#Sam Leach
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eppysboys · 2 years ago
Sam Leach and Joan McEvoy's Engagement Party, 17th March 1962 🕺💃
Earlier in the evening, The Beatles performed at the Village Hall in Knotty Ash, Liverpool. The evening was billed as a "St. Patrick's Night Rock Gala". Sam Leach, (Liverpool concert booker) booked The Beatles and Rory Storm and The Hurricanes to draw a big crowd so that he could make enough profits to pay for his engagement party, scheduled to follow the night's show. Both bands attended Leach's party, which didn't end until the following afternoon. Also present at the party was Mike McCartney, Paul's girlfriend Dorothy 'Dot' Rhone, Brian Epstein, Bob Wooler and Ted 'Kingsize' Taylor.
In his book Sam Leach has a distinct memory of 'a gang of us' (presumably including Beatles and Hurricanes) travelling to the party from Knotty Ash in a van. Their driver (not Neil Aspinall) pulled out from the Village Hall into the path of a speeding articulated lorry which seemed to have appeared from nowhere. Everyone braced themselves for the inevitable impact but miraculously the lorry, its brakes screeching hysterically, managed to stop less than a foot from the side of the van. Shocked, stunned, shaken and stirred, everyone in the van travelled the 1.5 miles to the party in complete silence. 
Hurricane Johnny 'Guitar' Byrne diary entry for 1962 mentions the party:
"Bought Zodiac. Knotty Ash, Orrell, then Sam Leach's engagement party. Had row with Eileen. Got home 6."
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The party was at the family house in Huyton, thrown by Dolly, mother of Vera and Joan McEvoy.
"I can vouch for the fact that Brian fell in love with Vera and pursued her all night. In fact after the party he wrote more than one letter to Dolly asking her could she help him fix a date with Vera. Unfortunately for Brian she wasn't interested." Sam Leach (She seemed a little interested, as displayed below)
"Brown, who was married (but separated) at the time of her liaison with Epstein in 1962, describes him as "...very emotional. He always gave the impression of being cold and icy, but he was very softhearted, very tender, very gentle, and he had a lot of feelings. And he was all man, I don't care what they say." (Ray Coleman, The Man Who Made The Beatles)
"We’d been to the Knotty Ash Club for my sister’s engagement. The Beatles had played there, as did Rory [Storm] and a few other groups. Afterwards, as usual, we all went back to the house and Brian came along.
If you saw the Beatles in my mother’s they were just a scruffy bunch of boys. And who’d look at them? I wouldn’t bother with them but then Brian stood out and Brian looked like the real thing. He was handsome. He was tall. He was immaculate. That’s why I let Brian get behind the bar with me and help me serve the drinks. He was the best of the bunch.
So we were just behind the bar when Elvis came on, 'Heartbreak Hotel’. He loved it, I loved it, and we started dancing. There wasn’t much room. You know, you could go two steps forward, three steps back and that was it. So we sort of got a bit close and everyone was laughing at us, saying, like, 'What’s going on?’ But if you moved sideways you fell over the crates. There were crates of beer in there and everybody’s coats. We ended up on top of the coats or on top of the crates if we just moved the wrong way. And we got pretty close but I wasn’t surprised by the way he was acting towards me.
We were dancing and kissing at the same time. He was probably one of the sexiest fellas I had ever met. People say, 'Oh well, Brian was gay.’ but he wasn’t very gay with me. He was just like any other man and more. He was very easy-going and casual and funny. He’d make you laugh and he could dance. You know he could move. He said to me, 'I’ve seen you in different places and I thought you were stuck up.’ And I said, 'Well, I thought you were stuck up because I remember being in your shop and you were like the big boss.’
I think he was pretty fresh. In a house where people are looking at you it’s not like a club with all the lights out and people tend to be aware of others but Brian wasn’t that bothered. He was interested and he showed it. Maybe he’d had a bit too much to drink. I don’t know. But I can’t say that because I met Brian afterwards and he was still interested.
The next day he called round to the house. I wasn’t there so he talked to my mother about poetry. I don’t know how they got talking about poems but Brian came the following day with a book of poems for my mother with a little letter. He also gave her a letter thanking her for having the party because everyone had made such a terrible mess of the house. It was full of eggs and rubbish and bottles everywhere and he apologized for the actions of everybody else at the party.
Well, my mother just thought he was the most wonderful person in the world. At last a gentleman has come through this door and not Teddy boys and hooligans and all the rest of it. In the first letter he said he’d enjoyed meeting her, loved coming to the house, felt so welcome and would she mind if he came around again to see me. I said to my mum, 'Well, that’s impossible. How can I see him? You know I can’t go out with Brian.’ She said, 'You will have to’.
