masked-and-doomed · 2 months
What did I do to deserve this Jim fa.uslay.er..........
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akosijayjay · 7 months
January and February dump
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This is my most recent work of Lloyd, and my most recent work in general. I made this in the computer room at school with a painful high-sensitive mouse. We have these special course thing in our junior high, so every tuesday after class, I get to be in the computer room. For six hours... (My course is Visual Graphics Design. I'm kinda regretting it now since I've been thinking of becoming an architect... I can't change my course now since it's too late. Which is stupid.)
I'll try to draw more there! I really like drawing with a mouse cause I like the challenge. And since I'm not accustomed to a high-sensitive mouse, it'll be a bigger challenge for me!
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I made these two in traditional then polished them digitally since I straight up just used a pen. I rarely use a pencil nowadays so I can learn to fix mistakes without erasing it. Usually it ends up looking like chicken scratch but I'm getting better.
My Harumi one is so bad lol.. When I was making it, my classmates around me were messing around and moving the chairs in the process, making me have to draw strokes with shaky lines. It's not that noticeable though since I made the lines thicker.
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I was planning to make something for Rebooted's anniversary but I got busy... (And lazy) The PIXAL one was inspired by an animatic I saw.
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If you compare the previous Arin portrait, yes, they don't look the same. I'm trying to find a look for Arin, as I do with every character, that I'll be satisfied with.
By the way, I'm kind of basing Arin's hair with my classmate's hair. Which is funny because my other classmates compared this artwork to my classmate, who looked nothing like Arin but have similar hair, commenting they're the same. (I'm not mad because I actually find this a bit humorous)
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I was trying to make an animatic and this was going to be the sketch. But then again, I got busy and lazy. (Mostly lazy)
I accidentally changed their facial features a bit by accident on the second page because I forgot to reference the first page. It was tiring flipping pages every 5 seconds, ok! Also, I drew it after 2 days when I drew the first page, and I didn't have a design I liked for them yet. (...I just noticed Jay has different eye colors in both pages...)
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I think I'm sticking to these looks for Lloyd. I'll try to make it accurate to this. (I think I did great with the first image of this post. Though, I made him too round for my liking.)
Discard the growing beard post redesign Lloyd has. That beard thing was supposed to be where his chin was until I realized it was too small. And it's still too small.
Child Lloyd is so cute! The eyeshadow wasn't intentional at first, but then it got me thinking, what if Lloyd had an emo phase? And now emo child Lloyd is my headcanon.
Pre redesign Lloyd kind of reminds me of TommyInnit, and I find it quite funny. Maybe it's the facial gesture, I know a lot of TommyInnit fanarts with that silly face.
For Dragons Rising Lloyd however, I want him to have long hair with his post redesign face. I'll try to make full body designs of the 4 Lloyds.
You guys probably don't care, and this is the first time you've seen me because I don't have an exact artstyle and I dont post as much, but I'm going to put descriptions now since this blog is going to be a silly little art dump! And blog posts are supposed to be descriptive. Which I should've done in the beginning and explained my works..
If you liked my art, thank you!
If you saw me before and told me I did well, thank you and I'm sorry!! I know my previous posts have gotten comments and I'm sorry I didn't respond.. I'm not trying to be ungrateful, I just don't know how to express my appreciation for your positive feedback! Or just reply in general... I get nervous even when I'm wearing my mask..
Please don't hate me, I'm just really anxious to show my work to people I don't know to the point where I might think people disliked my artwork when it's the opposite..
(I'll probably copy paste this in future posts now lol. But I AM thankful that some of you guys think my works are great!)
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summertrynnacope · 3 months
CW: Nazism, TribeTwelve, swear words, (vent??)
Spoilers for EMH, Canyouseethewords blog, TribeTwelve and Sebastian's Journal.
Hi, it's me again. No shit. So. It's been like a month since the whole drama unfolded and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. I know things have quieted down lately, and like many others, I wish we could all move on and forget this ever happened. However, I can't simply recover from it, mainly because I feel the posts about me continue to spread on this platform, radiating the negativity and false info about me to this day. This drama has been devouring me for a long time now, and I've decided to make another post. I gotta admit I haven't been 100% honest in my previous post, it was more of my attempt to back off, cry over it and avoid this drama. But I'm not doing that again. I'm done pretending and I'm tired of being nice and tolerating others when they're completely misguided. I'm fucking angry. That's why I decided to make one more post about this and I have so many things to say. This is not another apology post, think of it as a vent post and recap explanation of everything where I'll be brutally honest.
Also, if anyone of you is a Nazi supporter, get the fuck out. I do not welcome you here.
First of all, I do not understand why my efforts have been ignored. I did everything that was asked of me. I acknowledged my so-called ''mistakes'', I owned up to them, deleted the posts, apologized, explained my intentions, and you decide to just fucking ignore it?? What do you want from me then, huh? I'm not the ignorant here, you are fucking ignorants. Made me realize I actually haven't done anything wrong. Made me wonder if I should've even deleted those posts, I put a lot of effort into them, and some people actually liked them. It's not my fault some of you are sensitive and brainwashed by censorship culture and you can't accept or understand a canon-accurate depiction of characters. You think I've been sweeping something under the rug? No. In fact, it's the opposite. You've been sweeping this whole shit under the rug by dismissing me as a Nazi supporter, just because I drew something that was considered canon for so many years. I've done nothing wrong, I've been honest about my art the entire time. I draw what I enjoy and what is accurate to the lore. I love history and the Slenderverse, and I draw canon-accurate content, yet you get mad over it. It's so ridiculous. If this post can't open your fucking eyes, I don't know what else will, and frankly I don't care anymore. I'm done with this shit. I've acted like the adult I am, and took responsibility. However I'm not going to to point any fingers or dismiss anyone specifically, because I am not like this.
And to everyone: If you don't like something, just ignore it. But if it really seems problematic and malicious, why not contact the person directly and talk it out, or find ways to know their true intentions instead of making hundreds of hate-posts about them like some pissy children. This is such a toxic behavior.
About the whole Nazi stuff:
Don't get me wrong. Nazism is a sensitive topic, I understand that. But I think being offended by it right now, in the 21st century, is just so ridiculous to me. I understand it can get very annoying tho. They talk about WW2 and the Austrian painter on TV non-stop. But being offended by some art? Like, are you serious. Do you realize Nazi shit has been in so many fanfiction, stories and literature for so many years, and you have no reason to get offended by it? The Nazi concept has been used in so many media, whether just for a joke or a serious plot point. South Park, Family Guy, Indiana Jones, Marvel Universe, X-Men, The Boys, and God knows what else.. Would you get offended by a fanart of cute little fat boy Eric Cartman? Of course not. But I can easily say: ''He's a Nazi! You drew a cute fanart of him! You're a Nazi supporter!'' That's you. That's how you sound. Do you see how ridiculous that is? There are thousands of people shipping him with Kyle Broflovski, oh but he's a Jew, and they hate each other in the show. Yet there are artists who make ship art of them. Does anyone complain? At the end of the day, they're just fictional characters, and I rather ignore it even if it kinda annoys me. Btw, South Park is just an example of this issue, I'm not targeting anyone or anything specifically here.
