#Satoshi has some of the best dynamics in the show for sure
smilingperformer · 2 years
Started randomly thinking about which ships I like a lot in Pokemon franchise and well, I guess it would be pretty much the list below.
As a reminder, I ship based on which dynamics I like. Not based on what I wish for to be canon romance etc. As long as it's good in my book, I like it, and as long as it stays good or becomes even better, I'll still like it.
Here it goes~
Amourshipping (Satoshi x Serena)
Moonlightblossomshipping (Koharu x Hikari)
WaterWarriorshipping (Kasumi x Suiren)
Contestshipping (Haruka x Shuu)
Palletshipping (Satoshi x Shigeru)
Cavaliershipping (Hikari x Shigeru)
Jellowshipping (Mao x Lilie)
Gospringshipping/Vermillonshipping (Gou x Koharu)
TimelessPromiseshipping (Gou x Tokio)
Rocketshipping (Musashi x Kojiro)
Dande x Sonia (I don't remember the ship name, lionheart?)
Sonia x Nessa (also don't remember the ship name sgshdjs)
Serena x Koharu (I do not think they have a ship name yet, but the mentor x pupil kind of dynamic with them was so nice)
Pearlshipping (Satoshi x Hikari)
Suiren x Kaki (again don't know the ship name but their dynamic is killing me with how good and fun it is scdhdjjdkd)
Perfect couple aka Kukui x Burnet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I guess that's about it? I may be forgetting something really, as there's many many dynamics that are just, so good. ❤️
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Master Swordsman's End
SSSS.Dynazenon: Gagula continues to rampage while Kaiser GridKnight lies defeated. 2nd has no more Fixer Beams, but tries to ease Gauma's pain. As Kaiser GridKnight struggles to stand and fight, Koyomi is running. Juuga, Mujina and Onija are surprised there's another kaiju, and try to use Instance Domination only to realise it's Sizumu, and they call out, wanting to fight more, and Gagula consumes them, evolving. Gauma opens his eyes, but can tell he hasn't got long, he apologises to Yomogi and Yume for getting them involved in his Battle, Yomogi says it's only because of him they've made bonds, he thanks them and asks that they thank Koyomi too. Gagula breaks Kaiser GridKnight into constituent parts, Yomogi and Yume rush for DynaWing and DynaSoldier, Chise leaps off her train, DynaStriker lands in front of Koyomi. Gauma starts pulling himself up, intending to help finish Gagula to give his friends a future, and we see like Koyomi, Yomogi now has a scar similar to Gauma's. He thinks he's missed his chance with Yume, and leaps into DynaSoldier. As GridKnight struggles, DynaStriker rolls in, Mujina from inside angrily yells at Koyomi for touching her again. Yume falls, also getting a scar, and tells Kano she'll make it, DynaSoldier appearing to get her there. Chise sees Goldburn and calls out, he wakes up, and flies into shield mode to protect GridKnight, then DynaSoldier Wing Combine leaps in, and DynaDiver joins the fight Gauma piloting with help from 2nd. He apologises to the confused Koyomi, and tells Knight he'll help if he likes it or not. They form Kaiser GridKnight and fight. Onija declares his goal to destroy humanity, Yomogi rejects that, Juuga talks up how important Gauma is, which Gauma dismisses, Mujina claims Koyomi caused her to realise Kaiju was all she had, he can only apologise. Yomogi and Yune call out to Suzumu, but he refuses to respond. As Gagula overpowers them with a blast, Yomogi detaches Dynamic Cannon to try Instance Domination again as he flies DynaSoldier at Gagula. He gets a definite reaction, causing Gagula to point it Blast away from Kaiser GridKnight. They split, Dynazenon launching all it has at Gagula, followed by Goldburn attaching as wings to GridKnight, flying past Gaguka and wrecking the back, before riding DynaRex. Sizumu stays silent as Onija, Juuga and Mujina declares their hatred of the "false kaiju", attacking and met by the Grid Rex Roar, Gagula loses the clas and the heroes fly in to finish things. The Eugenecists die, Onija seemingly glad to die again, Mujina wondering if it's for the best, Juuga sure kaiju will have their day, Sizumu still silent. Gauma collapses, dying as he is sad he never met her, but glad he met his friends, understanding why he was entrusted Dynazenon. Chise watches everyone descend fro the remains of DynaRex, except Gauma.
3 months later, Yomogi and Yume walk together, meeting under the bridge Gauma lived with everyone, Koyomi has changed his look and is working, a healed Goldburn is waiting. Yomogi and Yume remember Gauma always said 3 things must be kept, Love and Promises, but don't know the third. Knight and 2nd prepare warp out of this world, taking Goldburn and the inert form of DynaRex with them, as the gang wave, Chise calls after the best friend she ever had, and the group vanish into Hyper World. Yomogi and Yume head to some planned meeting. Chise and Koyomi stand outside Chise's school, under repair, and it turns out Inamoto-san's husband got Koyomi his job, he insists she's not an ex but a friend, Chise now has her dragon tattoo uncovered. At the school festival Mei's photos include ones of Yume, who needs to do something. Yomogi tells his mother and Kamijo where to go, when his mother asks about Gauma he opts to explain he's banned from school grounds, before being dragged over to the waiting Awaki, Nazumi, Ranka and Kaneishi, telling him to find Yume while Mei just appears there. She's sat in a corner of the roof when he finds her, they're meant to be running the café now. Yume offers her hand and tells him to take her, and he hears Sizumu's voice from a Computer World environment, questioning why he "wasted" his potential to be a Kaiju User, arguing if he'd embraced kaiju and destruction he'd have experienced true freedom, questioning if he'll regret it. Yomogi isn't sure, but intends to live, and rejects Sizumu's philosophy that bonds are shackles, Sizumu doesn't get it. Yomigi comes back and helps Yume up, calling her by her first name for the first time at her prompting. They get to work at the café, hoping their scars stay with them. In Computer World, Knight looks at the seal from the statue, and DynaRex stands once more. Scarred Souls Shine like Stars.
Heroes' Odyssey: Zero looks at Belial's battle with the Ultras of the Land of Light, theft of the Plasma Spark, Zero training with Leo, Rei and the Ultras battle with Belial's army, and Zero's joining the battle to defeat him. He uses this to highlight another Ultra who struggled with his own darkness, showing the revival of Hudra, Darramb and Camaerra, and how Tiga Dark appeared to face the threat they unleashed.
Saber: Luna is lost, and Izaak is going full god complex, talking down at Storious, intending to eliminate the Swordsmen, he ambushes the Shindais and turns Durandal into a puppet, forcing him to attack Reika. Yuri hears from Tassel that Luna has appeared. Kento lends him Kurayami. Solomon uses his power to reach into Wonder World to seek Luna and attack Tassel, Sophia can sense his use of the Tome's power, as Sabela contacts Northern Base for help. Slash and Buster join Sabela as Durandal begs them to kill him. Touma, Mei, Rintaro and Kento reach Solomon. Saikou, in Wonder World, blocks the attempt to reach Luna and joins them, Solomon does something that causes him to vanish, and claims Kurayami and Saikou. Xross Saver Brave Dragon, Blades Tategami Hyoujuu Senki and Espada Golden Alangina face him. Tassel reaches Luna, introducing himself and promising to take her to Touna after she understands what she is. A Triple Rider Kick defeats Solomon, who attempts to use his spell to control Touma unsuccessfully, but uses it properly on Blades and Espada. Tassel explains to Luna that she is the embodiment of Wonder World, and her chosen one, Touma, will receive Wonder World's power and live their with her forever, she doesn't want to separate him from his friends though. Kento mocks Izaak for just manipulating people, and Runtaro notes his ambitions have caused him to lose all respect anyone ever held for him. He tries to drag them into darkness, but Yuri reawaken and brakes the attack and the spell, right before Durandal is made to kill Reika. Saber uses Lion Senki and Lamp do Alangina to form Special Edition. Combining their powers, they defeat Solomon, destroying Omni Force. At Southern Base, Ryoga collapses, to both siblings intense relief. Storious laughs. The injured Izaak crawls to a tunnel, where Omni Force reforms, but as he claims eternity, Storious appears, informing him his story is at an end, he reduces him to dust and claims Omni Force for himself, debuting a new outfit.
Zenkaiger: Boccowaus praises Gege, Barashitara grousing that he's treated better despite failing as well, Stacey is distracted by Yatsude reminding him of his mother, Boccowaus has Ijirude lend Gege another gear. Items are magnetised to everyone, thanks to Jishaku World, who disrupts the change by magnetising the Geartlingers, they do separate on changing, but attach to other things, and Jishaku World leaves them trapped until Zox arrives late. They get back to Colourful, there Stacey is having a snack, he gets them to pretend he's an acquaintance, Satoshi, not their enemy, but tension flares as soon as she leaves the room, but nothing happens before they realise the magnetic fields on the Kikainoids are getting stronger and making them flee the shop, Zox is waiting outside, as Magine is trapped Kaito and Secchan realises they need to stop Jishaku World fast. "Satoshi" helps Yatsude tidy up stuff that started moving, leaving but planning to come back, he runs into Kaito trying to get his help. Vroon is caught, and Gaon and Zyuran start pulling CrocoDaiOh, which only avoids crashing thanks to reverse thrusters. Zox argues to Stacey he should help Kaito since he's Yatsude's grandson. After Jishaku World reports to Gege, Stacey tells him the Zenkaigers might have found a way around his powers luring him to where Kaito and Zox are, they start fighting him as Flint keeps fighting to stop CrocoDaiOh hitting Zyuran and Gaon, who arrives at the battle running straight for Jishaku World, forcing him to reduce magnetism in the area so CrocoDaiOh doesn't hit him, and allowing everyone to move better. Zenkaiser uses Fiveman to access FiveRed's physics knowledge that lets him know heat will weaken Jishaku World. Shinken Form uses his fire abilities as Zyuran and Gaon join the fight, ZenkaiZyuran accessing his own fire and lending it to ZenkaiGaon, the 3 weakening him for Zenkaiser. Stacey leaves since he did as asked, Dai Jishaku World takes the field, separating Twokai-Oh, both ZenkaiOhs attempt to form, but are made the same poles. They use this to force Zyuran at Dai Jishaku World, so he pulls them in, only for them all to get stuck to him, but together they attack. Ijirude and Barashitara tell Gege he's not better than them, but he notes his involvement put Boccowaus in a better mood, so they'll now have more chances to try, and tells Stacey he knows what he did, but won't say for now. Yatsude asks Kaito about Satoshi, she could tell something was up when they met, Kaito admits they've fought, but makes clear he wants to be friends.
