#Saint Titus
Allsaint’s Cafe Daily Special for January 26: Eggs Timothy and Titus
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Both eggs are served with sliced tomato and topped with a hollandaise mixed with feta. One egg (Titus) is wrapped in a pita, while the other (Timothy) is served on a barley rusk.
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SAINTS OF THE DAY (December 26)
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On January 26, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, close companions of the Apostle Paul and bishops of the Catholic Church in its earliest days.
Both men received letters from St. Paul, which are included in the New Testament.
Pope Benedict XVI discussed these early bishops during a general audience on 13 December 2006, noting “their readiness to take on various offices in far from easy circumstances."
The Pope said:
“Both saints teach us to serve the Gospel with generosity, realizing that this also entails a service to the Church herself.”
The son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father, Timothy came from Lystra in present-day Turkey.
His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, are known to have joined the Church. Timothy himself is described as a student of Sacred Scripture from his youth.
After St. Paul’s visit to Timothy’s home region of Lycaonia, around the year 51, the young man joined the apostle and accompanied him in his travels.
After religious strife forced Paul to leave the city of Berea, Timothy remained to help the local church. Paul later sent him to Thessalonica to help the Church during a period of persecution.
The two met up again in Corinth and Timothy eventually journeyed to Macedonia on Paul’s behalf.
Problems in the Corinthian Church brought Timothy back for a time, after which he joined Paul and accompanied the apostle in subsequent travels.
Like Paul, Timothy endured a period of imprisonment in the course of his missionary work. His release is mentioned in the New Testament Epistle to the Hebrews.
Around the year 64, Timothy became the first bishop of the Church of Ephesus.
During that same year, he received the first of two surviving letters from St. Paul.
The second, written the next year, urges Timothy to visit St. Paul in Rome, where he was imprisoned before his martyrdom.
Ancient sources state that St. Timothy followed his mentor in dying as a martyr for the faith.
In the year 93, during his leadership of the Church in Ephesus, he took a stand against the worship of idols and was consequently killed by a mob.
The pagan festival he was protesting was held on January 22, and this date was preserved as St. Timothy’s memorial in the Christian East.
In contrast with Timothy’s partial Jewish descent and early Biblical studies, St. Titus – who was born into a pagan family – is said to have studied Greek philosophy and poetry in his early years.
But he pursued a life of virtue and purportedly had a prophetic dream that caused him to begin reading the Hebrew Scriptures.
According to tradition, Titus journeyed to Jerusalem and witnessed the preaching of Christ during the Lord’s ministry on earth.
Only later, however – after the conversion of St. Paul and the beginning of his ministry – did Titus receive baptism from the apostle, who called the pagan convert his “true child in our common faith.”
St. Paul was not only Titus’ spiritual father but also depended on his convert as an assistant and interpreter.
Titus accompanied Paul to the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem during the year 51 and was later sent to the Corinthian Church on two occasions.
After the end of Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, the apostle ordained Titus as the Bishop of Crete.
Paul sent his only surviving letter to Titus around the year 64, giving instructions in pastoral ministry to his disciple as he prepared to meet up with him in the Greek city of Nicopolis.
Titus evangelized the region of Dalmatia in modern Croatia before returning to Crete.
Titus is credited with leading the Church of Crete well into his 90s, overturning paganism and promoting the faith through his prayers and preaching.
Unlike St. Timothy, St. Titus was not martyred but died peacefully in old age.
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Titus Brandsma
Feast Day: July 27
Patronage: Catholic Journalist, tobacconist, Friesland
Saint Titus Brandsma was a Carmelite martyr at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany. He had a Doctorate in Philosophy, taught at various universities and was an advisor to Catholic journalists. He was imprisoned for speaking against the spread of Nazism, defending the right to freedom in education and the Catholic press. While in prison, he comforted his fellow prisoners by showing them goodness, love, and peace, even asking them to pray for their jailers. He died from a fatal injection during a “medical experiment”.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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canacaeli · 2 months
i am so ill about siri and titus saint spell PLEASE. WHERE ARE THE OTHER 7 SIRI AND TITUS ENJOYERS. siri i love you why is your success ending actual heartbreak. actual pain.
