#Sarai's scribbles
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So I FINALLY finished my redesign of SilverFrost It'll be under the cut because this ref doesnt have her in her uniform Could be considered nudity?? No real anatomical parts are displayed though
#SilverFrost#SilverFrost TFRBOC#SilverFrost TFRBSONA#Sarai's scribbles#my art#transformers#transformers oc#transformers sona#tfsona#tfoc#tfrboc#tfrbsona#transformers rescue bots oc#transformers rescue bots sona#art#maccadam#tf art#tfrb art
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MASCULINE︰ sacheverell. sage. saint. sal. salem. salvador. sam. samir. sammie. sammy. sampson. samson. samuel. sandford. sandy. santana. santiago. santino. santos. saul. sawyer. saxon. scot. scott. scottie. scotty. scout. sean. sebastian. sefton. selby. sergio. seth. seven. sevyn. seymour. shae. shane. shaun. shaw. shawn. shayne. shelby. sheldon. shelton. shepard. shepherd. sherman. shiloh. sid. sidney. silas. silis. silver. silvester. simon. sincere. sinclair. sinjin. sky. skylar. skyler. slade. sloan. sly. smith. solomon. sonny. soren. sparrow. spencer. spike. stafford. stan. stanford. stanley. stefan. steph. stephen. sterling. stetson. steve. steven. stevie. stewart. stone. storm. stryker. stu. stuart. sullivan. sully. sunday. sutton. syd. sydney. sylas. sylvan. sylvanus. sylvester. symon. syncere.
FEMININE︰ sabella. sable. sabrina. sabryna. sadie. saffron. sage. saige. sal. salem. salena. salina. sallie. sally. salome. sam. samantha. samara. sammi. sammie. sammy. sandie. sandra. sandy. santana. saoirse. saphire. sapphire. sara. sarah. sarai. saranna. sarina. sariyah. sasha. saundra. savanna. savannah. sawyer. saylor. scarlet. scarlett. scarlette. schuyler. scottie. scout. seanna. sela. selah. selby. selena. selma. september. sequoia. sera. serena. serenity. serina. serrena. sevan. sevyn. shae. shaelyn. shana. shanae. shanelle. shanene. shania. shanna. shannah. shannen. shannon. shanon. shantae. shantel. shantelle. sharalyn. shari. sharise. sharla. sharleen. sharlene. sharmaine. sharon. sharona. sharron. sharyl. sharyn. shauna. shavon. shavonne. shawna. shawnda. shawnee. shaye. shayla. shayley. shaylyn. sheelagh. sheena. sheila. shelagh. shelby. shelia. shell. shelley. shelly. shena. sheree. sheri. sheridan. sherie. sherill. sherilyn. sherisse. sherley. sherlyn. sherri. sherrie. sherry. sheryl. sheryll. shevaun. shevon. shilo. shiloh. shirlee. shirley. shonda. shyla. siara. sibyl. sidney. sidony. siena. sienna. sierra. silver. simone. simonette. sinclair. sindy. sky. skye. skyla. skylar. skyler. skylynn. sloan. sloane. snow. sofia. soledad. sommer. sondra. sonia. sonya. sookie. sophia. sophie. sophy. soraya. sorrel. spirit. spring. stace. stacee. stacey. staci. stacia. stacie. stacy. star. starla. starr. stefani. stella. steph. stephani. stephania. stephanie. stephany. stevie. stormi. stormy. sue. suellen. suki. sukie. summer. sunday. sunny. sunshine. susan. susanna. susanne. susie. sutton. suz. suzan. suzanna. suzanne. suzi. suzie. suzy. sybella. sybil. syd. sydne. sydneey. sydney. sydnie. sylvia. sylvie. symphony.
NEUTRAL︰ saccharine. saffron. saga. sage. saige. sailor. saint. sakae. salem. saline. sam. sami. samie. sammy. sandi. sandy. santana. sapphire. sasha. satsuki. sawyer. saxon. scape. scarlet. scorpion. scottie. scout. scribbles. sea. secret. seer. sekani. semaj. semi. september. serenity. seven. sevyn. shade. shadow. shai. shale. shalom. shan. shannon. shark. shay. shea. shelby. sheridan. shi. shia. shield. shiloh. shiro. shiver. shook. should. sid. sidney. silver. sincere. sincerity. siren. skeptic. skull. skunk. sky. skye. skyler. slate. slider. sloan. smash. sneaky. sniff. snitch. snooze. snow. soap. sock. soda. sol. solace. solo. solstice. soma. sonny. soot. sora. soren. sorrel. soul. sour. south. spark. sparrow. spear. specter. speedy. spell. spencer. spider. spiral. spirit. spot. spy. stab. stacy. stag. stall. star. stark. starling. static. stay. steady. steel. stereo. sterling. stitch. stock. stone. storm. stormi. stormy. stranger. strawberry. stray. stricken. studio. subwoofer. suede. sugar. sulfur. sullivan. summer. summit. sun. sunday. sunny. sutton. sway. swing. switch. sychophant. symphony. syncere. synth.
