#Sako Tomohisa
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imma-lil-teapot · 11 months ago
Song Poem Challenge! Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others people that you think might enjoy the challenge!
Ooh, fun!!! Let's give it a whirl~ 😁
Have quite a lot of Japanese songs (actually more than English 'cause Anime 😅) so Imma add the translations from what I can find online. Just note that sources may vary~ 😅 1. I Just Wanna Hold You Tight [MAR END 1] - Miho Komatsu
Nante HIDOI yume na no
What a horrible dream
2. Ai wa Kusuri [The Apothecary Diaries END 2] - wacci
Tuzurareta moji kara ukabu hyoujou
The expression floating from the written characters
3. Style [Soul Eater END 2] - Kana Nishino
Hajimaru yo kimi to boku wo
Let's begin you and me
4. Can-do Dreamer [Tokyo Mew Mew New S2 END] - Smewthie
Don’t stop! nayandenaide jibun no Style de susumeba ii
Don't stop! Don't worry about it, go ahead with your own style
5. Floria [Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP 6] - Tomohisa Sako
Jibun ni wa nai mono bakari
All the things I do not have 6. Yajirushi ni Natte! 2013 (Be an Arrow! 2013) [Pokemon Black and White/Best Wishes N OP] - Rica Matsumoto
Tsuppashiru yajirushi hitotsu!
One dashing arrow! 7. Cheer Song [Bakuten Shoot Beyblade END 1] - System B
Haru wa te o furi hohoende
Spring has appeared smiling 8. Ao no Sumika [Jujutsu Kaisen S2 OP] (English Cover) - NateWantsToBattle
The blues of the sky divide the watercolor scene in two 9. Ashes [Deadpool 2] - Celine Dion
What's left to say? 10. No control - One Direction
Stained coffee cup
To absolutely no one's surprise, the majority ended up being Anime-related! 😆 And Y U do dis again, formatting?! Why can we never get along? 😭
Ahem, so, putting it all together~
What a horrible dream The expression flowing from the written characters Let's begin, you and me Don't stop! Don't worry about it, go ahead with your own style All the things I do not have One dashing arrow! Spring has appeared smiling The blues of the sky divide the watercolor scene in two What's left to say? Stained coffee cup
I like how some of these actually correlated into pairs following a theme of sorts. 😁 As for the chosen blorbo or OTP... I wracked my brain and eventually chose... Kiyoka Kudo x Miyo Saimori from My Happy Marriage, for vibes and aesthetic.
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Look at them! Look at the babies!!! 💙❤️
Thanks a bunch, lovely nonnie! That was a blast! 😁👏 No pressure Asks will be sent to: @ruiniel @hellovivirose and @darkened-storm
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charles1504 · 1 year ago
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Aku baru saja pulang ke rumah kost-ku, setelah 12 jam yang lalu aku bertengkar dengan Lucas. Beberapa teman kost-ku bertanya, aku habis darimana? Seharian nggak kelihatan, dan jam segini baru pulang. Kujawab pertanyaan mereka sekenanya, lalu segera pergi ke kamarku.
Kamar yang kutempati bersama Lucas tampak gelap; mungkin sahabatku itu sudah tidur. Kubuka pintu perlahan-lahan, agar tak membangunkan Lucas.
Namun betapa terkejutnya aku, melihat Lucas tertidur di meja belajar.
"Kebiasaan. Pasti keasikan baca buku," simpulku sekenanya. Mungkin karena suasana gelap, aku tak melihat barang apapun diatas meja belajarnya.
Kuambil selimut miliknya yang terlipat rapi di kasur, lantas menyelimuti tubuhnya yang masih tertidur dengan posisi kepala di atas meja itu. Tak tega membangunkannya.
Aku pun melepas jaketku, menaruhnya asal di kursiku sendiri, lantas membuka ponsel sambil rebahan. Beberapa pesan masuk kubaca, tanpa kubalas. Bahkan chat Valerie yang biasanya selalu kutunggu, hari ini cukup kubaca saja.
