#Sexology Treatments
endusviolence · 7 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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healthdoc · 10 months
Navigating Excellence: A Guide to the Best Hospitals in Agra
Agra, a city synonymous with the magnificent Taj Mahal, is not just a cultural marvel but also a hub for quality healthcare. In this article, we unravel the top hospitals in Agra, each specializing in key areas of healthcare. Whether it's andrology, sexology, gynecology, infertility treatment, or sexual wellness, Agra's healthcare institutions are at the forefront of providing specialized and exceptional care.
Top 10 Best Andrology Hospitals in Agra: Agra takes pride in housing top-notch hospitals that prioritize men's health. These hospitals specialize in andrology, addressing a range of male reproductive health issues. With cutting-edge technology and a team of seasoned professionals, these institutions ensure that men receive the best possible care for conditions related to hormones, fertility, and sexual health.
Best Sexology Hospital in Agra: Agra's commitment to holistic healthcare is evident in its best sexology hospital. This institution stands out for its comprehensive approach to sexual health, addressing both physical and psychological aspects. With a team of experts who understand the sensitivity of the subject, this hospital ensures a confidential and supportive environment for patients seeking sexual health services.
Best Gynecology Hospital in Agra: Agra boasts the best gynecology hospital, where women's health takes center stage. This hospital excels in providing a range of services, from routine check-ups to complex surgical interventions. With a focus on patient-centric care, experienced gynecologists, and state-of-the-art facilities, this institution ensures the well-being of women in Agra.
Best Infertility Treatment Hospital in Agra: For couples navigating the challenges of infertility, the best infertility treatment hospital in Agra. These institutions are equipped with advanced reproductive technologies and a compassionate team of specialists. The emphasis is on personalized care, understanding the emotional and physical aspects of the journey towards parenthood.
Best Sexual Wellness Hospital in Agra: Sexual wellness is an integral part of overall health, and Agra's best sexual wellness hospital caters to this aspect with dedication. This institution focuses on education, open communication, and solutions for a fulfilling intimate life. With a holistic approach, the hospital addresses physical, emotional, and relational aspects of sexual health.
Conclusion: In the heart of Agra, these hospitals stand as pillars of healthcare excellence, each specializing in crucial areas of well-being. Whether it's men's health, women's health, fertility, or sexual wellness, Agra's healthcare landscape ensures that its residents have access to the best possible care. These institutions not only embody medical expertise but also uphold a commitment to compassion, confidentiality, and patient-centered care, making them the go-to choices for those seeking specialized healthcare in Agra.
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althafrana · 1 year
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Most of the males are anxious about their penis size. The major reason for this attitude towards penis size is a myth. People who have no proper sex education believe that longer penis gives more pleasure and sexual satisfaction. But there is no scientific proof which states it is true. Various companies are utilizing this weakness of people to market harmful medicines for penile enhancement. Even surgeries are available for this in some hospitals. But, they are unaware of the fact that the medicines and surgeries will adversely affect their health. However, there are right ways to enhance your Penis Size without disturbing your health.
With the effective treatments available in Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, you can increase the penis size with the goodness of unani-ayurvedic system of medicines. We are working as a one stop solution for all your sexual problems since 1960. Moreover, we have facilitates for both online consultation & direct consultation. For more information regarding Penile Enhancement, do contact Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall. We are all here to help you get through the situation.
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crossdreamers · 1 month
A transgender Norwegian sexologist on how to celebrate the transgifted
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Not long ago the non-binary general practitioner, sexologist, professor emeritus and Norwegian nestor in clinical sexology, Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, was interviewed by Blikk magazine.
They made some important points about the development of the language and narratives used to describe gender variance:
According to Pirelli Benestad, for a long time people only used the term 'transvestite', and then came 'transsexual'.
The 'transvestite' term
'When I came into the picture in the early 1970s, it was important to maintain a sharp distinction between transvestites and transsexuals.
'Being transsexual meant that one wanted to "change" gender from the gender one was assigned at birth. While wearing dresses and stockings, or flannel shirts and jeans, was portrayed as something that some enjoyed on Saturday night.
'Transvestism, dressing and behaving like the "opposite" sex, did not challenge the heteronormative gender system in the same way, and many transvestites assigned male at birth had both wives and children.
'The distinction helped that the wives could still keep their husbands, even if they had a penchant for expressing themselves as women from time to time. Double-role transvestites, who acted as both men and women, was a term used at the time,' says Pirelli Benestad....
Pathologization of gender variance
Until 2018, gender variance, whether you considered yourself a binary or non-binary trans person, was a diagnosis of illness, Astrid Renland writes.
'When I looked up the encyclopedia to find out more about myself, it said that "transvestites had a morbid urge to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex." It was deadly poison for those who were less robust than me, because it said here that we were sick,! says Pirelli Benestad.
'But I myself and many with me knew that we were not. We felt that it was about something more profound, something that touched our gender identity.'
The forced binary
'I use to say that trans people are indigenous people without a country, and the land we were allocated by the majority population was pathologised, says Pirelli Benestad, who links it to the fact that cis people have dominated professional development in the trans field.
'The trans field as a field consisted exclusively of cis people in both research and clinical treatment, so trans people were assessed according to cis people's gender norms. One was either male or female.'
According to Pirelli Benestad, this contributed to transgender people having no choice but to define themselves as the "opposite". The minority had to express itself and appear as the gender majority did.
'Many trans people are binary, but also among those of us who were previously described as transvestites, there were some who felt that they had to follow the either-or gender norm. It is "natural". If you were born a man and felt like something else, you had to be a woman. There was no language for anything else.
A language for the nonbinary
'But already in the mid-1980s, I documented together with Berthold Grünfeld [Norwegian doctor, specialist in psychiatry and professor of social medicine at the University of Oslo] in a research project on heterosexual transvestites, that gender identity could be fluid between experience yourself as a man or as a woman,' says Pirelli Benestad...
'We ourselves have developed concepts and built up specialist expertise which we have given back to the cis world,' says Pirelli Benestad, who points out that much of this work has been done in collaboration with their colleague and wife, professor and sexologist Elsa Almås.
