planetary medium 𖣔 reader of skies & souls | philosophy major ♃ | astrology enthusiast | ⚖︎☉✶♐︎♇ ♎︎☿△♒︎♆ ♏︎♀︎△♓︎♂♉︎☽☍♏︎☋
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0° : the uncreated, the unknown, the unexpected, the sudden, the egg of creation.
1/13/25° : the start, the chosen one, the unique thing, the special one.
2/14/26° : the fruiting, the loved one, the cherished couple, adored one.
3/15/27° : the daily holy, the occult one, the driver.
4/16/28° : the garden, the house, the early and end of life.
5/17/29° : the child, the creation, the creator, the creature.
6/18° : the work, the organization, the plan.
7/19° : the relationship, the others, the beauty, the harmony, the middle of something.
8/20° : the power, the pattern seeker n breaker, the messenger of underworlds.
9/21° : the holy one, the sacred thing, the lesson of something.
10/22° : the summit, the hermit, the boss, the GOAT.
11/23° : the friend, the associated, the collective hope, the fated generational things.
12/24° : the end, the loner, the healer, the religious, the spiritual, the artist.
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hi im sorry if its invasive but are you the user named sybilana or not at all ? i loved your readings on this account if that is the case
im sorry luv but no, thats not my user. i was trying to find a unique word combo when making this user so i came up with this lol
@celestialsibyl and @venusiansex are my only accs on tumblr :3
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Hi there!! I was wondering if you could shed some light on South Node Synastry in seventh house Scorpio. I barely see any information on this sadly. thank you so much for your time :)!
hello there! south node synastry in the 7H scorpio looks like a past life kind of love, a lover who may have returned to remind you of your path.
when the south nodes are in scorpio, the north node is inevitably in taurus where one’s destiny is to find peace and tranquillity in a chaotic world that scorpio is well familiar with. scorpio is the feminine manifestation of mars with the addition of pluto which is mars’ higher octave (mars rules bloodshed, passion, actions, and pluto rules power, transformation, death & rebirth), hence why scorpios are so tied to the occult and have such a heightened intuition.
when in the 7H, this means you both share taurus ascendants, with both north nodes as well. if the 1H is the house of self, our physical bodies and our worldview, the 7H is where self meets an other, where equal give and take in relationships occur, whether it’s platonic, romantic, business etc. its also where one meets enemies due to two selves mirroring each other, so disagreements can occur but they’re meant to be overcome.
id say south node scorpio synastry is quite significant, and can be healing for both parties if you integrate the lessons youve learned before meeting each other. its no coincidence that we meet people who share certain placements because theres always something to learn from one another, whether its long term or not. scorpio is a very magnetic and powerful archetype, and natively, they carry alot of pain from those who’ve crossed them, but its up to them to realize they can turn this pain into power and still be capable of trusting another despite how cruel the world can be.
the south node goes hand in hand with the north node meaning, we must learn how to balance both and not let one take over the other, which can look like being overly suspicious & jealous instead of secure in oneself and your worth & value. make sure to not forget where your north node is leading you towards and where you came from.
feel free to ask any further questions if i didnt answer what you were looking for <3 thank you again
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planetary archetypes: ancient astrology
𖤓 hierarchy of the cosmos 𖤓
the luminaries [sun & moon] are the brightest celestial bodies that emit the most light. the moon ☽ is the sun’s ☉ mirror, reflecting solar light and illuminating the night sky
the following planets are in order according to their distance from earth.
moon ☽ ➝ mercury ☿ ➝ venus ♀➝ sun ☉ ➝ mars ♂ ➝ jupiter ♃ ➝ saturn ♄
sun ☉ diety: sol [roman] hēlios [greek] shamash [babylonian] surya [indian] is the light of the mind, perception of the soul, the source of energy. its creative power is absolute. at a personal level, sun expresses itself as self-esteem and confidence, sense of purpose, ambition and determination. associated with the symbolism of an emperor with his central authority, leadership. illuminator. so[u]l.
moon ☽ diety: luna [roman] selēnē [greek] sin [babylonian] chandra [indian] is a cosmic mirror, reflection of solar and creative light, thus the analogy with multiplication, reproduction, and chaos. it is constantly going through its phases and cycles from new moon to full moon. associated with the mother and nurturing principle. body.
