#Second of all you don’t even follow me nor do I follow you so we’re not even mutuals
just got mentioned on some post and like
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who are you ????
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lunar-years · 2 months
Peanut gallery social media commentary on Challengers is sooo funny to me.
“Art was the victim!” Did you miss the part where he started stirring shit up between his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend in the hopes they’d break up and he could get with her instead? Or how he chose to cut off his best friend entirely to side with Tashi because Tashi blamed said best friend for her injury (literally he doesn’t even talk to Patrick about the argument? Ever? Just kicks him out of his life because Tashi wants them to LMAO)?
“Patrick was the victim!” Did you miss the part where Patrick spends like 13 years willfully reinserting himself back into a relationship he no longer gets to be a part of all because he’d rather ruin them and come between them and repeatedly hurt them if it means he knows they still think about him, rather than taking ownership of his actions and coming to terms with the fact that they no longer think about him at all? Did you miss the fact that he’s a giant flop on top of being a giant asshole?
“Tashi is an evil cold manipulative bitch who doesn’t care about anything but tennis and comes between them!” Okay what we’re not going to do is 1) act like those two losers weren’t active participants in the vast majority of what was happening to them so that we can blame everything on the woman 2) forget that Tashi spends the entire movie both being incredibly horny for yes tennis, but tennis very much including Art and Patrick specifically, as well as bringing a wrecking ball down on her own life repeatedly because she physically cannot go on without having all three of them in her life.
“The three of them are ALL terrible, bad people!” Are they or they neither good nor bad but a secret third thing (messed up, regular people)? Are they or they all three simultaneously the one’s holding the gun and falling into the graves they’ve dug for themselves?
“The movie promised me a throuple and then didn’t even deliver!/it was just a regular boring old love triangle” Did you miss the part where Patrick was the person who taught Art to jerk off? Did you miss the part where Tashi encourages them to neck her until they’re close enough for her to back away and leave them kissing each other as she watches with horny amusement? Did you miss the fact that they’re both playing for her number? Did you miss Art molding himself into the person who could obtain the glory that Tashi was denied? Or how he saw his fiance/wife kissing her ex boyfriend who also happens to be his ex best friend in Atlanta and then spends like 10 more years doing absolutely nothing about it? Did you miss “Don’t I matter?” “Not to the most obsessive tennis fan in the world” “I’m not talking about tennis” followed by an Art who has stopped caring whether he wins or loses caring, by the end of the match, more than he’s ever cared before, because Patrick DOES matter and because he’s STILL playing for Tashi’s number? Did you miss the part where for about 15 seconds there they were actually playing tennis and they understood each other completely and so did everyone watching and it was a bit like they were in love or like they didn’t exist and they went somewhere really beautiful together? HUH?
“They’re incredibly toxic!” Well, yes! but you see, that’s part of the fun!
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dreamwritesimagines · 10 months
Garden of Secrets [36] - Middlemist Red
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Summary: Patience has its rewards.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 4200
Series Masterlist
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Rumors were an inseparable part of the ton, and you were well aware of that. Every season people found different things to gossip about and you’d had your fair share of being the subject of the said gossip, so it wasn’t supposed to be this surprising that they kept talking even after you got married.
But it didn’t mean you liked this particular rumor.
This was the second time Lady Whistledown had mentioned just how close Margery and Benedict seemed to be with each other, joking and laughing in the park when they ran into each other and even though you knew it was nonsense, you still couldn’t help the discomfort at the pit of your stomach.
Especially now that you were seeing it happen on the other side of the park.
“If I see your parents, I’ll give them a piece of my mind,” Lottie said, making you turn your glances to her. “They show up and make you feel bad all of a sudden? How dare they?”
“And to think they’ve been mean to you all this time?”
Well, what your parents had done was a bit more than just being mean to you, but you weren’t going to correct her on that.
“Simply unacceptable,” Lottie said, pointing at you with the cookie she was holding. “I’ll be with you at all times starting now, so that if they dare bother you again, I can handle them.”
You repressed a laugh.
“Much appreciated,” you said. “But you can’t be with me at all times Lottie, you have a wedding to plan.”
A smile brightened up her face. “I do!” she said. “But nevertheless Y/N, you are alright are you not?”
“Sure,” you said. “We don’t even need to talk about it.”
Lottie took a deep breath.
“I hate to ask, you know I do,” she said. “But have you seen Whistledown?”
Your eyes found Margery and Benedict who looked very much interested in their own conversation, Benedict frowning before he nodded at something Margery told him.
“It’s nonsense,” you forced yourself to say, and Lottie pressed her lips together.
“It is, but…” she said. “You know what? I suddenly remembered I had something to say to Benny, if you’ll excuse me.”
“Wait—Lottie no!” you whispered but she had already walked away from you to Benedict and Margery. Benedict turned to her, and raised his brows at something she said, then quickly bid Margery goodbye and followed Lottie as she started walking towards the street vendor to buy some lemonade while Margery walked to Lucy.
“Y/N,” you heard Anthony’s voice and looked over your shoulder.
“Anthony,” you said. “Hello.”
“May I?” he motioned at the spot beside you and you tilted your head in confusion, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Of course.”
“How have you been?”
“Fine—you never ask me how I’ve been,” you said, confusion laced in your voice. “What is happening? Are you sick?”
“Are you dying?” you asked, making him roll his eyes. “It would be very thoughtless of you to die before you spend a lot of years with Lottie as a married couple, she’s very much in love with you so if you—”
“I’m not,” he cut you off. “It’s just that, Benedict mentioned a pair of unwelcomed guests.”
You pursed your lips, trying to shake off the discomfort.
“And?” you asked. “What exactly did he tell you?”
“Not much to be honest,” Anthony said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t know the details nor do I need to. I just want you to know that we’re family, so whatever you need, whatever you want, just tell me, alright? No questions asked.”
You blinked a couple of times. “…Easy as that?”
“Easy as that.”
“I thought you would have a thousand questions.”
“I don’t need to hear a thousand answers to protect my family,” he stated. “You’re one of us now. We will always be there for you, no matter what.”
You blinked a couple of times, the back of your eyes burning as a warmth spread through your chest, but before you could say anything, Benedict and Lottie approached you with the lemonade bottles. Benedict pulled his brows together, then motioned between you two.
“No one appears to be stabbed,” he commented. “Is it snowing in hell?”
“Benny!” Lottie elbowed him and he repressed a grin.
“Just wondering,” he said as he held out the lemonade bottle and you took it from him. “Would you like to walk?”
“I would actually,” you said and took his hand, your heart skipping a beat as he pulled you up to your feet, but he didn’t let go of your hand contrary to before. You repressed a smile, then stole a look at Lottie’s maid before turning to Lottie and Anthony.
“Don’t do something scandalous,” you said with a grin, making Benedict chuckle and Lottie gasp, then you started walking beside Benedict.
“So Lottie finally forgave you completely,” you asked him and he nodded his head.
“Took forever but yes,” he said and cleared his throat. “She did mention that Whistledown piece though.”
You raised your brows. “…Oh.”
“I hope you know there’s nothing like that,” he said. “Margery is a very good friend of mine, not to mention I would never do that to you.”
“No I know,” you said in a hurried manner. “I mean if I’m honest, I didn’t even bring it up because it was such nonsense that I almost forgot.”
Well, that was a complete and utter lie, but lucky for you, Benedict seemed to have bought it.
“Right,” he said, nodding his head fervently. “Of course. Lady Whistledown must be running out of gossip to write about.”
“Yeah!” you forced a dry laughter. “I mean you and Margery? Honestly?”
You took a sip of your lemonade, then motioned between you two. “Because, you know—we’re married.”
“Happily married,” he added in a haste and you nodded.
“Albeit a bit untraditionally.”
“Your mother assumed I was pregnant earlier.”
Perhaps you shouldn’t have said it right when he was sipping his lemonade because he choked on it, pulling the bottle from his lips and coughing before hitting his chest.
“Oh,” he said, taking a deep breath. “And what did you say?”
“Nonexistent Bridgerton remains to be nonexistent,” you joked and scrunched up your nose. “I just said no.”
“Interesting assumption.”
“Uh huh,” you said. “Interesting and impossible at the same time.”
“I’m quite familiar with that concept,” he murmured and you frowned.
“Nothing,” he said, clearing his throat. “Let’s go by the river, shall we?”
After the park, you had decided to go to your uncle and aunt’s house to spend some time with them and Teddy. Granted you still felt on edge especially because you were very well aware of the fact that both your parents knew about their house, and Teddy living there. When you got off the carriage, you looked around and let out a relieved breath upon not seeing either of them, then made your way to the house.
Thankfully, your aunt had no idea about what happened between Benedict and your father because you had only told your uncle at the night of the ball that your father had shown up.
“I don’t know how you and Benedict did it,” your aunt told you, excitement and pride apparent in her voice as a maid brought you tea and biscuits. “But Sir Henry Granville and Lord Gordon Easton! At my ball!”
“They run in the same social circle, auntie,” you said with a small smile. “All artists do, as it turns out. Benedict introduced me to them.”
“Well everyone in my Social Picnic Club has congratulated me for throwing such a spectacular ball,” she said. “I’ve even heard some say that it would be impossible to top it off, can you believe that?”
“I absolutely can,” you said. “It was a wonderful ball, auntie. You put so much effort into it, and it paid off.”
“With your and Benedict’s contribution.”
“We barely did anything other than inviting some friends,” you said. “Will uncle be at the gentlemen’s club the whole day by the way?”
“Mm hm, he’s with his friends,” she said. “Why?”
“Oh no reason, I just thought I could see him.”
She hummed, looking at you over her teacup and you frowned.
“I know that look,” you said. “What is it?”
“Is this about…” she trailed off. “What was on Whistledown earlier?”
You let out a groan. “Auntie!”
She held up her hands, gesturing surrender.
“It was on Whistledown,” she said. “You cannot blame me for being worried.”
“Just because it’s on Whistledown doesn’t mean it’s the truth,” you said. “In fact, it couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Benedict and I are very happily married, and Margery is merely a friend.”
She raised her brows, taking another sip of her tea.
“I heard that Lady Margery is quite charming—not that she’s anywhere close to you!” she added in a haste. “You are the most charming of course.”
“More like harming,” you mused and she shot you a lighthearted glare.
“What?” you said. “Just saying.”
“Benedict is completely in love with you, we all know that,” she said. “The same with you obviously, you are very much in love with him, anyone who looks at you for more than a second could see that.”
You blinked a couple of times, shifting your weight.
“I mean I wouldn’t say—” you said with a nervous laugh. “One could assume it’s not as—”
“Obvious?” she completed your sentence for you and scoffed. “Of course it is. Have you two seen yourselves?”
You cleared your throat, then reached out to take a bite from the biscuit.
“I’m just trying to make sure these nonsense rumors do not affect you two badly, that is all,” she said and you shook your head.
“It’s not—” you started but before you could even complete your sentence, Teddy rushed into the drawing room.
“Oh hello there,” you said, opening your arms as he flung himself to you for you to hug him tight. “French lesson is over for the day?”
“Yes!” he said and you pulled back to look at him, then tilted your head at the clumsily tied cravat around his neck. You stole a look at your aunt who looked like she was trying her hardest to keep a straight face, and turned to Teddy.
“What is this?”
“It’s a cravat!” he said, excitement laced in his tone. “Benedict always wears them, did you notice that?”
You bit back at smile. “Oh does he?”
“He does!”
“And now you’re…wearing cravats?”
He nodded, his eyes sparkling.
“I want them in different colors because Benedict has them in different colors, I told uncle and he said he would get me many,” he said. “This is uncle’s as well, you see.”
Your lips curled upwards. “Ah?” you said. “And you chose a green one for today?”
“It’s pale green!”
“Pale green, my apologies.”
“It’s alright, auntie told me it was pale green,” he patted your hand as if trying to console you. “We can learn those together.”
You nodded solemnly.
“That would be wonderful,” you said, reminding yourself not to laugh. “And you chose pale green because…?”
“Benedict was wearing a pale green cravat the other day,” he said, proud of himself for remembering it and you pinched his cheek.
“It looks wonderful on you Teddy.”  
You kissed the top of his hair. “Really,”
“He is growing up so fast,” your aunt said, shaking her head with a smile. “I fear I will blink and he will be a gentleman of the ton.”
You let out a laugh and Teddy took a sharp breath.
“Y/N, I will show you my new sculptures!” he said, tugging you by the hand. “I made a dozen of them, come and see!”
“Am I allowed to boast about how I was the first one to see them when you’re a famous sculptor?”
“I’ll be back auntie,” you said with a grin and stood up, letting Teddy lead you out of the room.
You had spent more time in your uncle’s house than originally planned. Your uncle insisted you stayed for dinner, so you sent Benedict a short note to let him know, inviting him as well but he politely declined, saying that he was in the middle of a painting. After dinner, Teddy showed you how he made some of his sculptures the way Benedict had shown him so by the time you left there, it was already near midnight and raining. A carriage went past your carriage a minute before you arrived home, making you frown and look over your shoulder, but you didn’t have the time to dwell on it much before your carriage entered through the gates and stopped in front of your house. The coachman helped you out and you thanked him, then rushed home to get away from the rain.
“Ma’am,” the housekeeper greeted you and you smiled at her.
“Hello,” you said as a maid took your cloak. “Oh I must change my clothes, it’s raining like crazy outside! Is Paula asleep?”
“No ma’am, I’m here,” Paula said as she rushed to you and you shot her an apologetic grin.
“Please tell me you did not stay up for me.”
“Alright, I will not,” she said and you let out a giggle, then started walking upstairs with her.
“I don’t know where this storm came from, honestly…” you mused, turning the corner in the hallway before peeking at the other end of it where Benedict’s studio was, but there was no light coming from there. “Is Benedict asleep?”
Paula didn’t answer you so you turned your head to look at her better.
“Is Benedict asleep?” you asked again, thinking she didn’t hear you and she shifted her weight.
“No he’s not, ma’am.”
You stopped walking, a frown pinching your brows together.
“Oh?” you said. “Where is he?”
Paula averted her gaze, making your frown deeper.
“Paula?” you said. “What is happening?”
“N—nothing, ma’am.”
“No, something is happening,” you said. “What is it? Has he gone outside or something?”
“He’s home, ma’am.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Where?”
“He is still in the greenhouse I think,” she said, still not looking you in the eye and you blinked a couple of times.
“Greenhouse?”  you asked, “Benedict isn’t the gardening type, what is he doing in the greenhouse?”
“They went there earlier, ma’am.”
“They?” you repeated. “Who’s they?”
“Mr. Bridgerton and Lady Margery.”
Your head shot up, your heart dropping to your stomach.
“…I’m sorry?”
“Lady Margery came here an hour after your note saying you would be late arrived,” Paula said in a breath, “She left in her carriage just now, but they both went to the greenhouse straight away when she got here.”
It felt as if the hallway was spinning around you, the fire of fury spreading through your veins.
You had to have been an idiot for not listening to Lady Whistledown’s damn gossip, because apparently Benedict wasted not even a second to prove to you she was right. He was in fact sleeping around just as the rumors said, with Margery, right under your nose in the greenhouse he knew you never stepped foot into ever since you had moved here.
