#SPN Agere
babybugprince · 4 months
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cg! archangel gabriel moodboard. Silliest dad/uncle ever
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little-snuggle-bug · 10 months
Regressor Dean Winchester mood board and head cannons
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Regresses to a range of 1-10 although it’s rare he goes over 5
Hardly ever regresses without his pacifier. That man needs as much comfort as he can get.
The only two people who have seen his regression is Castiel and Sam.
He will only willingly regress with Castiel, Sam mostly just sees Dean regress involuntarily.
His regression is a secret to everyone else. He feels shame about it, because being a child makes him unable to protect Sammy.
He loves Scooby Doo so much, so many cartoons he stays glued to the tv. His regressed brain is mesmerized by the colorful box.
Dean doesn’t like coloring all that much.but he likes to draw things ,castiel has every single drawing Dean has given him. Castiel lights up anytime Dean presents him a new drawing.
“Thank you Dean, I will cherish this colorful work of art.” -Idk cas probably.
Nonverbal regressor Dean !!! Cas just kinda knows what dean needs.
Dean regressed for a long time before he knew what he was doing. He just kinda kept it a secret.
But once Castiel found out what Dean’s regression he absolutely spoiled him! He got Dean as many toys as he could’ve dreamed of as a kid.
If he is alone he absolutely melts down if Castiel leaves his sight for over a second he freaks out.
He stores his pacifiers and teethers in a Scooby doo lunch box.
When Dean made cas watch Scooby Doo with him , Castiel was perplexed
“Dean, that dog is talking!”
Castiel immediately bought him a Scooby doo stuffie the next day. And Dean lost his MIND!! He carries it with him everywhere when he’s regressed.
He still likes cowboys obviously. He has a cowboy hat that whenever he remembers he has it he puts it on everything!!
He has a sensory cube it’s car themed and his absolute favorite thing ever!!
He’s a little embarrassed about it but he adores dolls.. he has Barbies he loves to play with them.
So many sensory toys.. Rattles, crinkle toys, and his blanket he’s obsessed with it’s one of those ones covered in little tags.
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ouppy-dog · 6 months
little!Dean and cg!Sam bathtime stimboard
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sinkingcircus-jpeg · 4 months
Caregiver Castiel!
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Requested By: @hotshot624
Castiel is thoroughly confused at first but after pouring himself into books he develops an understanding of what Regression is and he is fully supportive
He Adores being around his little and is constantly trying to find new activities to do with them :) he loves to see them smile !!
Some pet names that Castiel favors using would be “(little/my) angel” , “dove” , and “pumpkin”
Castiel isn’t always around which he feels bad about, he always tries to make it up to you though!
When he’s away for awhile he’ll always come back with a gift and ruffles your hair and asks if you were good for the winchesters <3
Cause of course they’re the go to babysitters for his pumpkin!!
Cas is very protective over his regressor therefore he only really trusts Sam and Dean to watch over them.
Of course if they’re busy he trusts them to choose someone to watch over them but it still makes him nervous
Since Cas doesn’t need to eat he isn’t very well versed in the art of cooking which means a lot of his food is stuff that is easy to heat up or comes in a can
He is the master at cutting and peeling apples though !!
Whenever it’s a rough mealtime Castiel will always sit down with you and airplane the food :) he saw it in a show and Fully Believes it is magical for children
He also tries eating with you to see if that will lessen nerves or whatever is going on in his doves mind
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little--winchester · 3 months
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Little Dean Winchester moodboard!!
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sleepyreese · 11 months
Hi! Could I request a Cg!Castiel mood board if you haven’t made one already. Thank you have a great day 💜💜💜
Of course, here ya go! A Caregiver Castiel MoodBoard!
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*Castiel boops your nose & cuddles you & takes nappies with you while using his wings as a blanket*
Anyways, hopefully this is okay, kinda had a hard time making it...! (Plus I'm only in season 4 still)
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piinktearxs · 3 months
bunny food
prompts by @raccoonbabey
prompt: Character A is hungry, so Character C spoils them with candy and baked goods. (Bonus: Character B scolds Character C because “That’s not real food!”)
for anon (im sorry it wasn't exactly what you wanted! but you did motivate me to write lol)
pairings: cg!sam winchester, cg!dean winchester x little!OC (munchkin)
warnings: talks of ghosts and graves!
send me more fic asks! :) i love doing these!
tags, as promised: @bunnybeeblog @simpforstefan
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It was a long drive back to Kansas, with a case located in Wyoming, 6 hours of route back to the bunker ensued.
