#SO gonna move to cardiff in future
timey-acey222 · 24 days
hey chat i was in cardiff yesterday
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my contribution to the shrine was the little welsh flag (originally it said 'rip 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎 jones' but it rubbed off- sorry @iantowithaglock )
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Chapter Twenty
Sophie walks into the Torchwood Hub, and Jack is standing near the door, talking quietly with Owen and Gwen. He turns when the doors slide open, and smiles as she enters the large space. "Y'know, I might've had plans," she says as a greeting.
Jack pulls her into a hug, and spins her around, "Did you," he asks, as he pulls away.
"No," she states, "But I could've. You said you needed my help, so what's up?"
He grabs her hand, and tugs her up toward the conference room. As she steps through the door, three people, all dressed in clothes out of the 1950's turn and look at her. Realisation strikes her, and she smiles kindly at the trio. "This is John Ellis, Emma Louise Cowell, and Diane Holmes," the Captain introduces.
Sophie shakes their hands, and smiles kindly, "Sophie McCoy, it's nice to meet you."
Jack looks over at, "I was hoping she'd be willing to help you guys get a hang of the 21st century. We're all a little older than Emma, and I was thinking it might be nice to have someone closer to her age show her around."
"Sure," she grins. "Welcome to 2007."
The rest of the Torchwood crew file into the room, and John immediately looks at Jack, "But how can you travel fifty years in half an hour?"
Jack nods, and gestures for everyone to sit. Tosh moves toward the screen at the front of the room. The Captain sighs, "Your aircraft slipped through a transcendental portal."
Emma looks at him, confused, "A what?"
Jack looks over at Sophie, silently asking for a bit of help, "It's a sort of door in time and space, and your plane slipped through it.
"It's some kind of trick. It has to be," John states.
Jack leans back in his seat, and nods at Toshiko. The tech nods at the different pictures spread out across the table, "Celebrations of the Millennium in your respective home cities, photographs documenting the development of Cardiff Bay from the Fifties to the present day, blueprints of modern day aeroplanes."
Diane flips through the photos in front of her, and then tosses them back on the table, "But if all this is true then how do we get back?"
Jack sighs again, and Sophie can see the pain in his eyes, "You don't. According to history, your plane never returned. I'm sorry."
The three look over at Jack, each of them with an expression of pain and confusion on their faces, "What's going to happen to us?" Diane asks.
John slams his photos back down on the table, "Never mind about us. What happened to everyone else? Our families."
Jack leads the group out into the main section of the Hub. Gwen takes Emma over toward the desks, and starts to look into her past. Owen tries to find out more about Diane. Tosh brings John over to the computer, and begins to research his family as well.
Jack takes Sophie's arm, and ushers her to the other side of the room. "What do you think?" he asks.
"I think this is gonna be hard, especially on them. I've known people who've left their lives behind, went to the future, but they always knew they could go home. This is a whole different ball park."
"Yeah. These are always the harder things. An alien spaceship is child's play compared to people from the past."
"I get why you asked for me to come in. Emma needs someone close to her age."
"Also, I kinda wanted to check in on you. It's been a while."
She smiles at him, "It's not really been that long, Jack. I'm alright, getting better every day."
He grins back, "That's what I like to hear." He walks away, over to John and Tosh, and places a hand on his shoulder, "We'll try again tomorrow. Right now, you need to get some sleep."
The group pulls up outside an ancient boarding house. The exterior looks like it's crumbling, but the interior feels slightly homey. Jack opens the door, and John, Emma, Diane, Gwen, and Sophie enter the building.
Gwen opens the door for Emma and Diane, "It a bit basic," she apologises.
"Not when you've slept in barracks," Diane states, setting her bag down on the bunks.
Emma sets hers down on the single bed in the other corner of the room, and sits down sadly on the bed.
Sophie steps into the room as well, and smiles at Emma. She closes the door halfway, and leans against the wall. Emma starts to unpack her bag, as Diane steps out of the room, Gwen following after her.
The front door closes, and some laughter fills the room. Sophie leans around, looking out of the door. "Who else is here?" Emma asks her.
"Just a couple of girls," she shrugs. The girl pulls a floral dress out of her bag. "That's a gorgeous dress," she smiles.
"Thank you," Emma smiles, "I made it myself."
The girl continues to put things into her wardrobe. "So, where are you from?"
"Really? I got to Uni in Bristol. I should take you down there, and show you what it looks like now."
"That could be nice." Emma smiles.
"So, if it's not too personal, why were you heading to Dublin?"
"Auntie Nora's ill and Uncle Finn can't manage the children." She pulls a teddy bear out of her luggage, and cradles it to her chest, "It'll be good practice for when I have children of my own, Mum says." She pauses, and sets the teddy inside of the wardrobe, "She's gone next door so Uncle Finn can telephone. She'll know I'm missing by now."
Sophie smiles sadly, "Emma, she learned about it in 1953. It's been over fifty years, remember."
Emma sighs, and her shoulders drop, "What will she think happened? It must have been like one of those murders where they never find the body."
"I really don't know if this makes it any better or not, but everyone thought that your plane crashed into the sea." She sighs, and crosses her arms, "At least they had a form of closure, and didn't keep looking forever, thinking you were missing."
Emma looks sadly at the bear in her wardrobe, and sniffles. Sophie's eyes widen, and she jumps to her feet, wrapping an arm around the other girls back. Emma wraps both of her arms around Sophie, "I'm sorry," she apologises.
"Hey, no," Sophie says, "There's no need to apologize, alright. You've been through a lot." She takes a deep breath, "I'm not really good at all this comfort stuff."
Emma takes a step back, and wipes her eyes, "I think you're pretty good at it. But I shouldn't hold you up, you need sleep too."
"Okay. Get some rest, and I'll see you tomorrow."
The trio step out of the Hostel, and Sophie looks over at Jack, "I hope you have a place for me to stay."
The immortal chuckles, climbing into the van, "Yeah. I'll set you up in a hotel, unless you want to stay in the Hub."
She chuckles, climbing into the back seat, as Gwen takes the passenger side, "As nice as the Hub is, not sure I want to stay there."
"Wow, I see how it is."
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Traditional Values or Matrimony Before Children
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage Contains Potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and very smutty content.
Summary: Rod decides it's time to 'pop the question' because he can't risk losing Kirby after they have a massive argument following Kirby getting injured.
Kirby's POV:
"Maybe if ya were able to see things from my point of view, ya wouldn't be here right now!"
"Well, maybe if you weren't so pig-headed about the finish of the match, I wouldn't have ended up getting hurt!"
I had snapped by this point, we were in New Haven, Connecticut and Rod had rushed in at the end of my match against Orton.
The match ended due to outside interference as well as injury.
Piper had knocked me off the turnbuckle, right before I was going to hit a senton bomb on Orton, making me fall out of the ring, off of the turnbuckle and thus slamming my right elbow into the guardrail, leaving me in extreme pain and needing medical attention.
He had managed to make me sprain my elbow, putting it in a sling for three weeks and taking me off television for the next month.
Damien had told me to take the month off, not risking any sort of further injury.
From the sixth of May until the sixth of June I wouldn't be allowed to work and I pinned all of the blame onto Roddy.
I got Damien to drive the long way back to the house, luckily me and Roderick had separate keys.
I was so hot with rage that I decided to just go home, to Cardiff, forget all about America and Roddy.
I stewed in the anger for the full three weeks of healing, on the Twenty-ninth of May, I heard the front door open, fully ready to call everything quits I waited for him to get through the foyer and see me.
"Before ya leave me, let me know, did ya love me?"
"I, uh, I, God, Roddy," I couldn't hold back the tears and Rod came running up to me, I tried to push him away with my left arm but failed.
"My love, my love, shh, shh, it's okay, you're okay."
"Rod, I wanted to leave but then I got my citizenship finished up and everything was clear and I couldn't think of a life without you in it … And now is not the time to get horny."
"Oh God, I'm not, that isn't, I wanted to do this after I cheered you up, but I guess now is as good a time as any, uhm," he took a moment to collect himself and got in front of me next to the table and got down on one knee, "Kirby Trevor, I know I'm a mad Scottish bastard at times, and before you ask I did ask your parents for your hand," he got out a small black box from the pouch of his sporran and opened it, inside laying half set into the foam was a simple, slim, iron ring, "I know we're moving a little fast, but I can't imagine a life without you in it and, I'm not risking losing you for a third time, I would like to marry ya, if you would let me."
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"Roderick, you're kidding."
"I'm not kidding, mo chridhe. It would make me the happiest man alive."
"Oh … my … God … Yes, Rod, Yes!"
He slipped the ring onto my left ring finger, pulling me closer and kissed my neck before hoisting me over his shoulder and taking me upstairs.
By the time I woke up the following day, Rod was putting an ice pack on my elbow.
"Morning, mo chridhe, are ya alright?"
"I'm fine, yesterday was real, right?"
Rod lent down to kiss me, running his fingers over the rings on my left hand, making me realise that instead of my usual three, there were now, in fact, four rings, all in a row. Yesterday was real, the almost argument, the breakdown, the proposal, it was all real.
Without much thought I got up and backed Rod against the wall, kissing his neck, his jawline, his lips, anywhere I could access, until he managed to back me towards the bed and throw me down onto it.
"I fucking love ya, mo chridhe."
"Rod, when are we getting married."
"When do you want us to get married?"
"As soon as possible. If it's possible"
Roddy made calls, several calls, to I don't know who but he managed to get us a civil ceremony on Friday the first of June.
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Seeing Rod in the pale blue suit as I stood there in my satin, peach toned slip dress I suddenly felt complete, in a weird way, like I had found my other half. I guess that's why people call their spouse their 'better half'.
The matching wedding bands we had Rod had bought without me felt right, two Celtic wedding bands, one gold (being Roddy's) and one silver (being mine).
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We got back to the house, now a married couple and likely to spend a lot more time near each other, seeing as Damien had outed me on television the day before our civil ceremony as Rod's girlfriend, and soon-to-be wife.
Captain Lou and Cyndi Lauper had both made statements on me and Rod being 'man and wife' with both of them believing that it was 'disgusting to see two freaks marrying each other'.
However, the other D.O.D members as well as Schultz, Orndorff, and Orton showing support.
Roddy took 'wedding night bliss' seriously. No condoms, no alcohol, just him and me and a potentially breakable bed.
Things started off the moment we got in through the front door, Rod quickly locking the door behind us as I took my heels off, now in just my satin dress, I started walking out of the foyer, Rod pulled me back, hoisting me into a bridal carry and taking me upstairs, kicking open our bedroom door before letting me down.
I managed to sit myself on the edge of the bed while Rod was preoccupied with taking off his suit, I focused back on taking off my dress, the zip up the back actually pretty easy to unzip and remove, standing back up and letting the dress slide off, hearing a groan from Rod and knowing fully that he was watching me, he soon saw the black lace leg garter and started grinning like a mad man.
"Rod, what are you thinking about?"
"I think you know, honey."
In a matter of about a minute or two, Rod had ripped off the garter with his teeth and started kissing from my mid-thigh up to my groin and then making his way up to kissing my neck and then my mouth.
Feeling the heat from Rod's groin as well as his erect member poking at my clit through two layers of clothing (his briefs and my boxers) and hearing him groan in my ear, I started sliding my hand down the front of Rod's briefs.
when we woke up the next morning, both still fully nude, Rod was just starting to wake up as I started to get dressed.
"Oh, there you are, my beautiful wife."
"My dearest husband."
"We've gotta get back to work, Honey."
"I know, Roddy, I know."
By the seventh of June we were back at work fully, each night before Rod had asked for my permission to try and get me pregnant and I agreed, most of the time it was either in a hotel bed or on the front bench of the D200.
On screen I was usually by Roddy's side often being treated as softer or more emotionally vulnerable when compared to him, but just as quick-witted and tough as him. A marriage of equals instead of your typical opposites attract.
On the ninth of June I was in Roddy's corner during his fight against Rocky Johnson at the Capital centre in Landover, Maryland. He pinned Johnson, later on that same night he filmed a Piper's Pit segment with Captain Lou.
I was once again in Roddy's corner for another win against Rocky Johnson on the fifteenth in Detroit.
Then again, another Roddy win against Johnson on the sixteenth in Hollywood, Florida's Sportatorium before he filmed another segment of the Pit with Lauper.
I had noticed that either my period was late this month or something was wrong because I still had some cramping pains but they weren't as bad as they usually would be if I was 'on'. I decided to drop my worries for now and to focus on staying by Rod's side as I knew if anything bad happened to me, he'd be the first to react.
We went to the CYC in Scranton, Pennsylvania for another one of Roddy's matches against Rocky Johnson on the 18th.
I noticed on the twentieth that I had started feeling tired much easier than before, often needing to sit down a lot quicker than I was used to.
Backstage at the Civic Centre in Erie, Pennsylvania on the Twenty-first. Instead of going out with Roddy like what had been planned, Billie and Vickie had pulled me aside and into a bathroom, locking all three of us in a small private bathroom stall originally meant for disabled patrons or staff members, Vickie started questioning me.