'First we used the term near-binary to describe the distinction between cis and trans men and trans women, then we formulated terms such as bi-gender, gender fluid and gender cruising,' says Pirelli Benestad.
The transgifted
In addition to "coining" new terms, they have introduced new words such as gender enthusiasm, gender talent and transgifted as a counterweight to the pathologization of the trans population, Astrid Renland writes.
- When you create space for people to let loose and show the talents they have for gender and identity, then people become much freer and much more beautiful, Pirelli Benestad asserts.
PHOTO: Professor emeritus Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (left), together with her colleague and wife, professor and sexologist Elsa Almås, introduced new words such as gender enthusiasm, gender talent and trans gifted as a counterweight to the pathologization of the trans population .Photo: Reidar Engesbak/BLIKK.
Google translation of the original article.
"Den rødeste kluten", by Astrid Renland, Blikk
E.E.P. Benestad MD: From gender dysphoria to gender euphoria: An assisted journey
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hanna-lulu · 2 years
i’ve been comparing the usa now to germany circa the late 1930s and it is not a favorable comparison.
let’s see what we’ve got:
increasing antisemitism
increasing transphobia
increasing ableism
continued oppression of indigenous peoples
laws being introduced to ban gender-affirming care and remove children from their homes if they are allowed to live as they wish
books being banned for having honest and age-appropriate portrayals of race/racism and queerness/homophobia
pushing maid (medical assistance in dying) on people with disabilities and even people who are just poor (this is more in canada but i’m including it here anyway)
a right wing that is seen as ridiculous and absurd, yet is somehow still managing to hold onto power while liberals/leftists laugh it off as if they’ll run out of steam
it’s important to note that in the 1930s, when hitler came to power, the international community thought he was a joke. his overblown rhetoric was silly, his history was laughable, and nobody took him seriously. they thought it would all blow over. also, he wasn’t saying anything that a lot of people didn’t secretly agree with. antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and racism were widespread throughout europe and the usa, and a lot of people had less of a problem with what he was saying and more with how he was saying it. (think kanye west’s antisemitic comments, which joe rogan did attempt to stop him from making so blatantly, but didn’t actually disagree with.)
the first medical and educational facility for gender affirming care was in berlin. did you know that? the institut für sexualwissenschaft (known variably in english as institute of sex research, institute of/for sexology, or institute for the science of sexuality) was founded in 1919 and headed by magnus hirschfeld, who was both gay and jewish. he helped build a library in the institute that was dedicated to the topics of gender, eroticism, and same-sex love. the research undertaken there regarded sexual health of all people, gay, transgender, and intersex, as well as counseling and treatment for alcoholism, gynecological issues, venereal diseases, contraceptives, and more. sexual reassignment surgeries were performed successfully there. the goal was to help those who were suffering because they could not live as who they truly were and to educate the common people, because people fear what they see as different, what they cannot understand.
you won’t find the books in that library today. they were burned as part of the nazis’ campaign of terror and censorship. in 1933, 6 years before world war 2 officially broke out, the institut was broken into and looted by the deutsche studentenschaft (aka the german student union). young adults who had spent their formative years surrounded by hateful rhetoric were accompanied by a brass band as they destroyed this oasis of understanding and knowledge. hirschfeld himself had fled germany years before, as he had been targeted numerous times by nationalists/far right “activists”.
berlin once had a thriving queer community. germany was a home to many jews, my own great-grandparents included. my great-grandmother’s younger brother had a learning disability. their home turned on them out of fear and ignorance, the people told by their leaders that other human beings were not really human, but degenerate filth. my great-grandparents escaped with their lives. many– my great-grandma’s brother included– did not.
the concentration camps that imprisoned and killed so many jewish, queer, and/or disabled people (as well as romani and political prisoners, and japanese-americans IN THE USA) are not consigned to the past. our prison system disenfranchises those who are placed in it and uses them for unpaid labor. refugees are caged for daring to hope that our country– the so-called “land of the free”– would take them in when their homes turned on them. indigenous people are ridiculed and attacked for wanting to help our planet heal and for asking to conserve the land that was stolen from their ancestors. almost a hundred years since the holocaust, and we still haven’t learned.
don’t look away from this. it’s not going to blow over. those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and we are already experiencing a resurgence of fascist beliefs and rhetoric.
write to your representatives. VOTE. protest if and when you can. show them that we are HERE and we refuse to be written out of the history books, banned or burned away. we are human beings. we live and love and deserve to do so with dignity.
and if appealing to your humanity isn’t enough, remember this poetic version of a quote by german lutheran pastor martin niemöller, an early nazi collaborator and antisemite who later changed his views and opposed hitler’s oppressive regime:
“first they came for the socialists, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a socialist.
then they came for the trade unionists, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a trade unionist.
then they came for the jews, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a jew.
then they came for me– and there was no one left to speak for me.”
there is always another enemy in fascism. anyone who is different will eventually be a target. white supremacy is poison, and fitting the mold of a “perfect citizen” cannot keep you safe. queer infighting and pushing down people who you find “too weird” will not stop the people who hate all of us. to the far right, we are all wrong to our very cores. solidarity in the face of oppression is the only way to survive, live, and thrive.
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maaarine · 2 months
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Menopause was a French invention at a time of revolution (Alison M Downham Moore, Psyche, July 30 2024)
"Have women in all historical and present cultures suffered the ailments of menopause we know about today?
Studies in medical history and anthropology, and cross-cultural medical surveys, indicate wide variability in how women have experienced it globally.
Japanese women interviewed in the 1990s described their primary complaint of midlife as shoulder stiffness – not hot flushes.
And a 2015 study of British Pakistani women found that those raised in Pakistan were more likely to believe the menopause caused a cough and sore throat, while those raised in the UK were more likely to see it in a range of emotional symptoms.
No concept like ‘menopause’ is found in any world health or medical tradition, except in Western biomedicine.
And, even in the West, neither physicians nor midwives had much to say about the final cessation of menses before about 1780.
So how did the concept originate?
