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ilcontephotography · 10 months ago
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Gur-e-Amir, the mausoleum of Timur/Tamerlane (1404, renovated in the 20th century).
Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
© Roberto Conte (2023)
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leitoracomcompanhia · 3 months ago
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Abu Ali
"Um nome dos mais comuns, Abu Ali. mas, quando um homem letrado, em Bucara, Córdova, Balkh ou Bagdade, o menciona assim num tom de familiar deferência, naõ há confusão possível quanto ao personagem: trata-se de Abu ali Ibn Sina, célebre no Ocidente so o nome de Avicena, Omar não o conheceu, pois nasceu onze anos depois da sua morte, mas venera-o como o mestre indiscutível da sua gera��ão, o detentor de todas as ciências, o apóstolo da Razão."
Amin Maalouf, "Samarcanda"; retrato de Avicena (980-1037) por Hossein Behzad.
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milkywayrollercoaster · 2 years ago
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foto cjmn
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sefaradweb · 2 months ago
China y el Lejano Oriente en el relato de Benjamín de Tudela (siglo xii). Realidades y fantasías
🇪🇸 Benjamín de Tudela, un viajero judío del siglo XII, realizó un extenso recorrido entre 1165 y 1173, documentando en su obra Séfer Masa’ot (Libro de los Viajes) una gran cantidad de información sobre diversas culturas, religiones y geografías, desde Bagdad hasta lugares remotos de Asia Central, India, Tíbet y China. En su relato, destaca no solo la descripción de las rutas comerciales centroasiáticas y los centros de intercambio como Samarcanda, sino también la presencia de comunidades judías en Kaifeng (China) y las interacciones con otras culturas. Sin embargo, sus observaciones mezclan hechos reales y mitos, dando pie a la creación de fantasías sobre criaturas y lugares lejanos. La influencia de las rutas comerciales de los Radanitas, los mercaderes judíos que conectaban Europa y Asia, es crucial en sus relatos. A través de su obra, Benjamín contribuyó al conocimiento europeo sobre Oriente y dejó una huella significativa en la documentación histórica y cultural de su tiempo. Las descripciones sobre China y sus mitos, aunque muchas veces imprecisas, reflejan el asombro ante culturas distantes y misteriosas.
🇺🇸 Benjamin de Tudela, a 12th-century Jewish traveler, undertook an extensive journey between 1165 and 1173, documenting in his work Sefer Masa’ot (Book of Travels) a wealth of information about various cultures, religions, and geographies, from Baghdad to remote places in Central Asia, India, Tibet, and China. His account highlights not only the description of Central Asian trade routes and exchange hubs like Samarkand, but also the Jewish communities in Kaifeng (China) and interactions with other cultures. However, his observations blend real facts with myths, leading to the creation of fantasies about creatures and distant places. The influence of the Radhanite trade routes, Jewish merchants who connected Europe and Asia, is crucial in his narratives. Through his work, Benjamin contributed to European knowledge of the East and left a significant mark on the historical and cultural documentation of his time. His descriptions of China and its myths, though often inaccurate, reflect the awe towards distant and mysterious cultures.
Magdalena Mironesko, A., & Magdalena Nom de Déu, J. R. (2018). Xina i l’Orient Llunyà en el relat de Benjamín de Tudela (segle XII). Realitats i fantasies. Quaderns De Filologia - Estudis Literaris, 23, 143–156. https://doi.org/10.7203/qdfed.23.13467
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jaz-norman · 2 years ago
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Samarcanda part 3 by Roberto Vecchioni
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stoneoferech · 4 hours ago
Samarcanda, Uzbekistan
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pier-carlo-universe · 11 days ago
La storia di Samarcanda: Dalle antiche origini sogdiane all’epoca d’oro timuride
Un affascinante viaggio nel tempo attraverso uno dei centri più antichi dell’Asia Centrale, luogo di incroci culturali e culla di straordinarie testimonianze architettoniche.
