#Castiel agere
sirwillow · 1 year
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✨👼🏻Castiel Supernatural Age Regression Moodboard💫🕯
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sinkingcircus-jpeg · 4 months
Caregiver Castiel!
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Requested By: @hotshot624
Castiel is thoroughly confused at first but after pouring himself into books he develops an understanding of what Regression is and he is fully supportive
He Adores being around his little and is constantly trying to find new activities to do with them :) he loves to see them smile !!
Some pet names that Castiel favors using would be “(little/my) angel” , “dove” , and “pumpkin”
Castiel isn’t always around which he feels bad about, he always tries to make it up to you though!
When he’s away for awhile he’ll always come back with a gift and ruffles your hair and asks if you were good for the winchesters <3
Cause of course they’re the go to babysitters for his pumpkin!!
Cas is very protective over his regressor therefore he only really trusts Sam and Dean to watch over them.
Of course if they’re busy he trusts them to choose someone to watch over them but it still makes him nervous
Since Cas doesn’t need to eat he isn’t very well versed in the art of cooking which means a lot of his food is stuff that is easy to heat up or comes in a can
He is the master at cutting and peeling apples though !!
Whenever it’s a rough mealtime Castiel will always sit down with you and airplane the food :) he saw it in a show and Fully Believes it is magical for children
He also tries eating with you to see if that will lessen nerves or whatever is going on in his doves mind
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little-wolfpuppy · 1 month
Caregiver Castiel headcannons
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Did NOT know what agere was when you told him you are going to have to explain it to him. Maybe a couple of times. But is totally on board to protect you in this fragile state of mind
Okay with any cg title, Mama Dada Papa Bubba, "Gender and gendered language is a human construct" (any pronouns Castiel anyone?)
Calls you his fledgling, little angel, bub, kiddo, and bumblebee
Appears behind you with a dissaproving look on his face whenever you're about to cause mischief
Gets you a trenchcoat to match him
NESTS - he has a place only he knows how to get to thats 100% babyproof AND supernatural-proof.
Has a bed thats piled with fluffy mostly white blankets and comforters, literally a nest for the two of you Has so many clothes for you, especially bumblebee themed He uses magic to make himself and everything in the house bigger to make you feel even smaller
You (and maybe Dean) are the only humans that can see his wings
Lays down on his back and wraps you in his wings
If you're ever small while on a hunt/follow them on a hunt he will pick you up and bring you to the bunker/home as soon as he notices no matter what
Always listens to see if you're calling for him or need him
Will drop everything for you
Probably better with younger regressors, being able to just hold his baby and sit with a show playing in the background calms him immensely. He doesn't have to worry about hunting or god or the other angels, he just has to make sure his baby is safe and happy
Likes to hum or sing softly to you under his breath
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sleepyreese · 11 months
Hi! Could I request a Cg!Castiel mood board if you haven’t made one already. Thank you have a great day 💜💜💜
Of course, here ya go! A Caregiver Castiel MoodBoard!
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*Castiel boops your nose & cuddles you & takes nappies with you while using his wings as a blanket*
Anyways, hopefully this is okay, kinda had a hard time making it...! (Plus I'm only in season 4 still)
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littlelightswitch1 · 4 days
Culd yu pwese do a boyre 4-6 mudbord themd arond Castiel (supernatural) or Sam (supernatural) f yu arnt comfy wit Cas... Thak yu!
Of course!!!
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littlespacereader · 4 months
Hai Clara, I just saw this adorable Scooby Doo paci and I think little dean would go absolutely bonkers if he found it and cherish the hecc outa it when he got it!!
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The paci was made by paci.pops on Instagram. It was a custom one and is sadly not for sale irl, but just imagine little dean seeing it and getting so excited, or Cas commissioning it and gifting it to him as a surprise. 😭
Just wanted to share this cute mental image (in the hopes it inspired you in some way hehe)
Anyway, love you - byee!! <3
First of all, that pacifier is adorable!! I would kill for one that looked just like it myself!🤩 But Dean woukd literally lose it to having something like that!! While the story mostly has Dean and Castiel in it, I made to sure to sprinkle some Sam and Crowley in the end:) I hope you enjoy as always @dino-boyo-agere ! Thank you so much again for another beautiful request to the Supernatural storyline!
For all the previous fics in this series click here, here, here and here.
The Surprise👀💚
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Caregiver! Castiel & Little! Dean Winchester, with Caregiver! Crowley & Little! Sam Winchester (SFW!)
Tags- struggling to regress, hurt/comfort, surprises, pacifiers, diapers, stuffies, hugs and cuddles
Hunt after Hunt, Castiel could see that Dean was in desperate need of regression.
It wasn’t his fault. Sam and him thought they were going on a simple ghost case. But simple and Winchesters don’t go together. What should’ve been a week at most turned into a two week long hunt.
By the end of it, Sam and especially Dean were in some dire need of love and support from their respective Caregivers.
Castiel will be the first to admit…it was definitely an interesting change having a second Caregiver in the bunker with him. Crowley and him were polar opposites when it came to their Caregiving styles. So navigate around one another is…interesting to say the least.
Castiel kept pacing back and forth waiting for the sound of the Impala outside the bunker. Finally the boys were on their way home. And by the sound of it, he could tell Dean was struggling not to regress.
Castiel insisted he could just teleport Sam, the car and him right back him but Dean insisted on driving. He wanted to clear his head after the brutal case and before he regressed. And one the ways he knows how to do that is driving.
More than anything Castiel wanted to be there right as Dean walked into the bunker. So there he stood now, well…maybe not stood. Castiel paced and Crowley sat at a table nearby reading a newspaper with his feet up.
“Staring at the door isn’t going to get them here any faster Cassie.”
Castiel shot him a glare before going back to his pacing. Crowley rolls his eyes and puts the paper down.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What’s got you so worried about Dean?”
Castiel looked confused to the phrase but continued on. “You know when Sam calls you and tells you everything fine.”
“But you can just tell that everything isn’t fine and that he’s barley hanging on to his adult self?”
Crowley sat back in his chair and sighed, “Yeah…I know what you’re talking about. So squirrel is barley hanging onto his adult mindset.”