The Brandit post:
I really need to go back and add something to that post of HABIT saying ''LET'S FUCK AND PISS OFF OUR ANCESTORS.'' which creeped Firebrand out (honest reaction). That quote seemed really harsh, I know. Was it bad humor? Yeah.. But do I regret drawing this? At this point, I must say no. I did not stutter. As I said, I will be brutally honest from now on. Do you think HABIT wouldn't say that? Do you think he wouldn't say something sexual to a Jewish person, or frankly to anyone really? Yes, he would!! It's in his nature, he's fucked up. Are we trynna ignore the fucking scene of HABIT pulling the jerk off gesture at Noah?? Did we all not see the same thing?? He is like this. He makes fun of him while adding Christmas decorated borders on a letter for him. He's aware Noah is Jewish, yet he pulls a sexual gesture at him. Don't try to deny this one.
About the symbols... From what I've just said, I drew the little symbols there next to them (Star of David and Hakenkreuz) because I wanted people to see and realize the fact that these two guys are a Jew and a (former) Nazi, which people have been sweeping under the rug, not me. Also, if anyone remembers the post I made, I believe I wrote ''I should have put Christmas borders there as well/jk.'' under it or something like that. I removed it later on because people didn't seem to get it. It was obviously a reference to Severance. Everything I draw is a fucking reference. That being said, this post was made for awareness, not romanticization, and I do not ship them, neither romantically nor platonically, I just really like drawing them together, because if their iconic trope, canon interactions, mutual respect and shared spite for Slenderman, and the fact that HABIT helped Noah many times. That's it. Also, I wouldn't ship HABIT with anyone romantically. That is just wrong in so many levels.
Canyouseethewords blog and Sebastian's Journal:
If you didn't grasp the point of the Josef Mengele post either, go read Canyouseethewords blog here on Tumblr. It's part of the EMH lore. Basically, this blog belonged to Evan's girlfriend Stephanie, but HABIT takes over the blog later on and makes various posts about infamous real serial killers, such as Ed Gein, Jack the Ripper, and even the Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele. Whether HABIT wanted to imply that he's possessed those various people, that part of lore remains silent. At some point, I believed he's possessed those various people, so I wanted to to draw one of them, and I chose to draw Josef simply because I liked the idea of the connection with him and The Event from T12. That's it. And if that weren't the case that he's possessed any of those people, which would be rather a big relief, he's still possessed a different Nazi character in T12, which has been retconned. A character that no one really seems to know of, which is understandable. I get that some people don't want to analyze and support T12 anymore after what Adam did. In all honesty, I think sometimes it's best to separate the creator from the creation. I hate Adam, but I love T12. Anyway, in the story of Sebastian's Journal is a guy named Sergeant Heine who is (or was supposed to be) possessed by HABIT at some point. It implies to Severance where HABIT said he's been working with a group of Nazis on a particular project, including Sebastian. However, that connection has been retconned.
The HABIT/Nazi lore shit, people keep complaining and pissing about for no reason:
Listen, it was part of the lore for so many years that it's difficult to simply ignore it now. As someone who's been part of the Slenderverse fandom for years, going back, I just cannot think of it as a non-canon at this point. And I've already said the point of HABIT's character, and you all should know this by now. However I'll clarify it again anyways. The point is that he's an abomination of all the horrific actions humanity has committed, including atrocities of Nazism. He's done so many bad shit, as if eating a baby on screen wasn't enough, yet, of all the things he's done, people get mad over him being a former Nazi?? Like are you kidding me.. It's so ridiculous and hypocritical.
However... When I think about it, maybe HABIT was never even a Nazi, I mean- Working with them is one thing. He probably doesn't even give a single fuck about some ideology bullshit. He likely participated in the Nazi party purely for the sake of killing people. He wouldn't care less if his victims were Jews, Romani, or anyone else, he simply enjoys killing people for the sake of torture. Heck, he doesn't even remember the name of the party he was in. In Severance, he stuttered when trying to say ''Nazis'', which, in my opinion, was funny as hell. But that one is just an idea of his character.
Anyway. Even if HABIT wasn't a former Nazi at all, would it change anything? Absolutely not. He would still be the same horrible piece of shit he is. And sorry not sorry, but he was never meant to be a likable character. As a well-written antagonist, yes. But as a person? Hell no, so far from it. There is literally no reason for people to get mad over him being a former Nazi, and if you are, it's hypocritical of you, considering everything else he's done.
I must say one more thing, and it's the only thing I'm truly sorry for is that I didn't put content warnings and explanations on those posts. I made people angry unnecessarily for my impulsive actions.
I think that's all. Perhaps I've learned something by the end of the day, and I hope that at least some of you who are reading this, have learned something as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this (if you have), I appreciate it so much. See you on the flipside.
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ask-shane · 4 months
Hi, I am the anon that said i send mean asks on purpose. I just wanted to make a clarification and a formal apology and then i will stop interacting with this blog.
I need to clarify that by mean asks i meant things like saying shane has no bitches, or that he uses 738283837 in 1 shampoo. I never sent any slurs or genuine insults to this blog, and on top of mean things i also send nice things. I should've specified that the asks I sent were teasing and not genuine mean things.
I sincerely apologize for saying what I said. I had no idea the extent of the awful things people sent you and the fact that I could make you feel like i intentionally try yo make you feel bad and ruin your day with slurs and insults litterally made me shiver and feel anxious in real life. I fully understand how what i sent was harmful and damaging to someone who has to deal with toxicity on a daily basis.
I feel a lot of shame for what I did, this blog is something i check daily because i love your writing and i Love this character. I don't need you to unblock me if its even possible, i just wanted to apologize and wish you well
hi anon, mod dawn speaking. i’m gonna be talking directly to this person so please feel free to skip this if you aren’t them
i just wanted to start by addressing a couple things. firstly, thank you for apologizing so sincerely and honestly. i can tell how genuine this is and i’m certain it was a very brave decision after i put you on the spot earlier. i’ve deleted the post replying to your ask out of respect for this situation.
and for that, i am extremely sorry. i’m speaking to you with recognition that there is a person who is going to be reading this. i should’ve been more aware that i was putting you on blast in front of a lot of people. even if you were on anonymous, i can’t imagine how anxiety-inducing it was to be reading my response when you actually meant to be playful/teasing.
another thing i need to clarify here was that i did not realize that you were not the one sending me death threats and slurs. i had received a barrage of messages at the same time and had wrongly assumed the others were coming from you as well. it all happened at once, and the context of you sending that ask was shockingly related to the vile ones i received. your asks were not at all on the same level of “bad” the ones you didn’t send were.
