#Saturn Rx
astrojulia · 1 year
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Astro Observations from the Deep Sea #1
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Mars in the 11th house is all about being curious about space and NASA. They're the ones who are interested in exploring the latest technology and having the newest gadgets, like the coolest cell phone or cutting-edge tech.
People with Saturn Rx seriously struggle to say "no" to others. Saturn is the planet of limits, and when it's in retrograde, it makes everything even more internal. So, Saturn Rx brings a lack of internal limits, which means no boundaries.
Air Venus are all about those stimulating conversations and valuing intelligence. But here's the thing nobody mentions—they absolutely adore people with an attractive voice and those who smell amazing. Yeah, they're all about that fragrance!
You know why Virgo are obsessed with cleanliness? It's because they willingly take on tasks that no one else wants to do. They're like the superheroes of necessary chores, always looking out for the betterment of those around them.
Aries Dominant have a hard time trusting their own intuition. It's like they struggle to listen to their gut, even when it's screaming at them. It's a challenge for them to follow advice, even if it's coming from their own minds.
Moon-Jupiter aspects are often associated with a big appetite. But let me tell you the real deal: people with this combo turn to food for comfort during tough times.
Saturn Aries are total lone wolves. They rely less on others and take care of things themselves. It's like they're invisible or something. And hey, the same goes for people with a Stellium in the first house—they're independent warriors, handling things solo.
Aquarius or Pisces rising are masters at escaping reality. They love diving into unconventional realms and exploring beyond the ordinary. They're like the dreamers and the wanderers, always seeking something more.
Being away from someone with a stellium in the 1st house for a long time can be freaky because they go through crazy changes over the years. It's like they're constantly transforming right before your eyes.
Moon in the 9th/12th house tend to lean towards vegetarianism. They're super sensitive to energies, including the vibes in their food.
If you're missing an element in your chart (like a big fat zero), you might become dependent on others for certain things. It's like asking for help is your kryptonite.
Mars is not only about action but also about agriculture. So, if you've got Mars in the 1st or 10th house, you might secretly have a green thumb. You could be a farmer at heart, my friend.
Pluto in the 11th house turns people into hardcore fanatics when comes to their games. They get obsessed with specific video games or series. They might have other interests too, but they'll always come back to their beloved favorite. It's like they're stuck in a loop!
People with the same rising sign as you (and the same houses) tend to complain about the hidden stuff happening in the 12th house of others. But here's the kicker—they do the same exact thing without even realizing it. Like Taurus ascendants, they can be a bit rude without noticing, and then they complain about it when someone else does it. Classic case of "do as I say, not as I do."
3rd house - 6h house aspects can indicate someone having a really hard time with routine because their mind is always elsewhere.
Pisces - Taurus aspects can bring a really strong imagination and artistic sensibility, which they channel into practical endeavors that manifest in the material world and can make them great artists
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
Not every retrograde or transit is pivotal to you. Sometimes, it's background noise. Sometimes, these transits aren't about you, they're about other elements and other people of your life. One of my favorite things to note is how a transit through the 7H can literally be about other people in your life.
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illicit-astrology · 1 year
Saturn Goes Retro!
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Saturn goes retro once a year for around 4-5 months. This year, Saturn stationed retrograde today, June 18th. What does this mean?
This marks a period where things and events go south. It gets chaotic and things do not usually go as planned. You also feel tired and exhausted to do things that require discipline. You might feel like giving up on your plans and feel a loss of determination. Here is how to navigate this tense energy:
Cut yourself some slack. Know that a vital part of parenting or dsicplining yourself, is making sure to give your self breaks, recognition for your efforts, and the grace to be human.
Forgive yourself and your past mistakes. Saturn wants you to recognize your mistakes and correct them, not beat yourself up for them.
Avoid starting or ending serious commitments. If you are in a marriage or a serious long-term relationship, avoid ending it impulsively -unless you NEED to. As well as avoid marrying ot committing to someone during this time. Saturn rx usually shows the gritty parts of relationships to create space for solutions and how to fix things and make it more durable for the long-term.
Know that everything will work out fine in the end. Practice mindfulness breathing, and being in the moment to ground yourself during this time. This is only a short testing period. Things will be better as time progresses!