Menopause was first defined by young male university students and their medical professors at the universities of Montpellier and Paris from the end of the 1700s.
It was a major topic in France throughout the 19th century, with several hundred books written about it in the emerging new specialisms of hygiene (preventive health), psychiatry, gynaecology, sexology and endocrinology.
No other culture was anywhere near as interested in this topic as the French, and even those very few works on menopause appearing in Germany, England and the US during the 19th century borrowed heavily from them.
Why were the French in particular so fascinated by menopause?
Menopause was likely invented by the French because of its association with three categories of nervous pathologies that had flourished in medical writing there from the end of the 1600s into the 1800s: the vapours, hysteria, and hypochondria.
Nervous diseases, it was thought, were a product of luxury and civilisation: urban life, stale air, sedentary lifeways, overeating, exotic foods and beverages, licentiousness, and corporeal laziness were all to blame.
A medical view emerged of urban elite women in modern France as generally more prone to nervous diseases during times of uterine change, including around the final cessation of menses, via ‘sympathies’ of the uterus with the nervous system and the brain. (…)
When French physicians queried older peasant women about their cessation of menses, they were met with blank looks or laughter, since the very idea that simply being old enough to gain relief from menstruation and childbirth made one sick was completely alien and nonsensical to them.
Medical theses produced between 1799 and 1840 developed a rich ‘hygienic’ discourse, advising urban women to mimic peasant diets and lifeways to avoid the ravages of menopause and enjoy a healthy ageing. (…)
In the early 20th century, women conducted research studies on the diseases of women’s ageing, after they were permitted to enter the medical profession.
There was a distinctly less catastrophising and generalising tone.
They addressed serious diseases such as uterine cancer, or worrying symptoms such as haemorrhagic bleeding, but did not see these as problems for all women whose menses was ceasing.
Sage voices had long criticised the practice of lumping all women’s experiences of midlife and old age into the container of menopause.
Some women doctors argued that the concept of menopause was itself a risk to women’s health, producing an ‘auto-suggestion’, or nocebo effect that they would be better to avoid and simply take good care of their minds and bodies, or even embark on a quest for spiritual insight instead. (…)
The concept of menopause did not come from women themselves but rather from medical men for whom it served as a useful and generative case-example.
It was a tool for biomedical reformulations of treatment practices and for the conceptual separation of morbidity from mortality; it was a teaching device for male medical students learning the new mechanistic approach to women’s health; it was a weapon with which to fight other doctors, medical faculties and rival health traditions, as well as a pathway for new medical disciplines such as hygiene, psychiatry, gynaecological surgery and emergent endocrinology – to expand patient markets, develop theoretical precepts and refine clinical skills. (…)
The French pathologisation of menopause informed the 20th-century view of women as too different to include in clinical trials on account of their uterine exceptionalism, which continues to hamper current scientific knowledge of gendered diseases and drug responses.
More women than ever now live to an age when they will see their menses cease, so there is increased interest in menopause and new forms of representation about it.
But there is also a massive growth in the marketing of products and services designed to extract profits from women in midlife by promoting worry about their ageing and promising false remedies for all their life challenges.
Just like French doctors in the 19th century, commercial entities today hold a vested interest in the idea that menopause is a time of crisis and revolution – something we necessarily need to treat through specific interventions that target it."
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queering-ecology · 7 months
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History of Sexuality and Ecology: Un/Naturalizing the Queer
Scientia Sexualis is the modern discourse on sexuality that locates sexual desires and behaviors within the domain of science and medicine. The rise of this coincided with the rise of evolutionary thought as well as new sexological thoughts.
Foucault’s The History of Sexuality, Volume 1 (1978) is a heavily called upon resource to discuss the regulation of sexuality in modern times; “evolutionary thought is supported by modern understandings of sex as an internal and essential category and also by notions of natural sexuality from which nonreproductive sexualities are understood as deviant” (7). Foucault has argued that the category of ‘homosexual’ was created during this period, in which sex became to be understood not as a set of acts but a state of internal being (a question of one’s nature)—or the naturalizing of sexuality. Modern medical institutions moved from regulation of sexual acts to an organization and treatment of sexual identities (8). No longer is sexuality something that is done, but something that you are—and could be linked to some basic biological fault.
Some thinkers of the time offered up environmental causes for the sudden rise in homosexual degeneracy, and emasculation caused by industrialization and urbanization; homosexuality was a congenital disease and a threat to the evolution of the human species. “Competing physiognomic theories vied for prominence at the time, using what now appears to be utterly arbitrary selection of physical traits to form ‘groups’ of degenerates, whose physical peculiarities were taken as obvious indicators of their perversion”(9) wherein the cause could be caused by environmental or social decline/error. The editors, and other theorist have made the connection to scientific racism, wherein different ‘races’ were created as part of a colonial project (sex plays a role in both scientific racism and colonialism).
 Heterosexuality became understood as the natural state of being, associated as it is with reproduction. This of course means that scientists who witnessed same sex (potentially) erotic behaviors were often perplexed and struggled to fit it into the theory of sexual selection. Nonreproductive sex could be about establishing social relations, dominance, submission, reciprocity, competition and a struggle for survival, anything except pleasure and desire.   
“To many biologists and ethologists, the problems presented by nonreproductive sexual behavior have to do mainly with how it thwarts, disturbs, or, in the best light, merely supplements heterosexual reproduction” (154)(10).
Returning to the idea of same-sex behavior and dysfunctional sexual biology being considered an environmental concern, the idea is that if the ability of a species to survive is tied to reproductive fitness, then ‘healthy’ environments are those in which heterosexual activity is seen to be thriving. An example is where ecologists were convinced the widespread female homoerotic behavior among seagulls in a particular location was evidence of an environmental catastrophe (Silverstone 2000). But it turns out that the “world is full of lesbian gulls” (11).
“The assumption that gender dimorphic heterosexuality is the only natural sexual form is clearly not an appropriate benchmark for ecological research” (11).
