ragazzoarcano · 1 year
"La nostra strada non è fatta di soffice erba,
è un sentiero di montagna pieno di roccia,
ma va in alto, in avanti, verso il sole."
— Ruth Westheimer
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recliningbacchante · 1 year
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furiarossa · 1 year
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This little one is Soffice, a tiny, adorable, fluffy character that belongs to BirdyMery! Part of a doodle trade <3
Her strong suit is that she can sport the cutest puppy eyes when she wants something 🥺
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapastic★
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elkiar · 6 months
Delicata, ti riversi in un mare di silenzi
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vvvounds · 10 months
sto tutta assonnata ronf mimimi
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
io amo i toast, ma penso che questo toast mangiato nel bar dell’università mentre mi godo i memini sulla morte di berlusconi rimarrà, come direbbe il dott. rkomi, insuperabile
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dark-pink-fantasy · 7 months
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In process tags
click on the tags to find the works from each blog.
#cupids chamber
#jester lover
#hattori ryuu02
#rose candied hearts
#flies n lavender
#twst the royals
#aeppermint soffice
#male lead commissioner
#pride of savanaclaw
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inkyself · 8 months
La crescentini cattivissima io mi sarei messa a piangere
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Pets in my Golden Wind AU!
Nihil - White borzoi, male, belongs to Abbacchio
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Cookie - Black and white domestic shorthair cat, female, belongs to Bucciarati
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Soffice - White domestic longhair cat, female, belongs to Bucciarati
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Gnocchi - Silver tabby cat, male, belongs to Mista
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Rame - Mexican red knee tarantula, male, belongs to Giorno
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Tanso - Emperor scorpion, male, belongs to Giorno
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Styx - Black Doberman, female, belongs to Risotto
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Brom - Brown Doberman, male, belongs to Risotto
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Grim - Black and brown Doberman, male, belongs to Risotto
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Balto - White Samoyed, male, belongs to Ghiaccio
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Duchess - Gray domestic shorthair cat, female, belongs to Formaggio
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kowalsky-def · 2 years
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veggiechannel · 2 months
L’estate ci regala le pesche, frutto dolce da assaporare al naturale, che si rivela perfetto per farcire i nostri dolci; prepariamo la torta soffice alle pesche, vegana e senza glutine.
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affogonellamarmellata · 4 months
colapescedimartino intervista apple music da zane lowe quando.
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neropece · 9 months
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“a silent story” photo by Fabrizio Pece (tumblr | 500px | instagram)
Il bosco di betulle, ai piedi della montagna, si ergeva come un santuario silenzioso, un luogo dove il freddo inverno si abbandonava alla grazia candida della neve. Alle dieci di quel mattino, il sole cercava di penetrare tra i rami spogli delle betulle, gettando un bagliore argenteo sui sentieri di neve intonsa. Non c'era un suono tranne il leggero fruscio delle foglie secche cullate dalla brezza.
Guido, un uomo di mezza età con una cicatrice profonda sul viso e gli occhi che portavano il peso di troppi inverni, camminava solitario tra gli alberi. Il suo respiro si trasformava in nuvole vaporose nell'aria gelida. Vestito con un cappotto logoro, con lo sguardo assorto, era un intruso in quel regno di pace e silenzio.
Le betulle si stagliavano come figure spettrali e la loro corteccia bianca risplendeva sotto il tocco del sole invernale. I rami sottili si intrecciavano come dita ossute, protese verso il cielo. La neve, immacolata e incontaminata, scricchiolava sotto i passi di Guido, un suono delicato che sussurrava i segreti di una terra dimenticata.
Nel cuore del bosco si fermò. Poco distante notò uno spazio aperto dove la neve si adagiava come un manto soffice. Si avvicinò e si sedette su un tronco caduto, osservando la vastità del paesaggio innevato. Il silenzio del bosco era sospeso nel tempo, un'armonia serena che avvolgeva ogni pensiero.
Un cervo, timido e maestoso, fece la sua comparsa ai margini del bosco, i suoi occhi si fissarono su Guido. I loro sguardi si incrociarono per un istante, un legame silenzioso tra l'uomo e la creatura selvaggia. Poi il cervo si allontanò, scomparendo tra gli alberi come un fantasma della foresta.
Guido si alzò lentamente, sentendo la solitudine del bosco penetrare nelle pieghe della sua anima. Era come se il silenzio avesse rivelato la fragilità della vita, la bellezza effimera di un momento invernale. Con un'ultima occhiata alle betulle, al loro bianco splendore, si diresse lentamente verso il sentiero di neve, lasciando il bosco alle sue spalle.
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huskyweebo · 7 months
Yesterday is Valentine’s Day ! well, i meant to post it On the day but I passed out before I finished proof Reading-
Anyways, well what does a single person do with his free time on that day ? Write fanfic of course!
