Adesso basta sangue
Ma non vedi?
Non stiamo nemmeno più in piedi
Un po' di pietà
Invece tu, invece fumi
Con grande tranquillità
Così sta a me
A me che debbo parlare, fidarmi di te
Domani, domani
Domani chi lo sa che domani sarà
Oh-oh, chi non lo so quale Dio ci sarà
Io parlo e parlo solo per me
Va bene, io credo nell'amore
L'amore che si muove dal cuore
Che ti esce dalle mani
E che cammina sotto i tuoi piedi
L'amore misterioso anche dei cani
E degli altri fratelli animali
Delle piante che sembra che ti sorridono
Anche quando ti chini per portarle via
L'amore silenzioso dei pesci
Che ci aspettano nel mare
L'amore di chi ci ama e non ci vuol lasciare
Ok (ok), lo so che capisci
Ma sono io che non capisco cosa dici
Troppo sangue qua e là sotto cieli di lucide stelle
Nei silenzi dell'immensità
Ma chissà se cambierà
Oh, oh, non so
Se in questo futuro nero buio
Forse c'è qualcosa che ci cambierà
Io credo che il dolore
È il dolore che ci cambierà
Oh ma, oh il dolore che ci cambierà
E dopo chi lo sa
Se ancora ci vedremo e dentro quale città
Brutta, fredda, buia, stretta o brutta come questa
Sotto un cielo senza pietà
Ma io ti cercherò
Anche da così lontano ti telefonerò
In una sera buia, sporca, fredda
Brutta come questa
Forse ti chiamerò perché vedi
Io credo che l'amore, è l'amore che ci salverà
Vedi io credo che l'amore è l'amore che ci salverà
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tartagliaarte · 2 years
Sotto una natura morta di Paul Cézanne c’è un ritratto, anzi forse un autoritratto
Sotto una natura morta di Paul Cézanne c’è un ritratto, anzi forse un autoritratto
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primepaginequotidiani · 15 hours
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Centro di Oggi martedì, 24 settembre 2024
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liverpoollomo · 1 month
Sotto. Lomo LC-A. Kentmere 400.
Sotto is in a part of the city I would ordinarily avoid as it is too close to the dickhead magnet that is Concert Square. However when I visited for an open mic night I was impressed. There was a fantastic choice of beer and the place had a DIY vibe that sets it apart from many of the bars nearby. Also, their commitment to provide a venue for local bands is to be applauded.
Sadly the roll in my LC-A was nearing it's end. I will add Soto to my "must visit with another camera and a fresh roll of film" list.
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average-guy-reviews · 5 months
Femstival by LEMAN day 1
27th April 2024
Anyone that knows me, and what I do, knows that I love supporting independent music and musicians. There are a lot of reasons I do it, but the main one is simply because I appreciate the art of what they do and feel like they deserve as much coverage as possible.
This two day event was a special one because it focussed on the music of the women of the Liverpool area. This is something that isn't really done on a regular basis, so this was definitely going to be an intriguing show. Melanie Price, the owner of LEMAN (Liverpool Entertainment, Music and Arts Network), works tirelessly to promote art and music and is always busy with an incredibly stressful role, while simultaneously being one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
This 'review' will split down my thoughts on the venue, and the artists with an overall thoughts at the end. There will be a part 2 for day 2 of the event.
The Venue
Sotto, Liverpool: The barman I spoke to described Sotto as 'A little bit divey and disorganised' and I honestly cannot think of a better way to describe such a fun little venue. On Wood Street in Liverpool city centre, and down some stairs, Sotto is a small venue with a stage area under the window at the front, a small bar to the side and seating set around the space. It can hold a maximum of 120 people, though it may feel a little close if fully packed.
It has a superb atmosphere for a simple place, with cheap drinks and friendly staff. I was drinking Corona and got 2 bottles for £6. Not an unreasonable cost at all. It is a superb venue for indie musicians looking for a first time gig, or to add to an ongoing list of places to perform. Put simply this is a great little venue and I will be going back.
Poppy King
The first singer up was Poppy King. Before the show I talked to each of the artists to say hi and introduce myself. As I was talking to Poppy I was shocked to find out she was only 16, and had been playing for 7 years. She has an incredibly assured vocal for someone so young. This along with a solid talent on the guitar tells me she is likely to be around for a long time.
Listening to her, and watching her, playing her own music it is clear that she is passionate about what she does with her art. The emotions behind her tunes are as deep as I can imagine for someone as early in their career as Poppy. It all bodes really well for the future music she is going to produce.
Elle Graham
Elle told me that she feels like a late bloomer as a musician. In her 20s and only playing for 3 years it's easy to see how she might feel like that. She is self taught and feels like that allows her own self to come through in the music more than it might otherwise. This definitely came across in her playing style. She has an almost smoky tone to her voice, and when I was listening to her it evoked an image of a quiet club on a Manhattan side street. Somewhere people go to simply chill and soak in the music. She also has a strength to her vocals that exudes power but doesn't override her music.
If I hadn't talked to Elle and someone asked me how long she'd been playing I would have said, in all honesty, about 10 years. Most certainly I would have been surprised to find out she'd only been playing for 3. If she's as good as she is now where can she be in 10 years? I don't know but I am very excited to see.