"How long have you and him been married?"
"Around twenty days, why?"
"Have you two been, y'know," Billie wiggled her eyebrows, "Active?"
"Ya mean sexually, of course. I'm his wife, what are you two doing?"
"Well, little 'sister' time to take a test."
"What, Vic, like a newlywed game or something?"
Billie pushed me backwards, forcing me to sit on seat of the toilet, still with my slacks on.
"This test," Vic pulled out an 'ADVANCE' box from her purse, "You look confused, Kirbs. It's a pregnancy test, tall-ass."
"No, no, I can't be, just, no."
"Take it, we'll guard the door."
Vic unlocked the door and they exited, leaving me to take the pregnancy test, I did what the test required and told Vic, who went through the steps, and started giggling to herself after the result came through.
"I'm going to be an auntie."
"Oh no, no, you're kidding, right?"
Vic wasn't kidding, she explained the test and the result and lo and behold my future had changed, I was expecting a child. Rod didn't know yet, but I didn't know how to tell him. Truly I love Rod, but how was I gonna explain this to him.
The following day (22nd June 1984) it was announced that 'Due to unforeseen circumstances' I was not wrestling for the next ten months.
On that Saturday (23rd June 1984) Rod had brought me on to Piper's Pit to address some questions about my nearly a year long departure from wrestling.
"I've had a lot of questions about why my wife is off your screens, ladies and germs, so here she is, my beautiful wife, Kirby Piper."
"Hi Roddy."
"Hello, beautiful. First of all, congratulations on marrying the strongest and most intelligent man in the WWF. Secondly, why have you decided to take a ten month break from active competition?"
"Firstly, thank you for marrying a female giant. Secondly, Rod, look me in the eyes."
He did as I asked, and so I continued.
"I am being completely serious, okay."
"Roddy Piper, I, as your wife, and as your friend, must be completely honest and tell you that I am," I took a moment to compose myself and realised that both the audience, as well as both Orton and Piper were hanging on my every word, "I'm, I am," I took a deep breath in to help calm myself down, "I am pregnant."
Barely above a whisper, I had said it just loud enough for the microphone Piper had customarily shoved in my face, the same way he did to all his guests, could pick up.
"Re, uh, repeat that, Kirby," Rod stumbled over his words momentarily, "If you, if ya wouldn't mind, my, my love."
Slightly louder than before, now at my normal speaking volume, rather than a whisper, I repeated my statement, "The reason I'm out of the ring for the next ten months is because I, the human being you see here, I am with child. I am pregnant."
Rod erupted, dropping the mic, which still continued to work and actually caught him yelling, "I'm gonna be a dad?! I'm going to be a father?!"
He dropped to his knees in front of me, I leant down to kiss him and he got up, having to lean down into the kiss for a moment. The crowd cheered from behind him, before they started chanting his name. He helped me out of my seat and Orton gave Rod the mic before helping me stand from the other side.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, my wife, Kirby Piper, and the reason, oh my God, the reason she is out of active competition. I'm gonna be a father! Acey baby, I'm gonna be a dad, can ya believe it?!"
Rod leant up to kiss me, letting Orton let go of the other side of my back as Rod wrapped his arms around my waist and stayed in the moment until we both needed air, touching his forehead to mine as he huffed out an almost silent 'I love you, so much'.
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littlebarrelboy · 4 years
auld lang syne || Bu
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?
takes place: dec. 28
in which Barrel and Su say goodbye...
[tw: discussion of death, literally one of the most bittersweet things i’ve ever rp’d im tearing up as i post this oh my god]
Barrel stood at the train station. Luckily for him, he didn’t have much to pack and it had all fit in this old suitcase that he’d found at Whosits. Most of his clothes and stuff had burned back in the fire in August. He had some new stuff that Shock and Lock had bought him with Anthony’s credit card. He had some Christmas presents. He had things from the Qins. He had the Nintendo Switch that Lock had given him for Christmas.
The one Lock had not gotten to see him open.
That one was actually in his backpack.
His train was theoretically coming in fifteen minutes, but he’d wanted to get here early. The train would take him to a little suburb outside of Cardiff,  Holley Shiftwell  had told him, where he would meet a short, dark-haired woman with bangs named Jane who would escort him to a family. They’re really nice, Holley had reassured him. We’ve been working with them for years — they looked after me when my parents were in Russia.
This was the right decision. Barrel would finish up school in Wales. Barbie and Holley told him the RAS would take care of all the paperwork. Shock said she’d pay for any university he needed, if he decided to go with that. He wouldn’t be anyone’s problem. He could figure out a life for himself.
But he glanced at Su now, and with a pang to his heart, he wondered if this was the right decision.
She was the only one who’d accompanied him to the station. He didn’t know where Mei was, but he’d left her a note. He’d cracked Ting’s door open to say goodbye and she’d jumped up, apologizing over and over about how she’d forgotten and how she could be ready in just a second. But he told her it was no worry. That he could go on his own. Ting-Ting looked tired. She looked like how he felt a lot of the time, like he wanted to cry  but had a hard time figuring out how to start the tears.
That was why he was leaving.
The Qins thought it was social services who stepped in after Ting reported it all to the police, which wasn’t super far from the truth, Holley had said. He could still write to them and text them and play Animal Crossing with Su.
“I’ll send you a Dodo code as soon as I get my wifi set up in Wales,” he told her right now, trying to smile.
SU: The day had come too quick. That’s what Su wanted to tell Barrel when he spoke of Dodo codes and wifi. She didn’t want to think about how they’d have to do that method now instead of the easier, closer local play option. It was less of a hassle, honestly.
Of all things for her to focus on when Barrel spoke, that had to be the silliest. But she would rather think of something silly that could help her return the small, sad smile than the reality of the situation. The reality of their lives now. Lives that would now be lived apart.
Which, really, was the normal for them. Honestly, they’d only become so close within the past year. Only met each other in that time as well. But the tragedies they’ve stood by each other throughout, it made her feel like she’d known him for a lifetime. And now that life was coming to an end. Waiting like this train, ready to whisk Barrel - her friend, someone dear to her - away.
It was selfish to feel this way, she knows, enlight of everything that’s happened to him. It’s why she didn’t say any of this and simply nodded, hands gripped tight together behind her back as she looked at her feet. “You better. I'm going to start setting up a fun New Year’s firework show and I need you to see it.”
This was the right decision. He deserved to leave this pain behind, even if that means leaving Swynlake. And whatever decisions he makes going forward, she’d support him. Because she was his friend, and he deserved a soft epilogue, if you will, after the chaos of his teenage years, his childhood.
“You stay warm too. It’s really cold out today, and going to be even colder tonight,” She fussed, moving closer to fix his jacket, as if doing so would just make it warmer.
At the mention of New Year’s, Barrel remembered something. It hit him with a jolt and he immediately bent to reach for his bag — just as Su reached for his jacket.
“Woops sorry — “ Their foreheads almost collided. Barrel felt his face flush. He looked at Su. She was very near him. She smelled very nice. She was very warm.
He was going to miss her a lot.
That thought also hit him with a jolt.
He knew he was gonna miss Swynlake — miss school and his friends and going to soccer games and working the counter in Whosits. He was going to miss the Qin house and how it always smelled like something yummy and he was going to miss Ting randomly singing and Mei laughing and MuHou telling stories. He was going to miss Su, but it didn’t hit him till right now how much.
She was very pretty.
Also, at one point he’d reached for her hand as it rested on the collar of his jacket. He didn’t realize that till right now.
“I got you a birthday present,” he said. He realized he was still holding her hand and let it go. “It’s in my bag — one second — “
He rifled through his backpack and pulled out a little gift bag from the front pocket. His cheeks felt very warm still. Hadn’t Su said it was cold? It didn’t feel cold.
“You can open it now if you want,” he said, handing her the bag. “I’m sorry for missing your birthday. I got this … well, before everything. I hope you like it.”
He’d picked out the gift because of Animal Crossing, but also because Su liked plants and her magic was plants and Barrel always thought that was so fitting.
SU: “Sorry,” Su also said, the apology mixing with his in the wind at their clumsiness. But she chuckled a little. “My bad.”
His hand at some point came to hold hers. It was big and warm compared to her tiny ones that always struggled to hold any heat. It fit perfectly, she thought. Comfortable and safe. Like that night so long ago when he’d first come to the Qins’ home. Somehow, he’d seemed so small then. Someone she wanted to protect and cradle in her world, inside their home of magic.
When did she have to tilt her head up so high to look at him?
She blinked just as she did so, his words taking a moment to process as his hand left hers and then she was holding a present. “Birthday present…?” She questioned, looking at it a moment longer before realizing - oh yeah. Her birthday. She was going to be seventeen at the start of the new year.
Her face warmed as she smiled down into the bag. Of all things he was worried about…
“Thank you, you didn’t have to…” She started, quickly opening it so he could see her reaction. And she hoped it didn’t disappoint. Honestly, anything Barrel would give her, she would have loved, but something about this necklace… Why did she want to cry? She held it in. Instead, she smiled wide and looked at him. “It’s so pretty, Barrel! I love it!” She said, before throwing herself on him in a hug. Trying to hide those tears. “I promise I’ll always wear it.”
Su hugged him.
His arms fit around her waist, pulling her closer. Truth be told, he was crying a little bit too now, though he didn’t realize she was crying, only that he was crying and he didn’t want Su to see that he was crying.
For a second, he wanted to stay.
He thought about what it would mean to stay. To graduate from Swynlake Secondary. To go to Pride U with the money that Shock had given him. To continue living with the Qins, and sitting for dinner and Sunday morning pancakes. He thought about that for a moment, clinging to a warm, impossible dream.
Because he knew it was impossible. Because it wouldn’t be the life he thought it would. Because Lock was dead and Shock was gone and everything had changed. He didn’t know what that would mean for the future in his head, but Barbie had offered him a way out. A place where Lock and Shock didn’t haunt every corner. A place where his parents had never touched.
For the first time in his life, Barrel saw the possibilities that offered. He had to take it.
He’d just miss Su a lot.
He pulled away to tell her this, to try and say something about how he really wanted that other life — the one where he stayed, the one where he went to Pride U, the one where they got to celebrate her birthday together and eat pancakes — how he wanted that one to happen, but at the same time, he wanted it to never happen, because it was golden, warm, bright, and untouched by reality.
In some pocket universe, it happened and it was very nice over there and he was very happy for that.
He wanted to tell this to Su and he looked down at her, about to, but the words were too complicated and Barrel wasn’t good with words, so somewhere along the line,  they got caught in his throat. He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to say, so instead of saying any of that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to Su's.
It was a short kiss — short and golden and warm and bright.
SU: Stay.
The plea was on the tip of her tongue. Su felt it. Even as she tried to smother it and the rest of the storm in her mind. Don’t leave me in this mess alone. She didn’t feel strong enough. Even as she held onto him now, she felt maybe if she let go, he’d never leave. She could keep him here with her, and then maybe things would go back to normal.
But that was selfish and untrue, no matter how loud her thoughts were.
Then everything seemed to go silent with a sudden kiss.
Her eyes widened. Her face flushed. She’d never been kissed before. Her first kiss. And it was a kiss goodbye. Despite how bittersweet it was, she felt incredibly warm. And her fingers curled into his coat, pulling him closer into the kiss - only for a few seconds more, it’d feel like it was just them there. She wished that were true.
But with one bold action, she knew one thing: she knew Barrel would be okay. She knew things would be far from easy but - she believed in him. Believed in him and the person she knew he’d grow to be while also staying the kind boy she met in the Swynlake Secondary cafeteria and let into their home. It was the only reason she was able to pull away with the kiss with a warm smile.
“We’re going to be okay. I promise,” She said, smiling while wiping at her tears, the necklace still clutched in her hand. “You’ll always have a home with us too, if you ever want to come back, even for a visit.”
A visit. Yeah, that would be nice. And then this would be less like a goodbye and more like...see you later. Su liked that a lot better. Even if later was...years from now.
He had to go.
Barrel was even more sure of this after kissing Su.
It had been a nice kiss. He liked it a lot. It was a very good first kiss (he didn’t even realize it was his first kiss till right now and now he felt very bubbly and light that Su had been his first kiss). And maybe one day they could kiss again. Maybe one day.
But Barrel had to figure out who he was and what he was going to be that one day. Barrel had spent nearly 18 years of his life defined by Shock and Lock. He loved them. He loved them more than anything — including himself.
He needed to figure out who he was without them. He couldn’t do that in Swynlake, not in the home where his brother died and his sister left, not a few streets down from the burned remains of their house. He had to do that on his own. In Wales, which was not so far away.
He could always visit.
There was a future for Barrel. For maybe the first time in his life, there was a future.
“Thank you for everything, Su,” he said, gently touching her hair. “I don’t know how I would’ve… without you and your sisters. Without you…” His voice trailed off and he reached for her hand to give it another squeeze. “We’ll always have Animal Crossing, at least. I can’t wait to show you my island once I get it looking nice.”