12 jam yang lalu, usai bertengkar dengan Lucas, kuputuskan untuk pergi ke rumah Valerie. Untung saja saldo kartu transportasiku masih lebih dari cukup.
Namun saat kereta yang kunaiki berhenti di stasiun Duren Kalibata, aku ragu.
"Harus banget gue ketemu Valerie? Pacar gue bukan, masa' gue seenaknya curhat sama dia?"
Akhirnya hingga pintu kereta kembali tertutup, aku tetap tak bergeming. Hingga kereta tiba di stasiun akhir, yaitu stasiun Jakarta Kota, barulah aku turun.
Aku menghabiskan waktu sekitar tiga jam dengan berjalan-jalan di sekitar Kota Tua. Tidak ada adegan memotret tentunya, karena aku tak membawa ponselku, apalagi kameraku.
Puas berkeliling Kota Tua, aku pun kembali ke stasiun. Namun alih-alih kembali naik kereta jurusan Bogor atau Depok, aku malah naik kereta jurusan Tanjung Priok. Saat kereta itu berhenti di stasiun terakhir pun, aku hanya bergerak untuk pindah gerbong, hingga kereta kembali berjalan.
Namun, ketika kereta berhenti di stasiun Kampung Bandan, aku turun dan berganti kereta tujuan Cikarang. Sama seperti sebelumnya, sampai stasiun Cikarang aku hanya berpindah gerbong, lalu menunggu kereta kembali berjalan.
Kali ini saat kereta tiba di stasiun Duri, aku turun dan berganti kereta tujuan stasiun Tangerang.
Sama seperti tadi, di Stasiun Tangerang aku hanya pindah gerbong, hingga kereta kembali ke stasiun Duri.
Aku lantas pindah kereta, lalu turun di stasiun Tanah Abang dan berganti kereta tujuan stasiun Rangkas Bitung.
Tidak seperti sebelumnya, tiba di Rangkas bitung, aku pun turun dari kereta. Namun aku tidak keluar staisun—demi menghemat saldo kartu transportasiku, tentunya.
Aku hanya duduk merenung di stasiun, memandangi orang-orang yang berlalu lalang. Tubuhku belum terisi makanan maupun minuman sejak pagi, namun anehnya aku tak merasa lemas atau apa. Aku sama sekali tak berselera untuk makan.
Aku melirik jam yang ada di stasiun, waktu menunjukan pukul 20:07. Kuputuskan untuk pulang, dengan kembali naik kereta jurusan Tanah Abang.
Dari Tanah Abang, aku turun di stasiun Manggarai, lalu berpindah ke jalur Bogor. Namun sampai di stasiun Pondok Cina, stasiun terdekat dari kost-ku, aku belum ada niat untuk turun. Aku tetap pada tempatku, hingga kereta berhenti di stasiun Bogor.
Aku turun dari kereta, berjalan-jalan di sekitar stasiun, lalu naik kereta terakhir yang menuju stasiun Jakarta Kota.
Dan kali ini, saat kereta tiba di staisun Pondok Cina, aku benar-benar turun.
Hingga sekarang, tubuhku berada di atas kasur. Lelah, letih, hingga pusing dan mual-mual kini mulai singgah di tubuhku.
Efek aku belum makan apapun, kah?
"Paling besok juga ilang, mending sekarang tidur," ujarku pada diri sendiri, sambil memejamkan mata.
