thoughts about vetinari and sybil?? eyes emoji
HI LIESMYTH i had to break out my laptop to answer this because i can't type fast enough on my phone...
I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. many of them influenced by fanfiction and not actual discworld canon. i am not even sure of the extent of their dynamic in canon yet because i haven't read all of the watch novels, but regardless in all of these books sybil is either a main character One (1) time, or she is a very minor character (I Am Mad About This). as such my thoughts sort of have to be extrapolation anyway
when it comes down to it i think i have three angles on vetinari and sybil (all very personally biased):
the Old Friends Angle - they are friends from boarding school, they meet each other for tea, they generally actively talk to each other, etc. from this angle, i see vetinari and sybil as having a genuine rapport and enjoying each other's company in a platonic way, which seems closest to the scraps we get from the actual books. regardless of angle, i think sybil and vetinari get along not just well, but interestingly. vetinari would be more than happy to listen to sybil rant about dragons, sybil would be more than happy to subtly make fun of people with vetinari, and their combination of Total Frankness and Subtle Bastard create such a collision of opposites that they break through Incompatible and get to "we're going to have weird conversations but we're going to enjoy it the entire time"
the Happy Throuple Angle - the vetinari/vimes/sybil triangle works out, whether vetinari and sybil are attracted to each other or sybil gives a Stamp Of Approval on the vimes/vetinari situation, etc. i think this one feels the most unrealistic of the three. from what little of sybil's perspective we get, we know she cares about tradition to SOME extent, and we know vimes cares about maintaining ankh-morpork's idea of masculinity, so both of them would have so many hang-ups about the throuple situation that they'd hang up the whole thing in the closet and never mention it again... this situation also begs the question "what the hell is going on with vetinari's sexuality" but i think it's boring to say he must be gay in all situations. let the man fuck around. let him flirt with the duchess of ankh-morpork. anyway, i say the Happy Throuple is the least realistic situation, but it IS the most fun for me to write. (probably because it's the easiest, if i'm being honest w/ myself)
the Messy Divorce Not Talking Shitfest Angle - this once again comes from my obsession with the vimes/vetinari/sybil situation....so what if the aforementioned hangups about tradition created Catastrophic Dilemmas, or what if vetinari is gay and attracted to vimes but not to sybil but still asks for her approval on the situation... what happens when sybil is put in that tenuous position..... GOD i read the BEST fic the other week called The Old Kings of Quirm Did It Too by bissonomy (who has also written the funniest vetinari fics in the world) that put forth this dynamic and it feels so real... it's like. what if we gave genuine attention to sybil's perspective in any capacity, specifically from the standpoint of her views on tradition and desire for monogamy. i'm going to lose my goddamn mind
idk in general i like thinking about sybil's perspective because the books present her as Interesting Character who then just becomes The Main Character's Wife, and if we take that at face value we can end up with any of the above angles (the 1st basically complies with canon, in the 2nd sybil [in fanfiction] becomes the Invisible Wife who either dies so vetvimes can get together or gives blanket approval of vetvimes with no explanation, in the 3rd we comply with the nature of her marriage to vimes wherein vimes literally barely mentions her and hardly spends time with her - in that sense we can get to the Divorce just from actual canon details). BUT we can also arrive at all these angles by going beyond how sybil is presented in canon. the Old Friends dynamic becomes what i described in that paragraph, which is based more on extrapolation than canon; the Happy Throuple comes from thinking about sybil as being genuinely attracted to vetinari and/or wanting to break past vimes's views on masculinity (Putting the Commander to Bed my beloved...); the third comes from exploring sybil beyond "Yay I Got Married So Life Is Good Now" and wondering if she truly loves vimes, or if vimes truly loves her, and from perspectives like bissonomy's fic. THIS BECAME ABOUT MORE THAN JUST VETINARI AND SYBIL SORRY I GOT SIDETRACKED
this is unorganized and way too long so here are my conclusions:
vetinari and sybil should be allowed to be autistic about their respective interests together
it would be cool if they fucked
it would be cool if they wrote letters to each other
it would be cool if they had a messy love triangle and created a Divorce Situation
AND my ideal vetinari/sybil dynamic is actually the terrible transgender lesbian stressed-out love triangle that i am currently writing. i want vetinari to actively cause sybil's bisexuality crisis. peace and love on planet earth
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maiko-coy · 5 months
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Smiling Critters but Catnap is some sort of cryptid shapeshifter that can has a 100% capability to do harm but the others doesn't know and are trying to teach him the ways of being a friend which is sorta working--
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lonicera-edulis · 6 months
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A little gift art for @lordoftherazzles with 'Dragonhearted' themed fellas.
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leenfiend · 8 months
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prime directive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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alicornze7 · 2 months
AvM fandom is this accurate-
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(pls don't burn me at the stake)
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redmarqar · 3 months
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loose canon
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niqhtmeep · 4 months
hey pspsps…. pspsps @nightyelean
remember this nighty 😈 MUAHAHAHAH
Naff i am so sorry but …. devil eyes belongs to @naffeclipse
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Faroe's lullaby but it's just kayne doing the worm on the piano
Do you think that's what Arthur was doing on his piano while Faroe drowned?
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grooviestsadpapaya · 5 months
Sorry if this is too much of a bother but I gotta know…
Do you have a design for Princess Ruto??
