them to drink, gunpowder
Mixed with brandy, Oh!
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condescendingbench · 8 months
Percy Jackson fancast (YA):
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Percy - Brenton Thwaites
-> Dylan O’Brien
Annabeth - Simone Joy Jones (insta)
-> Virginia Gardner
Grover - Ali Hadji-Heshmati
-> Gabriel Stewart
Rachel Elizabeth Dare - Annalise Basso
-> Julia Lester
Thalia Grace - Shannon Berry
-> Ruby Cruz
Luke Castellan - Milo Manheim
Juniper - Glenna Walters
Reyna - Ariela Barer
-> Jenna Clause
Piper McLean - Megan Suri
Jason Grace - Logan Shroyer
-> Will Poulter
Leo Valdez - David Iacono
Calypso - Brynne Rosetta
-> Brenna D’Amico
Silena Beauregard - Griff
Charles Beckendorf - Kedar Williams Stirling
-> Jonathon Daviss
Clarisse La Rue - Alycia Pasqual Peña
Bianca Di Angelo - Jessie Mae Alonzo
Nico Di Angelo - Matthieu Simoneau
Will Solace - Anthony Turpel
-> Christopher Briney
Hazel Levesque - Kiersey Clemons
Frank Zhang - Drew Ray Tanner
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anythingreallytt · 5 years
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Who you fallin wit? I
Pencil on paper collage
by: Shannon Alonzo
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saltisnacks · 3 years
Prompt #2 is below - Chris's only clear memories of Shannon before she died are Christmas and their time at the beach. Another idea of what caused his outburst.
Rated T+ for language. Major character injury. Disassociation. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Get Chris and Eddie (and Buck!) into therapy in 5b, istg!
Buddie prompt #1
During a call Buck is accidentally sprayed by blood. He starts yelling for Eddie. The patient starts coding and Buck goes catatonic before collapsing.
Unbeknownst to the crew someone in the crowd recorded the entire incident and is making fun of Buck for "losing it."
May finds the video while on shift at dispatch. She sits Eddie down, and shows him after warning him it's bad.
Bobby unexpectedly breaks and unleashes on Eddie as soon as he walks through the bay doors.
He knows Eddie hasn't responded to any of Buck's texts or calls. That Eddie knows about Buck's abandonment issues and still did the same thing. He brings up how Eddie has refused to deal with his (and Buck's) traumas.
He mentions how Harry is in therapy. How Chris was in therapy after the tsunami. He mentions Maddie's PPD. Hen's therapy after the ambulance accident.
The shooting and well collapse were freak accidents that were beyond anyone's control.
"We know you faked your way through therapy with Frank after the shooting. He almost didn't let you come back! I had to talk Chief Alonzo into letting you. Maybe I shouldn't have!"
"We all saw you struggling. We thought you'd eventually talk to Buck about everything. You know, supposedly your best friend? Who had a front row seat to you being shot?! But you kept it in. And he didn't want to force you because he didn't want to, and I quote, "Make it about him and be exhausting!" Remember that?!"
"I told you to didn't have to lose everything before you allow yourself to feel something! Fat good that advice did. You still blame yourself for everything with Shannon. Don't say you don't. You think you failed your kid again. But who have you really failed the most? Yourself!"
"You don't blame Buck for the tsunami, so why are you blaming yourself for all of this?" You were a firefighter! You know people can be injured or die at any time. Shannon was hit by a car! Mudslides. Earthquakes. Stupid stunts. Car crashes."
"You were the final straw! You pulled Christopher and yourself away from Buck and he's been trying trying to understand why you left. At least Hen, Ravi, and I were trying to help him. Taylor tried before she washed her hands of it all and walked away, too! Hear that? She left him, too!"
"I didn't-I didn't know."
"And why is that, Eddie?! The person he needed most was you! He needed you! You! Buck would bend over backward and stand on his head for you or Chris. He'd give you his last heartbeat just to keep yours going! You let him flounder while you drowned instead of supporting each other. You think he wouldn't have been there for Chris after his outburst about you dying?"
"Did you know Chris called Buck? I'm surprised Carla hasn't snapped at you about it. He didn't want you to quit! He was in tears crying to Buck saying it was all his fault. That he misses Buck, and he caused all this. He blames himself because of what he said."
"That kid is old enough to understand death, and you should have talked to him about it. Instead, let me guess. You used Chris to escape. You both need help. All three of you do!"
"Sue called me. We talked. You're on paid leave starting today until you see a therapist and actually talk about everything. HIPPA safe limited information documented, signed off, proof. No exceptions. We can't have a compromised first responder. You have two weeks to find a solution before you're terminated. And while you're at it, maybe ask why you can't admit to yourself you're in love with Buck."
Hen barely catches Eddie after Bobby storms away.
"Where's Buck, Hen?"
"In the hospital."
"Everything... The memories after the blood hit him and you not being there. You weren't there to reassure him, Eddie. He couldn't see you. He couldn't find you. Everything... We thought maybe he was having a heart attack from another blood clot. He had all the symptoms, but he was just... Not there to talk to us. He went blank, Eddie. It was scary to see. So we thought maybe it was a panic attack with disassociation. But..."
"It was so bad, he slipped into arrhythmia. We thought we were going to have to shock him on the way to the hospital. They ran tests as soon as they could. His heart... Takotsubo syndrome."
"Bro-broken hearted syndrome?"
Eddie breaks down as soon as he sees Buck. "I'm a fool. I didn't listen to Bobby or Frank. I kept it all in again and ended up hurting everyone. Chris. You. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Eddie doesn't expect Chris to starts struggling and flailing at him as soon as he gets home.
"Buck's heart broke! Because of us!"
"You know."
"They couldn't talk to you or Maddie so they called Carla! She gave them permission to make him sleep."
"I'm on Buck's emergency contact list ahead of Bobby in case he's on shift. You, Maddie, me, Bobby, Athena, then Hen are all on his paperwork in that order."
"I'm sorry, Chris. I need to fix this. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"I just missed mom. She died before another Christmas together."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't know how. Like after the tsunami. I'm scared you will, too. Not just from being a firefighter. Mom wasn't. My friend at school's dad died from cancer. Mrs. Phillips was out for a month because her husband died in a car wreck. You almost died after you were shot, but you didn't talk about it. You fell over at the store."
(conversation can blend from parts of prompt two about Chris's only real memories with Shannon are Christmas and the beach.)
Eddie talks to Chris about family and individual counseling. He finally talks to Chris about his will.
"I'm sorry, Eddie, I shouldn't have snapped like I did. On the other hand, I'm not."
"I know, Bobby. I needed the ass kick, and you delivered it. If you hadn't, Carla was about to if she saw Chris break down again. She chewed me out too last night. Chris is demanding to see Buck. If I... I miss it. Despite everything, I miss being out there."
"When the time comes, if you decide and get an official release, you're welcome to come back. For now, Sue says as long as you're getting therapy you can stay at dispatch."