Nobody in the crew really minded, by this point it was almost routine, plus this was an easy case, a run of the mill salt and burn - the only particularity being that munchkin had to distract the ghost while the boys digged the grave. So, she was pretty beat after the hunt, the boys knew from experience that, after most hunts, munchkin regressed - it was her way of processing all the emotions that she felt during the hunt, or anything really, plus, the boys loved caring for her whether she was small or big, they all really cared for each other a lot, but when she was small, she was just "so damn cute" as Dean put it.
They were 2 hours in, 4 left to go, they had had breakfast at the motel, only thing was, they had forgotten to get snacks before the drive.
Munchkin was in the back of the car, taking a little nap, when suddenly the car came to a stop, she then slowly woke up.
"Hey sweetheart, Daddy went to the bathroom, you wanna get somethin' to eat at the convenience store?" said Dean, turning to face munchkin from the driver's seat, she was starting to feel hungry, so, she nodded and rubbed her eyes, still sleepy from her nap. Dean went to open her door for her and unbuckle her, she could do this on her own, but he knew that it made her feel extra small when he did little things like that for her.
As she climbed out of the car, Dean offered his hand "What do we do when we cross the street?" He asked "Hold dada, daddy or dae's hand!" She responded chipperly, fully awake by now, as she took his hand "Attagirl" Dean said as they walked to the convenience store, they ran into Sam, who was just exiting the men's room.
"Hey there kiddo, had a good nap?" Sam asked as he bent down to munchkin's level - "Mhm!" She responded "Dada and I was jus gettin' some snackies 'cause we hungry!" She said, looking at the younger Winchester with a big smile on her face. Sam was happy to hear his little princess verbalizing her hunger cues "I think I'll join y'all then, I'm getting the munchies, too" he said as he took munchkin's free hand and started to chat with Dean when they entered the convenience store.
Sam, being the health nut that he is, immediately went for the veg aisle, whereas Dean took munchkin to his favorite aisle, the baked goods aisle- specifically where the pies were.
As Sam joined them, with a basket containing a big bag of baby carrots and ranch, Dean put in some pie and cookies, he then picked some worm gummies and red skittles, munchkin's favorite candy "I think we're all good to go, ain't we, Sammy?" Dean asked his brother, heading for the checkout counter "Uh, Dean I think we need to get some real food in there" Sam said, seeing that the basket was 70% sweets "Seems pretty real to me" Dean responded.
As the two brothers bickered on what was real food and what wasn't ("Rabbit don't equal real!" "OH, and processed does?" "You're such an almond guy" "There's a difference between almond and healthy!" "Yeah but you're an almond" "That's a meme! And I'm so not" "You so are") munchkin went around the store, picking what she was craving, she saw some carrots with hummus, and grabbed those, she then saw an individual bag of salt and vinegar chips and added that one, too, when she returned to the sweets aisle, she tugged on Sam's sleeve "Daddy in how much time are we gettin' lunch?" she asked, "In about two hours, why do you ask, bunny?" he asked, as munchkin put her picks in the basket "ta see if ima be veery hungry or not so much" she said as she took out her gummies and put them back "gotta leave some room for lunch" she said with a shrug "okie now we ready to go!" she said with a smile.
The boys looked at each other, perplexed, what did their little one just do? She never denied candy of any kind, Dean crouched to her height "Baby, is everything alright? You love gummies" he said, concerned "I know dada, but they's not goin' nowhere, plus, I'm craving skittles more today and we're havin' lunch soon, an' i don't wanna be full by lunch, an' i also wanted carrots an' chips" she said, very sure of herself, it did make sense, what she was saying, still, both boys were confused at her sudden vegetable frenzy, when she was small, she usually dreaded those "you can have bunny food AND sweet food, is all 'bout balance, plus I got some hummus because it tastes better than ranch"
The boys shared an "oh well" look, and the argument was settled, they paid for their items and got back on the road, where they shared what each had gotten, and sang along to their shared road trip playlist all the way back to the bunker.
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sirwillow · 1 year
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✨👼🏻Castiel Supernatural Age Regression Moodboard💫🕯
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agerefandom · 10 months
for the icon art
what about a supernatural character like dean or sam or crowley?
