#Sexually transmitted diseases
allthegeopolitics · 4 months
The US is dealing with an "out-of-control" epidemic of sexually transmitted infections, according to the National Coalition of STD Directors. The warning, issued in January, followed the release of an annual data report on STIs by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The exasperation of public health officials can be felt in the very first sentence of the online announcement. "Yet again," the CDC website said, "more than 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were reported in the United States."
Continue Reading.
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odinsblog · 6 months
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Syphilis in the U.S was once nearly eradicated. Here’s why it’s surging again.
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smashorpass50plus · 2 months
A mod post for a moment
If you have an std or an sti I want to make it clear: this blog supports you.
You are not dirty or wrong or any sort of irrelevant, degrading adjective people normally apply. You are still you, you are still a good person
And if you don't have an std/sti:
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You need to grow the fuck up and wear a condom, even if you can't get knocked up.
I support people with stds and stis on this blog.
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shotofstress · 3 months
People don't talk enough about how Nazi Germany (and now israel) learned and took most of its elements from usa. I'm surprised that usa ppl don't talk about this? No. I'm surprised that other ppl don't talk about? No, the usa manipulate and CIA workings is so well done that, even when having info at disposition, they don't know nor care bc anything that's is about the true nature of usa is called "commie propaganda".
During the Nuremberg Medical Trials or Doctors' Trial (officially United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.) , the human experiments made by usa were cited by the nazis as a justification for their doings and as example to follow really for their own experiments, tortures, and methods, namely the Malaria Experiments conducted by the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago in conjunction with the United States Army and the State Department that was used as defence for what they did in the malaria experiments and tortures at Dachau concentration camp.
Not the only similarity with usa of course bc usa was the manual to follow as I said, the leading example of monstrosity. And it is to this day. Let's not forget how usa give South America STI, not only by sex tourism, but as an experiment (and to affect South America in general, let's be honest).
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pansy-placebo · 2 months
*+°✨🪷💮~ Remember to get tested, everyone ~ 💮🪷✨°+*
Anyone can catch or carry an STI!
It's always better to know for sure than than to live in the dark, because you can't treat an infection you don't know you have, after all.
Many STIs are asymptomatic when you first catch them, so it's important to check even if you don't have any symptoms.
There are many options available for getting tested, from visiting your local sexual health clinic or your doctor, to ordering (usually free) test kits online which come in discreet packaging. There's no reason not to! :)
Reblog to spread this reminder, because it's vitally important to get tested once a year.
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maverickscoffin · 11 days
Shout out to people with stigmatized mental illness.
Shout out to people who have diseases or chronic illness.
Shout out to people that have genetic changes.
Shout out to people with harmful paraphilias they don’t act on.
Shout out to people who have no idea what they’re doing in life, and are just confused and lost.
Shout out to people with cluster-b personality types.
Shout out to people who have HIV, AIDS, or any other STD that cannot be cured.
Shout out to everyone for existing. You are loved.
This post was made by a Proshipper! Antis block and move on.
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Learn more about this story at the link in our bio.
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Got my pap smear test back today and I've got HPV, so I would like to take this opportunity to say:
Wear a fucking condom.
Don't be stupid like I was. Never take for granted that someone is clean.
Always wear a condom.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Sticky Infections
Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis; the top three sexually transmitted infections worldwide. What's at number 4? Trichomoniasis. It's caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, which sticks to cells lining the vagina or the urine-carrying duct in the penis. Different strains can infect the same body. Researchers now investigate how these strains communicate with each other by infecting human cells in a dish. Scanning electron microscopy of parasites (pictured, blue) revealed that different strains — some that stick well to cells (CDC1132) and some that are less sticky (G3) — communicate with each other by sending out tube-like protrusions (orange) of their cell membrane. This is facilitated by membrane packages (extracellular vesicles) released by the parasites. Analysing these vesicles revealed that they contain proteins involved in signalling and communication. Importantly, they found CDC1132 and G3 strains both become stickier in the presence of other strains. This may have implications for how trichomoniasis infection progresses.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image from work by Nehuén Salas and colleagues
Laboratorio de Parásitos Anaerobios, Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, May 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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ghettobillgates · 1 year
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Damn, and they don't even know it.
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herpesdatingsingles · 2 years
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Tears are words the heart
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youcantseeus-fan · 1 year
Fic: Water Creatures, Chapter 14: Sordid Things (Katniss/Finnick)
Warnings: Referenced sex trafficking/prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases, Katniss is a sex worker in this.  