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The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x06 - Moment of Truth
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Woah why did everything go monotone except for Kosmo
“This orb…is a giant piece of candy.”
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT WERE HOLDING A BIG-ASS JAWBREAKER (i know it’s chocolate but you get the idea---)
How tf is a piece of candy glowing in the first place—
You’ve GOT to be kidding me tho
Oh it’s color again—
“I loved your mother, Lissa, very much.”
“I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic.”
Harrow said the same thing in s1 just kill me now—
“Who am I to refuse an invitation from the high mage of Katolis?”
Wait were Kpp’Ar’s bandages ever explained? Why are they so bloody?
Omg he’s so emotional 😭
“Yes. Yes I see now.”
Oooooooh wait no the monotone is him seeing the futureeeeeee
That’s so cool you go kosmo
“Prince Harrow. May I join you?”
AAAAAHHHHH harrow’s little scoot is adorable LMAOOO
Aww he’s so considerate towards sarai and callum gahhh—
I need them back now how dare they die on me 😭
“Beware, if you ever use dark magic again, the darkness and corruption will overwhelm you.”
I guarantee you he’s gonna use dark magic again watch
Mark my words
“Without magic, how will you stop me?”
I wanna know more about kpp’ar and why he quit dark magic
I bet it has something to do with his bandages
“[Kpp’Ar] invested years of his life helping me become… what i became.”
Ooh so viren got his true appearance from the coin spell i thought he was gonna get it from the spell he uses to save soren
“I only see… darkness.”
Omg he’s gonna get to space
“Something so simple and… and easy, her tears.”
Omg you can see viren just scribbling the words down as fast as he can just reliving the moment it’s so sad
I feel so bad for him
“I pushed her against the wall and I held the back of her hair to keep her still.”
What is this serious DRAMA omg—
Where the fuck is claudia in all this that’s what i wanna know
Like soren would be sick in bed but considering lissa was full on sobbing you’d think claudia would hear it and go see what’s going on
Ok wait can y’all get away from the edge i can’t trust y’all not to fall and die not at this point
“But the cost was… devastating.”
The way soren’s looking at viren in confusion MY HEART 😭
“And i punished you with a lifetime of cold cruelty.”
“No, I… No. The guard was… mistaken.”
Okay so i let it simmer overnight and i have a FUCKING LOT to say about this. First of all, how D A R E they make me invested in viren’s letter to soren (INCLUDING A LISSA REVEAL DAMN THAT WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL—) only for viren to BURN IT UP?!?!!?? Lemme tell you, if i read that letter and saw the teardrop stains and shit on it i would’ve immediately forgiven him idfc free him he did all of it but i don’t care that’s my toxic trait. And for soren to S E E the letter and viren S T I L L chickens out—
*incoherent screaming*
Anyways as you can tell i loved this episode and it’s prolly one of my favorites so far. And YES i saw rayllum kiss F I N A L L Y so yeah here you go
#the dragon prince#tdp#tdp 6x06#tdp spoilers#fandom#tv review#lei's laments#watch a thon#discussion#thoughts
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She sipped her glass. All was pleasantly loud as they approached her.
"I'm so glad you're here. I keep getting cougars in my yard."
They smiled. "Come on."
She tried to smile back, finishing her glass quickly and going back to the punch bowl.
"Panthers, huh?"
She turned, spilling some.
He held up both hands. "Panthers?"
"Sure," she nodded.
She spent a lot of that evening staring in the bathroom mirror. She hadn't wanted to go to the conference anyway. Was she more qualified than anyone else? There weren't really any connections to be made.
While typing away Monday, it continued.
"How was it?"
"The pet convention?"
"It was alright."
"Learn a lot?"
"Um. Yeah."
He smiled. "And they definitely learned a lot from you!" The shoulder slap was unnecessary.
Lunch was quiet.
And then the emails started. Alice wanted to meet about her cat.
"I know it's not exactly your area of expertise, but I figured you might know a little about general feline diet?"
She nodded. She had no idea.
Sarai sent three about the upcoming talent show.
