#Safe Tuna
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kithtaehyung · 6 months ago
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— ✰ YES HYUNG !! ig ; twt
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asterosea · 20 days ago
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starrats is a palindrome
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the-crittercorner · 9 months ago
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A fun little pride college of all our LGBTQ residents (as of now) hope everyone and everyplushie is having a good pride month so far!
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gremlinbehaviour · 2 months ago
Some day i will learn how to not overcook fish. But today is not that day
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tunastime · 6 months ago
storm can't stop me from fic writing. hopefully gonna get some of the requests done today!
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cornkernelle · 1 year ago
You may not know me but you are the reason of my death. /j
Oh no. No I know. I have insider information. /silly
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sparrowsingsstories · 2 years ago
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Nugget (The Nug, Tuna, Tuna Noodle Casserole) is currently having a scared about going downstairs and is sitting on my bed (the big dog bed...according to Chip) sniffing at the air.
Now, it could be because of last nights incredibly loud fireworks show put on by our neighbors (uncomfortably close I might add) or it might be the fans (he's...not a fan...of the fans...), but it also might be because his one brain cell is having a short. It's hard to tell.
But he does want to wish you all a Happy Wednesday and if you need a fluffy moment, he's here to give it to you. Just don't approach suddenly and don't pick him up.
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jennifersbodies · 2 years ago
a lot of the time when i try to eat really processed meat (like in cans of soup or frozen meals) i get grossed out by not being able to identify Real Meat. like the difference between a chicken nugget and an actual chicken breast texture. anyway i get myself to eat it by pretending im 15 years in the future when Real Meat Texture is just a memory
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x-doom-and-gloom-x · 5 days ago
One of the best things ever actually was my friends showing up to my birthday in ears and tails too
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asterosea · 17 days ago
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turnaround, right 'round babyyy
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etherealcritter · 4 months ago
been consuming a normal healthy amount of canned salmon lately
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hellgram · 7 months ago
i'm using my brain to write my little final fantasy fourteen stuff but really i'm using it to think about my butch friend praetorian jack. all the time
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pertekpedia · 9 months ago
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Profesional, CALL 0817-6739-069, DOKUMEN KEGIATAN AMDAL   Klik https://wa.me/628176739069, Dokumen Pertek Air Limbah  
Semenjak diberlakukannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, maka untuk penanggung jawab Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan yang melakukan kegiatan pembuangan dan/atau pemanfaatan Air Limbah wajib mengajukan perubahan Persetujuan Lingkungan dalam hal: A. Perizinan pembuangan dan/atau pemanfaatan air limbah belum mencakup standar teknis pemenuhan baku mutu air limbah; atau B. Terdapat perubahan usaha dan/atau kegiatan, perubahan Persetujuan Lingkungan harus dilengkapi dengan Persetujuan Teknis dan/atau SLO. Melalui PT. Enviromedia Unggul Sejahtera, kami dapat membantu badan usaha dan / atau kegiatan dalam hal melayani Konsultasi & Pendampingan Izin Lingkungan (AMDAL, UKL-UPL, dan SPPL), PROPER, izin IPAL dan TPS Limbah B3.  
PT. ENVIROMEDIA UNGGUL SEJAHTERA, beralamat di: GELORA SPACE, JALAN BRAGA NOMOR 109, Desa/Kelurahan Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Kode Pos: 40111 Website: http://www.enviromedia.co.id/ IG: enviromedia.id Fast Respon: Hubungi: 0817-6739-069 atau, Klik https://wa.me/628176739069   #Airlimbahjadiairbersih, #Pengolahanlimbahcairbatik, #Airlimbahindustri, #Perteklimbahcair, #Limbahcairindustri, #Limbahindustrimanufaktur, #Perteklimbahb3, #Limbahindustrimigas, #Airlimbahindustri, #Pengolahanlimbahcairbatik   Contoh Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Baku Mutu Air Limbah, Persetujuan Teknis Ipal, Pertek Emisi Udara, Rincian Teknis Adalah, Contoh Kajian Teknis Pembuangan Air Limbah, Rintek Limbah B3, Contoh Kajian Teknis Limbah B3, Persyaratan Teknis Tps Limbah B3, Contoh Persetujuan Lingkungan, Contoh Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Baku Mutu Air Limbah, Konsultan Persetujuan Lingkungan Kawasan Industri Kariangau, Contoh Surat Permohonan Persetujuan Teknis Pemenuhan Baku Mutu Air Limbah Kawasan Industri Dumai, Persetujuan Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Uu Cipta Kerja Kawasan Industri Safe N Lock, Dokumen Lingkungan Yang Perlu Dilengkapi Dalam Pengajuan Izin Usaha Kecuali Tunas Industrial Estate, Persetujuan Teknis Tps Limbah B3 Kawasan Industri Rancaekek.  
