#tanso (pet)
Pets in my Golden Wind AU!
Nihil - White borzoi, male, belongs to Abbacchio
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Cookie - Black and white domestic shorthair cat, female, belongs to Bucciarati
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Soffice - White domestic longhair cat, female, belongs to Bucciarati
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Gnocchi - Silver tabby cat, male, belongs to Mista
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Rame - Mexican red knee tarantula, male, belongs to Giorno
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Tanso - Emperor scorpion, male, belongs to Giorno
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Styx - Black Doberman, female, belongs to Risotto
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Brom - Brown Doberman, male, belongs to Risotto
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Grim - Black and brown Doberman, male, belongs to Risotto
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Balto - White Samoyed, male, belongs to Ghiaccio
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Duchess - Gray domestic shorthair cat, female, belongs to Formaggio
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fortune-fool02 · 5 years
To Love a Sick Man
Human Muzan Kibutsuji x female, human reader
Role Swap AU
Okay, I was inspired to write this after re-watching Episode one of Kimestu no Yabia. But instead of Tanjiro and Nezuko, it’s the reader and Muzan. Also, I do not know what illness Muzan had when he was human so please bare with me. Thank you. 
Please enjoy. This one is a little long.
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“And please be careful out there.” Muzan said as [Name] wrapped her scarf around her neck. The snow that had fallen had been unexpected, placing a blanket around he mountain, though it did not bother [Name]. She turned to her lover, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon.” she said, “You just go back and rest. We don’t want you collapsing again.” Muzan smiled lightly, pulling the blanket around his shoulder tighter, shielding away any cold he could. [Name] gave him one last kiss before leaving, waving goodbye to him as she made her way down the path to the village.
Most people would believe that living with someone with Muzan’s condition would be difficult and tiring. Unable to go out for long periods of time. Not able to be away from him for too long in case his illness acts up. But [Name] did not care. She loved him, sickness and all. 
Once she made it to the village, she went into one of the trading shops. 
“Good morning, Mrs Tanso.” [Name] greeted, a warm smile on her lips despite the cold weather. Mrs Tanso turned around and smiled back, 
“Good morning, [Name]. How’s Muzan doing?” she asked, [Name] set her backpack down, rolling her shoulders a little from the journey.
“He’s doing well. Though the weather might change that.” Mrs Tanso gave her a sympathetic smile. Muzan would always become restless and irritated when it snowed. [Name] unpacked her backpack and set out the few things she had to sell. Only a handful of fruits, a couple of herbs and some lumps of charcoal that she had found.
Mrs Tanso was a generous woman and, even though the value of the items was little, she always gave [Name] enough to ensure she and Muzan could last at least three days. 
Once they finished their business, [Name] tucked the newly bought blanket and tea into her backpack when Mrs Tanso spoke up.
“[Name], are you sure you want to head home now?” she asked, concern sprinkling her words as she motioned outside, “It’s getting dark. You know the stories of demons that wander at night.” [Name] stopped packing for a moment, recalling the stories her mother use to tell her as a child. They scared her when she was young. 
“I can’t leave Muzan alone, especially with the weather and his illness.” [Name] simply said, trowing her backpack back on. Mrs Tanso sighed slightly,
“Well, just be careful, alright?” she said and [Name] nodded before leaving.
By the time [Name] had left the village, it was already sunset. If she hurried, she could be home just after it gets dark, maybe a little later. As [Name] trodded through the snow, something gnawed at the back of her mind. Looking around, she noticed that everything had gone quiet. Pushing herself forward, [Name] picked up the pace. 
Hopefully Muzan will be alright. She had some tea in the backpack so he could have his medicine for the night and rest a little easier. The doctor told them that he had to have his medicine, even though it tasted awful. A smile lifted her lips as she remembered once when she had to force him to drink it. 
Her smile dropped. All traces of warmth slipped from her body with the wind gust. The backpack fell from her back. Her eyes wide with horror. 
The door to their house was ripped from its hinges, blood staining the snow in front of it. 
