#Scp moon
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copperfoxandfriends · 8 months ago
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Sense Adult SCP!AU Sun and Moon are around like 120-ish years old and weren’t caught by the foundation until they were around 116 years old I’ve decided to just doodle Sun and Moon as kiddos, sense they wouldn’t be interacting with humans till they got older so I don’t have many little scenarios I could put them in drawing wise unless y’all would be interested in doodles of them learning about how to fend for themselves / control their powers. :]
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Fun Fact: At this age they’re only around the size of a semi-large house cat so you could probably pick em up with some effort
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moon-buggg · 8 months ago
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Ok! Design finished! Next up is what they look like using their light manipulation powers<3
Sun "rays" are tufts of fur that essentially lay down flat as Moon, sort of like porcupine quills. Moons star spots don't glow, but they do catch the light in a way that looks similar if he's not using his shadowy powers
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kaz3trc · 10 months ago
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Damn shit took me a month to birth this out bro i love them so much i can't even describe it
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gazumirei · 3 months ago
I'm sorry i keep posting alot but I just thought of this and I wanna actually have a conversation about this, so anyways pick your poison
Which one would you work at
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I'm being serious💀
Insane blunt rotation lookin ass😭
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eparchclass · 11 months ago
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Asexual / AroAce / Aromantic O5 Council + Ethics Committee logos
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sketchskelonkey · 1 month ago
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Scp! Killcode carrying Scp Scientist! Eclipse by the back of his coat. Inspired by @theallianceofcelestials stories on AO3 called the adventures of scientist eclipse
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fandoms-dudez · 2 months ago
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This is some fan art of one of my favorite fics(AUs?)
Its called ‘Scientist Eclipse’s Adventures’ by @theallianceofcelestials
This is actually my first time ever drawing KC and Eclipse and it turned out better than I thought
You should totally check them out!
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nomsfaultau · 5 months ago
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From the interlude What Happened in the Constellations, wherein kid scp Wilbur meets Philza and loathes him almost as much as he loathes himself.
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copperfoxandfriends · 10 months ago
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Well got jump-scared by a lot of traction for my Sun and Moon SCP!AU so here’s some more content I’ve made for y’all sense ya like it so much, Honestly Tysm for all the support 😭😭💕💕💕💕
Mini Comic:
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The struggles of dealing with two goober snake like entities that hate weekly testing ✨✨
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moon-buggg · 8 months ago
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you only see him when he wants you to see him.
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plural-swag-competition · 2 years ago
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Reminder that it’s possible to bring y'all’s blorbos up without bringing others down. This includes fellow voters. And a reminder that every entry deserves to be on this bracket.
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hisclockworkservants · 10 months ago
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SCPverse Pantheon - Three Moons Initiative Design
The spider deity from the Three Moon Initiative, JALAKÅRA of the Impenetrable, "Also known as the Arch-Drudgeon, the Great Weaver, the Seventh Prince of Corbenic, and the Holy Sponsor."
Three Moons Initiative Hub by daveyoufool: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/three-moons-initiative-hub 
Patreon | Author Page | Art Hub | Twitter | DeviantArt
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copperfoxandfriends · 10 months ago
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✨✨Scp’s your Sun and Moon✨✨
Honestly I need to draw more SCP!AU Sun and Moon but honestly they’re so hard to draw 😭😭
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And this is just a small doodle of them in my normal art style 💥💥💥
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moon-buggg · 9 months ago
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You could also get him scared, but why would you do that when flustering him is so much more fun?
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random-tail · 6 months ago
My mind has just been swimming latly so I'm just gonna plop this here.
Enjoy this lil short for My Fluffy SCP (weather I make a more flushed out story I do not kn. )
In all honesty, you saw this coming. The orange jumpsuit, the cuffs on your wrists and feet so you couldn’t run. The soldiers holding their guns at the ready in case you tried to even consider escaping. All because of a few photos. But again, you new this would happen.
You signed the agreement when you were first introduced to this place after all. And in bright bold letters it told you the consequences of braking any of the rules. I mean this place was practically area 51. Housing creatures and objects they labeled as SCP's, with each having their own designated number.
You were down on your luck. Homeless, no family or friends. So when a stranger walked up to you offering a job with housing, food and pay how could you say no. Yes, it was sketchy as all fuck, but a warm hearty meal in the dead of winter was a tough bargain to beat. And all you were hired to do was clean.
