#Same about Congo Sudan and all the other oppressed
disco-cola · 9 months
i hope people understand that it doesn’t end at a ceasefire. a ceasefire is a necessity, not the goal. the goal is to end the occupation, bring down the wall, independence and freedom for palestinians which is what will bring them their basic human rights. on palestinian land at that, they don’t want equal rights in israel, they need their homeland back, at least parts of it. there has to be a new division plan. and also we all collectively should never let the politicians and world leaders who willingly failed to fight for this to stop forget about it. i recently saw a video of people seeing justin trudeau out and about in a restaurant and they did not let him have a calm minute bc the palestinians don’t have it, they didn’t let him eat his meal bc palestinians are starving. and this is exactly the right way to do it. they got the guns we got the numbers and so many people have developed awareness and learned not only about the presence but also the history and this knowledge has to now be passed on from generation to generation.
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anti-zionist-jew · 8 months
I had to start a new blog, so I figured I would reintroduce myself.
My name is Zara. I’m a Black Ashkenazi Jewish woman, 36 years of age, who grew up in one of the oldest majority Black synagogues in occupied Turtle Island (USA). Being a Black woman, and a Jewish woman, have shaped my entire identity and walk through life. I am proudly Black and Jewish. I have been on the “birthright” trip, and can attest first hand how that is two weeks of pure Zionist propaganda, and how none of this is about Judaism.
We do not need a country to all be shuffled into in order to be safe. Israel does not protect Jewish people, and it never has. Palestinian sovereignty is not and never will be antisemitic, and From the River to the Sea is not a call for genocide against the Jews. It is a call for liberation, a declaration of decolonization. Is “from sea to shining sea” a call for genocide? Or is it a declaration that the land from the Pacific to the Atlantic is the USA?
White westerners get to hide their antisemitism by “supporting Israel” and thus supporting the idea of shuffling Jews to the Middle East. They get to claim they are protecting a historically marginalized people, while sticking us on the other side of the world, where they can “be over there, and they can fight amongst themselves far away from us”
Israel is a settler state. They came in and murdered people to steal their homes. Occupied the land. Began controlling all access to resources. And then started committing genocide when Hamas retaliated. What Hamas did is not just unsurprising, it was inevitable. Tell me that you, in Podunk USA would let people come steal your house. Tell me you wouldn’t use the “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” to shoot the thieves coming to rob you. Tell me you’ll voluntarily give your home to an indigenous American. You simply cannot. Explain to me how Jews living in Israel who stand against genocide are being arrested, beaten, exiled from their communities. Explain to me how they’re not an ethno state when they do not legally recognize interfaith marriage.
Israel is an apartheid state, Israel has its hands in the worst atrocities the world over. Yes, white Jew reading this in Brooklyn, what is happening to Palestinians will always be far worse than the pro Palestine protestor calling you a colonizer when you inserted yourself against their cause, and then wanted to pretend you were attacked for being Jewish. Zionism ≠ Judaism, and the world knows that now.
Even in the context of those arguments to indigenous to the land, please read a single book or paper published by an indigenous scholar. Multiple people can and are indigenous to the same regions.
Anyway, it’s Free Palestine. Free Congo. Free the Sudan. Release the chains from all oppressed and colonized people. Agitate, educate, organize. And long live the intifada
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juiciest-candy · 2 months
Sorry for saying this here but keeping it inside and not being able to talk about it with anyone really makes me feels like I’m gonna explode
Anyway if you are a gringo who supports Gaza, Congo, Sudan or any other humanitarian cause but is turning a blind eye to Venezuela I hope you die a painful death and suffer for the rest of you life. All you are is a performative activist who wants to be perceived as a good person with morals, but you are nothing more than scum
Ya’ll support the dictatorship only bc it’s communist and anti American, you have so romanticized the idea of communism that you think it’s the solution to every problem in the world when communism is literally the problem, I can tell you, I lived through it but you will never understand, you will continue to idealize it bc it’s easier to do so when you haven’t had family and friends struggling to find food or medicine, you have never experienced power outages that lasted a whole week, bc you haven’t seen hospitals using plastic bottles for IV drips bc there aren’t bags, bc you have never seen people of every social status eat out of the trash, bc you havent seen your brothers and sisters starve to death so just shut up
Stop supporting a dictatorship and stop supporting Maduro. His “free Palestine” comment is nothing more than him getting sympathy points from you and you are actually that fucking stupid to fall for it, it’s funny to think your brain is full of nothing but worms. A man who hurts his own people, who sends them to torture chambers, who kills them for opposing him, who starves them, who lets them die in hospitals, who rigs every election so he can win, who caused a mass exodus of 7 million people is not innocent. Hell is not hot enough for him and it won’t be hot enough for you either if you keep supporting him
Stop talking like you know what you are saying, all you are is a privileged asshole with a savior complex who’s doing absolutely nothing. Support Venezuelan voices and don’t talk above us, listen to us and support us that’s the only thing we want. Don’t oppress us the same way we are being oppressed, if you have a savior complex at least use it for something good
This mess started 25 years ago and I’m 24, I’ve never seen a free Venezuela, what gives you the right to tell ME I’m wrong? Communism is a desease and you are part of it if you support it
Free Venezuela 🇻🇪
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leeryder · 10 months
A lot of you (if not most) have followed me because of my fanfic Once Upon an Eclipse
Many of you have wept for the Khaenri’ahn lore and my speculations of what could have happened to Kaeya and his birth family before, during, and after the Cataclysm
In this work you have recognized the evils of a gen0cide and have been both enraged and deeply saddened by what Kaeya and his family went though in this fic
As you should have
As the author of OUAE I ask you to wake up and recognize the gen0cides happening in our own world before our very eyes if you haven’t already
OUAE is about a survivor of a nation that was eradicated by an oppressive force and the trauma he goes through because of it
It is hypocritical to look at my fiction and weep for the Khaenri’ahns while turning a blind eye towards what is happening in Gaza, the Congo, Sudan and the other peoples who are suffering because of colonialism and gen0cide
If you haven’t yet, educate yourself on what is going on.