He smiled a little, just as the train started to whistle into the station. A lump formed in his throat and he tried not to count the seconds till it pulled in fully and just enjoy these last moments with Su. 
SU: Su swallowed thickly. Swallowing more tears, not allowing anymore to fall. She had to remind herself this wasn’t truly a goodbye. The world was so small because of phones and the Internet. She could talk to him every night still. Even though it’d hardly ever be the same.
She squeezed his hand back. Go. Live. “You don’t have to thank me for anything. I - we’d  - do it all again,” She smiled, forcing herself to let go of his hand - to let him go. “Remember what I said about turnip exchange! It’s a life changer!”
She laughed at that, but really used it to cover up any sobs that might want to bubble out. She’d be okay. They’d be okay. He’d be okay. That was all that mattered now. She was still suspicious about the story he told them but...it wasn’t her place to ask about social services.
She trusted he knew what he was doing.
She took a step back, glancing up at the train and smiled. It hurt. But if she could distance herself, it’d hurt less and be easier to watch him go. “You better hurry so you can get a good spot and get your luggage put up. I…” She looked at him then to her feet. Then back at him. “Text me when you get there, ‘kay?”
“I will,” said Barrel. His head still spun from the kiss. He’d already picked up his duffle bag. He’d taken a step back from Su, not realizing she’d done the same. The distance between them now could not be closed with an embrace. Soon he’d get on the train and the train would bring him further and further away —
He couldn’t think of it like that. He could still talk to Su. He’d just said he was going to text her, after all. They’d meet on Animal Crossing. He’d text all his friends: JJ, Nemo, Finn, Wilbur, and Tony. Maybe some of them would text back. He’d video call Su and Ting-Ting and Mei and show them his new room and tell Su about his new school and his new town.
But he would also go to a new school. He’d meet new friends who didn’t know about Lock and Shock or his parents. He’d graduate. He’d go to university. He would study animals and he would get a job at any place he could work with them. He would become a zookeeper one day, in the far future, and he would get an apartment of his own where he fed cats behind the building and took them home.
He’d see Shock. He’d see Su and Mei and Ting-Ting. They could come to his apartment and meet his cats and he would learn how to cook so he could make them dinner like they did for him so many times.
One day, maybe, he would even come back to Swynlake.
He didn’t know if that would happen, actually. Or when that would happen. Right now, he couldn’t think of Swynlake without thinking of Lock — and Shock and his parents.
One day, maybe, he would come to this station again and when he stepped off the train, he would smile at the town.
Right now though, his smile was for Su.
“Goodbye Su,” he said, touching her shoulder gently. When he glanced back, stepping on the train, it was for her. He found a good seat by the window, pressing his face against it, waving as the train rolled out of the station. When Su was nothing more than a speck in the distance, when he squinted and couldn’t see the town, Barrel sat back in his seat.
He took a deep breath. His heart hammered, but — he felt light. He felt hopeful. He could see a future for himself, bright and clear.
Barrel closed his eyes and he dreamt of lions.
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mistoelectra · 5 years
Why Jack Harkness deserved better
I said I was going to write this so here it is
Okay, so this is something I’ve been meaning to write for a little while, because I’ve been rewatching New Who from the beginning, and Jack is probably one of my favourite characters, and seeing the way Ten acts towards him makes my heart hurt. It also makes me really wish they could have brought Jack back in to interact with other incarnations of the Doctor because I feel like seeing the different dynamics would have been really interesting (also let’s face it, John Barrowman would be hella up for it).
This is gonna primarily focus on Doctor Who events but draw on things from Torchwood because that obviously gave us a lot more info on Jack and his past. But also I’m not going to go too in depth with Torchwood stuff, because that’s a whole different essay with full in-depth vaguely shitty psychoanalysis (I have a degree but I am far from proficient).
Let’s start at the beginning with Jack’s first appearance in The Doctor Dances/The Empty Child, which are admittedly two of my favourite episodes of series 1. Admittedly, he does at first come off as cocky, brash, a little callous, and of course, a self-professed con-man and criminal. Except at the same time, we already get to see some of his heart. His cons are based selling space junk to (what seem to be) rather wealthy parties, then getting that junk destroyed before they find out what they’ve actually bought. He himself states that he believes the Chula ambulance was completely empty, so wouldn’t do any damage, and specifically programmed it so it wouldn’t hit anything living. While this doesn’t necessarily make things any more moral, it still says something about Jack. There are plenty who wouldn’t have even bothered to do that. There’s also the fact that he’s not doing it for money, but in an attempt to get back his stolen memories.
Continuing on, Jack rescues Rose and the Doctor from the hospital, proving further that he is not quite as callous as he might make out to be. Given he now knows they’re time agents, there’s technically nothing stopping him from just abandoning them and getting the hell out of this time period (except possibly his time agency training reminding him that he may have done fucked up and he needs to fix it). He almost immediately places his trust in the Doctor, jumps at the chance to help him, and when the time comes, he doesn’t even hesitate in getting the bomb (and don’t tell me he doesn’t know the risk to himself, because he totally does. He knows his chances of getting out of this are slim, but Jack Harkness is a self-sacrificing bastard if ever there was one).
(Brief sidetrack to Torchwood- Jack mentions in Countrycide (1x06) that he’s proficient in torture and once had a reputation as a go-to guy for getting answers, but it’s never really made clear when this occurred, or if it’s even truthful. Was it the Time Agency? Was it Victorian era Torchwood? Who knows?)
Next appearance. Boom Town. That interesting outfit choice. But that aside, this is where we get to see how smart Jack is. Sure, he’s from the future so he’s going to have knowledge that will sound impressive, but there’s also his plan to catch Margaret, which is pretty tactically sound. Again, Jack was a time agent, so he’s definitely not going to be just any old idiot, not to mention he was a soldier as well. We also see him working on the TARDIS, which is pretty much something we don’t really see other companions do much of in New Who, and certainly not in their third episode, which I think says a lot, both about Jack, and about the trust the Doctor now places in Jack.
The final two episodes. For one, and on a different tangent, Jack keeps a gun up his ass. Is this a common thing? Is this just so the Doctor can’t take it off him like he did before? How is this safe? For two, and on the same tangent, Jack stop groping the robots. Finally, can we appreciate how efficient Jack is? Sure, he’s a little confused at first, but he throws himself into the situation, lets them give him a few different outfits, then calmly takes them down, makes himself a gun and gets out of there without much hassle. His reaction to Rose’s ‘elimination’ absolutely breaks my heart just as much as the Doctor’s, because while the Doctor is just completely silent and lost looking, you can hear and see Jack absolutely going off in the background, lashing out. Similarly, his reaction upon realising that Rose is alive…just yes.
Second side track- how quickly did Jack get that TARDIS key? I mean, I know there were multiple adventures between episodes, but regardless, he had a key by Boom Town. That’s hella speedy.
And then there’s dealing with the daleks. Jack knows how big a deal this is, he was a time agent after all. One hit, that’s all it takes. The Doctor probably would have let him leave Satellite 5 if he’d asked, but he didn’t. He stepped up, almost certainly knowing he was going to die, but willing to do whatever he could to give the Doctor any little scrap of time he could. And he gets killed for it. And then he gets brought back to life, and he’s surrounded by dalek dust, and he gets to watch the TARDIS leave without him. And his expression is just so heartbroken, and it hurts so much. What is he thinking? Is he hoping they’ll come back for him? Does he think that they think he’s dead so they’ve left without him?
And this is the first of the Doctor’s assholery (albeit this is still 9 and not 10). He just abandons Jack, without any form of explanation as to what has just happened, on a satellite surrounded by dalek dust and corpses. While I appreciate all the Doctor was going through and the whole ‘Jack now makes me physically sick’ thing, like dude, c’mon, you owe him an explanation. He has literally just died for you, it’s the very least you can offer.
And then there’s all the shit Jack goes through before they reunite again. I could spend all day going into depth on this but let’s just summarise it: managing to get back to Earth, ending up in 19th century Cardiff, 150 years of waiting which include: dying a lot (like seriously, he has at least two separate times where people essentially kill him on repeat just because he can come back, don’t tell me that doesn’t have an effect on your psyche), being tortured, being more or less coerced into a job, two world wars, several lost loves, his boss killing the entire team and then himself, being forced into a leadership position that he does not want, recruiting his own team, Canary Wharf and Rose’s name on the list of the dead, Suzie, being shoved into the rift (Thanks Ianto), a cyberwoman in his own basement (Thanks Ianto), being blamed by his entire team for the faeries and Jasmine, watching another man out of his time kill himself and being unable to do anything but keep him company, watching one of his team more or less let a weevil attack him, being mutinied against and killed by a team member (Thanks Owen), and then getting his life energy devoured by a legitimate hell beast.
And then the Doctor shows up, and Jack runs for him, and the Doctor runs away. Nothing like a stinging sense of rejection and a jaunt to the end of the universe to help your self esteem. And pretty much the first thing the Doctor does is criticise him. And what’s worse is that the Doctor won’t even admit that he abandoned Jack. ‘Busy life. Moving on.’ It’s just such an incredibly callous statement that just completely ignores Jack’s feelings and just seems to treat him as a piece of trash to be discarded. And Jack would be wholly within his right to go off at the Doctor, but he doesn’t. Instead he asks about Rose, and there’s the hug, because he can just tell that the Doctor has something against him, but Rose is a somewhat neutral territory.
Cue the Doctor being blatantly rude to Jack for an entire scene about both his vortex manipulator and his abandonment, as well as making it more or less clear to Jack that he knew all along about Jack’s immortality. That him being left on the Game Station was no accident. And that’s just cold. And yet despite all this, the moment Jack’s with them again, the Doctor’s immediately controlling him. Dictating what he can and can’t do, and in all honesty, it feels very much like he’s still treating Jack as the brash playboy he knew in his last regeneration? Like he can’t see just how much Jack has changed since they last met, how he’s most certainly not the same man he was. He also willingly throws Jack into a situation which is dangerous and will probably cause him pain (don’t tell me that radiation chamber didn’t cause Jack pain. Just because it can’t kill me doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt) just because he knows Jack will do anything for him (and also Jack would probably volunteer anyway because he’s that sort of person). And he admits to Jack’s face that he’s known all along, that he ran away from him. He point blank tells Jack to his face that he’s wrong and that he can hardly bear to look at him, without so much as a thought to how that’s bound to feel. Asks Jack if he wants to die. The whole conversation just makes me feel on edge because it does not feel at all like a healthy friendship.
Then, when Jack tells him he’s with Torchwood, there’s the Doctor’s reaction, and it’s just so vehement. His lack of belief in Jack is just heartbreaking, because it’s such a switch from his relationship with the 9th Doctor. It’s like Jack isn’t a companion to him anymore, but more of a sort of tool. And in the Year That Never Was, we pretty much get implied that Jack gets repeatedly tortured and killed for at least the third time in his existence, over and over for an entire year. It seems pretty likely too that the Master probably executes the rest of the Torchwood team too, probably using them in an attempt to break Jack. Sure, it all gets reversed, but it clearly fucks with Jack (and we can see that in Torchwood series 2). But Jack holds up the brave front, destroys the paradox machine. And you can bet it probably hurt him like hell when the Doctor mentions keeping the Master in the TARDIS, because it kinda seems like he’d rather have the Master there than Jack. And sure, he offers to let Jack come with him, but I feel like it’s an empty offer. He knows that Jack has found something else in their time apart, knows he’s probably not going to accept. And then of course, he breaks Jack’s vortex manipulator. While I do understand this, it also makes me sad, because if he’d at least left the teleport function working, there’s a chance that Owen and Tosh could have been saved.
Jump to their next reunion after Jack has faced the following: dealing with the psychological trauma from all the shit that just happened to him, losing Owen, bringing him back, finding his long lost little brother and being stabbed by him then buried under Cardiff for nearly 2000 years, being frozen for like a century, having to stop his little brother, losing Tosh, losing Owen again. And when the world needs saving, Jack doesn’t hesitate to jump straight in, especially once they get through to the Doctor, even though he is quite clearly terrified of the daleks. He’s the only one to actually be somewhat calm and methodical when the Doctor is shot. In the dalek ship, he willingly sacrifices himself in order to be able to explore the ship more and find some way to help them. But the moment he starts making threats, there’s the Doctor’s disapproval back again. But they do it, they save the world, they go home.
And then Children of Earth happens. Jack’s entire world shatters. He loses Ianto. He has to sacrifice his own grandson to save the world. The Doctor is nowhere in sight. Jack leaves Earth, crushed. And the Doctor does his little journey through the companions to say goodbye. He saves Martha and Mickey. He gives the scratch card for Donna. He saves Luke for Sarah Jane. He visits Rose just to see her again.
And Jack?
