#Sengoku Musou 1
music-musou · 4 days
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atemourisan · 1 year
Samurai Warriors 4 Empires Okuni's unique dialogue [1/??]
Hear me out, ik I planned on using this blog to post my art, but posting photos doesn't hurt right? Plus I decided to post Okuni's unique dialogue in this hack and slash role-playing game because I love this girl so much idc what people say. ❤️ But without further ado. Here's what I can post for now since I don't have everything lmao.
Okuni's unique dialogue with Motonari.
Can I just say it rn that I ship these two so much? Here, Okuni seems to want to take Motonari on a date to Izumo but Motonari wants to go but he's like "maybe later after this fight is taken care of?"
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Okuni's lines with Takakage
I swear, Takakage is acting like Belle from Beauty & The Beast when Beast shows Belle the library but he wonders if it's what Izumo is, and realizes that's Amago territory he cannot go there until Chugoku is unified by the Mōri.
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Okuni's unique lines with Matsunaga Hisahide
Ngl I wish it was basara Matsunaga she was talking to because Basara Matsunaga is sexier and more intriguing. Musou Matsunaga brags way too darn much about being the villain of the sengoku jidai but little fun fact: irl Matsunaga being the villain of the sengoku jidai isn't factual.
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Okuni's unique lines with Date Masamune
Okuni! Not when Mego is around! But ofc some can say "Okuni is finding Masamune cute unlike his mom Yoshihime. " But ofc another little fun fact: Most of what is said about Yoshihime is just stories and a ton of them come from edo period literature. And ofc it's made to make Masamune's story more interesting. Anecdotal I'd say.
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Okuni's unique lines with Katakura Kojuro
This is so funny for anyone who loves Katakura Kojuro be he musou Kojuro or basara Kojuro (basara Kojuro is hotter).
I ofc checked out these lines for a really sweet friend of mine who loves Kojuro since I have ideas planned for Okuni meeting basara characters lmao
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Okuni's unique lines with Lady Hayakawa
And this is why a pansexual woman like myself calls Okuni "The LGBTQ+ Musou Icon" as no matter the character's gender, Okuni will still find you alluring. 🩵 But ofc I'm more into shipping Lady Hayakawa with Kai 🩵❤️.
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Okuni's unique lines with Chosokabe Motochika
I may end up updating this part but Okuni flirting with Motochika the emo Rockstar goth boy of the series 🩵🖤. Tbh I feel like their lines here are a read lmao. Because think about it!
"Play me a sing and I'll show you the dance of death.
I will take you... to your funeral."
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ariparri · 4 months
Samurai Warriors Masterlist
A list of all my artworks for Koei Tecmo's Samurai Warriors series. Mostly contains OC content with some fanart.
Blog Masterpost | Dynasty Warriors | Sengoku Basara
Samurai Warriors 5
Archive Bio
Musou Art
SW4 Reference
Nobunaga's Ambition
Musou Art
Archive Bio
WO4 Design
Cherry Blossoms
SW4 Reference (Outdated)
Archive Bio
Nobunaga's Ambition
First Mission
Archive Bio
Reference (Outdated)
Other Content
Expression Chart
SW4 Reference Sheet
SW4 Character Bio/Archives
Multiverse KiyoKana
Mother and Daughter (Kana & Yaso)
Valentine's KiyoKana
Mitsunari Ishida
Kunoichi Alt. Design 1
Kunoichi Alt. Design 2
Idiot Trio's Wives
Ninja Training
Pool Party
Li Dian's Pursuers
DianAi & KiyoKana
Crane Wife (KiyoKana)
Secret Santa
Alternate Designs
Mistletoe (KiyoKana)
Secret Santa
Miname x Nagatada
WO4 Dream Team
Unlikely Duo
Chibi Tachibana
Couple Arts
Lady Yamanote
Idiot Trio Halloween
Kana's Onigiri
Art Trade
Art Trades
Art Trade
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simayeeet · 5 years
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i thought this was an ok thing to do
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Koei Tecmo will release Touken Ranbu Warriors digitally for Switch on May 24, 2022 in North America and Europe, the publisher announced.
In Japan, Touken Ranbu Warriors is due out for Switch and PC via DMM Games Player on February 17, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via Koei Tecmo:
Touken Ranbu Warriors is the first-ever console game in the Touken Ranbu series. The all-new experience promises to combine the Touken training of the Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- simulation game with the breathtaking action of Koei Temco’s popular Warriors musou series, delivering must-play 1 vs. 1,000 combat.