You spun around on your heels to go down the hallway where you came from, then rushed downstairs, your heels echoing on the marble floor. You passed through the foyer, then made your way to the back entrance that led to the backyard where the greenhouse was, but before you could reach there, Benedict stepped inside through the door, a look of surprise crossing his face as soon as he saw you.
You passed by him without even acknowledging him, your teeth clenched in anger.
“Wait, where are you—?” he started but you stepped outside into the heavy rain, and strode across the backyard, Benedict catching up with you in seconds.
“Where are you going?”
“Greenhouse,” you spat as the lightning struck in the sky and he stopped dead in his spot for a second before rushing to catch up with you.
“No you can’t—”
“Why not?” you asked through the boom of the thunder, “Can I not see your bachelor’s flat you so conveniently and disrespectfully put near my home?”
He frowned as if he was confused.
“My what?” he asked but you scoffed and kept walking, your head almost pounding from anger. “Y/N no, that’s not—”
“I’m such an idiot,” you said, shaking your head. “To think I was telling everyone Whistledown’s gossip was nonsense while you brought your fucking mistress here the moment you heard I would be late…”
“What?” he asked, shock apparent in his voice as you approached the greenhouse and reached out to hold the handle but he grabbed at your upper arm. “Y/N, just wait a moment—”
You could swear your vision went red as you yanked your arm out of his grip.
“You do not touch me!” you snapped. “I never want to see you ever again, do you hear me? I will apply for divorce tomorrow morning, I will—”
You stopped talking the second you slammed open the greenhouse door, your breath getting caught in your throat as you blinked a couple of times, trying to understand whether you were seeing was in fact real.
You had refused to enter the greenhouse just like you had refused to garden when you and Benedict got married and moved here, and before that, you had seen maybe only five greenhouses in total but none of them looked like this. The large greenhouse looked as if someone had plucked it out of a painting and brought it into life somehow, and you felt your body move on its own accord as you took a step inside almost in a haze. It was entirely made of glass with the plants covering the walls –ivy, if you weren’t mistaken- with a sharp arch on the high ceiling. Even under the moonlight, you could tell the various flowers surrounding you were not among those you could find in anyone’s garden, yours included. It looked so magical that for a couple of seconds you could only stand there and stare with your jaw hanging before approaching a Venus Flytrap, still breathing hard.
“I don’t…” you stammered. “What is this?”
“Well,” Benedict said, leaning back to one of the glass walls. “For starters, it’s not my bachelor’s flat because I don’t have one. It was supposed to be a surprise for tomorrow, I figured you could see it better in the sunlight.”
You blinked a couple of times, then turned to look at him. “But Margery—”
“Has been helping me prepare this, along with Mr. Binsted,” Benedict motioned around you. “They know the rare flowers better than I do. I was going to bring you here once it was completed, took more time than I thought it would. I figured since you were outside, it would be easier for the finishing touch. Like I said, I was going to show you tomorrow now that it’s complete.”
You swallowed thickly, all the fury leaving your body as disbelief took over.
“Complete?” you repeated and Benedict offered you a small smile, then nodded towards the center of the glass wall you were close to, making you turn your head to look at the shelf. The lightning struck the sky again, illuminating the whole greenhouse and you took a sharp breath as soon as your eyes fell on the flower.
Middlemist Red.
You had only seen it in the drawings on your plant books, but having spent over a decade wishing you could see it in real life, you would have recognized it anywhere. You weren’t even aware that Benedict had made a mental note of your favorite flower considering you had told him about it only once so many months ago and it was supposed to be impossible to even find it to gaze upon, let alone having it for yourself, for your own greenhouse.
And somehow Benedict had found it and brought it to you.
“It’s not possible,” you rasped out, still unable to look away from the flower. “It’s—it’s impossible to find Middlemist Red, everyone knows that. It’s the rarest flower in the world.”
“I actually sent word around after you told me about it back at the flower exhibit,” he said, making your head turn. “No one knew where to get it but Margery knows someone who knows someone who—well, you get the picture. At first it was just the Middlemist Red, but then we got married and I know you love flowers so I figured maybe you’d like to have all the rare flowers in a place that belonged to you, so…” he motioned around you. “The greenhouse that is.”
You swallowed thickly, still staring at him, both of you completely drenched with the rain pitter pattering against the glass walls.
“It was just a bud at first, the Middlemist,” he added, taking a step toward you. “And apparently you need to be very careful during that period so we had to wait around two months, and they sent it when it bloomed with a gardener who took care of it on the way here, and you obviously would have seen it if you were here so we took it to Margery’s house, and she brought it here and I—”
“You had someone grow the rarest flower in the world and then had it brought here just because I told you it was my favorite flower?” you cut him off, your heart beating in your throat, all your body warm despite the storm outside and he nodded.
“I know you said you wouldn’t garden but when you want to, it’ll all be here,” he said. “I actually have people building a greenhouse back at the country house as we speak, I figured you would want one there as well and—”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence when you rushed into his arms and pulled him down to crash your lips against his, standing on your tiptoes. Your head was spinning with excitement, the fire engulfing you in its flames once more like it had when he kissed you for the first time that night. He cradled the back of your head, pressing your body closer to his while you melted into his touch and it felt as if you two were the only people left in the world, as if the storm somehow took everything and everyone away but you two.
But much to your displeasure he pulled back, drawing a petulant whine from your lips.
“I can’t,” he stepped back, making you blink dumbly in confusion at just how tormented he looked. “You have no idea how much I want to but I told you before, I will not touch you until you—”
“I love you,” you cut him off, still trying to catch your breath and the lightning lit inside the greenhouse once again, letting you see the absolute shock on his handsome face. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, then shrugged your shoulders.
“I tempted fate just a little too much it seems,” you tried to joke. “I do – I love you. More than I thought it was possible, more than you could possibly know.”
The thunder boomed through the greenhouse and you took a deep breath, nervousness pulsing through you as the words left your lips.
“So, my heart is yours,” you managed to say, shifting your weight. “If you’ll have it.”
Benedict let out a breath, then strode to you to pull you into a kiss, taking your breath away. The feeling was so intoxicating that every single fear, every ounce of nervousness washed away from your mind until the only thing remained was him, and his burning touch, his lips on yours. He lifted you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist without breaking the kiss and pressed you back to the wall, making you let out a squeal upon feeling the rustle of the ivy leaves behind you, one of the pots slipping a little on the shelf when you accidentally hit it with your elbow.
“No, not the flowers!” you exclaimed with a giggle. “Careful with the flowers!”
“Right, the flowers—” he let out a laugh and turned around with you still in his arms, then laid you down on the floor, his lips brushing yours again. You pushed his drenched shirt off of his body, dragging your fingertips over his chiseled torso, the fire of desire burning through your whole body. He looked so mesmerizing under the moonlight that for a moment you could do nothing but stare at him while he leaned on his forearm, his body covering yours, his hand going to your cheekbone to caress it gently.
“We can stop anytime you want, my love,” he murmured, his words making your heart feel like warm honey in your chest. “You know that, do you not?”
You bit back a smile, then leaned up to brush your lips against his.
“Benedict,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “Don’t you dare stop.”
Chapter 37
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
could u do xavier accidentally breaking readers teddy bear and he gets a new one that smells like him yk
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Xavier and Ajax both thought as they stared down at your now dismembered teddy bear from childhood that was spewing it’s cotton stuffing all over your dormitory floor. It had been an accident on their behalf. Ajax and Xavier were mucking about, roughhousing a little too closely to your teddy bear -aptly named mr bow tie for the bow tie it had tucked under it’s head- and the next thing they knew, mr bow tie was made the unfortunate victim of their recklessness.
“Way to go dickhead.” Ajax smacked Xavier hardly on the shoulder. “Me? Your the one who started the roughhousing!” Xavier hissed as he rubbed the shoulder Ajax hit whilst glaring at him before turning back to the poor teddy bear that was staring up at him in betrayal with it’s beady black button eyes. You were going to kicking his ass if you were to ever find out. That teddy bear was a gift from your relatives which in turn was a toy from when they themselves were younger, which only meant one thing; the manufacturing for that specific model of teddy bear had already been discontinued.
Making it near enough impossible for Xavier to find a replica that wasn’t already in an even worst condition nor was overly priced due to it being in ‘vintage condition’ by retro toy collectors. “What’re you going to do man?” Ajax asked and in that moment Xavier got an idea. He looked over at the Gorgon, “what We’re going to do, Ajax, is this,” Xavier placed his hand on his friends shoulder, “I’m going to find y/n a replacement teddy bear and you,” Xavier excentuates the last word as he draws Ajax close, “are going to help me by distracting y/n long enough for me to sneak the toy into their room. Sound fair? Good.”
Xavier didn’t wait a single second as he pushed Ajax out of the room before following afterwards out into the hallway which was thankfully deserted of earwigging Harpies and gossip gobbling Sirens. Xavier turns to Ajax who was staring at him like a lost puppy. “Now don’t go distracting y/n until I text you to do so. I’ll be in town for quite a while so please be on your best behaviour until I get back.” He said playfully as he readjusted his friends purple beanie, brushed down the lapels of blazer and straightened out the matching purple hoodie he wore underneath before Ajax snapped out of his daze and pulled himself away from Xavier.
“Okay mom, I’ll try not to get in trouble whilst hiding your mess that you made.” Ajax retorts as he walked down the hallway, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Don’t miss me too much now and get your hands out of your pockets!” Xavier called after him, chuckling when Ajax threw him the middle finger over his shoulder. Once the Gorgon was out of sight, Xavier turned to in the opposite direction and sighed, leaning his head back as he stared up at the ceiling. “This is gonna be fun.” He mutters sarcastically, “however this is all for y/n. You’re doing this for y/n.” He then chanted to himself as he began to make progression on his own mission in getting you a new teddy bear.
Ajax was chilling in the quad when he received a text from Xavier telling him to start the distractions as he was making his way towards the staircase that lead towards your dorm. So when the Gorgon looked up from his phone to see that you, Enid and Wednesday were staring to exit the quad. The boy practically bolted from the wall he was leaning on, jumping over and onto tables, much to the disgruntlement of his fang and fur peers, almost being tripped into the fountain the Sirens claimed by his lousy shoelaces when finally the Gorgon managed to run out in front of you three.
“Hey y/n, Enid…Wednesday.” Ajax greeted you all individually, albeit it out of breath but once he got to Wednesday it was more that she scared the breath right out of him then anything. “Where-where we all heading in such a hurry?” He asked just as Xavier crossed his vision, scampering up the staircase two at a time with a gift box clutched to his chest. Ajax hadn’t noticed that his eyes lingered on where his friend once was until Wednesday spoke up on it. “Care to share what you were looking at first, Petropolus.” Ajax stiffed at the use of his last name as he looked to see that you, Enid and Wednesday were staring at him suspiciously.
Shit he thought to himself before concealing his nervousness with a cough, “just ah…just saw a cobweb,” he came up with on the fly as he pretended to look back at where the cobweb was, “yeah. Weems needs to get on that. We don’t want people with arachnophobia to die of fright. Ya know, it’s a valid fear that shouldn’t be underestimated.” Ajax trailed off before coughing again when he felt the air becoming too stifling. “Where were you guys heading off to again? I don’t think I heard it the first time.” He asked, his voice now an octave higher then usual as leant against the archway.
“We didn’t say where we were going but I was just about to head up to my dorm and get my textbooks because Enid suggested that me, herself and Wednesday study for our botany test in their dorm-“ “we had a botany test?! When is it due?” Ajax abruptly cut you off as you looked between Wednesday and Enid to make sure you weren’t the only one who was witness to the Gorgon’s sudden change in character. “Tomorrow.” Enid answered as she clung onto your arm-scared- whilst Wednesday had to console Thing. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath for the second time today as his eyes instinctively looked up the staircase, to see Xavier giving him the thumbs up to let him know the plan hand been successful before walking down the rest of the way to help his friend out.
“Oh hey Ajax, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Xavier greeted the Gorgon by slinging his arm over his shoulder before turning to you, Enid and Wednesday. “Where you guys going, lunch isn’t over for another 20 minutes.” He jutted his chin back over to the quad behind you. “Well as I told Ajax, I just need to head up to my dorm and retrieve my text books so I can go study for our botany test over at Enid and Wednesday’s dorm.” You reiterated for Xavier, sensing that something was definitely amiss but you were just not getting it.
Xavier’s eyes widened with delight as he dragged Ajax with him to the side and out of your way, flashing you a charming smile. “Well then why are you wasting time with little old us when you should be roaming knowledge into your smart brain of yours! Go! Go! Go!” He chanted as you walked up the stairs, still looking down at him and Ajax weirdly. It wasn’t until you disappeared onto the floor or your dormitory when Xavier let his shoulders slump and let out an exaggerate sigh. “We had a test?” He asked Ajax.
“Yep.” The Gorgon responded simply.
“When?” Xavier asks again.
“Tomorrow apparently.” Ajax replied with a shrug.
“Shit.” Xavier cursed. “We’re fucked.” Ajax concluded for his friend as they both continued to stare at the staircase. “I hope y/n likes their new teddy bear though.” Xavier changed the subjected. “I’m sure they will dude.”
Once you had gotten into your dorm the first thing you saw was the gift box sat upon your bed with it’s lid open. Inside was a teddy bear with golden brown fur and hazel button eyes that reminded you of a certain someone. The teddy wore a paint stained apron whilst holding a paintbrush in one paw and a pallet in the other. “Well ain’t you an cutie.” You cooed as you lifted the teddy from it box and bringing it to your chest for a tight squeeze when you noticed it’s added feature; The teddy smelt of pine, papier-mâché, 8B pencil graphite, charcoal and cologne. All these smells you got whenever you hugged Xavier or sat within close proximity to him in class.
Almost as though you had discovered a hidden secret, a slip of paper fell from the seemingly nowhere and landed at your feet, It read as follows;
‘Hope you like you new teddy friend, y/n. call him/her/they whatever you like as comeuppance for Ajax killing Mr bow tie. It was all him. Kill him not me.
Love you lots, your handsome boyfriend, Xavier.’
You gently placed the teddy bear back into it box, bopping it on the nose before looking back out into the hallway as you screamed, “AJAX! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!”
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alieinthemorning · 5 months
Marital Duties [Xavier]
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Content: Fluff, Suggestive Themes, Friends to Lovers, Fast Burn, POV Second Person
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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You liked cooking. You wouldn’t say your food was anything to write home about, but it was good, and that’s all that mattered. It was also nice to see the smiles on your friends faces when they ate your food. It feels good to feed others.
“This is really good.”
There was a certain friend of yours that was beginning to over stay his welcome.
“Next time, I think we should try this new recipe—” You placed your hands firmly on his shoulders as you pushed him toward the door.
“Yes, yes. We can talk more about it later.” You said quickly as you shoved him out into the empty hallway.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” He stumbled out the door from your harsh push, but he was quick to spin on his heel, “Oh, and—”
“I’ll see you at headquarters, Xavier.” You told him with a smile as you slammed the door in his face.