My mother was in love with Brian: 'He’s beautiful. He’s wonderful.’ So she sort of arranged it. I didn’t want him to come and pick me up at the house because I didn’t want people to see us going out. I arranged to meet him in a little cafe in Bold Street. We had a coffee and a chat and then I can’t really remember where we went. We went somewhere for a drink around Bold Street where there were all these little dives at the time. But I had to be back for nine o'clock. Another time I met him in the Tower and we had a little chat. We met in the back office and had a talk.
I liked Brian as a man and I think Brian liked me. But then he suggested if we were to go out we’d have to go to Southport or Manchester - anywhere out of Liverpool because he didn’t want to walk into my husband in Liverpool. We were separated at the time but it was a little bit awkward, you know.
It’s hard for me to believe Brian was gay. I think if I had been free and if I’d seen more of Brian I think we could have got serious. I think he was all man. I just can’t accept that he was gay.
In the shop Brian seemed like a man, like your dad shouting at you and superior. He had an attitude of superiority. But later on I discovered he was just like any other man. I thought he was a very passionate, loving person. He was like two different people. So if there’s a third person involved - this gay person - I just say he’s one hell of a man to be able to please everybody. You know, he was just unique. That’s all I can say." Vera Brown, In His Life, The Brian Epstein Story.
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"George always fancied Joan and when I began dating her, he asked her to let him know when she finished seeing me. 'But don't tell Sam', he added. 'He’d batter me!' Today she probably feels like battering me for spoiling her chances." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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"Later in the evening, Joan had a headache and said she was going upstairs for a lie down. I went to fetch a couple of aspirins from the kitchen and said I'd follow her. Bob Wooler then made a typically cheap remark about pre-marital sex. Before I had a chance to sort him out, Paul and George grabbed him and made him personally apologise to Joan." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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"Rory Storm was lying on the floor hopelessly drunk. He shouted up to Paul, 'I wanna be in the picture'. So, as you can see, Paul bent down and lifted his foot into the shot." Sam Leach
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"The night rolled on and I found Lennon, completely sloshed, sitting in the kitchen rolling raw eggs down Ann Barton's birds-nest hairstyle. Each time one broke, he gave a gasp of astonishment at the gooey yellow mess spreading across the tiled floor. Dolly found out and gave him a severe rollicking, which sobered him up enough to utter a sincere, 'Sorry, Mrs Mac'. Everyone liked and respected Dolly McEvoy and that was the only time I ever saw Lennon genuinely humbled. He disappeared for a while after that and was found later fast asleep in the bath.
When he finally came downstairs, he once again started to apologise. Dolly had forgotten all about it, but he was still apologising as he left at nine the next morning. As we stood outside, he shook my hand gravely. 'That was the very best party I've ever been to . . . honest,' he croaked. I was pleased everyone had enjoyed themselves, but when John started thanking me for a third time, I put him in a taxi and packed him off home. As he left, I slipped an egg into his pocket. He never did tell me how that hatched out." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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dateinthelife · 1 year ago
9 December 1961
In an effort to get the Beatles noticed by London labels, promoter Sam Leach books them for five Saturday nights at Palais Ballroom in Aldershot, Hampshire. Unfortunately, many factors contribute to this being an utter failure, including:
The venue actually being 37 miles from London
Leach's newspaper ad being rejected because, as a new advertiser, he was required to pay in cash and sent a check instead; without contact info, the paper could not reach him to explain
The band descending upon local coffee bars prior to the show failed to drum up the required interest
The record player used during the interval broke, so the Beatles barely got any break
The band played to about 18 people and while they did play the whole set, eventually found comfort in dancing with one another and playing football (with bingo balls) in the hall and drinking beer.
The police were called and upon exiting the boys were told to leave and never return
Oddly, this did not result in overnight fame and fortune, and after one more night with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, Leach canceled the remaining rentals.
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[More photos at Beatlesbible.com]
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idontwanttospoiltheparty · 9 months ago
The Virtues of Amsterdam
On the topic of John and Brian's relationship and the buildup to the Barcelona trip, a passage from the book The Rocking City: The Explosive Birth of the Beatles was brought to my attention, which I found interesting so I wanna post it here and talk a bit about it.
Background: Sam Leach was a promoter in the early 60s, and put on many shows for the Beatles, whom he met after they returned from their first Hamburg residence. In 1999 he published a book chronicling his connection with the band.
The author situates the following passage, found on p. 159 here, in early 1962, after an evening of pub crawling with Sam, John, Paul (who by this point has gone home), and Brian.
