#SPK au
noxx-33i · 3 months
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spk swocket angst bc i need to draw them more
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beansismyreligion · 1 year
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:) ★ ?
Dewey measured twelve inches with the ruler, Huey lifted the medallion to the correct height, and Louie held the lantern. Three seemed to be the perfect number to get the job done, and Huey smiled. He could’ve done it by himself, probably, but he didn’t have to, and that was the beauty of it.
Immediately, little points of light shone down onto the map, traveling through the total six gems.
“Cool,” Dewey whispered, and Huey smiled wider.
Fanart of chapter 15 of Solider, Poet, King by @stargaze-sunflower !! go give it a read !!
“Look!” Dewey exclaimed excitedly, leaning forward and bumping Huey’s shoulder in the process. “It’s all lined up!”
And he was right; five of the gem lights were dancing above existing villages, but one of Dewey’s blue dots was swaying out in the middle of nowhere.
“Mark it down!” Huey urged.
Dewey scrambled for the pencil and drew a smiley face right under his blue light.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
tw bullying, multiple whumpers, humiliation, dehumanisation, making fun of past trauma
Pumpkin didn't like Anton's friends. They thought they were all pretentious and horrible – just like Anton. They never once voiced that opinion, of course.
"Sometimes I still wonder why you keep that one around," one of them sighed. "Do you keep every rat you find in the sewers?"
Pumpkin winced at the words, bowing their head further. They could never seem to make themself small enough to avoid being mocked.
"Aw, don't be so mean to poor little Pumpkin." Anton could reach them from where he was sitting, and he ruffled their hair, just a bit rougher than could be considered friendly. "They're a treasured family friend! Best of friends with my little brother too. Two broken peas in a pod, of course they found each other."
"There's so much more wrong with them aside from not having persuasion," someone else said with a laugh. "What was it that they ran after you with? You have to tell that story again."
"'Mr. de Sang, sir? Sir, please hear me out, I used to be a pet for a human and the human is dead and I can't function on my own,'" Anton was imitating their voice, eliciting another round of laughter from everyone. Pumpkin was too busy hiding their face and trying to bite back tears to notice Anton motioning everyone to quiet down – he was about to pull the funniest prank. "Honestly? At the time, I thought it was weird as hell. But the more time we spend together, I'm starting to like the idea of keeping them as a pet."
Pumpkin's eyes snapped up to him, wide and full of foolish hope. Was Anton really going to change his mind? Would he really keep them? "You are?" 
"Yeah. You could share the human quarters with Chewtoy there, it'd be a perfect arrangement."
"R-Really?" Pumpkin forgot about all the other people in the room in their blind excitement. "You'd let me? You'd let me be a pet again? Thank you so much, thank you, I, I never thought-"
One of the bunch broke their poker face and began laughing, and it started a chain reaction. The entire group was howling with laughter, including Anton. 
Time came to a stop, and the sounds became dulled. Pumpkin's ears were ringing too loudly to hear anything else. They swallowed and turned back towards the coffee table, eyes fixed on the very bottom of it, where its leg met the carpet.
It had been a joke.
"You're so gross," Anton said, still half-wheezing. "I can't believe you got so excited… You're such a disgusting freak."
Everyone was taunting them, to the point where their face couldn't have gotten any redder. Tears of humiliation and shame trickled down their cheeks, prompting even more mockery. 
They should've never spoken. Should've never lifted their head to look at any of them. Should've assumed that all words uttered to them were part of a cruel prank.
They should've known better.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @lost-in-labradorite-halls @hidden-dreamland @lonesome--hunter
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whumpsday · 2 years
Since @whumpshaped has been making these, its fair if you're not taking part in it, but I was thinking about bad end/game over spk Kane ?
otherwise known as the "bellamy never finds them" au. credit to @whumpshaped for seth ("sir") and some of the dialogue here (because we have discussed this scenario in dms before)
literally cried writing this btw. good thing i am also working on the rescue chapter of spk and that'll be posted today to even it all out :)
cw: death wish, major character death, pet whump, unhappy ending
It had been decades alone in the basement, decades since Sir had accidentally killed Pumpkin. He wasn't sure how many, but Kane could tell that Sir was getting up there in age. He must have been in his sixties by now, which while a long way from the average human lifespan, was still approaching it.
He remembered being in his sixties, a lifetime ago. He hadn't known pain, then.
Kane was scared. Sir had always threatened to send him back to the hunters when he got old. As horrible as it was here, and as much worse as it had gotten after Pumpkin died, it was still better here. If only by the slightest margin. Anything was better than the hunters.
Kane looked up at the ceiling, the chain connected to his collar jingling slightly with the movement. "I'm scared, Pumpkin."
He always looked up to talk to them. Pumpkin had told him about their human religion, and he knew that's where Pumpkin would go. Even if they had thought otherwise.
"I want to go too." he whispered.
Sir was approaching the basement. Kane resigned himself to another day of endless torment.
