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itzcherrybonbon · 2 years ago
Copy-pasted from a roleplay I'm doing with @imyourviolet
-"Aww..You must be sleepy, aren't you?" [North softly smiled, rocking the little one in his arms]
-Iris purrs louder and louder. Her eyes getting heavy. She fight sleep for only a short minute before she loses the battle and succumbs to sleep. She falls into a deep sleep. Full belly, warm, safe, and comfortable. N her sleep she clings to him, as if he may run off and she be alone again.
-[North hummed, glad that little Iris went to sleep. He carefully sat down and leaned against the cold wall, keeping her safe in his arms] "So this is what it feels like to be a parent, huh.." [He smiled to himself, and yawned a little]
-Iris sleeps a long nap. When she wakes up, its the next day. She wakes up with a jolt and looks around from n Norths arms. She curls closer to him. Loving the warmth.
-[North was in a deep slumber, quietly snoring.]
-Iris sees a cricket and stares at it for a minute before sliding out of Norths arms. Curiousity wins this round. She pounces after the cricket. It gives her zoomies! She zooms and nooms after it n the cave. She finally catches it but it gets out of her paws and hops out. She explores the cave den. When he wakes up, shes stuck on a rock at the top of the cave. Just under the ceiling.
-[North panicked, instantly running up to get her. His pupils staring at her and not looking away for one second. He carefully climbs the rock, reaching out to get her. He grabs her in his arms and jumps down from the rock. Then North worriedly checks her for any injuries] "You scared me there kiddo..How did you even climb there?-" [he sighed]
-Iris has no injuries from that. Shes got cuts and bruises under her dense black coat from her time running. It conceals a lot, her fur. She giggles and sneezes before doing a blep
-"Aww, you're so adorable" [North chuckled, booping her nose]
-Iris hugs his hand. Cooing happily. She fumbles with her words, speaking baby babble. She plays with his hand and gives it a nom. Tis a gentle nom
[ends there because I still have to respond]
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jewelsli · 2 months ago
Not that I don’t love when Bruce’s kids outperform him and give him heart attacks, but I think it’s funnier when the kids think they are better fighters/spies/infiltrators/etc. then him but he’s just so proud so he lets them think that they are.
I think that Babs would be a really good hacker, the best in the family, but Tim, who thinks that he is the next best(and is still scarily good) has no idea that Bruce only let him think that he broke his record of hacking into secret organizations.
Dick is amazing at acrobatics, and centers his fighting style around it much more. He even won gold in the Olympics for gymnastics! Bruce doesn’t want to tell him that he trained under several gymnasts, contortionists, even ballerinas!!! and has the acrobatic fighting style mastered, so he (within reason) let’s his kid win on most occasions, he doesn’t need to fake loosing on trapeze though(I am still giving the kids SOME things they are better at…)
Cass knows that nobody can lie to her, she can spot everyone’s tells and knows most people better then they know themselves. Bruce is, however, extremely paranoid and also has a kryptonian he works with regularly. He lies so well that he can convince himself he’s telling the truth(which is literally the point in case of advanced lie detectors), and so what if he lets some of his tells be more obvious around his baby, he’s so proud of her for picking up such small things! And while Bruce is AMAZING at reading people, he can’t beat Cass, it is however much closer matched then the others think.
Let’s be honest, Bruce is banned from the kitchen and isn’t good at cooking… or so everyone thinks. While he’s not as good as Alfred or even Jason he could whip up something Gordon Ramsey would be proud of if he actually tried to.
Damian in the best fighter with swords, this is undisputed. Bruce just hopes none of his kids find his crate of custom katanas in the attic, if they do then he’ll say they are for Damian.
Tim is an amazing investigator, so good in fact, that Bruce has trusted him on his hardest cases. Everyone assumes this is because Tim is a better detective then Bruce, but he just loves seeing how proud his kid gets when he gets a breakthrough.
Batman doesn’t kill, Red hood does, everyone in their right minds knows that’s a lie. Before Robin came along, leaders of drug operations or terrorists would disappear into the night, never to be seen again. The only people who don’t seem to know this are the Bats children themselves. Sometimes you can still hear a cut off scream in the dark before the news announces a missing person that everyone just knew was doing something horrible, criminals are more wary on nights that the Bats brood are in. And people running trafficking rings pray that it’s the Hood when a knock sounds, the bat doesn’t give those people the mercy of death.
