#Seven deadly spats au
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Alright y’all, because apparently I’m writing this godforsaken AU, here are the outlines of the Nine Olafs, and by association there are the 15 Baudelaires and the 12 Quagmires. 
7DS is still a thing, but the posting is gonna get less consistent because I’m super super busy. And I guess less consistent now bc I’m  doing this
7DS is still a priority over 9 Olafs but we’ll see what happens
The lesson here is: Never dare me to do anything, because I’ll do it
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sleepysnowglobe · 5 years
Ladies and gentlemen I present...
Sin: Lust
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Absolutely Raging Pansexual. We stan a flirtatious legend.
Special Interests: She’s an acrobat. Tight ropes, trapeze, aerial silks, and because she represents lust, sword swallowing. 
Sin: Greed
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Buddy this dude is an incredibly flaming homosexual and I adore him for it. 
Special Interests: Magic. Sleight of hand in general. Like Louise in the magic episode of Bob’s Burgers, he likes to magically steal stuff. He’s also just really flamboyant so that makes it extra fun. 
Sin: Sloth
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Ace and aro
Special Interests: Fashion Design. She’s really good at embroidery and sewing and she loves being able to take something old and turn it into something new (Trauma will do that to you lmao). 
Sin: Pride
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Demi & Bi. Eventually, that is. For a long time she’s so focused on herself she can’t bothered to date, but all of us had better stan Redeemed!Carmelita and when she gets to that point she can manage to figure out what she actually likes.  
Special Interests: Herself, primarily, but she also loves writing as time goes on. Nonfiction specifically. Starts because she writes about herself but eventually she figures out she just really likes writing, and really likes calling out cults. 
Sin: Wrath
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): He’s pan just like Lilith but he’s not as flamboyant about it. When anyone flirts with him he gets so excited that he’ll go hide in his bedroom and punch the wall. 
Special Interests: Gardening. He can grow basically anything, in basically any climate. But most people don’t know that because he spends most of his time violently attacking anything in his immediate vicinity. 
Sin: Envy
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Demi, but excitable 
Special Interests: Puzzles. They lay all across his room and he does them all the time. He likes to buy themed ones to do with his siblings, like Thomas Kinkade designs so Dathan can look at the flowers while he does them. 
Sin: Gluttony
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Type of Gay (Because They’re All Gay Disasters): Lesbihonest, we all know this one. 
Special Interests: Baking. She bonds with Sunny over it later on. Also: If and when she reaches the point where she finally snaps and commits murder, she likes to say the best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach and then she hides potassium pills in the food she bakes and gives them so they have a heart attack.
So, those in the VFDiscord might see I switched up some of the names, but I did try to keep them true to the original names we had, I just wanted a couple boys thrown in there. 
So Lilith, Richie, and Veruca are triplets, and the oldest of the bunch (This is in age order btw). They’re fourteen but very nearly fifteen, and they have black hair. 
Then comes Carmelita, she’s thirteen, she has her incredible bright firetruck red hair. 
Last are Dathan, Avery, and Angelica, they’re also triplets, they’re twelve, and they have pale blonde hair. 
I love them and would willingly die for every single one of them, god bless
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frogsandcookies · 4 years
Who ordered a Hunchback of Notre Dame au for Sanders Sides? 
Anyways, this is a song fic Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Logan is Frollo in this, Patton is Esmeralda, Virgil is Quasimodo, and Roman is Phoebus (the latter two are barely mentioned)
Warning: Minor NSFW themes(nothing explicit so don’t worry but Logan does talk about lust), Violence, Mention of death, A lot of religious stuff (Talking about hell and such)
***Edited on 3-28-21 to remove a offensive word from the writing, I apologize for using it in the original, I wasn’t aware that it was a slur. 
Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti Beatae Mariae semper Virgini Beato Michaeli archangelo Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis
The sound of the congregation’s singing bounced off of the towering stone halls, echoing throughout the magnificent cathedral and the surrounding city area. It was haunting, both beautiful and terrifying though the townsfolk paid no attention to it, used to the sound by now. The usually bustling city was quiet and dark, except for one house. Logan Frollo’s manor.
The stone faced man was standing on his balcony that looked over the whole city, his hands clamped tightly on the marble railing. His knuckles were a ghostly white and his teeth clenched together tightly. The deafening cathedral bells began to ring and his eyes snapped to the Notre Dame.
“Damned bells.” He muttered before releasing the thoroughly strangled railing and turning quickly on his heel. His robe swept elegantly behind him following his spin, the wind blowing it back as he strided into his home. Just as the bells ceased their ringing, Logan slammed the mahogany doors to his balcony, his face bearing an wrathful expression.
He was restless, clenching and unclenching his hands as he thought about the events that had occurred the past couple of days.
Logan suddenly stopped and his eyes flicked up to the tall portrait of the Virgin Mary which hung above the grand stone fireplace where a crackling fire was lit. Its eyes seemed to watch his every movement and looked into his soul, reading what he was thinking.
Beata Maria
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
“Beata Maria, Saint Mary, why must you look at me so? You have seen from my actions that I am indeed a righteous man who strives for perfection in the citizens of Paris.” Logan said, looking up to the painting who’s leering seemed to increase as he continued to speak.
“Although my arrogance may seem unjust, I think that all of the contributions I have made to this growing city speak for themselves; of which my virtue I am justly proud. Not many can say they helped exterminate the infestation of travelers that roam about our glorious city, corrupting the weak willed citizens.” Logan added, his tone sounding a bit desperate as he pleaded to the painting.
Beata Maria
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
“The citizens who make up our City of Light are vulgar and common yet I strive to help them reach salvation. Those fools in the Notre Dame do the devil’s work, protecting those wanderers and that freak of a child who I graciously raised.” Logan spat, his anger flaring.
“When I reach Heaven’s pearly gates those weak fools will claw at my feet.” He murmured.
Then tell me, Maria
Why I see him dancing there
Why his smoldering eyes still scorch my soul
There was a jingle of bells and Logan spun around, his glasses nearly falling off of his face as he looked for the source of the all too familiar sound.
“Who’s there?” He called, his hand flitting to his pocket where a silken blue scarf was housed. No one answered his call and Logan yelled once again,”Come out you vile boy!”
Only the crackling of the fire answered him  and Logan turned back around. He ignored the painting’s judging stare as he pulled out the delicate scarf, his hands shaking slightly as he caressed it.
“Why can’t I stop thinking about that witch?!” He muttered angrily. The fire crepitated in response and Logan looked into the red orange flames.
I feel him, I see him
The sun caught in his glowing hair
Is blazing in me out of all control
The dancing of the flames brought his thoughts back to the festival. Where he had met him. The man who had somehow wormed his way into Logan’s cold heart.
The boy had shoulder length caramel locks that seemed to float while he danced on the stage, a tambourine in one hand and a scarf in another. The image of him dancing and wrapping the scarf around Logan’s neck had forever been burned into his mind, no matter how hard he attempted to rid it from his brain.
He still felt disgust towards the younger male but accompanying it was a new feeling as well.
Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning
Is turning me to sin
It was lust. One of the seven deadly sins that the Lord had preached not to commit unless he wanted to be damned to the fiery pits of hell.
And yet, there it was. His skin burned and a pit of fire replaced his soul. This feeling was new. Logan had dedicated himself to the church, working to eliminate the sin and the sinners accompanying it from the world. While his methods were questionable to most, he saw them as the best course of action and so he went forward, destroying homes and imprisoning countless travelers to the city.
Destroying the nomads had always been his mission; it was as though he had been birthed to do it. He never had time to take his turn with romance, always caught up in his work and never meeting anyone who caught his eye.
Until the festival. The event that had spurred an emotion in him that he had never felt before.
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It is the g**** boy
The witch who sent this flame
Logan snapped out of his thoughts and looked back up to the painting who’s stare was cold, much like his own.
“It’s not my fault!” He snapped before saying,”It’s that beastly dancing boy’s fault! He cursed me, got me trapped in his ungodly spell! He was the one to light this fire inside me, I am innocent!”
The fire seemed to roar at this and Logan stopped back, still gripping the scarf tightly in his hands.
It's not my fault
If in God's plan
He made the devil so much
Stronger than a man
“Maria why must I be at fault?! God created me with the intention of tempting me with this sin! But also made the devil to overpower me and damn me to hell!” Logan yelled.
“I am not to blame for this sin, the devil has come and planted this seed in my soul, one that I cannot begin to understand nor control! I am a man of God and yet he still tries to damn me! If in his plan to make the Devil stronger, why must I be included! Oh mother Maria!” Logan shrieked, hitting his fist against the cold stone wall as an emphasis for his words.
Protect me, Maria
“Mary, queen of Heaven, protect me from this sin and allow me to continue following the path to salvation!” Logan said, breathing heavily.
Don't let this siren cast his spell
Don't let his fire sear my flesh and bone
The flames continued to dance, showing him more images of the curly haired youth and Logan screamed in rage.
“Don’t let this witch, this siren continue to tempt me! Wipe him from this Earthly plain and let him dance in hell with the devil! His fire, this fire, burns; it scorches my soul and this temptation is ungodly!” He shrieked.
Destroy Patton Fairhope
And let him taste the fires of hell
Or else let him be mine and mine alone
Logan knew that while this might be a sin, he could try and reform the young male, try and redeem his soul. Without his guidance though, there was no hope and the fire within him would not be quenched until the male--Patton-- had met his own kind of fire. The ever burning fires of the underworld.
Logan spun around, shoving the sky blue scarf back into his robe pocket as the door swung open. In the doorway stood an armor clad soldier, his face cast in shadow due to the light being emitted from behind him.
“Minister Frollo. The g**** has escaped.” The soldier said.
Logan froze, rage bubbling up inside of his as he said,”What?”
“He’s nowhere in the cathedral. He’s gone.” The soldier elaborated.
Logan ran a hand through his thinning hair as a wrathful expression wormed its way onto his face and the soldier stepped back nervously.
“But how did…” He paused, collecting himself and dawning a neutral expression which was just as unnerving at the angry one. “Nevermind. Get out you idiot.” He snarled, waving the soldier back as he turned back to the fireplace, the flames reflecting his swirling emotions.
As the guard closed the door, he faced the fire, adding,”I’ll find him if I have to burn down all of Paris.”
Dark fire
“Hellfire. Darkfire. That idiot can run but nothing can match the troops of Paris. If he wants hell, then I shall bring it to him.” Logan snarled, wringing the scarf as he continued to talk.
Now g****, it's your turn
Choose me or
Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
“If that witch wants to live then he will wisely choose to accept my offer of forgiveness. If he refuses then may he be burned at the stake like all of those other sinners.” Logan said, smirking as he remembered the many others who he had damned to the stake.
“Not everyone is as fortunate to have won my favor. Choose wisely.” He murmured to the scarf before casting it into the flames. The delicate fabric immediately caught flame and the garment was ash within a span of several seconds. Logan looked up the Virgin Mary painting once more, looking smug before turning away.
God have mercy on him
God have mercy on me
“May God be with him as he decides on his fate. And may God be with me and let this boy join me so we can walk the path of salvation together.” Logan said.
But he will be mine
Or he will burn!
“But let there be no doubt. He will be mine or he will burn. And may that foolish captain and that freak burn with him should he choose this path.” Logan said, staring at the Notre Dame through the stained glass windows where the monster he had raised resided.
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Hiii I accidentally jumped in dramione fandom, and I'm looking for good stuff for this weekend. Could pls tell me your 5 (or more)favorite dramione fics ever? Thanks!
I hope you like it here and stay with us… forever. LOL (Honestly, we have the best fics and authors in the entire HP fandom.)
Here are some of my all-time favourite Dramione fics (you can also check out my fic rec tag):
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR: Six months post-war, Malfoy is in serious trouble. He’s on the run from the Ministry, Death Eaters, and a deadly curse which is eating him alive. When he hits rock bottom, a change in fortune lands him in 12 Grimmauld Place under the Ministry’s custody - and forces Hermione to remember the secrets they’ve both kept for years. Dramione, Sick!Draco, flashbacks to Hogwarts, hurt. Rated: M - Chapters: 24 - Words: 260,266
Manacled by SenLinYu: Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret locked away in her mind. She is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, to be bred and monitored until it can be accessed. COMPLETE. Rated: M - Chapters: 77 - Words: 384,000
Isolation by Bex-chan: He can’t leave the room. Her room. And it’s all the Order’s fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something’s going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. “There,” she spat. “Now your Blood’s filthy too!” DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with epilogue. Rated: M - Chapters: 49 - Words: 284,050
Five Days by RavieSnake: No one knows that they are missing. No one knows where they are. No one knows that they are trapped. No one knows that they are dying. Dramione. WINNER for Best Drama/Angst and Best Tragedy in the Winter 2017 Dramione Fanfiction Awards! Rated: M - Chapters: 14 - Words: 32,001
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes: Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione’s quiet, post-war life will never be the same. Rated: T - Chapters: 43 - Words: 270,571
The Politician’s Wife by pir8fancier: Hermione hates Draco in the springtime, Hermione hates Draco in the fall, Hermione hates Draco 247. Rated: M - Chapters: 14 - Words: 68,629
The Revenant by atalanta84: Sometimes fate brings us far from home, and sometimes it brings us back again. When a friend’s mysterious death causes Draco Malfoy to return to Britain, he is finally forced to face his past, and the love he left behind. A story about second chances. Rated: M - Chapters: 10 - Words: 67,866
The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting: Ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Hermione Granger leads of life of self-imposed obscurity, that is, until the day Headmistress Minerva McGonagall is murdered and a certain ‘hero’ is responsible. DM/HG, written originally in 2007-2008, and finally making its debut here! AU, DH-EWE, non-canon elements, time travel, character death, etc. Rated: M - Chapters: 28 - Words: 229,334
The Dragon’s Bride by Rizzle: 7th year. Draco & Hermione awaken in a Muggle hotel room, naked, hung-over and tattooed. They also happen to be married. Thus begin a desperate search for a solution to their sticky situation. Rated: M - Chapters: 61 - Words: 225,164
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen: COMPLETE: Hermione’s eighth year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but it is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron, how will she cope? [AU/Dramione] Prevalent alchemy. Rated: M - Chapters: 70 - Words: 306,322
Thirteenth Night by Nelpher: When Hermione is assigned to keep tabs on a memory-charmed Draco, she is faced with a decision that could change her life forever. Rated: M - Words: 77,997 Chapters: 23
Ordinary People by inadaze22: “Let me be clear about something tonight, Granger. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted. It’s always been you.” Draco steps in the fireplace, drops the Floo powder, and disappears in a burst of green flames. Rated: M - Chapters: 18 - Words: 133,759
This, Too, Is Sacred by HeartOfAspen: COMPLETE: An ancient power has required generations of purebloods to pledge their lives to the blood pact. Draco has long known he was born to uphold this tradition… but Hermione’s parents have secrets, hidden details about her heritage, and soon it will be her turn to cast in with fate. [Dramione AU] Fantastic cover art by Witches-Britches. Rated: M - Chapters: 23 - Words: 90,994
Gravity by luckei1: It’s about arranging stacks of books, wall colours, and jumping off a cliff. Draco/Hermione Rated: T - Chapters: 10 - Words: 87,155
Dystopia (new version) by Rizzle: Kidnapped and expecting to be abandoned to his fate, Draco Malfoy writes a personal account of recent life, love and loss after the end of the Second Wizarding War. His story encompasses two unforgivable acts, a wedding, a divorce, a kidnapping and maybe, just maybe…a rescue. Rated: M - Chapters: 15 - Words: 19,885 
A Slow Cruel Descent by SenLinYu: The war grinds on and Hermione Granger is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves Draco Malfoy. “He stared at her in disgust. She looked— broken. The fire she’d still had when she was dragged in was now extinguished. Her eyes were locked on his face like she were memorizing him.” Rated: M - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,687 (Sequel: A Fragile Ascent)
Heavy Lies the Crown by luckei1: For seven years, Draco has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and just when he thinks he’ll be released, something happens that will make him seek help from the last person he could have imagined. Rated: M - Chapters: 36 - Words: 289,967
To Wear a Dragon’s Skin by creativelymundane: When Bellatrix Lestrange takes control of the wizarding world after the demise of Voldemort, the remnants of the Order keep fighting. Seven years later, Draco brings Hermione a piece of magic that might be the key to finally ending the war. Together they will destroy Bellatrix Lestrange or die trying. Violence, Implicit Rape, Sexual Situations. Rated: M - Chapters: 26 - Words: 137,484
A Pound of Flesh by PennilynNovus: One night at a strip club, Hermione is faced with someone from her past, and an opportunity too good to pass up. What starts as revenge quickly grows into something else, and she may find it to be more than she can handle. Limes, Lemons, M. Rated: NC-17 - Chapters: 33
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy by Countess of Abe: Draco loves his son more than anything in the world. So, when his ex-wife plans to take his son away, Draco asks the most unlikely person for help. Hermione must decide whether changing her entire life is worth helping the man she hates unconditionally. Rated: M - Chapters: 25 - Words: 136,998
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach: “It’s a veritable PTSD tour. With pastries. And hand-skimmed clotted cream. And Hermione has no idea why she’s doing it, but it’s becoming very apparent that she is.” Sometimes you’re sad. Sometimes you need dessert. And sometimes, it’s a little of both. [COMPLETE, DRAMIONE] Rated: M - Chapters: 30 - Words: 80,226
Fairy Stone by Colubrina: Draco is sentenced to one year in Azkaban, release contingent upon someone willing to vouch for his good behavior. Hermione does. “Oh, I want you,” he said. “You, just you, always you. You forever and you for always and you until the bloody sun explodes.” Dramione. COMPLETE. Rated: M - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,827
The Mountain and The Sea by Alexis.Danaan: Hermione Granger was perfectly happy with her life, her job as a Healer Trainee, her ugly cat and her cute little house in the countryside. And then Draco Malfoy had to go and mess that all up, typical git. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, OOC, creature!fic. 18 Rated: M - Chapters: 12 - Words: 43,464
Celestial Navigation by phlox: Lost, without direction, unable to find your way home? Coming soon, a new Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes Ekeltronic to guide you on your journey! *Your mileage may vary.*Rated: T - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,640
Waiting Room by Nelpher: A series of encounters with Draco Malfoy in the waiting room at St. Mungo’s teaches Hermione about love, friendship, and the intersection thereof. Rated: T - English Words: 61,418 Chapters: 14
Voices by Kyonomiko: Hermione has long accepted she might not make it through the war alive, but after years on the battlefield, she never expected to be at the mercy of Draco Malfoy. Not untouched by his own experiences, his manic behavior leaves her living in constant fear of the unknown, suffering both affections and afflictions at his hands. Rated: M - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,724
Friend Number Three by riptey: COMPLETE - How do you deal with the Pureblood aristocracy, Ministry corruption, Muggle culture invasions, and constant questions about your love life while juggling more than two friends and not being a total jerk? Don’t ask Draco: he doesn’t know. D/Hr Rated: T - Chapters: 26 - Words: 138,388
Seven Days In April by inadaze22: They were still the same people with the same problems on either side of a bathroom door. Rated: T - Chapters: 7 - Words: 40,097 
Everything Changes by inadaze22: “Thank you for cheating on me, Ron. It’s the best thing you could’ve done. Thank you for stopping me from making the worst mistake of my life.” My first Dramione story. Rated M for strong language and sexual content. Rated: M - Chapters: 17 - Words: 76,191 
Out of the Silent Planet by ianthe_waiting: Post-Hogwarts - Hermione Granger fulfills Severus Snape’s final wish, to journey to Japan to ‘retrieve’ something of importance. Set eleven years after HBP. Rated: NC-17 - Chapters: 39 - Words: 229,710
Ardent Bonds by Musyc: Maybe it was wrong to think about this, maybe it was horrible to even consider, but if Draco Malfoy liked to dominate, she couldn’t stop herself from picturing it. Picturing him. Rated: E - Words: 16,741 - Chapters: 1
Seven Times by kerriclifford240879: Seven times can mean a lifetime of change. Rated: M - Chapters: 7 - Words: 16,526
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iwrestlenow · 4 years
Many More To Die - Chapter 4
TITLE: Many More To Die (Chapter 4)
FANDOM: Sanders Sides (Necromancer AU)
SUMMARY: Roman discovers that even the power of a king has its limits--but at least he has the power to help Logan in one critical fashion.
Logan is a needy wreck, and can't figure out which way is up, and as desperately as he needs someone--one man--to hold his hand through it all? It only makes things worse somehow.
Meanwhile, through all of this, another chess piece steps out of the shadows and onto the game board--and he's not going anywhere until he gets what, and who, he came for.
SHIPS: Logince (Logan/Roman), future Moceit (Patton/Janus) and Dukexiety (Remus/Virgil)
WARNINGS: Panic attack, but that’s it for this chapter. It’s mostly me having feelings, being TOTALLY UNABLE TO STOP WRITING WHAT THE HELL SOMEONE SAVE ME XD, and more self indulgent garbage that just felt good to write. So there. :P
Also, no betas, we die like men.
NOTES: This is based on the gorgeous piece of art by @gretacticdraws that can be found here. I ended up writing a ficlet for it, and then my brain got swallowed up. Breathe at me wrong, and I’ll write more…hell, who am I kidding? I’ll write more anyway because this? Is self indulgent drivel. XD
Also located at AO3 over here.
“Lord Janus? I want this man dead.”
“Certainly, Your Majesty.”
“Please—mercy, Your Majesty!”
“Now hang on there just a gosh darn, berry pickin', mother lovin' moment, buster! Janny, if you know what's good for you, you will just stop with this nonsense and put the flippin' sword down!”
Roman would have burst out laughing if he wasn't fighting so hard to keep his composure. It could hardly be helped—Patton came up to Logan's shoulder, but only just, and was standing in his cell with his hands on his hips, glaring at the captain of the royal guard like he was a child being scolded for a broken dish.
Janus hardly looked intimidated—but the fact that he stilled after drawing his sword, leaving a terrified guard trembling against the bars of the cell next to Logan's was telling. Seven years, Lord Janus had served as the head of the assassins' corps before retiring to become the captain of the royal guard. Roman had heard stories, but never met the man until today, which was hardly unusual given that Janus was a drake—the son of a human and a dragon. They were notoriously gifted shapeshifters, even with a handicap like his.
Lord Janus was powerful, deadly, and highly skilled at remaining an enimga...but a hobbled child necromancer in a cell had the power to stay his hand.
Janus raised an eyebrow at Patton, but finally glanced at Roman.
Roman nodded. Janus refocused on the guard, pushing the tip of his sword against the hollow of his throat, hard enough to draw blood.