"I mean, sorry, but we already told people you signed up."
Sarai smiled. That same eyebrows up half shrug.
"I mean, they'll be kind of disappointed." She did finger guns. "The main event," she laughed nervously.
Another email had her at HR.
"So, what was your complaint?"
"I really don't understand the comment in this email about me being good with a whip."
"It makes sense to me, with all due respect."
"Is that not suggestive to you?"
"Well, not in-context."
"Context." She thought about what in her desk would and wouldn't fit in the bag she was carrying.
"Well," he watered a desk plant, "it is you."
"Uh huh." She took a post-it from his desk and scribbled quietly. And that began her last two weeks.
But it didn't end. The cashier lit up at her frozen chicken. "Ah, feedin' the big cats?"
"The what?"
He smiled. "You do tigers? We have a sale on cinnamon right now. Aisle five." He winked.
Why? Why why why?
And she hated being the new girl.
"Does Michael sign emails to you with meows?"
"What now?"
She turned her monitor. "I guess some are roars."
"Huh. No. Imani?"
"Yeah, man?"
"Does Mike meow at you in mail?"
Imani blinked. "No."
"He's signing 'meow' to-"
"Oh, well if it's to you, that tracks."
"Why would that make sense?"
Imani smiled. "I'm gonna get more tea."
"Right." He waved. "Good luck." He stared at the screen again. "It is weird."
"Thank you."
"I'll talk to him about it."
The next day, human resources met her at her desk. "You know, we subsidize mental health services."
"That's cool."
"If you need." His hand was on her chair.
He left.
The first session didn't go much better.
"So your employer referred you?"
"Did she tell you why?"
"No, actually. I'm getting harassed, honestly?"
"I really don't understand it. I left my last job because someone made a joke about me being good with a whip. They sent me to a pet conference, too. I don't have any pets."
"And you don't see where they're coming from?"
"So, if I was to ask about my cat's diet-"
"Why do they keep asking that?"
"Honestly, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're going to have to expect that response if you want to get anywhere. Not everyone can tell that your looks don't correspond with… that sort of thing. I know it's frustrating. I'm sure it's hard for you. But you need to be patient."
The therapist sighed.
"I literally don't understand."
"Right." They wrote on their pad. "So how long have you been experiencing psychosis?"
She tried to understand. She really did.
"Hi?" He put a box on the shelf.
"You said something about tigers and cinnamon to me a few weeks ago?"
He smiled. "Yeeaahhhh."
"What did you mean by that?"
"Oh, don't worry. I'm gay."
"No, I-"
"I do have a friend into that sort of thing. I'm no good at it and he's bi."
"Thanks, but that's not what I'm-"
"You do shows of it?"
"… What?"
"You do shows of it locally?"
"Shows of what?"
He smiled, shrugging, then put another box on the shelf.
Soon enough, it was the Christmas party. Not everyone showed, but Keinan did. No one else talked to her, but they seemed happy enough to stare.
"Hi," she said. She felt her sock slipping down in her boot.
"These parties are always so…"
He nodded. "We'll go with that."
She laughed.
His stare was different. It would continue to be different all night. She accepted his ride home. And he accepted her invitation in.
"I don't believe them." It was a quiet mumble in the dark.
"What?" she whispered.
He held her tighter. "I don't believe you're a lion tamer."
She kissed him. "Thank you."
"You're not a lion tamer, Maggie. I love you. I love-"
It all made Monday very interesting. Things with Keinan were fine, but not the "you again" eyeroll from human resources. "What can I help you with?"
"When did you get the impression I was a lion tamer?"
"I never said that about you."
"I've been told I give that impression. Can you explain why I give that impression?"
"We have firm anti-discrimination policies in line with Title VII at this workplace."
"Who is telling everyone I tame lions? I don't."
He stared.
"Why does everyone think I tame lions?"
"Have you ever done… other big cats? Small exotic animals? Do you-"
"I'd appreciate if you didn't raise your voice at me."
Getting groceries delivered was expensive especially when you live on savings.
The woman at the temp agency turned the license in her hands. She held her hand out.
She smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought maybe you had other licenses or… accomplishments." She typed. "So, Microsoft Office. Wow. You're a fast typer. We do have some state park openings."
"I'm only interested in administration."
She laughed. "Sure, honey. Uh huh."
A cat perched outside her window the next morning. It didn't mean to stare either, she was sure.
No emails.
Was it weird to quintuple text him?
Knock knock knock.
She opened her eyes. There were heavy footsteps and tinkering in the kitchen. She combed through her hair with her fingers and stood at the door for ten minutes. Then to the kitchen.