unfortunately i had no way of telling which ones belonged to you and which ones didn’t, so i decided to address them using your ask. i made the mistake of incorrectly conflating your ask with the others.
that out of the way, i am so sorry once again, and also very thankful you apologized. please know there’s absolutely no need to feel shame for this.
i want to make it clear now that teasing (and even being somewhat mean) asks on my blog are okay. it’s fun to be provocative! there’s an art to it that i can appreciate, especially here, where shane gets glazed a lot. it is really awful that my guard happened to be high when you sent this because of what another actually unacceptable anon did. you shouldn’t be lumped in with them and i am so sorry i couldn’t discern your intention. i should also use this as an opportunity to say you have a good heart. i love that you can be playful and i thought a lot of what you said was actually quite funny. i didn’t intend to make you feel anxious or responsible for what other people did, but regardless, i did so, and it wasn’t fair of me to do to you.
lastly, thank you for interacting with my blog. now that we’ve cleared things up, i want to personally say to you that it is more than okay to continue to interact with my blog. i can appreciate a presence like yours around here. i’ll figure out a way to make sure you’re able to continue interacting (if you’d like to, of course). i am so glad you enjoy my writing and my portrayal of the character and it is honestly heartbreaking to hear i may have spoiled this experience for you. i have no negative feelings toward you whatsoever— if anything, i respect your ability to communicate with me after this (even though i’m sure it would’ve been much easier to block me and try to forget this happened)
i hope you are reading this.. i wish you nothing but the best 🤍
- dawn
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david-talks-sw · 8 months
any new Star Wars essays in the making, or are you moving on?
I don't know, honestly.
Part of it is "life gets in the way," I'm working a lot and so whatever time I have left is spent just messing around or meeting with my loved ones.
I've got a bunch of stuff in my drafts. I don't mind sharing it here, most recent to oldest:
Sort of a joke post of me pointing out how stressful being George Lucas' producer must've been, like this guy really DIDN'T WANT to write his fucking scripts, did he? Poor Rick McCallum. Abandoned because who gives a crap.
'Ask' reply on how EU-fueled fandom perception of the Jedi was flipped by the prequels.
'Ask' reply about the themes in Ahsoka and why the show doesn't know what it's about. Problem is, I go about it starting from the basics, so nobody's gonna sit through reading a tematic breakdown of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, The Batman and the original six Star Wars films before I even get to the show at hand.
"Part II" post about what Ahsoka, Rebels and TCW get right about lightsaber duels, which the Prequels never did.
Quote collection & analysis on just how complex the Prequels were meant to be (in the late 80s, Lucas intimated that the Sequels were the story that was supposed to have gray morality, not the Prequels)
Quote collection on how the themes and principles of Star Wars align with Lucas' own opinions and philosophies.
Quote collection on Lucas defining Anakin's flaws.
Quote collection on Lucas talking about the fact that we need to be more proactive, which aligns with what Lumi points out sometimes about the Jedi: they should've been more politically engaged because we all should be.
Why I approach Lucas as "word of god".
Personal life/joke-y post dating from the time of the WGA strike about how Jack Black's School of Rock lyrics "In his heart he knew, the artist must be true, but the legend of the rent was way past due!" applied to me. Abandoned because I didn't wanna bum everyone out.
Correcting the notion that Dark Times-era Jedi such as Kanan or Ezra or Ahsoka represent what Jedi were supposed to be.
A comprehensive end-all outlook on how Anakin's flaws all tie together. I've written this one twice and I don't know how to differentiate it from my other posts.
A secret "Part 3" to my TLJ Luke post, in which I point out that RJ's being too "indie", while being a strong point for a big chunk of the film, hampers the film's ability to make Luke feel as badass as he does on paper. I want to illustrate a storyboard for this one, but that takes time.
The evolution of Star Wars' approach to transmedia.
Debunking Star Wars myths: a (very) comprehensive outlook on children in the Jedi Order.
Problem is that only like 2/3rds of these are fully-written... and I still need to find the relevant clips, turn them into GIFs, etc etc.
There's many other interesting Asks in my inbox btw. But I'm already behind on all these, so I haven't begun to touch them.
Then there's the drawings.
I wanna draw a comic of the meeting between Yoda and Dooku in Dark Rendezvous. I wanna finish the comic fight between Maul and Ben. I wanna draw Mace, Shaak Ti, I've got a Luminara fan-art that was supposed to be ready for Jedi June 2022 and an Anakin drawing that looks weird. No time, nor am I skilled enough. (Like, I trace, that's what I do, it's not a secret I've said so before... but it takes me a long while to do so. I'm not fast at drawing, let alone coloring.) I could commission some of these, but there are obvious obstacles there.
There's fun tidbits I've discovered here and there but nobody will care about them and I usually try to not drown my blog with bs posts.
Then there's the bigger problem.
All the things I've listed above? I'm not 100% motivated to finish. But a lot of the new stuff I wanna write about is hella negative.
I had a lot of stuff I wanted to say about Ahsoka. But it wasn't all good. It was mostly me bitching, be it about the show or the fandom's reactions to it.
I've also got more stuff to say about Filoni's take on Star Wars, but I've talked about why it's inaccurate like 8 times already, and I don't actually dislike the guy, like there's plenty of things he knows and does that I think are awesome but also people won't stop putting him and his takes on a pedestal and--
oh shit, there's Acolyte too, I forgot about that, gray morality galore, here we come. But here too, like... I've talked a couple of times about why this entire gray morality thing is actually just the gen X-ers trying to make the prequels "cool" and "complex". but I've never explored properly, with quotes and research and shit. but i've talked about it so many times that at this point it'd end up like the Filoni rants, redundant. "we get it already." as if this show didn't have haters lined round the block for absolutely sexist reasons.
Don't get me started on the mountain of lies and/or idiocy that is the YouTuber Star Wars Theory.
And yet he said one thing a few months ago which struck a chord within me and it's the fact that Andor is awesome, excels on all levels because it's treated seriously, like a proper show, not a Disney Plus one... why wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why wasn't Book of Boba Fett? And I've already established multiple times that I enjoyed Kenobi (yes, including the Reva parts) and I've established that I know what they were going for in Fett and I've established that this is mainly a "Disney Plus didn't know how to structure a fucking show pre-WGA strike" issue more than anything else... but when I think about how these could've been treated instead? When I look at the characterizations and emotional stakes of like Fargo Season 5? It's infuriating. Because it's not bad (talking about Kenobi, BOBF is awful)... but it could've been EXCELLENT and instead it was just "okay" to "good".
I just miss live action lightsaber duels, man. Like, good ones.
and i dunno. maybe I should just let it rip on all this. "go off, king!"
but I think there's so much negativity re: Star Wars that adding my thoughts on these subjects, no matter how structured and reason, will just blend into a wave of needless, un-constructive hate.
maybe I should finish the writings in the drafts and just post them with no gifs, maybe just still images?
but doing any of that feels like a step back.