“Majesty, I beg you! I don't want to die!” the guard begged.
Roman let out a bemused little laugh.
“How strange,” he replied as calmly as he could manage, “I was under the impression you did, given the fact that you refused, a second time, to obey a direct order from your king.”
“The Necromata must be bound! It's the law!”
“I am the law!”
Storming up to the guard, Roman let his emotions fuel him—exhaustion, grief, anger, confusion, and the tearing, unspeakable ache that throbbed through him every time his gaze ventured too close to the open door of the cell where Logan still leaned.
The wail he'd let out when Roman pulled free of his grip to order the cell door opened was going to haunt his sleep. The way he stood now, so carefully still, features so meticulously schooled into calm, unfeeling lines, was going to rob him of that breath of life Logan had only just returned to him.
“I am the king now, and I am the ultimate authority.” Roman spat. “Now, I fully understand the need to shackle a prisoner being removed from his cell, but as far as I am concerned, this man is no longer a prisoner here.”
“You can't--”
“I think you'll find that I can.”
“Your Majesty.”
Roman turned at the sound of Logan's voice, cool and even but too quiet, hoarse and thick with the tears he'd finally managed to stop from streaming down his face.
“The law is such that the king cannot overrule it.” Logan declared with deceptive calm. “The Necromata, once imprisoned by the royal family, can only be pardoned for the crimes of their birth with the blessing of the people. A vote, if you will...and no such vote has ever been successfully passed.”
“How do you know this?”
“I have been here for ten years with little more to do than read. I have the entire legal code of the Kingdoms and the criminal rules of order memorized, along with the family tree of the royal family and all available star maps of the area.”
Roman wanted to scream. He wanted to hit something—for a terrible moment, he wanted to order Janus to proceed with the guard's execution for real, rather than just trying to make a point.
Then inspiration struck—bright, blinding, and blessed as it filled him with light.
“My order will still be obeyed.” Roman announced. “These two necromancers—they may not be pardoned, but they will be imprisoned at my pleasure...and it is my pleasure to have them confined to guest quarters upstairs. Have extra guards posted at all available palace entrances. They are not to leave the grounds until the vote has been passed. Successfully.”
He shot a look at the offending guard.
“And the first person to shackle either one of them without violent provocation will be hung at dawn.”
Janus lowered his sword and slid it back into its sheath—the cane he'd been carrying with him—before moving to Roman's side.
“Bit extreme, don't you think, Majesty?” he murmured once he was close enough to ensure that only Roman would hear him.
“My father is dead, Lord Janus.” Roman shot back bleakly. “I have yet to shed a single tear for him--'extreme' feels like an appropriate response right about now.”
“Touche. Of course—and it has nothing to do with the traumatized necromancer you're apparently well acquainted with?”
Roman didn't answer as he moved towards the open door of the cell. Standing before Logan, he extended his hand...
...then suddenly realized that was a bad idea as he put his hand back down again.
********** More.
Logan could hardly string a single coherent thought together around the constant chant in his mind, his marrow, his soul for the prince to touch him again. He couldn't let him, not when it was so agonizing, fire and pressure and somehow affecting every nerve in his body when it was focused on such a small area...
More. More. More.
He didn't understand why restraining himself was so hard. It hurt, it was clearly doing him some kind of physical and psychological harm...and yet he wanted. Needed.
He couldn't remember ever experiencing the sensation.
It very nearly caused another panic attack when the prince dropped his offered hand—and that was another problem entirely, standing before a cell door standing wide open, and the use of the word pardon being thrown around like it wasn't capable of changing the world as Logan knew it—but the pause that seemed to last for an eternity must have only been a few seconds long.
Because a moment later, the Green Man—the prince—was reaching into his pocket and producing a pair of pristine white gloves. A missing piece of the military uniform, how had Logan not noticed? He usually noticed things like that...
When he finished tugging them on, he offered his hand to Logan again. He said nothing...just waited.
Logan shook with the force of effort it took to reach, slowly, to accept the offered hand. The gloves blocked some of that heat from skin to skin contact—and when he gently folded his fingers around Logan's, barely any pressure, it was still intense...but better.
“All good, Berry?”
Logan looked into his eyes sharply, the name ricocheting around in his skull in a manner he hadn't experienced in literal years—not since he'd first discovered his power was awakening again, all concussive force and electricity crawling against the underside of his skin.
All at once, the years fell away, and he was asleep in his cell that first terrible night, dreaming of every monstrous shadow transforming into a protector as green eyes lit the dark.
He opened his mouth to answer yes, he was fine—then realized...
“I do not know which of the princes you are.” he admitted with a bemused huff.
That got a smile from the other man—too brief, far too brief before it fractured to pieces, a crystal goblet slammed to the floor, raining shards of razor sharp light.
“Roman.” he replied. “Pr—King Thomas Roman II, but you may address me by my name.”
“Hardly acceptable, is it, Majesty?” Janus mused.
“Given that my life is currently in this man's hands—and the future of my father—I'd say he's earned a few niceties, Lord Janus.” Roman announced, raising his voice to ensure everyone within earshot was aware of it. Logan had a strange feeling that Lord Janus spoke up for precisely that purpose, to make his situation known.
Logan's, not Roman's—Logan knew that anyone with a shred of loyalty to the king would probably kill him if given the chance. There was no question that someone would likely accuse a necromancer with ties to the crown prince of the murder. Fear for Roman's safety would keep him protected.
Janus was that kind of man, shrewd and shameless—Logan knew precious little about Prince Roman, but to discover that he was equally blessed with the gift of strategy was...intriguing.
“Lord Janus, see to it that Logan's cell mate is made comfortable, and shown around the north wing of the palace. That is where I would prefer they spend the bulk of their time.” Roman declared. “I will take custody of this prisoner myself. When you are done, I want you, the dungeon master, the head prison mage, and a heart healer in the war room, immediately. Send for my brother as well.”
“Yes, Your Majesty—but I cannot send you alone.” Janus replied. Surveying the guards in their presence, and grimacing with impatience, he finally took a few steps down the corridor and flagged down another guard.
“You! Fetch the cadet from the graveyard patrol, now! I want him on the king's detail.”
Roman nodded his thanks, finally turning his attention back on Logan. Between those green eyes and the warm pressure enfolding his hand, ravaging his nerves and making his chest throb with pure emotion, he wasn't sure he could stand it much longer without losing his composure.
“Are you all right?” Roman asked quietly, stepping closer and into Logan's personal space. Strangely, Logan realized he could feel that as well, radiant heat and buzzing static crawling across his skin, too close and not enough and everything.
More. More. More.
“I am not.” he admitted. “Hardly unusual, given that touch starvation is a common condition among the Necromata, to say nothing of the Claim.”
“The Claim? What's that?”
Logan's mouth snapped shut, very real panic rising in his chest again.
“Whoah—Logan? Logan, breathe. Look at me, you need to breathe.”
The Claim. He knew, knew what Logan had done, was holding his hand and Logan could feel it, but now he'd spoken about the Claim, about his power, and he was going to die this time...
...two...three...four...hold for one...two...three...four...five...
“That's it, Logan. There you go, can you do it again?”
...good job, now again: in for one...two...three...four...
Pressure. Pressure, pressure, pressure, everywhere, pressure pressure unrelenting pressure...
Logan blinked, attention snapping to the young man suddenly standing in front of him. He was nearly Logan's height, with straight black hair that hung in dark eyes, flinty as stone.
“Name five things you can see.”
“Do it. Five things.”
Logan shook his head, and almost immediately his gaze was drawn back to Roman.
“Green Man.” he managed to reply. Roman smiled, and Logan felt that mantra start tattooing itself against the inside of his skull, blotting out the fear and panic.
“Okay, keep going. Let's keep going.”
Logan only realized they were moving because Roman still held his hand, was tugging him with the barest of pressure—and Logan's traitorous body followed. Between the cadet, demanding Logan name more things he could see, along with touch, smell, hear, and taste, and Roman's silent encouragement, he found himself moving out of his cell and towards the stairs of the dungeon.
Moving up each stair. Moving through the gate, and into the palace...moving, traveling, with only Roman's hand to restrain him.
Then he was in the palace, above the dungeons...and if he never saw the outside world again, Logan still felt like he could call himself a free man.
********** “Thank you.”
The cadet flinched a little, looking towards the king. “What?”
“Thank you.” King Roman repeated, still crouched motionless by the chair the prisoner had all but collapsed into. He'd basically passed out when they reached the war room, but didn't seem to be in any distress—just exhausted and overstimulated.
“That trick, focusing on his surroundings—it's greatly appreciated.” he went on, his gaze never leaving the sleeping man's face. He still held his hand, like he might vanish if he let him go. “How did you know it would work?”
The cadet had to grit his teeth for a second, finding himself watching the sleeping prisoner despite his best efforts not to. He looked...well, he looked like shit, and it was hard. It was so hard to watch, but he had to do it.
He was finally here, and he had to make sure that he didn't screw up again.
“I have anxiety.” he finally replied, keeping his tone even. “Nightmares, panic attacks, the works. My brother used to help me through them with tricks like that. He'd have me focus on my surroundings, or make me pick out colors—he even made me a special blanket to help me sleep. It, uh—it might be good for him? The guard who got me mentioned that this necromancer can feel your touch? If he's not used to contact, it could...”
“You'd be willing to do that?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Go and fetch it, then.”
“Sir, I was ordered to stay with you.”
“I'm the king. I overrule your orders.” King Roman replied.
The cadet lifted his gaze to the king's face, his stomach sinking when he realized he was being stared at. Hard.
Ohhhhh, shit.
“You don't call me 'Majesty.' Why?”
The cadet tried to be discreet about taking a steadying breath as he shrugged. “You have a pet necromancer now. All due respect, but I don't think you'll have the job long.”
“What do you know about necromancers?”
“I know they're not evil. Only reason I'm still here is that you seem to know it, too.”
King Roman nodded, gaze flicking down before it returned to the sleeping necromancer.
“Cadet...do you know what a Claim is?”
The cadet swallowed thickly. No...oh no.
“It's a binding ritual.” the cadet replied. “The Necromata are capable of manipulating death, but when they can't? They take it.”
“No—into themselves. They take the victim's dying breath, infuse it with their blood, and return it to the person it belongs to. That way, when the victim's time comes, they survive it.”
The cadet looked to the necromancer again.
Gods, Loganberry—what did you do?
“And the necromancer dies in their place.”
To his credit, the king paled, his free hand lifting to touch Logan's hair like the cadet itched to—so close for the first time in ten years, but he couldn't even comfort him.
He had to stay put. By the door, protecting the king and his charge.
After a decade, Virgil was finally, finally within reach of Logan in every way that mattered, and he would die before he jeopardized his one chance to save him.
Virgil was the one who got his big brother caught and imprisoned in the first place—he was damn well going to make sure that he was the one to set things right.
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a-strange-inkling · 5 years
Rated T (for suggestive content and language)
Summary: Only in another life would Sakura ever hate Sasuke, and even then it’s debatable. Though in a different sky, the stars always follow the same pattern (RTN AU, First Chapter of Story that I’ve been working on) 
"You aren't mad at me, are you Sakura?" 
Ah. There they were. 
Uchiha Sasuke's infamous Puppy-Dog Eyes. 
Haruno Sakura held back a sneer as she turned her attention back to the romance novel she was currently indulging, not in the mood for any of her overly hormonal team mate's antics.  The sweet, childlike innocence in those round, onyx orbs of his was as sincere as a tray of fucking cheese. Sasuke knew better than anyone that she was mad at him. 
She was always mad at him. 
"Sa-ku-ra..." he cooed, trying again for her attention, speaking her name at a low and chilling octave, knowing she hated when he did that.
The Fourth Hokage's daughter only snorted at the sound of her name rolling seductively off his lips, before pivoting her entire body away from him, crossing her legs with a steely grace.  
Sasuke rolled his eyes, unable to repress the smirk that had been playing at the corner of his mouth. "Well, I must have really hit close to the mark this time, you're even pulling out your age-old Ice Queen persona." 
Sakura simply glared at the written text in front of her, refusing to get in yet another spat with the arrogant boy. However, the young Uchiha had not quite given up yet, he knew one particular trick that would get to the cold young woman.
"You know, no one has mastered the silent treatment quite like you, Sakura-chan."
"Don't call me that." Sakura hissed quickly, shooting him one of her nastiest looks. She never let him call her that.
Sasuke's smirk deepened. "Seems there is still some room for improvement though." 
"Look, there is a pair of breasts right over there, Sasuke!" she exclaimed with feigned excitement, pointing to a fairly pretty brunette who was making her way down the street. "Why don't you go bother them for a while?"  
Sasuke eyed the passing young woman thoughtfully, mildly interested, before shaking his head and turning his attention back to the spunky rosette. "Shouldn't do that, you might get jealous, then you'd be even madder at me." 
Sakura stood then, abruptly, closing her book with a resounding snap, as she put distance between herself and the young Uchiha. 
"Come on, Sakura!" he called after her, growing annoyed as the kunochi went to find another place to wait for the rest of their squad. She was secretly pleased that his voice had an agitated edge to it instead of the usual carefree ring that usually resounded from his mouth. "Are you going to be like this the whole mission?" 
Silently, with her unparalleled grace, the kunochi leapt up several branches of a nearby oaktree, before settling back down with her book.  It was all of nine seconds before Sasuke was perched behind her, peering over her shoulder. 
"...how's your latest 'Kiss Handsome Boy' book?" he asked coyly. 
"The hero is not handsome, he's deformed," Sakura replied with a roll of her eyes.  "What's compelling about him is how deeply he loves and how loyal he is... Something you wouldn't know anything about." 
"Deformed as in one side of his otherwise attractive face," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Oh, is there a scar over one of his eyes? Or is he missing a limb?" 
Sakura looked skyward in agitation. 
"Heh." Sasuke smirked. "He's just missing a limb isn't he?" 
"Would you just leave me alone, please?" Sakura asked him with a sigh, shifting down the branch. 
"Oh, come on, aren't you going to tell me more about your hero?" the Uchiha asked smugly. "I bet he's all brooding and tortured with a tragic past, and I'm sure only you can save him." 
Sakura growled in agitation before closing the book once more and placing it in her back pouch before turning her jade orbs on the Uchiha playboy.
"Okay, Sasuke, you win," she said, crossing her arms. "You have my attention, now what the hell do you want?" 
"Hey," Sasuke put his hands up in surrender. "I'm just trying to find out why you're mad at me, Sakura-chan, it's not good for a team to go on a mission with unresolved issues." 
"I'm not mad at you, Sasuke." she said evenly. "I just genuinely can't stand you." 
"Aw." Sasuke chided, swinging his legs over the branch to let them swing. "We both know that's not true, we used to be friends once, you even used to call me Sasuke-kun, remember?" 
"I was just a stupid kid back then," she replied. "Now, would you leave me alone, it's bad enough I have to spend a whole week with you." 
The infamous playboy placed a hand over his heart. "Ah, you wound me, Sakura-chan... Don't you care at all about the importance of teamwork?" 
"Oh, are you going to lecture me about teamwork?" she asked him. "You, the one who abandoned the team to flirt with that busty nimrod last time?" 
"You're so high and mighty, you know that?" He scoffed. "Sorry that I like to enjoy myself once in a while and talk to people, unlike Menma who can barely form coherent words around women, and you, because you're too busy trying to keep up you're frigid bitch facade." 
"Wow, Sasuke." Sakura gave him a mocking grin. "And you wonder why I don't like you." 
"That's your problem, you don't like anyone," Sasuke explained matter-o-factly. "That's why you're so lonely all the time." 
She felt her breathing hitch and her whole body stiffen at the word. 
What did he just say?
"How would you know?" she asked lowly. "You don't know a damn thing about being alone."
"Sakura..." he began, realizing he had gone a little overboard.  She was just so harsh sometimes, he couldn't help it. "I didn't mean it like that, I just..." 
"You're so damn annoying! Acting like you actually know me!" she exclaimed, so angry she didn't know what to do with herself. "Why don't you just keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand!?"  She stood up and leapt down from the tree, unwilling to wait around with him a moment more. 
Luckily, Menma appeared, walking up the cobbled path, giving her a shy smile. "M-morning, Sakura-chan."
"Hello, Menma." she replied with a sigh of relief. "It's so good to see you." 
"It really is," Sasuke replied, jumping down from his perch. "I'll have a witness in case Sakura-chan tries to do me in." 
Menma sighed to himself. It seemed this would be another mission of tension between his two teammates.  "Hey, Sasuke... M-my mom made cookies for the journey if you guys want some," he told them, holding out a brown paper bag where his mother had drawn a lopsided smiley face.  It was an immature tactic to make peace, but it was effective more times than not. 
"Ah!" Sasuke exclaimed, helping himself. "Let me at 'em! Kushina-san's cookies are always the best!" 
"Sakura-chan?" Menma encouraged her to take one, trying not to blush. 
"No thanks, Menma." Sakura replied, putting up a hand.  "I'm on a cleanse, but they smell delicious." 
"A cleanse?" Menma asked. 
"Probably for the best." Sasuke nodded. "They’re too sweet to share with someone so bitter. Not to mention you've been growing a little thicker around the middle." 
Menma cringed in fear. Did Sasuke just call her fat? Did he dare? So much for his peace cookies. Maybe he should try dumplings next time.
A sort of dark shadow fell over Sakura's eyes as she shot a deadly glare up at her raven-haired teammate. 
Sasuke smirked in response. "Sorry, koishii, that doesn't work on me." 
Sakura had a talent for scaring off her many admirers with that dark look alone, however, that frightening attitude of hers had an opposite effect on Sasuke.
 He wasn't afraid, only amused. 
"Heh," she replied, startling him a bit and switching gears as an easy smile spread across her face, mirroring his own. That may not work on him, but she knew something that would. "On second thought, I would love a cookie."
She strode past him then, with a little extra swing of her hips, purposefully knocking her shoulder with his own as she did so, and took a large round cookie from the offered bag."Thanks, Menma-kun, you're so sweet!"
Surprising both her male teammates, the kunoichi leaned up and brushed her lips against Menma's cheek as a token of her appreciation, making the blonde turn seven different shades of red and Sasuke's smirk diminish a little. 
"Da...uh... N-no problem, Sakura-chan." the poor boy stuttered, his hands clenching around the cookie bag, lost somewhere between pure joy and mortification.  His mom was right.  Sweets were the way to a girl's heart! 
Sakura turned and smirked triumphantly at Sasuke, glad to see his own had melted into a displeased frown, as she took a slow enticing bite of the cookie.  "Mmm... you're right, Sasuke, these really are the best." 
"Hn." he hummed. "Careful you don't choke, Sakura."
"Good morning, students!" Kakashi greeted, interrupting the spat. 
"Ah, right on time as always, Sensei." Sasuke waved before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Where are we off to today?" 
"Tell me." 
"No, go away." 
"C'mon, just tell me what's bothering you." 
"No! Stop that! Get the hell away from me!" 
"Look, I'll stop bugging you for the rest of the journey if you just tell me." 
"Please, Sakura," Kakashi begged from where he was leading the three teenagers. "For all our sakes, take him up on that offer." 
Menma nodded in agreement.  It was hard to focus on reading the map with those two bickering behind him. 
"I'm not giving in to his whining." the rosette replied angrily.  "...I'm going on ahead to scout." 
With that, she leapt away into the trees and disappeared from sight.  Sasuke moved to jump after her. 
"Sasuke, give her some space,"  Kakashi commanded.  
"Heh, she's not getting away that easily." was the ninja's careless and insubordinate reply.  
Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Sasuke knew Sakura. He had known her his whole life and she really wasn't the icy, badass bitch she made herself out to be.  She had been putting up with his normal bullshit for years with the usual scoff or roll of the eyes, whatever he had done most recently must have really upset her.  
And, truth be told, he wasn't all too happy with her either. 
"I can't really be sorry for something if I didn't even know what I did, you know?" he told her once he caught up with the angry kunoichi.  "Come on, I genuinely want to know what's wrong." 
"You, genuine?" she scoffed. 
"Okay, I don't deserve that," he told her. "We're not thirteen anymore, your lousy attitude is not going to send me into the corner feeling bad about what I did. I'm human, I make mistakes.  Not all of us can be perfect like you..." 
"You see, that's exactly what gets on my nerves." she turned on him then, her finger pointed right into his face. "You think everything is about you." 
"Well, isn't this about me?" he asked. "Isn't that why you haven't spoken to me for days, this morning, and that stunt with Menma you did to try and get me jealous." 
"Ha! Don't flatter yourself." 
"Well, you were." he laughed. "Unfortunately, I'm not the jealous type like you." 
That earned him a glare. "Whatever makes you feel better, Sasuke." 
"Look," he sighed. "Is this really going to be the whole mission? Can we just..." 
"Ino is not one of those girls!" she exclaimed. 
"What?" Sasuke asked, dumbfounded. 
"Ino," she remarked. "You know, my best friend? She's not like those girls you hang out with, the ones who enjoy flirting with you as much as you enjoy flirting with them.  She's shy, even more so than Menma, anytime a guy gives her any attention she takes it to heart. She took you flirting with her seriously." 
"Who are we even talking about?" he asked, confused. 
"INO!" Sakura exclaimed.  "She's been in every class with both of us since the Academy. Blonde haired, blue-green eyes, wears five layers of clothing." 
"Ohhhhh." Sasuke realized. "The stuttering girl... she's your friend still, huh?" 
"Kami." Sakura hissed, turning and jumping to another branch.  
"Look, Sakura, wait," Sasuke called after her. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean anything by it, it was Shikamaru's idea, it was all just a joke." 
"Just a joke?" Sakura asked him. "Hurting a girl's feelings and making her feel foolish for believing you were actually genuine is not a joke... do you know how hard it was for me to tell her what you're really like, that you didn't actually like her, you were just messing with her?" 
"Look, it was stupid," he sighed, jumping and landing beside her once more. "I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well, you tell her that next time you see her," she quipped. "Maybe she'll forgive you." 
"Fine, mama bear, I will."  he sighed, placing a heavy hand on her shoulder. "As usual, you're blowing this way out of proportion." 
She shoved his hand away and crossed her arms. "I told you what was bothering me, wasn't that the deal? Now stop bugging me for the rest of the trip." 
With that she jumped away again, not slowing down, leaving Sasuke to stare after her. 
Kami, that girl. She drove him absolutely crazy. 