All of the bat kids know more languages then Bruce, and they keep learning more to throw him off, for a family of detectives they really should have thought about the fact that Bruce traveled the entire world, he knows ancient languages and the words that world in other galaxies use, if he could speak Martian then he would have learned it by now, he still does know that part that he’s able to learn.
Idk I just need more of Bruce being skilled at SO many things while his kids are like “oh yeah Bruce? He’s good but I could defeat him easily” and Bruce just so proud of his babies when they do ANYTHING.
Tim made a plan to neutralize Superman at some point, it wasn’t as good as Bruce’s but he replaced it so fast. When he later uses it to take down mind controlled or something Supes Red Robin is watching.
Nobody notices that Batman whispers something to Superman before he goes deathly pale and acts like the plan is working so well he immediately gets defeated. As for what Batman said to him? It was basically ‘Clark(they aren’t supposed to know identities here btw) my kid made this plan and I swear to every mortal and immortal force that if you don’t take the fall right now you will regret it for the rest of your life” and Batman was usually scary but this was like, God will cower before him terrifying and it scared evil Superman so much he went along with it.
Res Robin was smiling so brightly that later Clark honestly couldn’t be mad at the Bat.
Edit: I forgot to add this but unbeknownst to EVERYONE (including Alfred somehow) Bruce can and will stay awake longer then Tim and his drinks are somehow worse in terms of caffeination. The difference is that on the fourteenth day with no sleep everyone thinks it’s only been three even though he is Vividly hallucinating. The ability to hide his lack of sleep for the first week and a half leads them to believe he’s actually the worst at staying up since on what they think is his fourth day of no sleep (it’s his seventeenth) he’s talking to an apparently very vivid hallucination of Alfred the Cat in a suit and a Tiger named Tawny(he had met the tiger earlier that week) and having a civilized conversation with them
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undertheredhood · 1 year ago
jason accidentally trauma-dumps to this masked vigilante who he’s somehow immediately comfortable trusting while willis todd who is not dead and is very much still alive (but still hasn’t told his only living child yet) is internally screaming “WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY?!?!?!?”
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Everything about the battle at yokohama was Amazing, I love all of your thoughts and world building in pez dispenser. If you have time (and feel like it), could you explain ‘this entire sub-analysis on Idaten’s internal culture and how it intersects with broader heroics standards’. (i was ENRAPTURED by your hero economic analysis)
ps. when i saw in the tags about how the class just. broke down. and asked for their parents, it was like sucker punch to the face, i couldn’t imagine how the actual heroes felt when they saw them. if the public saw that side of class 2a, would they lay off? probably not, but damn. your world building and ideas are just. so good
So my decision about Idaten and its subculture actually hinges on one question about canon: Why did Stain go after Tensei?
Stain was all about attacking people who had committed some kind of perceived failing of heroics. But Tensei seems to be legitimately above the board. He didn’t seem to engage too heavily in the consumerist culture around heroics. He did good work. He was a good hero. So what about him made Stain decide to go after him?
I didn’t want it to be an “IDK he thinks all heroes but all might is fake” thing because 1) that cheapens the character and 2) it doesn’t match what canon shows. Don’t get me wrong, he was a lunatic who thought he needed to kill a fucking kid over his extremist ideals, but he let Izuku go the second Izuku established he conformed to his moral system.
Stain kills when he perceives a reason to. That doesn’t mean he’s always right. But he needs an excuse first.
I decided that there was one detail about Idaten that would be his most likely motive: the number of sidekicks he had.
Tensei is canonically taking up his parents’ mantle. This is a family business he’s heavily suited to and excels at. He has working beneath him a much higher than average number of sidekicks. And we know from canon that he’s not the type to take advantage of his team. Fuck, he seems to emphasize taking care of his team and working together above all else.
But we know that from canon. Stain doesn’t. What he sees, from the outside, is a young hero who took over his parents’ agency and is bolstering his own career on the backs of his sidekicks, which is what so many heroes were doing at that time.
Because stain is an extremist. He doesn’t once consider that maybe Tensei is the exception to the rule. He didn’t think to ask the sidekicks who he was, in a way, taking action on behalf of what they thought of Tensei.