Brian was doing the driving that night, so didn't have too much to drink. About four in the morning, he dropped me at my house and I invited him and John in for a coffee. The Beatles had no bookings that weekend and as we sat around the kitchen table, Brian was trying to persuade John to go with him on a short break to Amstendam. In those days, few of us knew much about homosexuality and I thought it was a good idea for John to go. 'The break will do you good, John, I said, casually, to which he gave me a short, sharp kick to the shins under the table. Looking at his bleary eyes, I figured he was well tanked up and ignored him. Brian continued to extol the virtues of Amsterdan and again I said John should go and enjoy himself. This time his kick drew blood and I glared at him angrily. At that moment, Brian excused himself and went to use the toilet. Once he was out of the room, I reached across the table and grabbed John by the collar, hissing, 'What are you playing at?' He doubled up with laughter and gasped. 'You bloody fool! Can't you see he's after me?' If anyone ever had a blank expression on their face, I did then. My befuddled brain struggled to grasp his meaning. Well, it was 1962! Nevertheless, I nodded sagely. 'Oh… I see.' When Brian returned, I got John out of the situation by reminding him of a forthcoming party. 'I was forgetting Rory's getting engaged on Saturday. We're all invited, so I'm afraid Amsterdam is out.' Lennon's reply didn't help. 'Is Rory getting engaged again?' Clearly disappointed, Brian dropped the subject. At Rory's 'engagement' party, I collared John and asked him what he'd meant by Brian being 'after him'. Hooting with laughter, Lennon told the gathering what had happened and everyone had a good laugh at my expense. The next time I took my Tower publicity material to NEMS, it was an embarrassed Brian who asked if John had said anything about him. His relief was obvious when I lied. No. Why should he?'
My anon was implying that the above passage demonstrates Brian putting pressure on John early on in their relationship, when the power was more tipped in Brian's favour.
While I agree that before securing a recording contract John's position was more precarious and Brian was arguably the more powerful one out of the two (though John was already enjoying a decent amount of local fame by this point), I feel this passage actually shows that*, even when John was in an objectively less powerful position than the one he was in by April 1963, he seemingly had no qualms ignoring Brian's invitation, since he never did accompany him to Amsterdam. This would indicate that when he accepted a similar invitation a year later, it was not because he felt it would be career-ending to turn Brian down.
Now, does that mean John definitely went to Barcelona because he was nothing but enthusiastic about the prospect of alone time with Brian? Not necessarily! The account he provided Pete Shotton about his sexual encounter with Brian might suggest that John was more relenting to Brian's apparently endless advances, rather than eagerly consenting ("Eppy just kept on and on at me."). Of course, both Pete in his book and John within this anecdote have an incentive to play down any genuine interest John may have had, but there's certainly a plausible version of events here where maybe Brian does not take no for an answer and spends possibly over a year propositioning John until he finally acquiesces. While this scenario certainly doesn't put Brian in the most flattering light, it's very different from the idea that Brian directly harnessed his position as John's manager to coerce him into sex.
Personally, I'd say the above passage from Leach's book makes it seem like John found all of this mostly amusing, at least by this point in time. It could definitely have eventually stopped being fun to him, but I also think it's very possible that John was consistently giving Brian mixed signals and perhaps quite deliberately keeping him hanging.
*I'm taking the passage from Leach's book at face value here, but I think it would be fair to question whether the author was (perhaps entirely subconsciously!) informed by the Barcelona story and misremembered some details here. I do think this is based on a real memory, but it should never be forgotten that a lot of Beatle anecdotes have been heavily influenced by narratives.
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leverageclips · 2 years ago
The Great Leverage Popularity Contest!
Vote for your favorite characters!
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Sophie Devereaux vs Parker 2000
Archie Leach vs Quinn
Eliot Spencer vs Those Irish Henchmen
Sam Ford vs Maggie Collins
Parker vs Jack Hurley
Harry Wilson vs Tara Cole
Alec Hardison vs Jim Sterling
Nathan Ford vs Breanna Casey
Sophie Devereaux vs Quinn
Eliot Spencer vs Maggie Collins
Parker vs Tara Cole
Alec Hardison vs Breanna Casey
Sophie Devereaux VS Eliot Spencer
Parker VS Alec Hardison
Eliot Spencer VS Parker
Get ready to choose favorites! Only the ultimate blorbo wins! Vote for YOUR poor little meow meow and/or Babygirl!