They set up camp and Team 7 had fallen into a not so easy silence.  Sasuke had been true to his word and let Sakura alone, but the tension from before was still sizzling in the air as they went about their tasks. It was all standard teenage shit for Kakashi, but Menma was always uncomfortable with any sort of discourse, especially between his only two friends, and found himself actually missing their bickering. This competitive silence was somehow worse. 
Once they all settled around the fire, Menma had calculated that no one had spoken for an hour and twenty-three minutes. While he was a quiet fellow, himself, this was just ridiculous. He turned to Kakashi with a pleading look. 
Do something, Sensei! 
But the silver-haired jonin was looking over their map, planning for the next morning, quite content with the silence, no matter how awkward it was. Menma turned to his right to see Sakura at the farthest end of the fire, her nose in her book, legs crossed and body pivoted away from them all.  To his left sat Sasuke, sharpening his kunai, a full pout on his face as he watched Sakura's back. Menma had never seen him so grumpy. Though bothering Sakura was his lifeblood, being cut off for even an hour seemed to have negative effects. 
Menma, knowing it was up to him to break the ice, squeezed his cookie bag in dread. He hated bringing attention to himself, but if it was for the good of his team, he would do it.  He glanced around before choosing the member of his squad he currently liked best to try to engage with.  While it was a wide known fact that Sasuke was his best friend, Sakura-chan was very pretty. 
Plus she had kissed him that morning, he still felt it burning beneath his skin.  
"How is your book, Sakura-chan?" he chirped, feeling blood rush to his cheeks. The sound of his soft, raspy voice was like a piano crashing from the sky on top of them all. He felt Sasuke's glare burning a hole in the back of his head and realized that he may have betrayed a rule of comradery between them that he had been unaware of. Apparently, if the Uchiha wasn't talking to Sakura, he wasn't allowed to talk to her either.
Forgive me, brother!
Sakura lowered her book and gave him a rare sweet smile over her shoulder. "It's a work of genius." she sighed dreamily. "The hero just proposed to his dying lover." 
"Oh, that's um... nice," Menma replied, though he wasn't sure if it was. He wasn't one for reading, and certainly couldn't manage a thick romance novel without dying from secondhand embarrassment, but Sakura never went on a mission without one. It was the funny riddle of her being for her teacher and teammates, that someone as cold and crass as the village Ice Queen read sappy paperbacks. 
Sasuke scoffed from behind, but Menma didn't even dare to face him. "There's one more cookie, if you want it, Sakura-chan." he offered, holding out the crumpled bag once more. If he was going to have to speak, he might as well try and get another kiss for his efforts. Sakura beamed and not only accepted his offer, but set aside her book before rising and coming to sit beside him. "Thanks, Menma." she beamed, making him turn a full shade of scarlet. "You are so thoughtful." 
That set the Uchiha off, he tossed his kunai aside and rose to his full height. "Why does she get the last cookie?" 
"I-I uh..."
"You don't have to explain yourself to him, Menma." Sakura told him firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder, making his soul leave his body a little. "Despite what he thinks, he's not the boss of you." 
"Oh, wow," Sasuke started to laugh, thoroughly pissed off now, but refusing to acknowledge her before she acknowledged him. "Real nice, Uzumaki, leaving me high and dry for a pretty face." 
"Sorry..." the blond began, feeling awful. 
"Don't apologize to him!" Sakura exclaimed. “Like he’s one to talk.” 
“Look, here’s a little free advice, Menma.” Sasuke went on regardless. “Cute as she is, she’s just going to chew you up and spit you out, there are a lot of way nicer girls around.” 
Menma felt Sakura’s hand squeeze his shoulder unintentionally and knew that comment had more than stung the kunoichi. He felt something foreign in his chest flare up all of sudden. 
“Sakura-chan is nice!” he told him, taking a tone with his friend he never had before. “She’s always nice to me!” 
“Only cause it serves a purpose.” Sasuke rolled his eyes, unsure how the kid could be so clueless. 
“Kami, you really are the most arrogant, hypocritical, egotistical, delusional fuck boy to ever grace the planet!” Sakura all but screamed at such an accusation. It was all she could do to not send a fist into his nose. 
“Ah, there she is!” Sasuke grinned triumphantly.  
Kakashi sighed, looking toward the heavens. It had been such a glorious hour and a half.  Perhaps he had summoned some sort of karma for foolishly hoping to finish his work before they both started back up again. 
“You’re such a horrid friend to him, do you know that?” she stood up and strode right up to the boy that loomed over her about a good seven inches. “You’re always telling him what to do and making him feel like he’s second best to you.”
“Yeah, well it’s better than you not even letting him speak up for himself.” he pointed out. “Stop trying to be everyone’s mother.” 
“Excuse me?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips. 
“Look, if you’re so concerned about Menma and his feelings, then why don’t stop using him as fuel to get to me?” 
“Oh, get over yourself, Sasuke!” 
“That’s enough!” Kakashi intervened. He considered himself an even-tempered man, but he could only take so much of the ongoing saga of Sasuke and Sakura. Honestly, he’d come to wish they’d get it over with and just fuck or do each other in. The older they got the more their bickering and sexual tension was getting out of hand. “Both of you, go blow off some steam, Sakura go North, Sasuke go South, I don’t want to see either of you back here until you can both be amiable comrades to one another and stop pulling Menma into the middle of your immature spats.” 
“But, Sensei…” 
“Now, Sakura!” He commanded, pointing his finger, making her huff as she grabbed her bag and leaped off. 
“Whatever.” Sasuke shrugged, turning and taking her leave as well, leaving the silver hair ninja with his remaining student. He ruffled his blond hair tiredly. “What are we going to do with them, huh, Menma?” 
“Don’t know, Sensei.” he shrugged. “They really hate each other, don’t they?” 
Kakashi’s mouth formed a line. “If only it were that simple.” 
Sakura knew it was stupid to think that Sasuke would, for once, listen to Kakashi and actually put some distance between them, but she would have liked at least a second to herself. 
“You’re really something else, you know that?” he asked coming up behind her. 
“Didn’t you hear Sensei? You’re supposed to go South.” she shot back heatedly, storming off faster, knowing it was pointless. If there was one thing she’d admit that Sasuke had on her it was speed. He was soon walking alongside her. 
“Who cares what he says?” he huffed. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
“Yeah, well I’m done with you.” she retorted. 
“No, you don’t get to call me out on leading your friend on, when you’re doing the same thing to Menma, and then call me a hypocrite,” he told her. “That’s not how it works.” 
She stopped abruptly and turned to face him. “I’m not leading him on.” 
His face went deadpan at that, before taking on a persona that she assumed was herself. 
“Oh, Menma-kun, I’d love a cookie!” he gushed as high as his deep voice would let him go. “You’re so sweet! You’re so thoughtful! I’m not just using you to get under Sasuke’s skin at all!”
She turned and kept walking at that, enraged that he would make such an accusation, and even more so because he was not completely wrong either. 
“Ever thought about how that will make Menma feel?” he asked. “You know how he feels about you.” 
“What are you talking about?” she stopped and turned around. 
“He’s in love with you!” Sasuke exclaimed as if she were an idiot. 
Sakura felt something snap like a twig somewhere inside her. “No, he’s not.” 
“Yes, he is.” Sasuke nodded reassuringly. 
“No, he’s not.” 
“Yes he is!” he nearly yelled in exasperation “Most men are! Have you seen yourself?” 
“...Kami” she whispered slowly, wishing the earth would just swallow her up right then and there. She hadn’t realized that Menma had a crush on her, let alone loved her. How could someone who spent so much time with her be in love with her? That was insane. 
She thought of all the times she had sent him attention just to spur Sasuke and never felt so low. While it was not often and never harmless, it was flirty and could have easily made him feel that she was interested in something more than friendship. She was no better than the Uchiha, 
“Yeah, it’s true, so stop playing with his feelings.” 
As guilty as she felt, she couldn’t bring herself to admit defeat to him, not three times in one day. She’d make things right with Menma, but Sasuke didn’t have to know that. “Maybe I’m not playing.” she shrugged coyly, turning and continuing on her way. 
“...what?” Sasuke muttered in confusion. 
“Maybe I’m in love with him too,” she suggested with raised palms. “I mean…” 
Sasuke was suddenly in front of her, making her almost walk head first into his broad chest. “You’re not in love with Menma,” he stated as if it were the most basic fact of life, like the rising and the setting of the sun. 
“Why not?” she asked with a raised brow, genuinely asking herself as much as she was asking him. Why hadn’t she ever thought of Menma as something more? “He’s handsome, considerate, sensitive and always good to me, why wouldn’t I be in love with him?” 
“Because you’re in love with me,” Sasuke told her just as simply. “That’s why.” 
She stared up at him, lips parting wordlessly at such a claim. Where there was a snap before now felt like she had been struck by a bolt of lightning. To her surprise, as well as his, she began to laugh. She laughed so hard she bent over, hugging herself around her middle. Sasuke remained stoic, emitting only a small smile when anyone else would have been more than wounded. 
“I’m not in love with you, Sasuke.” she told him when she straightened up and caught her breath. Where had the clueless bastard got that idea? He was just watching her with a knowing, adoring look in his eye, his hands tucked snuggly in his pockets. She tilted her head up so that she was looking directly into his eyes. “I hate you.” 
Honestly, what planet had he been living on? 
Suddenly he took her face gently into his hands and made her still, all mirth and smugness abandoning her. She stared up at him in shock, eyes wide and sparkling in the darkness as he kept her there, not two inches from his face. Blood rushed to her face so fast that it felt as if she were burning alive from the inside. Why was everything so quiet all of a sudden?
“What was that, Sakura?” he asked with an easy smile, seeing everything he needed to see, rolling her name around the way he knew drove her crazy. “I didn’t quite hear you.” 
“I-I said,” she breathed out shakily, wondering what the hell was wrong with her voice. It sounded so soft and unsure. Like it was someone else’s entirely. 
He had caught her off guard with this play. Nothing in her body was working like it was supposed to. Damn it! Why did he have to be so fucking beautiful? And tall? And sexy? 
It wasn’t fair. 
But, it didn’t prove anything, she assured herself. He was Sasuke. Everyone was attracted to him one way or another. That’s the only effect he had. Attraction wasn’t love. She wasn’t in love with him. In fact, this only made her more angry at him. If she could feel her hands she would have sent a fist straight into his perfect jawline. 
She swallowed thickly. “I said, I hate…”
Kami, was he going to kiss her?
She stiffened as she felt his thumb brush along her cheekbones as he loomed over her all the closer, his hot breath spilling over her face. 
“What?” he hummed softly. “Go on, say it.”
She stared at his lips, contemplative for a moment of what it would be like to kiss someone, but quickly remembered just who she was dealing with and snapped her gaze back to his dark eyes, so close now she could count his lashes. 
“I hate you.” she whispered, her eyes darkening, it was hard to breathe at this angle he held her. But, she did it. She got it out. 
She won. 
He smiled then, looking so pleased that for a moment she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. The opposite thing. 
He leaned forward ever so slightly, hands slipping down to her neck, and she nearly jumped out of her skin, but his lips took an alternate route gently and brushed over the hollow of her cheek, the same place she had bestowed a kiss to Menma for his sweets. 
He pulled back and she watched him, flushed and frustrated by his brash action and by the burning in her face centering around the focal point where he had touched her.
“You too, Sakura-chan.” he told her with a wink before turning and going on his way, leaving her alone like she wanted.
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What We Lost and What We Have: Chapter 2
May 18, 2000, the night Sam learned 3 things.
John had cheated on Mary. Kelly Kline was dead. And his younger half brother Jack was born…
Nearly 17 years later their family never really recovered. But after a panicked phone call from Jack's uncle Castiel, their family will never be the same.
"It's Jack, there's something wrong with Jack..."
AU somewhat inspired by Episode 2x20 - What Is and What Should Never Be, and the season 14 storyline concerning Jack's illness.
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Chapter 2:  A history of dumbassery, inadequacy, and definitely not a dog
“Dean are you still there?” Castiel’s voice was tilting away from fear into the realm of frustration and irritation again.
There was a long pregnant pause before Dean responded.
He recognized the noises in the background of the call now. A tinny intercom with someone repeating a doctor’s name in a cool casual tone, distant the ringing of phones, a crying baby...the sounds of a busy emergency room.
“Jack he…” Castiel took a shaky breath trying to center himself, “we… we went back to our hotel after… what happened at the cemetery.”
He seemed finally balance himself on the rock that was being annoyed with Dean. Dean was too damn tired to care.
Castiel rambled “Jack said he was tired and had a headache so I gave him some Advil and let him sleep. I thought he was fine, upset…" he jabbed the word at Dean, "still getting over the cold he caught at school but fine…”
“Just please get to the point,” Dean groaned, he vaguely remembered the teenager hacking up a lung in the graveyard earlier that day. “So what? Does the kid have the coughing plague or something?”
Castiel went dead silent.
“We… we went out for a late dinner last night and he…” his voice broke, “Jack collapsed… he had a seizure.”
Dean’s mouth went dry “...Shit.” was all he could think to say.
Dean’s medical knowledge didn’t really go beyond the basic first aid needed for the occasional burns and bruises that came with working around hot engines and moving parts in the auto shop. But years of watching… certain soap opera’s told him that was very bad. Unless...
“Is that… normal for him?” Dean asked lamely, he wasn’t exactly an expert on Jack’s medical history.
By the time Jack came around Dean had already moved out, and he hadn’t been exactly been going out of his way to spend time with the kid in the few years Jack lived with John part-time. He’d only really seen Jack when John couldn’t first a sitter for work.
“Would I CALL you if it was?” Castiel nearly spat voice shaking clearly regressing back into panic mode.
Dean bit back a spiteful, “Then why the fuck did you call!?”
He wasn’t heartless. Even if the two people in question were people he’d pay good money to have not come within the same state as him ever again. A kid in the hospital… it was some rough shit.
When Sam was little he’d broken his arm jumping off the front porch railing of their house trying to be Superman. He remembered his parent's frantic frustrated arguing on the way to the hospital about who was supposed to be keeping an eye on Sam. His mother trying gently to get him to sit still for the x-ray. The sound of Sammy crying.
He settled on the slightly less harsh. “What do you want from me then?”
Castiel gave a long-suffering sigh, the one he inevitable heard whenever he tried to speak to the man, like he was trying to explain physics to an eight-year-old.
“They… they want to run tests, blood, an MRI, I know one thing they’re testing for is meningitis, and if it’s that’s what it is…” He let the sentence hang.
There was another voice in the background of the call. probably a nurse by their soft reassuring tone and Castiel’s uneasy thank you’s. He came back after a moment.
“Listen they're moving Jack to a room if it’s what I said... then the doctor will probably want to see you and your brother or… something. I’ll… I’ll call you later in the morning when he’s settled in, please just… get here alright…?” Castiel sounded as exhausted as Dean felt.
Dean suppressed a yawn, “Yeah… yeah sure just um… how about after the sun comes up this time eh?”
Castiel abruptly hung up and Dean blinked blearily at the phone for a moment before snorting.
The combination of the liquor, lack of sleep and sheer bizarreness of the conversation were making the whole call feel surreal, like a bang on the roof in the dead of night you weren’t sure whether you imagined it or not.
Maybe whatever was going on with the kid would sort itself out by morning and he wouldn’t have to deal with this…
Seven-ten the next morning Sam saw the big black muscle car pull up beside his hybrid in the parking lot of Lawrence Memorial. Dean exited the car wearing a pair of dark aviators despite the fact the sun had only just risen.
“Long night?”
Dean pulled off the glasses and shoved them into his jacket pocket shooting Sam a deadly glare, clearly not over what happened the day before.
“Did Saint Castiel tell you anything new?” Dean sighed draining the last of a cup of fast food coffee.
“I still don’t know why you insist on calling him that,” Sam said with a long-suffering sigh.
Dean tilted his head sardonically and tossing the cup in the bin by the door, “Yes... you do.”
“Let me rephrase that.” Sam's voice sharpened, “Maybe just don’t today okay Dean? Maybe for once act like a functioning adult, because this is neither the time nor the place for your bullshit…”
Dean stared at him eyes narrowed for a long moment before his posture relaxed and he shrugged.
“Okay…” Sam said in mild disbelief.
Dean sighed and scrubbed at his eyes, wincing, “yeah fine, I get it. This shit it’s... crazy.”
There was a long significant pause.
“Castiel said he’d meet us up by the pediatrics ward…” Sam said after a moment studying the hospital entry’s diamond-patterned linoleum.
“Pediatrics?” Dean seemed to wince at the sound of the word.
“Yeah, Dean… Jack’s 16,” Sam muttered, turning to walk inside without another word. He felt like maybe it was time for Dean to stew on that fact for a while.
Things were quiet for the entire ride to the third floor, each Winchester fuming in their separate corner of the elevator.
The door dinged pleasantly before popping open to reveal a pacing Castiel his suit jacket rumpled like he hadn’t taken it off since they met the morning before.
“Thank god finally.” he breathed, “I was beginning to think…” he sighed and shook his head, “never mind I just… the doctor’s need you to answer some questions about... your family...”
Castiel trailed off seeming to lose interest in explaining turning on his heel and walking determinedly down the corridor to the ward entrance, Sam and Dean looked at each other for a moment before Sam shrugged and followed quickly behind.
“Is he… is Jack alright?” Sam asked awkwardly.
“He’s um…” Castiel sighed and paused to punch in a number in the keypad that kept random passersby out of pediatrics ward. “He’s been really out of it since we got here, he’s sleeping now.”
There was an electronic chime and he quickly opened the door, “he’s in the third room on the right…” Castiel muttered.
Something about the statement bothered Sam he quickly caught up with Castiel, “they’re keeping Jack on a normal ward?”
“Hmm?” Castiel blinked back sheepishly.
“It’s just… when you called you said they thought he might have meningitis,” Sam said carefully, “and if he did I doubt the medical staff would let us, let alone Jack himself near any of the other patients.”
Castiel stopped walking again but didn’t look at him, “No they um… he doesn’t have a high enough fever and or stiffness… they don’t think it’s that anymore…”
Sam nodded eyes narrowing slightly in confusion, there was something about that answer that made him uncomfortable.
It seemed Dean didn’t have any trouble putting his finger on what it was, “why didn’t you say that when you called this morning?”
There was an awkward silence inappropriately punctuated by the sound of children giggling in the distance. Castiel still didn’t look at them.
“I mean that was the reason you gave us to come today… right,” Dean’s words were deceptively casual.
Maybe it was his own vague hurt that kept Sam from telling Dean to shut up.
“What? did you think we wouldn’t come if we didn’t think It’d affect us?” Dean said cooly mouth twitching.
Castiel finally turned to look at him eyebrows drawn together in a warning.
“Dean maybe you shouldn’t…” Sam tried before being cut off by a hand, Dean’s eyes didn’t waver unphased by Castiel’s glare.
“Is that really what you think? That if you needed us we’d just let Jack, a kid, suffer? Do you think we’re that petty?”
“I…” Castiel’s eyes darted in the direction of Jack’s room. Through the window, Sam could just spot his blanket covered feet at the end of the bed.
“Do you really think we're that shitty of people!?” Dean’s voice rose.
Castiel’s eyes narrowed and he snapped back to Dean, “Think of you? I don’t think about you at all Winchester. I don’t know you!”
They both stared each other down for a long moment, sizing each other up. For a moment Sam thought they might start a fight right there in front of the wall mural of children of every race and color playing ring around the rosie, complete with a happy Sun.
But the seconds came and went.
“We would have come Castiel…” Sam said quietly.
Castiel finally looked up eyes watering slightly, and Sam could have sworn he saw the man’s hands shake.
“I couldn’t risk that…” he said softly.
The tenseness was broken a moment later by a sing-songy drawl.
“Well looks like the rest of the pissy party parade has arrived, so how about we take this little shindig out of the hall…”
Sam nearly leap a foot in the air, he hadn’t heard the nurse walk up, she stood behind him giving all three of them a smile that radiated the energy of someone who would just as easily disembowel them. With all their racket they probably deserved it.
“I’m sorry…” he glanced down at her name tag, “nurse Masters.”
She tapped her nails against her clipboard and gave him the same thin smile, “alright cupcake,” she tilted her head towards Jack’s room. “Right now there’s a very confused medical student sitting in there trying to figure out how exactly he’s supposed to get a history from RipVanWinkle, I figure he’d have more luck with you three.”
Cas moved first huffing softly quickly hurrying past the nurse seeming to forget the argument the second he was reminded of Jack.
Dean strolled slower behind the man still looking pissed off, leaving Sam alone in the corridor with the nurse who smiled at him expectantly.
“Right, sorry…” Sam unfroze and sheepishly followed.
Sam tried to look anywhere but at Jack when he entered the room, Castiel had automatically taken a seat in a chair on the far side of the boy’s bed his coat and a thin blue hospital blanket thrown across the back of it like he’d been camping there all night.
Dean was leaning against the far wall arms crossed, staring down a terrified-looking Asian kid in a lab coat clutching a clipboard to his chest.
By the time Sam took a seat beside the door and the nurse followed behind him the room was far too crowded for comfort.
In a room full of people he didn’t want to lock eyes with the unconscious kid in the bed suddenly became the least daunting sight.
There was an abrasion on Jack’s brow bone and a long bruise trailing down to his chin, like he’d fallen and hit head something hard on the way down.
Sam wished he felt more.
Jack was a pale stranger of a teenage boy, upsetting but...
Sam wondered if he was walking alone down the hallway and looking into the rooms if he would have even been able to pick Jack out of the other faces in their beds.
Seeing Jack like this made him feel pity and sadness, but seeing the deep-seated fear and worry on Castiel’s face
Jack was supposed to be family
Guilt bloomed in Sam’s chest. The only memory that he could pull up was at will was that Jack liked goldfish when he was two. He tried to look closer at the boy on the bed, pluck at the strings of his heart.
He focused on how Jack’s breathing was a little too fast and shallow, the heart rate on the monitor a little too rapid…
The kid was hooked up to an IV and about six different sensors, some wires trailing down the neck of his hospital gown one clipped onto the middle finger of his left hand. The opposite wrist and hand were strapped in a temporary splint, like his face probably a casualty of the seizure the night before.
The thought made Sam wince.
God this was a joke.
Someone cleared their throat “I uh… hello…” Sam broke out of his self deprecating reverie.
It was the medical student in the lab coat, gripping his clipboard and still nervously eyeing Dean. He yanked his eyes away to focus on Castiel.
“Are these the um… brothers you were talking about?”
Castiel didn’t look up from where he was straightening the blankets over Jack’s chest.
“They’ll be able to give you the information on his father’s side that I couldn’t,” he muttered distractedly.
“Half-brothers,” Dean said cooly from his position by the wall, “and I’m right over here.”