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felltheadequate · 5 months
A Collection in Love and Loss
Queerness Through the 20th Century
Poet's note: Queer people have always existed. From ancient times, to the 18th century with individuals such as the Public Universal Friend and more than one founder of the United States, to the 1800s with people like Oscar Wilde, and throughout the 20th century's many conflicts and joys, we have always been here. And along with these famous, influential figures, each century was home to countless regular, unassuming people, all gone unremembered. These four poems seek to tell the stories of those forgotten individuals, one era and fight — and victory — at a time, and to reflect on the progress made and what still must be done. Enjoy, and stay amazing.
The Mud.
When I do look into those deep brown eyes, Beneath their heavy brows and cut-short hair I see a river — ancient, beauty rare — Of all that you still hope to be, to rise Unto. And all beyond the mud, the cries, The pain and fear and loss and how unfair This horrid fucking butcher block's cruel fare Has been. What utter fools we were. Unwise.
I'd like to say I love you. And I do. But love cannot exist within these walls Of mud. Our stolen time I too regret. Remember me when you go home, will you? Remember after I've gone o'er to fall. Remember. Please. Remember this duet.
Institute Dead.
They burned it. They burned it all. The papers. The books. It's gone. This is how a country falls.
His knowledge filled these halls. He'd done so much. So much work. They burned it. They burned it all.
It's getting worse. We feel it, a cast pall All around us. The beasts in the night lurk. It's gone. This is how a country falls.
We had hope. A bugle so warm in its call. Now topples that rook. They burned it. They burned it all.
They've made laws. We're un-German. Running out of luck. It's gone. This is how a country falls.
It's been three years. Power growing tall. Camps. Marched into the Rhineland. Versailles denied. Peace shook. They burned it. They burned it all. It's gone. This is how a country falls.
One of the first things the Nazis did upon gaining power was to destroy the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or Institute of Sexology. Led by Magnus Hirschfeld, a gay Jewish man, the Institute was responsible for much research into transgender, gay, and intersex topics, as well as offering contraceptives, services such as alcoholism and STI treatment, and gynecological exams. On May 6, 1933, the Institute was attacked by the German Student Union. Four days later, its contents would be publicly burned. It is unknown how much research was destroyed in the fires.
I often think on what would have happened if I had turned left. I never would have met you, for one. Never looked into your eyes. Never felt the firm, loving hold of your arms When I felt like shit. When I got kicked out. "A waste Of a girl." "An abomination on God's Earth." Oh God. What I'd do to have more time.
Time. It's funny. One day you're convinced you'll have left The state, the country — if things get really fucked, the earth — And pay no more heed to staying put than rolled eyes. The next you're unsure about everything but where that bin of paper and waste Is sat in your room. And even that is viewed between your hands on your face, and your arms.
I first got tattoos on both of my arms. My family didn't approve. Said I would regret them in time. I say that letting my skin stay all neat and pretty is a waste. I got more. Not much clear skin left. There's a lot of blue. It matches your eyes. The composite color of the earth.
I remember our date in a museum. We were looking at a photo of the earth. You sighed. Your jacket covered all but a bit of skin on your arms. I saw you examining it. Your eyes Flickered back and forth, almost keeping time, Metronomes of wonder and beauty. "It feels like all that's left On there is hate and waste."
I remember hearing about the diagnosis. The waste. You had said from some phonebooth that we needed to talk. I felt upon me the weight of the earth As I waited for you. Something in your voice. Nothing but me and the silent house left. Rubbing at the skin on my arms, Anxiously hoping it would be okay. Wanting to stop time. My soul was crushed when I finally heard you. When I looked into your eyes.
Now they're closed. Those beautiful blue eyes. Why? Why must I see such waste? WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T WE HAVE MORE TIME Why couldn't you have more years, days, hours on this earth? Why can't I feel your arms just one more time? But even through this pain, I'm so glad I didn't turn left.
The memory of those eyes. I can picture them: composite color of the earth. I felt the waste in our final embrace, long after it had taken over your arms. Not enough time. I'm all that's left.
The Turning Tide.
Unaccounted murder here. Hate crime there. New laws governing our bodies this week and next. On and on and on it goes.
"Just keep it away from the children!" from the people fighting child labor laws. More performative, hateful bullshit. On and on and on it goes.
Good people speaking at school board meetings. Campaigns to hold the right people accountable. Community forming. The tune picks up.
"We're here! We're queer! Get used to it!" "Death before detransition!" Chants are issued. The tune picks up.
Law making things easier for once. Maybe it will continue. It's in Germany, but still The tune picks up.
Who knows where we'll be in fifty years?
Years. Years upon decades upon centuries of history. We've been here a while, you know, despite what your uncle on Facebook would have you believe. From ancient times onward. As the fascists rose to prominence. Through disease and hate and death And a whole generation butchered on razorwire we have existed and fought tooth and nail. We have always been here. Get with it Or get out of our way.
(18 April 2024)
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butlerbarrow · 2 months
a small note on some of my word choices (and a little history lesson on queerness and sexology as filted through my understanding of things) :
cw for mentions of conversion therapy and period-typical ignorance when it comes to sexuality & gender.
you may occasionally see me use the term 'invert' in my writing when referencing thomas' sexuality. it's a term that comes from the late 19th and early 20th century, in an attempt to rationalise and explain queerness within the parameters of the strict view of conventional gender roles of that time. the terms 'sexual invert' and 'homosexual' were often used interchangably.
ostensibly, the theory of sexual inversion is the belief that same-sex attraction is the result of gender variance. that the reason a man may experience same-sex attraction is because he has the "soul" of a heterosexual woman trapped inside of him - his soul and his body is mismatched, hence 'invert'. you've probably heard the phrase "born in the wrong body" used in reference to transgender people, this is arguably where that comes from. the term 'invert' made little distinction between people who experienced same-sex attraction, but were gender conforming, and those who transgressed the gender binary in ways such as cross-dressing or genuinly identifying as transgender. it was sort of a catch-all for anyone who wasn't cis/het, who deviated from the 'natural' way of things.
it is an incredibly outdated term. but I believe it provides an important context into the way that thomas is percieved by those around him, how he understands himself, and how he is treated by medical professionals. thomas is a man, he knows and feels this in the core of his being, but he has probably had people try and tell him otherwise - the so called doctor that administered his conversion therapy being one of them. his attempt at conversion therapy would have probably consisted of electro-shock treatment and a crude attempt at hormone replacement therapy in order to try and fix the percieved "inversion" of his body and soul (no doubt, these were the injections that he was told to continue at home, but was sold a solution of saline instead.)