“Muzan!” she shouted, rushing into her house in search of her lover. Scratches covered the walls, furniture shattered and destroyed with splatters of blood painting them. Dread chewed at her heart. Where was he? Was he alright? 
Turning into their shared bedroom, [Name] saw Muzan face down in a puddle of blood. 
“Muzan!” Dropping to her knees, she carefully turned him over. His face was paler than usual, blood splattered across his features. “What happened? Who did this?” she spoke to no one. She checked his pulse and stopped. He was still alive. Muzan was still alive. 
“Don’t worry, Muzan. I’ll get help.” Carefully, she picked him up and rested him against her back. One advantage with doing most of the work outside was that it it meant she could carry heavier things a little easier. Then again, Muzan was light to begin with.
The village had never seemed so far away before. Each step was exhausting but she had to keep going. For Muzan. His blood seeped into the back of her clothing, telling her he was running out of time. 
Who had done this? Who would attack a sick man and take nothing? Tears pricked at her [Eye colour] eyes. He could not die. Not after battling his condition for so long. 
“We’re almost there, Muzan.” she said to the unconscious male on her back. “I’ll get you to the best doctor I can.” A low groan was heard from him, catching [Name]’s attention. Before she could speak, a sudden shift pushed her off the path and down a small hill. Those wind gusts were strong, but were they really that strong? Standing up, [Name] looked around for Muzan. The snow was bad enough.
Among the trees, she spotted the coal haired male standing. A smile lifted her lips and she rushed over to him. His head hung low and his stand was slightly hunched.
“Muzan, you don’t have to walk.” she said, “I’ll carry you to the village. Don’t push yours-” [Name] was cut off by Muzan’s head snapping up and her heart drained. 
His beautiful eyes glowed a crimson red with slitted pupils, a low growl slipped from his fangs as his veins pulsed out slightly. What... What happened to him? Before she could do anything, Muzan shot forward, his clawed hands pushing against her shoulders as he forced her to the snow-covered ground. His teeth attempting to sink into her flesh,
“Muzan! It’s me, it’s [Name]!” she shouted, hoping he would recognise her. Reaching around in the snow, her fingers brushed against a stick. Grabbing it, she pulled it between her and Muzan to try and protect herself from him.
His teeth latched onto the stick, his eyes wild with a hunger that she has never seen before, and it terrified her. he had never possessed such strength before, the man could barely walk and here he was, overpowering her easily. 
“Muzan, please. You’re not a monster! You’re a human man!” she shouted, only to get an inhuman growl as a response. His jaw tightened around the stick, making it crack slightly. His blackened claws digging into her skin slightly. 
“Please, I love you Muzan! I won’t give up on you! Just hang on in there!” Suddenly, the growling stopped. Tears tricked from Muzan’s crimson red eyes and dripped onto her cheeks. Soft sobs were muffled by the stick. [Name] smiled lightly, he was still in there. The Muzan she fell in love with was still there. 
Slowly, she removed the stick and Muzan immediately wrapped his arms around her, sobbing into her shoulder. [Name] did not hesitate to return the hug, holding him close. 
“It’s okay, Muzan.” she cooed softly, her hand petting his coal black locks as she rocked gently and pressing a kiss on his head. “I will find a way to cure you. I promise.”  