"How? I quit."
"I've talked to Chief Alonzo. He understands. You will have to meet with him directly before returning to duty. Official orders straight from his mouth. Just to talk and make sure your head is on straight this time."
Prompt #2
Chris tricks a classmate's mom into dropping him off at Buck's after a sleepover because he hasn't seen him since Eddie quit.
Buck tries to call Eddie, despite Chris begging him not to, but Eddie is asleep due to emotional and physical exhaustion from overthinking and stress.
His actions are starting to catch up with him in various ways. Chris's continued outbursts, now focused on his new job as a mechanic at a dealership.
"Career day is next week. You're dad's a firefighter. Do you think he can bring the big truck?"
"My dad quit. He's a mechanic now."
"Oh. My dad's cousin is a mechanic. He dropped out of doctor school. Dad calls him a loser." Chris remains silent and Eddie is crushed.
Missing Buck. Realizing why he misses Buck so much. Internalized phobia about being bi/demi/gay. Religious guilt. The thought of upsetting his family.
Compounding nightmares combining being shot, Shannon, Afghanistan, and/or being buried. Losing Chris or Buck. Overdue bills because the only job he could find for his experience came with a drastic cut in pay. His new insurance is limiting Chris's therapies. (True story - our insurance limited my child to 25 total therapy sessions a year, including both OT and speech under the cap. Any beyond that is out of pocket. Yea, I'm still mad about this.)
More panic attacks that are getting worse. Losing coverage to help pay Carla so her job reassigned her. His landlord trying to raise rent to help pay for future improvements to the properties. Helping a man having a heart attack while at the zoo with Chris using the yearly passes Buck bought.
"Heard you quit, Diaz. Move and let us still in the LAFD deal with it." Chris stormed off and refused to talk to Eddie for the rest of the day.
Buck and Chris talk about Chris being scared. The association with Christmas and his mom. How he really didn't want Eddie to quit. The risks of being a firefighter where Buck states the truth. The biggest risk is cancer from hazardous materials and smoke, but if they use their equipment correctly, the risk drops. He tells Chris he would try really hard to always make sure Eddie came home, but nothing is guaranteed.
"Without good doctors, Harry's dad could have died from something bad in his head. A tumor. Even eating food can be dangerous, Chris. See this scar? I choked on bread. A bite of baked dough. I almost died. Abby saved me and it gave me this tiny scar. Just like the doctors saving your dad's life led to his scars. Scars show that we survived. You've seen the scars on my leg. I almost died then to."
"I know you saw me throw up blood at Bobby and Athena's that night. I'm sorry you had to see that. It probably really scared you, and I should have talked to you about it. That's my mistake. Hen, Chim, Maddie, and your dad saved me."
"As long as there are good people, Good Samaritans from the Bible. I know you went to church, so you should know the story."
"He stopped and helped the man when no one else would."
"Yes, he did. As long as there are good Samaritans, many lives can be saved. Quick thinking and dialing 911 as soon as possible to get them in good hands and to the hospital to the doctors."
"Don't mistake me, if there aren't good people who can act and focus beyond their panic, sometimes it is too late. Like the bystanders who waited too long to call 911 last week when a man accidentally fell down a set of stairs."
"I know you don't want to hear it, but death, when it comes for us, is unavoidable. Old age. Massive heart attacks. My older brother, Daniel, died of leukemia. My parents had me for a stem cell transfusion(?), but it ultimately didn't work."
"You had a brother? "
"Yea, I did. Daniel Buckley. He died before I could remember him. The procedure didn't last, and he relapsed, or it was too late. I'm not sure really. Maddie has a picture. I kind of looked like him when I was younger."
"Dad told me you saved him. He doesn't remember a lot, but he knows you did. You were his good Samaritan."
"I drug your dad to safety and the others and Captain Mahta helped me get him to the hospital despite the sniper still firing at us. Good people under pressure."
"Your dad was one of those amazing good people who helped so many others. He helped me save a kid and his sister by figuring out the boy had the numbers backwards. Like a mirror. He said 318 instead of 81E. Your dad did that. He figured it out and we acted to save them."
"I didn't want him to quit! I was thinking about how mom was only here for one Christmas. That's all I remember. And the beach trip we took. That's it. And dad won't talk about her."
"Chris, holy... crud."
"What did she like? Did she like broccoli? Did she wear makeup like May? Do I have any uncles or aunts I don't know? What was her job? I don't know!"
"I don't know. Eddie, you idiot. You need... You need to talk to your dad about this."
The shooting. Ana. His dad yelling at someone over the phone about his insurance. How they may have to move because dad can't afford the rent anymore.
After listening to Buck's voicemail, Eddie goes to them and lets himself into the apartment. Chris is asleep upstairs after wearing himself out from crying. Buck drags Eddie out to the balcony and rips Eddie a new one.
"You thought you were doing right by Chris. What a good job you've done, Eddie! Is this even really about him, or is it something else? Talk to me! You're losing everything, Eddie! Carla! Chris's coverage! And now possibly your home! Why aren't you fighting harder, dammit?! What the fuck are you thinking?!"
"Did you even ask Chris what he wants or did you just fucking assume? Because he was only missing his mom. Like I told you. I told you it was Shannon! You didn't talk to him."
"He associates Christmas with her. That's the only Christmas he remembers with her. And it's not the tsunami keeping him from going to the beach. It's the memory of her! He doesn't remember much before with her than that because he was too young when she left! His only real memories of her! He associates Christmas and the beach with her death because that's all he has!" Eddie can only stare at Buck in shock.
"For fuck's sake, do you even keep her memory alive? My parents didn't for Daniel and it destroyed them and in turn Maddie and me. They wiped him away entirely. Do you talk about her to him at all? Because from what I can guess from what he asked me, the answer is no! So you tell me, what the fuck is going on?"
"I didn't know... How? Oh my God. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I didn't... Buck. I refuse to be like your parents. Oh my god, Buck!"
Eddie finally breaks and it all comes flooding out.
"He said I didn't have to lose everything before I let myself feel. Is that what I'm trying to do? Am I that fatalistic? All I hear in my head is "Suck it up, Edmundo. Men are supposed to be strong." Blah blah ad nauseam."
"In all honesty, your dad can go suck a bag of lemons so his face matches his heart. Shriveled and sour. That is so toxic. Dr. Copeland told me the same damn thing."
"She did?"
"We all have emotions for a reason. We aren't unfeeling robots. Early man went "Ugh!" but there's evidence of emotion. They're mentioned in the Bible, I think. If they were unnecessary, don't you think evolution would have wiped their purpose like the appendix by now? How many serial killers have been emotionless psychopaths?"
"What about the opposite? Why is that allowed? Why is a man allowed to be happy and celebrate if emotions are bad?"