He gives Jack Alonso. And maybe it’s just me, but I find it wholly uncomfortable. It’s a possibility the Doctor doesn’t know about the whole affair with the 456 and what Jack went through, or that he more specifically doesn’t know about Jack’s losses. But it’s also possible that he does. And he feels like the best thing he can do is to essentially offer him a shag. Even though he’s very clearly heavily grieving (No hate to Alonso, I love him) and has just lost someone he deeply loved. It feels like further confirmation of the fact that Ten still sees him as the playboy he was. Because let’s face it, Jack still flirts like a champ, but Torchwood very much paints him as that only extending to his flirting. Any further seems to fall exclusively within having relationships, which are considerably infrequent in the series (with Estelle, Angelo, Lucia and Ianto seeming to be the principal partners in his life over his 150 years). To be fair, this ‘gift’ to Jack doesn’t really seem so much an asshole move, as just Ten no longer understanding Jack, not in the way he used to.
But yeah, this got kinda longer than I initially expected and could probably do with severe editing but oh well, here it is in it’s entirety anyway.
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FEMSLASH FEBRUARY 2020 #16: In which Cameron and Donna discuss interior design
[CN: food/snack mention; major spoilers for seasons 3 and 4 of Halt and Catch Fire/major character death; main character divorce]
After an entire weekend spent clearing out the room above the garage, about a month of gradually finding a place for everything that had been up there either somewhere in the house, a new home, or the appropriate recycling program, and another afternoon during which someone from Donna’s paid service performed a deep cleaning, Donna was finally satisfied that the room above the garage was ready for Cameron to move into it. Pacing around the newly emptied room together, Donna excitedly said, “And now you get to decorate! What do you want?”
“I don’t know,” Cameron said. Shoving her hands into her pockets, she said, “You didn’t have to call the cleaning service, I could have done that.”
“Well, sure, you could have,” Donna said, “but I didn’t want you to have to. And that way, someone got paid to do that hard work. And now you get to cut right to the fun part!” Cameron looked around the room and frowned slightly. “Unless you don’t want to?” Donna said. 
“No, I do,” Cameron sighed. “I just, I don’t know. I’ve never had a room like this to decorate. It’s weird.” 
Taking a few steps to stand next to Cameron, in the center of the room, Donna wrinkled her nose. “Not even in Japan?”
Apathetically, Cameron explained, “That was Tom’s apartment. He had his office, at work, and he didn’t think I needed a dedicated office at home.”
Donna did that thing where she rolled her eyes so hard that Cameron thought it looked like she might actually be passing out, and about to collapse to the ground. Then Donna said, “And this is my house, I guess.”
“It’s not the same,” Cameron shook her head. “At all. I love it, I just, don’t know where to start, is all. Honestly, Donna, you’re better at this sort of thing, maybe you should do all the decorating.”
“No, I shouldn’t, because it’s your place,” Donna insisted, moving so that she was standing in front of Cameron. “And also because I’m not that much better at this sort of thing, I hired an interior designer to do the living and dining rooms. I’m happy to help though.” She pulled a pad of paper and pen out of her back pocket, and said, “Here, let’s make a list of what you’ll need. You’ll need something for that big front window, blinds and maybe curtains? And you’ll need lamps, good lighting…what else?” When Cameron couldn’t seem to come up with an answer, Donna said, “Maybe let’s think slightly bigger. What kind of mood do you want the room to have?” When Cameron still didn’t say anything, Donna said, “Well, what’s the purpose of the room? It’s supposed to be your office, so, it has to be yours, and it has to be a place where you can work, and it has to be a place where you can exist comfortably. What do you need to exist and work comfortably?”
Cameron looked down into Donna’s face, and then, said the only word she could come up with: “Cozy.”
Donna smiled enthusiastically. “Yes, that’s perfect, we can work with that! Cozy! What would make this room feel cozy to you?”
“A good, comfy, old couch,” Cameron said. “Where I can sit and think.” Donna added to the list, and completely earnest, Cameron said, “I do some of my best work on the couch.”
Still writing, Donna looked up at Cameron and arched an eye brow. “Yes, yes you do.”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Cameron blushed, “but thank you, that’s validating and I appreciate it.”
Donna smiled brightly at her again, and then she looked at the list again, “Okay, so window treatments, couch, what else? Oh, a desk?”
Cameron frowned hesitantly. “I don’t know. Maybe I don’t want a desk?”
“But where will your computer go, then?” Donna asked.
“Maybe I don’t want or need a computer up here?” Cameron wondered out loud. “I’m not sure. Sometimes having the computer right there makes me less productive, somehow. Like it keeps me from really thinking, or something?”
“I get that,” Donna nodded. “Hmm…if you have a couch, do you want a tv?” 
“I don’t need a tv,” Cameron fussed.
“Ah, but it’s not about need, it’s about want!” Donna said. “Would you like a tv?”
“I’m honestly not sure. But sitting in front of the tv and spacing out does help me think, so possibly? Could we put that in the maybe pile?” 
“Of course,” Donna smiled, writing ‘tv?’ down on the list. “Okay, tv and couch, maybe a coffee table? And what about a mini fridge, in case you want snacks?”
“No, that’s too much, and also, we are not carrying a mini fridge up those stairs, Donna,” Cameron decides.
“Okay, if you say so,” Donna acquiesced. 
“I don’t want it to feel like, you know, Cardiff,” Cameron blurted out. “Not that it was the worst place ever, but Christ, offices in the ‘80s were ugly.”
“And vaguely depressing!” Donna agreed. “No, I know what you mean. So, no beige filing cabinets, none of that weird thin office carpeting, nothing plastic-y or cubicle-esque, no fake plants….”
“Oh, plants,” Cameron said. “Maybe some plants? Like, real living plants?”
Adding to the list, Donna said, “Maybe we can get a table for in front of the window, so that the plants will have lots of sunlight? Also, there’s a little wall-space, we can paint, or we can do wallpaper, that would be very un-office. And we can get you some art, and frame some photos for you to put up.”
For the first time since they’d gone up to the room above the garage, Cameron smiled, at the idea of her future house plants, and pictures of Donna, Joanie, and Haley. It didn’t feel like an empty room anymore, it felt like something to look forward to. “That sounds really nice,” Cameron said. 
Donna put the cap back on the pen, and put the pen and pad back in her pocket, and then she put her arms around Cameron and gave her a quick squeeze. “It’s gonna be great!” she promised. Then, she said, “Oh, you know what I just thought of? Do you remember when we first moved out here, Gordon, on his ham radio, in our closet?”
“Yeah, I remember,” Cameron smiled sadly. “There just wasn’t enough space for all of us, in that house.”
“Fortunately, we have plenty of space, now,” Donna said, putting her arms around Cameron again. 
“Right,” Cameron nodded, hugging Donna back.
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9hiddenshallows · 5 years
Christopher Eccleston appreciation week 2020 Day One: Doctor Who Favourite quotes: "Do you wanna come with me? 'Cos if you do, then I should warn you — you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: the trip of a lifetime!" - Trailer "There's more where that came from." "What're you gonna do? Moisturize me?" "You think it'll last forever: people and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. [long pause] My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned, like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust. Before its time. [...] There was a war, and we lost. [...] I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left traveling on my own, 'cos there's no one else." - 1x02, the End of the World. "I saw the Fall of Troy! World War Five! I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party! Now I'm gonna die in a dungeon... in Cardiff!" I'm so glad I met you. - 1x03, The Unquiet Dead "Nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." "Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?" - 1x04, Aliens of London "Ah, well, now, you see, uh, the thing is, if I was you, if I was gonna, uh, execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, a little word of advice: don't stand him against the lift!" "Do you think I don't know that? 'Cause this is my life, Jackie - it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will." 1x05 - World War III "We're not the same, I'm not-- No, wait. Maybe we are. You're right, yeah, okay. You've got a point. 'Cos I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. Exterminate!" "I killed her. [...] I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry? I could have killed that Dalek in its cell. But you stopped me. [...] You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them! You're about as far from the stars as you can get! And you took her down with you. She was nineteen years old." " I've got to do this. I've got to end it! The Daleks destroyed my home, my people! I've got nothing left!" 1x06, Dalek "The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guidebook, you've got to throw yourself in! Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers! Or is that just me?" "Let me out of these manacles and I'll show you how much fun I am." "I only take the best. I've got Rose." 1x07, The Long Game "Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for." " The past is another country." "Who said you're not important?" 1x08, Father's day "1941. Right now, not very far from here, the German war machine is rolling up the map of Europe. Country after country, falling like dominoes. Nothing can stop it, nothing. Until one tiny, damp little island says "No. No, not here." A mouse in front of a lion. You're amazing, the lot of you. I don't know what you did to Hitler, but you frighten the hell out of me, go on, do what you've got to do, save the world." 1x09, the Doctor Dances "It's sonic! Totally sonic! I'm...sonicked up!" "I'm making an effort not to be insulted." "Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once....Everybody lives!!" 1x10, The Doctor Dances "Ricky, let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap-bang in the middle of town, what do they do? Walk past it." "Well, don't worship me, I'd make a very bad god. You wouldn't get a day off, for starters." "You let one go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared. Because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind." 1x11, Boom Town "No! 'Cos this is what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna rescue her! I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then, just to finish off, I'm gonna wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky! [...] Yeah! And doesn't that scare you to death?" 1x12, Bad Wolf "Do you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek Homeworld? The Oncoming Storm. You might've removed all your emotions but I reckon right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left, and that's fear. Doesn't it just burn when you face me?" " I think you're forgetting something. I'm the doctor and If there's one thing I can do is talk. I've got five billion languages and you haven't got one way of stopping me. So if anyone's gonna shut up IT'S YOU!" "This is Emergency Programme One. Rose, now listen. This is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing. We must be in danger, and I mean fatal. I'm dead, or about to die any second with no chance of escape. And that's okay. Hope it's a good death. But I promised to look after you, and that's what I'm doing. The TARDIS is taking you home. And I bet you're fussing and moaning now. Typical! But hold on and just listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return for me. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it. No one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world will move on and the box will be buried. And if you wanna remember me, then you can do one thing, that's all, one thing. Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life." "Rose, before I go, I just want to tell you you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!" 1x13, The Partying of Ways
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wethejoke · 5 years
My Last Goodbye
You’re used to being the one who always apologizes. The one who was always sorry, the one always begging, the one who always adjusts until me. I told you i was different, i care. I told you to always say what you feel and we will always resolve things. You were all over me when I didn’t give a fuck, when i was a broken guy, when i was a charity case but i started to get better and you started changing. I decided to give you my best cause i thought you were worth it. And you just thought I am some obsessive and stalker like guy. For the past two months you were my light. I loved you in a childish way and it was pure and innocent. 
But now, you don’t want me anymore. Every moment was like a battle. I feel the depths of my own sadness. We’re broken. But those guys who broke you where you decided you cant be with someone who wants to take care of you for a change. Someone who will stay by your side and doesn’t care about the girls around him. You told me you won’t leave me. You told me I was handsome, amazing, perfect, smart, sweet and funny. I thought i was worth keeping. What did I do to make myself not worth it? Cause I decided to move forward and didn’t treat you as my pass fun time? What did I do to make you realize that I wasn’t everything you thought i was? Because I was into you and there’s no challenge anymore? Did you finally see my brokenness? Did you finally see through the shield, covering the pain and shame i have hidden for so long? Did you just realize you didn’t want me anymore? What didn’t i do? What could i have done differently? 
In the beginning, you were saying how I seem to care so little for you, how I don’t bother to ask you hows your day was, how we want the other one to be gushing over the other one and you told me we’re just gonna have to work around that but you didn’t look back from stopping yourself from falling. You literally stopped and just thought I’m some boring nice guy.  Did you ever want me? Did you just want the idea of me? A broken guy from a broken home. Another challenge for you. Another messy guy to fix. 
Maybe i do deserve this. I have turned down people a lot of times. And now I’m having a taste of my own medicine. You had already moved on from me. Before we even part ways, this is why I was so concerned about Cardiff. You have this pattern where when we dont talk much you go off the radar. You assume something’s wrong. You always assume things instead of just asking me. You know nothing. You have specific words or reactions that will only pass your judgment even though I didn’t feel any of those. 
You see, I was contented with what we have. I know I always joke or say stuff about future and stuffs. But I am not impatient. When I decided to pursue you, I was in meaning no matter what you show me about you, about the things you have done, I wont walk away. But you just thought I was crazy over you. It wasn’t cool how you always assume the worst about me when all i did was listen and change my ways. You asked me things when I wasn’t giving them to you (I wasn’t really planning on moving fast, I was taking my time but to show you I really care okay lets change) and then when I started changing and showing you how much i care, I was the “too fast, crazy, obsessed guy” 
You like me when I was reckless, out of control, addicted, rebellious. I told you every secrets of mine to push you away, but you told me nothings gonna ever change your mind, you dont ever want to let me go and i was fucking stupid to believe you. This is my problem. I mean the things I say, I don’t say them just because I feel them at that moment. You have to think about the things you say and dont ever make a promise or a statement just because you’re happy. Fucking own them. You change your feelings and your mind every single day. When people start saying things they dont mean, or lying, or making false promises. Words stop meaning anything and then there will be just lies and lies and lies. 