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33511450/chapters/116362288
After Finnick was finished fucking her, Beatrix fell asleep in his bed almost immediately.
Finnick quietly extricated himself from her embrace, sighing in relief. If Beatrix slept long, he might even be able to catch a bit of shut eye for himself tonight — in the armchair in his living room, that is. He could never sleep in the same bed as one of his clients.
Finnick walked out to his living room and decided to make himself a drink. He'd earned one. He rolled his shoulders. For some reason, his muscles sometimes ached after seeing clients, though there was no real reason why this should be the case. He made himself one of the gin martinis that they'd been drinking earlier and made a second for Beatrix just in case she did wake up.
He sat down in his favorite armchair and took a sip of his drink.
There was a knock at his back door.
Finnick frowned. It was getting dark outside and he wasn't sure who could be knocking at this hour. He went into the kitchen and opened the back door to find Katniss Everdeen standing on the stoop. Finnick felt heat rise to his face. Of course she would want to come down here, what with her kid getting injured earlier. Finnick had felt guilty about sending the boy off on his own, without even offering to escort him home. But it wasn't exactly like Finnick's time was his own. He couldn't walk out on a client. Katniss definitely struck him as the protective type of mother, though, so he couldn't say that he was surprised to see her.
"Katniss," he said. "Step inside."
She stepped into the kitchen. Finnick offered her a seat and she sat down.
"Let me explain about earlier," he said.
"Earlier?" she asked.
Finnick looked her over again, examining her confused expression. And then there were her clothes. They were nowhere near as obvious as the little red dress she'd worn the first time Finnick met her, but they weren't completely casual either. She was wearing jeans and a pretty top. Probably what a lot of women would wear to a date in this district. But the jeans were just a little too tight and the top was rather low-cut.
Katniss wasn't here because of Fletcher. Katniss was here to work.
"I — listen, I really can't hire you tonight," Finnick said.
"Oh," Katniss said, visibly deflating. "Well, I can come back some other time if you—"
"Finnick," said a voice behind him. Finnick gritted his teeth. The voice belonged to Beatrix Stodge.
"Beatrix. Darling," Finnick said, as he turned to face her.
She was wearing a long, silk robe and smoking a cigarette in one of the little holders that she favored. She stopped short as she caught sight of Katniss.
"Who on earth is she?" she asked.
"This is Katniss," Finnick said. He didn't offer any explanations for what Katniss was doing in his kitchen.
Beatrix's eyes took Katniss in more fully before she turned back to Finnick.
"And who is Katniss?"
"Just a friend," Finnick said.
"A friend? Darling, you've only been living in this district for a short time. How many friends can you have stopping by?"
"I've always made friends quickly," Finnick said, although this wasn't exactly true. Maybe it was true once, when he was a kid, but Finnick found it difficult to make friends these days.
"Um, maybe I should come back later," Katniss said.
Finnick was about to agree, but Beatrix shook her head.
"No, no, don't be ridiculous," Beatrix said. "I'm always eager to meet Finnick's friends. Aren't I, darling?"
Beatrix was slurring her words a bit. She was drunk. Finnick wasn't sure whether he should be happy about that fact or not. Clients could become unpredictable when drunk, but drinking and fucking had always put Beatrix in a better mood.
"No," Katniss said. "I don't want to ruin your evening. I didn't realize that Finnick had company—"
"Come into the living room and we can talk properly," Beatrix interrupted, waving her martini glass a bit. "We don't want to sit around the kitchen like servants now do we?"
"Uh—" Katniss started.
"Of course we don't," Beatrix said. She turned and walked into the living room. Katniss looked at Finnick and he shrugged. He wanted nothing better than to tell her to leave, but Beatrix could get antsy when her whims weren't obeyed. He half expected Katniss to leave on her own, but after pausing for a moment, Katniss sighed and followed Beatrix into the living room.
Beatrix sat down on the sofa where Killer was already quietly lounging. Finnick could tell just by looking at him that Beatrix had slipped the little mutt a sedative. The only time that Killer was that quiet was when Beatrix had slipped him a sedative. Katniss sat in the chair across from Beatrix. Finnick started to join Beatrix on the sofa, but she objected.
"Finnick, aren't you going to offer your friend a drink?" she asked.
"Katniss," Finnick said, evenly. "Would you like a drink?"
Katniss looked back and forth between Finnick and Beatrix before shrugging.
Finnick went over to the bar and made her the same martini that he'd made for himself and Beatrix. He wasn't going to try to figure out Katniss's drink preferences the way he had on the night he'd met her. He wanted to get her out the door as quickly as possible.