So that's where I'm at right now.
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wyvchard · 3 months
Master List and Blog Intro
So, hi. I prefer not to talk about myself too much. However, I tend to write for fun and write when I feel like it.
Currently, my main stuff is fanfics for I Expect You To Die. However, I do write one shots when it comes to writing prompts.
This blog is mostly filled with reblogs of stuff I find interesting. However, if you came for the writings, please refer to the list below.
(Text is the category. Don't expect plot threads as most are usually one off.)
This is the master post of my writings, if anyone is interested:
I Expect You to Die Stories
Full List over at @eod-agent-13-12 (my IEYTD side blog)
Fanfic Idea
Hardcore Timeline
Phoenixes can't be warm, can they?
Fire Safety
The mourning after (Takes place after an RP)
All these hoops for a vacation
Avert your eyes from the nest
Warmth in a Bowl of Noodles
From the Same Nest
Candlelight and Phoenix
A Late Night Visit
A Phoenix's Serenade (Roxanix)
Expectations and Attention (Phoenix X Juniper fic)
What Someone thinks is best
"Dr. Pr, do we have a blanket?"
I can't see what they see (Angst warning)
The Guilt in Smiling
A Few Steps Out of the Darkness
Static and Radio Waves (Phoenix as a radio host)
Static and Radio Waves Part Two
Static and Radio Waves Part Three
A Crane in a Phoenix's Nest (Heavy Angst)
Night Classes and Spiral Platforms
Safe and Sound Simon Says (Mind Control AU)
You'd Expect They'd be Used to This, But They Aren't.
I Just Hope It's a False Alarm
Random Prompt Stories (These are not connected to each other. Feel free to pick any as they're all one shots.)
Make a Wish Villain Request
Ancient Lich Magic
Retired Lich Teacher
Attacking mid-transformation is a bad idea
Watching as your body lives
Hero and Villain but Villain has finals
Not a chosen one, but a farmer
Forced apathy misunderstood as hatred
Staying in a time loop
Hero and Villain: Tell them
Ruling is too bothersome
"Is it over?"
The Princess is restless
I don't look like a witch but she does
If only they realized...
Staying for the apprentice
Hero Dad, Villain Child
The assignment
Anyone but me
Backed out because it feels like a horror movie
Worst Part of Immortality
Honeyed words in Ink
Whom I work for
We're different now
Pieces of Others and Me
What I do regret
I take offense at that.
Someone could have helped
Magic Drain
A twisted form of love
Power and Weakness
Would you have wanted this? (Villain X Hero)
So Now You Want to be Back
Mother Supervillainess and Daughter Heroine
I don't want to see you
OC Lore Stories (Writing prompts with my own Original Characters in mind. Currently disconnected one shots.)
You found this place / The interview
I remember them
The passionate anger in love
You won't be here for me.
I'm only doing this for me
It seems you got the wrong idea
Silus, Titus, and Skywynne's turmoils
Mistakes of Youth
Maybe it's a trick of my mind (Takes place in the IEYTD universe but it's mostly them.)
Comfort Plushie (Short moment with Kae and Ghost / @ghostlystarwanderer)
Power Reveals, Not Corrupts
Something so InHuman (This is darker than my usual stuff. Please head the warnings.)
Cry, But Will They Answer? No.
I Saw and I Know
Other Stories
It Should've been you, if you didn't stay quiet. (The Stanley Parable angst)
Whumperless Whump Event (2024)
Augusnippets (2024)
Tagging System:
#Wyvie Writes, Wvyie Writes (I accidentally misspelled it), My Writings - My writing tag/s #Wyvie Arts - My art and doodles
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laithraihan · 5 months
I'm the anon who sent you the long message that apparently came off "pompous & infantilizing" and more to your followers.
I find it interesting that that message sparked such a flood of defenders, when I did not send it in bad faith at all. From your answer it seems I'm lacking context so sorry if I took some of your statements the wrong way, but nonetheless I just found the parental love addition strange and reacted to that, that was all there was to it. I clearly stated (three times) I'm not taking any issue with your headcanons.
By saying they are far removed from canon I did not mean to say they are "too unrealistic" or something is wrong with that, I literally said the opposite. I meant just that, that factually, this will not be a common interpretation for someone who is familiar with the source material but not your blog. This is not a statement that I made with any judgemental value and I thought I made that very clear but apparently not.
So I'm sorry for the additional ask.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the response.
I was fully aware you said there was no issue with what I drew, but the way you wrote everything else sort of negated that statement. At least that's how me and many other people saw it.
If someone finds what I drew strange or confusing then they could always just... block me or ask me about it (and btw I expected people to be confused, otherwise I wouldnt have labeled it "non-coupling" as soon I posted it lol)
Someone did ask me about it, and you seem to have already seen that response, yet you still felt the need to send another message basically implying that an explanation wasn't enough (turns out it actually wasnt enough because people said I was lying and in denial) and that my explanation was weird too? Which is whatever I already ended up clarifying that, English is not my first language and I type things with the help of a translator (I wish people could actually keep this in mind. I only type in English because it'll reach a wider audience and it's the language most of my followers know. Often I have to google words people tell me online, or I ask my friends fluent in English to explain things for me)
You can say "that's not what I intended" but that's how it came across... you wrote a lot of nice words while also saying it was understandable that people were ganging up on me over a drawing, it seemed patronizing.
That's why me and others took offense to it, but I think it's difficult to tell tone through text so I don't want to keep nitpicking this any further. If you say you had no ill intent then I believe you.
The following will just be me adding more context and not necessarily aimed at you: Again I understand the lack of context of my account can make people confused about my art, Ive made that clear many times.
The art I made where I said "if your parents didnt love you then it's obvious" was a direct response to people who were mocking me specifically for tagging the art as "non-coupling" because they didnt believe me. They got the context and decided I was trying to hide a fetish because a kiss on the cheek was "obviously shippy". They proceeded to compare this to drawing NSFW of Mob and Reigen by labelling it "non-ship" as if it was comparable to tucking a child into bed, that's what upset me. I did absolutely nothing to these people, I dont know them, if they said this privately I wouldnt care but it was public, and they also targeted another friend of mine for no reason.
All Im gonna say is that my drawing shouldnt have caused this much controversy in the first place. I labeled it "non-coupling" as soon as I posted it, which should've been enough honestly. It's not like I posted porn or anything like that, I got the idea from something Ive experienced in my family as a teenager and I could easily google stock images of the exact same scenario to use as reference, like I really didnt think it was that bad.
Anyways I think I've explained myself many times already. Im not gonna be hostile and say to people "roh t9awed dont ever send me anything else related to this" but just.. check if Ive already answered your question so that it doesnt end up being repetitive. If you have a question about this that I havent answered yet, then feel free to ask.