Dogengers Nice Buddy: Everyone returns to where they were before the distortion, the Dogengers are all asleep. Great Z uses an Affect System drones to warp them and Maid Shitsuji away. Tanaka wakes at home, Maid Shitsuji tells him he was dreaming. Yabai Kamen approaches Great Z, who acknowledges he hasn't been acting out of justice. Yabai Kamen goes to attack him, when Riku arrives in the stage suit to try and stop him, but it's clear Yabai Kamen has the advantagem winning as Riku yells his love for heroes and his father. Yabai Kamen steals one of the 2 remaining drones, and uses it to warp away. Riku and his father reconcile, Riku explaining he truly seeks to be a hero, after a talk, Riku puts his helmet on and Great Z transfers the suit to him, President Hanagata sees his son off. At breakfast, Yabai Kamen reveals he has the Affect System drones and declares they're enemies again and warps away, the rest of Aku no Himitsu Kessya say their goodbyes, thanking for the hospitality, and leave. At Fukuoka Dome Yabai Kamen is surrounded by the Dogengers immediately, and runs with 2 Karami, when the Dogenfers eventually corner him, Kitaqman Metal is thrown at the defeated pile he's making by the rest of Aku no Himitsu Kessya. A voice announces, as Yabai Kamen seems to have expected, the arrival of Great Z. Yabai Kanen crushes the drone using it to upgrade, in turn Gulf, Gallia, Uzagi and Nectaris unveil their own upgrades. Yabai Kamen mourns the loss of Shuraomaru, only for him to appear and unveil his new form.
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libralita · 6 years
June Wrap Up | 2018
This was a really great month for reading. I read sixteen books and once again I have to reblog this post to fit all the tags in. A lot of them were great. Some of them were absolute trash but most were pretty good.
The first book I read was One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus:
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Okay so I enjoyed this book but I had some major problems with it. Mostly because the crux of the conflict relies on things that are completely illogical. Teachers practice illegal(ish) searches and seizure that wouldn’t fly by any judge or education administration. An app that caused someone to attempt suicide is not immediately taken down. Author writing a book about crime doesn’t know about the two party recording consent laws. It’s frustrating and yet was enjoyable. I think McManus can write a good mystery and I liked her characters. She just needs to work on her plots. I gave this book a three out of five stars.
Then I read The Wicker King by K. Ancrum:
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I don’t really know how to feel about this book. Partly anxiety because of all the mental health stuff and medical stuff. I thought Jack and August’s relationship was pretty toxic and not very healthy. I’m not really into the super edgy, angsty, life-fucking-sucks style of books but it wasn’t bad. I enjoyed reading this. It kept me going. I think I liked the side characters more. The twins, Rina and Alex mostly. So I guess I’m giving this four out of five stars.
Next, I caved and bought the next volume of A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Oima:
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So, in this book Shoya gets Shoko to reunite with the girl who tried to learn sign language in sixth grade. That was really nice. She’s kind of a bland character though. Then we get the re-introduction of Naoka. Who’s still a bitch. She’s an interesting character and it’ll be interesting to see if she shows up again and has any development. But the big tear jerking in this story is when Shoko admits to loving Shoya but he doesn’t understand her. And it’s so sad. Ughhhhh…I’m probably going to buy the next one. Wasn’t as good as the last two but still five out of five stars.
Then I read the fourth volume of A Silent Voice:
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Ahhhh so many emotions in this one. First Shoya gets more friends. There’s Satoshi Mashiba is a hottie. Then Naoka planned for Shoya to see one of his childhood friends. I’m guessing at some point he’s actually going to talk to Kazuki. But the big thing that happened in this one was that Shoko’s grandma died. It was really sad and we got to see Shoko’s mother’s backstory and it made me tear up. I just want someone to help out this poor woman. My favorite so far! Five out of five!
Then I finished but did not complete the Summer I Turned Pretty bind up by Jenny Han:
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I read the first two books in this bind up but rage quit the last one after five chapters. The first book was fun. Belly was a snot and is written like a 10 year old instead of a sixteen year old. However, I liked the rest of the characters and wanted to see what would happen to them. I gave that four out of five stars. Then I went onto the next book hoping that Belly got better. She did not. She got worse. She’s such a bitch to her parents in this book, especially to her mother. Belly says some awful things to her mother and I don’t even think she apologizes for it. Conrad also starts to act like a little snot. He just leaves school without telling his brother. They also don’t do the most logical and correct answer which is to call Belly’s mom and ask her for help. That was my first instinct and it takes them forever to figure it out. And it’s only when Belly drunk calls her mom. God this book was so bad. Two out of five. Then I tried to read the third book but it was just Belly being a bitch to Jeremiah and Jeremiah kind of cheating on Belly. DNF’ed. Will not be reading any more Jenny Han books.
Next, I finally reread Cress by Marissa Meyer:
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I still can’t believe how well this series has held up. There are a few logic problems like Cinder presses her metal hand onto her face to “cool off”. Marissa, I don’t press my face to the roof of my car to cool off. Also Kai is kind of more annoying than I remember him being. However, I still really enjoying this series. I like the dynamic Cress adds and I teared up when Erland died. I also really liked Winter small roll. She’s such a fun character. Jacin was also amusing. I give this book five out of five stars.
I think picked up Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi:
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This book was pretty good. I was a little bit skeptical going in and I did end up having a few problems with it. The humor didn’t always land and it was a little too similar to the Lightning Thief. However, I think this series has potential and there were a lot of cool elements that I really enjoyed and I’m excited to see where this series goes. I gave this book four out of five stars.
I felt like going back to A Silent Voice and read the fifth, sixth and final volume:
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The fifth one was a little underwhelming. I still gave it four stars but it mostly focused on the movie plot which isn’t my favorite thing. I did like getting to know more about Mashiba who is my favorite even if he is a little…intense. Also Shoko might have attempted suicide at the so it was a real cliffhanger. Get it? Then the sixth one was a bit better. It’s starts off with Shoko’s mother apologizing to Shoya’s mother and it’s really sad. Also Nao just starts beating the shit out of Shoko and then Shoko’s mother fights back which was really awesome. We saw that Satoshi was bullied for his…eyebrows and is super creepy about it. Then we get kind of Shoko’s perspective on things. Not my favorite but I enjoyed it. Five out of five stars. Then I finally read the 7th and last volume. This was a nice ending to the series. You had the mothers getting drunk and becoming friends. Shoko and Shoya both want to become hairdressers. And they’re eventually going to Tokyo together? It’s a nice, hopeful ending. I gave it five out of five stars.
Next, I read The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert:
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This book was Every Heart a Doorway but done better. I still didn’t love this book. I gave it three stars. I just don’t like this type of super cynical tone. It just annoys me. However I thought the world and how the Hinterland worked was pretty awesome. I also liked the twist that Alice was Alice-Three-Times and Ella had plucked her from the story. Finches character kind of bugged me. Overall I gave this book three out of five stars. I won’t be continuing on with this series but I may check out another Albert book.
Then the newest volume of Tokyo Ghoul: re by Sui Ishida came out:
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I enjoyed this one. I wasn’t expect an all out fight. In this Shu’s family is discovered of being a bunch of ghouls so there’s a big fight. Sen/Bandage girl got Kanae and made him crazy…er, crazier. There’s a really great seen between Akira and Kaneki where she hugs him. I’m pretty sure Amon’s out there somewhere. Lots of people die, including Hairu who was really cute. Then a random monster came at the end. Overall it wasn’t the best fight ever but I still enjoyed it Five out of five stars.
I decided to order Volume Two of Teen Titans so I reread the first volume Teen Titans: Damien Knows Best by Benjamin Percy:
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Why read new books when I can reread comics? Also god I love the art in the first issue. I wish the art had stayed that way. But I did like the art in the last issue. I think the rest is fine but man that first issue is great. I really love this team dynamic. All the different personalities and powers. It’s so cool. And I’m a sucker for the heroes versus their opposites. It’s great. I wonder when we’ll see Mara and the Demon’s Fist again. Five out of five stars.
A few days later Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Rise of Aqualad by Benjamin Percy came out:
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I really enjoyed this book. I’m a little sad that Aqualad’s personality and backstory is completely different but he still has the same Young Justice design. However, I still think he’s a really interesting character. I like his arc with his father. I really liked Kid Flash and Raven’s relationship and wish we saw more of it. But the thing I really liked was Star Fire taking charge. She’s my favorite character and honestly the best leader for this team. Hopefully we’ll see more of her doing this in the future. This book got five out of five stars as well.
Then, I read Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor:
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This took me like 10 days to read despite the fact that I really enjoyed it. I kept getting distract by shorter books. I really enjoyed this book. I liked Karou having to work with the White Wolf. Thiago is such a great villain and I’m glad he died. I’m sad that Hazael died and wish he would have stuck around. He gave the angel trio a fun dynamic. I’m interested to read the next book. It’s going to be a lot of battling but hopefully not a lot of “Will Karou and Akiva get together???” Because they will.
And those are all the books I read in June! It was a great month and I’m now onto July!
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potahun · 7 years
Reasons why Best Wishes is GREAT.
The main trio
Just the greatness of the main trio deserves its own post tbh
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The most beautiful team dynamics. But aha what makes it work is that the teamwork permeates the action. Their closeness rarely gets spelt out – and it pretty much never gets spelt out in touching terms. Most of the times, we only know they like each other because (a) well they stuck together for a whole region i guess (b) the jokes (e.g. dent and his mentions of marriage here and there) (c) the natural synchronicity they grew to have (synchronized excitement and glee, synchronized panic etc). They dont stop to tell each other ‘im glad youre here’ and they dont have touching episodes about friendships growing deeper and speeches about learning from each other — even iris and satoshi’s episode about fighting and making up was done in a light-hearted way with jokes throughout (all the zooms out with dent’s narration), and whenever dent talks about what he learned from the two others he has to add a bit of his sommelier air (which makes things naturally light)…..