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allaboutherock2011 · 24 days ago
Swedish Goth Rock Mob The Dead And Living To Release New EP
Following on from the success of their latest singles, ‘DAMAGE’, ‘DEMONS TILL I’M DEAD’, and ‘MAGMA HEART’, Swedish goth rock mob The Dead And Living are set to release the long awaited follow up to their 2019 album “THE AUTHOR’S CURSE”, the EP “DAMAGE”, on February 28th through Rexius Records.   The “DAMAGE” EP brings The Dead And Living up to date and into an unknown future. After ten years of…
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genevieveetguy · 26 days ago
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. I can't have a baby because I have a 12:30 lunch meeting.
Baby Boom, Charles Shyer (1987)
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http-shield · 5 months ago
kinda obsessed with the idea of Bucky having an unhinged attack dog mission partner (as well as friends but they're always paired together on missions) when I say unhinged attack dog, I mean like that meme "he said no pickles!" and its just bucky hiding behind you as you scream at whoever makes you upset on his behalf. I can totally see this happening when you're confronting john walker after he killed someone in tfatws
youre standing between Sam and Bucky, dagger held between your fingers as you let the guys do the talking. It's not that they don't let you talk; you just don't find it worth the time or effort to try and reason with someone as unhinged as Walker. you're silent the whole conversation, even as he begins to spout of bullshit.
"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well." Bucky warns him, trying to create an ending that isn't a fight.
"I'm not like you." Walker seethes.
You take a step forward the second the syllables leach from his mouth. "Say that again, Walker."
Sam holds a hand out in an effort to deter you, but it goes unnoticed.
"What do you mean by that, huh?" you take another step forward, slipping the knife back into the holster on your hip. "Speak up Mr. America."
"It's Captain America, and he knows what I mean. The whole world does."
That causes you to see red. You're so fed up with everyone holding that over Bucky's head that you lunge forward, bare fists ready to make contact with Walker's face, but two arms wrapped around your waist pull you back.
"What are you doing?" Bucky hisses, pulling you back into ranks. "We're trying to avoid a fight."
"I can take him." you mutter, glaring at your opponent.
"You're in time out. Go outside." Bucky lets you go, pushing on your shoulders to shove you outside. "Walk it off."
"I'm an adult, you cant-"
"Outside. Now." he barks. "Take a lap."
a/n: its like 3 am, idk what this is but I was watching tfatws and thought about how I wanted to smack everyone in the face who was mean to bucky (is this a bit pick me of a fic? i don't want it to be a 'im not like other girls' I just want it to be tiny angry dog protecting big calm dog
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poirott · 6 months ago
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Agatha Christie's 'Towards Zero' tv series: First Look
The BBC has released the first pictures of Towards Zero, based on the classic mystery by Agatha Christie.
England, 1936. After a scandalous celebrity divorce, Nevile Strange and his ex-wife Audrey make the unthinkable decision to spend a summer together at Gull's Point, their childhood home and the coastal estate of Nevile's aunt, Lady Tressilian.
With unfinished business between the former childhood sweethearts, plus the presence of Nevile's new wife Kay, tensions are running high. Add to this a long-suffering lady's companion, a mysterious gentleman's valet, an exiled cousin with a grudge, a venerable family lawyer, an inquisitive orphan and a French con man, and soon there will be murder. A troubled detective must rediscover his purpose to untangle a toxic web of jealousy, deceit and dysfunction. Can he solve the crime before another victim meets their death?
The new pictures give a first glimpse at Lady Tressilian (Anjelica Huston), Inspector Leach (Matthew Rhys) and British tennis star Nevile Strange (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) - seen in the pics with the two ladies in his life: ex-wife Audrey (Ella Lily Hyland) and new wife Kay (Mimi Keene). The series is also starring Clarke Peters as Mr. Treves, an old friend of Lady Tressilian, Anjana Vasan as Mary Aldin, another party guest caught up in this disastrous mess, Jack Farthing as suspect Thomas Royde, Jackie Clune (Motherland), Grace Doherty (Call the Midwife), Khalil Gharbia (Mary & George), and Adam Hugill (Sherwood).
Towards Zero is expected to premiere on the BBC over the 2024 holidays and arrive on BritBox in early 2025. It's been adapted for screen by BAFTA-nominated Rachel Bennette (NW) and directed by the Olivier Award-winning Sam Yates (Magpie).
Source: BBC, Agatha Christie Official Instagram - October 1 2024
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hb-writes · 21 days ago
Unwanted Thoughts
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Summary: When Bobby, Dean, and Sam get called to go on a dangerous hunt, Dean decides its best for Nora to stay behind. After a fight ensues, Dean drops her off with Sheriff Jody Mills to keep an eye on her. When the hunt goes on later than expected, Nora becomes restless as the unwanted thoughts start creeping in.