mercury ☿ diety: mercurius [roman] hermēs [greek] nebu [babylonian] budha [indian] is the writer of destinies, the scribe god, bestower of intellectual and practical wisdom. interpreter of dreams. mercury rules the mind and as the fastest moving planet, it symbolizes the speed of thought. messenger and trickster.
venus ♀ diety: venus [roman] aphroditē [greek] ishtar [babylonian] shukra [indian] is the goddess of love, femininity, beauty, music, art, and sexual pleasures. venus is the yin side of libido, passive and dark. venus is magnetic and seductive, she knows how to make things happen without actually doing anything tangible. brings harmony and softness. affinity with artistic endeavours, aesthetics and creativity.
mars ♂ diety: martus [roman] arēs [greek] nergal [babylonian] kuja [indian] is the god of war, the warrior, the rage, anger, passion, vitality, will to fight; the will to live. it is violent aggressive. the yang side of libido, active and light. mars brings destruction and chaos when not disciplined. mars is sharp either physically or mentally.
jupiter ♃ diety: jove [roman] zues [greek] marduk [babylonian] brihaspati [indian] is the sage of wisdom, abundance, optimism, faith, luck, philosophy, and higher knowledge. jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire solar system, symbolizing expansion and growth. jovial and hopeful.
saturn ♄ diety: saturnus [roman] kronos [greek] ninurta [babylonian] shani [indian] is elder, the authoritative figure who puts you in solitary and through long-lasting punishments. saturn makes you or breaks you, for the greater good in the long-term. the visible rings around saturn symbolize constraints and restrictions. what bounds you can also be your key to freedom.
classification of the planets:
hot - sun ☉ mars ♂ jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
cold - moon ☽ saturn ♄
dry - mars ♂ sun ☉ saturn ♄ changeable - mercury ☿
moist - moon ☽ venus ♀ jupiter ♃
planets can be classified as hot, cold, moist, and dry
benefic - jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
malefic - saturn ♄ mars ♂
planets can be classified as benefic, "doers of good", or malefic, "doers of bad".
masculine - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ mars ♂ androgynous - ☿
feminine - moon ☽ venus ♀
diurnal - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ common - mercury ☿
nocturnal - moon ☽ venus ♀ mars ♂
planets can belong to either the diurnal (day) sect or to the nocturnal (night) sect.
what planet is your chart ruler? what condition is it in? let me know in the comments!
made by yours truly <3
- @celestialxtasy
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astrology observations 🌌

☆ ♄ saturn in water houses [4H, 8H, 12H] tends to make the native either very good at disciplining their emotions or makes it hard to contain them. nonetheless, that house is subject to saturn because it resides there.
☆ ♄ saturn ℞ conjunct ☌ moon indicates that the native is very introspective and reflective. saturn’s expression is internal rather than external because of the ℞ motion. its extremely hard for these natives to express their emotions and may turn to substances. ☌ 0° = oneness. orb of 1-10°. closer the orb, the more potent.
☆ ☉ sun exalts in aries ♈︎ because it takes bravery, courage, and vitality to shine. sun resides here like a beloved guest, because aries is the first fire cardinal sign, it indicates a very energetic and courageous native. be wary about burning yourself here, as sun in aries can also be very naive, impulsive, and prideful.
☆ ☉ sun falls in libra ♎︎ because libra is the first air cardinal sign which brings autumn/[fall], giving the sun less time to shine throughout the day. sun likes to express its light; its truth and essence. in libra, the sun’s energies hasn’t disappeared but more effort is required to activate them. listen to yourself, not others.
☆ ☿ mercury in aquarius ♒︎ can indicate a very active and intelligent mind. collective thoughts, introspective thoughts, revolutionary and very quick-minded. aquarius is ruled by saturn [uranus modern] and although its very eccentric, its also disciplined, or lacks it. these natives need/love mental stimulation and human connections.
☆ ♀venus in scorpio ♏︎ indicates a native who expresses their love through intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. scorpio is ruled by mars [pluto modern] which makes scorpio fight for their life in a very intense way, and being a feminine sign, its intuitive and reflective. venus is in detriment here, she feels exiled, as her ruler is opposite scorpio, where she has all the resources she requires to feel safe and secure.