I am not angry. Not mad. No hard, bitter feelings. I was happy during those days we talk. I will never forget you. Maybe someday we will talk again. Maybe someday we will be friends. Maybe someday we will continue where we left off. Maybe we will be strangers for good. I wanted to stay. But I didn’t want to be your pass time anymore.You kept me for so long cause you’re bored and i was there to bother you all the time. 
You will always be special to me and will always have a place in my heart. I am actually ready to talk to you now but I dont want you to think I’m obsessing over you again. Although I fucking miss you. Maybe you have someone to bother you now, maybe you use hellotalk again to pass time, maybe you dont fucking check your phone anymore cause youre too busy studying. I am just here for you if you need someone who will listen, who wont judge you, who cares. You hurt me and I forgive you. You broke me but that’s alright. I have faced worse than this. Thank you for making me feel alive for a short time. 
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shortandchatty · 6 years
 Hello! I thought it was probably about time I made a post on here. 
1) What on earth this blog is gonna be for
2) A lil update on things I’ve been up to/why i haven’t posted since making this account 
3) Stuff thats gonna be coming 
4) Other that doesn’t really fall into anything, its like that random box of stuff you have in your house and don’t really know what to do with it because the stuff doesn’t have a home but also you cant throw it away! 
1) I’ve been wanting to set up a proper blog for quite some time now but i don’t really know where to start with it or what to do, so I thought I’d test the waters a bit on tumblr and sort of find me feet with it all. So essentially this is kinda gonna be a place for me to talk about what I’ve been up to and the progress/updates of me setting up my production company. I’m also going to be posting links to stuff i’ve created and posts about films and other media stuff I like and just kinda wanna put some words down about or have a chat! 
2) I’ve been a little bit quiet and haven’t really given this blog much time for a number of reasons. Two of the biggest reasons being finishing my degree and spending 9 months producing a lil series called clever stuff. (You can find clever stuff on shortandchatty productions on youtube!). I’m someone who doesn’t really know when to stop and just generally like being busy doing the filming, photography, and media stuff I do, so i tend to end up with a lot of projects at once! I’ve been working on a music video for the wonderful Izzii Grace (you can find her facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/IzziiGraceMusic/ shes also on spotify and instagram and all the other usual stuff) 
As well as this I started a shiny new grad job before even graduating uni which has been pretty sweet! So I have a job as a videographer along side me setting up my own production company, oh look at that I actually managed to do a nice tidy move into another topic! 
SO from doing lots of bits of work here and there I kinda decided I wanted to start my own production company that could work as a sort of home for any freelance commissions (I will be opening for commissions 1st August 2018 you can go to   https://www.facebook.com/shortandchattyproductions/ for all stuff to do with that if ya interested!) I’m going to be doing a proper post about that but I’ll give you a quick update here! 
The idea of shortandchatty productions is going to sorta be a home for my freelance work for the first year while I build myself up. In about a years time ish, I’m hoping for shortandchatty to have a proper office and sort of “home” (It’s going to be a very full on year working an extra job to fund basically saving for said office) then once its up in full swing I would love to get other creative people with different skills involved! (If you do want to get involved in any up and coming projects get in touch via my facebook page and we can talk about it! Editors and graphic/motion graphics people especially!!) My general attitude toward this stuff is that its fun and to me, it’s never felt like a job which is how your career should be in my opinion, if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life!) I did work placement at a really cool place in cardiff called storm&shelter and absolutely adored their work ethic and general vibe and thats what i want to head toward, having more places like that! 
Speaking of doing things you love, I’ve also just got back from helping contribute to the instagram and twitter pages for 2000 trees music festivals, again another job that doesn’t feel like a job! Working at trees is always a highlight of my year and something I do not take for granted in the slightest. I feel so grateful to be able to spend a few days in a field watching great bands and just being in a great atmosphere, while getting to capture it all. 2000 trees is a festival like no other to be honest and one i cant recommend enough! So if you fancy checking out those posts that would be ace!
3) So I have a few blogs I’m going to be posting are going to include
- A couple of filmy review type blogs (These are gonna include: I, Tonya, isle of dogs, lady bird, thor ragnarok, infinity war, and oceans 8, yes a few of those came out a while ago but i have stuff to say!) 
- A post about 2000 trees 2018
- A full post about shortandchatty productions
- A little post about my experience at uni
- Stuff about Clever stuff and what went into it, how i feel about it, and future plans (sneak preview, there is going to be a second series!) 
- Probably a bit of a deep and emotional hard hitting post about stuff like mental health, being chronically ill and just how its not a good idea being stubborn pushing through when you know you probably need a break. (Spoiler, doing this put me in hospital twice while getting through uni and producing my series because I just wanted to get stuff done and not feel like my illness was stopping me and that I didn’t have to take it a bit easier than anyone else) 
4) The odds and sods: 
Uni was super busy and stressful, but i survived it! 
I still don’t know how to use tumblr despite part of my job being working in social media 
This is probably way too long an update post! 
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deariann · 4 years
Thought/emotional baggage dump/1year
So, my ex and I ended between us Last feb 24,2021. Weve been together for a year....
The story of us it started this way. I accept the fact we dont have a strong foundation.
Met him online. Started seeing each other, having dates for 4months. Officially got together on the 5th month (october 2019) . But unfortunately he is bound to UK for work, despite knowing all that we decided to continue it with LDR. He was able to let me meet his parents and I have mingled with his family 2x.
Came november 2019 he is now in UK.
First redflag. December/january of 2019 he kissed a girl which he only met and nakasabayan who came to UK (but i only knew this around May or June of 2020). Around May im sensing that something was off...and one of our video calls i caught him that he was hiding something from me and that he told me what happened. I was devastated. Felt worthless. Felt rubbish. But at the same time, the stupid me even rationalized that "touch" is a human need and i cant blame him for wanting it.
Came July 2019, COVID is being little less strict and that Ive heard that there are online classes for English exams which is prerequisite for UK. Then i pursued it thinking that if we are together, it will be pointless that we are in a relationship without knwng the unknown when we would be back together. So i purused UK, (never heard a single whisper from my saudi application, and the fact that sobrang narresign nko) from that i thought then it was a win win situation. So i reviewed July-August, failed the August exam (bec i was distracted with the thought he cheated on me, and the fact that this is going to be my future, and also the fact that im not fond of UK weather. Like is this worth it?) . Reviewed again, took the 1st October exam. Passed. Took my CBT around november (this too had hurdles, i went 2x to manila, first being cancelled because of a super typhoon thay got me stranded, 2nd ofcourse passed it with one take. Plus the fact that I had to reschedule my 1st take because I was quarantined, due to exposure of a positive patient at work. And that initially travel reqts that i need to quarantine. It wasnt an easy one. Plus the cost of 10k per baba to manila which costed me 20k for those 2 travels). During my quarantine in the hospital. I was antsy waiting my OET result, i just focused on reviewing for CBT to kill and make use of the time (thank God that was helpful). And then i had to send my files to the local agency. And this time around need to buy a laptop.
Around this time too september-oct our relationship has been rocky. "Pass the exams for me" . It was a pressure on my second take. I passed the exams. And he decided that he would wait for me, we both decided to give us a second chance, when i get there to relive the relationship.
Around november i was able to get in touch with the local agency and was told that there would be an intrerview by the hospital that i wanted to go to which i was hopeful. But i was then ghosted. And since i wasnt hearing any updates from the agency , and before the holiday season kicks in, i strived and was able to manage to get in touch with the foreign agency. December i had an interview with one the of the hospitals in London, failed with that. Then 1st few days of January i was then followed up by the foreign agency that there would be an interview (with the hospital that i wanted, in Cardiff) January 12. I was little panicky bec i already had a commitment interview and to another local agency for a January 20th interview, and that had little time to prepare but pinasaDiyos ko nalang and plus my experience. And the fact that one of the drug calcs and my interview almost overlapped. I finished the drug calc right away (passed that), and interview came next drug calc was 5pm. Interview was 6pm. Then right there and then I passed the interview and got accepted. Had to cancel the January 20th interview in hospital of London. Received an offer letter few days after. Then was referred to a local agency. Now i worked hand in hand with the foreign and local agencies in terms of my documents and such. So i was able to settle all my papers by the end of January and hopeful that i would be leaving feb if not march. I was told that i would join the cohort MAR31 (i was really sad about this). But then with all the follow ups this end of January still no progress.
Then i had to do more follow ups since the end of January to February so that i was expecting when to process my visa, OEC and the likes. Then came another bad news that I was moved to Apr 15. Told him about that and straightly asked him, considering his wellbeing, "Could you still wait?" His reply was "what if i cant" from there i knew its gonna be the end. We talked that night (Ph time) He said he would think about it. Then the next day, even before he called I knew what would be the answer, and that I just needed to hear from him. So it was after work, i was still sulky. And he was really bold with his decision to end things between us.
I like the fact and appreciated how his mother constantly checks up on me and calls me "Anak" , honestly she checks up on me more than my parents does and way MORE THAN any of my relatives does here which was a zero. So i really got closed with his family. And what hurted me the most was feb 24 i was all crying, alone, sleepy already because of my eyes...his mother messaged me right before i went to sleep, peeked through the message, and askng how i am. GREAT TIMING, i was like, yeah your son just broke up with me if thats what youre aksng. But then yeah i slept it off and decided to reply the next day. Plus also, it was also just then on that day that Irene (foreign agency she really is nice and dependable) went back at me plus emma from medacs like (dropped the bad news) FUCK YOU ALL GREAT TIMING EVERYONE. From the Irene part, it looks like she talked to Christian before talking to me. Like fuuuuckheads whyyyy is everything happening all at once!
The next day feb 25. Good thing im 3-11. But i was all sulky. Read his moms reply and it made me cry more. The fact that at sompoint i became part of the family. Which makes me sad. They would be a good in-laws honestly. But then its the end.
So there.
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Ladies and Gentleman, my name is not @oggypart3, and I do not have the (greatest) Clap (in the business)...but I am @KingGazOfMadine (I am not Raymond Rowe) and I am here to bring you a round up of show Number 55.5 in #the80ShowYear (Andy's show number 55.5 by the way. I'm only on 34)
PROGRESS Chapter 52: Vote Pies was a show that was originally not on the Wrestling Schedule for us Manchester fans, so 4/5 of British Wrong Style (Andy / Geoff Ogden, Chris Linay and Ben Corrigan) along with top Pigeon Fan Shauna Askew made the decision to book tickets to go and see Tidal Wrestling, across the penines in Leeds (You can read Andy's review of that show right here, at Graps and Claps *cheap pop*) and therefore once the show was announced, had to miss the event.  For me personally, I've never been to a Tidal show or watched any of their shows, and had made the decision to take a weekend off until the PROGRESS announcement, so I was all in for this event. Must admit, it was a bit odd to be at a show without the others. I think of all the shows I've been to this year, only ATTACK in Cardiff I've done without any combination of Andy / Geoff / Shauna / Chris / Ben
Now then, unlike Andy, I did not make an early start for this show to take in some fine ales beforehand. No, my decision was to stay at home and watch Day 5 of the 27th annual G1 tournament in New Japan (should point out here, Tesco had a cracking deal on 6 cans of Dr Pepper for £1.77 which I had picked up the day before, so my choice of drink for the G1 was Dr Pepper coming in at approximately 30p per can. We may be living in Tory Britain, but you can still find a bargain when you try), and then jump on the #GrapsBus at around 1pm for a show thats doors opened at 1.30pm. I arrived in town a little before 2pm and did have time to meet up with t-shirt designer to the stars and future wrestling superstar (HOWAY) Jimmy Nailz at the regular Wetherspoons on Oxford Road. £1.99 for a large Lemonade, and I was good to go and ready for the show, but not before conversations on whether soup should be classed as an actual meal or not, and apparently certain sectors of Mormons aren't allowed hot drinks. Not because of caffeine (which apparently some Mormons are not allowed) but just because of the temperature. So like, they can have a cup of coffee / tea but only after it's cooled down. Please don't take this as fact and quote me on this, but that was what I learned yesterday and have done 0 research into it's validity, but will pass it off as legit if ever needed.
On to the show. Before the regular Darth Vader / Drake intro, we were told over the microphone there would be one last song before this, which was a Linkin Park track, dedicated to Chester Bennington who had unfortunately passed away a few days prior to this. Following this, we got the regular Jim Smallman intro (Hiya - We Sold Out - It's Your Round - 7 matches, 4 in the first half, 3 in the second) but were then introduced to a fan that had apparently made a bet with Jim that the Manchester show wouldn't sell out as quick as usual (Odd bet to make?) and because Jim had lost (Who bets against their own team!?) said fan was allowed in the ring to have his photo taken with Jim (This is an odd bet to make. Just go and ask Jim for a photo before the show starts when he's walking around the ring. He's a nice chap and will more than likely say "Yes") at which point Jim asks said fans girlfriend to come into the ring to take the photo. Jim and fan prepare for photo, fans missus gets camera out...BUT WAIT...the fan is down on one knee and has pulled an engagement ring outta nowhere (Ok, that's why this all seemed so ridiculous...Jim didn't bet against his own company!!!) and he's asked his missus to marry him. She's in a wrestling ring, with 700 of us watching, she literally has no chance of saying No, and thus she says....YES!!!! Cheers aplenty, now get out of the ring and enjoy the first 3 hours of your engagement surrounded by people who want to call Zach Gibson a Scouse Bastard.