"My dad didn't even smile at Sophia's birth. Or Christopher's. Or at Sophia graduating summa cum laude. I think his face is frozen in stone unless he's angry."
"Oh, so anger is allowed, but nothing else is? If I had my way, he'd never speak another word to Chris until he's reached maturity. Chris doesn't need to be poisoned, Eddie. Thinking like your dad is so fucking toxic, men with this belief should come with a warning sign."
"Where's mine?"
"Tossed in the shredder waiting for you to hit the power button. You just need to find your version of a cure. Or anti-venom, I guess. Cut off the head of the snake sunk into you and yank out the fangs. Just no street fighting again, please."
"Ha ha. I learned my lesson there."
"With your permission, I'd like to restart Chris's therapy. I'd need a signed document from you and your lawyer. He needs to break the happy memories he has with her away from her death. To learn how to separate it from Christmas and the beach."
"I... Okay. Yes. I'll get it tomorrow. Wait. My insurance probably won't-"
"Eddie, I've got it. I'll pay out of pocket if I have to. I have enough. I'm a single man with a fully paid vehicle and surprisingly cheap rent and utilities for LA. Trust me."
"Single? But you have Taylor?"
"Um... Not as of two weeks ago when she accepted an anchor position in Chicago."
"She wanted me to move with her. I told her no. My family is here. I'm not leaving. Period. She threw a fit. It didn't... end well."
"Dr. Copeland says her business partner at their office has an opening and is willing to take you as a client. She can give her a brief rundown, with your permission, so she can prepare. I've...uh...talked about you... quite a bit. No judgement. Just listening and advice. Guidance to learning how to heal and be better. Please. And before you say anything, I'm helping pay if you need it. Don't argue."
"Missed you, Buck. I'm an idiot. I should have talked to you sooner. I'm sorry."
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hannibal-obsessed · 4 years
- Celebrating 30 years of The Silence of the Lambs Movie -
The Silence of the Lambs is a pop culture phenomenon, who’s influence is still being felt today. It is considered one of the best horror/terror/thriller movies of all time!
Released in 1991 on February 14th, The Silence of the Lambs evoked a blood curdling Valentine’s Day scream!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Author – Harris worked the cop beat for a Texas newspaper and had an interest in the macabre, often freelancing for Men’s Magazines (Argosy, True), writing about some of the most gruesome stories.
1. Thomas Harris – As the author of The Silence of the Lambs and creator of Hannibal Lecter, none of this would be possible without Harris. He’s an impeccable researcher, studying the cases of the most notorious serial killers at the time. Harris was seen at parts of Ted Bundy’s Chi Omega trial taking notes.
2. Jodie Foster – Foster’s portrayal of rookie FBI in training agent Clarice Starling, is a spot on performance. Foster shows Starling’s vulnerability and how her abandonment issues and need to advance in the FBI, bring her under Lecter’s spell.
3. Anthony Hopkins – Hopkins portrayal of Hannibal Lecter left an indelible mark that still haunts us 30 years later. Thomas Harris wrote Lecter...Hopkins brought him to life. The duality of Lecter, which Hopkins plays to perfection, leads you into a false sense of security...that perhaps he’s not that bad...until he lets loose on the police officers during his escape from custody.
4. Scott Glenn – Glenn plays the head of the Behavioural Science Unit at Quantico, Jack Crawford aka the Guru by his agents. Crawford uses his father like status to entice Starling to interview Lecter thus hopefully gaining access, which Lecter had denied other agents.
5. Ted Levine – Levine‘s portrayal of Buffalo Bill has a creep factor that is impossible to put out of your mind, especially when the song Goodbye Horses by Q Lazzarus plays...and he dances...
6. Anthony Heald – Heald’s portrayal of Dr. Frederick Chilton oozes contempt and arrogance, which doesn’t make you feel a bit sorry him when he becomes Lecter’s meal.
7. Brooke Smith – The all American girl who’s kidnapped by Buffalo Bill and held in a pit for the harvesting of her skin. Catherine Martin is a clever one though and hatches a plan to escape using Precious the dog as a hostage.
8. Frankie Faison – The only actor to appear in 4 of the 5 Hannibal Lecter movies. Barney Matthews survives Lecter with his politeness as Lecter abhors rudeness. Lecter believes whenever feasible, one should eat the rude.
9. Basements – The basement is an underlying theme in The Silence of the Lambs: The BSU of the FBI work out of the basement at Quantico; Hannibal Lecter is kept in the basement of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane and Buffalo Bill’s sanctuary is the basement of the former Mrs. Lippman's house.
10. Death Head Hawk Moth/Transformation – The theme throughout The Silence of the Lambs is transformation. The Moth represents Buffalo Bill’s transformation from a pupae/chrysalis/cocoon into a beautiful butterfly.
11. Salvador Dali/Philippe Halsman – In Voluptas Mors/Voluptuous Death (1951), the most scandalous photo of it’s time was the brainchild of Dali and Halsman. Dali arranged seven naked women into a macabre skull. This skull is used as the marking for the Death Head Hawk Moth on the poster for The Silence of the Lambs, which has become synonymous with the movie.
12. Cannibalism – Lecter doesn’t keep trophies in the usual sense, he eats his victims ensuring they will be part of him forever and leaving no evidence behind.
13. Sketches – Hannibal Lecter is a gifted artist and uses his talent to escape the confining basement walls of The Baltimore State Hospital with sketches of the Palazzo Vecchio and the Duomo as seen from the Belvedere in Florence.
14. Music – Hannibal Lecter has an appreciation for the finer things in life like classical music in particular Goldberg’s Variations Aria. Catherine Martin rocks out to Tom Petty’s American Girl and Buffalo Bill dances to Goodbye Horses by Q Lazzarus.
Behavioural Science Unit – It was a new age of criminal behaviour which needed a new type of agent...a profiler.
15. FBI – The Federal Bureau Of Investigation was formed to combat the criminal Mob element by J. Edgar Hoover. It was only upon Hoover’s death that the FBI started exploring other avenues to catch a new type of killer, the serial killer. After Hoover’s death the FBI would start to hire female agents, which would spur Harris to write a story about an up and coming female agent in training.
16. John E. Douglas – Douglas is the real Jack Crawford, an agent who helped in the development of Behavioural Sciences to catch the newly ordained serial killer. Douglas was a consultant for The Silence of the Lambs movie and is an author of many serial killer/profiling books.
17. Robert Ressler – Crawford is also based on Ressler who was in charge of developing the BSU and was instrumental in the creation of profiling serial killers by interviewing them behind bars. Ressler is responsible for writing some of the best profiling books.
18. Jonathan Demme – It’s Demme’s vision as Director of The Silence of the Lambs which is the magic that has cemented The Silence of the Lambs in the minds of all who watch and re-watch and re-watch...
19. Orion Pictures – The little studio that took a big chance. Unfortunately The Silence of the Lambs wouldn’t save Orion from bankruptcy and they’d be bought out by MGM, who would acquire their movie catalogue.