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but thats the whole charm of it! The beauty of Best Wishes is that the relationships speak for themselves, they speak through the fact that the jokes are thrown and hit back like ping pong in the dialogues, and they speak through the fact that despite all the natural clashes in their personalities, they wanted to and managed to stay together. which kind of leads to the next point:
They are three independent and self-reliant souls - meaning, the only reason they stay together is because they each looked at the other two and thought : ‘hey. im having a good time right now. i want to continue some more’. I think BW is a bit peculiar in the sense that this is the only time since OS that Satoshi travels with two companions that are experienced (e.g. Haruka, Hikari, and Serena started out as their respective series did) Iris is actually more experienced than Satoshi, considering how young she was when she started battling with Doryuzu. Dent is also a Gym Leader. From this perspective, Satoshi doesn’t have to mentor anyone in the BWOT3; at the same time, he’s seen his own fair share (and defo has the most experience in terms of travels) so he’s not getting mentored by anyone either (in OS, he was the newbie). This directly affects their dynamics as a team. Basically, No one puts anyone on a pedestal in this trio.
Sure, dent was a bit fascinated by satoshi in the beginning, but he’s definitely not getting mentored hahaha oh boy and there is no idolatry there. In fact, each of the 3 is painfully aware of the others’ quirks and shortcomings from the get-go. and moreover, they ALL HAVE AN EGO THAT HAS THINGS TO SAY.
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It’s painfully clear from the very beginning that they each have very strongly anchored personalities and that these personalities are not a natural match. Dent and Iris are like a big bang of their own concerning this, with all their Truth vs Ideal symbolism and contrast galore…but that applies to all 3. All 3 have a strong sense of self, and this leads to a refreshing trio because in the end, none depends on the other 2 to define themselves. They are more than willing to learn from each other, but they do so by observing things and internalizing them, while having fun on the outside. At the end of the day, Iris and Dent weren’t truly following Satoshi or enabling him. They were independent spirits on their own journey, and that became super clear in the way they separated at the end – relaxed, without drama, and without tears. In that sense, the trio never seemed to revolve around Satoshi, but was instead 3 free spirits sharing the same path for a while – which actually makes for a real trio, rather than two companions for Satoshi, with Satoshi as the centre piece.
The Mon teams
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My exposure to pokeani is limited tbh, but Best Wishes seems to have paid less attention to creating a storyline between mon and trainer (e.g Gekkouga in XY, Lizardon in OS, Hikozaru in DP)? There was a bit of stuff with Pokabu, a bit with Iris’ Doryuzu + Kairyu, but overall, not much is explored. In fact, Satoshi doesn’t really have a regional ace in BW (arguably Waruvile? although there’s not much storyline). NEVERTHELESS, there is a charm to this absence of special mon in the storyline.
Firstly, all the mons got a chance to let their personality shine. And they did! They each had a personality, just like human characters. Secondly, in Best Wishes, the angst level in general is reduced to a minimal level….and so, this got heavily reflected in the dynamics between all the mons.
The mons in BW all have very well-defined dynamics, but these are all on the light-hearted side: Emonga and Tsutarja have contrasting personalities, Mijumaru and Pokabu clash too for different reasons, Zuruggu my God Zuruggu is a wonder of his own…. Just like the main trio, the trio’s mons are a recipe for smiles/laughter, rather than being emotionally touching in the traditional sense. This whole thing makes the mon teams in Best Wishes especially charming, and fit perfectly into the general mood of the series! which leads to the next point.   
Best Wishes is incredibly chill.
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It’s dorky overall — not just in the sense of having dorky characters; the show as a whole is written and built in a dorky way so that it can at anytime walk into crackland and no one can ask any questions about it.
AND IT DOES walk into crackland. The fillers in BW are either full-on crack, or actually have a plot with an intrigue/mystery (still with, often, a touch of crack). One of the episodes was basically Inception in Pokeani. Even when the plot itself is not crack, the show makes it a point to keep humor high on the list of priorities…and boy it is high
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Dent, on its own, invites crack. But there is something in the way the series is crafted that allows all the characters to hit you hard with the jokes and the punch lines. The jokes in BW don’t go stale, because they take unexpected turns at unexpected moments, and are delivered in refreshing ways. Characters like Dent (with his 300 hobbies and out-of-this-world speech pattern) are not stuck with the same kind of lines / jokes / reactions all the time. Even Iris’ “You’re such a child” line changes completely depending on her tone. She’s also very dynamic so she can easily alternate between making you laugh and making you cry.
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Also, her facial expressions. Everyone’s facial expressions
Sometimes, there are running gags, like Bel crashing into Satoshi, or Kenyan’s name, but most of the time, there are more dynamic characters like Dent, Iris, Cabernet, or even one-time characters like Gothimu and her trainer, to keep things moving. The jokes are sometimes inappropriate, sometimes unexpected, sometimes both – so overall, BW rly let go of all inhibitions when it came down to humor (and made one question whether it was still a kid’s show sometimes), and that was one of the most refreshing parts of it.
The so-called “downside” to this is of course, since the whole series looks like a sitcom of sorts, the battles/league really arent the main point. But that’s it. They’re not the main point. The main point is to have a good time.
The script writing
This is rather related to the technical side of it, but Best Wishes is great because it’s written in a way that flows smoothly.
The reason why the main trio’s dynamic speaks for itself, or why the jokes actually work for more than just kids, is that the dialogues flow naturally and are interesting. They worked well with characterization and have a great rhythm! My experience with Pokeani is that it sometimes serves lines that are supposed to send a great message, or are meant to act as the punch line, but they are not delivered in a way that fits the rhythm of the conversation/scene. As a result, a scene ends up seeming like it’s plain, cheesy, or a little boring, even. BW nailed the dialogues throughout. It’s part of why the series could manage such a huge cast of characters without getting lost.  The script was just well written.
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The other great thing related about the writing + the humor is just…the storyboard and the directing, i mean…
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There are just…comedic choices that were made and were golden in this series
This deserves its own point
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He’s suuuuuuuuuper chill
Satoshi in Best Wishes is just the ultimately level of laid-back, forward-looking and sweet, because he combines the reasonableness and level-headedness of a trainer who’s already seen 4 regions before, with the liveliness and goofiness of the child that he is. He’s basically more laid-back/less competitive about battles than in DP, more lively and dynamic than XY, and more mature about misshaps and losses than in OS.  
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He was comfortable, relaxed, and having fun. And that made him adorable and endearing.
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Best Wishes is amazing. If you need to destress and have a good time, watch it
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 4/30/18
Again!!, Vol. 2 | By Mitsurou Kubo | Kodansha Comics – Imamura sets about convincing the former members of the ouendan to rejoin the club. Although he has success with drummer Tatsuhiko Okuma (who has an extremenly ardent, unrequited crush on Usami), the other second years want nothing to do with it. Thankfully, he finally manages to convince a pair of third years to return by exposing the cheerleaders’ evil plot via a puppet show. (Yes, really.) Things are looking up, Usami is smiling, but… he’s still stuck in the past, and he’s a member of a club he never intended to personally join, and what’s more, he has knowledge that the school’s sports teams aren’t going to win anything. The volume ends with the suggestion that he might try to change that, but it seems like what he really needs to conquer is his own deep-seated belief that he’s a bad-luck charm. This is a fun series. – Michelle Smith
DAYS, Vol. 8 | By Tsuyoshi Yasuda | Kodansha Comics (digital only)- It’s the semi-finals of the Tokyo qualifiers for the All Japan Tournament, the final chance for Seiseki’s third years to play on the national stage. Unfortunately, with Oshiba and Kazama injured, and captain Mizuki forced to sit out because of penalties in previous games, Seiseki is missing its offensive powerhouses. Tsukamoto plays his first official game in some time, and it’s truly gratifying to see him gradually realize that he doesn’t suck anymore. He has a real affinity for regaining possession of stolen balls, and once he begins to have some confidence in his skill, soccer, which previously was just a way of hanging out with friends, starts to become fun in its own right. Seeing him seize the opportunity for a shot without hesitation is quite a big deal, even though he misses. Looking forward to volume nine! – Michelle Smith
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, Vol. 1 | By Inio Asano | Viz Media – While it may not be as immediately dark as some of Asano’s other manga, Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction still has an ominous and disconcerting atmosphere to it; already there is plenty of heartbreak along with the more lighthearted moments. Kadode Koyama is a young woman in high school who is having a difficult time finding the motivation to devote to her studies when the world itself is coming to an end. Three years ago, aliens appeared from outer space, the attack changing both everything and nothing about human life on Earth. While the story itself is intriguing, Asano’s artwork is a real highlight of the series. With dramatic angles and cinematic framing, Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction is always visually dynamic even when the manga focuses on the more mundane aspects of the characters’ lives. Well, as surprisingly mundane as things can be when living through an alien invasion. – Ash Brown
The Honor Student at Magic High School, Vol. 8 | By Tsutomu Sato and Yu Mori | Yen Press – For a series that’s supposed to be about Miyuki, the side manga really isn’t concentrating on her POV as much as you’d expect. Of course, given Miyuki’s incestuous love for her brother, perhaps that’s for the best. Instead, this volume is Honoka-and-Shizuru heavy, as we see Honoka’s triumphant win at Battle Board (as well as her triumphantly skintight wetsuit, which shows off her large chest to a ridiculous degree) and also see Shizuku’s battle with Miyuki in Ice Pillars Break, whose conclusion is fairly obvious but still emotional. It’s hard to strive to do your best when you hang around with people so far above you every day, let alone when they’re good friends. Excellent – Sean Gaffney
Imperfect Girl, Vol. 3 | By NISIOISIN and Mitsuru Hattori | Vertical Comics – Good news, the series stayed away from disquieting relationships, though there is a bath scene together. This series has been about a girl who has suffered abuse, and her traumatic mindset after the death of her parents. Said death is shown here, a bit unrealistic but evocative, as is somewhat expected of Nisioisin. Speaking of which, the revelation of the stories that the narrator wants to tell now is a nice fourth-wall break, as they’re all if Nisioisin’s other series, from Zaregoto onward. The conclusion is perhaps a bit too pat, but honestly at this point after all the exhausting tension of the three-book series, pat is good enough for me. Good stuff. – Sean Gaffney
