fear me not
123 posts
I am the sins of your fathers and forefathers. I've seen what no man would ever dare to even dream of. I've walked among kings and prophets, and whispered into the ears of tyrants. My enemies call me many names and even more I gave myself, for I have more souls than anyone else to dedicate to the one god who banished me from his kingdom. [indie rp multiverse || main FC Gaspard Ulliel || I'm not part of the spn fandom or any other still I'm open to every fandom or OCs] UNDER CONSTRUCTION
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amanssins · 9 years ago
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All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! Only–guess what?–they didn’t get to laugh it off! No! Nope! No, no, no! They’re gone!
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amanssins · 9 years ago
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amanssins · 9 years ago
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My name is Noah Fleiss. My character is Chris, he is what society might consider the nerd of the group. And he kind of embraces it. I just think this is just the coolest thing to be a part of, and I just think it’s gonna take the world by storm, I really do. I think this genre is the way of the future, and I think that once people see the potential behind it, of getting to interact with the drama that you’re witnessing unfold, in such a realistic way, that this is how entertainment’s gonna be from now on.
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amanssins · 10 years ago
depression hit me this morning. sorry if I let some of you down the next days
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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amanssins · 10 years ago
are there any rper out the who rp with a older muse?? I desire a certain plot I’ve build up for my baby.
35+ maybe... a little older would be even better. pretty please
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amanssins · 10 years ago
Lucifer held his index finger against his slightly buckled lips, pretending to listen. 
“Yeah I understand. You had no other choice.”
With not more than three fast steps, Lucifer stood right next the other, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Playing nice was the devil’s favorite part.
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“Oh, boy for a second I really thought we had a problem N-... What was your name again, friend. It’s been so long.”
The fallen angel was well aware of who he was talking too; but in other people’s minds he always had been a myth. Someone who just appeared when he felt the need to. Everyone knows the name, no one knows the the creature behind it. For him there was no need to know every fly in god’s wide lands; still he does..
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“Look, I honestly..didn’t even know ok?” Nathaniel put his hands up in defense though, against the fallen archangel Lucifer, his best defense was to bend over and take it in the ass. “Self defense..guy came at me first..��� 
He smiled and laughed a little at the others final statement, though he was still wary of any tell he should fly; and fast. 
“You’re uh, you’re lookin’ good. Yeah, suits you..” Nathaniel nodded towards the other and smiled. 
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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“I haven’t got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit!”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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Gary Oldman photographed by Boo George. [x]
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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“Oh that’s... that’s great.” 
He clicked his tongue, eyeing the lifeless figure on the ground.
“You run around killing my allies. Well done.” Cold burning eyes flickerd over the angels body. Why was everyone so naive? Lucifer knew several ways how his doings could be stopped. Ways some of his enemies also knew about; but no one ever had really seemed to try. Lucifer always came back someone; in a different form. 
“Wanna know how much I care? Not at all. Okay you won. Not an easy task I admit... but I can always get my hand on knew soldiers.”
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That laugh. He knew it, a bit off, different tone maybe..but the general body of it rung the same in his head. 
Nathaniel turned slowly to face the man, sizing him up and though the vessel looked harmless; the angel inside was not. 
“No.” He chuckled and licked the blood off his lips and stood up straight, facing the other now. “I suppose that’s true, but..I realized that I’d messed up when the last breath from this guy..” he kicked the body’s leg. “..was an utterance to you..assuming he’s - of yours?”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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“One time more or less won’t change a thing, big boy.”
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                         “..I fucked up..” 
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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The fallen angel buried the head in her hands. Angry mumbling escaped her mouth as if she was talking to someone else but Amduscias. This was not the life she’d been created for. One of the thrones beside god was abandoned, the throne were Lucifer should sit. She did not regret her doings nor would she ever look back, wishing that all this never happened..  The fallen angel just wanted to leave her fathers shadow.
“There is no corner of this place I’m not already sick of. Romanticizing this mess? We’re trapped till the end of everything. There’s nothing left to romanticize for me. I outgrew my throne eons ago.  There’s more, not only for me but for you too Amadeus. The world of the humans, is what I desire to rule. A world full of physical and mental pleasures, different too those we now. Have you never felt the desire to escaped your old existence, Amadeus?” 
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Amduscias, patient as ever, waited until the Lightbringer had finished her rant. He could not consider himself impressed. He had heard it all before. Personally, he was not one against delusions but he didn’t need other people’s make-believe forced down his throat. He had long given up believing in anyone other than himself. Lucifer was no beacon of hope for him. 
“Yes, I know how it feels. I’ve been going through this for as long as you have. But I learned to roll with it. If it is darkness we are having, let it be extravagant! I am always glad to romanticize the fuck out of this overgrown torture chamber but it remains what it is, Lucifer. Maybe I have just mastered the art of feeling at home on my throne of bones.”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
“I’ve seen worse. Oh, are we greedy today, hmm?”
“You got blood on the carpet!”
“You’ve got good eyes my dear. Might be just a leftover from breakfast.”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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“My liege, is that a threat? I have not forgotten my place. It is at the top. Where it has always been. Maybe you’ve gotten too much fresh air, however. Of course no one is commanding you. Who is commanding you? What commands? I was offering constructive criticism. But I must say…
Your absence does not frighten anyone. You were gone before and it made no difference, chaos or no. The carnage that would unfold when everyone starts fighting for your throne, well, it would be quite disastrous. But what do I care? Hell would not fall and you know that. A prison does not rely on one prisoner, no matter how popular. Get some perspective, my lord. You do remember that you are imprisoned, right? Just like all the rest of us. You want to leave? Be my guest. Leave the +open so I can follow you out of Hell as I have followed you into it.”
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“Prisoner? Prisoner! I said it before and I’ll say it again; don’t call me a prisoner! I am not. I am a ruler. Creatures everywhere shiver when they hear my name spoken out loud.  You may try to replace me with some other weak entity but it wouldn’t be the same. No one was as close to gods paths as we’ve been  and no one will wreck them as we used to. Plus without us every gate out of this hideous place would be locked.
Amadeus, I did not mean to threaten you, I was furious too hastily but do you know how it feels to lose yourself in all this... chaos?”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
“You got blood on the carpet!”
“You’ve got good eyes my dear. Might be just a leftover from breakfast.”
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amanssins · 10 years ago
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“Watch your tone, Amadeus. Have you already forgotten where your place is? I do as I please. Not you nor anyone else can command me! If I decide to leave, I leave. Next time I may leave forever. Hell would fall apart without me.”
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“Isn’t it just? But the only one who seems to be lacking dedication is the very person who decided to leave Hell to its own devices, expecting it to run smoothly as if it ever had before. You want information? Inform yourself, Lucifer. That’s your job. Everyone else is busy.”
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