20. Ted Tally – The man who would turn Harris’ novel into a great screenplay, hitting all the major marks. Tally would pass on the Hannibal screenplay; being lured back for the Red Dragon screenplay.
21. Dino De Laurentiis – If not for De Laurentiis passing on the movie rights to Harris’ novel, The Silence of the Lambs, after the bad box office return of Manhunter, and for allowing Demme to use Hannibal Lecter, we wouldn’t even be discussing this 30 years later.
Quotes – The Silence of the Lambs gave us a few extremely recognizable quotes!
22. Chianti and Fava Beans – “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”
- Hannibal Lecter
23. Lotion – “It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again.”
- Buffalo Bill
24. Friendship – “I’m having an old friend for dinner.”
- Hannibal Lecter
Serial Killers – Harris based Lecter and Buffalo Bill on some very real killers...
25. Ed Gein – Buffalo Bill is part Gein for without the crimes of Ed Gein, Buffalo Bill wouldn’t exist. It was Gein’s skinning of corpses and his two murder victims that would inspire Buffalo Bill...
26. Gary Heideck – If Buffalo Bill is part Gein, he’s also part Heideck, who’d kidnap women and then tortured them in a pit in his basement.
27. Ted Bundy – Buffalo is also part Ted Bundy, who would lure his victims with injuries like an arm in a cast; he would seem vulnerable seeking help with books or a canoe and in Buffalo Bill’s case a chair.
28. Ed Kemper – What do Hannibal Lecter and Ed Kemper have in common? A high IQ., a fondness of co-eds and a love of cars.
29. Alfredo Balli Trevino – Harris met Trevino in a Mexican prison, mistaking him for a doctor who worked in the prison; Trevino was actually an inmate working in the prison.
Trevino was convicted of murdering then dismembering his lover. It was this encounter that would set the tone for Lecter.
30. Alonzo Robinson – Lecter has been compared to many serial killers over the decades, many of who’s crimes are too late to be included in The Silence of the Lambs novel (1988). It was most likely the story of Alonzo Robinson/James Coyner/William Coyner that planted the seeds of a cannibal killer in the young mind of Thomas Harris.
Influence – Every Serial Killer book written after The Silence of the Lambs was released in theatres, has a reference to it...even BTK referenced Buffalo Bill in his essay to FBI Profiler, John E. Douglas, among an impressive list of serial killers...Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, Ed Kemper, Steven Pennell and Gary Heideck.
Conclusion: Thomas Harris’ first Lecter novel, Red Dragon, turns 40 in October, so Hannibal Lecter has been part of our literary world for 40 years. Although Manhunter was released in 1986 as the first film featuring Lektor (spelling in the movie), it was Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs that will be remembered as bringing Lecter to the masses. Even though Hopkins would play Lecter two more times in Hannibal (2001) and in the remake of Manhunter, Red Dragon (2002), it’s Hopkins Oscar winning portrayal in The Silence of the Lambs that we will always remember and keep the lambs screaming...
Shannon L. Christie
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truthseekah · 6 years
Embracing Supernatural & Psychic Abilities | Leslie Luminare
In this episode Leslie Luminare speaks with TruthSeekah about supernatural and psychic abilities and how they affect our lives. Leslie talks about how the supernatural has been very natural throughout her life even back into childhood. She has always had a fascination with psychic abilities and the spirit world. These experiences were normal in her childhood, so much so that she thought that everyone possessed these abilities and knew about their functions. Leslie talks about being able to communicate with animals and being able to read and sense their emotions and feelings. A deeper look into empathy shows us that we are connected with every living being on this planet from humans, to the animals as well as the plant kingdoms and beyond. Everything and everyone is an extension of ourselves therefore if any sentient being feels pain people who are very sensitive on this level feel pain within their own bodies as well. This has led people in too deep states of depression and many have no idea what they are experiencing. This is why this conversation must be had, because the pharmaceutical companies are drugging our prophets and Seers. When people talk about this unexplainable depression the doctors are quick to give you a pill to cheer you up. For those who are restless in the wee hours of the night when the veil is thin between the spirit realm and ours, there's a pill for that as well. It is our duty to educate, inform and equip those who are experiencing what is deemed as awakening symptoms. Many people much like Leslie Luminaire have been experiencing the symptoms from birth. To many this is very natural, but yet it can lead others down a path of drug and substance abuse. Now I beckon you the reader to walk in your full potential. Do something about this. Many of you reading this even now feel deep down within a connection and compassion with people who are experiencing these symptoms for you have experienced them yourself. This is what empathy is all about.
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Past Guests Bizzy Bone of Bone Thugs N Harmony | Santos Bonacci | Dr.Michael Heiser | James Gilliland  | Tim Freke | Jordan Maxwell | Lori Ivey | Michael Basham | Levi O’Brien of Jesus Camp | Freeman Fly | Alonzo Pichardo | Illuminate | Tricia McCannon | Chris Harman of Esoteric Empyre | Ed Grimsley Kalki | Gregg Prescott of iN5d | Koi 3rdEyeOpener | Chris Rushing | Eric Dollard | JC Johnson | Kendall Shoulders | Garrett Russell of Silent Planet | Beleaf In Fatherhood | Angie Duncan | MARZ | Pyrexx | Freeman Fly | ASAP Preach  | Sean Herman | Marguerite Perrin | Chris Rushing | Mary Rodwell  |  Sevin of HogMob | Dan Osczepinski | Brandon Barthrop | Danny Wilten | Anthony Cummings | Bill Bean | Grim | Dan de Lion | Drew Gower | Disl Automatic | Rory Campbell | Spirit Of Truth | Andrew Schwab of Project 86 | Hope Medford of Nahko & Medicine For The People | Larry Reid | V. Terrill “Buddha” Hill | Judy Messoline| Illuminati Congo | O.D.D. Reality | Gary Wayne | Brian Godawa | Charity Croff | Jennifer Casolary | Watchman | Jed Payne | Adam Starseed Bey | Royce Gay | Nikolai Jones | Andy Psalm Byrd | Bryann T | Paul Levin | Chad C. Meek | Joshua Friedman | Chris Barszcz | David Hopkins | J Payne | Joshua Fluman | Realm Renegade | Nicolle Leanne | Jess Tregle | Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot | Tom Shannon | Jim Girouard  | Rasul Allah of The Lost Children of Babylon| Tre-9 | Bridget Nielsen | K-Lee | Crystal Sunshine | Carlos Martinez | VVitchboy | Nikolai Jones | Kenny Rideout | Scarlet Moon | Raana Zia | David Curtis | Matthew Silver | Brenda Bradshaw | Dhanya | Cindy McKean | ALLiTiZ |  Full Episode Here: http://www.truthseekah.com/embracing-supernatural-psychic-abilities-leslie-luminare
Check out this episode!