“That’s what I suspect.”
“And you let him drive?”
Castiel turned to glare at Crowley again. “You try tell Sam not to do something when he’s fighting his regression.”
“Oh trust me I have Cassie.”
“….And I was in the same position as you.” Crowley sighed, hating to admit.
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the car doors closing. Sam and Dean walking into the bunker looking rough.
Sam immediately walked over to Crowley while Dean on the other hand, was about to walk past Cas and towards his room. But Castiel stopped him.
“There you are! I’ve been waiting for you.” Cas smiles with a warm and calm expression.
Dean’s expression was the complete opposite for the moment. He looked tired and stressed, “You were?” There was a slight hint of hope in his voice as he looked at Castiel, surprised he was waiting for him.
“Of course I was.” Cas smiled again, “I think it’s time for someone to take the night to relax and maybe even regress.”
Dean sighed before he pushed past Cas and walked towards his room. Castiel followed after him.
“Stop.” Dean said with no real heat behind it, “I don’t want to regress tonight. I-I can’t… not after that case.”
“By the look and sound of it, I think you should. You look stressed out beyond belief Dean.”
He followed him into his room, closing the door behind them so they could talk privately. “Listen, I know you’re still feeling big but if you’d let me help you, I can help you age down a bit and finally relax.”
Dean struggled with this often. Coming back from a hunt that required him to be protective, brave and strong was a hard thing to change. For Dean sometimes it was a hard thing for him to regress. He almost gets stuck in that mindset, forgetting how to regress again.
Castiel always knew the signs of it, he had seen Dean do this time and time again. He fights the need to regress and then in turn becomes grumpy from not regressing.
Dean ignores Cas and heads towards the bathroom, “I’m gonna to take a shower.” He muttered before walking away.
He threw his clothes around the bathroom before stepping into the shower. The warm water was rather relaxing. It started to clear his mind on everything.
Everything is frustrating! He didn’t know how to just regress after everything! He had been an adult for two weeks and it was hard to switch that off. But being home with Cas made feel his head getting fuzzy with the feeling of regressing.
His regression felt as if it was on the tip of spilling over. Like a cup filled to the rim with only one drop that causes the whole thing to spill.
That drop of course, would be Castiel.
When Dean stepped out of the shower, all of his clothes thrown wildly on the floor were gone. Instead, on the countertop sat a soft fuzzy robe. Dean dried off before putting the robe on and heading back to his room. There, Castiel waited on the bed with Sharon and Ozzie next to him.
Dean, in a losing battle against his regression softly asked, “What’s this all about?”
“I just had the most interesting conversation with Ozzie and Sharon here.” Castiel started to say. He patted he bed next to him, urging Dean to sit with him.
The walls Dean desperately had up, start to come crumpling down brick by brick as he took a seat next to Castiel.
Cas takes his hand in his, “Now I was just in the middle of talking to Ozzie. He was telling me how brave and strong you were while you were away.”
“He was?” Dean asks so innocently. He starts slipping more than he realizes it.
“Yeah he was. He was going on and on about how he’s so proud of you.” Castiel squeezes his hand.
Tears start to sting at the corners of Dean’s eyes. He quickly wipes them away with a knuckles fist, “That’s really nice of him to say.”
“It is. But Sharon was just reminding him that even big brave boys need to relax sometimes too. And it doesn’t make them any less brave than before. Sometimes they need someone else to be brave for them, just for a little while. That way they can rest and be brave again when the time comes.”
Suddenly it all makes sense to Dean. Of course this is what Cas was trying to tell him but…but Sharon and Ozzie made more sense with it.
Castiel could see the gears turning in Dean’s head. “I think what you need tonight is for someone to be brave for you. Not only will you have me to be your guardian angel, but you’ll have Sharon and Ozzie to protect you too. Triple protection for my little bee.” He picked the stuffies up and handed them to Dean.
Dean quickly grabbed them and brought them close. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked up at Castiel. Gone was stubborn adult Dean fighting his regression, and in its place a little boy in need of some serious comfort.
“Dadee, missed you so much.”
That’s all Dean had to say before Cas leaned forward to bring his Little into a nice cozy hug. Dean rested his head on Castiel’s shoulder and just sighed. He missed this so much, he missed Cas so much.
“I miss you too love bug.” Castiel rubbed Dean back and gently rocked him back and forth.
Once they broke apart, Castiel took Dean’s hand in his once more. “Tonight is going to be a nice relaxing night for us. First we’re going to get you changed into some comfy pjs and then we’re going to watch some Scooby-Doo. But before we do I have a little surprise for you.”
Dean’s eyes lit up, “Surprise?!”
“Yeah a surprise! I was planning on saving it for someone’s birthday but tonight it’s needed more. But first pajamas.”
Castiel stood up and walked over to Dean’s closet while Dean whined and threw himself back onto the bed. “I don’t wanna wait.”
“It will only be a minute.” Cas replied back as he search for some pajamas.
“What is it?”
“Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you?” Castiel smirked.
Dean huffed and sighed, and tried, tried to wait patiently for Cas to come back over. After what felt like years (in reality only two minutes) Castiel returned with some pjs and a diaper.
Dean lifted his head when Castiel returned, “Surprise?”
“Not yet sweet boy, just a minute. First we get you changed then…”
“Then surprise?”
“Then we get the surprise. That’s right smart boy. Now, let’s get you into some pajamas.”
The pajama change went by uneventful. Dean, though a little impatient, acted his best when changed into pajamas and a diaper. Once all settled Dean quickly sat up and looked at Castiel all excited.
“Okay baby bee, close your eyes.” Cas winked with a smirk.
Dean could barley hold his excitement. The once grumpy hunter had done a complete 180. He closed his eyes and held Sharon close as he patiently waited for his surprised.
Cas went into the closet and grabbed the small box. He carefully unwrapped the packaging before making his way back to Dean. When he did, he spotted the Little trying to look.
“Hey what did I say about those eyes?” Cas raised an eye brow. Dean quickly shut them once more. Cas couldn’t help but shake his head at his cheeky little one.