But when Sir opened the door, they were holding a stake.
Kane's heart surged with hope, eyes flitting between Sir's face and his potential salvation. "Sir...?"
"Okay Leech, I think I'm retiring." he said, approaching with the stake.
Tears of joy came to Kane's eyes. It was over. Sir wasn't sending him back to the hunters. He was finally, finally going to be allowed to die.
He righted himself into a kneeling position, baring his chest readily. "Thank you, Sir."
Sir did not make a fuss of it. No final words were exchanged.
Kane died smiling.
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m0ssdraws · 6 months
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🗡️SPK flowers pt.1🕯️
⭐️The twins🗝️
This is for my friend Oliver’s AU! It’s based on me and my friends but with the twist of the song “solider,poet,king” applied to the story. It means a lot to me and all my friends so I wanted to make a series of pieces out of it!
Each will have a different duo of characters as the focus and a flower relating to the meaning of their relationship and first up are the twins, Jas and Theo!
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zimthandmade · 2 months
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MATT PUPPET HELLO??? I want 5.000 immediately. I also redesigned Mello's puppet to fit my version of him and it triggered a whole train of thoughts about the Mello puppet in general.
Take a look at the canon. Left is Near's puppet. Right is how Mello showed up at the SPK headquarters (aka the only time Near had the time to actually look at how Mello looks like AND DIDN'T EVEN TURN AROUND ONE TIME TO LOOK AT HIM).
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Near has surveillance footage of him entering the building though, so he for sure had the footage open for reference when sculpting.
The puppet has this weird cushion pattern on it that Near has no way of knowing, given it wasn't really visible when Mello was there in person. How the hell did Near know about the vest then? I think Halle described him.
"Yeah you know he always has this weird way too short biker vest or something with this weird pattern on it, I don't know how else to describe it but it's... so weird?? And the rosary and the leather in general, it's just... he's so strange."
And I headcanon Matt being at some of the meetings between Halle and Mello too. At least as a driver. So Halle 100% mentions Matt to Near like
"Mello had a buddy with him this time" "... a buddy?" "Yeah, they seemed to be friends." "What did he look like? Did you catch his name?" "No but he looked equally weird as Mello. He had these orange-tinted goggles and a super giddy looking fur vest, smoking..." "Did he have reddish-brown hair? Freckles?" "Uh. Yeah...? Yeah he did??" "Wearing stripes of some sort?" "Yeah??" "Mh. Interesting. Still glued to Mello's butt, huh?"
Near wants to make a puppet for Matt too and asks Halle to draw him, at least make a sketch. Halle can't draw shit.
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(Shoutout to @mihaelkeehl for this absolute banger of a drawing of Matt!! 💜💜💜)
They ask Gevanni to make a composite sketch of Matt by Halle's description. Halle describes him very unflattering and Gevanni draws the most unsettling portrait of Matt you will ever see.
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In 2.1 Mello and Matt make it out of the Takada kidnapping alive and crash at the SPK HQ for a few days. Matt noticed this drawing hanging on Near's desk and goes "WHAT POOR BASTARD IS THIS LOLOLOL" and Mello goes "Matt uhm... I think that's you" Matt is in full fanboy mode, asks if he can keep the sketch, makes Gevanni sign it for him, frames it.
----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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houseofthelabyrinth · 9 months
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⚕️ Turn Illness into a Weapon ⚕️
"Among the surviving records of SPK’s (Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv or Socialist Patients' Collective) actions and ideologies is a manifesto written by its members called Aus Der Krankheit Eine Waffe Machen (often translated as To Make an Army out of Illness, or Turn Illness into a Weapon). This 1972 text is part user manual, part oral history, part sardonic critique of Cold War capitalism. Unlike other self-organized patient groups and their counterparts in the anti-psychiatry movement, SPK uniquely combined Marxist political theory, social science analysis, and what they termed 'therapeutic praxis' to create an improvised, in-patient community with the express collectivist goal of researching the connections between capitalism, madness, eugenics, and the individuation of illness under political economies of work and care."¹
— from Health Communism, written by Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant.
[ID: My design of a linocut print on brown paper. A snake is wrapped around a stick, with text below which reads, "Turn Illness into a Weapon". The snake is hissing and baring its fangs. Its tongue is curling out of its mouth. The second image is the same design but on white paper. End ID]
¹ Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant, Health Communism (Brooklyn: Verso, 2022), 128-129.
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randomizt · 1 year
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au where blue joins the bad sanses
dream and ink thinks he’s been taken forcefully and is in great agony/pain but in reality he’s perfectly fine/enjoying himself
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
It wouldn’t be a yugioh protagonist if they didn’t have mid-late show depression over a traumatic near death experience.
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noxx-33i · 4 months
"Armourgraft stop staring and start balling!"