Yes, it is upsetting to see the videos coming out but being uncomfortable does not outweigh the dire need for us to help & do what we can to stop these atrocities from happening
If at any point you felt the urge to reach into my fic and hug Kaeya, Nabbi, Kanlindi or any of the other victims of the Cataclysm because of what they went through: know there is an actual living breathing child going through those exact same horrors right now
Being silent on this matter is the equivalent of turning your backs on them
Educate yourself
Speak up
Spread awareness
Call your government officials
Do whatever you can to help because they need us to do something
I wish you all love and goodness.
May we work towards creating a better world where things like this could never happen
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jyndor · 7 months
Hi, saw your post on liberation movements and the ideology behind them - especially Palestine.
As a Ukrainian, you’ve had one of the most rational posts I’ve seen. It’s very disheartening to see the very same people and countries who rightfully call out Israel as a colonialist state which needs to be condemned simultaneously justify or overlook what Russia does to us, and has been for hundreds of years.
All liberation movements should be supported, and it should be of consistent standards. South Africa as you said, should bring Israel to justice, but it’s immoral for them to simultaneously engage in exercises and trade with Russia the same year Russia blockaded and starved Mariupol and raped and tortured women and children in Bucha.
Freedom to all people, from West Papua, to Myanmar to Palestine and Ukraine
Thank you, and I am sorry for what you are going through at the hands of Russia - anyone who denies Russian imperialism is wildly off base.
I've talked about the reasons why I think people who otherwise care about liberation in general are not as supportive of Ukraine as imo we all should be, and I think there's reason for the west to reflect on why it "cares" about Ukraine (the west does not really care about Ukrainians though ofc smdh) and not Palestine or Sudan or Congo or Armenia or West Papua etc etc etc, and it is obviously racism. but that does not mean Ukrainians are not fighting an imperialist aggressor. It is morally just for all to fight their occupiers and colonizers period.
now when it comes to less powerful/global south states aligning with Russia, Iran and/or China... this is where I'm going to kindly push back a tiny bit, or at least maybe give some perspective on this support even though I don't feel good about it and I don't like it lol.
A lot of these countries are getting aid and investment from Russia and China. It's neo-colonialism imo and no one has ever been able to convince me otherwise; sorry weirdos Russia and China (and to a lesser extent Iran) are not supporting these global south countries because they believe in anti-imperialism and resistance (lmao) but because they want to shore up support against the west amongst nations that have been oppressed and brutalized by the west. I'm not going to condemn them for accepting money and not wanting to sour relations with them.
I mean we could say the same about Ukraine accepting aid from the US and other European nations (all of which have that power and aid to give because of stolen wealth through colonialism, slavery and imperialism - and have had the most negative impact on the world). That CLEARLY has informed the government of Ukraine's support of Israel in the past few years, even with the caveats that I am aware that Ukraine's large Jewish population does tend to support zionism and Israel, and that of course there is a large Ukrainian population in Israel, as well as Zelenskyy personally supporting Israel. But in general that doesn't explain why Ukrainians support Israel at least according to the polling I've seen.
This Kyiv-based KIIS poll of just over 1000 Ukrainians from December is stark - 66% of ukrainians support Israel, 1% support Palestinians, 18% support both sides equally and 12% weren't sure. Now this poll or organization is clearly biased in favor of Israel, from this... interesting (lol) takeaway:
Tumblr media
I mean obviously one poll is not really indicative of anything, but I'm not terribly surprised. This is why I stress the importance of liberatory politics, because anyone with eyes can see that Israel is the aggressor here, same as Russia in Ukraine. But I'm also gonna give some grace to people currently fighting off an aggressor of their own. Doesn't excuse it, I wish world leaders would be more consistent, but it is what it is.
I see more support from Palestinians to Ukrainians than vice versa, and of course there are Ukrainian Palestinians and Palestinian Ukrainians, and idk how they feel about the idiots discoursing on tumblr dot com but hopefully they don't bother with it lol. You all - Ukrainians, Palestinians - have way more important things to deal with and don't need us internet weirdos getting on you all about this shit.