"Oh, sorry. Thought you were- Wait, ain't I seen you at the circus?"
"That was- That was someone else."
He smiled and continued fixing the sink.
She went back to bed.
It was dark out. She didn't put shoes on. She didn't lock the door. Concrete, then asphalt, then grass. Concrete.
"Where are you? Where are you?" She kept walking.
Sure, there were signs. Of course there were signs. She didn't read them.
Very few buildings had lights on.
She stopped. A black and white cat was rubbing against her legs. "Go away." She pet its neck. "Please, go away."
Its yellow eyes stared up at her. It ran through a gap in the fence.
She followed.
The gap was just big enough. Grass again. Stones.
"Alison Brady. 1957-1968."
"Marcus Riddle. 1890-1972. Father."
"B.D. 1896."
There were a few fruit trees in the cemetery. She noticed her leg was bleeding.
"Amy Harward. 1919-2003."
A gazebo a few hundred yards away was lit up. There was another gap in the fence.
She crawled through. The sod gave way to local weeds softer than the grass. She crossed a river. She climbed.
"Can I?"
At the top of the hill was another fence.
"Oh, Maggie. You're so good at fence climbing. Someone like you, I saw you swinging from the trapeze. You're great at-"
She dropped down. The rocks gave a hollow clunk. She climbed a fake stone wall.
"North American River Otter!"
"No. No, no, no."
The butterfly area was completely shuttered.
"I know you're here."
"Southern Warthog!"
"California Sea Lion!"
All the signs were so cheerful and green.
"The Baringo Giraffe – Northwest Kenya and Southeast Uganda! Formerly a wider distribution through Africa! They have been exterminated over most of West Africa through overshooting!"
When she saw it, she climbed the netting. She scraped her knees on plexiglass. The rocks in here were real. The rocks in this one were real.
"African Lion!"
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oh? what... could this be? 🙃 @submuri
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so let’s say mc was patching up the ro’s cause maybe they cut their hand or something in the crushing stage and while doing that they scribble a I think I love you into the ro’s skin with their finger and the ro can’t help but notice mcs all red and glancing at the ro all shy. And it’s all quite until someone comes in. Thank you! 💕
Ooooo, the tension! Alright anon, I'll try to write a little something, but it looks like you've already done the outlining for me lol. I hope you enjoy!
He was a little surprised that you offered to patch up his hand, but to both of your surprise he relents. Your skin against his relaxes him, even if your proximity makes him feel slightly flushed. He leans his head back, savoring the moment, until he feels you tracing something on his palm. He laughs as you begin to wrap his hand again when he looks up, mainly to disguise the shakiness in his voice when he finally says something. "A thief and a healer, eh?" He tilts you head up with his wrapped hand, a waver in his voice. "What else are you?"
She lets out a contented sigh and leans her head back, enjoying being in your care. "If I knew I'd get the royal treatment, I'd get hurt far more often." she let's out a short bark of laughter. She enjoys the mundane motions of salve being applied and maybe it's because it's you doing it, but it doesn't seem to have the same sting. When you falter for a moment she cracks open an eye to see what's stopped you, only to feel you delicately tracing something onto her skin. When you realize that you've been caught, you are quick to fluster, but she holds your gaze. "Hmm" she says thoughtfully, "Getting hurt might become a bad habit of mine."
She had clumsily tried to wrap her hand herself, but you intervened to save her from her fumbling. She watches carefully as you wrap her hand, her heart slamming in her chest, and she finds herself beginning to ramble. "I always keep some ointment on hand, on the left, but you already have ointment, like on your cheek—" She reaches out without thinking to wipe the smear of ointment from your cheeks, only to stop mid way as you finish wrapping her hand and slowly trace something onto her palm. You stay like that for a while, her hand outstretched and your hand on hers, both frozen in place.
Being this close to you causes him to fidget. He bounces his leg as you wrap his hand, every once in a while insisting that he can do it himself before you overrule him. It's when he feels your fingers skate across his hand that he goes still. He catches your wrist with his good hand, startling both of you. You're flushed and he swallows thickly, his eyes flitting from your hand to your face, before he releases your wrist. "I've kept you long enough." he says quietly. "I should go." He crosses the room and opens the door be fore saying, in a voice barely above a whisper, "And thank you."
