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levencamthenone · 7 months ago
Finished the 2011 adaption
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mercury50 · 7 months ago
RIP Ishmael, you would've loved Urban Dictionary, Sufjan Stevens, and Heartstopper
RIP Ahab, you would've loved moveable prosthetics, Life360, and anger management classes
RIP Starbuck, you would've loved the DSM-5, HR, and the phrase "shut the fuck up"
RIP Stubb, you would've loved ASMR YouTube channels, brain rot humor, and starting flame wars on Twitter
RIP Flask, you would've loved platform boots, saying "bro it's not that deep", and prepackaged sticks of salted butter
RIP Fedallah, you would've loved the gift of prophecy awarded to people on tumblr, not having a phone, and 2020 COVID lockdown
RIP Queequeg, you would've loved Obergefell vs. Hodges, sweatpants, and having personal beef with the Duolingo owl
RIP Tashtego, you would've loved cotton candy vape, trolling people on the internet, and calling things "white people nonsense"
RIP Daggoo, you would've loved not playing basketball (out of spite), offering "uppies", and work visas
RIP Pip, you would've loved child labor laws, kazoos, and water wings
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pocketsizedquasar-3 · 13 days ago
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[ID: A series of Moby Dick themed Valentine’s cards. each has a drawing accompanied by some phrase and “To: / From:” fields. More detailed IDs in alt text for each.]
A day late but happy belated Valentine’s Day 🥰🥰🥰 normally i just repost my Moby Dick Valentines (or Whale-entines, if you will) that i made um. oh god. five years ago. jesus christ. anyway normally i just repost those, but a) those are on my old deleted blog (rip) and b) an upgrade / remaster w my current skills has been long overdue, so here that is, plus some new additions :) so have some new whalentines💖🥰 some cursed, some wholesome, some both. go forth and enjoy
some fun little notes for those interested:
“i’ll make you a pint of sperm richer — but he won’t” in ch 35 ‘the mast head,’ ishmael, referring to himself, warns ship captains to never hire any “romantic, melancholy, and absent-minded young men” (such as himself) (which, also, that’s a valentine in itself tbh. new tinder bio whomst) who spend their watches at the masthead daydreaming rather than looking for whales; they’ll “tow you round the world and never make you one pint of sperm the richer”
“there’s hogsheads of sperm ahead” Is actually a line said by starbuck (despite being the repressed little protestant loser he is /affectionate), in a completely normal context (re: the sperm whale oil they’re hunting). but in This context he’s a little 🧍 standing man emoji. 😌squirm little quakerman squirm
my tash is aroace and they & dag are in a lovely QPP 💖 we love platonic love!!
she moby in my dick until i sperm whale. that’s all
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szyszkasosnowa · 9 months ago
Starbuck: driver, plagued by the intrusive thoughts of ending it all
Ahab: in the passanger's seat, yells at Starbuck for driving like a pussy (without breaking the law)
Ishmael: points to every cow they pass and says "cows!"
Flask, Dagoo and Queequeg: "McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!"
Pip: left behind at the gas station
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masochnik · 10 months ago
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ambigg · 3 months ago
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 2 months ago
All men live enveloped in whale-lines. All are born with halters round their necks: The Castaway, Part I
Chapters: 8/16
Words: 2,453 (in this chapter)
Fandom: Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Captain Ahab/Starbuck (Moby Dick), Starbuck/Mary Starbuck (Moby Dick), Captain Ahab & Starbuck (Moby Dick), Captain Ahab & Fedallah (Moby Dick), Starbuck & Fedallah (Moby Dick)
Characters: Captain Ahab (Moby Dick), Starbuck (Moby Dick), Mary Starbuck (Moby Dick), Fedallah (Moby Dick), Stubb (Moby Dick), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Genderqueer Character, Character Study, Trans Character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Genderswap, Butch Captain Ahab, Butch Starbuck, Butch Characters, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, lots of wound tending, author is disabled and trans
Summary: What would change about Moby-Dick if the major driving forces of the narrative were women?
How much does this single factor radically alter their choices, their relationships, and their eventual end? What would it take for the women of Starbuck and Ahab to stand in the same places as their male counterparts in the novel? Do they go undercover as men to attain power? How do they feel about that? Why is this the power they seek? Is that power enough to save them?
Or, Moby Dick, reimagined through the lens of Captain Ahab and First Mate Starbuck as butch women.