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ryxmix · 29 days
In your opinion what Saint spells dude would be easiest to top and which one would be difficult/pretty much impossible to top?
Asking the real questions here nonnie
Easiest I think is Ashton. No explanation needed I hope.
Honourable mention to Titus (malewife)
Hardest is without a DOUBT Bugbear. For a zesty fuck at first the last line of the good ending sure was whooo boy
Honourable mentions to Siri (and Eleni because package deal) and our dear prince Spinel
I wanted to add Luca to the list but he's dea- I mean he'd definitely focus on what his partner prefers over his own desires. Tbh he'll like what you will regardless.
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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"He who wants to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come in conflict with it."
Titus was born Anno Sjoerd Brandsma, on February 23, 1881, in Oegeklooster, Friesland, Netherlands. He came from a Catholic family in the Netherlands that actively encouraged the children to serve the Lord. His parents, Titus and Tjitsje Postma, ran a small dairy farm. Three of Titus' sisters became nuns, and a brother became a Franciscan priest. From the age of 11, Brandsma pursued his secondary studies in the town of Megen, at a Franciscan run minor seminary for boys considering a priestly or religious vocation.
Titus entered the novitiate of the Carmelite friars in Boxmeer on September 17, 1898, where he took the name Titus in honor of his father. He professeed his first religious vows in October 1899. Titus was ordained a Carmelite priest in 1905, when he was 24 years old, and was knowledgeable in Carmelite mysticism and was awarded a doctorate of philosophy at Rome in 1909. From 1909 to 1923 he lived in Oss and worked as a writer and teacher.
Titus taught theology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University) in the Netherlands for nearly 20 years. He was also a newspaper journalist, author, and popular speaker. He was greatly respected for his holiness and his gift for giving spiritual advice. Brandsma also worked as a journalist and was the ecclesiastical adviser to Catholic journalists by 1935, he also stayed at the friary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Kinsale where he practiced English. That same year he traveled for a lecture tour of the United States and Canada, speaking at various institutions of his order.
After the invasion of the Netherlands by the Third Reich in May 1940, Titus saw the Nazi party in Germany as a growing threat, even in his country, where he lived. Titus warned the Catholic newspapers not to print the lies the Nazis were spreading about the Jewish people and other groups. He spoke out against the anti-Jewish laws the Nazis passed in Germany. The Nazis knew about Titus' actions. They called him that 'dangerous little friar.' When Catholic newspapers refused to print Nazi propaganda, the Nazis realized Titus was a true threat.
Titus was arrested on January 19th in the Boxmeer monastery, when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. He was questioned by the Nazi secret police. They offered Titus a deal: they would allow him to live a quiet life in a monastery if he would announce that Catholic newspapers should publish Nazi teachings. Titus refused.
After being held prisoner in Scheveningen, Amersfoort, and Kleve, the Nazis sent Titus to the Dachau concentration camp in 1942, arriving there on June 19th. He was forced to do hard labor and was starved. He was beaten almost every day. He urged his fellow prisoners to pray for their guards. When he grew too weak to work, he was poisoned. At his death on July 26, 1942, he gave the doctor who administered the lethal injection his rosary. He was 61 years old as he received the crown and palm of martyrdom.
Beatified by St. John Paul II on November 3, 1985 and canonized a saint by Pope Francis on May 15, 2022, his major shrine can be found at the Titus Brandsma Memorial in Nijmegen. Titus participated in the international Esperanto movement, and is considered a patron saint by the International Union of Catholic Esperantists.
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BATCH 1448
These COMMUNION Truffles are named after POPE (FLAVIUS) CLEMENT I (Feast Day on 11/23rd) and individually after his servants; St. NEREUS (rep. Eireann d’Or Irish Cream) & St. ACHILLEUS (rep. Orange Blossom Special) (celebrated together on 5/12th). Some sets contains Orange Blossom Special ONLY.