The light dance of your fingers on her palm causes her to raise an eyebrow. In any other situation, she would snatch her hand away, have you dragged away from her. But you are clearly flustered and she can't help but find it...cute. So instead she removes her hand from yours and holds it up, as if inspecting it, then says, "The bandage is a little loose." As if summoned, a servant comes in and rushes to attend to her but she dismisses them with a wave. Placing the hand back in yours, she looks at you intently, and with a firm voice says, "I want you to wrap it again."
She feels her face heat up and curses how sensitive her skin feels under your care. "Thank you, for doing this, but I'm sure I could go to a healer." she says, but makes no attempt to pull her hand away, flushing even further. Should she state her feelings? The men in the barracks call this the right timing, right? Whatever words she had prepared die in her throat as your fingers slid across her hand. She stands up so quickly, that she knocks the chair over, your flustered face only adding to her embarrassment. "I—my horse!" it comes out in a hurry, before she takes a deep breath. "I need to feed my horse." she repeats calmly before hurrying out.
He watches you unabashedly as you wrap his hand, enjoying being able to look at you without having to worry about the prying eyes of the court. He feels like a common man around you, and your warm hands on his ease the tension that comes with bearing the weight of the crown. "With you being so good at this, a position for the royal healer might open up soon." he quips. The way you flush avoid his gaze makes him smile, but the particular movements of your fingers tracing something on his hand cause that smile to become a full grin. He leans closer to you. "So, what do you think? Would you be interested in staying by my side?"
He winces slightly, both from the slight sting of ointment and from how your fingers on his hand made his face hot. Is he sweating? Oh Heavenly Architect, he is sweating. Watching your deft hands continue to work, he clears his throat and quietly speaks. "I am sorry that I have to trouble you this way." You don't answer, but instead he feels you trace something onto his hand. He looks up sharply from both of your hands and gently, but firmly takes . For a brief moment all bashfulness seems to have left him. "But I am glad that you are with me."
#Honor Amongst Thieves#ROs#answered asks#Merikh#Desma#Laverna#Sutek#Sarai#Nari#Aretas#Heka#All Ros#scenarios#if wip#interactive fiction#hat if
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fics fighting fires: 10
With a big big thank you to @chess-blackfyre for their donation to our amazing Firies! You guys have been so generous so far and I can’t thank you all enough for all your support. I’m still trying to catch up on the commissions that I have, but if you would still like to donate to Australian bushfire relief in exchange for fic, @aaravosed is taking commissions right up to the end of Australian summer!
She’s not interested, she tells herself. Harrow is cocky and mischievous and so immature for someone who’s supposed to be a prince, and he might be funny, sure, and she might be a little enamoured by the way he smiles, but she’s absolutely not interested, and she’ll swear by that until she’s blue in the face.
What interest would Harrow have in her, anyway? She’s a widow at court with a four year old son, and, in any case, it’s too soon. Rickard’s only been gone two years, and it would be disrespectful to his memory to even entertain the notion that she might be interested. It’s true that Harrow’s been nothing but a gentleman - happy to give her his friendship and support on hard days, and the space she needs to mourn her husband, even now - but Callum’s growing up to look more like his father every day, and it’s hard not to see him in the green of his eyes.
You can’t guilt yourself out of happiness forever, signs Amaya. The downturn of her lips is disapproving. This is not what Rickard would want.
Sarai scowls at her. What would you know about what Rickard would want? He’s dead.
Amaya winces, and her hands falter. They’re wandering the colonnade this morning. Callum’s drawing stick figures into the dirt a little way away. It’s rare that Sarai can allow him to be the child that he is, and she hates it because he deserves better. He should know his father. He should know a father - and Sarai catches her mind drifting to Harrow again before guilt freezes her insides once more.
Amaya must see it. She catches her sister’s hand. Sarai.
Sarai shakes her head. I’m not interested, Amaya, she signs tiredly.
You are, insists Amaya. This isn’t fair. To you, or to Callum.
What isn’t fair is the fact that Rickard will never see Callum grow up, signs Sarai stubbornly. She’s glad they’re signing. There’s a lump in her throat, and this conversation is growing difficult. She takes a breath and distracts herself with Callum - only it’s not just Callum in the courtyard anymore. It’s Harrow too, and there’s a smile on his face and a stick in his hand. There’s mud on his slacks, but he doesn’t care, and Callum’s own smile is bright and familiar.
Her breath catches. Her heart stills.
“This one’s me,” Callum’s saying, jabbing his stick at the little scribble in the mud. “And this one’s Mom, and that one’s Aunt Amaya.”
“A perfect likeness,” says Harrow proudly. “Of all of you! But you know, I think you need a castle. So your stick figures have somewhere to live. What do you think?”