Touken Ranbu Warriors features 15 characters from Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-, where famous swords take the form of warriors named Touken Danshi (swordsmen), and the elite fighters are sworn to protect history. In Touken Ranbu Warriors, members of Touken Danshi have been drifting through time without their master—the Saniwa—to lead them, when they are suddenly attacked by the fearsome History Retrograde Army (HRA). After the initial conflict, the Touken Danshi are approached by the Government of the Time, and sent on a mission into the war-torn Sengoku Era where the revision of Japanese history is already underway. Can the Touken Danshi heroes restore order while restoring the original timeline? The fierce but beautiful battles of the Touken Danshi are finally a reality!
The game is set to feature the electrifying musou action fans expect from a Warriors title including battling alongside partner characters and head-to-head duels against enemies! Touken Ranbu Warriors also features the “Honmaru,” the main base of our heroes. Here, you can freely place members of the Touken Danshi in order to get a glimpse of their daily lives that can only be experienced in this game.
The rousing action of Touken Ranbu Warriors will be on full display during this year’s Tokyo Game Show. On October 2, beginning at 23:00 JST, an exclusive first-look will be showcased as part of the official TGS 2021 Online DMM Special Program, with the highly-anticipated segment simultaneously interpreted in English. To watch the presentation, please visit the official DMM Games YouTube channel.
Watch the announcement trailer and presentation video below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here: English, Japanese.
Announce Trailer
Presentation Video
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onioncatalogue · 2 years
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Sengoku Musou 2 Original Sound Track Album disc 1 & 2 scans
source: VGMdb
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mitsundere · 2 years
i'm getting back into my really old interests and i'm scared of what i'll get into next... so far (in order):
1. fire emblem (2015??)
2. sengoku basara (2016?)
3. sengoku musou / samurai warriors (2018?)(slight)
4. one punch man (2015)
it's getting older and older and, knowing my interests pre-2015..... not pretty good 😭
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samuraifacts · 3 years
The True Cost of an Alliance
 So for anyone who doesn’t know I am unapologetically a fan of the Sengoku Musou/Samurai Warriors series.  While It was actually the series Kessen that got me into the Sengoku Period to begin with it was Sengoku Musou that really helped keep me interested in the era. With Samurai Warriors 5 coming this year and the introduction of a rather unexpected character named Sena (whom I will be referring to as Lady Tsukiyama) I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss one of the most infamous incidents of the period.    This is a facts tumblr so I’m not going to really touch on them until after the story is done, but I will start by saying that this event has spawned several tales of both ghosts and curses throughout Japanese history. Now that I have your attention let me set the scene for you. It is the year 1579. Oda Nobunaga and his clan have taken over all of central Japan. To the West is the Mori clan, and to the East is the Uesugi. The mighty Takeda clan had been decimated at the battle of Nagashino and the Oda-Tokugawa alliance was taking over more and more Takeda land by the year. While the Takeda’s home province of Kai would not fall for another four years, no one would consider the Takeda clan a viable opponent to the Oda-Tokugawa alliance at this point.    Nobunaga’s alliance with Ieyasu, forged after the fall of the Imagawa in 1560 and sealed three years later in 1563 by a marriage of Nobunaga’s five year old daughter Tokuhime to Ieyasu’s five year old son Nobuyasu was considered unparalleled at this point. However, in 1579 Ieyasu would learn the true cost of this alliance. His eldest son Nobuyasu was considered a rising star in Japanese politics. He seemed to have a natural talent for leadership and battle alike and was being perfectly groomed by Ieyasu to be the next head of the Tokugawa clan. He had a loving wife whom he treated well and was said to be quite popular across the Tokugawa and Oda controlled provinces. Ieyasu even put Nobuyasu in charge of his home castle, Okazaki. Nobuyasu was deeply