The rest of us? We can and should reflect on why we support various liberation movements and not others. Everyone should be free - I don't care if Ukraine gets funding from a totally cancelable #problematic shithole country like the United States of Hell, I'm happy we are on the right side of this... and I'm furious that politicians here are trying to tie Ukraine aid to fucking Israel genocide money and so-called border security funding (although my understanding is that got dropped thanks to Republicans being unhinged lol thank god). I am not going to blame Ukrainians for being mad about the holdup here, but also... idk man it's a good thing Israel didn't get more aid, and it's very good that our stupid border hawks didn't get their way either. I think it would be horrible if Ukrainian liberation had the cost of aiding a genocide. And I hate that preventing more genocide aid to Israel in this case meant preventing Ukraine from getting aid.
Unfortunately geopolitics are very, very messy and every country that isn't a global power depends on powerful countries for something. It's not about morality. Which is why states suck and should be abolished lol but that's another topic for another day.
Thank you for sharing anon, sorry for being wordy. I would love to hear what you think about any of this or of course anything.
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shotofstress · 9 months
Is so fuck up that the most things say about the genocide in Palestine is "cease fire" like would stop them from been under colonization. The most thing say should and must be "elimination of Israel and colonization ". They have no right to be in Palestine, Congo or any other Global South territory, as USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, China, Russia, etc have zero right to be in Palestine or any other country that is not their countries. No colonies, no apartheid, no invasion, no imperialism. Remember when ppl was totally on board of go guerrilla mode to Ukraine to fight against Russia? Why u all so ok with go to fight to defend a racist xenophobic neo nazi state (which don't deserve colonization either, but hear this) and then u "remember" that Palestine and (Africa really) has been under invasion and colonialist for decades and centuries even, but hey, now rising in arms is bad and no a single person has speak about it?
We know that most of u will not have the knowledge to do a shit in Palestine territory, but where is the spirit? Where is all that which make dudes want to go to ukraine? Gone huh? So is only valid and important when is about fascist europeam white ppl, but not when is Global South ppl. Where are all the tankies huh? All the so called guerrilleros now? Ppl love to full their mouth with past or recent history of, for example, how ppl from all over the world went to fight in the Spanish civil war and how they were real leftists and all that. Now? Now u can't even boycott shit properly. Do u even know how many invasions, dictatorships and colonizations are right now?
So is not just cease fire, is get the fuck out of other ppls land. Is not just about Palestine, and at the same time everything's is about Palestine bc it has become more than clear that western countries have seen now that they can openly do whatever they want, plain sight, shown in every media, and ppl will not fight them, will not bomb their war companies and factories, will not fight the normality of daily life. The far right is openly taking the world, and ppl behave like is normal. We can't even join all the oppressed groups to demand fucking housing or having water, even less fight for other causes. The puppet of Europe and USA is killing Palestinians and neighbours countries. Congo, Sudan, Siria, Chad, Gabon, Burkina Faso, etc etc do u know what's going on in this places??? Did u know that USA has established 16 military bases invading South America this 2023? That is supporting the dictatorship in Argentina? (Yes, they are no longer under democracy). That Operacion Condor 2.0 is in process? That when in 2019 Chile dictatorships under Piñera the weapons, tactics and methods of mutilating where learn at hands of USA /israeli training and their intelligence apparatus? That every weapon has been "tested " on Palestine?
Every single bullet against Global South, every single tactic, every single technology of war, has been and is currently been used in Palestine.
Every attack made against Global South is has been and is an attack to Palestine, as every attack against Palestine is an attack that has reach or will gonna reach South America, Asia, Africa.
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ask-vladimir-makarov · 8 months
This blog is going on hiatus until further notice.
This will be a long post. Please read it anyway.
I've gone back and forth on this for a while now. I've been dealing with health problems and real life responsibilities that make it difficult to keep up with my regular posting, let alone with projects like this, which is why I haven't posted in so long. However, in the end, I decided I don't want to anymore.
I like Vladimir Makarov, as a character. I’ve been drawn to him since high school. He’s an interesting character to pick apart and analyze, both in the context of his fictional world and the larger meta context of his place in the narrative and how he’s received by his audience, especially in the realm of fandom.
However, he's also a character who has canonically committed genocide against the Chechen people during the First Chechen War. He is a character who, during his operations as a terrorist, profits from genocide in the Global South, particularly on the continent of Africa. And his reboot incarnation is no better, having taken part in Barkov’s occupation of Urzikstan and seeking to reoccupy it—timeline discrepancies aside, this is the character Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer wrote. And it’s for a reason.
I can sit here and talk about the nuances of fiction and reality and what it means to like a fictional character all day. However, I cannot and will not run a fan blog for a fictional genocider when my country, the United States, is funding, conducting, and aiding and abetting in multiple genocides across the world. I cannot draw Makarov cheekily answering asks about his love life and personal tastes while people suffer in Palestine, in Sudan, in Congo and elsewhere. I cannot contribute to a fandom environment where colonialism, oppression, and genocide are glossed over, whether fictional or real.