☆ ♀venus sextile ✶/ trine △ mars ♂ indicates a benefic communication between the two, giving the native a very strong vitality and attractive demeanor. they know what they want, and have no problem attaining it. △ 120° = harmony and ✶ 60° = opportunity.
☆ ☉ sun sextile ✶ pluto ♇ indicates a native who is not afraid of transformation, they crave it. sun illuminates truth, and pluto is lord of the underworld, the ✶ creates an opportunity for sun to work with pluto for greater good. these natives are transformational, constantly shedding their skin, born anew. death is nothing but a new beginning.
thank you for reading! do you have any natal placements listed?
all observations are according to my direct experience and knowledge <;3
- @celestialxtasy
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such a great analyzation.
speaking of semisquares, i have a scorpio venus 3° 12H semisquare sagittarius pluto 17° 1H. they couldve been that sextile and helped each other but now they are disagreeing.
my venus is asking my pluto why people betray my trust and lie to me while my pluto is asking my venus why i choose to spend my energy on people who do not deserve me.
pluto in my 1H enables my venus to such extreme levels which costs me my sanity, truly. but it has taught me so much and has changed my worldview, hence the constant deaths and rebirths between the relationships i create.
im grateful to have my libra sun 19° 11H sextile my sag pluto 17° 1H for granting me the deeper hidden wisdom within me and allowing me to learn and grow with it. i love sextiles, especially the libra x sag one
who else has critical minor aspects in their charts which are much more mysterious and alluring than major aspects ? lol feel free to share, id love to hear your experiences.
hi love, i have a sun semi square pluto aspect in my chart in a tight-ish orb. i was wondering how i could interpret that aspect? would it be ok if i just went about using the write ups given for sun SQUARE pluto? or like a milder version of that? i do relate to sun square pluto a lot, just not as intensely, i think.
yeah I would say so… but to compare a semisquare versus a square…
a square has tension because two planets in the same mode (fixed, cardinal, mutable), it’s like each planet is so sure of itself, arguing with the other planet, and that tension will either propel you to get things done and become a dynamic energy, or will give you insecurities that can become psychological complexes.
a semisquare is more like two adjacent signs (say for example you have pluto at 25 Scorpio and Sun at 10 Libra) feel this tension about how we don’t quite “get” each other. Your Pluto asks why your sun only looks at the surface, why you accept people who might not be so great, why do you avoid understanding your darker side and doing your shadow work to purge your personality flaws? Your sun asks your Pluto why do you wallow in the darkness, why don’t you meet more people and learn from their perspectives, why don’t you consider what’s best for everyone instead of always protecting yourself?
You can create a dialogue between your signs to contemplate what goes on in your psyche.
A semisquare could also be signs that aren’t adjacent, for example maybe you have Pluto at 5 Sagittarius and Sun at 20 Libra, so if that’s the case, they woulda been sextile 15 days before you were born, but the harmony has faded and now they’re disagreeing with each other.
I have Venus 21 Sagittarius semisquare Saturn at 7 Aquarius. Rationalize versus act on passion!
thank you for asking! anyone can reblog this and share your stories about any semisquares in your natal chart, progressed chart, or transits.
#venus in scorpio#pluto in sagittarius#venus semisquare pluto#scorpio semisquare sagittarius#minor aspects#major aspects#semisquare#45°#astro observations#astrology blog#astrology aspects
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me when im bored

Mein Vater erklärt mir jeden Sonntag unsere neun Planeten.
#chalk#alchemy#pluto is a planet#notice how the symbols for jupiter and saturn almost look mirrored#notice how the symbols for ♃ and ♄ look like 4 and 5 because theyre the 4th n 5th planets from sun geocentrically
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me: why is this me tho
my taurus north node conjunct moon: :3
♉️ Taurus's approach to relationships is characterized by a deliberate and measured pace. They don't rush into bonds lightly; instead, they take their time to build trust, understanding, and shared experiences. This approach allows them to forge connections that are grounded in mutual respect and a profound emotional foundation. When a Taurus decides to form a connection, be it with a partner, family member, or friend, it's marked by a deep sense of purpose and meaning. They invest themselves fully in these relationships, seeking to create a haven of stability and security for themselves and their loved ones.