loved by his father and adored by his mother Lady Tsukiyama. So much so, in fact, that his wife Tokuhime apparently had a long standing grudge with her mother in law. While we don’t know the exact reason some speculate that the two butted heads quite a bit over what was best for Nobuyasu, how Tokuhime could be a better wife, and what Tokuhime could and couldn’t do to properly respect her inlaws. One tale states that Tokuhime only gave birth to two daughters for Nobuyasu and failed to produce an heir. Wanting a grandson Lady Tsukiyama arranged for the daughter of a Takeda retainer to become Nobuyasu's concubine in hopes of the concubine having a son. While this certainly wasn’t unheard of at this time it apparently this didn’t sit well with the 21 year old.    I want to take a brief pause to say that some sources also say that Tokuhime and Nobuyasu’s marriage was horrible, Nobuyasu was a mama’s boy, he never took his wife’s side and despised her for arguing with his mother, etc. etc. but we can’t verify any of that and given that Tokuhime didn’t seem to have any direct problem with Nobuyasu himself I’m going to say this was unlikely. Anyway, back to the story of Nobunaga’s angry daughter.    Deciding she had enough of her mother in law’s interference into her marriage Tokuhime wrote a letter to her father. For anyone who knows about Nobunaga, I’m sure you’ve realized this can’t go anywhere good. Tokuhime told her father that since the concubine was from the Takeda, clearly Ieasyu’s wife was colluding with the Takeda forces and had been in direct contact with Takeda Katsuyori to undermine the Oda-Tokugawa alliance and possibly even get the Tokugawa to switch sides. Obviously this didn’t sit well with Nobunaga and Nobunaga demanded that in order to keep the Oda-Tokugawa alliance alive Ieyasu would have to execute his wife.    Understanding how important the alliance was, being aware that his son had in fact received a Takeda clan daughter as a concubine, and not wanting a war to break out in which he would be pinned between the Oda, Hojo, and Takeda, Ieyasu agreed. On 9 September 1579, Lady Tsukiyama (Sena in Samurai Warriors 5) was beheaded on the shore of Lake Sanaru, in Hamamatsu on Ieyasu’s order. Her primary grave is at Seiryū temple in Hamamatsu. However, her head rests in Hachioji Shrine. Sadly the tragedy doesn’t stop there. Remember the entire point of this was to maintain the Oda-Tokugawa alliance. Nobuyasu now had a reason to despise the Oda and when he became head of the Tokugawa household would likely have no sympathy if the Oda ever found themselves in danger. Knowing that his son would now have a grudge Ieyasu would also order his first born son, the rising star Nobuyasu, to commit seppuku. This meant Tokuhime would live the rest of her days as a widow, returning to the Oda clan and that leadership of the Tokugawa after Ieyasu died would go to Tokugawa Hidetada. ultimately this would prove a good thing as it would mean Hidetada’s son Iemitsu would become Shogun. Though we are left to wonder how history may have changed if Nobuyasu had been allowed to live or if his wife never sent that letter to Nobunaga.   Now as I said at the opening this in and of itself isn’t a ghost story. However, for the next 400+ years several tales would arise of seeing the ghosts of Lady Tsukiyama and Matsudaira Nobuyasu. When Nobunaga died a few years later at the hands of his retainer Akechi Mitsuhide some would say it was Lady Tsukiyama’s curse. Some would even go so far as to say that it was actually planned out by the Akechi and Tokugawa together in revenge for the loss of Ieyasu’s son and wife. Even when it came to Ieyasu losing the battle of Komaki and Nagakute it would be labeled as his late wife’s curse. Just like at any point throughout history whenever something bad happened to the Oda or the Tokugawa people would be quick to find a horrible story from the past and claim that it must be a curse from someone involved with that event.    Will Sena’s fate be the same in Samurai Warriors 5? I doubt it. Koei tends to leave out particularly gruesome things like this from their titles. However, it will be curious to see what fate they have in store for Ieayasu’s wife and how long she lasts within the game’s world. Though, some of you may recognize this story from Nioh 1 as the wraith of Lady Tsukiyama appears as a demon mourning the death of her son before attacking William.
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neobrogrippa · 3 years
What Do I Do Until SM5?
