jellibelli123 · 3 hours
EVIL rain world regions
MILITARY industrial complex
chimney CANTopy
five PAIN
BYE islands
HARM arrays
OUCHter expanse
SUBOPTIMAL superstructure
looks to the MELEE
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jellibelli123 · 4 hours
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freaky little scavenger
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jellibelli123 · 4 hours
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The Palestinian (1977)
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jellibelli123 · 4 hours
Happiness is inherent, not earned. We have to rip down that dam hyper hierarchy has put up, which is often the hard part but those doors and dam are what gives the illusion that it's something we have to find or earn; tear down that dam, don't play the game of earning happiness.
You all got this! Keep going 💕
i think a lot of people are unhappy because they thing happiness is something that people find or consume rather than something they have to be an active participant in
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jellibelli123 · 5 hours
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actually, i guess nows as good a time as any. heres all my pokemon warmups from the past 9 days! i wonder how long i can keep going
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jellibelli123 · 5 hours
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Hopper is actually not always mean, only most of the time :) The scarecrow got the brunt of her attitude here.
The Swordfish and Hopper Heraldic pins are still here for a week! They’ve found almost 400 homes by now, which I am so grateful for. Here’s the link if you’d like to grab the pair too:
Heraldic Duo Pin Pack
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jellibelli123 · 5 hours
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whoops i meant to put this in the last post
Of the friendships Narinder makes out of imprisonment, I'd like to think he visits Chemach while she's in her chains (and Kuudai and Clauneck) occasionally to talk about Old God stuff
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jellibelli123 · 5 hours
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jellibelli123 · 5 hours
"uwu autistic gamer gf"
yeah autism is cute and sexy until you meet someone with high support needs or someone who has frequent breakdowns.
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jellibelli123 · 10 hours
I just don’t get it. How can our society act so goddamned normal about seahorses. How can anybody so casually accept that that’s a fish???
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This is one of nature’s most anatomically perverse of all beasts. A FISH, like a carp or a bass or a beta is a fish, but it bent its body straight up only to bend its head permanently back down. It stretched its skull into a pipe. It tapered its tail like a lizard, specifically like a chameleon. It can also move its eyes independently by the way, you know, like a chameleon. Fun fact, it can change color to express its mood, like you know whatever does that. It doesn’t properly swim anymore. It buzzes its few remaining fins like an insect’s wings to float itself around at a snail’s pace. It lives its whole life clinging to coral branches or seaweed, which means it decided to become a “tree dweller” in an environment where gravity didn’t even matter anyway. The males get pregnant. They make noises at each other by rubbing some of their neck bones together. Every day, EVERY DAY a mated pair does a little dance and a little neck bone song so they remember which two seahorses they were. They’re a beautiful precious obscenity. Nothing so adorable ever made such a strong case against a logical creator.
They have as little skin and meat as they could get away with. Their skeleton is almost all they are.
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jellibelli123 · 12 hours
Narilamb crack idea where lamb is a poor unfortunate sailor stuck on an island after a shipwreck and Narinder is the siren/seamonster circling the island attempting (unsuccessfully) to lure them into the water so he can eat them.
Over the course of time they end up bonding, and after multiple failed murder attempts on Narinder’s part he realizes that he’s stopped seriously hunting them, its more like a game between them at that point (lamb still assumes he would eat them if they fell in, though.) He eventually does catch them, but to lamb’s surprise, he lets them go.
Anyway that’s all I got for now but I am Thinking Thoughts
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jellibelli123 · 12 hours
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Concept comic for a scene I'm writing for Trod
Takes place in the before-Shamura and mass dissention arc. I think the menticide mushrooms would react horrifically combined with godhood. Instead of seeing things that aren't real, they see real things they're not supposed to
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jellibelli123 · 22 hours
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The Owl House (Season 1) Speedrun Any%
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jellibelli123 · 22 hours
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[All comics in order here]
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jellibelli123 · 22 hours
It really hurts seeing so many sites go down the drain as of late.
Youtube just announced they're bringing ai in that "help Shorts creators" by making content for them. 6 seconds right now, but they will do more; love the "gonna do a vine without the human" comments. It's also bringing in a tumblr blaze feature that definitely wont be pumped by bots to promote content farms...
Then we have discord going to shit too, almost unusable on android; snapchat (though I never used it) is going to use your face to promote ads to yourself; twitter is well...worse.. no surprise there.
Tumblr is trying to pull shit without much success as far as I'm aware which thank god it hasn't worked well!
Who uses Facebook or Instagram anymore? What happened to Pinterest?! /s I know.
I really don't know what to do, I just got back on my feet again to create things, to do one of my dreams and we get immediately curbstomped by all this crap!
I have no idea how to make a website let alone run one like YouTube, but my god at some point I just might!
Nearly a whole 20 years of YouTube and look what they did in less than 5...I think I might keep my art and creativity to myself and my friends and family. Too hurtful for the world to see, but just as much as it hurts to wall up.
Maybe one day I'll get a website up, but at this rate it may just get shut down by Google through a lawsuit and lobbying even though by all accounts there was no real stealing or copying. It's what monopolies do.
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jellibelli123 · 2 days
“This representation was groundbreaking for the time and a lot of people liked it” and “This may have aged poorly and many modern audiences from the group don’t feel represented by it and are bothered by aspects of it” are not mutually exclusive
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jellibelli123 · 2 days
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today's bug thing is the Love Grub plush bag!
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