Here is some RadioApple !!
Valentine's Day Surprise !
Today was Valentines Day and All around the hotel People gave gifts to their lovers, or to their Crushes.
Husker had Finally confessed to Angel and it was a nice sight. Almost everyone had gotten a gift with the intent of Romantic Love, and Boy was lucifer depressed. Of course Charlie had given a Gift but that was different. He had hoped for somone else to give one.
A couple days prior he had Asked the Radio Demon his thoughts on Valentines Day, for Lucifer, he Personally wasnt fond of it since Lilith had Left him. He also remembered the Day Cupid Was created for the Holiday. But now he was curious, what did his crush Think about the Holiday? 
“ Its Scandilous. “ 
“ Im sorry what? “ he blurted out. Alastor Looked At lucifer With an Odd Expression, 
“ The only Reason I Dont dissapear On this day to get away from all this lovey Dovey Nonesense, Is that Rosie Gives me The hottest gossip she has, for mostly break up, “ he suddenly appeared sadistic as if thinking about Previous Valentines. 
“ Oh! Oh, Right, Yes, “ Lucifer luaghed nervously, “ I mean, I dont either phht- i mean i Was There when they made Valentines Day and My first thought was; ‘ Hey, now thats STUPID ‘ “ He luaghed more awkwardly, and then turned feeling severely disappointed. Alastor Raised an Eyebrow. 
Cbsck to present day, he was waving away Charlie And Vaggie, they were going to a fancy restaurant and Lucifer volunteered to Watch over the Hotel
“ Are you Reallyyyy Sure that you dont want to hand over the Responsibitly over to Al? Dont you think you should have fun too? “ She said with Sad eyes, Lucifer shook his head.
“ Nope! Bitch you know i prefer Ruling Hell than get a date for this holiday, HA! “ He said very awkwardly. Charlie nodded, after a brief connection of eyes with Vaggie she turned to leave with His Duaghter. He sighed,
“ they grow up so fast, “ He went back in. He looked around, the hotel was closed for guests today so that leaves only Nifty and he to be present. he Assumed that Alastor was with The cannibal Overlord due to his comment a couple days ago. 
Today it was the most quietest hes heard the Hotel,
it felt like Being in the royal Castel again… All alone. Lucifer groans, he leaned against a wall and put his face on his Hands. He never realized how sofficating Silence was. 
After he moved into the hotel to Help his daughter he was too busy to feel Depression, but now, with nothing to do and no one to talk to, he could feel it settling in like a dark cloud.
He was alone, Again, on Valentines day,
it reminded him about how much more Lilth is happier without him..
He heard a squeak,  “ Ultamte Bad Boy! Come here!!  “ Nifty giggled, he put his hands down. She was very jittery Her bouncing, 
“ What is it Nifty? “ He said softly, she ran up to him and Grabbed his hand, 
“ Come on ! i have to take you somewhere! “ she said excitedly. 
“ Wha- Where?! “ He stammered, for someone as tiny as Her she was surprisingly Strong. she pulled him up to the elevator to go to the very top. She didnt say much during the ride but she persistently keep his hand in hers and she was muttering words he could not understand. 
The Elevator Opened and she started pulling him to the left. She stopped at the door that led to the patio. 
“ Go, Go, go! “ She said pushing him a little, then rushed away, luaghing. 
“ Weirddd “ Lucifer Said to himself.
what on earth was that? He thought. Why would she want him to be here? Maybe to see a new collection of dead insects, or alive. he pulled out the bug spray he had in his pocket preparing for what would be behind the doors.
He pushed it open,
Lucifer dropped the can and his eyes widened. In front of him was a small table. Alastor, with a wide smile, was sitting on one of the seats. He got up,
Lucifer shut the door immediately and leaned against. He could hear his heart beating, 
“ Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, “ He muttered repeatedly under his breath, Lucifer felt His Face heat up and His legs threatened to Give in. he did not expect this, he wished for something but he didnt think it would actually be answered.
He wasnt ready, all he was ready for is to go to his room and be alone with his depressing thoughts.
In front of him the shadow morphed and Alastor appeared, 
“ Your Duaghter Acts much like you, “ He stated, titling his head. Lucifer was stunned, all he could do was smile slightly, He couldnt speak. The Radio Demon saw that and took advantage.
“ I must say I prepared this for you and it was quite rude for you to slam the Door on such a thing, “ He put his hands behind his back and waited for the others response. 
Lucifer blinked, suddenly he was able to move. He cleared his throat, 
“ um, yes sorry about that- “ he forced out. The silence was ackward as Alastor seemed to be thinking, 
“ Well my dear I think we should start this over, “ He Held out his hand. “ May you join me for dinner, “ Lucifer stared at it, 
the thoughts of being alone for valentines day for the 10th year in a row dawned on him.
