herupras · 3 months
catatan untuk diri sendiri #3
halo, kamu masih berusaha menghilangkan perasaanmu itu?
apakah kamu ingat ini sudah hari keberapa setelah pertemuan di malam terakhir itu? sudah lupa kan? iya, rasanya sudah lama sekali. bahkan kamu mampu melewati hari-hari tanpa kabarnya sedikitpun. memang seharusnya begitu, kamu harus bisa terima. sorry, bukan “harus bisa” kamu harus terbiasa menerima. apakah kamu mau jadi orang yang egois sebab memaksakan semua maumu? ayolah, jangan jadi manusia yang menyebalkan, jangan jadi penghalang jalan menuju bahagia seseorang. kali ini coba bayangkan hal-hal yang menyebalkan darinya, sekali saja. walau pasti kamu memaklumi tindakan-tindakannya yang lalu, tapi coba sekali saja bayangkan betapa biasanya dia menghilangkan perasaannya untukmu.
sudah ya, kita cari alasan lain untuk melanjutkan hidup. walau kutau salah satu alasan paling masuk akal adalah memastikan senyumnya tetap utuh. dia sudah memutuskan untuk menaruh bahagianya di orang lain, seharusnya kamu juga mampu mencari alasan-alasan lain untuk bahagia hari ini. sudah, jangan berlarut-larut begini. aku tau kamu bisa melalui sepi ini sendirian.
memang hidup hanyalah perihal mengalah atau dikalahkan.
bdg, juni 2024.
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”Up to the Sea,” Surat, India,
Matharoo Associates
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delikiz · 7 months
~Yüzümüzü asmadık, gülüşlerimiz intihar etti.~
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gadiskertas23 · 5 months
Menjelang penghujung April, perlahan-lahan seluruh harapan kemarin yang disiram dalam doa akhirnya terjawab.
Pelan-pelan namun pasti kelopak yang terbang dibawa angin menghampiri dengan kabar baik.
Semoga di bulan yang baru pun kita tidak berhenti melakukannya.
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stvoy-kazon-stan · 6 months
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kasperl-ruprecht · 13 days
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Got some priming done today. A Solahma "Surat" Battle Armor and some 3D Printed stuff my friend AeonStorm made for me for an upcoming WolfNet Alpha Strike Tournament. We're having one at Noble Knight in Fitchburg Wisconsin the morning of November 9th 2024 if you're interested.
Funny thing about that Surat, I got it for coming in last when we last held a Alpha Strike tournament at Noble back in 2022. Which is a pretty genius way of ameliorating the feeling of coming in dead last. I intend to use it towards at least not getting in last this time around.
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tubetrading · 7 months
Your Reliable ERW Pipe Distributor, Supplier, and Dealer in Gujarat
TubeTrading stands as the foremost provider of ERW pipes in Gujarat, offering unparalleled quality and service. As your trusted ERW pipe distributor, supplier, and dealer, we take pride in delivering excellence. Explore a comprehensive range of ERW pipes that meet the highest industry standards. Whether you're in search of reliable ERW pipe providers in Gujarat or require top-notch quality from a trusted supplier, TubeTrading is your go-to source. Elevate your projects with our premium ERW pipes, ensuring durability and precision in every application.
Partner with TubeTrading for a seamless experience in acquiring top-quality ERW pipes in Gujarat.
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kuumiw · 7 months
Untuk Suatu Saat
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang tidak lelah untuk dipelajari. aku juga ingin menjadikan kamu sebagai bagian hidup yang aku pelajari setiap hari. Aku tau, banyak ego yang berkemelut bersama meratap setiap malam hanya untuk mempertanyakan banyak hal. tapi bagiku itu adalah kelengkapan dari hidupku yang biasa. Hidup sebagai manusia yang bertengkar dengan ego setiap harinya. Hadirnya kamu, aku berharap dapat menjadikan diriku dan cerita ini sebagai tempat untuk belajar dan berserah.
Untuk suatu saat, jika waktu ikut serta mengaamiinkan setiap doa yang terpanjat, aku hanya ingin kamu tahu bahwa aku mulai mengusahakan langkah ini jauh dari sebelum mimpi kita bertemu. Aku meyakini bahwa sebuah upaya tidak akan datang secepat aku berharap, akan ada langkah bahkan jalan yang mungkin berputar mengitari banyak pikiran dan hatiku.