You quickly locked the door, waiting for the sound of retreating footsteps to finally becoming silent. You retreated to your bedroom, pointedly ignoring the mess in the kitchen (that was a problem for the you of tomorrow to deal with). You plopped down on your bed, the exhaustion of the day’s excitement finally catching up with you.
Or rather, the week’s excitement.
Ever since you helped him make those egg tarts, Xavier has been visiting just about every day for a meal or two or three, not that it bothers you that much anymore. In the beginning it took quite the toll on your wallet, but after a conversation with him, Xavier made sure the two of you made a trip to the grocery store every week with him footing the bill. But that man could eat. You could most likely make him a seven-course meal, and he’d ask for more.
You adore cooking for your friends, but this was beginning to become something more than cooking for a friend.
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So the next day, when Xavier came over, you decided to make your problem known.
You shoved your left hand into his face. “Look at my hand. Tell me what’s wrong with it.”
He looked at it, turned it over and over. He even looked under your fingernails, but pouted when he found nothing. “…I don’t see anything.”
You pulled your hand back, tapping the finger by your pinky. “There’s no ring, Xavier.”
He tilted his head. “So?”
“So, because there’s no ring on my finger, I won’t keep cooking for you.” You crossed your arms with a huff. “You’re getting marital benefits, for friend prices.”
“I…” He paused, grabbing your hand and looking over it again. “Okay.”
You weren’t expecting that. “Huh?”
He just nodded, “Mmh. Come on, I’m starving.”
All you could do is follow him, as it seemed you were always doing. “…you’re always starving.”
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It had been a few weeks since the ring situation, and it seemed like things had calmed down a bit.
How wrong you were.
Sitting in between the two of you, on the dining room table, was a white velvet box.
And within that box, was a ring.
He had taken you seriously.
You plucked the ring out of the box,
and slipped it on your finger.
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Xavier was staring intently at his empty plate. “Hmmm…”
You tilted your head, “What’s up? Was the food not good?”
“No, of course not. Your food is always delicious. It’s just…” You wanted for him to continue, “…I feel like I’m not doing much as your husband.”
You chuckled. “We’re not actually married—” The look on his face, a firm pout, made you pause. “…yet.”
The pout was replaced with a small smile. “Yes, I know, but I don’t think it matters too much that if we call each other that.”
“Okay, so what’s the problem then?”
He sighed, looking off to the side. “I just feel like I’m not doing enough.”
You furrowed your brows. Xavier was doing more than enough. Yes, the two of you did skip right from friendship to marriage, but Xavier wasn’t doing anything. He continued buying your groceries, but he also put extra little treats in the cart for the two of you to share. You went on dates when you both shared a day off. You picked up little knick-knacks that reminded you of the other, leaving a bit of yourself in the other’s apartment. You didn’t know where this was coming from.
You reached across the table, placing your hand over his. “Xavier, you’ve given me everything.”
His cheeks flushed red. “…not everything…”
You bit your lip, as you felt yourself flush at the implication. “Um, well, I—”
Finally, he looked at you.
And you really wished he hadn’t.
“I think I should change that…tonight.”
Your eyes widen. “T-tonight!?”
He smiled, standing up.
“Right now.”
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Catch the continuation on the other account. wink wonk ;)
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
Rewind 2023 - Part II
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2023
Here is part two of our favourite stories published in 2023! Reminder that if you also want to give a shout-out to a story, submit an ask and we will share it in an upcoming post featuring Follower Recs and Proud Author Spotlights.
Part I
the dream of the fisherman's husband
by luckymarrow (@luckymarrow)
E, 5k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: “Really? Are you fucking with me? Once for yes, twice for no.” Two taps. Wei Ying scrambles from his desk and over to the tank, presses his face right against the glass. “Was Wen Ning right?” he whispers. His breath fogs the glass. “Are you our new cephalopod overlords?” Once again, the little blue and white octopus taps twice against the glass. Wei Ying goggles. Then it taps a sequence against the glass. But Wei Ying has worked on enough expedition ships to know Morse code, or at least the most important code of all—SOS. This little octopus needs help.
New Perspective
by mrcformoso (@mrcformoso)
T, Series, 34k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary Part One: “Lan Zhan, let me go.” The last memory Lan Zhan has of Wei Ying was the soft, serene smile on his face as he fell to his death. It was, perhaps, what haunted him the most. When it came to the matters regarding Wei Ying, Lan Zhan was always too late. A character study looking into Lan Zhan’s character development between Wei Ying’s death and resurrection, and his struggles of changing in the wake of his newfound fatherhood.
The Art of Communication
by mrcformoso (@mrcformoso)
G, 4k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Zhan can only say so much before the words get caught in his throat. He has long learned how to use his words sparingly, how to build enough of a reputation to minimize the use of words, has learned to hide behind little grunts and pointed looks. In contrast, Wei Ying never seemed to run out of words, speaking often and quickly, whatever was on his mind, mumbling equations and theories and his own thoughts as if he had a word quota to meet and exceed on a daily basis. So the Gusu University students found it rightfully strange that the two were dating. Chapter 1: Outsiders POV Chapter 2: Lan Zhan POV Chapter 3: Wei Ying POV
❤️ Across the street to another life
by danegen (@danegen)
M, 99k, Wangxian | Kay's & Mojo's Rec
Summary: Wangji stays on the piano bench as they’re closing up. Wei Ying chews his lip, knowing what he’s going to do but horrified at himself. But what’s the alternative: kick the guy out and find him sleeping beside the dumpster in the morning? And that’s if the cops don’t take him in for vagrancy. “Wangji?” Wangji looks up. Please don’t be a serial killer. “So, we’re closing up for the night, but A-Yuan and I live upstairs. Do you want to join us for dinner?” Wangji blinks. His head bobs in what’s probably a yes. “Great!” Fuck. Or a ragged monosyllabic man wearing a collar shows up at Wei Ying's music store. Wei Ying and A-Yuan ask, is anyone going to adopt this guy? And then they don't wait for an answer.
💙 Concord
by Deastar (@youhideastar)
T, 41k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji hopes, somewhat frivolously, that his betrothed might find him an acceptable companion. Neither he nor Wei Wuxian are able to bear children, so there will be no need to share a marital bed; that should make it easier for the two of them to reach a natural, comfortable equilibrium. Two strings played in harmony: this is Lan Wangji’s quiet hope, as he arranges the Jingshi to accommodate a second inhabitant. Perhaps, he thinks, they might even become friends.
silk linked together
by theLoyalRoyalGuard
G, 6k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji runs a sanctuary for rescued bunnies. His life is quiet and routine. Until Mo Xuanyu needs a place to stay out of trouble. He doesn’t expect to end up rescuing him, too.
Making Mouths at Dragons
by athena_crikey
E, 10, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Ying takes a slow breath, then another. “Then you’d want… that? A baby? A kid?” Lan Zhan’s low rumble has a hint of dragon in it, a lick of thunder. For a moment Wei Ying can almost hear the rush of the tide in his ears, storms and seafoam. His mind is full of the glint of moonlight on scales, silver and rippling like silk. “With you? Yes.”
Behind the Scenes
by QueenXIV
E, 5k, NMJ/LWJ | Kay's Rec
Summary: Nie Mingjue felt dirty. Horrible. He had paid to see his best friend's didi fuck himself with a dildo. He had jerked off to it. He had liked it. He was fucked.
Playing Possum
by DizziDreams (@dizzi-dreams)
T, 1k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji is woken in the night by the sound of animals fighting, and there is more to the opossum he rescues than there seems.
by ByCandlelight
M, 10k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Years after he was disowned by the Jiangs, Wei Ying lives a quiet life working at a funeral home. Then he reencounters his former high school classmate Lan Zhan, who is planning his father’s cremation. Wei Ying won’t pass up the chance to get closer to his former crush, but first he has to hide all the brains in his freezer.
Lessons in Belonging
by Nyatci (@nyatci)
M, 12, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Zhan looks back at various moments during the years and thinks about the emotional wounds caused by Wei Ying’s adoptive family. Or alternatively: 5 times Lan Zhan worried about Wei Ying and 1 time he realized he didn’t have to worry anymore.
Jin Ling and Demonic Cultivation
by ImNobody122 (@colorsunlikeanythingseen)
Not rated, 8k, Jin Ling | Kay's Rec
Summary: Mo Xuanyu was not the first demonic cultivator Jin Ling had to rescue from his uncle's hands.
mother of mothers
by SpeedingCheetah
T, 11k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary:There was a girl in Gusu, who played the flute and sung songs to the fish in the rivers as townspeople let her sit on their boats; stirring away and humming. There was a girl who smiled, who had a blood red ribbon and blood red eyes. The girl was a boy who was not alive. A ghost who stayed in the city because his mother made him promise. He seemed happy enough anyway, coming to the docks, coming to the paths. He bought apples, he spoke Gusu’s dialect in a rustic tongue that was many, many years out of date—ancient, prosperous. Only a few elders understood the clicking accent the way Wuxian spoke it. He was Lan Wangji’s sole companion. He was also the being who had been cursed many years ago to never wake up, and never live. Lan Wangji wished to help fix that. (or: cangse sanren’s child is a ghost of nature, and cursed to sleep forever. a boy still makes friends with the ghost anyway.)
exit, pursued by fierce corpse
by hauntedotamatone (@hauntotamatone)
Not rated, 4k, WWX & WN | Kay's Rec
Summary: “The Jin clan of Lanling is rich beyond rich,” The second boy whispers, or rather, attempts to whisper. “If we bring them the head of the Yiling Laozu, they’ll have no choice but to reward us!” It’s quite a stupid endeavor, especially for three, unarmed, young masters whose knowledge of combat and heroism likely comes from playhouses alone. - “Wei-gongzi,” Wen Ning whispers, barely louder than the sound of a person breathing and all the more striking when it comes from one who does not. His face is still, the undisturbed waters of a pond, but there is something in his eyes that reminds him of brightness, the shine of a dragonfly skimming the water. - alternatively; wen qionglin, the method actor.
If I had to keep being separated from you like this (I'd rather die)
by katje
E, 30k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: “So, you’re here to become my blood thrall, are you?” Mr. Wei finally turned, and Lan Wangji had to fight to swallow the gasp that tried to escape his throat. He was beautiful. His long, pitch-black hair was pulled into a ponytail that flowed in smooth waves over his shoulder, and he was clad in a red dress shirt that was buttoned only halfway up his chest, exposing his sharp collar bones and a hint of the smooth skin of his torso. He was pale - too pale. And he had the most striking grey eyes Lan Wangji had ever seen. Eyes that immediately betrayed him as a nonhuman. As a cold, powerful, immortal vampire that Lan Wangji was about to sell himself to. OR Lan Wangji enters into a contract to become Wei Wuxian's blood thrall to save his uncle, and finds more than a heartless vampire at the end of the deal.
fracture fix
by phosphorous
G, 5k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: What he did not say: I don’t want to be anywhere in this world where you aren’t. I want to know you inside out. I want to know you forever. I want you to know me inside out and I want you to know me forever too. I am a burden. But I am yours. I want to be yours, for as long as you will have me. “I love you, Lan Zhan,” he had said instead. It had ebbed and flowed in the space over their heads like tides in a river. Eventually, it had settled. Eventually, it had stayed.
What Dreams May Come
by Admiranda (@ladypfenix)
G, 5k, Ouyang Zichen | Kay's Rec
Summary: Qiu Shiyu is a pragmatic young woman, she knows that the marriage her father wants to arrange will be more for his benefit than hers. But even so, she cannot help hoping that her prospective husband to be just might be someone who can match her romantic side too.
by BurningTea (@humanformdragon)
M, 30k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: The cultivation world knows that Wei Wuxian is dead. It knows that the Yiling Patriarch has appeared, dangerous and powerful enough for Wen Ruohan to offer an alliance. And a prize. The Wen Sect is happy to agree when the Yiling Patriarch demands one of their hostages, Lan Wangji.
Letters along a River
by Ilona22
M, 19k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: They met at the stairs leading to the Cloud Recesses and when days spent together lead to a tentative friendship, letters lead to more. Meanwhile, trouble grows, quietly creeping along in the realms of politics and the supernatural.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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Double Jeopardy
Story Plot: You are Serenity, an identical twin. Your sister, Trinity, has a man at home named Erik Stevens, but he's in the way of her date with Cabo. She enlists you to keep him on ice until she gets back.
*Reader Insert. LONG read. Part 1. This one's on purpose, no takebacks. Another part coming.
For @nahimjustfeelingit-writes ☕️
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It’s been three long, long, LONG weeks since you’ve laid eyes on your elusive twin sister, Trinity. You can recall times when you’d have been worried for her life if she were m.i.a. this long, but fortunately that’s in the past. Looking at her now, she’s glowing and healthy. The two of you are finally having a good and careless time on a Saturday afternoon and shopping at Swarovski. It goes to show that things are finally going right in Trin's life. Still, you hardly get to see her, and it’s mostly because she’s always with her new beau, Erik, who you’ve been dying to meet.
“Bruh, it’s sick how much I look forward to seeing this lil peanut head.” Trinity smiles, showing you another picture of the two of them for the umpteenth time. “He’s so cute Ren.”
“She brags, knowing he’s twinless,” you sigh playfully. “I don't know how you find all these pretty men, but could you find one who has a brother? What about a fine cousin or a friend?”
“Nope, no double dates. Not yet.”
“You still don’t wanna tell him you’re a twin? Trin… It’s been how long?”
“No because it’s gonna piss me off if you come around and he can’t tell us apart and then does something stupid.”
“Girl! We’re identical. He can’t help that. Doesn’t make him love you any less.”
“Still. It would lowkey hurt my feelings? and I can't deal with that. Like if he suddenly wanted a threesome.”
“That was one… two men, and neither of them were worth the sack they spawned from.”
“Well I've finally got a good man who I think likes me for me, and I don’t wanna share him with anyone just yet.”
“Fair,” you nod, following your attraction to some crystal figurines. Trinity follows.
“Besides, he’s actually very easy to live with compared to my other situations. I don’t usually pick a calm nigga, maybe that’s why all my exes are crazy,” she chuckles.
You can't laugh it off as easily, remembering how scared you were for her. “That’s putting it lightly.”
“Ren, when I say this nigga wouldn’t hurt a fly? I can cuss his ass out like a dog and he’ll just take it.”
“Why would you DO that? Poor Erik. The man’s a victim.”
Trin laughs. “Nah, he can take it. He’ll bark back, but it’s all just bark and no bite. He’s a puppy.”
“Naah. I need peace in my home, and I need my man to have a backbone, otherwise he’s just a chump.”
"DIBS,” you both shout in unison. This always happens when you like the exact same things. There’s a simple elegant silver bangle that you both want, and you both feel as though you saw it first. "Dibs.. Jinx.. Jinx.." You both wait a few seconds and try again. “DIBS.”
"Okay, stop," Trinity taps you. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Matching bracelets."
Like many twins, neither you nor Trinity usually mind being compared. You follow the same diet and exercise routine. You wear similar clothing and hairstyles, and you easily mirror each other’s behaviors, confusing even those who’ve known you the longest. The only time twinning is ever an issue is when it stands in the way of Trinity’s everlasting quest to find a man who sees her for the special and unique woman she is. You want that for her as well. Shid, you want it for yourself, but mostly for her.