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petcatandkitten · 11 months ago
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Can cats eat tuna? Advantages and possible health issues
It's no secret that cats adore fish, especially seafood. Tuna is a classic cat treat, and many people were feeding canned tuna to the cats until commercial cat food became popular. However, given that cats have unique dietary requirements, is it okay to give your cat tuna? If yes, what kind and quantity of tuna are OK for cats to eat? Read More...
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Unrelated note, but this post had me looking back through the episode that adapts #2 — and how did I never notice before that the cage containing Rachel-Fluffer has an OBVIOUS set tag clearly in view for an entire scene?
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Like, that is clearly the tag you use to transport a live animal around the set of a TV show, and there is no in-universe explanation for why the Chapmans would have one stuck to their cat carrier. It's not there in earlier shots:
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but I am not kidding that it is fully legible right in the middle of the screen for like a full minute if you watch the episode. HOW is this show THIS BAD at absolutely everything?
@thejakeformerlyknownasprince I remember the MM1 adaptation and that it was pretty good, but I don't remember anything about the #6 adaptation. There are just particular lines of both Richard Sali and "Victor Trent" from the #2-based episode which stuck with me for two decades, though. I would say both exuded their characters really well in that episode. (I did once see it as an adult, twenty years past the original airing, and remember feeling the same way.)
[Starting a new post for an off-topic reply.]
Hard agree. I think the best AniTV episodes are the ones that work within the budget, even (especially) when that means a loose adaptation. And I agree about MM1 and #2's adaptations having good moments as a result.
Like, the adaptation of #6 works because it doesn't have the budget to show Temrash 114 cycling through Jake's morphs in an effort to escape — it instead has to depict psychological warfare. I love everything that ensues: Temrash laughing that "Tom" will "take one look at [Ax] and turn him over to Visser Three." Bringing up Jake's memories of Cassie, and threatening to hurt Jake if she doesn't let him go. Calling Tobias "a scavenger... a pet that sits on Rachel's arm." Calmly assuring Jake that "we break humans the way humans break horses" while showing him an image of Tom crying on the floor. It works, surprisingly well.
The MM1 episode is weakest when it's trying to adapt the book, but it does depart, to its strength — Rachel can't remember morphing, so she has to break out of shoe-lady's house the hard way. Marco points out that she's likely to be a controller, and that's why she's acting so out of character. Rachel sensibly approaches a nonprofit group called The Sharing to ask them for help, and almost gets infested before Jake saves her. Instead of the weird truck thing, she just regains her memory as soon as she morphs the first time.
Same for the #2 adaptation. I love that Rachel's motivation gets changed from "uhh, let's try something?" to a) trying to find out if the yeerks know of any technology that could get Tobias back to human shape, and b) responding to the red flags of child abuse that Melissa is throwing left and right. It helps that the controllers are all better-acted than the Animorphs ��� I can't tell if it's just easier to convey an alien who doesn't quite know how to human than it is to convey a human, or if it's that the actors are all trained adults. But the eps (like this, or the MM4 one) that lean into controllers being creepy are almost always better than the ones that involve lots of morphing.
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lago-morpha · 1 year ago
my family just ordered food I don't want that they know I don't want? it's two whole large pizzas and they know I don't want any pizza, there are basically 3 people here including me. what?
they won't even be able to eat 1 by their own and they know that, and my family is very awful at eating leftovers. guess I'll go cook myself my own food!
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