Waktu akan senantiasa bersama denganku saat aku menuju pelataran senja tempat biasa aku menemukanmu, tenggelam bersama mega jingga yang mungkin kamu tatap bersamaan dengan aku memanjaatkan doa ditepian dermaga paling serius kepada Tuhan. Doa-doa kita mungkin tengah bertarung di langit dan berseteru siapa yang dapat hadir sebagai peng-aamiin-an paling nyata suatu saat nanti.
Kepada Tuhan yang menghidupkan cinta, aku sangat berharap langkah dan upaya yang kita seriuskan dapat membawa kita kepada pertemuan yang diridhoi. Semua panjatan tentang aku, kamu, mimpi kita atau bahkan soal rumah sederhana yang banyak makna, aku haturkan dengan kepasrahan agar Tuhan dapat mengahadirkan kita diwaktu yang ia sebut paling terbaik.
Sehat dan senantiasa menjaga diri. Kita memerlukan banyak energi untuk pengikhlasan luarbiasa untuk banyaknya doa-doa.
Aku berharap, kamupun juga
Majalengka, 24 Februari 2024. 10.02 WIB
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wardunarian · 2 months
Aku dengar sekarang kebahagiaanmu semakin bertambah,,aku cukup turut dlm kebahagiaan itu,walau aku tahu bukan aku alasannya. Aku akan tetap seperti ini dan tidak berubah,terlebih dlm melupakn tentang kita.
kita adalah dua jiwa yg saling berpaling, kita adalah dua raga yang tak mungkin bersama, kita adalah dua hati yang tda mungkin saling memiliki...
Heyy enuu kau tahu bahwa sekrg ada bnyak yang harus ku lewati sendirian, tentang hari esok yg tda tau entah bbgmna tetapi aku selalu mengkhawatirkannya,padahal ada begitu bnyak yg bilang bhwa hari esok itu punya kesusahan tersendri,,,hidupi hari ini maka kau akan hidup di hari esok..
Namun sekali lagi aku menolak utk tda khawatir, ahh enuuu maaf kalau aku harus berkelana dengan catatan kecil ini...
Bnyak yg ingin aku ceritakan tapi aku cukup malu dgn kata kata "cengeng'' atau itu blm seberapa di banding sy". Ini kalimat yg membuat aku utk bungkam sendirian...
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shantitechnology · 1 month
Streamlining Manufacturing Operations with Production ERP Software
In the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face growing competition, shifting customer demands, and the need for seamless operations.  Engineering manufacturing companies, in particular, must juggle a multitude of processes, including production planning, inventory management, and regulatory compliance.  As a result, more and more businesses are recognizing the importance of adopting advanced technological solutions to remain competitive.  This is where ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software becomes essential.
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ERP software streamlines and integrates core business processes, enabling better decision-making, enhanced efficiency, and improved profitability.  For engineering and manufacturing SMEs in India, finding the right ERP solution is critical to long-term success.
In this blog, we will explore why ERP software is a necessity for small and medium-sized engineering manufacturing companies and how choosing the right solution can significantly impact their operations.  We will also highlight some of the top providers of manufacturing ERP software in India and discuss the key factors to consider when selecting the best ERP software for your business.
Why SMEs Need ERP Software in Manufacturing
Engineering and manufacturing businesses operate in complex environments where efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness are paramount.  Managing resources, ensuring timely production, maintaining product quality, and adhering to industry regulations are all crucial components of the business.  An ERP system integrates all these processes into a unified platform, enabling businesses to operate more smoothly and efficiently.
ERP software for manufacturing companies in India is designed to streamline various aspects of business operations, including supply chain management, production scheduling, finance, procurement, inventory control, and customer relationship management (CRM).  By providing real-time data and insights, ERP software enables companies to optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
The benefits of ERP systems for engineering and manufacturing companies include:
Improved Efficiency:  ERP software automates manual processes, reducing human error and increasing overall operational efficiency.
Cost Savings:  Optimized resource management, reduced wastage, and better production planning help reduce operating costs.
Better Decision-Making:  Real-time data from various departments allows for more informed and timely decisions.
Enhanced Collaboration:  ERP software integrates different departments, promoting better communication and collaboration across the organization.
Scalability:  ERP systems are designed to scale as your business grows, making them ideal for SMEs looking to expand in the future.