Characters: Dean Winchester & Nora Winchester (OC)
Supernatural (Nora Winchester) Masterlist
Comfy-vember/Comfy-cember/Fluff-uary/Marshmallow March Masterlist
Nora had spent the night tossing and turning in Jody's guest room, the restlessness becoming worse with each night she hadn’t heard from her brothers or Bobby. They were usually pretty good about it—checking in and keeping her up to date about how things were going and when they’d be back—but she hadn’t heard from them in days. 
Nora knew she shouldn’t worry. As far as she was concerned, her brothers and Bobby were some of the best hunters out there, but even so…their phones were all going to voicemail and with each unanswered call, the unhelpful thoughts became more and more insistent.
They’re not coming back.
 You’re all alone. 
Nora knew she wasn’t actually all alone. Even with her brothers and Bobby gone, Jody was just down the hall and even when she was at work, she was calling her to check in. For over a week, the woman had been offering to chat and cooking Nora’s meals and making her giant mugs of chamomile tea that Nora always left untouched, stale and tepid by the time Jody checked on Nora in the morning.
And Jody always did check, pushing open the door to the guest room a little before 6 am as she left for work. Jody was consistent and informative, always telling Nora when to expect her back and reminding Nora of her expectations even though Nora hadn’t given the woman any trouble at all. 
As far as Nora was concerned, she’d been in enough trouble recently. She had ended up at Jody’s place because she had given Dean plenty of trouble when he said they were leaving her behind. So she’d been an angel for Jody. No trouble at all except for the fact that Nora tossed and turned and paced through the night and Jody could hear it through the thin walls separating bedrooms. But she was a tidy kid and as far as Jody could tell, she was doing the homework Sam left for her and she stayed in the house like Jody asked her to. It was far better than Jody had expected from a Winchester. 
Nora was finally half asleep when the small part of her still clinging onto consciousness heard the door swing open. Facing the wall, she braced herself for Jody’s part-lecture, part-morning salutation, knowing she would have to find the will to respond, but Nora didn’t hear anything except the shuffle of feet across the floor
Nora flinched when she felt a hand land on her shoulder, the bed covers being slowly peeled back. She grabbed the arm at the wrist, holding it away as she turned on her back. 
“Dean?” Nora asked, still holding his arm back. She blinked a few times, testing her eyes in the dawning light of the bedroom.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dean said, smiling despite the large scar across his cheek. “Jody said you just got to sleep so I was going to carry you out, but since you’re up, I’ll save my back the—”
“You’re okay?” Nora interrupted. “You and Sam and Uncle Bobby? You’re—”
“Yeah,” Dean chuckled. “We’re fine. Just hit a few roadblocks in the case. And some traffic outside of—hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, picking up on some change in his sister, some familiar heaviness that Dean could almost feel leaching into him.
“It’s not funny, Dean,” she answered. “I was scare—" Nora stopped herself. "I thought…I thought something happened or that you weren’t coming back or—”
“Hey, hey. Relax. Slow down,” Dean said as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come here, kiddo. Come here.” 
Nora let out a shaky breath and did the slow work of untangling herself from the blankets so she could hug her brother, his arms enveloping her. 
Dean could feel a wave of tension leaving his sister as he held her close. “You really thought I wouldn’t come back?” 
Nora shrugged in her brother’s arms, not wanting to look him in the eye or confirm that particular insecurity. Now that she had gotten it out and Dean was so clearly here—alive and safe and not even annoyed with her anymore—Nora sort of wished she hadn’t said anything at all. She wished she had just stayed quiet. 
She didn’t want to admit that deep down, some part of struggled with a whole lot of unwanted thoughts. She didn't want to disclose that some part of her was still convinced that Sam and Dean would like nothing more than to leave her behind indefinitely, to get rid of the responsibility of taking care of her. She also didn’t want to admit that their delayed return had so easily reminded her of their father. It reminded her of when he had gone away on hunts for months at a time and barely checked in at all. And when Dean laughed it off just now, it reminded Nora of how her father had dismissed her emotions after his long absences, too. 
It reminded her of how he had left and never came back. 
“You were really mad at me when you left,” she finally said. 
“Yeah,” Dean answered. “I was pissed. You were being a brat and annoying the hell out of me, but come on, Nor,” he continued as he rubbed her back. “When have I ever not come back? You know me better than that.”
Nora let the words rattle around and settle, but she still didn’t shift, staying comfortably tucked against her brother’s chest. 