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choijunhoda · 1 year ago
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Nama Lengkap: Choi Jun Ho (최준호)
Nama Panggung: Juno
Tempat Tanggal Lahir: Busan, 7 Juli 2006
Usia: 18 tahun (umur Korea) 17 tahun (umur internasional)
Tinggi Badan: 175cm
Berat Badan: 50kg
Golongan Darah: A
Hobi: Menyanyi, ngefanboy AKB48, ngemil, makan, jajan (terutama permen)
Pekerjaan: Siswa kelas 1 di School of Performing Arts Seoul (SOPA) departemen seni panggung
Klaim wajah: Woo Joo In dalam serial Aturan dalam Web Novel
Klaim Suara: Tomohisa Sako
Tentang Junho
Junho merupakan pemuda yang ceria, ramah, dan suka membantu sesama. Sejak kecil, ia terkenal sebagai sang pemimpi karena selalu berkata ingin menjadi seorang idola. Namun, walau banyak orang yang menertawakan mimpinya, ia tetap tak patah semangat dan bertekad untuk membuktikan kalau ia bisa menjadi seorang idola dan satu panggung dengan Chiba Erii.
Keahliannya adalah bernyanyi. Sejak SD, ia selalu mendapat nilai tinggi dalam mata pelajaran bernyanyi. Ia juga langganan ikut eskul paduan suara sejak SMP sampai SMA. Bahkan, channel youtube-nya yang berisi coveran lagu-lagunya pun memiliki banyak susbcriber dan isi komentarnya selalu menanti cover-an lagu dari Junho.
Junho selalu memiliki energi dan aura positif. Ia juga tak pernah memandang orang lain secara negatif, hal itu yang terkadang membuatnya dalam kesulitan. Ia seringkali dimanfaatkan oleh teman-teman sekelasnya, uang sakunya sering dirampas. Namun Junho tak pernah menganggap mereka jahat. Justru sebaliknya, hal itu membuatnya termotivasi untuk mendapatkan uang saku yang banyak agar teman-temannya tak perlu meminta uang padanya setiap hari.
Dibalik sifatnya yang ceria, kadang ia juga suka merajuk seperti anak kecil jika permintaannya tidak dituruti. Apabila ia tengah merajuk, berikan saja MV AKB48 (terutama saat Chiba Erii jadi centre) maka mood-nya akan langsung membaik.
Junho merupakan anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Kakak perempuannya yang berjarak 6 tahun lebih tua darinya membuka sebuah toko bunga di Busan, sementara adik perempuannya masih berusia tiga tahun. Ibunya meninggal saat melahirkan adiknya, sejak saat itu peran ibu di rumahnya digantikan oleh sang Kakak. Sementara sang ayah, menyibukan diri dengan bekerja agar tak teringat terus dengan mendiang istrinya. Terkadang ia merasa kesepian, karena sejak kecil ia sangat dekat dengan ibunya. Saat kecil, ia pernah mencari semanggi berdaun empat dengan sang ibu. Sejak ibunya meninggal, sepulang sekolah, ia pasti akan mencari semanggi berdaun empat. Ia percaya, mendiang ibunya bereinkarnasi menjadi semanggi, dan ia bisa bangkit dan tersenyum karena hal itu.
Kecintaannya pada dunia tarik suara sudah dimulai sejak SD. Ia sering mengikuti kontes menyanyi, dan selalu keluar menjadi juara satu. Awalnya ia tak begitu tertarik untuk menjadi seorang idola. Namun pikirannya berubah saat ia menonton acara Produce 48, ia jatuh cinta pada Chiba Erii dan bermimpi ingin satu panggung dengan idolanya itu suatu hari nanti. Ditambah, ia juga tak ingin bergantung dengan sang kakak terus menerus, yang sibuk dengan kuliahnya sekaligus mengurus dirinya dan adiknya yang masih sangat kecil. Lulus SMP, ia mendaftarkan dirinya di SOPA High School dan mencoba ikut audisi saat ada audisi menjadi idola. Ia pun lolos keduanya, dan resmi pindah ke Seoul. Ia bertekad untuk pergi ke Seoul selain ingin mengejar mimpinya, ia juga tak ingin merepotkan sang kakak kalau masih harus mengurusnya.
☆ Anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara, satu-satunya laki-laki.
