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thestormposts · 2 years ago
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truthseekah · 5 years ago
Kirby de Lanerolle | Supernatural Life | Walking Like Jesus
In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by Kirby De Lanerolle (also known as the Happy Breatharian) as they discuss living the Supernatural Life and Walking Like Jesus.
Kirby De Lanerolle’s explanation of God’s justice and grace in this episode blew me away. He explained the redemptive power of the cross and the transformational power of forgiveness through Jesus in a way that made it all seem new again. I believe that Kirby is well-rounded with scripture blending the supernatural and metaphysical with contemporary and ancient biblical Christianity. Kirby also spoke about the eastern vs western thought concerning Kundalini, Qi and Pranayama energies and how people are able to tap into their own energy fields to perform miracles. Although Kirby did not demonize these eastern practices, yet he emphasized that there was something that was missing from these spiritual schools of thought which he believed to be intimacy with God through relationship with Jesus and led by The Holy Spirit. Kirby De Lanerolle’s ministry has been a bit controversial because of the eccentric signs and wonder that accompany his preaching. During the interview Kirby said that he has seen cell phone and watch batteries charged while in the glory of God. He’s seen precious gems manifest out of thin air, supernatural healings and many other feats that defy the laws of physics all demonstrated through faith. Kirby believes that these supernatural abilities are accessible to everyone who desires and especially for believers in Christ.
The mind is very powerful and through discipline and practice we can train ourselves to expect the supernatural and see the divine in our lives on a daily basis. This is basic Christianity, nothing more, nothing less. The Bible declares that signs and wonder shall follow them who believe and is filled with stories of people who did just that. Faith without works is dead, but faith accompanied by works has the power to bring about supernatural manifestations daily in our lives. Many are drawn to the spiritual and metaphysical realms because they seem to explain the science of the supernatural. This is a conversation that the church needs to have because the fullness of these manifestations are embodied through faith and relationship in Jesus. Be not deceived, there is a right way and a wrong way to tap in to spiritual practice and it is through the gate of agape love that is found in Jesus Christ alone. Many are led into the new age, mysticism and occult because the answers that they seek were not found in church. If we as the body of Christ do not demonstrate the power of the supernatural and teach practical ways to engage with God in these realms we will lose a generation who are hungry for something real.
  TruthSeekah's New Book Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell)
  TruthSeekahs Guided Meditation | The Throneroom Visualization https://gumroad.com/truthseekah
  👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music 👉 http://www.Patreon.com/TruthSeekah
Download This Episode On iTunes - https://goo.gl/1q5Uft Download On Android - https://goo.gl/kgRVzm
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📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 USAmar
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evangeliststerryks · 3 years ago
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The New Age Moment In Satanic - False Deliverance - @Bob Larson Vs @Thruthseekah - Matthew 7 https://youtu.be/X2WsKMDu16k Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Matthew 7:22 #boblarson #truthseekah #matthew7 #sterryksbooks #sterryksqoutes #Sterryks (at WAKE UP) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZcKnJLp3PZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mysticparanormal-blog · 8 years ago
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Our next podcast show is Thursday Sept 7th! Will be available to listen at 10pm EST on Sept 7 this Thursday 👻👽 @shawnkris98 @talatschi @truthseekah #mysticparanormal #truthseekah #paranormal #hiphop #podcast #interview #thursday
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jilldeville · 3 years ago
if i met steven bancarz and truthseekah i could finally die happy
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ziky · 7 years ago
Word Magic, Speech and Spirituality - TruthSeekah w/ Laurel Airica
Word Magic, Speech and Spirituality – TruthSeekah w/ Laurel Airica
Word Magic | Speech and Spirituality | Laurel Airica | TruthSeekah Podcast To become a Patron of the Art of WordMagic — and begin to unlock a treasure trove of unpublished verse and articles — please go to http://www.Patreon.com/WordMagicGlobal and pledge at whatever level you can afford. To receive my free eBook: The Book of E: A Book of Alphabet Alchemy, just sign-up at my main website http://…
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path11podcast · 4 years ago
306 Angels, Demons, Spirits, and the Sovereignty of God with TruthSeekah
TruthSeekah is a Christian mystic, Amazon best-selling author, visionary artist and seer with a vision to release the Spirit of Awakening. Also a songwriter, TruthSeekah has released over 200 songs, each one relating to the subject of spirituality. His journey has brought him through research and experience with the occult, paranormal, Christianity and the spirit realm. This has led him into many mystical encounters with God, angels, spirits, and many other supernatural beings. As the host of the TruthSeekah Podcast, he has interviewed hundreds of experts and leaders in their fields of supernatural, religious, philosophical, and paranormal studies. TruthSeekah has made it his life’s work to understand the spiritual realms and relate it back to people in a practical way. His desire is to help people embrace the reality of the spiritual world so they can walk in supernatural freedom in their lives
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Have you noticed you’re stuck in sabotaging behaviors? Do you experience feelings of fear, sadness, lack of trust, and/or shame that keep you from loving with your whole heart? In this presentation, Junie Moon- The Love Coach- pulls back the curtain of the shadow side of love. She’ll teach you how to shift the old patterns that haunt you and have the breakthrough to joy you desire.