Murcielago, Vol. 6 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – To answer my question from last review, yup, this volume begins with a ridiculously over-the-top sex scene between Kuroko and the mother from last volume. As for the daughter, she’s attending a new school, which is an elevator school that also features Hinako and her friends, as well as a mad bomber, some unfortunate bullies, and a seemingly meek young woman whom Kuroko helps to stroll down the path of a twisted lesbian killer. For all that Kuroko is theoretically helping the police, there’s never any doubt that she’s also killing because she loves it, and gets away with it here. I emphasize again: I enjoy reading Murcielago, but it is a nasty series, and you need to accept that going in. Everyone here is awful. – Sean Gaffney
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn, Vol. 10 | By Shirow Masamune and Rikudou Koushi | Seven Seas – Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. The first half of this is standard Pandora, meaning somewhat dull and also filled with dumb comedy, though I did appreciate that Vlind’s two assistants seemingly look similar to Hyatt and Elgala. The second half, dealing with Mr. Keith Brooklyn, his wife, and their child, is a lot better, getting into the nature of “quality of life” and what it means to be truly happy, and utilizing Nene’s special superpowers for a good, loving reason. I know more than to expect this sort of thing to continue, but it was greatly appreciated as a break from the fanservice and global conspiracy. – Sean Gaffney
Spirit Circle, Vol. 3 | By Satoshi Mizukami | Seven Seas – Fuuta is getting better at reconciling his past lives with his present (and figuring out that his family and friends are also connected to him in the past), but he’s not getting along any better with Kouko, and she’s determined to destroy him for what he apparently did as Fortuna—which we still don’t know, and which Fortuna himself seems to be trying to actively stop him learning. As for the life we see this time around, it’s a tale of old samurai, and he and Kouko literally lose an arm and a leg each to each other. The author is very goo9d at showing the emotional impact of a scene, even if he’s not the best at facial expressions. (That hasn’t changed since Biscuit Hammer, really.) Addicting. – Sean Gaffney
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 8 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – Day two of the Inter-High continues. Although this volume features the triumphant return of Onoda and Tadokoro—which is great, and features Tadokoro crying manly tears of profound gratitude—most of the action has to do with the two teams currently battling it out for the lead: reigning champions Hakone Academy and Kyoto Fushimi, led by deceptive and ever-so-creepy Midousuji. We see how he converted the previously unified members of the Kyoto Fushimi team into his foot soldiers (and there are hints that a rebellion might come soon from within the ranks) and how he exploits the totally justified and sympathetic weakness of Hakone’s ace sprinter, Shinkai. Although readers surely want to see Shohoku take the victory, it’s neat that for this section at least, I find myself rooting for Hakone to smack Midousuji down decisively. Hopefully that will transpire in the next volume! – Michelle Smith
By: Michelle Smith
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tipco613 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptonewsuniverse.com/dogecoin-price-prediction-2020-2025-2030-future-forecast-for-doge/
Dogecoin Price Prediction 2020 2025 2030: Future Forecast for DOGE
Dogecoin Price Prediction 2020 | 2025 | 2030: Future Forecast for DOGE
In this forecast, we will put out our own and market’s opinion
(both from popular algorithms and experts)
on Dogecoin future while discussing Dogecoin price forecast for 2020 and beyond. Now, let’s delve deep into the Dogecoin price prediction and answer questions if Dogecoin is a good investment or not, why will Dogecoin succeed or fail or while will Dogecoin price rise or drop, let’s quickly do a review on Dogecoin and its to date history.
Our DOGE Price Prediction for 2020
Dogecoin is currently out of the top 30 coins in the cryptocurrency market ranked by market cap. Even though market capitalization has been proven time and again, as a lacking measurement for a coin’s success, it is still the benchmark when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Dogecoin, as the rest of the market, is tied at the hip of bitcoin’s price action. If bitcoin embarks on another bull run, Dogecoin can hope for one as well. Since a strong Bitcoin move in 2020 is very likely, we can expect some swings and moves upwards by DOGE as well. So 2020 will be a year of potential big moves (more likely upwards) and we can see Dogecoin at least doubling its end of 2019 price value. Of course, we speak about Dogecoin price denominated in USD. In terms of its BTC value, it is more likely that BTC will outperform it and DOGE will be worth less Satoshis by the end of 2020. It seems that Dogecoin price will end the year in a tight bear grip, just like the rest of the cryptocurrency market. Next year doesn’t look to bright either in our opinion.
DOGE-BTC Price Correlation
The vast majority of trading that occurs in the crypto markets are between BTC and altcoin trading pairs. Since most altcoins do not pair with fiat currencies (and only a few are paired with stable coins like USTD), Bitcoin is the next best option. Therefore, when Bitcoin is stable, it forms as the ideal base currency for buying altcoins (which is why altcoins tend to do well when Bitcoin goes sideways).
Correlation is measured on a scale from -1 to 1. Values above 0 shows the degree to which altcoin is moving in the same direction as BTC prices (either up or down in tandem), and values below 0 shows the degree to which altcoin moves in the opposite direction of BTC prices (so when BTC goes down, altcoin goes up, or vice versa). Values around 0 shows that when BTC price moves, altcoins stays steady, or alternatively that when altcoin moves up or down that the BTC price is staying steady.
Based on the correlation analysis, BTC and DOGE have a strong positive relationship. The correlation coefficient of their prices is 0.44, which was calculated based on the previous 100-days’ price dynamics of both currencies. What all of this aims to convey is, Dogecoin price is highly dependent on bitcoin price action. Individual price analysis for a particular coin makes sense only in a narrow set of circumstances. Technical analysis is even more lacking for a long-term forecast of a coin’s future. The majority of projects will fail — some startups are created just to gather funds and disappear, some would not handle the competition, but most are just ideas that look good on paper, but in reality, are useless for the market. 
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum said:
“There are some good ideas, there are a lot of very bad ideas, and there are a lot of very, very bad ideas, and quite a few scams as well”
Dogecoin Projections 2020 – 2025
As a result, over 95% of successful ICOs and cryptocurrency projects will fail and their investors will lose money. The other 5% of projects will become the new Apple, Google or Alibaba in the cryptoindustry. Will DOGE be among those 5%? If we are honest, there is not much going on for Doge aside of this welcoming and ardent community. It is unreasonable to expect a long-term Dogecoin survival if that is the only hinge for the project.
Dogecoin (Doge) Price Predictions by Market and Experts
#1 WalletInvestor Dogecoin Price Prediction By the end of 2020, Dogecoin may certainly reach $0.00263 according to the algorithm from walletinvestor.com that does automatic technical analysis on all coins on the market.
#2 CoinPredictor.io Dogecoin Price Prediction Another relatively popular site for price predictions forecasts that in December Doge price will be around $0.00026.
Dogecoin Price Prediction 2025
According to some crypto prediction algos, in a 5-year span, Dogecoin is expected to reach $0.04 mark. Dogecoin price prediction by Coinswitch implies that the Dogecoin price is up for a long-term gain and in 2025, the Dogecoin price is forecasted to stand at around $ 0.044.
Dogecoin Price Prediction 2030
Even though this is a Dogecoin prediction article, making a Dogecoin forecast for 2030 is a ridiculous thing to do. There is no price chart or price analysis that can make a reliable Dogecoin projection for such distant future. If it lives long enough to see 2030, though, Dogecoin might actually be a very sought after commodity.
Dogecoin Price Prediction 2040
2040 is two decades away, making a Doge price prediction even more preposterous and senseless task. For fun, let’s say future price of Doge will be $2.
Why will Dogecoin succeed?
Reasons for Dogecoin to go up and rise in price are scarce. It is still one of the favorite jokes around, even Elon Musk joins the fun occasionally but we simply do not see the grounds for Doge long-term success. Its use case is already taken up by bitcoin and other more serious projects. Dogecoin could hybernate its way into the future as a sentimental value that early adopters keep cherishing and using for meme and joke purposes.
Why will Dogecoin fail?
The biggest threat to Dogecoin is one of their biggest advantages: their use case. This is a joke coin – never meant to stay alive this long, nor to reach these market caps and market exposure. Eventually, the joke will stop being funny and the project will get delisted and effectively killed by the exchanges.
Will Dogecoin ever reach $1?
Every option is a possibility but with different probability of happening. Should bitcoin enter a bull run similar to the one from 2017, Doge price prediction will look much brighter as price of Dogecoin can surely climb up to its previous all time high, but reaching $1 is a holders pipedream and borderline fantasy. So, quick answer to the question will Dogecoin hit $1 is a BIG NO.
Is Doge dead?
No, judging by the team activity on social media, github, their own website. Their communities on Reddit and Telegram are also active, although much lower engagement levels are noticeable when compared to 2017. Coin is also still listed on all major exchanges which indicates that Dogecoin is far from a dead project.
Can Dogecoin reach $10?
No. If Doge was to reach $10, bitcoin would have to be at $1 million per coin (assuming that their value ratio stays the same, very unlikely).
Can Doge be mined?
Yes, Dogecoin is a PoW coin that can be mined with the so called merged-mining techniques.
What makes Dogecoin go up?
Speculation. Speculators are still majority in the crypto markets and they don’t care what they buy as long as they think it will bring them money.
When will Dogecoin go to the moon?
Depends on the definition of the moon. If we are honest, Dogecoin had its zenit and it is all downhill from now on.
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How high can Dogecoin go?
Considering Doge has a huge supply and no real world use, its upside potential is limited by pure market speculation and forces it can produce. If the overall crypto market rockets into another mania, Dogecoin could beat all the odds and reach insane heights. But that is not likely to happen any time soon.
Dogecoin can’t be killed
Ever since its founder Jackon Palmer departed the community in 2015, the development has waned and prophecies about imminent Dogecoin death started floating around. However, as one of the Doge developers told CoinDesk back in 2017, it is pretty hard to “kill a cryptocurrency”. “Cryptocurrencies are “a bit zombie-like”, Nicoll said. “It’s very, very hard to kill a cryptocurrency.” Some might call a valueless cryptocurrency ‘dead’, but that would be missing any educational or entertainment value the token might provide. For instance, Nicoll said even after the 2014 fork, shibes were moving the old version of the coin around for about five or six months. “It was a functional currency, but you couldn’t use it at shops or on exchanges. We don’t know why they were doing it, but they were having a whale of a time,” he said.