Un affascinante viaggio nel tempo attraverso uno dei centri più antichi dell’Asia Centrale, luogo di incroci culturali e culla di straordinarie testimonianze architettoniche. Samarcanda è una delle più antiche città dell’Asia Centrale, con radici che affondano nel VI secolo a.C. Dapprima centro della civiltà sogdiana, divenne successivamente un nodo cruciale lungo la Via della Seta, favorendo lo…
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eva248 · 29 days ago
Lecturas de noviembre. Cuarta semana
Hierro viejo / Marto Pariente. Editorial Siruela, 2024 Coveiro, el sepulturero de Balanegra, cava una fosa. Sin prisa. A golpe de pico y pala ahonda el agujero y mantiene a raya a sus fantasmas. Los muertos no recuerdan nada, y él debería hacer lo mismo. Y es que Coveiro sigue metiendo gente bajo tierra, solo que ahora, ya en la recta final de una vida de violencia, lo hace de manera legal.…
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vqtblog · 4 months ago
Las fotos de Hambar - Uzbekistan, Samarcanda - EL REGISTAN (II)
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ilcontephotography · 4 months ago
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Shah-i-Zinda necropolis.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
© Roberto Conte (2017)
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leitoracomcompanhia · 2 months ago
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"Não mudarei de rumo por causa do meu nome, não mudarei de nome por causa do meu rumo."
Amin Maalouf, "Samarcanda"; pintura de Abu'l-Hasan Sani al-Mulk.
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milkywayrollercoaster · 2 years ago
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Photo cjmn
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studiova · 5 months ago
Ruta de la seda Uzbekistán Septiembre | Desde 1800€
Explora la Ruta de la Seda con nuestro paquete exclusivo. Descubre Tashkent, Samarcanda, Bukhara y Khiva, inmersos en una rica historia y arquitectura impresionante. Disfruta de tours guiados, experiencias culturales y paisajes deslumbrantes.
Experiencia en la Ruta de la Seda Sumérgete en la rica tapicería de la Ruta de la Seda, donde cada paso revela historias centenarias y maravillas sensoriales. Siente el cálido abrazo del sol uzbeko mientras recorres los bulliciosos bazares de Tashkent, donde el aroma embriagador de especias exóticas se mezcla con la risa contagiosa de los comerciantes. Admira la majestuosidad de las mezquitas de…
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jaz-norman · 2 years ago
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Samarcanda part 1 by Roberto Vecchioni
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6ghassan · 1 year ago
Samarcanda by Filippo Bianchi Via Flickr: Samarkand, Registan by night
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ladymisteria · 2 years ago
Laugh, laugh, laugh again, Now the war is not scary.
Burn the uniforms in the fire in the evening, Burn in the throat vine to the full.
Music of tambourines 'till dawn. The soldier who all night danced,
Saw in the crowd that black lady. Saw that she was looking for him and became frightened.
"Save me, save me, great ruler! Let me flee, flee from here!"
"At the parade she stood by me, And she looked at me with malice."
"Give him, give him an animal! Son of lightning, worthy of a king!"
"Quick, quicker so that he may flee. Give him the fastest beast there is…"
"Run horse, run please! All the way to Samarkand I will lead you,"
"Don't stop, fly please! Run like the wind, that I will save myself…"
Oh oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh...
Rivers then fields, then the dawn was purple, white the towers he finally touched,
But there was in the crowd that black lady. Tired of fleeing, his head he bowed.
"You were among the people in the capital. I know you looked at me with malice."
"I ran away among the crickets and cicadas, I ran away but I find you here…"
"You are wrong, you deceive yourself, you are wrong soldier. I was not looking at you with malice."
"It was merely an astonished look: What were you doing the day before yesterday there?"
"I was expecting you here for today in Samarkand. You were so far away two days ago."
"I feared that, to hear the band, You wouldn't make it in time to get here."
"It's not so far away Samarkand, Run horse, run that way."
"I sang along with you all night long: 'Run like the wind, that he will get there…'"
Oh oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh, horse, Oh, oh...
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