Should also note here that the ring looked a bit low, and as we were discussing this, it was pointed out that T-Bone was on the show, and this was in fact T-Bone's ring (more to this later). Plus, pint of Lemonade here at the venue was £3.50. Not sure what kind of Lemonade they have at The Ritz for it to cost an extra £1.51 over Wetherspoons Lemonade, but it didn't taste that much better. That's Tory Britain for you (Cheers Andy)
Now to the wrestling....or is it...? Turns out there are balloons in the ring, and some "Happy Birthday" signs up, and out first is El Ligero, with 2 birthday hats hanging from his horns. Turns out it's Dave Mastiff's birthday, and as he still doesn't have any entrance music (or at least not any that can be shown on the WWE Network, for just £9.99 a month), the Bastard comes out to 700 of us singing Happy Birthday (no trombone this time Andy, sorry about that). Out come their opponents for the night Extra Talent(ed) and the super over, merchandise machines #CCK We get the introductions out of the way, and then it turns out one of the Extra Talent(ed) lads has a birthday card for Mastiff. Jim reads it out as "Dear Dave, Happy Birthday, from Jeff Jarrett and everyone at ITV Wrestling" at which point Mastiff cleans house with German Suplexes aplenty, including German Suplexing Kid Lykos over the top rope into Chris Brookes and the Extra Talent(ed) lads. This 3 way Tag Match included a grand total of 0 tags, and was just all action from start to finish, but included a few botched moments including Lykos pulling down the top rope for one of the Extra Talent(ed) lads to go over, only for him to still fall out of the ring between the top and middle rope, and the same lad receiving the Brookes assisted Code-Breaker, and then not staying in place for Brookes to senton him...but Brookes did it anyway coz he's Chris fuckin Brookes and he can do what he wants. Talking of which, Chris Brookes hit a knee on one of the Extra Talent(ed) lads and a kick on the other, in totally seperate moments, and both of them made me think that Extra Talent(ed) maybe owe him money or something.  The ending happened, not entirely sure what happened, but #CCK won, Roberts called for the bell and said he'd counted 3, the bell never came, Jim's mic was turned off so he couldn't announce the winners, and some people were trying to continue the match. Not sure what was supposed to happen, but #CCK got the win, and then Chris Brookes said they didn't want a win like that, and challenged Extra Talent(ed) to another match next week in Camden. Kid Lykos got the mic and was ready to tell them what he thought, but Brookes took the mic off him and told him to "Shut the fuck up Lykos"
Next up we had Mike Bird vs T-Bone in some big lads wrestling. Big Lads as in guys who actually weigh over the weight limit for the Atlas title and not David Starr or Fred Yehi. Talking of David Starr, question for you. If David Starr wins a match, and neither me or Andy sees this match, did David Starr still win a match? For me, it's a no, and old Canvasback Dave remains winless. Anyway, Bird and Bone started off quite tasty with them getting in each others face during the intros, and then a bit of pushing and shoving until T-Bone gave Bird a lovely looking headbutt. This was standard 2 big lads beating each other up, but the crowd was a bit quiet for it. Most local fans obviously know T-Bone from the likes of FutureShock, PCW and GPW and were getting behind him, and there was the odd Ginger Jesus chant too, but I don't know if it was the awkward finish of the last match, but the crowd weren't too into this one. I even tried to get an Ogden special clap going but that died on it's arse. T-Bone ended up the victor, and personally, I'm hoping we get a T-Bone vs Walter match for the Atlas title at some point. T-Bone did only lose 1 match during the Atlas Division series, and that just happened to be a Semi-Final match unfortunately.
Toni Storm was up next defending the PROGRESS Womens title against Laura Di Matteo. Again, this seemed to start with quite a flat crowd, but we were treated to a decent match that finally woke the crowd up and got everyone going. There was quite some chanting on behalf of Laura Di Matteo, which is quite surprising really. One, becuase Toni Storm is absolutely ace, and two, because Laura Di Matteo is obviosuly very talented in the ring, but post-Jinny feud (is that feud actually over?) there really isn't anything there with Laura Di Matteo to care about, other than the fact she's one of the ones who come up from the ProJo. She just doesn't seem to connect, and I'd happily listen to any of her fans to tell me what it is that makes them get behind her. Cracking match though between these 2, and Toni got the win following her Piledriver she's been using lately.  Laura was visibly in tears outside the ring afterwards, not sure if that's gonna set up a storyline or something with her?
Onto the first half Main Event, which was 2 blokes I've heard of vaguely recently. Travis Banks vs Matthew Riddle.  2 of the absolute best right now, and these 2 did not disappoint. Riddle came out first, cool as fuck as always, and then Trav came out second and he was ready to scrap, getting right in Riddles face before the intros had even begun. These 2 chopped, kicked and suplexed each other like there was no tomorrow. Thought Riddle would still be recovering his chest after what Walter did to him in Birmingham, but nope, there were chops a plenty. I can imagine these 2 having a much better match than the one they put on here, but this was still a really good match and one to look out for on Demand. At one point it was like watching Kane vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania, when Matt Riddle kicked out of a "Tombstone" at 1, grabbed Travis, hit him with a jumping "Tombstone" at which point Trav kicked out at 2. Had to point out here that moves where you get dropped on your head are a lot less effective in 2017 than moves where you have to slap your knee for effect. However, neither Travs or Riddles tombstones actually drop the opponent on their head, therefore making them even less effective. Finish to this match came when Pete Dunne made an appearance on the rampway to distract Trav, and Riddle managed to hit Banks with a jumping knee when he returned his focus to the match, but was at this point out for the count.
Half time break, and due to arriving at the venue late, this was the perfect time to pick up that sweet new #CCK merch. Turns out I could now go 6 of the 7 days of the week wearing a different #CCK / Chris Brookes t-shirt. #CCK literally becoming the UK Young Bucks.
Second half of the show brought us a 4 way match between No Fun Chief Deputy Dunne, Scouse Bastard Zach Gibson, Ben's Favourite Chuck Mambo and Shauna's Number 1 Heel Jack Sexsmith. Match started with introductions for Sexsmith and Mambo, only for Chief Deputy Dunne to take over microphone duties and inform us that as long as we don't have fun, we won't get hurt. Gibson took the microphone from Dunne here though, and did his usual schtick, ending with how he is the Premier Wrestling talent in England, and he's in a match with a surfer, a policeman and an absolute joke. This was a fun 4 way, nothing to really shout about, but still enjoyable. Sexsmith picked up the win with a cheekly roll up on Gibson, meaning Sexsmith has beaten Gibson here and at Super Strong Style now.
Next up was PROGRESS Champion Pete Dunne going against Eddie Dennis, who has got himself some new shorts to go with his full time schedule.  I liked them personally. As for the match, this was an absolute cracker of a match.  The longer it went on, the better it got, and I started to get the impression that maybe Pete Dunne would lose via DQ, therefore having to defend his title agsinst Eddie in a second match. Unfortunately, it did not go this way. Eddie had Pete Dunne pinned for the 3 count following the NEXT STOP DRIVER!!!!! but unfortunately Joel was down at this point and did not make the count. Peter rolled out the ring, and as Eddie followed him got blasted by Peter's Sledgehammer (I thought these were only kept under WWE rings...?) rolled back into the ring, Pedigree and then The Bitter End, for Peter to pick up the win. Talking point here though was Eddie Dennis looking absolutely phenomenal. He's always been good when I've seen him, but having recently gone full time, he's got a lot more serious and looks a lot better for it.
Main Event time gave us British Strong Styles Tyler Bate and Trent Seven defending their PROGRESS Tag Team titles against current IWGP Heavyweight Tag Champions, War Machine (I am in no way related to Raymond Rowe by the way). Following the introductions, Jim declared that he was making this match a Tornado Tag Rules match. If you've never seen War Machine wrestle in PROGRESS before, then you were in for a treat without knowing it, however if you have seen War Machine in PROGRESS before, then you knew this was gonna be awesome...and it was. Match started with War Machine offering the code of honor handshake, BSS doing the Triple H, but turning and spitting it in War Machines eyes and then mockingly shaking their opponents hands, only for War Machine to hold on, and beat the piss out of the 2 of them. This match was everything you'd expect from a War Machine match. Don't think it was as good as the London Riots match from Birmingham a few weeks ago, but still a cracker and up there as Match of the Night for this show. They wrecked the joint throwing their opponents into the ringside chairs, along with being thrown themselves. At one point Tyler Bate and Ray Rowe were wrestling in the crowd right next to us. Tyler hit Rowe, and then proceded to do his best Karate stance and declared himself Bruce Lee. If you want to see the video of this, look up Ian Crompton on Twitter (@iancrompton89) and ask him to share his video. Also, Tyler Bate managed to squat Hanson. Like that shouldn't even be a surprise anymore that Tyler is freakishly strong, but it still is amazing. Now then, earlier I mentioned how the ring in use was T-Bones ring. During this match, I noticed T-Bone up on the balcony watching the match. However, what I also noticed was that when Trent and Tyler did a double Superplex from the top rope to Hanson, Chris Brooker was up there too, putting a hand on T-Bone's shoulder as if to say "It's ok. You're ring survived it. It's going to live another day". BSS got the win in this match, when Trent hit the pedigree on to Hanson (I think) on top of the IWGP tag title. War Machine gave a post match speech about being disappointed they weren't raising the PROGRESS Tag Titles, and how they've wrestled everywhere but we are the craziest fans they've ever known. Standard really.
Post-Show, it was fuckin pissing down and I'd only gone and decided today was a good day to come in just shorts and t-shirt. Headed back over to Wetherspoons with Jimmy Nailz and Dave Hackney (JHFC represent!) to grab some food (Chilli Dog and Lemonade for £6.99, but could also go for an alcoholic beverage instead for £7.99 if that's what you prefer) and talk about the show. As we were finishing up, Matt Riddle casually strolls into Wetherspoons, cool as fuck (as always) and with around 50% of the Wetherspoons audience having all just come from the show, suddenly Wetherspoons broke into "BRO! BRO! BRO!" chants, with Matt Riddle looking absolutely happy as larry, looking around and smiling at everyone, and other customers just not having a clue what was going on. Following this, it was home time on the 38 bus back to Little Hulton, and was back home for 9pm
Apologies that there's no puns in this one. I'm not on Andy's level for this. But I would like to finish by saying it was really nice to go to a wrestling show to see good friends and also some wrestling, without a fuckin toy pigeon in sight.
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coneshotline · 8 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
LABOUR 1945-2010
of bennites and blairites, of infighting and shitflinging, of pretentious blurbs and italic text
here, have some really old mixes (made in about 2012 i think)...i don't even like some of the bands featured any more but i'm too lazy to change it. i actually only finished one of these the other day! so yes, only 'drowning men' has been published before but the other has been 99% complete for years now...blame those mmmm [smacks lips] depressive episodes
1945-1979 | 1979-2010
tracklist/liner notes under the cut
in our bedroom after the war - stars (out of the rubble)
it's us - yes, we're back again, here to see you through, 'til the day's end and if the night comes, and the night will come, well at least the war is over
lift your head and look out the window stay that way for the rest of the day and watch the time go listen! the birds sing! listen! the bells ring! all the living are dead, and the dead are all living the war is over and we are beginning
childhood memories - british sea power (1945 labour government - the new dawn)
and a little electricity won't hurt and no a little electricity won't hurt especially when we're all out of gas and coal and oil, and steel and cash but a little electricity won't hurt and no a little electricity won't hurt
against agamemnon - the mountain goats (clement attlee)
red, red, red everywhere bright red all along the thin canvas wall i stepped outside for a little air i stepped outside to get away from it all
one way - the levellers (aneurin bevan)
my father when i was younger took me up on to the hill that looks down on the city smog and above the factory spill he said, "now this is where i come when i wanted to be free" but he never was in his lifetime, but these words stuck with me
the velocity of saul at the time of his conversion - okkervil river (an unceremonious defeat)
the audience is tired, "we've had enough fire, we're entering the age now of ice" and i, feeling older, pull off to the shoulder and wonder, with my head in my hands, should i call my wife
and say "enough 'you and i,' enough of 'the fight' enough of 'prevail' or 'walk in the light' while the angels stood by i got high as a kite too tired to smile or know that i'm right
machine - regina spektor (hugh gaitskell)
i count all my blessings i have friends in high places and i'm upgraded daily all my wires without traces
hooked into machine
we were wasted - the leisure society (bevanites)
and from the flat above the square we watch our comrades bare their teeth, their souls, their flesh
we were wasted son we were wasted all on the ride from the nightclub to our drive all the way we sang
the pioneers - tunng (bloc party cover) (gaitskellites)
if it can be broke then it can be fixed if it can be fused then it can be split it's all under control
if it can be lost then it can be won if it can be touched then it can be turned all you need is time
so here we are reinventing the wheel i'm shaking hands with a hurricane it's a colour that i can't describe it's a language i can't understand ambition tearing out the heart of you carving lines into you dripping down the sides of you
we will not be the last
easy lucky free - bright eyes (the disarmament debate)
i set my watch to the atomic clock i hear the crowd count down 'til the bomb gets dropped i always figured that there’d be time enough i never let it get me down, but i can’t help it now
weeping willow - the hush sound (deaths and rebirth)
there will be a tomorrow the sun will light a sea of sorrow tonight it set and took our friend if i could do one thing, i'd bring him back snow won't stick to the weeping willows
maybe, this time - ok go (harold wilson)
you've spent your entire life quick-tongued and always right hasn't being right just let you down?