  Alright. Here you are. You have finished watching Friday’s livestream, you are all excited for Samurai Warriors 5, you have looked at the calendar ANNNDDD you have now realized we are still several weeks away from the game’s release. So, what do you do now? Well, Today I have come to offer some things to help pass the time until Samurai Warriors 5 is released. I will be offering various games and projects in various genres and platforms that may help either sustain you until SM5 or help build up your hype even more! I have even organized then by genre. I will not be including any other games in the Sengoku Musou series in this list. 1. Pre-Order The Game On Your Platform of Choice: No. Really. Remember to Pre-order the game if you haven’t already. It is great to be hyped but let Koei know that we love this franchise and hunger for it. 2. Mobile Games: If you are in Japan you have so many Sengoku based mobile games to choose from that it is mind blowing. In the west, however, it is a bit tougher. So I am going to suggest two. -Dating: Ikemen Sengoku: If you want historic accuracy this is seriously not the right game for you. It is several famous samurai as very pretty men all wanting to steal your heart and your attention. While some of the events may be a bit of a money grab on the part of the company who runs it the storylines and events are fantastic and the community is amazing. I recommend this highly! -Collection/Card/RPG: Touken Ranbu: For those who haven’t heard the famous Japanese mobile game “Touken Ranbu Online” launches in the west on Tuesday and I am hyped! It is a great game similar to Kantai Collection (Kancolle) or Sengoku Asuka Zero. Famous weapons as cool looking samurai guys! You can pre-register HERE. 3. Portable Games: Now, several of these games are also on Steam, the PS4, and possible even Xbox. However I am going to focus on games on the Vita and Switch. -PSVita: Toukiden, Toukiden Kiwami, Toukiden 2: Also on PS4 and Steam. I love this game so much. Toukiden and it’s upgrade Toukiden Kiwami are by Koei! Think of monster hunter but with a super heavy samurai feel to it! Fight horrible, giant yokai and craft amazing armor and weapons from their flesh! -PSVita: Muramasa The Demon Blade: Also on Wii this game is a fun side scrolling RPG with plenty of hack n’ slash all about leveling up the special weapons you get all with crazy powers and different magic abilities associated with them! -Switch: Fighting Game: Samurai Shodown: The new release/reboot of the classic fighting game series Samurai Shodown has met with great success. Set in the Edo Period you have fighters from all over the world but the game has a very heavy Japanese feel to it with Kabuki based characters, samurai based characters, ninja, priestesses, and all kinds of other unique fighters with their own themes and movesets! 4. Console Games: Games that you can sit down and play on Playstation, Xbox, or Steam. -RPG/Souls Like: Nioh and Nioh 2: I can’t say enough about these games. They are brutal, violent, and wonderful. Feudal Japan is full of Yokai for you to fight and slay your way through. While the story is full of demons, ghosts, and corruption Nioh (focusing on Sekigahara) and Nioh 2 (Focusing on the rise and fall of Toyotomi Hideyoshi) offer great incite in the era and strangely enough have some of the most historicly accurate portrayels I’ve ever seen when it comes to people of the time period. -RPG: Way of the Samurai 3: A unique RPG set in the Sengoku Era. Run around and collect weapons and play a fun, short story with a lot of different endings. -Strategy: Nobunaga’s Ambition Series: A wonderful series. These games take several days worth of play time to beat but they are a great experience for those that like strategy, town planning, and resource management. -Strategy/Military: Total War Shogun 2: If you enjoy samurai and the Sengoku Jidai and resource management but want more exciting combat and a larger focus on combat compared to Nobunaga’s Ambition check out this great came that, in spite of it’s age, is still played by many across the world even today. 5. Youtube and Podcasts: I know this isn’t quite as action packed as anything else I mentioned but for those that want to keep the hype up, brush up on history, and listen to something awesome I have three offerings for you. -Podcast: Samurai Archives: A great podcast hosted by great people who know their stuff. Every episode is focused on something from the Sengoku Era and I can’t recommend it enough. -Podcast: History of Japan: This podcast by Issac Meyer is great. He covers far more than just the Sengoku Era but he covers his topics thoroughly and passionately. He recently did a series of episodes on the Azai Sisters and as a large Azai fan myself I couldn’t help but be thrilled about it. -Youtube: The Shogunate: The Shogunate is a cool dude. He hosts Shogun 2 Total War tournaments and has very informative episodes organized into playlists about the history of the Sengoku Jidai.  6. Roleplay Forums: I’m going to shamelessly plug my own roleplay forum on this list. No one can stop me. For those not familiar with the concept you make your own original character(s) then you and others write a story based on those characters, taking turns to describe what your character is doing in various situation. So you might have a roleplay about your character and another having a dinner conversation, or being in a large fight against an enemy army! It is creative writing at it’s finest and is like D&D but with pen and paper. -Modern Era: Sengoku Horizon: It is a fantastic forum with a very niche theme. In modern times the Tokugawa government and it’s feudal system not got overthrown. Samurai, ninja, and lords still exist! You get to play as a college or high school student at a prestigious academy training the future leaders of Japan and can make a character that carries both a katana and cell phone in this exciting mix of modern life and Sengoku Era concepts.