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But how do you really kill it? The proverbial headshot for a ‘zombie coin’, according to Nicoll, would require removing the original code from GitHub, making it exceedingly hard to recreate it since very few people keep copies of source code material. Yet the nature of open-source software means that, in that rare instance, copies of the code could still be floating out there somewhere on the internet.”
Use cases emerging
Biggest ace in the sleeve for Doge future is its current most frequent application as a tipping currency. With websites like Litebit, Anycoin, Suchlist, keys4coins, dogegifts, clockworkcrypto and an official Reddit tip bot (there is talk of a Telegram tip bot as well), more and more ways of spending your DOGE are popping up by the day. Dogecoin is very much in line with the United States’ “tip culture”, and with the rise of reward culture on the Internet in the world, Dogecoin will also be widely used. Compared to expensive Bitcoin, the threshold for Dogecoin is even lower, and it’s much cuter. Dogecoin could become the most popular “tip cryptocurrency” in the U.S. Internet. Despite the bear beating the Doge during this extended period of crypto slaughter, 1 Doge is still worth 1 Doge and much wow is not going anywhere!
Article Produced By Rene Peters
Rene Peters is editor-in-chief of CaptainAltcoin and is responsible for editorial planning and business development. After his training as an accountant, he studied diplomacy and economics and held various positions in one of the management consultancies and in couple of digital marketing agencies. He is particularly interested in the long-term implications of blockchain technology for politics, society and the economy.
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smartoptionsio · 5 years
Alpha Trade Zone – The Howling Crypto Wolves
Alpha Trade Zone Review
+++Insane Altcoin Signals / Access to profitable TV trading scripts / Guidance, Mentorship and Education+++
(Added 10/2018 – Updated 04/2019) ~ Crypto Trading Signals for Binance, BitMEX, Bitfinex | Education & Trading Course | Bitcoin Analysis | News | Market Overview | Telegram and Discord ~
Average Accuracy Rate
 Measured Accuracy Rate on Average since September '18
AlphaTradeZone is the new name of a recently rebranded channel, formerly ranked in the top positions of our website, known for their consistency, huge success rate of calls and friendly users’ community. Alpha Trade Zone comes to show the community what it is to be the leader in the trading business, being a role model of a true Alpha trader, who is not only profiting for himself, but also willing to help others to succeed by sharing the vast amount of secret knowledge and trading tricks collected over time. The All-star trading team of those guys was reinforced by another professional trader with multiyear trading experience in the forex markets, so they are claiming now to be giving even more profitable signals than before! Hard to believe, but we know now for a fact!
The team was recently left by its head of Marketing, hence they are now re-establishing their foundations, partnerships and channels, gathering more strength and willing to compete for the top ranks, providing impeccable customer service, education and guidance for their loyal followers. I have been talking with the team and I will share some inside info from them – one of the top-traders in the team has actually previously worked with great success for one of the VERY big and old crypto signaling channels. This also adds more credibility to the capabilities of the team as you will surely see for yourself.
Alpha Trade Zone is your ONE-Stop-Shop about trading and crypto. A well-rounded set of channels is literally offering everything a trader might need. Regardless of your experience, you will have the chance profit with their Alpha Trading Team. Being a novice or a more experienced scalping trader, you will find literally everything. For the most advanced traders they are offering scalping margin trade calls with multiple entries and exits within the day, and for the novice traders, they provide a more simplified trading calls for Binance altcoins! You should see for yourself! All this with the regular BTC updates.
The Discord channel is set up in a very professional way, customized to be extremely easy to navigate through the channels and find the most valuable content in mere seconds, saving precious time and efforts to everyone who joins, willing to learn the latest news and market analysis.
I have been personally following that all-star team of traders for more than 8 months now and witnessed their success from the very beginning. They have proved their consistency even in the darkest bearish times of the crypto market, managing to save the money of their community and give them the opportunity to take advantage of the bear market, instead of running away in panic and despair. For that, they won many loyal long-term customers and partners, but most importantly they gained our trust.
What we found out when we joined their rebranded Discord server was nothing less than exceeding the high expectations previously set:
The well-structured Discord server with chat channels, open discussions, always having a member of the team available to provide guidance, mentorship and education about trading and investing. We have rarely seen a more accurate Technical Analysis, provided with charts and absolutely amazing playout history for their calls. If you are there for the education – you will find a ton of secret knowledge, that is otherwise very hard to find, plus you have to opportunity to reach a team member should you have any trading related issue.
The Offering
The comprehensive membership includes:
Private portfolio evaluation and personal consultation with the Leading trader Alpha.
Access to the Premium Trade calls
Actively monitoring of every Trade call with dynamic Stoploss management
Access to the Premium Bitcoin accumulation trading script – via a Tradingview subscription.
Access to Premium Bitcoin updates
Mentorship & education on investing, trading, risk & portfolio management, position sizing
55 Lessons big video course about crypto and trading (to be released soon, not included)
Private chat channels that host their board of traders
Currently Auto Trader Solution by Cornix – but something big and new is coming soon. Stay tuned!
The Signals
Dang! Hard for me to even begin! These guys don’t stop surprising me! In the past I made a very positive review of their performance, but lately in this market mess instead of falling behind they seem to constantly improve their results every day! Who would have guessed they will manage to achieve more than 87% accuracy of their calls in January 2019? During past 3 months they managed to keep up with steady accuracy above  85%, being very profitable in the altcoin markets, where the majority of traders failed. I think I managed to discover a part of their strategy and it is precisely defining the most possible bottom for a buy in to reduce the risk and increase the profitability percentage. They also aim at low sat coins that give a better % boost even if they pump a little in absolute satoshi value.
I followed a few of their calls live and managed to sneak a nice chunk of profit easy and quick!
BAT/BTC Signal
Alpha Trade Zone Trade
Now that’s a quick profit! In just a few hours and you see how clear the instructions for managing the trade are. Those guys are literally putting money in your pockets with the simple way of leading and taking profit while securing your win.
And right after this easy win, we got another one even bigger WIN! Is this really not a dream? No its not, this is the team of Alpha Traders leading you to success!
Let’s check another one of their Signals!
The new trader Harris has proven many times, that trading ETH is his speciality. So I am always watching out for their BitMEX signals on ETH!
January was one of the best months so far for those Alpha guys, with outstanding accuracy and profits. And more – they recently introduced margin trading signals, and with their recently introduced Bitcoin Trading customized script, the amounts of trading weapons in their arsenal is really a formidable force to reckon. Oh, I forgot to mention, premium members will also be granted access to this deadly trading weapon upon request. All included in the subscription fee which is extremely undervalued for this quality of service!
Honestly, I ask myself two things about Alpha Trade Zone: 1. How can they achieve such a nice success within this messy markets trading altcoins and 2. Why the heck are they so damn cheap? If you want trading signals, guidance and much more services on Discord – Alpha Trade Zone is an absolute no-brainer for me. They shared with me prices might increase soon, so better hop on before that happens!
Let’s check another one of their Signals!
The Results
As we discussed before, the results of this All-star channel have been near to perfect. Considering the 100% success rate is near impossible, we have rock solid results here. Alpha Trade Zone proved themselves to deliver within the most difficult market and outlasted them, coming out even stronger each month. In January success rate is 80%  with only 2 signals closed in a loss, and counting for February team has provided a lot more trading calls given the fact they were busy rebranding and reorganizing! Now in March/April they have shown their true value. Constant Altcoin and BitMEX signals, great success rate. The overall accuracy is a bit drawn down from the first months as Bitcoin Compass, which have not been easy. The replication of the Altcoin signals via Cornix has been perfect, BitMEX and Cornix is still a bit tricky but works as well. Furthermore, they are will even improve the overall results soon when they have their own auto trader ready, which connects to Binance and BitMEX and hedges positions against each other. Great outlook, Alpha Team!
The Support
Honestly, I felt for their traders as they have a Premium chat room where their customers find the very responsive staff incl. the traders seem to be around 24/7. Patiently all questions have been answered – always friendly, always well-knowledged, this is the gold standard. I often get thankful messages for recommending Alpha Trade Signals, as their level of support is very personal and helpful.
The Critique
There are some minor issues, I don’t like. One trader works also for another channel and sometimes I can see very similar or duplicate signals. In my opinion a channel should always strave to provide 100% unique work and a doubling is a no go. Furthermore, I THINK I observed how a regular market analysis post, which has been posted as information and not as signal, has been counted as signal later in the stats. The analysis was spot on, so it is no big deal, but it skews the stats as only real given signals should be found there. However, I have to mention it, as I am 90% sure I’ve seen this, but cannot prove it as I can’t find it again, unfortunately.
This channel should be rewarded with an extra model for a combination which is quite hard to find: Great support + working signals in the bear market + the advanced approach of educating their members like not only holding their coins but to scale in and out to increase their Bitcoin holdings.  Overall a great service with minor shadows when it comes to uniqueness and eventually the results tracking. Still, they are a rocking team and personally I absolutely love the way Harris is rocking the (ETH) charts – damn good work. Furthermore, we have been able to get a sneak peek into the video course they are currently developing – and well, this 55 lessons big course won’t leave out a thing. We know they will release it soon to further boost the portfolio of services they offer for a complete training program they will give you the opportunity to become an Alpha trader yourself and harvest the markets on your own. Con artists would charge you a gazillion of $ for this kind of content, Alpha Trade Zone is more about adding value and will offer it soon for a minor fee.
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Discount Code:  SMARTOPTIONS10OFF (10% off)
Pre Membership channel: https://discord.gg/nqSJFKc
Telegram Contact: https://t.me/alphateamsupport
Public Telegram: https://t.me/AlphaTradeZone
Telegram premium: Discord signals are forwarded to our private premium telegram group for the users'convenience. It is included in the subscription price.
Discord Contact: AlphaTradeZone®#4675
Discount Code: 10% off with SMARTOPTIONS10OFF
Plans & Pricing: $98 per month / $979 per annum paid in BTC (not incl. 10% discount)
Special Features: Personal Portfolio valuation, Long-term gems recommendations, investment, and trading portfolio split, Daily market updates with analysis, Live trading tracking with stop-loss management, Binance altcoins trading AI in the final testing phase with more than 85% Accuracy on live tests. To be released in upcoming weeks for Premium members only. Weekly live market analysis sessions of 1hr, recorded. We give full access for every premium member to our custom designed BTC movement tracking script with insane accuracy. Only available for Tradingview accounts.