Avoid big purchases. Saturn rules over finances. Any overspending habits in regards with money, like gambling or going in debt, will be highltied during this period.
I hope that's helpful! Be easy on yourself, Saturn just wants to give a lecture or two ;)
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flickeringart · 2 years
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Do you have Saturn Rx?
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l3xistentialism · 3 months
Cancer season mood swings are intense enough.
That trine with Saturn Rx in Pisces is making it rough.
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chrisadew · 1 year
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libra-stellium · 1 year
Something I didn’t expect of Saturn in pisces rx in my 1H during my saturn return while Venus in Leo is rx in my 6H is getting back on my skincare routine just in time to find out they discontinued the line of products I’ve been using for 4 years 😭now I’m googling products and ingredients trying to find the closest match
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d4rkpluto · 4 months
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
Astro observations pt5
☄️People with Mercury retrograde have karma and issues surrounding their voices. This often stems from past lives of them not feeling “heard” or not using their voices properly so they come back into this lifetime to speak up for themselves or articulate words in the right way. This typically manifests as the individual having some type of speech impediment like stuttering, speaking too loud, or speaking too low, maybe speaking too fast or too slow, or just there being something “wrong” with their voices. I also find that these people are often misunderstood and that people misconstrue what they say all the time!!! Similar to having mercury in Pisces/12th house if you ask me
☄️They’re not lying when they say that 8th house synastry is really intense. This person always seems to come in and out of your life. It causes lot of drama and I find that the planet person secretly hates on the house person.
☄️Saturn Retrograde can indicate the native doesn’t get along with people in authority and often are seen as disrespectful or disobedient by their parents or peers
☄️As a 12th houser, I can confirm to you that the 12th house does indeed deal with the collective unconscious. It’s constantly having to examine which thoughts are actually yours
☄️Having your sun in the 12th house makes you come off more like your ascendant. This is because the sun is in the house of the things “hidden” from you or that ur not aware of so that signs’ energy is inaccessible to you
☄️Degrees in astrology can be used to tell time. I have Uranus at 11° and got my first phone at age 11 (Uranus deals with technology). I also have mercury at 12° and I got my second phone at 12 years old. Mercury also deals with technology (the 3rd house)
☄️This can’t be said for everybody but the degree of your sun sign can point out something significant or life changing happening at that age. (For ex. Sun at 9° may have traveled to somewhere for the first time at the age of 9)
☄️Even if Venus doesn’t aspect the asc, having it in its home signs Libra, Taurus, or exalted in Pisces well aspected denotes physical beauty
☄️Women with personal placements in aries may struggle with trying to be feminine
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celestialsibyl · 1 year
astrology observations 🌌
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☆ ♄ saturn in water houses [4H, 8H, 12H] tends to make the native either very good at disciplining their emotions or makes it hard to contain them. nonetheless, that house is subject to saturn because it resides there.
☆ ♄ saturn ℞ conjunct ☌ moon indicates that the native is very introspective and reflective. saturn’s expression is internal rather than external because of the ℞ motion. its extremely hard for these natives to express their emotions and may turn to substances. ☌ 0° = oneness. orb of 1-10°. closer the orb, the more potent.
☆ ☉ sun exalts in aries ♈︎ because it takes bravery, courage, and vitality to shine. sun resides here like a beloved guest, because aries is the first fire cardinal sign, it indicates a very energetic and courageous native. be wary about burning yourself here, as sun in aries can also be very naive, impulsive, and prideful.
☆ ☉ sun falls in libra ♎︎ because libra is the first air cardinal sign which brings autumn/[fall], giving the sun less time to shine throughout the day. sun likes to express its light; its truth and essence. in libra, the sun’s energies hasn’t disappeared but more effort is required to activate them. listen to yourself, not others.
☆ ☿ mercury in aquarius ♒︎ can indicate a very active and intelligent mind. collective thoughts, introspective thoughts, revolutionary and very quick-minded. aquarius is ruled by saturn [uranus modern] and although its very eccentric, its also disciplined, or lacks it. these natives need/love mental stimulation and human connections.