Which is consistent with his character. It took him less than five minutes to decide “yeah I need to put down this grief stricken fifteen year old boy” do you????
Iida becomes the kind of hero that meets his ideals. Stain would have killed him the first time Iida gave him a reason. He’s shown to not always be right or do due diligence to determine if someone is even consistent with his crazy fucking moral system. He was just wrong when he went after Tensei.
And a big reason why he was wrong is because Idaten, as a culture, is far from the typical agency experience. It’s just that no one knows this, because Idaten is shown to be all about maintain a strong and confident facade. It’s not releasing its fucking employment contracts. The public only gets the calm, in control demeanor of the team. It doesn’t see how the sausage is made.
Do you know that millionaire ceo who realized his employees lives sucked and voluntarily took a huge pay cut so that way he could raise all of their salaries to a huge degree and the company as a whole got much, much better because the workers cared about it now and they made more profits and his salary eventually increased too as the company improved and all of his employees loved him? And he published the results thinking maybe other ceos would follow them after it was proven to make their companies more successful? And literally not one single one of them did?
Yeah that’s Idaten.
We talked in the earlier post about how heroics culture, for the most part, is abusive and built on the backs of sidekicks who are being widely taken advantage of. Idaten just… isn’t. Their compensation is incredibly fair and above board. People get credited for busts based on who was in charge of that particular bust or went above and beyond. They genuinely take care of their team, which is consistent with how Tensei seems to treat his team in canon.
For the most part, the sidekicks don’t want to even leave Idaten and become big name heroes themselves. They are all so genuinely happy and fulfilled that most of them happily spend their whole career as a sidekick.
But that’s the exception, and not the rule. And from the outside, Stain saw another sidekick farm propping up a pretend hero.
Which is one of the reasons why all of the Idaten sidekicks got together to hunt him down like a sick dog when he escaped. Tensei was babygirl to them and Stain hurt babygirl. He besmirched babygirl’s name over something he didn’t even do. Tensei didn’t even coordinate that mission the sidekicks made a group chat without him and went out to kick that fucking guy’s ass.
Idaten is a model of what heroics could be if it wasn’t focused on self profit and promotion. It made sacrifices to be this way. But it resulted in a team of excellent heroes who are all able to focus on protecting society without going home and feeling like they got fucked.
Stain has this mental image of heroes who should be helpful and good and save everyone without any personal incentive. But when you’re breaking your fucking back and going home to a shit apartment while your boss does 3 hours of work per day and has five houses, you start to ask yourself why you have to fucked for society to be safe. The sidekicks’ “greed” took the blame for the meltdown with Tartarus, but really, people should have been pointing fingers at every single agency head who refused to treat them fairly.
Idaten is this sparkling model of a business that is incredibly successful because the company heads are actually fair and good. They are the exception. And they are operating within a system where many of the other agencies are treating their talent like disposable cogs in a machine. The system needs to be regulated to force everyone else to act like Idaten—Idaten’s independent success is not a sign that the system works on its own.
As to your second question—no. The world saw little snapshots of Class 2A melting down in the aftermath and it got traded around like every other moment. Someone took a picture of the moment I talked about with Iida just sitting on the curb and crying when his brother’s men came to relieve him of command, and it was just another famous picture of many on the internet do that incident.
It was just—a horrifically public event. All of the kids had to be hospitalized in the aftermath. The world knew that. Izuku took a hit during his big fight with Mirio against the major villain team. He got stabbed, and it was poisoned. He knew from the villain’s history that the poison they produced was slow acting, though, so he quietly took Todoroki aside, had him cauterize the wound, and kept fighting until more heroes came. There’s a fuck ton of photos of him lying down on the sidewalk with his head in Todoroki’s lap in terrible shape waiting for the ambulance to come get him. And the world took that as a “Look At How Strong He Is, All Might Reborn, He Fought All Night With That Terrible Wound And He Still Prevailed” not “wow, that actual child had to fight for hours through the night not knowing if he’d live long enough to make it to a hospital.” Which is like. What happened. Izuku didn’t tell anyone but Todoroki that he took the hit. They both knew that if he didn’t get the antidote in time, he was dead. And they also both knew that there was no way he was going to be able to have even a shot at a hospital until morning, so they just had to keep going.