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yoonsora1912-blog · 7 years
신세계역 열왕기상 7:13-16 13솔로몬 왕​은 사람​을 보내어 티레​에서 히람​을 데려왔다.14히람​은 납달리 지파 출신​인 한 과부​의 아들​이었는데, 그​의 아버지​는 티레 사람​으로 구리 세공인​이었다. 히람​은 구리​를 다루는 온갖 일​에 대해 뛰어난 기술​과 이해력​과 경험​을 갖고 있었다. 그리하여 그​가 솔로몬 왕​에게 와서 자기​에게 맡겨진 모든 일​을 했다.15그​는 구리​를 부어 기둥 둘​을 만들었는데, 각 기둥​은 높이​가 18​큐빗​이었으며, 길이​가 12​큐빗​인 측량줄​로 두 기둥​을 각각 두를 수 있었다.16그​는 또 구리​를 부어 기둥머리 둘​을 만들고 그것​을 기둥 꼭대기​에 두었다. 한 기둥머리​의 높이​가 5​큐빗​이었고, 다른 기둥머리​의 높이​도 5​큐빗​이었다. 개역한글판 열왕기상 7:13-16 13솔로몬​왕​이 보내어 히람​을 두로​에서 데려오니14저​는 납달리 지파 과부​의 아들​이요 그 아비​는 두로 사람​이니 놋점장​이라 이 히람​은 모든 놋 일​에 지혜​와 총명​과 재능​이 구비​한 자더니 솔로몬​왕​에게 와서 그 모든 공작​을 하니라15저​가 놋기둥 둘​을 만들었으니 그 고​는 각각 십 팔 규빗​이라 각각 십 이 규빗 되는 줄​을 두를만하며16또 놋​을 녹여 부어서 기둥 머리​를 만들어 기둥 꼭대기​에 두었으니 이 머리​의 고도 다섯 규빗​이요 저 머리​의 고도 다섯 규빗​이며 New World Translation 1 Kings 7:13-16 13King Solʹo·mon sent for Hiʹram and brought him from Tyre.14He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphʹta·li, and his father was a Tyrʹi·an coppersmith; and he had great skill, understanding, and experience for all kinds of work in copper. So he came to King Solʹo·mon and did all his work.15He cast the two pillars of copper; each pillar was 18 cubits high, and it took a measuring cord 12 cubits long to encircle each of the two pillars.16And he made two capitals cast in copper to put on the tops of the pillars. One capital was five cubits high, and the other capital was five cubits high. King James Version 1 Kings 7:13-16 13And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.14He was a widow’s son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.15For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.16And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits: Bagong Sanlibutang Salin (bi12) 1 Hari 7:13-16 13At nagsugo si Haring Solomon at sinundo si Hiram mula sa Tiro.14Siya ay anak ng isang babaing nabalo mula sa tribo ni Neptali, at ang kaniyang ama ay isang lalaking taga-Tiro, isang manggagawa sa tanso; at siya ay punô ng karunungan at ng unawa at ng kaalaman sa paggawa ng bawat uri ng gawa sa tanso. Sa gayon ay pumaroon siya kay Haring Solomon at pinasimulan niyang gawin ang lahat ng kaniyang gawain.15Nang magkagayon ay inihulma niya ang dalawang haliging tanso, na ang taas ng bawat haligi ay labingwalong siko, at isang pisi na labindalawang siko ang maisusukat sa palibot ng bawat isa sa dalawang haligi.16At dalawang kapital ang kaniyang ginawa upang ilagay sa ibabaw ng mga haligi, na inihulma sa tanso. Limang siko ang taas ng isang kapital, at limang siko ang taas ng kabilang kapital. 参照資料付き聖書 列王第一 7:13‐16 13それ​から​ソロモン​王​は​人​を​やっ​て,ティルス​から​ヒラム​を​連れ​て​来さ​せ​た。14彼​は​ナフタリ​の​部族​の​出身​の​やもめ​女​の​子​で​あり,その​父​は​ティルス​の​人​で,銅​の​細工​師​で​あっ​た。[ヒラム]は​銅​の​あらゆる​細工​を​する​ため​の​知恵​と​理解​力​と​知識​と​に​満ち​て​い​た。