“Listen, you’re going to have to do worse than throw a little tantrum if you want to get rid of me. Sam’s been a bigger brat than you since 1983 and I've always come back for him, right?” 
Nora nodded. Even when her brothers hadn’t spoken during Sam’s college years, Dean had always kept tabs on their brother, and no matter what, they always came back together. 
Nora took a few deep breaths, letting her brothers words reassure her and Dean pressed a kiss to her head, hugging her tighter for a moment. 
“Alright, kid.” Dean tried to shift Nora in his arms. “Let’s put this chick flick moment behind us. Sam and Bobby are out in the car and if Bobby doesn’t get a cup of coffee soon, I don’t even want to know what’s going to happen.” 
Despite the serious concern raised by Dean's statement—Bobby could be notoriously cranky when not appropriately caffeinated—Nora stayed put for a moment, cherishing the quiet before she mumbled a question her brother could barely hear. “Is it too early for pie? The diner always has chocolate cream pie on Tuesdays.”
“Too early for pie?” he asked. “What the hell kind of question is that? Let's go.”
Supernatural (Nora Winchester) Masterlist
Comfy-vember/Comfy-cember/Fluff-uary/Marshmallow March Masterlist
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boys-just-wanna · 1 month ago
Sam’s eyes were closed, but he had been awake for a while now. He knew it was nearing morning because he could hear the birds slowly start to wake outside the motel window. He kept his eyes closed focusing on what he was feeling.
He could feel him. His breath slow and deep, smelling of mint and something indescribably Dean. His strong arm wrapped around Sam’s uneasy middle. The heat from his body leaching into Sam’s side. A warmth Sam drank in, greedily savored.
This was not unlike their usual nights. Dad gone for weeks. Keeping their resources for himself. Begrudgingly leaving a few scraps for them to survive off of. Not even springing for two beds. Leaving Sam and Dean to share one.
Dean bitched about it briefly, nowhere dad could hear of course. Dean knew better than expressing anything other than complete obedience when it came to dad. Sam on the other hand stayed quiet when they walked into the room for the first time. Unloading his light pack into the dresser. Stealing back a glance at the bed while a fleeting shiver of satisfaction rushed through his chest. It was exactly what he wanted.
He loved sleeping next to Dean. Always had. Not because he was a baby or anything. He just liked it… but he was 14 now, and expected to sleep by himself.
Nights when dad was out working a case or crashed drunkenly on the couch and Dean took the opportunity to sleep in the separate bed, left Sam with a deep feeling of something he could only describe as maybe, loss... Like a limb was missing. He would toss and turn. Feeling too cold, unsure of how to place his body. Those nights sleep would evade him. Those mornings spent irritable at everything.
So, knowing that for the foreseeable future he had Dean all to himself made his lips curl up at the corner and left a heavy feeling deep in his stomach.
Dean had a tendency to snuggle in his sleep. Usually, he would end up bunching up his blankets or tightly gripping a pillow. But on the nights they were stuck together in bed, Dean would unconsciously pull Sam into him instead.
Sam relished the feeling of Dean's strong arm sliding over his stomach, gripping him gently and dragging him closer. Sam’s head went dizzy at Deans breath caressing his neck. The feel of his hard body, nearly fully grown having just turned seventeen, pressed to his side. Deans leg draped over his own. Sam would sink into him as far as he could. Letting his deep and even breaths lull him into a state of contentment, drifting to sleep in his favorite place in the world.
But tonight was different than most nights. Sam woke to Dean stirring next to him, grumbling a hum in his sleep, tugging him close. It took only a moment for the new sensation to catch his attention. Heat rushed through his core as the realization of what he was feeling sunk into his mind. For the first time Sam felt Deans hard dick pressing into his thigh.
Sam knew most guys got morning wood, he was beginning to experience it himself lately, but this was the first time he felt his brothers. Sam froze. Not knowing what to think at first.
Maybe Dean was dreaming about one of the girls he likes, Blonde and giggly. Dean would once in a while go out after school and come back bringing Sam stories of Suzy or Brittany or Sarah or any number of girls his brother charmed. Sam would grumble and make some comment about hating being left alone all night or having to cook his own dinner. He would notice Dean frown at these comments, he would slump in his chair and avoid looking Sam in the eyes.
Sam couldn't help it though. When he heard about all of these girls that kept his brother out so late, he would feel a pang of what could only be described as jealousy. But he couldn't figure out if he was jealous of Dean or maybe... the girls. Sam tried not to linger on the feeling though. Not really understanding what it meant.
Sam couldn't blame the town girls though; his brother was simply beautiful. There was no denying it, everyone thought so. He had these green eyes that he would flash at waitresses to set them giggling. He always got compliments wherever they went. All ages of women would mention it. What a pretty boy he was.
