venacoeurva · 1 year
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Commission for @shadylex ! They’re gossipin
-Do not reupload, edit, or use if not the client.-
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falmerbrook · 2 months
If you'd like, tell me your favorite parts about Eilwen or Elisere. Reading briefly about your snow elves and want to know about them!
aaaa thank you for the ask!! :D I will gladly talk about these two, Elisere is one of my favorite OCs
(quick tldr for them for those who don't know: Elisere is my dragonborn and Eilwen is her grandmother. They are altmer with snow elf ancestry. Eilwen is a professor of Skyrim history at a university in Firsthold, but does so as a means to study snow elf history (and the falmer) on the side. Both are very proud and invested in the culture and history of the snow elves)
It's kinda hard to say what my favorite parts of them necessarily are, but I can say what's been on my mind a lot with them recently (for both)!
For Eilwen first: I try to keep her passionate, but pragmatic. Like, she's deeply invested in studying the falmer and snow elves, but she knows that if she were super upfront and openly passionate about it, especially at work, at best she wouldn't be taken seriously and lose her job, and at worst she would get in trouble with the Thalmor. So she plays nice, shuts up, and does her job well and to the propagandistic standards requied of her so she can have the support and means to pursue the research that actually matters to her. Poor Elisere is the exact opposite of that, and Eilwen always worried it was going to bite her in the ass some day.
For Elisere: I want her to be super pathetic (at first). Just the most pitifully unlikable woman on Tamriel. She arrives to Skyrim thinking of it as some rural shithole full of dumb humans that don't even know what magic is, just to constantly be shown up in nearly every circumstance. She's a powerful mage, but being a good mage does not make her good at fighting, or survival in the wild, or navigation, or social relationships, and throwing elemental blast at everything causes more problems than solves them. She's abrasive to everyone and has a superiority complex when she first get's to Skyrim, but after the world puts in her place and she starts to show the province more respect, she actually comes to find the culture and social environment less hostile and more comfortable for her. She didn't even realize how anxious and stressed Alinor made her her whole life.
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yffresbeard · 8 months
Ray, my friend, I need to know about my portal pal Gorzha gra-Artaeum 🌺💼🧠
- Gorzha's only love is more and more hidden knowledge but she's probably gotten down with some of the Ciphers in Apocrypha.
- Is Itinerant knowledge accumulation a career? Nominally she assists Azandar with his studies but she's mostly looking for the best time to steal all of his notes to add to her repository. She used to be a psijic novice, hence the "gra-Artaeum". She uses it in the same way Azandar uses "al-Cybiades", to dissociate from her actual home.
- Probably my favorite thing about her is knowing her ending and knowing the things she doesn't. More than anything, Gorzha wants the One Singular Truth of the universe. She will not accept that there might be multiple "truths" or that the truth is not so concrete as she thinks. The search will eventually drive her mad, and she will become one of the Hushed.
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bastianhallix · 6 months
OC ask: what color scheme do you associate with your OCs? (Any or only one, let's gooo)
hhh color coding is basically My Thing so we've got
tsameiji- black and blue (with an equal mix of both)
jackson - black, with a little bit of blue
leyna - black, with a bit of purple
cassirin - black and dark green
virilya - light green and gray
fjolhar - brown and silver
ainora - gold and silver
arthur - red, black, and silver
amarie - red, black, and gold
aimee - light blue
val - back in the day they used to have black and gold as their colors, but nowadays i tend to put them in neutral colors like black, gray, and brown
natalie - black and magenta (though i do break away from this sometimes)
lisenya - lilac and black (she's a pastel goth girlie)
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classychassiss · 7 months
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zeladanial · 2 years
Happy Happy Birthday Mae! Hope you have an awesome day!
Thank you Shady!!
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objectum-gendersylph · 8 months
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A gender related to the word shady.
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tunarath · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
I was tagged by @radioactive-synth and @serenbach86, thank you both so much!