soft revolution - stars (1964 labour government - hopes and dreams)
we are here to save your life the fool, the drunk, the child, and his wife
we are here to take the blame to take the taunts and lift the shame
and after changing everything they couldn't tell we couldn't sing
joan of arc - arcade fire (barbara castle)
you had a vision they couldn't see so they put you down but everything that you said would happen it came around and they're the ones that put you down 'cause they got no heart but i'm the one that will follow you you're my joan of arc
speed the collapse - metric (devaluation of the pound)
every warning we ignored, drifting in from distant shores the wind presents a change of course, a second reckoning of sorts
hope on fire - vienna teng (the workers united)
gotta fight gotta strike 'cause there's no turning away from what you don’t want to know
gotta change rearrange something’s bending to break it’s just a matter of when
burning up - ladytron (born again tony benn)
i wrote a protest song about you, about you set off on the long march without you, without you
i set myself on fire without you, without you i wrote a protest song about you, about you
so many things worth burning for
sonnet - hundred waters (from 'sonnet' by percy bysshe shelley) (1974 labour government - a radical promise)
through the unheeding many he did move a splendour among shadows, a bright blot upon this gloomy scene, a spirit that strove for truth, and like the preacher found it not
white winter hymnal - fleet foxes (michael foot)
i was following the pack all swallowed in their coats with scarves of red tied 'round their throats to keep their little heads from falling in the snow and i turned 'round and there you go and michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
half day closing - portishead (the counterattack)
underneath the faded sun the silent sum of the businessman has left us choking
dreams and belief have gone time, life itself goes on
the last living rose - pj harvey (the failed referendum)
goddamn europeans take me back to beautiful england and the gray, damp filthiness of ages and battered books and fog rolling down behind the mountains on the graveyards and dead sea-captains
past the thames river, glistening like gold hastily sold for nothing, nothing
if it is growing - fanfarlo (wilson resigns)
your memory's failing your eyes are like rocks and i can see you on the floor of your box
you've got answers in everyone is electric circuits and that's all there is
then here's the irony no one will know if it's tomorrow or today that you go
caliber - wintersleep (jim callaghan)
you drive the exact speed limit keep of a track of your mile listening to radio music smiling when everyone else smiles you should take a beating willing do it in the name of the cause do it for the feeling that one day maybe you can be your own boss maybe get a beautiful woman get a fat piece of land get a couple of kids a prototypical civilian housing towards the future mining towards the sun you keep your caliber loaded no one's gonna fuck this up
electioneering - radiohead (the loan)
it's just business, cattle prods and the imf i trust i can rely on your votes
beggars - bombay bicycle club (lib-lab pact)
your guard isn't on, your barriers open your words have now got the whole town waiting my army is down, my company old and leaving quiet and burned
riding a fleet of beggars and cons taking it back, it won't be long
isles - little comets (winter of discontent)
leeds screaming bristol torn belfast and hull forlorn oxford dreaming in denial with all its gleaming spires
stoke bleeding glasgow yawns dundee and cardiff mourn york breaking sheffield cries all fears are multiplied
elephant gun - beirut (vote of no confidence)
if i was young i'd flee this town i'd bury my dreams underground as did i, we drink to die, we drink tonight
take the big game down
we used to wait - arcade fire (election '79)
now our lives are changing fast hope that something pure can last
the red flag - billy bragg (to the future)
though cowards flinch and traitors sneer we'll keep the red flag flying here
bye bye bye - school of seven bells (the beginning of the end)
after the great flood, all washed away, i still stayed
one by one 'til there's nothing left of you one by one by one by one
you and i are a gang of losers - the dears (old labour begets new)
every single one of us is getting massacred on a frozen path fever comes to wipe us out and scratch your name off of a list
you and i are on the outside of almost everything you and i are on the other side of almost everything
red right hand - nick cave & the bad seeds (tony benn)
he's a ghost, he's a god, he's a man, he's a guru
you're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan designed and directed by his red right hand
life - dai (benn vs healey)
he dreams he’s awake - stars (michael foot, landslide defeat, and the wilderness years)
sunrise, oh sunrise, when will you ever come? sunrise, oh sunrise, when will the night be gone? it won't let me go
from red to blue - billy bragg (labour, miners, and militant)
i hate the compromises life forces us to make we must all bend a little if we are not to break but the ideals you've opted out of, i still hold them to be true i guess they weren't so firmly held by you
the geese of beverly road - the national (labour's rebranding and 80s excesses)
we'll take ourselves out in the street and wear the blood in our cheeks like red roses
we're the heirs to the glimmering world
illuminated red - the accidental (kinnock and mandelson)
and illuminated red - and illuminated white instead like a red sock burning through my table; lying in my bed
oblivion - patrick wolf (kinnock and mandelson, pt. 2)
oh my stubborn son, i know that you said you need no one don't you see danger, danger, danger, headed to oblivion?
our hell - emily haines & the soft skeleton (new labour/john smith)
we're moderate, we modernize 'til our hell is a good life all we know is to forget how to do right
colouring in the black hole
overture - patrick wolf (tony blair)
it's wonderful what a smile can hide if the teeth shine bright and it's nice and wide
titan arum - foals (gordon brown)
you see assassins on the walkway home you eat yourself from bones to bones, to tongues to toes contractors nor the council can find the time to piece your head again
drowning men - fanfarlo (the new labour ouroborous)
even though the lights have changed i'm caught up in an endless loop we spend our time with drowning men, we're going to let ourselves get dragged down
do you want the truth or something beautiful - paloma faith (landslide victory)
do you want the truth or something beautiful? just close your eyes and make believe do you want the truth or something beautiful? i am happy to deceive you
destroy everything you touch - ladytron (brown and mandelson)
anything that may desert you so it cannot hurt you destroy everything you touch today destroy me this way
bright bright bright - dark dark dark (blair, to mandelson)
you always cared for me, that was easy enough to see you always cared for me, and i pushed you in the dark and i wanted to tell you, i wanted to tell you but i lie, i lie, oh i lie, i lie i hurt myself, i hurt myself nearly as much as i hurt you
you and whose army - radiohead (blairites and brownites)
come on, come on, you think you drive me crazy well, come on, come on, you and whose army you and your cronies
masters of war - bob dylan (iraq, pt. 1)
you fasten all the triggers for the others to fire then you set back and watch
celebration guns - stars (iraq, pt. 2)
desert wind and a perverse desire to win history buried in shame
then the next day, how will you know your enemy? by their colour or your fear? one by one we can cage them in your freedom make them all disappear
my hands grow darker every day
claws off - margot and the nuclear so and sos (blair and brown)
if you wanna go, get lost if you wanna stay, shut up
wine red - the hush sound (brown takes over)
the sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty the doves have died, the lovers have lied
monster love - goldfrapp (brown and mandelson, redux)
i never thought i would return to be consumed by you again
everything comes around bringing us back again here is when we start and where we end
weekend away - tunng (the end)
wander through the wreckage all is said and done faces dance in the light
forget those days, they've gone
mykonos - fleet foxes (david miliband and ed miliband)
and you will go to mykonos with a vision of a gentle coast and a sun to maybe dissipate shadows of the mess you made
when out walking, brother, don't you forget it ain't often that you'll ever find a friend
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alisamaefawn394 · 4 years
I have my life planned out. And now, I just have to hope it goes my way. I’ve been waiting for so, so long to find my path. I’ve lost myself on countless occasions. I’ve been broken down to nothing, left to die paralysed in a hospital bed, only to come back fighting. Now if my chance for a future.
In September, I’m gonna start at a really good private sixth form on a half timetable, yes it’s over a year overdue but I’ll still smash it. I’m gonna study music on my own, only having half of the lesson timings considering I was helping sixth formers with their music a level when I was fourteen, and I’m taking french with the year 13s straight away, and then English Literature, of which I’ve already analysed and read my set texts. Even though I should be done there in a year, I’m going to take my time and do it in two like everyone else, in case my health betrays me over the next two years at all.
When I’ve completed my A Levels and gotten the top grades I can (I have an IQ of 160), I’m going to go to Durham University to study a four-year course of Liberal Arts, while tutoring music and sending my books to publishers. It’ll be a push, my health will be at risk and I’ll still be at 50% function, hence the four year course instead of three.
Once I graduate with honours in 2026, I’m going to move to my dream cottage in South Wales, close to my family and the beach, near Cardiff where I can get a good job in any branch of Liberal Arts I choose while publishing my books, and in a secluded village by the castle. I’ll use my family savings, from every late family member, all of whom have always supported my dream and I’ve always saved payments to buy a house like this, my dream home. Small and secluded, and most importantly, it will be home.
I don’t want to get married or have children. Sure, a lifelong partner would be nice, and if a child needed adopting, sure I’d do that - but marriage isn’t what I’ve wanted. I wanna be a successful woman with a career to show for my efforts. I’ve always wanted children, but I can’t have that, and I’ve accepted that fact, meaning that in more than happy to be a recluse, speaking only my mother tongue down the pub in Wales. I’m never gonna be the girl everyone wanted me to be, but this dream is so much better.
I’m never going to be healthy again. I’m never going to be able to work full time or walk unassisted. Much of this may not happen. But what’s a girl got if she can’t dream? This life is my dream, after being put down and derailed for so many years of my life, I might finally have a future, one that no medical professional has ever believed I will have.
This is my chance, and this is my dream.
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Aussi ressemblant que différent
Sören était resté silencieux aux côtés de Taehyung, les deux se baladant dans la galerie d'art quand Taehyung s'étonna qu'un de ses clichés exposé n'y était qu'en double. La gérante de la galerie expliqua a Taehyung que le cliché avait été vendu a un homme suédois. Sören s'approcha d'eux et cligna légèrement des yeux. Oh. Il comprenait mieux pourquoi tout à coup Malia l'avait envoyé ici. Une fois la gérante hors de leur vue Sören afficha un léger sourire.
« C'est moi qui l'ait. » avait-t-il murmurer
« Wow ! Tu parles !! » s'extasia Taehyung
« En effet. » dit Sören calmement. « Il est dans ma chambre en Suède. » dit-il
« C'est vraiment toi qui l'a ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören sortit son téléphone et montra l'endroit ou était accroché le cliché original. Taehyung sourit et leva les yeux vers le géant suédois avec ce grand sourire niais.  Quand le bord d'un cadre sur le cliché attira son attention.
« C'est quoi l'autre tableau ? » marmonna Taehyung
« Un héritage. » dit Sören en montrant le tableau
« Tu … as un … Van Gogh …. » marmonna Taehyung
« Hérité. » nota Sören. 
« Tu aimes l'art ? » demanda Taehyung
« Hm » Sören hocha la tête et Taehyung sourit
« Dis... je peux te prendre en photo ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören haussa les épaules c'était son boulot, alors il prit la pose et Taehyung arqua un sourcil devant le professionnalisme du suédois. Le plus jeune embarqua son nouvel ami dans la rue et le tira avec lui vers un endroit caché des paparazzi, un petit parc privé ou il fallait un badge pour rentrer. Taehyung y entra et fixa Sören qui laissa la brise fraîche jouer dans ses cheveux désormais décoiffé. Taehyung le photographia sous tous les angles quand le suédois enleva ses lunettes et leva le menton pour inspirer profondément un léger sourire aux lèvres... Le coréen resta sans voix devant la beauté brute de cet homme...
« Waaw hyung... t'es vraiment beau. » dit Taehyung doucement
« Hyung ? C'est pour plus âgé... » remarqua Sören
« T'es pas plus vieux que moi ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören secoua la tête en riant. Offrant a Taehyung un nouveau cliché...