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hello could you explain what does it mean when a planet is affiliated and how can you tell if a planet is affiliated or not?
hi there! yes! a planet affiliation is one of the rulership conditions that are based on the hour of your birth. this is also called your planetary hour. this could be different for everyone as they are all born under different hours of different days.
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
domingo lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sabado
☉-☽-♂- ☿- ♃ -♀- ♄
in that chronological order creates a septagram which is how the days of the week were chosen.
for example someone born at 12:25 pm on a sunday would have been born under jupiter hour which ended at 12:30 pm. and someone born at 12:25 pm on a tuesday would have a different planetary hour, but this is gives a certain attribution to your ascendant based on your time of birth.
i suggest downloading time nomad or using an online planetary hour calculator to see what your planetary affiliations are! hope this helped <3
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astrology observations 🌌

☆ ♄ saturn in water houses [4H, 8H, 12H] tends to make the native either very good at disciplining their emotions or makes it hard to contain them. nonetheless, that house is subject to saturn because it resides there.
☆ ♄ saturn ℞ conjunct ☌ moon indicates that the native is very introspective and reflective. saturn’s expression is internal rather than external because of the ℞ motion. its extremely hard for these natives to express their emotions and may turn to substances. ☌ 0° = oneness. orb of 1-10°. closer the orb, the more potent.
☆ ☉ sun exalts in aries ♈︎ because it takes bravery, courage, and vitality to shine. sun resides here like a beloved guest, because aries is the first fire cardinal sign, it indicates a very energetic and courageous native. be wary about burning yourself here, as sun in aries can also be very naive, impulsive, and prideful.
☆ ☉ sun falls in libra ♎︎ because libra is the first air cardinal sign which brings autumn/[fall], giving the sun less time to shine throughout the day. sun likes to express its light; its truth and essence. in libra, the sun’s energies hasn’t disappeared but more effort is required to activate them. listen to yourself, not others.
☆ ☿ mercury in aquarius ♒︎ can indicate a very active and intelligent mind. collective thoughts, introspective thoughts, revolutionary and very quick-minded. aquarius is ruled by saturn [uranus modern] and although its very eccentric, its also disciplined, or lacks it. these natives need/love mental stimulation and human connections.
☆ ♀venus in scorpio ♏︎ indicates a native who expresses their love through intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. scorpio is ruled by mars [pluto modern] which makes scorpio fight for their life in a very intense way, and being a feminine sign, its intuitive and reflective. venus is in detriment here, she feels exiled, as her ruler is opposite scorpio, where she has all the resources she requires to feel safe and secure.
☆ ♀venus sextile ✶/ trine △ mars ♂ indicates a benefic communication between the two, giving the native a very strong vitality and attractive demeanor. they know what they want, and have no problem attaining it. △ 120° = harmony and ✶ 60° = opportunity.
☆ ☉ sun sextile ✶ pluto ♇ indicates a native who is not afraid of transformation, they crave it. sun illuminates truth, and pluto is lord of the underworld, the ✶ creates an opportunity for sun to work with pluto for greater good. these natives are transformational, constantly shedding their skin, born anew. death is nothing but a new beginning.
thank you for reading! do you have any natal placements listed?
all observations are according to my direct experience and knowledge <3
- @celestialsibyl
#astrology observations#astro observations#natal aspects#natal placements#venus in scorpio#scorpio venus#sun sextile pluto#saturn rx conjunct moon#saturn in water houses#sun in aries#aries sun#mercury in aquarius#aquarius mercury#venus trine mars#sun in libra#libra sun#astroblr#astro notes
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the 12 houses/axis + planetary joys
#astrology houses#the houses#1st house#2nd house#3rd house#4th house#5th house#6th house#7th house#8th house#9th house#10th house#11th house#12th house#planetary joys#diagram of houses
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planetary archetypes: ancient astrology
𖤓 hierarchy of the cosmos 𖤓
the luminaries [sun & moon] are the brightest celestial bodies that emit the most light. the moon ☽ is the sun’s ☉ mirror, reflecting solar light and illuminating the night sky
the following planets are in order according to their distance from earth.