“Okay, hold out your hand and when I count to three open your eyes. Ready?”
With Dean’s hand out, Cas carefully placed the gift, “1….2…..3!! Open!!”
Dean quickly opened his eyes and gasped. There was a moment of pure bliss as Dean stared at the Scooby Doo themed paci. The paci has the works, gems, little paw print charms, zoniks written on the front and a little picture of Scooby himself.
He looked up from the gift to Cas, “Y-You got me a paci?”
“I did,” Cas took a seat next to him on the bed once more, “I’ve been noticing someone has developed a habit of sucking their thumb,” Castiel started to say causing Dean to blush.
“So I planned on getting you a pacifier but then I stumbled across this one online and I couldn’t resist to get it for Scooby Doo’s number one fan.”
With tears in his eyes he looked back up at Cas again, “I wuve it!!” Dean practically tackled Cas into a bear hug, wrapping his arms around his neck. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! It’s so pretty and it has gems on it and even Scooby!!”
Cas laughed, hugging his boy back, “You are so welcome. I’m happy you like it.”
The two broke apart and Dean continued to stare at the paci.
“Dean?” Cas broke him out of his thoughts, “Why don’t you give it a try?”
What seemed so obvious made so much more sense. Wow, Caregivers really are the best! Thing is…he’s never had a pacifier before. What was it like? With a small moment of hesitation, Dean popped the pacifier into his mouth.
Then suddenly it was as if the whole world melted away. He closed his eyes and let the feeling wash over him. A pacifier was something he always wanted but before his regression was known to his family, he didn’t want to risk anyone finding it.
Now he had his own!! And it’s perfect!! It’s Scooby!! He loves Scooby!! It couldn’t get better than this.
You know what’s better than a Scooby Doo paci? Having a Scooby Doo paci in your mouth while watching Scooby Doo!!
Dean laid with his head in Cas’s lap as the two settled in the tv room for the night. Dean’s eyes were half lidded as he watched Scooby and the gang get chased around the castle by a ghost.
Cas had one arm wrapped around his little one and another playing with his hair. The night started to end off peacefully. Just a Caregiver and his little one.
Well…almost ending peacefully.
Crowley could be heard yelling in the background before Sam bursted into the tv room, towel around his waist and his hair soaking wet like a mop.
“Dean you’re never gonna believe what I-.” Sam stopped mid sentence seeing the paci.
There was a second, just a moment, where Dean worried his brother might tease him about his new paci. But what he found was the polar opposite.
A smile spread across his face from behind the pacifier as Sam complimented it. Dean sat up and pointed to it, “Swooby!” He mumbled behind the paci.
“Yeah!! It looks so cool with that green gems and the Scooby charm…” Sam started to trail off. This pacifier gave him an idea. After all Dean’s birthday was coming up soon. Maybe he would like another one?
Crowley burst into the room half soaking wet himself, “You. Little. Troublemaker! Come here!”
And so the night ending in the Bunker with a real Scooby Doo chase. But instead of a ghost chases the Scooby gang, it was instead a soaking wet Demon chasing a very tall Hunter while another Hunter watched and giggled next to his Guardian Angel.
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anewkindofme · 11 months
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Fictional Agere Challenge!
day 4, pt. 1: a character you hc as a sitter / sibby
Castiel is the perfect babysitter, mostly because he’s learning about the world so he’ll go along with whatever games the person he’s in charge of will come up with. He’s definitely the type to want a million instructions and follows them to a t. Castiel builds pillow forts and play board games. He also comes up with fun recipes to try!
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"Mini Winchester"
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Pairings:Caregiver!Castiel x Little!Reader, Dean Winchester x Sibling!Little!Reader, Sam Winchester x Sibling!Little!Reader.
Summary: Castiel babysits reader whilst their brothers go on a hunt.
Warnings: Brief talk about a little being left alone, Nicknames (Cas, Mini Winchester)
(Gender neutral reader)
NOT Proofread
The boys had a case and due to you currently being regressed they decided that someone would have to watch you. Normally during a small hunt they could leave you, knowing that you'd be good and able to cope on you own for a small period of time, however this Hunt would be more serious, it would take longer. They needed someone to help. Both brothers were needed for this hunt, especially since they were already down with the youngest Winchester sibling.
Fortunately Cas decided that it was a good time to stop in to check up on his new found family.
"Hey Cas, how'd you feel about watching them for a while?" Dean practically begged.
Castiel was confused to say the least. He was still new to humans and had no clue on why you, someone who was more than capable of looking after yourself would need watching.
It had taken about 20 minutes of explaining and questions before Castiel understood the situation. He quite happily agreed to watch the youngest whilst the boys did this hunt.
The boys left after saying their thanks to Cas and giving you a kiss on the forehead, although you were too emerged in the TV to truly notice.
You had noticed that Castiel had been staring at you for a while, trying to understand how to communicate with you to the best of his abilities.
"Cas?" You asked curiously.
He smiled at the nickname that felt almost foreign, coming from you.
"Yes Mini Winchester?"
You giggled before responding. "You okay?"
Castiel smiled at your innocence before sitting next to you on the motels sofa. "I'm good Mini Winchester"
Withing minutes Cas was also invested in the cartoon that had been playing for God knows how long now.
You yawned and rested your head against Castiel.
"Are you tired Mini Winchester?"
After waiting a second with no response he looked down to see you sleeping peaceful against him.
He didn't dare wake you, staying deadly still while you rested. Cas had learnt many things from this experience, the most important being you were his favourite Winchester.