St. Clement (Clemens) is the 3rd bishop of Rome, considered to be the first Apostolic Father of the Church and the patron saint of mariners. Each truffle rests on a piece of Communion Wafer along with 2 extras!  Be sure to confess your sins before partaking! APTVS
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May the Luck of the Irish be with you! Our chocolate charm is made with GLENCARA Family Estate Irish Cream, fresh local organic cream, A creamy 33% LORETTA™ milk chocolate, and generous pours of Alexander Murray & Co. 12 Years Old Scotch Whisky. Encased in a creamy 30% DUCHESS™ White and then enrobed in a special 49% REGINA™ Dark Milk chocolate and sprinkled with Golden Luster Sugar. Communion Wafer (wheat flour, water) (B1446-1448)  ÁTHAS! This product contains liquor and the alcohol content is one 1% or less of the weight of the product. EXEMPTION: RCW 66.12.160. MUST BE 21. SUPERIOR TASTE AWARD (BRUSSELS) 2023 & 2024: 3-STARS
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ACHILLEUS’ Orange Blossom Special
Made with organic cream, Orange Blossom Honey and a formulated 47%+ REGINA™ dark milk chocolate. This batch is enrobed in an extra smooth 49%+ REGINA™ dark milk chocolate and sprinkled with Spanish Bee Pollen with Pailletes Fins. Communion Wafer (wheat flour, water) (B1433, R1432, R1448) Pairing: Riesling, Moscato D’Asti, Glenmorangie Nector d’Or., Espressos. INTERNATIONAL CHOCOLATE SALON: 2016 3rd Annual Truffle Artistry Awards: 4-STARS, and 2021 VALENTINE’S CHOCOLATE AWARDS: GOLD.  SUPERIOR TASTE AWARD (BRUSSELS) 2022 & 2023: 3-STARS.  
ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL INGREDIENTS: Chocolates (Cacao Beans, Sugar, FULL CREAM MILK, LACTOSE, Cacao Butter, Sunflower & soy Lecithin, Vanilla), orange blossom honey, organic cream, glucose, wild orange oil, BLOOD ORANGE oil. topped with: Spanish bee pollen and PAILLETES FINS (SUGAR, UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE, COCOA BUTTER, WHOLE MILK POWDER, MILKFAT, NATURAL VANILLA FLAVOR). Communion wafer (wheat flour, water, gluten). CONTAINS: SOY, MILK, LACTOSE, honey, gluten. THIS PRODUCT IS PROCESSED IN A FACILITY THAT CONTAINS MILK, EGGS, WHEAT, HAZELNUTS, ALMONDS, PEANUTS AND OTHER NUTS. WARNING: Do not feed honey or honey related products like bee pollen to infants under 1 year of age. Ingredients from: united states, france, PERU, ITALY, Vietnam, BELGIUM AND mexico.
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daily-praise · 8 months
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Today’s Reflection:
As we go through life, God calls each of us in many different ways in our lives, to be lights to the nations so that the mysteries of the kingdom, which Jesus taught may become known to the world. Yet, for this to occur on must be ready to receive knowledge about God’s kingdom which has occurred throughout salvation history’, for God raised people to became lights for the faithful, such as King David who brought to Israel their golden age of old along with Moses who later brought to Israel the law. Today with the new we remember an important event in the life of St. Paul, who heard the Word of God in his darkest moment, for he saw the light and obeyed Jesus and more importantly through his conversion he became a shining light to the nations and through his letters, he continues today to enlighten us to the grace of God.