☆ Junho sangat menyayangi kakak dan adiknya. Seminggu sekali, ia akan melakukan video call dengan sang kakak demi melihat wajah kakak dan adiknya
☆ Terkadang uang sakunya ia habiskan untuk belanja merch AKB48, terutama Chiba Erii
☆ Menguasai Bahasa Jepang, belajar otodidak efek menjadi wota
☆ Lebih sering mengcover lagu Jepang dibanding lagu Korea, yang ia upload di channel pribadinya
☆ Suka makan-makanan manis, dan juga pedas
☆ Tidak suka kopi dan makanan pahit lainnya
☆ Bola matanya yang cokelat selalu terlihat cerah karena sifatnya yang ceria
☆ Jarang menangis, marah, ataupun merasa kecewa
☆ Menyukai semanggi berdaun empat
☆ Walau panas, ia sangat menyukai musim panas
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recipe-cookingclass · 1 year ago
Let's go and eat soba at quick stand-up eating soba stand at the station.
料理研究家 ���宿さゆり
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akirafujimine · 2 years ago
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yumejo · 2 years ago
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kanaswan - i have a looot of summer songs here! (only you. by amatsuki is one of my top faves in the playlist...)
nazuqi - cute, fun vibes!! (evening magic by tomohisa sako is also on there)
rindle - more or less abundant gothic songs </3 and vocaloid (also discovery by kailee morgue makes me thinks of them ><///)
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the otps
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wafflesdofly · 3 years ago
歌い手 (Utaite) by 佐香智久(少年T) lyrics and English translation
好きを込めて 突き刺され大切な君へ 全力なラブソング
Filled with affection My sincere love song Strikes you, my beloved
繋ぐのはインターネット 歌いたかった 聞いてほしかった 出来立ての自信作 コメント残して 全部見るよ
The Internet connects us I wanted to sing, and for you to listen To my new release that I’m so proud of Leave a comment I read all of them
ヘタクソだって言われたり キモチワルって言われたり 大丈夫 “大好き”の方が強い 君の一番になれたら 僕に恋をしてくれるのなら かけよう!笑顔にする魔法
People telling me that it’s lousy That it’s disgusting But it’s okay; The voices of people who love it are louder If I can be your number one If you fall in love with me I will cast the magic to make you smile
好きを込めて  突き刺され大切な君へ 全力なラブソング 言葉にして努力して 大切な君へ届けたい ラブソング
Filled with affection My sincere love song Strikes you, my beloved Putting my feelings into words, doing my best For I want this love song To reach you, my dear
Love song
繋がってるSNS リプも嬉しい いつもありがとう 初めてのオリ曲を 今夜19時に投稿します
We’re connect through social media I am glad to receive replies Thank you for everything My very first original song Premieres tonight at 7pm
真似してるって書かれたり 言ってないこと書かれたり 大丈夫“信じてる””の方が強い 一番じゃなくていいから 君の心の隅でいいから 僕がいるなら幸せです
Comments saying that it’s an imitation Misinterpreting my intention But it’s okay; The voices of people who believe in me are louder Even if I am not your number one If I could just take up a small corner in your heart I will be content
愛を込めて包み込む 大切な君を この歌はラブレター 偽りなくひたむき�� 大切な君へ届けたい ラブレター
Wrapping you Up in love This song is a love letter No falsehood whatsoever I only want my sincere love letter To reach you, my dear
Love letter
どれだけ想っても 君は浮気して あいつばかり見て 悔しいな やるせない気持ち…
No matter how much I think of you You are unfaithful Always paying attention to him It’s so frustrating I feel miserable...