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music-musou · 1 month
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wooleeza · 3 years
Nakada Hiroki
I’ve been really fascinated by this stage actor’s work recently, and of course it doesn’t hurt that he has such a beautiful face and build (he did, after all, sign on with Oscar Promotion as a model when he first entered the entertainment industry!) That said, he has had a really difficult 2020 and I am so glad that the run of Musical Touken Ranbu’s Kotobuki (5th Anniversary celebration) was completed safely. May the rest of this year be plain-sailing for all his scheduled projects! Anyway, I wrote up this profile in case anyone who’s just begun watching Toumyu (or any other show he’s been in) develops an interest in learning more about him.
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Both pictures were shared by Hiroki himself on Twitter!
Details under the cut!
Name: Nakada Hiroki
Birthplace: Okayama Prefecture 
Birthday: 17 October 1987
Age: 33 (as of January 2021)
Height: 181cm
Weight: 65.2kg (last checked during his May 2020 livestream)
Blood type: A
Personality: shy, sensitive, serious, gentle, dedicated, fluffy, loves sweets and snacks
Pets: Ohagi-kun (a 3-year-old hedgehog) and Hope-chan (a 1-year-old toy poodle)
Talents: Table tennis, saxophone, swordplay, dance (thanks to Tsukista’s training!)
Years of experience in the industry: 7 
Twitter: @nakadahiroki
Instagram: nakadahiroki1017
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/nakada1017/
Niconico channel: 仲田博喜チャンネル「仲茶ノ間」(Nakachanoma)  https://ch.nicovideo.jp/gsn-nakadahiroki?ref=pc_mypage_follow_channel
Notable roles: 
Takasugi Shinsaku (Haruka 5)
Yayoi Haru (Tsukiuta Stage)
Senoo Tasuku (Prince of Stride)
Munakata Kyousuke (Danganronpa 3)
Akechi Mitsuhide (Samurai Warriors)
Liu Bei (Shin Sangoku Musou)
Kozuki Akinori (Bugbusters Stage Yellow)
Martin Baird (Tougenkyo Labyrinth)
Akashi Kuniyuki (Musical Touken Ranbu - Kishou Hongi)
Masaferry (Gekidan Shining – Bloody Shadows)
He left home at the age of 18 with a dream in his heart of becoming an actor, but chickened out of actually starting out and worked various part-time jobs (including one in an izakaya) in Sendai instead. He had a late start in the entertainment industry compared to his peers because he lacked confidence about whether he could make it, and when he finally decided to pursue his dreams and join the entertainment field in his mid-20s, he sent out over a hundred handwritten resumes but was rejected continuously by agencies (perhaps due to age and lack of experience). He was eventually accepted as a model by Oscar Promotion in 2013, and studied acting by renting movies and paid for sword-fighting lessons out of his own pocket while taking on small commercial roles as a rookie actor.
His big break came in 2015 when he landed the role of Takasugi Shinsaku in the 2.5D stage adaptation of Haruka 5. Fans took notice of his good looks and steady swordwork. His next big break came when he landed the role of Yayoi Haru in the 2016 stage adaptation of Tsukiuta, which he sustained for 5 full acts. He refined his dancing ability during the two years he was with the cast. He graduated very reluctantly from Tsukista in 2018. It broke his heart to leave the cast, whom he considered a family, but he’s moved on to bigger and brighter roles ever since.
He’s known for immersing himself emotionally and completely in whatever role he has been given. He believes that he must convey the roles right down to his fingertips each time, and he has always managed to do so. He’s always been called a yasashii oniisan (gentle older brother) by the younger actors who have had the privilege to work with him. He is currently working on improving his singing to do better in musicals and might perhaps take on more voice work as his voice has been praised for its unique quality.
The following is also a translation of a critique from one of the directors who has worked with him,  Kōtarō Yoshitani, in Sengoku Musou and Musical Code: Realize. It was shared on Twitter.