Callum nods, those brilliant green eyes of his wide and eager. “Will you help me?”
“Of course!” says Harrow. “You’re the artist though. You tell me what to do.”
It’s not what Sarai expected. It’s not the character Harrow usually lets her see. He’s always been kind, and caring, and gentle, and it’s not like he’s ever been indifferent to her son, but this -
This is warm. This is right.
This is love.
Rickard would understand, signs Amaya. He’d want nothing less than for you and Callum to be happy. How can you deny him that? How can you deny Callum that?
Sarai sucks in a breath. She’d forgotten she could do that. She’d been so caught up in watching the scene in the courtyard, she’d almost forgotten about her own guilt. Her chest doesn’t feel so cold anymore, and she finds her lips twitching upwards as Callum orders Harrow through the mud.
Maybe she is interested, she admits to herself at last.
Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
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Heart of Xadia, Chapter 2 - Communication is Key
You’re staring off into space again.”
“Huh?” Callum jerks out of his thoughts, blinking.
King Harrow - his stepfather, he should say - laughs from across the table. It’s dinnertime here at the castle, and normally Callum’s more involved. It is the only time he has to freely talk to his parents, after all.
“He’s been doing that for days,” Ezran complains, “not even Bait has snapped him out of his thoughts.”
“Sounds like somebody has something to think about,” his mom, Sarai, says almost teasingly, her eyes sparkling, “or maybe someone?”
Callum flushes red, picking at his food with his fork to distract himself. Normally, his mom’s teasing doesn’t get to him(much), but her words hit so close to the truth it almost gives himself away.
“It isn’t like that,” he says defensively, “it’s just that, well, Claudia gave me something for my birthday and I’m still trying to figure it out. I guess I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Oh, it’s magic again,” Ezran snorts. Ever since turning thirteen, his younger brother has become more snippety and sarcastic than before. Callum hopes it’s only teenage-related.
“I suppose magic is just as distracting as a beautiful girl,” Sarai says, sneaking a sly glance at Harrow as she says it.
“I suppose,” Harrow agrees, wrapping an arm around her.
Callum sighs, pushing his plate forward before standing up, “I’m leaving.”
“Have fun with your magic!” His mom calls after him as he walks away from the dining room. He rolls his eyes, walking down towards the entrance of the secret tunnels.
His mom is right, as always - it is a girl on his mind. A specific girl. A moonshadow elf.
Can they blame him, though? Elves were all but extinct nowadays, and the opportunity to actually talk to a real elf is one he could never pass up. Not to mention one of the six moonshadow elf assassins that really kickstarted the war - he has so many questions.
He had some answered over the past week. Although his time had been limited, he sneaks down into the corridors anytime he has a chance, if it means getting to talk to Rayla. Talking to her, learning more about the elves… it’s been a dream come true.
Fingers drum against his side as he hustles down the corridors, casting the occasional light spell to illuminate the dark hallways. He hardly remembers the path, as twisted as the halls are. Over the week, he’s gotten better at not making a wrong turn somewhere, but he’s still unsure.
Luckily, this time, he weaves through the tunnels easily, and arrives at the room he had dubbed the “mirror room” without distraction. The mirror sits against the wall, as always, the surface blank. Callum glances behind him, making sure he wasn’t followed - a habit, even though Viren was imprisoned months ago.
“Ilyin nostrum,” he whispers once again, drawing the runes in the air.
The mirror shimmers and then the room appears. Nothing has changed much, save for a rough sketch of him pinned to the wall facing him. Callum almost feels touched.
Rayla’s sitting facing her desk, her back hunched over. She doesn’t seem to have noticed him, so Callum lightly taps the mirror. Reminiscent of their first meeting, Rayla jumps, her head turning to give him a sheepish glance. She stands, picking up the piece of paper she had been writing on, and rushes over to him.
Callum waves, tugging his sketchbook out. He’s already written his first message, but before he can do anything, Rayla shakes her head. She holds her own paper up.
I HAVE A WAY FOR US TO COMMUNICATE BETTER, the paper reads in her messy handwriting.
Callum raises an eyebrow. She hasn’t said anything about an easier way to talk - although to be fair, he was going to ask, if only because he’s running out of paper in his sketchbook.
He tilts his head and nods, a silent means of communication.
Rayla offers another smile - one slightly more teasing, a smile that almost makes Callum question himself on her trustworthiness - before turning her back to quickly scribble something else down.
LARIGNA, the paper reads now, and underneath is a rune.
Callum frowns - a small part of his brain tells him that he really shouldn’t be trusting a moonshadow elf who had been trapped in a mirror for years - but nevertheless he draws the rune in the air. “Larigna.”