But it was the random men's eyes that lingered too long on him, running up and down his brother's body, that set dads lips into a hard line. When dad would notice the looks, he would stare daggers at Dean, but no one would talk about it. Sam would see the red creeping up Deans face as his eyes stayed locked on the floor.
Sam knew what was accepted and what was not in his dad's world. Heard him whisper slurs under his breath when they would pass someone in the street who even gave so much as a hint that they were playing for the other team. “Fucking Faggot...” dad would say. “You boys better steer clear of those types, you hear me?”. Dean would answer with a swift “Yessir.”. Sam never really understood what the big deal was but the line was set in stone.
Yet here he was. His breath growing quicker at the feeling of his brother's, what he could only assume as was an impressive erection, at least compared to himself, pressing into him. Separated from him by only the thin fabric of their pajama bottoms. The warmth and slight throb of it turning Sam’s bones to liquid. He could feel himself slowly getting hard.
Before he knew what he was doing Sam was sliding his hand down his own chest. Trailing along his stomach. Lightly brushing over Deans arm wrapped around him, and slipping into his pants. He slowly grabbed himself and started rubbing the soft tip of his now full erection. Feeling the pre cum start to leak. Using it to slick his fingers and rub slowly up and down his length. Focusing on the feeling of Dean next to him. So close. So warm. His hard dick steadily pressing into him, it made him throb in his hand.
He knew he couldn’t go fast. He couldn’t risk moving too much and waking Dean. He continued slowly rubbing up and down the length of himself. All he could hear was Deans calm deep breaths and his own pounding heartbeat in his ears. His breath coming quick and shallow. Spreading the warmth through his body.
He dared to go a little faster, struggling to restrain himself. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this of course. He’d only ever managed to masturbate quickly in the shower a few times, while being rushed to hurry up. What would he say if Dean woke up? How could he even explain? He could feel the heat coiling in his belly at the thought of Dean opening his eyes… and looking down to see him touching himself.
The thought made him suddenly lose hold of what little control he had. He started pumping himself faster. All his muscles clenching as he tried to hold his body still. The waves of heat now pulsing through him. He could feel he was close. It never took long.
He couldn’t resist any longer. He opened his eyes and turned to look at Deans face. Dean was so close to him. His eyebrows relaxed in his slumber. His jawline sprouting just a hint of stubble. His lips… those beautiful full lips… He tried to imagine how soft they felt. Suddenly very jealous of every girl who got to feel them. Sams breath turned ragged. Eyes locked onto his brothers face.
Suddenly and without warning Dean gripped Sam. Grinding his hips into him. Grunting softly in his sleep. Sam felt the whole length of his brother rub up his thigh. Sam gasped as the sudden motion sent flames up his spine. His own hips jutting forward involuntarily.
Sam pumping faster now as the fire ripped through him. Starting in his gut and trailing through his whole body, even down to his toes. He tried to restrain himself but a small strangled sound escaped his lips. He bit his lip as he rode out his orgasm.
Rubbing slowly as the aftershocks rolled through him. The whole time never removing his eyes from Deans lips.
He had never came like that before. But there he was. The inside of his pajama pants now soaked with cum. He would deal with that in the morning. Right now all he could manage to do was let his body sink into the mattress and breathe. His eyelids heavy, breath finally starting to even, as he leaned into Dean and drifted to sleep. In his favorite place in the world.
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johnspookie · 1 year ago
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The Beatles at Sam Leach's and Joan McEvoy's Engagement Party on 17 March 1962
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skydiamonded · 4 months ago
Today’s emotional support Brian post (a day late - my apologies)
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Sources (from the fantastic @bonithica): “the second one was taken on 21 april 1964 at the palace theatre in manchester, third one on 17 march 1962 at sam leach and joan mcvoy’s engagement party, and the fourth one in november 1966, with the four tops”
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ludmilachaibemachado · 2 years ago
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Sam Leach and Joan McEvoy's Engagement Party, 17th March 1962🖤
Earlier in the evening, The Beatles performed at the Village Hall in Knotty Ash, Liverpool. The evening was billed as a "St. Patrick's Night Rock Gala". Sam Leach, (Liverpool concert booker) booked The Beatles and Rory Storm and The Hurricanes to draw a big crowd so that he could make enough profits to pay for his engagement party, scheduled to follow the night's show. Both bands attended Leach's party, which didn't end until the following afternoon. Also present at the party was Mike McCartney, Paul's girlfriend Dorothy 'Dot' Rhone, Brian Epstein, Bob Wooler and Ted 'Kingsize' Taylor. Hurricane Johnny 'Guitar' Byrne diary entry for 1962 mentions the party🖤
Via @inmylifeiloveyoujohnlennon on Instagram🖤
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 1 year ago
What happened to Billy at the end of "Leach in the rain"? How does he feel about what Jacob did to Renesme? What does he think of Renesme? What does he feel about Jacob's death? Does Billy know that Charlie is a vampire now? What is Billy's opinion of Bella after all that has happened?