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@ ask about zoos/p*dos using intrusive thoughts & OCD to normalize themselves (different anon tho)
I'm a social psychologist. I don't consider myself to have OCD but I do experience intrusive thoughts-- sexual ones, pertaining to a variety of subjects.
The kind of thing zoos/p*dos are trying to pass as. The kind of thing zoos/p*dos are demonizing by telling people that's what they are, stigmatizing the actual sufferers of intrusive thoughts even further, making our lives and relationships and treatment that much harder.
I wonder how often, if ever, zoos or p*dos actually mislabel themselves with "having intrusive thoughts", rather than purposefully trying to appropriate themselves to the public.
I'm picturing a scenario in which a zoo/p*do is thinking about Things and experiencing distress about it... except the distress is not from the content itself, but rather what it means for them to be fantasizing about the content. The implications.
Like... they are fantasizing. They are imagining things and they like it what they see.
But they know their ass would get put away if their fantasies ever manifested into something observable (drawn p*rn, roleplay, contact, etc). They know that everyone they care about would be horrified if they found out about their... interests. They know it makes them, respectively, a zoo/p*do-- very dirty words, and for good reason.
I could even see one being distressed because they're a zoo/p*do-- maybe it's against their beliefs, they know it's wrong and why, they hate zoos/p*dos.
To my knowledge, the current information we have in psychological sexology is that sexual preferences cannot be manually changed. They can change, as sexuality is fluid, but change tends to be involuntary and incremental (very small amounts at a time).
There was a 20th century case of a man having a lobotomy to stop seizures, and the man had a paraphilia for safety pins. I do not know the details of his interest, and the paraphilia was not related to his lobotomy at all. But after the fact, he reported that it had gone-- he was no longer sexually aroused by safety pins as he had before.
Trauma is the only thing we know of that can cause a sudden "flip of the switch" in human sexual preferences, but we also know that it is unreliable (due to variety in people, method, opinions about efficacy).
But we do know human sexuality is fluid. We know, even, that sexuality is fluid in other animals.
What I'm getting at is that I agree with anon-- we know very little about it, but it may be possible to alter harmful paraphilia.
I think this ought to be further researched, and have awareness spread about it if it shows itself to be effective. It saddens me to think that some zoos/p*dos might've been able to recover -- or at least be kept from animals/children -- and not go on to hurt others if interventions had been accessible.
But it comes with a number of ethical concerns that... I feel hesitant about.
Say they find a technique that is very effective in recovering people from paraphilia. We all know conservatives and raddies would instantly turn around with this to justify and reinstate conversion therapy.
The immediate price would be paid in queer lives.
What about any woman with "deviant" sexual behavior-- too promiscuous, too prude, too kinky or obscure? Would they pushed those women attend Sexual Desire Change Therapy too? Would they stop at sexual behavior? Would they advance ABA "therapy" and other Skinner-beloved "treatments" for neurodivergent behavior?
What do you think about it? Do you think some zoos/p*dos are capable of -- and willing to pursue -- recovery? How should society... like... "deal" with zoos/p*dos who do not find success in recovery?
This is a very complex issue.
I’m not entirely sure whether or not complete recovery is possible at this time, but if it can be possible in the future then I think it’s worth pursuing.
There would need to be a legal framework that prevents it from being done with children or adults who do not consent to whatever it entails, and it must be humane, for obvious reasons a lobotomy as a treatment for these issues would not be acceptable even if there is reason to hypothesize it being successful. And potentially laws saying explicitly that it only may be approved for those attracted to non-consenting parties.
Currently, treatment includes drugs to lower libido, prolonged therapy, and avoidance of the target. Generally a process similar to rehab for alcoholics to keep their focus on other things and remove sexuality from the table. This can be effective in helping them avoid fantasies and greatly lower their want to act on them, but it’s still imperfect. If there are better alternatives we should be looking for them.
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By: Bernard Lane
Published: Aug 13, 2023
Denmark has taken a step towards caution in gender care by offering a form of counselling rather than medical treatments to the main patient group of teenagers with no childhood history of distress in their birth sex.
Official acknowledgment of a change in treatment policy was given on May 31 by the Liberal Party Health Minister Sophie Løhde during parliamentary debate of an unsuccessful resolution seeking a total ban on medical transition of minors.
Ms Løhde said that medical treatment at the Danish central gender clinic in Copenhagen—the Sexology Clinic—would only be offered “if the child or young person has had gender dysphoria since childhood.”
“If the gender dysphoria has started in connection with puberty, the young person may, among other things, be referred to a process of reflection or clarification,” she said.
“This process is often finalised without medical treatment, as the indication for treatment is not considered present.”
The dominant patient profile internationally is adolescent-onset dysphoria, chiefly affecting females, but the (limited and contested) evidence base for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors mostly derives from past studies of classic early childhood-onset dysphoria typically among males.
Gender distress that appears at or after the onset of puberty, often following online immersion and transgender identity declarations among school friends, is commonly referred to as Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) following the 2018 preliminary study of American public health researcher Dr. Lisa Littman.
Dr. Littman’s work is well known in Nordic countries. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare last year referenced her 2021 detransitioners study and declared that the very low rate of treatment regret claimed by youth gender clinics “no longer stands unchallenged”.
Sweden and Finland are the most advanced in the post-2019 Nordic shift to caution, while health authorities in Norway are under pressure after the country’s independent healthcare investigation agency declared in March that medicalised gender change for young people was “experimental” and should be confined to clinical trials.
Systematic reviews of the evidence base undertaken in Finland and Sweden showed it to be weak (as did reviews in the United Kingdom).