As soon as he speaks the words, a small tendril of purple seeps from the mirror. It curls around his head, producing a tingling sensation that has Callum shivering.
“...can you hear me?” A distinct, female voice asks.
Callum glances around him, confused, before turning back to the mirror. Rayla is looking at him curiously. She opens her mouth.
“Well, can you?” And the words line up so perfectly with her mouth…
“Rayla?” He asks aloud, staring her dead in the eyes.
“Callum,” she says back, her voice whimsical.
Briefly, he wonders how he can understand her - when they spoke through written words, they both used the language of magic. It must show in his face, because she chuckles - a musical sound - and sets her paper down.
“It’s the only spell I actually know. A communication spell. It lets the two people talk to each other no matter where they are or what language they speak.” She explains, crossing her arms in front of her.
“That’s… that’s really cool,” Callum grins at her, “I can’t believe we’re actually talking.”
“Says you,” Rayla says with a sigh, “I haven’t heard an actual voice in years.”
Although she doesn’t sound accusatory - not in the slightest- Callum still feels the smallest pang of guilt. When they first started talking, she had told him that the reason she felt no ill will towards him was because it wasn’t him who trapped her, but he still feels… well, bad that humans had stolen her from her normal life and imprisoned her.
Once again, his guilt must show on his face because Rayla’s expression softens. She tugs a chair towards her and takes a seat, “Come on, sad human. I think we left off on moonshadow magic.”
Although he still feels bad, Callum lets himself smile softly and sit down, legs crossing. “Right.”
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Ghoti’s Journal, Entry 2-1
That last minute training did not even make a ghost of a difference.
When we ventured out into the wood, early the next morning, I made a fool of myself in combat once more. It was like I could hear the other's laughter echoing in my head. Like I never left home. Same results as always, a disgrace to my order. This would never happen if I was anything like [harsh scribbling]
But he isn’t here. I am.
The wolves were dealt with easily enough. It was the man in a wolf’s shape who did not go down easily. Sarai, who can speak with wolves (this is very common magic, you know, journal), learned from them that some creature afflicted with a terrible hunger was stealing all the local game. This is what led the lesser wolves to the attack the Arbolean settlements.
The great hungry one was a Lycan. A common enough individual, save for the madness, and the fact that his transformation did not seem to have been gifted in the usual way. I do not know what to make of that. Sarai boiled him alive in his armor, and I stabilized him. Did you know she can heal as well? Sarai and Ms. Cresentia’s skill in magic make the little amusements I can weave out of water seem quite childish, in comparison.
Let alone whatever it is Apia does.
I was reluctant to hand an Imperial citizen over to the Arbolean’s justice, but the Hierophant assured us they would return his custody. I hope that we can trust them. Part of me expects we will never see that poor man again.
It would be simpler if the Arboleans surrendered their sovereignty to the Empire. After all, the Char peoples seem indifferent to Imperial leadership. That’s what I’ve always heard, and Sarai seems perfectly happy, so I suppose it’s true. There’s just no need for all of this violence just to stave off the inevitable.
Ghoti Birtwhistle
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Some more TDP headcanons that didn’t quite make it into my fic.
Sarai didn’t consider herself an artist but she did do a lot of drawing. Maps, battlefields plans, observations about potential enemy weaknesses. She had steady hand and a keen eye. As a child, Callum would sit next to her while she worked and scribble on her discarded drafts.
She was three months pregnant with Ezran when she and Harrow finally got married (in between their responsibilities and politics, they just kept putting it off.) Their friends teased them a bit about their six month baby and shotgun wedding.
During those six months, Callum was legally crown prince. They were possibly the most stressful six months of his life. Way too much responsibility for a shy four year old.
Claudia and Soren’s mom is actually alive, just not on speaking terms with their father. For most of the kids’ childhood they had joint custody and it wasnt until Claudia was about thirteen and needed more magical mentorship that they both started living at the castle full time.
There were some awkward child swaps when they were younger. Sarai often got asked to attend, as a moderating presence, and one of Ezran’s first memories is of playing in the market with Callum, Claudia, and Soren while his mother tried to mediate a vicious debate about the appropriateness of teaching the dark arts to an eight year old.
Gren was in his mid-teens when he started working with General Amaya. As a result a lot of the older soldiers in her battalion still baby him. He used to be an awkward, blushing teenager who panicked at the sight of blood, and they’ll never let him forget it.
Amaya on the other hand has always taken him seriously, which he appreciates since he did go through his 19 year old sad poetry phase in front of her.