I implore everyone who follows this blog, or who reads this post, to do something within your ability if you aren't already. Attend a protest, participate in strikes like the one currently underway, and contact your representatives and implore them to denounce genocide and apartheid. Boycott companies on the BDS list and give your financial support to those who need it, whether that means donating to trustworthy organizations, purchasing e-sims for people on the ground in Gaza, or donating directly to those in need. Buy your electronics used and refurbished, not new. Create art—draw, write, make music, whatever it is you do—in solidarity for the peoples affected by colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. If you use social media frequently, follow those affected by these conflicts, pay attention to the news they share. Take the time to put the present into context and educate yourselves on the history of these conflicts and the systems at play. Encourage others to do the same.
Here is a very small list of resources on Palestine, Sudan, and the DRC to get you started. I may add more links in the near future, but keep in mind this is no way meant to be exhaustive; it is imperative that y’all take the time to inform and investigate yourselves. I nor anyone else can spoon-feed the facts. I've linked directly to donation pages for some, but I encourage y'all to dig through their sites to learn more and find more resources.
🇵🇸 Eye on Palestine + Taawon Association + Palestinian Children's Relief Fund 🇵🇸
🇸🇩 NasAlSudan: The Sudanese Revolution + What is Happening in Sudan? 🇸🇩
🇸🇩 Darfur Women Action Group 🇸🇩
🇨🇩 Friends of the Congo + their Resource Center 🇨🇩
>> kandakat_alhaqq on Twitter also has an extensive linktree of resources on many countries and groups in need of aid, including Sudan and South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Morocco, and the Uyghur people Some of the links I've already listed here.
>> Genocide Watch tracks genocide around the world. They have a list of reports by region and many resources on educating oneself about genocide, including a breakdown of the Ten Stages of Genocide.
Finally, as fans of Call of Duty, it’s important to acknowledge and reckon with the fact that these games are military propaganda. I’ve seen this refrain passed around the fandom time and time again, but very rarely do I see it actively engaged with; most often it’s used as a way of dismissing the game’s narratives in favor of doing whatever one wants with the characters. And as someone who’s made it My Thing to do whatever I want with the characters while also staying cognizant of the themes of the stories these characters come from, I’m going to challenge y’all to do the same.
Engage with the propaganda.
Take the time to analyze and deconstruct the games and their themes and pay attention to what viewpoints they’re encouraging. Pay attention to who you, the player, will have your guns pointed at most often, and why.
(Also, please please PLEASE watch Jacob Geller's excellent video, "Does Call of Duty Believe in Anything?")
And for those of us who like Makarov the character, take the time to educate yourselves on the very real things this fictional character was involved in, whether in the context of the original trilogy or the ongoing reboot. Put the present into context. Consider the role this character plays in the narrative, and why.
Do these things privately and publicly. Post about it alongside whatever else you share in fandom, whether that's art, fanfic, headcanons or meta analysis. Discuss it with your fellow fans.
I may one day come back to this blog, or I may not. Please do not hold your breath either way—this blog was a short and fun thing while it lasted, but to me, paying attention to the real world and treating these games with the gravity and depth they require is a more important use of my time. None of us are free until all of us are.
Thank you to the kind people who've followed this blog and sent asks, and thank you for reading this post all the way through.
I’ll see y’all downrange.
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kewpiiie · 6 months
I think the thing that is so wild to me is how intertwined black liberation has been to Palestine for DECADES and if y’all had been actively reading the resources we were constantly talking about back in 2020, you’d know that. Sometimes I feel like people who call their activism “intersectional” mean they care about the current trending leftist movement they are told to care about. If your activism is really intersectional then you know BLM didn’t start in 2020 and that Palestine didn’t start being colonized in October. These are issues that have been written about in detail for decades, please stop waiting for activism to reach social media, please start reading academic papers and get involved with your local activist groups, go to protest, organize in your communities.
Too much activism has been reduced down to watching TikTok and video essays, and while I’m not against using social media platforms for political organization and awareness, in fact I think it VITAL, but this is the privilege we are talking about. If you didn’t have to know about how rampant police brutality is in the black community until it was filmed and put on social media, you are privileged, if you have been able to be unaware of the treatment of Arabs has been, because trust me Israel and America has more history than just with Palestine, than you are privileged.
“The revolution will not be televised” has transformed into “the revolution will not be noticed until it is trending” but even then when it done trending, you go back to ignoring it. BLM and ACAB has been reduced to a Twitter bio label, while my life is even more in danger than before because y’all stayed silent when abolish the police turned into defund the police turned into fund the police, and now we gotta deal with Cop City and Palestine protesters facing the same violence as BLM protesters years ago.
I know I’m not saying anything new but when ever this conversation comes up it’s always about “white liberals” and that’s it own thing, but I’m talking about self proclaimed socialists, anarchist, communist, and any otherwise anti-capitalist leftist, who does the same thing but has distanced their self, from reading and participating in the actions that the label implies. You can not be anti-capitalist and be ignorant to Sudan and Congo until it’s trending. I understand that there is no perfect way to be anti-capitalist, especially in America, but the left has got to get better.