“[Although in Denmark’s parliament] the issue of gender reassignment for children and other identity policy topics seems strongly divided into blocs, we feel that this is by no means the case in the general population, when the seriousness of the matter finally dawns on people. Many simply did not know that this was happening”—Danish Rainbow Council post, 2 March 2023
Denmark’s point of difference is that the call for an end to medical transition of minors is being spearheaded by a mainstream LGBT group, the Danish Rainbow Council, launched in 2022 under the leadership of transsexual Marcus Dib Jensen. The organisation is pledged to child safeguarding and recognition of gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, while opposing the extremes of gender ideology.
In May’s parliamentary debate, Minister Løhde faced pointed questions on gender medicine from politicians Mette Thiesen and Mikkel Bjørn, both members of the populist Danish People’s Party.
The minister presented the treatment policy change as an evolution influenced by developments in the field and clinical judgment. She was not specific about which medical treatment was being withheld from patients with adolescent-onset dysphoria (or ROGD), nor the timing of the policy change.
She noted that the Sexology Clinic had “become more reluctant to offer hormone treatment” to young people.
“This reluctance manifests itself particularly regarding young people with gender dysphoria that arises in connection with puberty.
“I think it is a positive thing that there is [such] a response to research and experience… both in Denmark, but also abroad, which we must follow closely. And this knowledge and experience lead to adjustments in the current treatment options.”
The group LGBT+ Danmark, whose slogan is “Global Queer Solidarity” and which campaigns for “better gender-confirming treatment”, told GCN that the minister’s remarks referred not to a change in general treatment guidelines but to “an adjustment in the practice” of the Sexology Clinic last year.
GCN put questions to the clinic and to Denmark’s health ministry.
Big change
A recent commentary article on the minister’s remarks posted by the Danish Rainbow Council’s deputy chairman Jesper W. Rasmussen said:
“It is important to understand how significant it is that as many as 80 per cent of the children who previously underwent gender reassignment surgery will now, in the minister’s own words, no longer be able to undergo this controversial, irreversible treatment. “Since [the minister’s comments], we have received several emails from relieved parents of ROGD children, and in the coming months we will keep a close eye on whether these children continue to be free from hormonal sex reassignment. “We will do this by regularly requesting access to the treatment statistics from the Sexology Clinic [at the specialist hospital Rigshospitalet].”
The resolution for a total ban, put up in March by the populist New Right party after all other members of parliament had ignored apolitical appeals from the rainbow council, was not expected to pass in the government-controlled chamber.
But the council argued that the result was significant because public debate had been unleashed and the authorities were put under pressure.
The council suspected that the de-medicalisation of adolescent-onset (or ROGD) cases had been enacted without formal announcement in 2022, thereby explaining a sharp decline that year in the number of minors undergoing hormonal treatment.
Roughly 80 per cent of the 341 minors who had undergone medicalised gender change from 2015 to 2022 were believed to be in the ROGD category, the council said.
Since 2015, when Ms Løhde was also health minister, minors have been able to undergo irreversible medical gender reassignment without parental consent from the age of 15.
“A top [American] pediatric psychiatry organization has nixed at least three panels with leading European psychologists about Europe’s move away from chemical interventions for children with gender dysphoria, raising questions about the politicization of American medicine and underscoring a clinical divide between the United States and much of the world”—Aaron Sibarium, news report, The Washington Free Beacon, 11 August 2023
Future unknown
In 2021, Sexology Clinic consultant Dr. Mette Ewers Haahr gave an interview to the Dagbladet Information media outlet in which she acknowledged “a lack of research” relevant to today’s mostly teenage female patients and her concerns about why these girls wanted to change gender.
“We see that treatment helps young people in the short term. But we lack knowledge about what happens in ten and 20 years. Or when they want to have children. What happens when they fall in love and start to have an active sex life?” Dr. Haahr said.
“Transgender young people assigned female have, for the most part, no active sex life. Not even with themselves. How will their sex life develop and does this affect their perception of their gender? We have sometimes seen in young people that gender and sex life interact and change together.”
Dr. Haahr’s comments about the weak evidence base prompted the rainbow council to ask why the authorities had allowed such a confident regimen of paediatric transition to begin in 2015.
“As adults, we must dare to step up and say stop this madness. We castrate and sterilise children and physically destroy their otherwise healthy bodies to alleviate a psychological discomfort that is usually temporary and, if not, can be treated with a sex change on the other side of puberty,” the council’s June 2 comment said.
No surgery on minors
In May’s parliamentary debate, Minister Løhde also said that under new referral guidelines, it would no longer be permissible to offer transgender surgery such as mastectomy to children under age 18—“an option that, by the way, has never been used in Denmark.”
She said the country’s “entire guidance on health care for individuals with gender identity issues” was being reviewed.
GCN asked the Danish Health Authority if a systematic review of the evidence base would be undertaken.
A spokeswoman for the authority said: “We are in the process of updating the existing guideline and we will consult leading experts in that revision.”
In a post on a Danish study dealing with trans identity and suicide attempts, the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) said:
“It remains to be seen whether the Danish Health Authority will take a cautious approach to the treatment of gender-dysphoric youth like the growing number of their European counterparts, or whether Denmark will choose to align with the current direction supported by a number of U.S. medical societies that assert that medical gender transition should be widely available for all youths who desire it.”
Copenhagen psychotherapist and former teacher Lotte Ingerslev, who writes the blog Transgender: the Fine Print and is a member of SEGM, told GCN that the Danish health minister’s May 31 remarks were “very, very important.”
She said the minister had represented this policy shift “as simply a result of the doctors ‘following the evidence’, and not a complete and utter break with their previous approach.”
Ms Ingerslev said this appeared to be a government tactic for “evading responsibility for the utter disregard for children’s bodies and lives.”
Nonetheless, she said the policy change meant “that teenagers will no longer be able to expect to get hormones as a quick fix for their loneliness, autism or inner homophobia.”
But she said these concessions to caution by the government and the Sexology Clinic were not enough and “the transing of children needs to be stopped completely.”