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sexypinkon · 1 year
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moon-9473 · 4 years
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William Bullard, Portrait of Alonzo Shannon and George Ringels, 1900
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pandolfo-malatesta · 7 years
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Photos by William Bullard of citizens of the Beaver Brook neighborhood of Worcester, Massachusetts.  Over 230 of his photos, taken between 1897 and 1917, are on display at the Worcester Museum of Art through February, and an online gallery is hosted by Clark University.
1. “Portrait of Eugene Shepard, Sr., Seated in a Railcar, about 1905” 2. “Portrait of Raymond Schuyler and his Children, Ethel, Stephen, Beatrice, and Dorothea, about 1904” 3. “Portrait of Waiters at Green Hill, about 1904” 4. “Portrait of Reuben Griffin Standing against a Tree, about 1901” 5. “Portrait of Six Girls at 46 Mason Street, about 1903” 6. “Portrait of the Reverend William B. and Sallie G. Perry and Their Children Bessie and William, Jr.” 7. “Portrait of Zenobia Clark, about 1902” 8. “Portrait of Thomas Doughton, Jr., Working on the Railroad, about 1916” 9. “Portrait of Grace Stevens Reading a Book, 1904” 10. “Portrait of Alonzo Shannon and George Ringels, 1900”
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rynostols · 4 years
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Alonzo For InTheParksManagement 
Styled by :  Shannon Daniels 
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April 3, 2019: Obituaries
Douglas B. Roten, Sr., age 60
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Mr. Douglas B. Roten, Sr., age 60 of Millers Creek passed away Thursday, March 21, 2019 at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital. The family will have a private burial at a later date.  Mr. Roten was born April 21, 1958 in Wilkes County to Lloyd and Gladys Pauline Royal Roten. He loved watching cartoons and spending time with his grandchildren. He was a member of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents.  He is survived by one daughter; Janet Roten of West Virginia, one son; Douglas Roten, Jr. of Millers Creek, three grandchildren; Marty and Hayleigh Roten and Ruby Lowe, five brothers; Troy Roten and wife Annette of Waxhaw, Lee Roten of North Wilkesboro, Johnny Roten of Wilkesboro, Michael Roten and wife Diane, Jeff Roten and wife; Darlene all of North Wilkesboro, three sisters; Sue Stone and husband Wayne of North Wilkesboro, Cynthia Cleary and husband Kenny of Traphill and Millie Church of North Wilkesboro and several nieces and nephews.  Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Mary Ellis, 85
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Mary Catherine Ellis, age 85, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, March 30, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village. She was born March 30, 1934 in Yadkin County to Ellis and Mallie Mae Marsh Parks. Mrs. Ellis was a member of Cane Creek Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; and three brothers, Jack, Larry and Fred Parks.
Surviving are her husband, Bill L. Ellis; daughters, Rita Frazier and husband Kent, Gayle Ellis all of North Wilkesboro; sons, Tim Ellis, Billy Ellis and wife Kim all of North Wilkesboro, Tommy Ellis and wife Loretta of Bushnell, Florida, Benny Ellis and wife Wanda of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Courtney Wagoner, Michael Royal, April Church, Ethan Ellis, Michael Barnes, Becky Ellis, Ashley Ellis Davis, Dillon Ellis, Whitney Casstevens; eight great grandchildren; sisters, Mary Douglas of Pfafftown, Faye Holton of Clemmons, Jean Hall, Sue Reavis both of Elkin, Carolyn Bell of Hamptonville; brother, Jim Parks of Yadkinville.
Funeral service was April 2,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Sammy Taylor and Rev. Ronnie McMannus officiating. Burial  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Village of Wilkes, 204 Old Brickyard Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Carl Faw, 90  
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Carl Curtis Faw, age 90, of Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, March 28, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing & Rehab Center, after a long courageous battle against Alzheimer's Disease. He was born November 24, 1928 in Wilkes County to Alonzo Rufus and Agnes Mash Faw. He was a US Air Force Veteran, serving in the Korean War. Mr. Faw was a member of Welcome Home Baptist Church and employed with Holly Farms/Tyson Foods for 40 years. Mr. Faw was preceded in death by his parents; twin brother, Earl J. Faw; sisters, Mae Holman, Inez Hamby, Opal Stewart; and grandson, Curtis Andrew "Drew" Faw, Jr.
Surviving are his wife, Iva "Babe" Walsh Faw; son, Curtis Andrew "Dusty" Faw, Sr.; daughters, Carla Squires and husband Danny, Shannon Pilkington and husband Johnny, four grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and many beloved nieces, nephews and friends.
Funeral service was March 30,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Lyn Lambert officiating. Burial  followed in Blue Ridge Memorial Park Cemetery in Lenoir.   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Welcome Home Baptist Church or to First Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  David Wolfe, 66
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Mr. David Colin Wolfe, 66, of Boomer, passed away on Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
David was born on April 8, 1952 in Wilkes County to Asa Colin Wolfe and Rosie Goforth Wolfe.
David is preceded in death by his parents.
David is survived by his wife, Nora "Susie" Wolfe; son, Tracy Scott Wolfe (Janey) of Boomer; daughters, Angela Marie Elledge (Terry) of Moravian Falls, Melinda Jean Wolfe of Boomer; brother, Floyd "Butch" Wolfe; sister, LonaMae Bullis, both of Boomer, 10 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren and special canine companions, Libby and BooBoo.
The family will conduct a private service at a later date.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Wolfe Family.
 Charles Harris, 89
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Charles Julius Harris, age 89, of Roaring River, passed away Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab Center. Mr. Harris was born October 10, 1929 in Wilkes County to Andrew and Laura Wade Harris. He enjoyed visiting the boys at White Castle, fishing, hunting, doing landscape and gardening. Charles was of the Baptist Faith. Mr. Harris was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, John Harris, Jayhue Harris, Sr., Harold Harris; and sisters, Eloise Speaks, Madeline Harris, Lenna Lewis, Nellie Richardson, Alma Harris and Rhoda Rousseau.
Surviving are his daughter, Carol Harris Barnes and husband Larry of Roaring River; grandchildren, Anitra Horton and husband Bryan of Charlotte, Nicole Graham of North Wilkesboro, LaCarol "Bobbie" Barnes and spouse Megan of Tampa, Florida, Tre Barnes of Moravian Falls, Jaleah Barnes of Roaring River; ten great grandchildren; one great great grandchild; special friend, Ann Johnson of Cincinnati, Ohio; Shnee Johnson and Bryant Johnson.
Funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Richard Watts, Rev. John A. Speaks and Elder Mario Broussard officiating. Burial will follow in the Harris Family Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 1:00 until 2:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Everette Shumate, 75
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Everette Philmore Shumate, age 75, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, March 25, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He was born October 13, 1943 in Wilkes County to Ira Dewitt and Verna Cleary Shumate. Mr. Shumate was a member of New Hope Baptist Church in Purlear. He enjoyed woodworking, dancing and NASCAR. Everette was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Rex, Mack, Dwight, Luther, Bill, Jim, Robert and Monroe Shumate; and sisters, Grace Adams, China Hincher and Theda Dean.