I’m tired of fighting unseen fights until it becomes a trending topic too late only for the fire to die out once some other tragedy trends catch the current leftist attention. Your activism shouldn’t be distractible. I’m begging y’all to not stop talking about genocide, racism, colonialism, police brutality, capitalism, and any and all forms of oppression. ESPECIALLY when it’s not trending.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 11 months
Very difficult and tender transmission to give that is wrapped in compassion so please consider slow-reading with some deep breaths, pauses, care and love. You have to be willing, at some point, if/when you are ready, to see life beyond "good/bad" or "right/wrong." If you are not ready, then the following message is not for you at this time, if ever, which also a beautiful awareness to have of oneself. Learn to honor and respect soul contracts.
In some soul contracts, there will be people assigned the role of victims and others assigned as villains. Oppressed and oppressors. In other soul contracts, there will precious sweet tiny people who will be murdered or harmed in devastatingly cruel ways and it will shatter your heart. You may find yourself in a freeze state, unable to move or get out of the bed.
Let's go deeper into this download, specifically on villains: Villains, as stated, are not good/bad. Nothing is. None of us want villains in our lives or to be victims. And what's also true is that villains generally teach very real life lessons that often transform us in some deep way if we are open-minded and can receive. With that consideration, not all villains need to be removed from your life if you have the capacity and vitality for alchemy.
Let's say you have a brother who was soul contracted to be the perfect villain in your life. He is difficult AF to be in relationship with. He doesn't respect your time. You don't trust him. You may not really like your brother but you put up with him within your boundaries, and eventually can feel some sense of grace for his presence, because you recognize the gifts and opportunities for expansion he brings. You may learn skills like patience, how to read people, how to communicate difficult things, etc. This reverse-engineering is not the same thing as tolerating abusive behavior from someone. You must have boundaries if you decide to play in this way!
It is, however, teaching you how to usurp more energy in the chaotic-ness of life, in what is. A similar reverse-engineering can also apply to your boss or a difficult colleague at work. Our villains show up for us in ways that we couldn't show for ourselves and provide us with greater intelligence. It's the art-of-war, lover-warrior recalibration tinkering. And the lessons learned will be inextricably connected to other areas of our bodies and lives. Magic! The world is experiencing so much polarity right now, but you must remember who you are, a God, united with heaven on earth, expanding and sparking new creation. When you start to navigate multiple dimensions of reality, you begin to unconsciously pull your life force energy out of the matrix for it to be harvested and used up. It's like you are in the world, leaving your unique imprints upon the world, but are not constantly being imprint upon by a world that exists in an old timeline. Sovereign. Read that again.
I always like to remind myself that many people are still fighting their great grandparents wars. The old pain is still alive, active, and living in the body, and when you start to unhook yourself, you can see it clearly. If/when you are ready, witness the matrix for what it is. Experience the range of emotions, especially grieve that you, individually, do not have control over every single thing happening in the external world. Yes we live in relationship with nature, the non-human world, and other humans and can impact and influence, but sit with the deeply uncomfortable feeling that there will be some things that are not in our control. If you can't directly do anything about the issues in the Congo, Palestine, Israel, Sudan, etc., what can you do with the world around you?
This is why I am get so deeply syrupy sweet, warm, soft in my body, speech and care practices, and strong --physically and emotionally--in my body. I am generally kind and patient with people I come contact with, not so easily triggered, able to lend an ear or a hand, aware that many people are under massive amounts of stress and not take anything around me personally.
When/if you are ready, place everything in its proper order and perspective. When you do, you are tapping into your divine energy in your human form. Then miracles start to happen in ways that you become of service for this planet in deeper ways that are necessary now more than ever. Embrace all the emotions that rise up from being human. There may be need for you to take care of yourself in ways that take you offline and into the forest. To lengthen and open your body with deep stretching and rest practices. When you are ready, consider tuning into the deeper truth of what is means to human and female in our collective timeline so that your body doesn't absorb crisis after crisis. Don't run from what is happening. Your emotions will be channeled. And your body may take a big hit, but it doesn't absorb the turbulence in ways that the crisis becomes part of your identity and consciousness. Knowing that you can hold it all unlocks your greater Ma/Mother frequency--which means that you must stay in contact with the earth. Grounded. What you are doing now, loved one, is living more in service to the new earth, the higher frequency emerging. -India Ame'ye, Author
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adropofhumanity · 11 months
today i saw that a thousand people are following me. i came to think that it is because i may be having some impact on you all to find me worthy enough of your attention. thank you ever so much for the love, Allāh bless every single one of you. if i may, i will make just one request. please keep fighting and screaming against oppression. OF ALL KINDS. in this moment, it is gaza, sudan, congo and afghanistan that is suffocating. but if at all tomorrow it is some other nation or group of people, please do not criticise their pain. take it as your own because we are humans. we are made of the same blood, feelings, flesh as the others. for now, though, please do not pause or halt speaking about gaza. their terror, screams and ache could are not fortunate enough to even take a breath. followers and popularity and fame mean nothing to me and Allāh is my witness. however, the more you can reach, the more you can help and that is exactly why i urge you to keep spreading awareness. this is all that we have in our power and it is all that we will use until the oppressors know and see that goodness will never let deceit and lies win.
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see-think-write · 5 months
Why do we hate protesters so much?
1.Intro, what are we talking about?