"I need you to do me a solid." You slide on your new bracelet watching Trinity do the same, and the two of you line them side by side to admire. "I need you to go to work for me this Tuesday from 9-12. I've got a mandatory meeting at 10, and at that point, all I have to do is be in the room, but I do have other… pressing plans."
"Mmm… Well, if you meet Tony for me at Boathouse 11:30 next Saturday, I’ll do it. Gio's taking me to the dealership for a new car around noon, and I can't do both."
"Wait. You did tell me that. Your dream car!"
"You know I always wanted a Mercedes since we were little, and Daddy traded his."
“What about Erik?”
“What about him? He's not buying me a car, and besides, what he doesn’t know… can’t hurt him. Ren, I gotta make money somehow and if scamming these niggas gets it, I’m a do it every time. Period.”
"Ok, ok!" One thing you’ve always admired about your sister has been her ability to get money and gifts out of men for practically nothing in return but empty promises. They all tend to fall at her feet and jump when she says jump until she actually wants to date them. “If I had your charm, I’d be so rich I wouldn’t need a man around, just a personal chef and a dog to keep me safe. A cane corso with a gold chain.”
“Serenity, sincerely shut the fuck up. You have your good paying job, your own apartment, and you don't depend on men for money. If I had the patience to finish school or to be a workhorse, I’d be right with you. Which reminds me... What exactly are these pressing plans you have on Tuesday?" Trinity's neck cranes as you both walk through the mall and you smile.
"EYE have... a dental appointment, but also a coffee date."
"Jarell? The studly milk dud from the gym finally asked you out?"
"Mm no… It was Nick."
"Oooh. Okay,” she purrs, sensing your disappointment. “Not quite the mission, but that’s okay! Nick’s a cutie, and you said yes, which means someone's down with a little swirllll."
“Is it sad that I’m still this excited? I must be touch-deprived.”
“Or dick-deprived.”
“That too,” you chuckle.
It’s true, you’re always on the lookout for the possibility of a budding romance, but you’re also picky about men. They have to make the same or more money than you, have a car, and have their own place. They have to have similar politics, no Trump supporters. They have to be somewhat attractive, at least a 7 on your scale. Taller than you in high heels, or at least 6’0. They have to smell good, have nice teeth, and be well groomed with clean habits. You don’t really want to compromise on this. Of course, Trin supports your standards 1000%, but your parents? They just want grandchildren.
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When Tuesday hits, Trinity is excited to finally have a good reason to dress up as an office siren and experience her sister's animated office drama up close and personal. It's like the Young and the Restless. She's caught up with the seasons, so when certain faces cross her path, her antenna goes up, and it takes mere moments of hearing them talk to identify them from the many stories. She knows exactly who she likes and doesn’t like, so it’s easy to be Serenity. If only life were that simple, she'd play as Ren forever. It's almost like playing the Sims. She can escape her own life, and she doesn’t even need to do anything much but deliver little passive-aggressive beauty queen smiles and follow social cues. Of course, the quiet approach never fails. Just letting others lead the interactions--and to her humor, this also makes it fairly easy for her to see who’s got a little crush on Serenity.
“I fake dropped my fake glasses and bent over to get them, and when I looked back, your boss was LOOKIN,” she asserts with wide eyes. “You better get that pay raise.”
"It's not like that," Serenity sighs, but Trinity knows best, being the most experienced. If Serenity were like her, she'd have had a promotion long ago. Education gets you there, but sex gets you far fast, and it costs nothing to give up.
"Want me to go back and get it for you? I've seen this play out in porn and I remember what to do."
“Stop! He sees me like his daughter. We’re the same age.”
Now you KNOW... But then again, maybe you don't. "It’s easy to be blind to these things when you’re so close to it." Just thinking about her boss in that way is enough to make Serenity cringe. That's exactly why Trinity was willing to do it for her, but then again, Serenity never had taken her up on that kind of offer.
Trinity could also tell by her sister's neat appearance that the dentist was the roughest action she'd gotten that day. They both were hoping for a thotty hit it and quit it to gush over, so the white boy had to either be an ick or he was the dumbest man alive for fumbling an easy quickie with a cerrified baddie. Trin would figure out which one it was later.
"So, no hiccups today? Everything went smooth?"
"Of course," Trinity assured. Neither of the twins were ever worried about being found out, but certain situations did present a jam. "I was finally questioned to the point of being backed into a corner."
"By who?!"
"Your boss! So I did what I've done for the last 30 years of us switching places."
“You told him I was on my period?"
"I told him you had a heavy flow and a migraine the size of Texas so you could barely focus. Plan B was to act like I was about to faint and then make a getaway, but luckily, it didn't come to that.”
“Excellent,” Serenity nods, heading in to work.
“CALL ME LATER,” Trinity yells, wondering how Serenity will explain to these people about her random change of clothes.
In the meantime, Erik is at work. She has time from her ever changing roster of men, and there's time to play before her lash tech appointment. She has spending money, a little bit of weed in the car, a half tank of gas, and there's a particular pair of shoes that are calling her name.
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Erik was never the type to like people in his personal business, and he didn’t care who they were. Somehow, he'd ended up living with his total opposite. Trinity called her gift of gab her natural charm, but to Erik, it was a pain in his ass. For the second time in the last month, he caught his name while Trinity was chatting on the phone. When he listened in, she was violating, saying things that were never meant to go beyond the two of them. He’d told Trinity the first time that she talked too much, and that was too many times for him. He confronted her mid-convo and when when she shook him off, he raised his voice, fed up with her attitude.
"Hang up the phone," he fussed, needing to have a conversation and get his point across for the last time.
“Who you think you talking to,” she yelled, hanging up. Her eyes narrowed as she walked up on him, capturing his chin in her grip. "No, who the fuck you think you talking to?"
She thought he was a doormat since he never cared enough to put her in her place for real. He picked her up from her planted position and dropped her, kicking, in the hall so he could close her out of her domain and away from her phone. “You, obviously.”
Shook, Trinity ran downstairs toward the kitchen with him on her heel, not letting her walk away from their talk.
“That’s your response? If I don't let you beat my ass, you act like I’m not talking to you? Uh uh. That ain't gone work.” He tugged the end of her shirt as she was headed from the kitchen, and as if on instinct, she lunged to grab the decorative vase from the table, milliseconds from cracking it upside his skull. Confused, he dodged, and as she stared at him, he stared at the broken glass on the kitchen floor and back to her unapologetic expression. "HEEELL NAH," he pulled her. "Get that shit all the way out of my house! You tryna hit me with a vase? For tryna talk to you?!" The front door swung wide as she now struggled against him to stay IN the house.
All his issues with her that he'd been putting up with flooded his mind. She was a slob, she couldn't cook, and she was mean as a snake unprovoked. He'd met Trinity while networking for his job at a paid event. Although he'd initially avoided mentioning it, Trinity was very interested in his job title and salary.
"Oh, I see. You're one of them gold diggers," he stared, interested in what it was she did for a living. She was throwing him bedroom eyes, making him wonder if she was only there networking for a man.
"I'm an entrepreneur," she smiled.
"Of what?" He already knew by the smile. Her business was slaying niggas and like a bee to honey, he'd walked directly into her trap.
"I have an online shop," she explained, but the more detail she went into, the more obvious it became that she didn’t support herself. That didn't turn him off. He was a traditional man who didn't mind supporting a woman. But what would he gain from supporting a woman like this?
They went on three dates before she'd let him sample the goods, and each time, he was trying his best to understand what kind of woman he was dealing with. He wasn't the richest nor the nicest. Even with her, he was a straight shooter. He learned two major things. One, Trinity was funny as hell. It was a refreshing addition to her beauty. He could forgive a lot in a woman if she could keep him interested, and time spent with Trinity was never boring. Two, she was damaged goods, but the source or the degree of damage was still unknown. She'd cope by saying whatever the fuck came to mind, good or bad. Most times, it was funny, but other times...
"Your face is kinda ugly when I look at it from certain angles. Not hideous, but awkward enough to keep my eyes busy. That's why I picked you. I hate pretty boys."
"The hell is wrong with you," he'd asked, genuinely offended. It never seemed to fail. He'd get swept away in Trinity's charm and then she'd say some shit like that. Lately, she'd been escalating and getting physical. Enough was enough.
“I wasn’t gonna do it! It was an impulse!”
“Hell nah,” he pushed, feeling her use more strength to stay.
“My bad, damn!”
Hesitantly, he let up just a little. Neither of them were the type to apologize.
“Don’t tell me to relax. I’m not in the business of letting someone beat my ass in my own home.”
“I didn't though... and why would you grab me by the back of my shirt anyway? Who does that? That’s your fault!”
“No. Why are you telling people my business when I told you I don’t like that shit?”
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"Why is everything with you secret information?!" It was so strange to her that Erik would get embarrassed so easy. Why was he so ashamed and private? She was the opposite, living an exposed life having already disappointed anyone who cares YEARS ago. What did Erik think people would do with his secrets? Stone him? They weren't even anything worth hiding.
Trinity fought with every bit of strength to keep her body in the doorway so he couldn't close her out. This was her healthiest romantic relationship in years. Erik was her #1 choice, hands down, out of all the men she currently dealt with, but he was also her meal ticket! He was a traditional man. She hadn't paid one single bill since she’d moved in. Her money was her money, and all she had to do was cook sometimes, clean a little bit, and deal with his rottie rumble attitude until he calmed down. Silently, she hoped he'd calm down and let her have her way like always.
"My friend doesn't even know you! That ONE little thing you heard is all I said." Trin pressed her butt into him to back him up, but he was an immovable force.
"Get your shit and get out of my house."
"My clothes and stuff are IN the house, stupid," she grimaced, hiding hurt feelings. "How am I supposed to get it if you pushing me out the door?"
"I don't give two fucks."
"STUPID," Trinity pushed, finding an opening to wedge her body into, squeezing her way back into the house. "I said I ain't mean to! You need to learn when to stop," she fussed, running back upstairs to lock herself in her bedroom and light a fat blunt. She just needed to give him an hour or two to cool down. In the meantime, she re-dialed her last contact to quietly finish her conversation with her twin sister.
"Do I need to come over there," Serenity asked, full of concern after hearing Trinity's anxious tone. “Because I will. I’ll help you pack and you can stay with me.”
“I know." Trinity didn't want to always rely on her sister. She wanted her own life, too. "But like I said, he’s harmless, I'll be fine.”
Footsteps on the stairs had her ready for part two. “Hold on, I hear him on the steps.”
Setting the phone back down, she stood at the locked door, braver with the barrier between them.
"We need to talk about this," Erik spoke from the other side. "Open up."
Trinity continued to smoke and, stuck in her head, chose to stay silent.
"Trinity... I'm tired of skirting around the issue. When you shut down, I feel like I'm dealing with a literal child. Open the door."
"No, because you get mad at dumb stuff. If I'm talking to a friend of mine, why do you care if I'm telling her what we do? That's as much my business as it is yours, and I'm grown enough to not care what people think."
"That's not the point. You don't know how to respect boundaries! Anything I ask you not to do, you do it anyway! I asked you not to discuss my personal business. I've asked you to keep your hands to yourself unless you're asking to get touched back. I even asked you not to make a mess everywhere you go in the house!"
"I don't!"
"Why is it that you can't abide by the simplest shit? I barely ask you to do anything!"
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"But why is that sensitive information,” Trinity argues.
You can picture her face, screwed up like he’s dumb for caring. You know the exact face she's making because you both make the same faces.
“You like fire play! A-ha, nigga! Really? You think anyone gives a fuck? No one cares about your kinks but me because I'm with you. Why are you mad that I told my friend who doesn't even know you what I do with you?"
Trinity stops talking and you listen in, ready to pull up if you don’t like where it’s headed. If there’s one thing Trinity doesn’t need, it’s a repeat of her past relationships. Besides, she's right. Who the hell cares what kink Erik has? Who doesn’t have a kink these days? Sisters gossip, you shrug. Then again, he still doesn’t know she even has a sister…
"You flinching like you scared," Erik says, leading you to believe he got into the room somehow. Did Trin open the door? Any why he got her flinching? You're halfway to the car. "I put you in check one time, and you scared now?"
“Fuck you.” Trinity retorts. You're on the way.
"...Who did it?" Erik's tone softens.
"Did what? Ain’t nothing," Trinity lies. You can hear her escalating.
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He kept his distance, but his energy was so strong it was all up in her face trying to smell the lie. She didn't like this Erik that seemed like he knew too much and was getting too close. It scared her. She tried her best to put some space between them and not get caught in his gentle empathetic touch.
"Ain’t nobody do nothing, damn," Trinity shouted. “Can you leave?! You’re annoying! I don’t wanna talk right now!”
“Fine...,” Erik backed off. "Fine." He walked out, giving her time to calm down. She sighed in her solitude and pressed her forehead, trying to calm herself down. It was a full 14 minutes before she realized her twin was still on the line. “Hello,” she whispered, checking to see if her sister had hung up.
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Of course you hadn’t hang up, but you had turned back around and went home. You heard the whole part two of the blow-up, and now you see the true picture of their relationship. Trin wants to portray it as something that’s finally wonderful and healthy for her, but from what you hear, it’s anything but.
“You okay, Trin?"
She sighs. “Don’t give me the lecture. It’s not like before. He’s not like Ty.”
“I actually agree with that,” you admit, hating Ty and mentally comparing the two. They’re like day and night. Ty would’ve never been concerned about her like that.
“So then what would you say our problem is? Me?”
You grimace on your end, not wanting to say it’s true. It’s not her fault that she’s been through some damaging situations and a lot of pain that’s caused her to wanna strike first before she gets hit.
“It’s me,” she tests again, waiting for you to say it.
“Trin, there’s no such thing as fault. A relationship needs two people to deal with the shit that comes along. Just keep working at it.”
“It’s me,” she repeats, accepting it. “But bro, I don’t know what’s wrong with him sometimes! I be so mean to him BECAUSE he doesn’t DO anything. Until tonight, he was just taking it.”
“What the hell do you want him to do?”
“I don’t know! That’s the thing! It makes me mad uncomfortable.”
“I know, I’m toxic.”
“As long as you know. Don’t forget you got a bag of stuff at my place you might be looking for.”
“I know," she sighs. "I’ll get it eventually.” She hangs up, not wanting to get an earful.
Content that she’s safe, you go ahead and use your emotionally charged energy to straighten up your place so you can get showered and comfortable, then spend the rest of your night at peace.
Saturday, you’re confused when your phone rings interrupting your good sleep and there’s the follow-up of knocking on your door. You check the time and it’s not even noon.
“Trin,” you groan upon answering the door. She seems to be in a much better mood than the last time you heard from her. “You better have a good reason-”
“You promised to keep Tony busy while I’m with Gio,” she pushes past you inside to get to your room. “I’m GETTING my car today.”
You mouth every expletive regretting the deal as you follow her. She has a garment bag in hand.
“I need you to get dressed.”
“Can I shower?”