(Not for any specific reason definitely not)
You may have :] a sneak peek :] I based her design on a flapper because!! I don’t know!! I was seized by a destructive spirit!! Okay it was the feather. It was definitely the feather.
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She likes Twilink
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
Your explanation about retconing made me think Oda's way of writing is exactly what bring people to think he has every single thing planed down from the start, even if he didn't.
The story has been going on for 20 years, and Oda himself has admitedly had ideas along the way that he added. But the fact he's still able to connect every new idea instead of having to retcon things is what makes one piece feel so perfectly planned and tied.
Anon, you innocently sent me this ask to share your thoughts and unknowingly triggered one of my rants. I’m sorry/thank you.
Anon is referring to this post.
Oda is just a good writer! He is good at the craft of writing! Even if you don’t like the story (I’m assuming you do, but for people who don’t…) it’s just WELL WRITTEN. People really aren’t used to seeing good writing anymore, to seeing tropes deployed effectively and having plot lines actually connect. This isn’t just me being cranky and old, it’s just truth. People are talking about this in film, TV, books… One Piece has been around so long that it comes from a generation of storytelling that is vastly different from our modern media landscape.
I think people are burned out on the way modern storytelling never delivers (looking at you, JJ Abrams) or constantly jerks people around to elicit a reaction, all for the sake of nabbing that viral moment. When they see Oda deploy a trope or a storytelling device they’re immediately suspicious and fearful that it’ll turn into another unsatisfying gotcha. They rush to look for proof that it’s either all part of a detailed master plan, or it’s just a cheap trick to sell more issues.
In both cases, people are looking for a reason to be LESS INVESTED in the story. If he has a master plan, they don’t need to get worried or excited because it’s all heading to some inevitable conclusion that’s been clearly telegraphed and once you’ve cracked the code then you can already tell what the ending will be, so you don’t actually have to care. If he’s winging it, then the story is just a sequence of loosely connected meaningless scenes whose only purpose is to get you hype about a plot leading nowhere, so you don’t actually have to care.
And it breaks my fucking heart.
When it comes to One Piece, so many people are insistent that One Piece is EITHER 100% planned in advance down to every minute detail, or Oda is completely winging the whole thing. But the real answer is somewhere in between, in some muddy grey area that people find really unsatisfying. They want one clear answer that they can hold up as “The Right One,” but life is not made up of black and white answers.
Honestly it makes me really sad that people can read ALL THIS - pirates are evil except actually pirates are good and the Marines are evil except the Marines are trying to protect civilians by keeping countries stable so that's good except the rulers are evil tyrants so that's bad except when they’re not and then they’re good but only sometimes and… - and what they come away with from it is, “Okay but what’s the RIGHT answer.”
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The thing that makes One Piece feel like it’s so cohesive despite Oda constantly changing his mind and making shit up is that he has a very strong and clear idea about what’s actually important to the story and what’s flexible. Because he has that as a guide, he can add the Shichibukai and change Vivi from a villain to a princess and make up who Ace’s parent is without diluting what he wants to say.
That’s what it MEANS to be a writer. Foreshadowing isn’t “boring,” it’s good writing. A plot twist you didn’t see isn’t “cheap,” it’s good writing. Fleshing out a backstory isn’t “reconning,” it’s good writing.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 months
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robo-bozo7125 · 2 months
kind of astonishing to me how young the kids were when gravity falls was happening. dipper and mabel were TWELVE. they weren't even teenagers yet. presumably they'd just finished 7th grade and are going into 8th grade or something along those lines, if they had one more year until high school.
that's like crazy to put into perspective. when i was twelve i was on the internet pretty much constantly and dealing with personal issues. these guys literally went through the apocalypse and almost died. MULTIPLE TIMES. absolutely bonkers to me
and then they just kind of. have to go back to life as normal? have to go home away from all the weirdness and just live a normal life again like normal 13 year olds. as if they hadn't experienced the end of the world (if it had been able to escape gravity falls. twelve years old is absolutely crazy to me
even the older kids! wendy was only FIFTEEN! her friends were probably similar ages! they were all so young... they're all most likely gonna be traumatized from everything that happened. that's bonkers.
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nocofamilyau · 3 days
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uhhh yeah sure hold on...
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whipped this up just to have a reference, nothing too special...
bugger ir ill throw some floor plans that have been eating away at me for ages too
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(these were mainly made so I at least have something consistent to fall back on,,)
you'd think a more slice of life au wouldn't be that much work and then you're making floor plans and looking up Canadian adoption laws and how Dissociative Identity Disorder shows up/works in kids
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thedevilsrain · 3 months
My name is Ahmed. My wife Dina and I live in Gaza with our three children, and she is pregnant with our fourth. We are enduring unimaginable hardships due to the ongoing conflict. Our lives are in constant danger, and we desperately need your help. Please share our story and consider donating. Your support could save our lives.🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸
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please help ahmed reach his €35,000 goal
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gwandas · 3 months
Hostile reminder that the shackled comment comes after Nesta’s confession on Solstice of how she doesn’t think she deserves Cassian.
Which means he knew those words would affirm those feelings of unworthiness and chose to say them anyway 😇
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its-target-official · 3 months
when I tell you I spent five hours cramming this in for pride month, I am not lying
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(Yes I know it has my main on it don’t care just ignore it)
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