"My, you are a pretty thing, aren't you?" Beatrix asked Katniss as Finnick stirred the martini.
"I suppose," Katniss said, with the air of a woman who didn't truly think she was pretty.
"How did you meet Finnick?" Beatrix asked, petting Killer with one hand. The little mutt growled in appreciation.
"We met around town," Katniss said, waving her hand in a vague fashion. She was obviously uncomfortable, sitting on the edge of her seat.
"Around town?" Beatrix asked. "Well, that's terribly vague, my dear. Where exactly?"
Katniss glanced over at Finnick and he gave a small shake of his head. He hoped that she wasn't thinking of telling Beatrix how they'd really met.
"We met at the clinic," Katniss said.
"The clinic?"
"Yeah," she continued. "I work there part time and Finnick came in for a physical."
She was a terrible liar, flushing and refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Finnick found it interesting that she'd used her sister's job as a cover story.
"That's why I came over tonight, in fact," Katniss continued. "To tell him the results of the physical."
Beatrix raised her eyebrows while Finnick groaned to himself. This lie was even more obvious — even a child could have seen through it. Even a bored Capitolite.
"You make house calls at this hour?" Beatrix asked.
"Well, um, we're also friends as Finnick said," Katniss said, squirming a bit in her chair. "And I walk this way on my way home from work anyway, so …"
Katniss trailed off. Beatrix was now leaning back on the sofa and regarding her with suspicious eyes.
"Go on then," Beatrix said.
"You said that you wanted to tell him the results of his physical. So tell him."
"Well —- I'm not sure — I mean, there's patient confidentiality to consider," Katniss said.
"Oh darling," Beatrix said. "Finnick and I have no secrets from one another."
Katniss looked back over at Finnick. He sighed.
"It's fine, Katniss," he said. The sooner she answered, the sooner Beatrix would become bored with her and she could be on her way. It wasn't as if she could actually reveal any secret information to Beatrix because she hadn't actually given him a physical. He handed Katniss her martini and she took a rather large drink.
"Well … your results are good," Katniss said. "All our tests came back, um, fine. You're very healthy."
"Oh, I figured that I was as healthy as a horse," Finnick said, wryly. She could have at least made her lie sound a little more convincing by making up some fake medical facts or test results or something.
Beatrix was nodding along.
"That's wonderful to hear," she said. "And the gonorrhea is all cleared up, correct?"
Katniss choked on her drink and then coughed several times. Finnick felt blood rush to his face.
"Um. What?" Katniss asked.
"I was told that he had gonorrhea," Beatrix said. "That's why I didn't arrange to come to District 12 earlier."
Katniss blinked and then looked over at Finnick.
"You have gonorrhea?" she asked, seemingly forgetting her story about treating him at the clinic.
"I had gonorrhea," Finnick admitted. "But it's cleared up now."
"Right," Katniss said, squirming even harder on the edge of her seat. "Well. I should go … since I've told you the results and all."
"My dear—" Beatrix started.
"I'll show you out," Finnick said. "Beatrix, darling, I would love to give you my undivided attention as soon as I show my little friend here to the door."
He wiggled his eyebrows at Beatrix suggestively. She giggled like a teenager. Finnick followed Katniss back through the kitchen and she turned on him as soon as they were out of Beatrix's hearing range.
"Do you really have gonorrhea?" she asked, in an undertone.
"Had," Finnick said, a bit irritated that she was asking again. "I don't have gonorrhea, I had gonorrhea."
"You took those shots they give for it at the clinic?" she asked.
"Oh. I guess that explains why …"
Katniss trailed off.
"That explains what?" Finnick asked.
"Well. I guess it explains why you didn't want to do anything the other times that we met," Katniss said. "I … appreciate you being careful. Not all guys would be that careful with a whore."
Oh. She was thinking of him as a client again. That was why she'd shown so much interest in the revelation that he'd had gonorrhea. She didn't want to catch it.
"Katniss, I—"
"You know," Katniss interrupted in an undertone. "You could have just told me that your girlfriend was here when you answered the door. I would have left quickly enough. You don't get very far in my line of work by stirring up the wrath of jealous girlfriends."
"I would imagine not," Finnick said, faintly.
"Personally, I think she seems a little old for you," Katniss went on. "But I guess it's none of my business."
"I'm no spring chicken," Finnick said, feeling rather cold. "I'm approaching forty."
"Yeah," Katniss said, with a snort. "And that woman is seventy if she's a day."