All these years we've been experiencing many protests , although most of them, at least the most memorable ones, share one objective: To save human lives and the planet; from these we may remember BLM(i.e Black Lives Matter),which had an up rise after the killing of George Floyd in 2020, Ultima Generazione in Italy,Germany and other countries (in English:"The last Generation".) which are climate activists ,who gained a lot of attention in Italy because of their actions towards art pieces, and more recently the Free Palestine movement, an initiative for the liberation of Palestine from the oppression of the Israeli ethno-state.
All of these movements have been repudiated both by the antagonistic groups, i.e most right-winged groups, but also by the common proletariat.
2.Why are these actions and actors hated?
The reasons why the right wing hates these movements are very simple:
They,the protesters, do not condone the "rightful" killing of the lesser beings, the half-animals , the savages , the lower race(s)
These problems do not exist, in their view of reality, so why protest and bother(i.e stop working, i.e stop making them their "hard earned money") those who are working ever so hardly to actually get somewhere? :( (Of course this is pure sarcasm , fuck the bourgeoisie<3)
But what would be the reasons why the proletariat would hate these movements for, when they are fighting for the people too?
There are none but the influence of the ruling class' ideas in our own minds.
If we are only ever taught to think about concepts A,B and C through one specific lens , and that is the ruling class' lens , we will never be able to see the liberation of the people as something that is: 1. Achievable or 2. Desirable.
3.Divide to conquer
And it may as well not be achievable if we do not open our eyes and stop "othering" anyone that doesn't look the same way as us, that doesn't love the same things, or people like us , etc; that is another concept, that has been handed down to us by the ruling class, who must:
Divide the white from the black , to conquer.
Divide the man from the woman, to conquer.
Divide the queer from the "normal", to conquer.
Divide the civilization from "savagery", to conquer.
Divide the Christian from the Muslim, to conquer.
Divide the civilian from the protester , to conquer.
To conquer what? Everything: All land, people, animal, or entity to make the wheel of the capital turn once again, to redirect our class hatred towards ourselves , to keep us blind of who is pressing the boot to our neck.
Martin Niemoeller once said:
"First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me."
This is the "Zuerst kamen sie..." poem (in English:"First they came...".)where the pastor speaks on why staying silent in front of brutality is so dangerous:
If we do not use our only power, our organization, to speak for those who have the boot on their throats ,either figuratively or literally, one day the boot will reach our throat.
4.So, why are protesters hated so much?
Because they are a threat,because they are a demonstration of the power that the working class has when properly organized even in such a small scale.
The ruling class hands this fear down to us , in the form of hatred , to keep us blind and disorganized.
Warning:ALL of my posts may be subjected to changes and or elimination.
Discussion and/or criticism is always welcome!
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sunnunderthesun · 6 months
"We organized the very last show in 2023..."
Whether to address societal issues or personal traumas of people, forum theatre coupled with psychodrama have been used by NGOs in a number of tormented African nations.
The Brazilian theatre practitioner, Augusto Boal, is known as the creator of forum theatre – an interactive form of theatre in which the audience becomes “spect-actors” when they intervene and change the course of the play. Psychodrama occurs as the actors portray their real-life struggles and explore their anguishes. Spreading messages of awareness and resilience through masquerade and embryonic dramas has been around in Africa since times immemorial. But Boal’s method of forum theatre is now being applied in an effort to unite Africans in regions of tension.
In the book Art and Conscientization (2015), Claus Schrowange writes about his experiences of developing and organising plays with groups in Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo “for the promotion of peace, human rights, and sustainable development”.
According to him, “The ideal Forum Theatre performance is indoor with 20 to 100 spectators, in a hall of the size of one to three classrooms. The larger the audience, the less intense the program. ... Actors should not use microphones, not even during open air performances. Microphones destroy the natural voice which is necessary to project emotions to the audience. ... Our actors only wear uniform T-shirts, most of the time in black and white, with black trousers or skirt. They remove wristwatches, necklaces, earrings and any other item that attracts unnecessary attention. In order to open the senses and energy flow and make better use of their body, they always perform barefoot. ... The play is the heart of the activity. Our goal is to leave the audience astonished, inspired, confused, and enlightened at the same time. We motivate them to become active in their daily lives and within their limited means and powers, to act against all kinds of injustice, violence and Human Rights abuses. ... The actors don’t need to be experts in theatre, but they have to be open to discover themselves and share their real emotions on stage. Actors should act in the language they are using in their own daily life. When it is not possible, more emphasis should be given on the non-verbal expression and the verbal part should be reduced to a minimum.”
However, theatrical attempts to unite different African communities, especially those engaged in decades-long violence against each other, aren't easily welcomed. In areas prone to violence between militant groups and government forces, many adults and children end up becoming soldiers to survive in the absence of employment or education opportunities. The children get drugged and the women and girls are raped by armed men. The forcibly-displaced surviving civilians have deep emotional scars and distrust for NGOs.