Features of the Best ERP Software for Manufacturing Companies
Not all ERP software is the same, and engineering manufacturing companies have specific needs that must be addressed.  To select the right solution, businesses should consider the key features of manufacturing ERP software in India.
Production Management:  This is a core feature of any manufacturing ERP system, allowing businesses to plan and schedule production processes effectively.  It includes functions such as job scheduling, capacity planning, and work order management.
Inventory Management:  Efficient inventory control is essential in manufacturing.  ERP systems help manage inventory levels, track materials, and ensure that stock levels meet demand without causing overstocking or stockouts.
Supply Chain Management:  Manufacturing companies often rely on complex supply chains to ensure timely procurement and delivery of materials.  The best ERP for manufacturing industry will have robust supply chain management capabilities, including vendor management, procurement, and logistics tracking.
Quality Control:  Ensuring product quality is critical in manufacturing.  ERP systems help enforce quality checks at different stages of production, ensuring products meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.
Financial Management:  An integrated ERP system enables businesses to manage accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting more efficiently.  This ensures better visibility into cash flow, profit margins, and overall financial health.
CRM Integration:  Managing customer relationships is crucial for manufacturing companies.  ERP software integrates CRM functions to manage leads, track customer interactions, and improve customer satisfaction.
Compliance and Reporting:  Compliance with industry standards and regulations is critical in engineering and manufacturing.  The best ERP software for manufacturing companies in India includes features that help businesses stay compliant and generate necessary reports for regulatory authorities.
How to Choose the Best ERP for Manufacturing Industry
Selecting the best ERP for your engineering manufacturing business is a critical decision that can significantly impact your operations.  Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating ERP solutions:
Customization:  Every manufacturing business is unique, and ERP software should be customizable to meet specific business needs.  The best ERP software provider in India will offer solutions that can be tailored to your company’s requirements.
Ease of Use:  The usability of ERP software is crucial, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.  A system that is easy to use and requires minimal training will ensure that employees can adopt the software quickly.
Scalability:  Your ERP system should be able to grow with your business.  As your company expands, the system should be able to handle additional users, processes, and data without compromising performance.
Integration:  ERP software should integrate seamlessly with other systems and tools that your business uses, such as CAD software, financial systems, and supply chain management tools.
Vendor Support:  Choose an ERP provider that offers ongoing support, training, and updates.  This ensures that your business can continue to operate smoothly even as the software evolves.
Reputation:  Consider the reputation of the ERP provider.  Some of the top 10 ERP software providers in India are known for their reliability, customer support, and industry expertise.  Researching these providers can help you identify the best ERP solution for your business.
Top ERP Software Providers in India
India has a growing number of ERP solution providers, catering to the specific needs of manufacturing companies.  Some of the best ERP software providers in India offer solutions that are designed to meet the challenges faced by engineering manufacturing businesses.  Here are some of the top 10 ERP software providers in India known for their expertise in the manufacturing industry:
SAP Business One:  A global leader in ERP software, SAP offers a robust solution tailored for SMEs in the manufacturing sector.  SAP Business One provides comprehensive tools for financial management, supply chain management, and production planning.
Oracle NetSuite:  Oracle’s NetSuite ERP is a cloud-based solution that offers a suite of tools for manufacturing businesses, including inventory management, procurement, and financials.  It is known for its scalability and ease of use.
TallyPrime:  Tally is one of the most popular ERP solutions in India, especially among small businesses.  TallyPrime offers inventory management, accounting, and compliance tools, making it a good option for SMEs.
Microsoft Dynamics 365:  Microsoft’s ERP solution is designed to integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft products and offers a range of tools for financial management, production planning, and CRM.
STERP (Shanti Technology):  Specializing in ERP software for the engineering and manufacturing industries, STERP provides customized solutions that cater to the specific needs of Indian businesses.  Known as one of the best ERP software providers in India, STERP offers comprehensive ERP solutions tailored for SMEs.
Epicor ERP:  Epicor is a global provider of manufacturing ERP software, offering a range of industry-specific solutions.  Its software includes tools for production management, supply chain management, and quality control.
Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine):  Infor’s CloudSuite Industrial is designed for manufacturing companies and offers a range of tools for managing production, supply chain, and finance.