Finnick didn't know how to reply to that statement. Of course Beatrix was much older than him. Most of Finnick's clients were older than him. The clients who were around his age tended to want to fuck the victors who were in their teens or twenties. That was just how it went in the Capitol. Wealthy people wanted a pretty, younger thing to show about town.
"But like I said, none of my business," Katniss continued, quickly. "I'll come back some other time. How long did you say she was going to be in District 12?"
"I didn't," Finnick said, crossing his arms. "Never mind about that. I need to tell you something."
"Oh. What?"
"It's just — your son was here earlier," Finnick began.
Katniss's face scrunched up in confusion. "Fletcher? Here? Why?"
"We hired him to carry Beatrix's bags from the train station," Finnick said.
"Oh," Katniss said, her face clearing a bit. "Well, he goes down to the station sometimes looking to make a few extra dollars. A lot of the boys do that."
"Yeah," Finnick said, running a hand through his hair. "I just thought I'd tell you — while he was here, Beatrix's dog bit him."
"Fletcher got bitten by a dog?" Katniss asked, in alarm. "Where—"
"I patched him up and told him to go straight home," Finnick said. "I tried to give him money to go to the doctor if he needs it, but he wouldn't take it. I'm really sorry — I don't think it's serious, but if it gets worse I want you to be sure to let me know. I'll pay for any doctor's visits."
Katniss glanced into the living room where Beatrix was still petting Killer.
"That dog?" she asked. "He's little, but — he's a mutt, isn't he?"
"He's a ploodle, yes," Finnick said. "But his bite isn't toxic so far as I'm aware."
"I — I should get home," Katniss said. "I need to check on him."
Finnick nodded. "Of course. Again — I'm really sorry."
Katniss glanced back into the living room.
"Your girlfriend isn't going to apologize?" she asked, her eyes narrowing. "It was her dog, wasn't it?"
Finnick shook his head. Beatrix never apologized for anything that Killer did. And if she was to issue an apology, it wouldn't be to a woman from District 12.
"I'm not sure that she knows you and Fletcher are related," Finnick said, quickly. "And Beatrix is — well, she's Capitol. She thinks a little differently from you or I."
Katniss's eyes narrowed further.
"Okay, fine," she said, at last. "I guess that I'll see you later then."
After she left, Finnick walked back into the living room to find Beatrix polishing off her martini and stroking Killer's fur, lightly. She handed the empty glass to Finnick and asked him to refill it.
"Finnick, darling," she said, as he poured gin into her glass, "was that woman … a lady of the evening?"
Finnick paused. "Of course not. She just works at the clinic like she told you."
Beatrix raised her eyebrows. "I do hope that you're being truthful with me. I know that you must be terribly lonely here in District 12, but I would hate to see you do sordid things with someone unsavory."
Finnick stirred her drink, gritting his teeth the entire time. Anyone would think she'd forgotten that she'd paid to have sex with him.
"Oh Beatrix," Finnick said, in his best seductive purr. "The only lady that I intend to do sordid things to is you."
Beatrix smiled.
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safehandsclinic2 · 12 days
Best Sexologist in Delhi
Taking Care of Sexual Health Issues
A person's sexual well-being can be impacted by a variety of physical, emotional, and psychological problems that fall under the umbrella of sexual health disorders. A healthy and fulfilling sexual life depends on having a thorough understanding of these concerns. Sexologist doctor in Delhi can offer you the essential advice and therapy to enhance your sexual health and general quality of life if you're having any of these difficulties.
These are a few prevalent categories of sexual health problems:
ED, or erectile dysfunction
The incapacity to get or sustain an erection strong enough for sexual activity.
Causes: May stem from psychological problems like stress, anxiety, and depression, or from medical conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or both.
Therapies: Medication, alterations to lifestyle, etc.
Premature Ejaculation (PE)
 A distressing ejaculation that occurs earlier than planned, either prior to or shortly after penetration.
Causes: May stem from biological concerns like hormone imbalances or psychological problems like anxiety.
Treatment options include counseling, medication, and behavioral strategies.
Low Libido
A diminished interest in engaging in sexual activities is known as low libido, or decreased sexual desire.
Causes: Medication side effects, stress, sadness, relationship problems, or hormonal shifts.
Treatment options include altering one's lifestyle or taking care of underlying illnesses.
Diseases Spread by Sexual Contact (STDs)
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes, and chlamydia.
Causes include parasites, viruses, and bacteria.
Depending on the infection, antibiotics or antiviral drugs are the course of treatment.
Women's Sexual Dysfunction
 This might manifest as pain during sexual activity, a decreased libido, or trouble reaching an orgasm.
Causes include alterations in hormones (such as menopause), mental health issues, or physical ailments.