Surviving are his daughter, Monica Ball of Chapel Hill; grandchildren, Emily Ball and Charlotte Ball both of Chapel Hill; and sister, Pauline Shumate Davidson of North Wilkesboro.
Funeral service was March 29,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. James Miles officiating. Burial  followed in New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery in Purlear.  
The family has requested no flowers. Memorials may be made to New Hope Baptist Church, PO Box 130, Purlear, NC 28665. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
Pallbearers were William Davidson, Jeff Davidson, Mark Shumate, David Shumate, Chad Shumate, Dwight Shumate Jr.
Honorary pallbearer was Derek Dean.
 Greta Jones, 86
Ms. Greta Patricia "Pat" Jones, 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Monday, March 25, 2019 with family by her side.
Pat was born on August 28, 1932 in a small coal mining town in Kimball, West Virginia she was the eldest child of Marion Tandy and Oneta Jones.
Pat was fiercely independent, confident, and was ready with a quick wit.  From her humble roots in Kimball, West Virginia, Pat educated herself and held several careers. She lived in St. Martin where she helped found a school.   During her life Pat was a dental hygienist, worked for the US Government and worked in early childhood development.  She was an avid reader and valued education and a strong faith in God.  In retirement, Pat has loved and served her Church Community.
Pat is survived by her daughter, Robin Walsh; son, Todd Owings; grandson, Matthew Walsh; brothers, Dean Jones, David Jones; sister, Beth Walker, and many nieces and nephews that were close to her heart.
The family will conduct a memorial service on Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 2 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 200 West Cowles Street Wilkesboro, NC 28697.  Rev. Kedron Nicholson will be officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to St.  Paul's Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 95 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or The American Cancer Society, P.O.  Box 22478, Oklahoma City, OK 73123.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Jones Family.
 Catherine Anderson, 78
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Mrs. Catherine Eller Anderson, age 78 of Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, March 24, 2019.
Funeral services were March 30,  at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Sherrill Welborn and Rev. Paul Hugger officiating. Burial was in Mt. Lawn Memorial  Park.  
Mrs. Anderson was born July 14, 1940 in Wilkes County to Albert Vestal Eller and Agnes Vivian Misenheimer Eller. She was retired from Khols. Mrs. Anderson was a member of Walnut Grove Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Robert Lee Anderson and a brother; Phillip Eller.
She is survived by a daughter; Cathy "Chris" Walker and husband Junior of Moravian Falls, a granddaughter; Cayla "Shea" Eller and a special family member Jay Limani of Atlanta, GA and a brother; Kenneth Eller and "Nancy' of North Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
   Louise Bullard, 87
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Louise Osborne Bullard, age 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away, Sunday, March 24, 2019 at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital. She was born January 19, 1932 in Wilkes County to David Spencer and Cora Emaline Stamper Osborne. Louise was a member of First Light Baptist Church. Mrs. Bullard was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ernest Lirt Bullard; sons, Donnie Ray Bullard and Ronnie Lee Bullard.
Surviving are her daughters, Susan Bullard of North Wilkesboro, Billie Royall and husband Danny of Traphill; brother, Sam Osborne and wife Sandra of Winston Salem; five grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; one great great granddaughter; and many special friends.
Graveside service was March 26,   at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Pastor Steve Smith officiating. Flowers will be accepted.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Johnny Denny, 60
Mr. Johnny Ray Denny, age 60 of McGrady, passed away Saturday, March 23, 2019 in Northfork, West  Virginia.
Funeral services were March 27,   at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Dean Adams officiating. Burial was in Burnt School House Cemetery on Pond Mtn., Ashe County.
Mr. Denny was born May 4, 1958 in Ashe County to Hobert and Ruth Royal Denny. He was a Mechanic.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers; Bobby Denny and Ricky Denny and three sisters; Julie Faye Denny, Cora Smith and Tammy Eastridge.
He is survived by his wife of 45 years; Debbie Blevins Denny of the home, a son; Steve Denny and wife Missy of Hays, three grandchildren; Stephanie Crouse and husband Branden of McGrady, Jacob Denny and wife Katie of McGrady and Samantha Hodge and husband Matthew of McGrady, two great grandchildren; Cameron Crouse and Elaine Denny both of McGrady, a brother; Jack Denny and wife Nancy of Ronda, seven sisters; Clara Williams of Wilkesboro, Sue Harris and partner Ronnie Vannoy of Millers Creek, Mae Stone and husband Harrold of Mulberry, Carol Treadway of Mulberry, Pat Vickers and husband David of Wilkesboro, Debby Denny of McGrady and Donna
Transeau and husband Sid of McGrady, several nieces and nephews and special friends; Allen Brown, Bobby Faw, Terry Haynes, Junior Luffman, Chris Lowman and Barry Shumate.
Pallbearers were Allen Brown, Chris Lowman, Terry Haynes, Eugene Royal, Bobby Faw, Barry Shumate and Jeff Prevette.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mtn. Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
Lake Marley, 93
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Mrs. Lake Juanita Marley, age 93 of Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, March 21, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were March 31,  at Mt. Zion Baptist Church with Pastor Michael Johnson and Pastor Michael Brown officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. Marley was born January 24, 1926 in Wilkes County to Grady Allen and Loretta Cornelia Benge Greene.  She was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. She loved babysitting, gospel music, going to church, gardening and loved her farm animals.    
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband; Walter Walker, three sisters; Ella Mae Crane, Veoria Eller and Deloris Walker and one brother; Roland Greene.
She is survived by her husband; Grover Cleveland Marley of the home,
eight daughters; Jeanette Dowell and husband Woodie of North Wilkesboro, Brenda St. John and husband Boyd of Lenoir, Janet Marshall and husband Dale of Lumberton, Glenda Burr and friend Luke of Bay St. Louis, MS, Robin Blankenship and husband Tim of Ferguson, Becky Parker of Purlear, Pam Marley and Debbie Duarte both of Wilkesboro, four sons; Bruce Walker and wife Debbie Lenoir, Lavin Walker and wife Denise of Roaring River, Clayton Walker and wife Tammy of Granite Falls and Scottie Marley and wife Jennie of Ferguson, nineteen grandchildren and thirty-four great grandchildren and a sister; Iris Greene Triplette.
Flowers will be accepted.
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diskingdom · 8 years
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Disney•Pixar’s “Cars 3” is teaming up with NASCAR this year as crowd favorite Lightning McQueen prepares to return to the big screen June 16, 2017. Plans for the joint effort were shared by “Cars 3” director Brian Fee, Cristela Alonzo—the voice of the film’s elite trainer Cruz Ramirez—and NASCAR’S vice president of entertainment marketing & content development Zane Stoddard today at the Daytona International Speedway in Florida as fans gear up for the DAYTONA 500 (live Feb. 26 at 2 p.m. ET on FOX). Owen Wilson, the voice of Lightning McQueen, will serve as grand marshal for the 59th annual “Great American Race.”
