#Shae Vizsla
ragnarvizsla · 2 years
You know what would have been cool
Shae Vizsla in the mandalorian ✨
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groundrunner100 · 1 year
Vote away, my fellow fans of honor-simping, flying bucket heads!
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tfw shae vizsla has the Audacity
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If the TOR games are, in fact, not fully Legends material, but rather inhabit an accursed liminal space in the canon, being non-literal mythological stories passed down rather than history set in stone, I don't think I have to tell you how funny that is for lineages.
If TOR = Star Wars equivalent of Arthuriana or the tales of Robin Hood, then we gotta consider the fact that, like, real people in history rewrote those stories/their own family trees to give themselves direct ties to these allegedly historically-based mythologies. It then follows that if you hear a name from the mainline continuity in SWTOR, that's because the characters from the mainline continuity put it there. These bloodlines haven't persisted for 3,000+ years uninterrupted, it's just really culturally and politically useful for there to have been a Shae Vizsla who lived and fought alongside the Commander of the Eternal Alliance. 'Cause like, you can't prove she didn't, and her self-described descendants in the modern day have all this extensive oral history about her, so there.
Khomo Fett is Maid Marion.
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chocobothis · 1 year
I wish they would’ve gave Paz Vizsla a name that wasn’t so close to Pre Vizsla. Because I’m out here trying to find Pre Vizsla stuff and it’s all like, “YOU MEAN PAZ?” and showing me him. I assure you that I do not. I want the idiot with the stupid hair cut and wasted potential.
Very rarely Shae Vizla stuff shows up in the searches but she’s excused. It’s both very rare and also fascinating to see stuff made for her. I still take it as a personal offense she wasn’t romanceable in the SWTOR.
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cintakaz · 2 years
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on this the day of bo-katan's triumph let us not forget the original mandalorian girlboss the one the only mandalore the avenger. shae vizsla marry me
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arvadthecursed · 2 years
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Thali and her new best friend Ranos 🫐💙 So so happy I got her. She's a delight, and so sassy and sweet and funny. All of my love for Dazh Ranos.
My next Galactic Seasons reward goal is Shae Vizsla!
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synthwwavve · 2 years
I have numbers for the trash husband! 1-2-4-6-9-10-11/12-13/14
Yesssss, Pre "trash husband" Vizsla, let's fucking goooooo......
— a fun headcanon
He is surprisingly good at cooking— nothing fancy, just simple traditional dishes. Everything he makes is obscenely spicy though, even by mandalorian standards. Makes sense. Weeds out the weak, only the truly strong can stomach his food, etc. etc.
— a sad headcanon
Both of his parents were toxic and hateful in different ways— Tor Vizsla was of course a warmongering barbarian who founded the original Death Watch, and Mom Vizsla I headcanon as a cold and calculating woman who preferred to fight not on the battlefield, but with subterfuge and manipulation.
I feel like they had a loveless, abusive marriage that only got worse the further they settled into their opposing ways. The one thing they came together over was their goal to restore Mandalore as a galactic superpower with their clan at the head, and poured everything into grooming their son to take over in their wake.
I feel like Pre had no semblance of a normal childhood, every second devoted to brutal combat training with his dad or grueling political education pushed by his mom (her idea to send him to study on Coruscant at the same time as Satine— I headcanon she had a fixation on outdoing and undermining the Kryzes by infiltrating their own game of diplomacy and beating them from the inside, which was the origin story of Pre running for governor eventually.)
He definitely inherited all of his parents' strengths plus a heaping side of their worst traits, all with zero warmth or nurturing from either of them at any point along the way.
— a headcanon about their family
Okay enough bleak past family shit! Let's pivot to my "death watch succeeds" AU where he and Bo-Katan get married and have their own family 🥹
They have two daughters, one biological and one adopted/foundling, named Shae and Ranah after their favorite historic girlbosses prominent female Mand'alors. These two should by all rights be terrible parents, but I honestly feel like it would mellow out their unhinged sides slightly, and shift their focus from "conquest and wrecking shit" to "intense dedication to family" in terms of which traditional mando values they prioritize.