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They shut the ring box the obsidian darker than it naturally should be. It wouldn't call any attention and fit with what he already wore - exactly as intended.
It slipped through the cracks in the wall and to the rooftop of Hewn staring up at the glowworm ceiling. It didn't turn feeling them from miles away. Of course, Hewn shook with his rage far before he'd deigned to appear.
"Hello Nyktos."
"You know that little stunt was futile right?"
He twirled the crude talisman in the shape of a eye eating its tail, an eye carved in the middle. A symbol Attes had made to bind it here and keep it here.
Its form shivered holding off from being called to it. It wanted to unform to become part of that lock and key again. It slowly looked to him, its lips pulled back revealing a yawning void.
"Naturally. Will you make me kneel for you?"
Nyktos stepped toward them hissing as the blade pressed into his throat. The Daimon had come just as they always would when it called for them.
Kertayan pushed him back snatching the tailsmen from his hand. Nyktos glared at him not budging, but not reaching for his blades.
"Someone will pay the price for its actions Vizier."
"Yes. I will."
Kertayan lowered his blade and dropped it. It turned away letting the other Daimons whisk it away. Nyktos stared down at Kertayan, the anger blazed harder than anything else in him. He'd liked Kertayan, had even respected and looked up to him once.
Perhaps it was power that broken that veneer. Perhaps it was how he'd let Kheto disappear. Nyktos leaned toward him gripping his collar.
"Your too good to be suffering for it."
Kertayan's lips twitched and he shrugged.
"I'd say my suffering would hurt it more than its own - but we both know that is a lie. Punish me Nyktos, get that anger out of you."
Nyktos closed his eyes winnowing them to Attes workshop. The older Asteri took his monocles off looking between them in silent question.
"For your study Attes."
Attes dragged his eyes to Kertayan.
"You could just give me Reshaye and -"
"No. Punish me, break me open but you will never have the Jeweled One."
Viren leaned his head against the wall and pointed lazily at the small box on Keir's desk.
"Thank the gods you're back. I was growing bored drinking by myself. What's the box on your desk Keiri?"
Reshaye looked to Umberlee and the charge at her side. They titled their head at the young thing. They felt Umberlee bow to it and slip out the room.
"Sarai. I am told I should meet you. Why?"
"A gift." Keir responded as he scribbled his notes upon the parchment before him, keeping track of how things were forming and changing. His gaze lifted from the page to to brother, an eyebrow rose.
"Is there a reason you are here? Let me guess, has Sarai ran off with someone and finally come to her senses?" He teased him.
"Kertayan." The news had rippled through the court, Nyktos may have thought his actions were just and swift but they did nothing more than provoke. She may be his son's mate, but that did not she would overlook the treatment of those who were dear to her, friends who were in a way a family she had never known she had needed.
Sarai turned, the skirts of her dress moving with her as she moved and chewed at her nail. "I almost stormed that hacks domain, I wanted to tear them all a part. We can't leave him there, I know what he did to you. I have seen what has done to others. I'd rather slip in blood and let this continue."
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After Reading: STRANGE THE DREAMER by Laini Taylor
The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around—and Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian, has always feared that his dream chose poorly. Since he was five years old he’s been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself, in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever. What happened in Weep two hundred years ago to cut it off from the rest of the world? What exactly did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving? The answers await in Weep, but so do more mysteries—including the blue-skinned goddess who appears in Lazlo’s dreams. How did he dream her before he knew she existed? And if all the gods are dead, why does she seem so real? Welcome to Weep. (Goodreads) Welcome to October! (Wait, how did that happen? :) So the Smoke & Bone series was epic and I think I'd pretty much read toilet paper with scribbles on it by Taylor at this point. She ranks amongst my absolute favorite authors. I've meant to get to this one for a while, and then while reading, kicked myself for not devouring it earlier. Though, bonus, the sequel comes out tomorrow so perhaps my timing wasn't so abismal. At any rate, I adored this. The switching between perspectives was a touch jarring at first, but I came to deeply love Sarai along with Strange. They were so...human (which only makes sense in context of the rest of the novel). Anyhow, as I would expect from Taylor, the worldbuilding was fantastic and fantastical. I love all the little sprinkled details and fabulous concepts (the cusp especially!). Overall, I just wanted to crawl into it and live there, monsters and gods included. The ending...oh the ending. All I can really say is that I am absolutely glad I preordered the next book and it'll be in my hot little hands on Tuesday! Have you read any of Taylor's books? http://dlvr.it/Qlwz0S
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