もっと大きな 晴れ舞台必ず連れてく 約束だ 絶対だ
I will definitely take you To a grander stage I promise
好きを込めて 突き刺され大切な君へ 全力なラブソング 言葉にして努力して 大切な君へ届けたい ラブソング
Filled with affection My sincere love song Strikes you, my beloved Putting my feelings into words, doing my best For I want this love song  To reach you, my dear
Love song
Credits: Kanji: Lyrical Nonsense Translation: xJayce
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1-mini-1 · 4 years ago
Sako Tomohisa feat. Soraru- My Shooting Star (Boku no Nagareboshi / 僕の流れ星) English Lyrics
指でなぞった星空に キラリ光った流れ星
あの日願った願い事 いつか叶うと信じてた
A sparkling, shining, shooting star was on the night sky I traced with my finger
I believed the wish I made that day would eventually come true
大事なものは道の途中 自分で捨ててきたくせに
いらないものばかり増えて 気付けばここに立ってたんだ
Because I was stupid and threw away what was important in the middle of my journey
I only gained unnecessary things and, before I knew it, I was standing here
Looking up at the sky, those shooting stars
Were like a message from me on that day
They were like a spell that made me remember
What I had forgotten
That I could stay myself and that my dreams wouldn’t end as just dreams
My memories of when I wished on that star sparkled inside me
If my wish is granted, no matter what kind of future may come
Please give me the courage to not run away anymore,
To face forward and keep going
胸に手を当ててみれば そう答えは簡単なのに
言葉にするその勇気を 失くしたのはいつからだ
Although it’s easy to answer that way when I put my hand on my chest
When did I lose the courage to put it into words?
The stark contradictions
Always get in my way
I wonder if I’ll be able to walk with no hesitation
When I can get over them
Even though I can change the future if I believe in myself
I get so anxious that I can’t move my feet or even take another step
No matter how painful things may be, once I can move past these tears
I hope that someday
I’ll be able to talk about this and laugh
What I found on that day
Still hasn’t faded
No matter what anyone tells me
I’m going to keep walking, even if it’s just a little bit
That I could stay myself and that my dreams wouldn’t end as just dreams
My memories of when I wished on that star sparkled inside me
If my wish is granted, no matter what kind of future may come
I’ll face forward and not run away anymore,
Walking towards tomorrow
No matter what happens
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mcmaffys · 6 years ago
[TRANS] 2019/6/23 HIKIFEST ENCORE Members' Comment
P/s: I didn't include mafumafu's part (that he talked about the 14 members) since I already saw lots of translation of it. So I proceed to other 14 members' comments. 
Sou: First of all, I would like to show my gratitude to Mafumafu-san who called me to be the part of Hikifest. Thank you so much. Also, to everyone who came to this event, Thank you so much! There's not so much opportunity to stand in front a lot of people like this, by seeing this view, I wanted to keep continue to sing from now on. Thank you very much!
Eve: Though this is EveSou first time participation in Hikifest,  I had a lot of valuable experience with the warm guests, getting on the cart, and wearing cat's ears (bitter smile). I want to thank Mafu-kun, all performers, and all the guest who came. Thank you so much!
Senra: Yesterday I saw Mafu-kun One Man Live, and I was like so this is how it's like to create a single content.
Today I was responsible to carry my part. There's a lot of great artist here. Everyone, please keep loving this content from now on.
Sakata: Recently I'm into Avengers, there's a person I look up to here, and there's comrades that I've been fighting along with here, and I think they're all my Avengers. Among that Avengers is  Urashimasakatasen and I'm proud to be called one of members of Urashimasakatasen. Thank you so much!
Shima: It was a long way to get here right? It takes about 30 minutes or 40 minutes, while the people who came from afar might takes around 2-3 hours. But, it was fun isn't it? It was unusual isn't it? Everyone was amazing! More than anything else, it's all thanks to everyone who spent their valuable times that we are standing here. Though there's not so much opportunity to be seeing such scenery, I'm grateful to Mafu-kun and everyone that I could see this scenery. If the opportunity comes again, I'll appear again in front of everyone!
Urata: Was it fun? Were you guys happy? Were you guys able to smile? Were you certain of your love? Keep continue on loving from now on! Thank you so much!