The nurse whistled strolling over to the side of Jack’s bed and picking up his chart.
“If nothing else…” she read, “Jack… will get a healthy dose of machismo today.” She frowned at something on the chart before clipping it back over the end of the bed and stepping closer to the monitor.
“Try not to make the med student piss himself okay? Bringing the janitor in here would put the room capacity over code,” the nurse said squinting at it.
“Is something wrong?” Cas asked her a little alarmed.
She gave him a smile no more sincere than her previous ones, but with worry and attempted comfort in the place of irritation.
“Don’t worry about it daddy dearest, nothing’s... changed.”
The way she said it didn’t seem all that positive when she immediately followed it up by leaving the room at a brisk pace.
They all stared after her awkwardly for a few seconds.
“A-about that history,” the med student said the tone of someone being forced to tell a joke at gunpoint.
Dean was still staring at guy though he looked more puzzled than threatening now. Dean had probably just been hungover in the first place and got the lab coat confused with the white wall when staring into empty space.
“Dude, I’m not going to eat you…”
The med student looked thoroughly unconvinced.
“Fine, you want history right?” Dean pulled one of the plastic chairs across the floor and leaned back against the wall, “ask away Kevin.”
The kid opened his mouth looking confused before glancing down at his name tag and turning red, “Right, um… your father?”
Dean turned to address his answer at Castiel. Castiel didn’t bother looking back.
“Died of a heart attack age 45, don’t know about his dad, grandma lives in Florida looking like she’s live to an ornery 105, anything else? I’m not here to hide anything” Dean shot the last sentence at Castiel before turning back to face Kevin.
The kid jumped.
“Y-yeah… your father’s heart attack, was it related to any pre-existing cardiac or pulmonary disease?”
Dean glanced up at Sam tilting his head befuddled.
“Heart and lung problems…” Sam huffed, “he didn’t have any I know of.”
“Yeah…” Dean looked down twirling his aviators in his hands, “he had high cholesterol, shitty bachelor’s diet and all that you know.”
Sam rolled his eyes and muttered, “yeah because that wasn’t his own choice or anything.”
“Bite me, Sam.” Dean grinned at him leaning back in his chair again.
“If you’re not going to be helpful then leave,” Castiel barked suddenly shooting both brothers a steely look.
The door slid open again and nurse Masters re-entered with her hands full.
"I leave for two minutes and you' start the orgy without me,” she dropped her armload of supplies down on the rolling table at the end of the bed and got to work.
“Listen I can and will use the skills I've gained changing the sheets of three hundred pound men solo to kick your asses out of here so behave…" she warned.
Castiel was quickly distracted hovering over her every movement around Jack.
Sam and Dean's faces mirrored mild shock.
"Did she just threaten us?" Dean said nonplussed plunking his chair back on four legs.
"I think so," Sam blinked.
"Can she do that? Like legally?" Dean asked.
Sam rolled his eyes, "I don't think she cares…"
Nurse Masters finished fitting a nasal cannula around Jack's face, marked down something on his chart, and left again flashing one last patent murder grin.
“Thanks…” the med student squeaked after her, quickly looking back to his clipboard when he realized everyone was staring.
“So um… is there anyone with a history of epilepsy in your family…” Kevin said not daring to look up again.
“Nope,” Dean sighed, distantly pissed again.
“Autoimmune disease?”
“Sam?” Dean said looked at him expectantly.
“No…” Sam sighed going to look through his emails on his phone, feeling more out of place by the second. He cleaned out his inbox to the tune of Dean’s repeated “no’s”
"Nope," Dean yawned
Kevin tapped his clipboard with his pen, "Cancer?"
“Actually we did have a second cousin who’s died of cancer,”
“Oh?” Kevin’s head tilted up almost seeming relieved.
“Lung cancer, she smoked like three packs a day and worked in an asbestos factory,” Dean blinked and giving him a weird look.
“Oh…” Kevin trailed off.
“Cas?” a feeble voice broke the monotony.
Sam fumbled and almost dropped his phone, looking up.
Jack was waking up. The blanket shuffled slightly and he coughed hoarsely.
Castiel jumped and went almost immediately to hover over him.
The kid's eyes were half open glancing lazily around at the ceiling and Castiel like they weren't quite taking everything in.
"Jack?" Castiel asked voice quivered, "Jack I'm right here…"
The boy blinked dazedly reaching an exploratory hand up to feel the tube on his face tugging a little on the iv in his arm in the process. He blinked blearily at it for a moment and then his eyes snapped open breathing speeding up fearfully.
"Jack are you okay? hey hey, Jack… look at me…" Castiel said carefully laying a hand on his shoulder, "you're in the hospital."
Jack went stiff in his bed arms held awkwardly in front of him hovering over his chest like he was scared to move and accidentally yank on something important.
"No… no I…" he breathed looking around panicked, wincing, his eyes caught sight on the splint on his arm.
"I'm sorry…" he mumbled giving another hacking cough and tearing up, "did I… did I get in a fight? I'm sorry, please don't ground me…"
He didn’t even seem to notice Sam or Dean in the room.
"No Jack you're not in trouble you didn't do anything," Castiel quickly reassured him with a soft smile, "you… fell Jack…" his voice cracked.
Something in Sam’s stomach squirmed like he was invading something incredibly personal and private.
Castiel took a steadying breath that came out almost as shakily as Jack’s."Y-you had a seizure, Jack…"
The teenager’s eyes widened.
“Do you… do you remember anything about what happened?” Cas reached out to gently relax Jack’s arms back on top of his blanket.
“M-my head hurt… I…” Jack’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I felt… weird, I went to the bathroom…” he trailed off.
Cas smiled sadly, “you did, and you locked the door…” he gently held the boy's non-splinted hand, “I really wish you hadn’t done that.”
Dean must have felt as out of place as Sam did because at that point with barely a sound he got up face unreadable and left the room.
Jack finally noticed his older siblings then roaming glazed eyes landing bewildered on Dean’s retreating back before shifting to Sam.
Sam’s chest jumped and he opened his mouth searching for something to say but Jack looked quickly away as if burned before he could get anything out.
It hard for Sam to resist following Dean right out the door after that. Instead, Sam tried to busy himself on his phone drafting an email to his work that he’d be a day late flying back.
“No no, I…” Jack face screwed up and he coughed again much harsher than before into his free hand, “I can’t,” his breath came out in a wheezy huff between coughs.
The medical student Kevin came to the side of his bed and picked up the control pushing a button causing the back to come to a half seated position.
It seemed to help because the coughing eased after a few moments and Jack was finally able to finish his sentence.
He cleared his throat, his pale face stained pink from the stress of the attack, “I… I can’t be in the hospital… we need to go home… I need to feed F-felix.”
"Felix? Did Jack have a dog or something," Sam thought.
Castiel comforted him gently, “Jack you fed him before we left, it’ll be at least another week before you feed him again.”
“Ah so… definitely not a dog then…”
“M-maybe you could bring him here?” Jack looked up at him hopefully.
Castiel blinked it was his turn to look confused, “Jack I don’t think they let pets in the hospital.”
“I… I’ve got school tomorrow…” Jack muttered conversation changing mid-stride looking unfocused past Castiel, “we… we have to go back.”
“Jack, you’re in the hospital I think they’ll understand,” Castiel shot the medical student a worried look.
“He’s um… they have him on morphine for the arm, he might be a little… confused?” Kevin explained looking a little unsure himself.
“Mr. Edlund hates me…” Jack muttered trying to push himself weakly up in bed, “he’ll fail me.”
Castiel sighed, placing a hand on his chest, “well then it’s good that I work at your school, I’ll just have to talk Chuck out of that okay?”
Jack seemed appeased by that and relaxed back against his pillows.
“I actually needed to ask Jack a few questions for the form,” Kevin said after a moment awkwardly clicking his pen.
Sam’s eyebrow rose, Castiel shot Kevin a look.
Kevin cleared his throat suddenly studying his clipboard like it held the secrets of the universe, “Um have you recently taken any drugs, Jack?”
Jack hunched up defensively giving Kevin a suspicious look, “Yes… but you gave them to me…”
“Okay,” Castiel broke in aggravated, “maybe now… isn’t the best time for that?”
“P-please don’t,” Jack cleared his throat, “call the c-cops…” he took a shaky breath and launched into another fit of coughing.
Castiel gently patted the boy's back as he curled in on himself coughing into his hands Castiel’s expression quickly turning to one of alarm as the coughing was broken up by almost choking gasps.
“Sh-should we call someone?” Sam asked nervousness sinking into his stomach. Kevin opened his mouth unsure.
It took a minute for the coughing to gradually ease, Jack’s face red and eyes watering as he shakily regained his breath…
“Are you alright?” Castiel asked, the hand not on Jack’s back gripping the bed rail like a lifeline.
Jack was squinting befuddled into his hand, “I… I think I coughed up a lung…” he mumbled before raising his hand for all to see, “look…”
The medical student turned dead white fumbling around for the call button.
Jack’s palm was coated in blood.
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wlwinry · 6 years
Number 1, with our fave, Elizabeth
Porompt: “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.” I promised you vigilante vampire Elizabeth and that, Iris, is what you get! Enjoy!
[or: au where Elizabeth is killed trying to find the Seven Deadly Sins, only to be Turned into a vampire by Gelda; seven years later, Elizabeth is a wandering “vigilante” who kills the worst scum to walk the streets]
She spat out the gore of the torn throat, swallowing the blood that leaked from the ripped-out flesh. The would-be rapist–an asshole who eyewitnesses and victims whispered led innocent women and girls out to the back alleys of the village tavern and took advantage–lay dead at her feet, mutilated beyond recognition, a bleeding hollow left where his throat had been. She ran her tongue across her fangs, clearing them of the bastard’s blood before retracting them once more to the point where they looked ordinary, and she looked human.
Well, as close to human as someone like her could get, anyway. 
A mirthless smile curved her lips as she licked her deceptively delicate hands clean of ruby-red gore, clearing blood from under her fingernails. As soon as she pulled up the hood, she’d be another face in the crowd, another traveler passing in and out. Stay any longer, and people would get suspicious, but leave now and she’d go down in legend yet again as a mysterious protector, the pale wraith who brought judgement upon the cruel and cowardly, who took their lives as payment for their misdeeds, and left them drained of their own lifeblood in various gruesome ways.
The world had their own theories on what she was, who she was–a god, a monster given human form, the illegitimate daughter of the deceased King of Vampires (which was surprisingly close to the mark), and of course, the only accurate one of the bunch: the lost princess of the kingdom of Liones, presumed dead and Turned by a mysterious vampire that escaped the destruction of the captured city of Edinburgh. It was ironic, really, how much that theory got right–and how many people therefore dismissed it as being “too outlandish.” Perhaps truth was stranger than fiction in this case, but it didn’t make it any less funny when she heard about her own exploits in taverns and the truth of her story was said to be simply too strange to be real.
A huff of amusement escaped her as she kicked the fallen body onto its stomach, tugging her hood up over her head as she turned toward the exit of the alley–and froze, shifting subtly into a fighting stance at the sight of a cloaked figure mirroring her own position, face hidden by their own hood.
Then the figure laughed, bringing her delicate hands together to applaud for her. “That was magnificent, darling! You’ve grown so much stronger since last we met.”
Elizabeth relaxed at the familiar voice, smooth as smoke over silk and dangerous bloodstained satin–not dangerous to her, not yet, but every bit as deadly as she herself was. “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
“Oh, yes, I know.” The woman stalked up to her, heels clacking lightly over cobblestones; she would never understand her sire’s fondness of such finery, a fondness actually shared by most of her people. It seemed she hadn’t gotten the memo in that regard, or perhaps it came with being raised a princess, that she found such things almost mundane. She still adored a lovely dress and the aesthetics appealed to her, but when she looked back upon the naive little girl she’d been and the warrior she was now…well, maybe it wasn’t so strange that she wanted to distance herself from the past.
One of those pale hands reached out to her, moon-white skin practically glowing under the faint starlight. She wasn’t foolish enough to refuse it, instead linking her arm with her sire’s, sensing the approval within her at the action as she was led out of the alley and down the street. “So,” Elizabeth started, knowing well the other woman’s fondness for dramatics, “what have I done to warrant the honor of a visit from the Lady Gelda?”
Gelda chuckled, the edge of her blonde braid spilling out from beneath the velvet cloak’s hood as she angled her head toward Elizabeth. “Can’t a sire visit her favorite darkling?”
“Mmm, not really. You told me when I left the clan that I’d be on my own from here on out.” Elizabeth slid her gaze to the flicker of scarlet beneath the hood, mirror to her own–to the eyes that all royal vampires had. She hadn’t exactly expected to go from a human princess to on-par with the current vampire leader (though apparently that was to be expected, Gelda had told her–a newly Turned vampire would most likely be the level just below their sire, or occasionally the same level. Once in a blue moon, a new darkling would rise to a level higher than their sire’s, but Gelda was already at the highest level remaining after the death of Izraf…though sometimes she caught a strange, wary look in Gelda’s eyes, like she didn’t know what Elizabeth was), but it had happened all the same.
Oddly enough, she wouldn’t change a thing.
Gelda clicked her tongue. “While that’s technically true, I figured you deserved a courtesy call about the…new situation developing in Liones.”
Instinctively, Elizabeth tensed up, though she hid her turmoil as well as her sire did, never slowing her pace or letting her faintly-amused mask falter for a second. But Liones…it was her homeland, the place she’d fled in an attempt to save long, long ago. The place where her killer still resided, and probably walked free, and the corruption of the Holy Knights still kept her father captive. She knew bits and pieces of what had happened over the past seven years–the false Grand Masters’ search for her blood, and the hunt for the legendary Seven Deadly Sins, but not much else. She hadn’t set foot in that land since she’d learned of the bounty of her head, but if there was a new development… “Situation, schmituation. Liones is none of my concern anymore.”
Gelda’s smile was a bright slash in the shadows–she knew the game well, had taught Elizabeth precisely how to play. “Oh, but I think you’ll find this one interesting, darling.” Her fingers drummed lightly on her arm–long, and delicate, and yet just as capable of ripping hearts from chests and crushing throats and tearing people in half as Elizabeth’s equally long, delicate musician’s fingers. “Apparently, the Holy Knights of Liones have captured and subdued the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas.”
Elizabeth stopped short at that, her eyes widening. Memories flickered in her mind’s eye, swimming like minnows–too many to count and too fast to catch, green eyes bright smile hurt, so much hurt and grief deep below the surface–before dissipating with a blink. Meliodas–she knew the stories of Meliodas, knew that the Dragon’s Sin of Wrath was a monster in terms of strength, that he had been the one to destroy the once-thriving kingdom of Danafor, knew that someone like him should not possibly have been subdued by the likes of the Holy Knights. “How?” she demanded, unable to stop herself. “How the hell–”
“Those in control of Liones have started meddling with forces they do not understand.” Gelda’s tone was flat, dangerous–as close as she’d ever heard her sire get to viciously, openly angry. “They began experimenting with the Demon Clan–”
“The Demon Clan?”
“Yes, Elizabeth, the Demon Clan–not all of them were sealed away three thousand years ago.” Gelda turned, facing her. For the first time since she’d happened upon her in that alleyway, Elizabeth could see her face clearly, ruby-red eyes piercing her as strands of blonde hair fell in her eyes, more disheveled than she’d ever seen her. “They’ve begun forcing new recruits to take demon blood into their veins, and more and more of them are becoming obedient monsters at the beck-and-call of the highest-ranked Knights. With the Sin of Wrath incarcerated–quite possibly being experimented on or tortured, given his bloodline–and as of now unable to escape, the other Sins will take it as an act of war and converge upon the capital of Liones, only to be faced with a host too powerful, too numerous to conquer.”
Elizabeth blinked, swallowed harshly, feeling her world tilt off its axis. Rage–burning, all-consuming rage was starting to bubble up at the knowledge of what had been done to her kingdom, her people…and deep, nauseating guilt for abandoning them to this. “Why are you telling me this?” she rasped.
Gelda’s gaze was blade-sharp. “Because they are expecting the Sins. They are not expecting a vampire queen with the ability to walk in sunlight. They are not expecting you.” She stepped forward, staring Elizabeth down. “Hendricksen needs to be stopped. The Demon Clan needs to be stopped.”
“I ca–”
“Can’t? Why not?” Gelda swept an arm out, gesturing to the empty streets. “People have gone home safe, happy, unafraid because of you, called your deeds heroic, legendary. I am no hero, Elizabeth–I have a duty to my clan, my people, and besides, my fire is no match for Hendricksen. For you.” Her eyes narrowed. “I won’t make you go–it’s up to you. But like I said, this is a courtesy call–and a warning.”
“A warning?” she repeated, still reeling from everything Gelda had said. More powerful than her–how–Demon Clan–here? Meliodas–Meliodas, I know you, I know–
The stare she got in return was cold. “One kingdom has already fallen. Without you to save it…” She shrugged–and then vanished into the night, as though she’d never been there at all.
Elizabeth stared at the place where she’d been, blinking, considering…and then as the first rays of dawn painted the sky in blood and fire, she turned on her heel, setting on a course toward the past she’d run from so long ago. And despite everything, despite the battle ahead and the poison crawling across the kingdom she’d loved, despite all that was lying on the rugged path before her, a dark, vicious smile curved her lips.
You might be a monster, Hendricksen, but so am I.
And I am your worst nightmare.  
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JinJae AU/ Worse than Hell! (Part One)
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Park Jinyoung Plot: Jaebum and Jinyoung are arch enemies and that for centuries. When heaven and hell’s war comes to a pause, both of them are expelled to live on earth, for different reasons. With only a minimum of their powers, they have to survive a human’s everyday life. And according to Jinyoung earth is even worse than hell. (Heaven/Hell!AU) Warnings: War (mentioned), Blood, Swearing, Blasphemy (In a way, or maybe not, idk), Smut (later parts!) Words: 1935
(Succubus=female demons that seduce men to get pregnant. Asmodeus= one of the seven deadly sins, especially demon of lust)
A/N: Yeah why not? A Heaven/ Hell AU with Demon Jinyoung and Angel Jaebum. Hope you all like it!
  Jinyoung entered their apartment, slamming the door shut, to make sure the other man knew he was back. He put the groceries, manly containing instant noodles and other stuff that didn’t need that much cooking skills, which he definitely didn’t have. Looking for Jaebum, he gazed the room, spotting the “older” laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. “Get up, I brought food.” He ordered not intending to be polite. Everyone probably thought an angel would be the caring one, being nice and friendly, taking care of others, but Im Jaebum was nothing like that. He was one of those angels born in war, raised to be a good soldier, obeying orders, killing demons. Jinyoung nearly felt sorry for him, it had to be terrible to live with a demon, the angels worst enemies. But Jinyoung was a demon they didn’t feel sorry, especially not for their enemies. “I don’t need food,” Jaebum growled, looking at Jiyoung as if this was all his fault. “Especially not made by a filthy demon.” He spat out the last word like it’s some super bad curse word. Sometimes the angel was cute in a way. “Look, Jae.” Jinyoung used the nickname for the angel on purpose because it got the other mad. “I don’t like this either, but you’re not trapped here. Leave..!” He pointed at the door, for the effect.  “Look for another home, life on the streets I don't care!” “Why should I be the one leaving.” Jinyoung groaned already tired of arguing. “Because you’re the one complaining!” “Whatever, you can eat on your own.” Jaebum staid stubborn, one of the things Jinyoung hated. Angels were so close-minded, it was frustrating! “You know you have to eat!” the demon still tried, but it was probably for nothing. “I’m an angel.” Again a thing Jinyoung hated about the other, he always acted like angels were something better. “You grace is damaged and they took away most of your power like they did with me! Which means eat or die, like a human!” The last words seemed to do the trick because Jaebum stood up and went straight into the kitchen, bumping the demon's shoulder on purpose. Jinyoung tried to get back on him, hitting the other on the back. The angel instantly groaned in pain, before turning around his eyes burning blue, showing his grace. Drama Queen! “If you ever dare to touch me again I won't mind using the last bit of what is left of my grace, to burn you filthy vermin in the ground!” Frightened by the others treat, Jinyoung took a step back, just to be sure, the other was still a freaking angel and Jinyoung didn’t want to die that soon. Only six centuries of a life wasn’t enough! With a last angry look, Jaebum took some food and disappeared into the bedroom. The only freaking bedroom, which meant Jinyoung had to sleep on the couch and that was anything but comfortable. Because besides needing to eat, pee, they also had to sleep. Other things had also changed. Feelings got a lot of stronger andJinyoung had literally no control over his area down there. One moment it was up then down. According to that “Google guy,” he was experiencing puberty, where his hormones were going crazy and especially young men were always horny. But actually, he was way too old to be in this phase. And it was also not like he was a virgin or anything, he was a demon, what means he did like human pleasures, but his last time was a few hundred years ago. During the war between heaven and hell, he hadn’t had many opportunities’. Maybe he could do it now, during his time on earth, maybe he even had to stay here for the rest of his life. But he can’t really do so if Jaebum watched all of his steps. Every time the younger tried to leave, the angel suddenly appeared wanting to know where he was. When he didn’t insist on tagging along he ordered Jinyoung to be home soon. Jinyoung didn’t even know why he was mostly obeying the others orders. Whatever he was spending too much time, thinking about Im Jaebum, a freaking annoying angel. Clearing his mind, Jinyoung used his left demon powers to heat his instant noodles up. He laid down on the couch enjoying them while turning the TV on, switching through the channels. At least one good invention by humans and it was also really nice of the angels and demons to give them one. It really made living on earth a little less bad. But still, Jinyoung was sure that it was worse than in Hell! It was not that late, so Jinyoung decided to go out! Go for a drink, maybe pick up some hot human, just having fun. Like he did many years ago before the 20th war started. Of course, times had changed and going out to get wasted was definitely still fun! So why not? Jinyoung quickly changed into skinny leather pants, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. At last also a little makeup. But the second he wanted to leave, a tall figure appeared, blocking the way. “Where do you think you’re going?” the angel asked, annoyance clear in his voice. “Out!” He answered shortly, trying to go around Jaebum, but the other was faster and pinned the younger against the wall, slowly taking in the demon's appearance. “Wait, why did you dress up?” “Because I want to get laid, now get your hands off me!” Jinyung said pushing the angel off, flashing his red eyes. “Why?” Was he serious? He was an angel after all, so maybe he didn’t know how it was to have sex. Poor thing. “Because it’s nice.” “Yeah I know, but...”  So no virgin! That was actually a surprise to Jinyoung. He never thought the angel, would have experience with that. “...We aren’t here for fun or pleasure.” The way Jae said that word, was definitely too hot. “That’s your opinion,” Jinyoung said, turning around, attempting a second time to leave. “Then I’ll come with you!” “What? Why? Do you want to get laid too?” Jinyoung joked, but Jaebums serious face made him shut up. “No. But your mother was a Succubus, right?” Was he really bringing that up now? “Yeah, so? Do you think I want to get any woman pregnant? Seriously?” Jaebum only shrugged. So he really thought so! Jinyoung rolled his eyes, annoyed by the older. “You see...” Jinyoung said moving closer to the other. “I come more after my father.” “Your father?” “Yeah...he was one of Asmodeus demons.” The demon enjoyed the surprised and shocked expression on the others face. “I still accompany you!” Jaebum stayed stubborn. Jinyoung quickly looked at Jaebums outfit and sighed in frustration. He definitely won’t take the other with him looking like that. “Okay but you have to change your outfit!” “Why?” The angel asked confused. “You’re dressed completely in white! Wait...” Jinyoung quickly went to his wardrobe taking out an outfit similar to his throwing it at the angel. “Change!” “I won't wear this pants. You can see the outlines of my boxers through them.” The angel immediately complained, suddenly worried about his looks. “Then don’t wear boxers!” Jinyoung answered unimpressed by the others whines. “Oh and also...put this on.” He handed Jaebum an ear piercing and the eyeliner. “Should I help you?” Jaebum only shook his hand before disappearing into the bedroom. Jinyoung had never regretted a decision more than this when the angel walked out of the room. Biting his lip, to suppress any compliments that he got on his tongue, Jinyoung dared to check the older out. And he hated how much he liked it. Jaebum looked to badass and...to say he looked hot! “Why are you staring?” The angel said through gritted teeth. “You look okay,” Jinyoung answered. “Only okay...? Your expression says something else.” Okay, what? Since when was the older so cheeky and did he just try to flirt with Jinyoung? That’ was not okay! What also was NOT okay was how clearly Jinyong can make out e v e r y t h i n g in this pants, because the angel did take his advice. Clearing his thoughts, to think straight again, Jinyoung took the keys and left the apartment first, not daring to look at the other again. And there again were his teen hormones. They were not that long at the bar and Jinyoung was already flirting with a cute blond guy, taking his mind of a certain angel, that watched him the whole time with a pissed expression. The man, whose name was Jackson was moving closer through the conversation and Jinyoung had to smile at how easy this night went. “Hey, I live in the apartment above the bar, do you want to go somewhere more private?” Jackson smirked. Jinyoung was about to respond when someone suddenly grasps his hand yanking him away so that he collides against a hard chest. “He has a boyfriend!” Jinyoung wanted to protest and tell Jackson that this was a lie, but he wasn’t able to bring out any word, his whole concentration on the man in front of him. Jaebum was so close. Jackson was about to say something, but Jaebum only glared at the shorter, shortly flashing his blue eyes, truly looking like an angel of revenge. “Sorry, didn’t know he is taken.” Was what Jackson mumbled before backing away, disappearing into the crowd. Jinyoung was still trying to proceed what just had happened. Was the angel serious? What was that jerks problem? The demon realized that he was still in the embrace of the other, quickly he yanked his body away and he could swear that Jaebum growled when he did so. “What is your problem?” He hissed at the other, making Jaebum flinch. “You’re unbelievable!” Angry he pushed Jaebum away, who lost his balance and stumbled backwards, right into a guy. “Hey, idiot, watch where you go!” The man immediately screamed at Jae. “What did you just call me?” “Idiot!” Before the guy knew what happened Jaebum had punched him in the jaw, making the guy fall backwards. but as soon as that happened more people got aware of the fight and the man’s friends immediately came to help. Jinyoung knew he could leave, this was the angel's fault not his and he was here to get laid not to fight. But he wasn’t able to leave the angel on his own. There were two possible outcomes of the fight. Jaebum lost it and uses his last bits of grace killing humans or he would get hurt even worse. And therefore he would have to use the last bits of his grace to heal himself. But without grace, an angel can’t survive. So he had to help, right?