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piinktearxs · 1 year
my own team free will caregiver headcannons
okay so its like my first like fanfic ish thing on here, but we need, more agere spn fics cause, lets be honest, big ol comfort show
anywho the little in the dynamic is munchkin (yours truly) she's very fem-oriented, so I'm sorry if it doesn't suit you BUT I could consider becoming like a fanfic blog in the future (like taking requests and all)
quick warnings: the nicknames daddy, dada and dae are used cause Ik some ppl are uncomfy w that, small body image issues mention, small arfid mention
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okay so I'm feeling a 'three men and a little lady' vibe here because that is exactly what it is like, you got these three big guns beer and like not soft-looking guys and then you have munchkin, this 5'3, pink dresses wearing little lady and she's just vibing with them
munchkin is not a 24/7 little, like she has her essence which is very child like but her little self just comes in waves, and like she comforts and cares for the boys when they need, they take care and comfort her when her emotions get too big and she goes small
munchkin takes turns to be the "official stuffie" for the boys (or that's what they tell her so she feels wanted and needed with her cuddles, and she is to be honest) one night she sleeps cuddled between dean and cas and the other one with sam
THEY HAVE A NIGHT ROUTINE; So she brushes her teeth and does skincare with Sam, then Dean sings her one of her special songs (Little willow, angeles, city grown willow, calico skies, forever, surfer girl, hey jude, blackbird, stairway to heaven, to be honest hearing her daddies's voices is the most calming thing for her) Cas and Sam take turns to read her a story (literally anything classic fairy tales or pink and ballet vibes, munchkin adores)
THEIR CLOSET DIFFERENCES PLS- like you would have the boys's flannel and jeans and basic t-shirts and right next to those these pink dresses and vintage clothes (also munchkin's big girl clothes but it's the same vibe, vintage girly)
When munchkin is small, she wears the boys's clothes cause they smell like them and they're huge on her so they make her feel small
munckin has a lot of sensory issues with food, especially when she's small, so she and Dean work out creative ways to get her veggies in but that she doesn't hate them
When she's scared she goes to her daddies, like literally with anything, they are her heroes and the people she trusts most
It always helps her to hold one her daddies's hand when she's doing something scary (like eating a new food, or talking about her feelings, or petting a big dog!)
She's their little buddy on everything they do, cause she's just so amazed by her daddies, Dean's fixing baby? Munchkin will be next to him, handing him tools and hanging out with him, Sam's reading? She's plopped next to him reading her own book, Cas is taking a walk through nature? Pink rainboots on and coat on (sammy said so) and she's on her merry way, also, they always stay out for hours just admiring nature
She adores cooking, she's always ready to be their little helper in the kitchen (but never near hot or sharp things!! She’s much too small!! She likes cracking eggs and being the taste tester anyways)
When they're on hunts she always comes with (and ofc helps out unless she is small) and after they all go to a county fair or a petting zoo
On the bunker she has her little trunk, obviously painted white with little pink roses and it contains her little stuff, paci, teether, sippy, some tutus, coloring books, tiaras, her tea set, and a doll that looks like her that she carries around everywhere
on the impala she has a little emergency box, with a lovey, some calico critters and a teether and snacks!
She always hosts tea parties with the boys (yes, they wear crowns and drink tea with her and her dolls) at first they were a bit weird about the whole tea party thing (Dean said he hated them and now he even does a british accent when they play tea party) but got around in the end
She is a polite little one, always using her manners, because princesses use their manners
Her drawings always go up in the fridge ofc
okay now onto individual headcanons
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Dean aka Dada or Bean:
When he first met munchkin he was a little distant but then grew to love her
he gave her the nickname munchkin
their relationship is like uncle jesse and michelle in full house (fight me they’re literally the same person and my comfort characters)
He is always watching old kids shows with her (she loves vintage things and the're nostalgic to him) especially old scooby doo episodes
Pretends he is like in shock when she hugs him but honestly he feels as much comfort in her as she has in him
always gives her eskimo kisses
they once saw the scooby snacks at the store and got them and went nuts over them
she sometimes is too small to watch scooby doo so they put on bluey
dean actually quite enjoys bluey
Teaches her how to do stuff like fix things or play pool and they have a lil bonding moment
She's allowed in the dean-cave and she loves to color while watching cartoons on the big TV!
He gives her ALL the piggy back rides, and throws her in the air to catch her after
If he's drinking beer outside, alone, she always goes up to him and lays her head on his lap, and they just hang together in comfortable silence while he strokes her hair with his beer-free hand
He's super into the fighting scenes in her princess movies
They try a slice of pie of every diner they eat at, and rate it
They love cooking together
He’s honestly the more fun caregiver but also the most protective one
When she’s having a bad day he always takes her out for ice cream, if she really reallyyy wants to, he goes the extra mile to get her gelato
Munchkin sometimes has body image issues, when she does dean just picks her up and kisses her forehead
Dean teaches her all his cool rock songs!!
“You see sweetheart, bon jovi rocks, on occasion, but zeppelin? zeppelin always rocks” “what about taylor swift dada?” “she is the music industry so she always rocks too”
She is allowed to pick the music even when not driving (munchkin is a huge swiftie, and well we all know all too well dean is too)
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Sam aka Daddy or Sammy
He is the king of rules and sticker charts, and they help keep munchkin on track a lot!!
After she eats a fear food sammy always has some candy for her in the pantry!!
he makes sure she gets her protein in, she can’t get low blood sugar!!
He gives her big big biiig bear hugs all the time
Given but, munchkin is totally allowed to do sammy’s hair!!! No scissors though!!
He loves having a little hair buddy, so when she’s really small he helps her wash her hair
He brushes her hair for her, it’s a little bonding moment between the two
Can we talk about how bath-time is a whole ritual for these two? They put on her littlespace playlist and dance around while brushing their teeth
If they’re away from home he reads her a bit of the game of thrones kindle he has in his phone until she falls asleep
KING of forehead kisses
Definitely gets into the life lesson aspect of EVERYTHING, she’s watching charlie and lola? lola hates tomatoes? (munchkin does too, they’re her mortal enemy) he pauses the show to tell her the importance of eating new foods. She’s watching moana and moana goes into the deep part of the sea alone? He reminds her that she needs to go with one of her daddies when she’s small
He always helps her with stuff she’s too short for
*munchkin climbing on the counter to reach her gummies* “No pumpkin, you can’t climb on the counter to reach the high cupboard, here, let me help you”
He carries her around A LOT
When she’s really small she likes to sit on his lap and fidget with his hair
If he’s late researching and not in bed for story time she always goes up to him and lays down near until he’s finished
When she’s big they go to the gym and lift weights and running, or go in nature walks, when she’s small they go play catch in the park together or go in the swings, as long as they’re both happy and healthy he’s okay with going out for a bit more
Definitely the type to give her a time out and then talk it out
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cas aka dae or casseel
he was definitely very confused when he heard that she was a regressor, but not in a bad way, he’s just confused with most earth things!!