“Africa independence was a masquerade, and most of the scourges that devastate this region are consequences of government irresponsibility, and the lack of some politicians’ awareness. They promulgate laws and change them, but they don’t ensure that the entire population has understood them: the first victims of this situation are not enlightened. This is the environment in which our Theatre of the Oppressed group is working,” writes Eliezer Kasereka who, along with his friend, once violently protested against plays organised by Schrowange in Kiwanja because his Theatre of the Oppressed mixed Rwandans and Congolese when there were allegations that Rwanda supported the rebel groups operating in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. But Schrowange and his group were able to influence Kasereka into experiencing “the power that Theatre of the Oppressed has to change minds and heal hearts”.
Since the beginning of 2016, Joseph Tsongo, the founder and CEO of Amani-Institute ASBL, and his friend Eliezer Kasereka, supported by the NGO APRED-RGL, began to use “participatory forum theater in psychodrama style” to help the child soldiers, who had managed to escape from the deadly clutches of armed groups, reintegrate into the society that feared them. They used to host theatre workshops at least once a week in the north-eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Last month, we contacted Mr. Tsongo to learn when the last forum theater was held by him, considering the present crisis in the country. On April 2nd, 2024, he said, ...we organized the very last show in 2023 due to the deteriorating security situation in the region, as well as due to a lack of necessary resources. (His original reply in French: En effet, nous avions organisé le tout dernier spectacle en 2023 et cela en raison de la détérioration de la situation sécuritaire dans la région mais aussi par manque de moyens nécessaires.)
In this regard, worthy of mention is Milo Rau’s solution-driven political theatre, The Congo Tribunal, involving the “victims, perpetrators, witnesses and analysts of the Congo War in Bukavu/Eastern Congo”. It explores the war in Congo – triggered by the West-sponsored Rwandan Genocide (1994) and fuelled by the powerful capitalists’ greed for the country’s natural resources necessary to run the technology of the 21st century – that has claimed the lives of over six million Congolese people. Based on The Congo Tribunal, Rau’s opera called Justice is “the first lyric work on the crimes of transnational companies ever” developed with the victims of the Glencore copper mine accident at Kabwe, aiming to raise funds for them. Justice will be taking the audience "to the heart of the Congolese mining industry", at Tangente St. Pölten Festival in Austria on 30th April, 2024.
However, the Congolese people, struggling with the harsh realities of civil wars and continuous exploitations by the economically powerful nations, need much more international attention than they are receiving now.
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fuck you tumblr
with that out of the way, hi. here's a medkit i threw together out of the stuff i have in my household supplies. these are australian products and i took this like, two months ago to post on private and forgot to share here.
honorable mentions missing here are bottled water (important for rinsing wounds clean of debris and substances of skin), package of bandaids (for small wounds that can be easily covered), and a tourniquet.
a friend of mine was great enough to give me feedback on the kit (it's good, just needs identifying on where to store it while protesting and what else needs to put in), and suggested:
compressed gauze
powderless nitrile gloves
masks because you're going to be in crowds of people and god fucking dammit nobody takes covid seriously
and, the tourniquet.
and one that i suggest with high caution:
any essential medication the twelve can not try and pin you for. if you get pulled to the side and have a restrictive practice object on you, they'll try anything.
A quick note about the makeup pads I will go over in the item description after the image: alcohol swabs are for cleaning, not drying. the makeup pads are what you use to dry the wound. i've suggested makeup pads here because they're all around applicators, generally inexpensive, and compact.
Storing your medkit: have a designated medkit carrier. if you have to carry semi or fully restrictive medications, or have a lot of people therefore a lot of supplies, or feel as if that might slow you down, store it in your vehicle so you both have a medical station AND a safe place to keep it. most people have a first aid box in their cars nowadays- it's not unusual, and they cannot fucking arrest you for having one in there.
Regular medkit checks: Before the protest, make sure your consumables are still within their expiries. Swap out old medication, put in new stuff. Disinfectant also spoils over time. Make sure single use things like bandaids, swabs, blister packs for pain management aren't broken or opened to expose the contents to outside elements.
Allergies and intolerances: Before you meet up for the protest, ideally, is when you make sure you have your medical bracelets on your person. That way if something happens to cause you to be unable to speak or communicate effectively and a person you do not know tries to give you treatment, they can determine whether you can or not receive particular forms. Common bracelets have penicillin, and diabetes, but can be engraved to have any ailment on them. Look out for a medical bracelet, necklace, or any other form of ID when giving treatment to an unresponsive person.
feel free to add whatever you want to this post, but be constructive about it. this is for palestine, sudan, bali, the congo. this is for rioting against oppression and genocide- not rioting for.
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[Image ID:] General use household items laid out against a beige tablecloth. There are edited in numbers to identify each object. Please ignore the quantity text- .
1: Bandage clasps/bobby pins. Carry as many as you want, important for fixing wound covers.
2. Alcohol swabs. Good for quick cleaning of wounds.
3. Makeup pads/ tissues/ anything good for cleansing and packing wounds. These will take up room in your kit, but are worth having.
4. Antiseptic ointment. Needed for things that look infected. Good for awkward placed wounds that need to be disinfected.
5. Liquid disinfectant. Much stronger than the ointment, can be used to disinfect wounds. Also much better for disinfecting equipment.