☆ ♀venus in scorpio ♏︎ indicates a native who expresses their love through intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. scorpio is ruled by mars [pluto modern] which makes scorpio fight for their life in a very intense way, and being a feminine sign, its intuitive and reflective. venus is in detriment here, she feels exiled, as her ruler is opposite scorpio, where she has all the resources she requires to feel safe and secure.
☆ ♀venus sextile ✶/ trine △ mars ♂ indicates a benefic communication between the two, giving the native a very strong vitality and attractive demeanor. they know what they want, and have no problem attaining it. △ 120° = harmony and ✶ 60° = opportunity.
☆ ☉ sun sextile ✶ pluto ♇ indicates a native who is not afraid of transformation, they crave it. sun illuminates truth, and pluto is lord of the underworld, the ✶ creates an opportunity for sun to work with pluto for greater good. these natives are transformational, constantly shedding their skin, born anew. death is nothing but a new beginning.
thank you for reading! do you have any natal placements listed?
all observations are according to my direct experience and knowledge <3
- @celestialsibyl
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starsworldd · 2 years
solar return observations (pt 1):
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- mars square jupiter can show a year of overworking yourself ♛
- a year in which you have capricorn venus could mean not hanging out with friends that much, maybe more of a focus on career/goals ♛
- mars sextile/trine venus 🤝 success with social things throughout the year ♛
- chiron in 12th house could show troubles with mental health or sleep for that year ♛
- saturn conjunct asc (whether that be in the solar chart or natal x solar) indicates a year of hard work and getting your sh*t together. it may bring you a new perspective on yourself + outlook on life ♛
- solar moon in natal 4th house means being especially emotional for that year ♛
- solar rising sign shows most prevalent themes throughout the year, e.g. libra rising = partnership/friends, leo rising = ego/confidence, cap rising = work + career/calling ♛
- having libra placements in general can mean making new friends + connections for that year ♛
- neptune in 8th house may mean scary things regarding your mental health/internal thoughts and feelings (please take this with a grain of salt, 8th house also rules other people’s money so could have to do something with that too) ♛
- scorpio in a solar chart shows where you have the most push/pull, e.g. scorpio in 7th = tug-of-war with friends/partners, scorpio in 2nd = tug-of-war with self-esteem or money ♛
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- having a leo mc may mean prioritizing fun and having more gatherings for that year ♛
- mercury shows what area of life is this busiest for the year, e.g. mercury in 2nd = self-care and/or financial things, 11th house = social media and communities ♛
- venus in scorpio/aspecting pluto could mean separations due to things that were hidden from each party involved in the relationship (any type of relationship) or deepening a connection that was made beforehand ♛
- part of fortune in 11th house means new communities, friends, and aspiration awakenings <3 really lovely placement for a solar chart ♛
- 11th house in 3rd house may mean making online friends or mainly talking to friends via social media that year ♛
- mars retrograde in solar chart shows an area of life where you may struggle to feel confident or fail to assert yourself, e.g. in 11th house may mean amongst friend groups and new groups of people ♛
- strong saturn in solar return chart means having to be patient for that year (it’s very frustrating but saturn rewards and teaches us important skills!!) ♛
- gemini in 11th house could mean more activity with social media ♛
- venus in natal 6th house means spending more time with friends and feeling a little more relaxed regarding work/tasks ♛
- pisces and scorpio show where the most change is happening, pisces being in a more fluid, dreamy way, scorpio being in a more dramatic and in-your-face way ♛
⭐️ hope you’ve enjoyed! ⭐️
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astrojulia · 1 year
hi! can u make a post about saturn rx in leo in the first house? thank u^^
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Saturn Retrograde in the Natal Chart
~ Saturn Rx through the houses and signs analysis
Every planet when it is retrograde works differently than its direct placement. It's not TOTALLY different and so you can read and look up its normal placement, you just need to make a few changes, Saturn Rx (Retrograde) has the following things to look out for:
You may find it difficult to assert yourself, and people may not see you as an authority figure or someone mature enough to handle more elaborate tasks. This could impact your confidence and anger management.
You may not have been taught an accurate sense of what the rules are, or how much responsibility you have to take on in order to be considered responsible. Discipline may have been vague, and you may not have known when to stop yourself, or when is it enough.