“Otherwise, the general public, schools, day-care centres and parents of gender-non-conforming children get a message from the state saying that gender-non-conformity is a sign that a child is ‘trans’, which goes against all evidence,” she said.
Opt-out females
In her 2021 media interview, the Sexology Clinic’s Dr. Haahr wondered aloud about why female patients are disproportionately represented in gender clinic caseloads.
She worried that for some girls, transition was more about “opting out of the feminine than opting into the masculine”, and more to do with physical discomfort than a different gender identity.
“When the birth-assigned girls reach puberty and their bodies change, some of them start to have these thoughts. Maybe the outside world has started to react differently to them because their bodies are suddenly sexualised,” Dr. Haahr said.
“They may not get as much speaking time, they’re belittled if they take up too much space, and certain girl things are expected of them that they can’t identify with. And then they feel really, really bad about their feminine bodies.
“Unlike the children [with early-onset dysphoria], who have experienced themselves as a different gender for as long as they can remember, we see that some of the [teenage] girls… have only had these thoughts for six months and are determined that they need body modification treatment. And then it becomes really difficult to figure out what it’s all about and what the right thing to do is.”
She said she paid particular attention to whether these girls had suffered traumatic experiences such as bullying, assault or sexual abuse.
“Abuse during adolescence and childhood can lead to alienation from one’s body. That’s where we need to be extra vigilant.”
She said today’s teenage female patients sometimes used formulaic language seemingly not their own when explaining why they wished to transition—it was like “listening to them read from a Facebook manual”.
She defended Dr. Littman’s 2018 ROGD study, which generated an international backlash from “gender-affirming” clinicians and trans activists, as well as pressure for the journal to issue a “correction” which in fact left the Littman hypothesis unchanged.
Dr. Haahr’s gender clinic colleague, chief physician Astrid Højgaard dismissed the ROGD hypothesis and objected that right-wing groups were enthusiastic about the idea of trans social contagion.
But Dr Haahr said: “It is not my impression that Littman has done the research to appease the right wing or because she is transphobic, but because she thought the phenomenon should be studied.
“I think that if we can’t talk about this very large increase in the number of birth-assigned girls seeking to change their bodies during puberty, then it’s going to be a problem for all transgender people in the future.”
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gautamayurveda2 · 7 months
In today's world, discussing our intimate concerns openly is recognized as crucial for maintaining overall well-being. This is where sexologists play a pivotal role. These professionals specialize in addressing a wide range of sexual health issues, providing individuals with a safe space to express their concerns and seek guidance. When it comes to finding the best sexologist in Delhi, individuals can benefit from the expertise of renowned professionals who have dedicated their careers to understanding and resolving sexual health issues. Seeking the assistance of the best sexologist in India ensures access to comprehensive and confidential support, fostering a healthier and more informed approach to intimate well-being.
What is a Sexologist?
A sexologist is a trained professional in the field of sexology, a discipline that focuses on understanding and addressing human sexuality. These experts work with individuals and couples, employing a holistic approach to tackle a wide range of sexual concerns. Unlike other medical practitioners, sexologists go beyond the physical aspects of sexuality, delving into the emotional and psychological factors that influence sexual well-being.
Role of a Sexologist:
Sexologists play a multifaceted role, encompassing various aspects of sexual health. They not only diagnose and treat sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation but also offer guidance on enhancing sexual pleasure, improving communication between partners, and promoting overall sexual health and wellness. A key element of their role is creating a safe and non-judgmental space for patients to openly discuss their concerns.
Qualities of a Reputable Sexologist:
When seeking the assistance of a sexologist, certain qualities are paramount:
Trustworthiness and Confidentiality: Trust is the foundation of any therapeutic relationship, especially when discussing intimate concerns. Reputable sexologists prioritize strict confidentiality, adhering to ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of personal information and discussions.
Open Communication: An effective sexologist encourages open communication, allowing patients to express their concerns, questions, and expectations. This fosters a collaborative approach to treatment.
Sensitivity and Empathy: Given the sensitive nature of sexual health issues, a good sexologist demonstrates empathy and sensitivity. They understand the vulnerabilities associated with these concerns and approach their patients with compassion.
Importance of Sexologists:
The importance of sexologists in 2024 cannot be overstated. In a world where sexual health is an integral component of overall well-being, these professionals contribute significantly to individual and relational flourishing. By addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of sexuality, sexologists help people lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.
Problems a Sexologist Can Help You Overcome:
Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. A sexologist can diagnose the underlying causes of ED and recommend appropriate treatment options, such as medication, lifestyle changes, or counseling.
Premature Ejaculation (PE): Premature ejaculation is characterized by the inability to control or delay ejaculation. A sexologist can provide techniques and strategies to manage PE, such as behavioral exercises, desensitization techniques, or medication if necessary.
Low Libido: Low libido, or a persistent lack of sexual desire, can have various causes, including hormonal imbalances, stress, relationship issues, or certain medications. A sexologist can help identify the underlying factors and suggest interventions to restore sexual desire.
Sexual Pain Disorders: Conditions such as dyspareunia (painful intercourse) or vaginismus (involuntary vaginal muscle spasms) can significantly impact sexual satisfaction. A sexologist can evaluate the causes of sexual pain and recommend treatments, including physical therapy, counseling, or medical interventions.
LGBTQ+ Sexual Health: Sexologists play a crucial role in providing support and guidance to individuals within the LGBTQ+ community. They can address unique concerns related to sexual orientation, gender identity, coming out, and navigating relationships.
In conclusion, the field of sexology and the role of sexologists in 2024 are integral to fostering healthy sexual lives. By understanding the complexities of human sexuality and offering personalized solutions, sexologists contribute significantly to individual and relational well-being. When seeking the assistance of a sexologist, it's essential to prioritize qualities such as trust, open communication, and empathy to ensure a positive and effective therapeutic journey. Dr. Inderjeet Singh Gautam is one of the top sexologist in Delhi, you can consult with him for any sexual disorder and get well with ayurvedic treatments.
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dubeyclinic · 9 months
Ayurveda Efficient Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey
What to do if I lose my sexual drive day to day….