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NASCAR drivers Chase Elliott, Ryan Blaney, Daniel Suárez and Bubba Wallace will join NASCAR legends Jeff Gordon and Richard Petty as voices in the upcoming film. “‘Cars 3’ very much pays homage to stock car racing and its rich history,” said Fee. “Our story leans into the drama, emotion and excitement NASCAR fans find at every race.” “We’re excited to take part in delivering the ‘Cars 3’ experience to our current and next generation of fans, at-track, in school, online and across the country,” added Stoddard. “In addition to all the engaging NASCAR ‘Cars 3’ elements industry-wide, we think our fans will really enjoy the roles of several young drivers in the film.” According to Lylle Breier, senior vice president, worldwide marketing partnerships and special events for the Walt Disney Studios, the movie inspired an expanded program with NASCAR. “This collaboration marks the biggest between the ‘Cars’ franchise and NASCAR,” said Breier. “We’re looking forward to a fun and exciting season-long program with a host of activities.”
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FAST FORWARD Kicking off at the DAYTONA 500 with the premiere of a new on-air promo, the NASCAR-“Cars 3” collaboration continues throughout the entire race season. The joint effort will include a variety of marketing initiatives, including digital and social cross promotional activities and sweepstakes. Throughout the 2017 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, races will feature a “Cars 3” at-track presence via a wide array of promotions. A co-branded merchandise program with Fanatics—the first of its kind for NASCAR and the “Cars” franchise—will also kick off at the DAYTONA 500 featuring the first film-related product available for fans to purchase. Product will be available at the Fanatics Trackside Superstore continuing at race tracks throughout the season, as well as online at the NASCAR.com Superstore. NASCAR Acceleration Nation, the sport’s youth program, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame will be featured throughout the full duration of a “Cars 3” nationwide tour. Later this year, NASCAR and Disney will release NASCAR Acceleration Nation and "Cars 3" co-branded in-classroom learning materials for elementary school students THE VOICES OF NASCAR The announcement included the introduction of NASCAR greats—from rookie drivers and legends to the voices behind the sport—tapped by Pixar Animation Studios to voice characters in the film. CHASE ELLIOTT, 21, was named 2016’s Sunoco Rookie of the Year after finishing last season tenth in the driver standings. Elliott, who pilots the No. 24 car previously driven by four-time champion Jeff Gordon, lends his voice to second-generation Piston Cup racer CHASE RACELOTT in “Cars 3.” Racelott’s blend of skills, track smarts and top-of-the-line technology make this rookie a real contender. RYAN BLANEY, a 23-year-old, third-generation racer, pilots the No. 21 Ford in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup series. He voices third-generation racer RYAN “INSIDE” LANEY in “Cars 3.” Known for his racing passion and ability to have fun on the track, Laney races with talent, speed and precision. DANIEL SUÁREZ, who just turned 25, pilots the No. 19 ARRIS Toyota Camry in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series. The 2016 NASCAR XFINITY Series champion can be heard in the film voicing DANNY SWERVEZ, a next-gen racer who’s ascending the Piston-Cup ladder against all odds. A mid-season replacement, Swervez is a quick learner who pushes himself to the limit. BUBBA WALLACE, 23, won the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series race at Martinsville Speedway in 2013, becoming the first African American to win in one of the top three touring divisions since Wendell Scott in 1963. In “Cars 3,” Wallace voices next-gen stock car racer BUBBA WHEELHOUSE, a fast and tenacious young racer who knows how to win.  DARRELL WALTRIP, the NASCAR Hall of Fame racer-turned-NASCAR on FOX color analyst lends his voice to DARRELL CARTRIP. Cartrip, a veteran Piston-Cup announcer also heard in “Cars” and “Cars 2,” may think he’s seen it all—but this new season might still have a surprise or two in store. SHANNON SPAKE, NASCAR on FOX correspondent and college football and basketball reporter for FOX Sports, voices on-the-track reporter SHANNON SPOKES in the film. Spokes weaves her way into the middle of the action for in-the-moment interviews, and she’s not afraid to ask racers the tough questions. HOWARD AUGUSTINE “HUMPY” WHEELER JR., the legendary NASCAR promoter and former president and GM of Charlotte Motor Speedway, lends his voice to iconic Dinoco team owner TEX DINOCO in “Cars 3.” Tex, who met Lightning McQueen in “Cars,” would love nothing more than to see #95 decked out in Dinoco blue. JEFF GORDON, four-time NASCAR champion, current NASCAR on FOX analyst, and story consultant for “Cars 3,” lends his voice to JEFF GORVETTE. Gorvette, whose number of top-ten finishes remains unmatched, may have hung up his racing tires—but his heart remains on the track. His ability to succeed at all levels turned hoods wherever he raced. RICHARD “THE KING" PETTY, team owner and champion NASCAR driver with 200 wins, returns to the role of STRIP “THE KING” WEATHERS. From his humble beginnings on the Piston-Cup circuit to the glitzy sponsorship and media attention, the champion racer now serves as crew chief for his nephew, Cal Weathers. KYLE PETTY, retired NASCAR driver and current NASCAR commentator on NBC, helps bring CAL WEATHERS to life in “Cars 3.” Weathers grew up around the track watching his uncle, Strip “The King” Weathers, tear it up. The veteran racer finds himself taking a step back to make room for the next generation on the track. MIKE JOY is FOX Sports’ lead NASCAR announcer who will call his 38th DAYTONA 500 this Sunday. He lends his iconic voice to on-the-spot radio talk show host MIKE JOYRIDE in the movie. Joyride stays one step ahead in the racing news game by keeping a keen eye on where the racing season is headed. RAY EVERNHAM, winner of three NASCAR championships as crew chief for Jeff Gordon and current consultant to Hendrick Motorsports, lends his voice to RAY REVERHAM, Jackson Storm’s crew chief, and an expert at training in the cutting edge technology and tactics being used by the next-gen racers. Evernham also serves as a story consultant for filmmakers.