Further Information: Interview with Alpha Trading Zone | Guest Posts: 'The Ripple Mafia' & 'Cryptocurrency Bull Market Cycles'
Auto Trader: Yes, Cornix - soon another solution with HEDGING option
Exchanges: Markets on Binance / Bitmex (Margin trade calls)
Results Tracking: Tracking Sheet on Google Docs
Signals with TA: Yes, Tradingview charts are attached
Bitmex Signals: Yes, officially supporting signals for Bitmex as part of our premium service.
ICO Reviews / Seed Sale Opportunities: No
Trading Timezones: GMT +1
Chat Rooms: #open-discussion (public community chat) – general discussion #bots-lounge – user supported bot construction community #ta-lounge – Everything TA related #premium-lounge – VIP members chat, access to Alpha Team members.
Discount Code: SMARTOPTIONS10OFF (10% off)
How the paid crypto signal channel looks like:
Discount Code:  SMARTOPTIONS10OFF (10% off)
Alpha Trade Zone is a Trusted Signal Provider
new AnimOnScroll( document.getElementById( 'colorbox_main_container_7688' ), { minDuration : 0.4, maxDuration : 0.7, viewportFactor : 0.1 } );
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As The Independent stories , Hearn exposed the issues within Bitcoin in a publish on his Medium weblog. Given the open and decentralised nature of the Bitcoin community, its neighborhood borders are extraordinarily versatile and dynamic, in that everybody is free to participate and contribute to the community - both as a passive person or as an energetic miner. Core's reasoning for why this is OKAY goes like this: it's no massive loss as a result of when you hadn't been waiting for a block earlier than, there was a theoretical threat of fee fraud, which implies you were not using Bitcoin properly. Equity based investment allowing rapid trading of each interesting and promising new coin, even within the prelaunch phase. Marc Andreessen has been some of the enthusiastic Bitcoin supporters in the enterprise capital world. He advocates for open-source developers to pay attention to the governance elements of their prospect - a design side Bitcoin has seemingly lacked. It could be a disgrace if you happen to spent all that time growing the software program just to find rebel betting already affords it. He knew that the young apprentice was desirous to follow this arbitrage buying and selling technique. The lowest- peak block in the window is the subsequent block to be validated; if the block hasn't arrived by the time Bitcoin Core is able to validate it, Bitcoin Core will wait a minimal of two more seconds for the stalling node to ship the block If the block still hasn't arrived, Bitcoin Core will disconnect from the stalling node and try to connect to one other node For instance, in the illustration above, Node A will likely be disconnected if it doesn't ship block 3 inside at the very least two seconds. Two blockchain-based mostly good contract use instances—(1) securities trade clearing and settlement and (2) provide chain and trade finance document handling—carry important classes for business and expertise leaders curious about smart contract applications. Pockets API: Construct and modify multiple-deal with-watching and hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets, usable all through the BlockCypher API. Community members have already started constructing attention-grabbing projects and tools for developers. In such circumstances, there are particular methods that merchants can use to generate danger free returns. Betting arbitrage, miraclebets, surebets, sports arbitraging is a explicit case of arbitrage arising in betting markets on account of both bookmakers ' totally different opinions on occasion outcomes or plain errors. Insurgent Betting currently covers over 70 online bookmakers and betting exchanges. However how Bitcoin might be harnessed to empower marginalized communities and build new technique of solidarity-primarily based finance stays tough to indicate. Sports activities arbitrage three - quite a few web bookmakers supply odds on the outcome of the same event. Many present Bitcoin developers (referred to collectively as Bitcoin Core”), who also run their very own pockets software, hardware or services, have been in attendance. I co-founded India's main bitcoin company, We simply passed 100,000 customers and we're on boarding practically 6,000 new shoppers each month. The nation's economic downfall has led to the expansion of providers like SurBitcoin, which empowers users to transform their bolívares to Bitcoin. Arbitrage tends to scale back worth discrimination by encouraging individuals to purchase an item the place the worth is low and resell it where the price is high (so long as the patrons are usually not prohibited from reselling and the transaction prices of shopping for, holding and reselling are small relative to the distinction in costs in the completely different markets). Biteasy Blockchain REST API supplies you with a handy, highly effective and easy technique to read data from the bitcoin network by implementing the most effective RESTful practices. In other words, the builders of these cash that failed in all probability wished to make some cheddar on some quick coin creation and didn't need to work at creating the foreign money for the long run-something which doomed them from the start. Many residents of nations with unreliable banks or a wildly fluctuating forex will search to do business outside the system in a steadier foreign money instead. In early 2010, the currency was gaining momentum, and so the distribution of the Bitcoin began to extend along with its demand, by November of that year four million Bitcoins had been ‘mined'. Bot buying and selling will not be for everyone because the software program might be tough for inexperienced traders to know. There are tools that utterly automate the work of finding arbitrage opportunities, providing each day lists of products that can be resold at a profit. To counter this talent scarcity, a gaggle of Silicon Valley blockchain startups spearheaded by Koinify and SkuChain have come collectively to create Blockchain College , a bootstrapped 8 to 10 week course about blockchain development, starting early subsequent yr. Combine this Stealth transaction with a blockchain with 3 second block times, one hundred,000 tx/s, 6 different digital asset lessons (worth steady cash, consumer-issued coins, trade backed coins, loyalty tokens, etc.), multi-sig, DPOS, built in governance mechanism and a truly decentralized trade. These modules can be dynamically amalgamated to offer a variety of personalized options, catering to any sort of business requirement, within the ever changing world of monetary buying and selling. That is justified partly by the high level of technical experience needed to correctly assess the proposed changes, but also - extra implicitly - by the truth that the core developers have been entrusted with the accountability of taking care of the mission, on the grounds of their involvement (and, to some extent, shared ideology) with the original idea of Satoshi Nakamoto. The fee that you simply paid for the trial shall be your credit for ordering our software program inside 30 days. The government, nonetheless, could be very eager on controlling the currency most Venezuelans use and that's the reason Bitcoin represents a menace to their controlling policy, even though it's empowering the general public to freely make purchases internationally. Bitcoin is seven years old and it is experiencing many issues that early applied sciences have skilled. It doesn't matter what strategy you employ to commerce bitcoin it's essential to just be sure you have chosen the most effective bitcoin dealer to invest with. In an effort to facilitate wider viewers participation, Scaling Bitcoin events are stay-streamed with remote participation potential through IRC and WeChat for parallel online discussions and the flexibility to participate in reside Q&A. They persistently rank as one of many prime exchanges by buying and selling quantity for the U.S. dollar. The DAO, or ‘decentralized autonomous group', had set out to turn into a decentralized enterprise capital fund based mostly on Ethereum's smart contract code. I talked to several Bitcoin consultants for this story, and none of them could point to a breakout hit. As an illustration, users in developing countries could initially want a physical type to reassure themselves of the sturdiness and security of a digital foreign money. Every week, my team and I do reside market analysis, write in-depth crypto market reviews, and do actual-time trade alerts to show what trades we're taking. Few people who have purchased Bitcoin are experts within the technology, most have bought speculatively, so when worth shifts, because it has performed intensely over the past few years, Bitcoin hodlers hodl on hope. Everybody who contributes to the Bitcoin Core project is considered a contributor. Purchasers are targeted on business process and great builders need to communicate on this stage, as nicely. There are a number of methods to generate income buying and selling bitcoin, most of which is completed when trading this digital currency towards the US dollar (in market phrases this commerce is named the BTC/USD pair ). The primary (and perhaps the best) is to discover a top bitcoin dealer and invest in the digital currency in the same method you'd a physical foreign money - buy low and sell high. Blockstream was founded in 2014 by Bitcoin Core builders Gregory Maxwell, Dr. Pieter Wuille, Matt Corallo, Jorge Timón and Mark Friedenbach, as well as several non-Bitcoin Core developers including hashcash inventor Dr. Adam Back and venture capitalist Austin Hill. Bitcoin exchanges and Bitcoin accounts usually are not insured by any kind of federal or authorities program. At a stroke, this makes utilizing Bitcoin useless for truly buying things, as you'd have to wait for a purchaser's transaction to look within the block chain … which any longer can take hours reasonably than minutes, because of the congestion. blockchain developers guide if a purchaser complains, which normally prevents destructive suggestions and could be built into the cost of doing business. The unique creator of the bitcoin shopper has described their strategy to the software's authorship because it being written first to prove to themselves that the concept of purely peer-to-peer digital money was legitimate and that a paper with solutions could possibly be written. The developer who declared Bitcoin a failed experiment, Mike Hearn, bemoaned the fact that, not solely was the community unable to agree on a means ahead, but that the argument had boiled over into censorship of its most popular dialogue discussion board on Reddit, DDoS cyberattacks meant to intimidate rivals, and a common ambiance of ideological civil war about the correct path ahead. However even the autumn of the Bitcoin Basis didn't appear to significantly affect Bitcoin - in all probability because the Basis was merely a facade that by no means had the ability to effectively control the digital currency. The software gives a possibility to make a guaranteed revenue from chosen sporting occasions without ever risking a penny with sports arbitrage. First bets will take you 2-5 minutes to position if you're completely new in betting and by no means did it before. Its software program, portfolio replace alerts, stop-losses and analyses are based mostly on SEC and different nationwide securities regulators' company filings, current occasions, interviews, corporate press releases, information from market knowledge suppliers, third get together software and its personal opinions and calculations. For Ethereum, the most popular blockchain for smart contracts, this happens roughly every 17 seconds—a far cry from the milliseconds to which we're accustomed while utilizing non-blockchain databases. These charges are adaptively calculated by our API; for Bitcoin, they're often between 2 to 10 cents per issuance/transfer. Waves Platform, versus different tasks in the crypto sphere, is aimed at both superior and novice customers. The growing Internet connection rate, notably in Africa, may even add to the increasing interest in Bitcoin. As compared to different countries just like the US, the UK and China the place the full Bitcoin trade worth is round Rs. 10,000 crore per day, India nonetheless lags at Rs 500 crore (per year) with seven-hundred-800 Bitcoin traded daily. What would occur in the event you and I may simply alternate money without it ever going by means of a bank?” venture capitalist and early Bitcoin supporter Marc Andreessen asked me in a 2014 interview. As introduced on the Bitshares website, Cryptonomex will license the Graphene Toolkit for use with the BitShares (BTS) blockchain. This consensus scheme avoids the potential for brand spanking new implementations to introduce regressions while strengthening defenses against but-undiscovered faults in Bitcoin Core. Jonas Schnelli, a Bitcoin core developer since 2013 and the founding father of minimalist Bitcoin pockets Digital Bitbox, wrote a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal paper about standardizing Bitcoin pockets technology final 12 months. Nonetheless, respected and functioning buying and selling bots might increase trade earnings, if used accurately. Kyle Honeycutt runs a YouTube Channel where he repeatedly publishes bitcoin-associated net improvement tutorials. Creating widespread language and finest-practices for pockets design, without preventing competitors and freedom of wallet designers to innovate, is essential to its users. For storing worth and ease of use, one might choose BitGold because it supplies a handy trade media primarily based on tangible asset (gold). Still, even with all of the rational arguments getting into its favour, Amazon to eBay arbitrage has an air of injustice about it. It is so far removed from the best way people count on a retailer to function, that I doubt it would ever be seen by everybody as an honourable option to do enterprise. We take an in-depth have a look at the inflation fee, or change in the provide, of the core Bitshares token. Another common criticism that is levelled in opposition to Bitcoin is that it might undermine a authorities's capacity to supply essential providers. We're on the lookout for 10 Builders either as contractors or as permeant members of employees. He then pointed to Satoshi Nakamoto and Tom Elvis Jedusor, who's the pseudonymous creator of MimbleWimble and took his identify from the Harry Potter collection, as two examples of the use of pseudonymous identities within the Bitcoin improvement community. In its early days, Coinbase used a Ruby implementation of Bitcoin for some part of its inner blockchain validation.