Some months later, after a particular lowering, the aft oarsmen of the Second Mate's boat is injured and unable to row, and the cabin boy Pip is commanded to take his place. On Pip's first lowering, however, he startles upon a brush with a whale and jumps from the boat. Infuriated at the inconvenience of a Black child Stubb deems less valuable than his hunt, Stubb threatens that should he jump from the boat again, he will be left there to drown. But we are all in the hands of God, as Ishmael laments, and Pip jumps again.
Hours later, a call is raised.
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saranilssonbooks · 1 month ago
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At least you will, in all likelihood, be distracted. 😀 Also increases Queequeg's heroism enthusiasm, I suspect.
Totally strange how not a single person would prefer being locked up with one of the crazies though.
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thecatkennel · 1 year ago
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the crew of the pequod, lovingly catified. a younger version of ishmael is here too to show how not-fluffy she was in the past.
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bonus pallidified versions. i would've redrawn faces or, at the very least, made ahab's peg leg the harpoon leg it becomes later, but i was very tired when i finished these.
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 years ago
honourable mentions may include Steelkilt, Bildad and Peleg, or Moby Dick himself
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offshore-brinicle · 1 year ago
So like with the whole meme of dead NPCs getting associated with food would Queequeg, Starbuck and Pip be sushi
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pocketsizedquasar-3 · 4 months ago
THE CHASE, UNRAVELED Chapter 12: عزیزم Chapters: 12/13 Relationships: Captain Ahab/Starbuck (Moby Dick), Captain Ahab & Pip (Moby Dick), Captain Ahab & Fedallah (Moby Dick), Captain Ahab/Fedallah (Moby Dick), Characters: Captain Ahab (Moby Dick), Starbuck (Moby Dick), Pip (Moby Dick), Fedallah (Moby Dick), Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Ending, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, except not really - one person dies…
Summary: Tomorrow morning, the sun will dawn upon the White Whale’s inexorable spout, his hump like a snow-hill, and for the next three days Ahab will chase that haunted whale across the horizon till one of them spouts black blood, and all will collapse, and the great shroud of the sea will roll on as it rolled five thousand years ago. This is how it goes. But perhaps not this time. Perhaps…
Or: Ahab, choosing to live.
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wormboyfriendcentralstation · 11 months ago
what the tags to my posts have taught me is that the wurthering heights stans are eating devouring enjoying while im locked in Moby Dick Jail with the ahab starbuck emotionally draining yuri that lives only in my mind-
#me staring at the direction that they decided to take starbuck's character#LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY#also sometimes i get annoyed about the way that pip and ahab's interactions were adapted#like if anyone could have dragged ahab's ass back from the edge. ranked. 1. pip and 2. MAYBE starbuck had a small chance but like#not really#pip and starbuck are like....... two examples of how ahab's damage couldve been averted#pip and ahab are SUCH an important relationship that got kinda lost#bc it shows that ahab COULDVE walked back his ego for human connection. he and pip wind up kinda getting each other in a weird way#pip in moby dick is like. if apollo was the ocean pip would be cassandra. do you understand.#pip and ahab know how each other tick in the book.#they were like each other's One Chances bc ahab couldve left his ego and done the one damn thing which would've REALLY saved#the one goddamn person who he's come to genuinely care about#and pip gave ahab the chance to have someone sort of get how actually scared ahab is of the ocean and how that fear was the biggest#damn insult a dude like that could have. bc if you read the book and how ahab was treated directly after losing his leg.#it wasnt JUST moby dick it was the way his ship treated him. you understand why he's Like That.#the ocean AND the whaling crew fucked them both over.#uhhh meanwhile starbuck Thought that he could walk ahab's ego back from the edge!#but in reality the way that starbuck was ahab's One Chance at not killing everyone on that ship is if starbuck had shot his ass in the cabi#limbus company#IM GLAD THE WURTHERING HEIGHTS FANS ARE HAVING FUN THOUGH IM GL
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ambigg · 5 months ago
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starbuck, pip
these two are probably the easiest to draw
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eleancrvances · 2 years ago
ok but. the last word of moby dick is “orphan”, and it’s what ishmael calls himself after the shipwreck. he is literally an orphan, he told us earlier he was raised by his stepmother, but he’s all the more an orphan now, alone in the vastness of the sea having lost crew and ship. and it’s the same situation pip was in, the thing that drove him mad, to feel he was an orphan abandoned by everyone and everything in an empty, probably meaningless world... and it brought him closer to ahab, who is another literal orphan! his mother was widowed before he was born and died when he was a few months old! and then there’s starbuck who lost his father to the sea and now both him and ahab have sons they will never see again... the whaling industry makes orphans, the sea makes orphans, the indifferent universe makes orphans, orphans make orphans over and over and
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umarthiels · 2 years ago
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