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LIFE-SIZED CHARACTERS NASCAR fans can picture themselves with Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez—or at least life-sized cars designed to look like the big-screen characters. The Cruz Ramirez look-alike premiered in Daytona today, alongside #95—the Lightning McQueen car made its debut at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in January. Comedian and actress Cristela Alonzo got to hang with her character look-alike at the event. “I am excited to be here as race fans get to see these two life-sized characters together for the first time,” said Alonzo. The Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez look-alike cars are slated to make appearances at select races throughout the season as part of a “Cars 3” nationwide tour. Joining them on the tour will be a look-alike of Lightning McQueen’s on-track rival, Jackson Storm. GOING GRAND As was previously announced, Owen Wilson, the voice of Lightning McQueen, will serve as grand marshal of the DAYTONA 500 this Sunday, Feb. 26. Wilson has provided the voice of the red car in all of the “Cars” films. Click to Post
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thearabkhaleesi · 8 years
Best Picture
Winner: Moonlight
Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea
Best Actress
Winner: Emma Stone - La La Land
Isabelle Huppert - Elle
Ruth Negga - Loving
Natalie Portman - Jackie
Meryl Streep - Florence Foster Jenkins
Best Actor
Winner: Casey Affleck - Manchester by the Sea
Andrew Garfield - Hacksaw Ridge
Ryan Gosling - La La Land
Viggo Mortensen - Captain Fantastic
Denzel Washington - Fences
Best Supporting Actress
Winner: Viola Davis - Fences
Naomie Harris - Moonlight
Nicole Kidman - Lion
Octavia Spencer - Hidden Figures
Michelle Williams - Manchester by the Sea
Best Supporting Actor
Winner: Mahershala Ali - Moonlight
Jeff Bridges - Hell or High Water
Lucas Hedges - Manchester by the Sea
Dev Patel - Lion
Michael Shannon - Nocturnal Animals
Best Director
Winner: La La Land - Damien Chazelle
Arrival - Denis Villeneuve
Hacksaw Ridge - Mel Gibson
Manchester by the Sea - Kenneth Lonergan
Moonlight - Barry Jenkins
Best Original Screenplay
Winner: Manchester by the Sea - Kenneth Lonergan
20th Century Women - Mike Mills
Hell or High Water - Taylor Sheridan
La La Land - Damien Chazelle
The Lobster - Yorgos Lanthimos and Efthimis Filippou
Best Adapted Screenplay
Winner: Moonlight - Barry Jenkins and Alvin McCraney
Arrival - Eric Heisserer
Fences - August Wilson
Hidden Figures - Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
Lion - Luke Davies
Best Original Score
Winner: La La Land - Justin Hurwitz
Jackie - Mica Levi
Lion - Dustin O'Halloran and Hauschka
Moonlight - Nicholas Britell
Passengers - Thomas Newton
Best Original Song
Winner: La La Land - City of Stars by Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
La La Land - Audition by Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
Moana - How Far I'll Go by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Trolls - Can't Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake, Max Martin and Karl Johan Schuster
Jim: The James Foley Story - The Empty Chair by J Ralph and Sting
Best Cinematography
Winner: La La Land - Linus Sandgren
Arrival - Bradford Young
Lion - Greig Fraser
Moonlight - James Laxton
Silence - Rodrigo Prieto
Best Foreign Language Film
Winner: The Salesman - Iran
A Man Called Ove - Sweden
Land of Mine - Denmark
Tanna - Australia
Toni Erdmann - Germany
Best Costume Design
Winner: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Colleen Atwood
Allied - Joanna Johnston
Florence Foster Jenkins - Consolata Boyle
Jackie - Madeline Fontaine
La La Land - Mary Zophres
Best Make-up and Hairstyling
Winner: Suicide Squad - Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson
A Man Called Ove - Eva Von Bahr and Love Larson
Star Trek Beyond - Joel Harlow and Richard Alonzo
Best Documentary Feature
Winner: OJ: Made in America
Fire At Sea
I Am Not Your Negro
Life, Animated
Best Sound Editing
Winner: Arrival - Sylvain Bellemare
Deepwater Horizon - Wylie Stateman and Renee Tondelli
Hacksaw Ridge - Robert Mackenzie and Andy Wright
La La Land - Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
Sully - Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
Best Sound Mixing
Winner: Hacksaw Ridge - Kevin O'Connell, Andy Wright, Robert Mackenzie and Peter Grace
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi - Gary Summers, Jeffrey J Haboush and Mac Ruth
Arrival - Bernard Gariepy Strobl and Claude La Haye
La La Land - Andy Nelson, Ai-Ling Lee and Steve A Morrow
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - David Parker, Christopher Scarabosio and Stuart Wilson
Best Animated Short
Winner: Piper - Alan Barillaro and Marc Sondheimer
Blind Vaysha - Theodore Ushev
Borrowed Time - Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj
Pear Cider and Cigarettes - Robert Valley and Cara Speller
Pearl - Patrick Osborne
Best Animated Feature
Winner: Zootopia
Kubo and the Two Strings
My Life as a Zucchini
The Red Turtle
Best Production Design
Winner: La La Land - David Wasco and Sandy Reynolds-Wasco
Arrival - Patrice Vermette and Paul Hotte
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Stuart Craig and Anna Pinnock
Hail, Caesar! - Jess Gonchor and Nancy Haigh
Passengers - Guy Hendrix Dyas and Gene Serdena
Best Visual Effects
Winner: The Jungle Book - Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R Jones and Dan Lemmon
Deepwater Horizon - Craig Hammack, Jason Snell, Jason Billington and Burt Dalton
Doctor Strange - Stephane Ceretti, Richard Bluff, Vincent Cirelli and Paul Corbould
Kubo and the Two Strings - Steve Emerson, Oliver Jones, Brian McLean and Brad Schiff
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - John Knoll, Mohen Leo, Hal Hickel and Neil Corbould
Best Film Editing
Winner: Hacksaw Ridge - John Gilbert
Arrival - Joe Walker
Hell or High Water - Jake Roberts
La La Land - Tom Cross
Moonlight - Nat Sanders and Joi McMillon
Best Documentary Short
Winner: The White Helmets - Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara
4.1 Miles - Daphne Matziaraki
Extremis - Dan Krauss
Joe's Violin - Kahane Cooperman and Raphaela Neihausen
Watani: My Homeland - Marcel Mettelsiefen and Stephen Ellis
Best Live Action Short
Winner: Sing - Kristof Deak and Anna Udvardy
Ennemis Interieurs - Selim Azzazi
La Femme et le TGV - Timo Von Gunten and Giacun Caduff
Silent Nights - Aske Bang and Kim Magnusson
Timecode - Juanjo Gimenez
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sexypinkon · 5 years
Shannon Alfonso
Artist Shannon Alfonso at the Loftt at Gallery Woodbrook Trinidad and Tobago West indies. Go see this amazing exibition an investigation of our self histories past and present and exprements mix media. Such a relief finally to see a "new" this level expermental art making locally at this level in Trinidad and Tobago.
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I would recommend the artist exhibit internationally and be supported. Go look Think Buy local art
Photography by Jalaludin Khan ©2019 copyright and all rights reserved. All credits and acknowledgements to the artist and gallery for use of photos for public information of the exhibition only.
~Sexypink~ This is a breath of fresh air. I also recommend this show to viewers of Art. There are many Artists who have desires to produce work off the beaten path and finding representation is not easy. Most gallery spaces require a track record and work that will sell outright when considering mounting a show. So to see this body of work by Shannon Alonzo is refreshing.
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