Today’s Spiritual Links for January 26, 2024
National Eucharistic Review Today’s Mas Readings Today’s Reflection Rosary Liturgy of the Hours New American Bible Non-Scriptural Reading Prime Matters
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lord-here-i-am · 2 years
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Heiliger Titus
Schüler des Apostel Paulus, erster Bischof von Kreta * um 3 (?) auf Kreta in Griechenland (?) † um 97 (?) in Gortyna auf Kreta in Griechenland
Titus ist geborener Heide. In der Apostelgeschichte wird er merkwürdigerweise nicht erwähnt, dagegen in den Paulusbriefen oft Mitarbeiter des Paulus genannt. Paulus hat ihn für das Christentum gewonnen, ihn zum sog. Apostelkonzil nach Jerusalem mitgenommen und ihm wichtige Aufgaben anvertraut. Einer der Paulusbriefe ist an Titus gerichtet. Nach der Überlieferung wurde er von Paulus zum ersten Bischof von Kreta bestellt.
Patron von Kreta seit 1363; gegen Freigeister
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SAINTS OF THE DAY (January 26)
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On January 26, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, close companions of the Apostle Paul and bishops of the Catholic Church in its earliest days.
Both men received letters from St. Paul, which are included in the New Testament.
Pope Benedict XVI discussed these early bishops during a general audience on 13 December 2006, noting “their readiness to take on various offices in far from easy circumstances."
"Both saints," the Pope said, “teach us to serve the Gospel with generosity, realizing that this also entails a service to the Church herself.”
The son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father, Timothy came from Lystra in present-day Turkey.
His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, are known to have joined the Church.
Timothy himself is described as a student of Sacred Scripture from his youth.
After St. Paul’s visit to Timothy’s home region of Lycaonia, around the year 51, the young man joined the apostle and accompanied him in his travels.
After religious strife forced Paul to leave the city of Berea, Timothy remained to help the local church.
Paul later sent him to Thessalonica to help the Church during a period of persecution.
The two met up again in Corinth, and Timothy eventually journeyed to Macedonia on Paul’s behalf.
Problems in the Corinthian Church brought Timothy back for a time, after which he joined Paul and accompanied the apostle in subsequent travels.
Like Paul, Timothy endured a period of imprisonment in the course of his missionary work.
His release is mentioned in the New Testament Epistle to the Hebrews.
Around the year 64, Timothy became the first bishop of the Church of Ephesus.
During that same year, he received the first of two surviving letters from St. Paul.
The second, written the next year, urges Timothy to visit St. Paul in Rome, where he was imprisoned before his martyrdom.
Ancient sources state that St. Timothy followed his mentor in dying as a martyr for the faith.
In the year 93, during his leadership of the Church in Ephesus, he took a stand against the worship of idols and was consequently killed by a mob.
The pagan festival he was protesting was held on January 22, and this date was preserved as St. Timothy’s memorial in the Christian East.
In contrast with Timothy’s partial Jewish descent and early Biblical studies, St. Titus – who was born into a pagan family – is said to have studied Greek philosophy and poetry in his early years.
But he pursued a life of virtue and purportedly had a prophetic dream that caused him to begin reading the Hebrew Scriptures.
According to tradition, Titus journeyed to Jerusalem and witnessed the preaching of Christ during the Lord’s ministry on earth.
Only later, however – after the conversion of St. Paul and the beginning of his ministry – did Titus receive baptism from the apostle, who called the pagan convert his “true child in our common faith.”
St. Paul was not only Titus’ spiritual father but also depended on his convert as an assistant and interpreter.
Titus accompanied Paul to the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem during the year 51 and was later sent to the Corinthian Church on two occasions.
After the end of Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, the apostle ordained Titus as the Bishop of Crete.
Paul sent his only surviving letter to Titus around the year 64, giving instructions in pastoral ministry to his disciple as he prepared to meet up with him in the Greek city of Nicopolis.
Titus evangelized the region of Dalmatia in modern Croatia before returning to Crete.
Titus is credited with leading the Church of Crete well into his 90s, overturning paganism and promoting the faith through his prayers and preaching.
Unlike St. Timothy, St. Titus was not martyred but died peacefully in old age.
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grandsouldream · 2 years
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Readings for 24 December
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tonyrossmcmahon · 2 years
Did the Vatican steal the ancient Menorah?
The Vatican stole the Menorah of Moses and hid it in the basement of St Peter's. This conspiracy theory refuses to die! And the Vatican is partly to blame..