sammy knew about the topic (he researched a bit more because he suspected that munchkin was a regressor) and when he explained it to him, cas got it
he’s the one that’s away the most doing angel business, but he makes sure to check in on her at bedtime
when he is home, he’s her official nap buddy, she finds him so comforting and loves napping with him
they definitely go on tons of walks and, ANNNND they stop to analyze every new flower and mushroom!! (munchkin isn’t allowed to touch them though)
munchkin finds dean and cas’s relationship the most adorable thing ever, she’s a huge romantic because cmon, you are if you watch cinderella every other week, so when they kiss she’s always like “a true love’s kiss!!!”
he heals ALL the ouchies, but she still gets a fun bandaid
she asks cas if he has magic rapunzel hair when he heals her or the boys
she sometimes wears his trench coat and plays pretend in it
or when it’s cold and she wants to sleep in the impala, he lets her use it as a blanket
he’s always down to watch disney movies, since they’re new to him!!
“but little one, why must cinderella go home at 12? why are the mice horses? why a pumpkin and not an apple or a zucchini??” “dunno, magic stuff dae, but ‘ook there!!! her dress pretty!!!!!”
tells her stories from the whole existence of the world
she gives him butterfly kisses on the nose (the ones where you bat your eyelashes on the other person’s skin)
he helps her tie the ribbons on her dresses
so that is it for my personal supernatural headcanons, i quite enjoyed writing these so i’m definitely making this for my mcu au!! i know there’s not much spn agere fics (cmon we ALL go and search spn agere and check for new fics) so if you liked this feel free to send me an ask whether that be from this au or reader insert one shots typa things :D
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solar---system · 2 years
Little and agere picrews (in no specific order):
Gender neutral full body picrew, sitting
Gender neutral full body picrew, sitting
Gender neutral half body picrew
Gender neutral half body picrew
Gender neutral face picrew
Two gender neutral people full body standing picrew, heterochromia option
CW:Not tw'ed scars, religious symbols, knife, tw'ed blood Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human colour and part options, heterochromia option, plus size friendly, very inclusive from @blorbiter
CW:Not tw'ed scars Half human (bottom) half animal full body picrew, sitting, non-human colour and part options
CW:Not tw'ed blood Gender neutral full body standing picrew, non-human colour and part options, lots of clothing options
Gender neutral full body lying picrew non-human options
CW:Not tw'ed scars Female full body picrew, heterochromia option
Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human colour options
CW:Not tw'ed cigarette, alcohol, fresh injury Female half body picrew, non-human colour and part options
Female half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human part options
Two gender neutral full body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human colour, scelera and part options
Female full body picrew, sitting, non-human part options
Female half body picrew
CW:Not tw'ed blood Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human colour, scelera and part options, heterochromia option
CW:Not tw'ed blood Gender neutral full body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human colour and part options
Gender neutral half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human colour, scelera and part options
Female half body picrew
CW:Not tw'ed blood, religious symbol Female half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human part options
CW:Not tw'ed shackles Gender neutral full body picrew, sitting, non-human part options
Female half body picrew, pacifier option, stuffed animals
CW:Not tw'ed blood, scars, knife, gun, religious symbol Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human part options, pacifier option, stuffed animals
Gender neutral full body picrew, non-human part options
CW:Not tw'ed knife, blood, syringe Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human colour and part options
Female full body picrew
Gender neutral full body picrew, plus size friendly, non-human part options, pacifier option
Female fairy full body picrew
Female half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human part options, stuffed animals
Female half body picrew
CW:Not tw'ed scars Gender neutral full body picrew, lying down, non-human colour options
Gender neutral full body picrew, sitting
Gender neutral full body picrew, non-human colour and part options
Gender neutral full body picrew, stuffed animal
Gender neutral half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human part options
Male half body picrew
Magical girl half body picrew, non-human part options
Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human part options
Gender neutral full body picrew
CW:Not tw'ed knife Female half body picrew, heterochromia option, non-human option
CW:Not tw'ed religious symbol Female half body picrew, heterochromia option
Female full body picrew, heterochromia option
CW:Not tw'ed scars, blood Gender neutral half body picrew, non-human part options
CW:Not tw'ed scars Female half body picrew, non-human part options, very inclusive from @citrus-captain
CW:Not tw'ed and tw'ed blood Gender neutral half body picrew, very inclusive
CW:Not tw'ed scars Female half body picrew, non-human part options
User with princess and prince makers
CW:Not tw'ed scars, knives Little friendly adult half body picrew, plus size friendly, very inclusive
Pacifier maker!
Bear maker!
Pony maker!
Small friend maker!
Zombie plush maker!
Teddy maker!
Dog maker!
Dragon maker!
Teddy bear maker!
Please tell us if you want to add something or have something changed, we will update this.
~Castiel, Galaxy
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little-wolfpuppy · 22 days
Can you pleasee write caregiver team free will headcanons? I love your supernatural cg hcs sm!😁😁
TW Cannon-typical mentions of violence, supernatural beings, alcohol, weapons,
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You know that meme "you want a beer?" "Dude, he's FOUR?" yea that's this trio in a nutshell
Solo Cas HCs are -> here
He's the last to find out you regress, simply because his "people skills" are "rusty" (/ref)[He actually notices you're acting odd and bluntly asks what's going on. He can tell if you lie about it XD]
He does NOT understand at first- probably accidentally says something mean - but once he does understand, he's SO apologetic. Scarily protective of you from that moment on.
He's canonically good with kids and raised Sam, so I think he'd be the best caregiver out of the three of them, TBH. Probably the first out of the three to find out.
You 100% have to explain what agere/petre is to him and why you do it, but he's supportive.
Most likely to give you sweets and let you stay up late to watch tv with him
Knows what agere is bc he reads and searches the web so much. Does NOT realize you're a regressor until you tell him. He feels like an idiot when he realizes how many hints there were and how obvious it was.