“No time, put this on.” Aggressively, she stuffs you into a calf-length off-white bodycon dress with extra cleavage and boob tape. Then she licks her fingers to wipe the crust off your eyes.
“Shut up, my DNA is your DNA. Blush,” she pinches your cheeks hard.
“Ugh!” She roots around your drawers and bathroom until she finds your makeup. “Why is stuff in this place always moving?!”
“Because I re-organize, something you wouldn’t know about.”
Breathing heavily in your face, she does your makeup her way and gives you her signature middle part before putting you in her designer shoes and handing you a matching designer clutch for your phone.
“No gloss,” you tease.
“Who’s Bot-egga?”
“Don’t piss me off.”
“Can I keep the shoes?”
Driving your own car to this random date with one of your sister's many toys, you make a mental note to not let this Tony guy walk you to your car or else explanations can get a little complicated. You're sure he probably knows her vehicle, and you prefer your sister swaps to stay simple. Luckily it’s just brunch.
Walking into Boathouse, you give Tony’s name to the front desk since you don’t know what he looks like and he can't text you. He can only text Trin. There’s not many people present where you can say you don’t see him, so instead, you pretend your eye malfunctioned and wait to be claimed.
“You okay,” a man asks, invading your personal bubble. He’s tall chocolate, your type. It has to be Tony. You follow him to take a seat, suddenly feeling a little better about this switch like maybe you got the better end of the stick. 'Holdup, you look good,' you think to yourself, but you can't tell him. Trinity’s rules.
There are several rules Trinity gave you back in college when it came to switching places with her on dates and meetups with men. Never say "thank you" to compliments, only to gifts and actions. Don't be too friendly or eager unless money preceeds it. Never present with baggage. Always be the prize. Get the hair right, and choose an outfit that shows off one asset, not all of them at once. Think lightly fucked. Think sexy and available, but not to you. Always play men against each other. Always smile. Don't respond until they buy you something."
Smiling, you rest your clutch in your lap and let him lead the conversation.
You can stuff your face, sip champagne, and kinda slur your words ever now and then in a way that makes it awkward for him to ask you to repeat yourself whenever you get stuck.
You know your sister well enough to answer for her and anything you don’t know how to respond to, you can also say “I’m not answering that,” with a coy smirk. It’s firm, it’s sexy, and it’s cryptic.
Then Tony drops the bomb. He’s training. You wait for him to share more on his own so it doesn’t look like brand new information to you, and it comes out. He’s in the NFL. You keep listening to him talk as if you know it all, but part of you is wondering how in the hell Trinity finds all these men with looks and money! You want to ask her about Tony's stats. Is Tony a good man? He seems like a gentleman, but it’s difficult to tell from one meeting. If he is, you might want him. You keep the thought in mind and enjoy the rest of the date as Trinity, already planning how you’ll tell him you’re actually Trinity’s twin pending Trinity’s seal of approval. Like a true man, he pays the bill and walks you out, which turns you all the way on... but you remember that he can’t follow you and you can't show too much interest...
Instead, you send him on his way with the excuse of having recognized a waitress as an old acquaintance and wanting to stay and talk. "Mm mm mm!" You hum you lust away as you watch him leave. Almost instantly, you text Trin to say you want that for yourself. "Pass him on to mama."
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circeyoru · 1 month
Heyyyy I'm so happy you are back I've needed you so much your post always made my day I loveee collection of souls its amazing 👏 I had a question if you haven't already answered it who was the favorite before alastor joined and how did they react when they realized they weren't the favorite anymore
Again love your post and take care
This is for {Collection of Overlords}, check MASTERLIST for the work
Oh ho~ The former favourite soul before Alastor. Hehehe~~
Now this might be obvious from the stories and trivia posts if you followed. Let’s do it by the process of elimination. Obviously we’re not counting Husk and the Vees because they are after Alastor, naturally that counts Alastor himself too. So the remaining ones are Zestial, Carmilla, Rosie, and Zeezi, there are other Overlords but they aren’t important cause they will be gone later so naturally they aren’t your favourite too.
Zeezi is a definite no no by the interaction she has with you even in the trivia posts. While you do provide seemingly more guidance to her so she stays in the collection, the attention she receives from you is more of a give-and-take basis. Lacking the devotion and trust of the other three.
Zestial is a close one but still no. He is the oldest surviving Overlord and soul in your Elite Collection, but he lacks that engagement to hold your attention. Don’t get me wrong, Zestial’s place in your collection is rock solid cause he collects relevant and reliable information for you, not to mention keeping your souls in line, so he’s nowhere near the thought of being rejected from your collection.
Rosie would be a candidate. IF she even has a soul. While it’s not revealed in canon, in this story, Rosie is said to be from the Gluttony Ring (check part 8). Hellborns don’t have souls. So Rosie’s a unique case, being taken in by you and given an Overlord status in the Pride Ring. She isn’t shown favouritism nor does she asks for it because she knows that it was asking too much. Instead, she returns as much as she can in seritiude to you.
So~ Who’s left? Yup, Carmilla Carmine. She was the second soul to join your collection and the most successful Sinner soul too, being the best weapon dealer in all of Hell. Pretty obvious, right? You hold meetings at her place and you extend your protection to Carmilla’s daughters as well, you didn’t do that to Rosie’s people. Carmilla’s ambition and pride paired with familial bond was what drew your attention, there’s this funny contrast that exist within her that you can’t understand. What’s a mother’s love or affection? Why are her daughters important to her, is it like you with your Cages? But you just use them to further your power. Why is she so prideful yet loving? All these questions.
As for reaction after Carmilla finds out she’s no longer the favourite… Hm… Funny, cause while she is the favourite, it wasn’t obvious to her nor do you make it a show. It’s Alastor’s case that was obvious, so it wasn’t until Alastor came along that the topic of you having a favourite is even possible.
Carmilla thinks Zestial’s the favourite cause his place was unmoving, Zestial thinks Rosie’s the favourite cause she and her town was in your interest, and Rosie thinks (knows) Carmilla’s the favourite cause she was allowed to hold Overlord meetings even without you present. Zeezi doesn’t care for the favourite and aims for staying in the collection.
Basically, there’s this uncertainty of who’s the favourite and no one thinks it’s them. Naturally, that applies to Carmilla not being aware that she’s the favourite. But it does explain their future interactions. So I’ll add that instead.
Zeezi isn’t seen interacting with Alastor in the show, but I view it as more of a neutral relationship between the two. While Zeezi is surprised that you do favourites, she doesn’t aim to fight Alastor for it. She knows her loyalty to you is undesiring when compared to Zestial, Carmilla, and Rosie, so how can she be compared to Alastor’s when he’s your favourite? She makes note of Alastor’s attitude, behaviours, and actions so she can learn and adapt to herself, but it’s only to the level of maintaining her status as an Overlord in your eyes.
Zestial’s interest in Alastor stems from wanting to understand what it is that got your attention and change in the form of your favour. As said, before you were cryptic enough that no one is aware who’s the favourite, but after Alastor it was so obvious to the point of jealousy. Make no mistake, Zestial doesn’t want to fight for the title of favourite, he just wants to know how to better himself so he will remain in your best interest and favour. 
Rosie’s friendship with Alastor is pure friendship. Like her unwavering devotion to you, her friendship and kindness to Alastor has no strings attached after knowing that Alastor sworn loyalty to you in a similar way to hers but even farther. She does offer opportunities for Alastor, like deals as seen in Episode 7, because she can’t make deals so what better way to help you by helping Alastor? She knows you don’t like wasted chances and when Alastor’s the favourite and her friend, he’s the best demon to help and stand by.
Carmilla’s disinterest and subtle passive aggressiveness towards Alastor is cause of the favourites. When it was first made know that you can and do do favourites, she does question if she was one but the thought was quickly pushed back when she remembers she was arrogant in her beginning time with you. There is a certain degree of jealousy that Carmilla has towards Alastor holding your interest and favour, but she thinks she can’t compare with it. All she can do now is be as unaffected as she can while striving to do better in your eyes. She might not be able to match Alastor’s level, but maybe, just maybe, at least she can be a competitor or come close to challenge Alastor’s place.
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
The abo barracks bunny was so cute but I wonder how ghost opens up to reader
Omega Ghost who’s cautious of any alphas he come across, fearing that they’ll see his status as inferior and pray on him for it. So when you join the squad it’s only normal for him to be cautious especially when he ends up losing his hard earned title and spot to someone just because they’re born an alpha
“Not much I can do about it Simon you know the rules alphas are to led the teams we’re all omegas here” price says, cigar snug between his lips.
Now ghost wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize missions or tear this task force apart but that doesn’t mean he’s all buddy buddy with you.
He keeps it civil, but maintains distance, only ever makes conversation with you during missions and flees the house when he thinks you’re going into heat fearing the unpredictability that comes with it
You respect the boundaries he’s set and you don’t try to form anything past a professional relationship with him but you can’t help but notice how distanced he is to the pack.
He never goes on runs with you, opting on taking his own route, never asking anyone to help him deal with his heats instead locks himself away in his room where no one sees him for a whole week, doesn’t even have a mate nor a family of his own, it’s like he has no one but himself in this word
You cant help but worry about the lonely life he leads so you try to fill the emptiness in your own little ways, leaving him food outside his door when he is going through heats, making sure he’s never far away from the pack when he goes on his own runs, keeping mindlinks open and making your presence known, in case he needs you , even making sure he never spent any holidays alone even though he vehemently insisted on doing so.
And it almost seems inevitable how things start to turn, how he starts thinking about you more and more, if you’re safe on a mission, if you’re doing alright even though you’re an alpha and he should have no reason to worry about that, he starts noticing your presence more always acutely aware when you accidentally stand too close to comfort, one time he could feel your body heat brushing up against his, knees knocking together and he felt the hair on his body lifting, one time you’d even gone out of your way to rip a piece of fabric from your uniform to patch up his wound and besides the prominent copper scent he could also smell your scent all around him and he purred fucking purred prayed the ground would swallow him when he realized that you heard him
Ghost was so in his own head he didn’t see the way you looked at him, the way you followed him around like a lost puppy, how you’d done anything for his approval, how you’d bow at his feet if he asked you to do so
one day Ghost walks around on base and hears the most pained sound he has ever heard before he quickly rushes to the source only to end up in front of your room and as soon as he arrives he’s hit with your scent making him weak in the knees
He knows what this means you’re in heat he should turn around and leave but you’re in pain and everything in him is begging to help ease the ache so he knocks at the door and it takes you a moment to open it but as soon as you see it’s him as soon as his scent hits you you’re smashing the door closed and he’s baffled absolutely suprised tries knocking a second time but you’re just telling him to go away sounding even more in pain
but he won’t leave he’s clearly worried about you so you crack the door open peak through it face pinched in pain and voice strained “please please leave Simon you shouldn’t be here “
“What?” You say in disbelief
“Let me help you, through your heat”
“You’ve gone mad” you say, trying to close the door again
But ghost doesn’t say anything else instead he pushes his way into your room before repeating his words from earlier “let me help” he says even goes as far as pulling the balaclava off his face and you see the messy tufts of blonde hair the soft brown eyes that peer up at you
“Please I want to “
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Single parent Bruce Wayne batkids being protective and (healthy) possessive over Bruce?? Batkids who have differing opinions on who Bruce should date?? Yes, yes, yes!!
I imagined that the kids are pretty used to Bruce going on dates as Brucie Wayne, to keep up the playboy persona. All of them have worried about varying degrees. Some took the time to do background checks on the person he was going out with and others decided to spy on them.
Hell, they would’ve been doing just that if Alfred hadn’t stopped them. Said something about how Bruce is an adult who can make his own decisions. They all knew the butler was lying through his teeth.
But they were all comforted by the fact that Bruce didn't have any feelings. That most likely, there would be no second dates with that person, they would fade into the faceless void that was the Gotham elite.
That assurance wrapped them up in a blanket when Bruce was out later than he was supposed to. When he came back happy and giggling rather than the usual indifference or just exhaustion.
“This is weird, right?” Duke questioned one day. They were all in the kitchen waiting for brownies that Jason was stress baking them.
“What is?” Jason asked-mumbled as he was setting the timer.
There was a definite tension in the air around them. For a full house of people, it was quiet. Just the sound of mindlessly scrolling on the phone and Jason’s baking filled it. The silence lingered either way.
“That we have this protectiveness of Bruce,” he explained. “Like he goes out for a ‘date’ and look at us. All nervous and fidgety. I mean, it’s been an hour and no arguments between Tim and Dami.”
No one had an answer for that. It was one of those that were complicated and simple all at once. Bruce was a person with feelings even though he tries to hide them, they are present. They exist. And he breaks, easy and often. And shouldn’t that be reason enough? Because he’s a person who has so much love to give but has been burned too many times.
But continues to love either way.
“Because he’s our dad and no one’s ever gonna be good enough for him, duh.” Jason answers, unfiltered and blunt. He was the most vocal in opposition to these dates in the first place, or Bruce going on dates in general.
“But it's all fake though? We all know that for him it might as well be another business meeting.”
Jason opened his mouth to respond when Bruce walked in, and as usual he was bombarded with a million questions. Duke’s question was forgotten by all of them.
“Where did you go?”
“What did you do?”
“Who was it?”
“How was it?”
“Guys, guys, calm down,” Bruce chuckles, “I just got into the house. Let me settle in first.” There was a faint redness of his cheeks, a glint in his eyes.
That only suggest trouble.
“And also, my date isn’t the type of person you guys are thinking of,” he starts off, walking towards the den. His kids follow him like little ducklings following their mother. “It was Harvey Dent “
“The fucking D.A?! Two Face??” Jason yells, alarmed. Harvey Dent wasn't the type to have fake dates with people.
“It was a real date,” Bruce admits to them. He gets comfortable on the couch and all of his kids surround him, preparing to latch on to every word. “Only Alfred knew about it because we know how you kids can get. I really like him, and I know that you have your suspicions, especially about him. So, please?”
“No!” Jason said, a frown on his face and his arms crossed. “I don’t like him, I don’t trust him, and he isn’t good enough.”
“I agree with Todd, Father,” Damian cuts in. “My mother is a more suitable choice if we’re being honest.”
“Eh, if we are actually being honest, it’d be Superman.”
“Superman?!” Jason questions with disgust written all over his face. “Dickface, I know you have some hero worship going on with him, but that's the most basic of basic.”
“Plus, it’d be weird if I was dating my Dad’s boyfriend’s son,” Tim added.
“For once, Drake is correct. Neither Dent nor the alien is the correct choice for Father. Like I-”
“No, little brother,” Cass said.
“Yea, I agree with Cass here, Dames. I just don't see it working out with those two,” Duke agreed.
The argument continued well into the night and in true Wayne fashion, it in a debate style with well-thought powerpoints and some insults thrown in of course. No one had any agreement on who deserved their father.
“Um, do I get to make a decision on this?” Bruce asked in the middle of a laughing fit. It was nice to have the house full with people and laughter.