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How The 7DS Stim
Lilith: Applying and reapplying lipstick
Richie: Shuffling cards
Veruca: Has a bracelet with soft beads and she squishes them
Carmelita: Shuffling her feet/bouncing, or sometimes singing
Dathan: Chewing and/or biting on stuff
Avery: Tugging on his hair
Angelica: Folding or kneading things
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sweetinfires-blog · 7 years
Demons [I]
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Pairing: BTS x You (3 POV)
Genre: Demons!AU, Angst, Implied Smut (throughout series)
Word Count: 3,714
Summary:  What happens when three Angels voluntarily taint their feathers to bask in sins? They may have just found themselves embodying the epitome of exactly that: The 7 Deadly Sins. Anger colliding with Pride, Lust enchanting Sloth, Gluttony overtaken with Greed. And Envy controlling all. Would these sins be able to carry out their tasks, or will they fall endlessly into the sweetness of evil?
Link: [1][2]
Rated: M (language)
Excerpt:  Hearing the screams was amazing. F**k. I know we should be panicking like the other, but I looked at the other two, they had wicked smiles on their faces. Soojung’s little rescue attempt was fake. Just like the rest of the act.
"Well if it isn't Satan’s little bitches?" The most annoying voice to exist called out. I slowly turned around, along with Minji and Soojung. I was met face to face with Jeon Jungkook. He was walking up to us accompanied by Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung. His arrogant little smirk fueled my annoyance with every step he took. He stopped directly in front of me, hands in his pocket, looking as arrogant as always. "Is someone still upset over the fact that the big guy had to bring in three sweet girls to do the job you big 'strong' boys couldn't?" Soojung pouted, teasing him. She knew how to push them to their limit. "Ya! You li-" Jungkook started, but was cut short by a deep, velvety voice coming from the darkness at the end of the hall. "Please, shut the fuck up." Suddenly, Namjoon, our leader, emerged from the dark shadows. "You guys fight like children. Stop. We will being working together soon, and for it to work out everyone needs to get along,"  he reported, scowling at us as well as inspecting us head to toe. Kim Namjoon. The leader. Envy. One of the Seven Deadly Sins. We complete the rest. My name is Sana, and I am Anger. Minji is Sloth, and Soojung is Gluttony. We are the only three girls that are allowed carry the burden .. I mean honor .. of being Deadly Sins. We were the angels that fell from heaven. Wings that were once pure white tainted black and bloodstained. The other three sins were taken up by the other three; Jungkook as Pride, Taehyung as Lust, and Hoseok as Greed. All three were once ordinary mortals; all three did something that condemned them to Damnation. The reasonings for their sins are the reason they are here in Hell. No one knows their full stories, only that they all came at different periods of time. Namjoon had been here the longest. He is practically Satan’s son. He has never confirmed nor denied it. With his good looks, seductive eyes, and smooth voice, you wouldn't be able to say otherwise. Especially that devilish smirk accompanied by such illegal dimples. That evil smirk, that draws you to him. Namjoon stared at us one last time before nodding to signal our dismissal. Minji started to make her way to her room, giving us that 'hurry up and follow me nooooow' look. We followed behind her, not knowing what her intentions were. "Ahh, and like dogs, they travel in a pack," Jungkook laughed mockingly. Furiously, I turned back around and walked up to him, stopping with our faces inches apart. "Listen here, take all your shit and shove it back up your ass. I am so tired of you, and I can't wait until you get kicked out." I spat, staring deeply into his chocolate eyes. He yawned, looking down at me unfazed. "Oh Sana~ Unlike you,” Jungkook started as he brought out one hand from his pocket to land on my head. “I will never get kicked out of my place." He smirked while ruffling my hair. He was referring to heaven wasn't he. Before I could say anything else, Soojung took over. "Heaven couldn't handle us. God was done with us. Oh well. Who cares. Goodbye." She grabbed my arm, dragging me away. Jungkook leaned over, whispering something to Taehyung, while still keeping his eyes on me. I turned around, following Soojung and kept thinking of a way to get back at his conceited ass. Soojung POV Gluttony Fucking hell. She's always getting into trouble because of that boy. Jungkook loves to make her mad; it's his go-to thing. Like it’s planned. Just like Hoseok is always doing stupid shit to me. He likes to toss things at me or my general direction while making annoying little side comments, with his smug smile, bothering the hell out of me. I hate him. He's so irritating, but also undeniably attractive. I don't think I've ever seen him wear anything but a slim fit black suit. His gigantic black wings look great. I mean, all our wings look great, but his are the only ones that are pure black. With the red lights of hell illuminating off his pitch black feathers, they just stand out so much. “Let's get back to reality shall we?” Minji stated after observing me lost in thought.
Sana and I had made it back to Minji’s room, sitting down in different parts of her room. Minji was already in the center of her bed, laying out papers. Sana sat on the floor, criss crossing her legs, looking up at us. I sat on a chair that was near the end of the bed, looking over all the papers. "Okay, so we have to make a visit to earth soon, because there's a big festival going on. I feel like we could get away with a lot during it." Minji explained sending a wink indicating to mischief we would create. "Ohhh! Festival! " Sana exclaimed. She was the youngest, she loved shit like this. I'm only a year older than her, but she still acts like a child in comparison. Minji was the oldest out of the girls, always coming up with the plans. Her plans have never failed us once. I love how she thinks. "Okay! So.. we go up and go separate ways. Sana you go to where all the rides are at, Soojung -" "I'm going to the food stands, and you can't stop me." I interjected. I could feel my eyes widening from the thought of all the food and snacks in the human realm. Minji smiled, nodding in agreement. "Of course. I'm going to all the game stalls to check out everything. We meet back up maybe 4 hours after we arrive. How does that sound?" I nodded, and Sana gave a thumbs up. I got up and made my way to Sana helping her up the floor. "We’ll leave 3 days later at like 6pm sharp. That's when the sun starts to go down," Minji said. "Alright, bet." I responded. "Uh guys? What about the whole wings and horns thing?" Sana tilted her head, giving us a concerned look. Minji POV Sloth Damn, she's right. The wings can be easily hidden under our clothes or absorbed within our backs. The horns on the other hand... "I'll do some research; See if there are any potions or something to give us some humane features," I told her. "Sloth!? Doing research!? " Soojung gasped. "Bitch, I come up with all the plans. Shut up," I glared. "Yes ma'am," she sighed. She walked out of the room, Sana following right after. Before exiting the room, Sana turned around and waved with her big smile. I smiled back at her, waiting for her to fully exit. I got off the bed, made my way out the room and towards the library of our residence. It's like an endless mansion but only contains one floor. A shit ton of rooms, bathrooms, offices and random little places that are hard to find sometimes.
I reached the big doors of the library and pulled them open, hearing them close shut after I had entered. I went to the alchemy section of the library, searching for the right book containing certain potions or spells to transform us. After and hour of searching, I let out a groan of frustration from lack of research. "What's wrong with you?" I jumped, startled by the sudden voice. I turned around to find Taehyung right in front of me invading my personal space. "Just looking for something," I muttered as I tried to get away past him. "Let me help you." He followed closely behind me, and I could feel his eyes linger over me.
"I know every corner of this place." "No thanks," I rejected as I walked over to the sorcery part of the library containing books written by witches, wizards, and warlocks. I found a book that looked reliable, grabbed it and walked away. "Minji..." Tae softly whispered behind me as he neared my right ear. I know this is a game. All three of those boys are always play games with us. I'm so tired of them half the time, but working and cooperating with them is something I'm required to do. I shrugged off his attempt and walked out of the library, making my way back to my room to start researching through the book. "Hair..healing..human potion!" I muttered to myself as I flipped through the pages. YES! I found it! I think?
It requires so many thing, and now I'm really too lazy to even get up and start. Ugh. I'll send Soojung to go get everything later. I was feeling pretty tired, and even though you could never tell when it was day or night down here your body could feel it. I got ready for bed putting everything away, and then went under my sheets passing out almost immediately. Sana POV Anger It was the day of the festival! I've never been so excited for something. I know Minji and Soojung had been up to something these past two days, but they didn't ask for help so I didn't interfere with anything. Instead, I wandered around hell sometimes hanging out with Joon and helping him with his stuff.
Namjoon was a mysterious person. He never really talked to us much, but when you were alone with him he would tell you a lot more than you'd expect. I would sometime see Jungkook in the corner of my eyes, watching us, as he hung out with his guys. I never understood Jungkook. He's either the biggest asshole ever, or secretly sweet when we are alone. I didn't like it. I was currently in my room, look by for an outfit for tonight. I was still wearing my normal clothes with slits in the back for the huge ass wings. I started to pull stuff out, when suddenly Minji called out my name. I skipped into her room, smiling at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Come here! I have something for us! We're just waiting for Soojung now," she replied. She pulled out a pot full of a weird black liquid. It smelled kind of gross, but Minji knows what she's doing. After a few, Soojung walked in, looking mad. "What's up?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Freaking Hoseok. I swear to god, he's the most annoying little shit I have ever met. I'm just trying to get my stuff done and he doesn't let me do it! And like he does it just to make Jungkook and Taehyung laugh which makes me even more infuriated. Like fuck him!" She ranted. "That's what you've wanted to do since day one." Minji smirked. Oh. Gross. "Bitch." Soojung muttered. "Anyways, why were we called into your room?" "Ah yes, drink this." She handed us both a cup. Wait, when did she pour this? Ew, it's the liquid. "Whyyyyyy? It smells gross." I whined. "Just do it Sana!" Minji ordered. I gave a stank face, covered my nose, and chugged it down.   "THIS IS SO GROSS!" Soogung yelled. I agreed by moaning in disgust. "Okay yes, but look in the mirror." Minji said. Soojung and I gave each other the side eyes, walked over to the mirror and dropped our cups. Our horns, wings, and anything demon related was gone. We looked human. "MINJI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! I LOOK WEIRD!" Soojung cried out. "I look like a person. An actual human. Wow...." I whispered. "Alright, go get changed, we leave in about 30 minutes. " Minji said. I walked straight back to my room, and continued to look for an outfit. I took out ripped black jeans, a loose white V-neck, a leather jacket and boots. With my hair in a ponytail, I walked out to the main hall, waiting for the other two. I was so distracted by my nails, I didn't notice someone walk up to me. "Why do you look like that....?" A deep voice asked. I looked up, seeing Taehyung. I mentally cursed myself out, not knowing how to explain this. "Oh uh.... so like Minji decided to mess around with potions today, yeah and like uh.... she gave us each a different one and now I look human and yeah, that's it!" I smiled, trying to convince him, just like I was trying to convince myself that that was a good lie. "Okay, cool. That explains why she was in the library a few days back. Well, I'll talk to you later little Sana. Bye." And with that, he walked away. I stood still there, waiting for a few more minute, when Soojung walked out looking like a snack. She was wearing a red tank top, black shorts, a grey cardigan, and heeled black leather ankle boots. Her short hair was let loose and damn. She looked great. "Are you checking me out?" She gasped, mockingly. "Might as well do something Hoseok doesn't. " I winked. "F you." She spat. I laughed, looking at her annoyed face. Then Minji walked out, looking super hot. She had her long red flannel on, paired with her black skirt that was mid thigh length. she also wore a baseball cap and almost the exact same shoes as Soojung. Alright, both my friends are hot. Wow. Soojung / Gluttony Wow, we all looked great. We were now making one way to the portal, trying to avoid Namjoon, the other guys, and the big guy himself. We had successfully reached it, and one by one, walked through it.   The cool breeze hit my skin, making goosebumps raise. Did the potion actually make us more human than just our appearance? Hm... Sana ran ahead, overly hyper. Minji stayed next to me, checking out the scenery. "Okay, first things first, does everyone have their little dark fairy?" Minji asked. Sana had calmed down, standing next to me now. "Yes! Miran is right here!" She said, holding her palm out to show us. The little fairy shook her head at her owner's actions. "Sebastian's right here." I said, pointing at my shoulder, where a little fairy was at. "Alright good, i have Jae in my pocket, because he's sleeping." Minji added. Of course he's sleeping. Sloth. "Okay, split up!!" Minji smiled. Sana ran off toward the rides, about to do whatever she pleases. Minji walked to the games and random stands. I went to my one true love, food. I went straight to the funnel cakes, and walked up to the window. "How can I help you young lady?" The worker smiled. I looked them straight in their eyes, into their souls. Two word in my mind FUNNEL CAKE. The blank expressions on their faces told me everything, they were under my control. The person went and put everything on the funnel cake, and then handed it to me. No need to pay or anything. As I sat, enjoying my funnel cake, I was rudely interrupted by someone. "Are you all alone?" He asked. "Yes, why do you care?" I replied. " just making sure I won't piss off a boyfriend." He winked. "I'm Min Yoongi. He introduced himself. "Soojung." I continued to eat, trying to ignore this very attractive stranger. "When you're done, wanna go hit some rides with me or something?" He asked. "Uh... maybe." I replied. "Uh maybe? No. I need a yes or no." He's so damn confident.  "No. You do as I say." I said, challenging his dominance. "No. It's my way or no way at all." He stood in front of me, his nice figure towering over me. I can't let him win, but I also can't use my powers. I stood up, glaring at him. "Listen Min Yoongi, we do what I say, or you can go find some other victim to annoy." I growled. With one deep breath, he gave in. No one can dominate me. I started to walk away, happily with my funnel cake. I looked behind me, seeing Yoongi following me, I smiled at him. He glared. Lovely. Minji / Sloth All these games look so boring. While other ones required too much work. What was I to do? I walked up to a game where you throw balls to knock down cups. I saw a cute couple there. The boyfriend was trying to win something for his love. He threw the ball. Knocked the first one down. Then the next. Finally, his last turn. I smirked, watching the ball fly to hit the last. With the flick of my finger, the ball was off course and completely missed. "YOU LOSE!" The stand guy laughed. The girlfriend looked disappointed, while the boyfriend yelled at the guy that it was a rip off. Laughing, I walked away. I saw a stand that was selling cute little thing. I went to see the little stuff, admiring the work humans have put into these things. After a few minutes, I heard yelling. And not just any yelling. I looked up and saw Miran flying my way. "Sana. She's yelling at someone and is looking for things to throw." Miran said. "Shit." I put down what I was looking at and ran after the little fairy. Someone had to piss her off. Out of everyone here, they pissed off Sana. "WHAT THE F-!" I heard. "Jae! Go get Soojung!" I commanded him. He flew off, as I went to go see the commotion. I arrive to see Sana, being held back by two guys. She looked like she was about to kill someone. A few feet away, there was a girl who was giving her a smug, prideful look. I knew Sana was stronger than the guys. She wasn't using her full Force because she knew better than to expose us. Her eyes had a red tint to them, nothing too noticeable. Soojung finally showed up, and we both went running up to Sana. "What happened!?" I yelled. Sana realized she had caused a huge scene. She was still very mad, but her body had relaxed. She looked at me, her tinted red eyes looking into my 'soul'. "I was just walking around, and this guy," she points to the guy on her right, "starts to talk to me. Meet Jin. This is his friend Jimin." She points at the guy on her left. They had finally let go of her, seeing she was calm. "So Jin and Jimin are just striking up a conversation when this bitch," she point at the girl who I saw earlier, "decided she didn't like that. I don't even know who she is. So I had walked past here, with there two, when suddenly I'm on the fucking ground! And she stood above me, about to pour whatever she has in that cup on me. But Jin grabbed me and pulled me up, and Jimin stood in between us and told her to fuck off and then I just, I lost it." She was referring to her sin. Soojung was off in the corner, talking to some guy, I hadn't noticed him until now. I turned my attention back to Sana, shaking my head, disappointedly. "Sana... you can't have outburst like this! Especially not in public!" I got onto her. She shrank back, her normal eye color coming back. "You know what would happen if they  found out!?" My voice showed a hint of anger. "Minji I'm sorry! It just happened!" She apologized. Soojung had walked up to us, the guy she was with was now with the two that were with Sana. "Sana. She was so jealous of you. She has a crush on the tall guy with black hair." Soojung explained. "Who? Jin?" Sana asked. "Yes. He's friends with Yoongi, the guy I was with. Yoongi explained that she has been trying to get with him for years now and he won't give her the time of day. So when she saw he was all over you, which you will explain later, she got jealous and tried to show Jin that no one but her was good enough for him." Soojung explained. So it was a jealousy thing. This girl was driving by envy. Namjoons specialty. Does that mean he knows? No he couldn't. We've gone weeks without seeing him sometimes. "Okay, we'll discuss this once we get home." I signed, "just enjoy the rides for now." Soojung and Sana nodded, then the three guys walked up to us. "Y'all wanna get on the zipper." One of them asked. "Oh this is Jimin." Sana reminded us. "The zipper?" I asked. "That one." The one I think called Jin said, as he pointed at the ride. "No thanks." I said. Sana and Soojung also declined. The guys smiled as us , got in line, and waited for their turn. "They're cute." Soojung smiled. "Very." Sana nodded. "Yeah.... but they're mortals." I moaned. Then I saw them get on the ride. They were strapped in, two of them together, the other with a stranger. The ride started. "I would never go on that." Soojung said. "Same." Sana and I agreed. We watched. And then, it happened. All hell broke loose. The ride malfunctioned. The bolts were coming loose, the ride was falling apart. "THE GUYS!" Soojung yelled. She was about to run for the ride, but I help her back. "Soojung... we’re sins. There's nothing we can do about it ." I whispered. Hearing the screams was amazing. Fuck. I know we should be panicking like the other, but I looked at the other two, they had wicked smiles on their faces. Soojung’s little rescue attempt was fake. Just like the rest of the act. The electrical fuse had exploded as the bolts come loose. It was now catching on fire. The pleasure I was getting out of watching this. I love it. I missed this. "I'm actually gonna miss those guys." Sana signed. She was trying to hide the look of pleasure we all felt. "It's not like we could keep them." Soojung replied. The screams were dying down. The people were dying. "What the fuck are you three doing here?" Aw Shit. We got caught.
[Part 2]
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twohearts-hs · 7 years
*** - Smut
Harry Styles:
Non-AU - Boyfriend, Husband, etc.:
‘Hidden Behind A Book’ - Harry has to hand back a book for his mum at an old bookstore, resulting in him finding a girl called, (Y/N), revealing if he is ready to date again, after a hard love life.
‘A Small Coffee Date’ - Harry finally has the guts to ask out (Y/N), he decides upon taking her to a coffee shop, where he slowly learns more about her. 
‘Led On’ - Harry leads her on, not telling (Y/N) about the other girl.
‘Poor, Baby’ - (Y/N) figures out that Harry is ill, therefore she tries her best into carrying for him.