Most likely to reward you with storytime and bedtime stories
They're definitely... chaotic together
All three are super overprotective, almost helicopter caregivers, I mean, with all the beings after them and being hunters and a fallen angel, their concerns are valid.
If they're out on a hunt, they'll bring you back souvenirs. If you're with them, they would totally let you loose on a playground at midnight
Sam wants you to eat healthy, Dean offers you pie, and Cas has to mediate because he just wants you to eat at all
The bunker is babyproofed even if you're a teen regressor. Overprotective much
Cas heals all your ouchies easily, but Dean will kiss the bandaid and say it's special big brother healing magic
I don't see any of them taking on a parental cg role if they're caring for you together, more like three older brothers. If you give any of them a nickname like Bubba or Bubby, the other two will totally get jealous, so come up with nicknames for all 3 of them ;-;
Only trust eachother with you. They take "trust nobody" to a whole new level
Dean gets you retro toys because "they last longer and are better quality"; Cas gets you stuffed animals; Sam gets you educational toys and coloring books
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sleepyreese · 1 year
Little Dean W. & Caregiver Castiel Mood Board
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Requested by ⇢ @little-moonshine-academia
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motherlove · 1 month
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Father Caregiver Castiel.
Requested by : @fairyflowerss.
Like & Reblog if used.
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littlespacereader · 1 year
A Trip To The Grocery Store
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Caregiver! Castiel & Little! Dean Winchester (Completely SFW)
Tags: Discovery of regression, stuffies, sippy cups, hand holding, hugs,
Nicknames: Darling, little hunter
(Created this because I’m in the process of trying to get my hands on a sippy cup without my family knowing😣. Please enjoy this adorable story!)
Dean, who’s usually the driver, was now the passenger of Castiel’s car. How the angel learned how to drive was beyond him.
It had been a few days without a hunt meaning the three were spending a lot of time in the bunker. Sam had insisted someone go to the grocery store since the bunker was become sparse with food.
But since Baby was getting some work done in the garage, Castiel suggest they take his car. Under normal circumstances Dean would insisted they wait till he fixed his car. But the food was getting low…and Castiel said he could put his music on…
So here the two sat, driving to the grocery store closest to the bunker. Since they were out in the middle of no where, the grocery store didn’t see many people and was more low key. That’s what made this store Dean’s personal favorite.
When Sam suggest a trip to the grocery store Dean was all for the idea. They had been in close quarters to each other for a while now and it was starting to show. Some fresh air and alone time was just what Dean needed to rest himself…expect Castiel invited himself to come along.
That under normal circumstances would’ve been fine, but this wasn’t normal circumstances. Since the three had been working long and hard hours on this hunt Dean’s had little to no time to regress. He would sit at one of the tables all day researching along with Sam.
Eventually he would either retire to his bed and be too exhausted to regress or simply fall asleep at the table on top of all his papers.
As the research dragged on into the late night hours he could feel himself getting more frustrated and annoyed by tiny things, add on fighting his regression and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
It wasn’t like he could tell Sam or Cas about it…they wouldn’t understand…or at least that’s what Dean reasoned himself to think. He was the tough one of the group. The badass hero with a cool car. How would even begin to explain to Cas or Sam that sometimes he’d like to cuddle up with a stuffed animal and fall asleep with a pacifier in his mouth?
For Dean it started long ago, back when Sam had moved out and went to college and he was alone with an occasional visit from his father. The loneliness started to eat away at him but regression saved him, finally giving him the childhood that was stolen from him.
He was good, very good at hiding his little gear. Not that he had much, just a stuffed animal dog and a pacifier he bought online. Other than that had nothing. But he was fine with that. He loved to sit in front of the tv and watch Scooby-Doo for hours. Man, that dog is hilarious!
But getting back to the present, he wasn’t too thrilled to have company on this shopping trip. Not when he was already so stressed out because of the case and not with his regression eagerly waiting to take over.
He would be fine, just a little shopping trip and then they would head back to the bunker. Maybe he could say he wasn’t feeling well and take the night to himself?
They parked the car and the two stepped out, looking at the grocery store.
“Do we have a list or are we making it up as we go along?” Dean ask.
Cas dig around in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, “Sam gave me a list of essentials we needed.”
Dean rolled his eyes and smirked. Of course Sam gave Cas the list, knowing full well he would follow it to the T…unlike Dean.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” With that the two walked into the grocery store. Both of them grabbed a basket and started making their way to the produce section.
Cas went over and started putting some fruit in his basket while Dean went over to the apples. As he was putting some in his basket he noticed the display next to it, caramel dipping sauce for the apples. Now that sounds nice! Cut apples with caramel to dip it in!
He reached and grabbed the container, but was stopped before putting it in his basket. Castiel held Dean’s wrist stopping him from getting he sugary goodness.
“Cas? What the hell?” Dean tested his strength, trying to pull his arm back.
“This isn’t good for you. What’s the point of eating something healthy like an apple if you ruin it with something unhealthy like caramel?” Castiel explained.
“What are you some sort of health freak now?” Dean asked but only received the same plain stubborn look from Castiel.
“Alright,” he said giving up on the caramel dip. “You know I’m an adult that can buy something unhealthy if I so please.”
Castiel didn’t say a word, he just gave Dean a look and placed the dip back. Dean didn’t know what was worse, him saying something back to that or him not saying anything at all. But there absolutely no way Cas could ever know…right?
No, there was no way. Dean was wayyyyy too good at hiding his regression and his two little items. Yeah…no way…no way at all…
The shopping trip continued, only Dean was getting more and more bored with the mundaneness of the trip.
Castiel lead the way through the store picking and choosing things to put in both his and Dean’s basket. Occasionally Dean would add his two cents to the choices. But as the shopping trip dragged on longer, Dean felt his fight against regression slipping away.
“Dean,” Castiel said breaking Dean out of his thoughts. “Could you go to the next aisle over and grab the white bread? We must’ve passed it.” Castiel asked as he looked over the list.
“Yeah of course.” Good, some time away to recollect himself and get his regression under control. So with a deep breath Dean made his way through the aisle.