In the words of Kōtarō Yoshitani:
Nakada Hiroki is an actor with a glamorous appearance, but feels like an artisan. He approaches his roles with very steadily. He is a serious character and very diligent. He repeatedly asks himself questions about his performance as he goes along. He thinks about the role he's been given and dives into that world view. With his neat face, you'd think he'd be a little less muddy, but he's got a lot of passion inside him. He has an insatiable appetite for theatre. It is a rare thing to find a performer who is so smart and yet so muddy, and it is a great weapon for a performer. If a performer's image on the outside is the same as that of the inside, it may not be as appealing or as interesting to explore. Nakada is a man who has a lot of things that drive him visually, but it is not enough to judge him only by his visuals, it's his depth that is his true appeal. That's why he makes you feel interested with his visuals and then pulls you in with his true charm on stage.
You might think he'd look good in Japanese costumes, but he'd look great in Western clothes too. If you look inside, you can see a passionate heart, but if you look at the visuals only, you might think he is a cold-hearted person. He laughs both like an adult and like a child. He is clear and elusive. He is at home in both showbiz and traditional theatre. He looks well in comedy, but he could also be a dark hero who doesn't smile at all. What a mysterious actor. And yet, I don't think he is considered strange. That's what makes him so fascinating. That is why he can be any colour in the world of the play.
I met him on stage in "Sengoku Musou" and in the musical "Code Realize". One character was just and the other was mild, a study in opposites, but both were full of Nakada’s charm. In other words, the director can ask him to be anything. I don't have to tell you that this is a very important quality for an actor. That's why I described him at the beginning as a craftsman. But to describe him in that way may be out of tune with his nature. If I see him again, will I be able to see his true self?
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
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Have there always been this many new musou games released around the same time?
I know Dynasty/Samurai Warriors and Sengoku Basara have been continuing to release more games this whole time, but they don't get the worldwide mainstream attention that P5S and Zelda do. And Touken Ranbu Musou may have been cut from the English Nintendo Direct for 9/23/2021, but it was in the Japanese Nintendo Direct for 9/24/2021.
Picture sources: https://twitter.com/touken_musou/status/144117010803486720
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daeva-agas · 4 years
Article on the life of Kyounyo (Kennyo’s son), but it also mentions Kennyo, the situation at Honganji, and Nobu stuff. Not sure if this is strictly scholarly because the writers had inserted personal opinions in some places. I also sense salt against Nobu, but maybe I’m just seeing things. Could be just tone not carrying over well in translation.
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^ This was why Magoichi was of interest to me TBH. He’s considered part of the Ikko. 
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I remember thinking that the Mouri who fought Nobu was Motonari the whole time back in the day, thanks to Sengoku Musou. I had the same mix-up with Shingen and Katsuyori in Nagashino and Tenmokuzan, also because Musou. 
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^ This was what I meant by salt. The author was clearly biased in support of the Honganji (might be a believer themselves?). Outright calling Nobu dishonest doesn’t sound like a fair assessment, because you have no proof he’s lying when he made the promises he reneged on. I imagine a more neutral comment would be to call Nobu “fickle”, or “too easily provoked”. But as I said, might be caused by imperfect translation.
I have no issue with refusing forgiveness part. The Oda clan record says that was true. However, it says that in the end Nobu does accept the surrender of one temple/castle. Not sure which source describes that Nobu broke the promise and bombarded them anyway.  
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If true this is interesting. I really don’t hear much about Kenson. The middle son always neglected LOL. 
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Shikanosuke Yamanaka, Hanbei Takenaka, Kanbei Kuroda, Kazuuji Nakamura, and Sena will be playable in Samurai Warriors 5, publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Omega Force announced during the game’s second official live stream.
Here is a look at each character:
Shikanosuke Yamanaka (voiced by Yohei Azakami) – New Playable
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The Amago family’s retainer. A cheerful young man with a frank personality. He met Mitsuhide when he was being attacked by Mōri during an arduous battle. From then on, he began to work alongside Mitsuhide while working to restore the Amago family to their former glory.
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Hanbei Takenaka (voiced by Umeka Shouji)
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A tactician who serves the Saitō family. While he appears very mild-mannered, Hanbei has unparalleled quick wits on the battlefield. He senses that Hideyoshi, his former enemy, has the potential to alter the future of Japan, so he decides to serve him to achieve that goal. He mentors Kanbei, his junior tactician.