Leech in the Rain by me and @therealvinelle
What Happened to Billy?
Nothing, he's around/alive, doing as well as expected in the circumstances, he's just off screen because @therealvinelle and I felt the man had suffered enough and he didn't really have much to do in the story.
What Does He Think About Jacob and What He Did?
Per the story Billy's been grieving his son for years, as he reconciled himself with the fact that Jacob was lost to him/the community when he imprinted on the vampire spawn. Jacob's priority became Renesmee and thus the Cullens, this meant if anything ever came to a head or things went south, Jacob would side with them. Offscreen Billy's been growing distant to his son for many years, partly out of Jacob being with Renesmee whenever possible and partly to protect himself from what he sees as the inevitable fallout.
Then the inevitable fallout is much worse than Billy could have ever imagined. He doesn't like the idea of Renesmee, yes, but she's very clearly an innocent and not at fault for being what she is (he blames Edward for that one). What Jacob does to her is horrific and what he clearly planned to do is even worse and would have also put the tribe in tremendous risk if he'd demanded they shield the Cullen daughter from the vampires. Jacob was willing to get them all murdered so that he could assault a little girl.
But for Billy, his son has been dead for years, gone ever since the imprint happened. He can tell himself this isn't his son and apparently it never will be. Essentially, he's in a state of grief, but is at least relieved to know that in his case it really isn't the son he once knew.
What About Renesmee?
Again, he doesn't like the idea of her, and thinks she's inherently dangerous however he recognizes that she's not at fault here and can't help the circumstances of her birth. Even more than the Cullens who were turned into demons, she literally started out life like this.
Helping with this view is the fact that because of Jacob and the imprint Billy has seen Renesmee off and on through the years, as has Emily, Sam, and others and she leaves the impression of a very naive, sweet, and happy child who is unfortunately a blood sucking demon under the hood.
It's a lot of "it's really horrible she's a vampire :/" and not being at all happy that Jacob's caught up in this. Billy would much rather live in the world where Jacob had not imprinted, Renesmee and the Cullens had left, and he never had to think about them again.
They're not close at all though and he hasn't really ever held a conversation with her that he hasn't in some way tried to escape from.
What About Jacob's Death?
Again, per above, Jacob to him died a long time ago. He's grieving, but in a way this brings him closure as if he'd watched his son battle a long terminal illness.
He now doesn't have to wonder how and when Jacob will die, if the Cullens will betray him, or if he'll be stuck living with them forever as an immortal shapeshifter caught in their thrall.
Does He Know Charlie's a Vampire?
He thinks Charlie was eaten when Sam and Leah caught vampire scents in the area. It wouldn't occur to him that vampire warlords, who are at war with half the Cullens, kidnapped him per his connection to Bella where he might be a psychic.
What's His Opinion of Bella?
I imagine he still views her as a victim the way he did in canon. Billy tried to warn Bella as many times as he could, but she was too teenage to listen to him and kept insisting he didn't know what he was talking about or it didn't matter. He tried his best, but he's watching this tragedy of her life and helpless to act.
He blames Edward far more than her for what happened both with Jacob (as Renesmee would never have existed were Edward not a fool) and Bella (becoming a blood sucking demon whose lost all sense of morality).
For Bella's choices, Billy doesn't really understand vampirism, and would think this is very in line with her having become a blood sucking demon. Billy believes Bella's not at the wheel anymore and some crystalline predator has taken her place while claiming its her.
She may not be killing people, but that doesn't mean he didn't expect something akin to this.
Bella, too, has been dead to him for some time.
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allaboutherock2011 · 24 days ago
United By Pain and Rage Hungary's SIN OF GOD Unshackle New Album "Blood Bound"
The metal world is now “Blood Bound” with the release of Hungary’s SIN OF GOD‘s fourth studio album from Exitus Stratagem Records. With influences in thrash, ODM, and blackened and progressive death metal, Sin of God‘s sacrificial offering “Blood Bound” will please both old and new-school death metal fans at the same time. This new full-length presents a collection of variations that exhibit…
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year ago
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Sam Leach - Large Bubble, 2022
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