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smilingperformer · 6 years
SM080 - Thoughts
Man, I really enjoyed this episode. We saw nice group dynamics, nice focus on Lilie and for me, few surprises! Let’s get started with our newest episode:
A Sand's Storm! An Ice Hole Double Battle!!
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As I suspected a week ago, this episode is a direct continuation from last week’s episode, as the Alola Squad are heading back to Ferry terminal to go back to Melemele from their Observatory trip. I still find it odd Kukui isn’t there with them, but he probably decided to stay over at his best friend Mullein’s place for the day! He can trust the kids to take care of themselves ;D Anyway, Mamane knows the shortcut they found and they enter it.
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Inside, they enter a cave with glowing moss that lights the cave. To me, it seems like this excites Garagara so much that it causes it to go on a bit of an excitement rampage, and here’s where the episode’s plot kicks in: Bakugames accidentally activates its spikes when trying to stop Garagara and kids get seperated with following groups: Kaki & Satoshi, Satoshi’s Pokemon plus Bakugames, Suiren with Garagara & Rotom and lastly the group with main focus: Lilie with Mao and Mamane!
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Since the other groups really don’t have much focus and are simple sideplots, I’ll explain them right away: Kaki and Satoshi get in trouble with Satoshi stepping on different pokemon (we’re only shown Gantle/Boldore but Kaki says about others like Diglett) and being really lost in the caves (managing to find the other exit to Lanakila Mountain lol), and Suiren’s group just has Rotom doing the same thing he always does: explains each branching route having same chance of being the correct one, and Suiren just choosing the right one on the fly (she’s really good!) And the Pokemon group has Lugarugan finding their way out because he’s able to sniff the way out. Now that I’ve explained these sideplot groups quick, let’s get on with the main plot group!
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Right away, I must say I’m extremely happy with them choosing to go with this group. Since the episode mainly focuses on Lilie, it’s great to have her closest friends to be there supporting her. First half of the episode is kinda slow, but it gives nice dialogue regarding each kid.
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Mao talks about how she enjoyes seeing people’s happy faces whe eating good food, and once again tells us how her dream is to keep on living with seeing happy faces of her customers in Aina Cafeteria! Such a sweet dream Mao has. ♥ She feels embarrased talking about it, but it’s understandable!
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Mamane then reveals how he wants to become an Astronaut! How cute is that? This is something a lot of kids dream about at their age, and I’m so happy with Sun & Moon giving kids very relatable dreams this time around! He explains how he wants to be able to explore the sea of stars. ♥ Never change Mamane!
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When Mao asks Lilie about her dream, we get a confirmation of what I was suspecting for quite a while: she doesn’t have one right now. She did spend a lot of her life trying to re-learn to touch Pokemon, and when it finally got solved, she’s been mostly enjoying the fact that she’s able to touch them and get closer to them as well. And this is totally fine! Not every kid has a dream right of the pat. Even Serena didn’t have a dream, she basically just ran away from her mom’s dream with the first chance she saw, with returning the handkerchief to Satoshi. Anyway, back to this episode, I find it great that both Mao and Mamane tell her it’s fine that way. Such great supporting friends ♥
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The trio then hears some noice which turns out to be a group of Alolan Sand training with each other, one of them being bigger than others.
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I so love how Togedemaru gets all crush-like here. Look at her eyes. She gets so excited about the sight that she starts rolling towards them. Mamane tries to stop her, but the Alolan Sand notice them and then surround them. Another cute scene happens thou!
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One of the Alolan Sand notice Mao’s pouch of cookies, sniffing it with growling stomach. Mao then gives it a cookie, and it cautiously takes it and eats it. The two groups then bond by eating cookies together. It’s a really cute sight ♥
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Lilie and the big Sand seem to be bonding here, with Sand letting Lilie to pet it, and seeming to enjoy it! It’s such a nice moment ;v; This is where the peaceful sight is disturbed when Sand start heading to another location, and the kids decide to follow. Cue break time!
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After break time, the kids find their way to a cave spot that has a beautiful Ice Castle like structure. Lilie comes to the conclusion with marks all over the place that this is Sand’s territory, and that they have carved out this beautiful sight.
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What is also discovered is that a Bangiras has come to Sand’s territory, and ain’t exactly a friendly guy here. Sand try to fight it, but their tactic really isn’t working. This scene is where the plot really starts running for Lilie!
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Bangiras uses Sandstorm move, and it manages to get Shiron flying, Lilie running after her. What happens next is that Bangiras uses Stone Edge, causing Sand to get caught in it and ceiling collapsing, seperating Lilie from Mao and Mamane.
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It honestly looks like she got crushed here, but I’m glad it was just next to her lol. What happens next thou is what really matters to Lilie’s plot.
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The Sand aren’t doing too good with the fight, most being too scared of Bangiras and with the rampage going on, ceiling is breaking more and more, causing the fear of everything breaking around the place. Lilie being the only one on their side at this moment, she wonders what she should do. And what does she decide?
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YES YOU GO GIRL! She’s taking the initiative, going into the action. Mao and Mamane being her closest friends, are worried about her going at it alone, and start trying to get passed the barrier of ice that is between them.
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Addition of Mao Kick is honestly the best thing I’ve seen of her as of now, and if you ask me, this is so Amajo/Tsareena-esque. I just evolved my Amamaiko/Steenee, and her pokedex talks about it being an aggressive personality with mastery of kicking. I do not doubt that we’ll be seeing Amamaiko evolving to Amajo in time! It fits this Mao Kick personality perfectly, to a T!
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Meanwhile Mamane tries to eat the icea while Pokemon do their moves to get through the ice lol. I love this scene so much!
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Meanwhile, Lilie commands Shiron to use Hail to get the Sandstorm out of the way, giving the Ice-Types the better weather to battle in. Lilie’s dialogue of asking to assist Sand is so her. She won’t barge in to help, she’ll ask if they’ll accept the help! She even tells Bangiras that it should leave the place before taking the action, as in to tell it to take the chance to leave before the battle begins!
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What’s amazing is that we’re reminded of how observant Lilie is of past events, remembering Lychee’s skills on being able to command two Pokemon so perfectly in a double battle, other one providing support while other one goes on the offence. Lilie is gonna utilize what she learned from Lychee’s Grand Trial with Satoshi, using Shiron as support and the bigger Alolan Sand as offence. Which is good strat, she knows Shiron only knows one offensive move, while has a great support move with Aurora Vail.
Also quickly to add, Lilie’s theme called “Steely Lillie“ is playing in the background while this battle is happening, and I started crying when I heard it. ;v; It’s great to hear her own theme playing here, showing how she’s growing!
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Lilie’s doing great in the battle btw, really showcasing her skills of actually learning from what she’s seen others do! That’s her strenght really, having good observing skills! Her hand movements are also very Gladio-like, you can clearly see the two are siblings :D
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Y’know, it’s quite amazing that Lilie’s able to command a wild Sand so flawlessly. It’s like Sand trusts her to guide it to do the right moves. Before letting Lilie aid, all it did was blindly come crashing on Bangiras, not really doing any strategic moves. And we saw how little effect it had. With Lilie in command, the moves are coordinated and thought out, and Hail there to help the Ice Types out, is at a better position now.
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In the end, the battle is won, and Bangiras is defeated! It tries to get up and fight back, but is not frightened by Sand, and flees from the scene.
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Mao and Mamane finally get bassed the Ice Barrier blocking them off, and praise Lilie with what I explained above! Just look at how supportive these two are of Lilie ♥
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Meanwhile, the other groups get united outside the caves, Kaki showing how much he loves his Pokemon (such an enthusiastic child!).
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I kinda skipped about the fact that Mokuroh was with Satoshi all along, but instead of being of help, was care-freely sleeping in the bag. What a cutie.
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However, our Main group is still with the Sand, helping them repair the damage Bangiras caused. While doing this, Mamane’s Denjimushi finds what was teased in the first preview!
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Apparently this place is a Mine for the Ice Stones, and they conclude that Sand probably come there to evolve. This is where the case I very much suspected the moment we saw the preview happens!
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The big Sand touches the stone, and evolves into Alolan Sandpan. Now take a very close look at the scene.
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Shiron sees this happen, and if you ask me, she sounds kind of confused. Not sure of what exactly happened to Sand. This plays a part in what happens later in the episode! Trust me, it does. But first, the reward!