« J'aurais 20 ans samedi. » dit Sören
« QUOI ?!!! » Taehyung baissa son appareil et fixa le suédois incrédule « Mais... alors je suis ton hyung ? »
« Exact. » Sören sourit et s'assit sur un banc « Chouette endroit »
« C'est privé, y faut un badge pour passer la sécurité... et puis c'est un bel endroit pour faire des sublimes photos... surtout quand le modèle s'y prête. » dit Taehyung
« C'est ce qu'on fait quand on chante et qu'on a une belle gueule... des photos... » nota Sören « Mais je ne t'apprends rien. »
« Non c'est vrai. » Taehyung posa sa tête contre l'épaule de Sören « On est bien là... » Puis il se redressa d'un coup « Je voulais te remercier.... pour la proposition de Jazz »
« J'ai proposer... parce que ça fait partie de mes genres préféré... » nota Sören
« MOI AUSSI !!! » hurla Taehyung « Euhm... Mec... t'es gay ? »
« Hmhm. » Sören hocha la tête en douceur
Taehyung s'assit sur les cuisses de Sören et plaqua ses lèvres sur celles du suédois... avant que celui-ci arqua un sourcil, mais approfondit le baiser. Certes il était jeune, mais a en juger par le baiser Taehyung avait très peu d'expérience. Pas qu'il embrassait mal.. c'était plus maladroit. Ils restèrent  au final dans ce parc plus d'une heure a parler. Se découvrant certains points communs comme leurs passages dans des films et séries historiques allant à leurs couleurs préférées. Taehyung sourit, oh oui, il pourrait aimer ce viking au sang froid et au cœur d'or passionnément, si déjà maintenant son cœur s'emballait... le temps ne ferait que grandir cet amour, Taehyung en était persuadé.
Revenu aux studios le nouveau couple découvrit les paroles et Sören leva les yeux vers Ewan.
« La chanson celte reflète le scénario d'Un Chant pour mon Âme ... » marmonna le suédois assez timidement
« J'avoue.. » Ewan sourit « Inspiration volontaire Jack ? »
« Volontaire oui et non... » Jack sourit tendrement « Un Chant pour mon Âme retrace la légende de l'histoire d'amour la plus belle des légendes. Tu faisais un Tristan très convainquant.»
« M'rci... » Sören se gratta nerveusement le cou « J'vais une bonne partenaire.. »
Lily se pencha sur le suédois et lui embrassa la joue en souriant avant de s'asseoir, entre Yoongi et Jack. Elle sourit quand Namjoon lui demanda simplement si c'était elle.
« C'était moi Iseult oui » dit Lily e souriant « On a eu beaucoup de moments très sympathique sur le  tournage. » dit-elle en souriant « Sören est un acteur formidable. » dit-elle doucement « D'ailleurs il me semble que tu incarneras un personnage dans une future série coréenne. »
« Hmhm... » Sören hocha la tête calmement
« Oh quelle série ? Moi aussi j'ai un rôle dans pas longtemps ! » dit Taehyung avec le sourire
« Entre Ciel et Enfer il y a la terre. » dit Sören
« … Tu plaisantes !!? » s'écria Taehyung en sautillant assis
« Non. » Sören haussa un sourcil
« Je vais incarner Haneul, un des Princes maudit ! » dit Taehyung
« Oh. » Sören sourit « Nous aurons de nombreuses occasions de nous fréquenter alors. » dit Sören « J'incarne Mahasaihas... » dit-il doucement
« T'es... ma malédiction !! » fit Taehyung en lui sautant dessus.
Malia donna un coup de coude a Jimin et fixa son amant avec le sourire. Elle n'allait pas s'en vanter de trop, mais elle estimait qu'il pourraient reconnaître qu'elle avait eu raison de les présenter. Soudain, Jack se leva...
« Mon mari a besoin de moi. » dit-il rapidement
« T'es marié toi ? » s'étonna Lily
« Depuis le temps. » fit Elrick en s'étirant « d'ailleurs tu m'le ramène quand ? »
« Probablement très bientôt. » fit Jack en sortant.
« J'ignorais que Jack était marié ... » fit Yoongi
« Comme 99% de la planète. » dit Elrick
« Mais si c'est pas indiscret … pourquoi personne ne sait ? » demanda Namjoon
« Parce que son mari est un chanteur de Kpop, tout simplement » nota Elrick
« Oh sérieusement ? » Namjoon arqua un sourcil « Mais qui ? »
« J'en sais rien mon gars. » nota Elrick calmement
Quelques heures plus tard Jack arriva dans le dortoir de BTS ou ils résidaient tous le temps de la collaboration, avec son mari. Elrick se leva d'un coup et se posta dans le couloir.
« Elrick Weissmuller. Ravi. » siffla Elrick en plissant les yeux
« J-jiyong Kwon » fit-il assez effrayé
« Move Levine. » fit Jack en soupirant
« Fine, fine... » Elrick se poussa « But nonetheless, my sweet welshy you're gonna tell me how the fuck.. »
« Internet, Cardiff » dit Jack calmement « Y a rien de plus ... »
« Okay... et donc c'est quoi le soucis ? » demanda Elrick
« Scandale again. Mais disons que là j'en aie ma claque » fit Jack avec un sourire « Dude we still own a Youtube channel right ? »
« Eeyup mate we have one on which you should vlog sometimes too. » Elrick haussa un sourcil. « What are you gonna do ? »
Jack sourit et fixa son mari avant de dégainer son téléphone.
« I'm gonna vlog. » fit Jack
« Okay soo technically I'm live right ? » on entendit dans le fond un gars dire oui « All right. A few of you had pointed at my ring. » il leva sa main gauche « And I'm here to confirm all the rumors since three freaking years. Yup I got married. » Il rit doucement « Aaand let me tell you why I did tell you now... I got married to a Kpop Idol who's name got slandered by some person I'll call an attention prostitute that kinda messed with the wrong one. I'm sick off it. I'm clearly pissed and tired of her nonsense. Now. Ladies, gents and fellow genderfluid and trans people, may I introduce you too, my husband. Jiyong. » dit il en tirant la chaise a roulettes de Jiyong vers lui, il l'embrassa avec tendresse et sourit « My love.. » il était tellement doux... Jiyong plaça une main en douceur sur sa cuisses « Sooo to get things straight, which we are not, we have been dating since 2012, been married since 2016. We've hidden our relationship and mariage for our own selfs, me being very sick, him being an Idol. But now, things have gone too far. I've sit through all the scandals watching from afar, i've been nice and stayed away from your career cause you asked me. » Jack embrassa la main de Jiyong avant de soupirer « But now. Let's start the bloody murder. That woman, got into the press slandering my man, about an alleged relationship that happened in the summer of 2017.  Now for the record, darling, in the summer of 2017 from june to october he was on world tour and I was behind the scenes every day. » Jack embrassa la joue de son amant « I was every day and every night by his side, never have I left him, so how do you explain your alleged affair when the one who was sleeping with him was me ? How do you explain an affair in Seoul when we were at that time in Thailand drinking weird cocktails ? How do you explain a former alleged affair with him in 2016 at a time where, excuse me for those wearing earbuds or headphones, it is now time to lower your sound but, WE WERE GETTING MARRIED YA BLOODY DUMBASS !!! » La voix de basse baryton du rockeur très grave résonna dans le studio, alors qu'il inspira calmement « So please, if you want to write fanfiction, get on AO3, Wattpad, Fanfic dot com or even Tumblr. There you'll have an audience, but never, ever again, slander my man's name, cause darling ripping you to shreds is simply delightfull for a metalhead like me. That was Jack Lincoln for a very wholesome rant. I'll try to really vlog some time... Stay healthy, listen to metal and rock on ! »
Jiyong observa son mari avec un sourire fatigué. Il était sortit de l'armée brisé mais il avait retrouver ces bras surs et solide avec tant de joie, il avait retrouver son mari, avec bonheur, et grâce à lui il restait debout malgré les scandales qui entachaient son groupe et certains membres. Il se colla un peu plus contre le torse de son gallois et se laissa bercer par sa respiration lente. Pendant des années Taeyang lui avait dit que sortir avec un métaleux comme Jack était un mauvais choix... que Jack le ferait sombrer dans bien des mauvaises choses... Et si ces tentations avaient faite surface, c'était bel et bien son héros gallois qui l'avait raisonner. Et Taeyang avait dut admettre que l'éthique de vie de Jack était d'une excellente influence sur son ami. Jack avait toujours su convaincre Jiyong de faire des choix raisonnables et Taeyang avait eut vraiment très peur quand Jack avait été touché par la leucémie. Si Jack y succombait, Jiyong risquait de le suivre, car Taeyang avait toujours su a quel point le plus jeune était fou amoureux de son héros gallois... Il l'aimait a perdre la raison, et pendant le combat contre la maladie, le plus malheureux avait été Jiyong, effrayé de perdre son grand-amour.
« A quoi tu penses ? » fit Jack amusé
« Au grand-amour. » fit Jiyong rêveur
« Ah … J'espère que c'est moi. » dit Jack doucement
« Tu en doutes ? » demanda Jiyong
« Mh tu ne serais pas rester avec un malade si je ne l'étais pas. » remarqua Jack
« C'est... » Jiyong voulut rétorquer qu'il avait tort mais
« L'ancien Jiyong m'aurait quitter. » dit Jack
« C'est vrai... » Jiyong secoua la tête « Mais l'ancien Jiyong était un gamin idiot »
« C'est sur. » fit Jack en embrassant Jiyong « et il serait passer à côté de biens des choses merveilleuses, si un petit gallois ne l'avait pas secouer. »
« Comme quoi ? » murmura Jiyong
« Des nuits de folies a s'aimer jusqu'au matin » Jack mordit son cou « des torrents de plaisir jusqu'à s'y noyer. » Il caressa ses hanches «  et surtout un amour inconditionnel... »
« On peut revenir aux nuits de folies ... » marmonna Jiyong « J'ai pas suivi... »
« Oh no love we are not having sex. » fit Jack en se rasseyant « You need rest. »
« Aah Jack ! » Jiyong couina « Why.... ? »
« Doctor said so. » fit Jack avec un sourire sadique
« I knew you would take revenge …. » Jiyong ronchonna en se couchant contre son mari « Bad welsh. Very bad. »
« Oh you have no idea. » Jack sourit amusé .
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Interactive Introverts
I know, loads of people are freaking out about getting Dan and Phil tickets and yay them, you'll have a fab time!
I am actually a little disappointed in Dan and Phil though. I was going to get tickets for Cardiff but then saw the ticket prices. Now, I was lucky enough to see TATINOF in Cardiff for a fairly reasonable price (£25). This year, however, they've moved venues (possibly so that more people can come, and / or they've got a bigger show planned) but with that comes more expensive tickets. I was planning to buy two tickets which, if I'd have taken the tickets offered to me, would have been nearly £140. For two tickets. I'm going to see All Time Low in March at the same venue and paying £70 for two tickets. It just seems like a hell of a lot of money for people (I presume mainly parents) to pay for one night. And that doesn't include travel or anything else. That's also not even VIP. That's the regular ticket price. It just seems like they're trying to cash in, which I'm sure they're not, but it seems a lot to pay for a 2 to 3 hour show.
I really enjoyed TATINOF and I'm glad I went but if the tickets for any future shows are gonna be this price again, I probably won't go to anymore.
Just my thoughts
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thedalektables · 8 years
«The Doctor was more concerned with the man in front of him, however, and regarded Jack steadily, an edge of curiosity creeping into his voice. “How–”
“Did I know it was you?” Jack interrupted. “Archive footage from the Canary Wharf battle was sent over here months ago.”
“Actually I was gonna go with; how did you get in a tourist booth in Wales? But yours works too.”
“Months?” the internal Doctor questioned. “How can it have been months? We left Donna at Christmas. It can’t be much past that.” 
“What’s all this ‘we’ stuff?” he shot back quietly. “I wasn’t there. But it is a point, when are we?”
“Nice to know I inherited my piloting skills from a reliable source,” came the scathing retort.
“Oh, and I was the one who dumped Rose on a Space station alone, was I?”
“Twelve hours, twelve months. What’s a year between family?”
The Doctor bit his lip and wished he had the time to go into his own head and punch his future self.
Jack straightened, a dark cloud passing over his eyes, unaware of the Doctors internal struggle. “I saw everything that happened with Yvonne Hartman and Torchwood 1.”
“There’s more than one Torchwood?” the Doctor said quietly, almost to himself.
Jack merely snorted. “Course. Alien menace all over England, think one is gonna cut it? You’re in the Charter, you know that? Pissed off Queen Victoria; not your smartest move, Doc.”
“Regeneration’s been rough,” he said smoothly, his mind ticking away. “So you’re here, under the Millennium Centre. I’m guessin’ that makes you Torchwood, Cardiff?”
“Right in one.” Jack was distracted as his eyes flickered over the Doctor. “Hey, what’s with the retro look? I thought pin-stripes were in this year?”
The Doctor’s eyes narrowed. “People change.”
“I’ll say.” Jack’s voice was cold even as his eyes drifted over the Doctor’s new form in a heated way.»
- The Darkness Within, by #Fayth (Chap.4)            
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