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Goncharov shouldn't have been as big a meme as it was. The Goncharov meme is bad, especially for anyone with any unreality issues. Dead serious.
Yeah, you do make a valid point. Unreality memes are fun, but there are people with genuine unreality issues that were affected by the Goncharov trend.
That being said, I do think that a lot of the fan works - art, writing, shitposts, etc. - inspired by that meme were really fun, and clearly took a lot of effort - and the results were super impressive. So I think the fact that it served as a creative outlet for so many people shouldn't be discounted either.
But you're right, it wasn't a great experience for people with those issues with unreality - but my takeaway from that was the importance of content warnings and tagging things properly, not that the meme itself - or just unreality content as a whole - was bad.
I followed the Goncharov tag when it was at its peak, and I constantly saw people begging other users to tag their posts as #unreality - and while plenty of people were doing that, it felt like just as many weren't.
I don't believe for a second that people were seeing those posts and just choosing to ignore them, because one thing I have learned over the past 3-4 years is that the vast majority of people on this website do genuinely care about the wellbeing of others; and I know that for a fact because a) all you guys have been so supportive of me up until now (<3), and b) because I spent so much time in my shithead teen years sending fucking horrific abuse to those same kind, genuine people, and the way everyone rallied around each other against my scumbag ass is a testament to that kindness.
So I think it's far more likely that they simply weren't seeing those posts, and just didn't know that unreality content can be a trigger for some people - because I genuinely didn't either until the Goncharov meme came around and people started talking about it. It's the same way I didn't know until I started this blog that the things I originally wrote in the master post were triggering people's OCD to the point where they had to blacklist the URL.
At the time Goncharov was a thing, a lot of people were saying that people making content for it should've just 'educated themselves' and then they would've known to tag stuff '#unreality', so it was their fault their work was affecting people with unreality issues - but personally I think that just wasn't fair, because honestly you can't know to educate yourself on an issue that you don't even know exists in the first place. You first need to know what it is you don't know before you can actually learn about it and fill that gap.
I have no idea if any of that answered your question because I'm drunk out of my fucking mind, so I don't know if any of this made sense, and I probably won't remember it in the morning - so:
tl;dr - I don't agree that the Goncharov meme was bad, but I think it did highlight the importance of content warnings and tags.
...unless you thought the meme was just unfunny, which is a different issue - that's an entirely subjective opinion, but I can totally respect it. And that's coming from someone who learnt last week that they apparently Goncharov'd themselves on at least three separate occasions, and has yet to fully recover from that revelation.
Anyway, I hope that all made some kind of sense...
...you guys want a poll?
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drdt-superpowers-au · 3 months
Intro Post
Why hello there! this is an AU blog for Danganronpa: Despair Time! This is just a fun little AU I made up on my own, so I'm not affiliated with DRDT or the DRDTdev in any way.
AU Explanation:
The AU is pretty self-explanatory from the title alone. Drdt, but all the characters have superpowers (I couldn't think of a more creative title oops). Everything else (meaning the LORE) will be revealed later and will most likely be added to this section of the post so that people can keep track of what's going on.
-Since this is an AU and it's not about the canon drdt universe, I won't be using drdt tags (except for this post, since I want people to know this blog exists). I don't want to flood the tags with an AU that not everyone will be interested in.
-This blog may make references to canon drdt, so beware of spoilers.
-I'm a minor, so while suggestive asks are allowed, full-on NSFW isn't. I've tried to write that kind of thing and I can't.
-While I'll try my very best to include some art in every post, I've been a writer for far longer than I've been an artist, so sometimes I may default to writing. My goal is to include art in every post, though!
-Along with that, please be nice about my art. I'm trying my best. (And be nice to me and others in general, of course).
-I'll be honest, I haven't decided on which ships I want in the AU yet, and I'm a multishipper who's fine with any ship under the sun unless it contradicts canon sexualities. So within that guideline, feel free to push for any ship you want!
-My little monkey brain gets distracted easily, so I can't guarantee consistent posting. But for now, I'm on summer vacation, so I should be able to answer things relatively frequently.
If needed, more rules will be added. But for now, that's all. :)
About the blog owner:
I'm not going to reveal my identity, because I like to pretend that I'm cool and mysterious. But for your guys' convenience, I'll share that I use she/her pronouns (though I'm fine with people defaulting to they/them, too). You can call me...um...mod ace, I suppose. There's only one mod, me, but Ace Markey is my favorite character so being named after him seems fitting. I'm going to try not to show favoritism towards him in the AU (I will most likely fail).
I've never run an AU blog like this before, so if I didn't say something I should've, or am in general doing something wrong, let me know!
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sanchoyo · 25 days
Hi hi! (I didn't really know where to send this when I found your three blogs lol) But I came from your Shigaraki x Reader fic! "Warm Healer" :D I "devoured" it so quickly! I almost regret it, thinking I should've read slower but it was too good to not read it!! I really loved it, it's now my comfort fic <3 I honestly never thought I'd have a comfort fic one day because there are lots of good fics out there but yours? Damn it was good! I love how you write in general, It's so easy to read. And I don't mean it in a "baby easy" but I mean it as someone who's native language isn't English! I love imagining stuff in my head so you don't know how glad I was to be able to picture every scenes with so much ease! <3 I loved how you wrote MC-Chan/Reader, she's a lot like me to be honest and I could easily imagine myself in Warm Healer, even if she's braver than me lol I also love how you wrote Shigaraki, I don't know what else to say, it's just PERFECTION gdfghmjthnhgj Except the fact that I was picturing him with white hair oops xD But that's Horikoshi's fault lmao /joking
And I love how you wrote the other league members too, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Compress, Twice, they're all so funny and/or cutie patooties! Himiko would be such a real bestie I know you wrote those AGES ago but I'd like to know if it's not too late to make fanart :3 There are two scenes that are engraved in my brain that I'd love to draw (+Tojiki!!) Tojiki seems to have a very cool design from the descriptions, so I would love to give it a try ^^ I would also like to know if I can keep some headcanons of Shiggy? Like, for example, the one where he likes jellyfishes, I really love that one it's so cute nvhgnhchcvbngv <3 Anywho! I loved it! Keep up the good work and thank you for making this fic! :D I really enjoyed it! Have a good day and take care! *Runs to read the other parts*
aaa sorry for any confusion with how many blogs I have (I have more than three actually lmao) its totally fine you sent it here!! my writing blog is @sanchoyowrites but I really only hop on there when I post something every few months so this is fine to send asks to, as well as over there :3
I'm so happy to hear that people can still enjoy it after all these years!! (I've been meaning to do a grammar correction sweep on it for years because I wrote it so long ago ;w;/ ) but I'm really relieved its an easy read despite any mistakes it might have ^_^ I never got overly descriptive with anything because I figured most people could fill in the blanks and imagine stuff about a scene in their mind so I love being right about that :D
MC-chan is braver than me too hahaha if I was in that situation I would've noped out and stayed at home (recluse reader/shigaraki when?? lmao) but I'm glad parts of her were still relatable!! she's a very 'do good recklessly' type character which I always enjoy writing <3
I like both him with dusty blue hair and the white hair. and the grey hair some people give him. all hair colors are Good hair colors on him because he is Cute <3
I'm happy you liked how I wrote the league too!! they get more screen time in the later parts of the series so I hope you continue to enjoy them :D
You can TOTALLY FOR SURE do any fanart omg!!! just tag me if you post it because I would LOVE to see any 🥺!! that would be so so cool but no pressure of course!