Soraru: Everyone, thank you so much for today! Was it fun? What's tremendous, yesterday I saw mafumafu standing here by himself from the back. I'm always thinking "That's great, it's frustrating, I want to stand there too", but today that wish was fulfilled. I will utilize my experience singing here as Soraru, and as After the Rain in the future. I'll remember everyone's (happy) face. Together we'll continue to work hard from now on. Thank you so much!
Amatsuki: Today, though it seems like the guests are more than 30,000 people, but not only the thought of 30,000 people here, but also the thought of those who has supported for many years. This day that I made with everyone, it was fun! Thank you so much!
ShounenT: On this stage in which it's a once in a lifetime chance, I've stood along with wonderful members and all guests, while thinking "It's fun" , "It's nice" "It's warm", "the dome looks like a melon bread" and all various things. It was great under this melon bread. Thank you very much!
Nqrse: It's me Nqrse. Everyone, was it fun? I think I can't forget this scenery that was been created with these wonderful members and with everyone who came today. Also this dome that looks like melon bread. It was really fun! Thank you so much!
Araki: Thank you so much! I've came to MetLife Dome to watch baseball since I was an elementary school student. I didn't ever think 'that' baseball boy at the watching side will be standing on this stage side. To Mafu-kun, and to everyone gathering here, thank you for coming into my life.
Un:c : Everyone, did you enjoy it? Today, my chest was brimming with emotion, after watching Mafu-kun's live yesterday my heart was always full with emotion. Although each of us has our each activities, I felt the joy to sing the song in common, below this melon bread (metlife dome w). I thought I want to sing more and more. Thank you so much for today.
Meychan:  Continuing from last year's Hikifes, Thank you for inviting me as a secret guest again. During my high school year, actually I'm selling Hyouketsu here. (Literally Hyouketsu means freeze, but I found that it's also a name of a canned alcoholic beverage). I never thought the day that I'll be singing here would come. Thank you so much.
Luz: Everyone, good evening. Yesterday I went to saw Mafudon's live too, being acquainted for about seven years, the mafu-kun that didn't show any tears no matter how hard it is, finally showed his tears in a great manner.. (it left a big impression on the person who report this and the person forgot to continue their report)
It was a fun day. To all performers, 30,000 guests, Mafu-kun, and melon bread, Thank you so much!
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mistandbluemoon · 6 years ago
world domination? world domination.
who wants to freak out together
(amatsuki, aho no sakata, araki, eve, un:c, uratanuki, sako tomohisa/shounenT, shima, senra, sou, soraru, nqrse, mafumafu, luz)
mafu forms a boyband now
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shuzoru · 7 years ago
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Kaji, Nobu, Onoyuu, ShounenT, Amatsuki, Yamazaki Taiki eating sweets together + matching shirts (apparently onoyuu invited all of them www)
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uzumaktonkachi · 7 years ago
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mezamashitoki · 1 year ago
FLAME5 Juno — Shounen to Robotto
Original song: Shounen to Robotto by Tomohisa Sako
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delaix · 7 years ago
Dolce: Kippei Nemuri
Here’s a translation of Kazuki’s introduction from the idol group, Dolce, from Honeyworks! The original tweet can be found here! Be sure to support Dolce by following their twitter account and by also following Honeyworks’s twitter, YouTube, and other social media platforms!
Remember that I am not a professional translator so please let me know if you see any errors!
Kippei Nemuri (眠 桔平)
14 years old (T/N: One of the comics say that he’s 15. Until they clear that up I’m going to keep his age as 14!)
CV: Tomohisa Sako (ShounenT)
Image Color: Green
In order to change himself, he debuted as an idol like the person he admires desired for dearly. His hobbies are music appreciation and astronomical observation.
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The artwork belongs to Rokoru.
ShounenT’s Retweet
Kippei-kun. What could this project be…!? The details will be announced later!
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sheep830 · 7 years ago

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happy-nnd · 7 years ago
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rinu + tkun + urata + sakata + gom@honeyworks [ x, x, x ]
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