Pre, for all his other flaws, would I think be acutely aware of how shitty his own parents were and commit to not making his kids live through a similar upbringing.
— a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
I feel like calling it a "headcanon" is an understatement since it's, well, an entire verse, but as I keep mentioning I have a whole AU that explores what would've happened if Pre and Maul didn't fuck each other over and Death Watch succeeded in retaking Mandalore, the whole basis of which is spiting canon by keeping this dude alive, lmao
— a missing scene that definitely happened
This is literally a missing scene by virtue of it happening off screen in canon, but I would've loved to see his duel with Dooku after they had a falling out! Yeah yeah the "darksaber v. lightsaber fights are cool" aspect but also..... the sheer amount of drama and extra-ness the clash of these two would've exuded....
— I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it:
You already know I'm going to say this but fuck his hairstyle from The Mandalore Plot, it makes me irrationally mad, I'm retconning it, he had a shaved head the entire time, etc etc
But on a serious note, why would he shoot one of his own men for no reason? Like I'm not downplaying the random murdering aspect. I absolutely believe he'd do this to an outsider (as we've seen,) but randomly murdering members of the small minority of mandos he supposedly wants to unite and needs the loyalty of to further his goals? Even for someone who is extremely impulsive and casually violent, this doesn't make sense to me. Boom, didn't happen, retconned.
(I'm literally just rehashing the things you and I already said we dislike about this episode lmao)
— something [other character] believes about them that isn't true
Satine thinking early on that he would be a good influence on Bo and steer her towards maturity and an interest in politics, and supporting the two of them getting closer based on that. Oops 😬
(I mean.. Satine trusting him in general but that's canon and not a headcanon so!)
— something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
Gonna jump in and defend my boys the Zabrak brothers for a second..... they were not monsters or thugs, at least not at their core, not even by virtue of being Sith/dark side force users. They were chronically subjugated, objectified, and used as pawns by the nightsisters and by the Sith. Poor dudes barely ever had a chance to organically form their own personas, goals, allegiances, etc. without being directly or indirectly influenced by an outside party's motivations. But anyway that's a rant for another post. Moving on!
— their happiest memory
I mean. Definitely the fleeting moment of retaking Mandalore, having his entire life's purpose be fulfilled, and finally having it all.... for a brief blink of time before it all inevitably went south.
— their worst memory
Being sentenced to exile on Concordia as the civil war came to a close. The shame of his once great clan eroding to a shadow of what it once was, the traditionalist faction as a whole being weak and decentralized to the point where it took such little force to drive them off-world and keep them there. I imagine this was a "worst memory" and a gateway point to further radicalization for many trad mandos of this age/era.
Ask meme post for anyone who wants it!
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darth-adipose · 2 months
Of course! As adorable as Vette would be with a few mre junk in her trunk it should still be up to her. Maybe if the bounty does come for her you can them a taste of thier own medicine. Do you have a bounty hunter in your uhhhh collection?
"Not that sort of collection, no. I do have a very dear friend, Shae Vizsla. She is a lot of fun~ But she is too independent to ever be part of my collection, so I do have a vacancy open for that~" Astrid pondered the matter.
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venator-arts · 3 years
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it's,,, it's finally done
i started this six months ago (to the day) and just haven't worked on it because i've done other projects/drawings or just, ya know, life
anyways i was scrolling through the haunted!din tag and decided to give it a shot and here we are - 15 mand'alors including din djarin
(under the cut I'll put the reference sheet i made up with pictures courtesy of @pppaniccc who helped so much with actually finding all these people!!)