‘Sick’ - Harry finds out that (Y/N) is sick, not knowing what to do since she is never sick.
‘A Meeting’ - Harry meets (Y/N)’s parents after a while dating, but what he learns is that her parents are not typical parents.
‘A Small Party’ - When Harry and (Y/N) go to a party for a small ‘get together’ that turns out to them coming out with the relationship without them knowing. 
‘Stress and A Bath’*** - Harry comes home stress, and upset, all he wants to do is have a bath, and relaxed, but what if it turns into more... 
‘Distracted’*** - Harry takes his wife to Jamaica, but he made it very clear that she could not bother him. 
‘Mummy’s Boy’ -  Harry is left with the kids for the weekend, making him try to plan and enjoy the path of single parenting for a while, resulting in a painful experience. 
‘Boys are yucky, Sweetheart.’ -  Harry and the missus decided to go to the mall one day to pick up a few items, but when their daughter points out her crush to her daddy, some jealousy and lectures come into view.
‘A Naughty Photo Album’ - Harry and (Y/N) kept an album dated back to the time they got engaged, full of cheeky pictures, as well as, adorable. But when the kids find it, a lot of trouble fulfils. 
‘Can’t Have Kids’ - Harry bugs (Y/N) about the future ahead of them, but what will happen if she breaks the fact that the future they want, they may not be able to have.
‘A Delayed Flight’ - It was simple, she was quiet, he was intrigued, and a two A.M. conversation. (Y/N)’s flight was delayed, and he was waiting for his. But, her boredom is fixed with Harry beginning a conversation with a girl who has big dreams.
‘From the Dining Table’ - Based off of the song. He knew he made a mistake, but how was he supposed to get over it. All he knows is that she is gone, and she is never coming back.
‘Only Angel’*** - Based on the song. He met a girl who seemed to be a good girl, yet she wasn’t. She fit all the categories, but one. He came to the conclusion that she must be an angel. 
‘Goddess’ - She’s in a toxic relationship, has been for years, yet Harry was the only one who could help her get out of it.
‘Her Drug’ (Open Marriage AU)*** - Her marriage to Harry is ending, therefore she spat the little idea of an open marriage, not knowing the consequences that would arise. But, believing to keep her loyalty to her husband while he is off fucking other girls, she regrets it. Therefore, she calls an old friend up, not knowing what an amazing relationship she’d have with Shawn without Harry knowing. (Harry x Reader x Shawn)
AU - Teacher, ABO, CEO, etc.:
‘Her Soldier’ (Dunkirk!Alex) - She was born poor, married rich and had a lot of talents. But, that was beside the point. Her one thought at the moment was saving him, her husband. Over the course of the dreading hours of being on a ship, waiting for it all out, her mind floods and replays the memories of them.
‘A Chipped Mug’ (Teacher!Harry) - One goal was in her life, and that was success. It was a café that started everything, that and a cup of coffee. Yet, they both didn’t know what was coming their way.
‘Mustard Yellow Scarf’- (Painter!Harry) - She’s confident, but he wants to take his level of art to the next level. He wants to show her he loves her, every part of her, and what better way to show that by painting her with only a scarf on...a mustard yellow scarf. 
‘My Odds Are In Your Favour’ - (Hunger Games AU) - YN came from a hardcore life of surviving; Harry too. But, they’ll do anything to stop the games and to continue their love.
‘Omega’ (Werewolf AU) - She moved recently to the small town with no pack and just the title omega. Little does she know the tension between the two packs of the East and West. Little does she know the conflict that would arise with her being here. But, overall, she is in great confusion about which alpha is her mate. (Shawn x Reader x Harry)
‘Long Lost Kitten’ (Ophran/CEO!Harry x Orphan!Reader) - Harry and Y/N grew up in the same orphanage with each other, becoming extremely close. He promised her something, but when she is fostered out, it may have taken ten years for that promise to be met.
‘Two Can Play That Game’ (Gang Leader!Y/N x Gang Member!Harry)*** - She rules a deadly gang, he has a price on his head. He works for the enemy, she is the enemy. What happens when Harry begins working for Y/N when really he is working with her rival.
Kiwi Series: COMPLETED
When Harry meets a girl from his past, not knowing how she has taken a spin from the innocent, fun girl she used to be, making him enter a relationship that was the same, but not the innocent part. He is met with troubles of her life, including alcohol, and men. Based on the song, ‘Kiwi’ by Harry Styles
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
‘A Devious Act’ - Divorce Series: COMPLETED
Divorce. It can mean a lot of things, freedom, a new start and forgetting. Or, it can be evil, regrettable, and lost. He did something secretive, and hurtful. He did something devious. And who is to pay? Her? Him? or their family? 
Part 1
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7***, 8, 9
‘An Office Affair’ - CEO!Harry Series:
Styles Incorporated, a big-time company in the middle of London, England. Owned and started by the Styles family, thirty years ago. It took over many companies’ profits with their ideas and prepositions; making them a huge company fast. Harry Styles, himself took over the company only five years ago, creating bigger success than his father. He constantly worked, continued the same routine every day, had a few girls in his life, but never had time for a wife. Until a young intern comes in. 
Part 1 
2, 3, 4, 5***, 6, 7
‘Give or Take’ - Best Friend!Harry Series:
Everyone has known Harry and (Y/N) for the longest of time, they are just waiting for the day where they admit their feelings. Harry knows she hates love, he never knew why, but they all reckon they are both just too stubborn to admit their love. Yet, they don’t know what goes on in between the sheets, which ends up with a nice positive on a stick. Let’s see what’ll happen. 
Part 1***
Part 2***
Part 3
‘A Small Phone Call’ - Divorce Series: COMPLETED
They’ve been together since fifteen; her going through every moment with him, and likewise. It has always been (Y/N) and Harry, since the beginning of time. But, they started noticing the red flags that the saying is true, all high school love doesn’t stick. Therefore it is time to sign the papers, but what will happen when she is afraid of a simple two pink-lined stick? What will happen to them? What if she keeps it hidden from him? 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
‘Unfair Love’:  COMPLETED
She loved him so much, yet he whispered the words she never wanted to hear, “I don’t love you anymore”. She later learns out he loved someone else and she decides to be selfish and take something from him, just like how she took him from her and how he took everything from Y/N. So, she didn’t tell him about the child in her stomach. Years later, he finds out and he begins to question who he really wants...his wife or her.
Part 1
Part 2
Shawn Mendes:
(the first three fics were based on an old account)
Non-Au - Boyfriend, Husband, etc.:
‘Her’ - There was no ideas flowing, no passion and story in his music. But, after going to a little expensive café, he is met with someone who will inspire his future music. She was perfect for everything, but he just needed the guts to talk to her, as she made him very nervous.
‘Sweet Like Herbal, Classic Like Earl Grey’ - Coffee reminded her of him, bitter, cold, and useless. So, she gave it up. But, when a certain male came into the record shop on a Wednesday, she decided to start drinking tea with him, as he is sweet like herbal and classic like Earl Grey.
‘Hidden Love’ - They’ve known each other for fifteen years, and the world ‘best friend’ was not enough to cover their relationship, as they completed each other’s sentences and read each other's mind. But, beneath all enough, there were hidden feelings for one another, but what will it take to let each other know?
‘The Stranger’ - He’s been home lately for a break, but he can’t take a break when a girl is constantly showing up. He is memorized by her, yet all he wants is to just know her. All he knows is her eyes. Until a little bump in.
‘Honeymoon’*** - Shameless morning sex after their last day of exchanging vows. 
‘Apples’ - Based on ‘Apples’ by Lily Allen. She missed who she use to be when she first met him, carefree and wild. So, she came with terms to let go of him to be that girl again, yet she learns that she’ll regret it.
‘Her Drug’*** (Open Marriage) - Her marriage to Harry is ending, therefore she spat the little idea of an open marriage, not knowing the consequences that would arise. But, believing to keep her loyalty to her husband while he is off fucking other girls, she regrets it. Therefore, she calls an old friend up, not knowing what an amazing relationship she’d have with Shawn without Harry knowing. (Harry x Reader x Shawn)
‘I’ll Always Be Waiting’ - They were together throughout high school, but she had to break it due to their very separate plans. He couldn’t see her leave, so he asked her to make a promise…to meet again in five years.
‘Two Past Lovers’*** - They left each other in tears as they had to become what they want. When she comes back to him seven years later, he doesn’t know what to say when he finds out what kind of man she married. He loves her, she loves him, they’d figure a way to get back together.
AU - ABO, CEO, Gang Leader, etc:
‘Mugged’ (Werewolf!Shawn) - She thought that her little town was safe, until one night she gets mugged. This creates her to have a constant question about the guy who saved her, and the secrets that are released in this small town. Especially the one about her future lover.
‘9 a.m.’ (Barista!Shawn) - She came in every morning at exactly nine a.m., and ordered something simple and something far too complicated for herself. He filled her day with little pick-up lines, while she replied in mispronouncing his name on purpose. 
‘You’re a Monster’ (Gang Leader!Shawn x Surgeon!Reader) - Her license was taken away to perform surgery, so her only option is to become the lead surgeon for one of the world’s deadliest gangs. Yet, she didn’t expect to meet a curly haired monster. 
‘She’s Deadly’ (Gang!Shawn, Assassin!Reader)*** - They were high school lovers, but there was something odd about her. She broke up with him without warning and he hasn’t heard from her since. Now he runs a global gang and she popped out of nowhere, with a little secret over her head. She has to kill him or else she goes to jail; the FBI wanted. 
‘Omega’ (Werewolf AU) - She moved recently to the small town with no pack and just the title omega. Little does she know the tension between the two packs of the East and West. Little does she know the conflict that would arise with her being here. But, overall, she is in great confusion about which alpha is her mate. (Shawn x Reader x Harry)
‘Alpha’ - Werewolf!Shawn:
She was a runaway from the biggest, deadliest pack in the country, little does he know. All he knows is she is an alpha, and she wants to get to Lake Erie. Yet, that may be stopped after he finds out about her and what their potential relationship will be. If she accepts this, it may end with her biggest fear...another pack war. (SMUT)
Part 1
Part 2***
Part 3
Niall Horan:
‘The Little Café Down The Street’ - Under constant stress and a low level of patience, Niall decides to sit down at a café he saw at the side of the road to unravel, letting him meet a new girl, (Y/N). He continues going there for several days till he finally asks her out. 
‘A New Beginning’ - When (Y/N) gets a new job that can determine her future, it turns out to be stress that works for her, with Niall’s help and understand she tries to work through it. 
Louis Tomlinson:
‘A Chat In A Pub’ - Louis just came back touring and all he wants for a little bit is a good beer, and a large open mind, but when he sees a new girl he has never seen before, working there, he can’t help but start a chat with her. 
‘A Little Bit Of A Kitchen Mess’ - Louis takes in action to make a meal for his wife after a stressful week, but when she decides to annoy him in the most irritating matter, it involves a little bit of food.
‘Try’ - Louis and the Missus are trying their best to have a child, constant trying is making them tired, she took the act of trying to talk it out. 
4K notes · View notes
chan-yolo · 7 years
Benevolence- Part 2
A/N part two of benevolence! Here we go! 
This is going to be my first long series and i’m so nervous. I haven’t planned on how long it will be, but hopefully it gets a lot of support. xoxo
Genre: Action, Mafia au
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun/ Reader
On-Going series.
(Picture is not mine, Credits to the owner)
Part 1
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The pounding in your head was the first thing you felt when you stirred from the unconscious state you were in. The next feeling was the throbbing pain in your thigh. You hissed at the intensity of the pain as you tried to sit up and acknowledge your surroundings. 
Blinking a few times, you managed to get a clearer look at where you were. And it wasn’t just any public hospital. The room itself looked as if it should be cold. it’s brick walls and flooring making it look rustic and as if you’d just stepped into late 18th century England or something. 
Though you didn’t feel the cold you expected, as this place had very modern heating, which you were thanking right now, as you were only wearing your shirt, thankfully your lower half was concealed by the blanket on the hospital bed you were sitting on. 
You breathed out a sigh, trying to remember what happened, the vague remembrance of being shot filling your memories. 
“Baekhyun...” You breathed out, remembering the reason you were probably found in the first place. You closed your eyes, internally hating the pretty boy. You swung your legs over the side of the bed hoping to get out of here as quick as you can. As soon as your bare feet hit the stone flooring, you collapsed faster than you had stood up. The pressure from standing up making a pain shoot through your leg. You groaned as you hit the ground. 
“Maybe i’ll just lay here and die.” You said to yourself, annoyed at the situation you were in.
“Well that would be most unfortunate.” You heard from the other side of the room. Baekhyun’s frame leaned up against the wall. “I was beginning to like you.”
“How long have you been standing there?” 
“The whole time, I juts know how to keep hidden and be quiet.” He walked over to your form slumped on the ground
“Creepy, shame it didn’t work out for you when we actually needed to keep hidden hey, maybe I wouldn’t have this stupid wound.” He helped to pull you up off the floor, steadying you on your feet.
“You should be thanking me, if it wasn’t for me you’d still be there.”
“I would’ve done just fine.” You scowled. Baekhyun brought his knee up to press into your bullet wound. You whined out in pain, your knees buckling once again.
“Yeah, you would’ve done just fine.” He smirked at you. You were getting ready to shoot back your remark when another voice entered the space between you.
“Baekhyun can you not terrorise my patients please.” You looked past Baekhyun to see an extremely handsome man walking into the room. His black hair pushed pack, a pair of round glasses framed his eyes. He, much like Baekhyun,had a very lean figure, all dressed in black with a white doctors coat draped over his form. He was beautiful, as if the gods had carved him themselves, a mixture of deadly, set off with the cute indentations of his dimples.
It was then you remembered you were not wearing any trousers. You looked down at yourself, blushing at how exposed you were in front of these two unbelievably handsome men.
“I’m sorry about that, I kind of had to get you out of them to get to the wound, but you were kind of passed out, so getting you to do it yourself wasn’t an option at the time, and you were losing blood... Baekhyun stop looking at her you’re making the girl uncomfortable.” Your blush deepened at the stare Baekhyun was giving you. 
The man that must have been your doctor, handed you a blanket which you shielded your bare legs with. You looked up at a smirking Baekhyun, which you tried to push back, but his hold on you didn’t break. 
“You need to let go of me.” You told him.
“You sure you won’t fall again princess?.”
“Don’t worry there’s no falling happening here.” You both stared at each other, a challenging look in your eyes.
“Okay this is cute guys, but I really need to get her on the bed and inspect the wound.” The mysterious doctor cut in, pulling Baekhyun away from you and helping you back on the bed. 
“I’m Yixing, I’m the medic here, how are you feeling?” He smiled at you.
“I’m in a lot of pain right now, but at least I know what being shot feels like.” You chuckled nervously, wary of where you were.
“Never been shot before?” Yixing raised his eyebrows at you.
“I’ve never given them the chance to shoot at me, though those times I never had someone with me who blew my cover.” You looked over at Baekhyun as he huffed. Yixing smiled at you.
“I guess not, I’m going to redress the wound and give you something for the pain. Baekhyun can you get the sweats that are on my desk?” The young medic asked. He then turned back to you, a warm smile on his face.
“I brought you some of my sweat pants, I don’t know if they’ll fit you but we don’t really have anything your size laying around. Are you hungry?”
“I’m starving.”
“Well we’ll get you dressed and patched up, and then how does take out sound?”
“Like heaven.” You smiled at him.
When you’d finally had some sort of pain killer injected in you and had covered yourself up, Yixing helped you up, the promise of take out keeping you motivated to try an walk to wherever the food is. 
“You okay to walk or do you want a wheelchair?” He asked.
“I think I’ll be okay to walk.” You nodded.
“Okay good, because I haven’t seen the wheelchair since Chanyeol and Baekhyun were playing around with it.” You looked up at the two boys, confused.
“Hey! Jongdae said it was a great idea.” Baekhyun defended himself.
“Wait there’s more of you?” You asked.
“Yes and they’re currently waiting in the kitchen, there’s someone who needs to ask you a few questions.” Yixing answered you. 
“I knew the promise of food would come with a price.” You sighed. Yixing laughed at you helping you down more stone corridors. You stopped outside of a wooden door, multiple noises came from behind it. You stepped away from the door, huddling more towards Yixing.
“Don’t worry they don’t bite.” He laughed.
“Well not unless you want them to.” Baekhyun winked opening the door. You stepped in, seven men stood before you, all simultaneously looking up at you.
“Are you being serious?!” You looked at them all in shock.
“What? what’s wrong?” A tall boy with amazing eyebrows said through a mouthful of food.
“Of course there’s nine of you! All looking like that! I would like to go back to my hospital bed please.” You tried to turn around, to head back through the door, but a tug on your hand made you turn back. 
“Don’t be ridiculous y/n, come one you said you were hungry.” Baekhyun lead you over to the table, seating you in between Yixing, and a man with cat like eyes, then sitting himself across from you. All of the men had their attention on you, making you cough awkwardly.
“so...” you said tapping your leg.
“Here eat up you’ll need your strength.” Yixing smiled at you handing you a plate of food, you smiled back at him in thanks. 
“It’s y/n right?” A man sat at the head of the table asked you. Like Yixing and Baekhyun he was attractive, well all of these men were, but he had a different look. Baekhyun was pretty, you’d describe Yixing as god like. But this man was different. He had an air of importance about him, You could see the muscles through his shirt, and he just seemed so... manly. He was obviously the guy in charge.
“Depends on who’s asking.” You said with a mouthful of food, looking away from him. You heard him laugh. 
“I’m Junmyeon, though I think you may have heard of my other name, Suho.” You snapped your head towards him, swallowing your food, you turned your gaze towards Baekhyun. And if looks could kill, well this boy would be six foot under. 
“You work for Suho? And you didn’t think about telling me while you had me pressed up against you in the cupboard?!” You spat at him. A boy next to him with large ears choked on his food, slapping his chest to stop his coughing. You groaned and turned your attention to Suho.
“What shit have I gotten myself into? As far as I know I don’t owe you anything.”
“If anything I owe you y/n.” You looked at him confused. “I know what you did, I know why you were running y/n. Word spreads fast.”
“This is a bit serious for a chat over dinner don’t you think?” You stared at Junmyeon.
“I agree, I want to know more about the cupboard situation.” A guy with a cat like smile smirked, causing the guy with the large ears to choke on his water. Baekhyun slapped him on the back, trying to help him along with his recovery.
“Jongdae.” Suho said in a warning. 
“We’re not children, I think it’s okay to talk about our adult matters here.” Suho shrugged.
“So I killed a guy, what does that have to do with you owing me anything Suho?” You asked, beginning to eat your food again,
“Well the guy you happened to kill was someone we’ve been after for a while, someone who was looking to take us down, so I want to thank you by offering your protection.”
“I don’t need to be protected, thank you though.” You looked up at him.
“At least think about it, maybe learn about the men who are after you.”
“I know who they are.” You retorted.
“Then you know, as well as I do, that you need us.” You looked at him for a minute, weighing up your options.
“Fine, I’ll think about it.” You said.
“Brilliant. Yixing can you show her to her room.” The man beside you nodded, helping you rise from your chair and move to the door. Though when you heard your name you turned around to look back at Suho.
“How did you kill him?” Your face paled and your confidence dropped, thinking about what you had to put yourself through.
“That’s a story for another day.” Suho nodded at you, and you took that as your signal to leave.
Yixing took you to a room, leaving you with the instructions of having plenty of rest, and letting you know he will be there in the morning to check on you. 
You perched on the end of the bed, your head in your hands. What have you gotten yourself into this time?
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Days Of Summer Ch 6
A/N; Hey yall sorry for the wait! With school and some personal things we kinda lost track of his fic <3<3 feel free to come and talk to @hannah-nobody or myself about this fic tho, we love ti!
Here’s the updated playlist!
Summer has arrived, and with it the start of the two month long music camp; Fairy Tail! Full of new songs, friends, and adventures, the campers learn things they never knew about themselves and one another. And just how easy it is to sneak booze and a full sized karaoke machine out into the middle of the woods.
Camp Rock!AU
Pairing: Nalu, Gajevy, Gruvia, others mentioned; Fairy Tail
Words: 5379
Rating: T
Parts: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
Chapter Six: Misery Hates Company
I don't belong to my mistakes
Tired of sleeping wide awake
It's killing me slowly
It's crowded and lonely
Natsu woke up staring at the ceiling of his bunk, unsure how he got there and surrounded by darkness.
Then he remembered.
And then he rolled over and tried to smother himself with his pillow.
“What the fuck did I do ?” Natsu wailed. The song. He sang that fucking song to Lucy. He'd made a giant fool of himself on stage. He was going to be sick, and not just from the leftover whiskey in his stomach.
“Well, you sent Lucy into a mini panic attack, then asked Cana if she could give her the trick she shared with you to calm down, then passed out when Gray here punched you in the face.” Loke drawled, unperturbed at Natsu waking up screaming past midnight. “Overall it was a hell of a first performance. Really scene stealing.”
Natsu moaned in a rather pathetic sound as he went back to trying to kill himself with his bedding. Maybe he'd just stay in the cabin for the rest of camp. His dad would probably miss the final performance anyway so no big loss.
“Oi, at least she proves the point you weren't hallucinating,” Gajeel supplied from under Natsu, like an awkward and sleep deprived troll under a bridge.
“But that's the worst possible thing that could happen!” Natsu spat. He was not feeling tears prick his eyes and he was not so pathetic to continue to have his emotions on display for his dickhead bunkmates.
“Why the fuck not?” Gajeel spat back, jostling Natsu as he probably kicked the plank under Natsu’s mattress. Loke too was confused, Natsu forcing himself not to tear apart his pillow when he spoke up as well.
“I mean, isn't it better to have everything out in the open?”
“Of course it's not, you fuckwit.” Gray finally snapped. Natsu looked over, Gray curled in his blanket and facing firmly away from him. “Lucy would have been much happier without ever knowing that her first kiss was with a fucking perverted scene wannabe like him .”
Natsu curled in on himself before throwing off the covers. He needed air. He needed to be alone.
“Fuck off already, what is your fuckin’ problem with my cousin?” Gajeel snarled. Natsu froze, caught off guard by Gajeel’s words. He never called Natsu his cousin, said he didn't want anyone to affiliate them with each other when Gajeel went big. “Ever since we got here you've been nothin’ but an ass. Not even Natsu deserves that bullshit twenty-four seven.”
Natsu blinked at his cousin’s defence.