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Turns out, Alolan Sand was a future Totem Sandpan, and as a thank you for helping it out with protecting the territory, it rewards Lilie with her own Ice-Z crystal! I didn’t see this coming at all! All I suspected was that Sand evolves to Sandpan, and that’s all. I’m very happy with Pokeani giving Lilie the reward in form of a Z-crystal, as I certainly believe she deserves it, esp. after that battle she did!
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Lilie shows hesitation due to not owning a Z-Ring as of now, but Mao and Mamane tell her she’ll most likely get on any day now, so she gets couraged to actually take the Z-Crystal from Sandpan.
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Look how happy she is! Gosh why am I tearing at this sight ;v;
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Ice-Z, getto da ze! Lilie, I couldn’t be more proud!
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The two groups now reunite, Mamane bragging about the having a great adventure, compared to others just being lost and having not-so-great time. :D
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Brief explanation later, Lilie showcases her Ice-Z to others. They’re all so happy for Lilie’s accomplishment! ♥ But wait, there’s more!
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Denjimushi found another Ice Stone!! OH. MY. GOD!!!! Another thing I didn’t see coming! They actually managed to make both Alolan Sand evolve with Ice Stone and give Lilie her own! Yes, Mamane being a good friend she is, gives the stone to Lilie.
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Suiren asks this question, and remember when I said that Shiron’s reaction from earlier to Sand’s evolution comes into play? Well, this is that moment! She doesn’t sound thrilled, more like confused. Her ‘Koo’ sounds asking. Lilie being the kind person she is, she decides to ask Shiron what she wants to do. Take a very close look!
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I don’t know about you guys, but to me it clearly looks like Shiron is scared of the stone, hiding behind Amamaiko instead of touching it. I’m pretty sure this was because of what she saw with Sand’s evolution to Sandpan. She’s scared of what could become of her. She’s still a child anyway.
That said, I don’t think Shiron stays as Rokon the whole series. This is not a similar case to Pikachu or Pochama. Pochama wanted to keep on being of use to Hikari while remaining Pochama, and Pikachu wants to prove it can be powerful without evolving! Those two cases are similar, but with Shiron, it’s more of a case of being scared of the unknown.
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Even Lilie remarks that it’s just not time for her yet. Others are excited to see Shiron evolve to Kyokon someday, and I’m just as excited as well! Also to see her Z-move!
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I love these kids. Supportive of each other, helping each other out, it’s the kind of friends group anyone would want for themselves, right? I know I do!
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The end of the episode! Sorry for the delay on the episode, had other stuff I wanted/needed to do instead. But I’m glad I managed to talk about them! Lilie got great focus for herself, and even if I skipped talking about it in closer look, Kaki and Satoshi moments were so great for Z-ringshippers. :D But Mao, Mamane and Lilie’s group dynamic was definitely the highlight for me! ♥
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In the Pokeproblem segments, we’re shown how Kaki accompanied the kids back to Melemele Island, even thou he could have easily gone back to Akala island with his Lizardon way earlier. He’s a caring kid ♥
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Next week, Suiren gets her lying skills into action again, and we are back to Battle Royal Arena, with Royal Mask and newly born Royal Satoshi teaming up with their firey cats against none other than... Bourgain? The newly introduced antagonist from SM070! This episode looks to be incredible, and what’s more, Nyaheat is most definitely learning a new move!
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Cya next week folks!
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recentanimenews · 8 years
FEATURE: Creative Spotlight: Yasuhiro Takemoto
Creative spotlights are easily digestible overviews of a director or animator’s body of work, style, and vision. My goal for these articles is to highlight some of the exceptional and possibly lesser-known creative voices in anime. I’m hoping these write-ups encourage people to explore more of what anime has to offer.
    The spotlight for this week will be on Yasuhiro Takemoto, one of the two powerhouse directors at Kyoto Animation.
  Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid has managed to both warm our hearts and tickle our fancies this season. The comedic highs of this contemporary slice-of-life fantasy are no fluke: esteemed Kyoto Animation director Yasuhiro Takemoto once again delivers a bright and fun work with a strong emotional backbone. Much like his fellow director, Naoko Yamada, Takemoto is a leading voice at Kyoto Animation, and continues to drive emotionally-resonant content forward for the studio’s diverse audiences. Whether it’s a genuine portrayal of adolescence or a hearty belly laugh for otaku, Takemoto is never shy about bringing his commanding cinematic voice to the animated medium.
  What makes Takemoto such an intriguing director at Kyoto Animation is that his core approach to anime is heavily influenced by the visual stylings of Akiyuki Shinbo – one of the primary studio heads at Shaft. Although Shinbo’s actual directing roles are few and far between these days, his artistic flair has become the face of Shaft’s in-house style. Despite Shinbo’s roots as an avant-garde anime director, many of Shaft’s younger generation of artists have diluted his style into something more palatable for commercial anime consumption. However, Takemoto is one of the few anime directors who is still remarkably faithful to Shinbo’s original vision for anime.  
    In 2001, both Shinbo and Takemoto collaborated together on the TV anime series The SoulTaker – an experimental Tatsunoko Production title that fused demons, cyberpunk, and tokusatsu together into a mystifying visual spectacle.  Although Takemoto was only an occasional episode director on The SoulTaker, he already displayed a strong sense of how he wanted to use the anime’s groundwork to tell a story in his own terms.
  The SoulTaker possessed a disorienting visual ethos wherein the colour, lighting, and framing all bared no semblance of realism. While Shinbo was all about assaulting the audience’s perception of reality as a means of externalizing the characters’ frenzied mental states, Takemoto was more focused on the idea of reality as a manifestation of emotion. Takemoto blended abstract imagery with film noir lighting to construct a poignant atmosphere that reinforced how the characters were feeling. Ultimately, Takemoto’s approach to The SoulTaker’s material was the most grounded, which says a lot about the nature of that anime more than anything. However, even after Takemoto joined Kyoto Animation and began working on adapting popular manga and light novels, he always stayed true to his roots.
    Takemoto tends to direct a blend of drama and comedy anime at Kyoto Animation, and it’s typically the dramas where his Shinbo-isms come to light. Takemoto’s directorial debut at the studio, Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid contained scenes that were often darker in tone than its source material. The original Full Metal Panic! season by Gonzo was balanced between heated mecha action and lighthearted school comedy, but Takemoto sought to deliver a sequel that was more realistic in scope and driven by human struggle. Takemoto cracked down on the troubled mental state of the protagonist, Sagara Sousuke, examining how his emotional immaturity affected his relationships with others. Not only was the personal and intimate human drama exactly what the Full Metal Panic! franchise needed, but Takemoto’s endeavors also helped make Kyoto Animation into a name many anime fans knew and respected.
  On the other hand, Takemoto’s comedies such as Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid rely more on quick visual gags and elements of genre misdirection. Comedy is one area that Takemoto has developed while working at Kyoto Animation, and as a result tends to be more a reflection of the studio’s direction than Takemoto’s specifically. With that said, many of the episodes that Takemoto directed or storyboarded do occasionally flash some of his more overt stylistic whims. The flashback sequence in episode 1 of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid where Kobayashi first encountered an injured Tohru is one such instance. The scene is composed entirely of orange and blue colors, being stylistically reminiscent of a Shinbo anime. It’s a key moment in the romantic narrative of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, and emphasizes the pair’s connection through memorable minimalism.
    However, when looking at Takemoto’s entire career, there’s one anime that stands out as the culmination of his artistic vision: Hyouka. At first glance, Hyouka is a low-key mystery anime with self-contained stories that seem inconsequential in scope. However, the anime subtly reveals itself to be an introspective examination of adolescence amongst a close group of friends.
  Houtarou Oreki is an ordinary high school boy with few dreams or ambitions. He hates to waste energy and often avoids situations or encounters that would cause him to expend more energy. However, at the request of his older sister, Oreki joins his school’s Classic Literature Club and becomes acquainted with (or rather, entwined by) a beautiful girl called Eru Chitanda. Normally polite and reserved, Chitanda’s eccentricities begin to show when she becomes fixated on a mystery that requires solving – and mysteries happen to be Oreki’s speciality!
  Hyouka is a very unassuming anime, in part due to the mundane nature of its small-scale mysteries, but its charm lies in Takemoto’s approach to Oreki’s personal growth. Initially, Oreki is someone who has made a point of not becoming too involved with others; he goes to school, walks home with his best friend, Satoshi, and lounges around at home on weekends. Despite convincing himself that his life is exactly the way he wants, Oreki secretly longs to be known and respected for something he is good at. As a result, Oreki keeps many of his deepest emotions bottled up inside, which leads to a somber, almost apathetic reality.
    The early episodes of Hyouka are accompanied by duller lighting and a pervasive tone of grey. Rainy days and overcast skies often comprise the weather, in many respects acting as natural manifestations of the reality that Oreki has created for himself. However, clouds part and dynamic spotlights shine upon Oreki when he is in the presence of Chitanda. His once dull reality brightens as Oreki finds himself solving mysteries for others, gradually winning over the trust of Chitanda.
  Slowly but surely, romanticized expressions of joy and belonging begin to leak from Oreki’s being, encompassing his newfound outlook on life. The pendulum of a clock transforms into a heart when a dazzled Oreki has his own heart set aflutter by a pleading (but also very cute) Chitanda. The grey skies slowly disappear, now cast with a passionate shade of violet as Oreki finds purpose and accomplishment in his life by solving mysteries.
  But the greatest magic of Hyouka is that while Oreki’s gradual change is more obvious to us through Takemoto’s artistic choices, Oreki himself doesn’t acknowledge his own growth. Even at the tail end of Hyouka, Oreki still takes pride in his low energy lifestyle, yet a part of him has clearly accepted the merits of human connection. In spite of his better judgement, Oreki is quite the romantic!
    To this day, Yasuhiro Takemoto still carries with him a special touch that no other director at Kyoto Animation possesses. Over the years, Takemoto has refined his core artistic vision without deviating from his roots and influences. Takemoto is someone who has given us many great comedy and drama anime, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.
  Which of Takemoto's anime are your favorite? How does Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid from this season compare? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! 
Brandon is a Brand Features Writer for Crunchyroll and also writes anime-related editorials on his blog, Moe-Alternative. Hit him up for a chat on his Twitter at @Don_Don_Kun!
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