we have on the bottom row (left to right): spar, jango, din, jaster, fenn shysa second row (left to right): chernan ordo, shae viszla, pre viszla, the vindicated third row (left to right): the preserver, the binder, the uniter fourth row (left to right): the ultimate, the indomitable top: tarre vizsla
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manda-whore-ian · 4 years
I think so far Shae Vizsla is the best non-Taung Mand’alor to date An argument could definitely be made for Artus Lok though
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voidsentprinces · 5 years
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Kiki Ornhjelm as Tamamo-no-gozen, the Fox Lady of Doma. Akemi Kasumi as Seiryu. Usagi as Costa de Love, a tribute to her friend who had passed on. Niomi as Tsukuyomi. Dhini as the Eastern Lord, Byakko. Quistess Avalone as Seiryu. Lilianna Portania as Byakko. Yosei Ittetsu as Suzaku Dimitraux as the Fifth Horned Beast the Behemoth Shae Vizsla as Susanoo
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galacticshq · 3 years
ANONYMOUS ASKED: fcs for shae vizsla ?
shae would be great to have on the dash, especially with all the upcoming mandalorian drama !  here are some ideas for her:
allyson pratt, isla fisher, sarah drew, meryem uzerli, rose leslie, joanna garcia, amiyah scott, anna diop, hailie sahar, anna shaffer, marisol nichols, stephanie beatriz, natasha lyonne, fluvia lacerda, jessica matten, rutina wesley, wunmi mosaku, alice braga, mary wiseman, dascha polanco, nicky endres, da'vine joy randolph
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tarrevizsla · 3 years
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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived (x)
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turborun97 · 3 years
Clan Vizsla
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According to legend, Clan Vizsla's earliest member was Tarre Vizsla, who was said to be the first Mandalorian to be accepted into the Jedi Order. During his time with the Jedi, Tarre constructed a custom lightsaber which he named the Darksaber and used it as a symbol of leadership after becoming Mand'alor. After his passing, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi Temple.
The ancient Clan Vizsla first entered galactic relevance around 3653 BBY, during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, when it was known as Clan Vizla. One of its members, Shae Vizla, was a bounty hunter who harbored an intense hatred for Jedi after one of them killed her brother Beron. During the Sacking of Coruscant, Shae Vizla helped an army of Sith Lords, led by Darth Malgus, break into the Jedi Temple. While fighting her way through the Temple, she broke into the Jedi Archives and reclaimed possession of her clan's heirloom, the Darksaber. She went on to become leader of Clan Vizla as well as Mand'alor of the Mandalorians, adopting the moniker "Mandalore the Avenger."
At some point, the Darksaber was once again taken by the Jedi, only to be taken back by the Mandalorians during the Republic Dark Age, reclaimed by Karn Vizsla.
Following the Mandalorian Excision of 738 BBY, several Vizslas went on to join the pacifistic New Mandalorians. Others retained their warrior roots and worked to return the Mandalorians to their days as galactic crusaders. This eventually culminated in the creation of Death Watch, headed by the barbaric Tor Vizsla. His views were challenged by Jaster Mereel, who advocated that those Mandalorians who desired to return to their roots should become highly paid mercenaries rather than ruthless conquerors. This sparked a war between the two parties, which saw to Mereel's death and lasted for sixteen years before the Republic sent the Jedi to intervene. Two years later, Tor met his own end at the hands of Mereel's protege Jango Fett, which left Death Watch fragmented.
Two decades later, Death Watch saw a resurgence under the helm of Tor's kinsman Pre Vizsla, who sought to oust the ruling New Mandalorian government under Duchess Satine Kryze. Forming an alliance with the rogue Sith Lord Darth Maul, Death Watch succeeded in taking over Mandalore and Pre named himself Mandalore. However, his reign proved to be short-lived as Maul, whom Pre had imprisoned, broke free and struck down Vizsla, taking the Darksaber and declaring himself ruler of Mandalore. While most of Death Watch sided with Maul, others -- such as Bo-Katan Kryze -- refused to acknowledge the Sith as their ruler and broke off from his rule.