and yes anyone is free to yoink the little character details I added to shigaraki kjasdhfk that's very flattering, use those headcanons wherever you'd like (as far as i'm concerned the warm healer/ climats d'amour series is an open series anyone can use any parts of however they like!! anyone is free to carry those ideas over to other fics or art! I give everyone blanket permissions to do Whatever and treat it as you would public domain stuff <3)
Thank YOU so much for the kind message and letting me know you enjoyed it!! This was a really sweet message to wake up to, I appreciate you taking the time to write it out to me! I hope you also have a great day and enjoy the rest of the series!!!
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pumpkin-spike18 · 2 months
✨Weekly Progress #29-30✨
Let me start this off by apologizing for my inactivity 🙇‍♂️ I try not to dive too deeply into my mental health on this blog, but those who know me well know how much I struggle with it. I think my brain shut down and retreated after finishing my recent projects. I relied on daily never-ending tasks to get me through each day with a sense of accomplishment so when that ended, I wound up in a void where I couldn't bring my creativity to amount to anything new.
I kicked my butt back into gear the last couple of days after realizing how little I did during week 29 (and week 28 looked inflated, but I did most of the work in 2-3 days leaving most of my week blank).
I don't know where I'll go from here, but I've worked out some new upcoming plans for future projects! And I'll do my best to start replying to messages and comments;; I've left everyone on read for long enough...!!
Thank you so much everyone, for continuing to support me al this time! 💕
Weekly Progress #29
Wrote O2A2 post mortem
Finished aKwtD ref sheet lines, flat colors
Weekly Progress #30
Finished aKwtD Liz refsheet
Finished aKwtD Camille refsheet
Reorganized/scheduled work
made SFB roadmap
Prepped SYVNH plan
Updated vgen services
Drafted more proposals
Sketched SFB sprite
Detective story concepting/outlining
A Kiss with the Devil
I completed the refsheets for Ley's upcoming yuri game!
It was a lot of fun designing them from scratch and then being able to render them in full body art! I've always shied away from full body pieces because they take a lot of time and energy... the refsheets took over a week from sketch to final piece. But I'm really happy with how they came out!
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Camille, the player character, and her love interest, an immortal and possibly immoral eldritch creature, Liz!
A Sky of Falling Birds
I'm working on proposals for funding and marketing of this game as it will be a commercial work when finished. I created a new roadmap for how I'll plan to get more assets done (...and reduce the number of assets, hopefully). The current plan is to have a Demo 2.0 for Yuri Jam to better show off the story since the current demo focused more on the art and animation aspect.
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A sketch for the final character sprite of SFB. I originally planned to give her two outfits, but I might try to cut that if I can...
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!
Yes...! I've still got a bit of work left for this project!! Mainly some future updates. I do want to get a steam release for SYVNH one day so I'm working towards that!
I will also be putting out some surveys soon for interest in merch based on the characters. The feasibility of it will depend on interest for what type of merch, ofc, but at the very least, I will be working on some new art for folks soon [: As a thank you for playing, and all the love you've shown for the game so far!
I went into more detail than I probably should've in the intro of this post, but even in my "slump," I've been busy practicing art when I'm not getting my butt kicked by some Hollow Knight mini boss for 2 hours.
I've started a doodle blog, that some folks found in less than 24 hours 💦I'm not ready to formally connect the two together, but if it seems like I've been active there, it's just cause I draw a lot every day. It makes the monotony feel better. This blog will still contain all of my devwork, but all my art musings will be in that one.
I'm sure I'll have the courage to link the two together soon.
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ellecdc · 4 months
ik my last ask was a lil more serious (and suuuper long, although this one probably wont be much better, sorry 😬) but now i'm here for the goofs n catching up. sorry its been another bit of time again, i had to recover from the fact that YOU! missed little old me?!?! immidiate bedrest as i come to terms with that fact. i figured id answer the questions i asked you (and respond to ur responses) bc i can't help myself!
34) i get not being up to people watching anymore, i'm there too, although i used to be quite the people watcher. there are definitely an influx of people in cities where just having to be in their presence without observing them is tiring (i live by a famous one, boy do i know this fact. one time a guy came up to me on the transit and just started telling me jokes. i didn't even respond, but that didn't matter to him lol. honestly some of the jokes were pretty good.) it's like they do all the people watching work for you.
69) as someone who has unfortunately had to both wash my hair with soap and body with shampoo (don't ask, they were both emergency instances lol) i can confirm that the shampoo option is indeed better by a long shot.
83) oh no sorry for putting you into a tough spot! your song choices are so fun tho, like i just feel happier listening to them, makes me wanna dance (also completely forgot how much chumbawumba's album art fucks me up lol). i got this answer mostly down pat and its like the complete opposite vibe to ur choices lol. my all time favorite song is going to california by led zeppelin so that's my choice, i am forever a slut for it's layered guitar parts and finger picking (and zeppelin in general). a close second is lover, you should've come over by jeff buckley. "broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it"?! "my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder"?! "all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter"?! like stfu jeff this is too good for us mortals.
lastly, in my like 10 years of reading fanfic i have never once been inclined to write my own until now, and that's all thanks to you! idk if they will ever get done -one's a honker and it's maybe halfway written, the other is a smut fic which,,, idk man we'll see- much less posted, but you never know 🤷 maybe one day i'll be off anon and have a writing blog. but i want to say thanks for the inspiration to rediscover my love for writing!
hope ur having a wonderful day lovebug 🩷🩷🩷
People watching -> okay you’re so right though, people watching IS tiring. I don’t want to be perceived OR perceive!!