Sure, you through up the first few times when you saw the bloody animal and human remains. But by the time of your 7th clean up of an enclosure. Your stomach was practically iron. It was also quite the cushy job since no one else seemed to want to do it. So you rarely had to deal with anyone bothering you as long as you got the place cleaned up in a timely manner, and didn’t leave anything behind.
But then you just had to screw it all up. All because your stupidity got the better of you. Taking pictures of some of the bizarre SCP’s such as SCP-999 or SCP-1762. Then posting them online. You figured it was as harmless as the SCP’s themselves, thinking most people would think their photo shopped or just plain origami dragons suspended by strings. And that was the case, till you posted one picture of a SCP that you rarely got to see. SCP-049, the plague doctor.
That day after you posted it, members of the guards stormed your room and you were dragged out in a matter of seconds.
Now here you sit on a cushioned table in your jumpsuit and chains as a woman in a lab coat takes your vitals. Both you and her acted calmly as if this was nothing more then a Dr’s visit but you knew that wasn’t the case.
That day when you were dragged from your room you were designated as a D-class personnel. Nothing more then food for the SCP's to eat and to be cleaned off the walls and floors. You almost felt more jealous then afraid for the new person who now gets to clean you off the enclosures.
If you were to be honest with yourself, you’d say you might have been in a state of shock as you lifted your arms and took deep breaths as the woman directed you. You guess the reality that you were about to die hasn’t fully kicked in yet. So when you were finally escorted from the room to the elevator, and still had a mind of clarity. You spoke up.
“Will it be quick?”
The woman looked at you, then at the clipboard she’d been carrying. You only catch a small shift on her face that you couldn’t decipher before she returned to facing forward as the elevator descended to the Keter-class levels.
You all step off and pass containment after containment, even passing under inactive tesla gates. You start to count each section you pass by, wondering which lucky abomination will be picking you from their teeth. Finally the woman who was at the lead comes to a stop at a door.
Seeing her using her level 4 access card, you suddenly get a short lived feeling of excitement. You had only ever cleaned areas that personal with level 3 access could allow you into. As frightening as most of the creature that are in here you couldn’t help but be completely enamored by its existence. The things that are here that shouldn’t even exist.
That honestly probably what drove you to take photos of them and share them. To show the world that these dangerous yet incredible things exist.
You roughly get pushed by one of the guards knocking you out of your stupor as you were gawking at the woman’s level 4 pass.
Right, you’re here to be food. Not to sight see.
Your pushed into a room adjacent to an observation room. The only thing separating the 2 being a thick glass wall. Inside you can see others in lab coats, looking through the observation window into the enclosure or typing away at a computer. Another thing you notice is a white board with, not 1. But 2 SCP numbers. And underneath each you see names, of whom you believe are the scientists with in the room.
You’ve seen this before. Usually to keep track of who’s using the SCP or who’s currently authorized to use it. Or maybe it’s to-
“So which one is your money on?”
You glance to the guards.
“I don’t know. I lost too much on my last bet.”
Ah. Their bets to see which SCP get to eat you…wait.. “2..SCP's?” You state out loud to yourself. The reality of your situation finally decides to hit you like a ton of bricks. So much so that you miss the glare the woman gives the guards and how your quickly ushered into the air lock.
The door closes behind you with a single guard and the woman. As the air lock hisses with sanitization, you try to think of what 2 SCPs that you know of with in the facility. That could possibly be in the same enclosure and not rip each other apart. You start considering it’s the 2 strange SCPs 053 and 682 when you suddenly feel someone breathe into your ear.
“To answer your question from earlier.”
Her feminine voice leaves a chill down your spine as the woman leans into your ear from behind you.
“they like to play with their food.”
You feel all the color from your face drain as the doors to the enclosure open and you are shoved in.
“hehe.. bye.”
You stagger on your feet and turn around only to catch a glimpse of the woman’s green eyes and dark smile before the doors close.
Standing there, frozen to the ground. The fear and reality of what’s bound to happen next solidifies in your mind. Your going to die in the next few minutes, and if the SCP's truly do play with their food. Your going to die in the worst way.
You stare at the door willing it to open again and let you out. For this to be nothing but a nightmare. But the feel of eyes on your back and a hot breath down your neck lets you know that’s not going to happen as a shudder goes down your spine.
A gravelly chuckle coming directly behind you that soon erupts into a husky laugh as it sees you tremble. But it wasn’t a dark laugh of someone about to kill you. No somehow it sounded just like those irritating laughs you used to get from jack ass’s who would give you rotten food when you were hungry. Or would steal from you at knife point.