You may not know your own limits, and have trouble setting boundaries, especially in the house and sign where Saturn is retrograde.
You may not have a clear understanding of what you can or cannot do.
“There is something missing in the relationship with the father that impacts the life — divorce, hard working and not with the family, on the road at lot, killed in a war or died early — with Neptune, he is preoccupied or ambivalent.”[lynnkoiner]
If you have retrograde Saturn in your chart, you may experience sadness, depression, loneliness, fatigue, or a lack of motivation. Disrespect from parents or other authority figures may also hold you back. Retrograde Saturn focuses on whatever is hindering your productivity and success, which could be an ongoing problem that requires attention.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Spiritual/Karmic meaning: Many see Retrograde Planets as info of your past life and something you need to do now. In terms of the spiritual and karmic meaning, retrograde planets can provide insight into your past life and the lessons you need to learn in this one. If you have Saturn retrograde in your natal chart, it signifies a problem with self-discipline or avoidance of responsibility in a past life. Due to illness, immaturity, or disrespect, you may have neglected to take care of your loved ones. Some lessons or extra effort will be required in this life to pay off and leave behind this karmic debt. It is important to learn these lessons to avoid having to go through the difficult cycle again.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Saturn Rx in the houses and signs:The position and aspect of retrograde Saturn can show the areas of life, personality traits, and behaviors that require extra development. Ideally, Saturn is disciplined, responsible, stable, respectful, and reliable. A healthy Saturn is hardworking and dedicated. The goal is to be strong enough, both physically and emotionally, to deal with life's difficulties and take responsibility for oneself and one's family. Depending on where Saturn is retrograde in your chart, you may need to focus on developing specific skills or traits to become more successful and fulfilled.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Sources and Inspirations:Whoever reads this post will see that it's very similar to posts about Saturn but very negative, and well, this is the focus of this post, talking about the positive parts you can see in other posts. So the focus is on what Rx can do and what to work with. The inspirations for this post were few since it is specific, they were this one and this one, the template for this post is from sparklypalace on deviantart and poohsources on tumblr.
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This placement can indicate a significant difficulty with self-esteem and saying 'no.' With Saturn Rx in a fire sign and house, issues related to fire can be stuck. There may be a fear of expressing oneself, speaking up a little louder, running, or indulging in carnal pleasures. You might be too afraid to step up and face life. You may not feel welcome in anything that showcases your creativity or deviates from tradition; you want to be like Picasso, but the world expects you to be like Da Vinci. First and foremost, any issues with Saturn are usually resolved with time, as our superego (that voice that dictates how we should behave in society) realizes that it doesn't need to be so restrictive because, deep down, nobody cares. With this aspect in mind, I think a lot about tattoos and body transformations as a means of freeing oneself and putting art on one's own body. Generally, it can be challenging to assert oneself as someone with their own unique tastes, and working with creativity without expecting the result to be worthy of a museum can be helpful.
Saturn Retrograde through the zodiac signs
✧. ┊ Aries and aspecting Mars: individuals may struggle with asserting themselves and expressing their needs and desires. They may lack confidence and have difficulty managing their anger, which can lead to conflicts and challenges in personal and professional relationships. They swallow their wills and feelings so much and end up locking themselves up. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-esteem and learning healthy ways to express their emotions.
✧. ┊ Taurus and aspecting Venus: it can bring up issues related to finances, material possessions, and self-worth. It seems that everything they do in life forces them to step out of their comfort zone so that they never really feel comfortable (especially in the house where the Saturn is). Additionally, they may struggle with valuing themselves and their abilities, which can impact their personal and professional lives. They often question whether who they are has the makings of an honorable and valuable person. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-worth and learning healthy financial habits.
✧. ┊ Gemini and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with expressing themselves effectively. They may have difficulty making decisions and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to process. It's important for these individuals to work on developing their communication skills and learning to trust their instincts.
✧. ┊ Cancer and aspecting Moon: individuals may struggle with expressing their emotions and nurturing themselves and others. They may have difficulty with family relationships and may feel like they don't have a solid foundation in their personal lives. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy emotional habits and creating a supportive network of loved ones.
✧. ┊ Leo and aspecting Sun: individuals may struggle with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. They may feel like they don't have the confidence or skills to take on leadership roles or express themselves creatively. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-confidence and developing their creative abilities.