Body wash/shampoo -> Nooooo omg okay well I’m glad to know my answer was sound and should I ever find myself in a debacle I will choose wisely [thoughts and prayers to your hair]
Fave songs -> shut up did you actually look up the songs I listed?? That is so cool you’re so cool, what a cutie. Oof but your second song would be such good fic titles or prompts (hint hint you should do it)
And congratulations on your writing! I dont want to take credit at all though, I think you’re just a cool kid(tm) and are gonna do cool kid shit (i.e., writing fanfics) [no but fr, i think writing is so cathartic and good for the soul, it’s self care! I wrote for yeeeaaarrrrrssss before i ever thought to post anything, so even just writing for yourself is fucking tops, you rock it babes]
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artemisiavulgaris1114 · 4 months
this is a post that's about to out me as the strange ageless hedge druid (ie. OLD), but here are a couple of things I've learned about tumblr since returning:
Always tag reblogs. Especially art/fic. I've been especially lazy about this. No longer!!! Everyone deserves to know why I think it's worth reblogging
More to that, ALWAYS check out blogs that post cool art. You never know what kinda gold the algorithm might be hiding under the hood
I keep getting flashbacks to highschool where the social schema for making friends was kinda like, I perceive someone cool, but need to find that casual opportunity to start interacting so it doesn't seem too forced (ofc this won't deter a lot of people, but it feels like the way the site is designed skews interactions that way).
ultimately everyone here loves each other (yes, you) but it is a lil bit like a dysfunctional found family that's still squatting in their condemned house because the landlord should've fixed it instead of renovicting them <3
I've found a lot more traction and interaction here than any of the other platforms, and I'm grateful for that.
alright I have spoken, time to return to my chicken hut
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demonsfate · 4 months
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anonymous sent . . .
thank you for your in-detail posts about my boi jin kazama and the tekken series in general i really enjoy your blog. yes, i agree the battle pass is bullshit and they should've either included them tekken 7 port outfit at launch or made new costumes for the cast.
anyways, i also hate how some people in the tekken fandom and outsiders thinks jin kazama is "selfish". i mean he is supportive of xiaoyu's dreams in tekken 4 and tekken 8 instead of calling her something like "an annoying foolish idiot for having such pathetic dreams". he also saved hwoarang's ass from the south korean military in hwoarang's tekken 4 ending. jin literally entered the king of iron fist tournament 3 and bothered with martial arts competitive tournaments in the first place because he thought his mother died and wanted to avenge her. hell he also saved lars's ass when he was about to die to kazuya and freed nina from being brainwashed by ogre. anyways like i said, your blog is amazing and i hope you have a wonderful day.
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thank you so so much anon and you're welcome!!! the funny thing is, unlike many players, i wasn't even fully against the store when it was initially announced. like... i didn't mind the idea of buying legacy or new outfits they'd develop later into the game's release. i don't completely mind the idea of microtransactions as long as they're fairly priced and were good content for the price. the problem arose when i quickly realized the first 4 items were all ports from the older games. they were $5 per outfit for stuff they didn't even remake from the ground up, but instead we're paying $5 for assets that are outdated and look horrible compared to the graphics in tek8. and then the predatory practices of how you buy these assets. the fact that outfits are supposed to be $4, but the lowest amount of coins you can buy are the 500, so technically outfits are $5. the option to buy coins should be 100 ($1) 200 ($2) and then so on until you reach 2000 ($20) coins. so how they do that, along with the ports, is just super scummy. you should only have to pay for original content, not fuckin' ports (that frankly, sometimes modders port better lol) then the battle pass happened and it's like... really? do we REALLY need a season pass, a store, AND a battle pass? it's just so much. especially when the battle pass mostly had shit that should've been in the game already for free. (the female gi outfit??? even though males had that to begin with. or the eye colors - fuck, eyes should just be recolorable in general. and some hairs which were hairs we already had but ... they have to the option to be dual colored lol, and so on)
it drives me wild that there were so many people claiming jin was "selfish" or that he doesn't care about anyone. when not only did he do all that stuff you've mentioned, but like... i know a lotta ppl forget this, including the game's writers themselves, but the whole reason jin wanted to kill heihachi and kazuya to begin with is because he believed they were evil, and he wanted to save the world from their evil. like jin just wanted to save the world and protect people from the beginning. it's funny that a LOT of ppl would try to claim jin being evil makes sense because he wanted revenge in tek3??? even though the whole revenge thing was Only in his first appearance, and like... there are so many other characters who want revenge, too. ironically, i don't see anyone really calling miguel evil. also, it was said in the 3rd game that ogre was "absorbing souls" (like he did with heihachi) and i thought fighters from previous tournaments were "mysteriously disappearing". in jin's ending, when ogre burst into bright lights, i thought that was supposed to be the souls he took returning to their bodies. whilst i'm not entirely sure if that's true or not, if i am right, it would also mean jin saved many fighters. also in tk5, when jin said he couldn't keep his promise to hwoarang, and hwoarang immediately got angry (jealous????) by asking jin if he found "someone stronger" than him, jin immediately denies this by saying "that's not what i'm saying." if jin didn't care about hwoarang... wouldn't you think he'd insult hwoarang by calling him weak or trying to instigate him? no, instead - jin didn't even deny how strong hwoarang was, he was just simply busy with family drama.
also jin supporting xiao's dreams, supporting hwoarang, wanting to save the world, are evidence that jin isn't an "edgelord" like a lotta ppl like to call him. like the only "evidence" that jin was an "edgelord" is tekken 6 damages, and the fact he wanted to kill himself in tek4. but like... the only reason he wanted to kill himself because he feared devil posed a serious threat to the world and his loved ones. the only time jin acted uncaring was in tekken 6 and the era of tekken 6 (see street fighter x tekken, and the kof crossover) and well, i just think it's unfair to use that game to judge jin's character because goddamn, i KNOW it's jin, but it's not jin if you know what i mean. like if you compare tekken 6 jin to how jin was depicted in previous games (or even in 8), then he's completely unrecognizable - the only thing he really shares with the jin we all know and love is the name and the design lmao. but for some reason, ppl just can't look at the character critically like that.
anyway, my long rant is over with and i hope you are having a wonderful day, too!!! <:-)
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harperd · 4 months
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I probably should've done this ages ago, but here is a little master post about me!
I am fairly new to tumblr and tumblr etiquette/culture, so please me patient with me when it comes to things that generally fly over my head!
My name is Angel/Harper
Please use They/Them on me!
I speak English, Lithuanian, and Norwegian!
I post mostly art or short rambles, I'm a very passionate person! Sometimes I link some ao3 drabbles I've written, I've been writing for around 3-4 years so far and it's a little hobby of mine.
My main interests: (Main highlighted)
-Fullmetal alchemist (Of its entirety)
-Radiation (in general but I do love researching nuclear warfare and Chernobyl the most.)
-Old quirky visual novels
-Pathologic (I have both games.)
-Fear and Hunger (Both, but I only own Termina sadly.)
-Dinosaurs (The BIG one in terms of interests)
-Code Geass
Some side interests that don't really pop up too often
-I've seen over 150 animes, so if you tell me a reccomendation I've probably already seen it.
-You And Me And Her
-Project Zomboid
-Kekkai Sensen
-Animals (Specifically felines)
-FNAF (Fan games to be precise)
And a lot more..