moon ☽ ➝ mercury ☿ ➝ venus ♀➝ sun ☉ ➝ mars ♂ ➝ jupiter ♃ ➝ saturn ♄
sun ☉ diety: sol [roman] hēlios [greek] shamash [babylonian] surya [indian] is the light of the mind, perception of the soul, the source of energy. its creative power is absolute. at a personal level, sun expresses itself as self-esteem and confidence, sense of purpose, ambition and determination. associated with the symbolism of an emperor with his central authority, leadership. illuminator. so[u]l.
moon ☽ diety: luna [roman] selēnē [greek] sin [babylonian] chandra [indian] is a cosmic mirror, reflection of solar and creative light, thus the analogy with multiplication, reproduction, and chaos. it is constantly going through its phases and cycles from new moon to full moon. associated with the mother and nurturing principle. body.
mercury ☿ diety: mercurius [roman] hermēs [greek] nebu [babylonian] budha [indian] is the writer of destinies, the scribe god, bestower of intellectual and practical wisdom. interpreter of dreams. mercury rules the mind and as the fastest moving planet, it symbolizes the speed of thought. messenger and trickster.
venus ♀ diety: venus [roman] aphroditē [greek] ishtar [babylonian] shukra [indian] is the goddess of love, femininity, beauty, music, art, and sexual pleasures. venus is the yin side of libido, passive and dark. venus is magnetic and seductive, she knows how to make things happen without actually doing anything tangible. brings harmony and softness. affinity with artistic endeavours, aesthetics and creativity.
mars ♂ diety: martus [roman] arēs [greek] nergal [babylonian] kuja [indian] is the god of war, the warrior, the rage, anger, passion, vitality, will to fight; the will to live. it is violent aggressive. the yang side of libido, active and light. mars brings destruction and chaos when not disciplined. mars is sharp either physically or mentally.
jupiter ♃ diety: jove [roman] zues [greek] marduk [babylonian] brihaspati [indian] is the sage of wisdom, abundance, optimism, faith, luck, philosophy, and higher knowledge. jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire solar system, symbolizing expansion and growth. jovial and hopeful.
saturn ♄ diety: saturnus [roman] kronos [greek] ninurta [babylonian] shani [indian] is elder, the authoritative figure who puts you in solitary and through long-lasting punishments. saturn makes you or breaks you, for the greater good in the long-term. the visible rings around saturn symbolize constraints and restrictions. what bounds you can also be your key to freedom.
classification of the planets:
hot - sun ☉ mars ♂ jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
cold - moon ☽ saturn ♄
dry - mars ♂ sun ☉ saturn ♄ changeable - mercury ☿
moist - moon ☽ venus ♀ jupiter ♃
planets can be classified as hot, cold, moist, and dry
benefic - jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
malefic - saturn ♄ mars ♂
planets can be classified as benefic, "doers of good", or malefic, "doers of bad".
masculine - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ mars ♂ androgynous - ☿
feminine - moon ☽ venus ♀
diurnal - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ common - mercury ☿
nocturnal - moon ☽ venus ♀ mars ♂
planets can belong to either the diurnal (day) sect or to the nocturnal (night) sect.
what planet is your chart ruler? what condition is it in? let me know in the comments!
made by yours truly <3
- @celestialsibyl
#planetary archetypes#ancient astrology#traditional astrology#classifications of the planets#aries#taurus#gemini#cancer#leo#virgo#libra#scorpio#saggitarius#capricorn#aquarius#pisces#chart ruler#sun#moon#mercury#venus#mars#jupiter#saturn#dieties#astroblr#astrology notes#astro observations#celestialxtasy
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the moon in ancient astrology
the word i have for the moon is the mirror, a reflection. it is said that "the world is the mirror of the soul," the soul in astrology is the sun and the moon is the body, the mind (inherited from your mother), your family, your community, all other human beings, and all matter. the part of fortune is calculated using the sun and the moon because alchemists believed that happiness is attained when the duality of the world, it's oppositions, were brought to harmony. if the sun is your individuality, the moon is your ability to mirror the individuality of others. it describes your family upbringing because it is what the world required of you to survive. the moon is your carnal body. you had to take on a body in order to exist in this world. you had to take on a certain way of relating with other people in order to exist within your tribe. friendships develop from knowing how to mirror the other person's light and not just radiate your own. the moon is developed from this need to belong. and belonging requires receptivity or the ability to make room for other people in yourself. studies show that simply wearing the same color bracelet as another person, or copying their gestures, mirroring them in a sense, is a way to make them unconsciously feel more open to you. in traditional astrology a person with strong lunar influence loves to travel, is restless, is pleasure seeking (there's a stereotype that lunar people love to cook, and food is often where families and communities gather around; eating is also very carnal and associated with the body and thus the moon) and always seeking change and is tapped into trends. in