Tagging @feitanportor @astralprisms @dekarios @secondsundering @shadylex AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DO THIS!
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Full Name: Ilu'la (Ilu for short. Do not call her Ilu'la.)
Age: Older than your entire bloodline
Height: 6' / about 183cm
Gender: Transmasc and Bigender
Pronouns: She/Her & He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Will take care of you like a delicate little egg. And spoil you
20 Strength stat
Dom top... usually
Very physically affectionate (possible con?)
Not wary of public displays of affection like other githyanki (she calls it "marking her territory")
You could be with him for a literal eternity in the Astral Plane
Still in love with her dragon wife who has been dead for like, a thousand years
Oops his wife comes back from the dead (unwillingly. thanks Vlaakith) and he will choose her over you if given that ultimatum
Never going to say that he loves you
Emotionally constipated AND combustible
Bites and scratches to show affection (possible pro?)
Ass so flat it's actually concave
Kinda (very) mean sometimes
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captain-of-silvenar · 6 months
Chapter 2 of First Impressions uploaded! Ended up getting a bit long than anticipated but I have no complaints. Enjoy this preview and read the rest on Ao3!
“Fethis, heard anything interesting going on this island?” she asked. “Something someone foolish and reckless would be interested in exploring?” “The only thing interesting is you, outlander,” he responded. “And strange questions to ask when I just saw you stumble off that boat not too long ago. What brings you to Solstheim, anyhow?”  “Treasure hunting and exploration,” she easily responded. “Heard from a source that something interesting might be found here.” While Fethis mulled over her answer Teldryn also began to wonder what he got himself into. Surely this woman wasn’t some harebrained adventurer who jumped head first into danger. The way she held herself, the worn look of her armor, it all told of someone who knew their way around danger. He did, however, fail to properly question her about her reasons for coming to this place. Was it really wealth she was searching for? Or was there an ulterior motive to all of this? Solstheim has barely been a blip on the map for a good few decades since the mines dried up. No one but the stubborn and poor and local stayed here. Those who couldn’t afford to pack up and leave survived on these ashy beaches. Those who first came to this island for a new life were clinging onto that original hope that brought them to this place. Barely anything exciting happened here beyond the occasional scuffle with reavers and peaceful meeting with the Skaal up north.  So what ‘source’ did Yera have that said something interesting was going on this island?
Why bring yourself to a nothing island?
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scalecallerpeak · 6 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @ashyam-xivilai , @sniperviper and @shadylex
I've not done much since I last did a WIP post I think because I've been dealing with some stuff and on holiday so not much art but!
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Okay that's actually all I really have since my last wip post hrfujdeis... I was just trying some pixel art of Xhi. I've mostly been working on art I owe people than personal stuff lately.
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sigmaelxgr · 4 months
3, 7, and 15 from the OC trauma ask game for any OC of your choice :)
heyyy its the sixth time im trying to answer this ask!! :D i think Tumblr cant deal the length of it? i dont know but i couldnt just NOT elaborate on this, the questions were so good!! im so glad i can share with you points of this dunmer called Sangre/Xangr (Sangre is the most common spelling but Tumblr prefered with an X) brace yourself, dearest, bc thats a LONG answer that awaits!! LETS GO
3 - Have they died before ?