✧. ┊ Virgo and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. They may have difficulty staying focused and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy organizational habits and learning to prioritize their tasks. They may also benefit from working on letting go of their need for perfection and embracing their imperfections.
✧. ┊ Libra and aspecting Venus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Libra may experience difficulties in maintaining relationships, particularly with romantic partners. They may struggle to find balance and harmony, which can result in issues with compromise and conflict resolution. These individuals may have a fear of abandonment and may struggle to express their needs and desires. It is important for them to learn how to communicate effectively and define their own boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Scorpio and aspecting Pluto: Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio can lead to difficulties in trust, intimacy, and power dynamics. These individuals may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming deep emotional connections with others. They may also have a fear of vulnerability and struggle with expressing their own emotions. These individuals may have a tendency to manipulate others or feel manipulated by others, leading to power struggles in relationships. It is important for them to work on developing trust and emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Sagittarius and aspecting Jupiter: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius may struggle with belief systems, philosophy, and adventure. They may have difficulty finding their own identity and may feel trapped by societal or cultural expectations. These individuals may also have a fear of failure or a lack of direction in life. It is important for them to explore their own beliefs and values to find their true path in life.
✧. ┊ Capricorn and aspecting Saturn (sorry,not possible 😅): Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn can lead to difficulties with authority, responsibility, and ambition. These individuals may have a fear of failure and struggle with taking risks in life. They may also have difficulty with authority figures, either feeling intimidated by them or feeling the need to constantly challenge them. These individuals may also struggle with finding balance between their personal and professional lives. It is important for them to work on developing self-confidence and a sense of direction to achieve their goals.
✧. ┊ Aquarius and aspecting Uranus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius may have difficulty with individuality, innovation, and detachment. They may feel pressure to conform to societal norms or struggle to find their own unique identity. These individuals may also have difficulty with emotional expression and forming deep connections with others. They may feel disconnected from others or struggle to fit in with their peers. It is important for them to embrace their individuality and work on developing emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Pisces and aspecting Neptune: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces can lead to difficulties with boundaries, empathy, and spirituality. These individuals may struggle with setting boundaries and may feel overwhelmed by the emotions of others. They may also struggle with developing their own spirituality or may feel disconnected from their own intuition. These individuals may have a tendency to isolate themselves or feel like they are constantly giving to others without receiving in return. It is important for them to work on developing healthy boundaries and learning how to prioritize their own needs and emotions.
Saturn Retrograde through the houses
✧. ┊ 1st House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 1st house, you might find yourself struggling with self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem. Maybe you've always felt like you don't quite fit in, or that you're not good enough. You might try to make up for this by taking on too much responsibility for others. When Saturn goes direct, you might build up walls to protect yourself, but during retrograde, you might have trouble saying no.
✧. ┊ 2nd House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 2nd house, you might find yourself having a tough time with money, material possessions, and self-worth. Maybe you've been taught that you have to work really hard to get what you want, or you've seen your parents struggle financially. During retrograde, you might feel like you're responsible for other people's finances, and have a hard time setting boundaries.
✧. ┊ 3rd House: Saturn Retrograde in the 3rd house can make communication, learning, and decision-making difficult for you. Maybe you get really anxious in school, and it affects your ability to learn and express yourself. You might have trouble hearing correctly when you're nervous. But opening up about your struggles can help you form closer relationships with others.
✧. ┊ 4th House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 4th house, you might struggle with emotional expression, nurturing, and family relationships. Maybe you have a hard time connecting with your parents, but you still feel like you need to take care of them. You might take on too much responsibility to try to bond with your family, even if it's not good for you. Sometimes, it's necessary to set boundaries and distance yourself from your family to become your own person.
✧. ┊ 5th House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 5th house, you might have trouble with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. You might find it difficult to say no to your children, especially if they're your firstborn. Expressing your emotions might also be tough for you, which can lead to misunderstandings. When it comes to gambling or speculation, you're not likely to have much success unless you're well-aspected.