“He took advantage of her when she was drunk-”
“Holy hell Gray. If you really believe that Natsu could take advantage of a drunk girl then come down here and look me in the eye when you say it. Natsu doesn't have a fucking malicious bone in his body and I understand that your fragile masculinity took a hit from failing to ‘protect’ Lucy or whatever but it's time you stop blaming Natsu for that shit. And yourself. Just accept that shit happens and there's nothing you can do but move on.” Loke huffed when he finished, rustling sounds of fabric indicating that he rolled over.
Natsu was pretty sure he was still drunk because nothing was making any sort of damn sense. Maybe he was having a whiskey dream.
He was still going to take that walk.
“Oi,” Gajeel grunted, freakishly good eyesight catching Natsu making his way down the ladder, “whad’ya think you’re doin’?”
“Getting some air,” Natsu said back. He grabbed his hoodie from where it had been thrown in the corner, by him or Gajeel he couldn’t remember. Happy mrawed at him as his bed was moved, jumping onto Gajeel’s bed and cuddling with Lily instead. Natsu mentally apologized to his cat, but was more thankful to feel his iPod in his pocket. Hopefully the charge wasn’t completely dead.
“You... you don’t have to go, dipshit,” Gray made more shuffling noises in his bunk, obviously uncomfortable.
“Aww, scared I’m going to get lost before you have the chance to apologize properly?” Natsu teased, unsure what to do at Gray’s olive branch and his defense swatting it away before he could stop his mouth from moving.
“On second thought I hope you drown in the lake. Bye.”
Natsu snorted, rolling his eyes as he walked around the suitcases that hadn’t made their way back under the bunks. He’d rather have this rivalry with Gray than try to unpack whatever the fuck was going on in either of their heads. He needed to focus all his energy of reliving every terrible moment and fantasizing about how much Lucy probably hated him.
God he was so fucked.
He threw in his headphones, praying as he pressed the button on his right earbud to play his music that his battery was still alive.
He left out a breath of relief as he exited the cabin before recognizing the song that was playing.  
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye.
You're just like an angel.
Your skin makes me cry.
He continued walking, debating changing the song or accepting his fate. The chorus rang in his ears as he reached the edge of where the cabins were tucked away, haunting and painful and true.
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
Natsu decided to let it play.
Loke woke up to his phone buzzing.
He frowned not remembering setting an alarm last night. He felt beside his pillow, hand splayed as he searched for the source of irritating buzzing. He finally found it, half shoved under his pillow. He squinted at the screen, bringing it so close it almost brushed his nose, blind without his contacts or glasses. Loke blinked in surprise when he saw that the vibrating was a steady stream of texts coming in from Lucy and Cana. He looked at the time. 7:13 AM.
This wouldn’t be good.
He unlocked the screen, deciding to start with Cana’s texts.
Alcoholic Princess - 6:59 AM: so Lucy’s awake
Alcoholic Princess - 6:59 AM: she’s not happy
Alcoholic Princess - 7:01 AM: Correction: She is Very Not Happy
Alcoholic Princess - 7:02 AM: Loke you’re the best at calming her she is yelling at me through text and not talking to me.
Alcoholic Princess - 7:04 AM: Loke I think I might have fucked up a little bit last night.
Alcoholic Princess - 7:04 AM: just a little
Alcoholic Princess - 7:06 AM: don’t tell her I said that
Alcoholic Princess - 7:10 AM: fuck
“Just a little bit,” Loke snorted under his breath. Hey, how were they supposed to know Natsu would be such a light weight? That wasn’t Loke’s fault, and it certainly wasn’t Natsu’s. Loke looked at the bunk diagonal to his, frowning at the unpleasant twist in his gut seeing it empty. A small meow took his attention from the phone vibrating in his hand and the empty bunk, Loke looking down to see Natsu’s blue cat sitting by the foot of his bed and staring at him with sad eyes.
“Do you know where he is?” Loke asked Happy. He sighed when the cat made a sad sound, slinking onto the bed as it took Loke speaking to it as invitation onto his bed. Loke decided it was probably best to deal with Lucy now before she stewed too long.
My Sunshine - 7:00 AM: Did you know?
My Sunshine - 7:00 AM: Loke I swear to god
My Sunshine - 7:01 AM: Get your ass up I know you’re a morning person
My Sunshine - 7:01 AM: As if you’d miss your skincare routine
My Sunshine - 7:03 AM: Answer me you coward
My Sunshine - 7:04 AM: Okay so you didn’t know but what did Natsu ever do to you that you decided it’d be funny to get him drunk?
My Sunshine - 7:06: AM Oh my god is Natsu okay
My Sunshine - 7:07 AM: Why didn’t he tell me? Loke ask him why he didn’t tell me
Loke looked at the empty bed again. How did he end up in the middle of this?
My Sunshine - 7:10 AM: Loke
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: Oh my god Loke I kissed Natsu
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: I’ve had my first kiss
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: LOKE
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: LOKE IVE KISSED A BOY
My Sunshine - 7:13 AM: AND GRAY KNEW ABOUT IT
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: the stupid emo’s not responding to my texts
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: tell Gray to get his ass to my cabin
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: we
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: are
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: going
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: to
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: talk
Loke rolled over, groaning into his pillow.
This was so not good. And it was all Gray’s stupid fault.
Me - 7:15 AM: Be there in a minute bae
My Sunshine - 7:15 AM: I haven’t decided if you can call me bae yet or if I’m still angry at you.
Me - 7:16 AM: My everescent and wonderful star, I promise this was entirely Gray’s fuck up
My Sunshine - 7:16 AM: You can call me bae
My Sunshine - 7:16 AM: For now
Loke grinned at his phone before lifting his leg and kicking the bottom of Gray’s bunk. Hopefully by his dumb head.
“We’re going to Lucy’s cabin and she’s pissed so if you say anything stupid that makes her cry I’m throwing you in the lake myself.” Loke called, grabbing his glasses from under his bunk. He’d deal with the contacts when the birds weren’t still asleep.
“Fuck no,” drifted from Gray’s pillow, and Loke was utterly done with his best friend’s bullshit.
“Fuck yes. You got yourself in this mess by keeping it from her and bae, it’s time you reap what you sow.” Loke said flatly, getting dressed quickly. He’d do his skincare routine later. Gray grunted, jumping from the bed in only his boxers, hair messed and glare deadly if not for Loke’s done-ness with him so early in the morning. The got ready in silence, neither giving a farewell to the lump of blanket that was Gajeel. He’d really have to get Natsu’s and his other bunkmate’s numbers, that is if Natsu hadn’t gotten eaten by a fucking wild cat.
Not that Loke was still harbouring ill wishes for the two furballs that he was being forced to live with.
Even if the blue one was adorable.
Loke contemplated if he was growing into a cat person during the otherwise painfully quiet walk to Lucy and Cana’s cabin. Soft tapping sounds made Loke’s left eye twitch, knowing the sound of Gray’s growing anxiety and how close he was to either punching something or grabbing a smoke. Loke spoke when the sound of tapping and crunching of gravel grew to be too much, already pissed at having to skip his moisturizing routine. If he even saw so much as one wrinkle or the hint of bags under his eyes he would smother Gray the first chance he got. “For someone who almost died from asthma you think filling your lungs with toxic tar smoke would be less appealing.”
“You’d think with how blind you are without your glasses you’d keep your nose out of your damn phone more. But I guess we’re both dumbasses,” Gray snapped, drumming out a quick and syncopated rhythm on his thigh. Like rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone to spite Gray. He tapped in the passcode, Freddie Mercury's birthday. There was no other bi icon that was as flamboyant and dazzling and talented, all aspects that Loke aspired to be. He scrolled through Twitter, keeping updated on all the gossip that had happened on a weeknight with the people from his school, music writing group, model agency. He was bored quickly, closing the app and flicking on Instagram. A message popped up on the top of his screen just as he double tapped a video of a pair of lion cubs playing, Loke smiling slightly when he saw who it was. He tucked the phone closer, glaring at Gray’s half used cigarette in his mouth, red glow quick as it burned down the white stick.
Fluffball - 7:36 AM: Good morning :3
Me - 7:36 AM: It is truly a good morning now that you have graced my phone with your attention. How did my heart sleep?
Fluffball - 7:37 AM: Your flirting is much less convincing when I see you hit on anything that smiles at you, love
Me - 7:38 AM: You wound me muffin.
Me - 7:38 AM: You know my eye may wander but my heart never will
Fluffball - 7:40 AM: Uh huh. We’ve been best friends since we were two. I know when you full of poo
Fluffball - 7:41 AM: But I love you anyway <3
Fluffball - 7:41 AM: I have to go, those costumes won’t fix themselves!
Me - 7:42 AM: I’ll see you at lunch?
Fluffball - 7:43 AM: When have I ever missed a date?
Loke smiled, fingers tapping along the side of his case as he read through their messages.
“God, I really don’t want to die a virgin,” Gray groaned. Loke lifted his head, brow raising as he watched his ‘friend’ twitch and grind the cigarette out with his heel, frozen in front of Lucy and Cana’s cabin. He said ‘friend’ because real friends wouldn’t drag Loke into this kind of bullshit before one PM, instead falling on his own sword gallantly and with grace.
“Shoulda taken up that red head’s offer last May then,” Loke said flatly. He knocked on the door, slipping his phone into his pocket and crossing his arms as he waited. Gray whined, and Loke sighed loudly, grabbing his collar. As if he’d let him run away.
Loke refused to face the wrath of Lucy alone.
The door flew open and revealed Lucy in all of her pajama and messy haired glory. She grabbed the front of Gray’s collar, dragging him into the cabin with a deadly glare. Gray squeaked like a five year old girl. Loke wished he had recorded it. He sighed as he step into the cabin, identical to his own aside from girls clothes strewn on the railings of the bunks and several suitcases thrown open with make-up and hair products spilling from them. He lingered as he passed a small blue one that held some of the highest quality foundation he had seen, scowling when he recognized it as Ivory rather than the Nude or Flawless Natural, much too dark to pass for such a white colour. But maybe when he found the girl with this bag he could ask about her highlighters...
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
Oh, right, Lucy’s world rocking revelation.
“I didn’t think it was that important,” Gray shrugged off. His hands were shoved in his pockets, face turned down and away from Lucy as he glared at a bright pink and polkadotted duffel bag. Loke snorted as he leaned against the bunk that Levy was sitting on top of. He shared a tired look with the short haired girl, hey eye bags looking as exhausted as Loke felt.
This was going to be the fucking opposite of fun.  
“You didn’t think my first kiss was important?” Lucy shrieked. She paced several feet, hands switching from crossing and folding behind her back. He wondered if she’d gotten any sleep, which was a dumb thing to think about considering he knew how she got when something bothered her. Either it needed to be solved or destroyed, and Lucy would never cut of a friendship with someone. “Gray what the hell?”
“You were drunk!” He shouted, finally looking at her. “It wasn’t your first kiss if you can’t remember it, and I didn’t think you two would ever see each other again.”
“That was not your decision to make,” Lucy hissed.
“I know I ain’t exactly the queen of good decisions, but even I know that was fucked up dude,” Cana interjected from where she sat on the bunk across from Loke, holding one of Lucy’s plushies to her chest and resting her chin between the pink cat ears.
“And how would she have reacted if I’d told her she’d made out with a random stranger at a music festival while drunk off one of your special concoctions?” Gray asked sarcastically. Cana made a face at him and he growled, running both hands through his hair before fisting at the sides of it. “Lucy, you would have freaked out and been horrified. You’d have been miserable all through your exams and that would make you even more stressed to shit. It wouldn’t have been worth it.”
“But it wasn’t your decision to make.” Lucy said back, pushing each word through her teeth with emphasis. “And now he’s here, and obviously Natsu remembered our kiss.”
“He wasn’t supposed to be here!” Gray growled, tugging on his hair again before shoving his hands back into his jean pockets.
“Well he is! And so am I! And he must think I’m the worst for forgetting him! Or worse, what if he thought I was just ignoring him? What if he hates me now?” Lucy asked, voice growing smaller with each question, less yelling at Gray and more worrying out loud. She hugged herself, flannel sleep shirt pulling on the sleeves as it was stretched. Lucy buried her face in her hands, Loke pushing off his standing post in distress.
“O-oi,” Gray called, hands hovering over her shoulders and all tense defensiveness leaving him. If anyone hated it more when Lucy cried than herself it would be Gray. The poor bastard could barely handle his own emotions, much less deal with someone so close’s.
“Way to go dickface!” Cana called, glaring from her spot on Lucy’s bed and shuffling over for the blonde to cuddle with her. “You made her cry!”
“I’m n-not crying,” Lucy sniffled.
Loke shot the nastiest glare that he could at Gray, not even satisfied when he watched him pale and duck his head in shame. He returned to leaning on his post when Gray grabbed Lucy’s arms and pulled her into a tight hug, Lucy pushing back for a second before hugging him fiercely. Loke smirked at Grays sharp grunt, Lucy punching him in the gut once before returning to holding him.
“No offence, Luce, but why are you so upset about a guy you barely know?” Gray asked, petting her head in the most natural way Loke had seen Gray show affection, went meant it was still stiff as fuck and somehow both awkward and endearing to watch happen.
“I’m more upset that you didn’t tell me.” Lucy mumbled, squeezing Gray tight enough to pull a grunt of pain from him. Her head twisted on his chest, Loke feeling ice crawl through his blood at her flat glare and watery gaze as she looked at him. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you lack of response to finding out I’ve had my first kiss either.”
“Bae, it wasn’t my place to butt in.” Loke felt his smile falter the longer Lucy leveled him with her unconvinced glare.
“You mean you were waiting for it to blow up in Gray’s face.”
Loke shared a smirk with Cana, his other best friend cackling at his easy admittance.
“Thanks bae ,” Gray growled, setting his chin on top of Lucy’s head. She’d pretend to be upset for the first few weeks Gray had realized he was tall enough to do that know, but everyone saw how much she smiled when he did it. Or rested his elbow on her shoulder. Lucy got back at him by painting his nails, either a nice colourful black or if Gray was in a good enough mood a deep, deep , blue.
“He said it! Lucy, Gray said bae! Did you feel his heart thaw? Did it begin to beat like a normal human’s again? Gray, tell me, how does it feel to live ?”
Lucy snorted, burying her face in Gray’s chest as he grumbled insults into her hair. He tensed suddenly, scowling down at Lucy when she turned her face back to Loke. “Nope, he’s still our Tin Man.”
“Juvia could check for Gray’s pulse,” Juvia squeaked, burying her face back into her blanket when Gray looked at her.
“I think we’ve got it covered Juvi, though I’m sure Gray here wouldn’t mind getting a physic-”
“Cana,” Levy sighed. Loke grinned up at her, pleased to see her standing up to the other girl. While friendly and awesome, Cana had a tendency to steamroll things, and Loke was relieved that it wouldn’t just be Lucy having to keep her in check, God knew he and Gray were useless at corralling her.
Lucy sighed, tightness from her shoulders melting away as she continued to speak again, voice smaller than before and making Loke intently aware that easiness they’d brought back to the cabin was gone. “I guess I’m also upset that I forgot my first kiss. And he seems like such a nice guy too, to remember a random girl he met at a concert? I probably wasn’t even his best kiss, all drunk and gross. I can’t believe he’d even want to talk to me after I made such a fool out of myself in front of him.”
“It is alright Lucy, your’s and Natsu’s kiss was Natsu’s first kiss as well. Gajie was very concerned for his cousin that he had started to hallucinate such an event.” Juvia said, smile kind and encouraging. Lucy wailed, turning into Gray’s startled arms.
“That’s worse!”
“That’s what Natsu said,” Loke grumbled. He didn’t understand how any of this was a bad thing, they were obviously into one another, why not just get on with the fun part of dating and skip all the awkwardness?
“Lucy, it’ll be fine,” Cana soothed, staying in her spot on the bed and trusting Gray to not make things worse. “I’m sure he understands you were drunk, and didn’t mean to not recognize him. The dork doesn’t seem the to type to hold grudges.”
“I know what it’s like to be forgotten. I never thought I’d turn out like my dad.” Lucy mumbled, voice sounding tight again as she muffled it in Gray’s -miraculously- clothed chest. Cana sobered instantly, sharing a heavy look with Loke as he pushed off from his leaning post.
“You’re nothing like him, Lucy,” Gray hissed. “Absolutely nothing.”
She gave a weak laugh, and Loke’s mouth twisted sourly at her disbelief of his words. Lucy was friendly and compassionate and outgoing, nothing like her prestige focused father. While they all knew he loved her, they knew Jude loved the idea of what he could turn Lucy into more. Another business person to lead the company, his little puppet and yes-man as he made more deals and gained more power. A pretty face to show to the outside world.
“A guy like Natsu wouldn’t kiss ya if you were anything like Jude,” Loke said, forcing a grin on as he continued speaking. “Too much mustache.”
“What was he like this morning?”
Loke’s heart lept to his throat the same time Gray whimpered, his joke passed unnoticed as Lucy turned the conversation back to the present. Neither were keen on telling Lucy they had lost the pink haired boy around midnight and he hadn’t returned when they woke up. Cana had grown attached to the shy nerd, and Loke had to admit he had too, if not to the same extent as his alcoholic friend. There was just something about his bright smile and the impish glint he got in his eye when he laughed or made a snide comment, his fluffy hair reminding Loke of a duckling when he got rid of that damn beanie.
Loke didn’t feel up to dealing with the man-hunt Cana would lead looking for the idiot.
“Uh,” Loke drew out, ignoring Gray’s panicked shaking of his head over Lucy’s shoulder. “He wasn’t exactly there when we got up...”
“Does Loke or Gray know where Natsu is?” A light and musical voice asked. Loke looked up at Juvia, her hair piled in a messy bun over her head, blankets pulled her to chin and making her a giant lump of ugly-washed-out-baby-blue that was the camp supplied blanket.
“Uhhhh,” Gray said, helpfully.
“He’s on the grounds?” Loke followed up. He tried to smile at end, cowering slightly under Lucy’s loud squawk and Cana’s glower.
“How do you lose a sixteen year old boy?” Levy asked. Loke looked at her, betrayed. They were literally on the same side of the room, how dare she turn on their unagreed alliance and bonding of sharing a look while Gray was an ass.
“We ain’t his keepers,” Gray mumbled, resting his chin on Lucy’s head despite her trying to pull back to yell at them. “The bastard can walk around at midnight without us keepin’ tabs on him.”
“You let him wander around a camp in the middle of the woods at midnight while he was drunk ?” Lucy shrieked.
“Gray punched Natsu so hard he has a bruise!”
“What the fuck dude?”
Loke shrugged at Gray’s aghast look. He wasn’t going down without throwing a few friends under the bus. All was fair in love and not dying before legally going to a bar. Besides, he had a lunch date he couldn’t miss.
“Loke and Cana got him drunk, why aren’t you yelling at them?” Gray barked. Loke brought a hand to his chest, offended that Gray would would do such a thing to him. Just because Loke would use him as a scapegoat doesn’t mean Gray had to sink to the same level.
“Speaking of that,” Lucy whirled on Loke. He held his hands up, paralyzed under her sharp look. “What did Natsu ever do to you for you to be so mean?”
“I was helping him!” Loke gaped at her, looking at Cana for support. “He’s just a major light weight! Gray said he hoped Natsu drowned when he left the cabin!”
Gray whined again as Lucy pulled from his arms, hands fisted on her hips as she glared at him like a mother might glare at a five year old she had caught drawing on the walls.
“I didn’t mean it,” he defended sourly, pulling at the neck of his shirt. And then throwing it onto Lucy’s bed. “He was being a prick! He just- that scene bastard gets under my skin with his stupid questions and dye job and stupid laugh.”
“Natsu’s hair is naturally rose,” Juvia said. Loke sputtered, everyone twisting to look at Juvia in shock.
“How the fuck did that happen?” Cana asked, smiling in disbelief at the bottom of the bunk above her. Juvia shrugged, pulling the blanket up to cover her nose as all eyes remained trained on her. Loke wondered what her talent was if she was so stage shy. “I wonder if the curtain matches the drapes.”
“ Cana!”
Cana grinned and shrugged under the shouts by the rest of the room, reminding Loke of the time he had caught Gajeel’s cat eating a kiwi of all things on Loke’s bed. Pleased with themself and uncaring of Loke’s outrage.
“Juvia would appreciate not talking about Gajie’s cousin’s genitals, please,” Juvia said shyly, face bright red as she peeked above her blanket.
“I’m with Juvia,” Levy said. “It’s too early in the morning to talk about dicks.”
“We’re talking about Gray.”
Loke grinned at Gray’s offended bark, smile brightening when he saw Lucy grin and giggle into her hand at Loke’s insult of Gray. Being mean to Gray always made Lucy laugh if it wasn’t too harsh, especially because Gray always gave as good as he got. He was glad she was starting to calm down. He hated seeing her stressed.
“Does anyone have his number?” Lucy asked, hands fiddling in front of her and her gaze flicking anxiously between everyone.
“The boy’s lost and you’re trying to wheel him? Naughty naughty,” Cana cooed. She squeezed the stuffed cat pillow to her in glee, eyes sparkling as she grinned at Lucy.
Lucy sputtered, pink coating her cheeks in a way Loke had to bite his tongue to stop himself from calling cute, knowing Lucy was not above stealing his phone and deleting all his selfies in this kind of mood. Not that Loke couldn’t just take more, but sometimes the light was just right and who was he to deny a hint of divine intervention?
“I- I’m just worried about him! Shut up!”
Loke sighed and walked over to Cana, laying on Lucy’s bed and claiming her lap with his head.
“I don’t know bae, you seem pretty keen,” Loke teased.
“You seem pretty keen!” Lucy shot back, her arms crossed over her chest and her leg twitching in way it did when Lucy wanted to stomp her foot. Loke, Cana, and Gray had a running competition to see who could get Lucy to stomp her foot the most, and whoever won by the beginning of September got twenty bucks from the other two, each. And bragging rights.
“Great come back Lulu,” Levy called. She smirked as Lucy turned her glare-slash-pout on her, blowing her a kiss and wink. Loke silently forgave Levy for the earlier betrayal.
“Juvia has texted Natsu, and he says he’s fine aside from craving the sweet release of death. Or a nap. Natsu is undecided as of yet and says that it will be decided by if they’re serving pancakes for breakfast and how much Love Rival remembers about last night. Oh, Natsu said not tell you that. Forget what Juvia just said, please!”
Loke looked around, confused.
“Who’s ‘Love Rival’?”
“It’s what Juvi here calls Luce ‘cus she thinks Lucy wants to jump Gray despite clearly having a thing for natural pink-ettes or whatever the fuck his hair colour is called.” Cana pet Loke’s head as she talked, nodding sagely at his incredulous look.