One of the strangest conspiracy theories circulating today is that the Vatican is in possession of the ancient Menorah fashioned by the prophet Moses at the direct command of God. This is the seven-branched candelabrum that the Israelites carried with them during the Exodus from Egypt and later installed in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Like all the temple treasures, including the Ark of…
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thetemplarknight · 2 years
Did the Vatican steal the ancient Menorah?
The Vatican stole the Menorah of Moses and hid it in the basement of St Peter's. This conspiracy theory refuses to die! And the Vatican is partly to blame..
One of the strangest conspiracy theories circulating today is that the Vatican is in possession of the ancient Menorah fashioned by the prophet Moses at the direct command of God. This is the seven-branched candelabrum that the Israelites carried with them during the Exodus from Egypt and later installed in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Like all the temple treasures, including the Ark of…
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ftbx · 2 years
Les riders Titus au skatepark de Pont Ste Maxence
Les Titus boys sont passés par Pont Ste Maxence cet été !
Coaché par Thomas Zeb Busuttil Comment concilier Travail et Vacances ? en organisant une tournée cet été sur les skateparks Antidote récents de Picardie, Hauts de France et à l’Ouest de l’Ile de France… ” Antidote construit des Skateparks bientôt une dizaine d’année et ils prennent un malin plaisir à ne pas faire tout comme les autres. Privilégiant des lignes créatives, un flow régulier et…
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secret-sweetheart · 3 months
How easily can you top him?
The fandoms for this: Bungo stray dogs, Saint spells love guide, Honkai star rail
Notes: I’m a minor writing smut, if you aren’t comfy with that then just scroll, I don’t care what you have to say just scroll or block because I’ll keep writing even if you don’t want me to.
I didn’t put every single Saint spells character cuz I didn’t do every route (and for HSR I just don’t care for some of the guys and I hate that gay looking bitch Luocha he’s always showing up in my month for slideshows LIKE GET OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING ZEST FEST YOU MAKE ME HOMOPHOBIC YOU ANNOYING ASS PIECE OF SHIT)
Edit: thx ppl in the comments for reminding me who Ango is, it’s been edited :3
This took me forever BUT NOW I CAN FINALLY DIE
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Go ahead, he likes being topped (or he’s usually the bottom anyways)
Okay these guys looove when you’re on top, they get so excited at the site of you on top of them that they can barely hold back their noise when you’re moving, they’ll even start whimpering if it starts feeling too good. They’re so fun to too because you know they’ll let you fuck them stupid if you want <33
Ango Sakaguchi, Atsushi Nakajima, Ranpo Edogawa, Dazai, Gepard Landau, Caelus, ERiS
Yes, but please be gentle and treat him with love <3
They’d be perfectly fine with you on top but please don’t be rough and mean :( they need lots of love if they’re going to let you be in control, please make sure they know you still love them! Praise them please!!
Ashton Harlow, Titus Brome, Atsushi (again), Akutagawa, Argenti, Aventurine, Sunday, Luca Michaelides, Hui Shi, Barnaby Lei, Spinel Spiralis
Yes, and they’ll be praising you the whole time
The praises slip out of their mouths so naturally, seeing you on top of them does things to their body and mind. Talkative or not- prepare yourself for their endless praises while you fuck them/ride them
Chuuya <3, Kunikida, Tecchou, Sigma, Luca Michaelides, Spinel Spiralis, Hui Shi, Sunday, Argenti, Dan Heng, Welt Yang (idk what ppl see in him but he gets a spot)
Nah you aren’t topping, say bye bye to your ability to walk straight
Really? You think it’s possible to top them? They could’ve been gentle but now they probably won’t be! They’re pretty much impossible to top or have any kind of control over, so they’ll make sure you get that in your head
Jing Yuan (pls hear me out), Veritas Ratio, Blade, Bugbear, Siri, maybe Salinger? (I’ll probs play his route again to make up my mind), Fyodor, Nikolai, Jouno
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