He turned down the bread, grabbed the white bread Sam and him have been eating for years and walked back out, heading back to Cas. But there was a couple looking for something in the aisle, but being the annoying people they were, they decided to stand in the middle of the aisle blocking anyone from passing.
Of course Dean could’ve just asked them to move out of the way. But with his headspace teetering he didn’t feel like interacting with anyone. So he just turned around and turned down a different aisle.
But the aisle he turned down didn’t help his regression at all.
The baby aisle. Filled to the brim with toys, stuffie, bottles and more for infants. And while Dean wasn’t a baby physically, he definitely was one mentally. The sight of all the supplies instantly started to make him regress. He walked down the aisle slowly taking in the sight of everything.
He walked past the stuffies, admiring all the different animals. But he couldn’t bring himself to getting another one and hurting his dog stuffie Ozzy’s feelings.
He slowly walked past the toys, making sure he saw every single one incase there was a Scooby-Doo one. With no mystery machine toy in sight he continued his browsing. He walked past the pacifiers, they were too tiny for him anyway.
But what stopped him all together was the sippy cups. He eyed the different cups all different shapes, sizes and patterns. One stuck out to him the most, a blue sippy cup with a dinosaur pattern.
He could definitely drink out of one of these and it would be so comforting! He’s been spilling drinks on himself while regressed which was starting to become a problem but something like this would stop it. Plus it’s would be easy to hide with his other stuff.
“I think the fire engine one is nice.” Castiel said suddenly appearing next to Dean.
Dean jumped so badly he dropped his basket on the ground. A blush rose across his face as he scrambled to pick up the basket. He started fighting myself to sound and act like his normal adult self.
“I was just cutting through this aisle to get back to you,” he tried to cover up.
“Which one were you looking at?” Castiel asked not taking his eyes off the different sippy cups.
“I-I wasn’t looking at any one of them. I was just browsing on my way past.“
“Which one did you want?” Castiel turned towards Dean whose face was getting more and more pink with blush.
“I don’t want one. Why would I want one? I don’t have a kid that needs it.”
“Dean, you’re the kid that needs.” Castiel said so plainly as if it wasn’t a big deal. But his words struck a cord deep down inside Dean.
The world seem to freeze with that statement, so plain yet so true. The words seemed to hang in the air for a moment as the Angel and Hunter stared at each other.
The regression won against Dean as his eyes started to get red with tears, “No…No I’m not.” He tried to deny, so scared of anyone truly knowing.
Castiel put his basket down and closed the distance between himself and Dean. He pulled Dean into a hug. Dean didn’t reciprocate at first, too shocked by the gesture. But eventually he gave in, wrapping his arms around Cas. His head resides on his shoulder as the two just held each other for a moment.
Finally Dean broke the silence, “How do you know?” He asked softly breaking apart.
“When I brought your soul back from hell I looked into your past. I saw your childhood and your need for regression. I saw the few times you felt safe enough to actually regress. I even saw when you got your stuffed animal Ozzy.” Castiel explain causin Dean to blush even more and look away.
“But most importantly I saw how important regression was to you and how much it helped you through the years. Ever since then I’ve done my research on regression and have been watching out for whenever I could sense you were starting to regress.” Castiel said proud as ever.
“My guardian angel,” Dean said with a small smile.
Castiel smiled as well, “Well…yeah. Your guardian angel.”
He took one of Dean’s hands into his own, “I want you to know that your regression is such an amazing thing about you Dean. You should be getting yourself the things you want and need for when you’re feeling smaller.”
Dean looked up at Castiel, “But-“
“I won’t judge you Dean. I never have and I never will. It doesn’t make you weak or strange to need an escape. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it. I’m happy you have a healthy copping mechanism like this, rather than drinking yourself to death like you used to. I’m proud of you for regressing when you need.”
Dean just stared at Castiel in total disbelief. No one has ever known but now he knew and he was…so understanding. And despite knowing all this time he never once treated Dean differently, always still respecting him.
Dean had always been the one taking care of and protect those around him, especially Sam. But now it brought a warm comfort to Dean knowing all this time Castiel had been looking out for him.
Castiel leaned forward and wiped a few stray tears away, “Now, I want you to tell me which one of these cup you were looking at before.” He squeezed Dean’s hand in his.
Dean turned towards the cups once more. This big reveal and acceptance was great and all, but at the same time it was a bit overwhelming. With his headspace in full swing now he just pointed to the dinosaur cup.
“The dinosaur one?” Castiel asked as he pulled it off the shelf.
Dean nodded, holding onto his hand tighter. “I like dinos.”
“Then we’ll add it to our cart…or basket.” Castiel said realizing they didn’t have a cart. Dean giggled at his silliness.
Castiel looked down the aisle at the stuffed animals, “What about another one of those?” He lead the way, pulling Dean along.
“But-I can’t. Ozzy will get jealous.” He tried to explain.
Castiel smiled hearing the cute reasoning, “Ozzy won’t get jealous. He knows that he’s always going to be your favorite. It might be nice to get him a friend to keep him company when you’re not with him.”
Suddenly it was as if Cas turned on a light bulb, it all made sense. “Yeah…you’re right.” Dean nodded.
“Now who do you think would make a good friend to Ozzy?”
Dean turned and carefully browsed the shelves until he spotted it, a stuffie of a beagle. He picked up off the shelf. Her fur was super flat and the ear were long and flat. Upon feeling the ears they had something inside of them that made a crinkly noice. She was perfect!
“I think I’m gonna get her.” Dean said holding her out for Castiel to see.
“Wow! She’s beautiful. What a great choice darling.” Castiel praised, making Dean blush.
“All she needs is a name,” Cas pointed out.
Well if Ozzy was named after Ozzy Osborn then there was really only one name that made sense.
“Sharon.” Of course named after Ozzy Osborn’s wife.
Castiel smiled, the reference flying over his head. “Sharon’s a great name Dean.” He leaned down and shook the dog’s paw. “It’s so nice to meet you Sharon.”
Dean giggled again. Castiel really is the silliest.