After the Clone Wars, Mandalore fell under the Galactic Empire's thumb and many from Clan Vizsla found work as supercommandos in the Imperial Army while others sided with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. One member of the clan, Mera Vizsla, became ashamed of her clan's past and did her best to conceal its history from her children Tral and Ziar. When Tral became of age, Mera decided to pass down to him the Darksaber, which had been returned to her shortly after the end of the Galactic Civil War. When she eventually told both her sons of the clan's ill reputation, Ziar was disgusted and struck out on his own, abandoning his family's name and taking on the alias Kadar.
Decades later, Death Watch was revived once more, this time under the leadership of Atinar Cabur, and Tral Vizsla followed in the footsteps of his predecessors by joining the organization. Tral worked with like-minded Mandalorians to remove reigning Mand'alor Boba Fett from power and make the Mandalorians into a galactic power once more. However, after Kadar revealed to him that Darth Taral, whom Cabur had been affiliated with, was using the Mandalorians like many Sith before him, Tral turned against Cabur and helped his brother in killing Cabur. In the aftermath of Taral's failed insurgency, Tral declared himself Mandalore and led his kinsmen in rebuilding their order after Taral's machinations had left them fractured.
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bojangos · 2 years
now seems like a good time to post all of my mando’a translated mandalor titles (the canon/semi-canon historical ones).  on theme for tonight, apparently.
(reminder that my mando’a grammar SUCKS so if anyone has any corrections, hit me with em.  I’m using ‘te’ as the archaic form of ‘the’ since it’s not so common anymore apparently???). 
In Historical Order (mostly)
te’sol’yc mand’alor - mandalore the first (lit. translation accurate)
te’shukalar’yc mand’alor - mandalore the conqueror (lit translation accurate)
te’dar’kotir mand’alor - mandalore the indomitable (lit. mandalore the not-defeated)
te’ani’la mand’alor - mandalore the ultimate / mandalore the great  (not my translation!  Other fans coined this for him - lit. translation roughly means ‘mandalore the complete’.  You might know him as “the mandalore revan murdered” in kotor lore, or as the likely originator of the mandalorian-jedi conflict.  fun fact the trees in the sundari academy are named after him?? oh and he was the last Taung mand’alor. so much trivia).
te’cuyanir mand’alor - mandalore the preserver ((canderous ordo my beloved) lit. ‘mandalore the survivor”) more KOTOR era mandalores!
te’diryc mand’alor - mandalore the lesser (lit. mandalore the low)
te’serimir’yc mand’alor - mandalore the vindicated (lit. mandalore the accurate)
te’gra’tua mand’alor - mandalore the avenger (lit. vengeance) (fun fact this is Shae Vizla (not vizsla, weirdly), who presumably was the one who stole the darksaber from the jedi temple)
mandalore the binder, who i could not for the life of me figure out a translation for.  could not find mando’a for rope or cuffs or anything
te’solusyc mand’alor - mandalore the uniter (not to be confused with te’solyc)
te’naast’yc mand’alor - mandalore the destroyer (lit. translation accurate. first confirmed female mandalore.  gaslight gatekeep girlboss)
mandalore the hammerborn - idk how anyone expected me to translate this.
fanmade titles/ mandalore with no official titles:
jaster mereel te’haat’yc mand’alor - mandalore the true/the true mandalore.  self explanatory. te’tor’yc mand’alor - mandalore the just.  i feel like he’d hate this entirely because of tor vizsla te’dha’werd’yc mand’alor - one i made up on the spot.  lit. mandalor the dark, but in reference to ye olde ‘Dha Werda Verda’ epic poetry in reference to his attachment to historical reform. also because he wears black armor lol)
din djarin (my boy’s gonna be mand’alor and i will die on this hill) te’tor’yc mand’alor - shares ‘mandalore the just’ with jaster, if you don’t use it for him.  obviously doesn’t have a problem with the tor viszla association so he hates it less te’roya mand’alor - mandalore the hunter (once again.  self explanatory. also one i made up asdkljflkasdj) te’jatne’yc mand’alor - mandalore the devout (lit. mandalore the best, in reference to the extreme oath and ‘jatnese be jatnese’/’best of the best’ training the children of the watch put their little ones through)
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