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Baby brothers!!! (in the baby era)
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months
Rewatched some of the trickster episodes cause I love him!!!
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babybugprince · 2 months
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waves. today I bring u all a hyper-specific Dean Winchester board based on one of my absolute favorite fics of all time; Redux by Munchkinhug (unfortunately deleted)
I honestly think that u don’t even have to know anything about supernatural to read it; it’s a pretty detailed little’s are known AU that feels super unique because of its medical details!! I adore both fics in the main series. Thankfully if u search their ao3 name literally the first result is a Reddit post w/ the fics!! I’d really recommend them, especially if u like supernatural!!
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little-snuggle-bug · 10 months
Regressor!Dean Winchester :)
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He’s one of my favorite characters so ofc I had to hit him with the baby beam!! I was gonna add baby to his onsie but remembered I cannot draw cars for the life of me!!
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sky-bunnyyy · 11 months
Hi!! I was wondering if you could make a cg sam winchester moodboard, but with a transmasc reader?
Have a good day/ night!!!
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This is probably horrible, and not at all what you wanted, so you can send another request if you want 😅
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sinkingcircus-jpeg · 4 months
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- please excuse any inaccuracies I’m only at season 5
Dean seems like a very spontaneous caregiver but he does actually have rhyme and reason!!
When on long drives he likes to make sure his regressor has a little stash of toys, babas, and snacks!
His favorite pet names to call you are “baby (boy/girl)” / “sweetheart” and “sugar”
While Dean isn’t big on physical affection he never rejects it and actually quite likes when you sit on his lap and cuddle him
His favorite ‘easy’ games to play with you are I-Spy and color by numbers !
Though he does also enjoy playing hide and seek and hopscotch !!
While Dean himself doesn’t care too much what he eats, oh my does he care when it comes to his little !!
While he doesn’t know too much about cooking Dean always tries to cook you something semi-nutritional when he can
During long drives he will Occasionally let you choose the music for the ride.
Sam and Cas love babysitting !!! They’re also the only people Dean trusts enough to let babysit (except Bobby but most times he doesn’t want to drop you off so far away!!)
Dean does have attachment issues with his baby !! Who wouldn’t? He has been through hell and back and lost so many people, of course he’s going to want to keep you near.
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kenascutecorner · 1 year
Little!reader x Cg!Dean
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word count: 316
warnings: diapers
reader is regressed and is trying to hide it from Dean but ultimately fails.
requested?: nope! personal fic lol
You had been stressed all week, for reasons ranging between hunting and not being able to regress. You and Dean had been watching movies all day, when you start to feel yourself slip. You began to rub your eyes. He notices this behavior as something that is always an indicator of being regressed. "Feeling small sweetheart?" He patted your head as you leaned on him. "Nuh-uh!! M big boy!" Your voice came out sounding like a 5 year old. This heavily contradicted the point you were trying to make. "Are you sure love? You don't wanna have a paci, or a onesie, or a baba? No cartoons?" Your eyebrows furrow. "Nuh-uhhhh.." You start to feel yourself slipping even further. "Not even a dip?" He asks with a gentle voice, knowing you're sensitive about the topic. You made a pouty face. "Maybeeeeee" A small smile formed on your face. "Theres my baby, c'mon, lets go get you changed little one." He picked you up and had you wrap your legs around him.
He carried you into the bedroom, setting you on the bed. "Shark or Dino onesie little one?" He asked while holding up both of them side by side. "Sharkie!!" You were currently in jeans and a T shirt, so he helped you slip those off before putting your onesie on. Before he buttoned it he reached into the closet and retrieved a diaper for you. "A shark dip to match your onesie little one." He smiled at you as he put your diaper on you. "How's that feel little one?" He asked while sitting you up. "Good bubba!!" You yawned. "Is someone a tired baby?" You nodded your head and started to close your eyes.
After tucking you in, Dean kissed you on the forehead and tried to leave, but he felt a small hand holding onto his shirt. So he stayed, and cuddled you.
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sleepyreese · 4 months
Can we more Sam Paci icons??
Of course! I love Sammy paci icons I love little Sammy (≧v≦)
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PS. Anyone can use my paci icons by either putting credit in their bio (pfp by @sleepyreese) or by liking and reblogging! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ (Please like or reblog if you save as well!!!)
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