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Check out this episode!
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luminary-dreamlove · 5 years ago
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To me the art of kawaii represented a fun innocence that people lose over the years- a child like imagination. The world is already filled with enough darkness so why would I want to create art that negatively messes with my consciousness or the consciousness of others? I wanted to transform the space into an endless adventures of space in which people can escape to for some relief! Here’s a drawing I was working on last semester. Yes I’m watching Naruto for the 1st time 😂 I was going to be turned into a painting but I’m challenging myself into editing it into a 3 process print with multiple colors. If I can’t figure out a specific blending style then I’ll rely upon the 3-color overlay. I realize that I draw fairies 🦋a lot because I love the folklore behind them - their mischievous angels 👼 that inter and exit into different dimensions. I was listening to Angels Among Us by Truthseekah and everything just connected. The song talks about how fungus are tools for humanity to reach awareness of the metaphysical. 🌎🍄🌸💕We only view our existence by the things we can physically measure but what about the non physical or inter dimensional? Since the beginning of this year my spirit guides have had me on overdrive with synchronicities leading down a path of healing. 🕉I think at the end of our journeys what about the things we never truly begin to question out of fear or ridicule? Nows Is the time to open your Prana!🌈⭐️
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talmidimblogging · 5 years ago
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Truthseekah Podcast: Brian Godawa on Jezebel and the Occult in his Bestselling Novel — Godawa You’ll find this a detailed and engrossing interview. We talked about the ancient material and worldview behind my new bestseller, Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel.
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truthseekah · 5 years ago
Ascension, Spirits and the 432 Frequency | Scott Howard
IN this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast TruthSeekah is joined by musician Scott Howard as they discuss Ascension, Spirits and the 432 Frequency.
Scott Howard is riding a musical wave on a path to enlightenment, with his latest album ‘Ascended Man’ tuned to 432 Hz, the same frequency as the formerly ascended genius’ of our world such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. His sound, though, is not classical; Scott Howard’s music is a fine tuned cornucopia of rock, adult contemporary and pop with soul inspiring lyrics like those of Bob Dylan under a smooth harmonious voice reminiscent of Cat Stevens or Crosby, Stills & Nash. With two radio campaigns completed in 2019 for singles ‘Awaken’ and ‘Come with Me,’ Scott Howard will release in 2020 his much anticipated album ‘Language of the Clouds’ complete with a vinyl record and coffee table book that will enliven the full five senses of his fans. Catchy and vibrant, anyone looking for depth and spirit will vibe with the music of Scott Howard, although a closer look will provide a glimpse into a world of intricate philosophies, ancient secrets, and a boatload of mystery.
TruthSeekah's New Book Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell)
  TruthSeekahs New Guided Meditation | The Throneroom Visualization https://gumroad.com/truthseekah
  👽Help Keep The TruthSeekah Podcast On The Air!👽 ⭐️ Become A Patron And Support TruthSeekah 📚 Get Access To The School of the Mystics Thursdays @7pm cen 💿 TruthSeekahs Full Discography & Unreleased Music 👉 http://www.Patreon.com/TruthSeekah
Download This Episode On iTunes - https://goo.gl/1q5Uft Download On Android - https://goo.gl/kgRVzm
👍Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TruthSeekah 🐦Twitter https://twitter.com/TruthSeekah 🔴Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TruthSeekah/ 📷Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/TruthSeekah
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📖Get Your FREE Audio Book! http://www.Audibletrial.com/TruthSeekah
📧 Send Mail To TruthSeekah P.O. Box 333 Creola Al, 36525 USAmar
Check out this episode!
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hamzashealthy · 6 years ago
TruthSeekah: Esoteric - Spiritual Hip Hop Artist
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our-lordstark · 5 years ago
Indigo Prophet Featuring TruthSeekah: Karma
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locsaint-blog · 6 years ago
Messengers "Mysterium" Album Promo
It is 3:33 PST, and here it is. The Official Promo Video for the New Album "Messengers - Mysterium".
Truthseekah X Loc Saint X Colt Truth have teamed up to bring you Loc Saint Music's first official group album Messengers "Mysterium" featuring HystEric, Christian Gilet, J.Caldwell. Featuring such hits as "What Is High", "Deeper" & "Hear No, See No, Speak No".
This is a PATREON ONLY Album! Pledge your support for LSM on Patreon at the "Malakim Tier" to get this album for FREE DOWNLOAD when it releases January 31st at: www.patreon.com/locsaint
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naguk1010 · 6 years ago
Wingz all the way up! @truthseekah New TruthSeekah Song Available Now At www.Patreon.com/TruthSeekah TruthSeekah | Stuck | Feat King James (at Kirkcaldy, Fife) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpw7U4_gp7z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=144ql0lim1fos
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ziky · 6 years ago
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Church Is NOT Somewhere You Go. It’s Something You ARE – TruthSeekah
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alternative-eyes · 7 years ago
KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEWED BY TRUTHSEEKAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cO2OqKCrPE
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