The world also took that as fuel for the ongoing ship war around Izuku and Todoroki, that they are only marginally aware of. Which like. Would not be comforting, that that’s what they took from a picture where both of them were legitimately afraid that Izuku was going to die.
The world knew they were young. They knew they were a bunch of amazing kids who had done something spectacular. To a lesser extent, they knew that those kids struggled in the aftermath. But that was never going to save them from the media machine. The fact that this fell to kids who visibly struggled in the aftermath was picked apart and used as a bat to hit opponents with in the debates that followed.
The picture of Iida crying on the curb with his brother’s sidekicks around him is considered one of the seminal photos documenting modern Japan’s heroics. It is the kind of thing that is probably going to end up in a textbook down the line.
Iida hates that photo. He hates that he had one moment of vulnerability in the aftermath when he managed to keep it together the entire rest of the event, and people still pass it around like a trading card. He had worked so, so hard not to lose it, and right when he thought it was safe to, it got posted on the internet.
When Iida sat on the curb and started crying, he was barely standing. He was injured himself. Momo had a tremendous fight that left her in terrible shape, and everyone was afraid that she was not going to make it. Izuku had just revealed, by the way, guys, This Happened, and now everyone was afraid he wasn’t going to make it. Bakugou was like two days out of the medically induced coma Uraraka put him in when this happened and apparently the doctor’s warnings that he could only be on light work was a hard requirement because he was completely non responsive for the since the fighting stopped and now everyone was afraid he wasn’t going to make it. The entire class was concussed, exhausted, and wanted their parents.
And he just really, really wanted his brother. He wanted his big brother to come in as the hero he had always admired, sit down with him, and tell him it was over. That he did good, and he could rest now. His brother’s sidekicks were the closest second available to him.
That picture made Iida feel like he had failed. He hadn’t held it together, and he hadn’t had the same strong facade as his brother always did. His anguish became another thing for the world to chew on. And that was true for all of those kids at that fight.
#pez dispenser debris#the medias never going to be easy on them#they will be righteously angry on their behalf don’t get me wrong#but the media is not going to get together and say ‘you know what? let’s respect these kids privacy. we won’t post these photos’ which is#what they wanted#like it was just bad#Mina had a breakdown in the hospital because she couldn’t get the blood out of her fur#Yagi had to hold her while she cried#kirishima called his moms sobbing because he was GAY and had a BOYFRIEND and what if they had to put his boyfriend BACK IN THE MEDICALLY#INDUCED COMA. Uraraka really struggled because she called her parents trying not to cry and was wondering if maybe she could go visit or#they could come visit her but she’s fine if they can’t she knows it’s expensive and things are tight right now. Tensei sent out an Idaten#assistant to personally arrange and pay for their travel and set them all up in a rented house for a few days so Uraraka could be close to#her friends but have her parents and he never said a word about it. Iida’s friends had taken such good care of his brother that Tensei did#what he could to take care of them.#but the kids struggled. they had a huge amount of guilt and self doubt over the calls they made in the field because maybe they could have#been better heroes. but they had been the best heroes they could have possibly been expected to be#shinsou DIDNT ask for his parents in the aftermath and just sort of sat silently in his hospital bed staring at the wall and it’s what made#Aizawa realize he couldn’t go back to the foster home again. UA took custody Shinsou still hasn’t told his classmates because he’s worried#they’d ask questions. shouto also didn’t ask for his parents and it made Aizawa Stress over why and how it fit in with his other concerns.
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archersartcorner · 16 days ago
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Some Sorak and co doodles! He’s such a lil egg to me, have so many thoughts about him. Might just suck it up and write a fic one day lol
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frogaroundandfindout · 6 months ago
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“The light from this candle was a beacon for the wounded soul of a young boy…it helped me see a path of selflessness and devotion. Devotion to the common good. And this light must always shine no matter what…Thank you Bruce. There will always be hope in Gotham.”
On the anniversary of the death of Bruce’s parents, dick replaces the street light on the spot they were killed and lights the candle he swore an oath to Bruce with. He thinks of how Bruce took him in and how kind people saved them both after their parents died. How there will always be light and hope in Gotham (Nightwing Vol.2 #153)
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fluffyapathybunny · 5 months ago
*sobbing in the corner*
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whynotimtired · 1 year ago
There's something so crushing about the theory that Hopper is actually Will's father, and it truly is the Jonathan of it all. Imagine Jonathan finding out and thinking what? really? For a split second before realizing that no, it's not both of them. That would be crazy. It's just Will. Of course it's just Will.