All of them looked at him with a blank stare and responded with a swift “No”.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
can you do “You are going to be sore tomorrow” “i’m not wearing anything underneath” and “daddy” with quinn hughes plz
Smut: 20. “You are going to be sore tomorrow” , 15. “i’m not wearing anything underneath” & 8. “daddy” w/ Quinn Hughes
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Or What
I was getting dressed I looked in the mirror and saw Quinn in his suit behind me. He was wearing my favourite suit that he wears the one that fits him just perfectly and I swear I was getting wetter and wetter just looking at him.
We had to dress formally for a black tie event happening at the arena, neither Quinn, nor I wanted to go, but Quinn was professional. I reach under my dress and pull my panties off before throwing them in the laundry basket. My plan was to make sure that we weren’t there too long So I had to get Quinn just as horny as I was.
I decided to take my bra off to, so my nipples could poke through the thin dress fabric. Quinn walks in as soon as I’m freshening up any wraps, his arms around my waist as we both look in the mirror.
“ you ready to go beautiful?” he mumbles as he presses his lips on my neck before kissing it, and looking back at the reflection in the mirror to me.
“Mhm” I mumble, and I follow him as he makes his way to his car.
When we arrive, it was basically a wine event where we grab wine and walk around and meet people. The event wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I felt like I was being tortured watching Quinn in that suit. when Quinn and I were finally alone for a second, I reach up to whisper in his ear.
“I’m so horny Quinny” I say, and Quinn shakes his head and looks at me
“not here“ he says sternly
“what did you think I was going to ask you, for you to fuck me right here?” I say quietly to him, and he just gives me a look, “I mean, we could… after all, I’m not wearing anything underneath” I continue, and I watch Quinn gulp hard.
“Behave, please”
“or what?”
“or you are gonna be sore tomorrow” Quinn says, with a serious look on his face, but that only makes me hornier
“is that supposed to be a reward or punishment?”
Without saying anything else, Quinn walks off, leaving me where we were standing. I watched him leave. Kind of confused not knowing what to do here by myself. he wasn’t gone long before coming back over grabbing my hand and pulling me along.
“we’re leaving, hurry up” he says, as he drags me behind him out to his car
I get in the car on the passenger side and he comes around to shut the door behind me. He leaves the door open for a second and looks up to me as I sit in this jeep Before grabbing behind my neck and pulling me hard, crashing his lips on mine.
He makes out with me hard and fast, and pushing me away even harder before he shuts the door and make this way around the car getting in the driver seat. He starts the car and starts to drive away as he reaches back to get a seatbelt, but I lean over the console and begin to come back in his pants.
Neither of us say anything, and before pulling into the parking garage, Quinn starts putting us and park before unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down enough so it’s hard cock can fly out hitting him in the stomach.
He throws his car back in the drive and continues to drive home. I don’t even wait until we’re out of the parking garage to start stroking his cock. I stroke until Quinn looks over at me quickly before looking back at the road.
Then, lean down and begin sucking on his tip, as his hand reaches under me, so that he can slide two fingers inside. he begins pumping his two fingers in and out of me as I moan on his cock.
“Fuck” he says quietly, just loud enough for me to hear as I swirl my tongue around the tip of his cock before going further and further down. He begins curling his fingers making me release his cock to moan as I continue pumping his cock in my hand.
When we approach a red light, I look up at him, and he leans down to press his lips on mine aggressively kissing me before pushing my head back down on his cock. His finger slide out of me as the rest that hand on the back of my head so that he can push my head up and down on his cock as a suck back-and-forth.
“oh my God“ he moans, “fix yourself we’re here“
I look up to see that we are pulling into our apartment complex parking garage, and I fix my dress. He parks the car and put his cock back into his pants before getting out and walking around the car to open the door for me.
As soon as we make it inside of our apartment, I’m pushed against our front door hard. He unzips the back of my dress, and I let it fall to the floor, as I am now completely naked with my back up against our front door.
He trails kisses from my lips to my jaw and down my neck all the way to my tits, where it begins to suck and squeeze hard, but only for a second. He pulls away to take off his suit jacket, and I hook my fingers between the buttons of a shirt for a rip the buttons off going down.
He crushes his lips back onto mine as he under his belt and pants, sliding them down his legs as he kicks them away. His fingers make it back down as he slides two fingers inside of my pussy, pumping them in and out again as I moan on his lips.
“fuck me daddy” I’m humble into the kiss And he pulls away
“what did you just call me?“ he asks me aroused as his lips connect onto my neck where he begins to suck.
“D-daddy” I moan
He takes his lips off my neck and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he brings me into the kitchen, sitting me on the counter that allows my pussy to be at the exact same height as his cock.
“I love when you call me daddy” he says, as I lay down, to press my lips on his, “do you want my dick?” Quinn asks as he beats his cock on my pussy.
“Y-yes daddy, please fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside my pussy” I tell him
Without a warning, Quinn rams himself deep inside of me, making me throw my head back as a whimper loudly. His throat so fast and hard as his hands please call my hips called me back-and-forth along with is hard thrusts.
“Fuck daddy!” I whimper loudly as he thrusts in, and out of me so hard that my body begins to shift off of the countertop. I hear Quinn moan indicating that he’s close. “Cum inside of me daddy. I want you to fill me up with all your cum“ I say, and I know Quinn just hit his high.
He lets out a hard breath as he pushes my body off the countertop, and then ramming me backs on my back, hits the edge as he keeps his cock deep inside of me as a twitches filling me up full of his cum.
He pulls out as he presses his lips back on to mine, “you okay?” he asks, as I stand on my 2 feet again.
“I’ll be okay” I say, then bite onto his ear and begin sucking on his neck before saying, “I take it that was my reward, so, when do I get punished?”
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graysonswonder · 9 months
Say My Name
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader
word count: 1,417
warnings: slight angst if you squint? mentions of sex
summary: where dick is the reader’s ex and they went on a date with Jason that ended rather awkwardly…
minors dni !!
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“Go away, Dick!”
Her demand is followed by the harsh slam of her bedroom door, which stops the young man in his tracks. Dick lets out an exasperated sigh before resting his head against the door and giving it three light knocks.
He’s cut off by a soft thud from what he can only assume is a pillow that she has thrown at the door. Dick rolls his eyes.
“I said go away. I don’t want to talk about it,” she yells from where she lays in her bed, hoping for it to swallow her whole.
“Y/n, we’re friends. You can talk to me about this.”
But that’s the very thing. She can’t talk to him about this. Or rather she won’t. Having a discussion with her ex boyfriend about her failed date with his brother certainly was not on her bingo card for this year. She’s not at all surprised that he wants to know the details. For her to explain what went wrong. She can practically hear the smug look on his face as he pleas for her to open the door.
She wants to vomit.
“I’m not telling you how my date with Jason went.”
“It’s obvious that you’re upset. If you just—”
Y/n groans loudly over the rest of his words. She’s in no mood to hear them, nor does she want to pretend to be. “Yes, I’m upset. Which is why I’d like for you to drop it, and please leave.”
She doesn’t enjoy being so short with him. He’s right. They are friends. Best friends even. At least they were before they became a couple, and to this day she still feels like Dick’s the only person in the world who truly understands her. Who truly sees her. Faults and all.
It was actually her idea to stay friends after things ended, and even though Dick agreed, she could tell he was still torn up over everything. The split was relatively mutual but completely amicable. There weren’t really any hard feelings. They both had a lot on their plate that seemed to be getting in the way of the two of them moving their relationship forward. Dick had started a new Titans team on top of still being the one trying to hold his family together, and Y/n was starting her doctorate program.
The timing just wasn’t right. And why she decided to go on a date with Jason? She has no idea. Maybe it was a lame attempt at trying to move on and get out there and see other people. Granted, other people probably shouldn’t have been Dick’s brother. Or maybe she was trying to mask residual feelings that she still has.
Either way, it didn’t go well for her.
“I’m fine, Dick. You don’t have to worry about me,” she says after she can still hear him breathing on the other side of her door.
She stares up at her ceiling. She watches as the blades of her ceiling fan spin around and around, and she counts the seconds it takes until Dick says something again.
It’s twenty.
“Dick,” she sighs.
“Baby, I—” he begins, but immediately stops as he catches himself calling her the pet name he’d use whenever he was being gentle with her. It still slips out so easily. “Listen, I’m not trying to pry. It’s just…this could be my fault, and I want to explain and apologize.”
Her door suddenly flies open, and she stands right in front of him frowning. “What do you mean this is your fault?”
She studies him for a second, waiting to hear his response. What happened with Jason wasn’t his fault. Not technically anyway, but Dick still doesn’t have any of the blame to shoulder. Still, she’s curious as to what he has to say.
“Well…um…you see…the thing is…”
Oh my god, Richard. Please just spit it out, she thinks.
“I might have intentionally given Jason bad advice to ruin your date.”
Y/n quirks a brow. “Like what?”
Dick’s eyes shift around. “Um, like telling him not to take you anywhere nice because you don’t like fancy places. And I told him to be mean because that turns you on,” he confesses, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. He can barely look at her.
Y/n starts to grin, then she’s tilting her head back and full on laughing. Loudly. Uncontrollably. She’s clutching her stomach while Dick is looking at her like she’s crazy.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh,” she says between hiccups of laughter. “I really don’t. That’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Dick smirks a little too, but conceals his laughter. He shoves his hands in his pockets and waits for her to collect herself. Y/n can tell he’s been beating himself up over that. She doesn’t mean to laugh so crudely in his face, but she does find it cute that he was jealous.
“Dick, Jason took me to that little French restaurant downtown,” she tells him once she catches a breath.
“He did?”
She nods. “Yeah, he did. He wore a suit and everything. He wasn’t mean to me at all either, so it’s safe to say he didn’t take your advice.”
Dick’s brows knit together, and Y/n can see the gears beginning to grind in his head. “So you two had a good time then?” He asks, but Y/n knows that isn’t what he really wants an answer about.
“It went alright until…”
“Until?” Dick coaxes.
Y/n shrugs, leaning her weight against the doorframe. “Until things moved to the bedroom.”
There’s a pinched expression on Dick’s face. It’s clear he wants to ask but also isn’t sure he actually wants to know.
“We didn’t have sex,” she quickly tells him, and she visibly sees him relax a little. “We were going to. We probably would have if we hadn’t been making out and he said “Mmm, Y/n” and I said “Mmm, Dick” when I was supposed to say his name.”
Dick’s pupils become the size of the moon. “Wait you what?”
“You heard me.”
Dick starts to smirk, and a part of Y/n wants to slam the door in his face again. “Stop it,” she says.
“Stop what?” He feigns innocence.
“It’s not what you think.”
Actually, it’s probably exactly what he thinks. But she isn’t going to so easily admit that.
“Oh, so what am I supposed to think then? That you obviously aren’t still in love with me?”
She folds her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes at him in the process. “Get out of my apartment, Richard.”
“No, no, no. I’m not leaving until you admit that you’re still in love with me,” he says, mirroring the way she’s standing.
She looks at him. Really looks at him. Allows herself a moment to drink all of him in. There’s something swimming in those gorgeous blue eyes of his as he’s looking right back at her, and she recognizes that it’s hope. He’s hoping that she’ll tell him how she truly feels because maybe then he can finally be happy like he was.
She takes a deep breath. “Isn’t it obvious? In the heat of the moment, I said your name.”
“Uh-uh,” Dick tuts. “I wanna hear you say it.”
She desperately wants to slap that smirk off his face. “Fine,” she huffs, “Dick Grayson, after all these miserable months apart, I am still in love with you.”
“Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear,” he says, before he suddenly walks right past her. He grabs hold of her wrist and leads her back into her bedroom.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
Dick guides the two of them over to her bed where he takes a seat and pulls her onto his lap. She straddles him and wraps her arms around his neck while his hands rest on her waist, giving both sides a subtle squeeze.
He can feel wisps of her breath across his cheeks as he says, “I’m still in love with you too.”
“Okay,” she says, nudging his nose with her own, “but what are you doing?”
Dick then flips the two of them over, catching her by surprise as he leans down to leave a trail of kisses up the side of her neck and jaw. A small moan betrays her mouth, and it’s music to Dick’s ears as he slips a hand under her shirt, his fingers dancing lightly over her soft skin.
God he’s missed her.
“We are getting back together,” he tells her, then leans in close to her ear, “and I am going to make you say my name again.”
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luimagines · 1 year
Can I please ask for the chain with a s/o from their timeliness meeting the other links please? I just think that they all deserve a special somebody! Also happy anniversary!!
That sounds adorable! Of course you can! I hope I understand what you mean by this.   ^.^*
Part one will include Hyrule, Wind and Sky
Content under the cut!
It was a lull in the routine that day.
Hyrule was beginning to suspect that something was about to jump around the corner to shake things up but there was no way he prove his suspicions to anyone other than the Veteran, who was just arguably more paranoid than he was.
He hummed and kicked a rock down the road. Would it be too much to make it a bit more noticeable that they were traveling together? Just to get the attack over with.
Nothing comes out to ambush them. The path is just as silent as ever.
A scream rips through the air and Hyrule takes off running toward the sound. His adrenaline spikes, more so with the knowledge that he was correct at the end of the day.
By the time he reaches the source of the sound the others have half way taken care of the problem. But there’s one thing Hyrule didn’t account for.
His blood freezes at the sight of you and b-lines toward you. His attention is no longer on the monster. The others can handle it just fine he’s sure. Instead he sprints with all he has in your direction, picking you up and taking you out of the line of fire without a second thought.
“Link!” You cry with delight and hang onto him like a life line. “I found you!”
Hyrule jumps behind a boulder and his life spell explodes from his palms. The spell glows against you beautifully. In other circumstance, Hyrule would have paused to admire it. But the adrenaline makes it hard for him to focus on the finer details.
The spell only dances over your form. It sinks down in a patch by your elbow and a cut on your leg, but you are otherwise unharmed.
“What are you doing here?” Hyrule pulls your close, hugging you as tight as he can. “Not that I’m not happy to see you. Hi, hello, how have you been?”
You laugh and shake your head, hugging him back just as fiercely.  “Better now that I’ve seen you again.”
Hyrule relaxes. He can feel the strength of your heartbeat respond to his own with the passion he holds you with. You’re ok. You’re not even injured. And he has you in his arms again. “This isn’t safe...”
“I know.” You sigh. “I don’t even know how I got here. That monster was huge.”
“They’ve been getting worse.” Hyrule admits. “That’s why I’m here.”
You nod, letting yourself be held by him. It wasn’t everyday that you got to hold him as closely and as intimately as you wanted. You turn and lean into him more. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Hyrule says with a small breathless laugh. “I still can’t believe that you’re here-”
“Hey Traveler!” He hears Wild call out. “Where’d you go with that person? Are they dead?”
Hyrule’s grip tightens on you only marginally before he relaxes again. “They’re fine!” He calls over your head. “All healed up!”
Hyrule pulls away, albeit regrettably. 
“Link, who are they?” You follow him with little resistance. “Why do they call you Traveler?”
“It’s a long story.” Hyrule takes your hand. “But they’re good friends of mine now and we’re all going to fix this problem...We’re also all named Link, so the name thing is a patch job at best because-”
“You stink at naming things.” You snort.
“If it’s any consolation, it wasn’t my idea. Nor did I name myself.” Hyrule deadpans.