If the man or woman is below 40 years of age and is experiencing decreased libido or sexual desire then it is a difficult situation. Generally, it is said that the peak age of women sexual desire is from 30 to 35 and it may be more than 35. The peak age of libido in men is starting from 16 to 24 or it may be more than 24. 
Dr. Sunil Dubey, World famous Ayurvedacharya says that in today’s time, below the age of 40, 10% people are suffering from this sexual disorder. In other term, low sexual drive or libido is known as sexual desire disorder in which a man or woman gets his/her sexual desire lower due to medical, physical, and psychological reasons.
The large number of sexual patients who come to Dubey Clinic and say that they had been addicted with masturbation and this hypoactive sexual desire disorder happens with them. This best sexologist doctor in Patna says that people should quit this myth of masturbation because there are many factors those lead a man or woman to low libido sexual disorder.
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Causes of Low Sexual Drive in a person:
Those are the causes of low sexual drive in persons such as- Mental Health Issues, Conflict between couples, Medical Conditions, Aging, Disturbance, Hormonal Changing, Stress of Work, and Irregular of Daily Life. The sexual patients will have to study this problem sincerely why it happens with their sexual life. If they are unable to identify their problems, then they should consult the experienced sexual medicine counselor to get treatment and medication.
Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the most experienced sexologist doctors in Bihar who treats married, unmarried, male, female, young, and couple sexual patients. He has researched on loss of libido sexual dysfunction, and then he has found that mostly persons are disturbed with their daily and family life. They have become pessimist and their strong will power has abolished due to stress and irregular routine.
Treatment for low sexual drive patients:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is the first Indian gold medalist sexologist doctor who was awarded with Bharat Gaurav and Bihar Ratna Award. He has discovered many sexual medications for sexual patients those are suffering from erection problems, low libido, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, sexual desire disorder, sexual pain disorder, and so on.
He says that the sexual patients who are suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder, they should not worry too much. It is curable and the sexual patients can improve his libido and sexual desire through Ayurveda Medicare and Natural medicines. The diagnosis of this sexual disorder is based on the patients’ problems. It is obvious that they will have to take nearly 3-6 months medication and follow some guidelines. He provides fully natural medication to the sexual patients to get rid of their problems.
If you are a sexual patients and having any sexual problem, then you should be aware of your health. Just consult the Ayurveda Specialist Sexual Medicine Counselor who has genuine experience in this Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science. Dubey Clinic always helps all those sexual patients who are suffering from any sexual, marital, or family problems.
Make an appointment with Dubey Clinic, if you want to get rid of your sexual problems permanently. This certified clinic will be helping you from your first call to the ultimate time of medication.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A Certified Clinic of India
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336
Venue: Subash Market, Dariyapur Gola, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna, Bihar 800004
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yesteryearsnows · 2 years
The hyperfixation worsens
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I went to the local thrift store in town and lost an hour in the book section. They have a lot of romance novel copies (aka child support fraud titles) magazines from the 90s, and music sheets. There was a really cute bamboo and red tartan picnic basket for 29, and a hand painted Japan ware that I think is a gravy boat?
Final haul: two old children book, two old music sheets for 50cents each and one very funny “sexology” book from the 40s, including “unusual gonorrhea treatment”
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sexologist in Delhi and award winner in sexology medical field,Dr. P.K. Gupta - He is the Member of Council For Sex Education Parenthood (International)
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drsunildubeyclinic · 4 days
Consult Gupt Rog Doctor in Patna, Bihar: Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist
About a psychiatric sexual patient suffering from premature ejaculation:
Are you a psychological sexual patient? In fact, you yourself believe about your time that it is less for ejaculation and your sexual performance is not good with your partner. You are a married man and live in Patna. In fact, you are suffering from time problem and low level of erectile function. You have taken a lot of medicines for your sexual disorder, but you have not been able to improve it properly.
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If you are analyzing yourself regarding your premature ejaculation, then it is actually a matter of concern for your sexual psychology. You are a psychological sexual patient suffering from premature ejaculation which affects a person in four stages whereas erectile dysfunction is a physical sexual problem where you do not get a proper erection for your sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction is also responsible for premature ejaculation. You are right now looking for a gupt rog doctor in your place.
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About top-ranked Gupt Rog Doctor in Patna, Bihar:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is a world famous Ayurvedacharya who is associated with this Ayurveda and Sexology medicine for the last 35 years. He practices every day at Dubey Clinic where all types of sexual patients come to get their treatment and medicine. He is one of the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researcher and sexology medical science expert who has discovered a lot of Ayurvedic treatment and medicine for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, nocturnal emission, Dhatu syndrome, infertility, sexually transmitted infection etc.
He is one of the best gupt rog doctors in Patna for the treatment of all male sexual problems. He says that there are four types of premature ejaculation and based on the type, he provides his sexual treatment to the premature ejaculation patient. Erectile dysfunction is divided into three types, where he provides his comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment, herbal treatment, non-medical treatment and necessary health guidelines to the sexual patients.
About Ayurvedic Treatment for Sexual Disorders:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is a highly sought Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor in India, who says that Ayurveda is the root of all medicines. Ayurveda has the exact solution for all sexual disorders. All Ayurvedic medicines from his research are panacea for new and old sexual patients. In his Ayurvedic treatment, he provides herbs, natural chemicals, effective Bhasma, natural tablet and oil to get rid of the problems of sexual patients.
For a long time, he has been the best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Bihar at Dubey Clinic. Both male and female sexual patients come to this clinic to get their treatment, medication, counseling and necessary guidance. Dr. Sunil Dubey treats an average of thirty-five sexual patients in this clinic, where more than a hundred people from all over India contact Dubey Clinic over phone.
Book an appointment with Dubey Clinic for treatment and medication:
If you want to join Dubey Clinic to get your complete sexual treatment done, book an appointment with this clinic over phone. People from all over India contact this clinic and get their treatment and solution for a healthy sexual life.
Dubey Clinic
A Certified Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic of India
Located at: Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586
Clinic Open: 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM
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