Therapy options include hormone therapy, counseling, and lifestyle modifications.
It's important to pick your sexologist carefully if you want to maintain good sexual health. As the top Sexologist in South Delhi, Dr. Vinod Raina is the leader of Dr. Raina's Safe Hands, a reputable facility that provides individualized care and professional attention for a range of sexual health issues. With a wealth of knowledge and a focus on the requirements of the patient, Dr. Raina makes sure that every person gets the finest care possible.
Dr. Vinod Raina, Sexologist Doctor
Address: E-34 Ekta Apartment Saket, New Delhi – 110017
Contact: 7687878787, 9871605858
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cryptablog · 2 months
Better poll I just thought of
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ehcdubai · 3 months
Accessing Support with Doctor on Call for Understanding STD Symptoms
Early understanding of the symptoms of STDs is important in that it offers appropriate help in time. This is because a lot of people actually acquire STDs, and the difference comes in at the early stages of detection. 
You may wonder at this point, "What if I need help understanding what's going on with me?" 
Well, that is where Doctor on Call Dubai comes in. It's brimming handy and private to have a consultation with a doctor from the comfort of your home or hotel.
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This is where the magic happens. You would not want to travel or wait in a queue particularly not when not feeling well. Using on-demand medical care, you can have a doctor at your service even during the middle of the night. It's very good for urgent medical services when you need help right away. You do not even have to leave your bed!
What Are STDs? 
First things first, what are STDs? 
Well, STDs are Sexually Transmitted Diseases. They are diseases one gets from a person if they are in close contact. There are, in addition, various types of STDs. 
These include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HPV. 
If not treated, they can make a person very ill. This is, after all, equally essential as knowing what they appear like is crucial so that you may ask for help in case you ever require it.
How "Doctor on Call Dubai" Helps You Identify STD Symptoms
First of all, Doctor on Call Dubai is like having a visiting doctor who can come to see you wherever you may be in your house or even in a hotel. 
It's so confidential that no one else needs to know it. More importantly, it's easy to reach them if you need to phone or chat online. 
Second, doctors are indeed great and very knowledgeable about diseases and how they should be treated. Even better, if you're the shy type or maybe a bit concerned about talking about personal things, they really do make it pretty comfortable.
Common STD Symptoms & When to Contact a Doctor on Call
If You're Feeling Weird or Noticing Weird Things with Your Body If you're feeling weird or noticing odd things with your body, here's what to look out for: 
Unusual stuff going on down there : pain, itching, or something that doesn't look right.
Weird pee moments: if it hurts when you go, or if it looks different.
Too much tiredness: feeling super tired all the time without a reason. 
Skin changes: rashes or bumps that just popped up.
Then, if you observe the occurrence of any of these, do not hesitate to get in touch with Doctor on Call Dubai. They are always ready to help, maintaining complete secrecy. 
And finally, do not wait too long as seeking help in time is pretty essential.
Remember, "Doctor on Call Dubai" is there for you, be it a doctor in Dubai, a doctor at home, or even at your hotel. They deliver immediate medical care and remote health; hence, super easy and comfortable help!
How to Get Support with a Doctor on Call for Understanding STD Symptoms?
You can easily get in touch with a doctor. You can call them up from your home, but you can even do that from a hotel if you want. A person feels comforted knowing that they are there to help him quickly. The doctor will ask some questions to you to understand how you are. You should not fear about your private things being leaked out. It's all a secret!
Next, the doctor listens to what you say and helps you understand what's going on. Maybe he will ask if you have ever had such feelings, or how long you have been having these feelings. It is just like having a doctor there with you!
These physicians, however, do more than visit you during times of sickness. They teach you how to remain healthy too. They'll share some cool tips about how not to get sick for instance, washing your hands and all the other cool habits.
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Not only this, they really pound into your head the need for regular check-ups. This would be able to detect health troubles that are just starting to show and can ward off untold misery.
Finally, the assurance that you can easily get in touch with a doctor at any moment helps to take greater responsibility for your health. After all, it's about being well-informed and making intelligent choices. "Doctor on Call Dubai" goes a long way in making sure you're not on your own in looking after yourself, especially in a serious matter like STDs.
Now, next time you feel weird or act weirdly, or if there's anything else related to health that you are concerned about, do not waste a minute! Friendly doctors at "Doctor on Call Dubai" are always at their desks to assist you. You can reach them immediately for urgent medical help. It is so easy and so quick!
Remember, health is very important to care about, and now you have a terrific assistant at your fingertips, only a phone call away!
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