✧. ┊ 6th House: Saturn Retrograde in the 6th house can cause issues with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. You might be a perfectionist at work because you have a hard time setting boundaries. This can lead to bosses and coworkers taking advantage of you. This placement isn't great for being a boss yourself, since you might struggle with similar boundary-setting and perfectionism issues.
✧. ┊ 7th house: You might run into some trouble with your relationships. It can be tough to find a good balance and harmony with your partner, and you might feel like you're having some issues with being a parent. If this sounds like you, it's important to set some boundaries and learn how to say "no" to avoid getting into any sticky situations.
✧. ┊ 8th house: Trust and intimacy might be tough for you. You might find it hard to get on the same page as your partner when it comes to money, and you should be careful about tying yourself down legally until you really understand your financial situation. It could be helpful to look at your partner dad's attitude towards money to get some insight into their own finances.
✧. ┊ 9th house: You might find yourself struggling with your beliefs and sense of adventure. If you grew up in a really religious environment, you might feel like you're having trouble breaking away and finding your own identity. Try to challenge those old beliefs and create your own value system. You might also find yourself changing your mind about what you want to study in school or where you want to go, but it's important to keep questioning and finding your own path.
✧. ┊ 10th house: You might have a hard time with responsibility and boundaries at work. It can be tough to say "no" and take control of your own career, but it's important to define your own boundaries and responsibilities to achieve success. You might find that you have a bit of a struggle with authority figures, particularly your dad, but once you figure out your own attitude towards responsibility, you'll be in a better spot.
✧. ┊ 11th house: You feel like they're struggling to express their own personality and might feel a little disconnected from their friends. You might feel like you don't quite fit in with your own age group, and it can be tough to find a sense of belonging. When Saturn is transiting, you might be looking for a way to feel more connected to a group, but when it's retrograde, you might find yourself feeling a little intimidated by people your own age.
✧. ┊ 12th house: You might struggle with setting boundaries and connecting with other people. It can be tough to develop your own spirituality and empathize with others. You might feel a little bit isolated, but finding a job where you can work independently might be helpful for creating a sense of security.
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hoodreader · 15 days
Sept. 7, 2024. Moon in Scorpio ♡
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general transit reading. word count. 1.0K+
keywords healing. subconscious. vivid yet confusing dreams u gotta meditate on. surrender. shadow work. grudges. trauma. triggered. discomfort. survival. the chariot. reality. “i saw things i imagined” by solange.
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the moon enters scorpio on september 7th, 2024 @ 1:18 AM EST.
when the moon transits into scorpio, we begin to feel more protective over what is intimate to us, so we recluse into ourselves. transits like these, we become sensitive to the depths of our souls/psyches/minds/emotions.
but the moon isn't comfortable here. despite the fixed-watery nature of scorpio, the moon in scorpio is like frozen ice that's cracking under pressure. there's only so much weight and heat that can be taken before the surface succumbs and vulnerability is exposed. water characteristically flows. it's meant to be malleable and movable, which scorpio isn't (as a result of it being fixed). u must learn to move the water.
for that reason, even though we are now more sensitive to our unseen energies, for those unfamiliar with navigating a malefic-influenced moon (and unsure how to get that water flowing) this can be a confusing and triggering time. u can feel a bit emotionally stuck on what ur being exposed to during the descent into ur own psyche: buried memories, things u tried to repress, and unresolved grudges may bubble to the top like underwater volcanic fissures.
some of these things can trigger u into survivalism if u never processed them. the moon is as integral to understanding ur root chakra energy because it represents shelter, instinct, protection, and intuition: evolved traits we use to protect ourselves. and this is the case of mars (the ruler of scorpio) as well. mars is the blood, the desire to fight and advocate for urself, and so on. but the moon is the benefic, representing security. whereas mars is the malefic, representing insecurity.
moon is the home, the immediate community, food, rest. u must be secure to have a shelter to protect u from the elements/enemies, to have a loving people around u, to be nourished, and to be able to comfortably be unconscious - this is why the moon is truly one of the most intimate planets there is, as u surrender logic and awareness when u sleep.
but mars is the insecurity of survival, of enemies, of starvation, of sleeplessness. when u feel unsafe, u are unable to feel secure. which is why the moon in scorpio transit can trigger people into feeling unprotected, thus, they feel they must switch over to survival mode in order to ensure that the body survives.