Sophie Bernice
One word came to mind as I watched Sophie playing her songs, and that word was vibe. Not a specific vibe as such, more a sense of simply chilling and vibing with the notes and the lyrics. She seemed utterly relaxed in herself and this came across in her style as she played. I can totally imagine sitting by a river on a warm summer's evening, as the sun goes down, with a campfire nearby and Sophie strumming away as the sun goes down.
It would be really hard to compare Sophie to other artists directly. I sensed a few influences, such as Sheryl Crow, Janis Joplin and others, but she just isn't like any of them at all...and I like that. She has real depth to her lyrics as well as a really impressive vocal range. I'm looking forward to seeing more of her in due course.
Lily Almond
With a guitar that looked almost as big as her Lily packed a huge amount of talent into a petite frame. She has an impressive voice, with a really strong belt to it. Yet even when she is belting out full her vocals are still super smooth, without any crackles or breaks, and that's a damn difficult skill to pull off.
Lily was joined on stage by another guitarist, and sometimes this can work against the main performer as it can draw attention away from them. That didn't happen here at all as she commands the spotlight and draws all the eyes to her. It's absolutely clear that performing is something she loves and, perhaps, something she was born to do. She's releasing an EP soon and it could be a solid launch pad for her.
Katie Nicholas
I've been a fan of, and a follower of, Katie for a long while now, though this was my first time meeting her and seeing her play live. In all the time I've been supporting her and listening to her music one thing I've always said is that she has some of the purest and clearest vocals I have ever heard. Finally seeing her perform live has only confirmed this in spades.
It can be hard to write about someone you're a fan of without sounding biased but Katie is a genuine talent, both lyrically and musically. I am always going to be happy to support her in her musical journey. At this even she played a song called 'Space and Time' and, while all the other songs up to this point have connected with me, this one really struck home on a deep personal level...i couldn't details why but....wow...
Daisy Gill
This one is going to be 100% biased, but I don't care. I've know Daisy for several years now and I absolutely love her, and her music. She has this incredible retro vibe to what she does that sets her apart from other artists as a really unique performer. Her voice is like warm treacle for the ears, giving a sweet, welcoming, sensation that would be almost impossible to replicate.
She introduced us to a new track and she was unsure how we'd take it as it was a divergence from her usual kind of work. It's a dance track and it is a bold step for her to take. She didn't need to be worried about it at all because the risk has paid off with a track that wouldn't be out of place in any club. Daisy is an absolute star and deserves (as do they all) a rocket ship to fame
Melanie has crated and curated a truly wonderful event here. Issues with the original venue meant and, almost, last-minute change to Sotto...but it worked, and it worked well. The artists were all really talented and put on a rousing show of superb tunes. At the end of day 1 I was really looking forward to seeing what came next....Thank you Mel, and Leman, Sotto, and all of the performers.
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medicomunicare · 10 months
L'Inghilterra approva la terapia genica per l'anemia falciforme: Casgevy è sotto review delle autorità competenti
L’anemia falciforme o drepanocitosi colpisce i globuli rossi nel sangue. La malattia fa sì che i globuli rossi diventino deformi, formando una forma a C o “falce”. Questi globuli rossi non vivono tanto quanto quelli sani. Ciò può portare ad anemia a causa dell’aumento della fragilità. Queste cellule diventano anche molto appiccicose, causando la formazione di grumi. Ciò può causare blocchi nelle…
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shmutzig · 11 months
Frutta sotto spirito
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serenamatroia · 1 year
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room42 · 2 years
Kai Sotto returns, helps Adelaide 36ers beat Perth Wildcats
Kai Sotto returns, helps Adelaide 36ers beat Perth Wildcats
Photo from Kai Sotto’s Instagram MANILA, Philippines—Kai Sotto returned as the Adelaide 36ers hacked out a 96-72 romp of the Perth Wildcats in the National Basketball League at RAC Arena on Thursday (Manila time). Sotto came back after missing the 36ers’ 89-83 loss to the New Zealand Breakers in Auckland due to visa issues. The Filipino center logged 14 minutes and finished with six points, five…
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primepaginequotidiani · 15 hours
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Fatto Quotidiano di Oggi martedì, 24 settembre 2024
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pgfone · 18 days
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Ce la vedo solo io questa goccia a forma di cuore?
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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I can come back yours, but I can't come back Lucy
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Singer Sotto, 2024 (1990). Singer Vehicle Design have revealed their 300th restomod that started life 34 years ago as the 964 series 911 Targa. The bodywork has been replaced with carbon fibre and the engine is Singer's 4.0 litre air-cooled flat 6 that manages 390hp and can hit 9,000rpm. Sotto is finished in Resistance Blue
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3416 · 7 months
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auston at the raptors game | 03.01.24
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Oggi giornata super noiosa, quindi vi beccate questo. Almeno la serata si fa più divertente 😩🙈
È il ringraziamento di tutti i bacini ricevuti nei giorni scorsi ahahah ✨✨ grazie per avermi fatto vincere la scommessa
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oliveoomph · 1 year
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Root & Shaw - Person of Interest
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