my opinion this only speaks to the receptivity of the moon. it's constantly seeking new lights to absorb and reflect out. the issue comes when the sun and moon in your chart aren't naturally in harmony with one another. the moon may feel like an inauthentic expression of you, but it represents the bridge between heaven and earth in ancient astrology, it is your way of carrying out your own divine blueprint represented by the 5 planets + your sun. it's the closest to the earth. so while it carries a lot of your conditioning and a lot of inauthentic expressions of yourself, it's also the only means through which you can express yourself authentically. your sun sign is only as good as it's able to express itself through the moon. people didn't normally identify with their sun signs in ancient times, they identified with their rising which shares a lot of significations with the moon (body, family/upbringing, appearance, talent/skills, head/mind). the sun in older astrologies represented what you naturally wanted to be, your most noble expression, not who you are. but i believe it is also who you are. it's your noblest expression and your truth which is what makes you happy but it needs to channel itself through the moon sign which is your ability to reflect others. "the primary characteristic of life is the ability to reproduce itself and beget its own likeness" (demetra george) the sun being the life force or 'vital spirit' is creative in that it wants to recreate it's soul through a form of expression. the moon which doesn't have its own light is reflective, which is how it differs from the sun.
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Pluto and Money

How to gain money with Pluto transits
Pluto in 1st: This transit has the potential to bring up deep self-transformation and personal empowerment. Focus on gaining self-confidence, polishing your own abilities and talents, and creating a strong and determined image in your professional pursuits if you want to make money.
Pluto in 2nd: Pluto's passage here has the potential to alter your values and financial stability. To increase your income, you should examine your financial habits, make an effective budget, invest carefully, and have a healthy relationship with money based on self-worth and resourcefulness.
Pluto in 3rd: This transit has an impact on communication, education, and networking. Focus on improving your communication skills, gaining knowledge in subjects with high earning potential, and developing a strong professional network to improve your financial opportunities.
Pluto in 4th: Pluto's transit through this house can have an effect on family, home, and emotional foundations. Consider real estate investments, family business opportunities, and understanding the relationship between emotional well-being and financial success to improve your financial status.
Pluto in 5th: This transit has an impact on your creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. Focus on exploiting your creative abilities, exploring entrepreneurial initiatives, and taking careful risks in investing opportunities to make money.
Pluto in 6th: This transit has an impact on employment, health, and everyday routines. To improve your financial prospects, focus on strengthening your work ethic, obtaining in-demand talents, and maintaining good physical and mental health to optimize productivity.
Pluto in 7th: This transit has an impact on partnerships and relationships. During this transit, collaborative efforts, cooperative enterprises, and common financial goals can lead to enhanced financial advantages.
Pluto in 8th: Pluto's transit through this house can have a significant impact on pooled resources, investments, and inheritances. To make money, look into investment options, engage in financial planning, and learn about topics such as estate plannHigher education, travel, and philosophical opinions are all affected by this transit. Consider extending your knowledge and abilities through additional education, researching worldwide business prospects, and adopting an abundance and growth attitude to boost your financial and tax techniques.
Pluto in 9th: Higher education, travel, and philosophical opinions are all affected by this transit. Consider extending your knowledge and abilities through additional education, researching worldwide business prospects, and adopting an abundance and growth attitude to boost your financial wealth.
Pluto in 10th: This transit has an impact on one's job, public image, and professional goals. Focus on long-term professional objectives, build leadership abilities, and use your influence and reputation to create financial possibilities if you want to make money.
Pluto in 11th: This transit has an impact on friendships, social networks, and group affiliations. Focus on networking, making important relationships, and investigating entrepreneurial opportunities within social or professional circles to improve your financial chances.
Pluto in 12th: This transit has the potential to bring about profound psychological and spiritual development. To make money, look into hidden abilities or spiritual practices that can be commercialized, as well as work on releasing any self-limiting beliefs or subconscious habits that are impeding financial wealth.
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johfra bosschart zodiac series collection. 1975.
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