“Well I’d love to meet them.”
“Good. Because they’d badger me endlessly if you didn’t.” Hyrule tugs you along, keeping you close. “I apologize in advance for anything they might say or do.”
“They can’t be that bad if you trust them.”
“I admire your trust in me, but believe me, that sentence is unfounded.” 
Wind (best friend/crush but no established relationship)
“Do you have any one you like, Sailor?”
“I like a lot of people.” Wind tilts his head at the Captain. “I have a lot of friends.”
“I- no. That’s not what I mean.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Although, I’m glad to hear it.”
Wind takes another moment to think about the other’s question. It was simple enough in nature, but he was certain that he answered it the correct way. “You might have to be more specific then. I mean, I like you guys and I like my family, my sister. There’s Tetra and the pirate crew. I like those guys and I like Linebeck too.”
Warrior nods along, happy to get the Sailor talking anyway. But this isn’t what he was talking about. Vaguely, there’s a voice in his head that this something he should ask the boy, but at the same time, he doesn’t think there’s any harm in it. Clearly, he didn’t understand it the first time around, so perhaps it’s non applicable to the young hero.
Still, he’s inclined to ask his questions differently. It’s fun to be nosey. “Is there someone you like more than anyone else?”
“Yeah.” A new voice speaks from their right. “Me.”
Wind gasp, yelling your name out excitedly before he sprits towards you. You both collide with enough force that the sound leaves the nearby heroes to wince, even if they’re relived to know that Wind knows you. And clearly trusts you enough to catch him is he all but threw himself towards you.
Wind begins to jump on his toes, hugging you with obvious enthusiasm. “I can’t believe you’re here! I was wondering when I would see you again!...Why are you here?”
Wind’s smile drops and he pulls away from your suddenly. Within the next second, he’s searching all over you for injuries of any kind. He needs to prove to himself that there’s nothing wrong. Because now you’re far from home... with questionable means of travel. Wind needs to make sure that everything is ok before he can continue on with his conversation.
The rushed check up leave you giggling and shaking your head. You stick your hands out at the sides and spin slowly to same him the work of going around you. “I’m fine, worrywart. I’m glad to see you’re ok too... Maybe.... Is that a new scar?” 
You point just below his chin and your eyebrows furrow when you look closer. It’s faint to be sure, but you were certain that it wasn’t there when he left the island.
Wind grins, looking proud of himself. Yes, the scar is new and there’s is clearly a story attached to it. Oh well, it’s not all that bad anyway. You grin. “Tell me about it later, yeah?”
“Of course.”
Warrior clears his throat and smiles back towards the duo. “Mind introducing us, Sailor?”
Wind perks up and takes your hand, holding you close simply because he can. “This is my best friend in the whole wide world! Hey-” He says your name, tugging on your hand as he gestures with the other. “These are the guys I’ve been traveling with. The ones that have my name.”
Your eyes widen and you nod in understanding. “Who’s this one then?”
“The Captain.”
“From that weird portal battle you had?” You whisper non too quietly.
Wind nods back and leans closer. “Don’t listen to him too much. He’s just as weird as before.”
“Hey!” Warrior’s metaphorical feathers puff as their ruffled from the idea. “I’m not that bad!″
Wind sticks his tongue out and turns to you again. “You have the meet the Veteran. He’s got more stories than me! This way!”
Warrior sticks his own tongue out, not bothering to hide his skin deep annoyance. He didn’t even get to question your answer about being Wind’s favorite. However, seeing the reaction your presence brought onto the boy’s face, Warrior smiles to himself. It’s just as well. It’s not like you were proven wrong anyway.
He felt as if the whole group walked ten extra miles today without any form of rest. No one was going to give it to him until they made camp.
When that moment arrived he was quick to collapsed next to the nearest tree and rest his head against it. His whole body seemed to be yelling at him.
Suddenly noises were all around him. None of which were threatening. They were just... loud... and confused.
“Link?” A familiar voice calls out softly. It wipes away any exhaustion he was feeling in that moment.
His eyes shoot open and he’s looking for where the source of the voice was.
He sees you and scrambles to his feet. His body is not happy about it. His legs nearly give out, sending Sky to catch himself on one knee before he pushes himself up again. Sky runs. And he hates running.
Luckily, you run towards him too. The speed and force in which you collide with each other sends a thick thump through the camp grounds.
 “I was wondering which Link they meant.” Wild whispers to himself, running his wrist over his forehead.
“What are you doing here?” Sky asks first, breathlessly placing little butterfly kisses over your face.
You laugh, unable to stop him. “I don’t know. I opened the door, left the house, turned around and found myself nearby. I’m glad I found your first.”
Sky nods, laughing breathlessly himself. “I’m happy for it.”
He dips his face into the crook of your neck and speaks softly, so that only you can hear it. “I missed you. There hasn’t been a day where you weren’t on my mind.”
“Oh for Din’s sake.” Sky hears Legend roll his eyes. “The rest of us are trying to eat and rest. Don’t you dare start that here.”
Sky snorts, placing another delicate kiss on the skin before him, reveling in the way you tense to hide the hitch in your breath. “I would gladly take you home. Where is it?”
You laugh some more. It’s a musical and magical sound. Sky prides himself in being able to invoke it so quickly out of you. You smack his chest slightly and he backs off only slightly.
“So I guess these are your friends from your letters.” You turn around and look at the group. Sky tightens his hold around you once more, letting his chin rest on your shoulder.
“Yes.” Sky answers. “I wonder if you can tell who’s who from interaction alone.”
“That’s almost impossible.” You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering if that challenge is even feasible. “Wouldn’t introduction be easier?”
Sky smirks. “Men, this is the love of my life. Beloved, meet Link.”
“You’re impossible.”
“You love me.”
“Well we’re honored to meet you.” Time sticks out his hand a proud smile on his face. He seems to be reminiscing about something. “The Knight of Skyloft, speaks highly of you.”
“And only of you.” Legend pretends to be annoyed, but he seems to have softened. “He’s a good one. Treat him right.”
“As if I’ll ever give him up.” You reply, turning to nudge your head against the man that holds you tenderly.
Sky smiles and closes his eyes. It feels good to hold you again. He doesn’t want to think about what this means. He’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (a phrase he learned from the Rancher). For now, he’ll enjoy taking you in after so long. He’s missed you.
Part 2
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skyfallscotland · 4 months
*giggles hysterically*
Did I write the things I should have been writing today? No. Did I start something new I absolutely should not have started? Yes, of course.
To be honest, I blame all of you. Far too many of you were enthusiastic about the possibility of Remi bonding both Lía and Sgaeyl, in a world where Xaden went into the infantry. ⚔️🌟
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“What is he doing?” I murmur to myself, gripping the scales of Lía’s pommel tight. 
“Pay attention!” Sgaeyl snaps and I whip my head to the side. She’s glaring at me in that ornery way of hers, golden eyes narrowed as she breathes out a steady stream of fire at a Wyvern descending from the clouds above us. Lía rolls, jerking us out of the way as Sgaeyl flips around, aiming her talons at the larger beast’s underbelly. 
“I’m paying attention…” I bite my lip, chastised. 
“No you weren’t.” Lía grumbles. I hate it when the two of them gang up on me. It is usually when I’m endangering my own life, but that’s neither here nor there. Almost against my will, my eyes flick back down toward the ground, checking on the infantry officer’s position. 
He’s been down there for most of this battle, helping evacuate civilians from the township into the old mining tunnels. It’s not the perfect place to run to, given they could collapse under the weight of the mountain, but it’s not like they’re making it up the hill out in the open so… 
Originally, a few of the man’s unit were on the ground with him, helping out, but now only he remains—the captain. My attention is drawn back to the fight in front of me as Lía grasps the wyvern’s neck in her jaws, clamping down as Sgaeyl lashes out again with her talons. The carcass plummets to the ground, landing with a heavy thud. 
“Remi! If we take down the venin riders, the wyvern go down with them!”  Violet calls across our mental link and a sharp smile pulls at my lips. 
“Thanks, sis!” I flip the dagger in my hand I’d been given by my squad leader, Garrick, before we joined this fight. 
“So, where’s the closest?” I ask, wondering if I should unbuckle my legs from my saddle. 
“Don’t you dare.” Lía responds to my thoughts.
Almost simultaneously Sgaeyl swoops downward and says, “below.” My eyes widen and I lean to the side, following her trajectory with my eyes. The female with the staff is standing dead centre in the middle of the field, robes billowing. She slams her staff into the ground and I watch, morbidly fascinated as the ground quickly starts decaying, grass dying in a perfect circle around her. It extends outward like a wave and when it shows no signs of slowing down, my fascination turns to fear. 
“Sgaeyl!” I call out frantically, my head whipping around. My gaze lands on the infantry captain a short distance away where he stands, wide eyes locked on the venin as he helps a woman in brown riding leathers to her feet. A gryphon flier. “Get them, please!” I beg, my heart pounding as I lean forward on Lía’s back, preparing to throw. I can’t watch as my bonded complies, navy scales shining in the sun as she launches herself sideways.
We’re almost directly on top of the venin when Lía turns, providing me with just the right angle to throw my dagger and have it embedding in the venin’s heart. I pull on it with lesser magic, making sure to drive it all the way through and out the other side as Lía and I soar over, before it comes sailing back into my hand. 
The second I verify she’s not getting back up, my eyes are searching, looking frantically for Sgaeyl. I relax a little when I see her form in full flight, headed for the hillside, two decidedly human forms grasped in her claws. I sag back into the seat, relieved. Fuck, that was close. 
Before I have a chance to even think, the sky is erupting, lightning flashing down from a clear, blue sky and then the last of the wyvern are falling, their carcasses shaking the earth below as they rain down. “Good job, sis.” I murmur. 
Something almost cosmic draws my eyes back to the hillside, like there’s a magnetic force dictating my attention belongs there and I frown. Lía moves without me even having to ask. In only seconds she’s perched on the hillside next to Sgaeyl who seems to be in a standoff with an irritated looking gryphon. 
“Are you causing trouble with our temporary allies?” I smirk.
“Oh please, you’d be just as annoyed if you had to deal with it.” It. Like she can’t tell if it’s male or female—or simply doesn’t care because they’re worth less than dirt to her. Amari. I can feel Lía’s judgement radiate down the bond, but it isn’t aimed at her friend, it’s aimed at me. 
“Don’t pretend you aren’t exactly like her.” She gripes and a grin pulls at my lips. She’s right. I am. I pull my legs free, sliding down Lía’s foreleg. The gryphon makes an aborted step forward, but any illusions its under as to who’s in control here are shattered instantly the minute Sgaeyl snaps her teeth in its face. She’s incredibly protective…when she feels like it. 
My eyes run over the infantry captain’s form—I’m finally able to take him in up close and…wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful example of the male specimen in my life. Holy gods. 
He’s wearing the standard dark-blue uniform of the infantry, though I can see some armour peeking out from beneath it that isn’t standard issue. That’s not too out of place though, the more wealthy infantry officers all invest in armour the minute they graduate, if not before. It complements the twin swords peeking over his shoulders, doing nothing to dissuade me of his experience in battle.
He’s tall, tall enough that I’d almost fit beneath his chin…not that I’m thinking about it or anything…and his tawny skin looks radiant in the sunlight. His windblown hair is also decidedly not regulation and in an effort to keep myself from staring at his well-muscled form, I meet his eyes. Beautiful gold-flecked onyx eyes. That does not help. 
“You are so pathetic.” Sgaeyl says and I know without having to turn that the slapping sound that follows is Lía’s tail making contact with her side. I can always rely on her to have my back when it comes to feelings and I am…feeling things. 
“We don’t need your help.” The flier to his right snaps and for as long as I live, I’ll blame the adrenaline of battle for what happens next. I punch her in the face. 
“Remi!” Lía chides immediately, lodging her teeth in the back of my leathers, dragging me forcibly away from the very upset looking gryphon. 
“If it weren’t for us, you’d be dead.” I seethe. “And I mean that both specifically and in general.” As if their puny little birds could have taken down a single wyvern—what a joke. She stumbles back, holding a hand to her face and the look she levels on me, well…it’s a good thing looks can’t kill. Sgaeyl chuffs out a laugh.
She opens her mouth, no doubt to say something scathing, but the infantry captain shoots her a fierce glare that stops her in her tracks, which is…strange, because they definitely shouldn’t know each other. 
“Thank you. For your assistance.” He offers Sgaeyl a respectful nod, not making eye contact, before his gaze settles on me. “Remi Sorrengail.” He smirks. “I was wondering when I’d get the chance to meet you.” 
I am not ashamed to admit that smirk does something to me. My lips part in surprise. “You…” I suppose there’s not much to say—of course he knows who I am. Everyone in Navarre probably knows by now about the Sorrengail twins and how they both bonded two dragons. “Who are you?” I ask instead, my brow furrowing. 
He steps closer, a small smile playing on his lips, like I should already know the answer. “Xaden Riorson.” He murmurs.
“Oh.” It leaves my mouth unbidden. “That…makes sense.” Only a duke’s son could get away with flouting the infantry dress code and whatever orders they’d been given to retreat, to avoid the oncoming fight entirely. 
“Does it?” He arches a single, perfect brow.
“No.” I reply, deadpan, my eyes darting over to the gryphon flier he clearly knows well. Too well for the Duke of Aretia’s son. Lía snorts, nudging my back with her nose. 
“We need to go.” Sgaeyl says, her voice tight. “Your presence is required.” Someone needs mending, is what she means. 
“Ok.” I sigh reluctantly, glancing over my shoulder at her briefly. I turn back to Xaden Riorson, letting my eyes trail over his face one last time. There’s a diagonal cut bisecting his left eyebrow, blood dripping down his cheek and I step closer into his space, rising up on my toes. Silently, I reach out to cup his jaw, smoothing my thumb over the wound gently. He doesn’t flinch at the sting, heated eyes raking over my features as I mend it carefully, leaving only a silver scar behind. 
I drop back down onto my feet, holding his gaze as I back away slowly, ignoring the way the tips of my fingers tingle. I turn, intending to scale Lía’s foreleg gracefully, but I pause, unable to resist taking one final look over my shoulder. Gods, he’s gorgeous. My lips quirk up. “You’d look better in black, Captain.”
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xiefuyu · 10 months
Brother, I'm here.
-- Kurokawa Izana x little sister reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — spoilers from manga (around tenjiku arc), angst, mention of domestic abuse, mention of blood, mention of murder, mention of death
:a/n — I think I enjoy writing angst what do i do?? jk. hi, here's the third part. enjoy! (wc: 1.7k)
— PT. 1 / PT. 2/PT.3/PT.4/PT.5
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Sano Manjiro stares at his hands. Droplets of blood and the feeling of them getting in his hands present. He felt responsible and god he did because how can he not know that he has another sibling?
Emma’s sobs broke him out of his trance and it was only then that he noticed Draken. “It..it was supposed to be me.” she cries out. “That Kisaki was about to hit me but she protected me and- and-”
“Emma, stop.” Draken softly stops her, heart aching at how the teenager is blaming herself.