Zoho ERP:  Zoho provides a cloud-based ERP solution that is popular among small and medium-sized businesses in India.  It offers tools for inventory management, accounting, and CRM.
Focus 9 ERP:  Focus 9 is a comprehensive ERP solution designed for SMEs in the manufacturing sector.  It offers tools for inventory control, production planning, and financial management.
Ramco ERP:  Ramco offers cloud-based ERP software tailored for manufacturing businesses.  It includes modules for production planning, quality control, and financial management.
Conclusion:  Invest in the Best ERP for Manufacturing Success
For small and medium engineering manufacturing companies, investing in ERP software is crucial for optimizing operations, reducing costs, and staying competitive in a challenging market.  With a wide range of ERP solutions available, businesses in India have access to some of the best ERP software providers in the world.
Choosing the right ERP for your business requires careful consideration of your specific needs, scalability requirements, and budget.  By partnering with one of the top ERP software providers in India, such as STERP, SAP, or Oracle, you can ensure that your business is well-positioned for future growth and success.
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genzcloths · 1 month
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Elevate your style with our latest collection of shirts from Gen Z Cloths. Made with high-quality materials and trendy designs, these shirts are perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re dressing up for work or going for a casual look, our shirts will keep you looking stylish and feeling comfortable all day long.
Explore our charming collection of Popcorn Fabric Shirt, designed for comfort and style ✨ Buy Now!
√ Brand Name – Gen Z Cloths
√ Ideal For – Men
√ MATERIAL :- Waffle Cotton
√ Fit :- Regular Fit
√ SLEEVE LENGTH :- Full Sleeve
√ COLLAR TYPE :- Spread
√ Occasion :- Casual
√ Care Instruction :- Hand Wash, Machine Wash.
👕👕For order contact us - 8530068462👕👕
✅ Free Shipping All India ✅ COD Available ✅ Limited Stock Available
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India's first designing company to provide 1 lakh free designs worldwide.
Home - Cambridge Design Vector
We offer an end-to-end client experience that includes seamless communication, budgeting, staffing, on-site organization, and quality artwork
Elevate Your Brand Identity with Elegant, Minimalist Logo Design and Branding. I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I thought it would be great to connect and exchange ideas.
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Are you looking for quality Plastic Mold Steel in India? When it comes to molding dreams, Virat Special Steels doesn’t just offer steel—it crafts possibilities!
DIN 2738 is the go-to choice for the plastic mold industry, especially when dealing with those big, beefy steel mold components. It’s like the reliable friend who handles high-temperature settings and tough mechanical conditions without breaking a sweat.
And guess what?
Virat Special Steels offers Plastic Mold Steel (High Hard) with a hardness range of 410-429 BHN. They also provide Modified 2738 (HH) steel, specifically designed for plastic mold manufacturers. These steels are suitable for applications requiring high hardness and durability, making them ideal for creating molds that withstand significant wear and tear during the molding process.
It’s got better polishability than its cousin, 1.2312 (AISI P20+S). So, whether you’re molding plastic widgets or creating intricate shapes, DIN 2738 has your back like a trusty sidekick.
To get detailed Modified 2738 (HH) steel industrial grade steels, visit the website – www.viratsteels.com
Any further queries feel free to contact us : Email: [email protected] or Call: +91 98140 21775
We Provide our Special Steels in All Cities in India:
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shayaranasafar · 2 months
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Ghazal | Urdu Poetry Ruuh 👣 © Aks Akshita Aks
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stvoy-kazon-stan · 5 months
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magnificent-mansions · 6 months
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Hive, designed by OpenIdeas Architects from Ahmedabad, is an innovative and sustainable family home in Surat, Gujarat (India). Inspired by the client's expertise in mechanical engineering and desire for a smart, mono-space living area, the design integrates metal construction and incorporates a meticulous 90-point brief covering aspects from structure to sustainability.
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The architecture features a V-shaped structure optimized for energy efficiency, with a striking solar sensor-based facade resembling natural hexagonal patterns. Inside, fluid spaces seamlessly blend public, private, and semi-private zones, while materials like metal and wood create a warm, inviting atmosphere. This project represents a collaboration between an adventurous client and a design team committed to pushing boundaries, resulting in a home that merges cutting-edge technology with thoughtful, everyday inspirations.
Lead Architects: Monarch Champaneri, Nilesh Gajera, Niralee Champaneri
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