That irritating kind of laugh that made your blood boil from its once icy cold. You knew this wasn’t some punk about to rob you however. It was a horrid creature that would most likely rip you limb from limb. But that laugh. It was enough to solidify your next decision. That you would punch this SCP at least once before it could tare you apart.
So whipping around with your eyes closed and your still cuffed hands held together. You swing at the creature with all your might, only to be met with what felt like silky fur. The chuckling had stopped for only a moment before starting up again with vigor.
You open your eyes, and your fire flickered out.
Before you stood a tall creature standing on its hind legs. It was lanky with a broad chest and long limbs. It’s, what your assume is slick fur, is a stunning mix of milky white and midnight blue with a fluff or plumage around its waist, and neck. It possessed a wicked set of claws and razor-sharp teeth to match. Teeth that it eagerly displayed in a wide grin that made its red eyes crease. On it head it had a long tendril that seemed to twitch and sway on its own, with a little bulb at the end.
Despite it hunching over, it still towered over you by several feet. It continued its chuckling as it grabs your cuffed hands and pulls them away from where you hit it. Clearly you didn’t phase it as it drops its face closer to your. It’s grin splitting wider.
Anyone else in the right mind in this situation would of pissed their pants already. And you definitely know you did once you saw how tall this mother fucker was. But then you noticed something that caught your eye. It’s face. It was circular like a disk with it being half milky white and half midnight blue. Yet the more you stare at it, the more you couldn’t help realize that it looked like-
“the moon?”
It freezes in the middle of opening its jaw and raising a claw to your face. It’s eyes were blown wide open, and after a few moments it sneers at you. It lowers its hands then proceeds to.. sniff you?
It makes an audible “bleck" sound while sticking out an inky black tongue before pulling away from you. It begins to pace back and forth in front of you on all 4s, yet still it stood over you even now that it was lower to the ground. It continues to glower at you while making a variety of gravelly sounds and chirps as if it was a chattering frustrated cat that couldn’t catch a bird.
As you watch it, confused by its sudden change of demeanor, you hear another set of chatter. But a much higher pitch. The additional chatter wasn’t as startling as the blue creature perking its head then turning it 180° around to face behind it. Was this thing part owl or something?
A conversation of chirps and chatter gos back and forth between the blue creature and another until you could finally see the owner of the higher pitched voice. A creature, similar to the blue ones build, comes prancing over. Standing tall on its rear legs. The only difference being its gold & cream colors, bright white eyes, and rather then one tendril. It has 7 that crowned around its head.
It chatters happily to the blue one, who you catch rolling its eyes, before coming up to you and crouching down. It’s smile widens at you and just like the other, it bears razor sharp teeth. But your then suddenly taken off guard when you notice it has a gap in between its front teeth. Of which pulls an uncalled for snort from you. This makes the gold creature rear back a bit surprised, before smiling wider and filling your ears with a variety of happy clicks and chirps.
It's glee was contagious as you couldn’t help but smile and chuckle at its this deadly creatures silly display as it shakes its head this way and that at you. But your mirth is quickly cut short, when it grabs you by your head. Its large hand that could easily crush your skull, firmly holds either side of your face. Your eyes widening as you become hype aware of its blade like claws inching unnervingly close to your throat.
“they like to play with their food.”
The woman’s voice vibrates in your head as a reminder that these creatures will kill and eat you at some point. This was most likely one of their games.
Your sudden silence must of caught the golden creatures attention, it flicks its head to the side a complete 90°. It chirps at you and you notice that the tendrils on its head start to sway and flicks like flames. Now that you thought about it. It’s face look a lot like a kids drawing of-
“The sun.”
Just like the blue one it freezes suddenly. Eyes wide and tendrils still. Not only it, but even the blue one looks at you with wide eyes. The gold one slowly releases your head before starting to, what looks like, vibrate. It smiles wide before turning to the blue one and starts chirping and trilling in what you could only assume was excitement. As it does its face drifts closer And closer to the blue one till finally it puts its palm to the golden ones face and shoves its away.
The golden one give a yelp as it falls backwards from the push and the blue one stalks forward with an eerie smile. It’s your turn to freeze as it get up close and personal to the point you could see the swirl above its right eye. It opens its jaw which just keeps going. Wider and wider like an angular fish till it could easily fit your head and it looks that it’s going to do just that as you start to tremble.
