#Samer Bisharat
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gael-garcia · 7 months ago
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ورا الجبل, Behind the Mountains (2023 🇹🇳), dir. Mohamed Ben Attia
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
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صالون هدى [Huda's Salon] (Hany Abu-Assad, 2021)
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yellodisney · 2 years ago
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Behind the Mountains (2023)
Behind the Mountains (2023) #MohamedBenAttia #MajdMastoura #WalidBouchhioua #SamerBisharat #SelmaZghidi #HelmiDridi Mehr auf:
وراء الجبال / Oura el jbelJahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Drama Regie: Mohamed Ben Attia Hauptrollen: Majd Mastoura, Walid Bouchhioua, Samer Bisharat, Selma Zghidi, Helmi Dridi, Wissem Belgharak, Ayoub Hedhili, Mondher Chouchen, Amel Karray, Ammar Chikha, Rania Agrebi, Mahmoud Said … Filmbeschreibung: Die Geschichte handelt von einem Mann, der sich gewaltsam aus seiner banalen Umgebung befreit,…
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ibrahimalbadriroleplay71 · 2 years ago
Spoiler alert: Abu Qasim Muhammad ritorna ad avere il ruolo di anticristo come prima e rinconquisterà nuovamente la terra di Israele insieme all'Iran,Siria e Libano ma non riuscirà ad entrare attraverso l'Iraq che è spaccato in due nazioni sunnite: i baathisti iracheni di Malik al-Badri che una volta supportavano Saddam Hussein e lo Stato Islamico con il califfo salafita Juma al-Badri, entrambi non essendo d'accordo ideologicamente sono entrambi dei Quraysh quindi discedenti del profeta islamico Muhammad e di Ismaele, figlio di Abramo.
Abu Qasim Muhammad è un Quraysh cattivo che odia gli altri Quraysh esistenti ed è tutto l'opposto di Gesù Cristo quindi un tipo violento,lussorioso,menzognero,miracoli ingannevoli che viene accettato solo dagli ebrei e musulmani sciiti con altre sette islamiche minori, odia molto il cristianesimo e il sunnismo in generale.
In qualsiasi momento nel spoiler si ritroverà ad essere sterile e vedremo le sue reazioni.
Il suo prestavolto rimane Samer Bisharat
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Leem Lubany and Adam Bakri in Omar (Hany Abu-Assad, 2013)
Cast: Adam Bakri, Leem Lubany, Waleed Zuaiter, Samer Bisharat, Eyad Hourani, Mousa Habib Allah, Doraid Liddawi. Screenplay: Hany Abu-Assad. Cinematography: Ehab Assai. Production design: Yoel Herzberg, Nael Kanj. Film editing: Martin Brinkler, Eyas Salman. 
Omar is an involving thriller that earned an Oscar nomination for best foreign language film, but a few critics think it goes too far in depicting its Palestinian characters as good guys and the Israelis as villains -- the word "agitprop" has been used. Which goes to show once again that art and politics are uneasy, if necessary, companions. It was made with Palestinian money and filmed in the Israeli city of Nazareth as well as in the West Bank city of Nablus. Omar (Adam Bakri) is a young man who, after being tormented by Israeli soldiers, joins with his friends Tarek (Eyad Hourani) and Amjad (Samer Bisharat) in retaliation. They sneak up on an Israeli encampment and Amjad (though reluctantly) shoots one of the soldiers. When Omar is captured and tortured, he is tricked by an Israeli officer, Rami (Waleed Zuaiter), posing as a Palestinian, into saying "I will never confess," which the military courts recognize as tantamount to a confession. But Rami persuades Omar to take a deal: He can go free if he will work to lead them to Tarek, whom they identify as the leader of the group. What follows is a complex story of betrayal and retribution, complicated by Omar's love for Tarek's sister Nadia (Leem Lubany). Omar stays just shy of sinking into pure melodrama, thanks to director Abu-Assad's screenplay, his well-handled action sequences of the pursuit of Omar through the narrow streets and across the rooftops of Nazareth, and some effective performances by attractive young actors like Bakri and Lubany. The glimpses of a culture too often seen through the lens of geopolitics also strengthen the film. The film is a tale of the strong vs. the weak, which unfortunately makes it possible to ignore the complexities of the actuality underlying it.
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dear-indies · 1 year ago
hi sorry abt the mishap, still quite new to tumblr I'm afraid. could i still have fc suggestions for a direct male relative for gigi hadid within the same generation or after? cousin, son, brother etc. thank you.
Ramsey Nasr (1974) Palestinian / Dutch.