But Mikey’s heart ached more when he realised that he almost had Emma dying on his back. Did that make him feel at least a bit of relief? No. Of course not. How could he when his another sibling is the one laying, holding onto dear life?
“I should’ve moved…I was there and I should’ve done something.” they heard Takemichi say but no one was blaming him. No one could’ve known what would happen at that moment except you who knew about your brother’s sick plan.
Mikey stands up, determined. “Emma, Hina-chan, stay here.” he commands and looks at Draken and Takemichi.
“We’re going. I’ll drag Izana here as if it’s the last thing keeping me alive.”
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“Woah, how strong, Mikey! You’re here even after Emma’s death?” Izana asked with a wicked grin but Mikey could see it wavering. He could read those empty eyes; pleading and hope behind.
“What are you talking about, Izana? It was Y/N, our other sister who got hit.” he explains, frowning. “What…?” he hears Kakucho ask, breathless.
“What are you talking about?” he asked once again, stepping forward. “Kaku-chan, you know Y/N-san?” Takemichi asks, eyes widening. “Of course I know her! She’s Izana’s sister! What do you mean she got hit?!” Kakucho’s head whipped to where Kisaki was, blood boiling.
“She’s no sister of mine. I don’t know her.” It was the last thread that snapped loudly and hard as Kakucho stomped his way in front of his king. “She’s your sister, Izana! She’s Kurokawa Y/N!” he shouts, praying to whatever deity out there for his message to come across the kingdom that Izana built around his heart.
“How could you be so sure of that, huh? How could you be when you don’t even know that I’m blood related to no one at all?!” Mikey’s and Kakucho’s eyes widened. A simple huh coming out from their mouths.
Izana tells them how his mother told him that he’s just another son of her ex-husband with a Filipina and how he’s not Emma’s blood-related stepbrother.
But Kakucho wasn’t deterred, telling him that he should meet Y/N because she’s his blood-related sister instead.
A gunshot echoes throughout the bay, silence following.
“You’re so goddamn annoying!” they hear Kisaki say and for one moment, all Izana could think was Kakucho. 
And that set of eyes that he saw earlier.
Regret bubbles in his whole body and it moved faster than his brain could comprehend as he saw Kisaki getting ready for another shot.
Three gunshots were heard this time and Izana waited for the inevitable pain to rain upon him but none came. He didn’t fall nor did he feel a bullet making his body their own home. He looks up and sees Draken gripping Kisaki’s hand, gun pointed towards the sky.
They were saved.
“Let’s go visit Y/N, Izana. And…you’re still our big brother.” Mikey says, bowing lightly.
And for the second time that day, the king falls from his throne and onto his knees. But this time, it came with emotions dripping from his lilac eyes.
The Yokohama conflict ended with one loss- Kisaki Tetta who was run over by a truck.
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The beeping sound of the heart monitor was deafening. 
He did this to his sister, didn’t he? How sick and vile of him. Even though it was Emma who was supposed to get hit and die, he knows that everything was fucked up.
Kakucho had filled him with the information he got from you. He got informed that you knew he existed years ago and worked hard to earn money just so you could come to Japan and look for him. How you kept hoping to see him in every street you walked through.
How you’re looking for your big brother.
He was getting impatient. He wants you to wake up and look at that set of eyes similar to his. He was getting impatient but a voice stopped him.
Will she even accept you after what you did? After you turn your back on her?
His breath hitches and his hand longs to grip yours gently. Praying that the apologies lingering on the tip of his tongue will make their way through the tip of his fingers instead and flow into yours, interrupting you in your slumber.
He was getting impatient and he wants you to open your eyes because he wants to see them again. Because he knows there’s a possibility of you not waking up and how he won’t be able to stare back at another set of lilac eyes.
He stares at your limp hand and stops breathing altogether when they twitch. His gaze slowly racked over your form, settling on your face as he waited with bated breath for you to wake up.
But you didn’t and Izana visibly deflates, sighing before standing up to leave.
He doesn’t deserve you. You’re clearly a white paint in his black canvas and he doesn’t want your light fading.
So he does what he thinks is for the best.
Leaving you once more.
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Your life wasn’t as eventful as the others. You have no experience of proper support- financially, emotionally, and physically.
Your stepmother was abusive; always taking her frustrations out on you that you got used to it. Your father doesn’t even spare you a glance while you’re getting beaten up. It was a common occurrence that it got you questioning if it’s normal in a household. (It’s not, you found out later.) Your stepmother did her best to make you think otherwise, after all.
Always saying that it’s for your own good and that she loves you that’s why she’s doing it. You were just a naive little girl new to the world you were brought in and believed in.
Not until you found out that everything in your household is fucked up. Your stepmother and father are fucked up in the head and are irresponsible shits that liked to neglect you. However, there’s a part of you that thanked your father for giving you an older brother even though it took him years to remember and finally tell you one day so casually.
With that knowledge, you found your purpose again. 
Older brother.
A kuya.
Oh how you always wanted an older sibling to take care of you. To baby you and to shower you with affection. You worked again and again despite the pity looks you got for working at such a young age. Were you ten? Thirteen? Fifteen? You’re not even sure anymore.
All you could think about was escaping your shitty household and meeting your Kuya.
That’s all you ever wanted and yet, nothing was ever free to you in this godforsaken world, no? Everything and everyone around you just looks at your expectations, takes them and throws them to the ground and stomps on it for an extra measure.
Maybe it was the price for being greedy for a family. The price for being selfish, not considering how your Kuya is living and proceeding to look for him and bother him with your presence, full of scars and bruises painted by a family.
You were longing and now you’re paying the price in the form of your pounding head and blurry vision.
Your eyes wander around the vicinity you’re in. You’re in a hospital, you figured. Right, you were hit with a bat in the head. Your Kuya Mikey brought you here, hand tugging yours away from death’s own ones.
You see Emma beside you, holding your hand as she sleeps. You notice her puffy eyes and apologise to her in your mind for giving her a scare. On the sofa a few feet away was a pink-haired girl, dozing off in Takemichi’s shoulder who’s also sleeping. You look to your right and see Mikey and another guy, almost bald, looking out the window.
They’re awake. You should call for them, right?
“Kuya.” you softly called out, Mikey immediately turning to you, eyes wide and full of relief. “Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?” you smile and do your best to nod a little. “Feeling fine.” how idiotic of you to think that Mikey will believe that.
He may have just met you days ago but he’s no fool when it comes to his siblings. 
“Izana is just taking a breather outside.” he says instead of further asking you to tell him the truth. Outside where he’s currently being looked for because he decided to be an asshole once again and disappeared on you.
And yet, somehow, you knew. 
You knew that Izana turned his back on you again but you can’t bring yourself to be mad. No, you are blaming yourself for his actions. You are worried because it’s currently dark outside and the possibility of him getting in danger was making your eyes tear.
“I’m sorry…” you sobbed out quietly but it jolted Emma awake, making Mikey grab your hand, asking you what for while simultaneously telling you that it's not your fault and it's okay.
It's overwhelming. You want to hide, you want to run away. Is family supposed to be this reassuring? Are they supposed to be this gentle and soft? Are they supposed to wipe your tears away as they tell you over and over again that everything will be okay?
Are you supposed to feel this safe around a family?
You're too unfamiliar with these…things.
In a way, instead of being the white paint, you're the black canvas and your Kuya Mikey and Emma are the white dots, slowly spreading out with their gentleness.
Draken, Takemichi, and the pink-haired girl stood quietly, watching the Sanos reassuring you, heart aching.
Because you had to know.
You had to know that they’re not your family by blood.
And their heart aches because they’re about to rip away a family, a loving one, from you even though it still hasn’t reached your two delicate hands.
Kakucho stands outside the room with his bandaged body, tears gathering in his eyes as he vows to find Izana for you.
For the now two Kurokawa royalty in his life.
A/N: I'm currently enjoying writing this hahaha I hope you're enjoying the mini series, too, love <3
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[ tag list: @bontensbabygirl ]
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jeannereames · 7 months
Your top 5 Alexander the Great moments?
Top Five Alexander Moments
One issue with answering this is to figure out what events actually happened, especially when it comes to anecdotes! Here are four I find either significant to understanding his charisma and/or which explain how he functioned and why he was successful, plus one I like just because I’m a horse girl.
1) To my mind, the event that best illustrates why his men followed him to the edge of their known world occurred in the Gedrosian Desert. While I’m a bit dubious that this trek was as bad as it’s made out to be (reasons exist for exaggerating), it was still baaaad. One story relates that some of his men found some brackish water in a sad little excuse for a spring, gathered it in a helm, and brought it to him. Given his poor physical condition after the Malian siege wound, he no doubt needed it badly. He thanked them (most sincerely), then carried it out where all (or at least a lot) of his men could see, raised it overhead, and announced that until all of them could drink, he wouldn’t. Then he poured it onto the rocky ground.
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That gesture exemplified his charisma. And it absolutely is not something the likes of a Donald tRump could even imagine doing—nor most dictators, tbh. They’d be blaming everybody else and calling for heads while drinking Diet Coke, not suffering alongside their people.
This wasn’t an isolated event of that type. While he almost certainly didn’t have time to engage along with his soldiers in every project, we’re told he would drop in from time-to-time, to inspire them and to offer a little friendly competition.
He also dressed like his men for everyday activities, especially early in the campaign. As time went on, some sources say he inserted more distance—probably necessary as his duties exploded—but he still seems to have found time to “just hang out” with his Macedonians on occasion. The claims that he was too high and mighty to do so appears to have been exaggeration (as such accusations often are) in order to forward a narrative that he was “going Asian.” Troop resentment over court changes was very genuine—I don’t want to underplay it (especially as I’ve written about it in a few chapters in this), but it tended to boil up during certain periods/events, then die back again. Alexander was trying to walk a very fine line of incorporating the conquered while not ticking off his own people.
2) Reportedly, he once threw a man out of line because he hadn’t bothered to secure the chin strap on his helm. I pick this one because it tells me a whole lot about how he saw himself as a commander, and what he expected of his men (and why he tended to consistently win).
On the surface, his reaction seems almost petty. It’s precisely the sort of mistake students whine about when professors ding them for it. It’s just a chin strap! I’d have tightened it before I went into battle! (It’s just a few typos; you knew what I meant! Or, Why does everything in the bibliography have to be exactly matching in style? Who cares? What a stupid thing to obsess about!) These objections are all of a piece. First, they’re lazy, and second, they indicate a disconcern with details. In battle, such disconcern can get a person killed. And on a larger scale, for a general, such disconcern loses battles.
One of the striking aspects of Alexander’s military operations was just how well his logistics worked. Consistently. We hear little about them precisely because they rarely fail. Food and water was there when they needed it, as were arrow replacements, wood to repair the spears, wool and leather for clothes and shoes, canvas for tents, etc., etc. All those little niggling (boring) details. If these are missing, soldiers become upset (and don’t fight well). Starting with Philip, the Macedonian military was a well-oiled machine. That’s WHY Gedrosia was such a shock: the logistics collapsed. Contra some historians, he did not do it to “punish” his men, nor to best Cyrus.* He had a sound reason—to scout a trade route.
Alexander understood that details matter. It starts with a loose chinstrap. (Or an unplanned-for storm and rebellion in his rear.) Everything else can unravel from that.
3) Alexander sends Hephaistion a little dish of small fish (probably smelts). He also helps an officer secure the lady of his dreams. And writes another on assignment (away from the army) that a mutual friend is recovering from an illness. While technically three “moments,” these are all of a piece. Alexander knows his men, and is concerned not only for their physical well-being, but also their mental state: that they’re happy. Granted, these are all elite officers, but it suggests he’s paying attention to people. I’ve always assumed he sent Hephaistion the fish because they were his friend’s favorite, and/or they were a special treat and he wanted to share. That he didn’t punish an officer for going AWOL to chase the mistress he wanted but offered advice, and even assistance, on how to court and secure her suggests the same care.
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I don’t want to take away from what appears to be his serious anger management problems(!), but little details like those above strike me as the likeable side of Alexander—why his men were so devoted to him.
4) Then we have the encounter with Timokleia after the siege of Thebes. While probably a bit too precious to have occurred exactly as related, I think it may still hold a kernel of truth.
Alexander had a reputation of chivalry towards his (highborn) female captives. If some of that was likely either propaganda from his own time or philhellenic whitewashing later by Second Sophistic authors such as Plutarch (and Arrian), poor treatment of women is not something we hear attributed to him.
Ergo, while the meeting was probably doctored for a moral tail, he may well have freed Timokleia as an act of clemency to put a better face on a shocking destruction he knew wouldn’t sit well with the rest of Greece—who he both wanted to cow yet earn support from. (A difficult balancing act.) Also, if Timokleia hadn’t been high-born, she’d probably have been hauled off to one of the prisoner cages with little fanfare.
Nonetheless, I find his actions surprising given the casual misogyny of his era. If we can take the bare bones of the story as true, and it’s not all invented, Timokleia was raped as a matter of course during the sacking of Thebes, then managed to trick her rapist and kill him by pushing him down a well and dropping rocks on him. I assume this happened when his men weren’t there, but they found out soon enough and hauled her in front of Alexander to be punished for killing an officer. To the surprise of all, Alexander decided the man had earned it and freed Timokleia. One might be inclined to call this overly sentimental, but….
There’s a similar story that occurred much later in the Levant, when two of Parmenion’s men seduced/(raped?) the mistresses/wives of some mercenaries. Alexander instructed Parmenion to kill the Macedonians if they were found to be guilty.
In both cases, we have an affront against (respectable) women. In the latter case, Alexander was (no doubt) working to avoid conflict between hired soldiers and his own men, who—in typical Greek fashion—would have looked down on mercenaries as a matter of course. Some sort of conflict between Macedonians and Greek mercenaries up in Thrace had almost got Alexander’s father killed. Alexander saved him. No doubt that was on Alexander’s mind here.
Yet what both events illuminate is a willingness on Alexander’s part to punish his own men for affronts to honor/timē that involved women. Yes, this is clearly about discipline. But it also shows an unusual sensitivity to sex crimes in warfare: actions that would normally fall under the excuse of “boys will be boys” (especially when their blood is up).
I doubt he’d have felt the same about slaves or prostitutes; he was still a product of his time. Yet without overlooking his violence—sometimes extreme (the genocide of the Branchidai, for instance)—I find his reaction in these cases to be evidence of an atypical sympathy for women that I’d like to think isn’t wholly an invention of later Roman authors. And just might show the influence of his mother and sisters.
5) Last… the Boukephalas story…because who doesn’t love a good “a boy and his horse” tale? Obviously the Plutarchian version is tweaked to reflect that author’s later concern to contrast the Macedonian “barbarian” Philip with the properly Hellenized Alexander. Ignore the editorializing remarks, especially the “find a kingdom big enough for you” nonsense.
But the bare bones of the story seem likely: unmanageable horse, cocky kid, bet with dad, gotcha moment. You can imagine this was an anecdote Alexander retold a time or three, or twenty.
* His attempts to copy Cyrus may be imposition by later writers. In his own day, he may have cared more about the first Darius, for reasons Jenn Finn is going to explain in a forthcoming, very good article on the burning of Thebes and Persepolis.
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