“Alright, we have just a couple more things to grab and then we’ll head back to the bunker and get you settled for the night. Sound good?” Castiel asked.
Dean nodded his head and resisted the urge to put his fingers on his mouth. Thankfully holding Cas’ hand with one hand and holding onto the basket with the other prevented him from doing so. Castiel thought of that…didn’t he?
But what Castiel didn’t think of, was how bad of an idea it is to take a regressed Dean down the potato chip aisle, which also happens to be the candy aisle. Dean quickly let go of Castiel’s hand and ran down the aisle to the fruit snack. There he grabbed a box of his favorite, the Scooby-Doo ones of course.
“Can we get a box?” Dean asked bringing it over to Cas.
“These don’t look very healthy…”
Dean gave his best puppy dog eyes, “Please.”
Despite all the powers he had being an angel, even he was no match for an adorable face like that.
Castiel smiled, “Alright, put it in your basket.”
Castiel picked up some snacks Sam asked for off the list while Dean would bring him different candies and ask if he could have each one. It was a no most of the time, despite Dean’s best efforts.
After the snack aisle the two went down the paper goods aisle to grab some extra toilet paper and paper towels. As Cas was looking over the different selections, he could tell Dean was starting to get bored of the shopping trip.
“Are we done yet?” He asked with a little whine.
“Almost darling just two more things.” Castiel replied.
Dean’s head lifted up hearing the sweet nickname again. A small blush crept across his face once more.
“Hi, can I help you two with anything?” A store employee walking by asked the two.
Immediately, despite being taller than Cas, Dean almost tried to hide himself behind the shorter man, shy as ever. It was an adorable sight to Cas who never thought he’d see the day Dean of all people would be shy.
“We’re fine thank you.” Cas quickly replied.
“Let me know if you need anything.” And with that the employee left.
Dean let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding the moment the employee left. He looked over at Cas to see a smirk across his face causing the Winchester to blush more and look away.
“I think that’s it,” Castiel said looking over the list to double check. “Let’s go back home.” He could notice the small signs of Dean starting to get more and more tired. A nap in the car was definitely needed for the little hunter.
The two made their way to the checkout. The cashier immediately caught eyes with Dean. She started to trying to flirt with him but just like before he stayed close to Castiel letting him do the talking.
Finally they were out of the grocery store and back at the car. Before he started to unload the cart, Castiel first settled Dean in the front seat.
He buckled him in and handed him his dog stuffed animal, “Here Darling, we can’t forget Sharon now can we?”
He happily took it and smiled back at Castiel. “Cas,” Dean grabbed his hand before he walked away. He looked up at him and smiled, looking more relaxed than he has been in a very long time. “Thank you.”
Castiel smiled back, squeezing Dean’s hand in his, “You don’t need to thank me. I’m just happy to see you so happy and comfortable.”
Dean looked down, as if he wasn’t sure if he should ask something. But after a moment he looked back up at Castiel. “You’ve always been looking after me.”
“That’s right.”
“Could you keep looking after me? Even after today, when I regress again?” Dean nervously asked.
Castiel smiled and squeezed Dean’s hand reassuringly him, “I would be honored to.”
Dean smiled back and relaxed. All the pent up nervousness leaving him once more.
With one last squeeze Castiel reluctantly let go of Dean’s hand. “I’m going to pack up the car real fast and then maybe on the way home you can take a nap.” Cas said, caught Dean yawning and rubbing his eyes when they were checking out.
“I don’t need a nap,” he heard Dean call from behind him.
Castiel loaded the trunk up with their groceries. When he rounded the car to the front seat he could see Dean’s head bobbing as he fought against sleeping.
But once the car started up and the began their journey back to the bunker he eventually felt Dean’s head pressed against his shoulder. Castiel just smiled to himself and adored the little hunter sleeping soundly beside him.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you would be interested in writing some Cg!Castiel headcanons please? If not that's completely understandable! Anyways that's all, have a great day!💜💜💜
Caregiver Castiel headcanons
!!!eee supernatural agere my love!!! (btw I’ve only seen up to s7 so if some of this is off base just sshhh)
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such a sweetheart, super gentle & understanding (even if he needs a few things explained)
he’s pretty picky about who watches his little, usually only allowing Sam, Dean, Gabriel & Bobby if it’s really needed
once Crowley babysat and Cas has had trust issues ever since (don’t let littles play with hellhounds guys!!)
his favorite is to care for his little with Sam around, he’s very good at helping out when Cas isn’t quite sure what’s happening
but Cas is a god at figuring out baby babble, in his mind it sounds the same as normal talking
he’ll let his little sleep in his bed no questions asked no matter the night
he’s always willing to give up his coat if his little is cold, preferably draping it over them as carefully as he can
he’s pretty careful with anything he does, very nervous of somehow hurting his little or upsetting them
he does fun voices for characters in books no matter what
he’ll even do it when in the Impala with Sam & Dean in the front seat, dean almost crashed the first time he heard it
he teaches his little how to tie a tie (after he learns himself) so that way they can match
loves to paint & draw with his little, he keeps every piece of artwork in its own folder so nothing happens to it
he enjoys carrying his little on his shoulders, since he’s an angel he can see everything & assumes his little must enjoy being taller than they actually are so they can see more
strength isn’t an issue at all so occasionally Dean will somehow get himself to be carried by Cas as Dean holds Cas’ little
Sam has so many pictures of this, as does Gabriel
Cas gets super worried when his little goes on a hunt so afterwards he demands Dean to give them at least a day of recovery
it’s filled with lots of cuddles and relaxing, it ends up being beneficial for everyone but Dean would never admit it
lovessssss picnics, anything outdoors really
bird watching & feeding ducks are some of his favorite activities, he always makes sure to get a food that won’t be dangerous for the ducks too
this leads to him teaching his little all about animals
he likes to read the Bible out loud to his little, the stories in it always become scattered with little facts of what really happened as Cas was there for most of it
will not hesitate to smite someone if his little is in danger, though sometimes Dean & Sam have to stop him
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Caregiver!Castiel, Dean and Sam <33 (because I love them and I'd love it if they could be my caregivers!!!)
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67 notes · View notes