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Kanbei Kuroda (voiced by Masaya Takatsuka)
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A tactician from Harima. He serves Hideyoshi, who recognizes Kanbei as a tactical genius. Despite looking very composed, he is in fact very competitive and hates to lose. He respectfully refers to Hanbei, the tactician who served Hideyoshi before him, as “Master.”
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Kazuuji Nakamura (voiced by Ryouhei Arai) – New Playable
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A Koga Ninja. After his former employer, the Rokkaku family, was defeated by the Oda family, he was picked up by Hideyoshi and now serves him. While he acts cold and brusque, he has a deep sense of obligation towards Hideyoshi for saving him. He trained to become a ninja with Mitsuki from their early childhood.
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Sena (voiced by Haruka Terui) – New Playable
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Yoshimoto Imagawa’s niece. She has an unyielding spirit and often encourages Ieyasu, but is also very affectionate and devoted to him. Her uncle, Yoshimoto, thinks the world of her and cares for her dearly. She later becomes Ieyasu’s wife.
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Samurai Warriors 5 will feature a total of 27 playable characters, all of which were chosen based on the story. The full list of currently confirmed playable characters is as follows:
Hanbei Takenaka
Hideyoshi Hashiba
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Kanbei Kuroda
Katsuie Shibata
Kazuuji Nakamura
Nagamasa Azai
Mitsuhide Akechi
Nobunaga Oda
Shikanosuke Yamanaka
Tadakatsu Honda
Toshiie Maeda
Toshimitsu Saito
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Koei Tecmo also confirmed it will release a Samurai Warriors 5 Season Pass for 3,300 yen, which includes:
Additional Scenario (six sets) and Background Music (six sets)
Additional Weapons (five sets with three weapons in each set)
Additional Horses (6 sets)
Users who purchase the Season Pass will also receive items to power up their warriors in the game, along with gold which can be used to purchase or strengthen weapons.
Finally, here are the latest details on the game:
Samurai Warriors 5 takes place inside the Sengoku period, during which an inverted social order extends across Japan. As war rages, several influential figures appear across the country seeking to reign supreme over these turbulent times. Among those figures, the great daimyō, Yoshimoto Imagawa, dispatches his troops to escort the minor daimyo of the neighboring nation—Ieyasu Tokugawa—as a hostage. While everyone is assessing the situation, there is one person watching all of this occur from high above… Nobunaga Oda. Samurai Warriors 5 begins with Nobunaga, along with his childhood friend Toshiie Maeda, as they make a raid on the Imagawa Army in order to rescue Ieyasu from his captors.
In Samurai Warriors 5, this and every raid will be complemented by the all-new ability to unleash Ultimate Skill attacks on enemies. Ultimate Skills are incredibly powerful actions that can be used during battle, with players able to equip up to four types of Ultimate Skills at any one time. Ultimate Skill types include the Avalanche, enabling you to thrust your Great Spear into the earth to create a shockwave that stuns nearby enemies; Recuperation, where you can either increase your attack power or defense, or recharge your Musou Gauge; Relentless Storm, where you throw enemies into the air, beat them to a pulp, then bring them down to the ground with a strike from your Great Spear; and Pulse, an Ultimate Skill suited for continuing combos, enabling you to connect Pulse Ultimate Skills and Musou attacks.
In addition, Hyper Attacks return to the battlefield, enabling characters to travel great distance while assaulting enemies. As the Hyper Attack allows you to round up combatants and can be connected to a standard attack, it acts as the perfect starting point for any battle.
Samurai Warriors 5 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on June 24 in Japan, followed by PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch in the west and PC via Steam worldwide on July 27.
Watch the latest gameplay footage below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
52:33 to 55:18 – Nobunaga Oda Cutscene featuring Nobuyuki Oda and No
56:06 to 1:02:04 – Nobunaga Oda Gameplay
1:02:05 to 1:03:00 – Mitsuhide Akechi Gameplay
1:04:29 to 1:06:50 – Ieyasu Tokugawa Gameplay
1:06:51 to 1:08:30 – Hideyoshi Hashiba Gameplay
1:11:08 to 1:12:05 – Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi Samurai Warriors 1 Costume Set (Early Purchase Bonus)
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onioncatalogue · 2 years
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Sengoku Musou Original Sound Track Album disc 1 & 2 scans
source: VGMdb
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Salmon’s Fanfics Masterlist
This was once upon a time a writing tumblr only.  I gave up on that this year.  So I compiled a list of all the fics I’ve posted.  It was longer than I thought, actually.  I’d forgotten some of what I did post previously. Alphabetical order for series and fics.