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wexhappyxfew · 8 months ago
annie telling brady (in the stalag) how she wants to be a mother one day and he tells her that whoever that guy is will be one lucky son-of-a-bitch (not knowing it’ll be him) because they could die anyday (with sad soundtracks playing in the background) and i-
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
something about how in-tune the jaiden-roier-bobby family is with each other. they know each other’s strengths like the back of their hands, and know when to step in if needed and when to let go.
when speaking of his revenge plans against spreen and quackity, roier involves bobby, saying he plans to use bobby’s strength as the best and strongest dragon to overpower them. it may seem like he’s using his son as a weapon, but no—bobby loves fighting. he jumps into battle without a second thought, whether it be dungeon-diving with roier, wrestling with tilin, or protecting jaiden from mobs, the kid loves a good battle. he’s excited to be able to avenge his dad!
alternatively, when talking about those very same plans, roier never includes jaiden in the combat. jaiden’s not a fighter. he knows this, and she does as well. still, she wants to be there for him, and to aid him in any way she can. so, instead of helping through combat, she offers her aid in words. if roier ever needs someone to distract spreen, or butter him up further, she’ll be there for him without a second thought. she doesn’t push roier to back down; in turn, he doesn’t push her to do more. they both offer their honest selves, and because of that, they know there’s nothing to push for.
they all bounce off each other so well and offer backup for each other’s weaknesses in a way that’s not belittling or insulting. their abilities are what they are, and there’s nothing wrong with what they can or can’t do. as long as they’re able to be there for each other, they’ll all be okay.
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blitz0hno · 6 months ago
Oh perfect it's Purge March day so anyway amane innocent sweep trial 3 let's Go
Listen listen listen it's p straightforward at this point
Amane does worldly medicine (on cat) -> breaking doctrine bc ur supposed to let god heal things -> punished severely, knows that's what is "supposed" to happen because it happens over and over as shown on Magic
Amane's "mother" kills the cat, presumably violently -> breaking doctrine on vulgar action (hurting/killing another living being; they make it a point to emphasize Amane's vegetarianism so it's obviously a very big thing in the doctrine) -> no punishment? No one around to punish her? No one else sees the contradiction? Well Amane is a big adult girl right? In her own eyes anyway, thanks to the cult. A FULL member of the group!! So it's her turn to deliver justice right????
I mean. Wrong but HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW?? her mother and presumably her father CHOSE to raise her in that cult and abuse her. They showed in Magic how often she had those dogmas drilled into her head. It's not her fucking fault and she's traumatized if you care
Amane was shown in Purge March to be in almost a trance-like state. Yes, she's been "trained" for this, and no matter how she's related to the sinner "a sin is a sin." Did she probably go further than she wanted/needed out of pure rage and injustice?? Even if she did, she was NOT in control of the ideas and reactions she was LITERALLY TOLD TO HAVE.
I'm not saying she was right to kill a woman honestly but no never mind I am saying that child abusers deserve death haha anyway amane inno sweep 100 years
Like Jackalope DEFINITELY ain't tryna let inno Amane slide bc he sees a need for her to "take responsibility" even though she never denies responsibility at all?? She knows what she did, or at least is sure she knows. She isn't remorseless, she has been told that feelings are bad compared to God's word. Shocker that she represses them.
Also technically it was her mother's responsibility to not get herself murdered by abusing her child and killing a cat and raising her kid in a cult. I'm not a victim blamer but that's a 12 year old dawg if you messed up that bad in life nothing's saving you try again next time.
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doyoueverstopandthink · 9 months ago
i love getting tipsy and ranting about spider-man movies like thank god for my siblings being able to zone me out and do other things while i keep yapping
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bizlybebo · 9 months ago
thought about mark winters again dhmu
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blowflyfag · 1 year ago
Gonna fucking boast uh I came out to my little brother about being a guy and it went really well :)
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youssefguedira · 5 months ago
Eating your fleabag tags like a starved man though I’ve watched the show so many times bc it’s like feeling the rush of the first watch second-hand, thank you and good luck it’ll pass
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thanks 👍
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angeltism · 6 months ago
stupid fag loser wizard needs to stop being so mecore actually
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