YOU BEGAN..... With the absolute most banger question of the whole ask meme. I am obliged to elaborate on this. I'll tag @shadylex bc, dear, you may like it (pls answer the same ask for Yera) How do I state this... Xangr doesnt really know if he's alive. Well. There are clues you'd say! But this boy is not quite sure about that. Xangr feels like his body is not his. He feels like his face is stolen from another. He feels like his whole life is what living as a cancer would be. He asphyxiates in his own rotten flesh. He feels his bones rejecting him so hard they cramble like glass from time to time. He feels STUCKED HERE... Somewhere not at the right place, somehow caged here inside of the One this body belongs to. So, if this meat isnt his, if those traits arent his neither, who is he? What is he here for? Does he even exist, if nothing is his? He's born aged 11, when a boy named Sigma-El shattered. He's been throwned into the hell of existance without any explanation. Xangr had no name back then. He had no idea why, he had no idea what was happening, no context, no clue but he felt MAD, he felt spontaneously FURIOUS about existing, he couldnt talk without spitting his rage to everything. He learnt quickly to dispise living, the rage turning his gaze away from his body, that made him SUFFER without any reason to be found. Pain alterated his appreciation of the world. Xangr experienced suffering so hard he was blinded by it. Each fiber of his being tore him apart, so violently he would bite, bleed himself to feel relief...
Until years, and years later, free from the Telvannis and far from Vvardenfell that he fled in his desperate fury against everything, an Altmer called Cyriel took long months to establish a dialogue with him. It was at first chaotic, but Cyriel understood that this insane violence directed toward the outside found its source directly into core. Cyriel acknowledged pain. He acknowledged trouble, hunger for answers, wishes for loneliness, DISTRESS. He asked him if he has a name, HIS name, and Xangr, named Sigma-El back then, said "Sangre." (A red pigment, HIS fav color)
Now that he has a word to design himself with, he began slowly to live as such. It took years again for Cyriel and Xangr to explore the implications of this new statement. What Xangr is, what is his role here. Cyriel was a fantastic friend, such a nice character (I love him with so much tenderness) but even now with dawning of answers, questions remained and Xangr feelt deeper and deeper as a hack, a fraud, he understood that they are at least two and feelt existing as stealing Sigma-El's life.
Sigma-El is here, somewhere, asleep. He knows the day Sigma-El would wake up, he'd die probably in counterpart. It would be the day he's not needed anymore - and each time Sigma-El or what will become Molkhun Dahkem take on their body, Xangr experiences anguish of disappearance again and again.
He feels alive nowadays, when he's painting his skin, when he's sewing his dresses, when he's performing dances, when he's having sex, when he eats juicy fruits or kahjiiti tajines, when he hears the enchanting sounds of his jewelry... and even more after the Planemeld in which he heavily took part back then, as a Worm Cultist. He got so much into death, so much into self-destruction..!
Now that he learnt to accept their condition, to love Sigma-El, to love himself too, pain appeased a lot. Yet he's so scared to die and willing to live his own life, he knows the clock is ticking bc he disobeyed Coldharbour, he knows he has to enjoy seconds before Oblivion reaps him... Even if in doing so, he keeps his dear Sigma-El forcefully shutted down for a while.
Life...or even what feels like a simulacre of it... Is way too good. Way too precious. Way too much of a miracle.
So I'd say.
Yes, Xangr knows death. He knows existing and non-existing. That's why he's so eager to survive.
7 - How easy is it to make them cry ?
You won't be capable to. He even doesnt know how to do. It happens that he feels numb and his body sometimes craves for tears, but they dont fall. It's like he never learnt to do so. It remains stucked.
Its due to the fact that even if, now, its better than ever, he doesnt feel connected to his envelop. He doesnt feel connected to his own feelings enough to let them exist this way. First, he's not concerned about people's emotions at all and dont experience them the same way, but foremost he struggles to let them live. That's why his smile is beautiful but empty, Xangr has a pretty face but almost no active emotions going through it. BUT THERE IS AN EXCEPTION. This exception being Sigma-El. When Xangr focus on Sigma-El, when he puts his hand on his belly as he was bearing a child, there is a link that creates here. He's so deeply merged with Sigma-El that he fades crying when his soul reverberates the later's light. Sig is now everything to Xangr, it's his infant, his lovely dear, his life evolves only around him being asleep and needing protection... Xangr feels so much intimacy, so much spontaneous understanding when Sigma-El is there with him, it's too much to handle. Brushing Sigma-El with the very end of his fingers... Brings the euphoria, the joy of existing and suddenly having all the answers. He gets emotional each time he mentions him.