He didnt want that again, he wanted to be happy, he didnt want to keep deppressing over someone that didnt like him.
He should be looking forward to the one who does.. And he was right in front of him. 
A sudden burst of courage came to him, he gave his hand To alastor, which made him chuckle a little, 
“ good, thank you, “ Lucifers heart skipped a beat.
He led him by the hand and pulled a seat back. as Lucifer sat down Alastor kept his hand on his, once he was settled, he leaned forward and kissed Lucifer’s hand.
“ My highness “ he spoke, “ oh my Me, he said ‘ My ‘ instead of you, MY HIGHNESS “ Lucifer screamed in his head like a teenage girl.
“ in front we have a fantastic meal of deer that I picked and killed myself, I hope it is to your liking, “ he said while opening the cloche to reveal a fantastical meal.
“ why thank you Alastor, “ Lucifer said hiding his blushing face, he wondered why he was doing this, he never thought Alastor thoughtful.
“ may I ask why you are doing this? I thought you didn’t like Valentine’s Day “ he blurted out, As Alastor served both of them he looked up,
“ well a couple days ago you asked me about Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t help but notice your expression when i responded. “ Lucifer looked guilty, “ so I asked my mo- Rosie what I should do and she cheerfully helped me exert this wonderful dinner. “ he gestured around. Lucifer smiled helplessly,
“ oh, t-thank you Alastor, I’ve never saw you as a type to be romantic, “ Alastor smiled more genuinely,
“ well anything for my dear highness, “ he kissed Lucifer’s hand again, giving him butterflies.
It was a splendid meal, and the night was a dinner he won’t ever forget, he has never felt this alive in years.
They chatted all dinner, they laughed and even Alastor told him how it was like on earth, and the good things about. It made Lucifer relieved, that did not only sprout evil on earth, but buetiful things aswell.
Once they finished, Alastor spoke,
“ well, I must say, I now understand why people celebrate this vile holiday, if you find the right one.. it’s quite enjoyable, “ He looked deeply into Lucifer’s eyes, whose widened.
“ Right.. one ? “ Alastor nodded. It was a confession, Lucifer felt like he was about to faint,
“ Yes! “ he exclaimed getting up, he cleared his throat, blushed embarrassingly. “ I mean, I also agree, and this was wonderful, thank you Alastor. Tonight’s has been wonderful “ The Radio Demon got up aswell, he held out his hand, and Lucifer took it.
“ We aren’t done yet. I think we also have a reservation in your quarters.
“ Wait what? “ he said curiously, as they walked towards his room Alastor turned and winked,
“ Oh. “ Lucifer got the hint, he blushed then giggled,
“ oh Alastor, this has been my favorite Valentine’s Day for the first time in Eons “ Alastors eyes sparkles
“ that’s saying something if you were here before the birth of earth, “ Alastor said, Lucifer kissed the side of his chin. The walked in Lucifer’s quarters and closed the door
A couple hours later they were both laying on Lucifer’s bed. Alastor stared at Lucifer as he slept, he immediately passed out after he put one Pj clothes. The short king face was passive, he was like a kitten when he slept, he was adorable.
He has only called people adorable to spite people, but now he knew it was a genuine thought. He has never felt this way before, not even when he was alive.
“ Dad, Dad? “ Charlie knocked on the door. Alastor opened it with a flick of a hand, he did not want her to disturb his highness.
“ Dad? I was just wondering how you were doing. Nifty was acting weird but she said that you went u- “ she stopped immediately when she saw Alastor holding her dad defensively.
“ oh. Um well, ha I didn’t mean to disturb you, sorry! “ she stammered scooting back,
“ say a word to anyone and I will make love to your father again. “ he said roughly, narrowing his eyes. Her face cringed,
“ I did not need to know you did, to begin with, “ she shut the door quietly. Alastor Rolled his eyes,
Alastor felt Lucifer cuddle deeper in his chest, he sighed peacefully. Alastor leaned to kiss his head, which Lucifer unconsciously leaned toward it. Alastor laid his head on top of the blonde-haired and went to sleep.
The End.
The Make Love thing was inspired by a post I saw [ I don't remember where tho ]
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fuoridalcloro · 9 months
"Quando ci si rinfaccia le cose, non si è più in due nel rapporto, ma in tre: tu, io e il tarlo che ha cominciato a rodere la nostra storia. Nell'oscurità della materia, i tarli lavorano con discrezione, scavano gallerie per anni e, a parte qualche minuscolo fastidio, non ti accorgi di niente. Poi un giorno posi una tazza sul tavolo e il legno cede, sprofonda e in un istante, la superficie solida che conoscevi si trasforma in un cumulo di soffice segatura."
Susanna Tamaro - Per sempre
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