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i gave up on drawing armour guys... i struggled for like a full 20 minutes before i decided "fuck you"
Taken from Dungeon Meshi from the living armor monster
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theunderscorwolph · 9 months
Idk man, somin for SPK
"ZED, GET BACK HERE" Impulse shouted at the sheep who was sprinting of into the trees with the blanket in his clutches.
Tango groaned, why couldn't this be a peaceful morning. His feet still hurt from yesterdays walk and he was already missing the soft and fancy bed at Skizz's kingdom. instead he was laying on the ground using a bag full of uncomfortable things as a pillow.
At least it hadn't rained, or else there would be too many burn marks on Tango for ether Zed or Impulse to heal.
Tango sat up and stretched, rolling his head and rubbing at his neck. "WAH! TANGO SAVE ME!" Zedaph screeched, ducking behind Tango as a very unhappy Impulse trudged out of the foliage with enough sticks and leaves in his hair to build a bird nest.
The prince of Ashten stomped up to Tango (who still was waking up and now has to stop whatever this is) sitting on the ground with Zedaph crouched behind him "Zed, we have to pack quickly if we want to get to Hounts Town by dark," Impulse growled pulling one of the many sticks out of his hair "hand me the blanket so I can pack it." Impulse's expression softened and held out his hand to take the blanket from Zed.
Zed glanced at the offered hand "Yeah but we've been walking for three days straight, Impy. dontchya want a break?" Zed pleaded "I mean look at poor Tango," Zedaph grabbed Tango's face and tilted it up twards the demon "Look at how sad and tired he is! I know I'll be fine with all the walking but what about Tango, his poor little legs can't handle it. Sure he's a trained guard but he hasn't walked this far or long without taking a days break." Impulse's soft look had dropped after Zed's rant, now he just looked impatient.
"Are you done?" He asked tilting his head slightly and bringing his once outstretched hand to his hip. Zedaph was apparently not done "what about you Impy, you're a prince and deserves his beauty sleep so he can woo all the people-" with that sentence Zed got a balled up cloke to his face.
Zed pulled the cloke off and glared at Impulse before turning his question to Tango. "Tango don't you want a break too?" Zedaph asked with pleading eyes, Tango sighed and rubbed his eye "I just want to go back to Skizz's kingdom and sleep in that bed for a week." Tango said flicking his tail, "oh yeah sure you can go back," Impulse said, walking away to assumingly make breakfast for the trio "but that will, one take you a three days walk from here to Azure, and two will get you ether killed or captured on sight." Impulse deadpaned while starting a fire.
Tango groaned and tossed his head back to find Zedaph's shoulder. "At least let me wake up first before we start trudging to the town." Tango lifted his head back up and yawned "hmmmm... narp!" Zed pushed off the ground using Tango's head, Tango grumbled a rude remark under his breath.
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whumpsday · 2 years
H-how will captured Bellamy react when Kane gets handed over to Seth? What if both of them get taken by Seth (the second qu if Seth's mun is ok with that)
OOOOH I SEE WE'RE DELVING INTO AN AU OF AN AU. yes let's throw spk into the mix.
he would react horribly. kane is the only good thing in his life in captivity. completely destroys him.
although, @whumpshaped would seth want 2 vampires? or just one?
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vietgevanni · 2 months
I wonder why Gevanni isn’t in death note short stories.. especially when he played such a large role in the main story
It makes me think, what happened to him?
Then I remember his lifespan that was shown in 1.28 which was 305717
Which is about 2 or 3 months
So what if Gevanni died?
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zimthandmade · 10 months
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Even if he‘s as physically inactive as one can be, Near most likely has this adolecent sweaty stench on him. He‘s a teen in the SPK arc after all. Teens stink.
----- My other socials Commission Info Let's have some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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godsofdeathloveoranges · 11 months
... thinking about a.... swap AU
I love swap AUs there's a lot to do with them, whether they're personality swaps or role swaps or gender swaps/bends etc
I'm specifically thinking about a personality swap/roleswap au rn though
Mainly because I like the idea of Near with a big burn scar across his face, and Mello crouched surrounded by screens and games... I want to see how that would look...
Whilst a temperamental Near is fun to imagine I like to think his rage would be more of an icy one. And it would be interesting to see a more subdued but not completely calm Mello.
I think maybe instead of children's games, Mello could play seemingly one-sided board and card games? And he puts down the move corresponding to his "opponent's" actions. And Near would be a chocolate liker he'd just eat white chocolate instead of milk/dark LMAOOO.
I just realised i have no clue who to swap Matt with... nuts. My first thought was Linda, since she shows up time to time in fanon as Near's friend, but she doesnt have a role in the story itself.
...Halle, maybe? Yeah... maybe... Halle could be the ride-or-die friend. Or- hm, I know. Gevanni could take the place of Halle originally- and be the SPK leak. And then have Matt take the place of Halle. I guess Rester would stay the same i cant think of who'd replace him LOL.
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randomizt · 1 year
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me after i remember i’m an artist and can literally make whatever i want
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