Mahmoud Shalaby (1982) Palestinian.
Mojo Rawley (1986) Palestinian / Syrian, Unspecified.
Samir Badran (1990) Palestinian / Unspecified.
Motaz Malhees (1992) Palestinian.
Samer Bisharat (1996) Palestinian.
Bilal Hasna (1999) Palestinian / Punjabi.
Hamzeh Okab (2001) Palestinian.
+ here's a masterlist of Palestinian faceclaims
I had multiple asks breaking my rules so I just wanted to let everybody know why I will not be replying to them! A lot of these have light eyes too because I think you mentioned that in your previous message? Hope these are helpful though!
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lemagcinema · 2 years ago
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Behind the Mountains de Mohamed Ben Attia
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Un film de Mohamed Ben Attia Avec: Majd Mastoura, Samer Bisharat, Helmi Dridi, Walid Bouchhioua, Selma Zeghidi, Wissem BelgharekAfter spending four years in jail, Rafik has only one plan, take his son behind the mountains and show him his amazing discovery.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/festivals/internationalfestival/venise/venise2023/behind-the-mountains-de-mohamed-ben-attia/
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01sentencereviews · 8 years ago
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“Omar, there's a price to pay if you want to revolt and liberate your country. You don't complain or cry. This is the choice you made.”
Omar (2013, Hany Abu-Assad)
cinematography by Ehab Assal
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helpersofindie · 2 years ago
Hello! I was hoping you guys would please be willing to help me find an fc to play the brother of dina denoire? Ive been trying with little luck. Thanks much!!!!
given that dina is palestinian and egyptian, the only person i was able to find was swimmer, ahmed gebrel (31). if you're willing to do half brothers, i could also see elias abbas (22), yousef hjelde el mofty (23), anwar hadid (23), youssef sawmah (25), samer bisharat (27) or rami yousef (31). i hope this helps!
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kwebtv · 5 years ago
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The State  -   Channel 4  -  August 20 - 23, 2017
Drama (4 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Main cast
Ony Uhiara as Shakira Bootheo
Sam Otto as Jalal Hossein
Shavani Cameron as Ushna Kaleel
Ryan McKen as Ziyad Kader
Supporting cast
Hiam Abbass as Umm Salamah
Jessica Gunning as Umm Walid
Nana Agyeman-Bediako as Isaac Boothe
Ali Suliman as Abu Omar
Haaz Sleiman as Dr. Rabia
Amir El-Masry as Sayed
Nitin Ganatra as Munir Hossein
Yasen Atour as Abu Issa
Samer Bisharat as Abu Sahl
Karim Kassem as Abu Akram
Sebastian Griegel as Abu Lut Al-Almani
Jack Greenlees as Abu Ibrahim Al-Brittani
Charles Mnene as Abu Ayoub Al-Brittani
Fayez Bakhsh as Abu Jihad Al-Brittani
Zafer El-Abedin as Maqqir Amir
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gael-garcia · 7 months ago
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Samer Bisharat & Majd Mastoura in Behind the Mountains (2023 🇹🇳, Mohamed Ben Attia)
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gregor-samsung · 3 years ago
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صالون هدى [Huda's Salon] (Hany Abu-Assad, 2021)
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lunesalsol · 2 years ago
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ibrahimalbadriroleplay71 · 2 years ago
Chiarisco che Abu Qasim Muhammad è un personaggio immaginario ispirato alle profezie sciite, il distruttore degli arabi e colui che nella trama ha vissuto per secoli ha danneggiato i Quraysh iracheni e questi Quraysh hanno dimenticato il vero insegnamento dell'Islam e del profeta islamico Muhammad, mi riferisco a Ibrahim al-Badri,Amir al-Mawli,Samir al-Khalifawi e Saif Baghdad dopo che hanno perso per menzogne ebraiche il loro protettore sempre dei Quraysh, Saddam Hussein.
Lui è anche ispirato a Vladimir Putin, uccisore dei cristiani e che nella trama Abu Qasim sta facendo molti atti malvagi e satanici: sta uccidendo cristiani e musulmani che ingenuamente si sono fidati del sionismo.
Questo personaggio è molto importante perché Vladimir Putin è proprio così: un falso messia.
Vedremo cosa succederà nella trama con il tempo.
Il prestavolto di Abu Qasim Muhammad rimane Samer Bisharat
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georgebgallery · 11 years ago
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Adam Bakri, Iyad Hoorani y Samer Bisharat.
"Omar" de Hany Abu-Assad (2013)
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