15 - Are they neurodivergent ?
Heck yes they are. They are a system of alters, the host being Sigma-El. Sigma-El as such have a lot of autistic traits he gave to Xangr when he "fell asleep". Xangr is stimming a lot, barely interested in social conveniences, looks blunt, has a taste for riddles and troubles interacting with people. He's very independant and most of the time he's a sweetheart that people learn to love. He has a passion for erotic novels - he seeks stimulation and likes everything that brings sensations to his numb body. He's a bit ADHD, like myself, and we share some similarities that have a funny history. As no psychiatry is available in the TES, I made of their multiplicity a subject of wonder. Cyriel for exemple has theories of what happened, explaining with prisms and light theories, Xangr is more of a "We are a triangle" boy - he explains using geometry... But only Sigma-El has the answers. Xangr consideres Sigma-El to be like a mini-god having the power to mold himself in aspects and shapes. Its why Xangr reveres no Divine ; he reveres Sigma-El.
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figjelly · 1 month
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@shadylex put me in the bog
Faint fm radio will be my companion while I bask
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handsometundras · 2 years
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Kumo of Clan Shadylex
Mastery of weather is nothing to sniff at! Indeed, it is not for the impulsive or for those longing to keep their manes at a constant, perfectly-ruffled state of fashionable disarray. Not that there's anything wrong with accessorising -- Windsinger knows Kumo has done an excellent job of turning icicles into statement pieces!
100/10, who better to make an entrance than a tundra who can call a thunderclap on command?
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naturalbornlosers · 3 months
make a poll with your five all-time favorite characters!
tagged by @orfeoarte !!!!!! thank u so much <33
tagging @archangelsunited @thequeenofthewinter @shadylex @viss-and-pinegar !!!!
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bastianhallix · 6 months
1, 12, and 17 for val?
1. What's the lie your character says most often?
as a battlemage potential, they'd lie to their mother about their progress in their studies when really, they'd be off doing gods-know-what. they were generally self-destructive and toxic at the battlespire because they felt trapped in there. the only person who really saw that they had a problem was their uncle martus, but he had his own demons that kept him from really giving them any help.
after they desert the battlespire, they don't really feel the need to lie anymore
12. What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
when they're being all romantic with amarie and then decide to say something to ruin the mood. like this (nsfw joke but i can't think of anything else atm 😭)
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but yeah, they think that the death glare she does at them afterwards is fucking Hilarious
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
people usually notice their very butch/masc fashion style first, while val themself sees their hair.
when they were a teenager, they once pulled a prank on their classmate lucilla* that led her to keep her hair short. they'd pick on her for it, but they secretly always wanted to keep their hair short, too. it wasn't until they met amarie that they decided to cut it and keep it loose, though they were kind of shocked to realize that their new hairstyle ended up resembling lucilla's. oops!
(*lucilla as in lucilla caprenia from the dread cellar dungeon. in my lore, val replaces lucilla as the battlemage potential who accompanies martus to the dread cellar. however, while lucilla was chosen because of her status as a gifted battlemage-in-training, val was chosen because they're martus's niece. so, nepotism kinda played a role in their mission for the dread cellar.)
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classychassiss · 10 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by: @shadylex
last song listened to: Big Ole Freak by Megan Thee Stallion
currently reading: Nothing ATM (but I plan on reading Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horro )
sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet
obsession: OCs especially my Tabletop OCs right now, Movies and watching lots of older movies
relationship status: Single :)
last thing i googled: "Medieval Weapons"
currently working on: Drawing character designs for future things, currently in the middle of a DnD Game
tagging: @messengerofmechs @jurassic-parkranger @glamoplasm @spacedebris1993 @blinkpen @klapollo @saccharinescorpion @ridragon @aecho-again @mondaycirrus if you'd like!
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