6. Bandages. Used in conjunction to your clasps and bobby pins. Watch a few videos on different limb wrapping techniques, practice on yourself or a friend. Get them to do the same to you. Medium crepe is recommended for general purpose woundwrapping.
7. Paper tape. Used for packing down wound dressings from under the bandage.
8. Bars of soap. Useful for unsticking zippers, and can be used to clean equipment and clothes. Incredibly useful.
9. Aspirin and other pain managements. Ensure you have an alternative to penicillin products- very common allergy. Would not carry more than one sheet per person for obvious reasons. Avoid taking very strong pain managers that can be both confiscated as dangerous drugs and pin you for assumed trafficking.
Not included: bottled water (for rinsing, drinking, cleaning) and a tourniquet (i hope you never have to use this in a protest, but you can never be too careful), as well as a box of disposable masks. A plastic bag or two would not be harmful, either.
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uninterruptedafricans · 8 months
Human Suffering is not a cognitive exercise for Americans.
We should be in solidarity with other marginalized groups because : It’s all the same oppression/oppressor..
If you choose not to care, then go above your business… quietly.
bum knee-grows have been online slandering liberation movements since 2020. It’s counterproductive
I’ve been reading about DRC children in colbalt mines & violence against Congolese women since 2010. The information was always out there. These longtime situations in Congo, Sudan & Palestine flared up around the same time
however :
1. The door to talk about atrocities in Africa was opened BECAUSE of the discussion about Palestine. If Israel didn’t blast OCT 7th to the mainstream media - folks wouldn’t be talking about any of this. Because Americans don’t seek global news - the news cycle informs us.
2. People only bringing up Congo to negate Palestine or play this whole Black vs. Arab narrative are egotistical. Stop playing reindeer games with human suffering! Stop trying to guilt people online because you think they are giving too much attention to Palestinians. Just support who you wanna support .. it’s all necessary because there are several atrocities happening at once.
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sguysmw · 1 month
I feel broken. I feel so genuinely broken.
Our fragile planet is suffering and no mainstream sources are saying anything. Genocide after genocide is being carried out yet political factions are fighting each other. I am watching this like I am in the middle of an empty intersection. Sitting there, lonely, with tears streaking down from my innocent eyes. It hurts.
I am a Christian. As Christ himself taught to feed the poor and heal the sick, so I staunchly support the liberation of Palestine, of Congo and Sudan, of Ukraine and Puerto Rico, of Turtle Island, Aboriginal Australia, and Aotearoa, of all oppressed peoples of the world. But I haven't seen any Christians with a major platform here in the Global North speak out, especially when Palestinian Christians are suffering too. It's so heartbreaking to see very little support for the oppressed in the church of the Global North. I just know there's more, I just haven't found them.
I worry that if I even sympathize with the marginalized, many people who happen to follow that same faith would bash on me, maybe even excommunicate me. For doing what Jesus himself taught us to do. This is what the faith I hold dear to my heart has become. Its mere husk.
Every day, I keep thinking about the marginalized, the neglected, the least of us, and I cry. I genuinely cry. I even wonder if God is letting me side with the marginalized or if it's the Devil himself. (I know it's God.)
To everyone—regardless of who you are, where you are, or what you believe in—who is doing their part to help the oppressed, I sincerely thank you. I know this community is genuinely powerful. If we work together, we can only go so far. I know we have a lot of barriers, but I always look on the bright side!
Again, a sincere thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart. May God be with you all.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 months
just thinking of passover / pesach &. while pesach was, whether you believe it happened historically or it's a foundational myth of the jewish people, it was about the exodus and the jewish people's escape from slavery in egypt & overall the quest for freedom in ancient times, in recent memory & today from injustice & slavery & human freedom & dignity, courage, determination, the freedom to live in peace, with dignity & the hope for a brighter, better future, the power of humanity to change their destiny & the power of hope. while pesach is an exclusively jewish holiday & it'd be great if xtians would stop tryna host "xtian seders", to us&, as a native & jewish bodied system, pesach means solidarity & liberation for not just jewish people but for everyone & now there's literally so many people out both in the past, in the recent past & right here & right now, jewish & goyim who need that freedom & liberation & are still struggling for that freedom. so many jews around the world, indigenous peoples around the world, black folx, the queer community, the disabled community, palestine, syria, yemen, iran, the sami, the romani, the uighurs in china, the tibetans, the yazidi, west papua, sudan, congo, somalia, colombia, mexico, cambodia, eritrea, ethiopia, myanmar, armenia, ukraine, haiti, hawaii, & so many others that i cant even think of at the top of my head. in the humanistic haggadah, i've& heard the ten plagues represent hunger, war, crime, disease, racism, abuse, poverty, homophobia/transphobia (although i'd& argue its queerphobia as a whole which inherently includes homophobia & transphobia), pollution of the earth & indifference to suffering while in others i've& heard it's also tyranny, greed, bigotry, injustice & ignorance. so with that said i& have to reiterate as ive& said many times before: literally none of us are free until all of us are free. freedom & liberation to all oppressed peoples now & forever. & also the fact that autism awareness & acceptance month, lesbian visibility week, genderqueer visibility day & passover is happening all at the same time makes me go heehee :>
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