“Those two are as likely to hook up as you and Bacchus.” Loke laughed, Cana grinning widely at his comparison.
“What! No! Gross! I mean, Lucy’s hot but like in a sister way where you ignore it and punch anyone who says it out loud! Not like... that! Just... I mean... no.” Gray spoke over himself, vehement in his denial while also trying not to insult Lucy. Loke wished he had got it on video, the raven haired boy’s face darkening with heat the longer he stumbled on his words.
His hands twitched at his belt, and Loke was not in the mood for an 8 AM peep show.
“C’mon, lets go get some pancakes from the mess hall before they’re all gone. And then I am heading back to my cabin to moisturize.” Loke grunted as he sat up, throwing Gray’s shirt at him. “Then we can all go and be awkwardly silent because Natsu and Lucy will refuse to make eye contact or resolve their love as we see who’s been paired on the announcements board. I hope whoever I’m paired with is cute.”
Lucy looked away, not denying Loke’s comment as she kicked at a green slipper on the floor. Gray re-dressed. Juvia watched from between her fingers. Levy looked both amused and fed up with all the yelling in her cabin.
“Juvia hopes they have blackberry.”
“You and me both sister,” Cana said, clinking her favourite flask to the side of the bed before taking a heavy sip.
Well, at least the day looked like it was going to be a lot more fun than the morning had promised.
Misery Hates Company - The Colour Morale Creep - Radiohead Hard Times - Paramore Find ‘Em, Fool ‘Em and Forget ‘Em - Anderson East With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Crocker
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so-langelo · 7 years
Hope you guys like this Ari xxx *mortal au* Note: WIll is a year older than Nico
Summary: Will and Nico’s friendship over the years (i suck at summaries but i swear its good)
Word Count: 1666
*disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot* *warning: underage drinking*
“Hi.” Six-year-old Will Solace held his hand out to a small boy he noticed sitting alone in the playground. 
The boy was sitting at the edge of the concrete playground with playing cards spread around him. He had dark hair that hung past his ears and eyes that were pools of deep brown. He looked at Will and seemed surprised that someone was actually talking to him. 
“I’m Wil. What’s your name?” Will sat next to the boy, careful not to mess up the cards on the ground. 
“Nico. Nico di Angelo.”, the boy’s voice was soft and hardly above a whisper, but Will heard. 
“So, you play Mythomagic?”, and immediately after Will said it, Nico perked up.
“You know how to play Mythomagic?”, Nico said excitedly, “My sister always says that Mythomagic is lame, so I don’t have anyone to play with usually.”
“I’m not good, but I know how. My brothers taught me, but they always beat me.”, Will said, “I like Apollo. He’s so cool.”
As Nico dealed Will’s his cards, he looked up at Will with a small grin. “You can have him if you want.”
“Really?! Thanks, Nico. You’re the best.I’ll keep it forever. Promise.”, Will smiled at Nico with a blinding brightness. 
After an hour of playing and Will loosing, a man from the othr side of the playground called for Nico. Nico put down his cards and said, “I have to leave now. Can we play again, Will? I’ll see you again, right Will?”
Will was sad that Nico was leaving; he enjoyed the other boy’s little quirks and the way he talked about Mythomagic like it was the best thing ever. Will put on a smile, “Yea, of course, we’re best friends now.” 
As Nico waved goodbye, Will looked down to to the card that was given by his new friend, and on the back in messy handwriting, it said: 
If found please return to Nico
“Nico.”, Will whispered and smiled to himself.
“Hi.” Will said as he opened the door to Nico’s room. The room that he has been in so many times over the last seven years changed so drastically in just a couple weeks. It was so dark even though it was 2 in the afternoon. 
“Who let you in?”, Nico’s voice was raspy and harsh; just like his room, Nico changed from a happy-go-lucky kid to someone distanced and cold. But Will wasn’t going to be going away, no matter how much Nico pushed him away. He wasn’t going to leave his best friend. 
Nico’s sister, Bianca, died. It was a horrible accident, and it left Nico and their father devasted. Nico wouldn’t come out of his room, he barely ate, and, worst of all, he pushed everyone that cared for him away. 
“Your dad. He’s worried about you, you know.” Will sat at the edge of nico’s bed, where nico was hidden under piles of blankets. 
“No he doesn’t. He’s glad Biance died.”, Nico’s voiced choked at the words, “One less kid to worry about.” 
“Don’t say that. He loves you, Nico. Don’t push him away, please.��� Will pleaded. He hated seeing Nico like this. It hurt him and he knew he couldn’t do anything about him. 
“Will. Why are you even here? You’re just like the rest of them, pretending you care.”, Nico spat at him, accusingly. He sat up form his covers and stared with a deadly fire in his eyes. 
That’s when Will’s keep-your-cool persona died. “Don’t you ever say that! I do care, Nico. Everyone cares about you. You’re just too busy wallowing here to notice. Everyone is trying to help you! Everyone misses her too Nico! Bianca wouldn’t have wanted this! She wouldn’t want you like this, rotting away in your shadows.”
Nico’s eyes looked almost black in this room. They were quickly filling up with tears that threatened to overflow after Will’s rant. 
“Will. It’s just so hard. I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for saying such horrible things to you. I’m sorry for being a jerk. I’m sorry. I miss her so much, Will.” Nico broke down in front of Will, and Will cradled him in his arms. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. You’ll be okay.” Will repeated those words like a mantra, and the two stayed there until the sunset and the tears that spilled from Nico’s eyes dried.
“Hi.” Will’s voice was muffled from under the pillow that hid his face. 
It was no surprise Will’s mom let him up. Since Will and Nico became best friends ten years ago, Nico practically lived here.
“Hey, Solace. How are you holding up?”, Nico nudged his leg that hung off the bed. 
“I’m fine. You know, fine as in I found out my boyfriend cheated on me and dumped me because I found out.” Will took the pillow off of his face and got up.  His hair was a blond bird’s nest and his eyes were probably swollen from all the crying. 
“He was a jerk. I tried telling you that in the beginnng. To make you forget that dick wad, I brought you Ben & Jerry’s cookies and cream cheesecake. Your favorite.”, Nico held up a quart of the said ice cream and two spoons. 
“Oh my gosh. You’re the best. The only three men that I need in my life. Ben, Jerry, and you.”, Will greedily grabbed the ice cream and his spoon. 
Nico laughed. “You’re welcome.”
Will looked up at his friend and saw Nico staring at him with an expression that could almost be affection. 
No. It’s just your imagination, Solace. Your hallucinating from your post-breakup depression. 
Will decided to brush it off and just enjoy the company of his best friend and his ice cream. 
The two talked and talked. About Will’s ex and other stupid things. They talked like they haven’t seen each other in years. 
When it was around 3 am, the two were on their backs with an empty ice cream container forgotten at their feet. Nico turned to face Will.
“I have to tell you something.” 
The moonlight from Will’s window shadowed Nico’s eyes. “Yeah?”
“I actaully hate cookies and cream cheesecake.”
“Hi!” Will screamed over the loud music at his best friend. 
His best friend that he may or may not have fallen in love with over the last year. 
“Nice party!”, Nico cupped his mouth to be heard. 
“Thanks. It was Lou Ellen’s idea.” Will looked around for the girl that planned his ‘18th birthday extravaganza.’ 
Nico motioned outside, a place where they can talk without getting sore throats. 
Will struggled to follow Nico, being stopped a couple times because of people wishing him a happy birthday. 
“Hey.”, Will said, when they were both finally outside, away from the blasting music and the people slowly getting drunk. 
Lou Ellen swore that she didn’t know who spiked the drinks,  Will didn’t quite believe her, so he steered clear away from any liquid offered to him.
“Hey Will. I wanted to give you your birthday gift.”, Nico stook a sip from his cup. 
Will’s eyes widened. “Nico the drinks are-”
“Don’t interupt me, Solace. I know about the drinks, and I just thought the the only way for me to get the courage to tell you that I’m fuckin’ in love with you is when I’m a bit buzzed, okay. Now what I wanted- Fuck. I told you. Dammit, Solace! I had a whole damn speech! I’m didn’t even drink that much. Do you see what you do to me. I broke the law for yo-”
Once again, Will interupted Nico. 
But this time he interupted him with a kiss. 
The two broke apart; their foreheads touched. 
“Sorry for interrupting you. I just wanted you to shut up, because I love you too.” Will’s breath tickled Nico’s lips. 
“Nice to know. Now can we kiss again?”Nico smirked at him. 
“Whatever you want.” 
The two connected lips once more. 
“Hi.” Will said, as familiar arms wrapped around his waist.
Lips started to travel his neck. 
“Stop, Nico.”, Will chuckled, “We can’t be late to our own wedding reception.” 
“Will, they can wait 15 minutes.”, NIco smiled at him. Will thought he looked absolutely beautiful. 
“Save it for the honeymoon, sunshine You don’t even have socks on. Just get your socks from my drawer. We’re already 4 minutes late.”, Will said, while trying to fix his tie.
“Okay, okay.”, Nico whined.
When Will finally got his tie to look decent, he heard Nico gasp. Will rushed to his side. 
“What happened?”, Will said worriedly. Nico had his hand over his mouth and his eyes looked teary. 
In his other hand, Nico held an old tattered playing card, a Mythomagic card, of the sun god, Apollo. On the back, in faded writing was:
If found please return to Nico
“You kept it? After 20 years, you kept it?”, Nico tackled Will in a hug that almost knocked them to the floor.
“Yeah, I kept it. You gave it to me, and I promised I would keep forever. You don’t break those kids of promises.”, Will ran his fingers through Nico’s hair, careful not to mess it up. 
“You’re such a nerd.”, Nico said, wiping a few stray tears.
“You are so emotional. Such a bridezilla.” Will joked, kissing Nico’s forehead lovingly.
“Shut up, Solace. Come on. You made us late to our own reception.”, the two exited the room to their wedding reception and the rest of their lives together.
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ouchmyheart22 · 7 years
13.Tell Your Friends-BTS Gang Au
One - Two - Three - Four - Five -  Six - Seven -  Eight  - Nine - Ten -  Eleven -  Twelve -  Fourteen
“I remember how you took my favourite knife and slipped it under my skin”
Your ears rang as he spoke those words so casually, leaning against his marble fireplace, black and white specks of nothing hiding his face for a second as you heard his words but didn’t process them.
It had been so painfully slow you wondered why he’d been so patient. The brown bookcases blurred into the gold trimmed furniture and in the end, it was all just colour, an expensive rainbow of neutral, sad, like the misuse of the room itself.
A distant buzz, a whir of sound hummed in and out of your eardrum but you couldn’t understand the syllables, left to open your mouth waiting for a reply you didn’t have.
He had too much money to spare and gave you too much time to react.
It was merely the sentence that threw you and within a moment your vision returned to normal and the sudden blur died, much like the fire would later on, behind his thin legs fire licking the black coal.
He did not repeat it.
“Jeon Jungkook is in Busan”
Velvet seemed an unimpressive adjective to describe his voice.
“He’s expected in Seoul within the month”
A pause.
“You complained about not knowing anything. At least you won’t have to go behind my back for information now”
You felt like a lap dog, being combed for a prize.
He never diverted his gaze, and you noticed this, not that he’d feel a need to, it was his home, he should have the right to be comfortable.
It did not feel anything like a home.
Instead, it felt like a shell of a house, intended for all the bedrooms upstairs to be filled, yet you knew they weren’t. You’d wondered if he’d always slept alone, in the almost empty house, if anyone would dare wake him as he slept, whether he barely left his ‘office’.
It was not your place nor priority to worry about his well being and you decided you’d been too preoccupied with the sudden eventful assassin, and focused on the mundane to avoid revisiting what you’d just been told.
You both stared at each other, blinking, as he waited, and you considered which question you wanted to be answered, and he was patient for the first time in weeks.
You returned to the conversation as he spat out a resonating;
“Suho sound appealing now?”
“He never was”
“Just because you dumped his flowers doesn’t mean you dumped his offer”
And you thought of the roses that were rotting underneath the leftovers of last night’s dinner.
“His offer of what? To have a new owner?”
It was bordering an argument and he hadn’t put you in your place yet.
“I wouldn’t call you much of a possession”
It stung more than it should have.
“I wouldn’t call myself much of a person either”
“People have spines”
There were no words for him
Stressed and hiding it badly, he looked human, and you disliked it.
It wasn’t a trait he deserved to be associated with.
The air between you buzzed with the promise of more poison to spit and his thin hands held the desk behind him in a grip tighter than the one he had around your throat. You flexed your hands, your breathing heavy, desperate, you always seemed desperate around him, breathless.
“Well make up your fucking mind then”
He sounded bored like he didn’t want to be dealing with this. His eyes were low, half open.
“Do you want to be treated like a puppet or a princess?”
Though you realised he always sounded bored.
“Cause if you’re sick of being pampered, I’ll get Taehyung to take care of you till Jungkook comes sniffing you out”
And you’d thought of Park Chanyeol and those very initials in his cheeks.
He stood, eyes tired, deep circles hollowing his eye sockets, pale skin adding to his deadly complexion. You’d stared back at him, for a lot longer than you’d intended, your hands clasped in your lap tightly, your knuckles white with pressure. His head lay slightly to the side as he watched you open and close your mouth.
He hummed, clicking his tongue in disappointment.
“I think I’ll leave you to suffer like this for a bit longer”
His head raised again, his shoulders straightening out as he pushed his forwards slightly and crossed his arms, exposing his cuff links, silver today, icy, like his eyes.
“You know what this means”
“He’s back”
“The prodigal son has returned”
“And I’d never leave an old friend go without a homecoming party”
He spoke in a tone too amused to be real and too implicit to be sincere, but you’d never known him to be an honest person and he’d never assumed you to be one either.
“You think he’ll take the bait?” you questioned.
A low scoff was Yoongi’s version of laughing and he’d found your query the most amusing part of your visit.
“I think Jeon Jungkook will choke on the fucking hook I’m going to put you on in your pretty thigh high socks and sour expression”
If you hadn’t already felt like a doll, he’d made you feel like a collector’s item.
You’d talked to him enough now, to not fear questions, but you’d lost much of the hope you’d salvaged when Suho had sent you the first bouquet and decided this wasn’t something you were willing to take a bullet for.
He could shoot you for your questions but at least they would be your doing.
“What if he doesn’t take the bite?”
He let his eyes close for a second, thin lips curving near the edges, like a snake, he stared down at you for too long before replying.
“Who wouldn’t take the bite?”
He didn’t offer any explanation and you decided you didn’t want any.
“We’ll talk more about this when I’ve decided what we’ll do with you”
He pushed himself from the chair with ease, fixing his cuff links as he checked his watch, sighing as if inconvenienced. Out of the corner of his, he spoke to you again.
You’d settled yet again, the pushover you were allowing him to walk over your persuaded body like you were a doormat he wiped stained shoes on, compliant and silent, you found your hands tightened as he spoke again. So spitefully it was unlike him, so regular it was.
“At least now you won’t have to curl up to Suho to get your information”
He’d shrugged and you’d stood and for the first time since you’d met him, raised your voice. It was like every vile thought you’d ever had about him had pooled in your mouth for the taking and you spoke to him for the first time, apologetically, but terrified.
“Shut up”
It was a plea, more than an order, but he seemed to take the latter’s meaning and cocked his chin up in sort of smirk before he’d replied, his eyes amused, dark like everything he wore.
“Excuse me?”
It was like butter that melted across his tongue, deeper than the pit forming in your stomach, his voice was slow and unwavering, and very amused.
He wanted you to say it again.
“Stop it”
He dared you to speak to him
Your reply was weak, softer.
“Stop what sweetheart?”
The silence beginning to cloak you two like low cloud cover, misty and grey, the room seemed duller and the gold seemed cheaper.
He’d stared at you, till you looked away, as usual, his gaze would falter to something else as he got bored quite easily, but he’d watched you, having stood so briskly and spoken so suddenly, you felt like you’d done something punishable by death, but he was never emotive of what.
No anger, for what he’d thought you’d done.
No pity, for the waiver in your voice.
Barely a nod to signal your departure. 
And you’d dropped your keys on the kitchen counter that night and she had grinned, hair in rollers, green face mask fluorescent in the harsh light that flashed from the television. She’d raised the vodka and coke in her left hand as a greeting and gestured to her teeth mouthing something like “do they look whiter?”
You weren’t sure if it was the fact people were still sending flowers to you after the accident or whether Solji was happier than usual but all you could do was leave your knees to drop to the floor and finally let the sobs retch up your throat.
He had broken up with you, you managed to choke out after a few minutes of crying above daffodils that weren’t in season and must have cost a fortune and thinking about Yoongi adding money to your bank account. 
Nobody had broken up with you.
But you cried about the thought of it because you weren’t really sure what you were crying about. A tight pain in your chest had you clutching yourself as you saw the pharmacy bag on the kitchen counter, your sleeping pills inside, the pain medication long unneeded. There were unopened condolence letters in the corner from people in Busan you didn’t know, there were candles from Seungkan’s vigil mass on the windowsill. There was a black SUV that belonged to Kim Suho outside. A hospital drama obnoxiously carried on through your panic attack as you gasped for breath and the salty tears made your mouth dry.
You were hyper aware of everything as Solji had finally laid you down on your bed, muttering something about getting some water and your breathing began evening out again.
His cigarettes were on your bedside table.
His body lay rotting in a grave long since bare, flowers having been discarded. And you wondered if anyone thought about him. If that empty seat was saved for someone else, if his apartment was sold for a good price or if the stains on the carpet he left made the value drop.
He’d died on a Saturday and lived through the week and it never dawned on you if when you died people would send Solji letters or remember where you sat or if people would remember you as clueless as they did Seungkan.
She gave you the water and she’d patted your head, no pity or worry anymore, and you’d smiled with little sincerity as you repeated what he’d said.
It was the first time you’d ever noticed it or allowed yourself to notice it but Min Yoongi was beautiful and you knew it because the nights you dreamt of him were toxic and he remained agelessly handsome through and through, softly stunning.
That night was no different as you woke with the same feeling in your stomach, your hands balled into fists and your mouth dry from crying. Clumsily, you drank from the tepid glass at your bedside and watched your phone light up each time you got a notification, the dim light reflecting on the water.
It was not loved or lust or anything of that nature, you’d convinced yourself. 
You merely resentfully agreed he was no less lovely despite his acidity.
And it was the first time you’d actually let yourself admit that.
He’d grabbed your wrist as you left, so tightly you could feel the strain through your palm and curled your finger tips, his face half illuminated with gold and the other darker than the sky outside. Two-faced.
“He’ll kill you quickly”
You didn’t think you’d get the privilege.
“But I’m much more inventive”
Park Chanyeol had nice eyes, he stared at you like a deer would, innocently, the rush of the college bar behind you background noise as he emerged from the black Chevrolet silently, knowing you were watching him.
Your feet stung from the walk across campus, your coat doing nothing for the weather, snow, covering Hoseok’s car, hiding the dirt and scratches. He blew warm air into his palms.
It was midnight.
And Yoongi had not made an appearance.
“Busy” Hoseok had explained before you had even asked him.
Well below zero your heart melted your frozen insides at the sight of the street.
Hoseok took his keys from his pocket and twirled them in his fingers casually, coughing once, dry, from the last cigarette he just had. You let out a shaky breath as you spoke.
“Hoseok I’m cold, c’mon”
Your eyes made out shapes in the darkness a few feet across the road as you watched the street lamps flicker, the noise from inside drowning out the buzz in your ears.
Impatient and trembling, you watched Hoseok grin.
You hadn’t heard Chanyeol, you hadn’t even seen him, it was like his arms appeared from nowhere and wrapped themselves around Hoseok’s shoulders in one fluid motion and pulled, down.
He fell to the snow after colliding with Chanyeol’s raised knee, Hoseok’s right shoulder curved, too low for his body, the first piece of him to hit the concrete, his head next, and in the seconds of disorientation Chanyeol took his right arm and pulled.
One foot on his neck the other placed over Hoseok’s other hand, the music wasn’t too loud for you to hear the pop. There was a loud grunt and you fell to the floor a few feet from them.
A bang from behind you made you fall to your knees, slipping on the snow as you turned. He wore a black face mask and glasses, and in his right hand, he held a metal baseball bat that shone even in the dim light.
He strode past you, barely glancing in our direction.
Hoseok’ eyes were half open on the snow, and he writhed underneath Chanyeol’s hold, blood oozing from his busted nose, groaning as Chanyeol pulled harder on his shoulder, already out of place.
He almost choked when the first swing came, down from a height high above the other man’s head, it made your stomach swirl and collided with his, after Chanyeol rolled him over easily.
And you thought of the gunshots that night.
Hoseok screamed out as another blow went to his chest.
And the blood.
You heard him shift and another savage swing was sent to his knee.
And how Seungkan had died in a hospital bed.
So you went the distance to where he lay in the snow and kneeled before the two men dressed in black, with your hands raised, as if surrendering a fight you had no right to negotiate in.
Park Chanyeol was a man of poise, tall and thin, he stalked around like a ghost with little or no sound, he did not blink when you met his eyes.
“I don’t have time for this”
One large calloused hand wrapped itself around your curled hair, gathering it, to pull you from your position at Hoseok’s head. A winter boot collided with your cheek and you fell on your hands, back into the snow.
“You wanna be a hero?”
The other man spoke like what you expected. Roughly.What mafia members should sound like. Angry and interrupted, he was not patient, he merely gave you a second to take a breath and turned the bat towards you. 
He raised his leg yet again, and you saw the print of the boots’ sole, the brand etched into thick leather, that was a second later, etched into your face.
You hit something hard, and your ears rang, your temple wet as soon as you touched the floor, your knees throbbing from their collisions with the hard concrete, but your focus was on the thuds, of metal on muscle, of beatings to bones. He stopped making noise after the third hit.
They had left no more than minutes later, and he lay, like Seungkan, bleeding and bruised, already dead and buried.
Your numb fingers grasped your phone, face up on the ground beside you, the screen smashed and with what little energy you had left, you dialled the number
It was the only one you had and it rang for far too long before he answered.
“I’m in a meeting” he had said blankly.
You whispered even though nobody was around, afraid to break the silence.
“Yoongi” you choked, swallowing tears “It’s Hoseok”
He was a man of little words and none of them were soothing and this was no exception, so he sighed and answered in a softer tone than usual.
“Stay there”
One - Two - Three - Four - Five -  Six - Seven -  Eight  - Nine - Ten -  Eleven -  Twelve -  Fourteen
- thank you for reading x requests are open
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