Series With Separate Masterlists:
Animal Kingdom Masterlist
Hetalia  Masterlist
Roswell New Mexico Masterlist
Roswell High Book Club Masterlist
Supernatural Masterlist
Yuri On Ice Masterlist
Other Series:
Aldnoah Zero:
Blue Roses and Caged Birds S2 Fix-it for all us Slaine Lovers from Eddelrittuo’s POV
Dresden Files (Novels):
Still Kicking Pre-series through Death Masks from Susan’s POV (Ship(s): HarryxSusan)
Sunset A set of gliders choose to leave Blue Mountain while Voll leads the Wolfriders toward the Castle (Set during the Original Quest)
Giving Orders Kaz is part of a new resistance force post series
Capybara Tatsuha wonders if he’ll have to pick a side.  (Ship(s): RyuixTats (hinted requited) )
Cold Breakfast and Hot Green Tea Ryuichi faces a less than warm home coming. (Ship(s): RyuTats)
End of Innocence Tatsuha POV on his family, and the end of innocence. (Ship(s): RyuTats (one-sided) )
Love Mode:
Drowning The Blue Boy is subdued on the anniversary of Aoe Shouga’s death. (Ship(s): JinxKatsuki)
Irrational Izumi runs into and ex-client. (Ship(s): ArashixIzumi)
Skewed Fairytale Katsuki and Jin, with some help, go on a date.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
My Hero Academia:
Deja Vu Kaminari and Jirou remind Yamada of two previous students of  UA. (Ship(s): EraserMic KamiJirou)
Holding Back Bakugou faces down his father over his mother’s behavior, and his father’s inaction. (Ship(s): Could be interpreted as KiriBaku)
If I Could Promise You How both being famous and not being famous affect a relationship (Ship(s): EraserMic)
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Ignorance & Want Jack collects what he needs to trade for a compass that doesn’t point north from an old acquaintance. (Ship(s): Hint of JackxOC, but not the focus) (This is my often mentioned anti-true love soliloquy if anyone is curious.)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Novel):
A Road to Either Safety or Ruin Others see through Zhuge Liang’s false mourning for Zhou Yu.
Samurai Warriors (Sengoku Musou):
Idealist The continued story of Mitsunari and Okuni’s friendship. (Part 2 to A Smile Worth of Coins)
A Smile Worth of Coins Mitsunari and Okuni meet at one of her troop’s performances.
Ugly-Beautiful The Story of Masamune and his wife Megohime. (Ship(s): MasamunexOC)
Royal Negotiations Magnus makes a deal with the Seelie Queen - Episode 2x18 Coda (Ship(s): Malec mentioned) Stranger Things: Out on a Limb Vickie gets a dramatic introduction to the Upside Down a few months after the Earthquakes. (Ship(s): Rockie)  (Post s4.  Written prior to s5)
The Three Musketeers (Novel):
Directly In Front Porthos, and hiding directly in front. (Ship(s): None.  But contains hints of Porthos with both Men and Women)
Tomorrow People (2014):
Good Intentions From Point A to Point Z from Jedikiah’s POV (Ship(s): JedikiahxMorgan, RogerxMarla)
Uta no Prince-Sama:
Sneaking Around with You A domestic morning with our favorite teachers. (Ship(s): HyugaxRingo)
A Thousand Words Not Enough Why Natsuki takes pictures of Syo. (Ship(s): NatsukixSyo)
Voltron Legendary Defender:
Musical Chairs The Lion Switch from Blue’s & Red’s POV
The Walking Dead:
Never Rise Again AU from mid second season.  The children adjust to the new world. (Ship(s): CarlxSophia)
The Truth in the Lie Eugene is a better liar than anyone knows. (Ship(s): Eugene/Candace/Edwin)
Things Missed and Not 5+1 with Carl Grimes. (Ship(s): CarlxEnid, RickxMichonne, RickxLori)
The Talk Rebecca comes to understand there are things The Talk doesn’t cover. (Ship(s): RebeccaxTea,  JoeyxMaia, TristanxSerenityxDuke, YugixTea, YamixYugi (mentioned), YugixJoey (one-sided, mentioned))
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