Dni list:
-Basic criteria
As stated previously I am a very passionate person, I do not mesh well with people who are unable to handle my rambling or ranting, I've gotten a lot of negative reactions previously because of my passionately fueled rambles, I type with A LOT of emotion and that certainly doesn't get me a lot of nice comments from other people on more mainstream media sites. If it's possible, do not reply if you have nothing nice to say to me. This does not mean to not reply if you have a different opinion, please go ahead! Just don't mock me for being too emotional or that I get riled up easily.
This is a multifandom blog I just post art or drabbles of all my interests
Thanks for reading!! <3
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(Updated May 2024)
Now that the prompts have been revealed, I thought of answering some questions some of you might find helpful about the event.
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully first, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, check out the F.A.Q under the cut.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is [fill the blank] allowed?
When in doubt:
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And how about…?
Yes, that, too. Give total freedom to your creativity, and don't worry about whether it's allowed or not. Most things are okay, barring anything inciting or glorifying harassment, hatred, or discrimination of any kind.
Do I have to post for all 7 days? 
Participate as little or much as you like! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (e.g., #tbbaw2024 #warnings #theme (and/or prompts) #medium #more tags). There are no repercussions if you don’t fill prompts for each day.
Can I post early/late?
You could, but I wouldn’t recommend posting early. Since this is an Appreciation Week event, it'd be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time. That being said, I’ll start reblogging works on September 2nd (thinking on the folks living on the other side of the world from me. You know, time zones and all that), but nothing earlier than that.
As for posting late, yes, that's totally fine; I understand that real life gets in the way sometimes. The only thing I ask is that you tag the for the day you should've posted on, not the day you're actually doing it. Example, if you missed Day 2 and are posting it on the Day 4, your tags must include the theme for day 2, NOT Day 4.
So, when should I start posting?
According to your time zone, during the day at the most convenient time for you, starting on September 3rd until the 9th. If you're super eager and can't wait, post when the clock hits midnight every day. Or if you're late, 11:59pm still counts as on time! 🤣
Will you reblog my post?
Yes, I'll reblog everyone's posts during the week. If it passes more than 2-3 days and I haven't reblogged your post, please let me know. If you tag your post properly and mention this blog, it’s less likely that I'll miss it.
However, I'm thinking that I might queue posts if they're too many at a time to drop them in bulk. If I do that, look for a like from @intrepidmare (my main blog), if you have it, that means I saw it and put it on the queue and eventually will be reblogged.
What if I don’t understand how the themes and prompts work?
Send me an ask! I'm happy to clarify it for you. To put it in simple words, you have a theme that it's in and on itself a prompt, which you can (but not necessarily) combine with any of the prompts for that day. However, you can also ignore the theme and go for a specific prompt only. It's up to you. And remember, the prompts are entirely up for interpretation. Don’t take them too literally. Prompts are suggestions, not mandates. You can go by ✨ vibes ✨ alone.
What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
Yes, that’s why NSFW prompts are included among the others for each day. And if you use the other safer prompts and turn it into something NSFW, that's okay too. In any case, you should tag your work accordingly, so that others participating in the event can curate their experience and be safe. HERE is a non-comprehensive list of tags you should use if they apply to your work.
Can I combine TBBAW prompts with other creation challenges?
Absolutely! If you have a bingo card to fill or another event to complete, go for it. That’s like shooting two mynocks with one bolt, using one of Crosshair's reflective disks! 
Can I upload/repost my TBBAW content to other social media platforms?
Of course! You can post your own content wherever you like. Additionally, I’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any work posted there. It can be accessed here. (It's closed right now, but I'll open it in due time)
If any of the prompts fits well for an existing fic/art I am currently working on, can I use it?
If you are actively working on this fic/art at the moment with the Appreciation Week prompts in mind, yes. In the case of using a work retroactively (meaning: already published and complete), then please, don’t. You can, however, add new chapters/pages/panels using one or more of the prompts.
If I’m not comfortable with this or that day’s prompts, can I use a prompt from a different day as a substitute and still count?
No, you can’t exchange prompts from different days (as in exchanging Day 3 prompts for Day 5 prompts). You can simply use the alt prompt (which can be used just once), or skip the original prompt, or come up with yours. Like I said, the prompts are only a suggestion.
Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t have to cross-post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind, if it’s not on Tumblr, I won't be able to add it to the blog archive. You can post a just link to anywhere else you've posted if you don't want to put the entire work in your blog. 
Do I have to finish a fic I started? Can I post a work in progress?
Yes, you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it. It'd make me happy that this event prompt you to create something longer. Let's appreciate the Bad Batch all year around!
Is co-creating allowed?
Yes, absolutely! Encouraged, even. Not just the usual writer-artist or co-writing collaborations, also any kind of medium combos: fic-podfic, fic-playlist, art-art, etc.
Do I have to create 7 standalone pieces, or can I make one continuous story?
Do whatever you want. One continuous story is fine. The challenge is to create something for 7 prompts. If that’s spread over 7 fics/art pieces/etc. or just one with 7 chapters/panels/parts, it's up to you.
Is there a min/max limit on word count?
None. If you want to write a 100-word drabble or a 50k fic or anything in between for each day, it's all up to you. You're the only one who knows how much time you can dedicate to it and how high/low your level of inspiration/energy is. You can even write a snippet for a fic you'll write later when you have the time/energy. Remember that this is lay-back-type of an event. Do as little or much as you want/can.
Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit, and you can combine as many prompts for a specific day as you like. If you want to use them all, do it.
If you want to use all the prompts individually, there's also the option to create several pieces for a single day. It depends on you, your time, and your motivation. This counts too if you do works in different mediums, e.g., write a fic and do art for it (or for a different prompt).
Can I start working on the prompts before September 3rd?
Of course! That’s the idea of posting the prompts so early. I know how difficult it can be to create something in “real time”, without mentioning real life complications, so feel free to start creating as soon as now!! You'll have 2 whole months to work on your pieces.
How do I tag triggers?
Just tag the word/phrase, e.g., blood; main character death. (DO NOT add "tw" either at the beginning or the end. That makes it harder for readers to block the right tags). Here it's the list of the most common warning tags you should use when appropriate.
Also, it would be prudent to add warnings in the body of the post, giving the readers another layer of protection before they do the actual reading.
Do I have to use your tags guidelines?
I'd appreciate it if you did. If you follow the guide I gave you in the tags post here, it'd make it easier for me to keep track of who posted on a determined day, and for anyone else to find and/or avoid the content of a specific tag.
Can we @ you?
Yes, please DO! I think it's the safest way for me not to miss your posts. I'll also be following the #tbbaw2024 tag, just for good measure.
Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
As I said before, anything goes, EXCEPT anything inciting or glorifying harassment, hatred, and discrimination of any kind against anything or anyone. THAT WON'T BE TOLERATED. For anything else, please make sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies for whatever other site you use).
Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, sure. That's fine. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
If you got another question that you didn't find the answer to here, please, send an ask through the inbox, and I'll do my best to clarify your doubts.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
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