You just barely see the barbs in the back of its throat as it’s open jaw practically engulfs your entire head. You even feel the tips of its lower jaw prick underneath your chin and smell the iron on its breath. Its going to bite your head off.
You feel every drop of blood grow cold in your veins as you look into the mouth of your demise. You knew it was an inevitable yet you cant help but tremble and whimper as this thing fits your entire head into its mouth. You close your eyes. Maybe it will b quick. .
The crack of its jaw vibrates through out the enclosure. Yet you didn’t feel a thing, Was it really that quick.
You peak an eye open then both, blown wide as you get an eye full of its sharp grinning teeth. Shut tight like a bear trap, not even an inch from your face. You crumble to your knees with a shudder as the sharp filling of fear trickles out of your body.
“They like to play with their food.”
Your reminded yet again of the sick woman’s words as you watch the blue creature fall onto its back and laughs. It laughs so hard it holds its stomach and kicks its feet. It only stops when it receives a sharp snap to the back of its head by the tail of the gold one.
You watch in frightened shock as the gold ones tail, of which you first thought was a ribbon, wraps back around its waist before coming up to you. Where it proceeds to pick you up from the back of your jump suit. Scuffing you much like a mother cat does a kitten, and with the spiking trickle of adrenaline leaving your body, you were practically limp like one.
It lifts to its full height where you see your feet dangle several feet off the floor. Then starts to take you further into their enclosure. But not before giving a growl towards the blue one that make a snap at your limp hand. Which causes you to recoil in on yourself hard. Tucking your feet and hands as close to your chest as you could.
Closing your eyes you hear the exchange of growls and chatter between the 2 before you feel yourself being moved again. Your dangle from the golden ones mouth for only a few seconds till you feel yourself being plopped onto something soft. As you dear to open your eyes, you find yourself sitting in a nest made of various twigs, feathers, fabrics, and fluff. The golden creature then wraps itself around you in a secure position of which you couldn’t escape. Not without climbing over it that is. As it settles, you chance glancing around but you don’t see much other then the creatures body & the white ceiling of its enclosure.
That is till you see a dark tendril with a bulb at its end sway into your vision. You shutter before looking up and seeing the blue creature looking down at you. You swallow. It gives a sharp look but quickly schools its mischievous grin when you hear a chirp from the golden creature. The blue one rolls its eyes before lifting a clawed hand to you face.
Instinctively, you back away from it as it grows closer to your face. But you soon become pinned against the golden creatures body as the blue one encroaches more into your space. Once again you shut your eyes fearing it's claws carving into your soft skin. Only to feel your nose get pushed against your face. You open your eyes as the creature chuckles while it boops your nose.
You give it an incredulous look as it slowly slips away. Chuckling and trilling as it fades into the shadow of the golden creature.
After a few minutes you start to hear soft snoring. You hesitantly look at the lax face of the golden creature, then at the rise and fall of its shadow from the blue creature. Your just able to sit up enough to see the one way window to the observation room. Slowly, you try and test if you can get up and over the long body of the creature. But as you lay your hand on its side to hoist yourself up. You feel it shift and yourself being yoinked back.
You fall back against the creature, wincing till you look up to see the golden creature looking down at you. It’s sleepy eyes studying you till it gives a big yawn, showing off its teeth. As it does its tail unwrap from around its waist and around your. It settles back down with you firmly against it.
It begins to softly snore again as it falls back to sleep with you trapped in its tails hold. Despite it actually settling you in a comfortable position. Your mind continues to spiral with the constant reminder that these creatures play with there food. Which made them that much more unpredictable they act nice and playful now but soon enough they will get hungry and you will be on the menu.
You feel yourself taking shallow panicked breaths but you cover your mouth not wanting to wake the golden creature again. However, as your silent panic grows, you don’t take notice of the red eyes staring at you.
As you try to control your breathing, you start to hear a gentle humming in your ear. You snap to attention and look around for the source but as you do you cant help your eyes feeling heavy. The soft humming continues and you feel your entire body grow heavy like lead as you slump against the gold creature. Eventually you lose the fight and the beckoning to rest consumes you.
The last thing you see being the blood red eyes of the blue creature as you fall into unconsciousness.
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sleepanonymous · 3 months ago
I usually don't get into discourse or discussions of Sleep Token lore for Reasons™️but I would like to bring forth a proposition that Sleep Token's songs are not offerings about Sleep but offerings to Sleep.
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