そこで​彼​は​ソロモン​王​の​もと​に​やっ​て​来​て,その​すべて​の​細工​を​する​よう​に​なっ​た。15それ​で​彼​は​二​本​の​銅​の​柱​を​鋳造​し​た​が,その​各々​の​柱​の​高さ​は​十八​キュビト​で,十二​キュビト​の​ひも​で​各々​その​二​本​の​柱​の​周り​を​測れ​た。16そして​二つ​の​柱頭​を,彼​は​頂​に​載せる​ため​に​造っ​た。銅​で​鋳造​さ​れ​て​い​た。一方​の​柱頭​の​高さ​は​五​キュビト,もう​一方​の​柱頭​の​高さ​も​五​キュビト​で​あっ​た。 ახალი ქვეყნიერების თარგმანი 1 მეფეები 7:13-16 13გაგზავნა სოლომონ მეფემ კაცები და მოაყვანინა ტვიროსიდან ხირამი,14ერთი ქვრივი ქალის ვაჟი, ნაფთალის ტომიდან; მამამისი ტვიროსელი იყო, სპილენძის მჭედელი. ჰქონდა სიბრძნე და ცოდნა და ესმოდა, როგორ გაეკეთებინა სპილენძისგან ნებისმიერი რამ. მივიდა ისიც მეფე სოლომონთან და მუშაობას შეუდგა.15ჩამოასხა სპილენძის ორი სვეტი, თითოეულის სიმაღლე თვრამეტი წყრთა იყო; თითოეულ სვეტს გარშემო თორმეტი წყრთა სიგრძის ბაწარი შემოსწვდებოდა.16სპილენძისგანვე ჩამოასხა ორი ბუღაური სვეტებზე დასადგმელად; ერთი ბუღაურის სიმაღლე ხუთი წყრთა იყო, ამდენივე იყო მეორე ბუღაურის სიმაღლეც. 新世界译本 列王纪上 7:13-16 13所罗门王派人到泰尔召希兰来。14希兰是拿弗他利部族一个寡妇的儿子。他父亲是泰尔人,是个铜匠。希兰充满智慧、悟性、知识,能制造各样铜器。他来见所罗门王,展开王的一切工作。15他铸造了两根铜柱,每根柱子高八米,两根柱子各可用五米三十厘米长的绳子绕一圈。16他又用铜铸造了两个柱头,安放在柱子上。这个柱头高二米二十厘米,那个柱头也高二米二十厘米。 新世界譯本 列王紀上 7:13-16 13所羅門王派人到泰爾召希蘭來。14希蘭是拿弗他利部族一個寡婦的兒子。他父親是泰爾人,是個銅匠。希蘭充滿智慧、悟性、知識,能製造各樣銅器。他來見所羅門王,展開王的一切工作。15他鑄造了兩根銅柱,每根柱子高八米,兩根柱子各可用五米三十厘米長的繩子繞一圈。16他又用銅鑄造了兩個柱頭,安放在柱子上。這個柱頭高二米二十厘米,那個柱頭也高二米二十厘米。 Bible avec notes et références 1 Rois 7:13-16 13Alors le roi Salomon envoya chercher Hiram à Tyr.14C’était le fils d’une femme veuve de la tribu de Naphtali, et son père était un Tyrien, ouvrier sur cuivre ; il était plein de la sagesse, de l’intelligence et de la connaissance [requises] pour faire toutes sortes de travaux en cuivre. Il vint donc chez le roi Salomon et se mit à faire tout son travail.15Alors il coula les deux colonnes de cuivre ; de dix-huit coudées était la hauteur de chaque colonne, et un fil de douze coudées mesurait le tour de chacune des deux colonnes.16Il fit deux chapiteaux pour les placer sur le sommet des colonnes ; [ils étaient] coulés en cuivre. De cinq coudées était la hauteur de l’un des chapiteaux, et de cinq coudées était la hauteur de l’autre chapiteau. Biblija 1. Kraljevima 7:13-16 13I kralj Salamun poslao je sluge svoje da dovedu Hirama iz Tira.14On je bio sin jedne udovice iz plemena Naftalijeva, a otac mu je bio iz Tira i radio je s bakrom. Hiram je bio vrlo mudar i razborit i znao je izrađivati svakojake predmete od bakra. Tako je došao kralju Salamunu i napravio mu sav posao.15Salio je dva stupa od bakra. Svaki je stup bio visok osamnaest lakata, a da bi se svaki od ta dva stupa obuhvatilo, trebao je konop od dvanaest lakata.16Načinio je i dvije glave salivene od bakra da se stave na vrh stupova. Pet lakata bila je visoka jedna glava i pet lakata bila je visoka druga glava.
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