this is also the case considering mars in cancer will form a trine and mutual reception with the scorpio moon transit. both of these planets of survival are afflicted. mars doesn’t fare well in the sign of cancer, as cancer/moon is nurturing. cancer/moon represents empathy. and the fact that the moon exalts in the third house shows that these qualities are necessary for community, emphasis on unity. this is at odds with the core principles of mars, which is aggressive and unharmonious.
the mutual reception means that they help each other, but only when blending the respective energies. sometimes feeling triggered is a necessary catalyst. mars will bring heat to encourage the frozen exterior of scorpio to melt away, and expose ur shadow to urself. how many of y’all ever tried to hug, embrace, understand, or merely see ur shadow? y’all get told to kill it, but no. the shadow is a part of y’all. it’s the natural consequence of light.
translate this to the emotions and psyche. the things that may trigger u emotionally up until september 9th, 2024 (when the moon enters sagittarius) may be the shadows u house within urself. a moon in scorpio transit is a time for emotional transformation. mars in cancer likes feeling safe. it’s reluctant to be triggered. it side steps and avoids confrontation unless it’s cornered.
scorpio moon transits can bring a spiral of paranoia. fears of jealousy, enemies, mal ojo, and more. but a lot of times, we undo ourselves in our psyches. sometimes, we corner ourselves with our fear and grudges. when u always looking for an enemy, all u gon find is an enemy. and all u gon find is shit to confirm that there is an enemy. so what u gon do?
eventually, the scorpio moon will form a trine with the boundless saturn in pisces retrograded. many think it is scorpio/pluto who is the body of shadows, but saturn is also significant in interpreting them. this shadow is something like a blurry haze. like the shadows u get from various different light sources shining on the same subject.
reality is tangible and shows one subject, but the shadow (representing the unseen, the misunderstood, the repressed) shows as many subjects as there are light sources. and this can be disorienting for the moon in scorpio — the frozen river — who desires fixed structure for security.
but saturn — being not only retrograded and in pieces — says relinquish reality as u know it. it’s the understanding that the unreal and the real aren’t mutually exclusive. that they blend into each other freely. saturn, the planet of grudges and baggage, tells the scorpio moon (who craves a constant) to let go. let go of the need to constantly be on the defense. the active cancer mars melted the waters. now the boundless pisces saturn Rx encourages the waters to pass.
the afflicted moon contacts two malefics before it enters sagittarius. i don’t expect this transit to feel easy. i expect some folk to be a little defensive. i expect some folk to immediately deflect when triggered b/c they feel attacked. shiii, i myself got cancer placements and a scorpio moon. baby, i’m tired. i know i’m about to get tested. but… this process would be less draining if we stopped resisting our own internal, energetic ‘riverflow.’
knowing that reality and unreality blend in and out of each other, what do u accept in ur reality? what do u want to ‘freeze’ and preserve? what do u want to let wash away? what do u wish to protect and house within u? that’s ur choice. saturn in pisces Rx shows u free will. that ur karmic descent into ur psyche isn’t as determined or fixed as u think. remember, u hold the reigns to ur chariot.
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$35 for moon transit x natal readings. includes transit readings centered on the transit moon & natal / transit aspects & timed predictions. 🧘🏾‍♀️
work of hoodreader. don’t repost without credits, reproduce, plagiarize, copy & paste, ai, or translate. all rights reserved.
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daportalpractitioner · 9 months
saturn + jupiter themed mercury retrograde
take your dreams seriously by taking that first step
nothing happens overnight. take your time with manifesting the dream
push past your perceived limitations
invest in what you're creating from the heart
build up your self-esteem
take your gifts + flip them into opportunities to take after retrograde is over
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pinkgranola · 14 days
the way saturn square mercury gives crashing waves, feeling unfulfilled with products you’ve produced. you’re too self critical says the virgo moon as you critique the feather that just doesn’t fall right. not right for the aesthetic eye of a virgo venus, let alone residing in the 2nd house.
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catboyivan · 2 months
I just saw a post on my for you page where an astrology beginner was lamenting how bad their chart is, and when I clicked through to see the chart in question they had multiple signifiers for wealth, intelligence and beauty
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